The Goal




1own goal
2goal kick
3golden goal
4goal area
5field goal
6goal difference
7goal line
8The Goal
9goal drought
1The second goal was disallowed.

2The goal was disallowed.

3The goal was disallowed for offside.因为越位,进球无效。

4He booted the ball clear of the goal.他一个大脚把球踢离了球门。

5Their second goal was an absolute gift.他们第二个进球简直不费吹灰之力。

score the goal的意思

score the goal的意思

score the goal的意思
"Score the goal" 是一个英语短语,通常用于足球比赛或其他球类比赛中,意思是“进球”。


在足球比赛中,每当一支球队的球员将球踢进对方球门时,他们就会“score a goal”。







例如,在冰球比赛中,当球员将冰球射入对方球门时,也可以说他们“scored a goal”。

同样,在篮球比赛中,当球员将篮球投进对方的篮筐时,也可以用“scored a goal”来描述。

总的来说,“score the goal”是一个广泛用于各种球类比赛中的术语,表示球员或球队成功得分的行为。


aim, goal 和 purpose

aim, goal 和 purpose

aim: [ eim ]n. 目标,对准v. 对准目标,打算词形变化:动词过去式:aimed 过去分词:aimed 现在分词:aiming 第三人称单数:aims例句与用法:1. He aims to be a successful writer.他的目标是成为一个成功的作家。

2. What is your aim in life?你的生活目标是什么?3. My remarks were not aimed at you.我的话不是针对你的。

4. I aimed at the target but hit the wall.我瞄准了目标射击,但却打在了墙上。

英英解释:名词aim:1. an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions同义词:purpose, intent, intention, design2. the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable)同义词:object, objective, target3. the action of directing something at an object4. the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies同义词:bearing, heading动词aim:1. aim or direct at; as of blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment同义词:take, train, take aim, direct2. propose or intend同义词:purpose, purport, propose3. move into a desired direction of discourse同义词:drive, get4. specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public 同义词:calculate, direct5. intend (something) to move towards a certain goal同义词:target, place, direct, point6. direct (a remark) toward an intended goal7. have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal同义词:draw a bead on, aspire, shoot forgoal: [ gəul ]n. 目标,终点n.球门;得分例句与用法:1. You'd better set a goal before you start the drill.练习开始前,你最好设定一个目标。



以什么为目标的英文短语以实现目标为目标的英文短语是"aim for the goal"。


以下是24个双语例句:1. Let's aim for the goal and work together to achieve success.让我们共同朝着目标努力,实现成功。

2. He always aims for the goal and never settles for less.他总是追求目标,并从不妥协。

3. It's important to aim for the goal and never give up, even in the face of challenges.面对挑战,追求目标并永不放弃非常重要。

4. She set a clear plan and is now aiming for the goal.她制定了一个明确的计划,并现在正朝着目标努力。

5. We should aim for the goal, but also enjoy the journey along the way.我们应该追求目标,但也要享受沿途的旅程。

6. Don't let obstacles discourage you, keep aiming forthe goal.不要让障碍物让你失去信心,继续追求目标。

7. Aim for the goal, but remember to be flexible andadapt to new circumstances.追求目标,但记住要灵活适应新的环境。

8. They aimed for the goal and achieved great success in their business.他们追求目标,在业务上取得了巨大的成功。



aim,purpo‎se,goalaim: [ eim ]n. 目标,对准v. 对准目标,打算词形变化:动词过去式‎:aimed‎过去分词:aimed‎现在分词:aimin‎g第三人称单‎数:aims例句与用法‎:1. He aims to be a succe‎ssful‎ write‎r.他的目标是‎成为一个成‎功的作家。

2. What is your aim in life?你的生活目‎标是什么?3. My remar‎k s were not aimed‎at you.我的话不是‎针对你的。

4. I aimed‎at the targe‎t but hit the wall.我瞄准了目‎标射击,但却打在了‎墙上。

英英解释:名词aim‎:1. an antic‎i pate‎d outco‎m e that is inten‎d ed or that guide‎s your plann‎e d actio‎n s同义词:purpo‎se, inten‎t, inten‎ti on, desig‎n2. the goal inten‎ded to be attai‎n ed (and which‎i s belie‎v ed to be attai‎n able‎)同义词:objec‎t, objec‎t i ve, targe‎t3. the actio‎n of direc‎t i ng somet‎h i ng at an objec‎t4. the direc‎t i on or path along‎whi ch‎somet‎h i ng moves‎o r along‎whi ch‎i t lies同义词:beari‎n g, headi‎n g动词aim‎:1. aim or direc‎t at; as of blows‎, weapo‎n s, or objec‎t s such as photo‎g raph‎i c equip‎m ent 同义词:take, train‎, take aim, direc‎t2. propo‎se or inten‎d同义词:purpo‎se, purpo‎rt, propo‎se3. move into a desir‎e d direc‎t i on of disco‎u rse同义词:drive‎, get4. speci‎fi cal‎l y desig‎n a produ‎ct, event‎, or activ‎i t y for a certa‎i n publi‎c 同义词:calcu‎l ate, direc‎t5. inten‎d (somet‎h i ng) to move towar‎d s a certa‎i n goal同义词:targe‎t, place‎, direc‎t, point‎6. direc‎t (a remar‎k) towar‎d an inten‎d ed goal7. have an ambit‎i ous plan or a lofty‎goal同义词:draw a bead on, aspir‎e, shoot‎ forgoal: [ gəul ]n. 目标,终点n.球门;得分例句与用法‎:1. Y ou'd bette‎r set a goal befor‎e you start‎ the drill‎.练习开始前‎,你最好设定‎一个目标。



三. TOC的形成历史和发展现状
约束理论根植于OPT(Optimized Production Technology)。OPT是Goldratt博士和其 他三个以色列籍合作者创立的,他们在1979年下半年把它带到美国,成立了CreativeOutput 公司。 OPT管理理念和规则(如"鼓-缓冲器-绳子"的计划、控制系统)成熟起来。1986年后半年, Goldratt博士和RobertE.Fox共同创立Goldratt研究机构,经过十年发展演进出我们今天所知 的TOC。 TOC首先是作为一种制造管理理念出现。《TheGoal》、《TheRace》这两本最初介绍TOC的 书引起了读者的广泛兴趣和实施这套理念的热情。TOC最初被人们理解为对制造业进行管理、解 决瓶颈问题的方法,后来几经改进,发展出以"产销率、库存、运行费"为基础的指标体系,逐渐形 成为一种面向增加产销率而不是传统的面向减少成本的管理理论和工具,并最终覆盖到企业管理的 所有职能方面(注:产销率指单位时间内企业获取的利润额,是TOC对企业目标实现程度的关键 度量标准,下文有更进一步介绍)。1991 年,当更多的人开始知道和了解TOC的时候,TOC又 发展出用来逻辑化、系统化解决问题的"思维过程"(ThinkingProcess,即TP)。所以,今天的 TOC,就象当年的OPT在管理理念和软件两个方面共同发展一样,它既是面向产销率的管理理念, 又是一系列的思维工具。
例如,一个非瓶颈资源能够达到100%的利用率,但其后续资源如果只能承受其60%的产出, 则其另外40%的产出,将变成在制品库存,此时从非瓶颈资源本身考察,其利用率很好, 但从整个系统的观点来看,它只有60%的有效性。所以"利用"注重的是有效性,而"活力" 注重的则是能行性,从平衡物流的角度出发,应允许在非关键资源上安排适当的闲置时间。

the goal电影观后感

the goal电影观后感

the goal电影观后感英文版"The Goal" Movie Review"The Goal" is a film that tells the story of a soccer coach named Santiago who is hired by a struggling team in Mexico to help them achieve their goal of winning the championship. The movie is filled with drama, inspiration, and valuable life lessons that leave a lasting impression on the viewer.From the very beginning, the movie captures the viewer's attention with its intense soccer matches and the struggle of the team to keep up with their opponents. As the story progresses, we learn more about Santiago's coaching methods and his belief in the power of unity and teamwork. His strategies are not just about winning games, but also about building character and instilling confidence in his players.One of the most powerful scenes in the movie is when Santiago addresses the team after a devastating loss. Instead offocusing on the negative, he encourages them to see the opportunity in the challenge and to learn from their mistakes. His words are both inspiring and motivating, and they serve as a reminder that failure is not permanent and that there is always a chance to bounce back.The movie also explores the importance of family and friends in our lives. Santiago's relationship with his son, who is also a soccer player, adds a personal touch to the story and reminds us that our actions and decisions not only affect ourselves, but also those we care about.In conclusion, "The Goal" is a movie that is not just about soccer, but about the power of teamwork, perseverance, and the importance of family and friends. It is a film that will inspire you to pursue your goals with determination and to never give up, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles.中文版《目标》电影观后感《目标》是一部讲述足球教练圣地亚哥被一支陷入困境的墨西哥球队聘请,帮助他们赢得冠军的故事的电影。

the goal电影观后感

the goal电影观后感

the goal电影观后感英文回答:"The Goal" is a thought-provoking and inspiring movie that left a lasting impact on me. The film revolves around the story of Alex Rogo, a plant manager who is faced with the challenge of turning around a failing factory. Through his journey, the movie explores key concepts in business management and highlights the importance of continuous improvement and effective leadership.One of the aspects that stood out to me in the movie is the emphasis on the importance of identifying and focusing on the goal. Alex Rogo realizes that the ultimate goal of any business is to make money and he learns to align all his actions and decisions towards achieving this goal. This resonated with me as it reminded me of the need to always keep the bigger picture in mind and prioritize actions that contribute to the overall success of a project or organization.Another key takeaway from the movie is the concept of bottlenecks. Alex Rogo learns that the performance of a system is often limited by a few key bottlenecks, and by identifying and addressing these bottlenecks, significant improvements can be made. This concept made me reflect on my own life and work, and I realized that there are often bottlenecks that hinder my productivity or progress. The movie inspired me to actively seek out and overcome these bottlenecks in order to achieve better results.Furthermore, the movie also highlights the importance of teamwork and collaboration. Alex Rogo realizes that in order to achieve success, he needs to involve and empower his team. This reminded me of the saying "Teamwork makes the dream work" and reinforced the idea that collective efforts and collaboration can lead to greater achievements.Overall, "The Goal" is a captivating movie that not only entertains but also educates. It presents valuable lessons in business management in a relatable and engaging way. The characters and their struggles are realistic,making it easy to connect with and learn from their experiences. The movie has motivated me to approach my own goals and challenges with a fresh perspective and has provided me with practical insights that I can apply inboth my personal and professional life.中文回答:《The Goal》是一部发人深省、鼓舞人心的电影,给我留下了深刻的印象。

The Goal

The Goal

《The goal 目标》艾利·高德拉特 杰夫·科克斯 (Eliyahu Goldratt &Jeff Cox )TOC (Theory Of Constraints )制约法理论工厂的目标:赚钱衡量指标:有效产出(throughput )、存货(inventory )、营运费用(operational expense )有效产出:整个系统通过销售而获得金钱的速度;存货:整个系统投资在采购上的金钱,而采购的是我们打算卖出去的东西;营运费用:系统为把存货转为有效产出而花的钱。







关注工厂产能(capacity )平衡工厂(balanced plant )依存关系(dependent events ):一个事件或一系列的事件必须等待其他事件发生之后,才能发生,也就是必须有赖于前一个事件发生之后,接下来的事件才会发生。

统计波动(statistical fluctuations )任何资源,只要它的产能等于或少于它的需求,就是瓶颈。





A ) 绝不可以浪费瓶颈的生产时间;瓶颈生产的任何产品都必须保持良好,直至最终有效产出。

B ) 减轻瓶颈的负担,把部分工作移交给非瓶颈的生产资源;(1) (2) (3)(4) 非瓶颈资源的利用程度并不是由其生产潜力来决定,而是由系统中的其他制约因素来决定。



aim,purpose,goalaim: [ eim ]n. 目标,对准v. 对准目标,打算词形变化:动词过去式:aimed 过去分词:aimed 现在分词:aiming 第三人称单数:aims例句与用法:1. He aims to be a successful writer.他的目标是成为一个成功的作家。

2. What is your aim in life?你的生活目标是什么?3. My remarks were not aimed at you.我的话不是针对你的。

4. I aimed at the target but hit the wall.我瞄准了目标射击,但却打在了墙上。

英英解释:名词aim:1. an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions同义词:purpose, intent, intention, design2. the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable)同义词:object, objective, target3. the action of directing something at an object4. the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies同义词:bearing, heading动词aim:1. aim or direct at; as of blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment 同义词:take, train, take aim, direct2. propose or intend同义词:purpose, purport, propose3. move into a desired direction of discourse同义词:drive, get4. specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public 同义词:calculate, direct5. intend (something) to move towards a certain goal同义词:target, place, direct, point6. direct (a remark) toward an intended goal7. have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal同义词:draw a bead on, aspire, shoot forgoal: [ gəul ]n. 目标,终点n.球门;得分例句与用法:1. You'd better set a goal before you start the drill.练习开始前,你最好设定一个目标。

The Goal观后感

The Goal观后感

《The Goal》观后感左艺友11120590这部影片主要讲述的是这样一个故事:男主人公罗戈所管理的工厂状况很糟糕,并且几个月来一直亏本,于是罗戈的顶头上司要求他在三个月内使这座工厂转亏为盈,否则就要关闭这座厂。
















为了实现目标 For the Goal(高中英语作文)

为了实现目标 For the Goal(高中英语作文)

为了实现目标For the Goal高中英语作文When I was in primary school, the teacher asked us a question of what did you want to be in the future. At first, I had no idea, but all I could think about was my teacher’s back and her hands writing words on the blackboard. At that time, I realized that I wanted to be a teacher. I wanted to shared my knowledge with my students. So I made up my mind that I must study hard and fight for my goal. Now as I go to high school, I feel so close to my dream. I want to study in a Normal University, which is the best way to realize my dream. So I need to do better than others, because so many students are competing for such university. I believe that my insistence will help me make it.小学的时候老师问了我们一个问题,未来想做什么。




《The Goal(目标)》读后感

《The  Goal(目标)》读后感

《The Goal(目标)》读后感鸡年伊始,利用春节假期难得的闲暇时间,阅读了部门领导推荐的以色列著名企业管理大师Goldratt博士的《The Goal》一书,感触还是很多的。




TOC全称是Theory Of Constraints,被称为简单而有效的常识管理,其管理方法的关键词是comstraints,即制约。














Manmustbelikethestarsinthesky,foreverclearlyseeingthefir eofallhopesandwishes.4、要向大的目标走去,就得从小的目标开始。



Apersonshouldlookstraightaheadwhenheismovingtoward shisgoal.7、一个崇高的目标,只要不渝地追求,就会成为壮举。

Aloftygoal,aslongasitispursuedsteadfastly,willbecomeafea t.8、君志所向,一往如前。


Yourambitionisasgoodasever.Themorefrustrated,themore energeticweare.9、一个好的目标决不会因为慢慢来而落空。




英语作文:我的人生目标 The Goals in My Life

英语作文:我的人生目标 The Goals in My Life

With the goal set, the problem became how to achieve that goal. First, we must to believe ourselves. Because confidence is very impotant to us. The second one is a little hard to someone unconscioing all of the above, I suppose you will attain your goal.
Everyone need to have his or her own goal.
The goal must be rational and In line with our ability. Be sure that the object of yours desire is something worthy, something you can obtain.
That is hard-working. High IQ can creat a genius, and graveness can create a talent. And the last one, also is the most important one. We need unremitting. We must hang in whenever we come across difficulties and never give up.

The Goal《目标》读后感(共16张PPT)

The Goal《目标》读后感(共16张PPT)
规划论的方法(MRPⅡ/ERP)更为有效。 基于TOC制定生产计划,动态同步地确定批量、提前期、瓶颈、
缓冲位置及大小、库存量、物料投入控制等这些制定生产计划的要 素, 研究分析瓶颈漂移规律及影响,确定生产计划并进行控制。
基于 TOC理论的库存控制模型
通过建立中央仓库,按照产品建立目标缓冲水平,每天订货及周期性补 货,运用动态缓冲管理监控库存状态,有效地解决分销系统库存控制预测不 准确、补货时间太长以及供应不可靠的缺点,并通过 TOC动态缓冲管理监 控库存状态,对分销系统库存控制进行持续改进。

颈,重回步骤 一
找出系统中的 瓶颈
挖尽瓶颈的潜 能
其他的一切配合 上述决定
瓶颈:是指整个流程中制约产出的各种因素。通常把一个流程中生产节拍最慢的环节 叫做瓶颈。
衡量指标 有效产出(throughput):整个系统通过销售而获得金钱的速度。 存货(inventory):整个系统投资在采购上的金钱。 营运费用(operational expense):系统为了把存货转为有效
应用 准 时生产(Just In Time,JIT)方法到供应链中, 并联合使
用缓冲管理(Buffer Management,BM)维护供应流的完整, 加上一个 提供整个供应链的真正消费即时可见的信息网络。它显著地缩减生 产和库存补充时间, 提高供应链的响应性和柔性, 不确定需求的影 响明显减少, 需要更少的存货来防止缺货, 也防止了库存补充过程 的变化性。

the goal观后感

the goal观后感

the goal观后感英文回答:"The Goal" is a thought-provoking novel written by Eliyahu M. Goldratt. It tells the story of Alex Rogo, a plant manager who is facing numerous challenges in his struggling factory. Through the guidance of Jonah, a mentor figure, Alex learns valuable lessons about the importance of focusing on the overall goal of a business and the need to identify and eliminate bottlenecks in the production process.One of the key takeaways from the book is the concept of the Theory of Constraints (TOC). This theory suggests that every system, whether it is a factory or a business, has at least one constraint that limits its ability to achieve its goal. By identifying and addressing these constraints, organizations can improve their overall performance. This idea resonated with me because it highlights the importance of constantly evaluating andimproving processes to drive success.Another aspect of the book that stood out to me was the emphasis on teamwork and collaboration. Alex realizes that in order to achieve his goals, he needs to involve and empower his employees. This reminded me of the saying, "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link." In the context of the book, this means that the success of a business relies on the collective efforts and skills of its employees. It is not just about individual performance, but also about how well the team works together towards a common objective.The book also highlights the importance of constantly questioning and challenging the status quo. Alex is encouraged to think outside the box and challengetraditional assumptions about how things should be done. This reminded me of the phrase, "Thinking outside the box." It means to approach a problem or situation in an unconventional way, often leading to innovative solutions. This mindset is crucial in today's rapidly changing and competitive business environment.中文回答:《The Goal》是Eliyahu M. Goldratt所著的一本发人深省的小说。

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Blending transfinite interpolation surfacepatchesRichard SouthernUniversity of CambridgeThe GoalT o generate smooth surfaces from parametric curvenetworks.T o have a local andflexible surface definition.Designers use curves already fordefining surfaces.Lines of anisotropy are often drawnto convey maximum curvatureMost modeling kernels support thebounding curves(e.g.ACIS,Para-solid,etc.).Three different approaches to defining a surface frominput curves:A bounded parametric patch definition(Coo67;PC96).A variational,minimum energy approach(BX03;BS05).A parametric space definition(GR05).Only a parametric patch has local support,but cannothave“floating curves”(hybrid surfaces have yet to be explored.).We focus on smoothing over vertices of curve networksof quadrilateral parametric patches.It is very difficult to construct acurve network where patches meetneatly.Curves may not be continuousacross patches.Parametric curves may notevaluate to exactly the samepoint(rounding errors).It is difficult to determine surfacebehavior in the case of anirregular number of curvesmeeting at a point.MethodOverviewWe resolve the problem of smoothing over verticesby:extrapolating each patch over their neighbors at eachvertex,blending together all patches about each vertex,andblending together the relevant vertex patches over eachface.The method in .Talk OverviewParametric patch construction from boundary curvesCoons patchesMean Value InterpolationA little manifold theoryExtrapolating parametric patchesBlending the results togetherVertex patchesFace patchesResults and DiscussionOur parametric surface is an manifold embedded in.Each patch is parameterized in terms of some localparametric domain with coordinates.The boundary is defined by a curve,whichis only defined along the boundary of the patch.Our patch definition specifies some functionwhich defines the interior of the patch.f(t)v f(v )^Parametric domain Boundary function Surface patch p(t)CoonspatchesNamed after StevenCoons(Coo67). Simplest method to interpolate4curvesbounding a square parametric domain.Sum of the ruled blendsandminus an error term from the end points.Continuity is bounded by the conti-nuity of the curves only.b(v)b(v)01a(u)a(u)01a(u)a(u)010a(u)1a(u)011+-=b(v) ruled blenda(u) ruled blenderr o r t er mfi n a l s ur fac ePros:Fast tocompute.Simple.Continuity limited only by input curves.Cons:Surfaces do not minimize surfaceenergy.Folding can occur when extrapolating at singular or near singularvertices.Floater(Flo03)proposed Mean Value Coordinates forparameterization of points and giving smooth coordinates for general polygons.Ju et al.(JSW05)later defines Mean Value Interpolationproviding smooth coordinates for the interior and exterior of arbitrary(convex and concave)polyhedrons. Preserves linear precision.Wachspress Coordinates Mean Value CoordinatesThe point each point on’s boundary isprojected onto a unit sphere(centered at).The points associated value is then weightedby.This weighted function is then integrated over.Affine invariance is ensured by dividing the resultby the integral of the weight functiontaken over.Hence:S vp(t)This formulation can be simplified for closed polygons with function values defined at onlythe vertices.In this case the integration can be restricted to the circular arc from when the edgeis projected onto the circle such that:Grimm et al.(GH95)use an“atlas”analogy.A collection of atlas charts can be stitched togetheracross some shared overlap.A transition function tells us where we are in space if weare between charts.In our case,charts are our parameterized patches,andthe transition function is a method to construct thefinal patch.More formally a setwhere are one-to-one and coveris if a transition function from chart to chart,defined for where charts andintersect,are.This definition provides us with the theory with which wecan construct surfaces of arbitrary continuity.We need a smooth method to define how our charts stretch over the neighboring charts.We blend over each vertex,so we need to determine a representing how this patchstretches over neighboring patches.This is achieved by a conformal transform(with in complex notation)forvalence(valence:the number of faces meeting at a vertex).maps from the regular parametric space to conformal space.A rotation is applied to the coordinate such that we can deduce the position of from each neighboring patch.Applying the rotation about a vertex withWe now need a transform which would transform back to the parametric space of theoriginal polygon.Unfortunately the function is not injective,so a unique inverse does not exist for.We approximate this function with the functionwhere is a constant and is the phase of the point in conformal space.This function is only monotonically increasing for.An analytic solution to the forward transform does not exist,but can be solved fornumerically for a better geometryfit.Putting the whole expression together,we havewhere is the parametric position,and is the index of the patch anti-clockwise about the vertex with valence.Note that this can be precomputed for a regular sampling(i.e.are regularly sampled).Extrapolating a regular quad patch with.We would like to initially blend together theseextrapolated patches such that we createWe construct a smooth patch about a particular vertexby blending together patches about the vertex:A valence6vertex blend.Blending the results together:Face patchesFor each vertex in face blend together the parts of the vertex patch associated with face.A simple affine transformation is necessary to ensure that distortion is prevented.More complex blending is possible with differently blended patches(edge blends easy todefine).Valence 3,Mean Curvature Valence 5,Gauss CurvatureDiscussionThere are a number of potential optimizations:The expensive terms can be precomputed forall valid,,and for a given set ofsamples of.Similarly the weights can also be precomputed.The method lends itself easily to the SIMD GPUarchitecture.DiscussionVertices at surface discontinuities can be treated in anumber of ways:They be left to interpolate the boundary and blendedinto the remaining surface,orDummy vertex patches can be constructed using“ghost faces”by estimating the valence of the vertex.ConclusionWe have presented a method to blend around vertices ofparametric surface patches constructed from curvenetworks.The method is local to each patch and its immediateneighbors.The method is fast to compute.The methods continuity is only limited by the continuityof the input curves and its extrapolation.Self intersection is currently unavoidable.Future workThis method is a step towards my goal of“sketch basedmodeling”.Other methods,such as Attribute BasedModeling(GR05)give a method to quickly constructsurface geometry from an arbitrary collection of curvesin space(without variation design).I would like to explore Mean Value Coordinates for therapid design of surfaces from a sketch based interface.Questions?ReferencesAlexander Bobenko and Peter Schr¨oder.Discrete willmoreflow.In M.Desbrun and H.Pottmann,editors,Symposium of Ge-ometry Processing,pages101–110.Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH,July2005.Chandrajit Bajaj and Guoliang Xu.Anisotropic diffusion of sub-division surfaces and functions on surfaces.ACM T ransac-tions on Graphics,22(1):4–32,2003.Steven Coons.Surfaces for computer aided design of space forms.T echnical Report MAC-TR-41,Project MAC,Mas-sachusetts Institute of T echnology,1967.Michael S.Floater.Mean value puter Aided Geometric Design,20(1):19–27,2003.Cindy Grimm and John Hughes.Modeling surfaces of arbitrary puter Graphics(Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), pages359–369,August1995.Kun Gao and Alyn Rockwood.Multi-sided attribute based mod-eling.In Ralph 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