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Unit 1 Where were youyesterday?

单词:museum(博物馆)gym(体育馆)market(市场) church(教堂) supermarket(超市) beach(沙滩)

cafe(咖啡馆) cinema(电影院)hospital(医院)

重要句型:Where were you yesterday morning/afternoon/ev ening?


I was atthe cinema/at school/at a party.


Be动词:isamare 过去式:was were

eg: I/She/He/It wa s……You/We/They were……

Unit 2 How was your trip?

单词:trip(旅行/行程) beautiful(美丽的) relaxed(放松的) historic(历史悠久的) crowded(拥挤的)friendl y(友好的)

splendid(壮观的)busy(繁忙的) modern(现代的)

重要句型:How was yourtripto Chengdu?(to后接地名)


It waswonderful.(很棒)

Where did you go? (你去了哪儿?)

Didyoutake any photos?(你拍了照片吗?)

May I have a look?(我能看一下吗?)

形容城市:It’smodern but crowded.

Unit 3 A birthdayparty

单词:drink(饮料)coke(可乐) sandwich(三明治)

French fries(薯条)activity(活动) playgames(做游戏)


jeans(牛仔裤) food(食物)

重要句型:What didshe/he/you/they do?


Didyouwatch TV at theweekend?(你周末看了电视吗?)

No,I didn’t. I playedcomputer games. (没有,我玩了电脑游戏.)

give sb. Sth.(给某人某物)

give sth. to sb.( 把某物给某人)

eg:I give Kitty a book.

I give a book toKitty.


watch-watched(看) play-played(玩)walk-walked(走)

dance-danced(跳舞)close-closed(关闭) climb-climbed(爬)


go-went(走) run-ran(跑) buy-bought(买)

study-studied(学习) wear-wore(穿/戴)eat-ate(吃)

have-had(有) forget-forgot(忘记)

Unit 4 On afarm

单词:brush(刷) better(更好的)weekend(周末)

after(在…之后) before(在…之前)

feedthepigs(喂猪) milk the cow(挤牛奶)

brush the horse(刷马毛) pick apples(摘苹果) gather eggs(捡鸡蛋) water thegarden (浇花)


重要句型:I feel much better. (我感觉好多了)

Whatdid you doat theweekend? (你周末干了什么?)

Help sb.do sth.(帮助某人做某事)

eg: We help Uncle Wang pickapples.(我们帮助王叔叔摘苹果.)

Why not+原型动词(为什么不……)

eg:Why notgo withus next Saturday?


引申:pig-leftovers(剩饭剩菜) horse-straw(稻草) chick-worm(虫)

cow-grass(草) cat-mice(老鼠) dog -bone(骨头)

Unit5 Halloween

festival(节日) last(上一个) house(房子) ghost(鬼)

Halloween(万圣节)costume party(化妆舞会)mask(面具)

Pumpkinlantern(南瓜灯) go trick-or-treating(不给糖就捣蛋)

重要句型: We hada fancy costume party.


Wemademany lanterns with pumpkins.


Idon’t have a costume here. (我这里没有可供换装的衣服)

Neither do I.(我也没有)

Idon’t thinkchildren shouldeattoo many candies.


You are too old to gotrick-or-treating.(too…to 太而不能)

Unit 6Where isthe post office?

单词:post office(邮局) gasstation(加气站) drugstore(药店)

bank(银行) department store(百货商店) hot el(宾馆)

children’s park(儿童乐园) bus station(公交汽车站)

excuse(原谅) straight(直地) ahead(往前)

block(街区) next to(紧挨着) opposit eto(在…对面)

重要句型:Whereisthe post office?(邮局在哪儿?)

Go straightaheadfor twoblocks. The nturn right on Third street. (向前直走两个街区,然后


The postofficeisnext totheban k.(邮局紧挨着银行。)

Thehospital is opposite to the drugstore.


Unit 7How faris it fromChina?

单词:north(北) south(南) west(西) east(东) between(在…中间)in frontof(在…前面) behind
