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14 化学常用缩写词(Abbreviation)
a = active;activity 活性;活度
a = atto- 渺;阿(托);微微微[10-18)
A = absorbance 吸光度
A = ampere 安培(电)
AA = aminoacid analyzer 氨基酸分析器
AA = atomic absorption 原子吸收(法)
AAD = atomic absorption detector 原子吸收检测器
AAS = atomic absorption spectrometry 原子吸收光谱法
A.A.S.= alkyl aryl sulphonate 磺酸烷基芳基酯
ABCD = automatic basellne drift correction 自动基线漂移校正
abnml = abnormal 反常的;异常的
abr.= abridged;abridg(e)ment 节略的;摘要
ahs.= absolute 绝对的
ahs.= absorption 吸收
ahs.E = absolute error 绝对误差
ABS = acrylonitrile-butadlene-styrene ABS树脂;丙烯睛-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物ABS = alkylbenzene sulfonate 烷基苯磺酸盐
abs.visc = absolute viscosity 绝对粘度
ac.= acid 酸
ac.= active;activity 活性;活度
ac.a.;AC.A.= acetic acid 乙酸
a.c.;A.C.= alternating current 交流(电)
A.Ch.S.= American Chemical Society 美国化学学会
ACI = allowable concentration Index 容许浓度指数
acid.= acidification;acidified;acidify 酸化;酸化丁的
ACS;A.C.S.= American Chemical Society 美国化学学会
act.= active ;activity 活性;活度
act.std = actual standard 现行标准
activ.= activated 活性的
AD = automatic detection 自动检测
ADC = ascending-descending chromatographv 升降色谱(法)
addl;addnl = additional 附加的
addn-(l)= addition(al)加入;加合;加成;附加的
ADI = acceptable daily intake 日容许摄入量
adj.= adjustment 校准;调节
ADP = adenosine diphosphate 腺苷二磷酸
ADP = ammonium dihydrogen phosphate 磷酸二氢铵
ADP = automatic data processing 自动数据处理
AE cellulose = aminoethyl cellulose 氨乙基纤维素
AER = anion exchange resin 阴离子交换树脂
AES = atomic emission spectrometry 原子发射光谱法
AES-LEED = Auger electronic spectroscopy-low energy electron diffraction method 俄歇电子能谱低能电子衍射法
AFC = automatic frequency control 自动频率控制
AFD = alkali flame detector 碱火焰检测器
AFID = alkali flame ionization detector 碱火焰电离检测器
AFS = atomic fluorescence spectrometry 原子荧光光谱法
AFT = automatic fine tuning 自动微调
AGC = adsorption gas chromatography 吸附气相色谱(法)
A.1.C.= American Institute of Chemists 美国化学师学会
A.1.Ch.E.= American Institute of Chemical Engineers 美国化学工程师学会
AID = argon ionization detector 氩电离检测器
alc.= alcohol;alcoholic 醇;酒精;酒精的
ALC = analyticl liquld chromatograph 分析(用)液相色谱仪
ALC ;ale = ethyl alcohol 乙醇;酒精
ald = aldehyde 乙醛
alk = alkali;alkaline 碱;碱性
alk = alkyl 烷基
alky = alkalinity 碱性
AMFID = alkali metal flame ionization detector 碱金属火焰电离检测器
ammon.= ammoniacal 氨的
amor.= amorphous 无定形
amp;amps = ampere(s)安培
Amp.= amplifier 放大器
AMP = adenosione monophosphate;adenylic acid 腺苷一磷酸;腺苷酸
AMS = accelerator mass-spectrometry 加速器质谱法
Am.Std.= American Standards 美国标准
AMU = atomic mass unit 原子质量单位
anal.= Analogy;analogous 同属;类似;类似的
anal.= analysis;analytical 分析;分析的
Anal.Chem.= analytical chemistry 分析化学
anh;anhyd = anhydride 酐
anh;anhyd = anhydrous 无水的
ANOV A = analysis of variance 方差分析
AP = air pressure 空气压力;气压
AP = all-purpose 通用的
A.P.= American Patent 美国专利
APDC = Ammonium pyrrolidine dlthiocarbamate 吡咯烷二硫代氨基甲酸铵app.= apparatus 装置;设备;仪器
APR = Annual Progress Report 年度进展报告[特种文献〕
Aq.= Water;aqueous 水;含水的
AQL = acceptable quality level 合格标准;正品标准
aq.reg.= aqua regia 王水
aq.sol.= aqueous solution 水溶液
ar.= aromatic 芳族的;芳香的
ar.;Ar.= aryl(radical)芳基
AR = analrtical reagent 分析试剂
AR = analytical reagent grade 分析试剂纯;分析纯
AR = annual report 年度报告;年报
ARC = automatic range control 自动量程控制
AS = auger spectroscopy 俄歇(电子)能谱法
ASA = American Standards Association 美国标准协会
A.S.C = automatic sensitivity control 自动灵敏度控制
asmt.= assortment 品种;品级;分级
Assn.Assoc(n) = Association 协会;学会
ASTM = American Socity for Testing and Materials 美国材料试验学会at.= atomic 原子的
at.= atomospheric 大气的
A.T.= ambient temperature 环境温度
atm.= atmosphere (pressure);atmospheric 大气(压);大气的at.no.;At.No.= atomic number 原子序数
ATPR = Annual Technical Progress Report 年度技术进展报告A.T.U.= absorptiometric turbidity unit 吸收比色浊度单位at.wt.= atomic weight 原子量
A.U.= absorbance unit 吸光度单位
Aufs.= absorbance unit full scale 满刻度吸光度单位
AV = acid value 酸值;酸价
ave.;avg.= average 平均
BaP = benzo[α]pyrene 苯并[α]芘
bcgd;bkgd.= background 本底
BDDA = N-benzyldidodecylamine N-苄基双十二烷基胺
BDHA = N-benzyldihexylamine N-苄基二己基胺
BDHP = butyldihexylphosphinate 二己基次磷酸丁酯
BDMDC = bismuth dimethylthiocarbamate 二甲基硫代氨基甲酸铋
BDNA = benzyldnonylamine 苄基二壬基胺
BDOA = benzyldioctylamine 苄基二壬基胺
BDOPO = benzyldioctylphosphine oxide N-苄基二辛基氧膦
BEHA = benzylethylhexylamine N-苄基-2-乙基已基胺
Belg.Pat.= Belgium Patent 比利时专利
Bep = benzo[e]pyrene 苯并[e]芘
BESA = British Engineering Standards Association 英国工程标准协会
Bipy = 2,2’-bipyridyl 2,2’-联吡啶
BL;bl.= base line 基线
BMA = polybutylmethacrylate 聚甲基丙烯酸丁酯
BOD = biochemical oxygen demand 生化需氧量
BOP = butyl octyl phthalate 邻苯-甲酸丁基辛酯
bp;b.p.;B.P.= boiling point 沸点
BPC = bonded-phase chromatography (化学)键合(固定)相色谱法
BPC = British pharmacopoeia codex 英国副药典
B.Ph = British Pharmacopoeia 英国药典
Bq = becquerel 贝克勒尔[放射性活度单位,等于1s-11Bq=27.027pCi]
br.= brand 商标:牌号
B.R.;b.r.= boiling range 沸程
Brit.Pat.= British Patent 英国专利
Br-PADAP = 2-(5-bromo-2-pyridylazo)-5-diethylaminophenol 2-(5-溴-2-吡啶偶氮)5-二乙氨基苯酚
B.S.= British Standards 英国标准
bu.alc.= butyl alcohol 丁醇
bu.;BU = butyl 丁基
bus.= bushel 蒲式耳[英制谷物容量单位,英=36.368L,美=35.238L]
b.v.= by volume(%)按体积(%)
b.w.= by weight(%)按重量(%)
Bz = benzyl 苄基
CA = cellulose acetate 乙酸纤维素
CA = Chemical Abstract 化学文摘
cal.= calorie ;gram-calorie 卡
calc.= Calculate(d) 计算(的)
cal.val.= Calorific value 发热量;发热值
CAMD = computer aided moleculardesign 计算机辅助分子设计
Can.Pat.= Canadian Patent 加拿大专利
cap.= capacity 容量;能力
cap.= capillary 毛细管;毛细的
cat.= catalyst ;catalytic;catalyzed 催化剂;催化的
cat.= catalog(ue)目录;条目;总目
CBPC = chemical honded phase chromatography 化学键合(固定)相色谱(法)
CC = continuous current 直流(电)
CCIX = continuous countercurrent ionexchange 连续逆流离子交换
CCM = column chromatographic methd 柱色谱法
CCS = Chinese Chemical Society 中国化学会
CD = circular dichroism 圆二色性
CD = coulometric detector 库仑检测器
CDA = N-cyclohexyldodecylamine N-环己基十二烷基胺
CDC = column development chromatography 柱展开色谱(法)
CDTA = cyclohexane-diamine-tetraacetic acid 环己烷二胺四乙酸
CEHA= N-cyclohexyl-2-ethylhexy-lamine N-环己基-2-乙基己基胺
CER = cation exchange resin 阳离子交换树脂
CETTA = N-(β-carboxyethyl)diethylene triaminetetraacetic acid N(β-羧乙基)二亚乙基三胺四乙酸
c./f.= carried forwad 转入下页
cf.= confer 比较;参看
CF = concentration factor 浓集因数
CFM = polychlorotrifluoroethylene 聚氯三氟乙烯
cfs = cubic feet per second 英尺3/秒
CG = chromatographic grade ①色谱级(的)②;色谱用(的)[如某些离子交换树脂商名后附CG字样,为色谱专用的]
CGC = capillary gas chromatography 毛细管气相色谱(法)
CGS = centimetre-gram-second 厘米.克.秒(单位)制
CHA = cyclohexylamine acetate 乙酸环己胺
oh.E.= chemical engineering 化学工程
Chem.= chemisty;chemical 化学;化学的
C.H.U.= caloric heat unit 卡热单位
Ci = curie 居里[放射性强度单位]
CI = chemical ionization 化学电离
CI = clearing index 净化指数
CI = concentration Index 浓度指数
CI = contamination index 污染指数
CID = catalytic ionization detector 催化电离检测器
CID = cheml-ionization detector 化学电离检测器
cit.= citation 引证;引证文
cit.= cited 引用的;引证的
Cit = citrate 柠檬酸盐
Clin = clinical(ly)临床的
CMC = carboxymethyl cellulose 羧甲基纤维素
CMC = critical micelle concentration 临界胶束浓度
CMDMS = chloromethyl -dimethylsilane 氯甲基二甲基硅烷
CMR = carbon magnetic resonance 碳核磁共振
13 CMR = carbon-13 magnetic resonance 碳-13(核)磁共振
CN = cellulose nitrate 硝酸纤维素
CNAA = continuous neutron activation analysis 连续中子活化分析
CoA = coenzyme A 辅酶A
COA = N-cyclohexyloctylamine N-环已基辛基胺
COC = chemical oxygen consumption 化学耗氧量
COD = chemical oxygen demand 化学需氧量
col.= column 柱
coll.= colloidal 胶体的
Coll.Ch.= colloid chemistry 胶体化学
Co.Ltd.= company limited 有限公司
comb.= combine 混合;结合;化合
comp.= composition 组成;成分
comp = compound ①胶料;②化合物
conc.= conentrate;concentrated;concentration 浓缩;浓缩丁的;浓缩作用;浓度concn.= concentration = 浓度;浓缩
cond.= co ndition 条件;情况
cond.= conductivity 传导性;传导率
cont.= content 含量
cont.(s)= contain(s)含有;包含
conv.(n)= conversion 转化;转变;换算
co-op = co-operation 合作;协作
cor.= corrected 校正的
Corp.= corporation 公司;社团法人
c.p.;CP = chemically pure 化学纯
CPAA = charged particle activation analysis 带电粒子活化分析
CPC = cetyl pyridinium chloride 氯化十六烷基吡啶
CPE = chlorinated polyethylene 氯化聚乙烯
cpm,c/m = counts per minute 每分钟计数
CPU = central processing unit 中央处理机
CPVC = chlorinated polyvinyl chloride 氯化聚氯乙烯
cr.= crystalline 结晶的
c.r.;C.R.= cathode ray 阴极射线
crit.= Critical 临界的
CRT = cathode-ray tube 阴极射线管
Cry.= crystalline 结晶的
crystn.= crystallization 结晶
CT = computerized tomography 计算机化断层显像
CTAB = cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide 溴化十六烷基三甲基铵
CTAC = cetyltrimethyl ammonium chloride 氯化十六烷基三甲基铵
C TC;C.T.C.= carbon tetrachloride 四氯化碳
CTR = controlled thermonuclear reactor 受控热核反应堆;聚变堆
C.T.U.= centigrade thermal unit 百分度热单位
cur.= current 流;流行的;现在的
C.V.= calorific value 卡值
CVD = chemical vapor deposition 化学蒸气淀积;化学汽相淀积
CyDTA = cyclohexane diaminetetraacetic acid 环己二胺四乙酸
d;D = density 密度
d- = dextro- 右旋的
d;D = diameter 直径
da = deca- 十[101]
DAM ;DADPM = diamino-diphenyl-methane 二氨基二苯甲烷
DAMD = dimethylaminomethyl dimethyl dithiocarbamate 二甲基二硫代氨基甲酸二甲胺甲酯Dan.Pat.= Danish Patent 丹麦专利
DAP = di-alkyl phthalate 邻苯二甲酸二烷基酯
DAPT = diamlnopropane-tetraacetic acid 丙二胺四乙酸
dat.= Datum [单]数据;资料
DBA = dibenzylamine 二苄基胺
DBA = dibutylamine 二丁胺
DBAE = dibutylamino-ethanol 丁基氨基乙醇
DBAO = dibutylammonium oleate 油酸二丁基铵
DBBP = dibutyl butylphosphonate 丁基磷酸二丁酯
DBC = dibutylcarbitol 二丁基卡必醇
DBC = dibutylcellosolve 二丁基溶纤剂
DBDA = N,N-dibenzyldodecylamine 二苄基十二烷基胺
dB/db = decibel 分贝[声强度单位]
DBHA = dibenzylhexylamine 二苄基己基胺
dbl.= double 双的;双重的
DBMP = dibutylmethylphosphate 磷酸二丁基一甲基酯
DBMP = dibutylmethylphosphonate 甲基磷酸二丁酯
DBOA = dibenzyloctylamine 二苄基辛胺
DBP = dibutylphosphate 磷酸二丁酯
DBP = dibutyl phthalate 邻苯二甲酸二丁酯
DBPP = dibutyl phenyl phosphonate 苯基磷酸二丁酯
DBS = dodecyl benzene sulfonate 十二烷基苯磺酸盐
d.c.= dispersing coefficient 分散系数
d.c.;D.C.= direct current 直流(电)
DC = diffusion constant 扩散常数
DCB = 3,3’-dichlorobenzidine 3,3’-二氯联苯胺
DCS = data collection srstem 数据收集系统
DCTA = 1,2-diaminocyclohexane tetraacetic acid 环已二胺四乙酸
DDB = dodecyl benzene 十二烷基苯
DDC;DDCN = diethylammonium diethyldithiocarbamate 二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸二乙铵DDD = dimethylammonium dimehyldithiocarbamate 二甲基二硫代氨基甲酸二甲铵DDDC = diethylammonium diethyldithiocarbamate 二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸二乙基铵DDP = di-decyl phthalate 邻苯二甲酸二癸酯
DDPA = dodecyl phosphoric acid 十二烷基磷酸;磷酸单十二烷基酯
DDT = dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane 滴滴涕;双对氯苯基三氯乙烷
DDTC = diethyldithiocarbamate 二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸盐
DDVP = O,O-dimethyl-2,2-dichlorovinyl-phosphate 敌敌畏。

DEA-cellulose = diethl amino celluose 二乙氨基纤维素
DEA = diethanolamine 二乙醇胺
DEAD = diethyl ammonium dithiocarbomate 二硫代氨基甲酸二乙铵
DEAE-cellulose = diethyl aminoethyl cellulose 二乙氨乙基纤维素
DEAE = diethylaminoethanol 二乙基氨基乙醇
DEAE = diethylamino ethyl 二乙氨乙基
DEAPA = diethylaminopropylamine 二乙氨基丙胺
DEB = diethylbenzene 二乙苯
dec.;decomp.= decompose(s)i decomposition 分解
DEC = dynamic exchange capacity 动态(离子)交换容量
decon.= Decontamination 去污(作用);净化(作用)
DEEP = di-2-ethylhexy-2-ethylhexylphosphonate 2-乙基已基磷酸二(2-乙基已基)酯DEETA = 2,2’-diaminodiethylether-ie-traacedc add 二乙醚二胺四乙酸
D2EHA = di-2-ethylhexyl amine 二-2-乙基己基胺
DEHP;D2EHPA;HDEHP = di-(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid 二(2-乙基己基)磷酸delt.= deletion 删去;删去部分
den.= density 密度
dep.= deposit 沉积;沉积物
DEP = di-ethyl phthalate 邻苯二甲酸二乙酯
depolym.= depolymerize(s)解聚
DeR = degradation reaction 降解反应
deriv.= derivative;derived 衍生物;衍生的
Det.(或det.)= detection 检测
Det.= detector 检测器
DETA = diethylene triamine 二亚乙基三胺
detn.= determination 测定
DETU = diethyl thiourea 二乙基硫脲
df;DF = degree of freedom 自由度
DF/d.f.= decontamination factor 除污系数;净化系数
DFPD = dual flame photometric detector 双火焰光度检测器
dft = draft 通风;气流
DHHP = diheptylheptylphosphonate 庚基膦酸二庚酯
DHHP = dihexylhexylphosphonate 己基膦酸二己酯
DHP = dihexylphosphoric acid 二己基磷酸;磷酸二己酯
DHP = diheptyl phthalate 邻苯-甲酸二庚酯
DHP = di-bexyl phthalate 邻苯二甲酸二己酯
dia.;diam.= diameter 直径
diag.= diagram 图;图表
DIBP = di-iso-butyl phthalate 邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯
dif.;diff.= different;difference 不同的;差别;差额
dig.= digestion ①消化(作用);②煮解(作用);蒸煮(作用)dil.= dilute ①稀的;稀释的;②稀释
DIN = Deutsche Industrie-norm(ung)德国工业标准
DINA albanilte = 二硝基乙氧二硝基胺
DINA = diisononylamine 二异壬胺
Di-OP;DIOP = di-iso-octyl phthalate 邻苯二甲酸二异辛酯dis.= dissolve 溶解
dissoc.= dissociation 离解
dist.= distill 蒸馏
Div.;Divn.= division 区分
dl.= decilter 分升
DIA = dilaurylamine 二月桂胺
DLF = dilaurylformamide 二月桂基甲酰胺
din = decimeter 分米
DMA = dimethylacetylamide 二甲基乙酰胺
DMA = dimethylamine 二甲胺
DMAC = N,N’-dimethyl acetamide N’N’-二甲基乙酰胺
DMAE = dimethylaminoethanol 二甲基氨基乙醇
DMDCA = dimethyl dithiocarbamate 二甲基二硫代氨基甲酸盐DME = dropping mercury electrode 滴汞电极
DMF = dimethyl formamide 二甲基甲酰胺[PVC溶剂]
DMG = dimethylglyoxime 丁二酮肟;二甲基乙二肟
DMMP = dimethyl methyl phosphonate 甲基磷酸二甲酯
DMP = di-methyl phthalate 邻苯二甲酸二甲酯
DMS = dimethyt sulfide 二甲硫;甲硫醚
DMSO = dimethyl sulfoxide 二甲基亚砜
DMT = dimethyl terephthalate 对苯二甲酸二甲酯
DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸
DNA = dinonyl adipate 己二酸二壬酯
DNP = dinonyl phthalate 邻苯二甲酸二壬酯
DNP = dinitrophenol 二硝基苯酚
DNT = dinitrotoluene 二硝基甲苯
DO/IT = digital output-input translator 数字输出-输入(信号)转换
DOM = dioctyl maleate 马来酸二辛酯
DOP;HDOP = dioctylphosphoric acid 二辛基磷酸;磷酸二辛酯
D.P.;d.p.= difference of potential 电势差
D.P.= degree of polymerization 聚合度
D-P = dimeric polymer 二聚物
DPA = dipicrylamine 二苦胺;六硝基二苯胺
DPASV = differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry 微分脉冲阳极溶出伏安法DPC = 1,5-diphenyl carbazone 1,5二苯基卡巴腙
DPG = diphenyl guanidine 二苯胍
DPM = diphenylmethane 二苯甲烷
DPTA = 2-hydroxy-l,3-diaminopropane tetraacetic acid 2-羟基丙二胺四乙酸DSC = differential scanning calorimetry 差示扫描量热计
DTA = differential thermal analysis 差热分析
DTC = dithiocarbamate 二硫代氨基甲酸盐
D TPA = diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid 二亚乙基三胺五乙酸
DTPD = di-tolyl-p-phenylediamine 二甲苯基对苯二胺
DVB = divinyl benzene 二乙烯苯
dyn.= dyne 达因[物理单位]
EAE = ethylaminoethanol 乙氨基乙醇
EBT = Eriochrome Black T 铬黑T
EC = electron capture (轨道)电子俘获
ECD = electrical conductivity detector 电导检测器
ECD = electron capture detector 电子捕获检测器
EC-GC = electron capture gas chromatog raphy 电子俘获气相色谱(法)
ECM = electrochromatography 电色谱(法)
ED = effective dose 有效剂量
ED = electrodialysis 电渗析
ED = electron dlffraction 电子衍射
EDD = electron drift detector 电子漂移检测器
EDDA = ethylenediamine-N,N’-diacetic acid 乙二胺-N,N’-二乙酸
EDP = electronic data processing 电子数据处理
EDT = ethylenediamine tartrate 酒石酸乙二胺;乙二胺酒石酸盐
EDTA = editic acid;ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid 乙二胺四乙酸
EDTP = ethylenediamine tetrapropionic acid 乙二胺四乙酸
EDTPA = ethylenediamine tetramethyphlosphinic acid 乙二胺四甲基次磷酸EDXRF = energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence 能量色散X射线荧光(分析)E.E.= ethyl ether 乙醚
eff.= efficiency 效率
e.g.= exampll gratia[拉](for example)例如
EG = ethylene glycol 乙二醇
EGA = ethylene glycol adipate 己二酸乙二醇酯
EGA = ethylene glycol adipate polyester 聚己二酸乙二醇酯
EEC = equilibrium exchange capacity 平衡交换容量
EGTA = ethylene glycol bis(β-amino-ethylether)tetraacetic acid 乙二醇二(β-氨基乙醚)四乙酸
EHMO = exteded Huckel molecular orbital method 推广的休克尔分子轨道法
ELDOR = electron double resonance 电子双共振
ELS = Electron energy loss spectroscopy 电子能量损耗能谱(法)
e.m.;E.M.= electromagnetic 电磁的
Em = emulsifier 乳化剂
Em.= emission ①排放;②发射
E.M.= electron microscope 电子显微镜
EMA = polyethylmethacrylate 聚甲基丙烯酸乙酯
EMD = electron mobility detector 电子迁移检测器
E.M.F.;e.m.f.= electromotive force 电动势
EMMA = electron microscope-microanalyser 电子显微微量分析器
e.m.u.= electromagnetic unit 电磁单位
emul.= emulsion ①乳胶;乳浊液②乳剂
Emul.= emulsifier 乳化剂
EMV = electromagnetic value 电磁值
eu = ethylenediamine 乙二胺
ENAA = epithermal neutron activation analysis 超热中子活化分析
ENDOR = electron nuclear double resonance 电子核磁双共振;顺磁核磁双共振
engng.= engineering 工程
engr.= engineer 工程师
EO = ethylene oxide 环氧乙烷
EOA = ethylene oxide additive 环氧乙烷加成物
e.p.= end point 终点
EPMA = electron probe microanalyser 电子探针微量分析器
EPR;e.p.r.= electron paramagnetic resonance 电子顺磁共振
eq.= equal 相等;相同
eq.= equation 平衡;方程式
eqpt.= equipment 设备
EROS = eartn resources observation satellite 地球资源观察卫星
ERTS = eartn resources technology satellite 地球资源技术卫星
ES = electron spectroscopy 电子能谱(学)
ESCA = electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis 化学分析用电子能谱法
ESD = effective standard deviation 有效标准偏差
Ess.;espec.= especially 特别;尤其
ESP = electrostatic potential 静电势
ESR = electron-spin resonance 电子自旋共振[即顺磁共振〕
est.;et.= estimate ①计;②预算;③测定
e.s.u.= electrostatic unit 静电单位
Et.OH = ethyl alcohol 乙醇
EU = entropy unit 熵单位
eV = ectron volt 电子伏(特)[=l.602×10-19焦耳〕
evap.= evaporate 蒸发
ex.;expt.= example(s) 例(子)
exam.= examination 检验;检查
exch.= exchange 交换
excl.= excluded;exclusive 除外的;除外
EXN = nickel ethylxanthate 乙基磺原酸镍
exp.;expt.= experiment 实验
expl.= experimental 实验的
expos.= exposure 暴露;接触;辐射
ext.= external 外部的
ext.= extract 抽出物
Ext.Dia.= external diameter 外径
f = function ①官能;②函数
f;F.= film 薄膜
f;F.= force 力
f.= form ①形状;形式;②形成;产生
f-12 = freon-12 氟利昂一12(冷冻剂)
F;℉= Fahrenheit degree 华氏温度
F = farad;faraday 法拉;法拉第
FA = fatty acid 脂肪酸
FAA = forensic activation analysis 法医活化分析;公安用活化分析FAAS = flame atomic absorption spectrometry 火焰原子吸收光谱法FAB = fast atom bombardment ion source 快速原子轰击离子源FAES = flame atomic emission spectrometry 火焰原子发射光谱法FAFS = flame atomic fluorescence spectrometry 火焰原子荧光光谱法Fahr.= degree Fahrenheit 华氏(温)度
FAR = Food Additive Regulation 食品添加剂规范[美〕
fbr.= fiber 纤维
Fc = ferrocenyl 二茂铁基
fCi = femtocurie 毫微微居里[=10-15 Ci]
FD = fatal dose 致死剂量
FD = field desorption 场解吸
FDBK = feeback 反馈
FED = flame emission detector 火焰发射检测器
FES = fied emission spectroscopy 场致发射谱法
FES = fied emission spectroscopy 场致发射谱法
FI = field tom。

ation 场电离
FFF = field flow fractionation 场流分级法
FIA = flow injection analysis 流动注射分析
FID = flame ionization detector 火焰电离检测器
FIM = field ion microscope 场离子显微镜
FIMS = field ion mass spectroscopy 场离子质谱学
floc.= flocculate;flocculent 絮凝;絮凝块
FLUOR.= fluorescent 荧光
FM = figure of merit 品质因数;优质值
fn.p.;f.p.= fusion point 熔点
FNAA = fast neutron activation analysis 快中子活化分析
f.p.= freezing point 凝固点
f.p.;F.P.= flash point 闪点
FPD = flame photometric detector 火焰光度检测器
FPRI = fission products radioisotopes 裂变产物放射性同位素
fr.= frequency 频率
FRP = fiberglass reinforced plastics 玻璃纤维增强塑料
fi.= foot 英尺
FTD = flame temperature detector 火焰温度检测器
FTID = flame thermionic detector 火焰热离子检测器
FT-IR = Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy 傅里叶变换-红外光谱
FTMS = Fourier transform mass spectrometer 傅里叶变换-质谱计
FT-NMR = Fourier transform nuclear magnetic resonance 傅里叶变换-核磁共振FTNMR = Fourier transform NMR 傅氏转换核磁共振
FTS = Fourier transform spectroscopy 傅氏转换谱
fumg.= fuming 发烟的
fup.;fu.p.= fusion point 熔点
fus.= fuse(s);fusible;fusing 熔化;可熔的;熔化
FW = fresh water 淡水
FWHM = full width at half maximum 半宽度(极大值一半处的全宽度)
GATT = General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税和贸易总协定
GC = gas chromatography 气相色谱(法)
GCGC = glass capillary gas chromatography 玻璃毛细管气相色谱(法)
GC/IR = gas chromatography-infrared technique 气相色谱-红外技术(联用)
GCMS = gas chromatoaraphy-mass spectrometer 气相色谱-质谱仪
GC-MS = gas chromatoaraphy-mass spectrography 气相色谱-质谱(联用)法
GC-MS-COM = gas chromatoaraph-mass spectrometer-computer 气相色谱仪-质谱仪-计算机(系统)
GC/NMRS = gas chromatoaraphy-nuclear-magnetic resonance spectrometry 气相色谱-核磁共振波谱(联用)
GEC = gradient elution chromatography 梯度洗脱色谱(法)
GEDTA = glycoletherdiamino teraacetic acid 乙二醇乙醚二胺四乙酸
GFAAS = graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry 石墨炉原子吸收光谱法
GFC = gel filtration chromatography 凝胶过滤色谱(法)
GFRP = glass fiber reinforced plastic 玻璃纤维增强塑料
GL = glycerol 甘油
GLC = gas-liquld chromatography 气液色谱(法)
GLC-MS = gas-liquid chromatograph-mass spectrometer 气液色谱一质谱联用仪
GLPC = gas-liquid partition chromatography 气液分配色谱(法)
GLSC=gas-liquid-solid chromatography 气液固色谱(法)
Gly;G = glycine 甘氨酸
glyc.= glycerin 甘油
GMC = Geiger-Muller counter 盖格-米勒计数器
GMT = Greenwich mean time 格林威治标准时
g.p.= gage pressure 表压;计算压力
GP = general purpose 通用的;万能的
GPC = gas partition chromatography 气相分配色谱(法)
GPC = gel permeation chromatography 凝胶渗透色谱(法)
GR = guarantee reagent 保证试剂
grad.= gradient 梯度
gran.= granular;granulated 粒状;粒状的
GR-M = government rubber-monovinyl-acetylene 氯丁橡胶
GR-P = government rubber-polysulfide 聚硫橡胶
GR-S = government rubber-styrene 丁苯橡胶
GSC = gas solid chromatography 气固色谱(法)
g.t.;G.T.= gross ton 长吨
h = hour 小时
h;H = height 高度
H = hard ;hardness 硬的;硬度
HD;H.D.= high density 高密度
HDA = heptadecylamine 十七烷胺
HDNS = hardness 硬度
HDPA = heptadecyl phosphoric acid 十七烷基磷酸
HDPE = high density polyethylene 高密度聚乙烯
H.E.= high efficiency 高效(能)
HEDTA = hydroxyethylenediaminetriacetic acid 羟乙基乙二胺三乙酸
HEED = high energy electron diffraction 高能电子衍射
HETP = height equivalent to a theoretical pate 理论塔板高
h.f.;H.F.= hish frequency 高频(率)
HHT = higher high-tensile 超强力
HID = helium ionization detector 氦电离检测器
Hi-Ef = high efficiency 高效率
Hi Fi = high fidelity 高保真度;真音;原音
HILAC = heavy ion linear accelerator 重离子直线加速器
Hi-Q =high quality 高质量
HIRS = high resolution infrared radiation sounder 高分辨红外辐射探测器
His;H = histidine 组氨酸
HLB = hydrophile-lypophile balance 亲水亲油平衡
HLD;LD50 = half lethal dose 半数致死量
HLW = high level waste 高放射性废物
HM = heavy metal 重金属
HMD;HMDA = hexamethylene diamine 六亚甲基二胺
RMDE = hanging mercury drop electrode 悬汞滴电极
HMDTA = hexamethylenedinitrilote-traacetic acid 己二胺四乙酸
HMDU = hexamethylene dimethylene urea 六亚甲基二甲基脲
HMO = Huckle molecular orbital method 休克尔分子轨道法;简单分子轨道HMW = high molecular weight 高分子量
HMWPE = high molecular weight polyethylene 高分子量聚乙烯
h.p.;H.P.= high pressure 高压(力)
H-P = high polymer 高聚物
H.P.A.= high pressure air 高压空气
HPDTA = 2-hydroxypropane-1,3-diaminotetraacetic acid 2-羟基-l,3-丙二胺四乙酸HPID = helium photoionization detector 氦光电离检测器
HPIX = high pressure ion exchange 高压离子交换
HPLC = high performance liquid chromatography 高效液体色谱
HPLC = high pressure liquld chromatograpy 高压液相色谱(法)
HPTIC = high performance thin layer chromatography 高效薄层色谱(法)H.Q.= hydroquinone 氢醌
HREM = high-resolution electron microscopy 高分辨电镜
HRMS = high resolution mass spectrometer 高分辨率质谱仪
H rubber = Hevea rubber 天然橡胶
h.s = high stability 高稳定性
Hs = hardness 硬度
Hs = saturated humidity 饱和湿度
HS;h.s.= high speed 高速
HS = high styrene 高苯乙烯
HSAB = hard soft acid-base 硬软酸碱
HSLC = high-speed liquid chromatography 高速液相色谱(法)
h.t.;HT = heat treatment 热处理
h.t.;HT = high temperature 高温
h.t.;HT = high tenacity 高强力
h.t.;HT = high tension ①高张力;②高压(线)
H.T.C.= heat transfer coefficient 传热系数
htd.= heated 加热的
HTD = high temperature decomposition 高温分解
HTGC = high temperature gas chromatography 高温气相色谱(法)
HTP = high-temperature polymerization 高温聚合
http = Hyper Text Transfer Protocol WWW服务程序所用的协议
hv.;hvy ;hy = heavy 重的
HV = high viscosity 高粘度
HV = hydroxyl value 羟值;羟价
H.V.= high voltage 高(电)压
HVE = high voltage electrophoresis 高压电泳
HVEM = high voltage electronic microscope 高压电子显微镜
HVPE = high voltage paper electrophoresis 高(电)压纸电泳(法)
HWR = heavy water reactor 重水堆
HWTCD = hot-wire thermal conductivity detector 热丝热导检测器
hyd.= hydraulic 液压的
hyd.= hydrated;hydrous 水合的;含水的
hyg.;hygr.= hygroscopic 吸湿的
hys.= hysteresis 滞后现象
Hz = Hertz 赫兹
i.= inch 英寸
i.= insoluble 不溶(解)的
i.= mobility of ion 离子迁移度
ib.;ibid.= ibidem 在同处;同上
ICP = Inductively coupled plasma 电感耦合等离子体
ICPAA = Instrumental charged-particle activation analysis 仪器带电粒子活化分析
ICP-AES = Inductlvely coupled plasma atomic emssion spectroscopy 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
ICR = ion cyclotron resonace 离子回旋共振
ID;I.D.;i.d.= insied diameter 内径
IDA = iminodiacetic acid 亚氨基二乙酸
IDA = isotopic dilution analysis 同位素稀释分析(法)
ID-MS = isotopic dilution-mass spectroscopy 同位素稀释-质谱法
IDOD = immediate oxygen demand 直接需氧量
IEC = ion exchange chromatography 离子交换色谱(法)
IEC = ion exclusion chromatography 离子排斥色谱(法)
IEPC = ion exchange paper chromatography 离子交换纸色谱(法)
IER = ion-exchange resin 离子交换树脂
IETLC = ion exchange thin-layer chromatography 离子交换薄层色谱(法)
IFNAA = instrumental fast neutron activation anabsis 仪器块中子活化分析
IGC = isothermal gas chromatography 等温气相色谱(法)
IGLC = inverse gas liquid chromatography 反相气液色谱(法)
IKES = ion kinetic energy spectroscopy 离子动能波谱法
IMMA = ion microprobe mass analyzer 离子探针质量分析器
INAA = instrumental(thermal)neutron activation analysis 仪器(热)中子活化分析Inc.= inclusive 包括(在内)
Indic.= Indicate;indicator;indicated 指出;指示器;指出的
INDOR = internuclear double resonance 核间双共振
inorfil.= inorganic fiber(filament)无机纤维
inorg.= inorganic 无机的
ins.;insol = insoluble 不溶(解)的
INS = ion-neutralization spectroscopy 离子中和谱(法)
INS = ion neutralizing spectrometer 离子中和谱仪
insoly.= insolubility 不溶性
int.= internal 内部的
int.= international 国际的
inter.= intermediate 中间体;中间产物
intermol.= intermolecular 分子间的
intramol.= intramolecular 分子内的
IOD = immediate oxygen demand 直接需氧量
t.p.= ignition point 着火点
I.P.= induction period 诱导期
IPAA = instrumental photon activation analysis 仪器光子活化分析
IR = information retrieval 资料检索
IR = infrared ①红外(线);②红外线的
I.R.= insoluble residue 不溶残留物
IRS = infrared snectroscopy 红外光谱学
IRT = isotopic ratio tracer 同位素比示踪(法)
IS = internal standard ①内标法;②内标物
I SA = international standard atmosphere 国际标准大气
ISE = ion selective electrode 离子选择电极
ISFET = ion selective field effect transistor 离子选择场效应晶体管
ISO = International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织
ISOL = on-line isotope separator 在线同位素分离器
ISS = ion scattering spectroscopy 离子散射能谱(学)
IStd = internal standard ①内标法;②内标物
IT = induction time 诱导时间
IT = information technology 信息技术
IT = interfacial tension 界面张力
It.Pat.= Italian Patent 意大利专利
IU = international unit(s)国际单位
IUB = International Union of biochemistry 国际生物化学联合会
IUPAC = International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry 国际纯粹化学与应用化学联合会i.v.;I.V.= iodine value 碘值;碘价
IVNAA = in vivo neutron activation analysis 活体中子活化分析;体内中子活化分析I.W.= insied width 内宽度
IX = ion exchange 离子交换
Jap.Pat.= Japanese Patent 日本专利
JAS = Japanese Agriculture and Forestry Standard 日本农林标准
JAS = Japanese Agricultural Stadard 日本农业标准
JES = Japanese Engineering Standard 日本工程标准[JIS的前身〕
JIS = Japanese Industrial Standard 日本工业标准
J(T)U = Jackson(turbidity)unit 杰克逊(浊度)单位
k = veloclty constant of chemical reaction 化学反应速度常数
K = desree Kelvin(absolute)开耳芬(绝对)温度
K-b = key-board 键盘
KBX = potassium butyl xanthate 丁基黄原酸钾
keal = kilocalorie 千卡;大卡
kCi = klocurie 千居里[=103Ci]
Kcs;Kc/s = kilocycles per second 每秒千周
KDP = potassium dibydrogen phosphate 磷酸二氢钾
keV = kiloelectron volt 千电子伏(特)[=1000eV]
KF = Karl Fischer(method)卡尔-费歇尔(法)
KIM = kinetic isotope method 动态同位素(分析)法
KS = Korean industrial Standard 朝鲜工业标准
Ks.p.= solubility product constant 溶解度积常数
KV A;kv-amp = kilovolt ampere(s) 千伏安
K.V.I.= kinetic viscosity index 运动粘度指数
kwh = kilowatt-hour(s) 千瓦小时;度(电)
KWIC = “key-word in context”index 关键词索引
L = solubility product 溶解度积
L.A.= lauryl amine月桂基胺
L.A.Ac.= lauryl amine acetate 月桂基乙酰胺
lab.;Lab.= laboratory 实验室
LAB = linear alkyl ben。

ne 直链烷基苯
LABS = linear alkyl benzene sulphonic acid 直链烷基苯磺酸
LAC = linear absorption coefficient 线性吸收系数
LAMMA = laser microprobe mass analysis 激光探针质谱分析
LAS = linear alkyl benzene sulfonate 直链烷基苯磺酸盐
LASER;Laser = light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation ①激光;②激光器LAXD = low-angle X-ray diffraction 小角X射线衍射
LB = Langmuir-Blodgett(film) L-B膜
l.c.= loco citato[拉] 上述的;上述引文中
LC = lethal concentration 致死浓度
LC = liquid chromatography 液相色谱(法)
L.C.= liquid crystal 液晶
LC50 = lethal concentration 50% 半数致死浓度
LCC = liquidcolumn chromatography 液相柱色谱(法)
LCM = long chain molecule 长链分子
LC/MS = liquid chromatography-mass spectrography 流相色谱-质谱(联用)
LCP = long chain polymer 长链聚合物
l.c.v.;L.C.V.= low calorific value 低热值
LD = lethal dose(药物)致死(剂)量
LD50 = medium lethal dose 半数致死量
LD50/30 = lethal dose 50/30 30天后试验动物半数致死(剂)量
LDMDC = lead dimethyl dithlocarbamate 二甲基二硫代氨基甲酸铅
LDPE = low density polyethylene 低密度聚乙烯
LEC = liquid elution chromatography 液相洗脱色谱(法)
LEC = ligand exchange chromatography 配位体交换色谱(法)
LED = least effective dose 最小有效(剂)量
LEED = low energy electron diffraction 低能电子衍射
LEELS = low energy electron loss spectroscopy 低能电子能量损失光谱法
LEES = low energy electron scattering 低能电子散射
LFD = least fatal dose 最小致死(剂)量
LFSE = ligand field stabilization energy 配位场稳定能
LG = liquid gas 液化气体
l.h = latent heat 潜热
l-hr.= lumen-hour 流明时(光通量单位)。
