
rim 边缘只有rim是边缘brim 边缘前面加b还不变grim 恐怖的前面加鬼真恐怖trim 修剪整齐前面加t才修剪整齐prim 呆板的p在rim前真呆板prose 单调、散文p到玫瑰上更单调plight 困境扑灭了光就陷入困境pray 祈祷扑在光线下才是祈祷pose 姿势、v.放expose 暴露 放pose在外面=暴露compose 组成com共同 共同地放到一起=组成decompose 分解de向下 把组成的东西向下弄没了=分解depose 免职de向下 往下放=免职despise 轻视、蔑视de向下 spit吐口水 低头向你吐口水deposit 存款、下蛋、沉淀物向下放出来一个东西=下蛋repose 休息re放回来(往回、反复)(阿姨) 放回去=休息reticent 沉默不语的re阿姨ti提cent钱 =沉默不语intimate 亲密的in在里面ti提到mate同伴=在心里总提他==和人家有亲密的关系(夫妻情侣) vigorous 精力充沛的vi六g个or人=六个人在一起=精力充沛ponderous 笨重的胖得要死=笨重的(音)boff 狂笑暴富=狂喜=狂笑quaff 痛饮夸父逐日-喝=痛饮sting 蜇、咬死钉着你(音)=蜇scowl 皱眉头思考--双眉紧锁=皱眉头exhaust 耗尽、精疲力尽的一个早死的他=耗尽robust 强壮的乐百氏--四肢发达头脑简单的强壮luxury 奢侈立氏香皂=有好皮肤---奢侈Nike 胜利女神希腊神话中的胜利女神caste 等级制度卡死他=等级制度frugal 节俭的腐乳就够了=节俭miserly 小气的、吝啬的Mr李 小气鬼bleak 荒凉的只是不B漏水 够荒凉leak 漏,漏水gaunt 憔悴的,苍白的鬼阿姨的脸 苍白的 或 考GRE的姑姑=憔悴的姑姑vaunt 吹牛5个姑姑在一起 吹牛flair 天赋,本能 air天空 鸟在天中飞=天赋flee 逃离,逃跑fl飞离 =逃离flaunt 炫耀fl飞 姑姑--引起别人注意=炫耀haunt 常来常往的地方,鬼h-家 姑姑的家=常来常往的地方神出没的地方jaunt 短途旅行j接姑姑,短途旅行回来daunt 恐吓,威胁打你姑姑=恐吓saunter 闲逛,四处逛S search 找姑姑--闲逛acumen 敏锐,聪明一个男削尖了脑袋埋头事业很=聪明acute 尖的,敏锐的,灵敏的,急性病阿Q们=情商高cute 可爱的,聪明的怎么长得这么cute=可爱chronic 慢性病,慢性的希腊神话 要时间来看的病_慢性病acupuncture 针灸尖 puncture刺=用尖的刺你=针灸punctual 准时的,按时的punctuation 标点centigrade (摄氏)温度century 世纪,百年centipede 蜈蚣百个肢biped 两足动物两只脚的动物paddle 踏板,桨pedpercent 百分比每一百多少cent 分,一分钱decent 合适的,体面的,正派的 充着钱的面子向你低头,说明钱是合适的indecent 不合适的,下流的,不妥当的不合适innocent 无辜的,天真的,单纯的in在兜里no没有cent钱-无辜小朋友兜里没钱=天真incentive (金钱方面的)鼓励,刺激用钱刺激reticent 沉默不语的阿姨提钱=沉默不语intimate 亲密的心里提他intimate relationship 亲密的关系grade 年级degrade 降级de往下 往下降级upgrade 升级,上升up向上 向上升级degraded 低级的,品位低俗的degrade tast 品位低俗的***despise 蔑视,鄙视吐口水split 分裂,分开口水中间加L,把spit分开wallflower 壁花,丑小鸭,局外人墙上的花abnormal 不正常的,异常的,反常的离开了普通的情况就不普通了,反常normal 标准的norm 标准abide 忍受,遵守(法律法规)离开爱的abuse 滥用(职权)离开正常使用范围enormous 相当多的,大量的,巨大的超出标准的,相当多的,大量的tremendous 巨大的,高速的,可怕的让人颤抖的结果end巨大的,可怕的tremble 颤抖船舶(音)颤抖at tremendous speed 以极快的速度irritate 激怒irritable 激怒的激怒的是桌子,irrigate 灌溉灌溉的是大门castigate 惩罚,严惩扔了大门要受 惩罚 i是词素tolerance 忍耐力,耐受力tolerate 忍受,容忍tole金属簿片 rate比率、速度 金属簿片的工作速度很快,要忍受高温--忍disguise 伪装不是那个家伙disgust 恶心的,肮脏的,下流的伪装成他(如花)--恶心的repulsive 恶心的反复蹦,一个东西--恶心pulse 心跳,脉搏retch 干吐,恶心反复re地吐t也吐不出来ch wretch 悲惨,不幸的人我吐也吐不出来--悲惨awfully 恶心的,非常,可怕的You are awfully beautiful. 你非常美强调程度,相当于verycommon 平常的,普通的the commonperson老百姓,平民,大众uncommon 不常见的,不普通的common sense 有常识的有一个普通人所有感情=有常识的nonsense 性情古怪的,胡说八道没有感觉的-性情古怪的没那会事--胡说八道commonplace 平凡的,平庸的,陈腐的平常的地方见到的--平凡的order 顺序disorder 杂乱无章,使神经错乱,混乱没有顺序discover 发现没有覆盖--发现cover 覆盖close 关闭disclose 揭示,揭露like 喜欢dislike 不喜欢,讨厌mentally disordered 精神错乱高的男人很精神mantle 地幔man男人 被t偷了 躲到地下2900多公里的地幔下crust 地壳core 地核,核心co搓re热 核心非常热sentimental 感伤的,伤感的,多愁善感的吃了3T馒头,减肥--愁啊delicate 娇弱的,纤细的,(皮肤)细腻的,敏感的,哀婉的,(五官)精致的,精细的(尤指眼科手术),(化装,颜色,味道)淡淡的plunge into 投入,跳入(水中)水扑到肺里=投入lung 肺potential 潜力,潜能pot罐子ent进入,灯神进入罐子中=潜力permanent 永久的,永恒的per每一个男的都会进入=追求爱情的永恒境界eternal 永恒的,永久的Eternal C.ity 永恒的城市,罗马pledge 发誓必利珠的音,发誓把你家家俱擦得很亮pledge one'seteranl love发山盟海誓eternal fire 长明灯internal 内部的in内部external 外部的ex外部access 接近一再地走路=接近have access to 接近,使用process 前进,加工pro往前走=前进、加工procession 队列,行列ion名词recession 休息,(企业)停业整顿re回来cess走,走回来休息excess 过度,过分,剩余走过了=过度、过分concession 妥协,让步你走一步,我走一步:妥协incessant 不断的,连续的蚂蚁走进去--不断的、连续的blemish 缺点,污点布来迷失是污点blot 肮脏,污点虽然不多,也很脏blight 枯萎见不到光就枯萎blast 爆炸不持续就爆炸blame 责备,责怪炸瘸了腿别怪我 不是瘸子的错count 计算account 计算,说明take into account 考虑在内count (me) in 算我一个count (me) out 别算我countless 数不过来的,不计其数的count数regard (as) 认为regard 凝视,注视best regards 最好的祝福XXOO 亲亲抱抱regardless (of) 不管,不顾peep 偷窥glimpse 一瞥love at first glimpse 一见钟情leer 斜视,送秋波gape 吃惊地看g看,看到猿猴--吃惊ape 猿猴nightmare 噩梦mare 母马gaze 凝视,(感兴趣地)看illusion 幻觉美女一路近=幻觉illuming 照亮,点亮一路明-----照亮observation 观察,引用,评述reference 典故commentary 评论,解说男人在一起评论penalty 点球,惩罚钢笔竖在alt键上,罚点球observe 观察,遵守观察储备觉得是值得保存的reserve 储备阿姨deserve 值得得DEconserve 保存conservation 保存conservative 保守的reservation 印第安人保留地prestige 声望,威信pre前面的那条街st上有i一个哥哥ge因为充满爱心闻名于世nasty 肮脏的,下流的,恶那条街上为什么那么脏心的apply 申请申请获得了批准,非常感激新东方老师approve 批准appreciate 感激,欣赏,认识aggressive 侵略性的一个侵略性的小姑娘,撞了一下attention 引起注意,关心引起了我的注意力attraction 吸引被她吸引了arrange 安排安排了一次约会appointment 约会,任命tent 帐篷attention 注意T双写,一再地伸展开--引起注意content 内容两边共同的伸展=内容intention 打算,意图在内心in伸展=打算patent 专利pa怕伸展出去,申请专利ivy 常春藤iv=4 四季都有树=常春藤boor 粗野的人600朵花,不解风情的人,土人idiot 白痴白痴记不住习语idiom 习语,成语friend 朋友r是一朵花,有花的是朋友,没花的是魔鬼fiend 魔鬼brother 兄弟有花的是兄弟,没花的是打扰你了bother 打扰kernel 果核看到花就有果kennel 狗窝n狗门flail 打(谷子)l扁担打谷子frail 脆弱的r是一朵花,花很脆弱feeble 脆弱的,易受伤害的非常薄的,脆弱的sheer 完全的,纯粹的shear 剪(羊毛)ear耳朵,剪羊毛的时候不剪耳朵shears 大剪刀sprout 发芽有r花的发芽spout 喷发mercy 仁慈神仙拿花来看C你YOUtheme 主题the me这才是我要表达的=主题supreme 至高无上的,最高的超过了神的supreme court 最高法院scheme 计划是想成为车神=定个计划schema 图解,图表是车吗?图解amorous 好色的,淫荡的,多爱摸玫瑰=色情的情的,恋爱的morose 郁闷的没有玫瑰的=郁闷的obscene 淫秽的,下流的我不看adept 有技巧的,娴熟的E付明霞,像她那样要有技巧adopt 采纳,收养套圈O,套上就是你的,采纳,收养也要选择一下(套)adapt 适应近朱者赤,近墨者黑,靠近A的就是A=适应discount 打折少算一点=打折on sale (A.mE)打折出售,(B.rE)在热卖中for sale (4 sale) 打折出售,降价出售make up for 补偿,弥补makeup 外包装make-up 补考make for 朝...走去make out 辨认,理解look out 小心,当心titanic 巨大的ic结尾的是形容词titan 巨人希腊神话atlas 地图集titan的首领acknowledge 承认,告知,感谢admit 承认admit sth ,不跟位置搭配ad一再地送出去,就是承认了commit 委托,犯(错误)放在一起送出去--委托commit ablunder (crime)犯错误(罪)commit suicide 自杀omit 忽略,省略送出去,变成0了,省略mission 任务送出去的是任务commission 委托,委任,佣金,回扣共同地送出去--委托MIT 麻省理工学院arithmetic 数学,算术汤姆家中的一只小老鼠可能吃了他的冰激凌emit 发射transmit (文化,疾病)传播,(广播,电视节目)传送hermit 隐士把老婆都送出去了就是隐士attribute (to) 归因于,归咎于一再地给过去==归因于contribute (to) 贡献,对...起作用共同的都给出去了=贡献retribution 回报re回来 给回来=回报tribute 贡品identify 辨认,识别 f 找-辨认identity 身份t 身体UFO Unidentified Flying Object飞碟,不明飞行物balk 拒绝,阻止罢课--拒绝,阻止protest 抗议提前考试---抗议contest 校际或校内之间的比赛共同参加一个考试context 上下文,事情的来龙去脉共同的文本,上下文pretext 借口事先编好的文本-----借口texture 质地,结构文本,本质的东西----质地、结构admit 承认admission 承认,允许进入admission office 入学办公室commit 犯(错误)commit a blunder 犯错误commit a crime 犯罪commission 委任,委托,佣金,回扣emit 放射,发射E网上送出去,放射emission 放射,发射submit 屈服,服从submission 屈服,服从在下面,低头给你送东西submarine 潜水艇水下传奇 mar 传奇transmit (疾病,文化,电交换着来改变----传播视)传播transmission (疾病,文化,电视)传播admire 赞美,羡慕,钦佩mirage 海市蜃楼传奇时代---海市蜃楼令人神奇的东西peer 因为有困难而努力的ee想成眼睛眯起来看be acquainted with 熟悉negative 否定的你个踢我的negligible 微不足道的,可以忽不需要做的事略的eligible 合格的做出来的=合格的intelligible 可理解的,可明白的告诉你怎么去做=可理解的vigorous 精力充沛的六个人energetic 精力充沛的英国人得到IC集成电路--精力充沛robust 强壮的trivial 琐碎的,不重要的三姑六婆virose 有毒的六朵玫瑰=有毒的virus 病毒美国的六朵花=病毒evident 明显的露出六颗牙=明显的e出来dentist 牙科医生denture 假牙edentate 无齿类动物e没有 没有牙齿的vivid 生动的,鲜艳的唯唯豆奶,欢乐开怀=生动的revive 复活复活survive 幸存,存活一直活=幸存vivisect 活体解剖活着就把你给切了dissect 解剖切开来dissecting room 解剖室shatter 粉碎,打碎沙特 8比0输了,被粉碎了acme 顶点AC米兰队--顶点的deficient 不足的,缺乏的de向下 向下做--不够proficient 有技巧的,熟练的,往前做的--有技巧的娴熟的efficient 有效的,高效的通过做而出来的sufficient 足够的,充足的一直在做,就足够了urgent 紧急的ur你ge哥哥ent进来=紧急的perpetual 永久的per一直,一直在追求centripetal 向心的往中间去追求centrifugal 离心的从中心往外逃走constant 永恒的君斯坦丁堡=康斯坦丁大帝--想永恒permeate 弥漫,扩散每一块肉--病毒扩散到每一块肉上regulate 制定政策法规,调整re阿姨gu故意late晚=阿姨故意来晚relieve 缓和,缓解阿姨理我=缓和,缓解brief 简洁的不简洁,哥悲伤,阿姨说谎为缓解grief 悲伤relief 缓解retire 退休阿姨累了=退休exhaust 筋疲力尽早死resent 愤怒反复送,送不出去--愤怒retinue 随从人员阿姨帮你踢牛=随从boring 烦的抱阿姨=很烦bo老板 ring打电话老板打电话来--很烦bare 裸露的,赤裸的bar没了,就裸露了coordinate 相协调的都一样了=相协调的ordinary 普通的subordinate 次要的,从属的连普通都不如correct 正确的labor 劳动collaborate (文化,艺术)合作辅音,双写加co。

expose 暴露
propose 建议;求婚
compose 创作,组成
depose 降职,免职
01-5 Unit 1
deposit 下蛋
lay 说谎;位于;躺;下蛋
ambition to do….
curse 诅咒
rim 边缘
brim 边缘
grim 恐怖
trim v.修剪 adj. 整齐
prim 端庄的
pu ke (扑克) -> puke 呕吐
chou -> 蝴蝶结:女朋友 ->chou(臭)
骉 犇 羴 鱻
Δ = b2 - 4ac
haunt :常来常往的地方,鬼神出没的地方,萦绕心头难以忘记
aunt 姑姑 h(ome)家
haunted room 鬼屋
memory haunted me 往事历历在目
amendment 修正案
gloomy 很多名词后加-y就成为形容词
dirt 灰尘 - dirty 肮脏的,下流的

51 列*10 行Unitl 51 列*10 行Unit1 extensive a.广泛的广阔的vanish v消失frighten V.吓唬使惊惧illuminate V.阐明照亮appreciate v.涨价,欣赏,感激intense a.强烈剧烈紧张的vision n. v视力;想象力enlarge V.扩大放大illumine V.照明点亮approve v.批准,认可,赞成hypertension n.高血压visible a.明显的lengthen V.延长使变长luminous a.发光的appeal v./ n.呼吁,上诉commonsense a.有常识的invisible a.无形的;看不见的lessen V.使减少减轻illusion n.幻觉apply V申请nonsense n.无常识,胡说八道revise n.修订;修改strengthen V.加强巩固elude vt.躲避逃避使困惑attention n.注意sensitive(to) a.敏感的visit n.访问;参观widen V.加宽放宽elope vi.私奔attract vt.吸引,诱惑hypersensitive a.过敏,高灵敏度的supervise vt.监督,管理encourage vt .鼓励怂恿antelope n.羚羊appointment n.任命,约会insensitive a.对…没有感觉的glimpse V.(无意的)一撇discourage vt .使气馁阻碍envelope n.信封,彗星的慧发arrange vt.排列,安排,整理senseless a.不省人事无知觉scene n.场面;情景片段inform V.通知,告诉slope n.斜坡倾斜面transplant v.移居者sensible a.明智的有感觉的adapt(to) vi.(近a者a)适应formal a.正式的,正规的image n.像…,映像,形象transform v.改变,变换,运行resolve vt.使分(溶)解袂定adapt(for) vt.改变…以适合formation n.形成,队形imagine v想象n想象力transformation n.转化;转换resort V.求助adopt vt.采纳;选择;收养reform n. v.改革,革新damage v.n.损害,毁坏transport v.运输,传输request n.v.请求,要求bring vt.拿来带来引起uniform n.制服a.统一的manage vt管理vi设法对付transmit vt.传送,传播reserve n./ v.预订(房)储备receive vt.收到受到;接待transform vt.改变,转换cottage n.村舍小屋transaction n.交易,业务decrease V.减少降低perceive vt傥察deprive vt.剥夺,使丧失vivid a生动的形象的translate vt.翻译n译文increase n.增加,增长deceive vt.欺骗,蒙蔽derive (from)V.获取,得自,起源revive--revival v使复活复兴--n. transfer nv转移转学过户detest vt.厌恶,憎恨conceive(of) V构想;设想;怀孕vital a.至关重要有活力survive--survival vi活下来幸存--n transparent a.透明的define vt .解释意义下定义rise vi.升起;起立considerable a.重要的,相当大的bright a.闪光的明亮的attack V攻击definite a.一定的确切的arise vi.产生,出现vigorous a.精力充沛的living a.活着的,有生命的burst v. n爆裂,一阵阵的indefinite a.模糊的不确定的arouse V引起;唤醒virtue n.优点美德colorful a颜色丰富的鲜的split v. n.劈开撕裂confine v.限定n.界限边界raise vt.n.举起;抚养virose a.有毒的,headline n.打字标题blast n.v.强气流,爆炸refine V.提炼净化精炼tedious a.乏味的冗长的violent a.猛烈的暴力的lank A瘦削细长平直的last n.最后;持续affinity n.密切关系吸引力embarrassing vt.使尴尬violate vt.违反,违背flank n.侧翼v位于侧面clast n.碎片infinite a.无限的无穷的bargain nv交易便宜货navigate vi.航行,驾驶plank n.厚板,板条elastic a.n灵活弹性松紧带final a.最后的最终的barren a.贫瘠;不(生)育的a ggressive a.侵略的,攻击性的rank n.等级v排列归类slight a.苗条的,轻微的finish V.完成结束barbarian a.野蛮的n.野蛮人progress n./ vi.前进,进步crank v弯曲而行n曲柄light n.光,光线v.点燃delight 引以为乐barbarous a.野蛮的congress n.大会国会议会frank a坦白直率真诚的flight n.飞行depart vi.离开启程a.逝世barrier n栅栏,障碍物digress V.偏差,偏离prank n.恶作剧v打扮delight v. n使高兴热衷desire vt.渴望期望boring a.令人厌烦,乏味的elude vt.逃避,躲避heaven n天国天堂alight vi.点燃defend vt .保卫防卫annoy vt.使恼怒,使烦恼proclaim vt.正式宣布,声明haven n.避难所,安全的地blight n.枯萎;荒芜transfer nv转移转学过户bother v打扰使恼怒n麻烦reclaim vt.矫正,回收Unit2 Unit2 plight n.困境transform V.改变,变换,运行brother n.兄弟,教友,同胞exclaim V.尖叫,大叫loom v.若隐若现n.织机vigorous a.有力精力充沛的transmit vt.传送,传播mortal a.致命,终有一死的claim V.要求认领索赔bloom vn.使开花使旺盛transparent a.透光的,显然的transport V.运输mental a.精神的智力的acclaim n.v.向喝彩欢呼宣布gloom n.忧郁,忧愁apparent a.显然的,表面上的passport n.护照fundamental a.基本,n.基本(原理declaim V.抨击,演讲gloomy a.黑暗阴沉郁闷的mild a.温和的;轻微的export v输岀岀口n.岀口vital a.至关重要有活力ignite V.点燃squeeze V压榨挤;挤着行动slight adj.轻微的import v.进口引进n.进口total a.全体的n.总数ignore V.不理睬忽视breeze n.微风light n.光porter n.守门人搬运工capital n首都,资本ignorant a.无知识的,不知道freeze V.使结冰使冷冻tender a.柔软嫩易受伤的support V.支持digital a.数字的;数码的igloo n.共拱形建筑物subject v屈从n主题科目a delicious a.好吃的glance V.(快速的)一撇;talent n天资,天才fatigue n.疲乏劳累object n物体v发对拒绝desire vt.渴望期望glimpse V.(无意的)一撇capacity n容积,能力stimulate V.刺激激动reject v拒绝n反对之人depart vi.离开启程a.逝世gape n.v.(目登口呆)凝视c apture vt.捕获nasty a.恶心的肮脏的inject vt.注射drag vt.拖拉;拽peep V.偷窥escape V.逃跑,逃脱crystal a.n.水晶结晶状的project n计划方案设计dense a.浓厚的;稠密的overlook vt .俯瞰鸟瞰ensure vt.保证保护赋予strategy n.战略策略aspire vi渴望热望立志condense V.压缩浓缩delay V.推迟、拖延insure vt.给…保险contrast n.v.对比差异hesitate V犹豫踌躇density n.密度relay n.接替(人员)assure vt.使确信确保strip v.剥,夺取n.条带candidate n.候选人投考者immense a.宏伟巨大的inspire vt鼓励;鼓舞enable vt.使能够使可能stage n.舞台戏剧阶段considerate a考虑周到的sense n.感官感觉spirit n.精神enclose vt.圈住围住附上strain V.拉紧尽力adulate vt奉承献媚tense a紧张的v使拉紧张expire V.断气;期满;终止encounter vt.遭遇遇到偶遇stable a.稳定不变n.马厩imitate vt效法模仿tension n.压力perspire vt.使流汗entitle vt.取名给…权利establish V.成立建立despair(of) vi绝望失望intensive a.集中的n.加强器aspire vi.渴望;立志;追求enforce vt.强制执行加强excite vt .使激动兴奋urge vt催促怂恿urgent a.紧急急切的expand v扩大skim v t扫视evident a明显显著的luggage n行李皮箱talent n.天才才能人才electron n电子slim a苗条纤细的violent a猛烈的狂暴的ridge n脊屋脊山脊permanent a持久永久常任的electronic a电子的observe vt观察遵守评述violate vt违反破坏giant n巨人大力士potential n潜能电压a潜在的atom n原子reserve vt保留备用预定vibra n振动isolate vt使孤立使隔离eminent a优秀的杰岀的adequate a足够的deserve vt应得应受vibrate v振动颤动image n形象映像prominent a突岀显著的affect vt影响侵略preserve vt保存保藏vital a充满活力的prestige n威信威望声誉request vt请求要求effect n影响后果overlook vt俯瞰俯视navigate vi航行idle a空闲的v虚度revenue n收入税收elaborate a精心制作精细的glance(down at) v一瞥via prep经由途经island n岛屿avenue n林荫道大街evaporate v(使)蒸发消失combine v联合结合vice n罪恶不道德行为spare v节约a多余的relief--relieve n(痛苦)减轻缓解effort n努力fade v枯萎褪色vague a模糊不清楚的share n分享vt共享brief n摘要大纲a简短的eliminate vt淘汰删除fatal a致命毁灭的ashamed a惭愧羞耻的hare n野兔grief —v. grieve n悲伤emerge v出现显现fertile a肥沃富饶的clash nv撞击冲突ware n商品货物陶器regulate vt管理控制调节submerge v浸入淹没fertilizer n肥料crash nv碰撞堕落失事irritable a易怒急躁的bare a赤裸的仅有的evolve v发展使进化float v漂浮smash nv击碎打击irrigate v灌溉bore n令人讨厌的人v.incline v使倾斜认为愿意feeble a虚弱薄弱的ash n灰灰烬stable a稳定的fare n运费车费decline v下降衰落谢绝flee v逃走cash n现金establish vt 建立grey a.灰色灰白的acquaint vt使熟悉认识compete vi竞争竞赛tender a嫩的纤弱的comfortable a舒适的grease n动物脂油脂schedule n.时表vt确定时间pet n宠物distinguish v辨别辨认vegetable n植物蔬菜ore n矿砂矿石naive a天真的petrol n汽油distress nv痛苦悲伤苦难moderate a中等的retire v退休退出ban n.禁令vt禁止appetite n食欲胃口diverse a不同的mode n方式concern vt涉及关系schema n图解图表纲要carpet n地毯digest v消化model n模型careful a谨慎小心的bare a无遮蔽空的cargo n货物重负annoy vt使烦恼生气modest a谦虚的谦让的considerable a相当大多的bachelor n单身汉学士carrot n胡萝卜bore v令人厌烦humble a谦逊的下降的considerate a体贴的考虑周到leisure n休闲娱乐caricature n讽刺画漫画tedious a乏味的沉闷的modify vt更改修改exceed vt超过,胜过,越出mature a成熟充分考虑的carpenter n木匠bother v烦扰打扰moral a道德上精神上的proceed vi继续下去,进行moist a潮湿的vicar n牧师brother n兄弟invest v投资external a外部客观的dump a哑的coincide(from) vi与…巧合astonish vt使吃惊investgate v调查研究exchange n交换互换jam v挤入塞入n果酱conclude v结束,圆满解决amaze vt使惊奇吃惊castigate vt严惩excursion n远足游览loom v.若隐若现n.织机exclude vt拒绝排斥ignore vt不理睬忽视navigate v航行exit n出口太平门calm a(天气)平静的v include vt包含包括gang n 一队(工人囚犯)navy n海军except vt/prep 把…除外dim a模糊昏暗的preclude vt防止杜绝goose n鹅雌鹅naval a海军的accept vt接收收下inquire(of,about) vt询问retain vt留住保留guess v猜测推测irrigate v灌溉concept n概念观念思想require vt需求要求命令sustain vt支撑撑住承受hook n钓钩v钓irritable a易怒急躁的exclaim v惊叫大声说acquire vt获得取得maintain vt保持维持赡养humor n幽默幽默感altitude n(海拔)高度excess n超过过量过分request n.vt 请求要求contain vt包含抑制vi自制demonstrate vt示范证明approach v走进靠近n方法extend v延长延伸quest n.寻求container n容器集装箱demon n魔鬼极残忍的人pray v祈祷祈求attend v岀席到场留意inquest n.侦查调查验尸pertain(to) vi属于关于适合exaggerate v夸大夸张praise vt赞美赞扬contend v竞争争取conquest n.攻占占领征服entertain vt款待招待使快乐moderate a中等适度的pride n自尊使骄傲intend v打算想要计划bequest n.遗赠遗产attain vt获得得到generate vt产生发生poverty n贫穷贫困pretend v伪装假装proficient n专家a.娴熟的obtain v得到获得penetrate v穿透进入pour v流倾斜anxious a忧虑焦虑的efficient a.有效高效的remain vi停留继续存在glitter(with) vi闪闪发光loop n圆,环effective a有效的sufficient a.充足足够的tremendous a巨大的惊人的defend vt保卫防卫flaunt v炫耀标榜effect n影响后果deficient a.不足的tremble nv战栗颤抖offend v攻击冒犯haunt vt.n.常去(的地方)defect v变节背叛n缺点artifical a.人造人工的legend n传说传奇grope vi搜索搜寻daunt vt使胆怯气馁affect vt影响侵略beneficial a.有利有益的bend v使弯曲,屈服glove n手套dart n标枪v投掷perfect a完美的完善的superficial a.表面肤浅的mend vt修理修补groom n马夫新郎prescribe v开药方命令infect vt传染感染superior a.高位上面优良的appendix n附录附属品阑尾grip vt掌握控制抓住ascribe vt归因于归属于efficient a有效的效率高的super a.美妙极佳的vigorous a精力充沛的ghost n鬼幽灵describe vt描述描绘engine n发动机引擎supermarket n超级市场robust a精力充沛强壮的gesture n姿势手势subscribe v订阅签署evident a明显的显者的supreme a至咼无上的energetic a精神饱满的glue n胶水v粘合float v漂浮exhaust v用完耗尽n排气管potential a可能潜在的veteran n老兵老手genius n天才天赋gamble n赌输,冒…的险51 列*10 行Unitl a.广泛的广阔的V消失V.吓唬使惊惧V.阐明照亮 a.紧急急切的v扩大v t扫视a明显显著的V.涨价,欣赏,感激a.强烈剧烈紧张的n. v视力;想象力V.扩大放大V.照明点亮n.天才才能人才n电子a苗条纤细的a猛烈的狂暴的V.批准,认可,赞成n.高血压 a.明显的V.延长使变长 a.发光的a持久永久常任的a电子的vt观察遵守评述vt违反破坏v./ n.呼吁,上诉 a.有常识的 a.无形的;看不见的V.使减少减轻n.幻觉n潜能电压a潜在的n原子vt保留备用预定n振动V申请n.无常识,胡说八道n.修订;修改V.加强巩固vt.躲避逃避使困惑a优秀的杰岀的a足够的vt应得应受v振动颤动n.注意 a.敏感的n.访问;参观V.加宽放宽vi.私奔a突岀显著的vt影响侵略vt保存保藏a充满活力的vt.吸引,诱惑 a.过敏,高灵敏度的vt.监督,管理vt .鼓励怂恿n.羚羊vt请求要求n影响后果vt俯瞰俯视vi航行n.任命,约会 a.对…没有感觉的V.(无意的)一撇vt .使气馁阻碍n.信封,彗星的慧发n收入税收a精心制作精细的v一瞥prep经由途经vt.排列,安排,整理a.不省人事无知觉n.场面;情景片段V.通知,告诉n.斜坡倾斜面n林荫道大街v(使)蒸发消失v联合结合n罪恶不道德行为V.移居者 a.明智的有感觉的vi.(近a者a)适应 a.正式的,正规的n.像…,映像,形象n(痛苦)减轻缓解n努力v枯萎褪色a模糊不清楚的V.改变,变换,运行vt.使分(溶)解,决vt.改变…以适合n.形成,队形v想象n想象力n摘要大纲a简短的vt淘汰删除a致命毁灭的a惭愧羞耻的n.转化;转换V.求助vt.采纳;选择;收养n. v.改革,革新v.n损害,毁坏n悲伤v出现显现a肥沃富饶的nv撞击冲突V.运输,传输n.v.请求,要求vt.拿来带来引起n.制服a.统一的vt管理vi设法对付vt管理控制调节v浸入淹没n肥料nv碰撞堕落失事Vt.传送,传播n./ v.预订(房)储备vt.收到受到;接待vt.改变,转换n.村舍小屋a赤裸的仅有的v发展使进化v漂浮nv击碎打击n.交易,业务V.减少降低vt傥察vt .剥夺,使丧失a生动的形象的n令人讨厌的人v.v使倾斜认为愿意a虚弱薄弱的n灰灰烬Vt.翻译n.译文n.增加,增长vt.欺骗,蒙蔽V.获取,得自,起源v使复活复兴--n. n运费车费v下降衰落谢绝v逃走n现金nV转移转学过户vt.厌恶,憎恨V构想;设想;怀孕 a.至关重要有活力vi活下来幸存--n a.灰色灰白的vt使熟悉认识vi竞争竞赛a嫩的纤弱的a.透明的vt.解释意义下定义vi.升起;起立 a.重要的,相当大的 a.闪光的明亮的n动物脂油脂n.时表vt确定时间n宠物v辨别辨认V攻击 a.一定的确切的vi.产生,出现 a.精力充沛的 a.活着的,有生命的n矿砂矿石a天真的n汽油nv痛苦悲伤苦难V. n爆裂,一阵阵的 a.模糊的不确定的v引起;唤醒n.优点美德a颜色丰富的鲜的v退休退出n.禁令vt禁止n食欲胃口a不同的V. n.劈开撕裂v.限定n.界限边界vt.n.举起;抚养 a.有毒的,n.打字标题vt涉及关系n图解图表纲要n地毯v消化n.V.强气流,爆炸V.提炼净化精炼 a.乏味的冗长的 a.猛烈的暴力的A瘦削细长平直的a谨慎小心的a无遮蔽空的n货物重负vt使烦恼生气n.最后;持续n.密切关系吸引力vt.使尴尬vt.违反,违背n.侧翼v位于侧面a相当大多的n单身汉学士n胡萝卜v令人厌烦n.碎片 a.无限的无穷的nv交易便宜货vi.航行,驾驶n.厚板,板条a体贴的考虑周到n休闲娱乐n讽刺画漫画a乏味的沉闷的a.n灵活弹性松紧带 a.最后的最终的 a.贫瘠;不(生)育的 a.侵略的,攻击性的n.等级v排列归类vt超过,胜过,越出a成熟充分考虑的n木匠v烦扰打扰a.苗条的,轻微的V.完成结束 a.野蛮的n.野蛮人n./ vi.前进,进步v弯曲而行n曲柄vi继续下去,进行a潮湿的n牧师n兄弟n.光,光线v.点燃引以为乐 a.野蛮的n.大会国会议会a坦白直率真诚的a外部客观的a哑的vi 与…巧合vt使吃惊n.飞行vi.离开启程a.逝世n栅栏,障碍物V.偏差,偏离n.恶作剧v打扮n交换互换v挤入塞入n果酱v结束,圆满解决vt使惊奇吃惊v. n使高兴热衷vt.渴望期望 a.令人厌烦,乏味的vt.逃避,躲避n天国天堂n远足游览v.若隐若现n.织机vt拒绝排斥vt不理睬忽视vi.点燃vt.保卫防卫vt.使恼怒,使烦恼vt.正式宣布,声明n.避难所,安全的地n出口太平门a(天气)平静的v vt包含包括n 一队(工人囚犯)n.枯萎;荒芜nv转移转学过户v打扰使恼怒n麻烦vt .矫正,回收P68 Unit2 vt/prep 把…除外a模糊昏暗的vt防止杜绝n鹅雌鹅n.困境V.改变,变换,运行n.兄弟,教友,同胞V.尖叫,大叫v若隐若现n.织机vt接收收下vt询问vt留住保留v猜测推测a.有力精力充沛的vt.传送,传播 a.致命,终有一死的V.要求认领索赔vn.使开花使旺盛n概念观念思想vt需求要求命令vt支撑撑住承受n钓钩v钓a.透光的,显然的V.运输 a.精神的智力的n.v.向喝彩欢呼宣布n.忧郁,忧愁v惊叫大声说vt获得取得vt保持维持赡养n幽默幽默感a.显然的,表面上的n.护照 a.基本,n.基本(原理V.抨击,演讲 a.黑暗阴沉郁闷的n超过过量过分n.vt 请求要求vt包含抑制vi自制vt示范证明a.温和的;轻微的v.输岀岀口n.岀口 a.至关重要有活力V.点燃V压榨挤;挤着行动v延长延伸n.寻求n容器集装箱n魔鬼极残忍的人adj.轻微的v.进口引进n.进口 a.全体的n.总数V.不理睬忽视n.微风v岀席到场留意n.侦查调查验尸vi属于关于适合v夸大夸张n.光n.守门人搬运工n首都,资本 a.无知识的,不知道V.使结冰使冷冻v竞争争取n.攻占占领征服vt款待招待使快乐a中等适度的a.柔软嫩易受伤的V.支持 a.数字的;数码的n.共拱形建筑物v屈从n主题科目a v打算想要计划n.遗赠遗产vt获得得到vt产生发生a.好吃的V.(快速的)一撇;n天资,天才n.疲乏劳累n物体v发对拒绝v伪装假装n专家a.娴熟的v得到获得v穿透进入vt.渴望期望V.(无意的)一撇n容积,能力y刺激激动v拒绝n反对之人a忧虑焦虑的 a.有效高效的vi停留继续存在vi闪闪发光vi.离开启程a.逝世n.v.(目登口呆)凝视vt.捕获 a.恶心的肮脏的vt.注射a有效的 a.充足足够的a巨大的惊人的vt保卫防卫vt.拖拉;拽V.偷窥V.逃跑,逃脱 a.n.水晶结晶状的n计划方案设计n影响后果 a.不足的nv战栗颤抖v攻击冒犯a.浓厚的;稠密的vt.俯瞰鸟瞰vt.保证保护赋予n.战略策略vi渴望热望立志v变节背叛n缺点 a.人造人工的n传说传奇vi搜索搜寻V.压缩浓缩V.推迟、拖延vt.给…保险n.v.对比差异V犹豫踌躇vt影响侵略 a.有利有益的v使弯曲,屈服n手套n.密度n.接替(人员)vt.使确信确保v剥,夺取n.条带n.候选人投考者a完美的完善的 a.表面肤浅的vt修理修补n马夫新郎a.宏伟巨大的vt鼓励;鼓舞vt.使能够使可能n.舞台戏剧阶段a考虑周到的vt传染感染 a.高位上面优良的n附录附属品阑尾vt掌握控制抓住n.感官感觉n.精神vt.圈住围住附上V.拉紧尽力vt奉承献媚a有效的效率高的 a.美妙极佳的a精力充沛的n鬼幽灵a紧张的v.使拉紧张v.断气;期满;终止vt.遭遇遇到偶遇 a.稳定不变n.马厩vt效法模仿n发动机引擎n超级市场a精力充沛强壮的n姿势手势n.压力vt.使流汗vt.取名给…权利V.成立建立vi绝望失望a明显的显者的a至咼无上的a精神饱满的n胶水v粘合a.集中的n.加强器vi.渴望;立志;追求vt.强制执行加强vt .使激动兴奋vt催促怂恿v用完耗尽n排气管a可能潜在的n老兵老手n天才天赋n行李皮箱n脊屋脊山脊n巨人大力士vt使孤立使隔离n形象映像n威信威望声誉a空闲的v虚度n岛屿v节约a多余的n分享vt共享n野兔n商品货物陶器a易怒急躁的v灌溉a稳定的vt 建立a舒适的n植物蔬菜a中等的n方式n模型a谦虚的谦让的a谦逊的下降的vt更改修改a道德上精神上的v投资v调查研究vt严惩v航行n海军a海军的v灌溉a易怒急躁的n(海拔)高度v走进靠近n方法v祈祷祈求vt赞美赞扬n自尊使骄傲n贫穷贫困v流倾斜n圆,环v炫耀标榜vt.n.常去(的地方)vt使胆怯气馁n标枪v 投掷v开药方命令vt 归因于归属于vt描述描绘v订阅签署v漂浮n赌输,冒…的险51 列*10 行Unitl extensive vanish frighten illuminate urgent expand skim evident luggage appreciate intense vision enlarge illumine talent electron slim violent ridge approve hypertension visible lengthen luminous permanent electronic observe violate giant appeal commonsense invisible lessen illusion potential atom reserve vibra isolateapply nonsense revise strengthen elude eminent adequate deserve vibrate image attention sensitive(to) visit widen elope prominent affect preserve vital prestigeattract hypersensitive supervise encourage antelope request effect overlook navigate idleappointment insensitive glimpse discourage envelope revenue elaborate glance(down at) via island arrange senseless scene inform slope avenue evaporate combine vice spare transplant sensible adapt(to) formal image relief--relieve effort fade vague share transform resolve adapt(for) formation imagine brief eliminate fatal ashamed hare transformation resort adopt reform damage grief—v. grieve emerge fertile clash ware transport request bring uniform manage regulate submerge fertilizer crash irritable transmit reserve receive transform cottage bare evolve float smash irrigate transaction decrease perceive deprive vivid bore incline feeble ash stabletranslate increase deceive derive (from)revive--revival fare decline flee cash establish transfer detest conceive(of) vital survive--survival grey acquaint compete tender comfortable transparent define rise considerable bright grease schedule pet distinguish vegetableattack definite arise vigorous living ore naive petrol distress moderate burst indefinite arouse virtue colorful retire ban appetite diverse modesplit confine raise virose headline concern schema carpet digest modelblast refine tedious violent lank careful bare cargo annoy modestlast affinity embarrassing violate flank considerable bachelor carrot bore humble clast infinite bargain navigate plank considerate leisure caricature tedious modify elastic final barren aggressive rank exceed mature carpenter bother moralslight finish barbarian progress crank proceed moist vicar brother investlight delight barbarous congress frank external dump coincide(from) astonish investgate flight depart barrier digress prank exchange jam conclude amaze castigate delight desire boring elude heaven excursion loom exclude ignore navigate alight defend annoy proclaim haven exit calm include gang navyblight transfer bother reclaim Unit2 except dim preclude goose navalplight transform brother exclaim loom accept inquire(of,about) retain guess irrigate vigorous transmit mortal claim bloom concept require sustain hook irritable transparent transport mental acclaim gloom exclaim acquire maintain humor altitude apparent passport fundamental declaim gloomy excess request contain demonstrate approach mild export vital ignite squeeze extend quest container demon prayslight import total ignore breeze attend inquest pertain(to) exaggerate praiselight porter capital ignorant freeze contend conquest entertain moderate pride tender support digital igloo subject intend bequest attain generate poverty delicious glance talent fatigue object pretend proficient obtain penetrate pourdesire glimpse capacity stimulate reject anxious efficient remain glitter(with) loopdepart gape capture nasty inject effective sufficient tremendous defend flauntdrag peep escape crystal project effect deficient tremble offend haunt dense overlook ensure strategy aspire defect artifical legend grope daunt condense delay insure contrast hesitate affect beneficial bend glove dart density relay assure strip candidate perfect superficial mend groom prescribe immense inspire enable stage considerate infect superior appendix grip ascribe sense spirit enclose strain adulate efficient super vigorous ghost describe tense expire encounter stable imitate engine supermarket robust gesture subscribe tension perspire entitle establish despair(of) evident supreme energetic glue float intensive aspire enforce excite urge exhaust potential veteran genius gamble51 列*5 行Unitl extensive vanish frighten illuminate appreciate intense vision enlarge illumine approve hypertension visible lengthen luminous appeal commonsense invisible lessen illusionapply nonsense revise strengthen eludeattention sensitive(to) visit widen elopeattract hypersensitive supervise encourage antelope appointment insensitive glimpse discourage envelope arrange senseless scene inform slopetransplant sensible adapt(to) formal image transform resolve adapt(for) formation imagine transformation resort adopt reform damage transport request bring uniform manage transmit reserve receive transform cottage transaction decrease perceive deprive vividtranslate increase deceive derive (from)revive--revival transfer detest conceive(of) vital survive--survival transparent define rise considerable brightattack definite arise vigorous livingburst indefinite arouse virtue colorfulsplit confine raise virose headlineblast refine tedious violent lanklast affinity embarrassing violate flankclast infinite bargain navigate plankelastic final barren aggressive rankslight finish barbarian progress cranklight delight barbarous congress frankflight depart barrier digress prankdelight desire boring elude heavenalight defend annoy proclaim havenblight transfer bother reclaim Unit2 plight transform brother exclaim loomvigorous transmit mortal claim bloom transparent transport mental acclaim gloomapparent passport fundamental declaim gloomymild export vital ignite squeezeslight import total ignore breezelight porter capital ignorant freezetender support digital igloo subject delicious glance talent fatigue objectdesire glimpse capacity stimulate rejectdepart gape capture nasty injectdrag peep escape crystal projectdense overlook ensure strategy aspire condense delay insure contrast hesitatedensity relay assure strip candidate immense inspire enable stage considerate sense spirit enclose strain adulatetense expire encounter stable imitatetension perspire entitle establish despair(of) intensive aspire enforce excite urgeurgent expand skim evident luggage talent electron slim violent ridge permanent electronic observe violate giantpotential atom reserve vibra isolate eminent adequate deserve vibrate image prominent affect preserve vital prestige request effect overlook navigate idle revenue elaborate glance(down at) via island avenue evaporate combine vice sparerelief--relieve effort fade vague sharebrief eliminate fatal ashamed haregrief —v. grieve emerge fertile clash ware regulate submerge fertilizer crash irritable bare evolve float smash irrigate bore incline feeble ash stablefare decline flee cash establish grey acquaint compete tender comfortable grease schedule pet distinguish vegetable ore naive petrol distress moderate retire ban appetite diverse mode concern schema carpet digest model careful bare cargo annoy modest considerable bachelor carrot bore humble considerate leisure caricature tedious modify exceed mature carpenter bother moral proceed moist vicar brother invest external dump coincide(from) astonish investgate exchange jam conclude amaze castigate excursion loom exclude ignore navigate exit calm include gang navy except dim preclude goose naval accept inquire(of,about) retain guess irrigate concept require sustain hook irritable exclaim acquire maintain humor altitude excess request contain demonstrate approach extend quest container demon prayattend inquest pertain(to) exaggerate praisecontend conquest entertain moderate pride intend bequest attain generate poverty pretend proficient obtain penetrate pour anxious efficient remain glitter(with) loop effective sufficient tremendous defend flaunt effect deficient tremble offend haunt defect artifical legend grope daunt affect beneficial bend glove dartperfect superficial mend groom prescribe infect superior appendix grip ascribe efficient super vigorous ghost describe engine supermarket robust gesture subscribe evident supreme energetic glue float exhaust potential veteran genius gambleinform admit identical exaggerate wonderful assemble hermit original circulate inncentburst emit superficial calculate assemble mercy omit beneficial articulate accumulate lonely commit optional speculate pile impression submit essential access compile opportunity elaborate synthetical excess joinbusy convey hostile incessant unit6 indifferent contribute tedious process eventcelebrity inform fantastic procession incident effective transform optimistic success casepose conform dynamic avenue affairfantasy uniform diplomatic revenue denymission formal specific exposure declineplunge reform heroic edge deprive motion deform aggressive hedge reject unit5 acquaint adopt pledge propertyfarewell quaint adapt fledge estimate symbol enlighten alarm contract climate sympathetic exhaust allege tractor poverty temper mood canal extract exploit passion mission crystal abstract frustrate protest manner install subtract profitcontest vision alone attract misleading detest annual trivial shrink mistake punish favorite astonish mercy misunderstand protection valid flourish virtue originate protect prevalent furnish brother exhaustdetect prevail polish bother generate architect fashion publish broth estimate project effective vanish tropic prescribe desire depart feedback topic orderdoubtful descend nuisance brush deliverdisgust descent outline bush afford disguise decrease layout frighten affable repulsive increase outcome slim affinity impulse depress outdoors dissolve affraynasty press outlet mature betrayawful impress outlook premature strayretch express output deliberate distribute despise compress outset meaningful packspit depression outside awful praysplit recession outward careful undertake survive expense desperation doubtful scoldsurface rescue decisive faithful overcome surrender recover forceful fruitful multiply survey prosperity advance grateful display suspend guilt frustrate handful applysuffer blame grant painful accuse subscribe charge imply peaceful ignore transmit accusation remedy powerful forbidguilt spoil flash curiousflash lash flame flare ease retreat restrain release disease lease please crease cease seek stimulate subscribe secure insert exert desert assert impose pitch witch switch hitch ditch plunge certainly certain uncertain certify clarify classify identify justify adjust modify qualify simplifyspecify verily insignificantly fundmentally comparatively compare comparable parallel paralyze analyze analogy install equip devise format tend tender cultivate tame breed revise rewrite reveal disclose uncover unfold reverse illuminating implicit explicit dim presentation restriction consent resent sentimental margin significant considerable considerate enormous glorious tremendous numerous regular particular peculiar。

toilet 马桶 toil let it out toil 辛苦的
WC=water closet 公共厕所
<gaunt> aunt
gaunt "鬼阿姨" 憔悴的,苍白的
biped 两足动物 "ped脚,两只脚" bi分开的
paddle 踏板,桨
percent 百分比 “per每一个”
cent 分,一分钱
decent 合适的,体面的,正派的 “冲着钱才进公司的、低头看钱”
indecent 不合适的,下流的,不妥当的
bleak (只是不漏雨) 荒凉的
leak 漏,漏水
bold a. 大胆的,勇敢的,粗体的,醒目的
boldface 黑体字
blast 爆炸 blight 枯萎
take a leak 去洗手间
May I go somewhere?
You can go anywhere.你可以随地大小便。
1. Living in that _____ house over there has nearly driven the hero of the story mad.
A. bleak B. haunted C. gaunt D. acumen

7.He ___A____ to study harder in the
future so that he could have more
opportunities to find a better job.
[A] resolved
[B] resorted
[C] requested [D] reserved
3. Some diseases are ____D____ by
certain water animals.
[A] transplanted
[B] transformed
[C] transported
[D] transmitted
A. transplant transplantation B. transform transformation C. transport transportation D. transmit transmission
9. Many years ago, a lot of factories
were ___A____ from big cities to the
mountainous areas in case of war.
[A] transferred
[B] transformed
[C] transmitted [D] transported
delicious depart desire drag dense
tense dense sense immense
浓密的是dense 紧张的是tense 感官、感觉真sense 宏伟巨大immense

谐音记忆法[发音] “你个踢我”词[义]否定的,负态[联想] “表l ”示高高的个子,“oo表”示度(你踢我,我当然就对你持否定态大大的眼睛,“m”漂亮的mm,这样度了)的人不常见吧,所以是若隐若现bloom v.开花ponderous shatter[发音] 胖“得要死”词[义]笨重的[发音] “沙特”[词义]粉碎,打碎(想[联想]不是若隐若现,就是遍地开花想他们在世界杯上被打成8:0 的表charisma 领袖气质boff[发音] “暴富”词[义]狂喜[联想]cha:china,ris:rise,“ma:”现吧)quaff adequate毛——中国升起了毛泽东[发音] 夸“父”词[义]痛饮[发音] “俺得夸他”(做的好)[词义] orison 祈祷足够的[联想]o:太阳,ris:rise。
(古时候有sting[发音] “死叮”词[ 义]蜇,咬个部落每当太阳升起时就要祈祷)tersescowl [发音] “特死”词[义]简洁的(特务死去oriental 东方的[发音] “思考”词[ 义]皱眉头[联想]o:太阳,ri:rise,ent:enter,的简洁的说法)exhaust patience“太阳从东方升起进入天空”[发音] “一个早死的他”[词义]耗尽,[发音] “陪生死”词[ 义]耐心,耐性potential 潜力,潜能弄空[联想]pot: 罐子,ent:enter,(想想阿拉vanish[发音] “哇,你消失了”词[ 义]消失丁神灯,进入罐子是不是有潜力)robust[发音] “乐百氏”[词义] 强壮的(头脑obtuse permanent 永久的简单的那种,大家不要喝乐百氏了[发音] “我被兔子弄死了”[词义] 迟钝[联想]per:每个,man:男人,ent:进啊)的,木讷的入,“每个男人都想找到进入爱情的永恒的境界” caste retinue[发音] “卡死他”词[ 义]等级制度[发音] “阿姨(帮你)踢牛”[词义]随vigorous 精力充沛的frugal [联想]vi :罗马字母6,g:个,or:从人,“一个人具备 6 个人的体力” [发音] “腐乳就够了”词[ 义]节俭的offendtremble [发音] “偶犯他”词[ 义]冒犯delicate[发音] “船舶”[词义] 颤抖(想想船在[ 联想] 这个词具有林黛玉的所有特obstinate水里是不是“颤抖”?)[发音] 偶“不听你的”词[义]固执的征。
新东方赵丽大学英语四级词汇5500[讲座 讲义+试题完全版flash]-
![新东方赵丽大学英语四级词汇5500[讲座 讲义+试题完全版flash]-](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6249cd22bcd126fff7050bc3.png)
UNIT 11. Living in that _____ house over there has nearly driven the hero of the storymadA. bleakB. hauntedC. gauntD. acumen2. His body temperature is ______ for three days, the highest point reaching to40.5 degree centigrade.A. uncommonB. disorderedC. abnormalD. extraordinary3. Texas, the second largest state of America, is _______ in natural resourcesA. wealthyB. abundantC. scatteredD. deposited4. _____ to some parts of South America is still difficult, because parts ofcontinent are still covered with thick forestsA. OrientationB. AccessC. ProcessionD. blight5. I hope my teacher will take me recent illness into _____ when judging myexamination.A. accountB. countingC. regardD. observation6. I’d ____ his reputation with other farmers and business people in thecommunity and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.A. take into accountB. account forC. make up forD. make out7. His long service with the company was ____ with a present.A. admittedB. acknowledgeC. attributedD. identified8. Ms Green has been living in town for only one year, yet she seems to be_______with everyone who comes to the storeA. balkedB. admittedC. admiredD. acquainted9. Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell, they ____ visionA. vigorousB. exactC. acuteD. vivid10. The newcomers found it impossible to ____ themselves to the climatesufficiently to make permanent home in the new countryA. shatterB. adaptC. regulateD. coordinate11. By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have ___ opportunity tochange his mind.A. accurateB. urgentC. excessiveD. adequate12. My camera can be ______ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditionA. treatedB. adjustedC. adoptedD. remedied13. His argument does not suggest that mankind can _____ to be wasteful in theutilization of these resourcesA. resortB. grantC. affordD. entitle14. what were your _______ wages last year?A. entireB. aggregateC. completeD. terse15. I should like to rent a house, modern comfortable and ______ in a quietneighborhood.A. all in allB. above allC. after allD. over all16. Most people who travel in the course of their work are given traveling _____A. incomeB. allowanceC. wagesD. pay17. Professor Smith and Professor Brown will ____ in giving the class lecturesA. alterB. changeC. alternateD. differ18. when traveling, you are advised to take traveler’s checks, which provide asecure____ to carrying your money in cashA. substituteB. selectionC. preferenceD. alternative19. fortune _ tellers are good at making ______ statement such as “ Your sorrowswill change”A. philosophicalB. ambiguousC. literalD. invalid20. The s chool master _____ the girl’s bravery in is opening speech.A. applaudedB. enhanced C elevatedD. tantalized21. I was unaware of the critical points involved, so my choice was quite_______A. arbitraryB. rationalC. sereneD. unpredictable22. The famous scientist _____ his success to hard workA. impartedB. ascribeC. saunteredD. acknowledged23. Everybody _____ in the hall where they welcomed by the secretaryA. assembledB. piledC. joinedD. accumulated24. The patient has been _____ of the safety of the operationA. assuredB. guaranteedC. entrustD. confirmed25. In a typhoon, winds _____ a speed greater than 120 kilometer an hour.A. assumeB. accomplishC. attainD. assemble26. We ______ Edison’s success to his intelligence and hard workA. subjectB. attributeC. oweD. refer27. what the correspondent sent us is an ______ news report. We can depend on itA. evidentB. authenticC. ultimateD. immediate28. In fact, there is no _______ liberty in any country.A. adequateB. absoluteC. privateD. practical29. The manager director took the ______ for the accident, although it was notreally his fault.A. guiltB. blameC. chargeD. accusation30. They spent many years _______ for oil in this small island.A. exploringB. explodingC. exposingD. exploitingUNIT 21. The lost car of the less was found _____in the woods off the high way.A. vanishedB. abandonedC. scatteredD. rejected2. Children are ____ to have some accidents as they grow upA. obviousB. indispensableC. bound Dobtuse3. John assured his boss that he would ____ all his energies in doing this new job.A. call forthB. call atC. call onD. call off4. The archaeologists examined the ______ of ancient pottery.A. fragmentB. fragranceC. flagranceD. retinue5. The president _____ a nation holiday for the event.A. proclaimedB. distinguishedC. acclaimedD. exclaimed6. Wealthy Romans collected ______ of Greek statues and paintingsA. recreationsB. enjoymentsC. reproductionsD. entertainments7. If the _____ in the test is too small, we can not get a good result.A. sampleB. meagernessC. leisureD. flight8. Dark glasses serve to _____ eyes from the glare of the sun.A. dismayB. shelterC. shieldD. defend9 Anna was ____ to give up her poverty by her treacherous uncleA. impelledB. expelledC. compelledD. repelled10. In order to improve our condition, this new scheme must be _____A. adoptedB. adaptedC. adeptD. addicted11. Insulted by my opponent, I ______ at him with closed fistsA. glaredB. peepedC. glancedD. stared12. The girl took cheese and _____ to eatA. commencedB. commendedC. commandedD. commented13. Being extremely _____ to the cold, I don't like skiing.A. sensitiveB. senselessC. sensibleD. insensitive14. Since she knows a terrible ___ as they waited to hear who had been killed in theplane crash.A. diffusionB. impressionC. stimulationD. tension15. Barbara _____ in doing it again though she had failed more than a dozen timesA. consistedB. resistedC. assistedD. persisted16. This is a purely _______ problem, not a political one.A. additionalB. assiduousC. adamantD. academic17. After criminals were caught, they were accused and put on _______A. deathB. verdictionC. trialD. sentence18. I struggled out of the ditch and my jeans were ______A. spoiledB. scatteredC. spilled19. On turning the corner, we saw the road _______ steeplyA. departingB. depressingC. decreasingD. descending20. Before he started to work, I asked the builder to give me an __ of the cost ofrepairing the roof.A. assessmentB. announcementC. estimateD. evaluation21. Although not an economist himself, Dr.smith has long been a severe critic ofthe government's ______ policiesA. economicB. economicalC. economicsD. economy22. It is rather _______ that we still do not know how many species there are in theworld today.A. misleadingB. embarrassingC. boringD. demanding23. The old building is in a good state of ______ except for the wooden floorsA. observationB. preservationC. conservationD. compensation24. The ceremony will _____ as soon as the minister arrives.A. completeB. commenceC. disperse25. Gasline is _____ by the spark plugs in the engineA. ignitedB. inspiredC. excitedD. illuminated26. The person who ______ this type of research deserves our praise.A. originatedB. manufacturedC. generatedD. estimated27. Dogs are often praised for their ____; they almost never abandon their mastersA. faithB. loyaltyC. trustD. truthfulness28. When business is ______, there is usually an obvious increase inunemployment.A. degradedB. depressedC. reducedD. lessened29. He believed that the greatest of his ______ was that he'd never had a collegeeducation.A. griefsB. misfortunesC. disastersD. sorrows30. Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell, they have _____vision.A. vigorousB. exactC. acuteD. vividUNIT 31. By moving the radar beam around slowly in circles, we can _____ thesurroundingsA. exploreB. exposeC. exploitD. addle2. The lady dressed in the latest Paris fashion is ______ in her appearance but rudein her speechA. elaborateB. excessiveC. elegantD. exaggerated3. A window in the kitchen was _____ ; there was rubbish everywhere, and thecurtains and carpets had been stolenA. scatteredB. scrapedC. scratchedD. smashed4. As a _____ actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musicalinstrumentsA. flexibleB. versatileC. sophisticatedD. productive5. There are not many teachers who are strong ____ of traditional methods inEnglish teaching.A. sponsorsB. contributorsC. advocatesD. performers6. On weekend, my grandma usually ____ a glass of wine.A. subscribes to B engages inC. hangs onD. indulges in7. At the party we found that shy girl _____ her mother all the time.A. depending onB. coinciding withC. adhering toD. clinging to8. The education provides them _____ to economic progress.A. admissionB. acceptanceC. accessD. approach9. This can _____ the worry between a couple that they don't understand eachother.A. releaseB. relentC. relieveD. relay10. Many distinguished men have ____ from slums.A. emanatedB. appearedC. loomedD. emerged11. The most advanced communication ______ can pass information to anymember state in no more than five seconds.A. furnitureB. facilitiesC. equipmentD. ornaments12. The evidence showed that the hanged man could be ____ of murder.A. ignorantB. innocentC. indecentD. tolerant13. The outward _____ may increase as anti_ immigrant fever spreads in the unitedstates.A. departureB. exodusC. contagion D adage14. They work long hours but don't earn enough to ensure a _____ living forthemselves and their families.A. reticentB. decentC. innocentD. descent15. Worldwide demand for more _____ technology continues to grow.A. subtleB. experiencedC. sophisticatedD. refined16. Mr Russel is a good teacher, but he often gives ____ lectures.A. excellentB. extensiveC. soundD. tedious17. A _____ heart beats around seventy-six times a minute.A. delicateB. normalC. formalD. peculiar18. Mr Johnson had given no _____ that he was intending to resignA. distinction B directionC. informationD. indication19. Color_ blind people often find it difficult to ______ between blue and green.A. separateB. distinguishC. compareD. contrast20. The choir stood in four rows according to their ____ heightsA. respectiveB. respectableC. respectedD. respectful21. There are few areas of our lives in which tools don't play an ______ part.A. indispensableB. independentC. indistinguishableD. indiscriminate22. He is such a(n)_____ person that he gives money to whoever is in need of hishelp.A. amiableB. agreeableC. generousD. hospitable23. A man who doesn't like to talk about himself or to make his feelings known toothers is called a ________ manA. reservedB. conservativeC. tolerantD. preserved24. He reads so ______ that he knows almost everything about various fields oflearning.A. extensively B intensivelyC. closelyD. exclusively25. The light was too _____ for the boy to read the letter.A. illuminatingB. implicitC. explicitD. dim26. None of us was _____ when Bill ask for help.A. attainableB. approachableC. availableD. applicable27. His final remarks had a tremendous _____ on audience.A. collisionB. impactC. upliftD. uproar28. He was a brilliant musician as a boy but he never ______ his early promise. AcompletedB. concludedC. fulfilledD. performed29. Tom has been ____ of sight for many years.A. busyB. disappointedC. ashamedD. deprived30. The actress were dressed in ______ costumes.A. elaborateB. deliberateC. delicateD. delinquentUNIT 41. His employers could not complain about his work because he was ______ inthe performance of his duties.A. derelictB. penetratingC. diversifiedD. assiduous.2. I met a remarkable man who had been traveling the world over in search of ___and romanceA. adventureB. novelsC. literatureD. jeopardy3. The person who_____this type of reform deserves our praise.A. generatedB. estimatedC. originatedD. manufactured4. He always does something casually. So casualty is a ______ in his character.A. proficiencyB. defectC. virtueD. appendix5. He ______ certain passages from the original book in the new edition.A. concludedB. includedC. excludedD. secluded6. He has never liked meat, and has always had a ______ for vegetables and fruit.A. admirationB. preferenceC. substitutionD. compensation7. I was moved and grandpa was equally_____. Rarely had I seen him soworked__up.A. infectedB. affectedC. inflictedD. afflicted8. Education is ____ for the development of a country.A. indispensableB. accountableC. deliberateD. deficient9. Everybody______ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.A. assembleB. accumulatedC. piledD. joined10. By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have _____ opportunity tochange his mind.A. accurateB. urgentC. excessiveD. adequate11. Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been fairly criticized and argue that thepower of the medium is _____A. granted B impliedC. exaggeratedD. remedied12. Young people are not ______ to stand and look at works of art, they want artthey can participate in.A. conservativeB. contentC. confidentD. generous13. In Britain people _______ four million tons of potatoes every year.A. swallowB. disposeC. consumeD. exhaust14. some diseases are _____ by certain water animals.A. transplantB. transformed C transportedD. transmitted15 If Japan _____its relation with that country, It will have to find another supplierof raw materialsA. precludesB. terminatesC. partitionsD. expires16. The wealth of a country should be measured _____the health and happiness ofits people as well as the material goods.A. in line withB. in terms ofC. by means ofD. in favor of17. That part of the town is completely ____ of interest for visitors. There is noscenery at all.A. suspiciousB. demonstrativeC. voidD. irrespective18. ______ to the mountain towns is often difficult because of bad roads.A. aversion B orisonC. IncentiveD. access19. At the tide ____ from the shore, we are able to look for shells.A. preceded B proceededC. accededD. receded20. Though it was less attractive, John knew the metal box would be more _______A. terminalB. durableC. persistentD. ultimate21. They could not go to the theater together because his free time never ______with hers.A. collide B complyC. coincideD. cope22. Everyone in the auditorium was weeping by the time he finished the ____ tale.A. perpetualB. vigorousC. ultimateD. pathetic23.A. precautionsB. admissionsC. concessionsD. transactions24. The ____man would go his own way, in spite of all warnings.A. obedientB. obstinateC. digitalD. elaborate25. Some flowers, like roses, are famous for their strong ______.A. fragranceB. flavorC. demonD. outline26. The amateur team was _____from the contest in the first round.A. detachedB. excusedC. distractedD. eliminated27. He is planning another tour abroad, yet his passport will_____ at the end of thismonth.A. expireB. exceedC. terminateD. cease28. All the off __shore oil explorers were in high spirits as they read _____lettersfrom their families.A. sentimentalB. affactionateC. intimateD. sensitive29. Please _____yourself from smoking and spitting in public places, since the lawforbids them.A. restrainB. hinderC. restrictD. prohibit30. The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their state____A. pensionsB. earningsC. salariesD. donations。

可用新概念 4做为阅读材料,定期背诵。
haunt :常来常往的地方,鬼神出没的地方,萦绕心头难以忘记 aunt 姑姑 h(ome)家姑姑的家-〉常来常往的地方haunted room 鬼屋memory haunted me 往事历历在目gaunt 憔悴鬼g阿姨显得很憔悴trivial adj.琐碎的,不重要的,琐碎的事三姑tri六婆vi所关心的事,是不重要的vicar 牧师有六vi辆车的人是牧师 bishop 主教有两个bi商店的是主教 bicycle 自行车两个轮的,很形象bride 新娘现代新娘不 b骑马ride bridegroom /groom 新郎在屋里等待新娘的哥哥shanghai 欺骗,伤害,诱拐二、英语单词的构成1、基础词汇:无特别记忆、需建立与汉语词意间的联系naive 天真的奶一壶2、希腊神话(听故事记单词)tantalus 诱惑tantalize 逗引或招惹泰坦希腊神话rim 边缘 rim是边缘brim 边缘加B也不变 grim 恐怖的加鬼真恐怖trim 修剪整齐加T修剪整齐 prim 呆板的加P真呆板 prose 单调、散文扌卜在玫瑰下真单调plight 困境扑在光下是困境pray 祈祷扑在光线下才是祈祷3、外来词汇chaos 混乱、紊乱齐汉语拼音:“ chao ”吵死了flirt调情汉语拼音:抚弄他,逗她笑-调情quaint 古怪的(把 q 看成 g,拼音:guai怪)acquaint 熟悉,见怪不怪 ac是一再 charisma领袖气质中国一升起的毛(泽东)oris on 祈祷 O 太阳升起 ris,就在 on 祈祷mirth 妈妈看到孩子出生(yirth")—高兴的clear 清晰blear 不是( b)清晰—模糊拉丁语系讲究构词法,重点记忆词根、词缀pose 姿势、v.放expose 暴露ex放在夕卜面compose 组成 com 共同,共同放在一起decompose 分解 de 是向下、反意,组成的反意就是分解depose 免职向下放despise 轻视、蔑视 de-spit,向下吐口水deposit 存款、下蛋、沉淀物向下放它repose 休息 re 是往回返回放回来休息reticent 沉默不语的记忆法:阿姨(re)提(ti )钱(cent )—沉默不语的 intimate亲密的记忆法:在内心深处(in )总提(ti)到的伙伴( mate ),肯定是亲密的vigorous 精力充沛的记忆法:伟哥vigo老师rous肯定是精力充沛的三、记忆法拆分法sanguine 脸色红润的,乐观的陈圆圆从门外进来一掀门帘脸色红润,面泛桃花问一声:三桂呢?fare 路费entertainment 娱乐谐音法pon der 思考胖的人都喜欢思考 ponderous 笨重的胖得要死,很笨重 ambition 野心勃勃,胸心壮志俺必胜ambition to docurse诅咒克死人家,很形象吧?famine 饥荒 -> famish 使 ......... 饥饿Fa发mi米ne呢,饥荒的时候要发大米吧?boff 狂笑暴富的人是不是在狂笑? quaff 痛饮“夸父”追日太口渴,在狂饮水sting 死叮—蜇、咬scowl 思考—皱眉头exhaust 一个早死的他—耗尽、精疲力尽的robust乐百事,四肢发达头脑简单—强壮的luxury "力士香皂,奢侈”—奢侈Nike胜利女神caste "卡死他”—等级制度frugal "腐乳就够了”—节俭的miserly “ miser李”—小气的、吝啬的口诀法rim 边缘brim 边缘grim 恐怖trim v.修剪 adj.整齐的只有rim是边缘前面加b含义不变前面加g (鬼)真恐怖前面加t才修剪整齐prim 端庄的prose 散文;单调Eros (希腊神话)爱神Cupid (罗马神话)丘比特爱神cupidity 贪婪爱是贪婪的venus 维纟纳斯morose 郁闷的无玫瑰,感到很郁闷的 plight 困境扑(p)灭了光就陷入困境No one can be a hero in the plight.Every dog has its days.pray 祈祷p 在rim 前真端庄扑(p)到玫瑰上很单调扑(p)灭了光就陷入困境扌卜(p )在光线下才是祈祷under the rose 秘密的近形对照法adapt / adopt / adeptadapt 适应adopt 收养;采纳adept熟练的,有技巧的o 想象成圆圈,套圈的时候,你套什么就是你选择了什么,在采纳意见的时候有所选择 a 靠近 a的就是 a,近朱者赤,这就是对环境的适应性e想成郭晶晶在跳水,挑水需要技巧的mortal死亡的头都无啦,肯定死了 immortal 不朽永远不会没有头,不朽了 liberty 自由留鼻涕的自由女神 blush脸红不拉屎,憋得脸都红了wiggle 摆动喂狗时狗在摇尾巴brass 厚颜无耻把 bra 戴在屁股 ass 上!01-1 Unit 11. Living in that _ house over therehas nearly driven the hero of the storymad.B. hauntedC. gauntD. acumen bleak荒凉的不漏雨的小亭子,也很荒凉bold大胆的,勇敢的,鲁莽的不老的,那必然就很勇敢大胆,还比较鲁莽 bold face 黑体字blight 枯萎不见光就枯萎blast 爆炸不持续就爆炸leak 泄漏立刻就漏了take a leak 去洗手间May I go somewhere ? 我要去下洗手间where is john? where is jane?john男洗手间 jane女洗手间 toilet 马桶 toillet it out toil 辛苦的WC = water closet 公共厕所因为不老,才大胆 bold,见不到光就枯萎blight,不持续就爆炸blast,只是不漏bleak,也很荒凉姑姑系列:0.小龙女姑姑的家一活死人墓haunt神出鬼没的地方1. 飞姑姑fl-想成“飞",姑姑在炫耀轻功flaunt 炫耀2. 打姑姑一恐吓姑姑说要打她daunt 恐吓,威胁3. 五个”V”姑姑一女人在一起肯定吹水啦vaunt 吹牛4. 接姑姑一接姑姑去短途旅行一下啦jaunt 短途旅行5. 傻姑姑一射雕中傻姑到处闲逛saunter 闲逛,四处逛6. 吐T姑姑一李莫愁向姑姑吐口水嘲弄她taunt 嘲弄7. 鬼” G”姑姑一憔悴的鬼阿姨gaunt 憔悴的,苍白的flair “fl飞,天高任鸟飞”天赋,本能flee “飞离”逃离,逃跑acumen 敏锐,聪明,明智的阿Q们是明智的,懂得精神胜利法比较明智acu- 尖的A^ute 尖的,敏锐的,灵敏的,急性的cute可爱的,聪明的chronic 慢性的,慢性病acute angle 锐角论坛punctual 准时的,准点的punct -点punctuation 标点符号acupuncture 针灸 acu -尖的和 punct -点的,用尖的东西去点你01-2 Unit 12. His body temperature is ___ for three days, the highest point reaching to 40.5 degree centigrade.A. uncommonB. disorderedC. abnor malD.extraordinarycentigrade (摄氏)温度一百 cent 个等级century 世纪,百年centipede 蜈蚣 ped 是脚一百只脚,百足biped 两足动物两只脚 bi分开的,两个 paddle踏板,桨脚踏的东西percent 百分比 per每一个cent 分,一分钱decent合适的,体面的,正派的将钱的重要性放低点才是正派的合适的。

赵丽词汇词根汇总ac 一再ex 放在外面、前面pose 放com共同的de向下反意re返回往回cent 钱in 里面/否定fl飞acu尖cent百/钱分ped脚bi分开的两只per每一个ab离开e出来dis否定und是丰富ab是离开"ambi表示两边ence表示名词pos放im往里pro/pre往前per每个cess走路put计算re反复tent伸展me神count 计算ic结尾是形容词mit/miss送出去ad一再tribute是给予ity结尾是名词sub低、下trans改变neg否定的词根lig是做dent齿cu尖的viv活的su一直sect切,部分,段fic做e出来ent后经缀是形容词pet追求per前缀一直全部fug逃走co共同cur是关心se分开ex一再cess走路ple满ish 后缀是动词cise是切vert 转di分开vent 来sum总合mit改变ify结尾是动词lect 是选择ion名词soph出名词根dict说ate结尾是动词bene好a一再e是出来scribe写de加强sub下面circu圆part部分im否定、进入acle小东西sem脸tain拿东西ish结尾名词居多tribute是给予的词根dis分开、否定,分开来给ject是扔le结尾是名词tic结尾是形容词dent牙med中间的leg法律lore 知识文化,学问lode 矿脉ex把什么弄出来ing小东西pens花(钱)vok=voc声音claim词根是叫stat站着path词根是感情、疾病plex满plic重叠tain拿du两个sere安静pel推ict说ver真实的不同的sens、sent感觉ible能够怎么样的dign感情fuse 流动contr相反的tens拉bar棒子sist站sid做scend爬nounce说min小的ure结尾是小东西mize动词mum形容词spire呼吸duce引起,带来rud原始verse旋转的词根flex转soph聪明的词根more是惷的词根duct、duce词根是引导tribut给予voc\vok是声音incide事件gress走路miss送出去cept拿acle结尾是东西tract是拉的词根proach接近less否定vert转过去merge 合并词根是沉浸ject扔fur毛皮orn装修ure结尾是名词tag是接触sign标记ify结尾是动词rect直的se是分开pect看able能够怎么样的ate结尾是动词du两个cost花钱ress女子sid坐着vent出去,出口ette是小东西的词根liter文化的词根acle东西fect做pend结尾lapse滑过的词根tend,tens伸展spic是看的词根cede是走tain拿的词根vise 看mult大、多ply重叠port拿fere拿来quire寻问ac一再mit改变一、计划本课程词汇集中在2000~6000,都是一些基本的词汇,生活中常用的词汇,背单词要有目的性,清楚自己参加什么考试,要有针对性,才更有热情。

talk horse吹牛
acute/obtuse angle锐/钝角
abuse authority滥用权威
赵丽词汇速记 5500 笔记

赵丽词汇速记5500笔记00-1开始白自我介绍上课要求:需要准备一个笔记本able adj.enable v.ability n.如何记笔记:把笔记打成三格搜索引擎:赵丽词汇词汇重要性词汇领先1.阅读离不开单词2.听力离不开单词3.写作离不开单词人在什么情况下记忆力是最好的1.半饥饿状态2.大脑皮层兴奋的时候3.临睡觉之前记住单词的“音、形、义〞单词的含义最重要pound骉犇羴鱻Δ = b2 - 4ac一个人的智商分三局部:记忆力、计算力和理解力haunt :常来常往的地方,鬼神出没的地方,萦绕心头难以忘记aunt 姑姑h(ome)家姑姑的家-〉常来常往的地方haunted room 鬼屋memory haunted me 往事历历在目gaunt 憔悴----考G的阿姨aunt,很憔悴the meet 峰会trivial adj.琐碎的,不重要的trivial 琐碎的事----三姑tri六婆vi关心的所有al事vicar 牧师----拥有六vi辆小汽车car的人bishop 主教----拥有两个bi=2商店shop的人bicycle 自行车听写新娘:bride----不b骑马ride的是新娘新郎:groom----新郎是,哥哥g在屋里room等新娘shanghai vt. 欺骗,伤害,诱拐00-2记单词的方法sanguine 脸色红润的,乐观的----音:三桂呢?fareentertainment 娱乐famine ----音:发fa米mi呢nefamish v. 使……饥饿----音:发fa米mi时sh听写ponder 考虑----音:胖的,胖人爱考虑ponderous 笨重的----音:胖的要死ambition 野心勃勃,胸心壮志----音:俺必胜ambition to do….curse 诅咒----音:克死rim 边缘----只有rim是边缘brim 边缘----前面加b含义不变grim 恐惧----前面加g〔鬼〕真恐惧trim v.修剪adj. 整齐---前面加t才修剪整齐-复习00-3prim 端庄的---- p在rim前真端庄prose 散文;单调----扑〔p〕到玫瑰上更单调plight 困境----扑〔p〕灭了光就陷入困境pray 祈祷----扑〔p〕在光线前才是祈祷ErosCupid 丘比特Venus 维纳斯,金星morose 郁闷的No one can be a hero in the plight. 没有人能在困境中成为英雄Every dog has its days. 风水轮流转under the rose 机密的四.近形对照法adapt / adopt / adeptadapt 适应apt-合适,适当的adopt 收养;采纳opt-选取,选择adept 纯熟的,有技巧的ept-才能e想成郭晶晶在跳水,跳水需要技巧的o想象成圆圈,套圈的时候,你套什么就是你选择了什么,在采纳意见的时候有所选择a 靠近a的就是a,近朱者赤,这就是对环境的适应性mortal 死亡的----音:没mor头talimmortal 不朽----im否认前缀+mortal死亡的liberty 自由----音:流鼻涕blush 脸红----谐音记忆。

赵丽词汇速记<5500>幻星笔记00-1开场白自我介绍/上课要求:需要准备一个笔记本able adj.enable v.ability n.如何记笔记:把笔记打成三格搜索引擎:赵丽词汇词汇重要性词汇当先1.阅读离不开单词2.听力离不开单词3.写作离不开单词人在什么情况下记忆力是最好的1.半饥饿状态2.大脑皮层兴奋的时候3.临睡觉之前记住单词的“音、形、义”单词的含义最重要pound骉犇羴鱻Δ = b2 - 4ac一个人的智商分三部分:记忆力、计算力和理解力haunt :常来常往的地方,鬼神出没的地方,萦绕心头难以忘记aunt 姑姑h(ome)家姑姑的家-〉常来常往的地方haunted room 鬼屋memory haunted me 往事历历在目gaunt憔悴the meet 峰会trivial adj.琐碎的,不重要的trivial 琐碎的事[助记]三姑六婆所关心的事vicar牧师bishop 主教bicycle自行车听写新娘:bride新郎:groom(拼音联想)shanghaivt. 欺骗,伤害,诱拐00-2记单词的方法一.拆分法sanguine脸色红润的,乐观的fareentertainment娱乐famine n.饥荒-> famish v. 使……饥饿听写二.谐音法ponder思考ponderous笨重的ambition野心勃勃,胸心壮志ambition to do….curse诅咒三.口诀法rim边缘brim 边缘grim恐怖trim v.修剪adj. 整齐只有rim是边缘前面加b含义不变前面加g(鬼)真恐怖前面加t才修剪整齐复习00-3prim端庄的prose散文;单调ErosCupidvenusmorose 郁闷的plight困境No one can be a hero in the plight. Every dog has its days.pray祈祷p在rim前真端庄扑(p)到玫瑰上更单调扑(p)灭了光就陷入困境扑(p)在光线下才是祈祷under the rose 秘密的四.近形对照法adapt / adopt / adeptadapt适应adopt收养;采纳adept熟练的,有技巧的e想成郭晶晶在跳水,挑水需要技巧的mortal 死亡的immortal 不朽liberty 自由blush 脸红wiggle 摆动brass 厚颜无耻bra asso想象成圆圈,套圈的时候,你套什么就是你选择了什么,在采纳意见的时候有所选择a 靠近a的就是a,近朱者赤,这就是对环境的适应性01-1 Unit 11. Living in that____ house over there has nearly driven the hero of the story mad.A bleakB hauntedC gauntD acumenbleak 荒凉的bold大胆的,勇敢的,鲁莽的bold face 黑体字blight枯萎blast爆炸leak 泄漏take a leak 去洗手间May I go somewhere ?where is john?john 男洗手间jane 女洗手间toilet 马桶toil let it out toil 辛苦的WC = water closet 公共厕所haunt神出鬼没的地方[助记]小龙女姑姑的家姑姑系列:1.飞姑姑--把fl- 想成“飞”,I can fly.flaunt 炫耀2. 打姑姑—daunt 恐吓,威胁3. ”V”姑姑—vaunt 吹牛4.接姑姑—jaunt短途旅行5.姑姑到处乱看—saunter 闲逛,四处逛6.”T”姑姑—taunt嘲弄复习7.”G”姑姑—gaunt 憔悴的,苍白的[助记] 憔悴的鬼阿姨acumen 明智的尖的尖的,敏锐的,灵敏的,急性的chronic 慢性的,慢性病acute angle 锐角论坛punctual 准时的,准点的punct - 点标点符号针灸01-2 Unit 12. His body temperature is ____ for threedays, the highest point reaching to 40.5degree centigrade.A. uncommon B disorderedC abnormalD extraordinaryab- 离开abuse滥用(职权)abnomal 不正常的,异常的,反常的luna 月神lunatic 疯子;疯狂的isolate i->爱孤立,隔离,孤独[助记] 夜深还有什么人为爱等得如此晚I feel very isolated.lonelyabide忍受复习authority 权威common 常见的the common personcommon sence 常识nonsence 古怪,胡说八道,哪里(谦虚的说法)pajama(s) 睡衣commonplace 平凡的人uncommon 不常见的01-3 Unit 1disorder 混乱order 顺序dis- 否定前缀cover - discoverlike - dislikeinclined - disinclinedclose(closet ) –disclose 发现,揭示复习mental 智慧,精神mba -> mental below averagetoe脚指头pea豌豆peacock孔雀pu ke (扑克) -> puke 呕吐chou -> 蝴蝶结:女朋友->chou(臭)复习背单词的四个境界:看、认、背、用本词汇班可以完成前三个,先记忆一种意思用主要靠阅读,听本词汇课程的时候:<1>可以使用要参加考试的阅读,进行巩固,<2>可以选择自己喜欢的超过两百页的原版英文小说。

赵丽词汇词根汇总ac一再ex放在外面、前面pose 放com 共同的de向下反意re返回往回cent 钱in 里面/否定fl飞尖acu cent百/钱分ped脚bi分开的两只per每一个ab离开e出来dis否定und 是丰富ab是离开"ambi表示两边ence表示名词pos放im往里pro/pre往前per每个cess走路put计算re反复tent 伸展me神count 计算ic结尾是形容词mit/miss 送出去ad一再tribute是给予ity结尾是名词sub低、下trans改变neg否定的词根lig是做dent齿cu尖的viv 活的su一直sect切,部分,段fic做e出来ent后经缀是形容词pet追求per前缀一直全部fug逃走co共同cur是关心se分开ex一再cess走路ple满ish 后缀是动词cise是切vert 转di分开vent 来sum总合mit改变ify结尾是动词lect 是选择ion名词soph出名词根dict说ate结尾是动词bene好a一再e是出来scribe写de加强sub下面circu圆part 部分im否定、进入acle小东西sem脸tain拿东西ish 结尾名词居多tribute是给予的词根dis分开、否定,分开来给ject是扔le结尾是名词tic结尾是形容词dent牙med中间的leg法律lore 知识文化,学问lode 矿脉ex把什么弄出来ing小东西pens花(钱)vok=voc声音claim词根是叫stat站着path词根是感情、疾病plex满plic重叠tain 拿du两个sere安静pel推ict说ver真实的不同的sens、sent感觉ible能够怎么样的dign感情fuse 流动contr相反的tens拉bar棒子sist站sid做scend 爬nounce说min小的ure结尾是小东西mize动词mum形容词spire呼吸duce引起,带来rud原始verse 旋转的词根flex转soph聪明的词根more是惷的词根duct、duce词根是引导tribut给予voc\vok是声音incide事件gress走路miss送出去cept拿acle结尾是东西tract是拉的词根proach接近less否定vert转过去merge 合并词根是沉浸ject扔fur毛皮orn装修ure结尾是名词tag是接触sign标记ify结尾是动词rect直的se是分开pect看able能够怎么样的ate 结尾是动词du两个cost花钱ress女子sid坐着vent 出去,出口ette是小东西的词根liter文化的词根acle 东西fect做pend结尾lapse滑过的词根tend,tens伸展spic是看的词根cede是走tain拿的词根vise 看mult大、多ply重叠port拿fere拿来quire寻问ac 一再mit改变一、计划本课程词汇集中在2000~6000,都是一些基本的词汇,生活中常用的词汇,背单词要有目的性,清楚自己参加什么考试,要有针对性,才更有热情。

赵丽词汇速记5500笔记00-1开场白自我介绍/上课要求:需要准备一个笔记本able adj.enable v.ability n.如何记笔记:把笔记打成三格单词中文助记方法搜索引擎:赵丽词汇词汇重要性词汇当先1.阅读离不开单词2.听力离不开单词3.写作离不开单词人在什么情况下记忆力是最好的1.半饥饿状态2.大脑皮层兴奋的时候3.临睡觉之前记住单词的“音、形、义”单词的含义最重要pound骉犇羴鱻Δ = b2 - 4ac一个人的智商分三部分:记忆力、计算力和理解力haunt :常来常往的地方,鬼神出没的地方,萦绕心头难以忘记aunt 姑姑h(ome)家姑姑的家-〉常来常往的地方haunted room 鬼屋memory haunted me 往事历历在目gaunt 憔悴----考G的阿姨aunt,很憔悴the meet 峰会trivial adj.琐碎的,不重要的trivial 琐碎的事----三姑tri六婆vi关心的所有al事vicar 牧师----拥有六vi辆小汽车car的人bishop 主教----拥有两个bi=2商店shop的人bicycle 自行车听写新娘:bride----不b骑马ride的是新娘新郎:groom----新郎是,哥哥g在屋里room等新娘shanghai vt. 欺骗,伤害,诱拐00-2记单词的方法一.拆分法sanguine 脸色红润的,乐观的----音:三桂呢?fareentertainment 娱乐famine n.饥荒----音:发fa米mi呢nefamish v. 使……饥饿----音:发fa米mi时sh听写二.谐音法ponder 思考----音:胖的,胖人爱思考ponderous 笨重的----音:胖的要死ambition 野心勃勃,胸心壮志----音:俺必胜ambition to do….curse 诅咒----音:克死三.口诀法rim 边缘----只有rim是边缘brim 边缘----前面加b含义不变grim 恐怖----前面加g(鬼)真恐怖trim v.修剪adj. 整齐---前面加t才修剪整齐-复习00-3prim 端庄的---- p在rim前真端庄prose 散文;单调----扑(p)到玫瑰上更单调plight 困境----扑(p)灭了光就陷入困境pray 祈祷----扑(p)在光线前才是祈祷ErosCupid 丘比特Venus 维纳斯,金星morose 郁闷的No one can be a hero in the plight. 没有人能在困境中成为英雄Every dog has its days. 风水轮流转under the rose 秘密的四.近形对照法adapt / adopt / adeptadapt 适应apt-适合,适当的adopt 收养;采纳opt-选取,选择adept 熟练的,有技巧的ept-能力e想成郭晶晶在跳水,跳水需要技巧的o想象成圆圈,套圈的时候,你套什么就是你选择了什么,在采纳意见的时候有所选择a 靠近a的就是a,近朱者赤,这就是对环境的适应性mortal 死亡的----音:没mor头talimmortal 不朽----im否定前缀+mortal死亡的liberty 自由----音:流鼻涕blush 脸红----谐音记忆。

赵丽词汇速记5500笔记00-1开场白自我介绍/上课要求:需要准备一个笔记本able adj.enable v.ability n.如何记笔记:把笔记打成三格单词中文助记方法搜索引擎:赵丽词汇词汇重要性词汇当先1.阅读离不开单词2.听力离不开单词3.写作离不开单词人在什么情况下记忆力是最好的1.半饥饿状态2.大脑皮层兴奋的时候3.临睡觉之前记住单词的―音、形、义‖单词的含义最重要pound骉犇羴鱻Δ = b2 - 4ac一个人的智商分三部分:记忆力、计算力和理解力haunt :常来常往的地方,鬼神出没的地方,萦绕心头难以忘记aunt 姑姑h(ome)家姑姑的家-〉常来常往的地方haunted room 鬼屋memory haunted me 往事历历在目gaunt 憔悴----考G的阿姨aunt,很憔悴the meet 峰会trivial adj.琐碎的,不重要的trivial 琐碎的事----三姑tri六婆vi关心的所有al事vicar 牧师----拥有六vi辆小汽车car的人bishop 主教----拥有两个bi=2商店shop的人bicycle 自行车听写新娘:bride----不b骑马ride的是新娘新郎:groom----新郎是,哥哥g在屋里room等新娘shanghai vt. 欺骗,伤害,诱拐00-2记单词的方法一.拆分法sanguine 脸色红润的,乐观的----音:三桂呢?fareentertainment 娱乐famine n.饥荒----音:发fa米mi呢nefamish v. 使……饥饿----音:发fa米mi时sh听写二.谐音法ponder 思考----音:胖的,胖人爱思考ponderous 笨重的----音:胖的要死ambition 野心勃勃,胸心壮志----音:俺必胜ambition to do….curse 诅咒----音:克死三.口诀法rim 边缘----只有rim是边缘brim 边缘----前面加b含义不变grim 恐怖----前面加g(鬼)真恐怖trim v.修剪adj. 整齐---前面加t才修剪整齐-复习00-3prim 端庄的---- p在rim前真端庄prose 散文;单调----扑(p)到玫瑰上更单调plight 困境----扑(p)灭了光就陷入困境pray 祈祷----扑(p)在光线前才是祈祷ErosCupid 丘比特Venus 维纳斯,金星morose 郁闷的No one can be a hero in the plight. 没有人能在困境中成为英雄Every dog has its days. 风水轮流转under the rose 秘密的四.近形对照法adapt / adopt / adeptadapt 适应apt-适合,适当的adopt 收养;采纳opt-选取,选择adept 熟练的,有技巧的ept-能力e想成郭晶晶在跳水,跳水需要技巧的o想象成圆圈,套圈的时候,你套什么就是你选择了什么,在采纳意见的时候有所选择a 靠近a的就是a,近朱者赤,这就是对环境的适应性mortal 死亡的----音:没mor头talimmortal 不朽----im否定前缀+mortal死亡的liberty 自由----音:流鼻涕blush 脸红----谐音记忆。

赵丽词汇速记<5500>00-1上课要求:需要准备一个笔记本able adj.enable v.ability n.如何记笔记:把笔记打成三格搜索引擎:赵丽词汇词汇重要性词汇当先1.阅读离不开单词2.听力离不开单词3.写作离不开单词人在什么情况下记忆力是最好的1.半饥饿状态2.大脑皮层兴奋的时候3.临睡觉之前记住单词的“音、形、义”单词的含义最重要pound骉犇羴鱻Δ = b2 - 4ac一个人的智商分三部分:记忆力、计算力和理解力haunt :常来常往的地方,鬼神出没的地方,萦绕心头难以忘记aunt 姑姑 h(ome)家姑姑的家-〉常来常往的地方haunted room 鬼屋memory haunted me 往事历历在目gaunt憔悴the meet 峰会trivial adj.琐碎的,不重要的trivial 琐碎的事[助记]三姑六婆所关心的事vicar牧师bishop 主教bicycle自行车听写新娘:bride新郎:groom(拼音联想)shanghaivt. 欺骗,伤害,诱拐00-2记单词的方法一.拆分法sanguine脸色红润的,乐观的fareentertainment娱乐famine n.饥荒 -> famish v. 使……饥饿听写二.谐音法ponder思考ponderous笨重的ambition野心勃勃,胸心壮志ambition to do….curse诅咒三.口诀法rim边缘brim 边缘grim恐怖trim v.修剪 adj. 整齐只有rim是边缘前面加b含义不变前面加g(鬼)真恐怖前面加t才修剪整齐复习00-3prim端庄的prose散文;单调ErosCupidvenusmorose 郁闷的plight困境No one can be a hero in the plight. Every dog has its days.pray祈祷p在rim前真端庄扑(p)到玫瑰上更单调扑(p)灭了光就陷入困境扑(p)在光线下才是祈祷under the rose 秘密的四.近形对照法adapt / adopt / adeptadapt适应adopt收养;采纳adept熟练的,有技巧的e想成郭晶晶在跳水,挑水需要技巧的mortal 死亡的immortal 不朽liberty 自由blush 脸红wiggle 摆动brass 厚颜无耻 bra asso想象成圆圈,套圈的时候,你套什么就是你选择了什么,在采纳意见的时候有所选择a 靠近a的就是a,近朱者赤,这就是对环境的适应性01-1 Unit 11. Living in that____ house over there has nearly driven the hero of the story mad.A bleakB hauntedC gauntD acumenbleak 荒凉的bold大胆的,勇敢的,鲁莽的bold face 黑体字blight枯萎blast爆炸leak 泄漏take a leak 去洗手间May I go somewhere ?where is john?john 男洗手间 jane 女洗手间toilet 马桶 toil let it out toil 辛苦的WC = water closet 公共厕所haunt神出鬼没的地方[助记]小龙女姑姑的家姑姑系列:1.飞姑姑 --把fl- 想成“飞”, I can fly.flaunt 炫耀2. 打姑姑—daunt 恐吓,威胁3. ”V”姑姑—vaunt 吹牛4.接姑姑—jaunt短途旅行5.姑姑到处乱看—saunter 闲逛,四处逛6.”T”姑姑—taunt嘲弄复习7.”G”姑姑—gaunt 憔悴的,苍白的[助记] 憔悴的鬼阿姨acumen 明智的acu- 尖的尖的,敏锐的,灵敏的,急性的chronic 慢性的,慢性病acute angle 锐角论坛punctual 准时的,准点的punct - 点punctuation标点符号针灸01-2 Unit 12. His body temperature is ____ for three days, the highest point reaching to 40.5 degree centigrade.A. uncommon B disorderedC abnormalD extraordinaryab- 离开abuse滥用(职权)abnomal 不正常的,异常的,反常的luna 月神lunatic 疯子;疯狂的isolate i->爱孤立,隔离,孤独[助记] 夜深还有什么人为爱等得如此晚I feel very isolated.lonelyabide忍受复习authority 权威common 常见的the common personcommon sence 常识nonsence 古怪,胡说八道,哪里(谦虚的说法)pajama(s) 睡衣commonplace 平凡的人uncommon 不常见的01-3 Unit 1disorder 混乱order 顺序dis- 否定前缀cover - discoverlike - dislikeinclined - disinclinedclose(closet ) –disclose 发现,揭示复习mental 智慧,精神mba -> mental below averagetoe脚指头pea豌豆peacock孔雀pu ke (扑克) -> puke 呕吐chou -> 蝴蝶结:女朋友 ->chou(臭)复习背单词的四个境界:看、认、背、用本词汇班可以完成前三个,先记忆一种意思用主要靠阅读,听本词汇课程的时候:<1>可以使用要参加考试的阅读,进行巩固,<2>可以选择自己喜欢的超过两百页的原版英文小说。

赵丽词汇笔记如何记笔记,把笔记打成三格单词词汇重要性词汇当先1. 阅读离不开词汇2. 听力离不开词汇3. 写作离不开词汇人在什么情况下记忆力最好1. 半饥饿状态2. 大脑皮层兴奋的时候记住单词的“音、形、义”1. 一个人的智商分为三部分:记忆力、计算力和理解力中文助记方法Unit 0单词aunt音标[B:nt]中文姑姑,伯母舅妈,阿姨n. 家,家乡,本国,产地,避难所h(ome) [hEum] adj. 家庭的,国内的,有效的adv. 在家,回家,深入地,在本国常来常往地方haunt [hC:nt] 鬼神出没的地方萦绕心头难以忘记gaunttrivialvicar bishop bicycle [^C:nt][5triviEl][5vikE][5biFEp][5baisikl]憔悴琐碎的,不重要的牧师主教自行车古墓派(小龙女姑姑的家)(大8 岁,鬼迷心窍的感觉haunted room 鬼屋memory haunted me 往事历历在目鬼阿姨tri vi al “三姑六婆所关心的事”三六alltrivial things 琐事一个拥有 6 辆汽车的人拥有 2 家商店的人两个轮助记方法听写:1.鬼神出没的地方 2. 琐碎的,不重要的 3. 憔悴 4. 牧师 5. 主教bride groom shanghai sanguine[braid] [^rum, ^ru:m] [FAN5hai] [5sAN^win]新娘 新郎不是骑马的人 在屋里等待新娘的哥哥 拼音联想 san gui ne 三 贵 呢 发米呢vt. 欺骗,伤害,诱拐 脸色红润的, 乐观的 n. 费用,旅客,食物 vi. 遭遇,进展,进步 经营,过活fare entertainment famine famish 谐音法: ponder ponderous ambition curse 口诀法: rim brim grim trim[fZE][entE5teinmEnt] 娱乐 [5fAmin] [5fAmiF]n. 饥荒 v. 使……饥饿听写:新娘 新郎 牧师 脸色红润的 欺骗、伤害、诱拐 饥荒[5pCndE] [5pCndErEs] [Am5biFEn] [kE:s] [rim] [brim] [^rim] [trim]思考 笨重的 野心勃勃, 雄心壮志 诅咒 边缘边缘(盆边,帽子边) 恐怖,严酷的 v. 修剪 adj. 整齐的 端庄的 散文;单调cut my hair short cut my hair (剃光头)扑到玫瑰上,狂写爱情 ‐‐> 散文; prose[prEuz]Eros (爱神‐希腊神话)Cupid (爱神‐罗马)‐‐> 妈妈:Venus 冇肉丝morose[mE5rEus]郁闷的冇玫瑰 ‐‐> 没爱情 under the rose 秘密的(用鲜血浇的玫瑰是红的,看不出血)[plait]plight困境扑过去,把光扑没了No one can be a hero in the plight.没人可以在困境中成为英雄,一分钱难倒英雄汉 Every dog has its days (风水轮流转)pray[prei]祈祷口诀: P 在 rim 前真端庄,扑(P)在玫瑰(rose)上更单调扑(P)灭了光就陷入困境,扑在光线下才是祈祷。

赵丽词汇笔记如何记笔记,把笔记打成三格单词词汇重要性词汇当先1. 阅读离不开词汇2. 听力离不开词汇3. 写作离不开词汇人在什么情况下记忆力最好1. 半饥饿状态2. 大脑皮层兴奋的时候记住单词的“音、形、义”1. 一个人的智商分为三部分:记忆力、计算力和理解力中文助记方法Unit 0单词aunt音标[B:nt]中文姑姑,伯母舅妈,阿姨n. 家,家乡,本国,产地,避难所h(ome) [hEum] adj. 家庭的,国内的,有效的adv. 在家,回家,深入地,在本国常来常往地方haunt [hC:nt] 鬼神出没的地方萦绕心头难以忘记gaunttrivialvicar bishop bicycle [^C:nt][5triviEl][5vikE][5biFEp][5baisikl]憔悴琐碎的,不重要的牧师主教自行车古墓派(小龙女姑姑的家)(大8 岁,鬼迷心窍的感觉haunted room 鬼屋memory haunted me 往事历历在目鬼阿姨tri vi al “三姑六婆所关心的事”三六alltrivial things 琐事一个拥有 6 辆汽车的人拥有 2 家商店的人两个轮助记方法听写:1.鬼神出没的地方 2. 琐碎的,不重要的 3. 憔悴 4. 牧师 5. 主教bride groom shanghai sanguine[braid] [^rum, ^ru:m] [FAN5hai] [5sAN^win]新娘 新郎不是骑马的人 在屋里等待新娘的哥哥 拼音联想 san gui ne 三 贵 呢 发米呢vt. 欺骗,伤害,诱拐 脸色红润的, 乐观的 n. 费用,旅客,食物 vi. 遭遇,进展,进步 经营,过活fare entertainment famine famish 谐音法: ponder ponderous ambition curse 口诀法: rim brim grim trim[fZE][entE5teinmEnt] 娱乐 [5fAmin] [5fAmiF]n. 饥荒 v. 使……饥饿听写:新娘 新郎 牧师 脸色红润的 欺骗、伤害、诱拐 饥荒[5pCndE] [5pCndErEs] [Am5biFEn] [kE:s] [rim] [brim] [^rim] [trim]思考 笨重的 野心勃勃, 雄心壮志 诅咒 边缘边缘(盆边,帽子边) 恐怖,严酷的 v. 修剪 adj. 整齐的 端庄的 散文;单调cut my hair short cut my hair (剃光头)扑到玫瑰上,狂写爱情 ‐‐> 散文; prose[prEuz]Eros (爱神‐希腊神话)Cupid (爱神‐罗马)‐‐> 妈妈:Venus 冇肉丝morose[mE5rEus]郁闷的冇玫瑰 ‐‐> 没爱情 under the rose 秘密的(用鲜血浇的玫瑰是红的,看不出血)[plait]plight困境扑过去,把光扑没了No one can be a hero in the plight.没人可以在困境中成为英雄,一分钱难倒英雄汉 Every dog has its days (风水轮流转)pray[prei]祈祷口诀: P 在 rim 前真端庄,扑(P)在玫瑰(rose)上更单调扑(P)灭了光就陷入困境,扑在光线下才是祈祷。

赵丽词汇速记<5500>幻星笔记00-1开场白自我介绍/上课要求:需要准备一个笔记本able adj.enable v.ability n.如何记笔记:把笔记打成三格搜索引擎:赵丽词汇词汇重要性词汇当先1.阅读离不开单词2.听力离不开单词3.写作离不开单词人在什么情况下记忆力是最好的1.半饥饿状态2.大脑皮层兴奋的时候3.临睡觉之前记住单词的“音、形、义”单词的含义最重要pound骉犇羴鱻Δ = b2 - 4ac一个人的智商分三部分:记忆力、计算力和理解力haunt:常来常往的地方,鬼神出没的地方,萦绕心头难以忘记aunt 姑姑 h(ome)家姑姑的家-〉常来常往的地方haunted room 鬼屋memory haunted me 往事历历在目gaunt憔悴the meet 峰会trivial adj.琐碎的,不重要的trivial 琐碎的事[助记]三姑六婆所关心的事vicar牧师bishop 主教bicycle自行车听写新娘:bride新郎:groom(拼音联想)shanghaivt. 欺骗,伤害,诱拐00-2记单词的方法一.拆分法sanguine脸色红润的,乐观的fareentertainment娱乐famine n.饥荒 -> famish v. 使……饥饿听写二.谐音法ponder思考ponderous笨重的ambition野心勃勃,胸心壮志ambition to do….curse诅咒三.口诀法rim边缘brim 边缘grim恐怖trim v.修剪 adj. 整齐只有rim是边缘前面加b含义不变前面加g(鬼)真恐怖前面加t才修剪整齐复习00-3prim端庄的prose散文;单调ErosCupidvenusmorose 郁闷的plight困境No one can be a hero in the plight. Every dog has its days.pray祈祷p在rim前真端庄扑(p)到玫瑰上更单调扑(p)灭了光就陷入困境扑(p)在光线下才是祈祷under the rose 秘密的四.近形对照法adapt / adopt / adeptadapt适应adopt收养;采纳adept熟练的,有技巧的e想成郭晶晶在跳水,挑水需要技巧的mortal 死亡的immortal 不朽liberty 自由blush 脸红wiggle 摆动brass 厚颜无耻 bra asso想象成圆圈,套圈的时候,你套什么就是你选择了什么,在采纳意见的时候有所选择a 靠近a的就是a,近朱者赤,这就是对环境的适应性01-1 Unit 11. Living in that____ house over there has nearly driven the hero of the story mad.A bleakB hauntedC gauntD acumenbleak 荒凉的bold大胆的,勇敢的,鲁莽的bold face 黑体字blight枯萎blast爆炸leak 泄漏take a leak 去洗手间May I go somewhere ?where is john?john 男洗手间 jane 女洗手间toilet 马桶 toil let it out toil 辛苦的WC = water closet 公共厕所haunt神出鬼没的地方[助记]小龙女姑姑的家姑姑系列:1.飞姑姑 --把fl- 想成“飞”, I can fly.flaunt 炫耀2. 打姑姑—daunt 恐吓,威胁3. ”V”姑姑—vaunt 吹牛4.接姑姑—jaunt短途旅行5.姑姑到处乱看—saunter 闲逛,四处逛6.”T”姑姑—taunt嘲弄复习7.”G”姑姑—gaunt 憔悴的,苍白的[助记] 憔悴的鬼阿姨acumen 明智的acu- 尖的尖的,敏锐的,灵敏的,急性的chronic 慢性的,慢性病acute angle 锐角论坛punctual 准时的,准点的punct - 点punctuation标点符号针灸01-2 Unit 12. His body temperature is ____ for threedays, the highest point reaching to40.5 degree centigrade.A. uncommon B disorderedC abnormalD extraordinaryab- 离开abuse滥用(职权)abnomal 不正常的,异常的,反常的luna 月神lunatic 疯子;疯狂的isolate i->爱孤立,隔离,孤独[助记] 夜深还有什么人为爱等得如此晚I feel very isolated.lonelyabide忍受复习authority 权威common 常见的the common personcommon sence 常识nonsence 古怪,胡说八道,哪里(谦虚的说法) pajama(s) 睡衣commonplace 平凡的人uncommon 不常见的01-3 Unit 1disorder 混乱order 顺序dis- 否定前缀cover - discoverlike - dislikeinclined - disinclinedclose(closet ) –disclose 发现,揭示复习mental 智慧,精神mba -> mental below averagetoe脚指头pea豌豆peacock孔雀pu ke (扑克) -> puke 呕吐chou -> 蝴蝶结:女朋友 ->chou(臭)复习背单词的四个境界:看、认、背、用本词汇班可以完成前三个,先记忆一种意思用主要靠阅读,听本词汇课程的时候:<1>可以使用要参加考试的阅读,进行巩固,<2>可以选择自己喜欢的超过两百页的原版英文小说。

实用文档丽词汇速记5500笔记标准00-1开场白自我介绍/上课要求:需要准备一个笔记本able adj.enable v.ability n.如何记笔记:把笔记打成三格单词中文助记方法搜索引擎:丽词汇词汇重要性词汇当先1.阅读离不开单词2.听力离不开单词3.写作离不开单词人在什么情况下记忆力是最好的1.半饥饿状态2.大脑皮层兴奋的时候3.临睡觉之前记住单词的“音、形、义”单词的含义最重要pound骉犇羴鱻Δ = b2 - 4ac一个人的智商分三部分:记忆力、计算力和理解力haunt :常来常往的地方,鬼神出没的地方,萦绕心头难以忘记aunt 姑姑h(ome)家姑姑的家-〉常来常往的地方haunted room 鬼屋memory haunted me 往事历历在目gaunt 憔悴----考G的阿姨aunt,很憔悴the meet 峰会trivial adj.琐碎的,不重要的trivial 琐碎的事----三姑tri六婆vi关心的所有al事vicar 牧师----拥有六vi辆小汽车car的标准人bishop 主教----拥有两个bi=2商店shop的人bicycle 自行车听写新娘:bride----不b骑马ride的是新娘新郎:groom----新郎是,哥哥g在屋里room等新娘shanghai vt. 欺骗,伤害,诱拐00-2记单词的方法一.拆分法sanguine 脸色红润的,乐观的----音:三桂呢?fareentertainment 娱乐famine n.饥荒----音:发fa米mi呢ne famish v. 使……饥饿----音:发fa米mi 时sh听写二.谐音法ponder 思考----音:胖的,胖人爱思考ponderous 笨重的----音:胖的要死ambition 野心勃勃,胸心壮志----音:俺必胜ambition to do….curse 诅咒----音:克死三.口诀法rim 边缘----只有rim是边缘brim 边缘----前面加b含义不变grim 恐怖----前面加g(鬼)真恐怖trim v.修剪adj. 整齐---前面加t才修剪整齐-复习00-3prim 端庄的---- p在rim前真端庄prose 散文;单调----扑(p)到玫瑰上更单调plight 困境----扑(p)灭了光就陷入困境pray 祈祷----扑(p)在光线前才是祈祷ErosCupid 丘比特Venus 维纳斯,金星morose 郁闷的标准No one can be a hero in the plight. 没有人能在困境中成为英雄Every dog has its days. 风水轮流转under the rose 秘密的四.近形对照法adapt / adopt / adeptadapt 适应apt-适合,适当的adopt 收养;采纳opt-选取,选择adept 熟练的,有技巧的ept-能力e想成郭晶晶在跳水,跳水需要技巧的o想象成圆圈,套圈的时候,你套什么就是你选择了什么,在采纳意见的时候有所选择a 靠近a的就是a,近朱者赤,这就是对环境的适应性mortal 死亡的----音:没mor头tal immortal 不朽----im否定前缀+mortal 死亡的liberty 自由----音:流鼻涕blush 脸红----谐音记忆。
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UNIT 11. Living in that _____ house over there has nearly driven the hero of the storymadA. bleakB. hauntedC. gauntD. acumen2. His body temperature is ______ for three days, the highest point reaching to40.5 degree centigrade.A. uncommonB. disorderedC. abnormalD. extraordinary3. Texas, the second largest state of America, is _______ in natural resourcesA. wealthyB. abundantC. scatteredD. deposited4. _____ to some parts of South America is still difficult, because parts ofcontinent are still covered with thick forestsA. OrientationB. AccessC. ProcessionD. blight5. I hope my teacher will take me recent illness into _____ when judging myexamination.A. accountB. countingC. regardD. observation6. I’d ____ his reputation with other farmers and business people in thecommunity and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.A. take into accountB. account forC. make up forD. make out7. His long service with the company was ____ with a present.A. admittedB. acknowledgeC. attributedD. identified8. Ms Green has been living in town for only one year, yet she seems to be_______with everyone who comes to the storeA. balkedB. admittedC. admiredD. acquainted9. Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell, they ____ visionA. vigorousB. exactC. acuteD. vivid10. The newcomers found it impossible to ____ themselves to the climatesufficiently to make permanent home in the new countryA. shatterB. adaptC. regulateD. coordinate11. By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have ___ opportunity tochange his mind.A. accurateC. excessiveD. adequate12. My camera can be ______ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditionA. treatedB. adjustedC. adoptedD. remedied13. His argument does not suggest that mankind can _____ to be wasteful in theutilization of these resourcesA. resortB. grantC. affordD. entitle14. what were your _______ wages last year?A. entireB. aggregateC. completeD. terse15. I should like to rent a house, modern comfortable and ______ in a quietneighborhood.A. all in allB. above allC. after allD. over all16. Most people who travel in the course of their work are given traveling _____A. incomeB. allowanceC. wagesD. pay17. Professor Smith and Professor Brown will ____ in giving the class lecturesA. alterC. alternateD. differ18. when traveling, you are advised to take traveler’s checks, which provide asecure____ to carrying your money in cashA. substituteB. selectionC. preferenceD. alternative19. fortune _ tellers are good at making ______ statement such as “ Your sorrowswill change”A. philosophicalB. ambiguousC. literalD. invalid20. The s chool master _____ the girl’s bravery in is opening speech.A. applaudedB. enhanced C elevatedD. tantalized21. I was unaware of the critical points involved, so my choice was quite_______A. arbitraryB. rationalC. sereneD. unpredictable22. The famous scientist _____ his success to hard workA. impartedB. ascribeC. saunteredD. acknowledged23. Everybody _____ in the hall where they welcomed by the secretaryA. assembledB. piledD. accumulated24. The patient has been _____ of the safety of the operationA. assuredB. guaranteedC. entrustD. confirmed25. In a typhoon, winds _____ a speed greater than 120 kilometer an hour.A. assumeB. accomplishC. attainD. assemble26. We ______ Edison’s success to his intelligence and hard workA. subjectB. attributeC. oweD. refer27. what the correspondent sent us is an ______ news report. We can depend on itA. evidentB. authenticC. ultimateD. immediate28. In fact, there is no _______ liberty in any country.A. adequateB. absoluteC. privateD. practical29. The manager director took the ______ for the accident, although it was notreally his fault.A. guiltB. blameC. chargeD. accusation30. They spent many years _______ for oil in this small island.A. exploringB. explodingC. exposingD. exploitingUNIT 21. The lost car of the less was found _____in the woods off the high way.A. vanishedB. abandonedC. scatteredD. rejected2. Children are ____ to have some accidents as they grow upA. obviousB. indispensableC. bound Dobtuse3. John assured his boss that he would ____ all his energies in doing this new job.A. call forthB. call atC. call onD. call off4. The archaeologists examined the ______ of ancient pottery.A. fragmentB. fragranceC. flagranceD. retinue5. The president _____ a nation holiday for the event.A. proclaimedB. distinguishedC. acclaimedD. exclaimed6. Wealthy Romans collected ______ of Greek statues and paintingsA. recreationsB. enjoymentsC. reproductionsD. entertainments7. If the _____ in the test is too small, we can not get a good result.A. sampleB. meagernessC. leisureD. flight8. Dark glasses serve to _____ eyes from the glare of the sun.A. dismayB. shelterC. shieldD. defend9 Anna was ____ to give up her poverty by her treacherous uncleA. impelledB. expelledC. compelledD. repelled10. In order to improve our condition, this new scheme must be _____A. adoptedB. adaptedC. adeptD. addicted11. Insulted by my opponent, I ______ at him with closed fistsA. glaredB. peepedC. glancedD. stared12. The girl took cheese and _____ to eatA. commencedB. commendedC. commandedD. commented13. Being extremely _____ to the cold, I don't like skiing.A. sensitiveB. senselessC. sensibleD. insensitive14. Since she knows a terrible ___ as they waited to hear who had been killed in theplane crash.A. diffusionB. impressionC. stimulationD. tension15. Barbara _____ in doing it again though she had failed more than a dozen timesA. consistedB. resistedC. assistedD. persisted16. This is a purely _______ problem, not a political one.A. additionalB. assiduousC. adamantD. academic17. After criminals were caught, they were accused and put on _______A. deathB. verdictionC. trialD. sentence18. I struggled out of the ditch and my jeans were ______A. spoiledB. scatteredC. spilledD. spotted19. On turning the corner, we saw the road _______ steeplyA. departingB. depressingC. decreasingD. descending20. Before he started to work, I asked the builder to give me an __ of the cost ofrepairing the roof.A. assessmentB. announcementC. estimateD. evaluation21. Although not an economist himself, Dr.smith has long been a severe critic ofthe government's ______ policiesA. economicB. economicalC. economicsD. economy22. It is rather _______ that we still do not know how many species there are in theworld today.A. misleadingB. embarrassingC. boringD. demanding23. The old building is in a good state of ______ except for the wooden floorsA. observationB. preservationC. conservationD. compensation24. The ceremony will _____ as soon as the minister arrives.A. completeB. commenceC. disperseD. descend25. Gasline is _____ by the spark plugs in the engineA. ignitedB. inspiredC. excitedD. illuminated26. The person who ______ this type of research deserves our praise.A. originatedB. manufacturedC. generatedD. estimated27. Dogs are often praised for their ____; they almost never abandon their mastersA. faithB. loyaltyC. trustD. truthfulness28. When business is ______, there is usually an obvious increase inunemployment.A. degradedB. depressedC. reducedD. lessened29. He believed that the greatest of his ______ was that he'd never had a collegeeducation.A. griefsB. misfortunesC. disastersD. sorrows30. Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell, they have _____vision.A. vigorousB. exactC. acuteD. vividUNIT 31. By moving the radar beam around slowly in circles, we can _____ thesurroundingsA. exploreB. exposeC. exploitD. addle2. The lady dressed in the latest Paris fashion is ______ in her appearance but rudein her speechA. elaborateB. excessiveC. elegantD. exaggerated3. A window in the kitchen was _____ ; there was rubbish everywhere, and thecurtains and carpets had been stolenA. scatteredB. scrapedC. scratchedD. smashed4. As a _____ actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musicalinstrumentsA. flexibleB. versatileC. sophisticatedD. productive5. There are not many teachers who are strong ____ of traditional methods inEnglish teaching.A. sponsorsB. contributorsC. advocatesD. performers6. On weekend, my grandma usually ____ a glass of wine.A. subscribes to B engages inC. hangs onD. indulges in7. At the party we found that shy girl _____ her mother all the time.A. depending onB. coinciding withC. adhering toD. clinging to8. The education provides them _____ to economic progress.A. admissionB. acceptanceC. accessD. approach9. This can _____ the worry between a couple that they don't understand eachother.A. releaseB. relentC. relieveD. relay10. Many distinguished men have ____ from slums.A. emanatedB. appearedC. loomedD. emerged11. The most advanced communication ______ can pass information to anymember state in no more than five seconds.A. furnitureB. facilitiesC. equipmentD. ornaments12. The evidence showed that the hanged man could be ____ of murder.A. ignorantB. innocentC. indecentD. tolerant13. The outward _____ may increase as anti_ immigrant fever spreads in the unitedstates.A. departureB. exodusC. contagion D adage14. They work long hours but don't earn enough to ensure a _____ living forthemselves and their families.A. reticentB. decentC. innocentD. descent15. Worldwide demand for more _____ technology continues to grow.A. subtleB. experiencedC. sophisticatedD. refined16. Mr Russel is a good teacher, but he often gives ____ lectures.A. excellentB. extensiveC. soundD. tedious17. A _____ heart beats around seventy-six times a minute.A. delicateB. normalC. formalD. peculiar18. Mr Johnson had given no _____ that he was intending to resignA. distinction B directionC. informationD. indication19. Color_ blind people often find it difficult to ______ between blue and green.A. separateB. distinguishC. compareD. contrast20. The choir stood in four rows according to their ____ heightsA. respectiveB. respectableC. respectedD. respectful21. There are few areas of our lives in which tools don't play an ______ part.A. indispensableB. independentC. indistinguishableD. indiscriminate22. He is such a(n)_____ person that he gives money to whoever is in need of hishelp.A. amiableB. agreeableC. generousD. hospitable23. A man who doesn't like to talk about himself or to make his feelings known toothers is called a ________ manA. reservedB. conservativeC. tolerantD. preserved24. He reads so ______ that he knows almost everything about various fields ofA. extensively B intensivelyC. closelyD. exclusively25. The light was too _____ for the boy to read the letter.A. illuminatingB. implicitC. explicitD. dim26. None of us was _____ when Bill ask for help.A. attainableB. approachableC. availableD. applicable27. His final remarks had a tremendous _____ on audience.A. collisionB. impactC. upliftD. uproar28. He was a brilliant musician as a boy but he never ______ his early promise. AcompletedB. concludedC. fulfilledD. performed29. Tom has been ____ of sight for many years.A. busyB. disappointedC. ashamedD. deprived30. The actress were dressed in ______ costumes.A. elaborateB. deliberateD. delinquentUNIT 41. His employers could not complain about his work because he was ______ inthe performance of his duties.A. derelictB. penetratingC. diversifiedD. assiduous.2. I met a remarkable man who had been traveling the world over in search of ___and romanceA. adventureB. novelsC. literatureD. jeopardy3. The person who_____this type of reform deserves our praise.A. generatedB. estimatedC. originatedD. manufactured4. He always does something casually. So casualty is a ______ in his character.A. proficiencyB. defectC. virtueD. appendix5. He ______ certain passages from the original book in the new edition.A. concludedB. includedC. excludedD. secluded6. He has never liked meat, and has always had a ______ for vegetables and fruit.A. admirationB. preferenceC. substitutionD. compensation7. I was moved and grandpa was equally_____. Rarely had I seen him soworked__up.A. infectedB. affectedC. inflictedD. afflicted8. Education is ____ for the development of a country.A. indispensableB. accountableC. deliberateD. deficient9. Everybody______ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.A. assembleB. accumulatedC. piledD. joined10. By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have _____ opportunity tochange his mind.A. accurateB. urgentC. excessiveD. adequate11. Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been fairly criticized and argue that thepower of the medium is _____A. granted B impliedC. exaggeratedD. remedied12. Young people are not ______ to stand and look at works of art, they want artthey can participate in.A. conservativeB. contentC. confidentD. generous13. In Britain people _______ four million tons of potatoes every year.A. swallowB. disposeC. consumeD. exhaust14. some diseases are _____ by certain water animals.A. transplantB. transformed C transportedD. transmitted15 If Japan _____its relation with that country, It will have to find another supplierof raw materialsA. precludesB. terminatesC. partitionsD. expires16. The wealth of a country should be measured _____the health and happiness ofits people as well as the material goods.A. in line withB. in terms ofC. by means ofD. in favor of17. That part of the town is completely ____ of interest for visitors. There is noscenery at all.A. suspiciousB. demonstrativeC. voidD. irrespective18. ______ to the mountain towns is often difficult because of bad roads.A. aversion B orisonC. IncentiveD. access19. At the tide ____ from the shore, we are able to look for shells.A. preceded B proceededC. accededD. receded20. Though it was less attractive, John knew the metal box would be more _______A. terminalB. durableC. persistentD. ultimate21. They could not go to the theater together because his free time never ______with hers.A. collide B complyC. coincideD. cope22. Everyone in the auditorium was weeping by the time he finished the ____ tale.A. perpetualB. vigorousC. ultimateD. pathetic23. we have taken all the ____ we can against the painting being stolen.A. precautionsB. admissionsC. concessionsD. transactions24. The ____man would go his own way, in spite of all warnings.A. obedientB. obstinateC. digitalD. elaborate25. Some flowers, like roses, are famous for their strong ______.A. fragranceB. flavorC. demonD. outline26. The amateur team was _____from the contest in the first round.A. detachedB. excusedC. distractedD. eliminated27. He is planning another tour abroad, yet his passport will_____ at the end of thismonth.A. expireB. exceedC. terminateD. cease28. All the off __shore oil explorers were in high spirits as they read _____lettersfrom their families.A. sentimentalB. affactionateC. intimateD. sensitive29. Please _____yourself from smoking and spitting in public places, since the lawforbids them.A. restrainB. hinderC. restrictD. prohibit30. The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their state____A. pensionsB. earnings路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索- 百度文库2121 C. salariesD. donations。