



教学设计课程名称新生代英语高级教程2教师教研室教材《新生代英语高级教程2》1教学计划教学单元Unit1“My schedule is crazy.”单元主题●Studying课时安排8教学内容●Show Time“My schedule is crazy.”●ReadingHow to stop procrastinating?●Chat TimeI aced my chemistry test.●WritingA schedule●GrammarTag questions●My StorySchedules and routines教学目标教学活动建议Warm-up To get students to talkabout the main topicof this unit in acomfortable andrelaxed manner●Focus students’attention on the learninggoals for the unit and explain that thefocus of this unit is on time management.●Ask students to look at the picture and todescribe what they see.(A student isworking on an assignment very late atnight.)Read the words in the boxes aloud,modeling the correct pronunciation andeliciting their meanings.Give studentsseveral minutes to complete the passage.2●Nominate students to read the passagearound the class.Ask students:Do youhave a schedule as busy as this?What’syour schedule like?Vocabulary Builder A and BTo teach students newvocabulary related tostudying ●Have students listen and repeat the wordsand the expression,teaching the definitionfor each one.You can check theircomprehension by asking questions,suchas:What is another word for homework?(assignment)What is the verb we use todescribe missing a class?(skip)What isanother word for student accommodation?(dormitory)●Once students seem comfortable with thenew words and the expression,have themcomplete Exercise B and then switchbooks.Go through the answers,calling ondifferent students each time.Correct anyerrors.●If you want to,you can start each classwith a short spelling test,which worksquite well as a warm-up.CTo improve students’listening and comprehension skills●Tell students they will hear a conversationbetween a man and a woman who arediscussing their semester schedules.●There are a few words in the conversationyou may need to teach.They are physics,elective and Shakespeare.Write thesethree words on the blackboard.Askstudents:Which one is a famous writer?(Shakespeare)You can also ask studentsto tell you the names of some famousShakespeare plays.Then ask students:Which one is a kind of science?(physics)You may want to add that Newton is themost famous figure in the history ofphysics.Students will probably have heardof the story of an apple falling on his head.Tell students that we use elective to talkabout subjects that we choose.Askstudents if they have any elective classes.●Play the audio,twice if necessary.Pausethe audio so that students have time to fill3in the blanks.DTo improve students’speaking and comprehension skills ●Read the rubric aloud and check thatstudents understand the task.●Organize students into pairs.Challengethem to see who can be the first tocomplete the puzzle,but don’t allow fastfinishers to reveal their answers to theirclassmates.●As a possible extension task,get studentsto write sentences about themselvescontaining the words from this activity.Show Time ATo teach studentsspeaking skillsthrough the use ofpictures ●Tell students to look at the pictures andask some basic comprehension questions,such as:Who are these people?Where arethey?What are they doing?●Ask students to guess what happened inthis video and to match the pictures to thesentences according to their ownunderstanding.●Have students watch the video in itsentirety.Ask them to check their answerswith a partner.B,C and DTo improve students’listening comprehension through the use of video ●For Exercise B,ask students to readthrough each statement and to decide if itis true or false.●For Exercise C,play the video again.Havea pair of students read out the conversationwith one student playing the role of Hectorand the other as Naomi.For an extensionactivity,you can also have students rewritethe conversation,using the words andexpressions learned in this unit.●For Exercise D,have students readthrough each sentence and choose thecorrect word or expression.●Check the answers for Exercises B,C,andD.Students can exchange books and listenas you go through the answers.Reading A and BTo improve students’readingExercise A●Ask students to describe the picture.Thenread the headline aloud.If students don’tknow the meaning of the word4comprehension procrastinating,tell them to guess whatthey think it means.Elicit thatprocrastinate means putting off doingsomething until a later date.Ask studentsto tell you whether or not theyprocrastinate and get them to describe thesituations in which they are most likely toprocrastinate.●Give students several minutes to read thetext.Encourage students to refer toWORDS&EXPRESSIONS.●Ask students to complete the exercise.Allow them to check their answers with apartner before conducting class feedback.Exercise B●Get students to look at the statements.They should then read the text again,anddecide whether the statements are true orfalse.●Check answers around the class.C,D and ETo review the useful words and expressionsExercise C●Challenge students to see who can be thefirst to match the words to the definitions.●Fast finishers should write sentencescontaining the words in the left column.They should then blank out the words andread the sentences aloud to another fastfinisher,who should listen and provide themissing words.●Check answers orally,focusing on correctpronunciation of the words.Exercise D●Read the words and expressions in theboxes aloud.Ask students to complete thesentences.Allow them to check theiranswers with a partner before reading thesentences around the class.●Personalize the new language by askingstudents questions,such as:Whatbest-selling books have you read?Whenyou make a plan,do you find it difficult tostick to it?When were you last tempted toprocrastinate?5Exercise E●Focus students’attention on the Bingogrid and check that they understand therules of the game.●Ask students to write the words into theblanks.●When everyone is ready,play the audio ofthe definitions.●When someone calls out“Bingo”,see if he/she can remember the definitions for thewords in their row.Beyond the TextTo improve students’critically thinking ability and encourage them to learn a lesson from the text Exercise A●Read what Olivia says to the class.Thenget a student to read the advice aloud.Askstudents whether or not they agree with theadvice,and whether they have anydifferent or better suggestions.●Focus students on what Nick says.Organize students into pairs and get themto discuss what advice they would giveNick.After they have shared their ideas,get a few students to report back.Encourage the rest of the class to givefeedback on each other’s advice. Exercise B●Give students several minutes to read thequotes and sayings.Allow them to askquestions about any new or unfamiliarwords.●Organize students into pairs to completethe task.Monitor as students share theirideas,offering support where necessary.Chat Time To improve students’listening,speaking,writing and actingskills through the useof conversationExercises A&B●For Exercise A,explain to students thatthey will hear a conversation in which aman and a woman discuss midterm tests.Introduce the key words and expressionsfor this conversation.●Tell students to listen carefully and towrite down what they hear in the blanks.Ifnecessary,pause the audio so that studentshave time to write.●Have students practice talking about6Writing To improve students’writing skills andlearn to write ascheduleExercise A●Tell students that they are going to putsome of the skills they have learned in thisunit into practice,by writing a schedule.●Give students several minutes to skim thenotes and to match them to the scheduleentries.●Allow students to check their answers witha partner before conducting classfeedback.Exercise B●Focus students’attention on the headingsand elicit their meanings.●Read the rubric aloud and challengestudents to see who can be the first tocomplete the task.●Check answers orally.For each heading,studying using the questions in Exercise B.●Have students read through LANGUAGENOTE,which teaches the idiom“to turnover a new leaf.Ask students:Have youever turned over a new leaf?What did youwant to change?Were you successful?Why(not)?Exercise C●Read the rubric aloud and direct students’attention to the clues.As a class,readthrough the expressions in Usefullanguage,focusing on the correctpronunciation,sentence stress andintonation.●Organize students into pairs and get themto work on their role-plays.Circulate asstudents do this,listening and makingnotes of any examples of good languageyou hear or any issues students need helpwith.●Nominate a couple of confident pairs toperform their role-plays to the rest of theclass.Conduct class feedback,taking timeto discuss any issues you have observedand any examples of good language andcommunicative skills.7ask students to suggest a couple morepossible schedule entries.Exercise C●Get students to look at Kara’s schedule.Read the rubric and make sure studentsknow they should only write the mostimportant information.●Do the first schedule entry in Exercise Btogether,as an example.Students shouldcomplete the rest of the task alone.Monitor,offering support wherenecessary.●Bring the class together again.Go throughthe schedule,asking students to tell youwhat they wrote and where they wrote it. Exercise D●Ask students:What do you need to do thisweek?Ask them about their daily life,school and their part-time job.Tellstudents about some of the things you needto do this week.●Get students to make notes under theheadings.Ask a couple of students toreport back on what they have written. Exercise E●Get students to put their notes into theschedule.Remind them that they onlyneed to write the most importantinformation.●Monitor as students complete the task,offering support where necessary.●When students have completed the task,display the schedules on the screen and getstudents to look at each other’s schedule.Ask students:Who has the busiestschedule?Grammar To teach students howto use tag questionsExercise A●Start by explaining that tag questions areused in two situations.In the firstsituation,you are not sure something istrue,but want to make sure.In this casewhen you speak,your voice will rise.Write an example on the blackboard,such8as:You aren’t my student,are you?↗●Explain that we also use tag questionswhen we want to confirm something weknow is true.●In this case,your voice will go down whenyou speak.Write an example on theblackboard,such as:You don’t have asister,do you?↘●Once students seem comfortable with thegrammar,have them complete the exerciseand then switch books to correct theirmistakes.Exercise B●Ask students to look at the picture and todescribe what they see.(A sleepy boy whois finding it difficult to get up for school.His mom is making breakfast for him.)●Elicit when we use tag questions.(Whenwe want to check conversation or elicit aresponse from our conversational partner.)●Read the rubric plete the firsttag question together with students as anexample.●Get students to complete the rest of theconversation.Allow them to check theiranswers with a partner before choosingtwo confident students to read theconversation aloud to the rest of the class. 9My Story To improve students’listeningcomprehension andspeaking abilitythrough the use ofvideo Exercises A&B●Tell students that they will see a video inwhich real people talk about what they doin their free time.●Play the video and have students completethe true or false statements in Exercise A.In some cases,you may need to pause thevideo to help students.●Have students tell you the answers,correcting any mistakes.Play the videoagain and have students answer thequestions in Exercise B,pausing the videoif necessary.●Check students’answers,correcting anymistakes.Exercise C●Give students several minutes to read thequestions and to think about their answers.●Organize students into pairs.They shouldtake it in turns to ask and answer thequestions.●Circulate,encouraging students to usesome of the new words and expressionsthey have learned in this unit.●Ask a few students to report back on theirdiscussions.Write down any newlanguage on the blackboard.课后学习设计作业◆Finish all the exercises in Unit1.◆Read the text in this unit again and try tosummarise its content.◆Write a schedule.课后总结与反思10。





1.1 课件内容•介绍《新生代英语基础教程2》的课件所包含的主要知识点和话题。

1.2 教学目标•解释课件的教学目标和重点,帮助学生明确学习目标。


2.1 单元划分•对每个单元的划分进行介绍,展示课件的组织结构。

2.2 教学模块•着重讨论课件中的教学模块,介绍每个模块的内容和形式。


3.1 多媒体教学•讨论课件中多媒体元素的应用和效果,如音频、视频等。

3.2 互动性•强调课件中互动性的设计和实现,提升学习效果和学生参与度。

3.3 个性化学习•探讨课件提供的个性化学习资源和策略,满足不同学生的需求。





1.1 课件内容•《新生代英语基础教程2》的课件内容包括英语基础知识、听力、口语、阅读、写作等核心模块。

1.2 教学目标•该课件旨在帮助学生掌握英语的基础知识和运用能力,培养学生听说读写的综合能力。


2.1 单元划分•课件按照单元进行划分,每个单元包含多个课时,旨在系统、有序地展示英语知识和技能的学习过程。

2.2 教学模块•每个单元内的教学模块包括教学导入、新词学习、对话练习、语法讲解、阅读理解、口语表达、写作等环节,全面拓展学生的英语学习能力。

新生代英语基础教程2教学课件Unit 1

新生代英语基础教程2教学课件Unit 1
Words & Expressions
cousin n. 堂兄弟;表兄弟;堂姐妹;表姐妹
e.g. He is a distant cousin of mine. 他是我的远房表亲。
Words & Expressions
frame n. 框架;边框 v. 为(画、照片)装框;围住
e.g. The trees make a pleasant frame to the house. 树环绕着房子,令人心旷神怡。
Words & Expressions
sister-in-law n. 姑子;姨子;嫂子;弟媳;妯娌
e.g. I had never thought of my sister-in-law could be so powerful.
Words & Expressions
Aidan and Marta.
F 5 Naomi is from Japan.
maiden name: 娘家姓。一般是指女性
在结婚前自己的姓氏。在西方(其实在 日本也一样),女方在嫁给男方后,姓 氏就改为丈夫的姓氏。这时候,她原来
的姓氏就称为maiden name。
Script 参考译文
Host: And do you have any brothers or sisters?
Anna: No, I don’t. I’m an (3)_o_n_ly__c_h_il_d_ .
Host: How about cousins? Anna: I have two cousins living
D Match the kinship terms to the English definitions.



新生代英语基础教程Unit电子教案教案课程名称新生代英语基础教程1 课时班级专业教师系部教研室教材《新生代英语基础教程1》1345678补充教学资源VOCABULARY BUILDER参考译文SHOW TIME语言解析1. It’s ten after three.三点过十分了。

ten after three 三点过十分,这个短语相当于ten past three。

英语中表示“几点过几分”(半小时以内)可用after,也可用past;而表示“几点差几分”则用to,通常先讲分钟,再讲小时, 即after / past 或to前面的数字为分钟,后面的数字为小时。

e.g. 5:10 ten past five (ten after five)10:05 five past ten (five after ten)5:50 ten to six9:45 fifteen to ten2. The class is canceled because of the storm. 因为暴雨,课被取消了。

because of意思是“因为”,是一个介词短语,后面跟名词或动名词,构成介宾结构。


9e.g. The plane didn’t take off because of the heavy rain.因为大雨,飞机没有起飞。

The plane didn’t take off because it was raining heavily.因为下大雨,飞机没有起飞。

3.Nobody came to class—except us.除了我们几个,没有人来上课了。

except 表示“除……之外”,强调所排除的“不包括在内”,一般表示同类之间的关系。


e.g. The library is open every day except Mondays.除了星期一,图书馆每天都开放。

新生代英语高级教程2 Unit 1_电子教案

新生代英语高级教程2 Unit 1_电子教案

教案课程名称新生代英语高级教程2 课时班级专业教师系部教研室教材《新生代英语高级教程2》12345678910补充教学资源Vocabulary Builder参考译文蒂姆:嗨,希拉里。












Show Time参考译文桑切斯夫人:嗨,亲爱的。

























新技能英语 基础教程2 电子教案(适用4课时)unit1-3

新技能英语 基础教程2 电子教案(适用4课时)unit1-3
Make a summary of the unit and helpthe studentstodo a revision.
Make introductions
Greet and say goodbye to others
1. Askthe students to read the words, phrases and sentences in class.
□In the US, people usually kiss others’ cheeks to say hello.
□“Sawatdee” means goodbye in Thailand.
□In New Zealand, people usually press their noses and foreheads together as away of greeting.
Learn to value other countries’cultures.
Helpthe students improve their abilities to conclude and revise.
Name cardsMultimedia courseware

Company Name
Addrestudents to read the name cards on Page 8 and pay attention to the writing rules.
IV. Letthe students do Activity②.Ask them to introduce the people according to the name cards.

《英语基础教程》第二册word版电子教案 Unit 1-3

《英语基础教程》第二册word版电子教案 Unit 1-3

Unit 1 We burst into laughter.(第三课时教学设计)Grammar focus一、教材分析1.教学内容(2)第一单元的第三课时,包括Language in use中Grammar 本课时系教材《英语基础教程》focus部分,具体内容为:一般过去时肯定句以及否定句的基本用法。





2. 能力目标⑴能够正确运用一般过去时的肯定句;⑵能够正确运用一般过去时的否定句;(3)能够运用一般过去时描述过去的经历。

3. 情感目标通过描述自己过去的经历,让学生互相更多了解,增进学生之间的感情。

三、教学步骤Step One Lead-inRead Li Hua’s diary, and take notes of the part of verb.February 5, Friday, SunnyToday I got up early and helped my mother cook breakfast. Then I washed the dishes and cleaned the rooms. At nine o’clock I went shopping with my parents by car. There were so many people in the street, so the car moved slowly. It took us about an hour to get to Wumart. We bought lots of food and drink because Spring Festival was coming. In the afternoon I visited my friends and played table tennis with them. I surfed the Internet and read books in the evening. I didn’t go to bed until half past ten. What a meaningful day!They are simple past tense.(设计意图:用图文并茂的形式导入,引起学生的兴趣,故事内容贴近学生生活实际。



magazine n. 杂志
e.g. She is an editor of a popular magazine. 她是一本流行杂志的编辑。
notebook n. 笔记本
e.g. He drew out his notebook and began to take notes. 他掏出笔记本开始记笔记。
• Work in a group. Draw
your classroom.
2 Lesson What are you doing?
A Look at the picture and guess: What are they doing?
WORDS & EXPRESSIONS magazine notebook pen pencil in the back of
They are standing. They are talking.
He is sitting. He is writing.
• Write four sentences
about your classmates.
John is sitting.
desk table
• Listen and Write.
Dear class, may I have your attention, please? I want to give you a quick tour of the classroom. Listen and see if you can find the items I will describe to you. The (1)blackboardis in the front of the classroom. We can move the (2) tables in the classroom when we do group work. If you need to borrow a book, go to the (3) bookcase. Please use the (4) trash can whenever necessary.



新生代英语基础教程2课件The problem of the "New Generation English Basic Course 2" courseware is that it may not fully meet the diverse learning needs of students. This could be due to a lack of interactive and engaging content, limited focus on real-life language use, and insufficient attention to individual student progress and interests. These issues can hinder the effectiveness of the courseware in helping students develop their English language skills and may lead to disengagement and lack of motivation.From the perspective of the students, the courseware may not provide enough opportunities for them to actively engage with the language. It might rely too much on traditional teaching methods, such as lectures and reading assignments, without incorporating interactive activities that encourage speaking, listening, and writing skills. This can make the learning experience less dynamic and enjoyable for students, potentially leading to a lack of motivation and interest in the subject.From the perspective of the teachers, the courseware might not offer enough flexibility for them to adapt the materials to the specific needs and interests of their students. This lack of flexibility can limit the teachers' ability to personalize the learning experience and cater to the diverse learning styles and abilities of their students. Additionally, the courseware might not provide enough support for teachers in terms of assessing student progress and providing targeted feedback, which could hinder the effectiveness of their teaching.From the perspective of the educational institution,the courseware may not align with the institution's goalsof providing a comprehensive and engaging English language learning experience for its students. It might not fully integrate the latest pedagogical approaches and technologyto create a more interactive and immersive learning environment. This could impact the institution's reputation and the overall quality of education it offers in the English language learning domain.To address these issues, it is important for the creators of the courseware to consider incorporating more interactive and engaging content, such as multimedia resources, interactive exercises, and real-life language use scenarios. Additionally, the courseware should provide opportunities for students to practice and apply their language skills in authentic contexts, such as throughrole-plays, group discussions, and project-based learning activities. This can help make the learning experience more dynamic and relevant for students, ultimately increasing their motivation and engagement with the material.Furthermore, the courseware should offer moreflexibility for teachers to adapt the materials to the specific needs and interests of their students. This could involve providing a range of supplementary materials and resources that cater to different learning styles and abilities, as well as offering support for assessing student progress and providing targeted feedback. By empowering teachers to personalize the learning experience, the courseware can better meet the diverse needs of students and enhance the overall quality of Englishlanguage education.In conclusion, the "New Generation English Basic Course 2" courseware may have limitations in terms of meeting the diverse learning needs of students, providing flexibility for teachers, and aligning with the goals of educational institutions. By addressing these issues and incorporating more interactive and engaging content, as well as offering greater flexibility for teachers, the courseware can better support the development of students' English languageskills and enhance the overall quality of English language education.。



教案课程名称新生代英语基础教程2 课时____________________班级____________________专业____________________教师____________________系部____________________教研室____________________教材《新生代英语基础教程2》补充教学资源VOCABULARY BUILDER➢参考译文SHOW TIME➢语言解析1. Actually, this photo was taken a long time ago.事实上,这照片是很久以前拍的。



1) 一般现在时的被动语态的构成:主语+ is/are+动词的过去分词e.g. This room is cleaned every day by Mary.2) 一般过去时的被动语态的构成:主语+was/were+动词的过去分词e.g. The laptop was stolen by him.2. How interesting. 好有趣啊。

How nice to meet you, Naomi. 娜奥米,见到你真高兴。

由how引导的感叹句,其句子结构分为三种:1) How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语。

如:e.g. How careful she is! 她多么细心啊!How fast he runs! 他跑得多快啊!2) How+形容词+a/an+可数名词单数+主语+谓语e.g. How beautiful a girl she is! 她是个多么漂亮的姑娘啊!3) How+主语+谓语e.g. How time flies! 光阴似箭!3. Yes, but you have your mother’s smile. 是的,但你的笑容和你妈妈一样。

新生代英语基础教程1-Unit-2-电子教案 优质文档 新

新生代英语基础教程1-Unit-2-电子教案  优质文档 新
Read though Words and Expressions.Ask them questions about their favorite weather and then have them practice such conversations in pair.
For exercise D, the teacher can design a game. Divide the class into six groups, each group choosing one task. Then students select nouns that can go with the adjectives in question. Use these words to make sentences or make up a small story.
Finish the exercise and check their answers.
C and D
To improve students’ listening and comprehension skills
For Exercise C, tell the students that they willhear a weather forecast. Explain that a forecast is when people try to predict (or guess) what the weather will be. Review the words describing weather with students like sunny, rainy and stormy.
Vocabulary Builder
Aand B



Unit 1 We burst into laughter.一、单元内容分析本单元的话题是家庭经历。









本单元设计成四个课时:第一课时 Lead in + Listening and speaking第二课时 Reading and writing第三课时Grammar focus (simple past tense)第四课时 Vocabulary practice + Supplementary reading二、分课时教学设计第一课时 Lead in + Listening and Speaking一、教材分析1.教学内容本课时系教材《英语基础教程》(2)第一单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking两部分,具体内容为:掌握询问过去经历以及提供回答的词汇和句型;能够听懂并谈论家庭在假期中的活动。





宁德职业技术学院教学过程与内容:Ⅰ. GreetingⅡ. Preview本单元是学生第二学期的第一单元,话题与学生的假期活动相关。





Ⅲ. Lead In(设计意图:把活动9的问题进行补充,多方面的问题能够让学生慢慢回忆起家庭中的各种趣事,从而会在下面的阅读中引起共鸣。



)Ⅳ. Read-in1. Activity 10: fast reading. Get the Ss to read the letters as quickly as they can and tick the right topic. Then check the answer with the whole class.(设计意图,这一教学活动要求学生抓住重点,培养他们快速捕捉信息的能力。

)2. Activity 11. Read the letter again and tick the things Bob’s mother and Ben’s father did.(设计意图,找出课文中的关键活动,初步理解课文。

)3. Activity 12. Read the letters again and tick the correct sentences. Then check the answers with theSs. See if they have any problems, help them with some important and difficult points.(设计意图,通过找出正确的句子让学生进一步理解课文,同时在与学生校对答案时看他们是否存在阅读障碍,讲解重点词组。

新生代英语高级教程2-Unit-1-电子教案 优质文档 新

新生代英语高级教程2-Unit-1-电子教案 优质文档 新
Focus students’ attention on the learning goals for the unit and explain that the focus of this unit is on time management.
Ask students to look at the picture and to describe what they see. (A student is working on an assignment very late at night.) Read the words in the boxes aloud, modeling the correct pronunciation and eliciting their meanings. Give students several minutes to complete the passage.
Nominate students to read the passage around the class. Ask students: Do you have a schedule as busy as this? What’s your schedule like?
Vocabulary Builder
教 案
课 时
班 级
专 业
教 师
系 部
教 研 室
教 材《新生代英语高级教程2》
Unit 1“My schedule is crazy.”
课时安 排

Show Time

最新版创新高职英语基础教程实用2册精品电子教案Unit 1

最新版创新高职英语基础教程实用2册精品电子教案Unit 1

• Skimming is reading a text quickly to get a general idea of meaning. It can be contrasted with scanning, which is reading in order to find specific information, e.g. figures or names. • Example: A student approaches the above text by looking at the title, introductions, and any diagrams and sub-headings, then skim reading to get a clear general idea of what the text is about. • Scanning is reading a text quickly in order to find specific information, e.g. figures or names. It can be contrasted with skimming, which is reading quickly to get a general idea of meaning. • Example: A student needs to scan a text on Modes of communication quickly to find out if a series of statements about Modes of communication are true or false.
At the age of six……



教案课程名称新生代英语高级教程2课时班级专业教师系部教研室教材《新生代英语高级教程2》1教学计划教学单元Unit1“My schedule is crazy.”单元主题●Studying课时安排8教学内容●Show Time“My schedule is crazy.”●ReadingHow to stop procrastinating?●Chat TimeI aced my chemistry test.●WritingA schedule●GrammarTag questions●My StorySchedules and routines教学目标教学活动建议Warm-up To get students to talkabout the main topicof this unit in acomfortable andrelaxed manner●Focus students’attention on the learninggoals for the unit and explain that thefocus of this unit is on time management.●Ask students to look at the picture and todescribe what they see.(A student isworking on an assignment very late atnight.)Read the words in the boxes aloud,modeling the correct pronunciation andeliciting their meanings.Give studentsseveral minutes to complete the passage.2●Nominate students to read the passagearound the class.Ask students:Do youhave a schedule as busy as this?What’syour schedule like?Vocabulary Builder A and BTo teach students newvocabulary related tostudying ●Have students listen and repeat the wordsand the expression,teaching the definitionfor each one.You can check theircomprehension by asking questions,suchas:What is another word for homework?(assignment)What is the verb we use todescribe missing a class?(skip)What isanother word for student accommodation?(dormitory)●Once students seem comfortable with thenew words and the expression,have themcomplete Exercise B and then switchbooks.Go through the answers,calling ondifferent students each time.Correct anyerrors.●If you want to,you can start each classwith a short spelling test,which worksquite well as a warm-up.CTo improve students’listening and comprehension skills●Tell students they will hear a conversationbetween a man and a woman who arediscussing their semester schedules.●There are a few words in the conversationyou may need to teach.They are physics,elective and Shakespeare.Write thesethree words on the blackboard.Askstudents:Which one is a famous writer?(Shakespeare)You can also ask studentsto tell you the names of some famousShakespeare plays.Then ask students:Which one is a kind of science?(physics)You may want to add that Newton is themost famous figure in the history ofphysics.Students will probably have heardof the story of an apple falling on his head.Tell students that we use elective to talkabout subjects that we choose.Askstudents if they have any elective classes.●Play the audio,twice if necessary.Pausethe audio so that students have time to fill3in the blanks.DTo improve students’speaking and comprehension skills ●Read the rubric aloud and check thatstudents understand the task.●Organize students into pairs.Challengethem to see who can be the first tocomplete the puzzle,but don’t allow fastfinishers to reveal their answers to theirclassmates.●As a possible extension task,get studentsto write sentences about themselvescontaining the words from this activity.Show Time ATo teach studentsspeaking skillsthrough the use ofpictures ●Tell students to look at the pictures andask some basic comprehension questions,such as:Who are these people?Where arethey?What are they doing?●Ask students to guess what happened inthis video and to match the pictures to thesentences according to their ownunderstanding.●Have students watch the video in itsentirety.Ask them to check their answerswith a partner.B,C and DTo improve students’listening comprehension through the use of video ●For Exercise B,ask students to readthrough each statement and to decide if itis true or false.●For Exercise C,play the video again.Havea pair of students read out the conversationwith one student playing the role of Hectorand the other as Naomi.For an extensionactivity,you can also have students rewritethe conversation,using the words andexpressions learned in this unit.●For Exercise D,have students readthrough each sentence and choose thecorrect word or expression.●Check the answers for Exercises B,C,andD.Students can exchange books and listenas you go through the answers.Reading A and BTo improve students’readingExercise A●Ask students to describe the picture.Thenread the headline aloud.If students don’tknow the meaning of the word4comprehension procrastinating,tell them to guess whatthey think it means.Elicit thatprocrastinate means putting off doingsomething until a later date.Ask studentsto tell you whether or not theyprocrastinate and get them to describe thesituations in which they are most likely toprocrastinate.●Give students several minutes to read thetext.Encourage students to refer toWORDS&EXPRESSIONS.●Ask students to complete the exercise.Allow them to check their answers with apartner before conducting class feedback.Exercise B●Get students to look at the statements.They should then read the text again,anddecide whether the statements are true orfalse.●Check answers around the class.C,D and ETo review the useful words and expressionsExercise C●Challenge students to see who can be thefirst to match the words to the definitions.●Fast finishers should write sentencescontaining the words in the left column.They should then blank out the words andread the sentences aloud to another fastfinisher,who should listen and provide themissing words.●Check answers orally,focusing on correctpronunciation of the words.Exercise D●Read the words and expressions in theboxes aloud.Ask students to complete thesentences.Allow them to check theiranswers with a partner before reading thesentences around the class.●Personalize the new language by askingstudents questions,such as:Whatbest-selling books have you read?Whenyou make a plan,do you find it difficult tostick to it?When were you last tempted toprocrastinate?5Exercise E●Focus students’attention on the Bingogrid and check that they understand therules of the game.●Ask students to write the words into theblanks.●When everyone is ready,play the audio ofthe definitions.●When someone calls out“Bingo”,see if he/she can remember the definitions for thewords in their row.Beyond the TextTo improve students’critically thinking ability and encourage them to learn a lesson from the text Exercise A●Read what Olivia says to the class.Thenget a student to read the advice aloud.Askstudents whether or not they agree with theadvice,and whether they have anydifferent or better suggestions.●Focus students on what Nick says.Organize students into pairs and get themto discuss what advice they would giveNick.After they have shared their ideas,get a few students to report back.Encourage the rest of the class to givefeedback on each other’s advice. Exercise B●Give students several minutes to read thequotes and sayings.Allow them to askquestions about any new or unfamiliarwords.●Organize students into pairs to completethe task.Monitor as students share theirideas,offering support where necessary.Chat Time To improve students’listening,speaking,writing and actingskills through the useof conversationExercises A&B●For Exercise A,explain to students thatthey will hear a conversation in which aman and a woman discuss midterm tests.Introduce the key words and expressionsfor this conversation.●Tell students to listen carefully and towrite down what they hear in the blanks.Ifnecessary,pause the audio so that studentshave time to write.●Have students practice talking about6Writing To improve students’writing skills andlearn to write ascheduleExercise A●Tell students that they are going to putsome of the skills they have learned in thisunit into practice,by writing a schedule.●Give students several minutes to skim thenotes and to match them to the scheduleentries.●Allow students to check their answers witha partner before conducting classfeedback.Exercise B●Focus students’attention on the headingsand elicit their meanings.●Read the rubric aloud and challengestudents to see who can be the first tocomplete the task.●Check answers orally.For each heading,studying using the questions in Exercise B.●Have students read through LANGUAGENOTE,which teaches the idiom“to turnover a new leaf.Ask students:Have youever turned over a new leaf?What did youwant to change?Were you successful?Why(not)?Exercise C●Read the rubric aloud and direct students’attention to the clues.As a class,readthrough the expressions in Usefullanguage,focusing on the correctpronunciation,sentence stress andintonation.●Organize students into pairs and get themto work on their role-plays.Circulate asstudents do this,listening and makingnotes of any examples of good languageyou hear or any issues students need helpwith.●Nominate a couple of confident pairs toperform their role-plays to the rest of theclass.Conduct class feedback,taking timeto discuss any issues you have observedand any examples of good language andcommunicative skills.7ask students to suggest a couple morepossible schedule entries.Exercise C●Get students to look at Kara’s schedule.Read the rubric and make sure studentsknow they should only write the mostimportant information.●Do the first schedule entry in Exercise Btogether,as an example.Students shouldcomplete the rest of the task alone.Monitor,offering support wherenecessary.●Bring the class together again.Go throughthe schedule,asking students to tell youwhat they wrote and where they wrote it. Exercise D●Ask students:What do you need to do thisweek?Ask them about their daily life,school and their part-time job.Tellstudents about some of the things you needto do this week.●Get students to make notes under theheadings.Ask a couple of students toreport back on what they have written. Exercise E●Get students to put their notes into theschedule.Remind them that they onlyneed to write the most importantinformation.●Monitor as students complete the task,offering support where necessary.●When students have completed the task,display the schedules on the screen and getstudents to look at each other’s schedule.Ask students:Who has the busiestschedule?Grammar To teach students howto use tag questionsExercise A●Start by explaining that tag questions areused in two situations.In the firstsituation,you are not sure something istrue,but want to make sure.In this casewhen you speak,your voice will rise.Write an example on the blackboard,such8as:You aren’t my student,are you?↗●Explain that we also use tag questionswhen we want to confirm something weknow is true.●In this case,your voice will go down whenyou speak.Write an example on theblackboard,such as:You don’t have asister,do you?↘●Once students seem comfortable with thegrammar,have them complete the exerciseand then switch books to correct theirmistakes.Exercise B●Ask students to look at the picture and todescribe what they see.(A sleepy boy whois finding it difficult to get up for school.His mom is making breakfast for him.)●Elicit when we use tag questions.(Whenwe want to check conversation or elicit aresponse from our conversational partner.)●Read the rubric plete the firsttag question together with students as anexample.●Get students to complete the rest of theconversation.Allow them to check theiranswers with a partner before choosingtwo confident students to read theconversation aloud to the rest of the class. 9My Story To improve students’listeningcomprehension andspeaking abilitythrough the use ofvideo Exercises A&B●Tell students that they will see a video inwhich real people talk about what they doin their free time.●Play the video and have students completethe true or false statements in Exercise A.In some cases,you may need to pause thevideo to help students.●Have students tell you the answers,correcting any mistakes.Play the videoagain and have students answer thequestions in Exercise B,pausing the videoif necessary.●Check students’answers,correcting anymistakes.Exercise C●Give students several minutes to read thequestions and to think about their answers.●Organize students into pairs.They shouldtake it in turns to ask and answer thequestions.●Circulate,encouraging students to usesome of the new words and expressionsthey have learned in this unit.●Ask a few students to report back on theirdiscussions.Write down any newlanguage on the blackboard.课后学习设计作业◆Finish all the exercises in Unit1.◆Read the text in this unit again and try tosummarise its content.◆Write a schedule.课后总结与反思10补充教学资源Vocabulary Builder参考译文蒂姆:嗨,希拉里。



《新时代高职英语(基础模块)2》电子教案【教师】进行自我介绍,并讲解课程的大概内容及考核要求【学生】熟悉、了解【教师】用PPT展示图片(详见教材),让学生观看图片并描述对应企业的企业核心价值观,再让学生挑出自己喜欢的企业核心价值观,并随机邀请学生说明【学生】学习、挑选、说明【教师】根据学生们的学习情况,引入本节课课题(企业文化和使命)【教师】播放Warming up模块第三题的视频"What Is Company Culture"(详见教材),提问,让学生讨论,并随机邀请学生回答问题1. What is corporate culture?2. Which company’s culture do you like best? Why?3. If you are an entrepreneur, what will the corporate vision statement of your company be? What kind of culture will you shape in your company?【学生】观看视频、学习、讨论、回答【教师】解释视频中的重点单词corporatededicationaccountabilitydeterminationresilienceintegrity【学生】思考、理解、记忆【教师】讲解新知(详见教师用书)bothersatisfiedmodifyclumsycomplicatedin a hurryrarely【学生】学习、理解、记忆【教师】播放Listening&Speaking模块第一题的对话"Dialogue 1"(详见教材),让学生完成练习一【学生】聆听、练习【教师】播放Listening&Speaking模块第一题的对话"Dialogue 1"(详见教材),让学生完成练习二【学生】聆听、练习【教师】检查答案,再次播放Listening&Speaking模块第一题的对话"Dialogue 1",用PPT展示整个对话并讲解( Setting: On Sunday morning, Cao Li is sleeping when he gets a call from his client, Lina.)C=Cao Li L=LinaC: Hello. This is Cao Li.L: Hi. Cao Li. This is Lina. Are you sleeping? Sorry to bother you on a Sunday morning.C: That’s all right. What’s the matter?L: It’s about the logo. Although it’s been changed ten times, our boss is still not satisfied.C: How would you like us to modify the logo?L: There are too many colors, making the logo look clumsy. Also, the logo is a bit too complicated.C: All right. I’ll change it.L: Can you change it now? We’re in a hurry.C: I’ll go to the office to deal with it right now and send it to you before 7 pm.L: Thank you very much. I’m sorry I made you change it so many times. C: It doesn’t matter. That’s our job.L: Great. I’m sure you rarely receive complaints from customers about your attitude, right?C: Sure. That the customer comes first is part of our company culture. We always put our customers at the center of everything we doL: That’s great.【学生】聆听、观看、理解、记忆【教师】让学生进行情景模拟,并与他们的搭档进行类似的对话,时间充裕的话可以随机邀请学生上讲台演示对话【学生】对话第二节课【教师】讲解新知(详见教师用书)take a lookinspectionexceedstandardcare abouthave faith inprinciplesacrificeprofitanalysis【学生】学习、理解、记忆【教师】播放Listening & Speaking模块第一题的对话“Dialogue 2”(详见教材),让学生完成练习一【学生】听、练习【教师】播放Listening & Speaking模块第一题的对话“Dialogue 2”(详见教材),让学生完成练习二【学生】听、练习【教师】检查答案,再次播放Listening & Speaking模块第一题的对话“Dialogue 2”(详见教材),用PPT展示整个对话并讲解(Setting: Ji Na is the manager of ABC Company. She is discussing the quality of goods with his client, Sam.)J=Ji Na S=SamJ: Nice to meet you. I’m Ji Na, the manager of this company.S: Nice to meet you too. I’m Sam.J: Here is the new product I introduced to you in the email. Please take a look.S: It looks so much better than in the picture. By the way, would you mind if I ask to see the product quality inspection report?J: No problem! Here you are. I promise that our goods all exceed standard quality.S: Great. As long as the quality is good, I don’t care about the price. J: You can have faith in the quality of our products. Ensuring product quality is a principle at our company. We don’t sacrifice quality for quick profits.After seeing the report.S: Well, I have no more questions about your quality analysis. We can start the negotiations as soon as you want.J: OK. Let’s get started now.After the negotiation.S: Well, we’re really interested in placing an order now.J: That’s great. I’m glad we’ll be able to do business together. I can promise you that our products will not disappoint you.【学生】聆听、观看、理解、记忆【教师】讲解对话场景You are the human resources director in a newly established company. The boss assigns you a task that you should bulid a company culture based on current situation, policies, and procedures. You can draft it in the following aspects: values, beliefs, principles, and reward strategies.【学生】理解【教师】讲解能应用到对话中的知识The attitude of those within a company is perhaps the most fundamental element of corporate culture.Corporate culture is also influenced by national cultures and traditions, economic trends, internationaltrade, company size, and products.Noodles are asymbol of long life in Chinese culture.Values guide all actions, decisions and behaviors.We shape our future with a strong entrepre­neurial spirit based on our family business tradition.We put our customers and consumers at the center of what we do.With our innovation and technology, we create value for customers and consumers, bring success to our teams, and are a force for good in the world.【学生】聆听、理解、记忆【教师】让学生根据场景进行对话,并随机邀请学生上讲台对话【学生】对话、上讲台对话【教师】介绍一下歌曲背景。

Starter M 2 Unit 1 Open your book 教案

Starter M 2 Unit 1 Open your book 教案

Starter Module 2 Unit 1 教案Ⅰ Analysis of the text:This is the second module. Students should learn the classroom English in order to respond to the teacher’s words, and can correctly use them.Ⅱ Arrangement of teaching in this moduleThree periods for this module, one period for one unitⅢ Teaching focus:ⅰ Master language of useful expressions in the classroomKey vocabulary and phrases: sit, down, open, book, listen, draw, put, up, stand, close.Useful sentences: Sit down.Stand up.Open your book.Close your book.Put up your hands.ⅱ Be skilled in oral expression in the classroom.Ⅳ Teaching aims:ⅰ Function: useful expressions in the classroom.ⅱ Listening: Students can understand tea cher’s words by listening.ⅲ Speaking: Students can use the sentences with others.ⅳ Reading: Students can understand the similar dialogues.ⅴ Writing: Students can write the useful words in their daily life.Ⅴ Character building:Motivate students’ inte rest in learning English.Ⅵ Learning strategies:Self study and Cooperate studyVII Teaching Procedures:Part I: Lead in:Step 1: Greeting with the students.Step 2: Use the classroom English in the class .Part II: Vocabulary study:Step 1: Play the recording and have them point out the words and phrases in Activity 2.Step 2: Play the recording again and have them read after the tape.Step 3: Have the students match the phrases and pictures in PPT.Step 4: Have the students match the phrases and pictures in Activity 4 and check their answer with their partner.Part Ⅲ: Dialogue study:Step 1: Practice the dialogue with the whole class and have them make corresponding reacts.Step 2: Have students to practice the previous dialogue with their partner.Step 3: Work in pairs and do the Activity 2.Step 4: Work in pairs and practice the dialogue in Activity 2. Have some of them to perform their dialogue for the whole class.。

基础模块 2 unit 1教案

基础模块 2 unit 1教案
How was your vacation? What was the weather like there? Where did you go? / Where did your family go? Did you enjoy yourselves?
You can answer like this:
Unit 1 I laughed till I cried.
Period 1
1.Knowledge goals
帮助学生掌握以下词汇:如ski, mountain, beach, sail, skate, vacation, wonderful, parent等
4. Activity 4. Listen again and answer the questions. Check the answers with them.
Step3Speaking (20mins)
1. Activity 6. Read and underline. Practice the dialogue with your partner and underline the vacation activities.
4. Activity 2: Listen and match. Get the Ss to do it by themselves without listening. Then get them to listen and repeat.
Step2Listening (10 mins)
1. Before listening, ask the Ss to look at the pictures and talk about what cities they may be.
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教案课程名称新生代英语基础教程2课时____________________班级____________________专业____________________教师____________________系部____________________教研室____________________教材《新生代英语基础教程2》FamilyShow Time“Where are you from?”ReadingWhy is it called a honeymoon? Chat TimeThe rest is history.WritingFamily treeGrammarThe possessive ’sMy StoryFamilymain Have students look at the picture and ask them to tell you as much as they can about it.Then, go through the questions and complete each answer. In addition, you can ask a few warm-up questions suc h as “How many people are in yourHave the students listen and repeat the words. Use descriptive sentences to teach the family member words. For example, you can say “Your uncle is your mother or father’s brother.” “Your aunt is your mother or father’s sister.” “Your cousin is your uncle or aunt’s child,” and so on. A simple family drawn on the board can often help students to understand this.They may find it interesting to see your family tree, if you don’t mind sharing it with them.For the word frame, you can see that it is something we put around important pictures. You can then ask students if they have any framed photos in the class. You can also teach that we use the words married and single to descr ibe someone’s relationship status. Ask “Have you been to a wedding recently?” “Who got married?”For Tell the students they will hear a conversation between a radio host and a celebrity (Anna). Now listen to the conversation and have students complete the sentences.Correct any mistakes. Have students talk about family members with sentences they have learnt.For Exercise D, let students match those Chinese kinship terms to the corresponding English definitions.First, have the students watch the video in its entirety. Ask basic comprehension questions such as, “Who are the main characters in this video?” “Where are they?” “What are they doing?” “Why are they doing that?” “How are they doing it?”Next, have students take turns in explaining what is happening in each picture.Watch the video. Now look at Exercise B, and ask students to complete the True / False statements.Next, students can complete the dialogue in Exercise C. Have three students read out the dialogue with one student playing the role of Naomi, one as Hector and the other as Mrs. Sanchez. For an extension activity, you can also have the students redo the conversation using information from their family. Finally, have students match the questions to the answers in Exercise D.Review the vocabulary word honeymoon. Ask them to give you examples of where people might go ontheir honeymoon. Some students may even know where their parents went on honeymoon.Next, read and listen to the text and have the students read each of the True / False statements and choose the correct answer. Have students read the new words in the boxes and correct their pronunciation. Then have students underline these words. After the presentation, have students finish Exercises B and E.Put the students in pairs and have them practice talking about where they would like to go on honeymoon. Every two minutes have students stand up and change partners. Do this three or four times, depending on class size.Ask students to draw a poster and fill in some information. Ask students to introduce and advertise their dream honeymoon package to all classmates.Explain to students that they will hear a conversation in which Andrew tells Jenny about his wedding plans. Introduce the key vocabulary words for this conversation.Tell the students to listen carefully and write down what they hear in the blank spaces. If necessary, pause the recording so that students have time to write.Next, have students practice askingabout families in pairs, monitoringthem while they do so.Now, have students read through theLanguage Note, teaching the phrase“the rest is history.”For Exercise C, you can dividestudents into pairs, and ask them toact out the situation. They can taketurns playing different roles.Monitor them and help whennecessary.Ask students to look at the family tree and fill in the names and their occupations. Check their work.Ask students to write names and occupations of their family members as in the example. Remind them of the appropriate form of Chinese names. Have two volunteers write their answers on the board and check their spelling.Teach students to describe their family relations using the sentence pattern in Exercise C.Explain to students that we use the possessive s to describe who owns something. First, write a large ’s on the board. Next, tell the students that we add ’s for when one person owns something. Walk around the class, picking up students’ items and giving examples, such as “This is John’s book”, emphasizing the ’s. Have students echo you and then ask them to try on their own.Then, tell students that for two names, we add ’s to the second name only.After that, you will need to tell students about irregular plurals. Make examples using the most common irregular plurals used with ’s: children, men, women and people, etc.Let students complete the exercises, and then ask them to change books and go through the answers, correcting any mistakes.Tell students that they will see a video in which real people talk about their families.Now, watch the video and have students complete the true or false statements. In some cases, you may need to pause the video to help the students.Now, have students tell you the answers, correcting any mistakes. Watch the video again and have students write in the missing words, pausing the video if necessary. Check the students’ answers,correcting any mistakes.For the discussion section, start by going through the model answers in the book, and have students repeat after you. Then, give the students your answers to the questions. Next, you can have several students give their answers to the class. Finally, have the students discuss the questions in pairs and/or in groups.Finish all the exercises in Unit 1.Read the text in this unit again and try to summarise its content.Interview a family member and write a familydescription for him/her.课后总结与反思补充教学资源VOCABULARY BUILDER参考译文主持人:您正在收听的是诺维奇广播电台,我是主持人艾伦·彼得斯。
