
国际象棋的常用英语术语White 白方Black 黑方Piece 棋子King 王Queen 后Rook 车Bishop 象Knight 马Pawn 兵Win 赢棋Loss 负Draw 和Resign 认输Board 棋盘Square 方格Rank 横线File 直线Diagonal 斜线Centre 中心Wing 侧翼Check 将军Checkmate/Mate 将杀Stalemate 无子可动Double check 双将Fork 双吃Skewer 串吃To give check 打将To give checkmate 杀王Move 走子Capture 吃子Castling 王车易位国际象棋的常用英语术语 II Game 对局Opening 开局Middlegame 中局Ending 残局Result 战绩Win 赢棋Loss 负Draw 和Resign 认输Crosstable 成绩表一般指循环制的成绩表Point 分Half a point 半分Zero 零Analysis 拆棋Position 局面Novelty 新招Threat 威胁Attack 进攻Defence 防御Variant 变着Combination 战术组合Sacrifice 弃子Mistake 错着Clock 棋钟Flag 钟旗Time 时间Time trouble 时间恐慌Score sheet 记录纸Envelope 封棋信封Master 大师Participant 参赛者Tournament 联赛Match 对抗赛Olympaid 奥林匹克赛Team 队Captain 队长Country 国家Winner 优胜者Champion 冠军Drawing of lots 抽签Number 序号Round 轮次To accept a draw 承受和棋Adjourned game 封局Adjourned position 封棋局面Advantage n. 优势Decisive advantage 决定性优势Material advantage 子力优势Obvious advantage 明显优势Positional advantage 局面优势Development advantage 出子优势Space advantage 空间优势To get advantage 取得优势To have advantage 拥有优势Chief arbiter 主裁判International arbiter 国际裁判National arbiter 国家裁判To have the bye 轮空Game of chess 国际象棋对局Laws of chess 国际象棋规那么Castle v. 王车易位Long castling 长易位Short castling 短易位Centre opening 中心开局Central gambit 中心弃兵开局Bishops’ opening 飞象开局Latvian gambit 拉脱维亚弃兵开局Kings’ gambit 王翼弃兵局Vienna game 维也纳开局Phlidor’s defence 菲立道尔防御Four knights’ game 四马开局Italian game 意大利开局Evans gambit 伊文思弃兵局Two knights’ defence 双马防御Scotch game 苏格兰开局Russian defence 俄罗斯防御Spanish game 西班牙布局Caro-kann defence 卡罗-康防御Alekhine’s defence 阿列亨防御French defence 法兰西防御Sicilian defence 西西里防御Queen’s gambit 后翼弃兵局Queen’s gambit acepted吃后翼弃兵局Slav defence 斯拉夫防御Queen’s indian defence新印度防御Catalan system 卡塔龙开局Kings indian defence 古印度防御English opening 英国式开局。

1.史密斯-菲利多尔1790The modern era of chess begins with Philidor's positional analysis of the openings. 现代国际象棋源于Philidor的开局形势分析。
Though he died in the 18th century, his was the most widely printed book in chess history. 虽然他死于18世纪,他的著作依然是国际象棋的一座丰碑。
In this historically interesting game Philidor actually demonstrates the power of a superior pawn formation, confirming his famous maxim: "Pawns are the soul of chess."在这一既有趣又有历史意义的棋局,Philidor证实了好兵型的重要性,也证实了他的格言:“兵是国际象棋的灵魂”。
附:生词nicety1. 微妙;细微2. 细微之处, 细微的区别;细节position位置,地位analysis分析demonstrate展示superior优秀的formation构成confirm证实, 证明; 肯定, 确认国际象棋常用英语词汇Chess 国际象棋King 王(国王)Queen 后(皇后)Bishop 象(主教)Knight 马(骑士)Rook 车(城堡)Pawn 兵(奴隶)Board 棋盘Position 局面Checkmate 将死Game 对局对弈比赛Openings 开局middlegame, midgame 中局Endgames 残局Tactics 战术FEN Forsyth-Edwards Notation,福斯夫-爱德华兹记录法PGN Portable Game Notation,可移植式棋局记录法。

chess,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“ 国际象棋,西洋棋,人名;(英)切斯”扩展资料:
chess variant象棋变体; 国际象棋变体
aeroplane chess飞行棋; 详细翻译
chess board棋盘; 棋盘图片; 象棋盘
Animal Chess动物棋
chess table下棋桌; 着棋桌; 象棋桌; 棋牌桌
Chess Records切斯唱片; 切斯唱片公司; 象棋唱片
Fritz Chess国际象棋; 西洋棋高手; 提供关于; 德国佬象棋
Chess world象棋界
Chess Knight国际象棋; 国际象棋骑士; 象棋骑士; 国际象棋骑士2中文版 [1]
Chess is one of the best strategy games of all time.
I like playing ( to play ) chess with you , but not today .
But that's the rule of chess, like it or not, you have to have a king.

国际象棋常用英语词汇Chess国际象棋 King王(国王) Queen后(皇后) Bishop['bɪʃəp]象(主教)Knight[naɪt]马(骑士) Rook[rʊk]车(城堡) Pawn pɔːn]兵(奴隶)Board棋盘Position[pə'zɪʃ(ə)n]局面 Checkmate['tʃekmeɪt]将死 Game对局对弈比赛Openings开局middlegame midgame中局 Endgames残局 Tactics['tæktɪks]战术FEN Forsyth-Edwards Notation福斯夫-爱德华兹记录法 PGN Portable Game Notation可移植式棋局记录法Database数据库 castle['kɑːs(ə)l]王车易位open file开放线 pawn structure兵型 double check双将 pin牵制fork击双(捉双) center中心王翼 kingside 后翼 queenside 过路兵 pass pawn 棋格 square 封锁 blockade 提议和棋 offer draw(大)错、劣、漏、臭着 blunder ['blʌndə]规则 rule 超快棋(闪电战) blitz [blɪts]认输 resign [rɪ'zaɪn]记谱 notation 棋子,子力(除兵之外)piece重子 heavy pieces 轻子minor-pieces Chess set棋具 chess player下象棋者、棋手 Participane参赛者 Arbiter['ɑːbɪtə]裁判 Master大师winner优胜者 champion冠军 Tournament锦标赛、联赛 Match对抗赛Olympiad奥林匹克赛correspondence chess国际象棋通讯赛team队、组 captain队长 country国家 drawing of lots抽签number序号 round轮次 category['kætɪg(ə)rɪ]级别 game of chess国际象棋对局 laws of chess国际象棋规则 Colour颜色 White白棋Black黑棋 bishop of opposite colors异色格象 bishop of thesame colors同色格象 bishop ending象残局 Diagonal斜线、对角线Centralization中心化 Wing翼 notation坐标 Rank 1)横排2)名次Fili[fili]竖行 start开始走子 Move着、回合 Bye:to have the bye轮空 chance机会 chances to win胜机 gambit['gæmbɪt开局时牺牲一子而取得优势(弃兵) Long castling长易位 Short castling短易位Exchange兑换 to give check打将 check将军 Discovered check闪将perpetual pə'petʃʊəl; check长将 to mate, to checkmate将死to give checkmate杀王 Stalemate无子可动、僵局 accept接受、同意 to accept a draw同意和棋 accurate['ækjʊrət]准确、精确的adjojrn[ə'dʒɜːn]封棋 adjourneg game封局 Result成绩 to block 阻挡 to draw和棋 to win胜 to lose败 to take吃 to huff[hʌf]威迫 breakthrough突破 over the board面对面实战 the best result最好的成绩 better is (was)较好的是 badge bædʒ]证章、徽章Rank 横线 File 直线 Diagonal 斜线 Centre 中心 Wing 侧翼 Check 将军Checkmate 将杀 Mate 将杀 Stalemate 无子可动 Discovered check 闪将Double check 双将 Perpetual check 长将 To give check 打将 Checkmate 将杀 To give checkmate 杀王 Exchange 交换、兑子 Move 走子 Capture 吃子Castling 王车易位 Game 对局 Opening 开局 Middlegame 中局 Ending 残局 Result 战绩 Win 赢棋 Loss 负 Draw 和 Resign 认输 Crosstable 成绩表一般指循环制的成绩表Point 分Half a point 半分 Zero 零Analysis [ə'nælɪsɪs]拆棋 Novelty 新招 Threat 威胁 Attack 进攻 Defence 防御 Variant 变着 Combination 战术组合 Sacrifice 弃子 Mistake 错着Clock 棋钟 Flag 钟旗 Time 时间 Time trouble 时间恐慌 Score sheet 记录纸 Envelope 封棋信封 Master 大师 Participant 参赛者 Tournament 联赛 Match 对抗赛 Olympaid 奥林匹克赛 Team 队 Captain 队长 Country 国家 Winner 优胜者 Champion 冠军Drawing of lots 抽签 Number 序号 Round 轮次 To accept a draw 接受和棋Adjourned game 封局 Adjourned position 封棋局面 Advantage n. 优势Decisive advantage 决定性优势Material advantage 子力优势Obvious advantage 明显优势Positional advantage 局面优势Development advantage 出子优势 Space advantage 空间优势 To get advantage 取得优势To have advantage 拥有优势Chief arbiter 主裁判International arbiter 国际裁判 National arbiter 国家裁判 To have the bye 轮空Game of chess 国际象棋对局 Laws of chess 国际象棋规则 Castle 王车易位Long castling 长易位 Short castling 短易位 Centre opening 中心开局Central gambit 中心弃兵开局 Bishops opening 飞象开局 Latvian gambit 拉脱维亚弃兵开局 Kings gambit 王翼弃兵局 Vienna game 维也纳开局Phlidor’s defence 菲立道尔防御 Four knights’game 四马开局 Italian game 意大利开局 Evans gambit 伊文思弃兵局 Two knights’defence 双马防御 Scotch game 苏格兰开局 Russian defence 俄罗斯防御 Spanish game 西班牙布局 Caro-kann defence 卡罗-康防御 Alekhine’s defence 阿列亨防御 French defence 法兰西防御 Sicilian defence 西西里防御 Queen’s gambit 后翼弃兵局 Queen’s gambit acepted吃后翼弃兵局 Slav defence 斯拉夫防御 Queens indian defence新印度防御 Catalan system 卡塔龙开局Kings indian defence 古印度防御 English opening 英国式开局。

从白方的方向看,由左到右竖线用字母表示为a、b 、c 、d 、e 、f、g和h,从白方到黑方的横线则为1, 2,3,4,5,6,7和8。
双象(Bishop pair):双象对一象一马或双马。

国际象棋术语中英文对照积极的(Active)优势(Advantage)代数记谱法(Algebraic notation)分析(Analysis)注释(Annotation)攻击(Attack)双象(Bishop pair)阻挡(Blockade)大漏着(Blunder)突破(Breakthrough)易位(Castle)中心(Center)将死(Checkmate)清障(Clearance sacrifice)封闭性局面(Closed game)组合(Combination)通路联兵(Connected passed pawns)控制(Control)反击(Counterplay)束缚(Cramp):通常是在空间上吃亏的结果,缺乏机动性。
关键局面(Critical position)强诱(Decoy)防御(Defense)引离(Deflection):包括赶走对手的主要保卫者,以便瘫痪对手防御的战术。
闪击(Discovered attack):埋伏。
闪将(Discovered check):包括将您的对手的王的闪击。
双重攻击(Double attack):同时攻击两个目标的着法。
双将(Double check):最强有力的闪击,用两个棋子同时将王。
叠兵(Doubled pawns):同样颜色的两个兵处于一条竖线上。
国际等级分(Elo rating):评价棋手的系统。

Kings’ gambit 王翼弃兵局
Vienna game 维也纳开局
Phlidor’s defence 菲立道尔防御
Four knights’ game 四马开局
Italian game 意大利开局
Evans gambit 伊文思弃兵局
Two knights’ defence 双马防御
Stalemate 无子可动、僵局
accept 接受、同意
to accept a draw 同意和棋
accurate 准确、精确的
adjojrn 封棋
adjourneg game 封局
Result 成绩
to block 阻挡
to draw 和棋
to win 胜
to lose 败
to take 吃
to huff 威迫
Though he died in the 18th century, his was the most widely printed book in chess history. 虽然他死于18世纪,他的著作依然是国际象棋的一座丰碑。
In this historically interesting game Philidor actually demonstrates the power of a superior pawn formation, confirming his famous maxim: "Pawns are the soul of chess."
champion 冠军
Tournament 锦标赛、
Match 对抗赛
Olympiad 奥林匹克赛

国际象棋的常用英语术语1. Check(将军):当一方的国王处于对方棋子的攻击范围内时,我们称之为“将军”。
2. Checkmate(将死):当一方的国王被将军,且无法通过移动其他棋子来解除将军状态时,我们称之为“将死”,游戏结束。
3. Stalemate(逼和):当一方的国王未处于将军状态,但其所有棋子均无法移动时,我们称之为“逼和”,游戏以平局结束。
4. Pawn(兵):国际象棋中的最小棋子,每方有8个。
5. Rook(车):棋盘上的“城堡”,每方有2个。
6. Knight(马):棋盘上的“骑士”,每方有2个。
7. Bishop(象):棋盘上的“主教”,每方有2个。
8. Queen(后):棋盘上的“皇后”,每方有1个。
9. King(王):棋盘上的“国王”,每方有1个。
10. Castling(王车易位):一种特殊的移动,允许王和车同时移动,用于加强王的安全。
11. Promotion(升变):当兵到达棋盘的另一端时,可以升变为除了王以外的任意棋子。
12. En passant(吃过路兵):一种特殊的吃子规则,当对方的兵第一次移动两格时,己方的兵可以斜着吃掉它。
13. Opening(开局):国际象棋对局的初始阶段,主要目的是布置棋子,为后续战斗做好准备。
14. Middlegame(中局):开局之后的阶段,双方棋子开始展开战斗,争夺棋盘控制权。
15. Endgame(残局):对局的后半段,棋盘上棋子数量减少,战斗进入决定性阶段。
16. Fork(双攻):当一个棋子同时攻击对方两个或多个棋子时,这种情况称为“双攻”。

国际象棋的常用英语术语IWhite 白方Black 黑方Piece 棋子King 王Queen 后Rook 车Bishop 象Knight 马Pawn 兵Win 赢棋Loss 负Draw 和Resign 认输Board 棋盘Square 方格Rank 横线File 直线Diagonal 斜线Centre 中心Wing 侧翼Check 将军Checkmate/Mate 将杀Stalemate 无子可动Double check 双将Fork 双吃Skewer 串吃To give check 打将To give checkmate 杀王Move 走子Capture 吃子Castling 王车易位国际象棋的常用英语术语IIGame 对局Opening 开局Middlegame 中局Ending 残局Result 战绩Win 赢棋Loss 负Draw 和Resign 认输Crosstable 成绩表一般指循环制的成绩表Point 分Half a point 半分Zero 零Analysis 拆棋Position 局面Novelty 新招Threat 威胁Attack 进攻Defence 防御Variant 变着Combination 战术组合Sacrifice 弃子Mistake 错着Clock 棋钟Flag 钟旗Time 时间Time trouble 时间恐慌Score sheet 记录纸Envelope 封棋信封Master 大师Participant 参赛者Tournament 联赛Match 对抗赛Olympaid 奥林匹克赛Team 队Captain 队长Country 国家Winner 优胜者Champion 冠军Drawing of lots 抽签Number 序号Round 轮次To accept a draw 接受和棋Adjourned game 封局Adjourned position 封棋局面Advantage n. 优势Decisive advantage 决定性优势Material advantage 子力优势Obvious advantage 明显优势Positional advantage 局面优势Development advantage 出子优势Space advantage 空间优势To get advantage 取得优势To have advantage 拥有优势Chief arbiter 主裁判International arbiter 国际裁判National arbiter 国家裁判To have the bye 轮空Game of chess 国际象棋对局Laws of chess 国际象棋规则Castle v. 王车易位Long castling 长易位Short castling 短易位Centre opening 中心开局Central gambit 中心弃兵开局Bishops’ opening飞象开局Latvian gambit 拉脱维亚弃兵开局Kings’ gambit王翼弃兵局Vienna game 维也纳开局Phlidor’s defence菲立道尔防御Four knights’ game四马开局Italian game 意大利开局Evans gambit 伊文思弃兵局Two knights’ defence双马防御Scotch game 苏格兰开局Russian defence 俄罗斯防御Spanish game 西班牙布局Caro-kann defence 卡罗-康防御Alekhine’s defence阿列亨防御French defence 法兰西防御Sicilian defence 西西里防御Queen’s gambit后翼弃兵局Queen’s gambit acepted吃后翼弃兵局Slav defence 斯拉夫防御Queen’s indian defence新印度防御Catalan system 卡塔龙开局Kings indian defence 古印度防御English opening 英国式开局。

国际象棋常用英语国际象棋常用英语词汇Chess国际象棋 King王(国王) Queen后(皇后) Bishop['bɪʃəp]象(主教)Knight[naɪt]马(骑士) Rook[rʊk]车(城堡) Pawn pɔːn]兵(奴隶)Board棋盘 Position[pə'zɪʃ(ə)n]局面 Checkmate['tʃekmeɪt]将死 Game 对局对弈比赛Openings开局middlegame midgame中局 Endgames残局 Tactics['tæktɪks]战术FEN Forsyth-Edwards Notation福斯夫-爱德华兹记录法 PGN Portable Game Notation可移植式棋局记录法Database数据库 castle['kɑːs(ə)l]王车易位 open file开放线 pawn structure兵型 double check双将 pin牵制 fork击双(捉双) center中心王翼kingside 后翼 queenside 过路兵 pass pawn 棋格 square 封锁blockade 提议和棋 offer draw(大)错、劣、漏、臭着 blunder ['blʌndə]规则 rule 超快棋(闪电战) blitz [blɪts]认输 resign [rɪ'zaɪn]记谱 notation 棋子,子力(除兵之外)piece重子 heavy pieces 轻子minor-pieces Chess set棋具 chess player 下象棋者、棋手 Participane参赛者 Arbiter['ɑːbɪtə]裁判 Master大师 winner优胜者 champion冠军 Tournament锦标赛、联赛Match对抗赛 Olympiad奥林匹克赛 correspondence chess国际象棋通讯赛 team队、组 captain队长 country国家 drawingof lots抽签 number序号 round轮次 category['kætɪg(ə)rɪ]级别game of chess国际象棋对局 laws of chess国际象棋规则 Colour 颜色 White白棋 Black黑棋 bishop of opposite colors异色格象 bishop of the same colors同色格象 bishop ending象残局Diagonal斜线、对角线Centralization中心化 Wing翼 notation坐标 Rank 1)横排2)名次Fili[fili]竖行 start开始走子 Move着、回合 Bye:to have the bye轮空 chance机会 chances to win胜机 gambit['gæmbɪt开局时牺牲一子而取得优势(弃兵) Long castling长易位 Short castling短易位 Exchange兑换 to give check打将 check将军 Discovered check闪将 perpetual pə'petʃʊəl; check长将 to mate, to checkmate 将死to give checkmate杀王 Stalemate无子可动、僵局 accept接受、同意 to accept a draw同意和棋 accurate['ækjʊrət]准确、精确的adjojrn[ə'dʒɜːn]封棋 adjourneg game封局 Result成绩 to block阻挡 to draw和棋 to win胜 to lose败 to take吃 to huff[hʌf]威迫 breakthrough突破 over the board面对面实战the best result最好的成绩 better is (was)较好的是 badge bædʒ]证章、徽章 Rank 横线 File 直线 Diagonal 斜线 Centre 中心 Wing 侧翼Check 将军 Checkmate 将杀 Mate 将杀 Stalemate 无子可动 Discovered check 闪将 Double check 双将 Perpetual check 长将 To give check 打将Checkmate 将杀 To give checkmate 杀王 Exchange 交换、兑子 Move 走子Capture 吃子 Castling 王车易位 Game 对局 Opening 开局 Middlegame 中局 Ending 残局 Result 战绩 Win 赢棋 Loss 负 Draw 和 Resign 认输Crosstable 成绩表一般指循环制的成绩表 Point 分 Half a point 半分Zero 零 Analysis [ə'nælɪsɪs]拆棋 Novelty 新招 Threat 威胁 Attack进攻 Defence 防御 Variant 变着 Combination 战术组合 Sacrifice 弃子Mistake 错着 Clock 棋钟 Flag 钟旗 Time 时间 Time trouble 时间恐慌Score sheet 记录纸 Envelope 封棋信封 Master 大师 Participant 参赛者 Tournament 联赛 Match 对抗赛 Olympaid 奥林匹克赛 Team 队Captain 队长 Country 国家 Winner 优胜者 Champion 冠军Drawing of lots 抽签 Number 序号 Round 轮次 To accept a draw 接受和棋 Adjourned game 封局 Adjourned position 封棋局面 Advantage n. 优势 Decisive advantage 决定性优势 Material advantage 子力优势Obvious advantage 明显优势 Positional advantage 局面优势Development advantage 出子优势 Space advantage 空间优势 To get advantage 取得优势 To have advantage 拥有优势 Chief arbiter 主裁判International arbiter 国际裁判 National arbiter 国家裁判 To have the bye 轮空 Game of chess 国际象棋对局 Laws of chess 国际象棋规则Castle 王车易位 Long castling 长易位 Short castling 短易位 Centre opening 中心开局 Central gambit 中心弃兵开局 Bishops opening 飞象开局Latvian gambit 拉脱维亚弃兵开局 Kings gambit 王翼弃兵局 Vienna game 维也纳开局 Phlidor’s defence 菲立道尔防御 Four knights’game 四马开局Italian game 意大利开局 Evans gambit 伊文思弃兵局 Two knights’defence 双马防御 Scotch game 苏格兰开局 Russian defence 俄罗斯防御Spanish game 西班牙布局 Caro-kann defence 卡罗-康防御 Alekhine’s defence 阿列亨防御 French defence 法兰西防御 Sicilian defence 西西里防御 Queen’s gambit 后翼弃兵局 Queen’s gambit acepted吃后翼弃兵局 Slav defence 斯拉夫防御 Queens indian defence新印度防御Catalan system 卡塔龙开局 Kings indian defence 古印度防御 English opening 英国式开局。

介绍国际象棋英文演讲稿Chess, a game that has been played for centuries, is a timeless classic that has captured the hearts and minds of people all over the world. Today, I am here to introduce you to the fascinating world of chess.Chess, also known as international chess, is a two-player strategy game that is played on a checkered gameboard with 64 squares arranged in an 8×8 grid. Each player begins with 16 pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. The objective of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king, whereby the king is under immediate attack and there is no way to remove or defend it from capture.The game of chess has a rich history, dating back to the 6th century in India. It has evolved over the centuries and has become a popular pastime and competitive sport around the world. The game is not only a test of skill and strategy, but also a mental exercise that requires concentration, foresight, and decision-making.One of the most fascinating aspects of chess is the depth and complexity of the game. With an almost infinite number of possible moves and combinations, each game of chess is unique and presents new challenges and opportunities. The game requires players to think several moves ahead, anticipate their opponent's moves, and adapt to changing circumstances on the board.Chess is also a game that transcends cultural and language barriers. It is played and enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds, and has become a symbol of intelligence and strategic thinking. The game has inspired countless books, movies, and works of art, and has even been used as a metaphor for life and war.In recent years, chess has gained even more popularity with the rise of online chess platforms and competitive tournaments. Players from around the world can now compete against each other in real-time, and the game has found a new audience among younger generations.In conclusion, chess is a timeless game that has stood the test of time and continues to captivate players and spectators alike. Its rich history, strategic depth, and universal appeal make it a truly remarkable game. Whether you are a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, I encourage you to explore the world of chess and experience the joy and satisfaction that comes from mastering this ancient game. Thank you.。

The Charm of International Chess: A Blend of Strategy and CreativityChess, a timeless game of strategy and wit, has captivated generations across the globe. Originating in India over a thousand years ago, it has evolved to become a symbol of intellectual prowess and a medium for cultural exchange. The board, divided into 64 squares, serves as a canvas for two opposing forces to engage in a fierce battle of wits.Each player commands a team of sixteen pieces, each with its unique move and purpose. The white pieces, typically played by the player who moves first, symbolize the forces of light and order, while the black pieces, moved by the second player, represent darkness and chaos. This contrast not only adds aesthetic value to the game but also represents the dynamic nature of strategic thinking. The game begins with a simple setup, but the complexity soon unfolds. Players must anticipate their opponent's moves, plan ahead, and adapt their strategy as the game progresses. The opening phase, known as the "opening," requires players to establish a solid foundation anddevelop their pieces effectively. The middle game, or "middlegame," is where the real action takes place, as players jockey their forces to gain an advantage. The endgame, the final phase, is a test of patience and precision, as players strive to convert their positional advantages into a winning position.The beauty of chess lies in its simplicity and yet the profound depth it offers. It is a game that can be enjoyed by children and grandmasters alike, each finding their own challenges and joys within its intricate web of possibilities. The game has also transcended its original purpose, becoming a symbol of intellectual competition and a桥梁between cultures.The International Chess Federation (FIDE), the governing body for the sport, organizes various tournaments and championships that attract the best players from around the world. These events not only showcase the remarkable skills of the players but also serve as a platform for cultural exchange and understanding.Chess has also found its way into the mainstream, with numerous books, movies, and even computer games dedicatedto its rich history and strategy. This has further expanded its reach, making it accessible to a wider audience.In conclusion, chess is much more than just a game. It is a testament to the power of human creativity and strategic thinking. It is a universal language that transcends boundaries and brings people together. As long as there are minds willing to挑战the complexities of this ancient game, chess will continue to thrive and inspire generations to come.**国际象棋的魅力:策略与创意的完美结合**国际象棋,这一历史悠久、充满智慧的策略游戏,已经迷倒了全球数代玩家。

国际象棋英语专业术语The chessboard is a battleground of intellect and strategy, where each piece has its role and every move has a name. In the realm of international chess, the terminology is rich with history and nuance, reflecting the game's complexity and the precision required to discuss it.At the heart of the game are the pieces themselves, each with its own set of moves and strategic implications. The "Pawn" is the foot soldier, advancing one square at a time but with the potential to become any other piece (except King or Queen) upon reaching the opponent's back rank. The "Knight" leaps in an L-shape, a versatile piece that can jump over others, making it a formidable defender and attacker.The "Bishop" moves diagonally across the board, a long-range piece that can control large swaths of the board. The "Rook" traverses the ranks and files with power, a cornerstone of many strategies due to its ability to castle with the King. The "Queen" is the most potent piece on the board, combining the moves of the Rook and Bishop, and a central figure in both offense and defense.The "King" is the ultimate target, and while not as mobile as the other pieces, it is the focus of the game. The King's safety is paramount, and the term "check" is used when the King is under threat. If the King cannot escape from "checkmate," the game is lost.Tactical terms like "fork," "pin," and "skewer" describe specific types of attacks where one piece simultaneously threatens two or more of the opponent's pieces. "Stalemate"is a unique situation where a player has no legal move and is not in check, resulting in a draw.Strategic concepts like "open file," "control of the center," and "pawn structure" are crucial to understanding the broader game. An "open file" is a column on the boardthat contains no pawns, often a corridor for Rooks to dominate. Controlling the center—the four central squares on the board—is a fundamental principle in chess strategy.Chess notation is another specialized language within the game. "e4" means the pawn on the e-file has moved two squares forward. "Nf3" indicates the Knight on the f3 square has moved to the g5 square.The language of chess is as intricate as the game itself, with each term painting a picture of the board's state and the ideas behind the moves. It's a language that speaks to the heart of the game, a dialogue between players that transcends mere competition and delves into the artistic and intellectual depths of the sport.。

国际象棋常用英语词汇Chess国际象棋 King王(国王) Queen后(皇后) Bishop['bɪʃəp]象(主教)Knight[naɪt]马(骑士) Rook[rʊk]车(城堡) Pawn pɔːn]兵(奴隶)Board棋盘Position[pə'zɪʃ(ə)n]局面 Checkmate['tʃekmeɪt]将死 Game对局对弈比赛Openings开局middlegame midgame中局 Endgames残局 Tactics['tæktɪks]战术FEN Forsyth-Edwards Notation福斯夫-爱德华兹记录法 PGN Portable Game Notation可移植式棋局记录法Database数据库 castle['kɑːs(ə)l]王车易位open file开放线 pawn structure兵型 double check双将 pin牵制fork击双(捉双) center中心王翼 kingside 后翼 queenside 过路兵 pass pawn 棋格 square 封锁 blockade 提议和棋 offer draw(大)错、劣、漏、臭着 blunder ['blʌndə]规则 rule 超快棋(闪电战) blitz [blɪts]认输 resign [rɪ'zaɪn]记谱 notation 棋子,子力(除兵之外)piece重子 heavy pieces 轻子minor-pieces Chess set棋具 chess player下象棋者、棋手 Participane参赛者 Arbiter['ɑːbɪtə]裁判 Master大师winner优胜者 champion冠军 Tournament锦标赛、联赛 Match对抗赛Olympiad奥林匹克赛correspondence chess国际象棋通讯赛team队、组 captain队长 country国家 drawing of lots抽签number序号 round轮次 category['kætɪg(ə)rɪ]级别 game of chess国际象棋对局 laws of chess国际象棋规则 Colour颜色 White白棋Black黑棋 bishop of opposite colors异色格象 bishop of thesame colors同色格象 bishop ending象残局 Diagonal斜线、对角线Centralization中心化 Wing翼 notation坐标 Rank 1)横排2)名次Fili[fili]竖行 start开始走子 Move着、回合 Bye:to have the bye轮空 chance机会 chances to win胜机 gambit['gæmbɪt开局时牺牲一子而取得优势(弃兵) Long castling长易位 Short castling短易位Exchange兑换 to give check打将 check将军 Discovered check闪将perpetual pə'petʃʊəl; check长将 to mate, to checkmate将死to give checkmate杀王 Stalemate无子可动、僵局 accept接受、同意 to accept a draw同意和棋 accurate['ækjʊrət]准确、精确的adjojrn[ə'dʒɜːn]封棋 adjourneg game封局 Result成绩 to block 阻挡 to draw和棋 to win胜 to lose败 to take吃 to huff[hʌf]威迫 breakthrough突破 over the board面对面实战 the best result最好的成绩 better is (was)较好的是 badge bædʒ]证章、徽章Rank 横线 File 直线 Diagonal 斜线 Centre 中心 Wing 侧翼 Check 将军Checkmate 将杀 Mate 将杀 Stalemate 无子可动 Discovered check 闪将Double check 双将 Perpetual check 长将 To give check 打将 Checkmate 将杀 To give checkmate 杀王 Exchange 交换、兑子 Move 走子 Capture 吃子Castling 王车易位 Game 对局 Opening 开局 Middlegame 中局 Ending 残局 Result 战绩 Win 赢棋 Loss 负 Draw 和 Resign 认输 Crosstable 成绩表一般指循环制的成绩表Point 分Half a point 半分 Zero 零Analysis [ə'nælɪsɪs]拆棋 Novelty 新招 Threat 威胁 Attack 进攻 Defence 防御 Variant 变着 Combination 战术组合 Sacrifice 弃子 Mistake 错着Clock 棋钟 Flag 钟旗 Time 时间 Time trouble 时间恐慌 Score sheet 记录纸 Envelope 封棋信封 Master 大师 Participant 参赛者 Tournament 联赛 Match 对抗赛 Olympaid 奥林匹克赛 Team 队 Captain 队长 Country 国家 Winner 优胜者 Champion 冠军Drawing of lots 抽签 Number 序号 Round 轮次 To accept a draw 接受和棋Adjourned game 封局 Adjourned position 封棋局面 Advantage n. 优势Decisive advantage 决定性优势Material advantage 子力优势Obvious advantage 明显优势Positional advantage 局面优势Development advantage 出子优势 Space advantage 空间优势 To get advantage 取得优势To have advantage 拥有优势Chief arbiter 主裁判International arbiter 国际裁判 National arbiter 国家裁判 To have the bye 轮空Game of chess 国际象棋对局 Laws of chess 国际象棋规则 Castle 王车易位Long castling 长易位 Short castling 短易位 Centre opening 中心开局Central gambit 中心弃兵开局 Bishops opening 飞象开局 Latvian gambit 拉脱维亚弃兵开局 Kings gambit 王翼弃兵局 Vienna game 维也纳开局Phlidor’s defence 菲立道尔防御 Four knights’game 四马开局 Italian game 意大利开局 Evans gambit 伊文思弃兵局 Two knights’defence 双马防御 Scotch game 苏格兰开局 Russian defence 俄罗斯防御 Spanish game 西班牙布局 Caro-kann defence 卡罗-康防御 Alekhine’s defence 阿列亨防御 French defence 法兰西防御 Sicilian defence 西西里防御 Queen’s gambit 后翼弃兵局 Queen’s gambit acepted吃后翼弃兵局 Slav defence 斯拉夫防御 Queens indian defence新印度防御 Catalan system 卡塔龙开局Kings indian defence 古印度防御 English opening 英国式开局。

1.史密斯-菲利多尔1790The modern era of chess begins with Philidor's positional analysis of the openings. 现代国际象棋源于Philidor的开局形势分析。
Though he died in the 18th century, his was the most widely printed book in chess history. 虽然他死于18世纪,他的著作依然是国际象棋的一座丰碑。
In this historically interesting game Philidor actually demonstrates the power of a superior pawn formation, confirming his famous maxim: "Pawns are the soul of chess."在这一既有趣又有历史意义的棋局,Philidor证实了好兵型的重要性,也证实了他的格言:“兵是国际象棋的灵魂”。
附:生词nicety1. 微妙;细微2. 细微之处, 细微的区别;细节position位置,地位analysis分析demonstrate展示superior优秀的formation构成confirm证实, 证明; 肯定, 确认国际象棋常用英语词汇Chess 国际象棋King 王(国王)Queen 后(皇后)Bishop 象(主教)Knight 马(骑士)Rook 车(城堡)Pawn 兵(奴隶)Board 棋盘Position 局面Checkmate 将死Game 对局对弈比赛Openings 开局middlegame, midgame 中局Endgames 残局Tactics 战术FEN Forsyth-Edwards Notation,福斯夫-爱德华兹记录法PGN Portable Game Notation,可移植式棋局记录法。

国际象棋专用术语Chess set 国际象棋棋具Colour 棋色White 白方Black 黑方Piece 棋子King 王Queen 后Rook 车Bishop 象Knight 马Pawn 兵Bishop of opposite colours异色格象Bishop of the same colours同色格象Bishop ending象残局Board 棋盘Square 方格Rank 横线File 直线Diagonal 斜线Centre 中心Wing 侧翼Check 将军Checkmate 将杀Mate 将杀Stalemate 无子可动Discovered check 闪将Double check 双将Perpetual check 长将To give check 打将Checkmate 将杀To give checkmate 杀王Exchange 交换、兑子Move 走子Capture 吃子Castling 王车易位Game 对局Opening 开局Middlegame 中局Ending 残局Result 战绩Win 赢棋Loss 负Draw 和Resign 认输Crosstable 成绩表一般指循环制的成绩表Point 分Half a point 半分Zero 零Analysis 拆棋Position 局面Novelty 新招Threat 威胁Attack 进攻Defence 防御Variant 变着Combination 战术组合Sacrifice 弃子Mistake 错着Clock 棋钟Flag 钟旗Time 时间Time trouble 时间恐慌Score sheet 记录纸Envelope 封棋信封Master 大师Participant 参赛者Tournament 联赛Match 对抗赛Olympaid 奥林匹克赛Team 队Captain 队长Country 国家Winner 优胜者Champion 冠军Drawing of lots 抽签Number 序号Round 轮次To accept a draw 接受和棋Adjourned game 封局Adjourned position 封棋局面Advantage n. 优势Decisive advantage 决定性优势Material advantage 子力优势Obvious advantage 明显优势Positional advantage 局面优势Development advantage 出子优势Space advantage 空间优势To get advantage 取得优势To have advantage 拥有优势Chief arbiter 主裁判International arbiter 国际裁判National arbiter 国家裁判ByeTo have the bye 轮空Game of chess 国际象棋对局Laws of chess国际象棋规则Castle v. 王车易位Long castling 长易位Short castling 短易位Centre opening 中心开局Central gambit 中心弃兵开局Bishops’ opening 飞象开局Latvian gambit 拉脱维亚弃兵开局Kings’ gambit 王翼弃兵局Vienna game 维也纳开局Phlidor’s defence 菲立道尔防御Four knights’ game 四马开局Italian game 意大利开局Evans gambit 伊文思弃兵局Two knights’ defence 双马防御Scotch game 苏格兰开局Russian defence 俄罗斯防御Spanish game 西班牙布局Caro-kann defence 卡罗-康防御Alekhine’s defence 阿列亨防御French defence 法兰西防御Sicilian defence 西西里防御Queen’s gambit 后翼弃兵局Queen’s gambit acepted 吃后翼弃兵局Slav defence 斯拉夫防御Queen’s indian defence新印度防御Catalan system 卡塔龙开局Kings indian defence 古印度防御English opening 英国式开局。
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middlegame, midgame中局
FEN Forsyth-Edwards Notation,福斯夫-爱德华兹记录法PGN Portable Game Notation,可移植式棋局记录法。
open file开放线
pawn structure兵型
double check双将
通路兵pass pawn
提议和棋offer draw
(大)错、劣、漏、臭着blunder 规则rule
棋子,子力(除兵之外)piece 重子heavy pieces
Chess set棋具
chess player下象棋者、棋手Participane参赛者
Olympiad奥林匹克赛correspondence chess国际象棋通讯赛team队、组
drawing of lots抽签
game of chess国际象棋对局
laws of chess国际象棋规则
bishop of opposite colours异色格象bishop of the same colours同色格象bishop ending象残局
Rank 1)横排2)名次
Bye:to have the bye轮空
chances to win胜机
gambit开局时牺牲一子而取得优势(弃兵) Long castling长易位
Short castling短易位
to give check打将
Discovered check闪将
perpetual check长将
to mate, to checkmate将死to give checkmate杀王Stalemate无子可动、僵局accept接受、同意
to accept a draw同意和棋accurate准确、精确的adjojrn封棋
adjourneg game封局Result成绩
to block阻挡
to draw和棋
to win胜
to lose败
to take吃
to huff威迫breakthrough突破
over the board面对面实战the best result最好的成绩better较好的
better is (was)较好的是badge证章、徽章。