地理信息系统 专业外语试卷1




地理信息系统试题与答案一、单选题1. 地理信息系统(GIS)是指通过特定的技术手段和方法将地理空间数据与非空间数据相结合,进行地理信息的采集、存储、管理、分析、处理和展示的综合性信息系统。


A. 数据形态来自实测或调查B. 多种数据形态的相互关联C. 具有地理定位与时空关联能力D. 具有分析与决策支持功能答案:C2. 在地理信息系统中,地图投影的作用是()。

A. 在平面上以真实比例显示地图B. 将地球表面的曲线投影到平面上C. 使地图在比例尺上能直接测量D. 改变地图样式和颜色答案:B3. GIS数据库中的地理实体指的是()。

A. 地球的自然地理要素B. 数据表中的某一列C. 数据库中存储的地理现象D. GIS软件的主要功能答案:C二、判断题根据以下描述,判断其正误并说明理由。

1. 使用地理信息系统可以对地理空间数据进行可视化分析,但无法实现多源数据的集成和共享。


2. 地理坐标系统的主要作用是为了保证地图图形的形状和大小的准确性。


三、简答题1. 请简要描述地理信息系统在城市规划中的应用。




2. 请简述地理信息系统在资源管理中的应用。






地理信息系统试题和答案试题一1. 什么是地理信息系统(GIS)?2. 列举并解释GIS的主要组成部分。

3. GIS在哪些领域有应用?4. 请简要描述GIS在城市规划中的作用。

答案一1. 地理信息系统(GIS)是一种用于捕捉、存储、管理、分析和展示地理数据的计算机系统。

2. GIS的主要组成部分包括硬件、软件、数据和人员。


3. GIS在地理学、环境科学、城市规划、农业、地质学、交通等领域有广泛的应用。

4. 在城市规划中,GIS可以用于地理数据的收集和分析,辅助决策制定和规划设计。


试题二1. 什么是地理坐标系统?2. 列举并解释常用的地理坐标系统。

3. 请简要描述经纬度坐标系统的原理和应用。

4. 什么是投影坐标系统?为什么在地图制作中需要使用投影坐标系统?答案二1. 地理坐标系统是一种用于确定地球上任意位置的坐标系统。

2. 常用的地理坐标系统包括经纬度坐标系统、UTM坐标系统、高斯-克吕格坐标系统等。


3. 经纬度坐标系统的原理是以地球的赤道和子午线为基准,通过测量经度和纬度来确定地球上的任意位置。


4. 投影坐标系统是将地球表面投影到一个平面上的数学模型。








2.TIN 即不规则三角网(Triangulated Irregular Network),是一种表示数字高程模型的方法. TIN 模型根据区域有限个点集将区域划分为相连的三角面网络,区域中任意点落在三角面的顶点、边上或三角形内。







一个完整的 GIS 主要由四个部分构成,即计算机硬件系统、计算机软件系统、地理数据(或空间数据)和系统管理操作人员.其核心部分是计算机系统(软件和硬件),空间数据反映 GIS 的地理内容,而管理人员和用户则决定系统的工作方式和信息表示方式。

(1)计算机硬件系统:是计算机系统中的实际物理装置的总称,是 GIS 的物理外壳。


(2)计算机软件系统:计算机软件系统是指必需的各种程序.对于 GIS 应用而言,通常包括:计算机系统软件、地理信息系统软件和其他支持软件、应用分析程序。




地理信息系统基础试卷4套地理信息系统基础试卷4套地理信息系统基础试卷1一、名词解释(每个5分,共20分)(英文名词要写出中英文全称)1 GIS GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM,一方面,地理信息系统是一门学科,是描述、存储、分析和输出空间信息的理论和方法的一门新兴的交叉学科;另一方面,地理信息系统是一个技术系统,是以地理空间数据库(Geospatial Database)为基础,采用地理模型分析方法,适时提供多种空间的和动态的地理信息,为地理研究和地理决策服务的计算机技术系统。

2 RS REMOTE SENSING,遥感是一种远离目标,利用传感器采集从目标反射或辐射的电磁波信息而判定、测量并分析目标性质的技术。





每题10分,共30分)1 GIS有哪些主要的功能(10)答:GIS是由计算机硬件、软件和不同的方法组成的系统,该系统设计支持空间数据的采集、管理、处理、分析、建模和显示,以便解决复杂的规划和管理问题。


(5分)2 ARCVIEW能实现哪些空间分析,并指出在哪个模块中可以实现(10)答:ARCVIEW能实现的空间分析有:距离量算,用"measure"即可实现临近、邻接,用"select by theme"模块实现。

(2分)缓冲区:地理要素的影响范围,用"create buffers"模块实现。




地理信息系统考试试题一、选择题1. 地理信息系统(GIS)是指______。

A. 一种地理学研究方法B. 一种计算机软件C. 一种用于收集、存储、处理、分析和抽象地理信息的系统D. 一种传统地图2. GIS技术最早起源于______。

A. 二战时期B. 冷战时期C. 工业革命时期D. 文艺复兴时期3. 下列地图投影中,不常用于大规模制图的是______。

A. 经纬网投影B. 米勒投影C. 正轴等角投影D. 兰勃托等积投影4. GIS数据模型包括______。

A. 点线面数据模型B. 网格数据模型C. 地理关系数据模型D. 以上都是5. 下列软件中,不属于专业的GIS软件是______。

A. ArcGISB. AutoCADC. QGISD. ERDAS二、填空题6. GIS中的底图通常采用______格式储存。

7. 矢量数据中的最小要素是______。

8. ______是用来代表地理空间要素的重要属性之间的关系的数据模型。

9. 颜色模式中,RGB代表______。

10. ______是GIS中的数据输入设备之一。

三、简答题11. 什么是地理信息系统?简述其发展历程。

12. GIS数据的分类及特点有哪些?13. 什么是地理数据模型?简述常见的地理数据模型。

14. 什么是地图投影?简要介绍常见的地图投影类型及其应用领域。

15. 请简述遥感影像在GIS中的应用。

四、计算题16. 若已知地图比例尺为1:50000,实地距离为2500米,求地图距离。

17. 设有一GIS数据集包括10个建筑物矢量要素,每个建筑物的属性数据包括建筑物类型、建筑面积和建筑年代等,求该数据集的记录数。

五、应用题18. 某市规划了一处公园,其周围分布有道路、湖泊和建筑物等要素。





地理信息系统试题及答案一、选择题1. 地理信息系统(GIS)是指:A. 一种软件程序B. 一种地理科学C. 一种空间数据管理系统D. 一种用于收集和分析地理数据的技术和工具答案:D2. GIS最主要的功能是:A. 数据的收集和存储B. 数据的展示和可视化C. 数据的分析和处理D. 数据的传输和共享答案:C3. GIS的坐标系统用来描述:A. 地图的比例尺B. 数据的分辨率C. 地理位置的准确度D. 图层的渲染效果答案:C4. GIS中的矢量数据是通过什么方式进行存储的?A. 栅格B. 坐标系C. 地图投影D. 点、线、面答案:D5. 进行GIS分析时,下列哪种操作用来合并不同图层的属性数据?A. 叠置操作B. 缓冲操作C. 裁剪操作D. 清理操作答案:A二、填空题1. GIS中的栅格数据由若干个像素(pixel)组成,每个像素包含了__________。

答案:数值或分类信息2. 在地图投影中,保角投影主要用于解决__________问题。

答案:形状失真3. 高程数据主要用于表示地表的__________。

答案:海拔或地形4. 地理信息系统中的空间分析主要包括__________和__________两个方面。

答案:地理定位、地理测量5. GIS中的元数据用于描述数据的__________、__________和__________等属性信息。

答案:来源、格式、准确度三、简答题1. 请简要说明地理信息系统(GIS)在城市规划中的应用。





2. 请简要说明GIS在环境保护中的应用。





1.Where does the word Geomatics come from? GEODESY+GEOINFORMATICS =GEOMATICS or GEO –for earth and –MATICS for mathematical or GEO- for Geoscience and –MATICS for informatics. It has been said that geomatics is many things to many people . The term geomatics emerged first in Canada and as an academic discipline; it has been introduced worldwide in a number of institutes of higher education during the past few years, mostly by renaming what was previously called “geodesy” or “surveying”, and by-adding a number of computer science- and/ or GIS-oriented courses.地质这个词在哪里地质从何而来?大地测量+教育或地理=地球,地球和-双语对照查看数学或地理-双语对照查看地质灾害与信息学。


地球这个词作为学术纪律第一次出现在加拿大; 在过去几年中,现已引进大量的在全球高等教育学院,大多数是被重命名以前被称为“大地测量”或“测量”,双语对照查看,许多计算机科学,和/或GIS-导向课程。

2.Data acquisition techniques include field surveying, global positioningsystem (GPS), satellite positioning, and remotely sensed imagery obtained through aerial photography and satellite imagery. It also includes the acquisition of database material scanned from older maps and plans and data collected by related agencies.数据采集技术包括野外调查、全球定位系统(GPS)、卫星定位、遥感图像得到,通过空中摄影和卫星图像。

地理信息系统 专业外语试卷1

地理信息系统  专业外语试卷1

一、英英释义Vertical lineContourLeveling二、词汇汉译英地理信息系统地图学等高线大地水准面高程电子测绘仪经纬仪十字丝放样照准部水准测量全站仪方位角准确度卫星测距三、词汇英译汉Geomantic Geodesy Photogrammetry Aerial photograph Field work Horizontal survey LatitudePlumb lineMean sea level Tacheometry Level staff Vertical circle Counter clockwise TopographyLevel surface Stadia hairPrismPrecision Random errorGPS receiver四、句子英译汉1.It is processed and manipulated with state-of-the-artinformation technology using computer software and hardware.2.It has applications in all disciplines which depend onspatial data.3.Once the positions and attributes of geographic entities(实体) have been digitized and stored in computer memory, they are available for use by a wide variety of users.nd surveys are the oldest type of survey and have beenperformed since earliest recoded history.5.Construction surveys are made for purposes of locatingstructures and providing required elevation points during their construction.6.To judge the exact horizontal line, we should move tapeup and down along the plump line and we will find the changes of reading in the tape.7.If the distance is longer than the length of tape, thenwe can divide the distance into several segments and get the total distance by plus each segment together.8.Since different tapes have different starts of zero ofthe tapes, it is important to judge where the zero of thetape begins.9.Vertical Line is a line that follows the direction ofgravity as indicated by a plumb line.10. A spirit level is used to fix the line of sight of thetelescope.11.Random Errors are introduced into each measurementmainly because of human and instrument imperfections aswell as uncertainties in determining the effects of the environment on measurements.12.If a quantity is measured several times and the valuesobtained are very close to each other,the precision is said to be high.13.The GPS receiver on the ground is the unknown point,and must compute its position based on the informationit receives from the satellites.14.When the two spheres intersect,a circle is formed,so it must be somewhere on that circle.15.In addition,both the L1 and L2 GPS signals would bemade available to civil users and a new civil signalwould be authorized.五、段落英译汉1.The science and technology of acquiring, storing,processing, managing, analyzing and presenting geographically referred information (geo-spatial data).This broad term applies both to science and technology, and integrates the following more specific disciplines and technologies including surveying and mapping, geodesy, satellite positioning, photogrammetry, remote sensing, geographic information system(GIS), land management, computer systems, environmental visualization and computer graphics.2.A horizontal angle is the angle formed in a horizontalplane by two intersecting vertical planes, or a horizontal angle between two lines is the angle between the projections of the lines onto a horizontal plane. For example, observations to different elevation points B and C from A will give the horizontal angle ÐBAC which is the angle between the projections of two lines (AB and AC) onto the horizontal plane. It follows that, although the points observed are at different elevations, it is always the horizontal angle and not the space angle that is measured. The horizontal angle is used primarily to obtain relative direction to a survey control point, or to topographic detail points, or to points to be set out.3.The first step in measuring the distance between the GPSreceiver and a satellite requires measuring the time it takes for the signal to travel from the satellite to the receiver. Once the receiver knows how much time haselapsed, the travel time of the signal multiplies thespeed of light (because the satellite signals travel at the speed of light, approximately 186,000 miles persecond) to compute the distance. Distance measurements to four satellites are require to compute a 3-dimensional (latitude, longitude and altitude) position.六、扩展试题Explain the process about this question that how does the GPS receiver located itself with four satellite.答案一、1.A line that follows the direction of gravity as indicatedby a plumb line;2.An imaginary line on the ground with all points at thesame elevation above or below a specified referencesurface;3.The process of finding elevations of points or theirdifference in elevation.二、Geographic information system;Cartography;Contour;Geoid;Elevation;Electronic distance measurement instrument; Theodolite/transit;Cross-hair/reticle; Set out/lay off; Upper plate; Leveling;Total station; Azimuth; Accuracy;Satellite ranging.三、测绘学,地理信息学;大地测量学;摄影测量;航片;外业;平面测量;纬度;铅垂线;平均海水面;视距测量法;水准尺;垂直度盘;逆时针;地形,地势;水准面;视距丝;棱镜;精度;随机误差;GPS接收机。



地理信息系统测验题目集一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪项是地理信息系统的英文缩写?A. GISB. GPSC. RSD. CAD2. 地理信息系统主要用于哪些方面?A. 地图制作和空间数据分析B. 遥感图像处理C. 全球定位系统D. 以上都对3. 以下哪个软件不是地理信息系统软件?A. ArcGISB. QGISC. Microsoft OfficeD. Google Earth4. 在地理信息系统中,什么是空间数据?A. 地图上的图形元素B. 地图上的文字描述C. 地图上的颜色D. 地图上的比例尺5. 以下哪个是地理信息系统的核心功能?A. 数据采集B. 数据处理C. 数据分析D. 地图打印二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 地理信息系统的英文缩写是________。

2. 地理信息系统主要用于地图制作、空间数据分析和________。

3. ArcGIS、QGIS和Google Earth都是地理信息系统软件,而________不是。

4. 在地理信息系统中,空间数据是指地图上的________。

5. 地理信息系统的核心功能是________、数据处理和数据分析。

三、简答题(每题5分,共15分)1. 请简要说明地理信息系统的作用和应用领域。

2. 请解释地理信息系统中的空间数据和属性数据的区别。

3. 请简述地理信息系统的数据处理过程。


请回答以下问题:1. 你会使用地理信息系统中的哪些功能来分析城市交通状况?(5分)2. 请列举三种可以通过地理信息系统获取的交通数据。

(5分)3. 你会如何使用地理信息系统来识别城市交通拥堵的原因?(10分)4. 请提出至少三项基于地理信息系统的改善城市交通的建议。































中考英语地理信息系统的应用案例单选题40题1. A GIS (Geographic Information System) is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all types of _.A. geographical dataB. biological dataC. historical dataD. chemical data答案:A。


在英语中,GIS(地理信息系统)主要是用于处理地理相关的数据,geographical data表示地理数据,符合GIS的定义,这是一个关于词汇理解和特定概念匹配的知识点。

而biological data是生物数据,historical data是历史数据,chemical data是化学数据,均不符合GIS 的概念。

2. The main components of a GIS include hardware, software, _, and users.A. animalsB. dataC. plantsD. buildings答案:B。





3. GIS can help us to _ the relationship between different geographical features.A. breakB. understandC. ignoreD. create答案:B。




地理信息系统考试试题1. 什么是地理信息系统?它与地图数据库有什么异同?与地理信息的关系是什么?2. 通过课程的学习,你对地图投影与地图比例尺之间的关系有什么新的认识?3. What are the development periods, status quo and the most urgent keyproblems to be solved in GIS?4. How Geo-Spatial Information describe the true word in digital form?5. Describe metadata conception, types and its function.6. Illustrate the characteristics of GIS spatial Database and its basic organizingpattern. 7. Describe metadata and its types and function.答案:1. 什么是地理信息系统?它与地图数据库有什么异同?与地理信息的关系是什么?地理信息系统简称为GIS。

关于它确切的全称,多数人认为是Geographical Information System,也有人认为是Geo-Information System。


2)加拿大的Roger Tomlinson认为“GIS是全方位分析和操作地理数据的数字系统”。



5)俄罗斯学者也把GIS 定义为“一种解决各种复杂的地理相关问题,以及具有内部联系的工具集合”。






2、地理空间数据的基本特征包括、 和等。


4、常见的GIS软件有、 、等。



)1、空间数据编码的原则主要有( )、系统性、通用性和标准化、可扩展性等。

A.实用性;B.一致性;C.移植性;D.安全性2、以下选项中不属于空间数据编辑与处理过程的是( )。

A.数据格式转换;B.投影转换;C.图幅拼接;D.数据分发3、以下选项中不属于地理信息系统设计与开发步骤的是( )。

A.系统设计;B.系统维护;C.系统测试;D.系统安装4、我国地理信息系统的发展自20世纪( )起步。

A.60年代初;B.70年代初;C.80年代初;D.90年代初5、以下设备中不属于GIS数据输入设备的是( )。









五、论述及运算题(本题共 2 小题,满分18 分。








陕师大地理学专业英语试题1、The bookstore is far away. You’d better _______ the subway. [单选题] *A. sitB. take(正确答案)C. missD. get2、He is a student of _______. [单选题] *A. Class SecondB. the Class TwoC. Class Two(正确答案)D. Second Two3、While studying abroad, he financially depended()his wife. [单选题] *A. on(正确答案)B. ofC. toD. from4、34.My mother isn't in now, but she will be back ______ ten minutes. [单选题] *A.forB.beforeC.in(正确答案)D.at5、Will you be able to finish your homework _______? [单选题] *A. by the timeB. in time(正确答案)C. once upon a timeD. out of time6、There is a popular belief _____schools don’t pay any attention to spelling. [单选题] *A.that(正确答案)B.whichC.whatD.whose7、I am worried about my brother. I am not sure _____ he has arrived at the school or not. [单选题] *A. whether(正确答案)B. whatC. whenD. how8、Many of my classmates are working _______volunteers. [单选题] *A. as(正确答案)B. toC. atD. like9、The train is coming. Be ______! [单选题] *A. careful(正确答案)B. carefullyC. carelessD. care10、4.—Alice’s never late for school.—________. [单选题] * A.So am I.B.So was I.C.Neither am I. (正确答案)D.Neither have I.11、The manager demanded that all employees _____ on time. [单选题] *A. be(正确答案)B. areC. to beD. would be12、I walked too much yesterday and ()are still aching now. [单选题] *A. my leg's musclesB. my leg muscles(正确答案)C. my muscles' of legD. my legs' muscles13、76.AC Milan has confirmed that the England star David Beckham ()the team soon. [单选题] *A. has rejoinedB. was going to rejoinC. rejoinedD. is to rejoin(正确答案)14、If you pass your exams, we’ll have a party to celebrate. [单选题] *A. 宣布B. 发表C. 解放D. 庆祝(正确答案)15、I _______ to the tape yesterday evening. [单选题] *A. lookB. listenC. listened(正确答案)D. hear16、The reason why I didn't attend the lecture was simply()I got a bad cold that day. [单选题] *A. becauseB. asC. that(正确答案)D. for17、Mum is ill. I have to _______ her at home. [单选题] *A. look after(正确答案)C. look outD. look forward to18、45.—Let's make a cake ________ our mother ________ Mother's Day.—Good idea. [单选题] *A.with; forB.for; on(正确答案)C.to; onD.for; in19、He often comes to work early and he is _______ late for work. [单选题] *A. usuallyB. never(正确答案)C. oftenD. sometimes20、—_____ will the bus arrive? —In four minutes. [单选题] *A. How longB. How oftenC. How soon(正确答案)21、Many young people like to _______ at weekends. [单选题] *A. eat out(正确答案)B. eat upC. eat onD. eat with22、77.–Hey! Any idea about learning abroad? --You ()google the College Board to learn the names of college you ____ be interested in [单选题] *A. may;needB. can; might (正确答案)C. will; shouldD. shall; must23、I like this house with a beautiful garden in front, but I don't have enough money to buy _____. [单选题] *A. it(正确答案)B. oneC. thisD. that24、I'm sorry I cannot see you immediately. But if you wait, I'll see you_____. [单选题] *A. for a momentB. in a moment(正确答案)C. for the momentD. at the moment25、If we want to keep fit, we should try to _______ bad habits. [单选题] *A. keepB. haveC. getD. get rid of(正确答案)26、Can I _______ your order now? [单选题] *A. makeB. likeC. giveD. take(正确答案)27、Her ()for writing was that she wished women to get the right to higher education. [单选题] *A. motivation(正确答案)B. motivateC. effectD. concentration28、The teacher has his students_____a composition every other week. [单选题] *A.to writeB.writtenC.writingD.write(正确答案)29、The trouble turned out to have nothing to do with them. [单选题] *A. 由…引发的B. 与…有牵连C. 给…带来麻烦D. 与…不相干(正确答案)30、You have coughed for several days, Bill. Stop smoking, _______ you’ll get better soon. [单选题] *A. butB. afterC. orD. and(正确答案)。



专业英语练习一Exercise One1.Explain the meaning of each of the following technical terms in English and write the corresponding technical term in Chinese.2.解释下列术语中的每一个技术术语的含义,并在中文书写相应的技术术语。

1) Geomatics 测绘学;2) geoinformatics地理信息技术;地理信息学2. Answer the following questions in English.用英语回答下面的问题。

1) What does the term Geomatics mean?2) What are the sources of spatial data comes from? 空间数据的来源是什么?3) What kind of disciplines can Geomatics find its application? 什么样的学科地理信息学能找到它的应用吗?3. Write the corresponding English terms of the Chinese terms写相应的英语术语的术语1) 测绘学2) 大地测量学3) 测绘4) 摄影测量学5) 遥感6) 全球定位系统7) 卫星定位8) 地理信息系统10) 土地管理11) 计算机图形学4. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 把下列句子译成中文。

1) Geomatics is a field of activities which, using a systemic approach, integrates all the means used to acquire and manage spatial data required as part of scientific, administrative, legal and technical operations involved in the process of the production and management of spatial information.课本p7 Notes③2) The term geomatics emerged first in Canada and as an academic discipline; it has been introduced worldwide in a number of institutes of higher education during the past few years, mostly by renaming what was previously called “geodesy”or “surveying”, and by adding a number of computer science-and/or GIS-oriented courses. 课本p7 Notes①3) Geomatics is the modern scientific term referring to the integrated approach of measurement, analysis, management, storage and display of the descriptions and location of Earth based data, often termed spatial data. These data come from many sources, including earth orbiting satellites, air and sea-borne sensors and ground based instruments. It is processed and manipulated withstate-of-the-art information technology using computer software and hardware. It has applications in all disciplines which depend on spatial data, including environmental studies, planning, engineering, navigation, geology and geophysics, oceanography, land development and land ownership and tourism. It is thus fundamental to all the geoscience disciplines which use spatially related data. [from the School of Geomatic Engineering, Univ. of New South Wales] 测绘学是现代科学术语,指的是地球基础数据(通常被称为空间数据)的描述和位置的测量,分析,处理,存储和显示的综合办法。



GIS专业英语复习题(一)I. Directions: The following is a list of terms about Geographic Information Systems. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. (5*2=10 marks)A-data conversion K-longitudeB-coordinate system L-projection and registrationC-map projections M-correlation analysisD-latitude N-spatial dataE-thematic map O-hypermediaF-vector data P-geographical information systems(GIS)G-spatial analysis Q- raster dataH-multimedia R- digital elevation models(DEM)I-geo-referenced data S- Overlay AnalysisJ-information retrieval T- database management system(DBMS)1. ( ) 叠加分析( ) 地理参照数据2. ( ) 信息检索( ) 经度,经线3. ( ) 栅格数据( ) 专题地图4. ( ) 投影与匹配( ) 空间数据5. ( ) 数字高程模型( ) 坐标系统II. Directions: There are 5 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper word according to the knowledge of Geographic Information Systems. (10*1=10 marks)1. The Pioneering stage of development history of GIS began to appear in the_______.2. There are two major methods to input, store and visualize mapped data in GIS: ______ GIS and ______ GIS.3. In the vector based model, geospatial data is represented in the form of __________. In vector data, the basic units of spatial information are _____, _______ and polygons.4. I n a GIS, locations on the earth’s surface described by a series of x, y coordinates. Coordinate systems can be self-described or in units that relate to the real world. The units of geodetic coordinate system are decimal degrees; degrees, ______, _______.5. The forms of data in GIS are ______data, _____ data and temporal data.III. Directions: Choosing the best answer from the given four choices to fill in the blank.(10*2=20 marks)1. The abbreviation of Geographic Information System (GIS) is_______.A .GPS B.MPS C.GIS D.MIS2. The full name of GIS is______ .A. Geographic Information SystemB. Word Processing SystemC. Global Positioning SystemD. Earth Satellite System3. The core function of GIS is_____.A. queryB. retrievalC. statistical calculationD. spatial analysis function4. GIS was germinated (formed) in the early_______.A.1950sB. 1960sC.1970sD. 1980s5. _______ was considered as the father of GIS.A. GoodchildB. ColwellC. Roger TomlinsonD. Terry Coppok6. The first system in the modern era to be generally acknowledged as a GIS was ________.A. Canada Geographic Information System (or CGIS)B. GIS-based researchC. Loess Plateau Information SystemD. WebGIS7. I n a GIS, locations on the earth’s surface described by a series of x, y coordinates. Coordinate systems can be self-described or in units that relate to the real world. The units of planar coordinate system are __________.A. Decimal degrees;B. degrees, minutes, secondsC. hours, minutes, secondsD. meters; and feet8. All Data within a GIS are stored within databases. A database is a collection of information about things and their relationships to each other. Geographic information systems rely on two interrelated types of databases: the _________ database and the ________ database.A. spatial, non-spatialB. spatial, attributeC. vector; rasterD. vector-based; raster-based9. Developing the boundaries of the region within the specified distance from the airport is called a proximity or ______ operation, and is a common tool in spatial analysis.A. overlayB. networkC. bufferD. spatial statistics10. One of the significant signs that GIS distinguishes from other information systems is__________.A. spatial analysisB. attribute analysisC. statistical analysisD. correlation analysisIV. Directions: Translating the following Specialized English words into Chinese or English. (16*2=32 marks)1. spatial data2. geographic analysis3. database management and update4. thematic map5. latitude and longitude6. geodetic coordinate system7. aerial photographs8. multimedia/hypermedia GIS9. 硬件和软件10. 数据转换11. 信息技术12. 地图投影13. 矢量和栅格数据14. 输入和输出系统15. 虚拟现实16. 环境管理与保护V. Directions: Translating the following sentences into Chinese. (3*4=12 marks)1. GIS is a system of hardware, software and procedures to facilitate the management, manipulation, analysis, modeling, representation and display of geo-referenced data to solve complex problems regarding planning and management of resources.2. With the availability of real-time global positioning systems and cost-effective mobile telecommunications, it has become possible to develop real-time GIS that monitor, transmits, records and analyses the movement of mobile agents such as vehicles, people or animals.3. The so-called geo-spatial information science depends on computer technology and communication technology as the main technical support including global positioning system (GPS), geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing (RS) and other spatial information technology. Its functions contain acquisition, measurement, analysis, storage, management, display, transmission and application of the data of the earth and spatial distribution. Geo-spatial information science is an important part of earth information science.VI. Directions: Answering the following questions. (4*4=16 marks)1. What are the major components of GISystem? And what are the functions of GIS?2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of raster data?3. What kind of functions does GIS spatial analysis have? Can you give some relative examples for different functions respectively?4. GIS can be widely in many realm, and please give several examples of GIS applications.GIS专业英语复习题(二)I. Directions: The following is a list of terms about Geographic Information Systems. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. (5*2=10 marks)A- information extraction H- quantitative remote sensingB- spatial resolution I- electromagnetic spectrumC- geometric correction J- Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) D- microwave remote sensing K- lossy compressionE- image fusion/integration L- spatial resolutionF- lossless compression M- analog imageG- radio detection and ranging (RADAR) N- radiometric correction1. ( ) 空间分辨率( ) 模拟图像2. ( ) 信息提取( ) 图像融合3. ( ) 无损压缩( ) 光探测和测距(激光雷达)4. ( ) 几何校正( ) 电磁波谱5. ( ) 雷达(无线电测距与定位)( ) 定量遥感II. Directions: There are 5 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper word according to the knowledge of Geographic Information Systems. (16*1=16 marks)1. Remote sensing of the environment by geographers is usually done with the help of mechanical devices known as ____________.2. In respect to the type of energy resources, the types of remote sensing can be divided into ________ remote sensing and ________ remote sensing.3. Remote sensing is the science of __________ information about the earth’s surface without actually being in contact with it. This is done by _______ and ________ reflected or emitted energy and processing, analyzing, and applying that information.4. Different image captured by different remote sensing instruments have different characters. Characters of satellite sensor consist of satellite ______ and swath and the _______, ______, radiometric and ________ resolutions of remote sensing data.5. Features Used in Image Interpretation and Recognition include shape, size, _________or color, __________, shadow and _________.6. The simplest form of remote sensing uses photographic cameras to record information from visible or near _______ wavelengths. During World War I, _______photography played an important role. The development of ______ photography following World War II gave a more natural depiction (n.描绘,描写) of surface objects.III. Directions: Choosing the best answer from the given four choices to fill in the blank.(10*2=20 marks)1. Geographers use the techniques of _________ to monitor or measure phenomena found in the Earth’s lithosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.A. eyesB. remote sensingC. the sense of smellD. the sense of hearing2. In respect to wavelength regions, remote sensing can be classified into three types.They are visible and reflective infrared remote sensing, ________ infrared remote sensing and _________ remote sensing.A. thermal; microwaveB. thermal; radarC. microwave; radioD. radar; radio3. Recent advances in remote sensing and geographic information have led the way for the development of _______ Remote Sensing, which is an instrument called an “active sensor”.A. spatialB. spectralC. radarD. laser4. The full name of RS is______ .A. Random Access MemoryB. Recording of energy by the sensorC. Remotely sensed dataD. Remote Sensing5. In the________, a revolution in remote sensing technology began with the deployment of space satellites.A. 1950sB. 1960sC.1970sD. 1980s6. The first meteorological satellite, ______, was launched by the United States using an Atlas rocket on April 1, 1960.A. TIROS-1B. LandsatC.SPOTD. Radarsat-17. _______, which was launched in 2002, has a maximum ground resolution of 2.5 x2.5 meters in both panchromatic mode and multispectral operation.A. Landsat 7B. SPOTC. Radarsat-1D. SPOT-58.Radar is an acronym for _________.A. Radar Remote SensingB. Radio DetectionC. Radio Detection and RangingD. Radio Signals9.As a microwave remote sensing technique, ________ system has all-day andall-weather imaging capability and provides unique images and has become an important technique of data acquisition for change detection, especially in some regions where it is difficult for optical sensors to acquire high-quality image.A. RadarB.SARC. LIDARD. InSAR10. ________technology has evolved in the last four decades to become a prominent remote sensing tool for geo-spatial researches, which is an active optical remote sensing technology that measures properties of scattered light to find range and other information of a distant target.A. SARB. RadarC. InSARD. LIDARIV.Directions:Translating the following Specialized English words into Chinese or English. (12*2=24 marks)1. electromagnetic radiation2. multi-spectral Scanner(MSS)3. spectral resolution4. radiometric correction5. digital elevation or digital terrain models(DEMs/DTMs)6. Thematic Mapper7. 遥感8. 雷达系统9. 波段10. 数字图像11. 被动式/主动式传感12. 图象分析V. Directions: Translating the following sentences into Chinese. (3*5=15 marks)1. Remote sensing is a technology for sampling electromagnetic radiation to acquire and interpret non-contiguous geospatial data from which to extract information about features, objects, and classes on the earth’s land surface, oceans, and atmosphere.2.Radiation and the Atmosphere (B) – as the energy travels from its source to the target, it will come in contact with and interact with the atmosphere it passes through. This interaction may take place a second time as the energy travels from the target to the sensors.3. Interaction with the Target (C) –once the energy makes its way to the target through the atmosphere, it interacts with the target depending on the properties of both the target and the radiation.VI. Directions: Answering the following questions. (3*5=15 marks)1. What is the process of remote sensing? Can you describe the process of remote sensing in a simple way?2. What are characteristics of satellite remote sensing image?3. In the resources management and environmental monitoring, could you please give us some examples to explain the application area that can benefit from the integration of a GIS, RS and GPS?GIS专业英语复习题(三)I. Directions: The following is a list of terms about Geographic Information Systems. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. (5*2=10 marks)A- smart phones G- master control stationB- Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) H-Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)C- atmospheric delay I- Emergency ResponseD- Location Based Service (LBS) J- Precise Positioning Service (PPS)E- orbital planes K- Standard Positioning Service (SPS) F- Global System for Mobile Communication M- handheld PCs1. ( ) 主控制站( ) 精准定位服务2. ( ) 大气延迟( ) 个人数字助理/掌上电脑3. ( ) 智能电话( ) 轨道平面4. ( ) 基于位置的服务( ) 无线局域网络5. ( ) 应急响应( ) 全球通信系统II. Directions: There are 5 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper word according to the knowledge of Geographic Information Systems. (16*1=16 marks)1. GPS system consists of three major segments: the ______ segment, the ______ segment and the ________ segment.2. Besides GPS, now there are three kinds of satellite position navigation system in the world. They are: global navigation satellite system (________) of former Soviet Union, Galileo system of European Union (UN) and _____ System of China.3. The ________ constellation is composed of 24 satellites in six orbital planes. The satellites operate in circular 20,200 km (10,900 nm) orbits at an inclination angle of 55 degrees and with a 12-hour period. Each satellite transmits on two L _______ frequencies, L1 (1575.42 MHz) and L2 (1227.6 MHz).4. In general, a wireless communication system consists of three main components: the Mobile Switching Centres (MSC) or __________ equipment, the ________ and the user _______.5. The integration of remote sensing, GPS, and GIS can be conceptualized and summarized by four models: _______, ________, hierarchical and ________.6. The applications of integration of GIS, RS and GPS include resources management and environmental ________, emergency________, and __________ mapping.III. Directions: Choosing the best answer from the given four choices to fill in the blank.(10*2=20 marks)1. The ________ system, operated by the U.S. Department of Defense, is the first GPS system widely available to civilian users.A. GNSSB. NAVSTARC. GLONASSD. Beidou2. The __________, sometimes called the Standard Positioning Service (SPS), is a pseudorandom noise code that is modulated onto the L1 carrier.A. Coarse-Acquisition (C/A) codeB. Precision (P) codeC. Y codeD. PRN code3. _______System is thought as the most accurate observe method now.A. GPSB. OCSC. GNSSD. RTK4. "3S" technology refers to______.A.GIS RS GPSB. GIS DSS GPSC.GIS GPS OSD.GIS DSS RS5. Pseudo-random noise code has P code, Y code and ______.A. X codeB.C/A codeC.P/YD.Y/A6. In order to connect mobile devices to a fixed network in which the cartographic server will be set, we can use two kinds of wireless networks. ________s have a limited coverage, from few meters to some kilometers. Their main characteristics are that they provide high transmission rates and usually are privately owned.A. WWANB.WAPC. WLAND. WML7. The mobile handsets may be cell phones or small handheld computing devices known as _____________.A. PDAB. LBSC. OSD. PVT8._________ is a must for the widespread adoption of location-based services. Moreover, it ensures network security and privacy and helps to facilitate billing and revenue sharing.A. Diverse mobile mapping standardsB. Market capacityC. InteroperabilityD. User privacy9. GPS determines location by computing the difference between the time a signal is sent and the time is received. GPS satellites carry ______ that provide extremely accurate time. The time information is placed in the codes broadcast by the satellite so that a receiver can continuously determine the time the signal was broadcast.A. atomic clocksB. electronic clocksC.GIS receiverD. sensors10. SA refers to _______________.A. Precise Positioning ServiceB. Selective AvailabilityC. Standard Positioning ServiceD. anti-spoofingIV.Directions:Translating the following Specialized English words into Chinese or English. (12*2=24 marks)1. constellation2. pseudo-range3. spatial visualization4. phase5. coarse/acquisition (C/A)code6. carrier frequencies7. 实时8. 民用码9. 精确码(p码)10. GIS接收机11.全球导航卫星系统12.笔记本电脑V. Directions: Translating the following sentences into Chinese. (3+3*4=15 marks)1.Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based radio-navigation system, consisting of 24 satellites and ground support. GPS provides users with accurate information about their position and velocity, as well as the time, anywhere in the world and in all weather conditions.2. GPS is a public information service used by both the public and private sections of our global economy to improve productivity, increase safety, protect the environment and so on. GPS technology has matured into a resource that goes far beyond its original design goals. These days, people from many other walks of life are using GPS in ways that make their work more productive, safer, and sometimes ever easier.3. The integration of remote sensing, GPS, and GIS coupled with powerful computer modeling tools enables resources managers to better adapt to the dynamic, multi-use management complexities of natural resources. Integration empowers them to quantitatively model the resources and objectively analyze their multiple demands in nearly real time.4. GPS has become a widely used aid to navigation worldwide, and a useful tool for mapmaking, land surveying, commerce, scientific uses, tracking and surveillance, and hobbies such as geocaching and waymarking. Also, the precise time reference is used in many applications including the scientific study of earthquakes and as a time synchronization source for cellular network protocols. In addition, GPS has become a mainstay of transportation systems worldwide, providing navigation for aviation, ground, and maritime operations.VI. Directions: Answering the following questions. (4*4=16 marks)1. What are the components of GPS and what are functions of each component?2. Please talk about the characteristics of GPS and the real-world application of GPS in a brief way.3. What is the relationship between GIS, RS and GPS in the system integration? Please give some examples about integration of GIS, RS and GPS.4. What is LBS? Which aspects should be considered in constructing and developing LBS?。



南京信息工程大学地理信息系统原理试卷(一)一、单项选择 (每小题 2 分,共20 分)1.世界上地理信息系统的普遍发展和推广应用的阶段是20世纪()年代:A. 60年代B. 70年代C. 80年代D. 90年代2.以下不属于GIS输出设备的为()A. 绘图仪B. 数字化仪C. 打印机D. 高分辨率显示装置3、在地理信息系统中,空间线对象是():.A. 0维特征 B. 1维特征 C. 2维特征 D. 3维特征.4、空间图形的不同类元素之间的拓扑关系称为:()A.拓扑邻接B.拓扑关联C.拓扑包含 D.拓扑相交5、获取栅格数据的方法有:()A.手扶跟踪数字化法B.屏幕鼠标跟踪数字化法C.扫描数字化法D.人工读取坐标法6、栅格结构的特点是:()A.定位明显、属性隐含B.定位明显、属性明显C.定位隐含、属性明显D.定位隐含、属性隐含7、在空间数据库概念模型中,下面不属于传统数据模型的是:()A.层次数据模型B.网络数据模型C.关系数据模型D.面向对象数据模型8、描述图形在保持连续变化状态下,图形关系保持不变的性质.或空间实体之间的关系的数据为:()A.属性数据B.拓扑数据C.几何数据D.统计数据9、在栅格数据获取过程中,为减少信息损失提高精度可采取的方法是:()A.增大栅格单元面积B.缩小栅格单元面积C.改变栅格形状D.减少栅格总数10、GIS区别于其它信息系统的一个显著标志是:()A.空间分析B.计量分析C.属性分析D.统计分析11、数据处理是GIS的基本功能之一,对数据从一种数据格式转换为另一种数据格式,包括结构转换、格式转换、类型转换等,这种数据处理为()A. 数据重构B. 数据变换C. 结构转换D. 数据抽取12、通过建立一种投影变换为另一种投影的严密或近似的解析关系式,直接由一种投影的数字化坐标x,y变换到另一种投影的直角坐标X,Y,这种投影转换方法称为()A. 正解变换B. 反解变换C. 数值变换D. 几何纠正13、以下哪些不属于栅格数据结构的特点()A. 图形显示质量好B. 多边形叠置分析较容易C. 数据结构简单D. 图形数据量小14、“二值化”是处理何种数据的一个技术步骤:()A.扫描数据 B.矢量数据 C.关系数据 D.属性数据15、对于估算长度、转折方向的凹凸度方便的编码方法是:()A.游程编码B.块码C.四叉树编码D.链码二.名词解释(每小题6分,共30分)1、地图投影2、栅格数据结构3、缓冲区分析4、空间分析5、地理信息系统三.简答题(每小题5分,共20分)1、地理信息系统的构成和五大基本功能。

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一、英英释义∙Vertical line∙Contour∙Leveling 二、词汇汉译英地理信息系统地图学等高线大地水准面高程电子测绘仪经纬仪十字丝放样照准部水准测量全站仪方位角准确度卫星测距三、词汇英译汉Geomantic Geodesy Photogrammetry Aerial photograph Field work Horizontal survey LatitudePlumb line Mean sea level Tacheometry Level staff Vertical circle Counter clockwise Topography Level surface Stadia hair Prism Precision Random error GPS receiver四、句子英译汉1.It is processed and manipulated with state-of-the-art informationtechnology using computer software and hardware.2.It has applications in all disciplines which depend on spatial data.3.Once the positions and attributes of geographic entities(实体)have been digitized and stored in computer memory, they are available for use by a wide variety of users.nd surveys are the oldest type of survey and have beenperformed since earliest recoded history.5.Construction surveys are made for purposes of locating structuresand providing required elevation points during their construction.6.To judge the exact horizontal line, we should move tape up anddown along the plump line and we will find the changes of reading in the tape.7.If the distance is longer than the length of tape, then we can dividethe distance into several segments and get the total distance by plus each segment together.8.Since different tapes have different starts of zero of the tapes, it isimportant to judge where the zero of the tape begins.9.Vertical Line is a line that follows the direction of gravity asindicated by a plumb line.10.A spirit level is used to fix the line of sight of the telescope.11.Random Errors are introduced into each measurement mainlybecause of human and instrument imperfections as well asuncertainties in determining the effects of the environment onmeasurements.12.If a quantity is measured several times and the values obtained arevery close to each other,the precision is said to be high.13.The GPS receiver on the ground is the unknown point,and mustcompute its position based on the information it receives from thesatellites.14.When the two spheres intersect,a circle is formed,so it must besomewhere on that circle.15.In addition,both the L1 and L2 GPS signals would be madeavailable to civil users and a new civil 10.23MHZ signal would beauthorized.五、段落英译汉1.The science and technology of acquiring, storing, processing,managing, analyzing and presenting geographically referredinformation (geo-spatial data). This broad term applies both toscience and technology, and integrates the following more specificdisciplines and technologies including surveying and mapping,geodesy, satellite positioning, photogrammetry, remote sensing,geographic information system(GIS), land management, computersystems, environmental visualization and computer graphics.2. A horizontal angle is the angle formed in a horizontal plane by twointersecting vertical planes, or a horizontal angle between twolines is the angle between the projections of the lines onto ahorizontal plane. For example, observations to different elevationpoints B and C from A will give the horizontal angle ÐBAC which isthe angle between the projections of two lines (AB and AC) ontothe horizontal plane. It follows that, although the points observedare at different elevations, it is always the horizontal angle and notthe space angle that is measured. The horizontal angle is usedprimarily to obtain relative direction to a survey control point, orto topographic detail points, or to points to be set out.3.The first step in measuring the distance between the GPS receiverand a satellite requires measuring the time it takes for the signalto travel from the satellite to the receiver. Once the receiver knowshow much time has elapsed, the travel time of the signal multipliesthe speed of light (because the satellite signals travel at the speedof light, approximately 186,000 miles per second) to compute thedistance. Distance measurements to four satellites are require tocompute a 3-dimensional (latitude, longitude and altitude)position.六、扩展试题Explain the process about this question that how does the GPSreceiver located itself with four satellite.答案一、1. A line that follows the direction of gravity as indicated by a plumbline;2.An imaginary line on the ground with all points at the sameelevation above or below a specified reference surface;3.The process of finding elevations of points or their difference inelevation.二、Geographic information system; Cartography;Contour;Geoid;Elevation;Electronic distance measurement instrument;Theodolite/transit;Cross-hair/reticle; Set out/lay off; Upper plate; Leveling;Total station; Azimuth; Accuracy; Satellite ranging.三、测绘学,地理信息学;大地测量学;摄影测量;航片;外业;平面测量;纬度;铅垂线;平均海水面;视距测量法;水准尺;垂直度盘;逆时针;地形,地势;水准面;视距丝;棱镜;精度;随机误差;GPS接收机。
