人教版高中英语选择性必修四 UNIT 3 SEA EXPLORATION 单元核心素养整合

Ⅲ.重点句型 1.be to+动词原形,表示将来 The aim of this initiative __i_s___ _t_o___encourage cooperation and trade across the historic Silk Road areas,and strengthen the bonds between China and the rest of the world. 这个倡议的目的是鼓励沿着古代丝绸之路地区的合作和贸易, 加强中国和世界其他地方的联系。
词汇串记 Recently our class had a heated discussion on whether the sea is worth exploring.Students hold different ideas about it. 30% of us think sea exploration is not worthwhile,holding the opinion that it will pollute the underwater conditions,leading to creatures being destroyed,such as corals,shells,fishes and so on.Some people hunt marine animals without mercy,causing them to die out.
Expressing Sequence First(ly),...首先,…… Second(ly),...其次,…… Third(ly),...再次,…… First of all,...首先,……
Then/After that/Afterwards/Next/Later on...然后/在那之后/ 后来/接下来/随后…… In the end/At last,...最后,…… At that time...那时候…… It began when...开始于…… Meanwhile...同时…… Later...随后…… Finally...最后……

人教新目标高中英语必修四Unit 3 A taste of English humour一、考点单词1content adj.满意的,满足的n. 满足,满意;内容,含量vt.使满足【活学活用】(1) She is content to (感到满足) stay at home looking after her children.(2) He is content to remain where he is now (安于现状).(3) We had the chance to play golf to our heart's content _ (尽情地).3entertain vt.&vi.使欢乐;款待(1) Bob and Liz entertained us to dinner (设宴款待了我们) last night.(2) He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes(用故事和笑话).(3) You work hard to keep _everyone entertained (每个人开心), and you enjoy it asmuch as they do.5direct vt.导演;指示;指挥adj. 直的;直接的;直率的adv.直接地【活学活用】(1) He _was directed to (被指引到) a table beside the window just now.(2) Tim stands on the bends _directing the traffic (指挥交通) every day.(3) Before taking the medicine you must _read the directions (看用法说明) on the bottle.(4) [2011·湖北卷] Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful,butthey may also ________ our thinking.A.direct B.Limit C.change D.improve10whisper n.耳语;低语vt.&vi.低声说;私谈;密谈【活学活用】(1) He _is whispering to (正向……耳语) his neighbor.(2) His adventures _have been whispered (私下传) everywhere.(3) It's whispered that (有私下传闻) he may resign.(4) She said it _in a whisper/in whispers (低声地), so I didn't hear.11convince vt.使确信;使信服【活学活用】(1) He tried to make them _convinced of (相信) the safety of travelling by airplane.(2) Only by presenting facts and reasoning things out _can we be convinced(我们才能信服).(3) It was what my parents said __that convinced me (让我相信) that I had made a wrong decision.(4) _Convinced of (相信) the truth of the reports, he told his colleagues about it.二、考点短语1badly off穷的;缺少的(比较级worse off, 最高级worst off)【活学活用】(1) Though he is always wearing old clothes, he is _not as/so badly off (并不是那么穷) as you think.(2) In fact most people are _better off (更富裕) than they were five yeas ago.3pick out(to choose or select)挑出;(distinguish)辨别出;领会(1) She __was/is picked out from thousands of applicants for the job.(2) We'll _pick up where we finished yesterday.(3) She soon _picked up French when she went to live in France.(4) Pick out those books that you'd like to read.4cut off(to shut off)切断(水、电、煤气等)供应;断绝用cut相关短语的适当形式完成句子(1) I was speaking to Ann on the phone when suddenly we were _cut off(2) The ship cut her way through the wave.(3) Cutting down costs is a good way to make profits.(4) Don't hesitate to cut out the useless information in your passage.三、考点句式1.(现在分词作结果状语常表示“意料、情理之中”,而不定式作结果状语常表出乎意料的结果)(1)She fell off the bike, breaking her left leg.(break)她从自行车上摔了下来,摔断了左腿(2)The old scientist died, leaving the project unfinished.(leave)那位老科学家去世了,留下了未完成的项目。
人教版高中英语必修四 Unit3 A tasteof English humour-词汇篇(学生版)

人教版高中英语必修四 Unit3 A tasteof English humour-词汇篇(学生版)face.他对这次竞赛中获得第二名很满意,因此脸上露出了满意的微笑。
2. break into强行进入,破门而入;撬开(汽车等);突然开始(笑、哭)break away from摆脱;脱离,背叛(政党、国家等) break down出故障;失败;垮掉break in强行闯入,打断break out爆发;突然发生break through突围;突破break up粉碎;结束;散开;(学校)期终放假break off断开;停顿;突然中止E.g. The thief broke away from the police and ran into the woods.小偷摆脱了警察跑进了树林。
E.g. Don't break in while others are speaking.别人讲话时不要插话。
E.g. The car I was in broke down, so I had to walk home.我坐的车抛锚了,所以我不得不走路回家。
E.g. A big fire broke out in the town last night.昨天晚上镇里着了大火。
E.g. The meeting broke up without a result.会议没有得出结果就结束了。
E.g. Strong will can almost break through everything.顽强的意志几乎可以战胜一切。
3. persuade/convincepersuade 着重利用督促、劝告来感动和影响听者,使其愿意相信某事或参与某种行为E.g. I persuade him to quit smokingconvince指用理论、证据等理智方面的因素使别人相信4. as/withAs (conj.)随着,常用来引导时间状语从句With(prep.)随着,后接名词或复合宾语,不引导从句E.g. He gave me so many facts that convinced me.三、要点梳理1. content(1)adj.满足的;满意的①We shouldn't be content with the achievements already gained.我们决不能满足于已取得的成绩。
人教版高中英语选择性必修四 Unit 3 SEA EXPLORATION 单元重点回顾

extend sth for/till 扩展……;扩展至
extend sth to
extension n.延长;延伸
3.negotiate vt.商定;达成(协议) vi.谈判;磋商;协商 negotiate with 与……协商 negotiation n.协商;商定 negotiable adj.可协商的 negotiator n.谈判者 4.league n.等级;水平;联合会;联赛 in a league of one’s own独领风骚
9.mixture n.混合;混合体;混合物 mix...with...把……和……相混合
mix sb sth给某人配制某物 mix with与……相混合
mix up混合起来
mixed adj.混合的
10.applaud vt.& vi.鼓掌 vt.称赞;赞赏 applaud for 为……喝彩
applaud sb for sth因某事而赞扬某人
this balance.
复习动词不定式 1.Her dream is to become an English teacher. 2.She seated herself at a small table in the restaurant,waiting to be served. 3.Suddenly a good idea occurred to her,but she couldn’t find any paper to write on. 4.The boy pretended to be studying hard when his teacher came in. 5.The book is said to have been translated into over twenty foreign languages.

高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册 Unit 3 Sea Exploration

How do you understand the quote? Can you describe ocean using your own language?
• What do you know about the ocean?
Read for main idea.
Listen to the passage and match the main idea of each paragraph.
Para.1 Para.2
A. China is also joining with other countries on other important projects.
B. Travel from east to west began long before Columbus.
C. In ancient times, travel east to west was on the Silk Road.
Para.4 Para.5
D. Zheng He’s sea voyages built relations with other countries. E. The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road has encouraged
in the future
Time Order
How Chinese people have conducted sea explorations over time.
Read for details. (Finish the timeline) How is the passage developed? Time sequence/order.
Unit 3 词汇复习课件-2023届高三英语一轮复习人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册

7. behold[bɪˈhəʊld]: vt.看; 看见 (behold -- beheld -- beheld)
look at...: 看 see: v. 看见
hold -- held -- held
(抓住; 抱住; 按住; 顶住; 支撑)
11. spice[spaɪs]: n.(调味)香料 spicy: adj.用香料调味的;辛辣的
12. withdraw[wɪðˈdrɔ]: vi./vt. (withdrew -- withdrawn )
(使)撤回; 撤离; 取钱; 提款
draw -- drew -- drawn (v. 画; 拉; 吸引; 拔出; 取钱)
31. coral[ˈkɒrəl]: n. 珊瑚(U.)
32. migration[maɪˈɡreɪʃn]: n. 迁移; 迁徙; 移居
immigrant[ˈɪmɪɡrənt] : n.(外来)移民; 外侨
move to...: 搬到...
33. directory[dəˈrektəri]:n.名录;
adj.海的; 海运的; 海事的
sea: n. 大海; 海洋(英国常用) ocean[ˈəʊʃn] :
n.大海;海洋(美国常用; 四大洋用)
16. bond[bɒnd]: n. 纽带; 关系
vt./vi. 增强信任关系; 使牢固结合
relation: n.关系;联系;亲戚;亲属 relationship: n.关系; 联系
13. withdraw from...: 退出; 撤回
14. channel[ˈtʃænl]: n.航道;海峡;频道 channel: n. 海峡 strait: n. 海峡 waterway: n. 水道; 航道
人教版高中英语单词表必修四unit 3

n.皮革 挑出;辨别出 n.饰带;花边;鞋带 切断;断绝 vt.vi.嚼碎;咀嚼 n.一口;满口 n.享受;快乐;乐趣 vt.使信服 a.令人信服的 vt.vi.导演;指示;指挥 a.直的;直接的;直率的 担任主角;主演 n.奥斯卡 a.突出的;杰出的;显著的 n.瑞士 n.信心;信念 n.服装;戏装 n.姿势;手势 vi.做手势 a.特殊的;特别的 n.细节;细目 ad.特殊地;特别地 n.时刻;场合 n.预算;开支 n.女演员 vi.vt.(使)滑动;(使)滑行 n.滑;滑动;幻灯片 vt.使发笑;使愉快 a.好笑的;有趣的 n.烙饼;薄饼 n.解释;讲解;说明 n.侦探 n.夏洛克.福尔摩斯[名侦探] adj.多山的;山一般的 n.耳语;低语 vt.vi.低语;小声说 a.巨大的;辽阔的 n.节奏 n.脏或乱的状态 vi.作出反应;回应 n.粥;麦片粥 a.醉的
n.幽默;滑稽 n.故事、笑话等中的妙语;关键语 a.口头的 a.不用语言的 n.哑剧 查理.卓别林 爱德华.李尔 n.喜剧 维克多.雨果 直到现在 vt.使更愉快;使更有希望 a.忧愁的;沮丧的 a.满意的;满足的 n.满足 vt.使满足 对...满足 n.表演者;演出者 vt.使惊诧 a.令人感到惊异的 a.幸运的;吉利的 ad.不幸地 穷的;缺少的 n.十几岁 a.平常的;普通的 a.厌烦的 a.微妙的;精巧的;技艺精湛的 vt.vi.使欢乐;款待 a.愉快的;有趣的 a.迷人的;有魅力的 n.流浪汉;行乞者 prep.遍及;贯穿 ad.到处;始终;全部 a.无家的;无家可归的 n.小胡子 adj.用旧的;用坏的;破烂的 a.磨破的;穿旧的 ad.僵硬地 n.失败(者) n.乐观;乐观主义 vt.战胜;克服 n.失败者;处于劣势的一方 n.暴风雪
2021_2022学年新教材高中英语Unit3 课件新人教版选择性必修第四册

Ⅱ.拓展词汇 1._m_i_g_ra_t_io_n_ n.迁移;迁徙;移居→__m__ig_r_a_te_ vt. & vi.迁移; 迁徙;移居;(使)转移 2.__m_u_r_d_e_r_ vt.谋杀;凶杀;毁坏 n.谋杀;凶杀→_m__u_rd_e_r_e_r n.杀人犯;杀人凶手 3.__m_e_r_c_y__ n.仁慈;宽恕;恩惠→_m__e_rc_i_fu_l_ adj.宽大的; 仁慈的;慈悲的 4._p_o_s_se_s_s_io_n_ n.个人财产;拥有;控制→_p_o_s_s_e_ss__ vt.有; 拥有;支配;控制
1.mercy n.仁慈;宽恕;怜悯;恩惠 (1)ask/beg for mercy 请求宽恕
show mercy to sb. have mercy on sb.
at the mercy of 任由……摆布 without mercy 残忍地;毫不留情地 (2)merciful adj. 宽大的;仁慈的;慈悲的 (3)merciless adj. 残忍的;无情的
after divorce. ③The courts are expected to show mercy ____to____ them in
these situations.=The courts are expected to have mercy _o_n_/_u_p_o_n_
them in these situations. ④They were all _m_e_r_c_if_u_l_ (mercy) to me, and I lived.
The day is marked in a variety of ways, including the launching of new campaigns and initiatives, and holding special events, ____al_l_w__o_rk_i_n_g____ to advance ocean conservation and education.
(人教版新教材)高中英语选择性必修四单词知识点详解UNIT3 Sea Exploration

新人教版高中英语选择性必修四单词知识点详解UNIT 3 SEA EXPLORATION1.tale / teɪl/ n. 故事;叙述a fairy /romantic tale 童话/爱情故事t ell the tales of one’s experience 讲述自己的经历2.merchant /ˈmɜːtʃənt/ n. 商人;批发商. adj. 海上货运的a merchant ship 商船3.set sail (for)起航;开航4.extend /ɪk'stend/ vt. 扩展;使伸长;延长Extend your left hand. 伸出你的左手。
an extended family 几代同堂的大家庭e xtend a warm welcome to … 表示热烈欢迎e xtend one’s thanks to 表达诚挚谢意extensive adj. 广阔的;大规模的;广泛的extensive reading/research 泛读/广泛的研究extensively adv. 大规模地;广泛地;全面地(形近)extent n. 程度;范围to …extent 到……程度上5.negotiate /nɪˈɡəʊʃieɪt/ vt. 商定;达成(协议). vi. 谈判;磋商;协商negotiate with sb 同某人商议;协商negotiate for 为……协商negotiate a deal/contract 达成交易/确立合同negotiation n. 协商;谈判negotiable adj. 可谈判的;可协商的6.fleet /fliːt/ n. 舰队;机群;车队7.behold / bɪˈhəʊld/ vt. (beheld, beheld) 看;看见be a sight/joy to behold 壮观的/赏心悦目的景象8.league /li:ɡ/n. 等级;水平;联合会;联赛the League of Nations 国际联盟the Communist Youth League of China 中国共产主义青年团a football league 足球联赛9.in a league of one’s own 独领风骚be in a different league 属于不同的级别be out of your league 超出你的能力be in league (with sb) (与某人)暗中合谋10.royal /ˈrɔɪəl/ adj. 皇家的;王室的;高贵的the royal family 王室;皇族a royal welcome 盛大的欢迎11.spice /spaɪs/ n. (调味)香料12.withdraw / wɪðˈdrɔ/ vi. & vt. (withdrew, withdrawn) (使)撤回;撤离withdraw money 提款withdraw an offer 撤回报价withdraw troops 撤军withdraw a remark 撤回评论withdrawal n. 收回;撤回;取款;脱瘾13.withdraw from 退出;撤回14.channel /ˈtʃænl/ n. 航道;海峡;频道make/cut a channel 开/挖水渠change/switch channels换台the Red channel 有需要报关物品的通道the Green channel 无需要报关物品的通道;绿色通道through the proper channels 通过正当的途径channel of communication 交流的平台v. 把(钱或精力)导向(某一特定目的);引导channel into15.maritime /ˈmærɪtaɪm/ adj. 海的;海运的;海事的16.bond /bɒnd / n. 纽带;关系one’s word is their bond 一诺千金;言而有信a close/an emotional bond 紧密的联系/情感的纽带a strong lifelong between… 终生的深厚关系vt. & vi. 增强信任关系;使牢固结合bond with sb/sth 与……有关系17.in hand在手头;可供使用18.politics /ˈpɒlətɪks/ n. 政治;政治观点go into politics 从政19.profession /prəˈfeʃn/ n. 职业;行业by profession 作为职业enter/join a profession 加入行业profession 表示“某职业的全体人员;同行;同业”是可数的集合名词,作主语时,谓语动词可以用单数,也可以用复数。
新教材人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册Unit3 Sea Exploration单词短语句型写作汇总

Unit 3Sea ExplorationReading and Thinking...................................................................................................... - 1 - Learning About Language................................................................................................ - 4 - Using Language ............................................................................................................... - 9 -Reading and Thinking要点精研·素养奠基*However, merchants and explorers from the East set sail from east to west many years before Columbus first did.然而, 来自于东方的商人和探险家比哥伦布从东向西航行早了许多年。
*A committee has been set up to organize social events in the college. 学院成立了一个委员会来组织社会活动。
*She set out with the aim of becoming the youngest ever winner of the championship.她怀着成为有史以来最年轻的冠军的目标出发了。
*News that the claims might be true set off widespread panic. 这一说法可能属实的消息引发了广泛的恐慌。
高中英语选择性必修四 人教版(2019)UNIT3 Sea Exploration课文中英文对照

UNIT3 Sea ExplorationReading and Thinking第三单元REACHING OUT ACROSS THE SEA横跨大海Trade and curiosity have often formed the foundation of mankind’s greatest achievements. To complete the great map of the world was a strong passion for the people of early civilisations. Marco Polo’s tales inspired European explorers to search for sea routes from west to east. However,merchants and explorers from the East set sail from east to west many years before Columbus first did.贸易和好奇心经常是人类最伟大成就的基础。
In ancient times,silk from China found its way overland to India,the Middle East,and Rome,along what became known as the Silk Road. A trading route across the sea was also extended along the coasts of the Indian Ocean,centered around Ceylon(now Sri Lanka). Here,merchants from China and many other places met to negotiate trade deals,which also led to more awareness of each other’s cultures. Over the centuries,further trading allowed more exploration of the regions to the west of China,as recorded in Du Huan’s Record of My Travels in the eighth century.在古代,中国的丝绸沿着丝绸之路陆路到达印度、中东和罗马。
【公开课课件】人教版英语必修四 Unit 3 A Master of Nonverbal Humour

feel _d_ep__re_s_s_e_d
·make people_f_e_e_l _c_o_n_te_n_t_w__it_h_life ·help people through__t_h_e_h__a_rd__y_e_a_r_s
4. Why was his character loved by people
around the world? C
A. He was loved for his optimism and determination.
B. He was loved for his kindness. C. Both A and B
n. 失败(者)
optimism n. 乐观的,乐观主义
overcome mouthful
v. 战胜,克服 n. 一口,满口
convince Vt. 使信服
badly off
pick out
cut off
star in
feel/be content with 对...满足
Para 2-3
Scan the two-dimension code and finish the questions on it.
1. How did he spend his childhood ? B
A.He spent his childhood acting on the stage.
5. Which is not true?
高中英语必修四 unit3 单词

Chinese are common in Chinatown. It is usual that he goes to school on foot.
Charles Chaplin entertained the audience with his humorous performances.
throughout adv. 1) 整个地,在所有各处,全部 e.g. The hill was green throughout.
那座山整个都是绿的。 2) 自始至终,到最后 e.g. She remained silent throughout.
6. The tramp, a poor, homeless man with
e.g. His body language was very humorous.
Up to now 直到现在
在句中作时间状语,句子一般用现在完成时,类似的单 词或短语还有by now, until now, so far, recently, lately等。
e.g. Up to now, we have learnt 5,000 english words.
(adj.令人惊讶的) (adj.感到惊讶的)
(n. 惊讶)
be surprised at/by
in surprise
be surprised to do... with surprise
to one's surprise
The earthquake _a_s_t_o_n_i_s_h_e_dme.
人教版高中英语必修四Unit3 Life in the future课文全解(常考单词、高频短语和写作句式)

人教版高中英语必修四Unit3 Life in the future课文全解(常考单词、高频短语和写作句式)Ⅰ. 常考单词必背1.aspect n.方面;层面I shall limit myself to three aspects of the subject.我将从三个方面来讨论这个问题。
2.impression n.[C]印象;感觉I am going to do all I can to remove the unpleasant impression you have of me.我打算尽最大努力去掉你对我不好的印象。
[快速闪记](1)have/leave/make a(n)...impression on sb 给某人留下……印象(2)impress vt.①印;压印②留下极深的印象impress sth on/upon sb/one's memory使某人铭记某事impress sb with sth (某事)给某人留下印象be impressed with/at/by...对……有深刻印象(3)impressive adj.给人深刻印象的;感人的;激动人心的3.constant adj.时常发生的;连续不断的constantly adv.不断地Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional competence.教师为了保持职业能力,必须不断更新知识。
4.previous adj.在前的;早先的He recalled exactly what Bob had told him the previous night.他清楚记得前一天晚上鲍勃告诉他的话。
[快速闪记]in the previous chapter在上一章中previous to在……之前You must collect enough materials previous to your writing.你在写作之前必须收集好足够的材料。
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51.n. 粥;麦片粥
52. 的
10. 对……满足
feel/be content with
11. n. 表演者;演出者
12. vt. 使惊诧
13. adj. 令人感到惊讶的
14.adj. 幸运的;吉利的
15.adv. 不幸地
30. vt. 使信服
31. adj. 令人信服的
32. vt. & vi. 导演;指示;指挥
33. 担任主角;主演
star in
34. adj. 突出的;杰出的;显著的
35. n. 瑞士
36. n. 姿态;手势
37.adj. 特殊的;特别的
38.adv. 特殊地;特别地
39.n. 时刻;场合
40.n. 预算;开支
41.n. 女演员
43. vt. 使发笑;使愉快
1. n. 幽默;滑稽
2. n. 故事、笑话等中的妙语;
3. n. 哑剧
4. 查理·卓别林
Charlie chaplin
5. n. 喜剧
6. 直到现在
up to now
7. vt. 使更愉快;使更有希望
8. adj. 忧愁的;沮丧的
16. 穷的;缺少的
badly off
17. adj. 平常的;普通的
18. adj. 厌烦的
19. vt. & vi. 使欢乐;款待
20. prep. 遍及;贯穿
21. adj. 无家的;无家可归的
44. n. 烙饼;薄饼
45. n. 解释;讲解;说明
46. n. 侦探
47.adj. 多山的;山一般的
48. n. 耳语;低语
49.adj. 巨大的;辽阔的
49. n. 脏或乱的状态
50. vi. 作出反应;回应
22. n. 小胡子
23. adj. 用旧的;用坏的;破
24. n. 失败(者
25. vt.&vi. 战胜;克服
26. n. 皮革
27. 挑出;辨别出
pick out
28. 切断;断绝
cut off
29. vt. & vi. 嚼碎;咀嚼