初中英语 常见习惯用语经典例题50道讲解

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由于英语国家的语言习惯与中国的语言习惯有许多不同之处,所以造成了许多同学在做选择或书写,或与人交谈中造成误用中国方式来对英语的问句作解答。例如一个小女孩十分好看,可爱,外国人见到时会讲:You are so beautiful? 这时的答语应该是Thank you? 如果外国人发现你的英语不错,他们会讲:Your English is very good? 这时中国人常常会说:不,我说的不好。这纯是一种礼貌的答语,但是不符合英语习惯。它正确的答语应是Thank you? 虽然交际英语有一些规律可讲,但更重要的是学习外国的生活习惯,了解他们的文化背景,历史渊源,这样才能真正的学好一门外语。??


[误]- What can I do for you?

- Yes,please help me

[正]- What can I do for you?

- I'd like to buy a sweater.

[析]What can I do for you? 这一问语实际上用于的情景很多,要根据具体情况而定。如在商店中售货员讲这句话应译为:您想要点什么?在其他场合也可以被译为:我能为您做些什么?它的答语应是直接讲出想让对方提供的帮助。

[误]- Which colour do you like?

- Sorry,I don't like.

[正]- Which colour do you like?

- I prefer blue.

[析]由which 来提问的问句是要回答具体的选择,而不能泛指,泛泛的回答。如Yes,I like it.

[误]Do you like to come with us tonight?

[正]Would you like to come with us tonight?

[析]Do you like … 问的是对方的习惯,如:Do you like swimming? Do you like collecting stamps? 而would you like … 则是一次性的邀请、提议。邀请的英语表达法还有如下几种:.

Shall we go? 我们走吧!.

Let's go? 让我们走吧!.

How about having a cup of tea? 喝杯茶如何?

What about a cup of coffee? 喝杯咖啡如何?

Why not buy it? 为什么不买呢?

其肯定答语一般为Certainly,Yes,OK.All right,With pleasure?

[误]Sorry,I've kept you waiting.

Not at all.

[正]Sorry,I've kept you waiting.

Never mind.


- Do you mind my smoking here?.- _________

A.Yes,do it please?.

B.No,of course not.

C.Yes,take it please.

D.No,you can't take it?.


Do you mind if I open the door?

Would you mind mailing the letter for me?

其答语如果是同意应为:Certainly not,not at all?

而不同意时应为Yes,或I'm sorry??

[误]What's that man?

He is Mike.

[正]What's that man??

He is a teacher? ?

[正]Who's that man?

He is Mike (He is Mike's father)

[析]由what 提问是问的职业,由who 提问问的是姓名或身份。

[误]- How much are they?- Half a kilo,please?

[正]- How many bananas do you want?Half a kilo? Please?

[析]How much are they? 问的是价格而不是实际物品的多少。

[误]I'm sorry,but is this the way to the park?

[正]Excuse me,but is this the way to the park?

[析]I'm sorry 是对已经做错了的事向对方道歉时的开始语。而Excuse me? 是在打扰对方之前表达歉意的话。

[误]- Have a good time tonight!

- You are the same.

[正]- Have a good time tonight!

- The same to you.

[析]The same to you 是表达我也祝您有个愉快的夜晚,它是美语中的习惯用法。

[误]- What's the problem?

- I've got a headache.

[正]What's wrong with you?

I've got a headache.

[析]What's wrong with you? 是询问对方身体状态如何,而What's the problem?是问对方遇到了什么麻烦。

[误]- Now,I'm back? Can I play?

- Perhaps? You'd better do your homework first?

[正]- Now,I'm back? Can I play?

- I'm afraid not? You'd better do your homework first?

[析]Perhaps 是表示对一种拿不准的事态的推论,如:Am I right? Perhaps?而I'm afraid not? 则表达一种不同意的态度。be afraid 的几种用法有:

I'm afraid that you are right?


- Will you come to my birthday party?

- I'm afraid not? I have to go to see my father? He is in hospital?


- Sorry,I don't want to go there alone,I'm afraid of the dog?
