新人教必修四 Unit 3 A Taste of English Humor词汇学案

Unit 3 A taste of English humourLanguage points教案Teaching goals1.Target languagea. Humour, comedy, content, performer , astonish , fortunate, ordinary, bored, entertain , throughout, homeless, moustache, worn, failure, overcome, leather, pick out.b Make Ss get knowledge of the new words and phrases.2.Ability goalsGet Ss to use some useful new words and expressions correctly.Enable Ss to make sentences with the useful sentence patterns.3.Learning ability goalsTo help students master the important language points.To help students to make sentences by using the words and phrases.Teaching important pointsGet Ss to master the usage of the words and phrases.Teaching difficult pointshelp students get knowledge of the language points.Teaching methodsInspiration, Questioning and Discussion.Teaching aidsA computer, a projector and a recorder.Teaching proceduresStep I , review the new words and phrases.Step II. Teaching the important language points一.词语辨析1. specially / especially / particularly【解释】specially = on purpose故意地;专门地 (不是为了别的,而只是为了某一目的而专门采用的某种方式。

人教版高中英语必修四_Unit3_A_Taste_of_English_Humor教案(精选五篇)第一篇:人教版高中英语必修四_Unit3_A_Taste_of_English_Humor教案Unit 3 A Taste of English HumorReading 1.Teaching aims教学目标Enable students to learn what humor means and what is nonverbal humor.2.Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to talk about some types of English humor and Chinese humor, then learn what humor means and what is nonverbal humor 3.learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students to learn how to talk about some types of English and Chinese humor, and then find their differences.4.Teaching important points 教学重点Help students divide the text into several parts according to the meaning.5.Teaching difficulty points 教学难点Divide the paragraphs and give the main ideas.6.Teaching methods 教学方法Using pictures, discussion, reading, scanning and careful reading 7.Teaching aids 教具准备A recorder and a projector 8.Teaching procedure: Step 1.Revision Review key vocabulary..Step 2.Leading-in(pair work)Show the pictures and quote a well-known saying from Victor Hugo.Step3.Pre-reading(group work)Questions:(1)What do you know about Charlie Chaplin?(2)What do you know about his film? What is so interesting about them?Step 4.ReadingThe purpose of this reading is to introduce nonverbalhumor.This reading material takes Charlie Chaplin for example.It tells us what nonverbal humor means;what is Charlie Chaplin’s style of acting;how he made a sad situation entertaining and so on.Task 1.Fast-reading Use the information in the passage to complete the notes about Charlie Chaplin.Born: 1889 Job: actor Type of acting:the little tramp Character:mime Died: 1977 Costume :large trousers, worn-out shoes, small round black hat and a walking stick Task 2.Give the main idea of each paragraph Paragraph 1: Why people needed cheering up Paragraph 2: What Charlie’s childhood was like Paragraph 3: What his most famous character was like Paragraph 4: An example of a sad situation that he made funny.Paragraph 5: His achievements Task 3.Careful-reading Let students lfollow the record to read the text carefully , then decide whether they are true or false.If it is false, correct it and find out which paragraph it is.A.Charlie had an easy childhood.Fpara2 B.Charlie’s most famous character, a little tramp was a social success and very popular.F para3 C.Charlie usually made a sad situation entertaining.Tpara4 D.Nobody has been able to do this better than Victor Hugo.Fpara1 E.Charlie has achieved a lot in all his life.Tpara5 Step 5 Post-reading(group work)Give the students some time to discuss.Questions: Besides joy, what else can humor bring to us in our studies and life? Step 6 Homework 1.Finish Exe.3.on Page 19, all exercises on Page 20.2.Try to retell the text.Step 7课后反思:第二篇:人教新课标高中英语必修1Unit2EnglishAroundtheWorld教案Unit 2 English Around the WorldⅠ单元教学目标技能目标GoalsTalk about English and its development, Different kinds of EnglishTalk about difficulties in language communicationLearn to make dialogue using request & commandsLearn to transfer from direct into indirect speechLearn to give opinions and organize ideas by way of brainstormingLearn to make a poster showing your ideas clearly Ⅱ目标语言功能句式Talk about English and its development Refer to Introduction in the teachers’ bookTalk about difficulties in language communicationDifferent speaker may come from different place, so they may use different words and dialect, such as subway-underground、left-left-hand-side、two blocks two streets.Make dialogues using request or command: Pardon? Could you repeat that, please?I beg your pardon? Can you speak more slowly, please? I don’t understand.Sorry.I can’t follow you.Could you say that again, please? How do you spell it, please?词汇1.四会词汇include role international native elevator flat apartment rubber petrol gas modern culture AD actually present(adj.)rule(v.)vocabulary usage identity government Singapore Malaysia rapidly phrase candy lorry command requestretell polite boss standard mid-western southern Spanish eastern northern recognize accent lightning direction ma’am subway block 2.认读词汇Shakespeare Noah Webster Lori dialect Houston Texas Buford Lester catfish 3.固定词组play a role(in)because of come up such as play a part(in)语法Command & requestOpen the door.Please open the door.Would you please open the door? Indirect SpeechHe told(asked)me to open the door.Ⅲ.教材分析和教材重组: 1.教材分析本单元的中心话题是“English language and its development, different kinds of English”.通过对世界英语这一话题的探讨,加强学生对英语语言的了解,对当代语言特别是英语发展趋势的了解.世界在发展,时代在前进,语言作为交流的工具,也随着时代的发展而变化.由于英语在世界上的广泛使用,它不断地吸收、交融、容纳、创新,这就形成了各种各样带有国家、民族、地区特色的英语.没有人们认为的那种唯一的标准英语。

Whatisverbalhumour? Whatisnon-verbalhumour?
Whatisnon-verbalhumour? Humourwithoutwords
Sketch (小品)
1.Typesofhumour 2.Typicalactors/writersofEnglishhumour 3.ExampleofChinesehumour 4.Groupactivity
Onenight,therewasathiefwhostoleadressfrom ashop.Suddenly,thethiefwasfoundbythepolic eman. "Freeze,don’tmove.”Thepolicemanshouted. Thethiefraisedhishandsandgaveupfighting.
• "Okay.One,allthechildrenhateme.Two,allthetea chershateme.""Notgoodenough,"themotherrepl ied. "Fine,"thesonsaid."Thenyougivemetwogoodrea sonswhyISHOULDgotoschool." "One,you're50yearsold.Two,you'retheheadmas teroftheschool."
2. People enjoy seeing other people’s bad luck because __.
A. they enjoy doing so
B. it makes people more worried about their life.
C. it makes people more content with their life.
• 8.In the middle of 19th century people went to California to look for gold. T
Task2: Choose the right answer.
1.What’s the passage mainly about? A. The history of English humour? B. The films Chaplin made. C. The humour Chaplin made in his films. D. The Gold Rush in California.
of the nineteenth century.( T )
4Chaplin’s movies were produced, directed and
wrote by other people.( F )
• 5. If you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin, you are not alone. T
Not all the _______huismkoinr d. Some are bad, others can inspire people. Some actors can_a_s_to__n_is_h_ us with the character they are playing. Chaplin was such an actor. He became famous for using a _p_a_rt_i_c_u_la_r form of acting in silent films.The little tramp gives people courage to overcome_d_i_ff_i_c_u_lt_ie_s with his firm d__e_te_r_m_i_n_a_t_io_n_and he is always kind even when people are_u__n_k_in_d__ to him.

Unit 3 A taste of English humourPeriod 4Listening优秀教案The General Idea of This PeriodThis period consists of listening in the Using Language part,listening and listening task in the Workbook.It intends the training of students’ listening skills—getting general idea and detailed information and grasping the key information to help the students to finish the relativeThe teacher should make sure the students read the questions to find out the requirements first.This is to sharpen their attention to get the gist of the text and specific information for questions.While doing the related exercises,the students can work together with their partners onHelp the students learn how to grasp the genTask-A tape recorder,a multi-Three Dimensional Teaching AimsThe teacherThe listening material in this unit is a humourous story.It can bring the students quite a lot of pleasure.Above all,they can learn the common sense that are unfamilTeaching ProceduresStep 1 Checking homeworkT:Hello,everyone!Have you finished your homework?Let’s check your homework to see how well you have mastered what we learned in the last period.First check the answers to Exercise 1 on Page 56 with your partner,and then I will give you the suggested answers for you to see if you4.failure;successT:As Exercise 2,I’d like to ask six of you to come to the front and write down your answers on theAfter the students do that,the teacher will correct the errors that may arise in the answers with the whole3.It was very fortunate that he was picked out for the final6.There is a direct train from Germany to France,which can help you save a lT:Let’s move on to the Using structure part.Exercise 1 is not an easy job for most of you,because you need other knowledge and a good observation,besides what you learned in the last period,soS:MT:T:S:I think the correct sentence should be I am looking forward to visiting Charlie Chaplin Museumin Switzerland next week.T:Ss:T:What about the third sentence?Anybody can correct it?Ss:T:The correct sentence should be That cartoon picture shows Charlie Chaplin watching himself watching in a movieS:The correct sentence should be Charlie’s nonverbal humour often makes people burst with laughterT:S:I will correct the sentence like this We are al l fond of Charlie’s early films,which we think are more interestingT:S:I’m not sure whether this sentence should be I missed seeing the beginning of the film City Lights the other dayT:You are right.The last two sentences are quite easy.Who would like to tell us the correctS:Let me try.The correct sentences should be I wouldn’t mind seeing the Gold Rush again with youtonight,and Charlie’s job was entertaining people,wasn’t he?T:Good job.Now,let’s turn to Exercis e 2 on Page 57.Who would like to do the first and the secondS:I’d like to.The student using a computer finds it very enjoyable to surf the Internet as she is so interested in getting news and knowledge that is going on in the world.The girl playing the pianoS:Let me do the next two sentences.The girl wearing earphones tell us that it is pleasant for her to listen to music as it not only relaxes her but also makes her feel good.The girl taking pictures saysS:I’ll finish the last two sentences.The student holding a badminton racket holds the view that playing badminton is not only a good hobby but also good for health.The girl student reading aT:Very good.I believe the answer to each sentence is not only one or two.There must be other answers too.In fact this exercise not only helps us practice the usage of the -ing form as the attribute,it also shows us some other usage of the -ing form.For example in the fifth sentence “playing badminton”is used as the subject.In the fourth sentence “taking picture” is used as the object.As time is limited,we have to stop here,and move on to the listening.T:Let’s listen to a funny story.In the story Mary made some plum jam and left some in the pan.Five days later,her husband came home and poured the jam into the chicken ter Mary came home and found all her chickens were behaving strangely.What do you suppose has happened to the chickens?S:T:Good guessing!We have two chances to listen to the story,and then you will know if your guessing is right or not.First,pl ease go through Exercises I & 2 to know what are the things we’ll do when we are listening.After that I’ll play the tape for you to finish Exercise l.The secondSs:T:T:Congratulations,Peter!Your guessing is right.Let’s check the answers to Exercise 1.The correctSs:T:You’ve got them right.Let’s listen to the story again.After that weT:S:I think the story is very funny;because we often find people drunk,never found chicken will beS:It sounds interesting that jam can turn into wine within fiveS:I find that the last sentence is really funny.The writer even asked whether anyone knew what toT:Good answers.I think all of you have sense of humour.Now let’s go to Question 2:What do youS:He was careless.He even didn’t think anything,when he poured the jam into the chicken’sS:I think his behavior showed that he treasured food,and also he liked his chickens.And becauseT:Your answers are very interesting.T:Now let turn to Page 55,and have another listening.This is another very interesting story about a thief and a man.First I’d like to ask you what you would do if you find a thief in your homes oneS:I’ll try toS:T:After listening,you will know that.But first let’s read the questions to make sure that you know what should do in this listening.Next,I’ll play the tape for the first time to help you finish Exercise 1.Then play the tape again and help you finish the questions in Exercise 2.After that,we’ll checkSs:T:T:Now you know what the man did when he found a thief in his home!Who would like to tell usSs:The words we heard are “thief;potT:Are your answers the same with his?Let’s listen to the story once again.After that we will finishT:Now you will be given a few minutes to write down your answers,and check them with yourT:S:T:S:He thought the thief might have a knife and he did not wantT:S:T:S:T:5.S:T:Ss:I think he gave the shirt back to the thief as he thought,perhaps,he was also very poor.If not he wT:You have really have done a good job in listening!How time flies!It is almost time for a break.We have to leave out the listening task.T:It’s really a pity to leave out the listening task.But you can do it yourselves after class.As forThe Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 3 A taste of English humourPeriod 4Listening1)Do you find t2)1)2)3)4)Ho5)6)Record after TeachingThe students may collect some jokes in English on the Internet after class and try to retell them to their classmates.This activity aims at entertaining the students as well as training theirReference for Teaching强化英语听力8步骤正确的方法是成功的一半,在训练听力的过程中找到合适的方法也十分重要。

Unit 3 A Taste of English Humor单元教学目标Talk about different types of humor;a taste of English humorLearn how to express one’s emotionsLearn the –ing form as the Predicative, Attributive and Object Complement Learn to write humorous stories目标语言话题Different types of humor; a taste of English humor词汇1.四会词汇:slide, skin, cruel, content, astonish, particular, entertain, entertaining, throughout, homeless, worn-out, failure, overcome, difficulty, boil, fortunate, snowstorm, chew, bottom, mouthful, direct, star, outstanding, Switzerland, fortune, swing, pancake, mountainous, whisper, vast, sense2.词组:be content with, badly off, pick out, cut off, star in, knock into功能情感( Emotion )I enjoy this very much because… It surprises me that…I laugh at that kind of thing because… I felt happy because…This is fun because… I’m pleased we were both amused at…How wonderful / surprising It’s amusing that…语法动词的-ing 形式作表语,定语和宾语补足语的用法Their job is “panning for gold”.That was the problem facing Charlie Chaplin.Do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin?课时分配1st Period Reading2nd Period Speaking3rd Period Grammar4th Period Listening5th Period Writing6th Period Summary分课时教案Period OneTeaching aims: Enable students to talk about some types of English humor and Chinese humor. Key points: Help students learn how to understand and enjoy English humors.Difficult points: Help students know the differences between English and Chinese in humor. Teaching aids: picturesTeaching procedure:Step 1: Lead-inShow some pictures to students, let them talk about the pictures and then ask them what they think of the pictures, whether they are funny or not.Questions: 1) Do you know who these comedians are? What makes them funny?2) Do you know other comedians who are funny in the same way?3) Have you seen any of these comedians or programmers? What do you think ofthem?Step 2: Warming upTask 1. Brain-stormingAsk students to name some types of humors they know. Write those they are not familiar with on the blackboard, then show some pictures and summarize.Types of humor Example of English humor Chinese humorNonverbal Charlie Chaplin Pantomimes(哑剧)刘全和,刘全利Mime and farce Mr. Bean Funny plays 陈佩斯,赵本山Verbal jokes Play on words, usually Cross talk 马季,姜昆Funny stories Two lines JokesFunny poems Edward Lear Doggerel(打油诗)Task 2. TalkingAsk students to talk about some funny stories, any English or Chinese humors they know. Task 3. Reading on P22The purpose of the reading is to introduce the kind of verbal jokes. They use a “play on words” to be funny. Let students read the three jokes and then match the joke with the explanation. Then check the answer. After that, teacher can show some other jokes on the screen.Joke 1:Patient: Doctor, I’ve lost my memory.Doctor: When did this happen?Patient: When did what happen?Joke 2:Garcia: Thank you doctor. My fever is gone.Doctor: Don’t thank me. Thank Go d.Garcia: Then I will pay the fees to God.Step 3 HomeworkAsk each student to give a joke and present it in class next period.Period Two ReadingTeaching aims: Enable students to learn what humor means and what is nonverbal humor.Key points: Help students divide the text into several parts according to the meaning.Difficult points: Divide the paragraphs and give the main ideas.Teaching aids: A recorder and a projectorTeaching procedure:Step 1. RevisionCheck homework: ask students to present their jokes in class.Step 2. Pre-readingQuestions: (1) What do you like to laugh at?(2 ) What does humor mean? Is humor always kind?Give students some time to discuss. The purpose is to help students know that different people have different taste about humor. It is difficult to say which one is better or which one is worse. Step 3. ReadingThe purpose of this reading is to introduce nonverbal humor. This reading material takes Charlie Chaplin for example. It tells us wh at nonverbal humor means; what is Charlie Chaplin’s style of acting; how he made a sad situation entertaining and so on.Task 1. Divide the text into several parts according to the meaning.Part One: the first and the second paragraphPart Two: the third and the fourth paragraphPart Three: the last paragraphTask 2. Give the main idea of each partThe main idea of part one: It tells us that there are two kinds of humor. One is bad, while theother can inspire people.The main idea of part two: It tells us something about Charlie Chaplin’s acting style andhow Charlie Chaplin made a sad situation entertaining.The main idea of part three: it gives us a short biography about Charlie Chaplin.Task 3. DiscussionLet students have a discussion about the text, then answer some questions.Questions: (1) What is behind fun?(2 ) Why did people like Little Tramp?(3 ) Do you think Charlie Chaplin’s eating boiled shoes funny? Why?Step 4 Language points1.content (adj.): satisfied, happy, not wanting any morephrases: content with sth; content to do sthe.g. (1) She is quite content to stay at home looking after her children.(2 ) Are you content with your present salary?Content (n.): that which is contained in sthe.g. I like the style of her writing but I don’t like the content.2.inspire sb. ( with sth.) \ inspire sth. (in sb.): To fill sb. with thoughts, feelings or aims.e.g. His speech inspired us with hope.3.badly off: in a poor position, esp. financiallyThe opposite is “ well off”e.g. (1) They are too badly off to have a holiday.(2 ) In fact most people are better off than they were five years ago.Step 5 PracticeFinish the exercises on page 18, 19, it is a good time to consolidate the whole content of the text and the useful words and expressions from the text. It is easy for most students to finish. So leave students several minutes to finish and check the answers by showing them on the screen. Step 6 HomeworkPreview grammar by finishing Exercises 3, 4 on page 20, all the exercises on page 21. Period Three GrammarTeaching aims: Enable students to learn how to use the –ing form as the attribute, the object complement and the predicative.Key points: Let students know the structures of the sentences with the –ing formDifficult points: Help students to tell the –ing form as the predicative and the use of the present continuous tense.Teaching aids: A computerTeaching procedure:Step 1. RevisionCheck homework: the exercises on page 20 and 21.Step 2. Word formationSuffix Example-able valuable lovable comfortable-ing amusing misleading neighboring-ful hopeful cheerful useful-less endless homeless harmless-ed excited interested moved-ish Irish childish selfish-ive active attractive expensive-ate fortunate affectionate passionate-ant important pleasant ignorant-ly friendly orderly costlyThere are ten suffixes in the chart. And there are some new words in it. But the purpose of showing this chart is to let students learn more about the adjective suffix.Step 3. Discovering useful structuresTask 1. RevisionHave a revision about the –ing form used as the subject and object. Give students some sentences to translate:(1)Talking to him is useless.(2)Smoking does harm to your health.(3)Walking is my sole exercise.(4)Collecting stamps is my hobby.(5)I suggested bringing the meeting to an end.(6)He admitted taking the money.(7)I couldn’t help laughing.(8)Your coat needs washing.Task 2. New usage of the –ing formAsk students to look at the Exercises 4 on page 20. And then wake in pairs to finish the exercises.Teacher checks the answers and give the explanations.(1) A cooking pot: A pot that is used for cooking.(2) A drinking horse: A horse that is drinking water.(3)The man sitting on the sofa is a friend of my brother’s.Here the –ing form are used as attribute.(4)I saw the man sliding on a banner skin yesterday.(5)Did you notice the man picking up that broken bottle and putting it in his bag?Hear the –ing form are used as object complement The structure of the sentence with an object complement is:Subject + Predicate + Object + Object complement(6)Her job is looking after babies.(7)What he likes is playing chess after supper.Here the –ing form are used as predictive. Pay attention to the differences between –ing form used as predicative and present continuous tense.(1)Her hobby is painting.(2)Her favorite sport is skiing.(3)This was very disappointing.(4)The test results are very discouraging.(5)She was very pleasing in her appearance.(6)His concern for his mother is very touching.(7)The photograph is missing.(8)The article was misleading, and the newspaper has apologized.In the first two sentences, the –ing form is used to show the character of the subject. In the next four sentences the words of the –ing form are all about the feelings. In the last two sentences, the words of the –ing form show some states and qualities.(9)It is snowing hard.(10)She is teaching in a night school.In these two sentences, the –ing form are used as the predicate in the present continuous tense.Step 4. Using StructuresTurn to page 56. Look at the Using Structure. There are two exercises in this part. Exercise 1 is to let students correct some errors in the sentences. This is not an easy job for most students, because it needs other knowledge, besides what the students learned today. So better leave them more time to do this exercise. For exercise 2, let students finish it in a short time. With the help of the pictures, students can easily understand the meaning and correctly use the –ing form to finish the blanks. Teacher can check the answers in class.Step 4. HomeworkFinish all exercises on page 56.Period Four ListeningTeaching aims: Enable students to understand the humor in the listening material.Key points: Train the students to get the key wards by reading the questions before listening.Difficult points: Get the main idea from the listening materials while listening.Teaching aids: A recorderTeaching procedure:Step 1. RevisionCheck homework: (1) Ask a couple of students to tell their jokes in class.(2 ) Ask some students to come to the blackboard to write their translation.After they have finished, teacher correct some errors with the wholeclass.Step 2. Listening ( page 23 )This is a funny story. Mary made some plum jam and left some in the pan. Five days later, her husband came home and poured the jam into the chicken. Later Mary came home and found all of her chickens were behaving strangely. What had happened? Give students two chances to listen to the story. First, go through Exercise1 and 2 to know what are the things they will do while listening. After that teacher plays the tape for them to finish Exercise 1. The second listening is to check the answers. For Exercise 2, teacher should leave some time for students to discuss the question.Questions: (1) Did you find this story funny? Give the reason.(2 ) What do you think of John’s behavior?Step 2. Listening ( page 55 )This is a story about a thief and a man. The situation is very interesting. Before listening, ask students what they would do if they find a thief in their home one day; whether they will be afraid of the thief and so on.There are three steps for this listening. At first let students read the questions to make sure that they know what they should do in this listening. Next, play the tape for the first time to let students finish Exercise 1. Then play the tape again and let the students finish the questions in Exercise 2. After that, let the students check their answers with each other. At last, listen to the tape again, teacher can make a pause where there is an question to the question, in this way students can check all the answers.Step 3. Listening ( page 58 )There are four exercises in this listening. The first one requests students to get the general idea of the material. The second one is to ask the students to know some details of the material. The third one is a question that asks the students to speculate the teacher’s feeling. And the last one is a good exercise, it gives the students another chance to practice their oral English.Step 4. HomeworkCollect as many funny stories as possible, do some preparations for the writing in the next period.Period Five WritingTeaching aims: Help the students learn how to write funny stories using the target language and according to the writing steps.Key points: Teach students to write according to the writing of the writing steps.Difficult points: Help students make up a dialogue, using the target language.Teaching aid: A projectorTeaching procedure:Step 1. RevisionCheck homework: Ask several students to read their funny stories in class.Step 2. Writing ( page 23 )Give students some instructions on writing a funny story.1)Writing down your story in a logical order.2)For each of your story try to find the most interesting words you can to describehow you felt or what was happing.3)Then write out your story using these interesting words.4)Read through your story.5)Then show it to your partner. Let him/ her suggest some new and exciting words.6)Write out the story and put it into a class collection of stories.Give students enough time to finish the task and give them enough help in the writing. Tell them to give the outline first, then finish the story.Step 3. TalkingTask 1. Show students some pictures. Ask them to describe the pictures and explain what is happening, whether it is funny or not.Task 2. Ima gine you want to play a trick on someone, maybe an April Fool’s trick. Work with partners, think up a funny thing and share it with the class.Step 4. Speaking and writing taskThis is a chance for students to learn limericks. It has only five lines. Three of them are longer than the other two. The longer lines all rhyme with each other and the shorter ones rhyme with each other. When introducing the poems, teacher read them first, and let the students enjoy the beauty of the rhyme. And at the same time point out that there must be two sets of rhyming words in the same poem, so the students can grasp the main feature of the poem.After reading, ask students to tell the rhyme of the first and the second poem. Let students read the poems several times and feel it. Find more limericks for students to enjoy.Give students some instructions on how to write a poem, let them think of rhyming words before writing. They need two sets of rhyming words.Step 5. Homework1) Finish Exercise 5 on Page 20.2) Make a summary about what has been learnt in this unit.Period Six SummaryTeaching aims: 1) Learn to express the sentences that are connected with the positive and negative view of the same thing. 2) Make a summary about what has been learntin this unit.Key points: Sum up what we have learnt in this unit.Difficult points: Sum up what we have learnt in this unit.Teaching aids: A projectorTeaching procedure:Step 1. RevisionCheck homework: Ask students to present their dialogue in class.Step 2. ReadingThis reading task gives us another joke. The title is “An April fool’s joke: The Noodle Harvest”. Ask students to read the sentence : “A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.” After reading, explain the meaning of the sentence. (The meaning is that the thing is the same, but the way to treat it is different between a fool and a wise man.)Give students some time to read the passage, then answer some questions and retell the whole story.Questions: 1) What do children usually do on A pril Fool’s Day?2) Why did people believe the programme Panorama?3) Do you think the advice that the BBC gave people who asked how to grow noodletrees was serious? Give a reason..4) What would you do to find out whether a story like this was true?Step 3. ProjectAsk students to make their own collection of jokes, funny poems or short stories. They can be the ones that they enjoy in the books that they have read. Make sure they add either a joke, a funny poem or a funny short story of their own. Copy them into a book and display it in the class so that all your classmates can enjoy them.Step 4. Summing upThis is a summary about what they have learned in the unit. Leave students some time to finish the frame. Then teacher give students a dictation about the useful words and expressions.功能句式:1.I enjoy this very much because….2.I laugh at that kind of thing because…3.This is fun because….4.How wonderful / surprising!5.It surprises me that…6.I’m pleased we were both amused at…7.I felt happy because…8.It’s amusing that…语法:1.Word formation2.The –ing form of the verb used as predicative, attribute and object complement.重点句子:1.Do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin, bumping into someoneelse round a Conner, or filling down a hole in the end.2.Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life…3.He became famous for using a particular form of acting, including mime and farce.4.But he was lived by all who watched the film for his determination in overcomingdifficulties and being kind even when people were unkind to him.5.Imagine you are hungry and all there is to eat is boiled shoe.6.He solved it by using nonverbal humor.7.Their job is “panning for gold”.8.This was the problem facing Charlie Chaplin in one of his most famous films. Translate the following sentences into Chinese and pay attention to the use of the –ing form.1.The two comedians performing on the stage are from Liaoning Province.2.Who is the girl walking by the river.3.The children playing the violin will give a performance next week.4.The man with sunglass standing near the car is a cross talk artist.5.The old lady talking to the children is a famous musician.6.I saw a group of policemen coming out of a green jeep and running to the building.7.I saw a dog carrying a piece of meat entering your garden.8.I heard her singing a beautiful song at the party last night.9.I got frightened when I saw a man playing with a snake in the park.10.There were some boys shouting and crying under my window, so I could not fall asleep. Step 5. Check yourself1.Do you find it difficult to understand English humor? Why?2.What role do you thing humor plays in your life?3.What language points have you learned in this unit?4.How well have you done in the exercises on the –ing form?5.Did you have any problems in understanding this unit? How did you solve them?Step 6. HomeworkDo some preparations for unit 4.。
新人教版高中英语必修4 Unit_3_A_taste_of_English_humour[阅读] (1)
![新人教版高中英语必修4 Unit_3_A_taste_of_English_humour[阅读] (1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6b283e3b69dc5022abea0058.png)
• 7.Chaplin performed how to eat a boiled shoe by vividly action and explaining. F
Task4:Guess the meaning according to the text.
This character was a social failure but he was loved by all who watched the film for his determination in overcoming difficulties…
a small black hat a moustache
a stick
Picture of charlie
very wide trousers
He wore a small black hat, very wide trousers, a moustache and carried a stick that he swung in the air as he walked.
Can you say something about Charlie Chaplin?
First appearance on the stage:_a_t_t_h_e_a_g_e__o_f _5_ First film part in the USA: _1_9_1_2___________ Acted in:___1_3_____ films Wrote & directed: ___6_9______ films Most famous films:_C_i_t_y_L_i_g_h_t_s_a_n_d__M__o_d_e_r_n_T_i_m_es

新人教版高一英语必修四Unit 3 A Taste ofEnglish Humor教案Unit 3 A Taste of English Humor单元教学目标Talk about different types of humor;a taste of English humorLearn how to express one’s emotionsLearn the –ing form as the Predicative, Attributive and Object ComplementLearn to write humorous stories目标语言话题Different types of humor; a taste of English humor词汇1. 四会词汇:slide, skin, cruel, content, astonish, particular,entertain, entertaining, throughout,homeless, worn—out, failure, overcome, difficulty, boil,fortunate, snowstorm, chew, bottom, mouthful, direct, star, outstanding, Switzerland, fortune, swing,pancake, mountainous, whisper, vast, sense2. 词组:be content with, badly off, pick out, cut off, star in, knock into功能情感( Emotion )I enjoy thi s very much because… It surprises me that…I laugh at that kind of thing because… I felt happy because…This is fun because… I’m pleased we were both amused at…How wonderful / surprising! It’s amusing that…语法动词的-ing 形式作表语,定语和宾语补足语的用法T heir job is “panning for gold”。
人教版英语必修四Unit 3 A Taste of English Humour

direct sb. to do/ that sb. (should) do 指导/指示某人做某事 in all directions/ in every direction 四面八方
direct adv. & directly adv.& conj. direction n.
直接,径直& 直接地,立即;一…就 方向,指导,用法说明,操作指南
2. astonishing adj. 令人惊讶的
【感悟用法】 (1) He was astonished____t_o_h__ea_r______ (hear) he had got the job. (2) To our great _a_st_o_n_i_s_h_m_e_n_t_ the boss wasn’t a_s_t_o_n_is_h_e_d__ at the a_s_t_o_n_is_h_i_n_g_
feel/be content _____w_i_th___ sb./ sth. be well content ____t_o_d_o___ content oneself ____w__it_h___ sb./sth. content n.
对…满足/满意 (非常)满足于做;愿意做 满足于
6. Simple _d_i_r_e_c_ti_o_n_s_ (direct) for the model are printed on the box. 7. She is so particular ___a_b_o_u_t___ her housework that servants won’t work for
人教版高一必修4 Unit 3 A taste of English humour

Carห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ful Reading
The little tramp was a social _______ but was loved for his _________ and _______________ to ______________ faalilludrifeficulties.
optimism determination overcome
M4U3 A Taste of English Humor
Careful Reading
Para.4 A. Chaplin tried cutting and eating the
bottom of the shoe. B. Chaplin and his friend rushed to California
M4U3 A Taste of English Humor
Careful Reading
※ He was born in a ______family in 1889 and was taught to sing and ______ as a little child. ※wHorisefaotfhf er’s death made the family even __________ so he spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother. ※ By his teens, his subtle acting made everything ____________,making him one of the most popular child actors in England.
Charlie Chaplin was a master of nonverbal humour . So is Mr Bean. ________________
funny stories Mark Twain Humorist Life on the Mississippi Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Charlie Chaplin was.
Work in pairs. Imagine that you are Charlie Chaplin, and your partner is a journalist from 21st Century. Make an interview according to the reading passage.
Driver: Why can’t I ?
Policeman: Read the sigh there.
Driver: It says, “Fine for Parking,” so
I parked. 罚款
Tongue twister
Betty bought some butter, but the butter was bitter, so she bought some better butter to make the bitter butter better.
We should be optimistic(乐观) no matter what difficulties you meet with, just as Charlie Chaplin was. Set up an aim Do our best Pay more time than others Never give up/ lose heart Insist on what we pursue
[高中英语]人教新课标英语必修四Unit 3 A taste of English humor教案
![[高中英语]人教新课标英语必修四Unit 3 A taste of English humor教案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1f77d25f0508763230121254.png)
Unit 3 A taste of English humorWarming Up, Pre-reading and ReadingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇mime, farce, verbal, nonverbal, slide, skin, cruel, particular, entertaining, throughout, homeless, worn-out, failure, overcome, difficulty, fortunate, snowstorm, chewb.重点词组content with, badly off, pick out, cut off, star in,c. 重点句型Do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin, bumping into someone else round a corner, or falling down a hole in the road? P17Perh aps it makes us feel more content with our life… P17He became famous for using a particular form of acting, including mime and farce. P17But he was lived by all who watched the films for his determination in overcoming difficulties and being kind even when people were unkind to him. P 18Imagine you are hungry and all there is to eat is a boiled shoe. P18That was the problem facing Charlie Chaplin in one of his most famous films. P182. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to talk about some types of English humor and Chinese humor, then learn what humor means and what is nonverbal humor3. learning ability goals 学能目标a. Help the students to learn how to talk about some types of English and Chinese humor, and then find their differences.b. Let the students listen and read the jokes, so that they can realize that humor is to let people to be optimistic about everything around.Teaching important points 教学重点Help the students learn how to understand and enjoy English humor. While as to the reading, learn how to divide the text into several parts according to the meaning of the passageTeaching difficulty points 教学难点a. Help the students know the differences between the English and Chinese humorsb. Decide the divide of the paragraphs of the textTeaching methods 教学方法Using pictures, discussion, reading, scanning and careful readingTeaching aids 教具准备A recorder and a projectorTeaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step I RevisionAsk the students to read the words and expressions that appear in warming up, pre-reading and readingT: Class begin..Ss: Good morning, miss.T: Good morning, everyone. Before our class, please turn to P97 and read the new words together. Read twice for each one, ok?Ss: Ok. (The students read the new words together )Step II Warming upT: Good. Try your best to recite the words as soon as possible. Today, we are going to the new text. At first, I would like to show you a picture. Please look at the picture carefully. (Start the new unit by showing the students a picture)T: Look! What do you think of the picture?Ss: It’s very interesting. A wolf or maybe it is a dog is jumping across the back of a sheep.T: Yes. Actually, it is a wolf. As we know, wolf is the natural enemy of sheep. Will a wolf jump across a sheep without eating it? No. After seei ng the picture, it is so funny that we can’t help laughing about their acting. It makes us laugh and feel nice. So today, we are going to learn something about humor. The title is A taste of English humor. Do you know some English humor? Ss: (Some students may know some English humor and they will put up their hands.)T: Ok, I’ll ask someone to tell some English humors to us.(Ask some students to tell.)T: That’s really funny. T hank you! In fact, we name the English humor you told just now verbal joke. Then, look at some pictures again. Guess who they are.Ss: The first one is Charlie Chaplin.T: Yes, I dare say that everybody know him. How about the second picture?Ss: He is Mr. Bean, one of the most famous and successful British actor.T: Good. You are right. He is now recognized as the most popular British comedy expert. How about the last one? We have just learnt one of his play—A million pound bank-note. Now, do you know who he is?Ss: Mark Twain.T: Yes. He is an American writer and his writing is famous for humor, right?Ss: Yes.T: Now, let’s look at the chart on P17. What does it tell us from the table?We can see that Charlie Chaplin is good at nonverbal humor; Mr. bean is famous for his mime and farce; while Mark Twain was good at tell some funny tales. Then how about Edward Lear? Do you know him?Ss: No, we don’t know.T: Ok, he is a famous British poet. His poems are funny and they were all from daily life. Until now people also read them and enjoy them. If you want to know more about him, you can go and read about him in:/zm/20030313/cs/zt/200303130846.aspor you can read the book 《爱德华·李尔:一个漫游者的一生》which was written by Vivian Noakes.However, we will meet the problem that it seems some English humors sound no funny at all to us because the sense of humor of English and Chinese is different. So, do you know some persons inChinese w ho are good at humor? I’ll show you some pictures again. See, who are they and wh at are they goodat? Nonverbal, mime and farce, funny tales or funny poems?Ss: The first picture is Chen Peisi. The second one is Zhao Benshan, bu t I don’t know the third and the fourth one.T: Do you know what are Chen Peisi and Zhao Benshan good at?Ss: Chen Peisi is famous for his mime and farce. Zhao Benshan is famous for his Xiaopin.T: Good. I think Zhao Benshan is famous for his mime, too. The third one is Hou Baolin, who is afamous cross talk actor. But what a pity, he has died. The last one is Liu Quanhe & Liu Quanli, both of them are good at Ya ju (哑剧). So, can you finish the column of the chart now?The suggested answers:Step III Pre-readingT: According to the column, what do you like to laugh at?Ss: (Ask the students to talk about their opinion)T: Ok, as you all have your own choice and you do love making jokes, right? However, do you know what humor means exactly? Does it mean all the things that make people laugh?Ss: We think so.T: Have you ever thought that there may be some jokes which will hurt the other person? For example: “You, stupid pig! If you keep on making mistakes, I will pick your head and beat it like a basketball.” Do you think I am right to say these words?Ss: No, it is rude.T: That means humor is not always kind. Pay attention to your words when you want to make jokes. Then, what we are going to learn is a kind of humor that makes people laugh without using any words. How can we? Please look at the P17------ reading: Nonverbal humorStep IV ReadingT: This reading material takes Charlie Chaplin for example. It tells us what nonverbal humor means; what’s Charlie Chaplin’s style of acting; how he made a sad situation entertaining and so on.At first, as I have told you to preview the text, tell me how many passages the material can bedivided and the main idea of each paragraph.Ss: We think the text is made up of four parts. The first part is the first paragraph. The second part is the second paragraph. The third and the fourth part is the third paragraph. And the last paragraph is the fourth part. The first part tells us that not all humor is kind. The second part tells us that some actors can astonish us with the deep feeling they can inspire with us for a character they are playing. The third one tells us something about Ch arlie Chaplin’s acting style. The last one is a short biography about Charlie Chaplin.T: Ok, it sounds reasonable. Are there any different opinions?Ss: We think there are three parts in this text. The first paragraph is the first part. From the second to the fourth paragraph is the second part. And the last one is the last part.T: Can you tell us your main ideas of the text?Ss: The first and the last ones are the same with my classmate before, but I think the second part of the text is about Charlie Cha plin’s humor.T: Good. Both of you sound reasonable. A reading material can have many different understanding! Here is my idea, you can think over whether it is reasonable or not. The text can also be divided into three parts. The first and the second paragraph are the first part. It tells us that there are two kinds of humor. One is bad and the other can inspire people. The second part is the third and the fourth paragraphs. It tells us how Charlie Chaplin made a sad situation entertaining. And the last part is the same with yours. Ok, think over my idea after class.Then, let us have a discussion about the text. Please look at the screen. These are three questions. Read the text again and find the answer to the questions.1.What is behind fun?______________________________________________________________2.Why did people like The Little Tramp?________________________________________________________________3.Do you think Charlie Chaplin’s eating boiled shoes funny? Why?_________________________________________________________________Three minutes later:T: Who would like to answer the first question?Ss: From the first paragraph, we can see that not all humor is kind. Although we also laugh whenwe see someone slide on a ba nana, it’s really dangerous to those one, especially to those old people. So when we think about it we will find it is not funny.T: Yes. That means when we are trying to play a joke, we have to think whether it will bring hurt to the others, right? Fun is to bring happiness but not sadness. How about the second question? Ss: Because it gives people courage to overcome difficulties. / I think that people liked him best is because he was always being kind even when people were unkind to him.T: Good. Any other opinions?Ss: I think that people like him is because he will never tease him.T: Ok, and how about the last question?Ss: I think it is funny, but not very much, because I’m not hungry. / I don’t think it is funny because it reminds me of the people who are in true hunger.T: Maybe. Anyway, I think the happiest feeling needn’t other people to find and to wake. Everyone can do this. We all have our own life, no matter we are poor or rich, and we should live happily.Well, so much on today. Do you have any questions about what we have learned? (Wait for the students’ response.) If there is no questions, then remember yourStepV Homework:Read the text again and find the language points1.Finish the Comprehending and Learning about Language on P19(If there are few minutes left, ask the students to read the text by themselves.)Unit 3 A taste of English humorVocabulary and Useful Expressions一、日常口语突破情感(1)— What do you think of the lecture? 你认为那讲座如何呀?— How wonderful. 好极了.(2)— The party is so fun. 晚会是那么有趣.—I’m pleased you are amused at it. 很高兴你被它逗乐了.二、核心单词例析1. astonish vt使惊讶(= surprise sb. greatly)The earthquake astonished the whole country. 这次地震震惊了全国.辨析:astonishing adj.令人震惊的;astonished adj.感到惊呀的2. particular 非一般的,特别的,特殊的He left for no particular reason. 他无缘无故就走了.To Jane, her diary is a particular friend. 对简来说,日记是她的特殊朋友.搭配:in particular =especially特别是3. entertain vt. & vi. 使欢乐, 招待, 款待We were all entertained by his humorous stories. 他的幽默故事使我们大家都很开心.They often entertained their friends at weekends. 他们常在周末招待朋友.I don’t entertain very often. 我不常在家请客.派生:entertaining adj.使人愉快的,有趣:his entertaining silent movies 他那逗乐的无声电影,an entertaining story/guess一个有趣的故事/客人.4. throughout prep. 遍及, 贯穿adv. 到处, 始终, 全部It rained throughout the night. 雨下了一整夜.I watched the film and cried throughout. 我看那个电影时从头哭到尾.5. failure n.失败(不可数);失败的经历,失败的人或事(可数)Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母.I became successful after many failures. 在多次失败后,我终于成功了.She was a failure as a manager. 她是一个不称职的经理.6. overcome v. 克服,战胜(defeat);找到解决……的办法)He has overcome the bad habit of smoking. 他改掉了吸烟的坏习惯.After hours of hard working, they overcame the difficulty. 经过几个小时的努力,他们终于把这难题解决了.搭配:be overcome with /by因……不能自持He was overcome by the heat. 他热得受不了.7. fortunate adj.幸运的,交好运的(=lucky)He is a fortunate man (=a lucky dog). 他是个幸运的人.I was fortunate to have a good teacher. 我很幸运,有位好老师.派生:fortunately adv.幸好(=luckily常置于句首);unfortunate adj. 不幸的(=unlucky) ;unfortunately adv.不幸的是(=unluckily);fortune n. 运气,财富,巨款8. mouthful n. 一口, 满口I’m so full I couldn’t eat another mouthful. 我吃得太饱了,一口也不能多吃了.He took a mouthful of fresh air. 他吸一口新鲜空气.注:不要因以ful结尾而误以为是形容词,这类名词还有handful(一把)等.9. direct vt. & vi.导演,指示, 指挥adj.直接的adv. 直接地Chaplin directed the film. 卓别林导演这部电影.He took a direct flight to New York. 他直飞纽约.We flew direct from London to New York. 我们直接从伦敦飞到纽约.10. outstanding adj. 突出的, 杰出的,显著的She is an outstanding actress. 她是一个杰出的演员.He has many outstanding gifts. 他多才多艺.12. sense n.官能,感觉,理性vt. 感觉到,理解She has no sense of time. 她没有时间观念.He has a good sense of smell. 他的嗅觉很灵敏.Your brother has a good sense of humor. 你兄弟很有幽默感.The dog sensed that I was afraid. 这只狗感觉到我害怕了.三、关键短语精讲1.be content(=satisfied) with…/to do…对……感到满意/满足的He was content with his work. 他对自己的工作很满意.The old man seems content to live here. 这个老人似乎很乐意住在这里.注:content是表语形容词,若需作定语,可用contented,如a contented person /smile心满意足的人/微笑.2. badly off 穷的,缺少的,处境差比较级:worse off境况更差,更穷困反义词:well off富裕,处境好(比较级:better off)I am quite badly off recently. 最近我经济上很拮据.His health is worse off than before. 他的身体比以前更糟糕.He is quite well off, I hear. 我听说他相当富裕.He is much better off than I am. 他的日子比我宽裕得多.注:well-to-do life或a better-off life小康生活;well-off family小康之家3. pick out挑选出,认出,弄懂Please pick out the books that you’d like to read. 请把你想看的书选出来.Can you pick out your sister in this crowd? 你能在这人群中认出你姐姐来吗?The box was so dirty that we couldn’t pick out the directions on the label. 盒子太脏,我们看不清标签上的说明.真题:This picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can ________my father. (湖北)A. find outB. pick outC. look outD. speak out解析:表示从人群中“辨认出”,用pick out,故选B.4. cut off切断,割下;隔开,断绝;停止供应Mind you don’t cut your fingers off. 小心别切断手指头.She feels very cut off living in the country. 她感到生活在乡间很闭塞.Our water supply has been cut off. 我们断水了.真题:He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he was ______from the outside world. (安徽)A. cut outB. cut offC. cut upD. cut through解析:表示与外界“隔绝”,用cut off (from…),故选B.5. star in 主演,在……中担任主角She has starred in some thirty films. 她主演过大约三十部影片.6. knock into撞上,撞见The boy knocked into her. 那个男孩撞到了她身上.I knocked into an old friend of mine in the park. 我昨天在公园里碰见一位老朋友.7. bump into 碰上,偶遇,邂逅(= meet sb. /sth. by chance)I bumped into an old friend of mine in the street yesterday.我昨天在街上遇到一个老朋友.The bus bumped into the car in front.巴士撞上了前面那辆汽车.8. in search of 寻找,寻求They came here in search of new markets for their products. 他们来此为他们的产品寻找新市场.They started off at once in search of (=in their search for) the missing girl. 他们立刻动身寻找那个失踪的女孩.注:若名词search前有物主代词或冠词等限定词时,多用介词for.9. be/get caught in a rain / traffic jam遇上雨/交通阻塞We got caught in the storm. 我们碰上暴雨了.Caught in a rain, he was wet all over. 淋到了一场雨,他全身都湿了.I was caught in the traffic jam. That’s why I was late. 我遇上阻车了,这就是我迟到的原因.10. as if = as though 好像似乎as if 引导状语或表语从句时,从句内容若是事实用陈述语气,若不是事实就用虚拟语气(be一般用were).如:She talked to me in such a way as if we were sisters. 她那样对我说话,就好像我们是姐妹一样.He opened his mouth as if (he was) to speak. 他张开嘴好像要说话.四、重要句型详解1. all(指事物)+定语从句指事物的all后只能由that引导定语从句;all后接定语从句时常常有这样两个意思:the only thing或everything.如:…and all there is to eat is a boiled shoe. 身边所有能吃的东西只是一只煮了的鞋子.He took all there was. 他把所有的都拿去了.All I want is peace and quiet. 我所要的只是安宁.2. I will be better off if…要是……我的境况就更好了.I will be better off if I have enough money because I can buy a computer for my lessons. 我要是有钱,我的境况就更好了,因为我可以买台电脑来做功课.五、课文难句剖析1. Do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin, bumping into someone else round a corner, or falling down a hole in the road?剖析:(1)句中find 后的it为形式宾语, 形容词funny是宾补,不定式to see…in the road为真正的宾语;(2)作主语的不定式中有see sb. doing句型,sliding…bumping…falling三个现在分词短语都作someone的补足语;(3)要明白三个词的意思:bump into撞到,碰上;around the corner在拐角处;fall down 掉下,倒下.译文:你看到有人被香蕉皮滑倒,或看到有人在拐角处撞到另外一个人,或看到有人掉进路边一个洞里时,你会觉得滑稽可笑吗?2. However, some actors can astonish us with the deep feelings they can inspire in us for a character they are playing.剖析:(that) they can inspire in us是定语从句,修饰the deep feeling,意为“在我们身上鼓动起来的深深情感”;(that) they are playing也是定语从句,修饰acharacter,意为“因为/用他们所演的角色”.inspire…in sb. 鼓动起/激起/唤起某人的……译文:然而,有些演员能用他们所演的角色在我们身上鼓动起来的深深情感震撼我们.3. He played a poor and homeless person, who wore large trousers,worn-out shoes and a small round black hat and carried a walking stick.剖析:这是个长句,who引导一个较长的非限制性定语从句;a small round black hat中的hat前有“大小+形状+颜色”三个形容词作定语,在英语中多个形容词修饰名词时的顺序是:描绘+大小(长短,高低)+形状+年龄(新旧)+颜色+国籍或产地+物质材料+用途+名词.译文:他扮演的是一位穷苦的无家可归的人,穿着大裤子,破鞋子,头顶着黑色的小圆帽,手里拿着一根手杖.六、语法知识归纳1. 动词-ing形式作表语(1)动名词作表语,说明主语的内容,指一般性、经常性的动作.如:His job is teaching English. 他的工作是教英语.(可以说成Teaching English is his job.)(2)现在分词作表语,相当于形容词,说明主语的性质;可有比较形式,亦可被very等副词所修饰.如:He was very amusing. 他很有趣.Skiing is more exciting than skating. 滑雪比溜冰更刺激.2. 动词-ing形式作定语(1)动名词作定语表示所修饰名词的功能;被修饰的名词与动名词没有逻辑上的主谓关系;可用“名词+for+动名词”来表达;动名词通常只能位于所修饰的名词前.如:a swimming pool (=a pool for swimming) 游泳池a walking stick (=a stick for walking) 手杖(2)现在分词作定语表示性质、特征、状态或动作;被修饰的名词与现在分词在逻辑上有主谓关系;可换成定语从句来表达;单个的现在分词作定语,常置于被修饰的名词的前面;现在分词短语作定语,须置于被修饰名词的后面.如:Nobody can stop the running horse (=the horse that is running). 没有人能阻止那匹奔马.(horse与running在逻辑上有主谓关系)I know the man standing there (=who is standing there.). 我认识站在那儿的那个人.(the man与standing there在逻辑上有主谓关系)3. 动词-ing形式用作宾语补足语.(1)动词-ing形式用作宾语补足语,宾语与补足语有主动关系,表示“动作正在发生(即处于发生的过程中)”.如:She caught them stealing her apples. 她撞见他们偷她的苹果.(them与stealing 有主动关系;在“撞见”时,正在偷)(2)试比较以下句子:I saw the boy climb the wall. 我看见小孩爬墙.(强调爬墙这件事)I saw the boy climbing the wall. 我看见小孩正在爬墙.(强调爬墙的情景)七、背景知识介绍查理-卓别林是著名的喜剧大师,他丰富的肢体语言使他在整个默片时代成为备受瞩目的风云人物,也是默片时代的巨星.他所创造出来的流浪汉夏洛特的形象是家喻户晓,他擅长塑造小人物,通过他们的遭遇来讽刺生活的现实.他的喜剧不但引人发笑,而且引人深思,有深刻的内涵.1889年4月16日,卓别林诞生在英国伦敦的一个贫民区.他的父母都是喜剧演员,经常在伦敦的游艺场里演出.后来父母离异,生活十分贫苦.由于过度劳累,母亲染上了喉炎,卓别林五岁那年,母亲在一次演唱时,由于嗓音过于微弱,被观众哄下了舞台.管事灵机一动,让卓别林代替母亲演出,卓别林故意用沙哑的嗓子学妈妈唱歌,没想到观众却大为欣赏,报以热烈的掌声.此后,卓别林就开始了他用肢体演出的生涯.1977年12月25日,喜剧大师卓别林在瑞士科西耶逝世.Unit 3 A taste of English humorListening, Speaking and WritingListeningTeaching aims: Enable students to understand the humor in the listening material.Key points: Train the students to get the key wards by reading the questions before listening. Difficult points: Get the main idea from the listening materials while listening.Teaching aids: A recorderTeaching procedure:Step 1. RevisionCheck homework: (1) Ask a couple of students to tell their jokes in class.(2 ) Ask some students to come to the blackboard to write their translation.After they have finished, teacher correct some errors with the wholeclass.Step 2. Listening ( page 23 )This is a funny story. Mary made some plum jam and left some in the pan. Five days later, her husband came home and poured the jam into the chicken. Later Mary came home and found all of her chickens were behaving strangely. What had happened? Give students two chances to listen to the story. First, go through Exercise1 and 2 to know what are the things they will do while listening. After that teacher plays the tape for them to finish Exercise 1. The second listening is to check the answers. For Exercise 2, teacher should leave some time for students to discuss the question.Questions: (1) Did you find this story funny? Give the reason.(2 ) What do you think of John’s behavior?Step 2. Listening ( page 55 )This is a story about a thief and a man. The situation is very interesting. Before listening, ask students what they would do if they find a thief in their home one day; whether they will be afraid of the thief and so on.There are three steps for this listening. At first let students read the questions to make sure that they know what they should do in this listening. Next, play the tape for the first time to letstudents finish Exercise 1. Then play the tape again and let the students finish the questions in Exercise 2. After that, let the students check their answers with each other. At last, listen to the tape again, teacher can make a pause where there is an question to the question, in this way students can check all the answers.Step 3. Listening ( page 58 )There are four exercises in this listening. The first one requests students to get the general idea of the material. The second one is to ask the students to know some details of the material. The third one is a question that asks the stud ents to speculate the teacher’s feeling. And the last one is a good exercise, it gives the students another chance to practice their oral English.Step 4. HomeworkCollect as many funny stories as possible, do some preparations for the writing in the next period.WritingTeaching aims: Help the students learn how to write funny stories using the target language and according to the writing steps.Key points: Teach students to write according to the writing of the writing steps.Difficult points: Help students make up a dialogue, using the target language.Teaching aid: A projectorTeaching procedure:Step 1. RevisionCheck homework: Ask several students to read their funny stories in class.Step 2. Writing ( page 23 )Give students some instructions on writing a funny story.1)Writing down your story in a logical order.2)For each of your story try to find the most interesting words you can to describehow you felt or what was happing.3)Then write out your story using these interesting words.4)Read through your story.5)Then show it to your partner. Let him/ her suggest some new and exciting words.6)Write out the story and put it into a class collection of stories.Give students enough time to finish the task and give them enough help in the writing. Tell them to give the outline first, then finish the story.Step 3. TalkingTask 1. Show students some pictures. Ask them to describe the pictures and explain what is happening, whether it is funny or not.Task 2. Imagine you want to play a trick on someone, maybe an April Fool’s trick. Work with partners, think up a funny thing and share it with the class.Step 4. Speaking and writing taskThis is a chance for students to learn limericks. It has only five lines. Three of them are longer than the other two. The longer lines all rhyme with each other and the shorter ones rhyme with each other. When introducing the poems, teacher read them first, and let the students enjoy the beauty of the rhyme. And at the same time point out that there must be two sets of rhyming words in the same poem, so the students can grasp the main feature of the poem.After reading, ask students to tell the rhyme of the first and the second poem. Let students read the poems several times and feel it. Find more limericks for students to enjoy.Give students some instructions on how to write a poem, let them think of rhyming words before writing. They need two sets of rhyming words.Step 5. Homework1) Finish Exercise 5 on Page 20.2) Make a summary about what has been learnt in this unit.Unit 3 A taste of English humorGrammar and Useful StructuresAimsTo help students learn about The –ing form as the Predicative, Attributive & Object)To help students discover and learn to use some useful words and expressions.To help students discover and learn to use some useful structures.ProceduresI. Warming upWarming up by discovering useful words and expressionsDo exercises No. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Check your answers against your classmates’.II. Learning about The –ing form as the AttributiveWhat is attributive? It is something placed before the nouns to be modif ied: “red” is an attributive adjective in “a red apple”. “walking” is also an attributive adjective in “a walking stick”.The –ing form as the AttributiveThe –ing form作定语时表示该动作正在进行.单个The –ing form作定语通常放在被修饰词的前面. The –ing form短语作定语则放在被修饰词之后.如:The rising sun looks very beautiful. 冉冉升起的太阳看上去很美.若被修饰词与The –ing form是被动关系时,须用The –ing form的被动式(being done)作定语.如:The song being broadcast is very popular with the young students. 正在播放的歌曲深受青年学生的欢迎.注意The –ing form作定语与所修饰的名词有逻辑上的主谓关系,或表示作用与用途.如: Let sleeping dogs lie. 别招惹麻烦.(The –ing form相当于定语从句which are sleeping)I think some sleeping pills may help you. 我想安眠药可以助你入睡.(The –ing form表示用途,相当于pills for sleeping)III. Ready used materials for The –ing form as the Predicative, Attributive & ObjectWhich verbs can be followed by the -ing form?One of the most important simple principles that grammarians tend to miss is the one that explains what verbs take the -ing form. The method of almost all books on English grammar is to give a list of such verbs. This implies that it is completely arbitrary whether a verb takes the -ing form or not, that God has closed his eyes and pricked off verbs here and there at random with a pin. Students are thus cut off from insight into a basic pattern of meaning, and confronted with a lifeless series of unconnected words which they have to learn by heart. They are pushed into a purely mechanical process that misses the essential truth that learning languages is learning about meanings and their logical connections to other meanings. It is significant of the impractical arbitrariness of these lists that there are almost no two of them that are the same, even where the most common of the verbs used with -ing are concerned.When contrasting the -ing form with the infinitive, the basic point to remember is that-ing can always mean, among other things, a verb-noun, an 'action-thing'.The fact that -ing can always mean a 'thing' gives us the following practical principle: If you can say I (etc.) - verb - it (e.g. I like it), you can use I - verb -ing (e.g. I like eating). Avoid it. Avoid stepping on the grass if you can.Do you mind it? Do you mind shutting the window?He couldn't risk it. He couldn't risk hurting the children.This is a principle virtually without exceptions. But naturally there are many verbs that in practice are never used with -ing simply because nobody ever wants to express that 'action' meaning of -ing with them. The process is always self-regulating, so to speak - one says whatever makes sense. We can look at some examples of the use of -ing with verbs that appear on few, if any, of most grammarians' lists.They have added mistreating prisoners to the list of charges.I can't really afford living like this.The council no longer allows smoking in public buildings.aim - (It is hard to think of a sensible example of -ing being used with this verb. Can you?)The club arranges dancing for the pensioners.The chairman claimed breaking the strike as a great triumph.I don't count making money as a virtue.The investigators discovered cheating on a huge scale.We must encourage planting earlier in the season.I thank travelling for teaching me much about the human condition.The principle applies equally to phrasal verbs, both the 'prepositional' type and the 'adverbial particle' type.She insisted on helping me.Bill's putting off writing till tomorrow. (Or: ...putting writing off...)The managing director picked out idling on the job as the main cause of the declining profits.turn up - (Another example of a verb I am unable to think of any sensible use for with -ing.) (Notice that in the second and third sentences above, an it used instead of the -ing form would come between putting and off and between picked and out.)There are uses of -ing which appear to contradict the it-substitution principle. Two examples of them involve expressions that both have the sense of continue: carry on and go on. One can say Carry on talking, but not *Carry on it. That, however, is merely because deemphasized pronouns are never used at the end of phrasal verb phrases (e.g. in a dictionary one looks it up, not *looks up it). With go on one cannot even say *go it on. This again can be explained simply. One does not *go a thing, while with the sense of continue one does not say *go on it for the same reason that one does not say *Carry on it.IV. Closing downClosing down by discoveringTo end the period you are going to skim the text and the previous texts to find out all the examples containing –ing forms used as the predicative, attributive and object.Closing down by exercisesIn the last few minutes you are to do exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4.。

: Unit 3 A Taste of English Humor(一)教案【教课目】通借助本元第一上所学的,正确地理解知目(reading)部分的内容,使学生感觉英风趣的内涵。
【前】1.写出下边:1) _____________n喜.2)__________ adj.平时的 ;一般的3)_________prep. 遍及adv. 到4)____________n.刻;合5)_________adj.无家的 ; 无家可的6)___________vt.&vi. 嚼碎 ; 咀嚼7) _________n.姿;手vi. 做手8)___________adj.突出的 ; 优秀的9)___________n皮.革10)__________n.耳 vt.&vi. 低11)_________adj.的12)___________n. 失( 者 )13)__________n女.演14)_______ vt.&vi. 演 adj.直的15)____________adj特.殊的 ;特的16)__________vi.作出反;回二、依据意思写短:1)_______________直到在2)_________________⋯⋯ 足3)______________的;缺乏的4)______________挑出;辨出5)______________切断;断6) ______________担当主角;主演三.词典写出以下的英风趣家或作家及英风趣的型。
Types of humour:_____________Nonverba_______mime________Charlie Chaplin__________Mr Bean_________Verbal______jokes_________funny stories____________funny poems_________comedy__________Mark Twain _____________ Edward Lear_____________【合作研究】1.Fast-reading 迅速文,达成以下表格。
人教版高中英语必修四Book4 Unit 3 A taste of English humour

Book4 Unit 3 A taste of English humour1Man should try to be harmony with nature, and not be c_______ to wildlife.2To my a_________, he did the difficult job well.3Could you e_________ the child for an hour, while I make dinner?54He had o________ the difficulties with his English before he went aboard.6I was f_________ to have a good teacher.7Don’t be in such a hurry; you’d better eat a few _________(一口,满口)of food before you go shopping.8In fact, China is a_________(多山的)country.9He did the job under my __________(指导).10Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be _______(咀嚼)and digested.完成句子1The movie ________(以……为背景)pre-war Beijing in China.2You’ve been caught cheating, now you must _____ (面对) the music.3Her health soon ________( 恢复) after a few day’s rest.4_______(代替) the children’s play and adventure, he had a desire to learn.5It’s cruel to ________(玩弄,开玩笑) people who stammer(结巴).6Those who’d like to go sign names at the ________(底部) of the page, please.1Whatever achievements you have achieved, you should not be ______with them.If you ____, it is unlikely that you will make further achievements.A. satisfied; doB. content; doC. satisfied; areD. contented; are3. Don’t be too ______ about what you eat, or you are likely to develop anunbalanced diet, which is harmful to your health.A. specialB. particular C . concerned D. worried4. Fear is something that you are born with. You can’t ______yourself of itcompletely but you can ____ certain fears under certain conditions. .A. get; overcomeB. rid; overcomeC. overcome; rid ofD. break; get rid of5. It is very merciless _____ you to have _______ the homeless tramp in a worn-outcoat when he begged something to eat.A. to; turned offB. for; turned downC. with; turned upD. of; turned away6. On the Internet, ______ varieties of entertainments _____ which you canentertain yourself both at work and at rest.A. it has; withB. there are; withC. it has; toD. there are; on7. If you don’t know that _____ is the mother of success, you are sure to be _____ in life.A. failure; failureB. a failure; a failureC. a failure; failureD. failure; a failure8. As they _____ in the snowstorm in the deep mountains, they had great _____ ingetting in touch with the outside world.A. lost; troubleB. were caught; difficultyC. were stuck; difficultiesD. were trapped; troubles9. The Oscar Award is ______ all outstanding actors and actresses all ______.A. what; dream to winB. something; look forward to winC. what; dream of winningD. something; look forward to winning it10. The man in the lead swung his right arm _______ a signal for us to stop.A. as if to makeB. even if to makeC. as though makingD. even thoughmaking11. She was fortunate ______ to star in the film which ______ in the remotemountainous village.A. having been picked out; was setB. to have been chosen; setC. to be picked out; was setD. to have been chosen; was set12. It makes little _____now to tell our children that their grandparents once boiledleather shoes to stop their hunger on their way to the northeast .A. ideaB. meaningC. senseD. use13. Although I tried my best to convince them _____the importance and urgency ofthe operation, the doctors were not convinced _______ it immediately.A. with; to performB. of; doingC. on; to doD. of; to perform14. As the prisoner had been ______from the outside world for twenty years, he hadno idea what the outside world was like.A. cut offB. cut awayC. cut outD. cut short15. Are you bored with your life? Do you feel depressed every day? Do you want totry something new and exciting? _______, ______ the Comedy Club, which is sure to brighten your life upA. If so; take part inB. Even so; JoinC. If true; attendD. If so; JoinThere are robots all around us. Some do very complicated jobs like flying airplanes and driving subway trains. and some do one simple job. When an automatic washing machine is switched on, water pours in. The machine waits until the water is warm enough for washing clothes. It does this by “feedback”(反馈). Information about what is happening is feedback into the robot to tell what to do next. Our eyes, ears and other senses are our feedback. They tell us what is going on around us. So robots are like human beings in two ways. They work and they have feedback.In some ways robots are better than human beings. They work quickly and do not make mistakes. They do not get bored doing the same job over and over again. And they never get tired. So robots are very useful in factories. They can be taught to do many different jobs. First their electronic brain must be shown how the job is done. A person moves the robot’s “arms” and “hands” through each part of the job.The most intelligent robots can move and see. Their eyes are cameras. Their fingers can feel shapes and sizes of the objects. These robots have computer brains linked to their eyes and fingers, which control their actions. The expensive robots are used in scientific research. They do such job as handling radioactive materials.46. In this passage the author tells us that ________.A. robots are very popularB. there are various kinds of robotsC. we see robots only at certain timesD. robots can be easily controlled47. What does the author seem to inform you about robots?A. They should be greatly improved.B. They will probably take over in the future.C. They are very helpful and useful to humans.D. They are machines that break down a lot.48. The author says that in industry ________.A. robots break down a lotB. robots can do many jobsC. robots only get in the wayD. robots sometimes cause troubles49. The fact that a robot never gets bored doing the same job means that _______.A. it is very much like human beingsB. it can do boring jobs for peopleC. it will never bore peopleD. it will work much better thanhuman beings50. The robots used for scientific research _______.A. are not very cleverB. are very cheapC. are very bigD. are very costlyBook4 Unit 4 Body Language1At the airport, he kissed me goodbye on the c________.2The guest e________ their thanks to the host and hostess when leaving.3The artist asked his model to take a reclining (躺着) p________.4Mother told me to b_______ well when we visited relatives.5You say he is easy-going, but I never feel at e________ with him.6We both are not in time; I think there must be some __________ (误会) over the time. 7As you ________ (接近) the school the first building you see is the teaching building. 8Everyone who helped gets a _________ (份额) in the profiles.9The police _______ (注意到) the man entering the bank.10You see I’m a student of art; I’m not very __________(熟悉的) with botanical names.1.“Thanks”is a(n) _______ commonly used to express one’s gratitude tosomeone for something he has done for you.A. wordB. idiomC. expressionD. phrase2. I don’t suppose he is ______ to come to our help when we get into trouble.A. maybeB. possibleC. likelyD. probable3. Her acting skills are ______ those of the world famous actress,.A. closely toB. approachingC. improvingD. getting near4. _____ English learners, we should not only be able to understand the meaningsexpressed by the language itself but also ______ expressed by postures, gestures and facial expressions.A. Like; thatB. As; thoseC. Like; thoseD. As; that5. He is not the kind of person that ______ in the comedy. In life, he is serious and conserved(保守).A. expressedB. is expressedC. representsD. is represented6. Learning that their only son was sound and safe _____ the family ______.A. put; at easeB. made; easyC. set; easilyD. laid; at ease7. Whether you liked it or not, you shouldn’t have ___ to your mother when she was talking to you.A. turned backB. turned down your backC. turned your backD. turned your back away8. The power of words lies in _________the ideas and objects in the objective world.A. their connection withB. their relation toC. their joint withD. their association with9I really appreciate their _______ to settling personal disputes.A. waysB. meansC. methodsD. approaches10. People in China don’t often kiss or hug each other goodbyes or hellos, which ______ a common _______ in some European countries.A. are; practiceB. is; exerciseC. are; exerciseD. is; practice11. China rank ______ in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and more and more countries _______ China as a friendly and powerful country.A. the first; rankB. first; rankC. the first; regardD. first; suppose12. --- Could you tell me why I am constantly yawning this afternoon?---Yawning ______ an indication that your body lacks oxygen and needs a rest.A. acts asB. serves asC. functions asD. plays as13 In order not to miss his flight, he ran ______ the street, jumped______ the fence and dashed into the waiting hall, ______ all about his own safety.A. across; over; forgettingB. through; across; forgotC. over; over; forgettingD. across; over; forgot14 People ______ are kind, honest and willing to help, but he is not a man of this kind ______, in my opinion.A. on the whole; in generalB. in general; after allC. on the whole; at allD. in general; on the whole15. The accused woman _______ himself by saying that he killed the man totally outof self-defense and it was completely an accident.A. guardedB. protectedC. defendedD. prevented16. One of his major shortcomings is that he always bases his judgment on ______ opinions, which often ______prejudices (偏见)against something or somebody.A. objective; leads toB. subjective; results inC. objective; causesD.subjective; arise17. Shaking the fist is a ______ commonly used to express anger by male adults but the ways to release one’s anger _______ greatly from person to person.A. gesture; rangesB. sign; variesC. symbol; changesD. posture; alters18. When the speaker finished his speech, he was affected to see his speech ________ with cheers and applauses from the audience.A. was metB. was welcomeC. was popularD. was greetedBMost good interviewers will make an effort to establish and keep eye contact. Make sure that you do not find yourself looking down or away. If you wear glasses, be sure to buy the non-glare lenses. Do not stare.Your smile is one of the most powerful positive body signals. Everybody looks better when they smile. Offer an unforced, confident smile. Avoid at all costs the technique that some applicants use: grinning idiotically (白痴般地裂口笑) for the length of the interview, no matter what. This will only communicate that you are insincere (虚假的).It’s worth remembering that the mouth provides a seemingly limitless su pply of opportunities to convey weakness. This may be done by touching the mouth frequently; "faking" a cough when confused with a difficult question; and /or gnawing (咬) on one’s lips absentmindedly (茫然地). Employing any of these "insincerity signs" when you are asked about say, why you lost your last job, will confirm (确认) or instill (慢慢灌输) suspicions about your honesty.39. The mouth may make your weakness known by ________according to the passage.A. pretending to be coughingB. having an unforced smileC. blowing a kissD. showing your teeth40. The main purpose of this text is to ________.A. tell you how to communicate with others effectively.B. show you how to make yourself more understandableC. remind you of respecting the interviewer.D. give you some advice on facial signals for job interviews41. What does the underlined word “suspicion” in the last paragraph mean?A. understandingB. uncertaintyC. expressionD. agreement42. Which facial signal can cause you to lose an opportunity of being employed?A. Gnawing on one’s lips.B. A natural smile.C. A natural smile.D. Touching the mouth occasionally.Book4 unit5填入恰当的单词或短语1Unlike traditional park, t________ parks often want to teach visitors something.2Today many people are experiencing the joy of the a_________ park for the first time. 3There’s gas e________ somewhere. Can you smell it?4When in conferences, he often leaves for v________ reasons.5They will c________ at least $600 for moving the piano.6The _________(设备)of Information Technology is expensive indeed.7Only a m_______(少数)of students receive(s) the scholarship.8Many people would agree that it is one of the most technologically _________(先进的)theme 9parks in the world after visiting Futuroscope on France.10Stop looking for the perfect job---it’s just a ________ (幻想).11In science fictions, aliens are _________(生物) from the outer world.12You’d b etter leave now if you want to _________(弄清楚) of getting there on time. 13You are very cool with your family, but with your friends you really____________(活跃14What I said about Tom ________(对……适用) everyone in our class.15Tasmania ___________(以……命名) its discoverer, A.J. Tasman.16How many countries will ____________(参加) in the next Olympic Games, do you know?17The teacher said to Bruce that he should come to class on time_________(以后).18Don’t _______(卷入) me in solving the troublesome situation.19The architecture (建筑) in the town center is a successful _______(结合) of old and new.20We should __________(准备) any trouble that may happen.21Don’t worry, but I will try to _______(分摊,均分) the cost with you.21. — How much do you ________ for mending my bike?— Only one dollar, sir.A. payB. chargeC. offerD. apply22. What about the two of us ________ to the newly opened theme park in our city this afternoon?A. goingB. to goC. goD. will go23. Most members of the committee were in favour of the suggestion; only a ________ were against it.A. majorityB. minorityC. quantityD. amount24. In October, the price of the ________ to Mount Tai has risen by 50 yuan.A. permissionB. admissionC. introductionD. instruction25. — She is unhappy.— So she is. She has got ________ in the quarrel between Jane and Susan.A. involvedB. involveC. involvingD. involvement26. Not only the USA and Russia but also China ________ manned satellites to circle the earth.A. has sent upB. has been sent upC. have sent upD. have been sent up27. While seeing the film, what had happened on the battlefield ________ in the old man’s mind.A. made a lifeB. made a livingC. come to lifeD. come to live28. We all know that a good sleeping bag is a necessary part of every camper’s ________.A. experimentB. entertainmentC. equipmentD. settlement29. — Can you tell me why more and more people choose to shop in a supermarket?— Because it offers a great ________ of goods.A. varietyB. mixtureC. connectionD. combination30. — How could they forget the airline tickets?— They were in ________.A. a rush so anxiousB. a such anxious rushC. so an anxious rushD. such an anxious rush31. He didn’t want to stay in this hotel because it didn’t ________ his expectations.A. meetB. pleaseC. fillD. express32. ________ an actual occurrence, the film Huo Yuanjia will be popular with many people.A. Basing onB. Based onC. To base onD. Base on33. All the computer in this factory must go through strict ________ before going to the market.A. searchB. checkC. testD. observe34. It was not what he said but the way ________ he said it that made all the people laugh.A. in whichB. whichC. howD. in that35. It is the custom for people to get together on New Year’s Eve, ________ with each other.A. makingB. gettingC. havingD. amusingDisneyland opened on July 17, 1955 and instantly became the world’s most recognizable and popular theme park. This was the only Disney theme park visited by Walt Disney, who died in 1966. Disneyland is 36 one hour south of Los Angeles, California. You may get there by air or by bus.Disneyland37 most of its visitors from 38. So avoid weekends and school vacations to get the 39 waits. The period before or after Christmas Day is the busiest of the 40, with the park often held more extra guests each day. Whenever you visit, 41 early — about an hour 42 the opening time — to get the popular attractions before crowds 43. Disneyland also 44 tickets online, but does not allow you to 45 them at home. So you’ll have to order far enough 46 for them to arrive by mail. Tickets 47 also be available through your local auto club, Disney Store or your school or work activities office. Space Mountain 48 in early July, 2005 after a two-year rehab (修复) to rebuild the track and improve show 49. If you are travelling with little kids, you’ll want to visit Fantasyland first in the morning, 50 several popular kids’ rides in that area, 51 Dumbo and Peter Pan, have low capacities (容量) and build long 52 early in the day. 53, head west to Adventureland and New Orleans Square54 the park opens, visiting the Indiana Jones Adventure and Splash Mountain, 55 coming back to the Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean.36. A. limited B. located C. circled D. expanded37. A. pleases B. organizes C. draws D. benefits38. A. villages B. foreigners C. students D. locals39. A. shortest B. busiest C. longest D. biggest40. A. time B. week C. day D. year41. A. leave B. plan C. arrive D. book42. A. after B. until C. past D. before43. A. avoid B. build C. break D. combine44. A. sells B. shows C. sends D. collects45. A. reserve B. keep C. copy D. print46. A. in advance B. in case C. in order D. in turn47. A. ought B. must C. will D. may48. A. opened B. reopened C. closed D. reduced49. A. possibilities B. changes C. developments D. effects50. A. when B. since C. as D. because of51. A. unluckily B. unexpectedly C. especially D. normally52. A. rows B. waits C. places D. passages53. A. If not B. In a word C. As a result D. What’s more54. A. where B. that C. howD. when55. A. now B. and C. just D. thenBook4 Unit 3。

人教版高中英语必修4《Unit3AtasteofEnglishhumour》教案人教版高中英语必修4《Unit 3 A taste of English humour》教案【一】教学准备教学目标Teaching Objectives1. Students are able to learn more about nonverbal humour as well as Charlie Chaplin through network-based.2. Students are able to get the gen eral idea and detailed information of the passage by skimming, scanning as well as interpreta tion and appreciation.3. Students will learn to face difficulties in life with optimism and humour as well as learn to cooperate with others in groups.教学重难点Teaching difficult points1. How to guide students to search for and sort out related information according to the assigned task through the Internet.2. How to cu ltivate stud ents’ learning ability through teamwork based on network.Teaching important points1. Help students to get the general idea and detailed information of the text effectively by skimming and scanning.2. Help students to analyze the reasons for Charlie Chap lin’s success by interpreting the key sentences and get them inspired.教学过程Step 1Lead-in(3 mins)1.Students’ Activities:2.The Purpose of ActivitiesStudents are to appreciate a video clip performed by Mr. Bean.Students will be guided to acquire the form of nonverbal humour in a vivid way,thus eage r to learn about the main character of the text with interest.Step 2Network-based Interactive Learning(25 mins)1.Students’ Activities(1).Students are divided into five groups to search for and sorted out the related information according to the assigned task online(2)A representative of each group is to share the information with the others.2.the Purpose of ActivitiesStudents will develop their ability to effectively sort out information on the Internet throug h group cooperation as well as feel a sense of achievement by their oral presentation.Step3 Text-based Reading(17 mins)Students’ Activities 1. Students are to read the text quickly, and then answer the questions according to the text. 2. Read Paragraph 3 carefully, and then answer the question ---Why did “the little tramp”become Charlie Chaplin’ famous character ?3. Read Paragraph 4 and fill in the blanks。
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A taste of English humour词汇学案人教版新课标必修四unit 3重要词汇讲解1. occasionoccasion / situation / point / case这几个词通常在定语从句或名词辨析中考查,这几个词作先行词时,定语从句用where来引导,在(2008江西35) (2008江西27)(2008湖北22)(2006山东262)等就对这几个词的用法进行了考查。
2. close / closely副词close与closely用法辨析以及与其他副词放在一起考查较多,如(06春季上海44);类似的如high / highly还有hard / hardly放在一起的辨析,(08春季上海42) (04广东24)涉及到了这一考点;同时,要注意由动词close构成的一些短语,如close down也是高考经常考查的项目,在(07湖北24)对此进行了考查。
3. cut off / cut up / cut out / cut in / cut down与动词cut相关的词组在高考题中经常出现,如(2006湖北31) (2004春季北京33)对这一用法进行了考查。
4. pick out / pick up由动词pick构成的两个短语pick out 与pick up在高考题中出现了很多次:(08全国卷II 12) (2007四川33) (2005湖北35) (2005安徽24)。
其中pick up可用的语境特别多,所以对它的多种意思都要掌握。
5. whichever / whatever / however / whoever / wherever“疑问词+ever”的结构是高考重要考查知识点。
在(2006北京29) (2006湖北30) (2006辽宁30)( 2006山东27) 2006江西27) (2007山东22) (08全国卷I 25) (08浙江卷04) (08上海卷’40) (08辽宁卷’ 28)对以上结构进行了考查。
6. no wonder / no doubt这两个词组考生经常混淆,在复习是要特别注意两者在意思上的差别,在高考题中也多次出现,如(08江西卷’30) (2007江西31) (2005湖北30)( 2004浙江28) )对no wonder的用法作了考查;在(2005浙江11) (2005江西23) 对no doubt词组进行了考查。
7. 否定副词never / not / seldom / neither/ nor的用法表示否定意义never,not,seldom,neither等位于句首时,句子通常采用倒装结构。
(08辽宁卷’ 35) (08陕西卷’07) (07安徽卷’22)(对这一语法进行了考查。
8. 动词-ing形式作表语、定语、宾语补足语和状语非谓语动词是每年必考的语法项目,而其中重要的一项是在这几个单元中出现的动词-ing形式(包括它的完成形式having done和被动形式being done),在句子中可以作多种成分,其中作状语考查的试题最多。
9. 功能本部分功能项目——情感表达、禁令和警告、义务和责任、问路、指路等都是高考中情景交际的重要考查内容。
(2008辽宁34) (2008安徽25) (2008四川13) 2010年高考必定会把情景交际作为考查内容。
10. 话题本部分话题包括英语幽默、身势语和主题公园。
Unit 3 A taste of English humour重要词汇拓展1 humour n.幽默→humorous adj.幽默的2 content adj.满足的,满意的n.满足;内容v.使满足→contented/satisfied(同义词)3 performer n.表演者,演出者→perform v.表演;做,履行,执行→performance n.表演,履行,成绩4 astonish v.使惊讶→astonishing adj.令人惊讶的astonished adj.感到惊讶的→astonishment n.惊讶5 fortunate adj.幸运的→fortune v.幸运,运气unfortunate adj.不幸的→fortunately adv.幸运地unfortunately adv.不幸地6 ordinary adj.平常的,普通的7 bored adj.厌烦的→bore v.使厌烦→boring adj.令人厌烦的8 entertain v.使欢乐,款待→entertaining adj.愉快的,有趣的→entertainment n.款待;娱乐,消遣9 throughout prep.遍及,贯穿adv.到处,始终,全部10 overcome v.战胜,克服11 convince v.使信服→convincing adj.令人信服的→convinced adj.相信的,信服的12 direct v.导演,指示,指挥adj.直的,直接的→director n.导演,指挥→directly adv.直地,直接地→direction n.指导,方向13 outstanding adj.突出的,杰出的,显著的14 particular adj.特殊的,特别的→particularly adv.特殊地,特别地15 occasion n.时刻,场合→occasional adj.偶尔的,临时的→occasionally adv.偶尔地,有时地16 slide v./n.滑动,滑行17 amuse v.使发笑,使愉快→amused adj.愉快的→amusing adj.逗人发笑的,令人愉快的→amusement n.愉快,快乐18 whisper v./n.耳语,低声说19 react v.做出反应,回应→reaction n.反应,回应重点短语梳理1 up to now 直到现在2 feel/be content with 对……满足3 badly off 穷的,缺少的4 pick out 挑选出,辨认出5 cut off 切断,断绝6 star in 担任主角,主演重点句型再现1 He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so they could feel more content with their lives.在人们感到沮丧的时候,卓别林使他们开怀大笑,于是人们对自己的生活感到比较满足。
2 No one was ever bored watching him—his subtle acting made everything entertaining.看他的表演没有人会感到无聊——他巧妙的表演使得一切都那么滑稽可笑。
3 Instead they are hiding in a small hut on the edge of a mountian during a snowstorm with nothing to eat.相反,他们被暴风雪困在山边的一个小木屋中,没有任何东西可吃。
up to now【知识归纳】up to now 直到现在;到目前为止(通常与现在完成时连用)Up to now, the work has been quite smooth.到目前为止,工作很顺利。
I have heard nothing from him up to now.迄今为止我没得到他一点音信。
【联想拓展】同义短语so far,by/till/until nowup to 多达;直到;取决于……,由……决定;能胜任;做……,忙于……I can take up to four people in my car.我的汽车最多能坐四个人。
Up to now he's still quiet. 他直到现在仍保持沉默。
It's up to you to decide. 由你决定。
He's not up to the work. 他不能胜任这件工作。
What's he up to? 他做什么呢?高手过招翻译句子1)________________________________________________.我至今没有得到她的答复。
【答案】1)I have had no reply from her so far.2)No agreement has been reached between them so far.astonish【知识归纳】astonish vt 使惊讶(= surprise sb. greatly)be astonished at/ by sth.对某事感到惊讶be astonished to see / learn...看到/ 得知……感觉很惊讶be astonished + that从句对……感到惊讶The earthquake astonished the whole country.这次地震震惊了全国。
He was astonished at the news.他听到这个消息感到很吃惊。
He was astonished to see his father here.在这里见到他父亲他感到很吃惊。
We are all greatly astonished that she has failed.她失败了,我们很惊讶。
【联想拓展】(1)近义词:amaze,astound,surprise,shock(2)形容词:astonishing 令人惊讶的(指事物本身的特征)astonished 感到惊讶的(指人的主观感受)The astonishing news made the world astonished, and a great many people expressed their opinions on the Internet.这一令人惊讶的消息使全世界为之震惊,于是许多人在网上发表了自己的观点。