
下面是一份花卉的英文名字大全,供参考使用:1. 玫瑰 - rose2. 郁金香 - tulip3. 百合 - lily4. 荷花 - lotus5. 康乃馨 - carnation6. 紫罗兰 - violet7. 牡丹 - peony8. 向日葵 - sunflower9. 桃花 - peach blossom10. 菊花 - chrysanthemum11. 茉莉花 - jasmine12. 樱花 - cherry blossom13. 铃兰 - lily of the valley14. 满天星 - baby's breath15. 康乃馨 - dianthus16. 麝香百合 - lily of the valley17. 胡姬花 - campion18. 丁香 - lilac19. 槿花 - hibiscus20. 蔷薇 - geranium21. 红花 - hibiscus22. 风信子 - hyacinth23. 风铃草 - bluebell24. 覆盆子 - raspberry25. 引子花 - yarrow26. 石竹 - dianthus27. 白花 - jasmine28. 紫锥花 - echinacea29. 苜蓿 - clover30. 彼岸花 - amaryllis31. 千日红 - globe amaranth32. 银蓝双盖菊 - cornflower33. 绣球花 - globe thistle34. 榴莲花 - durian flower35. 蛇果花 - snake fruit flower36. 狗尾草 - foxtail grass37. 云南白药草 - yunan baiyao grass38. 女贞子 - privet39. 黄石菊 - goldenrod40. 啄木鸟草 - woodpecker grass41. 蜘蛛植物 - spider plant42. 马蹄莲 - water chestnut43. 钩吻花 - scabious44. 凤梨花 - pineapple flower45. 剑叶兰 - sword leaf orchid46. 狐尾藻 - fox tail alga47. 马兜铃 - monkshood48. 黄莲草 - golden bead49. 思念草 - forget-me-not50. 狗尾草 - cynodon dactylon grass51. 葫芦 - gourd52. 玉兰 - magnolia53. 海棠 - crab apple54. 胡姬花 - lady's slipper55. 木香 - snapdragon56. 绿瓣珠花 - green globe thistle57. 水仙 - daffodil58. 数心木 - eucalyptus59. 合欢花 - mimosa60. 紫花石楠 - heather61. 火鹅, 火鸭草 - fireweed62. 玉凤花 - jasmine63. 早熟禾 - oat64. 大金鱼草 - celosia argentea65. 三色堇 - johnny jump-up66. 蔓丹 - pentas67. 芒果树 - mango tree68. 倒挂金钟 - golden trumpet69. 石蒜 - stone leek70. 接骨木 - elderberry71. 青蒿花 - mugwort72. 牵牛花 - morning glory73. 豆蔻花 - cardamom flower74. 香芒 - mango fruit75. 绣线菊 - cornflower76. 万寿菊 - marigold77. 珊瑚花 - coral flower78. 水香 - water hyacinth79. 蓝雪花 - blue flax80. 鲁冰花 - ice plant81. 搂草 - touch me not82. 羚羊角 - antler83. 千日红 - periwinkle84. 虎皮兰 - tiger orchid85. 石岩龟背竹 - hoya kerrii86. 朱顶红 - firecracker plant87. 钱串子 - money tree88. 燕子掌 - echeveria89. 石头花 - stone flower90. 金雀 - yellow wax以上是一份花卉的英文名字大全,希望能对您有所帮助。

亚洲常见花卉英文译名Abutilon pictum / Thomsonii风铃花Abutilon Hybriden金铃花Acacia dealbata银栲皮树Acaena / New Zealand burr无瓣蔷薇(纽西兰球果属植物) Acanthus叶蓟属植物Acer palmatum掌叶槭Achillea / Yarrow丽纹锯草(蓍草属植物)Achimenes / Cupid's bower / hot water plant长筒花Actinidia狝猴桃<--攀缘植物Adenium obesum沙漠玫瑰(天宝花)Adiantum capilus-veneris / True maidenhair fern铁线蕨Aegopodium podagraia 'Variegata'斑叶羊角芹African daisy非洲菊Agapanthus / African lily百子莲Agastache藿香Agave龙舌兰属植物Ageratum houstonianum紫花霍香蓟Agrostemma githago / Corn cockle麦仙翁Ajuga reptans匍筋骨草Akebia木通(别名:巧克力藤蔓) <--攀缘植物Alcea rosea / Hollyhock蜀葵Alchemilla / Lady's mantle斗篷草Allium葱属Aloe芦荟属植物Alyssum香荠属植物Amaranthus苋属植物Ampelopsis山葡萄<--攀缘植物Ampelopsis brevipedunculata蛇白蔹Anchusa capensis / Alkanet非洲勿忘草Androsace carnea / Rock jasmine铜钱花Anethu, graveolens / Dill莳萝Annual phlox福禄考Antennaria dioica山荻Anthemis西洋甘菊Anthemis punctata subsp cupaniana春黄菊Antirrhinum majus / Snapdragon金鱼草Arabis / Rock cress南芥菜(岩水芹)Aralia elata黃斑高?Arbutus野草莓樹Arctotis Fastuosa / Monarch of the veldt南非雛菊Arenaria balearica蚤綴Argemone / Prickly Poppy薊罌粟屬植物Argyranthemum / Marguerite瑪格麗特/蓬蒿菊Arisaema sikokianum雪糕花Aristolochia馬兜鈴<--攀緣植物Armeria海石竹屬植物Artemista艾屬植物Artemisia schmidtiana線葉艾Artemisia stelleriana白蒿Artostaphylos熊莓Asarum / Wild ginger細辛(野薑)Asclepias tuberosa柳葉馬利筋Ascocentrum迷你鳥舌蘭Asparagus densiflorus / Asparagus fern狐尾武竹Asphodeline lutea吊蘭Asplenium scolopendrium / Hart's tongue fern鐵角蕨Atriplex halimus滨藜Atriplex hortensis / Red mountain spinach / Red orache庭园滨藜Aubrieta紫芥菜Balloon-flower桔梗Bassia scoparia f.trichophylla / Kochia scoparia / Burning bush地肤Begonia semperflorens / Begonia-Hybriden四季秋海棠Belamcanda chinensis射干Bellis perennis L. / Daisy雏菊Berberidopsis智利藤<--攀缘植物Bergenia / Elephant's ears岩白菜Bidens ferulifolia阿魏叶鬼针草(黄花咸丰草)Bignonia紫葳<--攀缘植物Billardiera毕氏海桐花<--攀缘植物Bilberry覆盆子*药用Blechnum penna-marina / Blechnum tabulare乌毛蕨Bomarea抱马<--攀缘植物Borago officinalis / Borage琉璃苣Bougainvillea九重葛<--攀缘植物Bougainvillea-Arten三角花Brachyscome iberidifolia / Swan River daisy鹅河菊Bracteantha bracteata / Helichrysum bracteata / Golden everlasting / Strawflower麦秆菊Brassica oleracea / Ornamental kale / Ornamental brassicas叶牡丹Briar rose野蔷薇Briza Maxima / Greater quaking grass凌风草Browallia speciosa / Sappire flower长管歪头花/紫水晶Brugmansia木曼陀罗Brunnera macrophylla心叶牛舌草Buxus-Arten黄杨Buxus sempervirens / common box锦熟黄杨Caesalpina pulcherrima / Dwarf poinciana孔雀花Calamintha nepeta假荆芥新风轮菜Calendula officinalis / Pot or English marigold金盏菊Calanthe虾脊兰(根节兰)Calla海芋Calliandra红绒球(红粉扑花)Callistephus chinensis / China aster翠菊Calluna vulgaris / Heather,ling彩萼石楠Camellia japonica山茶花Campanula / Bellflower风铃草Campanula medium / Canterbury bells彩萼钟花Campsis凌霄花(别名:喇叭藤蔓) <--攀缘植物Campsis radicans硬骨凌霄Caragana arborescens豆树Cardiospermum halicacabum / Ballon vine风船葛(倒地铃) <--攀缘植物Carnation石竹Carpinus betulus欧洲鹅耳Catharanthus roseus / Madagascar periwinkle / Old maid长春花Ceanothus / Californian lilac加州丁香树Cedrus雪松Celastrus南蛇藤<--攀缘植物Celosia argentea / Cockscomb鸡冠花(青葙)Centaurea cyanus / Cornflower矢车菊Century plant龙舌兰Cerastium tomentosum / Show-in-Summer夏雪草(密毛卷耳) Ceratostigma角柱花Ceropegia woodii吊金钱/爱之蔓Chamaemelum nobile / Comomile黄金菊China aster翠菊Chinese sacred lily中国水仙Chionochloa conspicua / Plumed tussock grass丛花草Chionodoxa雪光花Chlorophytum comosum / Ribbon plant / Spider plant吊兰Chrysanthemum菊花Chrysanthemum carinatum / Annual chrysanthemum粉环菊Cissus粉藤<--攀缘植物Cissus discolor锦叶葡萄Cistus / Rock rose / Sun rose岩蔷薇(胶蔷树)Citrus柑桔类Citrus limon柠檬Clarkia amoena / Godetia amoena愉悦山字草Clematis铁线莲<--攀缘植物Cleome hassleriana / C.Spinosa / Spider plant醉蝶花Clerodendrum bungei / C.foetidum丁香牡丹Clerodendrum fragrans臭茉莉Clerodendrum kaempferi赪桐(状元红)Clianthus荣耀豆<--攀缘植物Cloven-lip toadflax彩雀花/姬金鱼草Cobaea scandens / Cup-and-Saucer vine电灯花<--攀缘植物Cockscomb鸡冠花Codiaeum变叶木(洒金榕)Coelogyne cristata球茎兰Colchicum秋水仙Columnea细叶金鱼花Common zinnia百日草Consolida ajacis / Larkspur飞燕草Convallaria majalis / Lily-of-the-valley铃兰Convolvulus cneorum肯尼旋花(山地旋花)Cordyline australis澳洲朱蕉(纽西兰朱蕉)Cordyline terminalis红叶铁树Coreopsis / Tickseed金鸡菊属植物Cornflower矢车菊Cortaderia selloana银丝草原草Cosmos波斯菊Cosmos bipinnatus / Cosmea大波斯菊Cotoneaster铺地蜈蚣Cotula coronopifolia山芫荽Crambe海芥蓝属植物Crape myrtle紫薇,百日花,满堂红Crassula coccinea / Rochea coccinea红景天(青锁龙) Crataegus monogyna山楂属植物Crocus番红花Cupheaignea雪茄花(爆杖花,墨西哥雪茄,烟仔花,红丁香) Cupressus sempervirens地中海柏木Cupressus torulosa / Cashmeriana藏柏Cycas recoluta苏铁(巴西铁树)Cyclamen仙客来Cypress vine茑萝Cyrtomium falcatum / Japanese holly fern大贯众蕨Cytisus金雀花Daffodils洋水仙Dahlia大利花Daphne瑞香Datura曼陀罗Davallia canariensis / Hare's foot fern加拿利骨碎补Delphinium grandiflorum大花飞燕Dendrobium nobile石斛Dianthus / Pink石竹Diascia双距花Dicentra / Bleeding heart荷苞牡丹<--攀缘植物Dictamnus albus白鲜Diervilla sessilifolia锦带花Digitalis / Foxglove毛地黄属植物Dimorphotheca pluvialis / Rain daisy非洲雏菊(白蓝菊)Dipladenia-Hybriden欧洲夹竹桃Dorotheanthus bellidiformis / Livingstone daisy / Mesembryanthemum彩虹菊Dregea华他卡藤<--攀缘植物Dryopteris erythrosora ?毛蕨Duchesnea indica蛇莓Eccremocarpus scaber / Chilean glory vine荣耀花<--攀缘植物Echeveria玉莲Echinacea purpurea紫睢花Echinocactus grusonii金仙人掌Echinops球蓟属植物Echium vulgare / Viper's bugloss蓝蓟Elaeagnus胡颓子属Elymus hispidus滨麦Epimedium / Barrenwort淫羊藿Epipremnum aureum / Devil's ivy / Golden pothos黄金葛Episcia火焰紫罗兰(红桐草)Eragrostis curvula曲画眉草Eriarosea玫瑰红毛兰(香港蝶兰,香港小蝴蝶)Erica carnea / Winter heath石南*园艺交配种Eriobotrya japonica枇杷Eriogonum野荞麦属Eryngium giganteum / Miss Wilmott's ghost大刺芫荌Erysimum cheiri / Cheiranthus cheiri / Wallflower桂竹香Erythrina龙牙花Erythronium / Dog's tooth violet车前叶山慈姑(犬齿菫菜) Escallonia虎耳草属Eschscholzia californica / California poppy加州罂粟花(金英花) Eucalyptus油加利属植物Eucomis bicolor彩凤兰Euonymus卫矛<--攀缘植物Euonymus fortunei班叶扶芳藤Euphorbia marginata / snow-on-the-mountain银边翠Euphoribia大戟属植物Euphorbia / Spurge美洲锦地草Euphorbia characias轮花大戟Exacum affine / Persian violet紫芳草Felicia amelloides / Blue daisy蓝雏菊/费氏蓝菊Fallopia俄罗斯藤<--攀缘植物Fancy-leaf caladium彩芋Farewell-to-spring古代稀Fatshedrea lizei熊掌木Fatsia japonica八角金盘Festuca羊茅属植物Ficus pumila / Climbling fig / Creeping fig无花果(桦木) /薜荔<--攀缘植物Fittonia verschaffeltii爵床科菲通尼亚Frangipani缅栀(鸡蛋花) / Plumeria acutifolia (黄白鸡蛋花) / P.obtusifolia (小花鸡蛋花)Freesia小苍兰Fremontodendron californicum加州连翘French marigold孔雀草Fringed hibiscus吊灯花Fuchsia吊钟花Gardenia jasminoides白蟾(栀子花)Gaillardia pulchella / Blanket flower天人菊Galanthus nivalis / Snowdrop雪花草(雪花莲) Galium odoratum / Sweet woodruff香猪殃殃Galtonia candicans夏风信子Gaultheria白珠树Gazania hybrida / treasure flower勋章菊Gelsemium胡蔓藤<--攀缘植物Genista小金雀花Gentiana sino-ornata龙胆Geranium天竺葵Gerbera非洲菊(外国人俗称为Transvaal daisy) Gerbera jamesonii非洲菊Gilia吉莉属植物Gladiolus唐菖蒲/剑兰Glaucium corniculatum / Red horned poppy角罂粟Glechoma hederacea斑叶连钱草Globe amaranth / Gomphrena globosa千日红(圆仔花) Gloriosa superba嘉兰Gourds葫芦Griselinia littoralis滨海山茱萸Gypsophila elegans / Annual gypsophila线状花瞿麦Gypsophila paniculata L / baby's breath满天星Gypsophila repens匍匐霞草Hakonechloa macra金知风草Halimiocistus wintonensis半日花胶蔷树杂交植物Halimium半日花属Hebe pinguifolia / Pagei长阶花(希稗)Hedera helix / Ivy常春藤<--攀缘植物Hedychium coronarium姜花Helianthemum铺地半日花Helianthus annuus / Sunflower向日葵Helichrysum蜡菊属植物Helichrysum petiolare伞花麦秆菊(银叶麦秆菊)Helictotrichon sempervirens蓝燕麦草Heliophila coronopifolia日冠花Heliotropium arborescens / Heliotrope Cherry pie木本天芹菜(香水草) Helleborus / Hellebore嚏根草Hemerocallis / Daylily萱草Heuchera micrantha / Palace Purple小花钟珊瑚Hibiscus rocasinensis扶桑(大红花)Hibiscus syriacus木槿Hippophae rhamnoides沙棘Holboellia鹰爪枫<--攀缘植物Holcus mollis 'Albovariegatus'班叶毛茅草Hollyhock蜀葵Honeysuckle忍冬<--攀缘植物Hordeum jubatum / Foxtail barley狐尾大麦Hosta / Plantain lily玉簪(紫萼)Houttuynia cordata蕺药(鱼腥草)Hoya carnosa球兰Hoya lanceolata subsp bella球兰Huernia牛角Humulus葎草(别名:啤酒花) <--攀缘植物Hunnemannia fumariifolia / Mexican tulip poppy金杯花Hyacinthus orientalis / Hyacinth风信子Hydrangea藤绣球<--攀缘植物Hydrangea macrophylla绣球花Hydrangea paniculata圆锥绣球Hypericum calycimum / Rose of Sharon宿萼金丝桃Hyssopus officinalis柳薄荷Iberis umbellata / Candytuft伞形蜂蜜花Iberis sempervirens / Perennia Candytuft白蜀葵Ilex-Arten冬青Ilex aquifolium枸骨叶冬青Ilex crenata钝齿冬青Impatiens / Balsam凤仙花属植物Impatiens Hybriden四季海棠Impatiens walleriana / Busy lizzie非洲凤仙花Ipomoea朝颜/牵牛花<--攀缘植物Ipomoea tricolor三色牵牛花<--攀缘植物Iris histrioides鸢尾/爱丽斯Jacobinia carnea山丹花Jasminum nudiflorum迎春花Jasminum officinale素方花<--攀缘植物Jasminum polyanthum素韾Jatropha podagrica珊瑚油桐*跟酒瓶兰相似Juniperus柏树Juniperus-Arten刺柏属Juniperus communis洋杜松(欧洲刺柏) Juniperus conferta密生刺柏Juniperus horizontalis紫杜松Juniperus sabina沙皮刺柏Juniperus squamata ?叶刺柏Kalanchoe manginii长寿花Kalanchoe pinnata爱情叶Kniphofia火炬花属植物Koeleria glauca蓝绿发草Koelreuteria paniculata栾树Lablab Purpureus / Lablab鹊豆<--攀缘植物Lagurus ovatus / Hare's tail grass兔尾草Lamium宝盖草属植物Lamium / Dead nettle野芝麻Lamium maculatum斑叶川旦Lampranthus日中花(辉花属植物)Lantana camara马樱丹Lapageria智利风铃草<--攀缘植物Lathyrus odoratus / sweet pea香豌豆<--攀缘植物Laurus nobilis / Bay laurel月桂树Lavandula-Sorten / Lavender熏衣草属Lavatera花葵属植物Lavatera trimestris花葵(三月熏衣草)Layia platyglossa / Tidy tips洁顶菊Leucanthemum paludosum黑蕊菊Leucojum / Snowflake雪片莲Leucothoe walteri岩石南天竹Leymus arenarius沙滨草Ligustrum lucidum尖叶女贞Ligustrum vulgare'Atrovirens'本属Lilium / Lily百合Lily of the valley铃兰花Limnanthes douglasii / Poached-egg plant荷包蛋花Limonium platyphyllum平叶矶松Limonium sinuatum / Sea lavender / Statice毋忘我(麒麟菊,不凋花) Linaria maroccana柳彩雀花Linum grandiflorum 'Rubrum' / Flax大花亚麻(亚麻)Lipstick plant口红花Liriope /Lilyturf麦门冬Lisianthus洋桔梗Lithops lesliei活石(象蹄)Lobelia erinus六倍利(翠蝶花)Lobeliay erinus山梗菜Lonicera忍冬<--攀缘植物Lonicera nitida灌木番樱桃Lonicera periclymenum香忍冬Lotus berthelotti伯使百脉根Lotus hirsutus外毛百脉根Lupin羽扇豆/鲁冰花Luzula / Woodrush地杨梅Lychnis剪秋罗属植物Lycoris aurea脱衣换锦(忽地笑)Lysimachia / Loosestrife珍珠菜Lysimachia nummularia金钱草Mahonia aquifolium亮叶十大功劳Malus spectabilis中国海棠Marjoram马约兰Matteuccia strthiopteris荚果蕨Matthiola incana / Brompton stock紫罗兰Mazus reptans通泉草Meconopsis betonicifolia / Himalayan poppy喜马拉雅罂粟Melica altissima高米茅Mentha / Mint薄荷Mentzelia lindleyi / Bartonia aurea / Blazing star黄花门采丽/门氏刺莲花Microbiota decussata胡柏Mimulus / Monkey musk / Monkey flower龙头花(沟酸浆属植物)Mini zephyr lily毛玉帘Mirabilis jalapa / Marvel of Peru / Four o'clock flower紫茉莉Moluccella laevis / Bell of Irland贝壳花Morning glory朝颜/牵牛花Muehlenbeckia铁线藤<--攀缘植物Muscari armeniacum / Grape hyacinth麝香兰Myosotis sylvatica / Forget-me-not勿忘我Myrica cerifera / Wax myrtle蜡香桃木Myrtus communis银香梅(香桃木)Nelumro nucifera莲花(荷花)Nemophila menziesii / Bady blue-eyes粉蝶花Nandina domestica / Heavenly bamboo南天竹Narcissus / Daffodil水仙Nepeta / Catmint荆芥Narcissus bulbocodium / Hoop petticoat daffodil围裙水仙Nasturtium金莲花Nematanthus袋鼠花/古老学名:HypocyrtaNemesia strumosa囊距花Neomarica gracilis / Apostle plant巴西鸢尾(子弟草,门徒草) Nepeta荆芥属植物Nephrolepis exaltata / Boston fern波斯顿肾蕨Nerium oleander / Oleander夹竹桃Nertera granadensis薄柱草属Nicotiana / Tobacco plant花烟草(烟草属植物) Nierembergia caerulea / N.hippomanica紫高杯花Nigella damascena / Love-in-a-mist黑种草Nopalxochia / Orchid cactus孔雀仙人掌Oenothera biennis / Evening primrose月见草Olearia树紫苑属植物Onoclea sensibilis野蕨Onopordum acanthium / Cotton or Scotch thistle大刺蓟Ophiopogon沿阶草Opuntia robusta壮干仙人掌Origanum / Kent Beauty牛至/马钩兰花Ornithogalum umbellatum圣星百合Osmanthus fragrans桂花Osteospermum灌木菊(非洲雏菊)Oxalis adenophylla酢浆草Ozothamnus rosmarinifolius ?叶菊P.reticulatum / Golden net bush金网叶Pachysandra terminalis富贵草Pansy三色菫Pankinsonia aculeata巴荆木Papaver / Poppy罂粟属植物Parahebe catarractae纽西兰威灵仙Parthenocissus inserta地锦(别名:「维吉尼亚爬藤」或「爬阶虎」) <--攀缘植物Passiflora西番莲<--攀缘植物Paxistima canbyi恋山木Pelargonium天竺葵属植物Pelargonium,ivy-leaved常春藤叶型的蔓性天竺葵Pelargonium scented-leaved香叶型天竺葵Pelargonium,zonal马蹄纹天竺葵Pennisetum setaceum / Fountain grass羽绒狼尾草Penstemom铃钟花属植物Peperomia椒草(金枝玉叶,皱叶冰水)periwinkle日日春Perovskia普罗草属植物Persicaria蓼Petunia矮牵牛属植物Phacelia campanularia / California bluebell加洲蓝钟Phlomis糙苏Phlomis russeliana俄罗斯糙苏Phlox drummondii / Annual phlox福禄考Phlox subulata尖叶福禄考Phorumium tenax / New Zealand Flax麻兰/纽西兰亚麻Picea abies欧洲云杉Pieris马醉木Pileostegia青棉花<--攀缘植物Pinus-Arten松属植物Pittosporum tobira海桐花Platycerium bifurcatum / Common staghorn fern糜角蕨Plecostachys serpyllifolia小叶蜡菊Plectranthus forsteri白边延命草Pleionebulbocodioides独蒜兰(一叶兰)Plumbago auriculata蓝雪花<--攀缘植物Polypodium vulgare'Cornubiense'水龙骨Polystichum setiferum / Soft shield fern刺毛耳蕨Portulaca grandiflora / Sun plant松叶牡丹Pot marigold金盏花Potentilla / Cinquefoil金腊梅Pratia普刺特草Primula auricula / Auricula欧洲报春花/西洋樱草Prunella grandiflora / Self-heal大花夏枯草Prunus laurocerasus月桂樱Psylliostachys suworowii / Statice俄国矶松Pulmonaria / Lungwort兜藓(疗肺草)Quercus麻栎属植物Ranumculus asiaticus / Persian buttercup陆莲花Ranunculus asiaticus花毛茛(南京牡丹)Reseda odorata / Mignonette木犀草Ricinus communis / Castor oil plant蓖麻Rhaphiolepis indica春花(车轮梅)Rhipsalidopsis复活节仙人掌(木麒麟)Rhodanthemum hosmariense麟托菊Rhodochiton atrosanguineus红萼藤(钟形葡萄) <--攀缘植物Rhododendron'Kermesina'杜鹃花属Rhoeo紫背万年青(蚌兰)Rhus aromatica香漆Rhus typhina鹿角漆树Robinia pseudoacacia黑洋槐Rock rhododendron石南(石玫瑰,石杜鹃)Romneya coulteri乐民花Rosa玫瑰Rosemarinus officinalis / Rosemary迷迭香Rose moss松叶牡丹Rosmarinus officinalis迷迭香Rubus悬钩子/树莓(别名:鸡爪茶)Rudbeckia hirta黑心菊Ruscus花竹柏Ruta graveolens芸香Sagina subulata珍珠草Saintpaulia / African violet非洲菫Salix caprea / Kilmarnock黄华柳(山毛柳)Salix repens匍匐柳Salpiglossia sinuata蛾蝶花Salpiglossis sinuata美人襟Salvia / Sage一串红/鼠尾草Salvia sclarea南欧丹参Sanguinaria canadensis / Bloodroot血红根Santolina绵杉菊Sanvitalia procumbens / Creeping Zinnia卧茎蛇目菊Saponaria石碱草属植物Sarocococca / Sweet box / Christmas box野扇花Sasa palmata f.nebulosa掌叶笹竹Saxifraga虎耳草Scabiosa / Pincushion flower / Scabious山萝卜属植物Scaevola aemula草海桐Schizanthus pinnatus / Poor man's orchid蛾蝶花Scilla / Squill绵枣儿Schisandra五味子<--攀缘植物Schizachyrium scoparium裂稃草Schizophragma钻地风<--攀缘植物Schlumbergera X buckleyi / Christmas cactus螃蟹兰Scutellaria indica var.parvifolia / Skullcap黄苓Sedum景天属植物Sedum morganianum串珠草Sedum spathulifolium花蔓草Sempervivum tectorum长春花/长生花Senecio cineraria银叶菊Senecio rowleyanus绿之铃Setaria italica / Foxtail millet小米Silene armeria / Campion Sweet William catchfly高雪轮Silene coeli-rosa红粉雪轮花Silybum marianum / Blessed Mary's thistle小飞雉Smyrnium perfoliatum抱茎叶亚历山大Snapdragon金鱼草Solanum马铃薯<--攀缘植物Solanum pseudocapsicum / Christmas cherry / Jerusalem cherry/ Winter cherry玉珊瑚Soleirolia soleirolii / Mind-your-own-business绿珠草(爬山虎属) Solenopsis axillaris蓝星花Solenostemon scutellaroides / Coleus / Paimted nettle / Flame nettle彩叶草Sollya爬藤花<--攀缘植物Spartium junceum鹰爪豆Spathiphyllum wallsii白帆(白掌)Stachys byzantina / Lambs'ears毛草石蚕Star cluster繁星花Stephandra incisa小野珠兰Stephanotis floribunda黑蔓藤属Stipa针茅属植物Strawflower麦秆菊Streptocarpus旋果花Streptosolen jamesonii / Marmalade bush果酱木Swan river everlasting ?托菊Sweet alyssum香雪球Sunflower / Helianthus annuus向日葵Symphytum / Comfrey聚合草(康富利)Synsepalum duleificum / Daniell神秘果Tagetes / French marigold / Marigold孔雀草(万寿菊属植物) Tamarix柽柳属植物Tanacetum parthenium / Feverfew艾菊(玲珑菊)Taxus baccata欧洲红豆杉Tecoma stans软枝黄蝉Tellima grandiflora大穗杯花Teucrium fruticans低木苦草Thuja-Arten崖柏属Thuja occidentalis东方侧柏Thujopsis dolobrata罗汉柏Thunbergia alata / Black-eyed Susan黑眼花(翼叶老鸦嘴) <--攀缘植物Thunbergiaerecta硬枝老鸦嘴Thymophylla tenuiloba / Golden fleece金毛菊/金光菊Thymus / Thyme百里香Tiarella / Foam flower黄水拔Tithonia rotundifolia / T.speciosa / Mexican sunflower墨西哥向日葵Tolmeia menziesii / Pick-a-back-plant驮子草Torchlily火炬百合Torenia fournieri / Wishbone flower夏菫Trachelium caeruleum / Diosphaera caeruleum / Blue throatwort蓝钟花Trachelospermum白花藤/络石<--攀缘植物Trachystemon orientalis东方琉璃草Tradescantia水竹草Trifolium repens菽草(白翘摇)Tristellateia australasiae蔓性金虎尾Tropaeolum majus / Nasturtium / T.majus金莲花<--攀缘植物Tulipa / Tulip郁金香Tweedia翠迪亚<--攀缘植物Ulex europaeus重瓣刺金雀Vaccinium vitis-idaea / Cranberry越橘Vanda万代兰Verbascum毛蕊花属植物Verbascum olympicum / Mullein奥林匹克毛蕊花Verbena美女樱(马鞭草属植物)Verbena bonariensis波纳马鞭草Viburnum tinus蒂氏荚蒾Vinca minor / Lesser periwinkle小蔓长春花Viola / Pansy三色菫(菫菜)Vitis葡萄藤<--攀缘植物Vitis coignetiae紫葛Waldsteinia ternata林石草Wax begonia四季海棠Wisteria紫藤<--攀缘植物Xanthorrhiza simplicissima黄根草Xeranthemum annuum / Immortelle干花菊Yucca / Magnolia denudata玉兰Zantedeschia马蹄莲Zinnia百日菊属植物。

植物英语大全一、常见植物的英文名称及简介1. Rose(玫瑰)玫瑰被誉为“花中皇后”,象征着爱情与美丽。
2. Sunflower(向日葵)向日葵以其硕大的花盘和明亮的黄色而闻名,象征着阳光、快乐和忠诚。
3. Lily(百合)百合花代表纯洁、高贵和吉祥。
4. Tulip(郁金香)郁金香原产于土耳其,后传入荷兰,成为荷兰的国花。
5. Orchid(兰花)兰花被誉为“花中君子”,代表着高雅、清新和神秘。
6. Cherry Blossom(樱花)樱花是日本的国花,象征着美好、纯洁和浪漫。
8. Azalea(杜鹃)杜鹃花以其艳丽的色彩和繁茂的花朵而著称,象征着热情、奔放和生命力。
9. Carnation(康乃馨)康乃馨花语丰富,不同颜色的康乃馨代表着不同的寓意。
10. Chrysanthemum(菊花)菊花象征着高洁、坚强和长寿。
植物英语大全二、植物部位及生长环境的英文名称解析11. Petal(花瓣)花瓣是花朵中最显眼的部分,它们通常色彩鲜艳,吸引昆虫进行传粉。
12. Stem(茎)茎是植物的支撑结构,负责输送水分和养分。

各种花卉的英文水仙花Narcissus鸡冠花Cockscomb金银花Honeysuckle菊花Chrysanthemum康乃馨Carnation兰花Orchid美人蕉Canna桃花Peach blossom梅花The plum blossom牡丹Peony仙人掌Cactus罂粟Poppy郁金香Tulips月季Chinese rose紫罗兰Violet杜鹃花Rhododendron芦荟Aloe含羞草Mimosa蒲公英Dandelion紫藤萝Purple wisteria石榴花Pomegranate flowers报春花Primula百合Lily茶花Camellia君子兰Clivia芍药Chinese herbaceous peony玫瑰Rose荷花Lotus牵牛花Morning glory芙蓉花Hibiscus flowers栀子花Gardenia樱花Cherry blossoms海棠Begonia合欢花Albizia flower玉兰花Magnolia桂花Sweet-scented osmanthus 凌霄花Chinese trumpet creeper茉莉花Jasmine Flower太阳花Sun flower丁香花Lilac薰衣草Lavender旱金莲Tropaeolum majus虞美人Corn poppy朱顶红Hippeastrum striatum 风信子Hyacinth文竹Asparagus fern昙花Epiphyllum小苍兰Freesia凤仙花Impatiens夜来香Tuberose花菱草Eschscholtzia夹竹桃Nerium oleander紫薇花Lagerstroemia indica 蝴蝶兰Phalaenopsis三色堇Pansy睡莲Water lilies仙客来Cyclamen鹤望兰Bird of Paradise紫荆花Bauhinia扶桑花Hibiscus rosa-sinensis六月雪Serissa铃兰Lily of the valley桔梗Chinese bellflower蟹爪兰Crab cactus勿忘我Forget me not美女樱Verbena玉簪Hosta凤眼莲Eichhornia crassipes 百子莲Agapanthus石斛Dendrobium卡特兰Cattleya花毛茛Ranunculus大丽花Dahlia晚香玉Tuberose马蹄莲Calla Lily石蒜Lycoris radiata葱兰Zephyranthes Candida 番红花Crocus sativus鸢尾Iris唐菖蒲Gladiolus可爱花Lovely flowers虾衣花Mexican shrimp plant珊瑚花Coral flower含笑With smile珍珠梅Sorbaria sorbifolia榆叶梅Flowering plum连翘Forsythia腊梅Wintersweet曼陀罗Datura矮牵牛Petunia hybrida火鹤花Anthurium非洲菊Gerbera jamesonii龙舌兰Agave五色梅Lantana camara球兰Hoya瓜叶菊Cineraria翠菊China aster龙吐珠Bleeding-heart Glorybower 萱草Hemerocallis石竹Pink蜀葵Hollyhock向日葵Sunflower碗莲Nelumbo nucifera千日红Gomphrena半边莲Lobelia香雪兰Freesia refracta Klatt木芙蓉Hibiscus mutabilis铁线莲Clematis松叶菊Mesembryanthemum九里香Murraya paniculata龙船花Ixora金苞花Pachystachys lutea春兰Cymbidium网球花Haemanthus随意草Free grass荷兰菊Aster novi-belgii米兰Milan六出花Alstroemeria天竺葵Geranium大岩桐Gloxinia金盏菊Calendula officinalis八仙花Hydrangea macrophylla 长寿花The longevity flower金鱼草Snapdragon三角梅Triangle plum六倍利Garden Lobelia百日草Zinnia elegans花烟草Nicotiana满天星Gypsophila令箭荷花Nopalxochia葡萄风信子Grape hyacinth荷包牡丹Pouch Peony美国薄荷USA MINT倒挂金钟Fuchsia贴梗海棠Quince宿根福禄考Phlox paniculata鸳鸯茉莉Mandarin Jasmine南美水仙Amazon Lily十大功劳The ten largest credit 丽穗凤梨Lai Sui pineapple。

各种花卉的英文单词及表达rose 玫瑰花tulip 郁金香balsam 凤仙花canna 美人蕉lily 百合花jasmine 茉莉sweet pea 香豌豆花sunflower 向日葵geranium 大竺葵morning-glory 牵牛花cosmos 大波斯菊pansy 三色堇poppy 罂粟花marigold 金盏花carnation 麝香石竹amaryllis 孤挺花dahlia 大丽花pink 石竹花crocus 番红花iris 蝴蝶花hyacinth 风信花daffodil 黄水仙chrysanthemum 菊marguerite, daisy 雏菊gladiolus 剑兰cantury plant 龙舌兰magnolia 木兰yucca 丝兰orchid 兰花freesia 小苍兰cyclamen 仙客来begonia 秋海棠anemone 银莲花wisteria 柴藤redbud 紫荆dogwood 山茱萸hawthorn 山楂camellia 山茶hydrangea 八仙花hibiscus 木槿peony 芍药azalea 杜鹃rhododendron 杜鹃花daphne 瑞香gardenia 栀子lilac 紫丁香night-blooming cereus 仙人掌apple 苹果pear 梨orange 桔子quince 柑橘apricot 杏plum 洋李pistil 雌蕊ovary 子房petal 花瓣anther 花药stamen 雄蕊nectar gland 蜜腺sepal 萼片stalk 花柄pollen 花粉Violet紫罗兰A small multi-petaled flower typically found in shades of purple. Violets are popular for their color, as well as their pleasing fragrance. One of the most common varieties is the Sweet Violet.一种多瓣小花,通常呈紫色。

各种花卉的英文水仙花Narcissus鸡冠花Cockscomb金银花Honeysuckle菊花Chrysanthemum康乃馨Carnation兰花Orchid美人蕉Canna桃花Peach blossom梅花The plum blossom牡丹Peony仙人掌Cactus罂粟Poppy郁金香Tulips月季Chinese rose紫罗兰Violet杜鹃花Rhododendron芦荟Aloe含羞草Mimosa蒲公英Dandelion紫藤萝Purple wisteria石榴花Pomegranate flowers报春花Primula百合Lily茶花Camellia君子兰Clivia芍药Chinese herbaceous peony玫瑰Rose荷花Lotus牵牛花Morning glory芙蓉花Hibiscus flowers栀子花Gardenia樱花Cherry blossoms海棠Begonia合欢花Albizia flower玉兰花Magnolia桂花Sweet-scented osmanthus 凌霄花Chinese trumpet creeper茉莉花Jasmine Flower太阳花Sun flower丁香花Lilac薰衣草Lavender旱金莲Tropaeolum majus虞美人Corn poppy朱顶红Hippeastrum striatum 风信子Hyacinth文竹Asparagus fern昙花Epiphyllum小苍兰Freesia凤仙花Impatiens夜来香Tuberose花菱草Eschscholtzia夹竹桃Nerium oleander紫薇花Lagerstroemia indica 蝴蝶兰Phalaenopsis三色堇Pansy睡莲Water lilies仙客来Cyclamen鹤望兰Bird of Paradise紫荆花Bauhinia扶桑花Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 六月雪Serissa铃兰Lily of the valley桔梗Chinese bellflower蟹爪兰Crab cactus勿忘我Forget me not美女樱Verbena玉簪Hosta凤眼莲Eichhornia crassipes 百子莲Agapanthus石斛Dendrobium卡特兰Cattleya花毛茛Ranunculus大丽花Dahlia晚香玉Tuberose马蹄莲Calla Lily石蒜Lycoris radiata葱兰Zephyranthes Candida 番红花Crocus sativus鸢尾Iris唐菖蒲Gladiolus可爱花Lovely flowers虾衣花Mexican shrimp plant 珊瑚花Coral flower含笑With smile珍珠梅Sorbaria sorbifolia榆叶梅Flowering plum连翘Forsythia腊梅Wintersweet曼陀罗Datura矮牵牛Petunia hybrida火鹤花Anthurium非洲菊Gerbera jamesonii龙舌兰Agave五色梅Lantana camara球兰Hoya瓜叶菊Cineraria翠菊China aster龙吐珠Bleeding-heart Glorybower 萱草Hemerocallis石竹Pink蜀葵Hollyhock向日葵Sunflower碗莲Nelumbo nucifera千日红Gomphrena半边莲Lobelia香雪兰Freesia refracta Klatt木芙蓉Hibiscus mutabilis铁线莲Clematis松叶菊Mesembryanthemum九里香Murraya paniculata龙船花Ixora金苞花Pachystachys lutea春兰Cymbidium网球花Haemanthus随意草Free grass荷兰菊Aster novi-belgii米兰Milan六出花Alstroemeria天竺葵Geranium大岩桐Gloxinia金盏菊Calendula officinalis八仙花Hydrangea macrophylla 长寿花The longevity flower金鱼草Snapdragon三角梅Triangle plum六倍利Garden Lobelia百日草Zinnia elegans花烟草Nicotiana满天星Gypsophila令箭荷花Nopalxochia葡萄风信子Grape hyacinth荷包牡丹Pouch Peony美国薄荷USA MINT倒挂金钟Fuchsia贴梗海棠Quince宿根福禄考Phlox paniculata鸳鸯茉莉Mandarin Jasmine南美水仙Amazon Lily十大功劳The ten largest credit 丽穗凤梨Lai Sui pineapple。

茉莉花:Jasmine玫瑰花:Rose海棠花 begonia菊花chrysanthemum丁香花:Lilac康乃馨:Carnation紫罗兰:Violet百合:Lily荷花:Lotustulip 郁金香sunflower 向日葵geranium 天竺葵morning-glory 牵牛花pansy 三色堇,三色紫罗兰poppy 罂粟花marigold 金盏花hyacinth 风信花daffodil 水仙marguerite, daisy 雏菊orchid 兰花cyclamen 仙客来hawthorn 山楂camellia 山茶peony 芍药,牡丹azalea 杜鹃gardenia 栀子最早花语的起源是古希腊,但是那个时候不止是花,还有叶子、果树都有一定的含义。

各种花卉的中英文名称对照mangnolia玉兰花morning glory牵牛(喇叭花)narc*ssus水仙花Oleander夹竹桃OrChid兰花PanSy三色堇PeOny牡丹PeOny 芍药PhalaenOPSiS 蝶兰rose 玫瑰rose 月季SetOSe asparagus 文竹touch-me-not (balsam)凤仙花tulip 郁金香ViOlet, stock violet 紫罗兰Water hyacinth 凤眼兰ChineSe enkianthus 灯笼花Chinese flowering crab-apple j每棠彳总金橘------ k umquat米仔兰(米兰)--- m ilan tree变叶木------ C rOtOn—品红——POinSettia 扶桑-- C hineSe hibiscus吊灯花——fringed hibiscus马拉巴栗(发财树) ..... -GUiana CheStnUtUL[茶——Camellia 云南ULl茶YUnnan camellia金花茶-----golden camellia瑞香 ----- d aphne纟吉香 ---- P aPerbUSh倒挂金钟-----fuchsia J\角金盘---JaPan fatsia 常春藤------ i vy 鹅掌柴----- Umbrella tree 杜鹃花----- rhododendron 茉莉花一一k jasmine 桂花---- S Weet OSmanthus 夹竹桃——SWeet-SCented Oleander 黄花夹竹桃——IUCky-nut-thevetia 鸡蛋花---- f rangipani 龙吐珠 ---- bleeding - heart glorybower夜香树(木本夜来香) ----- night jasmine 鸳鸯茉莉broadleaf raintree梔子花——CaPejaSrnine虫胡蝶兰--moth OrChid卡牛寺兰--- Cattleya石斛——dendrobium兜兰lady SliPPer 兰花------ OrChid春兰——goering CymbiCliUm 仙客来 ---- florists CyClamen大岩木同-florists gloxinia , COmmOn gloxinia 虎眼万年青——WhiPlaSh Star Of bethlehem文殊兰---CrinUm 蜘蛛兰——SPider lily 朱顶红——barbadoslily , amaryllis 葱兰--- ZePhyr lily 香雪兰(小苍兰)一一COmmOn freesia 番红花---CrOCUS苏铁(铁树)---SagOCyCaS南洋杉——hoop Pine罗汉松——yew POdOCarPUS 橡皮树——Inelia rubber fig 榕树------------ Smallfrllit fig叶子花(三角梅)——bougainvillea南天竹 --- h eavenly bamboo白兰花------ White michelia 含笑 --banana Shrllb虎耳草——CreePing rockfoil八仙花(绣球花) -- hydrangeas梅花——mei flower海桐--- P ittOSPOrllm广东万年青——China green龟背竹——monstera Ceriman 苞口十芋 ---- S nOW flower花叶万年青——SPOtteCI ClieffenbaChia紫背万年青--OySterPlant紫鸭跖草一PUrPle heart吊竹梅一inch Plant万年青——lily Of China蜘蛛抱蛋(一叶兰)---- aspidistra文竹——asparagus fern 凤尾蕨----- t able fern | 肾蕨——SWOrel fern 铁线蕨——VenllS s-hair-fern 鸟巢蕨・・bird's-nest fern 波士顿蕨 -- B OStOn fern 鹿角蕨---- StaghOrn fern alstroemeria , PerUVian lily 地涌金莲一hairy fruit musella 鹤望兰(天堂鸟) -------- quee n's彳£卩十竹芋 -------------------------- bicolor arrowroot 冷水彳£Clear Weeel锥花丝石竹(满天星)一baby's-breath王莲---- royal Water lily荷花---- lOtUS睡莲一Water lily 猪笼草--PiCher Plant 瓶子草PiCher Plant 茅膏菜SUndew 燕子掌一—baby jade 石莲花---- MeXiCanSnoWball 长寿花——Winter POt kalanchoe 红花酢浆草----- OXaliS , ShamrOCk , SOrrel旱金莲——garden nasturtium 四季秋海棠------ florists flowering begonia 金琥----- golden ball 草球——Sea-WrChin CaCtUS昙花… queen Of the night令箭荷花量天尺(三棱箭)・・・night-blooming CArAU A非洲紫罗兰一Africa ViOlet 网纹草——SilVernet Dlant彳耿虫——flamingo OrChiCI CaCtUS纟非牡丹——Oriental蟹爪兰■…Crab CaCtUS 长春花——PeriWinkle金包彳匕——golden pachystachys伞莎%---------- Umbrella PlantPlant,anthurium 海芋—— -giant alocasia 鸭跖草——COmmOn dayflower 芦荟——Chinese aloe 吊兰——broadleaf bracket-plant 萱草---COmmOn Orange daylily 风信子——COrnrnonhyaCinth 葡萄风信子---- COmrnon grape hyacinth 郁金香一tulip 石蒜 ----- S hOrttUbe lyCOriS , red SPider lily Z V仙ChineSe narcissus 晚香玉一k tuberose石斛——dendrobium兜兰lady SliPPer 兰花OrChid 三色堇―° PanSy 君子兰——SCarlet kafirlily美人蕉--COmmOn garden Canna, Indian 紫茉莉(地雷花) ---------- COmmOnfollr o*clock 石竹——Chinese Pink香石竹(康乃馨)CamatiOn耒娄斗菜COlUmbine铁线莲Clematis 芍药herbaceous Peony, ChineSe PeOny牡丹PeOny 白头翁PUISatilla , WindflOWer花毛蔑PerSian buttercup , CrOWfOOt 虞美人COITI POPPy荷包牡丹bleeding heart紫罗兰ViOlet天竺葵PelargOniUm 珠兰ChlOranthllS球根秋海棠tuberous begonia 报春花PrimrOSe 勿忘草forget-me-not补血草(勿忘我)Sea laVender, StatiCe 留兰香SPearmint矮牵牛PetUnia薄荷mint鼠尾草Sage迷迭香rosemary木吉梗balloOnflower 非洲菊(扶郎花)tranSVaal daisy, gerbera紫鹅绒java VelVetPlant 百日草youth-and • old • age, COmmOnZinnia马蹄莲Calla lily 香豌豆SWeet-Pea 彩叶草COmmOn graden COIellS贝壳花molucca balm 蒲包花SliPPer WOrt瓜叶菊florists Cineraria S瓣绿PePerOmia 镜面草roundleaf Pilea六月雪SnOW Of JUne 佛肚竹buddha bamboo鱼尾葵fishtail Palm 蒲葵ChineSe fan-palm 棕扌闾Palm棕竹lady Palm酒瓶椰子bottle Palm 袖珍椰子ParlOr Palm朱蕉tree Of kings 龙血树dracaena万寿菊marigold翠菊China aster 四季报春top PrimrOSe半支莲(松叶牡丹)ross-moss5sun Plant 凤仙花garden balsam波斯菊COmrnOn COSmOS 金鱼草COmmOnSnapdragon 鸡冠花COCkSCOmb 金盏菊POt marigold美女樱Verbena大花牵牛morning glory莺萝morning glory 福禄考blue PhlOX羽衣甘蓝Ornamental Cabbage 蜀葵hollyhock 雁来红josephs-coat五色椒CherTy redpepper 桂竹香COmmOn WallflOWer香雪球SWeet alyssum 菊花florists ChrySanthemus秋海棠begonia J elephant ear 百合lily 花贝母CrOWn imperial嘉兰lOVely gloriosa 球根莺尾一bulbous iris雪花莲雪钟花)SnOWdrOP韭莲rainflower蛇鞭菊gayfeather, blazing Star 欧洲银莲花POPPy anemone , WindflOWer姜彳£ garla nd flower, White gin ger lily紫藤一ChineSe Wisteria樱花Oriental Cherry , flowering Cherry 葛藤kudzu蛇莓mock StraWberry 】每棠ChineSe flowering Crab apple 迎春花WinterjaSmine , forsythia 紫薇CraPe myrtle玉兰magnolia 榆叶梅flowering PlUrnamaryllis孤挺花anemone银莲花anther花药apple苹果apricot杏azalea杜鹃花balsam凤仙花begonia秋海棠BraZil巴西木CaCtUS仙人掌Camellia LLI 茶花Carma 美人蕉CantUry Plant 龙舌兰CarnatiOn麝香石竹(康乃馨)ChineSe enkianthus灯笼花Chinese flowering crab-apple ;每棠彳£ ChrySanthemum 菊彳£COSmOS大波斯菊CrOCUS番红花CyClamen仙客来daffodil黄水仙dahlia大丽花daisy 雏菊daphne 瑞香datura 曼陀罗dogwood Ll[茱萸epiphyllum 昙花freesia 小苍兰fringed iris 蝴蝶花fuchsia 倒挂金钟gardenia 梔子geranium 大竺葵gladiolus 剑兰hawthorn LLI 楂hibiscus 木槿hyacinth 风信花hydrangea J\仙花InClia Canna 美人蕉iris 蝴蝶花jasmine 茉莉lilaC 紫丁香mangnOlia 木兰彳它mangnolia 玉兰彳£ marguerite, daisy 刍隹菊marigold 金盏彳总morning glory 牵牛(喇叭花)narcissus水仙花nectar gland 蜜腺night-blooming CerellS 仙人掌Oleander 夹竹桃Orange桔子OrChid兰花OVary子房PanSy三色堇Pear梨PeOny牡丹,芍药Petal花瓣PhalaenOPSiS蝶兰Pink石竹花PiStil雌蕊PlUm洋李POIIen花粉POPPy罂粟花quince柑橘redbud 紫荆rhododendron 杜鹃花SePal 萼片Stalk 花柄Stamen 雄蕊SUnflOWer 向日葵SWeet Pea 香豌豆花touch-me-not (balsam)M仙花tulip 郁金香ViOletj StOCk ViOlet 紫罗兰Water hyacinth 凤眼兰Wisteria 柴藤yucca 丝兰玉簪(HOSta Plantaginea)、紫萼(HOSta VAntrin铃兰(COnVallaria majalis) \ 吉祥草(Reineckia Camea)、—叶兰(ASPieliStra elatior) % 石菖蒲(ACOrUS gramineus) X土麦冬(LiriOPe SPiCata) \ 大花美人蕉(Carma generalis)、沿阶草(OPhioPOgOn japonicus) \ 红花酢浆草(OXaliS COrymbOSa) XBraZil 巴西木CaCtUS 仙人掌Camellia LJLI 茶花 CarnatiOn 麝香石竹(康乃馨)Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花ChineSe flowering crab-apple 海棠花 ChrySanthemllm 菊花 dahlia 大丽花 daisy 雏菊 datura 曼陀罗 epiphyllum 昙花 fringed iris 溪茹(IriS Sanqllinea)、黄菖蒲(IriS PSeUdaCOrUS)、 芦苇(PhragmiteS australis) 香蒲(TyPha angustata)、荷花(NelUmbO nuCifera)、睡莲(NymPhaeatetraa ona) ChinenSiS)、、千屈菜(LythrUmSaliCana)(puis ^ 垂盆草 (SedUm sarmentosum)、 日本景天(SedUm japonica) X 虎耳草(SaXifraga StOIOnifera) X 紫花地丁 (ViOla PhiliPPiCa) azalea 杜鹃花begonia 秋海棠 蝴蝶花。

中国十大名花英文介绍1. Peony (牡丹): Known as the "king of flowers," peonies are famous for their large, fragrant blooms in various colors such as pink, red, and white. They represent prosperity, romance, and honor in Chinese culture.2. Plum Blossom (梅花): Plum blossoms are one of the first flowers to bloom in late winter or early spring, symbolizing perseverance and hope. They have delicate white petals and are associated with strength and beauty.3. Orchid (兰花): Orchids come in a vast array of colors and have an exotic and elegant appearance. They represent love, beauty, and spiritual growth. Orchids are highly regarded in Chinese culture and are often given as gifts.4. Chrysanthemum (菊花): Chrysanthemums have been cultivated in China for over 2,500 years and symbolize longevity and rejuvenation. They come in various vibrant colors and are used as a medicinal herb in traditional Chinese medicine.5. Lotus (荷花): Lotus flowers hold a special place in Chinese culture and Buddhism. They are considered sacred and symbolize purity, enlightenment, and rebirth. The elegant pink or white blooms rise above muddy waters, representing the ability to transcend adversity.6. Chinese Rose (月季花): Chinese roses, also known as "yellow roses," are cultivated for their beauty, fragrance, and healingproperties. They have a rich history in traditional Chinese medicine and symbolize love, happiness, and good fortune.7. Narcissus (水仙花): Narcissus flowers bloom during the Chinese New Year period and are associated with good luck and prosperity. They have a unique fragrance and are often used in artistic displays during festive celebrations.8. Camellia (山茶花): Camellias are evergreen shrubs with glossy leaves and beautiful blooms in shades of red, pink, and white. They are highly revered and symbolize love, affection, and admiration. Camellias are also used in tea production.9. Azalea (杜鹃花): Azaleas are cherished for their vibrant blooms in various hues such as pink, red, purple, and orange. They symbolize femininity, elegance, and a love of nature. Azalea festivals are held across China to celebrate their beauty.10. Plum Blossom Orchid Bamboo Chrysanthemum (梅兰竹菊): Known as the "Four Gentlemen" or "Four Noble Ones" in Chinese culture, the combination of plum blossom, orchid, bamboo, and chrysanthemum represents moral integrity, resilience, and elegance. These four flowers are often depicted together in traditional Chinese paintings.。

[转]亚洲常见花卉英文译名来自:Feline 2007-06-25 14:50:23贴这个帖子是为了在国外种子网站上查找购买信息或者种植信息时获得方便:AbUtiIon PiCtUm / ThomSonii 风铃花AbUtiIon Hybriden 金铃花AChimeneS / Cupid's bower / hot Water plant 长筒花ACtinidia狝猴桃<--攀缘植物AdeniUm ObeSUm 沙漠玫瑰(天宝花)AdiantUm CaPiIUS-VeneriS / TrUe maidenhair fern 铁线蕨Aegopodium POdagraia 'Variegata' 斑叶羊角芹AfriCan daisy 非洲菊AgaVe龙舌兰属植物AnChUSa CaPenSiS / AIkanet 非洲勿忘草AndrOSaCe Carnea / Rock jasmine 铜钱花AnthemiS西洋甘菊AnthemiS PUnCtata SUbSP CUPaniana 春黄菊AntirrhinUm majus / SnaPdragOn 金鱼草AraIia elata 黃斑高ArCtOtiS FaStUOSa / MOnarCh Of the veldt 南非雛菊AriSaema SikOkianUm 雪糕花ASPhOdeIine Iutea 吊蘭AUbrieta 紫芥菜Balloon-flower 桔梗BegOnia SemPerfIorens / BegOnia-Hybriden 四季秋海棠Bellis PerenniS L. / DaiSy 雏菊Bergenia / EIePhant's ears 岩白菜Borago OffiCinaIiS / BOrage 琉璃苣BOUgainViIlea-Arten 三角花BraChySCOme iberidifolia / SWan RiVer daisy 鹅河菊BraCteantha bracteata / HeIiChrySUm bracteata / Golden everlasting /麦秆菊StraWflowerBraSSiCa Oleracea / OrnamentaI kale / OrnamentaI brassicas 叶牡丹Briar rose 野蔷薇CaeSaIPina PUICherrima / DWarf POinCiana 孑L雀花CaIendUIa OffiCinaIiS / Pot or EngIiSh marigold 金盏菊Calliandra 红绒球(红粉扑花)Callistephus ChinenSiS / China aster 翠菊Camellia japonica 山茶花CamPanUIa / Bellflower 风铃草CamPanUIa medium / CanterbUry bells 彩萼钟花Camation 石竹CatharanthUS roseus / MadagaSCar PeriWinkIe / OId maid 长春花CedrUS雪松Celosia argentea / COCkSCOmb 鸡冠花(青葙)CentaUrea CyanUS / Cornflower 矢车菊CeraStiUm tomentosum / Show-in-Summer 夏雪草(密毛卷耳)CeratOStigma 角柱花CerOPegia woodii 吊金钱/爱之蔓ChamaemeIUm nobile / Comomile 黄金菊China aster 翠菊ChineSe SaCred lily 中国水仙Chionochloa COnSPiCUa / PIUmed tussock grass 丛花草Chionodoxa 雪光花Chlorophytum comosum / RibbOn plant / SPider plant 吊兰ChrySanthemUm 菊花ChrySanthemUm CarinatUm / AnnUaI ChrySanthemUm 粉环菊CiSSUS discolor 锦叶葡萄CitrUS Iimon 柠檬CIarkia amoena / GOdetia amoena 愉悦山字草Cleome hassleriana / C.Spinosa / SPider plant 醉蝶花Clerodendrum bungei / C.foetidum 丁香牡丹COCkSCOmb 鸡冠花Colchicum 秋水仙Columnea细叶金鱼花Common Zinnia 百日草Consolida ajacis / LarkSPUr 飞燕草Convallaria majalis / Lily-of-the-valley 铃兰Cornflower 矢车菊COrtaderia Selloana 银丝草原草Cosmos波斯菊Cosmos bipinnatus / COSmea 大波斯菊CraPe myrtle 紫薇,百日花,满堂红CraSSUIa COCCinea / ROChea COCCinea 红景天(青锁龙)CrOCUS番红花CUPheaignea雪茄花(爆杖花,墨西哥雪茄,烟仔花,红丁香)CyPreSS Vine 茑萝CytiSUS金雀花DaffOdiIS洋水仙DahIia大利花DatUra曼陀罗DeIPhiniUm grandiflorum 大花飞燕DendrObiUm nobile 石斛DianthUS / Pink 石竹DierVilla SeSSiIifolia 锦带花DimorPhotheCa PIUViaIiS / Rain daisy 非洲雏菊(白蓝菊)DorotheanthUS bellidiformis / LiVingStOne daisy / MeSembryanthemUm ECheVeria 玉莲EChinaCea PUrPUrea 紫睢花EChinOCaCtUS grusonii 金仙人掌EPiSCia火焰紫罗兰(红桐草)EriarOSea玫瑰红毛兰(香港蝶兰,香港小蝴蝶)EriCa Carnea / Winter heath 石南* 园艺交配种Eriobotrya japonica 枇杷ErySimUm Cheiri / CheiranthUS Cheiri / Wallflower 桂竹香Erythrina 龙牙花EUCOmiS bicolor 彩凤兰EUPhOrbia marginata / snow-on-the-mountain 银边翠EUPhOrbia / SPUrge 美洲锦地草EXaCUm affine / PerSian violetFeIiCia amelloides / Blue daisyFreeSia 小苍兰FremOntOdendrOnCalifornicumFrenCh marigold 孑L雀草Fringed hibiscus 吊灯花FUChSia 吊钟花Gardenia jasminoides 白蟾(栀子花)Gaillardia PUIChella / BIanket flower 天人菊GaIanthUS nivalis / SnOWdrOP 雪花草(雪花莲)GaIiUm Odoratum / SWeet woodruff 香猪殃殃Galtonia CandiCanS 夏风信子GaUItheria 白珠树GeniSta 小金雀花Gentiana sino-ornata 龙月旦GeraniUm 天竺葵Gerbera 非洲菊(外国人俗称为TranSVaaI daisy)Gerbera jamesonii 非洲菊Globe amaranth / GOmPhrena globosa 千日红(圆仔花)GOUrdS葫芦GyPSOPhiIa PaniCUIata L / baby's breath 满天星GyPSOPhiIa repens 匍匐霞草HakOnechloa macra 金知风草HaIimiOCiStUS WintOnenSiS 半日花胶蔷树杂交植物HaIimiUm 半日花属彩虹菊紫芳草蓝雏菊/费氏蓝菊加州连翘Hebe PingUifolia / Pagei 长阶花(希稗)HedyChiUm Coronarium 姜花HeIianthemUm 铺地半日花HelianthUS annuus / Sunflower 向日葵HeliChrySUm petiolare 伞花麦秆菊(银叶麦秆菊)HeIiCtOtriChOn SemPerVirenS 蓝燕麦草Heliophila CoronoPifolia 日冠花Heliotropium arborescens / Heliotrope Cherry Pie 木本天芹菜(香水草)Hemerocallis / Daylily 萱草HeUChera micrantha / PaIaCe PUrPIe 小花钟珊瑚HibiSCUS rocasinensis 扶桑(大红花)HibiSCUS SyriaCUS 木槿HOrdeUm jubatum / FOXtaiI barley 狐尾大麦HOUttUynia COrdata 蕺药(鱼腥草)Hoya CarnOSa 球兰Hoya lanceolata SUbSP bella 球兰HUnnemannia fumariifolia / MeXiCan tulip poppy 金杯花HyaCinthUS OrientaIiS / HyaCinth 风信子Hydrangea macrophylla 绣球花Hydrangea PaniCUIata 圆锥绣球HyPeriCUm CaIyCimUm / Rose of SharOn 宿萼金丝桃HySSOPUS OffiCinaIiS 柳薄荷IberiS Umbellata / CandytUft 伞形蜂蜜花IberiS SemPerVirenS / Perennia CandytUft 白蜀葵IIeX-Arten 冬青Ilex aquifolium 枸骨叶冬青ImPatienS / BaISam 凤仙花属植物ImPatienS Hybriden 四季海棠ImPatienS walleriana / BUSy IiZZie 非洲凤仙花IriS histrioides 鸢尾/ 爱丽斯JaCObinia Carnea 山丹花JaSminUm nudiflorum 迎春花JaSminUm polyanthum 素韾KaIanChOe manginii 长寿花KaIanChOe Pinnata 爱情叶Koeleria glauca 蓝绿发草LagUrUS OVatUS / Hare's tail grass 兔尾草LamPranthUS 日中花(辉花属植物)Lantana Camara 马樱丹LaVandUIa-Sorten / LaVender 熏衣草属LaVatera 花葵属植物LaVatera trimestris 花葵(三月熏衣草)Layia PIatygIossa / Tidy tips 洁顶菊LeUCanthemUm paludosum 黑蕊菊LeUCOjUm / Snowflake 雪片莲LeymUS arenarius 沙滨草LiIiUm / Lily 百合Lily Of the valley 铃兰花LimnantheS douglasii / Poached-egg plant 荷包蛋花LimOniUm SinUatUm / Sea lavender / StatiCe 毋忘我(麒麟菊,不凋花)Linaria maroccana 柳彩雀花LiPStiCk plant 口红花LiriOPe /Lilyturf 麦门冬LiSianthUS 洋桔梗LOniCera PeriCIymenUm 香忍冬LUZUIa / Woodrush 地杨梅LySimaChia / Loosestrife 珍珠菜Malus SPeCtabiIiS 中国海棠MarjOram 马约兰Matthiola incana / BrOmPtOn stock 紫罗兰Mentha / Mint 薄荷MiCrObiOta decussata 胡柏MirabiIiS jalapa / MarVeI of PerU / Four o'clock flower 紫茉莉Moluccella IaeViS / Bell of IrIand 贝壳花MOrning glory 朝颜/牵牛花MUSCari armeniacum / GraPe hyacinth 麝香兰Myosotis SyIVatiCa / Forget-me-not 勿忘我MyriCa Cerifera / WaX myrtle 蜡香桃木MyrtUS COmmUniS 银香梅(香桃木)NeIUmrO nucifera 莲花(荷花)NemOPhiIa menziesii / Bady blue-eyes 粉蝶花Nandina domestica / HeaVenIy bamboo 南天竹NarCiSSUS / DaffOdiI 水仙NePeta / Catmint 荆芥NarCiSSUS bulbocodium / Hoop PettiCOat daffodil 围裙水仙NaStUrtiUm 金莲花NeriUm oleander / OIeander 夹竹桃Nierembergia CaerUIea / N.hippomanica 紫高杯花Nopalxochia / OrChid CaCtUS 孔雀仙人掌OSmanthUS fragrans 桂花OSteOSPermUm 灌木菊(非洲雏菊)OXaIiS adenophylla 酢浆草P.reticulatum / Golden net bush 金网叶PaChySandra terminalis 富贵草PanSy三色堇PenniSetUm SetaCeUm / FOUntain grass 羽绒狼尾草PeriWinkIe 日日春PhOrUmiUm tenax / NeW ZeaIand Flax 麻兰/纽西兰亚麻Plecostachys SerPyIlifolia 小叶蜡菊Portulaca grandiflora / SUn plant 松叶牡丹Pot marigold 金盏花Potentilla / CinqUefoil 金腊梅PrimUla auricula / AUriCUla 欧洲报春花/西洋樱草PrUneIIa grandiflora / Self-heal 大花夏枯草PrUnUS IaUroCeraSUS 月桂樱RanUmCUIUS asiaticUS / PerSian bUttercUp 陆莲花Rosa玫瑰ROSemarinUS OffiCinaIiS / ROSemary 迷迭香Rose moss松叶牡丹ROSmarinUS OffiCinaIiS 迷迭香RUdbeCkia hirta 黑心菊RUSCUS花竹柏RUta graveolens 芸香Sagina SUbUIata 珍珠草SaIPigIoSSia SinUata 蛾蝶花SaIPigIoSSiS SinUata 美人襟Santolina绵杉菊Sarocococca / SWeet box / ChriStmaS box 野扇花SChiZanthUS PinnatUS / Poor man's OrChid 蛾蝶花SChiZaChyriUm SCOPariUm 裂稃草SChIUmbergera X buckleyi / ChriStmaS CaCtUS 螃蟹兰SedUm morganianum 串珠草SedUm SPathUIifolium 花蔓草SemPerViVUm tectorum 长春花/ 长生花SeneCiO Cineraria 银叶菊SeneCiO rowleyanus 绿之铃SiIene armeria / CamPiOn SWeet William CatChfIy 高雪轮SiIene coeli-rosa 红粉雪轮花Solenopsis axillaris 蓝星花Solenostemon SCUteIlaroides / Coleus / Paimted nettle / Flame nettle彩叶草Star CIUSter 繁星花学名:PentaS LanceolataStePhandra incisa 小野珠兰StePhanOtiS floribunda 黑蔓藤属StraWflower 麦秆菊SWeet alyssum 香雪球Sunflower / HeIianthUS annuus 向日葵SynSePaIUm duleificum / DanieIl 神秘果TageteS / FrenCh marigold / MarigOId 孔雀草(万寿菊属植物)TanaCetUm PartheniUm / FeVerfeW 艾菊(玲珑菊)Tellima grandiflora 大穗杯花Thymophylla tenuiloba / Golden fleece 金毛菊/ 金光菊TiareIIa / Foam flower 黄水拔TraChyStemOn OrientaIiS 东方琉璃草TradeSCantia 水竹草TUIiPa / Tulip 郁金香VaCCiniUm VitiS-idaea / Cranberry 越橘Vanda万代兰VinCa minor / LeSSer PeriWinkIe 小蔓长春花WaIdSteinia ternata 林石草WaX begonia 四季海棠XeranthemUm annuum / Immortelle 干花菊YUCCa / Magnolia denudata 玉兰ZantedeSChia 马蹄莲。

各种花卉的中英文名称对照mangnolia 玉兰花 morning glory 牵牛(喇叭花) narcissus 水仙花oleander 夹竹桃 orchid 兰花 pansy 三色堇 peony 牡丹peony 芍药 phalaenopsis 蝶兰 rose 玫瑰 rose 月季 setose asparagus 文竹touch-me-not (balsam) 凤仙花 tulip 郁金香 violet, stock violet 紫罗兰water hyacinth 凤眼兰 Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花金橘----kumquat米仔兰(米兰)--milan tree 变叶木--croton一品红--poinsettia 扶桑--Chinese hibiscus吊灯花--fringed hibiscus 马拉巴栗(发财树)-- Guiana chestnut山茶--camellia 云南山茶--Yunnan camellia金花茶---golden camellia 瑞香--daphne 结香---paper bush倒挂金钟--fuchsia 八角金盘--Japan fatsia 常春藤--ivy鹅掌柴--umbrella tree 杜鹃花--rhododendron 茉莉花--jasmine桂花--sweet osmanthus 夹竹桃--sweet-scented oleander黄花夹竹桃--lucky-nut-thevetia 鸡蛋花--frangipani龙吐珠--bleeding-heart glorybower夜香树(木本夜来香)--night jasmine 鸳鸯茉莉--broadleaf raintree栀子花--cape jasmine 蝴蝶兰--moth orchid 卡特兰--cattleya石斛--dendrobium 兜兰--lady slipper 兰花--orchid春兰--goering cymbidium 仙客来--florists cyclamen大岩桐--florists gloxinia,common gloxinia 虎眼万年青--whiplash star of bethlehem文殊兰--crinum 蜘蛛兰--spider lily 朱顶红--barbadoslily,amaryllis葱兰--zephyr lily 香雪兰(小苍兰)--common freesia 番红花--crocus苏铁(铁树)--sago cycas 南洋杉--hoop pine 罗汉松--yew podocarpus橡皮树--India rubber fig 榕树---smallfruit fig叶子花(三角梅)--bougainvillea 南天竹--heavenly bamboo白兰花--white michelia 含笑--banana shrub虎耳草--creeping rockfoil 八仙花(绣球花)--hydrangeas梅花--mei flower 海桐--pittosporum 广东万年青--china green龟背竹--monstera ceriman 苞叶芋---snow flower花叶万年青--spotted dieffenbachia 紫背万年青--oyster plant紫鸭跖草-purple heart 吊竹梅-inch plant 万年青--lily of China蜘蛛抱蛋(一叶兰)--aspidistra 文竹--asparagus fern 凤尾蕨---table fern肾蕨--sword fern 铁线蕨--Venus's-hair-fern 鸟巢蕨--bird's-nest fern波士顿蕨--Boston fern 鹿角蕨--staghorn fern 虎尾兰--snake plant龙舌兰--agave 酒瓶兰--elephant-foot tree 六出花-alstroemeria,peruvian lily地涌金莲-hairy fruit musella 鹤望兰(天堂鸟)--queen's bird-of-paradise flower艳山姜--shell flower 孔雀肖竹芋--peacock plant花叶竹芋--bicolor arrowroot 冷水花--clear weed锥花丝石竹(满天星)-baby's-breath 王莲--royal water lily 荷花--lotus睡莲-water lily 猪笼草--picher plant 瓶子草--picher plant茅膏菜--sundew 燕子掌--baby jade 石莲花--Mexican snowball长寿花--winter pot kalanchoe 红花酢浆草--oxalis,shamrock,sorrel旱金莲--garden nasturtium 四季秋海棠---florists flowering begonia金琥--golden ball 草球--sea-wrchin cactus昙花--queen of the night 令箭荷花--orchid cactus绯牡丹--oriental moon 量天尺(三棱箭)--night-blooming cereus蟹爪兰--crab cactus 长春花--periwinkle非洲紫罗兰-Africa violet 金苞花--golden pachystachys网纹草--silvernet plant 伞莎草---umbrella plant花烛--flamingo plant,anthurium 海芋--giant alocasia鸭跖草--common dayflower 芦荟--Chinese aloe吊兰--broadleaf bracket-plant 萱草--common orange daylily风信子--common hyacinth 葡萄风信子--common grape hyacinth郁金香-tulip 石蒜---shorttube lycoris,red spider lily水仙--Chinese narcissus 晚香玉-tuberose射干--blackberrylily 唐菖蒲(剑兰)--gladiolus,sword lily鸢尾--iris 雏菊--daisy 大丽花--dahlia 一串红--scarlet sage三色堇-pansy 君子兰--scarlet kafirlily美人蕉--common garden canna,Indian 紫茉莉(地雷花)---common four o'clock 石竹--Chinese pink香石竹(康乃馨)carnation 耧斗菜columbine铁线莲clematis 芍药herbaceous peony,Chinese peony牡丹peony 白头翁pulsatilla,windflower花毛茛persian buttercup,crowfoot 虞美人corn poppy荷包牡丹bleeding heart 紫罗兰violet天竺葵pelargonium 珠兰chloranthus球根秋海棠tuberous begonia 报春花primrose 勿忘草forget-me-not 补血草(勿忘我)sea lavender,statice 留兰香spearmint矮牵牛petunia 薄荷mint 鼠尾草sage 迷迭香rosemary桔梗balloonflower 非洲菊(扶郎花)transvaal daisy, gerbera紫鹅绒java velvetplant 百日草youth-and-old-age,common zinnia 马蹄莲calla lily 香豌豆sweet-pea 彩叶草common graden coleus贝壳花molucca balm 蒲包花slipper wort瓜叶菊florists cineraria 豆瓣绿peperomia 镜面草roundleaf pilea 六月雪snow of June 佛肚竹buddha bamboo鱼尾葵fishtail palm 蒲葵Chinese fan-palm 棕榈palm棕竹lady palm 酒瓶椰子bottle palm袖珍椰子parlor palm 朱蕉tree of kings 龙血树dracaena万寿菊marigold 翠菊China aster 四季报春top primrose半支莲(松叶牡丹)ross-moss,sun plant 凤仙花garden balsam波斯菊common cosmos 金鱼草common snapdragon 鸡冠花cockscomb金盏菊pot marigold 美女樱verbena 大花牵牛morning glory茑萝morning glory 福禄考blue phlox羽衣甘蓝ornamental cabbage 蜀葵hollyhock 雁来红josephs-coat五色椒cherry redpepper 桂竹香common wallflower香雪球sweet alyssum 菊花florists chrysanthemus秋海棠begonia,elephant ear 百合lily 花贝母crown imperial嘉兰-lovely gloriosa 球根鸢尾-bulbous iris雪花莲(雪钟花)snowdrop 韭莲rainflower蛇鞭菊gayfeather,blazing star 欧洲银莲花poppy anemone,windflower 姜花garland flower,white ginger lily 紫藤-Chinese wisteria樱花oriental cherry,flowering cherry 葛藤kudzu蛇莓mock strawberry 海棠Chinese flowering crab apple迎春花winter jasmine,forsythia 紫薇crape myrtle玉兰magnolia 榆叶梅flowering plumamaryllis 孤挺花 anemone 银莲花 anther 花药apple 苹果 apricot 杏 azalea 杜鹃花 balsam 凤仙花begonia 秋海棠 Brazil 巴西木 cactus 仙人掌camellia 山茶花 canna 美人蕉 cantury plant 龙舌兰carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨) Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花 chrysanthemum 菊花cosmos 大波斯菊 crocus 番红花 cyclamen 仙客来 daffodil 黄水仙dahlia 大丽花 daisy 雏菊 daphne 瑞香 datura 曼陀罗dogwood 山茱萸 epiphyllum 昙花 freesia 小苍兰 fringed iris 蝴蝶花 fuchsia 倒挂金钟 gardenia 栀子 geranium 大竺葵 gladiolus 剑兰hawthorn 山楂 hibiscus 木槿 hyacinth 风信花 hydrangea 八仙花India canna 美人蕉 iris 蝴蝶花 jasmine 茉莉 lilac 紫丁香mangnolia 木兰花 mangnolia 玉兰花 marguerite, daisy 雏菊marigold 金盏花 morning glory 牵牛(喇叭花) narcissus 水仙花nectar gland 蜜腺 night-blooming cereus 仙人掌 oleander 夹竹桃orange 桔子 orchid 兰花 ovary 子房 pansy 三色堇 pear 梨peony 牡丹,芍药 petal 花瓣 phalaenopsis 蝶兰 pink 石竹花pistil 雌蕊 plum 洋李 pollen 花粉 poppy 罂粟花 quince 柑橘redbud 紫荆 rhododendron 杜鹃花 sepal 萼片 stalk 花柄 stamen 雄蕊 sunflower 向日葵 sweet pea 香豌豆花 touch-me-not (balsam) 凤仙花tulip 郁金香 violet, stock violet 紫罗兰 water hyacinth 凤眼兰wisteria 柴藤 yucca 丝兰玉簪(Hosta plantaginea)、紫萼(Hosta ventricosa)、铃兰(Convallaria majalis)、吉祥草(Reineckia carnea)、一叶兰(Aspidistra elatior)、石菖蒲(Acorus gramineus)、土麦冬(Liriope spicata)、大花美人蕉(Canna generalis)、沿阶草(Ophiopogon japonicus)、红花酢浆草(Oxalis corymbosa)、萱草(Hemerocallis fulva)、马蔺(Iris lactea)、溪荪(Iris sanquinea)、黄菖蒲(Iris pseudacorus)、芦苇(Phragmites australis)、香蒲(Typha angustata)、荷花(Nelumbo nucifera)、睡莲(Nymphaea tetragona)、千屈菜(Lythrum salicaria)、白头翁(Pulsatilla chinensis)、垂盆草(Sedum sarmentosum)、日本景天(Sedum japonica)、虎耳草(Saxifraga stolonifera)、紫花地丁(Viola philippica)azalea 杜鹃花 begonia 秋海棠 Brazil 巴西木 cactus 仙人掌 camellia 山茶花carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨) Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花 chrysanthemum 菊花 dahlia 大丽花daisy 雏菊 datura 曼陀罗 epiphyllum 昙花 fringed iris 蝴蝶花。

各种花卉的中英文名称对照mangnolia 玉兰花morning glory 牵牛(喇叭花)narcissus 水仙花oleander 夹竹桃orchid 兰花pansy 三色堇peony 牡丹peony 芍药phalaenopsis 蝶兰r ose 玫瑰rose 月季setose asparagus 文竹touch-me-not (balsam)凤仙花tulip 郁金香violet, stock violet 紫罗兰water hyacinth 凤眼兰Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花金橘----kumquat米仔兰(米兰)--milan tree 变叶木--croton一品红--poinsettia 扶桑--Chinese hibiscus吊灯花--fringed hibiscus 马拉巴栗(发财树)--Guiana chestnut山茶--camellia 云南山茶--Yunnan camellia金花茶---golden camellia 瑞香--daphne 结香---paper bush 倒挂金钟--fuchsia 八角金盘--Japan fatsia 常春藤--ivy 鹅掌柴--umbrella tree 杜鹃花--rhododendron 茉莉花--jasmine 桂花--sweet osmanthus 夹竹桃--sweet-scented oleander 黄花夹竹桃--lucky-nut-thevetia 鸡蛋花--frangipani 龙吐珠--bleeding-heart glorybower 夜香树(木本夜来香)--night jasmine 鸳鸯茉莉--broadleaf raintree栀子花--cape jasmine 蝴蝶兰--moth orchid 卡特兰--cattleya石斛--dendrobium 兜兰--lady slipper 兰花--orchid春兰--goering cymbidium 仙客来--florists cyclamen大岩桐--florists gloxinia ,common gloxinia 虎眼万年青--whiplash star of bethlehem文殊兰--crinum 蜘蛛兰--spider lily 朱顶红--barbadoslily ,amaryllis 葱兰--zephyr lily 香雪兰(小苍兰)--common freesia 番红花--crocus苏铁(铁树)--sago cycas 南洋杉--hoop pine 罗汉松--yew podocarpus橡皮树--India rubber fig 榕树---smallfruit fig叶子花(三角梅)--bougainvillea 南天竹--heavenly bamboo 白兰花--white michelia 含笑--banana shrub虎耳草--creeping rockfoil 八仙花(绣球花)--hydrangeas梅花--mei flower 海桐--pittosporum 广东万年青--china green龟背竹--monstera ceriman 苞叶芋---snow flower花叶万年青--spotted dieffenbachia 紫背万年青--oyster plant 紫鸭跖草-purple heart 吊竹梅-inch plant 万年青--lily of China 蜘蛛抱蛋(一叶兰)--aspidistra 文竹--asparagus fern 凤尾蕨---table fern 肾蕨--sword fern 铁线蕨--Venus's-hair-fern 鸟巢蕨--bird's-nest fern 波士顿蕨--Boston fern 鹿角蕨--staghorn fern 虎尾兰--snake plant 龙舌兰--agave 酒瓶兰--elephant-foot tree 六出花-alstroemeria ,peruvian lily 地涌金莲-hairy fruit musella 鹤望兰(天堂鸟)--queen's bird-of-paradise flower 艳山姜--shell flower 孔雀肖竹芋--peacock plant锥花丝石竹(满天星)- baby's-breath 王莲-- royal water lily 荷花-- lotus 睡莲- water lily 猪笼草-- picher plant 瓶子草-- picher plant 茅膏菜-- sundew 燕子掌-- baby jade 石莲花-- Mexican snowball 长寿花-- winter pot kalanchoe 红花酢浆草-- oxalis , shamrock , sorrel旱金莲-- garden nasturtium 四季秋海棠--- florists flowering begonia 金琥-- golden ball 草球-- sea-wrchin cactus昙花-- queen of the night 令箭荷花-- orchid cactus 绯牡丹-- orientalmoon 量天尺(三棱箭)-- night-blooming cereus蟹爪兰-- crab cactus 长春花-- periwinkle非洲紫罗兰- Africaviolet 金苞花-- golden pachystachys网纹草-- silvernet plant 伞莎草--- umbrella plant花烛-- flamingo plant,anthurium鸭跖草-- common dayflower 芦荟-- Chinese aloe吊兰-- broadleaf bracket-plant 萱草-- common orange daylily风信子-- common hyacinth 葡萄风信子-- common grape hyacinth郁金香- tulip 石蒜--- shorttube lycoris , red spider lily水仙-- Chinese narcissus 晚香玉- tuberose射干-- blackberrylily 唐菖蒲(剑兰)-- gladiolus , sword lily鸢尾-- iris 雏菊-- daisy 大丽花-- dahlia 一串红-- scarlet sage花叶竹芋 bicolor arrowroot 冷水花-- clear weed海芋-- giant alocasia石斛--dendrobium 兜兰--lady slipper 兰花--orchid 三色堇-pansy 君子兰--scarlet kafirlily美人蕉--common garden canna ,Indian 紫茉莉(地雷花)---commonfour o'clock 石竹--Chinese pink香石竹(康乃馨)carnation 耧斗菜columbine铁线莲clematis 芍药herbaceous peony ,Chinese peony牡丹peony 白头翁pulsatilla ,windflower花毛茛persian buttercup ,crowfoot 虞美人corn poppy荷包牡丹bleeding heart 紫罗兰violet天竺葵pelargonium 珠兰chloranthus球根秋海棠tuberous begonia 报春花primrose 勿忘草forget-me-not补血草(勿忘我)sea lavender ,statice 留兰香spearmint矮牵牛petunia 薄荷mint 鼠尾草sage 迷迭香rosemary桔梗balloonflower 非洲菊(扶郎花)transvaal daisy, gerbera紫鹅绒java velvetplant 百日草youth-and-old-age ,common zinnia马蹄莲calla lily 香豌豆sweet-pea 彩叶草common graden coleus贝壳花molucca balm 蒲包花slipper wort瓜叶菊florists cineraria 豆瓣绿peperomia 镜面草roundleaf pilea六月雪snow of June 佛肚竹buddha bamboo鱼尾葵fishtail palm 蒲葵Chinese fan-palm 棕榈palm棕竹lady palm 酒瓶椰子bottle palm袖珍椰子parlor palm 朱蕉tree of kings 龙血树dracaena万寿菊marigold 翠菊China aster 四季报春top primrose半支莲(松叶牡丹)ross-moss,sun plant 凤仙花garden balsam波斯菊common cosmos 金鱼草common snapdragon 鸡冠花cockscomb金盏菊pot marigold 美女樱verbena 大花牵牛morning glory茑萝morning glory 福禄考blue phlox羽衣甘蓝ornamental cabbage 蜀葵hollyhock 雁来红josephs-coat五色椒c herry redpepper 桂竹香common wallflower香雪球s weet alyssum 菊花florists chrysanthemus秋海棠b egonia ,elephant ear 百合lily 花贝母crown imperial嘉兰lovely gloriosa 球根鸢尾-bulbous iris-雪花莲雪钟花)snowdrop 韭莲rainflower蛇鞭菊g ayfeather ,blazing star 欧洲银莲花poppy anemone ,windflower 姜花garland flower ,white ginger lily 紫藤-Chinese wisteria樱花oriental cherry ,flowering cherry 葛藤kudzu蛇莓mock strawberry 海棠Chinese flowering crab apple 迎春花winter jasmine ,forsythia 紫薇crape myrtle玉兰magnolia 榆叶梅flowering plumamaryllis 孤挺花anemone 银莲花anther 花药apple 苹果apricot 杏azalea 杜鹃花balsam 凤仙花begonia 秋海棠Brazil 巴西木cactus 仙人掌camellia 山茶花canna 美人蕉cantury plant 龙舌兰carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨) Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花cosmos 大波斯菊 crocus 番红花 cyclamen 仙客来 daffodil 黄水仙 dahlia 大丽花 daisy 雏菊 daphne 瑞香 datura 曼陀罗 dogwood 山茱萸 epiphyllum 昙花 freesia 小苍兰 fringed iris 蝴蝶花 fuchsia 倒挂金钟 gardenia 栀子 geranium 大竺葵 gladiolus 剑兰 hawthorn 山楂 hibiscus 木槿 hyacinth 风信花 hydrangea 八仙花 India canna 美人蕉 iris 蝴蝶花 jasmine 茉莉 lilac 紫丁香mangnolia 木兰花 mangnolia 玉兰花 marguerite, daisy 雏菊 marigold 金盏花 morning glory 牵牛 ( 喇叭花 ) narcissus 水仙花nectar gland 蜜腺 night-blooming cereusredbud 紫荆 rhododendron 杜鹃花 sepal 萼片 stalksunflower 向日葵 sweet pea 香豌豆花 touch-me-not (balsam) 凤仙花wisteria 柴藤 yucca 丝兰 玉簪 (Hosta plantaginea) 、 紫萼 (Hostaventricosa)铃兰 (Convallaria majalis)、 吉祥草 (Reineckia carnea) 、 一叶兰 (Aspidistra elatior)、 石菖蒲 (Acorus gramineus) 、 土麦冬 (Liriope spicata) 、 大花美人蕉 (Canna generalis) 、沿阶草 (Ophiopogon japonicus) 、 红花酢浆草 (Oxalis corymbosa) 、Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花 chrysanthemum 菊花仙人掌 oleander 夹竹桃 orange 桔子 orchid 兰花 ovary 子房 pansy 三色堇 pear 梨peony 牡丹 , 芍药 petal 花瓣 phalaenopsis蝶兰 pink 石竹花 pistil 雌蕊 plum 洋李 pollen 花粉 poppy 罂粟花 quince 柑橘花柄 stamen 雄蕊 tulip 郁金香 violet, stock violet紫罗兰 water hyacinth 凤眼兰萱草(Hemerocallis fulva) 、马蔺(Iris lactea) 、溪荪(Iris sanquinea) 、黄菖蒲(Iris pseudacorus) 、芦苇(Phragmites australis) 、香蒲(Typha angustata) 、荷花(Nelumbo nucifera) 、睡莲(Nymphaea tetragona) 、千屈菜(Lythrum salicaria)、白头翁(Pulsatillachinensis) 、垂盆草(Sedum sarmentosum) 、日本景天(Sedum japonica) 、虎耳草(Saxifraga stolonifera) 、紫花地丁(Viola philippica)azalea 杜鹃花begonia 秋海棠Brazil 巴西木cactus 仙人掌camellia 山茶花carnation 麝香石竹( 康乃馨) Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花chrysanthemum 菊花dahlia 大丽花daisy 雏菊datura 曼陀罗epiphyllum 昙花fringed iris蝴蝶花。

亚洲常见花卉英文译名Abutilon pictum / Thomsonii 风铃花Abutilon Hybriden 金铃花Acacia dealbata 银栲皮树Acaena / New Zealand burr 无瓣蔷薇(纽西兰球果属植物)Acanthus 叶蓟属植物Acer palmatum 掌叶槭Achillea / Yarrow 丽纹锯草(蓍草属植物)Achimenes / Cupid's bower / hot water plant 长筒花Actinidia 狝猴桃<--攀缘植物Adenium obesum 沙漠玫瑰(天宝花)Adiantum capilus-veneris / True maidenhair fern 铁线蕨Aegopodium podagraia 'Variegata' 斑叶羊角芹African daisy 非洲菊Agapanthus / African lily 百子莲Agastache 藿香Agave 龙舌兰属植物Ageratum houstonianum 紫花霍香蓟Agrostemma githago / Corn cockle 麦仙翁Ajuga reptans 匍筋骨草Akebia 木通(别名:巧克力藤蔓) <--攀缘植物Alcea rosea / Hollyhock 蜀葵Alchemilla / Lady's mantle 斗篷草Allium 葱属Aloe 芦荟属植物Alyssum 香荠属植物Amaranthus 苋属植物Ampelopsis 山葡萄<--攀缘植物Ampelopsis brevipedunculata 蛇白蔹Anchusa capensis / Alkanet 非洲勿忘草Androsace carnea / Rock jasmine 铜钱花Anethu, graveolens / Dill 莳萝Annual phlox 福禄考Antennaria dioica 山荻Anthemis 西洋甘菊Anthemis punctata subsp cupaniana 春黄菊Antirrhinum majus / Snapdragon 金鱼草Arabis / Rock cress 南芥菜(岩水芹)Aralia elata 黃斑高?Arbutus 野草莓樹Arctotis Fastuosa / Monarch of the veldt 南非雛菊Arenaria balearica 蚤綴Argemone / Prickly Poppy 薊罌粟屬植物Argyranthemum / Marguerite 瑪格麗特/ 蓬蒿菊Arisaema sikokianum 雪糕花Aristolochia 馬兜鈴<--攀緣植物Armeria 海石竹屬植物Artemista 艾屬植物Artemisia schmidtiana 線葉艾Artemisia stelleriana 白蒿Artostaphylos 熊莓Asarum / Wild ginger 細辛(野薑)Asclepias tuberosa 柳葉馬利筋Ascocentrum 迷你鳥舌蘭Asparagus densiflorus / Asparagus fern 狐尾武竹Asphodeline lutea 吊蘭Asplenium scolopendrium / Hart's tongue fern 鐵角蕨Atriplex halimus 滨藜Atriplex hortensis / Red mountain spinach / Red orache 庭园滨藜Aubrieta 紫芥菜Balloon-flower 桔梗Bassia scoparia f.trichophylla / Kochia scoparia / Burning bush 地肤Begonia semperflorens / Begonia-Hybriden 四季秋海棠Belamcanda chinensis 射干Bellis perennis L. / Daisy 雏菊Berberidopsis 智利藤<--攀缘植物Bergenia / Elephant's ears 岩白菜Bidens ferulifolia 阿魏叶鬼针草(黄花咸丰草)Bignonia 紫葳<--攀缘植物Billardiera 毕氏海桐花<--攀缘植物Bilberry 覆盆子*药用Blechnum penna-marina / Blechnum tabulare 乌毛蕨Bomarea 抱马<--攀缘植物Borago officinalis / Borage 琉璃苣Bougainvillea 九重葛<--攀缘植物Bougainvillea-Arten 三角花Brachyscome iberidifolia / Swan River daisy 鹅河菊Bracteantha bracteata / Helichrysum bracteata / Golden everlasting / Strawflower 麦秆菊Brassica oleracea / Ornamental kale / Ornamental brassicas 叶牡丹Briar rose 野蔷薇Briza Maxima / Greater quaking grass 凌风草Browallia speciosa / Sappire flower 长管歪头花/ 紫水晶Brugmansia 木曼陀罗Brunnera macrophylla 心叶牛舌草Buxus-Arten 黄杨Buxus sempervirens / common box 锦熟黄杨Caesalpina pulcherrima / Dwarf poinciana 孔雀花Calamintha nepeta 假荆芥新风轮菜Calendula officinalis / Pot or English marigold 金盏菊Calanthe 虾脊兰(根节兰)Calla 海芋Calliandra 红绒球(红粉扑花)Callistephus chinensis / China aster 翠菊Calluna vulgaris / Heather,ling 彩萼石楠Camellia japonica 山茶花Campanula / Bellflower 风铃草Campanula medium / Canterbury bells 彩萼钟花Campsis 凌霄花(别名:喇叭藤蔓) <--攀缘植物Campsis radicans 硬骨凌霄Caragana arborescens 豆树Cardiospermum halicacabum / Ballon vine 风船葛(倒地铃) <--攀缘植物Carnation 石竹Carpinus betulus 欧洲鹅耳Catharanthus roseus / Madagascar periwinkle / Old maid 长春花Ceanothus / Californian lilac 加州丁香树Cedrus 雪松Celastrus 南蛇藤<--攀缘植物Celosia argentea / Cockscomb 鸡冠花(青葙)Centaurea cyanus / Cornflower 矢车菊Century plant 龙舌兰Cerastium tomentosum / Show-in-Summer 夏雪草(密毛卷耳)Ceratostigma 角柱花Ceropegiawoodii 吊金钱/ 爱之蔓Chamaemelum nobile / Comomile 黄金菊China aster 翠菊Chinese sacred lily 中国水仙Chionochloa conspicua / Plumed tussock grass 丛花草Chionodoxa 雪光花Chlorophytum comosum / Ribbon plant / Spider plant 吊兰Chrysanthemum 菊花Chrysanthemum carinatum / Annual chrysanthemum 粉环菊Cissus 粉藤<--攀缘植物Cissus discolor 锦叶葡萄Cistus / Rock rose / Sun rose 岩蔷薇(胶蔷树)Citrus 柑桔类Citrus limon 柠檬Clarkia amoena / Godetia amoena 愉悦山字草Clematis 铁线莲<--攀缘植物Cleome hassleriana / C.Spinosa / Spider plant 醉蝶花Clerodendrum bungei / C.foetidum 丁香牡丹Clerodendrum fragrans 臭茉莉Clerodendrum kaempferi 赪桐(状元红)Clianthus 荣耀豆<--攀缘植物Cloven-lip toadflax 彩雀花/姬金鱼草Cobaea scandens / Cup-and-Saucer vine 电灯花<--攀缘植物Cockscomb 鸡冠花Codiaeum 变叶木(洒金榕)Coelogyne cristata 球茎兰Colchicum 秋水仙Columnea 细叶金鱼花Common zinnia 百日草Consolida ajacis / Larkspur 飞燕草Convallaria majalis / Lily-of-the-valley 铃兰Convolvulus cneorum 肯尼旋花(山地旋花)Cordyline australis 澳洲朱蕉(纽西兰朱蕉)Cordyline terminalis 红叶铁树Coreopsis / Tickseed 金鸡菊属植物Cornflower 矢车菊Cortaderia selloana 银丝草原草Cosmos 波斯菊Cosmos bipinnatus / Cosmea 大波斯菊Cotoneaster 铺地蜈蚣Cotula coronopifolia 山芫荽Crambe 海芥蓝属植物Crape myrtle 紫薇,百日花,满堂红Crassula coccinea / Rochea coccinea 红景天(青锁龙)Crataegus monogyna 山楂属植物Crocus 番红花Cupheaignea 雪茄花(爆杖花,墨西哥雪茄,烟仔花,红丁香)Cupressus sempervirens 地中海柏木Cupressus torulosa / Cashmeriana 藏柏Cycas recoluta 苏铁(巴西铁树)Cyclamen 仙客来Cypress vine 茑萝Cyrtomium falcatum / Japanese holly fern 大贯众蕨Cytisus 金雀花Daffodils 洋水仙Dahlia 大利花Daphne 瑞香Datura 曼陀罗Davallia canariensis / Hare's foot fern 加拿利骨碎补Delphinium grandiflorum 大花飞燕Dendrobium nobile 石斛Dianthus / Pink 石竹Diascia 双距花Dicentra / Bleeding heart 荷苞牡丹<--攀缘植物Dictamnus albus 白鲜Diervilla sessilifolia 锦带花Digitalis / Foxglove 毛地黄属植物Dimorphotheca pluvialis / Rain daisy 非洲雏菊(白蓝菊)Dipladenia-Hybriden 欧洲夹竹桃Dorotheanthus bellidiformis / Livingstone daisy / Mesembryanthemum 彩虹菊Dregea 华他卡藤<--攀缘植物Dryopteris erythrosora ?毛蕨Duchesnea indica 蛇莓Eccremocarpus scaber / Chilean glory vine 荣耀花<--攀缘植物Echeveria 玉莲Echinacea purpurea 紫睢花Echinocactus grusonii 金仙人掌Echinops 球蓟属植物Echium vulgare / Viper's bugloss 蓝蓟Elaeagnus 胡颓子属Elymus hispidus 滨麦Epimedium / Barrenwort 淫羊藿Epipremnum aureum / Devil's ivy / Golden pothos 黄金葛Episcia 火焰紫罗兰(红桐草)Eragrostis curvula 曲画眉草Eriarosea 玫瑰红毛兰(香港蝶兰,香港小蝴蝶)Erica carnea / Winter heath 石南*园艺交配种Eriobotrya japonica 枇杷Eriogonum 野荞麦属Eryngium giganteum / Miss Wilmott's ghost 大刺芫荌Erysimum cheiri / Cheiranthus cheiri / Wallflower 桂竹香Erythrina 龙牙花Erythronium / Dog's tooth violet 车前叶山慈姑(犬齿菫菜)Escallonia 虎耳草属Eschscholzia californica / California poppy 加州罂粟花(金英花)Eucalyptus 油加利属植物Eucomis bicolor 彩凤兰Euonymus 卫矛<--攀缘植物Euonymus fortunei 班叶扶芳藤Euphorbia marginata / snow-on-the-mountain 银边翠Euphoribia 大戟属植物Euphorbia / Spurge 美洲锦地草Euphorbia characias 轮花大戟Exacum affine / Persian violet 紫芳草Felicia amelloides / Blue daisy 蓝雏菊/ 费氏蓝菊Fallopia 俄罗斯藤<--攀缘植物Fancy-leaf caladium 彩芋Farewell-to-spring 古代稀Fatshedrea lizei 熊掌木Fatsia japonica 八角金盘Festuca 羊茅属植物Ficus pumila / Climbling fig / Creeping fig 无花果(桦木) / 薜荔<--攀缘植物Fittonia verschaffeltii 爵床科菲通尼亚Frangipani 缅栀(鸡蛋花) / Plumeria acutifolia (黄白鸡蛋花) / P.obtusifolia (小花鸡蛋花)Freesia 小苍兰Fremontodendron californicum 加州连翘French marigold 孔雀草Fringed hibiscus 吊灯花Fuchsia 吊钟花Gardenia jasminoides 白蟾(栀子花)Gaillardia pulchella / Blanket flower 天人菊Galanthus nivalis / Snowdrop 雪花草(雪花莲)Galium odoratum / Sweet woodruff 香猪殃殃Galtonia candicans 夏风信子Gaultheria 白珠树Gazania hybrida / treasure flower 勋章菊Gelsemium 胡蔓藤<--攀缘植物Genista 小金雀花Gentiana sino-ornata 龙胆Geranium 天竺葵Gerbera 非洲菊(外国人俗称为Transvaal daisy)Gerbera jamesonii 非洲菊Gilia 吉莉属植物Gladiolus 唐菖蒲/ 剑兰Glaucium corniculatum / Red horned poppy 角罂粟Glechoma hederacea 斑叶连钱草Globe amaranth / Gomphrena globosa 千日红(圆仔花)Gloriosa superba 嘉兰Gourds 葫芦Griselinia littoralis 滨海山茱萸Gypsophila elegans / Annual gypsophila 线状花瞿麦Gypsophila paniculata L / baby's breath 满天星Gypsophila repens 匍匐霞草Hakonechloa macra 金知风草Halimiocistus wintonensis 半日花胶蔷树杂交植物Halimium 半日花属Hebe pinguifolia / Pagei 长阶花(希稗)Hedera helix / Ivy 常春藤<--攀缘植物Hedychium coronarium 姜花Helianthemum 铺地半日花Helianthus annuus / Sunflower 向日葵Helichrysum 蜡菊属植物Helichrysum petiolare 伞花麦秆菊(银叶麦秆菊)Helictotrichon sempervirens 蓝燕麦草Heliophila coronopifolia 日冠花Heliotropium arborescens / Heliotrope Cherry pie 木本天芹菜(香水草)Helleborus / Hellebore 嚏根草Hemerocallis / Daylily 萱草Heuchera micrantha / Palace Purple 小花钟珊瑚Hibiscus rocasinensis 扶桑(大红花)Hibiscus syriacus 木槿Hippophae rhamnoides 沙棘Holboellia 鹰爪枫<--攀缘植物Holcus mollis 'Albovariegatus' 班叶毛茅草Hollyhock 蜀葵Honeysuckle 忍冬<--攀缘植物Hordeum jubatum / Foxtail barley 狐尾大麦Hosta / Plantain lily 玉簪(紫萼)Houttuynia cordata 蕺药(鱼腥草)Hoya carnosa 球兰Hoya lanceolata subsp bella 球兰Huernia 牛角Humulus 葎草(别名:啤酒花) <--攀缘植物Hunnemannia fumariifolia / Mexican tulip poppy 金杯花Hyacinthus orientalis / Hyacinth 风信子Hydrangea 藤绣球<--攀缘植物Hydrangea macrophylla 绣球花Hydrangea paniculata 圆锥绣球Hypericum calycimum / Rose of Sharon 宿萼金丝桃Hyssopus officinalis 柳薄荷Iberis umbellata / Candytuft 伞形蜂蜜花Iberis sempervirens / Perennia Candytuft 白蜀葵Ilex-Arten 冬青Ilex aquifolium 枸骨叶冬青Ilex crenata 钝齿冬青Impatiens / Balsam 凤仙花属植物Impatiens Hybriden 四季海棠Impatiens walleriana / Busy lizzie 非洲凤仙花Ipomoea 朝颜/牵牛花<--攀缘植物Ipomoea tricolor 三色牵牛花<--攀缘植物Iris histrioides 鸢尾/ 爱丽斯Jacobinia carnea 山丹花Jasminum nudiflorum 迎春花Jasminum officinale 素方花<--攀缘植物Jasminum polyanthum 素韾Jatropha podagrica 珊瑚油桐*跟酒瓶兰相似Juniperus 柏树Juniperus-Arten 刺柏属Juniperus communis 洋杜松(欧洲刺柏)Juniperus conferta 密生刺柏Juniperus horizontalis 紫杜松Juniperus sabina 沙皮刺柏Juniperus squamata ?叶刺柏Kalanchoe manginii 长寿花Kalanchoe pinnata 爱情叶Kniphofia 火炬花属植物Koeleria glauca 蓝绿发草Koelreuteria paniculata 栾树Lablab Purpureus / Lablab 鹊豆<--攀缘植物Lagurus ovatus / Hare's tail grass 兔尾草Lamium 宝盖草属植物Lamium / Dead nettle 野芝麻Lamium maculatum 斑叶川旦Lampranthus 日中花(辉花属植物)Lantana camara 马樱丹Lapageria 智利风铃草<--攀缘植物Lathyrus odoratus / sweet pea 香豌豆<--攀缘植物Laurus nobilis / Bay laurel 月桂树Lavandula-Sorten / Lavender 熏衣草属Lavatera 花葵属植物Lavatera trimestris 花葵(三月熏衣草)Layia platyglossa / Tidy tips 洁顶菊Leucanthemum paludosum 黑蕊菊Leucojum / Snowflake 雪片莲Leucothoe walteri 岩石南天竹Leymus arenarius 沙滨草Ligustrum lucidum 尖叶女贞Ligustrum vulgare'Atrovirens' 本属Lilium / Lily 百合Lily of the valley 铃兰花Limnanthes douglasii / Poached-egg plant 荷包蛋花Limonium platyphyllum 平叶矶松Limonium sinuatum / Sea lavender / Statice 毋忘我(麒麟菊,不凋花)Linaria maroccana 柳彩雀花Linum grandiflorum 'Rubrum' / Flax 大花亚麻(亚麻)Lipstick plant 口红花Liriope /Lilyturf 麦门冬Lisianthus 洋桔梗Lithops lesliei 活石(象蹄)Lobelia erinus 六倍利(翠蝶花)Lobeliay erinus 山梗菜Lonicera 忍冬<--攀缘植物Lonicera nitida 灌木番樱桃Lonicera periclymenum 香忍冬Lotus berthelotti 伯使百脉根Lotus hirsutus 外毛百脉根Lupin 羽扇豆/鲁冰花Luzula / Woodrush 地杨梅Lychnis 剪秋罗属植物Lycoris aurea 脱衣换锦(忽地笑)Lysimachia / Loosestrife 珍珠菜Lysimachia nummularia 金钱草Mahonia aquifolium 亮叶十大功劳Malus spectabilis 中国海棠Marjoram 马约兰Matteuccia strthiopteris 荚果蕨Matthiola incana / Brompton stock 紫罗兰Mazus reptans 通泉草Meconopsis betonicifolia / Himalayan poppy 喜马拉雅罂粟Melica altissima 高米茅Mentha / Mint 薄荷Mentzelia lindleyi / Bartonia aurea / Blazing star 黄花门采丽/ 门氏刺莲花Microbiota decussata 胡柏Mimulus / Monkey musk / Monkey flower 龙头花(沟酸浆属植物)Mini zephyr lily 毛玉帘Mirabilis jalapa / Marvel of Peru / Four o'clock flower 紫茉莉Moluccella laevis / Bell of Irland 贝壳花Morning glory 朝颜/牵牛花Muehlenbeckia 铁线藤<--攀缘植物Muscari armeniacum / Grape hyacinth 麝香兰Myosotis sylvatica / Forget-me-not 勿忘我Myrica cerifera / Wax myrtle 蜡香桃木Myrtus communis 银香梅(香桃木)Nelumro nucifera 莲花(荷花)Nemophila menziesii / Bady blue-eyes 粉蝶花Nandina domestica / Heavenly bamboo 南天竹Narcissus / Daffodil 水仙Nepeta / Catmint 荆芥Narcissus bulbocodium / Hoop petticoat daffodil 围裙水仙Nasturtium 金莲花Nematanthus 袋鼠花/ 古老学名:HypocyrtaNemesia strumosa 囊距花Neomarica gracilis / Apostle plant 巴西鸢尾(子弟草,门徒草)Nepeta 荆芥属植物Nephrolepis exaltata / Boston fern 波斯顿肾蕨Nerium oleander / Oleander 夹竹桃Nertera granadensis 薄柱草属Nicotiana / Tobacco plant 花烟草(烟草属植物)Nierembergia caerulea / N.hippomanica 紫高杯花Nigella damascena / Love-in-a-mist 黑种草Nopalxochia / Orchid cactus 孔雀仙人掌Oenothera biennis / Evening primrose 月见草Olearia 树紫苑属植物Onoclea sensibilis 野蕨Onopordum acanthium / Cotton or Scotch thistle 大刺蓟Ophiopogon 沿阶草Opuntia robusta 壮干仙人掌Origanum / Kent Beauty 牛至/ 马钩兰花Ornithogalum umbellatum 圣星百合Osmanthus fragrans 桂花Osteospermum 灌木菊(非洲雏菊)Oxalis adenophylla 酢浆草Ozothamnus rosmarinifolius ?叶菊P.reticulatum / Golden net bush 金网叶Pachysandra terminalis 富贵草Pansy 三色菫Pankinsonia aculeata 巴荆木Papaver / Poppy 罂粟属植物Parahebe catarractae 纽西兰威灵仙Parthenocissus inserta 地锦(别名:「维吉尼亚爬藤」或「爬阶虎」) <--攀缘植物Passiflora 西番莲<--攀缘植物Paxistima canbyi 恋山木Pelargonium 天竺葵属植物Pelargonium,ivy-leaved 常春藤叶型的蔓性天竺葵Pelargonium scented-leaved 香叶型天竺葵Pelargonium,zonal 马蹄纹天竺葵Pennisetum setaceum / Fountain grass 羽绒狼尾草Penstemom 铃钟花属植物Peperomia 椒草(金枝玉叶,皱叶冰水)periwinkle 日日春Perovskia 普罗草属植物Persicaria 蓼Petunia 矮牵牛属植物Phacelia campanularia / California bluebell 加洲蓝钟Phlomis 糙苏Phlomis russeliana 俄罗斯糙苏Phlox drummondii / Annual phlox 福禄考Phlox subulata 尖叶福禄考Phorumium tenax / New Zealand Flax 麻兰/纽西兰亚麻Picea abies 欧洲云杉Pieris 马醉木Pileostegia 青棉花<--攀缘植物Pinus-Arten 松属植物Pittosporum tobira 海桐花Platycerium bifurcatum / Common staghorn fern 糜角蕨Plecostachys serpyllifolia 小叶蜡菊Plectranthus forsteri 白边延命草Pleionebulbocodioides 独蒜兰(一叶兰)Plumbago auriculata 蓝雪花<--攀缘植物Polypodium vulgare'Cornubiense' 水龙骨Polystichum setiferum / Soft shield fern 刺毛耳蕨Portulaca grandiflora / Sun plant 松叶牡丹Pot marigold 金盏花Potentilla / Cinquefoil 金腊梅Pratia 普刺特草Primula auricula / Auricula 欧洲报春花/ 西洋樱草Prunella grandiflora / Self-heal 大花夏枯草Prunus laurocerasus 月桂樱Psylliostachys suworowii / Statice 俄国矶松Pulmonaria / Lungwort 兜藓(疗肺草)Quercus 麻栎属植物Ranumculus asiaticus / Persian buttercup 陆莲花Ranunculus asiaticus 花毛茛(南京牡丹)Reseda odorata / Mignonette 木犀草Ricinus communis / Castor oil plant 蓖麻Rhaphiolepis indica 春花(车轮梅)Rhipsalidopsis 复活节仙人掌(木麒麟)Rhodanthemum hosmariense 麟托菊Rhodochiton atrosanguineus 红萼藤(钟形葡萄) <--攀缘植物Rhododendron'Kermesina' 杜鹃花属Rhoeo 紫背万年青(蚌兰)Rhus aromatica 香漆Rhus typhina 鹿角漆树Robinia pseudoacacia 黑洋槐Rock rhododendron 石南(石玫瑰,石杜鹃)Romneya coulteri 乐民花Rosa 玫瑰Rosemarinus officinalis / Rosemary 迷迭香Rose moss 松叶牡丹Rosmarinus officinalis 迷迭香Rubus 悬钩子/ 树莓(别名:鸡爪茶) Rudbeckia hirta 黑心菊Ruscus 花竹柏Ruta graveolens 芸香Sagina subulata 珍珠草Saintpaulia / African violet 非洲菫Salix caprea / Kilmarnock 黄华柳(山毛柳)Salix repens 匍匐柳Salpiglossia sinuata 蛾蝶花Salpiglossis sinuata 美人襟Salvia / Sage 一串红/ 鼠尾草Salvia sclarea 南欧丹参Sanguinaria canadensis / Bloodroot 血红根Santolina 绵杉菊Sanvitalia procumbens / Creeping Zinnia 卧茎蛇目菊Saponaria 石碱草属植物Sarocococca / Sweet box / Christmas box 野扇花Sasa palmata f.nebulosa 掌叶笹竹Saxifraga 虎耳草Scabiosa / Pincushion flower / Scabious 山萝卜属植物Scaevola aemula 草海桐Schizanthus pinnatus / Poor man's orchid 蛾蝶花Scilla / Squill 绵枣儿Schisandra 五味子<--攀缘植物Schizachyrium scoparium 裂稃草Schizophragma 钻地风<--攀缘植物Schlumbergera X buckleyi / Christmas cactus 螃蟹兰Scutellaria indica var.parvifolia / Skullcap 黄苓Sedum 景天属植物Sedum morganianum 串珠草Sedum spathulifolium 花蔓草Sempervivum tectorum 长春花/ 长生花Senecio cineraria 银叶菊Senecio rowleyanus 绿之铃Setaria italica / Foxtail millet 小米Silene armeria / Campion Sweet William catchfly 高雪轮Silene coeli-rosa 红粉雪轮花Silybum marianum / Blessed Mary's thistle 小飞雉Smyrnium perfoliatum 抱茎叶亚历山大Snapdragon 金鱼草Solanum 马铃薯<--攀缘植物Solanum pseudocapsicum / Christmas cherry / Jerusalem cherry / Winter cherry 玉珊瑚Soleirolia soleirolii / Mind-your-own-business 绿珠草(爬山虎属)Solenopsis axillaris 蓝星花Solenostemon scutellaroides / Coleus / Paimted nettle / Flame nettle 彩叶草Sollya 爬藤花<--攀缘植物Spartium junceum 鹰爪豆Spathiphyllum wallsii 白帆(白掌)Stachys byzantina / Lambs'ears 毛草石蚕Star cluster 繁星花Stephandra incisa 小野珠兰Stephanotis floribunda 黑蔓藤属Stipa 针茅属植物Strawflower 麦秆菊Streptocarpus 旋果花Streptosolen jamesonii / Marmalade bush 果酱木Swan river everlasting ?托菊Sweet alyssum 香雪球Sunflower / Helianthus annuus 向日葵Symphytum / Comfrey 聚合草(康富利)Synsepalum duleificum / Daniell 神秘果Tagetes / French marigold / Marigold 孔雀草(万寿菊属植物)Tamarix 柽柳属植物Tanacetum parthenium / Feverfew 艾菊(玲珑菊)Taxus baccata 欧洲红豆杉Tecoma stans 软枝黄蝉Tellima grandiflora 大穗杯花Teucrium fruticans 低木苦草Thuja-Arten 崖柏属Thuja occidentalis 东方侧柏Thujopsis dolobrata 罗汉柏Thunbergia alata / Black-eyed Susan 黑眼花(翼叶老鸦嘴) <--攀缘植物Thunbergiaerecta 硬枝老鸦嘴Thymophylla tenuiloba / Golden fleece 金毛菊/ 金光菊Thymus / Thyme 百里香Tiarella / Foam flower 黄水拔Tithonia rotundifolia / T.speciosa / Mexican sunflower 墨西哥向日葵Tolmeia menziesii / Pick-a-back-plant 驮子草Torchlily 火炬百合Torenia fournieri / Wishbone flower 夏菫Trachelium caeruleum / Diosphaera caeruleum / Blue throatwort 蓝钟花Trachelospermum 白花藤/ 络石<--攀缘植物Trachystemon orientalis 东方琉璃草Tradescantia 水竹草Trifolium repens 菽草(白翘摇)Tristellateia australasiae 蔓性金虎尾Tropaeolum majus / Nasturtium / T.majus 金莲花<--攀缘植物Tulipa / Tulip 郁金香Tweedia 翠迪亚<--攀缘植物Ulex europaeus 重瓣刺金雀Vaccinium vitis-idaea / Cranberry 越橘Vanda 万代兰Verbascum 毛蕊花属植物Verbascum olympicum / Mullein 奥林匹克毛蕊花Verbena 美女樱(马鞭草属植物)Verbena bonariensis 波纳马鞭草Viburnum tinus 蒂氏荚蒾Vinca minor / Lesser periwinkle 小蔓长春花Viola / Pansy 三色菫(菫菜)Vitis 葡萄藤<--攀缘植物Vitis coignetiae 紫葛Waldsteinia ternata 林石草Wax begonia 四季海棠Wisteria 紫藤<--攀缘植物Xanthorrhiza simplicissima 黄根草Xeranthemum annuum / Immortelle 干花菊Yucca / Magnolia denudata 玉兰Zantedeschia 马蹄莲Zinnia 百日菊属植物。
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[转]亚洲常见花卉英文译名来自: Feline2007-06-25 14:50:23贴这个帖子是为了在国外种子网站上查找购买信息或者种植信息时获得方便:Abutilon pictum / Thomsonii 风铃花Abutilon Hybriden 金铃花Achimenes / Cupid's bower / hot water plant 长筒花Actinidia 狝猴桃<--攀缘植物Adenium obesum 沙漠玫瑰(天宝花)Adiantum capilus-veneris / True maidenhair fern 铁线蕨Aegopodium podagraia 'Variegata' 斑叶羊角芹African daisy 非洲菊Agave 龙舌兰属植物Anchusa capensis / Alkanet 非洲勿忘草Androsace carnea / Rock jasmine 铜钱花Anthemis 西洋甘菊Anthemis punctata subsp cupaniana 春黄菊Antirrhinum majus / Snapdragon 金鱼草Aralia elata 黃斑高Arctotis Fastuosa / Monarch of the veldt 南非雛菊Arisaema sikokianum 雪糕花Asphodeline lutea 吊蘭Aubrieta 紫芥菜Balloon-flower 桔梗Begonia semperflorens / Begonia-Hybriden 四季秋海棠Bellis perennis L. / Daisy 雏菊Bergenia / Elephant's ears 岩白菜Borago officinalis / Borage 琉璃苣Bougainvillea-Arten 三角花Brachyscome iberidifolia / Swan River daisy 鹅河菊Bracteantha bracteata / Helichrysum bracteata / Golden everlasting / Strawflower 麦秆菊Brassica oleracea / Ornamental kale / Ornamental brassicas 叶牡丹Briar rose 野蔷薇Caesalpina pulcherrima / Dwarf poinciana 孔雀花Calendula officinalis / Pot or English marigold 金盏菊Calliandra 红绒球(红粉扑花)Callistephus chinensis / China aster 翠菊Camellia japonica 山茶花Campanula / Bellflower 风铃草Campanula medium / Canterbury bells 彩萼钟花Catharanthus roseus / Madagascar periwinkle / Old maid 长春花Cedrus 雪松Celosia argentea / Cockscomb 鸡冠花(青葙)Centaurea cyanus / Cornflower 矢车菊Cerastium tomentosum / Show-in-Summer 夏雪草(密毛卷耳) Ceratostigma 角柱花Ceropegia woodii 吊金钱/ 爱之蔓Chamaemelum nobile / Comomile 黄金菊China aster 翠菊Chinese sacred lily 中国水仙Chionochloa conspicua / Plumed tussock grass 丛花草Chionodoxa 雪光花Chlorophytum comosum / Ribbon plant / Spider plant 吊兰Chrysanthemum 菊花Chrysanthemum carinatum / Annual chrysanthemum 粉环菊Cissus discolor 锦叶葡萄Citrus limon 柠檬Clarkia amoena / Godetia amoena 愉悦山字草Cleome hassleriana / C.Spinosa / Spider plant 醉蝶花Clerodendrum bungei / C.foetidum 丁香牡丹Cockscomb 鸡冠花Colchicum 秋水仙Columnea 细叶金鱼花Common zinnia 百日草Consolida ajacis / Larkspur 飞燕草Convallaria majalis / Lily-of-the-valley 铃兰Cornflower 矢车菊Cortaderia selloana 银丝草原草Cosmos 波斯菊Cosmos bipinnatus / Cosmea 大波斯菊Crape myrtle 紫薇,百日花,满堂红Crassula coccinea / Rochea coccinea 红景天(青锁龙)Crocus 番红花Cupheaignea 雪茄花(爆杖花,墨西哥雪茄,烟仔花,红丁香) Cypress vine 茑萝Cytisus 金雀花Daffodils 洋水仙Dahlia 大利花Daphne 瑞香Datura 曼陀罗Delphinium grandiflorum 大花飞燕Dendrobium nobile 石斛Dianthus / Pink 石竹Diervilla sessilifolia 锦带花Dimorphotheca pluvialis / Rain daisy 非洲雏菊(白蓝菊)Dorotheanthus bellidiformis / Livingstone daisy / Mesembryanthemum 彩虹菊Echeveria 玉莲Echinacea purpurea 紫睢花Echinocactus grusonii 金 仙人掌Episcia 火焰紫罗兰(红桐草)Eriarosea 玫瑰红毛兰(香港蝶兰,香港小蝴蝶)Erica carnea / Winter heath 石南*园艺交配种Eriobotrya japonica 枇杷Erysimum cheiri / Cheiranthus cheiri / Wallflower 桂竹香Erythrina 龙牙花Eucomis bicolor 彩凤兰Euphorbia marginata / snow-on-the-mountain 银边翠Euphorbia / Spurge 美洲锦地草Exacum affine / Persian violet 紫芳草Felicia amelloides / Blue daisy 蓝雏菊/ 费氏蓝菊Freesia 小苍兰Fremontodendron californicum 加州连翘French marigold 孔雀草Fringed hibiscus 吊灯花Fuchsia 吊钟花Gardenia jasminoides 白蟾(栀子花)Gaillardia pulchella / Blanket flower 天人菊Galanthus nivalis / Snowdrop 雪花草(雪花莲)Galium odoratum / Sweet woodruff 香猪殃殃Galtonia candicans 夏风信子Gaultheria 白珠树Genista 小金雀花Gentiana sino-ornata 龙胆Geranium 天竺葵Gerbera 非洲菊(外国人俗称为Transvaal daisy)Gerbera jamesonii 非洲菊Globe amaranth / Gomphrena globosa 千日红(圆仔花)Gourds 葫芦Gypsophila paniculata L / baby's breath 满天星Gypsophila repens 匍匐霞草Hakonechloa macra 金知风草Halimiocistus wintonensis 半日花胶蔷树杂交植物Halimium 半日花属Hebe pinguifolia / Pagei 长阶花(希稗)Hedychium coronarium 姜花Helianthemum 铺地半日花Helianthus annuus / Sunflower 向日葵Helichrysum petiolare 伞花麦秆菊(银叶麦秆菊)Helictotrichon sempervirens 蓝燕麦草Heliophila coronopifolia 日冠花Heliotropium arborescens / Heliotrope Cherry pie 木本天芹菜(香水草) Hemerocallis / Daylily 萱草Heuchera micrantha / Palace Purple 小花钟珊瑚Hibiscus rocasinensis 扶桑(大红花)Hibiscus syriacus 木槿Hordeum jubatum / Foxtail barley 狐尾大麦Houttuynia cordata 蕺药(鱼腥草)Hoya carnosa 球兰Hoya lanceolata subsp bella 球兰Hunnemannia fumariifolia / Mexican tulip poppy 金杯花Hyacinthus orientalis / Hyacinth 风信子Hydrangea macrophylla 绣球花Hydrangea paniculata 圆锥绣球Hypericum calycimum / Rose of Sharon 宿萼金丝桃Hyssopus officinalis 柳薄荷Iberis umbellata / Candytuft 伞形蜂蜜花Iberis sempervirens / Perennia Candytuft 白蜀葵Ilex-Arten 冬青Ilex aquifolium 枸骨叶冬青Impatiens / Balsam 凤仙花属植物Impatiens Hybriden 四季海棠Impatiens walleriana / Busy lizzie 非洲凤仙花Iris histrioides 鸢尾/ 爱丽斯Jacobinia carnea 山丹花Jasminum nudiflorum 迎春花Jasminum polyanthum 素韾Kalanchoe manginii 长寿花Kalanchoe pinnata 爱情叶Koeleria glauca 蓝绿发草Lagurus ovatus / Hare's tail grass 兔尾草Lampranthus 日中花(辉花属植物)Lantana camara 马樱丹Lavandula-Sorten / Lavender 熏衣草属Lavatera 花葵属植物Lavatera trimestris 花葵(三月熏衣草)Layia platyglossa / Tidy tips 洁顶菊Leucanthemum paludosum 黑蕊菊Leucojum / Snowflake 雪片莲Leymus arenarius 沙滨草Lilium / Lily 百合Lily of the valley 铃兰花Limnanthes douglasii / Poached-egg plant 荷包蛋花Limonium sinuatum / Sea lavender / Statice 毋忘我(麒麟菊,不凋花) Linaria maroccana 柳彩雀花Lipstick plant 口红花Liriope /Lilyturf 麦门冬Lisianthus 洋桔梗Lonicera periclymenum 香忍冬Luzula / Woodrush 地杨梅Lysimachia / Loosestrife 珍珠菜Malus spectabilis 中国海棠Marjoram 马约兰Matthiola incana / Brompton stock 紫罗兰Mentha / Mint 薄荷Microbiota decussata 胡柏Mirabilis jalapa / Marvel of Peru / Four o'clock flower 紫茉莉Moluccella laevis / Bell of Irland 贝壳花Morning glory 朝颜/牵牛花Muscari armeniacum / Grape hyacinth 麝香兰Myosotis sylvatica / Forget-me-not 勿忘我Myrica cerifera / Wax myrtle 蜡香桃木Myrtus communis 银香梅(香桃木)Nelumro nucifera 莲花(荷花)Nemophila menziesii / Bady blue-eyes 粉蝶花Nandina domestica / Heavenly bamboo 南天竹Narcissus / Daffodil 水仙Nepeta / Catmint 荆芥Narcissus bulbocodium / Hoop petticoat daffodil 围裙水仙Nasturtium 金莲花Nerium oleander / Oleander 夹竹桃Nierembergia caerulea / N.hippomanica 紫高杯花Nopalxochia / Orchid cactus 孔雀仙人掌Osmanthus fragrans 桂花Osteospermum 灌木菊(非洲雏菊)Oxalis adenophylla 酢浆草P.reticulatum / Golden net bush 金网叶Pachysandra terminalis 富贵草Pansy 三色菫Pennisetum setaceum / Fountain grass 羽绒狼尾草periwinkle 日日春Phorumium tenax / New Zealand Flax 麻兰/纽西兰亚麻Plecostachys serpyllifolia 小叶蜡菊Portulaca grandiflora / Sun plant 松叶牡丹Pot marigold 金盏花Potentilla / Cinquefoil 金腊梅Primula auricula / Auricula 欧洲报春花/ 西洋樱草Prunella grandiflora / Self-heal 大花夏枯草Prunus laurocerasus 月桂樱Ranumculus asiaticus / Persian buttercup 陆莲花Rosa 玫瑰Rosemarinus officinalis / Rosemary 迷迭香Rose moss 松叶牡丹Rosmarinus officinalis 迷迭香Rudbeckia hirta 黑心菊Ruscus 花竹柏Ruta graveolens 芸香Sagina subulata 珍珠草Salpiglossia sinuata 蛾蝶花Salpiglossis sinuata 美人襟Santolina 绵杉菊Sarocococca / Sweet box / Christmas box 野扇花Schizanthus pinnatus / Poor man's orchid 蛾蝶花Schizachyrium scoparium 裂稃草Schlumbergera X buckleyi / Christmas cactus 螃蟹兰Sedum morganianum 串珠草Sedum spathulifolium 花蔓草Sempervivum tectorum 长春花/ 长生花Senecio cineraria 银叶菊Senecio rowleyanus 绿之铃Silene armeria / Campion Sweet William catchfly 高雪轮Silene coeli-rosa 红粉雪轮花Solenopsis axillaris 蓝星花Solenostemon scutellaroides / Coleus / Paimted nettle / Flame nettle 彩叶草Star cluster 繁星花学名:Pentas LanceolataStephandra incisa 小野珠兰Stephanotis floribunda 黑蔓藤属Strawflower 麦秆菊Sweet alyssum 香雪球Sunflower / Helianthus annuus 向日葵Synsepalum duleificum / Daniell 神秘果Tagetes / French marigold / Marigold 孔雀草(万寿菊属植物)Tanacetum parthenium / Feverfew 艾菊(玲珑菊)Tellima grandiflora 大穗杯花Thymophylla tenuiloba / Golden fleece 金毛菊/ 金光菊Tiarella / Foam flower 黄水拔Trachystemon orientalis 东方琉璃草Tradescantia 水竹草Tulipa / Tulip 郁金香Vaccinium vitis-idaea / Cranberry 越橘Vanda 万代兰Vinca minor / Lesser periwinkle 小蔓长春花Waldsteinia ternata 林石草Wax begonia 四季海棠Xeranthemum annuum / Immortelle 干花菊Yucca / Magnolia denudata 玉兰Zantedeschia 马蹄莲。