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【授课教师】 (原则上要求有2人,主讲和副讲)
Syllabus Framework for Graduate Courses of
Shanghai International Studies University **** (Course Name)
**** (Course Code)
**** Periods/***Credits
Prerequisite Courses:
(Course Name)
Instructor:**** (two or more)
1.Course Description:
2.Purpose of the Course:
3.Teaching Objects (Suitable for students majoring in ****)
4. Course Schedule and Topics:
5.Teaching Methods:
(Class, Seminar, Experiment, etc.)
6.Assessment Method:
(Examination, open or closed; Quiz; Papers)
7. Required Textbook:
(Book, Handout, etc. )
8.Other Materials on Reserve:
Course Leader’s Signature:
Dean of the Department’s Signature:Date:
周课时 2
学分 2
Information Systems Essentials, S.Haag, M.Cummings, McGraw-Hill, 2010 课程网站
用友U8 ERP系统软件
Course Name: Management Information System
Course Number: M_TEM30_1303
Contact Hours: 2
Credits: 2
Academic Year: 2015-2016
Semester: Autumn
*****, Associate Professor, ******, Shanghai International Studies University
Office: Room 501, Library and Information Center, Songjiang Campus
Telephone: 86-21-67701115
E-mail: zy@
"Management Information System" is a core course of technical economy and management. The students can get the whole understanding of modern information management and information system through the study of this course.
Since 1970s, especially in twenty-first Century, information technology and information systems have been developed rapidly and widely used in the world. The globalization of economy and information technology has created a new business environment. Information Technology has penetrated into the economy, society and the life of human being. Information technology has a profound and long-term impact on business activities, social organization of the operations mode and people's own behavior. Modern computer and communication technology has been closely integrated into the business and life, and become an inseparable part of the business and living environment in all aspects of information technology. This trend of integration of information technology has been widely accepted by people, but in this trend, the business opportunities and management challenges have increasingly attracted the attention of researchers and practitioners. The new information technology and it’s increasingly close integration with the business activities constitute the main features of the information age and information society. In such a revolution, the manager has a dual mission. On one hand, the rapid change of technology, the continuous evolution of social economic structure, the acceleration of the competition rhythm, requires the management to adapt to the environment, and to understand the development and change of information technology and information system, which is helpful to establish and maintain strategic competitive advantage. On the other hand, the close integration between information technology and business operation and management, also makes the construction and management of information system become a highly complex, and highly dependent on the management of art and scientific work. Thus, the information system management in the modern organization not only needs to have the understanding of the technology and the system itself,
but also has the ability to coordinate and coordinate all kinds of resources and human behavior in the organization.
Through the study of this course, the students can understand the importance of information to social development, organization management and personal life, grasp the basic concepts, structure and function of Management Information System, use computer knowledge to establish Management Information System, such as MRP、MRPII、ERP、CRM、DSS et.al, familiar with the functions and models of these systems. This course introduces the current mainstream IT technology and its role in MIS, introduces the development directions of IT technology in the next 10 years and their influence on MIS. Train the students' observation, analysis, problem solving and practical abilities. Through the course of study, enhance the students' global consciousness, team consciousness and market consciousness, and pay attention to the continuous improvement of professional quality.
This course will be a combination of classroom teaching, case studies, experimental exercises, and full use of modern teaching methods to improve teaching efficiency and effectiveness. At the same time, the appropriate invitation to the field of IT senior business managers and information system developers will come to the classroom and interact with graduate students, to deepen students' understanding of MIS.
In order to meet the requirements of international talent training in our university, we take into account the students' English level, this course is taught half in English.
In the course of teaching, we emphasis on the interaction in classroom, encourage students to actively ask questions and participate in the discussion. The Management Information System introduced in the classroom may have limitations, so the students are required to pay attention to the understand basic management theory and principle; at the same time, both in the classroom and outside, we will provide a large number of Management Information System cases for students to read, deepen students understanding of theoretical knowledge. At the beginning and ending of each chapter, cases are used as the lead and summary of theory. Many cases will be discussed in class. We encourage students to refine and solve problems in the case of a group collaboration to enhance students' understanding of the relevant knowledge.
Appropriate experimental practice has been arranged in the course. The instructor gives some real or simulated business systems, the students do research, analysis and design work of these systems. At the same time, we will make full use of the ERP Lab and other resources, to provide students with the opportunities to access to the operation and understanding of large IS. In the last part of the course, we will provide a sandbox simulation training, Through which, we practice the knowledge learned in the classroom, give the students a deeper understanding of the enterprise operation mode and operation process.
We will invite some IT managers and engineers to make reports and interact with the students, to narrow the distance between the students and IT industry, to enhance students' understanding of the knowledge which is taught in classroom.
Required Textbook:
Name of the book (Year):Management Information System (2015)
Author: Kenneth C. Laughton
Publisher: Machinery Industry Press
Version: 13
ISBN number:9787111515678
Supplementary Readings:
Information Systems Essentials, S.Haag, M.Cummings, McGraw-Hill, 2010 Course Website:
Applied Software:
UFDA-U8 ERP System Software
ERP Simulation System
Course activities are weighted in the following way:
Intro to China Studies
A 1st Semester “Foundational Course” Syllabus
for the SISU China Studies Master’s Degree
A course co-taught by the Faculty team of
Steve J. Kulich, the SISU Intercultural Institute (SII)
Jiang Fan, the SISU Graduate Institute for Interpretation and Translation (GIIT)
Danny Hsu, Dalian University of Foreign Languages (DUFL)
Brief Course Introduction
(Concise 100-word summary included in the SISU China Studies Curriculum Brochure):
This course provides a broad survey of China Studies for personal interest and later research, including a review of Chinese history, thinking, literature and culture, and how issues facing China today are linked to its past or are related to its strengthened ties and growing stature in the global community. Lectures and discussions help students not only to develop their appreciation of the basic elements of Chinese culture, but also to investigate the formation of English discourse systems about China, rethink contemporary understandings of “Chinese characteristics,” and utilize participants’ study abroad experience to consider local, national, and global perspectives on China.
Detailed Course Description
Students arriving new in China and beginning their study of this great civilization and country need to know and understand its origins, long history, ways of thinking, relating, or doing, and processes of developing. This is especially important as a foundation for each student majoring in China. To make sense of the dramatic changes and transitions occurring in China’s recent trajectory, it is helpful to understand the roots of Chinese culture, literature, philosophy, government, economy, and corresponding psychological or social orientations of its populace. This course aims to provide a general overview of the some of the main topics typically covered
in Area Studies programs that focus on China toward exposing participants to the wide range of potential areas for future research or personal interest and applications.
At one level, this course provides an introduction to China through some of the primary texts in English translation that have been influential both to Chinese as well as Western perceptions of China. Thus the first half of the course will stimulate students to investigate how English discourse systems about China have been formed as well as to rethink contemporary understandings of “Chinese characteristics” based on what they are experiencing an d observing through this study abroad experience. As one of the “foundational basic” courses in this SISU MA curriculum, the instructors hope this instills an interest in and understanding of Chinese culture while at the same time providing a general landscape of China Studies topics related to this program (student’s academic work often grows out of personal interests, exposure and engagement with original Chinese texts and experiences).
The latter half of the course will then explore in what ways the issues facing China today are linked to its past or are related to its strengthened ties and growing stature the larger global community. Students will be encouraged to reconsider local, national, and global perspectives on China, both regarding what is happening in the country currently and how it is being portrayed in international media. This approach will hopefully yield a more nuanced understanding of China by exploring ways in which this country looks the same or different by shifting perspectives.
This course is inter-disciplinary in nature and will combine lectures, discussions, as well as some fieldwork. Each week, the teaching team will provide necessary background information and guide discussions that pay particular attention to understanding past issues and their current context. And the course will require students to engage the local culture – participants will be encouraged to take advantage of being in China to explore the city of Shanghai and consider its unique role in China’s history, d evelopment, and future, make contact and discuss ideas with local graduate students, and seek to build relationships with locals toward understanding their perspectives.
Course requirements:
1)Attendance and Participation (30%).
Each Faculty member assesses a participation score of 10%.
2)Presentations (10%)
Each student is required to select one topic of interest (related to the readings in this syllabus) and prepare a PowerPoint presentation (minimum 10 .ppt slides). Dr. Jiang will allow those that want to make voluntary presentations a maximum of 15 minutes each during the class periods of her segment, and/or the .ppt can be sent in for her evaluation (see evaluation guidelines below).
3)Final paper and presentation(60%)
One paper for each Faculty mem ber’s teaching segment (20% each x 3) [See specific assignment descriptions and requirements below at the end of this document]
Course Readings: All course readings will be confirmed and made available on site, distributed either in digital format or hard copy (usually one week before they are to be discussed in class). Each instructor might suggest additional readings based on their topic, but the primary list is:
Recommended Texts:
Collier, Irene & Collier, Dea. Chinese Mythology. Enslow Publishers (e-version).
Lin, Yutang. My Country and My People. Foreign language Teaching and Research Press. Ropp, Paul S., & Timothy Hugh Barrett (Eds.). Heritage of China: Contemporary Perspectives on Chinese Civilization. University of California Press.
Kulich, Steve J. Applying cross-cultural values research to “the Chinese”: A critical integration of etic and emic approaches. PhD Dissertation, Humboldt University of Berlin:
Fallows, James. Postcards from Tomorrow Square: Reports From China. Vintage, 2008.
(A compilation of essays written for The Atlantic Magazine)
“Orienting” Yourself for Processing the Course (ideas for your reflection papers): Here are some questions to guide your reading and serve as springboards for discussion:
How does each perspective yield a different—or perhaps same, in some cases—view of China? What do these differences/similarities reveal ab out China’s history, its situation or its current state? In particular, reflect carefully about the global perspective/role of China in comparison with the local and national (and often more historically situated) perspectives. How
has this aspect of China’s background, or developments now within China in this area affecting the world, and especially important, the global perception of China? How can we synthesize the various perspectives into a new, more nuanced, picture and understanding of China?
Schedule, Course Topics, and Weekly Reading Assignments:
Sept 25 Week 1) Introduction: China and You [Kulich & Jiang]
Introduction to course and Chinese culture:
Readings: Heritage Chap 1: Western Perceptions of China (Spence)
Kulich Chap 5: Historical Value s Studies Related to “The Chinese”
Lin Yu Tang: My Country and My People
John K. Fairbank: Tributary Trade and China’s Relations with the West
David Moser: Why is Chinese So Damn Hard?
SEGMENT 1: Ancient China: Origins, Writings, Poetry
Oct 9 (2) Understanding Ancient China: Creation Myths/Origin of Chinese Culture (1) [Jiang]
Handout on Pan Gu, Yin/Yang, NiuWa, Ba Gua (the 8 Trigrams), Legendary Kings
Oct 16 (3) Understanding Ancient China: Creation Myths/Origin of Chinese Culture (2) [Jiang]
Reading: Heritage Chap 2: Early Civilization in China (Keightly)
Oct 23 (4) Understanding the Chinese Mind and Philosophical Origins (1) [Jiang] Readings Handouts on the Spring-Autumn “Hundred Schools Period:”
Readings: Heritage Chap 4 & 5: Ethics and Confucianism in China (Turner, Tu)
Oct 30 (5) Understanding the Chinese Mind and Philosophical Origins (2) [Jiang] Readings Handouts on Confucianism, Mohism, Daoism, and the Debates
Reading Handout on The Records of the Grand Historian
Readings: Heritage Chap 3: Evolving Government in China (Dull)
SEGMENT 2:Modern China: Thinking, Society and Economics
Nov 5 (6) China and Modernity, Postmodernity [Hsu]
Readings: Selections from Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao, and Lu Xun
Wang Hui and the New Left
*Mon Nov 10 13:00-14:30 (7) Understanding Chinese Economic Orientations [Hsu] Reading: Heritage Chap 9: Chinese Economic History (Feuerwerker)
Reading: Peasant Economy (Philip Huang); China Takes Off (Jean Oi); Yasheng Huang (Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics)
*Wed Nov 12 13:00-14:30 (8) Rural-Urban Contexts (1) [Hsu]
Local:Political Struggles of Rural Migrant Hostesses in Dalian (Tiantian Zheng, in Critical Asian Studies, 39:1, 2007)
National: Film screening of Sanxiahaoren
Global: The Urban Climacteric (Mike Davis)
Nov 13 (9) Rural-Urban Issues (2) [Hsu]
National: Film screening of Sanxiahaoren
Global: The Urban Climacteric (Mike Davis)
→SEE “Modern China” assignment clarification for Dr. Danny Hsu (below, due Dec 12)
Nov 20 (10) Origins of Chinese Poetry (1) [Jiang]
Reading Handout on Book of Songs and The Songs of the South
Nov 27 (11) Origins of Chinese Poetry (2) [Jiang]
Reading: Heritage Chap 12: Chinese Poetry Tradition (Owen)
→SEE “Chinese Origins, Writings, Poetry” assignment clarification for Dr. Jiang Fan below:
SEGMENT 3: “China & Me”: Who ARE “the Chinese”? –What makes “them” distinctive? Dec 4 (12) Understanding Chinese Psychology, Values, and Identity [Kulich]
Readings: Kulich Chap 6: Contemporary Values Studies in Chinese from the Mainland Kulich & Prosser: Intercultural Perspectives on Chinese Communication
Dec 11 (13) Chinese Communication Styles: Traditional and Modern [Kulich] Readings: Gao & Ting-Toomey: Communicating with the Chinese
Kulich & Weng’s Handbook notes
Dec 18 (14) Tod ay’s Chinese: Education, Social Development and Change (Kulich) Reading: Being Chinese(Kulich) and 2014 MA Student Update notes
Discussion: Generational changes from the past to Chinese Post-80s, Post-90s
Resource: Understanding the Rise of Modern China (Ted Talk on Today’s China by Martin
SEE “China and Me” assignment clarification for Dr. Steve Kulich (below, due Jan 10)
*ADDITIONAL TOPICS:if needed for future sessions or to satisfy student’s special interests:
Understanding Chinese Traditional Religions
Readings on Buddhist Scriptures, Translation, Localization
Reading: Heritage Chap 6: Religious Traditions: Buddhism and Taoism (Barrett)
Understanding the Classic Chinese “Four Novels”
Reading: Heritage Chap 13: Chinese Fiction (Ropp)
Understanding Chinese Family Traditions and Dynamics
Reading: Heritage Chap 8: Women, Marriage, and Family (Ebry)
Private Life in Socialist China (Yan Yunxiang) Documentary: Small Happiness
Chinese Artistic Heritage
Link with a class fieldtrip to the World-class Shanghai Museum or other exhibition
Reading: Heritage Chap 11: Chinese Art and its Impact (Sullivan)
Chinese Media and Society
Readings: Yang Guobin on Jia Junpeng; Internet and Civil Society
Discussion: Internet and Television in China
Chinese Education, Social Development and Change
Local: Only Hope (Vanessa Fong, Only Hope: Coming of Age under China’s One-Child Policy. Stanford University Press, 2006); Film screening of Senior Year
National: Education Without Heart (Yu Jian, in Southern Weekend, May 5, 2010)
Global: Wanted: World-Class Universities (Ben Wildavsky, The Great Brain Race: How Global Universities are Reshaping the World. Princeton University Press, 2010)
Understanding Modern China and World Politics
Readings: Assessing China’s Financial Influence in Great Power Politics (Daniel Drezner);
China, The U.S.-Japan Alliance, and the Security Dilemma in East Asia (Thomas Christensen); The Future of the American Pacifier (John Mearsheimer)
FIELD TRIP: “China and Me Fieldwork” (arranged between Dec 19, 2014 to Jan 8, 2015) Students will be invited to the Songjiang campus for an introduction to the branch campus and be provided with an overview of SISU’s MA teaching programs there, and particularly be invited as “guest interactants” in an intercultural communication course (most likely to the interactive “Interview discourse analysis workshop” of the “Intercultural Communication Competence: Theory and Practi ce” since students of that course have had assignments to ethnographically interview several people from “other cultures,” draft their summary scripts, and try to make sense of the contents together). Each student will introduce themselves and their China-related backgrounds, then summarize some of their own observations
on “China and Me” from the contents of this course. Then in small groups, they will explore these ideas further from the vantage point of our local MA students. Prof. Kulich will then organize a lunch forum with other international students enrolled on the Songjiang campus to help them compare experiences and build bridges for future cross-SISU communication. WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS(listed by Due dates. Explained with detailed requirements) (1) For Dr. Danny Hsu: The “Modern China” contrastive assignment. (Due Dec 12, 2014)
In our pluralistic world, we often encounter a dizzying range of perspectives and interpretations. Thus for example, when it comes to China, we often find that different sources present China in different ways.
For the final assignment, explore how some of the issues we have discussed in this course module are covered by Chinese and foreign media. For the China side, you can choose China Daily and/or Global Times (in particular, the editorial). For the foreign perspective, you can choose a range of sources, from financial times to BBC, or whatever news outlet you are accustomed to reading.
Choose one topic/theme covered in this module and then select 1-2 articles from China and foreign perspectives. How do these different sources cover your chosen topic? What are the differences? Is there consensus on some points?
Most importantly, how does this course module help you to have a more complex and nuanced understanding of China? Does your understanding of China now help you to see a more complex picture that you might not have seen from the news sources before taking this course? How has is course helped you to see how news media coverage (both Chinese and foreign) skews, simplifies, or perhaps even does a good job of presenting the issues we've looked at?
Often, the news articles you read will be about very recent developments that we did not directly cover in class. But how does the framework and analysis offered in this module help you to make sense of these news stories? How does your knowledge now help you to raise further questions from these news articles?
The goal of the final assignment is for you to engage in a dialogue with the news articles you have chosen. In other words, think of our course module as having provided you several tools. Now apply these tools to grappling with your selected news articles. I want to see this grappling process on paper.
REQUIREMENTS: 5-7 pages (No title page). Times New Roman 12 pt font. Double space. Please send to: hsudanny@
(2) For Dr. Steve Kulich: “China and Me”segment assessment assignment. (Due Jan 10, 2015)
Having completed the course, and especially the segments that dealt with the psychology, communication styles, and situations/orientations of various groups of “today’s Chinese,” please write a reflective paper summarizing your observations and reflections under the theme “The X Chinese and Me” (business people, diplomats, educators, translators/linguists, Post-90s students, etc.). This subjective description paper should have three sections: your description of (1) Who they are, (2) Who you are in relation to them, and (3) What you anticipate to be challenging and How you expect to deal with those challenges. Specifically:
(1) Describe the group of Chinese you expect you will be dealing or working with… what are your ethnographic and post-course observations of WHO THEY ARE: What do you think defines their identities, values, goals, communication styles, practices? Summarize any special features of how they see themselves and how they function in social relations.
(2) Describe WHO YOU ARE in relation to them… explore any contrasts or comparisons of how you now see yourself in relation to your Chinese counterpart group, noting any areas of expected differences, any potential similarities or bridge-building opportunities, and then,
(3) Note and analyze the types of cultural or personal challenges you have been facing, how this course or other inputsmight have made you aware of some changes you might need to consider to better deal with misunderstandings, conflicts, or expected difficulties in relating more effectively or meaningfully with this group of Chinese people. Close with how do you see yourself relating to this group in the future and what your prospects are for positive interaction.
About 2 pages are recommended for your reflective description of each section.
REQUIREMENTS: 4-6 pages (No title page). Times New Roman 12 pt font. Double space. Please send to: steve.kulich@ (and for back-up send a copy to kulich@)
(3) For Dr. Jiang Fan: “Chinese Origins, Thought, Writings” assignment. (Due Feb 28, 2015)
This summary paper should compare one topic related to Chinese culture with the student’s native culture (comparative reflections). The student may choose any one of the following topics: mythology/ early philosophy/ origin of literature, and try to generalize his or her observations and reflections as well as illustrate each point with one example.
REQUIREMENTS: 800-1000 words (No title page). Times New Roman 12 pt font. Double space.
Send the paper to: cherryjiang75@
(4) Selected Topic PowerPoint Presentations(to be submitted to Dr. Jiang by Jan 15, 2015): From the weekly assigned readings, each student selects one topic and prepares a PowerPoint (minimum 10 .ppt slides). All .ppts are to be submitted to Dr. Jiang and will be evaluated on the following basis: (a) Does the presentation demonstrate an accurate understanding (i.e. through the type of questions asked of locals, sites visited, observations made) of the main issues under discussion?
(b) Has there been any effort to include critical reflection or any application of these issues?
School of International Journalism
Shanghai International Studies University
Mondays, 8:10 a.m.-11:30 a.m., Spring Semester 2014
Instructor: Dane S. Claussen, Ph.D., M.B.A.
email: dsclaussen@
mobile phone: 1 580 033 7461
Office locations: Rm. 609, Bldg. 1, Hongkou Campus (Office hours: please come in or make appointment): Rm. 210, Bldg. 1, Songjiang Campus (Office hours: Mon., 4:30-6:35 p.m.)。