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My Favorite Season is Spring
Spring is my favorite season of the whole year! It's the time when everything starts to come alive again after the long, cold winter. The trees grow new green leaves, colorful flowers start blooming everywhere, and all the baby animals are born. I love the warm spring sunshine and being able to play outside without a heavy coat on.
One of the best things about spring is when the trees first get their new leaves. In the winter, all the trees look so bare and sad without any leaves. But then in early spring, you start noticing little buds appearing on the branches. It's so exciting watching as those buds slowly unfurl into the first fresh green leaves. My favorite is when the big maple tree in our backyard leafs out. Its branches go from bare sticks to being covered in bright green leaves that look like they are glowing in the sun. I like to sit outside and just stare up at that beautiful green tree for hours.
Another amazing thing about spring is all the flowers that bloom. It's like the whole world becomes colorful again after the drab, monochrome winter. I love the bright yellows of the daffodils that are some of the first flowers to appear. They pop up seemingly out of nowhere, covering the ground under the trees. Crocuses are another early spring bloomer. I always get so happy seeing the first purple and white crocuses poking up through the ground. As spring goes on, tulips start blooming in every color of the rainbow. My mom has tulips growing in our garden - red, pink, yellow, white and even some purple and orange ones. She lets me pick some for a vase inside our house so we can enjoy their beauty indoors too.
Wild violets are my absolute favorite little flower though. They grow like weeds in our yard, covering the ground under our bushes with their tiny purple and white blossoms. I can spend hours outside with a little basket, gently picking each perfect violet and making bouquets with them. When I bring them inside, their sweet, delicate floral scent fills the house. My mom makes a game out of it and has me try to find the most perfectly formed violets to pick. I love that Spring has so many types of flowers blooming, each more beautiful than the last.
One of my favorite springtime activities is playing in the little creek near our house. When the snow melts in early spring, the creek starts flowing really swiftly with all the runoff water. My brother and I love trying to navigate the creek, rock hopping across from one bank to the other without falling in the icy cold water. We also like building little dams with rocks and sticks to make mini waterfalls and rapids. Sometimes we use plastic buckets to catch minnows and crayfish in the creek and observe them up close before letting them go.
When my dad has time on the weekends, he'll take us fishing in the spring at the big pond in town. We pack a picnic lunch, dig up some worms for bait, and spend the day trying to catch sunfish, crappie and bass. More often than not, my little brother gets bored and quits after about 30 minutes. But I love the peace and quiet of just sitting by the pond, breathing the fresh spring air, and waiting patiently for a fish to bite my line. Even if we don't catch anything, it's still fun getting outdoors and enjoying the nice weather.
Speaking of baby animals, the birds always come back to our backyard in spring too. From the time the first robins appear while snow is still on the ground, to when all the other bird families return and nest in our trees and birdhouses. There's a
pair of sparrows that nest in the birdhouse in our front yard tree every spring. It's so fun to watch the mama bird flying back and forth, bringing bits of grass and twigs to build the nest. And then once the baby birds hatch, you can hear their cute little cheeping all day long as the parents fly in and out with worms. Our cat loves watching the baby birds from the window too!
If I had to pick just one thing that I love most about spring, it would be the nice warm temperatures and all the sunshine. After being cooped up inside for the long, gloomy winter, it feels so good to finally be able to go outside and soak up that warm spring sunshine. I'll try to convince my mom to let me eat my lunch out on our backyard deck as soon as it gets warm enough. Sometimes if it's a really nice weekend day, my dad will BBQ hamburgers or hotdogs outside on the grill for our lunch. I love eating outside with the smell of the grill and the warm sun shining down on us.
On the first truly warm spring day, I'll beg my mom to let me have a lemonade stand. I set up a little table out front and make a big pitcher of fresh squeezed lemonade to sell for 25 cents a cup. It's so much fun decorating the stand with colorful signs and waving to all the neighbors as they drive by. Sometimes my little brother helps too, until he gets bored and runs off. Most years I
only make a few dollars, but it's not really about the money. It's about celebrating the bright, sunny, beautiful spring weather.
I've tried to explain all the reasons I love springtime so much - the flowers, the warm temperatures, longer daylight hours spent playing outside with friends, baby animals being born, being able to grill outside again, going fishing with my dad, the birds returning, chasing butterflies and fireflies, all of it. But I don't think I could ever fully capture just how happy, alive, energetic and free I feel during those amazing spring days. It's a feeling of pure joy and bliss celebrating the earth coming vibrantly back to life all around us after winter. The sights and scents and sounds of spring just make my heart feel so full of childlike wonder and delight. That's why spring will always be my very favorite season, no matter how old I get.
My Favorite Season - Spring!
Hi there! My name is Sam and I'm in 5th grade. Today I want to tell you all about my absolute favorite season of the year - spring! There are so many things I love about spring that I can hardly fit them all into this essay. But I'll try my best!
First off, the weather in spring is just perfect in my opinion. Not too hot and not too cold. The freezing winter temperatures are gone, and the blazing summer heat hasn't arrived yet. The days are mild and sunny, with that fresh spring breeze that smells so crisp and clean. It's like the whole world is waking up after a long winter's nap.
Speaking of things waking up, that's one of the best parts of spring - seeing all the plants and flowers bloom again after the winter. My mom has a little garden in our backyard, and I love watching the tulips and daffodils poke their heads out of the ground. The trees start growing their leaves back too, until soon the whole neighborhood is green and lush again. It's amazing how fast it all happens once spring rolls around!
Then there are the baby animals that get born in spring. Oh my goodness, they are just about the cutest things ever! My friend Hannah lives on a farm, and every spring her family gets adorable new calves, lambs, chicks, and bunnies. I beg my parents to take me over there as often as I can so I can see the brand new babies. They're so tiny and precious when they're just born. Hannah lets me help feed them their bottles sometimes, which is so much fun. I try not to have any favorites, but those sweet little lambs definitely melt my heart the most.
Another great thing about spring is all the fun holidays and activities that happen. There's Easter, which is amazing because you get to decorate eggs and eat tons of chocolate. I love dyeing eggs with my mom and making cool designs on them. The Easter Bunny always leaves me a giant chocolate bunny too, which takes me weeks to eat because it's so huge. Then in late spring, there are Memorial Day parades and barbecues to kick off the summer season. I look forward to those hot dogs and hamburgers all year long!
Schools and clubs also start having lots of fun events in the spring, like field days, carnivals, and talent shows. My friend group has been practicing singing "Watermelon Sugar" together to perform at our school's talent show. We have these cute matching outfits planned and a little dance routine too. We're all so excited for everyone to see it! My baseball team also starts up again in the spring after taking a break for winter. I love being back out on the field with my friends, practicing our hitting and pitching. Go Wildcats!
While we're on the subject of sports, spring is obviously perfect weather for being active outside. No more freezing your pants off or sweating buckets - it's the ultimate season for hiking, bike riding, playing at the park, or just running around in your
backyard. My energy levels always spike up so high in the spring because I'm just vibrating to get outdoors in that lovely fresh air and sunshine. My parents have to beg me to come inside after playing for hours.
Speaking of energy levels, do you ever notice how much more energetic and happier everyone seems in the springtime? I think it's a combination of the nice weather, longer daylight hours, and pumping vitamin D levels. Seasonal depression is real, folks! My mom always gets so gloomy and sluggish during the winter, but then her mood does a total 180 when spring arrives. She'll open all the windows, do a mega spring cleaning, and start going on daily walks outside again. "April showers bring May flowers," she always says with a smile. Even my teachers seem more upbeat and cheerful in the spring. No one wants to be cooped up inside when the world is coming alive outside!
With all that said, my very favorite part about spring has to be the feeling of rebirth and renewal. Everything is blooming, being born, and springing back to life. The cold, dreary winter is over and a fresh new season has begun. It fills me with optimism and makes me feel like any new opportunity is possible. Who knows what amazing things might happen this spring? I'll have a total fresh start at school next year, maybe I'll finally beat my
high score in Super Slam Tennis, or I could take up a new hobby I've never tried before. The possibilities are endless. Spring gives me a vibrant sense of hope and excitement for the future.
Well, I guess that's about all I can fit into this essay. As you can probably tell, I'm just totally obsessed with spring and everything about it. From the gorgeous flowers to the adorable baby animals to the general feeling of rebirth and rejuvenation, spring is 100% the
My Favorite Season is Summer
Summer is my absolute favorite time of year! I love the warm sunny days, going to the pool or beach, staying up late to watch the fireflies twinkling in the backyard, and not having any school. There is so much fun to be had during the summer months.
First of all, the weather in summer is just perfect in my opinion. It's nice and hot outside, usually around 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit. That's the ideal temperature for swimming! When it's that warm out, you can wear shorts and t-shirts all day instead of having to bundle up in heavy jackets and sweaters. No more shivering while waiting for the school bus on freezing cold
mornings. Just being able to go outside without having to put on a million layers is one of the best parts of summer.
Since it's so warm, that means it's pool and beach season! My family has a pool in our backyard, so I get to go swimming pretty much every day once school gets out. I love
cannon-balling into the cool water to cool off from the blazing summer heat. My friends and I have awesome marco polo games and jumping contests to see who can make the biggest splash. Sometimes we'll pretend the pool is the ocean and we're surfing on the waves. Other times, we'll just float around on pool rafts and soak up the sun.
If we get tired of the pool, the beach is only a 30 minute drive away. I love going to the beach and playing in the salty ocean water. The waves are so much fun to jump over or body surf. My brother and I will spend hours hunting for shark teeth and building elaborate sandcastles complete with motats and drawbridges. You can't beat laying on the warm sand, feeling the ocean breeze, and listening to the calming sound of the crashing waves.
Another awesome part of summer is that days are longer since the sun doesn't set until 8 or 9pm. That means there's extra hours to stay outside and play rather than having to come inside
once it gets dark like during other seasons. One of my favorite summer activities is catching fireflies (or lightning bugs as some call them) that come out at night. My friends and I run around with mason jars, trying to gently catch the glowing bugs and observe them for a little while before letting them go again. The backyard looks like it's filled with tiny flickering fairies once it gets dark out. Absolutely magical!
Maybe the best part of summer though is going on vacation! Every year my family takes a big trip, usually to the beach or to visit family in another state. We get to explore new places, try new foods, and make so many fun memories. Last summer we went to Florida and spent a week at Disney World in Orlando. It was honestly a magical experience. From riding the incredible roller coasters at Magic Kingdom to exploring the magical worlds of Epcot to swimming with the dolphins at Discovery Cove, it was the trip of a lifetime that I'll never forget.
Even if we don't go on a big vacation, we'll take smaller trips too. Some years we'll go camping and hiking in the mountains. Others we'll visit big cities and go sightseeing. And of course, we always make lots of day trips to amusement parks, water parks, museums, zoos, or anywhere else that looks fun and interesting.
Having all that free time in the summer means we can really take advantage and go on all sorts of adventures.
Don't get me wrong, I do actually like school for the most part. But those long summer days with zero responsibilities and just pure playtime is something I cherish. From sleeping in to swimming to catching fireflies to going on vacations, summer is just the ultimate playground for a kid like me. Those three months go by way too quickly though. By the time August rolls around, I'm already dreading having to go back to early morning alarms and homework and structured routines. But that first glimpse of fall colors on the trees in early September is an unwelcome sign that winter is on its way, and my treasured summer days will be gone for another nine months.
So these are just some of the many reasons why summer is by far my favorite season of the year. While I know some people prefer the cooler months, for me there's just nothing better than those lingering, sun-soaked, carefree days between June and August. Hopefully by the time you're reading this, summer will just be getting started where you live. If so, I'm super jealous! Soak up every moment of it for me. But if it's another season where you are, don't mind me...I'll just be over here with my
sunshine-and-lollipops blinders on, daydreaming about the return of summer and all the adventures it will bring!
My Favorite Season - Spring
Spring is definitely my favorite season of the year! There are so many wonderful things about spring that make me excited for it to come around every year. Let me tell you all about the reasons why I love spring so much.
First off, the weather in spring is absolutely perfect in my opinion. After dealing with the bitterly cold temperatures and snowy days of winter, spring brings a warm relief. The air starts to feel nice and comfortable again. It's not too hot or too cold - it's just right! I can finally go outside without having to bundle up in a bunch of heavy coats, hats, scarves, and gloves. Instead, I can wear light jackets or even just long sleeves some days. Playing outside becomes so much more enjoyable when you aren't freezing or overheating.
The springtime also means schools get a break for spring vacation! I absolutely love getting a week or two off from school to relax and have fun. My friends and I make big plans to have sleepovers, go to the movies, ride our bikes around the
neighborhood, and just hang out without any schoolwork to worry about. Some years my family even goes on a small trip during spring break which is super exciting. Whether it's a road trip a few hours away or we fly somewhere, getting away for a little vacation is the best!
When spring rolls around, everything starts becoming green and colorful again after the dull, barren days of winter. I love watching all the plants and flowers start blooming with vibrant colors. My yard gets covered in yellow daffodils and my mom's tulips paint the garden in reds, pinks, purples, and more. The trees grow new bright green leaves after being bare for months. It
My Favorite Season is Fall
Fall is definitely my favorite time of the year! I love everything about it - the cool, crisp air, the changing colors of the leaves, getting to wear cozy sweaters, and of course, no more hot, sticky summer days. Fall is just the best season ever.
One of the top reasons fall is so awesome is because of all the beautiful colors you get to see. The trees start turning vibrant shades of red, orange, yellow, and even purple! It's like the whole
world gets a bright new coat of paint. My favorite is when the sugar maple trees turn that brilliant red-orange color. They almost look like they are on fire!
I also really enjoy going on nature walks and hikes with my family in the fall. We'll crunch through the fallen leaves on the ground and I'll collect the prettiest ones to take home and preserve. My mom helps me iron them between two pieces of wax paper to keep their colors for a long time. We have a whole binder full of pretty pressed leaves from past falls. It's so fun analyzing all the different shapes and colors.
Another great part of fall is that the weather is just perfect. It's not too hot and not too cold. You can wear shorts some days and long pants other days. I love throwing on a cozy hoodie or sweater and going outside to play. And of course, you can't forget about apple cider! My dad always buys fresh apple cider from the local orchard in the fall. It's so delicious, sweet, and full of cinnamon-y flavor. He'll make a big mug of hot cider for us to sip on cool nights while we sit around the backyard firepit. Those are some of my favorite fall memories.
Speaking of apples, that's another amazing thing about fall - apple picking! Every year, my class takes a field trip to an apple orchard and we get to pick apples right off the trees. We learn
about how apples grow and all the different varieties. My favorite kinds are Honeycrisp, Fuji, and Gala. After we pick the apples, we get to go on a hayride and drink more of that yummy cider. We usually take the apples back to school and make apple pies, turnovers, and other tasty treats. Our classroom smells like cinnamon for weeks! Apple picking is definitely a highlight of the fall for me.
After Halloween, then it's time for Thanksgiving! More delicious food, time with family, and no school. We get to watch the big parade on TV and then stuff our faces with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie. My mom makes the most amazing pumpkin pie every year. She lets me and my little sister lick the bowl after she mixes up the filling. Yum!
With all the fun colors, tasty foods and drinks, family time, holidays, and perfect weather, fall is just the absolute best season. Summer is too hot, winter is too cold, and spring is too rainy and muddy for me. Give me a crisp fall day over any other season. I'll take pumpkin everything, holidays centered around candy, and forests of red trees, please! Fall is number one in my book and I wish it could last forever.
My Favorite Season
Hooray! Summer is finally here! It's my favorite time of the year, and I can't wait to tell you all about it. Summer is the best season ever, and I'll explain why in this essay.
First of all, summer means no more school! Don't get me wrong, I love learning and seeing my friends every day, but having a break from homework and tests is so refreshing. During the summer, I can sleep in late, stay up past my bedtime, and just relax without worrying about assignments or getting up early. Isn't that wonderful?
Another great thing about summer is the warm weather. I absolutely love feeling the sun's rays on my skin and the gentle breeze blowing through my hair. It's the perfect opportunity to spend as much time as possible outdoors. My friends and I love going to the park and playing on the swings, slides, and monkey bars. Sometimes we have picnics and eat our lunch under the big oak tree. Other times, we bring our bicycles and race each other around the park's winding paths. We get so sweaty and tired, but it's all worth it because we're having a blast!
Speaking of getting sweaty, summer is also the ideal season for swimming! My family has a pool in our backyard, and I practically live in it during the hot months. I love cannon-balling
into the cool, refreshing water and playing games like Marco Polo with my siblings. We also enjoy having pool parties and inviting our friends over for barbecues and water balloon fights. It's so much fun!
One of my favorite summer traditions is going to the beach with my family. We pack a cooler full of snacks and drinks, load up the car with beach chairs, umbrellas, and toys, and head to the coast. I love feeling the warm sand between my toes and building elaborate sandcastles with my little brother. We also enjoy bodyboarding and riding the waves. Sometimes, if we're lucky, we spot dolphins swimming in the distance. After a long day of fun in the sun, we often stop for ice cream on the way home. It's the perfect way to end a perfect beach day.
Another fantastic aspect of summer is the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. My parents have a small garden in our backyard, and we grow tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and strawberries. There's nothing quite like picking a ripe tomato straight from the vine and eating it while it's still warm from the sun. We also frequent the local farmers' market to stock up on other seasonal produce like peaches, watermelon, and corn on the cob. Everything tastes so much better when it's fresh and in season.
Summer also means lots of fun activities and events. There are outdoor concerts, movie nights in the park, and festivals galore. My town has a huge carnival every summer with rides, games, and all kinds of delicious fair food like cotton candy, funnel cakes, and caramel apples. I love going with my friends and trying to win stuffed animals at the game booths. We also enjoy watching the fireworks display at the end of the night.
Another highlight of summer is going on vacation with my family. We usually take a road trip to visit relatives or explore a new city. I love packing my suitcase and hitting the open road, munching on snacks and playing car games along the way. It's so exciting to see different places and try new things. One year, we went to a dude ranch and learned how to ride horses and lasso cattle. Another time, we visited a national park and went hiking, camping, and whitewater rafting. No matter where we go, it's always an adventure!
As you can probably tell, I absolutely adore summer. From the warm weather and outdoor activities to the special treats and family vacations, it's truly the most wonderful time of the year. I cherish every moment and make the most of my freedom before having to return to school in the fall. Summer is a time for creating lasting memories and enjoying the simple pleasures in
life. I can't wait for next summer to roll around so I can experience all the fun and excitement all over again!。