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本工程位于广东省东莞市,总建筑面积为24457m 2。

1、A7仓库:地下0 层,地面2 层,建筑高度11.35 米。

建筑面积2169m 。

耐火等级1 级.

2、B7厂房:地下0 层,地面4 层,建筑高度22.85 米。

建筑面积6109 m 。

耐火等级1 级.

3、C7锅炉房:地下0 层,地面1 层,建筑高度8.3 米。

建筑面积464 m 。

耐火等级2 级.
4、C7污水处理站:地下0 层,地面2 层,建筑高度8.3 米。

建筑面积415 m 。

耐火等级2 级.
5、D7厂房:地下0 层,地面4 层,建筑高度22.85 米。

建筑面积7413 m 。

耐火等级1 级.

6、E5仓库:地下0 层,地面2 层,建筑高度11.35 米。

建筑面积3738 m 。

耐火等级1 级.

7、E7仓库:地下0 层,地面2 层,建筑高度11.35 米。

建筑面积3739 m 。

耐火等级1 级,



implement the provisi ons of the code. (A) deepe ning the learni ng, enha nce the consciousness of honesty in politics. To create eve nt as an opportunity to Excel a nd lear ning party, further incre asing t he governance ca pability a nd a dvanced constructi on, rei nforce d rule s of the br oad masses of party members and cadre s awarene ss, sense of responsibil ity, se nse of honor, impr ove w orking a bility and level of scientific development. S hould make full use of meetings, in parti cular central group lear ning opportunity, furt her strengt heni ng the st udy a nd e ducation of the code, t he inte nsive war ning educati on, e ducation the majority of party members and ca dres know n fear, knew fear, honesty in politi cs of tension the stri ngs, consci ousness and enhancing the implementati on of the initiative. Also, pay attention to a pply w hat they have lear ned, consciously study results into planning work, new i deas,《东莞大宝化工
制品有限公司湖畔厂区三期工程防雷工程专项施工方案》利用建筑物的地基结构钢筋作防雷接地极,其中地梁内靠外侧(或同方向)的主筋(2根以上)通长焊接,用做水平接地体.承台及桩体钢筋作为垂直接地极. 柱内引下线钢筋应与地梁内用做水平接地极的主筋,该柱承台底板钢筋及其桩体主筋焊接相连.从而使整个建筑从上到下敷设为形成立体网格.环形均压电气闭合的防雷装置.





在低压电箱旁离地 +0.3M设总等电位接地端子箱EMB,并从EMB用BV-1X25/PC15各引一专用接地线到各种进.出金属管道上。



implement the provisi ons of the code. (A) deepe ning the learni ng, enha nce the consciousness of honesty in politics. To create eve nt as an opportunity to Excel a nd lear ning party, further incre asing t he governance ca pability a nd a dvanced constructi on, rei nforce d rule s of the br oad masses of party members and cadre s awarene ss, sense of responsibil ity, se nse of honor, improve w orking a bility and level of scientific development. S hould make full use of meetings, in parti cular central group lear ning opportunity, furt her strengt heni ng the st udy a nd e ducation of the code, t he inte nsive war ning educati on, e ducation the majority of party members and ca dres know n fear, knew fear, honesty in politi cs of tension the stri ngs, consci ousness and enhancing the implementati on of th e initiative. Also, pay attention to a pply w hat they have lear ned, consciously study results into planning work, new i deas,






implement the provisi ons of the code. (A) deepe ning the learni ng, enha nce the consciousness of honesty in politics. To create eve nt as an opportunity to Excel a nd lear ning party, further incre asing t he governance ca pability a nd a dvanced constructi on, rei nforce d rule s of the br oad masses of party members and cadre s awarene ss, sense of responsibil ity, se nse of honor, impr ove w orking a bility and level of scientific development. S hould make full use of meetings, in parti cular central group lear ning opportunity, furt her strengt heni ng the st udy a nd e ducation of the code, t he inte nsive war ning educati on, e ducation the majority of party members and ca dres know n fear, knew fear, honesty in politi cs of tension the stri ngs, consci ousness and enhancing the implementati on of the initiative. Also, pay attention to a pply w hat they have lear ned, consciously study results into planning work, new i deas,《东莞大宝化工







implement the provisi ons of the code. (A) deepe ning the learni ng, enha nce the consciousness of honesty in politics. To create eve nt as an opportunity to Excel a nd lear ning party, further incre asing t he governance ca pability a nd a dvanced constructi on, rei nforce d rule s of the br oad masses of party members and cadre s awarene ss, sense of responsibil ity, se nse of honor, improve w orking a bility and level of scientific development. S hould make full use of meetings, in parti cular central group lear ning opportunity, furt her strengt heni ng the st udy a nd e ducation of the code, t he inte nsive war ning educati on, e ducation the majority of party members and ca dres know n fear, knew fear, honesty in politi cs of tension the stri ngs, consci ousness and enhancing the implementati on of th e initiative. Also, pay attention to a pply w hat they have lear ned, consciously study results into planning work, new i deas,








implement the provisi ons of the code. (A) deepe ning the learni ng, enha nce the consciousness of honesty in politics. To create eve nt as an opportunity to Excel a nd lear ning party, further incre asing t he governance ca pability a nd a dvanced constructi on, rei nforce d rule s of the br oad masses of party members and cadre s awarene ss, sense of responsibil ity, se nse of honor, impr ove w orking a bility and level of scientific development. S hould make full use of meetings, in parti cular central group lear ning opportunity, furt her strengt heni ng the st udy a nd e ducation of the code, t he inte nsive war ning educati on, e ducation the majority of party members and ca dres know n fear, knew fear, honesty in politi cs of tension the stri ngs, consci ousness and enhancing the implementati on of the initiative. Also, pay attention to a pply w hat they have lear ned, consciously study results into planning work, new i deas,《东莞大宝化工












implement the provisi ons of the code. (A) deepe ning the learni ng, enha nce the consciousness of honesty in politics. To create eve nt as an opportunity to Excel a nd lear ning party, further incre asing t he governance ca pability a nd a dvanced constructi on, rei nforce d rule s of the br oad masses of party members and cadre s awarene ss, sense of responsibil ity, se nse of honor, improve w orking a bility and level of scientific development. S hould make full use of meetings, in parti cular central group lear ning opportunity, furt her strengt heni ng the st udy a nd e ducation of the code, t he inte nsive war ning educati on, e ducation the majority of party members and ca dres know n fear, knew fear, honesty in politi cs of tension the stri ngs, consci ousness and enhancing the implementati on of th e initiative. Also, pay attention to a pply w hat they have lear ned, consciously study results into planning work, new i deas,







implement the provisi ons of the code. (A) deepe ning the learni ng, enha nce the consciousness of honesty in politics. To create eve nt as an opportunity to Excel a nd lear ning party, further incre asing t he governance ca pability a nd a dvanced constructi on, rei nforce d rule s of the br oad masses of party members and cadre s awarene ss, sense of responsibil ity, se nse of honor, impr ove w orking a bility and level of scientific development. S hould make full use of meetings, in parti cular central group lear ning opportunity, furt her strengt heni ng the st udy a nd e ducation of the code, t he inte nsive war ning educati on, e ducation the majority of party members and ca dres know n fear, knew fear, honesty in politi cs of tension the stri ngs, consci ousness and enhancing the implementati on of the initiative. Also, pay attention to a pply w hat they have lear ned, consciously study results into planning work, new i deas,《东莞大宝化工

implement the provisi ons of the code. (A) deepe ning the learni ng, enha nce the consciousness of honesty in politics. To create eve nt as an opportunity to Excel a nd lear ning party, further incre asing t he governance ca pability a nd a dvanced constructi on, rei nforce d rule s of the br oad masses of party members and cadre s awarene ss, sense of responsibil ity, se nse of honor, improve w orking a bility and level of scientific development. S hould make full use of meetings, in parti cular central group lear ning opportunity, furt her strengt heni ng the st udy a nd e ducation of the code, t he inte nsive war ning educati on, e ducation the majority of party members and ca dres know n fear, knew fear, honesty in politi cs of tension the stri ngs, consci ousness and enhancing the implementati on of th e initiative. Also, pay attention to a pply w hat they have lear ned, consciously study results into planning work, new i deas,
1、施工方案................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.1工程概况............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

1.2编制依据............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

1.3施工工艺及技术措施........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

1.3.1准备阶段 .................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

1.3.2实施阶段 .................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

1.3.3施工工艺及技术措施 .............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

2、施工进度计划........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.1进度计划控制.................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3、施工临时布置........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3.1临时用水布置.................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3.2临时用电布置.................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3.3施工临时设施布置............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

4工程质量目标及保障措施.......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

4.1基本原则............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

4.2质量目标............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

4.3质量责任人职责................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

4.4工程质量保障措施............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

5、安全及文明施工措施............................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

5.1总则.................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

5.2安全管理重点.................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

yuan, a n increase of 17.5%; l ocal gover nment ge neral budget revenue of 500 milli on Yuan, ... Pai nting, model cultur e creates new Ma Chur ch community, creati ng Lake sce nic spot cultur e education ba se, received hig h evaluati on from pr ovincial and muni cipal discipli ne Inspection Commission, the people's daily special re port. Constantly pr omote inde pendent Commissi on agai nst corrupti on cult ure construction to rural extends, created esta blished Da hli n rural industry Park i nde pe nde nt Commission against corruption culture positi ons, formed has a support "service l ow double excelle nt" of members lead team, consta ntly perfect a nd esta blished Park funds asset s management, a nd vill age audit supervisi on, a nd vill agers dem ocratic fina nci al, system, strengt heni ng Park part y, and Chief, and fina ncial , full publi c, powerful to guarantees has new rural constr ucti on, by city rural style clea n governme nt inspecti on unit le d of height eval uation. Through the impleme ntation of honest and clea n gover nment cultural constructi on, a nd effectively e ducate the br oad masses of party member s and cadre
and consci ously regulated behavi or and discipl ine, honesty in politi cs and culture to create a good atmospher e and fresh devel opme nt environment. Alt hough we i n implement im plementation independent Commissi on against corr upti on guideli nes aspe cts made has must effectivene ss, but away from superi or of requir ements also exists must of distance, main performance for: a is sy stem enough sound, e ducation, and supervi sion, and preventi on, and punishment, aspect s long-term mechani sm also e nough perfect, especial ly in enr ollment bid w ork regulatory aspe cts also nee ded stre ngt heni ng; II is reg ulatory supervision exists lost of Yu wide, and lost of Yu soft, investigation illegal discipli nary case of ef forts also neede d strengt heni ng, individual se ctor a nd ca dres al so different degree exists treat gift, not to benefits not do, and mess do of phenomenon; T hree for hone st work is t he new situations a nd new pr oblems i n findi ng timely enoug h, treatment measure s are not str ong e nough. o solve these problems, we w ill procee d from the followi ng five aspe cts of rectifi cation, make sure to
implement the provisi ons of the code. (A) deepe ning the learni ng, enha nce the consciousness of honesty in politics. To create eve nt as an opportunity to Excel a nd lear ning party, further incre asing t he governance ca pability a nd a dvanced constructi on, rei nforce d rule s of the br oad masses of party members and cadre s awarene ss, sense of responsibil ity, se nse of honor, impr ove w orking a bility and level of scientific development. S hould make full use of meetings, in parti cular central group lear ning opportunity, furt her strengt heni ng the st udy a nd e ducation of the code, t he inte nsive war ning educati on, e ducation the majority of party members and ca dres know n fear, knew fear, honesty in politi cs of tension the stri ngs, consci ousness and enhancing the implementati on of the initiative. Also, pay attention to a pply w hat they have lear ned, consciously study results into planning work, new i deas,《东莞大宝化工
昆山中源机电工程有限公司东莞分公司 ew measure s to pr omote work, t he courage to take responsi bility, dare to break hard t o ensure di strict, Governme nt de cisions a nd arra ngements to implement. (B) strengt heni ng supervi sion, severely punish a cts of violati on. One is to open t he channels of supervisi on. V igorously pr omote the pa rty affairs public, ope n, wi dely accepte d supervisi on by the masses, pay attenti on to social groups a nd publi c opini on supervisi on, the powerful force formed t o urge party member s and leadi ng cadre s properly exercise their powers. Second, strong supervisi on a nd i nspection. Democratic life int o full play, important briefings, re ports relate d to personal matters and eval uation of ca dres ' study of inner-party supervisory system, a com prehe nsive grasp of gui deline s for the impleme ntation of the independent Commissi on agai nst corr upti on-related cases of leading cadres of party members, focus on stre ngthe ning key areas of pr oje ct sele ction, funding, officials m onitor, detect a nd re ctify the problem, pr omote hone sty in politics. Thir d, strengthen disci plinary investigation. Seriously the implementati on of JI ...
Recently, the County leadi ng bodies at t he county level t o carry out "three trees" practi ce, w hich is to impr ove the gov erning a bility and pr omoting the devel opme nt of XX effective measure. I carefully follow your depl oyment requirements, and actively parti cipate i n the "three tree s" campaign. Read Group, pre pared by t he Department in the near futur e of the ideol ogical a nd politica l construction of leadi ng ca dres in the city reade r, read t he relevant i nformation, larger harvest, inspire d. I thi nk the a bility of repel ling is to strengthe n the party's gover ning ca pacity i n questions of the const ructio n of meani ng, an im portant topic remai ns in front of party members a nd ca dres at all level s, we need to furt her expl ore and ponder. T he ability of repelling t he name suggests, is aski ng party members a nd ca dres at all level s in parti cula r, lea ding ca dres at all level s, not only ourselve s, establ ish a corre ct concept of the i nde pe nde nt Commission against corruption, political i nteg rity, self-discipli ne, rejection of corrupti on, made for the people, pragmatic, honest lea dership, a nd stre ngthe n the se nse of
responsi bility, earnestly im plement the re sponsibility of uncorrupted, impl ementation of the baolia n anti -corrupti on mea sures to ensure the reali zation of busine ss-buildi ng, constr ucti on of a wi n-wi n sit uation. Next, I combi ned wit h their thi nking, experie nce a nd contact XX pra ctical, on how to nha nce the ability of repelling, on four aspects of cog nition. Irregularities, plea se comment. First, the construction of the propulsi on system, a nd e nha nce the system of corruption since the founding of our part y, have been t hinki ng about tackli ng corr upti on. Curre ntly, democrati c legal syste m, management system and supervisi on me cha nism is not perfect, a dministrative a cts are not very standar dize d, Enterpri se behavior a nd market be havior, corruption prese nts a diverse, pl uralistic, com plex trends, this shift the struggle betwe en the two, will a ccompany 115.3服从监理公司安全管理 .................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

5.4安全管理措施 .................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

5.5文明施工管理目标和原则 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

5.6文明施工管理办法 ............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

6施工机械及主要材料进场计划 .................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

6.1工、机具准备 .................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

6.2设备、材料准备 ................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
