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eg.Who was the first person to sail across the Pacific? eg.*Would you like to go to China? *Would you like to go to the People’s Republic of China?
• 冠词“a” “the” “some”使用办法: ✓ a:单数, 可数名词。 ✓ the:可加单数/复数,可数/不可数名词, 加在什么名
词前面都对。 ✓ some:只能加在不可数名词前面
Key structures
“a” 和 “some” 区别: 在表示一个笼统概念陈说句中能够省略a或
• Jane wrote to her parents once a week.
• 简每星期给父母写封信。 • 他每年回两次南方。
• He goes back to the South twice a y12ear. 第12页
Key structures
冠词(article)是一个虚词,用在名词或名词词组前面 。冠词可分为不定冠词和定冠词两种形式: 不定冠 词有 a, an(泛指), 定冠词有 the(特指) 。
Jack has moved out. John will move in the day after tomorrow.
杰克已经搬走了。约翰后天搬进来。 7 第7页
Further notes on the text
Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door. He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer.
ask for 请求, 要求
ask sb. for sth.
ask for the moon
Further notes on the text
In return for this, the beggar stood on his head and sang songs.
用,“关于……()”、“涉及…… ()”:
tell sb. about sb. 告诉某人关于某 人事
He spoke to me about his dog.
Please tell me about the accident.
10 第10页
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Key structures
But we must put the in front of the names of oceans, seas, rivers, mountain ranges and certain countries:
但在海洋、河流、山脉和部分国名前, 一定要用定 冠词the :
• Please guess(猜想) what is happening. • Listen to the tape and answer this question:
“Who is Percy Buttons?”
He is a man who calls at every house in Bridge Street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer.
Do you give money to the beggars(乞丐) in the street?
tell returnocket
food [fu:d] n. 食物, 粮食, 精神食粮 food and drink heavy food 油腻而难消化食物 mental food 精神食粮
• Tom is in Germany now. He studies physics in Berlin. He has a house in Bridge Street.
• 汤姆现在在德国。他在柏林学习物理学。在大桥 街他有一所房子。
• April is a pleasant month. • 4月气候宜人。 • He has classes on Monday. • 他星期一有课。
in return for…作为…报答 in return能够单独使用,也能够 加介词for阐明原因: You lent me this interesting book
last month. In return (for it), I'll
show you some picture books. 你上个月把这本有趣书借给了 我。作为报答,我将给你看一 些画册。
See you! 第24页
Special Difficulties
• knock • 1 vi. 敲门, • Someone is knocking at the door. 有些
人在敲门。 • 2 vt., vi. 碰撞: • You always knock things off the table. • 你总是碰掉桌上东西。 • 3 vt. 把(某人)打成……状态:
Special Difficulties
• 许多动词加上介词或副词后就会改变词义,因此 需要记住整个短语,并依据上下文意义判断动词 在句子中意思。常见短语动词有: put on(穿上 ,戴上), take off(脱掉,摘掉), look for ( 寻找),look after(照料,照料):
• Take off your wet shoes, please. • 请把你湿鞋子脱掉。
• She looked at the picture carefully. • 她仔细地看着那幅画。
• What are you looking for? • 你在找什么?
• She looked after the sick baby for three days. • 她照料了那个病孩子3天。
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• 不定代词做主语,动词用单数
• everybody somebody anybody nobody
• everything something anything nothing
• everyone someone anyone no one
• once a month, 每月一次 • once表示频率时后面直接加表示时间名词:
Key structures
“a” 和 “the” 区别: 在文章当中第一次出现名词时候往往用a
和an修饰, 第二次出现时候用the。 eg. A man is walking towards me. The man is
carrying a parcel. The parcel is full of meat.
Further notes on the text
I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street.
move vt.移动,感动 vi.移动,迁移,
eg. I have just moved in. 我刚刚搬进来。
在表示“迁居”这个意思时move能够单独使用,也能 够构成短语move to, move into, move in, move out 等:
• 当表示不可数名词时,则需要由不定冠词 加量词构成词组:
• A cup of coffee, please. • 请给我来一杯咖啡。
• 当表示一类事物性质、状态时,能够用下 列办法表示:
• A tiger is a dangerous animal. • 老虎是一个危险动物。 • Tigers are dangerous. • 老虎是危险。
pocket [ˈpɒkɪt] n.口袋, 钱袋 a.小型, 袖珍 eg. My keys are in my coat pocket.
pocket money 零用钱 pocket dictionary/ knife pocket pick:车上小偷
call v.打电话, 取名 eg. Call me this evening, if it’s convenient for you. They call the baby Helen. call on 拜访 (宾语常为表示人名词或代词) eg. I called on him yesterday. call at 拜访 (宾语常为house, office等之类名词。) eg. The landlord calls at our house once a month for the rent.
some。(笼统概念 : 某某一类/一个东西) *Books are not very expensive. *Mrs.Jones bought a bag of flour, a bag of sugar, and some tea. *She always buys flour, sugar and tea at
some用于表示不拟定一些人或东西,可数 和不可数都能够:
He put some books on the desk. 他把一些书放在了桌上。 Some students are absent today. 今天有些学生缺席了。
Key structures
• 在姓名、地名、国名(非复合词)以及月份、星 期等前面不加任何冠词:
• Don't put the cup on the table! • 别把杯子放在桌上! • It is cold outside. Put on your coat. • 今天外面冷。穿上外衣。 • Someone has taken my pen. • 有些人把我钢笔拿走了。
Special Difficulties
stand on one’s head 倒立
9 第9页
Further notes on the text
• I gave him a meal.He ate the food and drank the beer.Then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went ter a neighbour told me about 介hi词ma.bout能够和一些动词连
Special Difficulties
• 4)与off连用时有一些特殊含义。普通用于口语。 • A vt.(价格上)减去,除去,打折扣: • They knocked five dollars off the price of the coat. • 他们把这件上衣价格减少了5美元。 • B vi. 下班,停止,中断(工作等): • When do you usually knock off? • 你普通什么时候下班? • He knocked off for lunch at half past eleven. • 他11点半休息吃中午饭。
Everyone knows him. His name is Percy Buttons. He calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer.
11 第11页