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1.Before class课前

My name is …我的名字叫…

I’m your … teacher.我是你们的…老师。

Call me Mr /Ms … please.叫我…老师。

Let’s be friend.让我们成为朋友。

What’s your name, please? / Your name, please? /May I have your name, please?你叫什么名字?

Are you Li Ming? /Is your name Li Ming?你是李明吗?

2.Beginning class开始上课

Class begins./Let’s begin our lesson./Let’s get ready for class./Let’s begin, now.上课。There goes the bell.上课铃响了。

Stand up, please.起立。

Sit down, please.请坐。


Hello, children.孩子们,你们好。

Good morning, everyone.各位,早上好。

Good afternoon, boys and girls.大家下午好。

How are you today? (I’m fine, thank you.) 你好吗?我很好,谢谢。

Well, did you have a good weekend? 嗨,周末过得还好吧?

4.Checking attendance考勤

Now I’m going to call the roll. 我现在开始点名。

Is everyone here? (Yes.) 人都到了吗?是的。

Is anyone away?有没有人没来?

Who’s absent? /Who’s away?谁不在?

Where’s Tom? (Sorry, I don’t know.) 汤姆在哪儿?(对不起,我不知道。)Does anyone know where Tom is? (Perhaps he is in the library.) 谁知道汤姆在哪儿吗?(他可能在图书馆里。)

Oh, I’m glad you are back. 哦,真高兴你回来。

Why are you away? Have you been ill? 你为什么没来?是不是病了?

Oh dear, sorry to hear that. 哦,天哪,听到这事真抱歉。

Are you better now? 你现在是否好多了?

You’ll have to catch up, won’t you? 你得赶上来,对不对?

I’m sorry I’m late. 对不起我迟到了。

Try to be on time.要准时。

Don’t be late next time.下回别迟到了。

Go back to your seat, please.请回到你的座位吧。

Come to my office after school, OK? 放学后到我办公室来,好吗?

May I come in? (Come in, please.) 我可以进来吗?(请进。)

5.Asking the students on duty向值日生提问

Who’s on duty today?/ Who’s helping today?(I am..)今天谁值日?(是我。)Please can you clean the blackboard?/ Would you mind clean the blackboard?(Yes, I will.) 你能擦一下黑板吗?(好的。)

Just clean this half. 就擦这半边。

What’s the date today? 今天几号?

What day is it today? 今天星期几?

6.Reviewing the lesson复习功课

Let’s review our lessons.我们来复习一下功课。

What did we learn last lesson? 上节课我们学了什么?

What did we stop last time? 上节课我们学到哪儿?

Who can tell me what we learnt today? 谁能告诉我今天我们学了哪些内容?What did you learn today? 今天你学到了什么?

Let’s go over what we’ve learnt today.我们来复习今天我们学习的内容。


Let’s start working.开始上课。

Let’s begin/start a new lesson..开始上新课。

Now we are going to do something new.我们要来学习新内容。

Today, we are going to learn a new lesson.今天,我们要来上新课。

Look at the pictures, who do you think they are? 请看图片,你认为他们是谁?Well, what do you think they are talking about? 那么你认为他们正在谈论什么呢?Who knows the answer? 谁知道答案?

Who can tell me the answer? 谁能把答案告诉我?

What else can we say? 我们还可以怎样表达?

Can you say it completely? 你是否可以把它说完整?

I’ll give you an example.我给你们举个例子。

Now, take out your books.现在,把书拿出来。

Haven’t you got yours? 你没有吗?

Well, can you share with your neighbour? 那么,能和你同桌一起看吗?

8.Directing attention提起注意

Ready? /Are you ready? 准备好了吗?

Did you get there? /Do you understand?/ Is that clear? 你明白了吗?

Any volunteers? 谁来试试?

Do you know what to do? 你知道该怎么做吗?

Be quiet, please.请安静。

Listen carefully, please.请认真听。

Listen to the tape.听录音。

Look carefully, please.请仔细看。

Look over here.看这里。

Watch carefully.认真看。
