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能源之 一,在光照资源较好的地区开展光伏扶贫,是实现 精准扶贫的有效途径和重要举措 。 [1] 我国从 2014 年 10 月开始正式启动光伏扶贫项目,计划到 2020 年用 6 年时间实施光伏扶贫工程。光伏扶贫是指 已建档立卡贫困户通过安装分布式光伏发电系统, 增加贫困人口基本生活收入,或利用贫困地区荒山 荒坡、农业大棚或设施农业等建设光伏电站,使贫 困人口能直接增加收入[2]。
2. Tsinghua Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute,Chengdu 610213,China)
Abstract: The calculation of the maximum capacity of a distributed photovoltaic(PV)poverty alleviation project with multiple access points to distribution network lacks efficient analysis methods. To solve this problem,based on the sum⁃ mary of typical modes of PV poverty alleviation with access to distribution network,an optimization model of the maxi⁃ mum capacity of distributed PV poverty alleviation with access to low-voltage distribution network is established. This model aims at the distributed access mode,and takes the voltage deviation,limit transmission capacity of lines and the rated capacity of distribution transformer as its constraints. In addition,a penalty function method is proposed to solve this model,and the maximum access capacity of one PV poverty alleviation project is quantitatively calculated. Results show that the proposed method can effectively calculate the limit on the access capacity of distributed PV poverty allevi⁃ ation,providing guidance and reference for the safe and reliable access of distributed PV poverty alleviation to low-volt⁃ age distribution network. Keywords: multiple access points;distributed photovoltaic;photovoltaic poverty alleviation;distribution network;ca⁃ pacity analysis
文献标志码:A 文章编号:1003-8930(2019)10-0110-07
第 31 卷 第 10 期 2019 年 10 月
电力系统及其自动化学报 Proceedings of the CSU-EPSA
Vol.31 No.10 Oct. 2019
孟宇红 1,毕猛强 1,史梓男 2,袁国强 2,黄 帅 2
(1. 国网河南省电力公司,郑州 450052;2. 清华四川能源互联网研究院,成都 610213)
Analysis of Maximum Capacity of Distributed Photovoltaic Poverty Alleviation with Multiple Access Points to Distribution Network
MENG Yuhong1,BI Mengqiang1,SHI Zinan2,YUAN Guoqiang2,HUANG Shuai2 (1. State Grid Henan Electric Power Company,Zhengzhou 450052,China;
光伏扶贫项目本质上是在农村贫困地区推广 建设分布式光伏发电及小型光伏电站。目前,光伏
扶贫主要模式有户用分布式光伏和村级分布式光 伏电站[3]。考虑扶贫地区主要位于偏远农村地区, 配电网具有覆盖面广、规模大、区域间发展不平衡、 负荷相对分散等特点[4],低压配电网设备、线路标准 较低,导致低电压、三相不平衡等问题突出[5]。随着 分布式光伏大规模接入,会对配电网电能质量、网 损、功率波动等产生重要影响[6-8]。因此有必要针对 农村配电网,分析分布式光伏扶贫可接入的最大容 量和规模,避免因光伏接入容量过大影响配电网安 全稳定运行和居民生产生活。