霍金的四维空间 英语




拓展材料:霍金简介(中英文)Stephen William Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 (300 years after the death of Galileo) in Oxford, England. His parents' house was in north London, but during the second world war Oxford was considered a safer place to have babies. When he was eight, his family moved to St Albans, a town about 20 miles north of London. At eleven Stephen went to St Albans School, and then on to University College, Oxford, his father's old college. Stephen wanted to do Mathematics, although his father wouldhave preferred medicine. Mathematics was not available at University College, so he did Physics instead. After three years and not very much work he was awarded afirstclass honours degree in Natural Science.Stephen then went on to Cambridge to do research in Cosmology, there beingno-one working in that area in Oxford at the time. His supervisor was Denis Sciama, although he had hoped to get Fred Hoyle who was working in Cambridge. Aftergaining his Ph.D. he became first a Research Fellow, and later on a Professorial Fellow at Gonville and Caius College. After leaving the Institute of Astronomy in 1973 Stephen came to the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, and since 1979 has held the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics. The chair was founded in 1663 with money left in the will of the Reverend Henry Lucas,who had been the Member of Parliament for the University. It was first held by IsaacBarrow, and then in 1663 by Isaac Newton.Stephen Hawking has worked on the basic laws which govern the universe. With Roger Penrose he showed that Einstein's General Theory of Relativity implied space and time would have a beginning in the Big Bang and an end in black holes. These results indicated it was necessary to unify General Relativity with Quantum Theory, the other great Scientific development of the first half of the 20th Century. One consequence of such a unification that he discovered was that black holes should notbe completely black, but should emit radiation and eventually evaporate and disappear.Another conjecture is that the universe has no edge or boundary in imaginary time. This would imply that the way the universe began was completely determined by the laws of science.His many publications include The Large Scale Structure of Spacetime with G F R Ellis, General Relativity: An Einstein Centenary Survey, with W Israel, and 300 Years of Gravity, with W Israel. Stephen Hawking has two popular books published; his best seller A Brief History of Time, and his later book, Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays.Professor Hawking has twelve honorary degrees, was awarded the CBE in 1982,and was made a Companion of Honour in 1989. He is the recipient of many awards, medals and prizes and is a Fellow of The Royal Society and a Member of the US National Academy of Sciences.Stephen Hawking continues to combine family life (he has three children andone grandchild), and his research into theoretical physics together with an extensiveprogramme生平简介:史蒂芬·威廉·霍金(Stephen William Hawking),1942 年1 月8 日在英国过语音合成器来完成。



与霍金一起探索宇宙\N《时间旅行》(中英文字幕对照)大家好,Hello.我是斯蒂芬·霍金My name is Stephen Hawking.物理学家宇宙学家Physicist, cosmologist, 有时也是一个梦想家and something of a dreamer.尽管我行动不便说话要借助电脑Although I cannot move and I have to speak through a computer.但在精神世界中我是自由的In my mind, I am free.自由地去探索宇宙Free to explore the universe探究深奥的问题and ask the big questions.比如时间旅行可能吗Such as is time travel possible?我们能打开通往过去之门吗Can we open a portal to the past?或者找到通往未来的捷径\ Or find a shortcut to the future?我们最终能利用Can we ultimately use the laws of nature自然规律操纵时间吗to become masters of time itself?一起去探索吧Check it out.时间旅行时间旅行曾一度被当作科学邪说Time travel was once considered scientific heresy.由于害怕被贴上科学怪人的标签I used to avoid talking about it我过去常常避免谈及此事for fear of being labeled a crank.现如今我不会再顾虑这些But these days, I'm not so cautious.实际上我更像是建造巨石阵的那些人In fact, I'm more like the people who built stonehenge.我对时间着迷了I'm obsessed by time. 若我有台时间机器If had a time machine我想去拜访鼎盛时期的玛丽莲·梦露I'd visit Marilyn Monroe in her prime或者去拜访正用望远镜or drop in on Galileo as眺望星空的伽利略he turned his telescope to the heavens.我甚至想穿越到宇宙的尽头\ Perhaps I'd even travel to the end of the universe去探寻宇宙的完整故事结局to find out how our whole cosmic story ends.要验证这些想法能否实现To see how this might be possible,我们需要像物理学家那样we need to look at time as physicists do以四维的角度看时间as the fourth dimension.四维时空并不像听起来那样令人费解It's not as hard as it sounds.所有的物体甚至是我和我的椅子All physical objects, even me and my chair,都是三维的exist in three dimensions.任何事物都有宽度高度和长度Everything has a width and a height and a length.但是还存在另一种维度即时间维度But there is another kind of length -- a length in time.与人类的80余年寿命相比While a human may survive for 80 years,这些石头延续得更久远these stones will last much longer甚至长达数千年-- for thousands of years.而太阳系则能达到数十亿年And the solar system will last for billions of years.所有事物在时间上都有长度Everything has a length in time,在空间内同样如此as well as space.时间旅行意味着Traveling in time means穿越第四维时空traveling through this fourthdimension.为更好地理解我们以日常旅行为例To see what that means, let's do a bit of normal来直观体会一下四维时空的含义everyday traveling just to get a feel for it.一辆高速行驶的车能让实验变得更生动 A fast car makes it a bit more fun.在一条直线上行驶是在一维空间内Drive in a straight line, and you're traveling in one dimension.左转或右转就增加了第二维空间Turn right or left, and you add the second dimension.在蜿蜒的山路上下颠簸Drive up or down a twisty mountain road,就增加了高度的维度and that adds height.这样就算是在三维空间内行驶了So that's traveling in all three dimensions.但我们究竟要怎样才能实现时间旅行呢But how on earth do we travel in time?怎样才能找到一条How do we find a path通往第四维空间的路呢through the fourth dimension?让我们用一个小小的科幻情节放松一下Let's indulge in a little science fiction for a moment.时间旅行的电影里通常会Time-travel movies often出现一个巨型高耗能机器feature a vast energy-hungry machine.这台机器开辟了一条通往四维空间的道路The machine creates a path through the fourth dimension,一条时间隧道a tunnel through time.翻译:super zhanginfo vividx 取子小Q 初校:amira精校:super时间旅行者是勇敢者 A time traveler, a brave,也许也算是准备踏入perhaps foolhardy individual未知空间的愚勇之士prepared for who knows what,义无反顾地踏入时间隧道step into the time tunnle在未知的时间再现\ and emerges who knows when.这种构想兴许有些牵强The concept may be far-fetched,现实也可能与此大相径庭and the reality may be very different than this,但想法本身并没那么疯狂but the idea itself is not so crazy.物理学家也一直在为时间隧道绞尽脑汁Physicists have been thinking about tunnels in time,too,不过我们要从另一个角度来揭示这个问题but we covered it from a different angle.我们不知道在自然法则允许范围内We wonder if portals to the past or the future是否可能出现通往过去或未来的大门could ever be possible within the laws of nature.事实上As it turns out,我们认为有可we think they are.甚至给他们命名\ What's more we even give them a name:虫洞wormholes.事实上虫洞无处不在The truth is the wormholes are all around us,只不过它们微小至肉眼难以看到only they are too small to see.虫洞非常微小Wormholes are very tiny,它们存在于时间和空间的各个角落they accur in nooks and crannies in space and time. 你或许不敢苟同但请继续看You might find it tough concent, but stay with me.任何东西都不是平坦或者实心的Nothing is flat or solid.如果你仔细观察\N{\fn方正综艺简体}If you look close enough at anything,就会发现小洞和细缝无处不在you'll find holes and crannies in it.这是最基本的物理原理It's a basic physical principle对时间也同样适用and it even applies to time.看这个桌球台Take this pool table.表面看起来平整光滑但靠近了看Thesurface looks flat and smooth, but up close,实际并非如此it's actually anything but.它的表面布满了裂缝和小孔It's full of gaps and holes.就连桌球这样的光滑事物Even something as smooth as a pool ball都有小的裂缝细纹和小孔has tiny crevices, wrinkles, and voids.显而易见\ Now, it's easy to show that这在三维空间里毋容置疑this is true in the first three dimensions,但是相信我but, trust me,在第四维空间里这也是正确的it's also true of the fourth dimension, as well.在时间空间里There are tiny crevices, wrinkles, and voids也有小的裂缝细纹和小孔in time.不断地缩到最小的范围Down at the smallest of scales,甚至比分子原子还微小时smaller even than molecules,我们所得到的smaller than atoms, we get to a place就是量子泡沫called the quantum foam.虫洞就存在于此This is where wormholes exist.在量子的世界里Tiny tunnels, or shortcuts, 穿越时空的微小隧道或捷径through space and time constantly form,不断地形成消失再形成disappear, and reform within this quantum world.它们实际上连接了两个独立的区域And they actually link two separate和两处不同的时间places and two different times.不幸的是这种真实存在的时间隧道Unfortunately, these real-life time tunnels are 只有10的-33次方厘米的大小just a billion trillion trillionths of a centimeter across --远不足以容纳人类通过way too small for a human to pass through.但虫洞时间机器的概念正带来更多灵感But here's where the notion of wormhole time machines is leading. 一些科学家认为或许可以捕捉Some scientists think it may be possible to其中一个虫洞将其放大数万亿倍capture one and enlarge it near trillions of times让它大到足以能让人类to make it big enough for a human甚至宇宙飞船进入or even a spaceship to enter.假设有足够的能量和高科技Given enough power and advanced technology,或许可以在宇宙中构造一个巨大的虫洞perhaps a giant wormhole could even be constructed in space.我不是说这一定可行I'm not saying it can be done,但如果真能面世but if it could be,它将是一个非常卓越的机器it would be a truly remarkable device.一端在地球附近One end could be here near the earth,而另一端则在遥远的星际and the other far, far away, near some distant planet.理论上虫洞能够发挥更多用途Theoretically, a wormhole could do even more.如果两口开在同一个地方If both ends were in the same place and separated by没有距离阻隔但却处在不同时间time instead of distance,飞船则可以还在地球附近起降a ship could fly in and come out still near the earth,却已穿越到远古but in the distant past.或许恐龙将有幸目睹飞船着陆Maybe dinosaurs would witness the ship coming in for a landing.此时我意识到用四维空间去思考并非易事Now, I realize that thinking in four dimensions is not easy and虫洞也是令人费解的复杂概念that wormholes are a tricky concept to wrap your head around.不过请再坚持一下But hang in there.我曾构想出这样一个简单的实验I've thought up a simple experiment that could能够揭示在目前抑或今后reveal if human time travel through a wormhole is possible now,人类能否通过虫洞穿越时间or even in the future.。



<6> In 1973 the first books on the large scale structure of space-time "published <7> 1985 in Switzerland ill/implement tracheostomy operation without language ability, use the make the computer of the damper
1. 1989, British jazz honors 2. the Royal Society and American Academy 3. the Royal Astronomical Society of the Eddington Medal 4. Pope science society XI Medal 5. Hopkins award 6. American Danny Europe Heinemann award 7. Maxwell Award 8. the Royal Society of the Hughes Medal 9. 1978 by physical sector the most prestigious award — Albert Einstein ·award 10. Roger Penrose common won the 1988 Wolf Prize in physics 11. 1988, Stephen Hawking book a brief history of time: from the big bang to black holes "Wolf Foundation Prize 12. 2009 on August 12, won the Medal of freedom



斯蒂芬·霍金《时间简史》导言(中英文互译)斯蒂芬·威廉·霍金(Stephen William Hawking,1942—2018),英国著名物理学家,剑桥大学数学及理论物理学系教授,主要研究领域是宇宙论和黑洞,证明了广义相对论的奇性定理和黑洞面积定理,提出了黑洞蒸发理论和无边界的霍金宇宙模型。



Introduction to "A Brief History of Time"《时间简史》导言We go about our daily lives understanding almost nothing of the world. We give little thought to the machinery that generates the sunlight that makes life possible, to the gravity that glues us to an Earth that would otherwise send us spinning off into space, or to the atoms of which we are made and on whose stability we fundamentally depend. Except for children (who don't know enough not to ask the important questions), few of us spend much time wondering why nature is the way it is; where the cosmos came from, or whether it was always here; if time will one day flow backward and effects precede causes; or whether there are ultimate limits to what humans can know. There are even children, and I have met some of them, who want to know what a black hole looks like; what is the smallest piece of matter; why we remember the past and not the future;how it is, if there was chaos early, that there is, apparently, order today; and why there is a universe.我们在几乎对世界毫无了解的情形下进行日常生活。



Newton is recognized for his laws of motion and the theory of gravity
Both scientists have a prospective impact on our understanding of the universe and its fundamental
His books and public appearances have also sparked a wider interest in science among the general public, making complex concepts accessible and exciting to a wider audience
Hawking authorized several popular science books, including "A Brief History of Time," which explains complex scientific concepts in an accessible Manner and solid mills of copies worldwide
Introduction to Hawking and Newton in English
• Introduction • Stephen Hawking • Isaac Newton • The similarities between Hawking and Newton • The Differences between Hawking and
Main achievements
Formulated the laws of motion, which describes the relationship between force, acceleration, and mass



霍金博士:科学的无尽探求Steven Hawking, known as one of the greatest theoretical physicists of our time, dedicated his life to unraveling the mysteries of the universe. His groundbreaking research, coupled with his unique perspective on the cosmos, has inspired generations of scientists and ignited a passion for scientific exploration. In this article, we delve into the remarkable contributions and unwavering curiosity of Dr. Hawking.I. Early Life and EducationSteven William Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, in Oxford, England. Despite being diagnosed with a rare form of motor neuron disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS) at the age of 21, he didn't allow his physical limitations to hinder his intellectual pursuits. Hawking completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Oxford, where he showcased his brilliance in mathematics and physics.II. The Theory of EverythingHawking's most renowned work revolves around his quest for a "Theory of Everything." This theory aims to unify the fundamental forces of the universe, including gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. Although he faced numerous setbacks due to his physical condition, Hawking's persistent dedication led to his groundbreaking discovery of Hawking radiation. This theory implies that black holes slowly lose mass over time, eventually evaporating and disappearing.III. Popularization of ScienceApart from his astonishing scientific contributions, Hawking also played a vital role in popularizing scientific concepts for the general public. Through his bestselling book, "A Brief History of Time," he successfully bridged the gap between complex theoretical physics and mainstream readers. The book captivated millions and allowed them to explore the origins of the universe, the nature of time, and other mind-boggling phenomena.IV. Contributions to CosmologyHawking's work in cosmology fundamentally transformed our understanding of the universe. His research on the Big Bang theory and the existence of singularities revolutionized the field. By applying quantum mechanics to cosmology, he developed the concept of the inflationary model, proposing that the universe rapidly expanded in the moments following the Big Bang.V. Perseverance and LegacyDespite facing immense physical challenges, Hawking's determination and resilience shine as a testament to the power of the human spirit. He continued his scientific pursuits, communicated his ideas through his speech-generating device, and fearlessly pushed the boundaries of our knowledge. Hawking's legacy extends beyond the realm of science, inspiring individuals worldwide to embrace their curiosities and persevere in the face of adversity.VI. Recognition and AwardsThroughout his illustrious career, Hawking received numerous accolades for his contributions to science and humanity. He was honored with the Albert Einstein Award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and was even made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE). Moreover, he held esteemed positions at the University of Cambridge, including the Lucasian Professorship of Mathematics, a position once held by Sir Isaac Newton.VII. Philanthropy and ActivismHawking was not only dedicated to scientific research but also advocated for various social and humanitarian causes. His advocacy for stem cell research, raising awareness about the impact of climate change, and championing the rights of individuals with disabilities showcased his commitment to making a positive difference in the world.VIII. ConclusionThe extraordinary life and intellectual contributions of Dr. Steven Hawking have left an indelible mark on the scientific community and the world as a whole. Through his unwavering pursuit of knowledge, he encouraged others to question the known and embrace the unknown. As we continue to explore the wonders of the universe, let us strive to embody the spirit of curiosity and perseverance that defined the late Dr. Hawking.。
















霍金的简介英文版斯蒂芬威廉霍金简介Stephen William Hawking, born in Oxford, England on January 8, 1942, won CH (British Lord of Honor), CBE (British Empire Commander Medal), FRS (Royal Society Member), FRSA (British Royal Art Association members) and other honors. He is a famous physicist at Cambridge University, one of the greatest physicists of modern times and one of the great men of the 20th century.He suffers from muscular atrophic lateralsclerosis (Luganles disease), generalized paralysis, can not speak, hand only three fingers can be active.From 1979 to 20__, he was a professor of mathematics at Lucas. He was the most respected professor in Britain. Hawkings main research field is cosmology and black hole, which proves the singularity theorem and black hole area theorem of general relativity, and puts forward the black holeevaporation theory and the boundless Hawking cosmic model. In the process of unifying the two basic theories of physics in the 20th century, Einstein founded the theory of relativity and Plancks quantum mechanics to create an important step forward.斯蒂芬威廉霍金主要成就Stephen William Hawkings research laid the groundwork for todays understanding of the black hole and the origin of the universe, but according to himself, he said that he was in the animated The Simpsons and the science fiction episode Star Trek: Next Generation (Star Trek: The Next Generation) is also wonderful.Hawking emphasizes that the universe does not need a Creator or God in the Great Design, philosophy is dead, which means that mankind will be detached from ignorant self-slavery, denying that pure philosophy and religion can really explain Naturally, it also shows that the major religions are only the ancient spiritual world to explore the unknown, the pursuit of immortal system, rather than the objective truth. Withthe progress of the times, human civilization is also catch up, not far behind, which is why generations of people of insight to the existence of life and the meaning of the universe. To solve these propositions should have been the task of the philosopher, but unfortunately the highly developed science makes the philosophy can not keep up. Hawking in the big design of the opening that philosophy is dead is the meaning.Hawking hopes to solve the mystery of the birth of the universe, the 1970s, Hawking quantum mechanics applied to explain the phenomenon of black hole, in the next 30 years, with quantum mechanics to explain the universe has become more difficult. Hawking wanted to find a set of theories that could explain the universe as a whole to illustrate the birth of the 13.7 billion years of the universe until now, but it has not been concluded for years even if it is infinitely close. According to his theory of quantum mechanics, the birth of the universe is the big bang produced, which is a compressed infinitely small but with large gravity of the material (also can beunderstood as the density of infinite) explosion products. The theoretical category of quantum mechanics can not explain how this process is going to be done. Why is it so Hawking says that must have a theory that can describe small-scale gravity.The latest scientific breakthrough is Hawkings colleague, Michael Smith of Londons Queen Marys College (Michael. Green) involved in the construction of the superstring theory, referred to as string theory, which states that all particles and natural forces are actually in shock In the universe like a small object, to solve the Hawking has always wanted to try to answer the gravity problem, this theory must be established in the universe must have 9,10 or even greater than 11 dimensions, and human beings in the three-dimensional world may only One of the real ones of the universe ...A large number of scientists around the world are doing experiments in space and earth to prove string theory and from experiments to support Hawkings black hole theory and quantum theory. January 24, 20__, thefamous British scientist Professor Stephen Hawking once again with its black hole-related theory shocked the physics, in a recently published paper admitted that black hole does not exist, but gray hole indeed exist. In a paper entitled Information Preservation and Weather Forecasting For Black Holes, Hawking points out that black holes do not exist because they can not find the boundaries of black holes. In order to solve the firewall problem in the new theory set black hole does not exist, it does not really do not exist. The black hole of the boundary, also known as the horizon, the classic black hole theory that the black hole outside the material and radiation can enter the black hole through the horizon, and any material and radiation within the black hole can not wear out horizons.Hawkings latest gray hole theory that material and energy in the black hole trapped after a period of time, will be re-released into the universe. He admitted in his essay that his initial knowledge of the horizon was flawed, and that light could cross thehorizon. When the light flies the black hole core, its movement is like a person running on a treadmill, slowly through the outward radiation and shrink. The classical black hole theory argues that any matter and radiation can not escape the black hole, and quantum mechanics suggests that energy and information can escape from the black hole. Hawking also pointed out that the interpretation of this escape process requires a gravity And other basic forces of successful integration of the theory. In the past hundred years, no one in physics has tried to explain this process.For Hawkings gray hole theory, some scientists expressed approval, it was skeptical. Joseph Polchinski, a theoretical physicist at the Cuban Institute of Theoretical Physics, points out that according to Einsteins theory of gravity, the boundary of the black hole is present, but it differs from the rest of the universe Not obvious. In fact, as early as 20__, Hawking had made a similar statement. On July 21 of that year, Hawking pointed out at the 17thInternational Symposium on General Theory ofRelativity and Gravitation that the Black Hole was not completely swallowed around it, as he and most other physicists had previously thought, Some of the information that is sucked into the depths of theblack hole may be released at some point.In 1973, Hawking said he calculated by the conclusion that the black hole in the formation of the process of its quality reduction, but also continue to be in the form of energy to the outside world radiation. This is the famous Hawking radiation theory, the theory mentioned in the black hole radiation does not include the black hole inside the material of any information, once the black hole is concentrated and evaporated disappear, all of which information will disappear, which is the so-called The black hole paradox. This theory and quantum mechanics of the relevant theories appear contradictory. Because modern quantum physics finds that this material informationis never completely gone.For more than 30 years, Hawking tried to explain this contradictory view with various speculations. Hawking has said that the quantum movement of the black hole is a special case, because the gravity in the black hole is very strong, quantum mechanics at this time is no longer applicable. Hawkings argument does not convince the scientific community ofskeptical scholars. It now appears that Hawkingfinally gave this years contradictory view of a more convincing answer. Hawking said the black hole never completely shut itself - Hawking radiation, they in a long period of time gradually to the outside world to radiate more and more heat, then the black hole will eventually open themselves and release the material contained in the information.On August 16, 1616, Jeff Steinhauer, a professorat the Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, proved the quantum effect of Hawking radiation in a paper published in the journal Nature Physics. He made a sound black hole instead of a light black hole, using a long tube with sound particles, the phonon horizon.In 20__, Professor Steinhall found that the phonemes were randomly generated in the horizon. In his latest results, Steinhouse proved that these phonons were one of a pair of related phonons, thus proving the quantum effect of Hawking radiation.斯蒂芬威廉霍金社会活动April 12, 20__, the famous British physicist Stephen Hawking in New York New World Trade Center Observatory announced a plan called breakthrough star plan, with the Russian businessman Yuri Milner, the US social networking site Facebook Founder Zuckerberg collaborated to build a new space exploration project, build a large number of miniature interplanetary spaceships and launch them at half the speed of light to the Centaur Alpha Star. The day was the sixth international manned space day established by the United Nations and the 55th anniversary of the first manned space flight.Milner said at a press conference that the initial investment in the Breakthrough Star program would be $ 100 million to develop a miniature interplanetaryspacecraft using laser propulsion and to fly to Centauri in the current generation of time Star of the target.According to reports, plans to build a miniature interstellar spacecraft called nano-aircraft, which consists of a star computer chip as a hull. Milner at the press conference to show the star of the original product. The chip is only two or three centimeters square, a few grams of weight, but integrated camera, photon thruster, navigation and transmission components, is a complete space exploration function of the aircraft, and manufacturing costs only equivalent to an iPhone.The chip will be installed on the name of light sail of the ultra-material cloth Peng, through the ground to launch high-energy laser power to promote, light sail can absorb laser energy, driven by micro-spacecraft forward. Because the quality of the spacecraft is very small, there is almost no resistance in space, in the continuous acceleration of the laser, the theoretical calculation shows its speedup to one fifth of the speed of light. If successful, this will allow the spacecraft to arrive near the Earth for about 20 years 4.37 light-year-old Centaurian Alpha Star near. Centaur Alpha Star is one of the closest stars from the solar system, but the existing fastest spacecraft also need to spend 30,000 years to fly there.Today, we are determined to take a big step forward in exploring the universe, Hawking said at the press conference, because we are human beings, longing for flying is our nature.Chinese experts: Hawkings spacecraft is still science fictionFor Hawkings plan, Chinese experts believe that the idea is good, but now has a science fiction color. Strictly speaking, Hawkings spacecraft is not a spacecraft, just a few centimeters square of theflying objects, the envisaged laser propulsion technology in engineering is also very complex, space technology research expert Pang Zhi-ho said.第 11 页共 11 页。


义无反顾地踏入时间隧道step into the time tunnle
在未知的时间再现\ and emerges who knows when.
这种构想兴许有些牵强The concept may be far-fetched,
现实也可能与此大相径庭and the reality may be very different than this,
虫洞非常微小Wormholes are very tiny,
它们存在于时间和空间的各个角落they accur in nooks and crannies in space and time.
你或许不敢苟同但请继续看You might find it tough concent, but stay with me.
来直观体会一下四维时空的含义everyday traveling just to get a feel for it.
一辆高速行驶的车能让实验变得更生动A fast car makes it a bit more fun.
在一条直线上行驶是在一维空间内Drive in a straight line, and you're traveling in one dimension.
它的表面布满了裂缝和小孔It's full of gaps and holes.
就连桌球这样的光滑事物Even something as smooth as a pool ball
都有小的裂缝细纹和小孔has tiny crevices, wrinkles, and voids.
显而易见\ Now, it's easy to show that
任何东西都不是平坦或者实心的Nothing is flat or solid.





living there is hope。

2、时间有没有尽头?at the end of time?3、宇宙从何处来,又往何处去?the universe whence, and whither?4、是先有鸡,还是先有蛋?first, the chicken or the egg?5、发疯是种心灵自杀。

mad is a kind of heart to suicide。


if life no fun, it would be a tragedy。


eternity is a very long time, especially in the end。


the substance of the universe is made up of positive energy。


scientists and prostitution is to do what they like to make money。

10、宇宙有开端吗?如果有的话,在此之前发生过什么?the universe have a beginning? if so, what happened before this?11、即使把我关在果壳之中,仍然自以为无限宇宙之王。

even put me in shells,still think the king of the infiniteuniverse。


a can and the people who walk side by side, would never completely alone。



史蒂夫·霍金经典英语名言(中英对照)76岁的史蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking)去世,科学苍穹上一颗最闪耀的明星陨落了。


Eternity is a very long time, especially towards the end.永生是个非常长的时间,特别是对于死亡来说。

It would not be much of a universe if it wasn't home to the people you love.如果宇宙不是你所爱的人的家,那宇宙就没有什么意义了。

My expectations were reduced to zero when I was 21. Everything since then has been a bonus. 在我21岁那年,我对生活的期望值全部归零。


Although I cannot move and I have to speak through a computer, in my mind I am free.尽管我不能动弹,只能靠电脑来说话,但是我能在自己的大脑里面自由翱翔。

One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn't exist.....Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist.宇宙的基本准则之一:金无足赤,人无完人。



My advice to other disabled people would be, concentrating on your disability doesn't prevent you doing well, and don't regret the things it interferes with. Don't be disabled in spirit as well as physically.我给残障人士的建议是:老是想着自己的缺陷,并不会让你更好过。



评价Hawking is one of the globe's best-known scientists because of his best-selling works on the mysteries of black holes and the origins of the universe, and because of his increasing disability due to a degenerative nerve disease known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. He is almost completely paralyzed and can communicate only via facial gestures and a gesture-controlled computer system.Stephen Hawking is the greatest physicist since Albert Einstein. He is famous and successful, but he is also disabled.生平Stephen Hawking was born in 1942 in Oxford, England. His father was a specialist in tropical diseases. Stephen wanted to be a scientist too. He went to the University of Oxford and received a degree in physics. He went to the University of Cambridge to study for a Ph.D. During this time doctors discovered that he had ALS(肌萎缩性骨髓侧索硬化症),which is sometimes called Lou Gehrig's disease(卢伽雷病). This fatal disease weakens all of the body's muscles. Most people with ALS live for five years. The doctors thought Hawking would live only two and a half more years. When Hawking heard this, he became very depressed.At about this time he met Jane Wilde,a language student at Cambridge. They fell in love and got married in 1965. Hawking has often said that his wife gave him the courage to continue to study and work. Although Hawking had become more severely paralyzed, he became a professor at Cambridge. Luckily, the work of a physicist only requires one thing: the mind. Hawking had a son and then a daughter. He had another son 12 years later when his disease had gotten much worse. His youngest son has never heard his father's real voice. He has only heard the voice from the computer.Hawking does research about how the universe began. He sees connections and works out explanations that other people cannot. His research has influenced many other scientists. Some of his ideas are so advanced that other scientists cannot prove them yet.As his disease got worse, money became a problem for Stephen Hawking. He had a lot of medical expenses. He needed special wheelchairs, nurses 24 hours a day, and machines to help him read and speak. To earn extra money, Hawking gave speeches and published articles. Then someone told him to write a book that explained the universe to ordinary people. Hawking agreed and wrote A Brief History of Time. The book sold over 8 million copies worldwide, and Hawking became a millionaire. Even though most people could not understand Hawking's ideas, he amazed them. Hawking became world famous. He met the Queen of England, he was on the covers of magazines, and he appeared on television shows.In 1990, Hawking ended his 25-year marriage. This was shocking to many of his friends because his wife,Jane, was very devoted to him. She took care of his all of his needs. She fed him, bathedhim, dressedhim, and raised their children by herself. Hawking left her for a younger woman--his nurse! They were married in 1995.Hawking's strong personality and spirit have helped him to live with ALS for 30 years. He has helped to make people aware of ALS and other disabilities. Hawking teaches us that even though a person is physically disabled, the mind has no limits.。




一、霍金简介个人基本信息:中文名:史蒂芬·威廉·霍金外文名:Stephen William Hawking别名:小爱因斯坦、宇宙之王出生日期:1942年1月8日出生地:英国牛津主要研究领域:宇宙论和黑洞主要作品:《时间简史:从大爆炸到黑洞》A Brief History of Time:from the Big Bang to Black Holes、《时间简史续篇》、《霍金讲演录--黑洞、婴儿宇宙及其他》、《时空本性》、《The Universe in a Nutshell》史蒂芬·威廉·霍金(Stephen William Hawking,1942年1月8日)他是英国著名物理学家和宇宙学家,主要研究领域是宇宙论和黑洞,证明了广义相对论的奇性定理和黑洞面积定理,提出了黑洞蒸发现象和无边界的霍金宇宙模型,是继牛顿和爱因斯坦之后最杰出的物理学家之一,被世人誉为“宇宙之王”。













名人名言1.Eternity is a very long time, especially towards the end.永生是个非常长的时间,特别是对于死亡来说。

2.It would not be much of a universe if it wasn't home to the people you love.如果宇宙不是你所爱的人的家,那宇宙就没有什么意义了。

3.My expectations were reduced to zero when I was 21. Everything since then has been a bonus.在我21岁那年,我对生活的期望值全部归零。


4.Although I cannot move and I have to speak through a computer, in my mind I am free.尽管我不能动弹,只能靠电脑来说话,但是我能在自己的大脑里面自由翱翔。

5.One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn't exist.....Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist.宇宙的基本准则之一:金无足赤,人无完人。



6.My advice to other disabled people would be, concentrating on your disability doesn't prevent you doing well, and don't regret the things it interferes with. Don't be disabled in spirit as well as physically.我给残障人士的建议是:老是想着自己的缺陷,并不会让你更好过。


Stephen Hawking, a renowned theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author, was born on January 8, 1942, in Oxford, England. Despite being diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) at the age of 21, Hawking went on to make groundbreaking contributions to the fields of physics and cosmology. His book "A Brief History of Time" became a bestseller and brought complex scientific concepts to a mainstream audience. Hawking passed away on March 14, 2018, leaving behind a legacy of scientific discovery and inspiration.
Hawking's Work and Achievements
Stephen Hawking's most notable work revolved around the study of black holes and the theory of relativity. In 1974, he proposed that black holes emit radiation, now known as "Hawking radiation," which challenged the prevailing belief that nothing could escape from a black hole. This discovery revolutionized the field of theoretical physics and earned him numerous accolades, including the prestigious Albert Einstein Award.



霍金所有名言中英对照霍金所有名言中英对照曾经爆出金句“时间有没有尽头”的英国剑桥大学著名物理学家霍金76岁离开我们,世间少一个天才,霍金为什么伟大?大家看看下面的霍金所有名言中英对照吧!霍金所有名言中英对照“einstein was wrong when he said “god does not play dice”. consideration of black holes suggests, not only that god does play dice, but that he sometimes confuses us by throwing them where they can’t be seen.”“爱因斯坦当他说‘上帝并不掷骰子’的时候是错误的”。


“it is time to explore other solar systems.“是时候探索其它太阳系了。

”“i don’t think we will survive another 1,000 years without escaping our fragile planet.”“我认为,若不逃离我们脆弱的地球,我们活不过1000年。

”“i think the human race has no future if it doesn’t go to space.”“我觉得人类若不逃到太空,就不会有未来。

”“the earth is under threat from so many are as that it is difficult for me to be positive。


“our physical resources are being drained, at an alarming rate. we have given our planet the disastrous gift of climate change.”“我们的物质资源正在以一种惊人的速度被消耗。

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How can we travel in time, how can we find the path to the four-dimensional space.
● wormhole(虫洞)
●black hole
● moving at velocities near the speed of light
In the distance of 26,000 light years away。 There might be a massive black hole at the center of our galaxy (银河系).
The quality is equivalent to 400 million suns. This is a natural time machine.
The black hole has great gravity Near the black hole, even light can not escape its gravitational pull.
When the spacecraft move around the black hole, The time on the spacecraft is only half of the earth measurement time
The Large Hadron Collider, or LHC, (大型强子对撞 机) near Geneva, Switzerland, is the world’s largest particle(粒子) accelerator.
. In
the deep underground, There is a 25 kilometers ‘circular pipe There are trillions of particles flow in it
So I believe that it is impossible to return to the past putting the cart before the horse(本末倒置)
It is possible to travel to the future. Time in different locations, flow at different speed And this is the key to the future. Einstein realized that the more massive the object, the slower the time near it.
If we want to travel to the future , We only need to speed quickly . For example,we can invent a train.its speed is close to the speed of light.
Eventually,in the future, We believe that we can use science to realize time travel .
Thanks for watching
Whatever you sow in life, you are going to reap it baer on, In less than a second time, particles are accelerated from zero to hundreds of kilometers. Increase the current intensity, these particles will be more and more fast, until close to the speed of light Some particles’ life is short,only one billionth of a second But when they are moving at velocities near the speed of light .Their life will extend 30 times. This is the time travel .
Time is the same.
The wormhole provides a shortcut to time travel.They connect different time and space.
The entrance and exit of the wormhole are setted in one place.The difference is time . May be we can witness some historic moments.
In fact,wormholes are all around us.They‘re just so small, so it is not easy to detect. Any object can not be flat.just like a billiard(台球). Looks smooth, but there will be a lot of cracks.(裂痕)
This presents a paradox(悖论).Let us imagine a scene.One day , human creat the wormhole. Let‘s make an experiment. A person back to the past that before he was born to kill his father. Obvious,in the future,he will not be exist.But the conclusion is who kill his father.
But this method is not feasible.Because it is dangerouse, At the same time, it can't bring us to the distant future.
The universe has a speed limit .That is 300,000 kilometers per second. Moving at velocities near the speed of light can take you into the future.
Is Time Travel Possible
All objects are living in the three-dimensional space(三 维空间).For example, The car was going along a straight line. It‘s in one dimensional space . when it turn right or left,it is in Two-dimensional space . when it go up the slope,it is in the three dimensional space.