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一定不能脱离考点而掉 入陷阱。

eg:A total of 7.4 billion yuan was invested in quality-oriented education in die first half of this year, accounting for 28.9 percent of total investment m the online education industry, accordmg to a report by market research consultancy Big-Data-Research.Sectors including language, K12, early education and professional trauiing are some of popular areas that investors are looking on favorably. (the other)
【解析】这个句子比较长,很多同学成分分析不清,看到popular,根据句意觉得the most 是很符合的,但是比 较级最
高级的考点是在给adj 和adv 的情况下的考点,脱离考点就很容易掉到陷阱里面.

定语从句 、
连词一 状语从句1 ----------- ■-k 句子结构
特殊句式 并列句 介词
谓语 I! 时态语态
非谓语 -> 不定式,
动名词, 分词
形容词副词比较级和最高级 比较级和最高级识别不设关键词(虚词类)
一空一词 设关键词(实词类): 空格不限字数
例3: Tlien, as if(read) Roger's mind, he added. suppose you tlmik you are going to fire Tony if you get the chaiice. Ld feel badly about that .............................. ” (r eading)
例4: For many people, the Renaissance means 14tli to 16tli century Italy, and the developments in art and architecture, music and literature which took place there all that tune. But there is one work which, perhaps more than any other(express) the spirit of die Renaissance: the Mona Lisa. (expresses )

例1: Children worked from ail early age, girls helping their motliers, and boys tlieir fathers. School was an occasional factor in their lives. Instead, children learned by domg tlieir parents showed them, (what)
例2: Fortunately, today's car manufacturers have realized the problems and they are trying every means to produce they call fcfc safer. cleaner and cheaper , auto. (what)
5.介词后ving or ved?

例1: Zhai Min, 24, a software eiiguieer at Kingdee International Software Group in Sheiizlieii, found that 3 elderly workers liked to complain about everything, from(extend) working hours to cheap hotels on business trips. ( extended)
例2: Most traming is concerned witli technique, for musicians have to be as miiscularly skillfill as an athlete or a ballet dancer Smgers practice breathing every day, as their vocal chords(声带) would be inadequate without (control) muscular support.(controlled)
(A) (2019届建平中学高三上11月英语周练)(难度:中)
Last year, a report by a committee of education experts said that a lot of American students cannot write well. Tlie report noted the concerns of business leaders and teachers. The experts said that more students should have to pass a writing test (21) tliey can finish high school. They pomted out tliat major college entrance tests are changing now (22) (include) a writing part.
Educators know that teaching students to write well is not easy. One problem is the amount of time needed to read through large amounts of work. So some companies (23) (develop) computer programs that can grade student writing much more quickly than a person can. Writing tests can also cost (24) (little) to carry out by computer than paper-aiid-pencil. These computer systems , known as e-readers. use artificial (A.1的) mtelligence to think in a way (25) teachers. For two years, botli a computer and huniaiis graded the student writing. Officials say there was almost no difference between the computer grades and (26)given by the human readers.
The entrance test commonly (27)(use) by business schools, the GMAT, already uses e-readers. Tlie GRE and TOEFL tests might start: officials are decidmg.
Systems (28)(use) to grade writing in college classes as well. The computers read a few hiuidred examples of student writing already graded by humans. Then the systems compare new writings against those already exammed.
Some teachers say machines can never do the job as well as people can. A computer can find spelling and granmiar mistakes. But these teachers say it can never really understand (29)a writer is trying to say. Critics say a program cannot follow a tliought or judge humor or understand a beautifiilly expressed idea.
But inventors of the programs say computer grading guarantees tliat each piece of writing is graded m the same way. They also say the systems (30) (mean) to judge knowledge more than creativity.
21. before 22. to include 23. have developed 24. less 25.like 26. tliose
27.iised 28.are being used/have been used are used 29. what 30. are meat















Be meant t。


Chma,s Good Samaritan Law went mto effect on October 1 to encourage people who are ready to help otliers.
Under the law. people who voluntarily offer emergency assistance to those who are, or who they believe to be. injured, ill or in danger, will not have civil responsibility in the event of harm to the victims.
The new law aims to ease the reluctance people feel toward helping strangers for fear of legal consequences if they make mistakes in treatment. It is a response to the phenomenon of people — (21)— (hesitate) to help fallen senior citizens due to concern that they might be blackmailed (ifW) later.
There has been no shortage of cases over the past decade _ (22) _ people hesitated to offer assistance to those who are in need. And some good have been blackmailed for charitable acts. In 2011, a two-year-old girl known as Xiao Yueyue was run
A (上海中学2019届高三英语综合练习卷)
Hate you ever embarrassed because you forget somethmg important? What kmd of things do you have die most trouble 21(remember) ?
Mark began to introduce die guest speaker to the audience, but then paused in horror. He had forgotten her name.
Barbara hid her jewelry when she went on vacation. When she came back, she couldn't remember 22 she d put it.
Perhaps you've had experiences like these. Most people have. And. what's worse, most people _____________ 23(bow)
to a life of forgetting. They'ie unaware of a simple but important fact: NIemory can be developed. If you just accept tliat fact, tliis book will show you 24 it can be improved.
First, relax. If you are overanxious about remembering somethmg, you'll forget it. Relaxing will enhance your awareness and ability to concentrate. You can't remember anything 25 you can concentrate.
Second, avoid bemg negative. If you keep tellmg 26 that your memory is bad, your mind will come to
believe it and you won t remember tilings. When you forget something, don't say, "Gee, I need to have my brain 27(rewire)/' Instead, you need to take an active role.
_28 your body, your memory can be strengthened through exercise. Look for opportunities to exercise
your memory. For example, if you are learmiig a language, try to actively remember irregular verbs.
Ybu may also want to make associations or links between 29 you are trying to remember and
dungs you already know. For example, if you need to catch a plane at 2:00 p.m., you can imagine a plane ui yoin mind and notice that it has two wings. Two wings =2:00. You are now ten times 30(likely) to forget tlie take-off
21. remembering 22. where 23. have bowed; 24. how; 25. unless;
26. yourself: 27. rewired; 28. Like: 29. what; 30. less likely
第21题考察固定搭配用法:have trouble domg
第22题考察地点连词用法:she couldn't remember引导宾语从句,由句意可知slie,d put it后而缺失一个地点状语,因此填where。

第23题考察动词时态及形式:And, what's worse表示陈述事情时后而所跟动词的时态及形式应和前而的动词时态保持一致,结合该句Perhaps you've had experiences like tliese可知此处应填现在完成时have bowed.表示大多数人都屈

第24题考察句子结构分析和方式状语的连接词:thisbookwillshowyou后而为直接宾语,you为间接宾语,it can be improved为完整的句子结构,根据句意此处连接词引导方式状谓,所以填how。

第25题考察句意理解及该语境中引导条件状语从句的连词:You can't remember anything you can concentrate 为完整的

第26题考察反身代词的用法:横线后而“that your memory is bad"为完整的句子结构,且If you keep telling条件句telling后面缺少“告诉”的对象即宾语,此处主语为you,则宾语应为反身代词yourself, “你自己”
第27题考察单词rewire词意理解和have sth done的用法:(v.)rewire (给)…再打/发电报,给…换新电线,重


have my brain rewired整句话意为:“让我的大脑恢复正常”
第28题考察介词like的用法:your body为名词短语应该搭配介词,此处把记忆力与身体做比较,说明记忆力也可以通过锻炼得到加强。

第29题考察句子成分分析及what的用法:make associatioas/links between…and…意为"在.一之间建立联系〕其中between ... and...为并列结构,and 后而为and things you already know,中心词为名词tilings, you already know 作后置定in ° l"J 理you are trying to remember

第30题考察形容词的反向比较级:likely为形容词“有可能的”根据横线处前面的举例记忆飞机起飞时间的方法Two \vmgs =2:00, two=2,可知后面要填忘记时间的可能性比不按照这种方法来记忆小得多。

B (进才中学2018届高三英语质量检测卷)
The Victorian village cluldren had little more than their surroundings and their imagmmgs with (1)to content themselves. Francis Kilvert came across tliis happy scene one day in January 1870: Iii the Common Field in front of the cottages, I found
two little figures in the dusk. One tiny naughty boy(2)(bind) a handkerchief carefiilly round the face of another even more tiny than(3)was Fred and Jerry Sa vine. "What are you domg to him?” I asked Fred” “Please, sir," said teh child seriously, "we are gomg to play seek-and-hide.', The two children were quite alone, but they went on seriously witli their game (4)they were in a magnificent playground with dozens of children to play with. Oh, the wealth of a child's imagmation and capacity for eiyoyment of minor stuff.
Sometimes their fim served all the family---blackberryuig, (5)(nut) or picking apples in autumn——tliough often it was to gather for themselves a little of (6)the countryside had to offer. Sybil Marshall and her friends in Cambridgeshire explored and enjoyed the world that lay all around them. Lookmg back to her childhood she wrote:“版dug up tansy roots(7)(eat) and filled our pockets with wheat whenever we could. Ns then went on to gatlier different sorts of flowers to dress ourselves up to play "King and Queen \5
Children played in the Victorian countrywide- and shopkeeping was one of tlieir games. They also worked. Laboring families were among the largest in the country for the reason that almost as soon as they could walk and talk, die children (8)(expect) to help in some way. The help might be (9)the form of small domestic duties, tliough in areas of cottage industry girls would be made to learn handicraft skills at ail early age. And diere were always jobs to be done outside-gathing branches or nmiung errands- and pemues to be earned from tasks such as scaring birds or picking stones from the fields. Farmers would prevent children workmg together, (10) tliey would soon turn to play: 4 Two boys is half a boy, and tliree boys no boys at all., At harvest, everyone, of any age, took part in the communal effort.
2、was bindmg
4、as if
6、what 7 to eat 8、would be expected 9^ in 10、fbr/as
1. which 代替前面的surroundings and their iniaginmgs 来娱乐自己,
2.前句说到I found two little figures in the dusk.发现正在干什么,根据前后句子成分理解,这里应该填的是时
态,所以答案应该是was binding。

3. himself
4.后文中提到“they were in a magnificent playground with dozens of children to play with. , 根据前文提到的实际上不是,故填as if好像是.•…

6. of介词后的宾语从句,从句中。

7. we dug up taasy roots是为了得到吃的,表示目的,所以填to eat.
8.前句中是有as soon as,所以这一句expect肯定填的是谓语动词,the children跟expect之间是被动的关系,根据
前文提到的could walk and talk,所以这里要用过去将来时,所以填would be expected(.

C (2017徐汇区二模)
A painter hangs his or her finished pictures on a wall, and everyone can see it. A composer writes a work, but no one can hear it (21)it is performed. Professional singers and players have great responsibilities, for the composer is absolutely dependent on them. A student of music needs as long and as tough a traimiig to become a performer as a medical student needs (22) (become) a doctor. Most training is concerned (23) technique, for musicians have to be as miiscularly skillfill as an athlete or a ballet dancer. Singers practice breatlimg every day, as their vocal chords (声带)would be madequate without (24)(control) muscular support. String players practice moving the fingers of the left hand up and down, while drawing the bow back and forth with the riglit ami. (25)are two entirely difierent movements.
Singers and instniments have to be able to get every note perfectly in nine. Pianists (26) (spare) this particular anxiety, for the notes are already there, and it is tlie piano tuner's responsibility to time the iiistnuiient for (27). But tliey have tlieir own difficulties; the haimners that hit the strmg must be dealt with carefiilly not to sound like drum or bass, and each tone, even if played very fast, has to sound clear.
The problem (28)(face) student conductors is tliat they have to learn to know every note of die music and (29) it should sound、and they need to aim at controlling tliese sound with enthusiastic but selfless authority.
Technique is of no use unless it is combined with musical knowledge and understandmg. Great artists are those who are so tliorouglily at home in the language of music (30) they can enjoy perfbniiiiig works written in any century.
21. until-befbre 22. to become 23.with 24.controlled 25.which 26.are spared 27.them 28.facing 29.how 30.that


To do做need 的定语。

23.介词,be concerned with …有关,而be concerned about 是关心关注。



26.谓语,spare sb sth免除某人做某事,因此宾语提前,用被动语态。

28.非谓语,根据句子成分,sth face sb,已有谓语,因此填非谓语,是主动,因此填doing.

30.连词,so...that 结构。

