SpeechLine Wired MAT 133、MAT 133-S、MAT 153-S 商品说明说
CARACTÉRISTIQUES• Design intemporel• Cadre lumineux bicolore pour une confirmationvisuelle claire • Modes de microphone commutables• Port logique pour une intégration transparente • Fabriqué en AllemagneLe MAT 133 est un socle de table conçu pour être robuste et discret. Il fournit une base solide aux microphones à col de cygne XLR-3.Le MAT 133-S dispose d’un bouton de microphone pratique à cadre lumineux bicolore pour une confirmation visuelle claire. La sortie logique TTL sert à diverses commandes telles que le contrôle d’une caméra. Le MAT 133-S est aus-si polyvalent que simple d’emploi.Le MAT 153-S fournit une base solide aux microphones à col de cygne XLR-5.SPÉCIFICATIONS ARCHITECTURALESLe socle de table pour brancher et faire fonctionner les microphones à col de cygne XLR devra être robuste et discret. Il devra posséder une entrée microphone XLR-3F et une sortie microphone XLR-3M. Le socle de table devra fonctionner sur alimentation fantôme 24 V. La consom-mation électrique devra être de 1,9 mA. Les dimensions devront être de 120 x 170 x 43 mm. Le poids devra être de 1 210 grammes. La température de fonctionnement devra être comprise entre -10 °C et +50 °C. Le socle de table devra être le MAS 133 Sennheiser.Le MAT 133 Sennheiser devra également être disponible sous forme d’une variante (-S) avec bouton de microphone programmable (commutation On/Off, PTM, PTT et activa-tion permanente) et un cadre à LED bicolore pour indiquer l’état actuel. La consommation électrique de la version -S devra être de 3,7 mA. Le socle de table devra disposer d’un connecteur logique TTL avec entrées et sorties logiques. La tension de sortie logique devra être à haut niveau> 2,4 V et à bas niveau < 0,4 V, la tension d’entrée logique devra être à haut niveau > 2,0 V et à bas niveau < 0,8 V.Le socle de table pour brancher et faire fonctionner les microphones à col de cygne XLR devra être robuste et discret. Il devra avoir un bouton de microphone program-mable (commutation On/Off, PTM, PTT et activation permanente) et un cadre à LED bicolore pour indiquerl’état actuel. Le socle de table devra disposer d’une entrée microphone XLR-5F, d’une sortie microphone XLR-5M et d’un connecteur logique TTL avec entrées et sorties logiques. La tension de sortie logique devra être à haut niveau > 2,4 V et à bas niveau < 0,4 V, la tension d’entrée logique devra être à haut niveau > 2,0 V et à bas niveau < 0,8 V. Le socle de table devra fonctionner sur alimenta-tion fantôme 24 V. La consommation électrique devra être de 3,7 mA. Les dimensions devront être de 120 x 170 x 43 mm. Le poids devra être de 1 210 grammes. La tempéra-ture de fonctionnement doit être comprise entre –10 °C et +50 °C. Le socle de table devra être le MAS 153-S Sennheiser.MAT 133MAT 133-S MAT 153-SCARACTÉRISTIQUES TECHNIQUESMAT 133MAT 133-S MAT 153-S Alimentation fantôme P 24Consommation électrique1,9 mA3,7 mA3,7 mA Connecteurs Entrée micro - XLR-3F Entrée micro - XLR-3F Entrée micro - XLR-5FSortie micro - XLR-3M Sortie micro - XLR-3M Sortie micro - XLR-3M Brochage de la sortie Sortie XLR-3M Sortie XLR-3M Sortie XLR-3M1 = masse 1 = masse 1 = masse2 = point chaud (+) 2 = point chaud (+) 2 = point chaud (+)3 = point froid (–) 3 = point froid (–) 3 = point froid (–) Brochage de l’entrée Entrée XLR-3F Entrée XLR-3F Entrée XLR-5F1 = masse 1 = masse 1 = masse2 = point chaud (+) 2 = point chaud (+) 2 = point chaud (+)3 = point froid (–) 3 = point froid (–) 3 = point froid (–)4 = LED5 = LED (+)Couleur de la LEDcirculaireRouge / vert Rouge / vertModes de microphone Commutation On/OffPTM (presser pour couperle son)PTT (presser pour parler)Activation permanente Commutation On/Off PTM (presser pour couper le son)PTT (presser pour parler) Activation permanenteConnexion Contact à pince pourcommande logique Contact à pince pour commande logiqueBrochage du connecteur logique Signal de déclenchementsur le connecteur logique:Signal de déclenchementsur le connecteur logique: Entrée logique(Commande deLED externe)Entrée logique(Commande deLED externe)GNDGNDSortie logique(signal de com-mutation)Sortie logique(signal de com-mutation)Poids1 210 g1 210 g1 210 g Dimensions (L x P x H)120 x 170 x 43 mm120 x 170 x 43 mm120 x 170 x 43 mm Température defonctionnement–10 °C à +50 °C–10 °C à +50 °C–10 °C à +50 °CCONTENU DE LA LIVRAISON• Socle de table• Guide rapide• Guide de sécuritéDIMENSIONS MAT 133-SMAT 153-SVARIANTES DU PRODUITMAT 133 B, noir N° d’article 505622MAT 133-S B, noir N° d’article 505624MAT 153-S B, noir N° d’article 505626 ACCESSOIRESMEG 14-40 Bmicro col de cygneN° d’article 504791MZH 3015 col de cygne N° d’article 005074MZH 3015-L col de cygne N° d’article 009435MZH 3040 col de cygne N° d’article 005076MZH 3040-L col de cygne N° d’article 009436ME 34 capsule de microphone N° d’article 005060ME 35 capsule de microphone N° d’article 005063ME 36 capsule de microphone N° d’article 005065。
H263基本原理1. H.263 简介H.263由ITU定义,为视频会议和视频电话应用程序提供图象压缩(译码)。
H.263基于H.261,并且其带宽是由小于20K 到24K bit/sec 的视频流形成。
作为一种一般规则,H.263要求其半带宽要于H.261的对应带宽达到相同的视频质量,所以在很大程度上H.263 取代了H.261。
H.263 使用传输视频流。
目前有四种能够提高性能的可选协商选项:无限制运动向量、基于语法的算法译码、前向预测和前后帧预测,类似于MPEG,叫做P-B 帧。
2.视频压缩中的一些基本概念1 有损和无损压缩在视频压缩中有损(Lossy)和无损(Lossless)的概念与静态图像中基本类似。
2 帧内和帧间压缩帧内(Intraframe)压缩也称为空间压缩(Spatial compression)。
Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) for Indoor Visible Light CommunicationsRefik Caglar Kizilirmak Corbett Ray Rowell Dept. of Electrical and Electronics EngineeringNazarbayev UniversityAstana, Kazakhstanrefik.kizilirrn a********.kz,*********************.kz Abstract-Providing multiple access support to visible light communication (VLC) systems requires new networking architectures. Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is a proposed multiple access technique for future cellular systems. In this work, based on a realistic indoor channel conditions, we apply NOMA to indoor VLC channels and demonstrate its superior performance over orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA).Index Terms-visible light communication, OFDMA, NOMA, successive interference cancellationI. INTRODUCTIONVisible light communications (VLC) has recently received considerable attention as an alternative to wireless access technologies operating in radio frequency bands. VLC uses unlicensed spectrum, avoids the health concerns associated with electromagnetic radiation in the microwave bands, and achieves high data rates [1]. Although most of the recent advances in the field consider point-to-point transmission, networking with multiple access (MA) support for VLC is essential to provide multi-user wireless services such as Internet access in an office environment.Most of the MA techniques in radio and optical engineering can be applied to indoor VLC channels. For instance, well known cellular MA techniques such as time division multiple access (TDMA), frequency division multiple access (FDMA), or code division multiple access (CDMA) together with some optical MA techniques such as wavelength division multiple access (WDMA) and space division multiple access (SDMA) have already been proposed for visible light communications [2].NOMA is fundamentally different than other multiple access schemes which provide orthogonal access to the users eitherin time, frequency, code, or space. In NOMA, each user operates in the same band and at the same time where they are distinguished by their power levels. NOMA uses superposition coding [3][4] at the transmitter such that the successive interference cancellation (SIC) receiver can separate the users bothin the uplink and downlink channels. NOMA was originally proposed as a candidate radio access technology for 5G cellular systems [4]. Although the practical implementation of NOMA in 5G cellular networks is still under discussion, it can be readily employed by VLC systems. First, the SIC receiver978-1-4673-7726-3/15/$31.00 ©20151EEE 98Murat UysalDept. of Electrical and Electronics EngineeringOzyegin UniversityIstanbul, Turkey***********************.trperforms better with fewer users; this is usually the case for VLC, but not for cellular networks. Secondly, superposition coding requires the channel knowledge for each user in order to adjust the power split between them; in VLC, unlike cellular networks, user terminals are usually stable and the channel is deterministic. VLC network characteristics perfectly match with the requirements for a successful NOMA implementation. In this work, we propose the use of NOMA in a VLC downlink channel with a two-user scenario and compare its performance with OFDMA based VLC networks. DC biased optical OFDM (DCO-OFDM) [5] is used for both NOMA and OFDMA as it is most commonly used bipolar-to-unipolar conversion technique in optical OFDM systems. A concurrent study in [6] also discusses application of NOMA to VLC systems. Our work is different from [6] in two major aspects: First, we consider optical OFDM transmission and compare the achievable capacities of NOMA and OFDMA and second, we include the impact of cancellation error in SIC receiver and analyzed for VLC systems with further comparison of NOMA and OFDMA systems.The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the channel models for two user scenario. Section 3 presents DCO-OFDM based NOMA and OFDMA. Section 4 presents the results of the numerical studies, and finally, Section 5 concludes the paper.II. INDOOR CHANNEL MODELThe room is modeled as an indoor office space with dimensions 5x5x3meters (Fig. 1) where two user equipments (VEs) are sharing the common downlink channel.In order to obtain the channel impulse responses, the methodology described in [7] is followed based on ray tracing simulations using Zemax@ [8]. The reflection coefficients of the walls, ceiling, floor and desk surface are taken as 0.8, 0.8, 0.3 and 0.8, respectively. When the location of the center of the ground is set at (0,0,0), the locations of the light source, VEl and VE2 are respectively chosen as (0,0,3), (0, 0, 0.7) and (1.7, 1.9, 0.7). Fig. 2 presents the obtained channel impulse responses hI (t) and h2(t) for UEI and UE2, respectively. The electrical channel DC gains are then calculated as GI I hI(t)dt -52 dB and GI I hI(t)dt -58 dB respectively for VEl and VE2.h y2.5 m i, .' ............ _-t ........__ , ". G : : •••• 2 :G : •..• : ' : ..... . , . Sm , OFDMA 1 1 UEI UE2 conjugate I ( NOMA1 . 1 conjugate I .... symmetric ----. 1 I � Bandwidth ---- 1 1 Fig. 1. Room with two users sharing the common downlink channel. 4.5 .5 � 2.5 1.5 0.5-6 xlOtime (nsec)(a) � 0.8� 0.60.402 -6 xlOtime (nsec) (b)Fig. 2. Channel impulse responses with respect to 1 watt transmitted optical power for (a) VEl (b) VE2. III. SYSTEM MODELNOMA and conventional OFDMA are illustrated conceptually in Fig. I where in OFDMA, the two users share thedifferent parts of the bandwidth whereas NOMA utilizes allthe band for each user. In this section, we first present NOMA,then discuss OFDMA as a benchmark.A. NOMA with DCO-OFDM Fig. 3 shows the block diagram of DCO-OFDM basedNOMA system in downlink. The NOMA transmitter processesthe information of both users in parallel and obtains OFDMsignals Xl(t) and X 2(t) for VEl and VE2. In DCO-OFDM,the complex symbols s (PSK, QAM etc.) are first assignedto a subcarrier vector. The OFDM time domain signal isthen obtained by IFFT operation. One important constraintin IMIDD optical communication is that the waveform whichmodulates the LEDs should be real-valued and non-negative.It is known that when the complex subcarrier vector X satisfiesthe Hermitian symmetry property, the time signal at the output IFFT becomes real [9]. Hermitian symmetry can be imposedby constructing X as 99where N is the number of subcarriers. As seen in (1), obtaining a real-valued Xl(t) and X 2(t)sacrifices approximately half of the spectral efficiency for each user. The transmitter then applies superposition coding and forms the transmitted waveform as [3][4] where P is the total available power for the transmitted signal and Kn is the power splitting factor which defines the power levels to be allocated to each information signal. In (2), lE[lxl(t)12] and IE[lXl(t)l 2] are normalized to one. It is also possible to apply superposition coding first and then apply IFFT Finally, the DC biased signal x N (t) modulates the luminary which consists of L number of LED chips. The electrical signal at the receiver of VE k , k E 1, 2, can then be written as LI'JPL hk(t)Q9x(t) + nk(t) (3) i=l L I'L hk(t) (t) + Kn )X 2(t)] i=l2015 4th International Workshop on Optical Wireless Communications (I W OW)2010o 10 15 20Rate of user 2 (Mbps)25 30 35Fig. 5. Boundary of rate pairs (Mbps) for NOMA and OFDMA. Perfect interference cancellation is assumed for NOMA.2010o 10 15 20Rate of user 2 (Mbps)25 30 35Fig. 6. Boundary of rate pairs (Mbps) for NOMA and OFDMA. Imperfect interference cancellation is assumed for NOMA.V. CONCLUSIONIn this work, NOMA has been proposed and analyzed for indoor VLC downlink channels. For a realistic indoor channel model with illumination design constraints, the superior performance of NOMA over conventional OFDMA scheme has been demonstrated. Although, the receiver complexity can be seen as a drawback for NOMA, the return is considerable. Future work includes developing power allocation mechanism for higher number of users and building a prototype.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTWe would like to thank Mr. Farshad Miramirkhani for his kind assistance in preparation of Fig. 2 in Section 2.REFERENCES[1] T. Komine, M. Nakagawa,"Fundamental analysis for visible-light communication system using LED lightings", IEEE Trans. on Comsun.Electron.,vol. 50, pp. 100-107, 2004.[2] H. Elgala, R. Mesleh, H. Haas, "Indoor optical wireless communication:potential and state-of-the-art",IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 49, no: 9, pp. 56-62, 2011.[3] Y. Saito,et. ai, "System level performance evaluation of downlinknonorthogonal multiple access (NOMA)," in Proc. IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PlMRC), Sept.2013.[4] Y. Saito, et, ai, "Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) for future radioaccess," in Proc. IEEE Vehiccular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), pp. 1-5, Sept. 2013.[5] J. Armstrong, "OFDM for optical communications", Journal of LightwaveTech., vo1.27, no.3, pp. 189-204, Feb., 2009.[6] H. Marshoud, V. M. Kapinas, G. K. Karaganniadis, S. Muhadiat,"Non-orthogonal multiple access for visible light communications,"lpdf/1504.oo934.pdf.[7] E. Sarbazi, M. Uysal, M. Abdallah and K.Qaraqe, "Indoor channelmodeling and characterization for visible light communications", 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), July 2014.[8] [9] R. Mesleh, H. Elgala, and H. Haas, "On the performance of differentOFDM based optical wireless communication systems", J. Opt. Commun.Netw., vol. 3, no. 8, pp. 620-628, 2011.[10] J. Grubor, S. Randel, K-D. Langer, and J. W. Walewski, "Broadbandinformation broadcasting using LED-based interior lighting", J. of Lightwave Tech., vol. 26, no. 24, pp. 3883-3892, 2008.[11] J. G. Andrews, and T. H. 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Reidemeister torsion of a symplcetic complex
factoring with π1 (S ). Thus, C∗ (K ; Adρ ) = C∗ (K ; Z) ⊗ρ g is defined as the quotient C∗ (K ; Z) ⊗ g / ∼, where the elements of the orbit {γ • σ ⊗ γ • t; for all γ ∈ π1 (S )} of σ ⊗ t are identified. In this way, we obtain the following complex:
mi γi ; mi ∈ Z, γi ∈ π1 (S ), p ∈ N .
p q
More explicitly, if
mi γi is in Z[π1 (S )], t is in g, and
i=1 q
mi γi
by deck transformation, and
Let K, K ′ be dual cell-decompositions of S so that σ ∈ K σ ′ ∈ K ′ meet at most once and moreover the diameter of each cell has diameter less than, say, half of the ′ injectivity radius of S. If we denote C∗ = C∗ (K ; Adρ ), C∗ = C∗ (K ′ ; Adρ ), then by ′ the invariance of torsion under subdivision, Tor(C∗ ) = Tor(C∗ ). Let D∗ denote the ′ complex C∗ ⊕ C∗ . Then, easily we have the short-exact sequence
R语言系统命令运行工具包 - sys - 版本3.4.2说明书
Package‘sys’May23,2023Type PackageTitle Powerful and Reliable Tools for Running System Commands in RVersion3.4.2Description Drop-in replacements for the base system2()function withfine control and consistent behavior across platforms.Supports clean interruption,timeout,background tasks,and streaming STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR over binary or textconnections.Arguments on Windows automatically get encoded and quoted to workon different locales.License MIT+file LICENSEURL https:///jeroen/sys/issuesEncoding UTF-8RoxygenNote7.1.1Suggests unix(>=1.4),spelling,testthatLanguage en-USNeedsCompilation yesAuthor Jeroen Ooms[aut,cre](<https:///0000-0002-4035-0289>), Gábor Csárdi[ctb]Maintainer Jeroen Ooms<*******************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2023-05-2307:50:02UTCR topics documented:as_text (2)exec (2)exec_r (5)quote (6)sys-deprecated (6)Index712exec as_text Convert Raw to TextDescriptionParses a raw vector as lines of text.This is similar to charToRaw but splits output by(platform specific)linebreaks and allows for marking output with a given encoding.Usageas_text(x,...)Argumentsx vector to be converted to text...parameters passed to readLines such as encoding or nSee Alsobase::charToRawexec Running System CommandsDescriptionPowerful replacements for system2with support for interruptions,background tasks andfine grained control over STDOUT/STDERR binary or text streams.Usageexec_wait(cmd,args=NULL,std_out=stdout(),std_err=stderr(),std_in=NULL,timeout=0)exec_background(cmd,args=NULL,std_out=TRUE,std_err=TRUE,exec3 std_in=NULL)exec_internal(cmd,args=NULL,std_in=NULL,error=TRUE,timeout=0)exec_status(pid,wait=TRUE)Argumentscmd the command to run.Either a full path or the name of a program on the PATH.On Windows this is automatically converted to a short path using Sys.which,unlesswrapped in I().args character vector of arguments to pass.On Windows these automatically get quoted using windows_quote,unless the value is wrapped in I().std_out if and where to direct child process STDOUT.Must be one of TRUE,FALSE,file-name,connection object or callback function.See section on Output Streamsbelow for details.std_err if and where to direct child process STDERR.Must be one of TRUE,FALSE,file-name,connection object or callback function.See section on Output Streamsbelow for details.std_infile path to map std_intimeout maximum time in secondserror automatically raise an error if the exit status is integer with a process IDwait block until the process completesDetailsEach value within the args vector will automatically be quoted when needed;you should not quote arguments yourself.Doing so anyway could lead to the value being quoted twice on some platforms.The exec_wait function runs a system command and waits for the child process to exit.When the child process completes normally(either success or error)it returns with the program exit code.Otherwise(if the child process gets aborted)R raises an error.The R user can interrupt the program by sending SIGINT(press ESC or CTRL+C)in which case the child process tree is properly termi-nated.Output streams STDOUT and STDERR are piped back to the parent process and can be sent to a connection or callback function.See the section on Output Streams below for details.The exec_background function starts the program and immediately returns the PID of the child process.This is useful for running a server daemon or background process.Because this is non-blocking,std_out and std_out can only be TRUE/FALSE or afile path.The state of the process can be checked with exec_status which returns the exit status,or NA if the process is still running.If wait=TRUE then exec_status blocks until the process completes(but can be interrupted).The child can be killed with tools::pskill.The exec_internal function is a convenience wrapper around exec_wait which automatically captures output streams and raises an error if execution fails.Upon success it returns a list with status code,and raw vectors containing stdout and stderr data(use as_text for converting to text).4execValueexec_background returns a pid.exec_wait returns an exit code.exec_internal returns a list with exit code,stdout and stderr strings.Output StreamsThe std_out and std_err parameters are used to control how output streams of the child are processed.Possible values for both foreground and background processes are:•TRUE:print child output in R console•FALSE:suppress output stream•string:name or path offile to redirect outputIn addition the exec_wait function also supports the following std_out and std_err types:•connection a writable R connection object such as stdout or stderr•function:callback function with one argument accepting a raw vector(use as_text to convert to text).When using exec_background with std_out=TRUE or std_err=TRUE on Windows,separate threads are used to print output.This works in RStudio and RTerm but not in RGui because the latter has a custom I/O mechanism.Directing output to afile is usually the safest option.See AlsoBase system2and pipe provide other methods for running a system command with output.Other sys:exec_rExamples#Run a command(interrupt with CTRL+C)status<-exec_wait("date")#Capture std/outout<-exec_internal("date")print(out$status)cat(as_text(out$stdout))if(nchar(Sys.which("ping"))){#Run a background process(daemon)pid<-exec_background("ping","localhost")#Kill it after a whileSys.sleep(2)tools::pskill(pid)#Cleans up the zombie procexec_status(pid)rm(pid)}exec_r5 exec_r Execute R from RDescriptionConvenience wrappers for exec_wait and exec_internal that shell out to R itself:R.home("bin/R").Usager_wait(args="--vanilla",std_out=stdout(),std_err=stderr(),std_in=NULL)r_internal(args="--vanilla",std_in=NULL,error=TRUE)r_background(args="--vanilla",std_out=TRUE,std_err=TRUE,std_in=NULL) Argumentsargs command line arguments for Rstd_out if and where to direct child process STDOUT.Must be one of TRUE,FALSE,file-name,connection object or callback function.See section on Output Streamsbelow for details.std_err if and where to direct child process STDERR.Must be one of TRUE,FALSE,file-name,connection object or callback function.See section on Output Streamsbelow for details.std_in afile to send to stdin,usually an R script(see examples).error automatically raise an error if the exit status is non-zero.DetailsThis is a simple but robust way to invoke R commands in a separate e the callr package if you need more sophisticated control over(multiple)R process jobs.See AlsoOther sys:execExamples#Hello worldr_wait("--version")#Run some code6sys-deprecated r_wait(c( --vanilla , -q , -e , sessionInfo() ))#Run a script via stdintmp<-tempfile()writeLines(c("x<-rnorm(100)","mean(x)"),con=tmp)r_wait(std_in=tmp)quote Quote arguments on WindowsDescriptionQuotes and escapes shell arguments when needed so that they get properly parsed by most Windows programs.This function is used internally to automatically quote system commands,the user should normally not quote arguments manually.Usagewindows_quote(args)Argumentsargs character vector with argumentsDetailsAlgorithm is ported to R from libuv.sys-deprecated Deprecated functionsDescriptionThese functions have moved into the unix package.Please update your references.Usageeval_safe(...)eval_fork(...)Arguments...see respective functions in the unix packageIndex∗sysexec,2exec_r,5as_text,2,3,4base::charToRaw,2charToRaw,2connection,4eval_fork(sys-deprecated),6eval_safe(sys-deprecated),6exec,2,5exec_background(exec),2exec_internal,5exec_internal(exec),2exec_r,4,5exec_status(exec),2exec_wait,5exec_wait(exec),2I(),3pipe,4quote,6r_background(exec_r),5r_internal(exec_r),5r_wait(exec_r),5readLines,2stderr,4stdout,4sys(exec),2sys-deprecated,6Sys.which,3system2,2,4tools::pskill,3windows_quote,3windows_quote(quote),67。
一种Symmetric NAT穿透的新方法
一种Symmetric NAT穿透的新方法冯金哲;殷海兵【摘要】NAT(Network Address Translator)不仅解决了IP地址短缺的问题,而且也使内网主机避免了来自网络外部的攻击.但对于P2P应用来说,需要建立端到端的连接,所以说如何穿透NAT成为了P2P技术中的一个关键.通过对当前NAT穿透技术的研究,发现依靠TURN (Traversal Using Relay NAT)来实现对Symmetric NAT穿透往往存在服务器负担重、延时、丢包的问题,于是给出一种基于端口预测的NAT穿透新方法.该方法避免了依靠TURN来实现对Symmetric NAT穿透所带来的难题,大大满足了对网络安全要求高而使用对称型NAT企业的需求.%NAT(Network Address Translator) not only solves the problem of IP address shortage, but also makes the network host avoid the attacks from outside the networks.But for P2P application, it needs to establish an end-to-end connection,so how to realise NAT traversal becomes a key in P2P technology.Based on the research of current NAT traversal technology, we found that to achieve Symmetrical NAT traversal relying on TURN (Traversal Using Relay NAT) often has the problems of heavy server burden, time delay and packet loss.Therefore, in this paper we present a new NAT traversal method by using port prediction, the method avoids the problems brought by relying TURN to implement traversal of symmetrical NAT, and greatly satisfies the requirements of those enterprises who have high demand on network security and thus use symmetric NAT.【期刊名称】《计算机应用与软件》【年(卷),期】2017(034)001【总页数】4页(P125-128)【关键词】Symmetric NAT;TURN;P2P;NAT穿透【作者】冯金哲;殷海兵【作者单位】中国计量学院信息工程学院浙江杭州310018;中国计量学院信息工程学院浙江杭州310018【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP393网络地址转换[1]NAT是一个非常有名的工具,能够使IP地址在网络上重用。
Stress Analysis of Axisymmetric Problems
Solving above two sets of equations for 1,2,3, ,6 results in
1 2 3
1 2
ai bi
aj bj cj
am bm
According to the definition of axisymmetric problems, all the quantities of interest in structural analysis, such as displacement, strain, stress and temperature distribution, are independent of the
T j
T m
where ui , wi , u j , , wm denote the radial and the axial
displacements at element nodes.
Stress Analysis of Axisymmetric Problems
Solid flywheel (整体飞轮)
The Rotor of Turbocharger (涡轮增压器转子) 3
Stress Analysis of Axisymmetric Problems
Definition of Axisymmetric Problems
• For the problem to be axisymmetric, it must satisfy with
眼科学词汇翻译ophthalmology, OPH, Ophth 眼科学visionics 视觉学visual optics 视觉光学visual physiology 视觉生理学physiology of eye 眼生理学visual electro physiology 视觉电生理学pathology of eye 眼病理学dioptrics of eye 眼屈光学neuro ophthalmology 神经眼科学ophthalmiatrics 眼科治疗学ophthalmic surgery 眼科手术学cryo ophthalmology 冷冻眼科学right eye, RE, oculus dexter, OD 右眼left eye, LE, oculus sinister, OS 左眼oculus uterque, OU 双眼eyeball phantom 眼球模型eye bank 眼库prevention of blindness, PB 防盲primary eye care 初级眼保健low vision 低视力blindness 盲totol blindness 全盲imcomplete blindness 不全盲congenital blindness 先天性盲acquired blindness 后天性盲曾用名“获得性盲”。
functional blindness 功能性盲organic blindness 器质性盲occupational blindness 职业性盲legal blindness 法定盲visual aura 视觉先兆visual disorder 视觉障碍visual deterioration 视力减退transitional blindness 一过性盲amaurosis 黑●amaurosis fugax 一过性黑●toxic amaurosis 中毒性黑●central amaurosis 中枢性黑●uremic amaurosis 尿毒性黑●cortical blindness 皮质盲macropsia 视物显大症曾用名“大视”。
Discrete Mathematics
Properties of Relations
Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4} R1 and R2 are examples of reflexive relations since they contain all pairs of the form (a, a). R1 = {(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 4), (2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 1), (4, 4)}. R2 = {(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 3), (3, 4), (4, 4)}.
Discrete Mathematics
A: not reflexive; symmetric; antisymmetric; transitive B: not reflexive; not symmetric; not antisymmetric; not transitive C: not reflexive; not symmetric; antisymmetric; not transitive D: not reflexive; not symmetric; antisymmetric; transitive
reflexive and symmetric
R3= {(1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 3)}.
Neither reflexive nor symmetric.
Discrete Mathematics
Properties of Relations
H263基本原理1. H.263 简介H.263由ITU定义,为视频会议和视频电话应用程序提供图象压缩(译码)。
H.263基于H.261,并且其带宽是由小于20K 到24K bit/sec 的视频流形成。
作为一种普通规则,H.263要求其半带宽要于H.261的对应带宽达到相同的视频质量,所以在很大程度上H.263 取代了H.261。
H.263 使用传输视频流。
目前有四种能够提高性能的可选商议选项:无限制运动向量、基于语法的算法译码、前向预测和先后帧预测,类似于MPEG,叫做P-B 帧。
2.视频压缩中的一些基本概念1 有损和无损压缩在视频压缩中有损(Lossy)和无损(Lossless)的概念与静态图象中基本类似。
2 帧内和帧间压缩帧内(Intraframe)压缩也称为空间压缩(Spatial compression)。
目前大数据技术组研发了一款yhbi的同步工具,支持从oracle到oracle的同步,以及oracle到Kafka的同步,但是受限于不能支持oracle 12c版本数据的同步。
TW 142数学名词-中小学教科书名词中英对照术语
Y U V与Y,Cb,Cr有什么区别么?包括Y,Pb,Pr从技术上角度区分,颜色空间可考虑分成如下三类:Ø RGB 型颜色空间/计算机图形颜色空间:这类模型主要用于电视机和计算机的颜色显示系统。
例如,RGB,HSI, HSL和HSV等颜色空间。
Ø XYZ型颜色空间/CIE颜色空间:这类颜色空间是由国际照明委员会定义的颜色空间,通常作为国际性的颜色空间标准,用作颜色的基本度量方法。
例如,CIE1931 XYZ,L*a*b,L*u*v和LCH等颜色空间就可作为过渡性的转换空间。
例如,YUV,YIQ,ITU-RBT.601 Y'CbCr, ITU-R BT.709 Y'CbCr和SMPTE-240M Y'PbPr等颜色空间。
4 颜色空间的转换不同颜色可以通过一定的数学关系相互转换:Ø 有些颜色空间之间可以直接变换。
XYZ和CIE L*a*b*等。
Ø 有些颜色空间之间不能直接变换。
例如,RGB 和CIE La*b*, CIEXYZ和HSL,HSL和Y'CbCr等,它们之间的变换需要借助其他颜色空间进行过渡。
R'G'B'和Y'CbCr两个彩色空间之间的转换关系用下式表示:Y = 0.299R + 0.587G + 0.114BCr = (0.500R - 0.4187G - 0.0813B) + 128Cb = (-0.1687R - 0.3313G + 0.500B) + 128二、彩色电视的制式及其颜色空间1、彩色电视制式目前世界上现行的彩色电视制式有三种:NTSC 制、PAL制和SECAM制。
– – –
因为在一幅图像中像素之间的灰度或色差信号 变化缓慢,8*8子块中像素之间相关性很强,所 以通过离散余弦正交换处理后,在空间频率低 频范围内集中了数值大的系数,这样为数据压 缩提供了可能。
为了达到压缩数据的目的,对DCT系数F(u,v)需 作量化处理,量化处理是在一定的主观保真度图 像质量的前提下,丢掉那些对视觉效果影响不大 的信息。不同频率的余弦函数对视觉影响不同, 所以可根据不同频率的视觉阐值来选择量化表中 的元素值的大小。 DCT变换系数F(u,v),除以量化表中对应位置 的量化步长,其幅值下降,动态范围变窄,高频 系数的零值数目增加。
x01 x02 x03 a b a c x11 x12 x13 a c a b x21 x22 x23 a c a b x31 x32 x33 a b a c
Y = TXTA, T =
8x8整数变换及量化[10 9 6 2] (浙大)
基于上下文的2D VLC熵编码器 (计算所) 宏块类型及CBP的联合编码(计算所) 逸出码预测编码方法(浙大) 一种把音视频编码数据封装为可随机访问数据流的方法 (上广电)
基于块的运动矢量预测 (计算所) 视频序列结构(清华)
Package‘symmetry’March10,2023Title Testing for Symmetry of Data and Model ResidualsVersion0.2.3Author Blagoje Ivanovi´c[aut,cre]Bojana Miloševi´c[aut]Marko Obradovi´c[aut]Date2023-03-10Maintainer Blagoje Ivanovi´c<************************>Description Implementations of a large number of tests for symmetry and theirbootstrap variants,which can be used for testing the symmetry of randomsamples around a known or unknown mean.Functions are also there for testingthe symmetry of model residuals around zero.Currently,the supported modelsare linear models and generalized autoregressive conditionalheteroskedasticity(GARCH)models(fitted with the'fGarch'package).Alltests are implemented using the'Rcpp'package which ensures greatperformance of the code.Depends R(>=3.1.0)License MIT+file LICENSEEncoding UTF-8Imports Rcpp,RdpackRdMacros RdpackLinkingTo Rcpp,RcppArmadilloRoxygenNote7.2.2Suggests knitr,rmarkdown,sn,fGarch,testthatNeedsCompilation yesRepository CRANDate/Publication2023-03-1017:00:02UTCR topics documented:rmixnorm (2)12rsl rsl (2)symmetry (3)symmetry_test (3)TestStatistics (6)Index10 rmixnorm Mixture of2normal distributionsDescriptionGenerates random numbers from a mixture of2normal distributionsUsagermixnorm(n,mean1=0,sd1=1,mean2=0,sd2=1,p=0.5)Argumentsn number of observationsmean1mean of thefirst normalsd1standard deviation of thefirst normalmean2mean of the second normalsd2standard deviation of the second normalp probability of thefirst normalValueVector of random numbers from the specified mixture of normals.rsl Azzalini skew logistic distributionDescriptionGenerates random numbers from the skew logistic distributionUsagersl(n=1,xi=0,omega=1,alpha=0,dp=NULL)symmetry3 Argumentsn sample size.xi vector of location vector of(positive)scale parameters.alpha vector of slant parameters.dp a vector of length3whose elements represent the parameters described above.If dp is specified,the individual parameters cannot be set.ValueVector of random numbers from Azzalini skew logistic distribution.symmetry symmetry:A package which implements tests for symmetry of ran-dom samples,linear models and generalized autoregressive condi-tional heteroskedasticity(GARCH)modelsDescriptionThe package contains a large number of tests for symmetry(and their bootstrap variants),which can be used to test the symmetry of random samples or of model residuals.Currently,the supported models are linear models and generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity(GARCH) models(fitted with the’fGarch’package).The tests are implemented using the’Rcpp’package which ensures great performance.DetailsTo see the available tests,see TestStatisticsFor documentation on how to perform the tests,see symmetry_testsymmetry_test Perform symmetry testsDescriptionThis is a generic function used to perform symmetry tests on numeric vectors or objects of class lm (linear models)and objects of class fGARCH(GARCH mdelsfitted with the fGarch package).Usagesymmetry_test(x,...)##Default S3method:symmetry_test(x,stat,mu=NULL,bootstrap=TRUE,B=1000,boot_method=c("sign","reflect"),trim=0,k=0,...)##S3method for class lmsymmetry_test(x,stat,B=1000,boot_method=c("sign","reflect"),k=0,...)##S3method for class fGARCHsymmetry_test(x,stat,B=1000,burn=0,boot_method=c("sign","reflect"),k=0,approximate=FALSE,...)Argumentsx an object of class numeric,lm or fGARCH...not usedstat a character vector indicating the test statistic to be used(see Available Test Statistics)mu the centre parameter around which to test symmetrybootstrap a logical indicating whether to use bootstrapB the number of bootstrap replicationsboot_method the method of bootstrap sample generation(see Details)trim the trim value used for estimating the centre(as used in"mean")k the k parameter of the statistic,ignored if the test statistic doesn’t depend on aparameter(see Test Statistics)burn the number of elements to remove from the beginning of the time series fortestingapproximate a logical indicating whether to use the faster approximate bootstrap method(seeDetails)DetailsThe tests are performed using bootstrap procedures or using asymptotic results,where applicable.Currently,two methods of generating a bootstrap sample from the null distribution are available.The"sign"method generates the bootstrap sample by multiplying the existing sample by-1or1at random(with equal probabilities),essentially randomizing the sign of the data,giving a symmetric distribution.The"reflect"method reflects the sample around zero and samples length(x)elements with replacement.In practice,it has been shown that the"sign"method is almost always better, thus is the default.For numeric data,the tests can be performed around a known(parameter"mu")or unknown centre.When the centre is known,the bootstrap method gives the same results as a Monte Carlo simulation of the p value,for tests which are distribution free.For unknown centre(when mu=NULL), bootstrap must be used and the estimate of the centre used is the trimmed mean,with trim parameter "trim".By default,the mean is taken(trim=0).For linear models,the tests are based on a bootstrap procedure as in(Allison and Pretorius2017) and are used to test the symmetry of the residuals around zero.For GARCH models(must befitted with the’fGarch’package),the tests are also based on bootstrap and test for symmetry of the residuals around zero.An approximation of the bootstrap procedure is available where the residuals are treated as iid data,which is much faster and has been shown to give similar results to the default bootstrap procedure(described in(Klar et al.2012)).For a comparison of the performance of various tests of symmetry around an unknown centre,see (Miloševi´c and Obradovi´c2019)).ValueAn object of class"htest"containing the results of the testing.ReferencesAllison JS,Pretorius C(2017).“A Monte Carlo evaluation of the performance of two new tests for symmetry.”Computational Statistics,32(4),1323–1338.doi:10.1007/s0018001606804.Klar B,Lindner FL,Meintanis SG(2012).“Specification tests for the error distribution in GARCH models.”Computational Statistics&Data Analysis,56(11),3587–3598.doi:10.1016/j.csda.2010.05.029.Miloševi´c B,Obradovi´c M(2019).“Comparison of efficiencies of some symmetry tests around an unknown centre.”Statistics,53(1),43–57.Examplesset.seed(1)#IID samplesx<-rnorm(50)symmetry_test(x,"MOI",bootstrap=FALSE,k=3,mu=0)symmetry_test(x,"MOI",bootstrap=TRUE,k=3,mu=0)symmetry_test(x,"MOI",bootstrap=TRUE,k=3)x<-rsl(50,alpha=1.5)symmetry_test(x,"MOI",bootstrap=FALSE,k=3,mu=0)symmetry_test(x,"MOI",bootstrap=TRUE,k=3,mu=0)symmetry_test(x,"MOI",bootstrap=TRUE,k=3)#Linear modelslin_model<-lm(dist~speed,cars)symmetry_test(lin_model,"B1")#Garch modelslibrary(fGarch)specskew19=fGarch::garchSpec(model=list(omega=0.1,alpha=0.3,beta=0.3,skew=1.9),cond.dist="snorm") x<-fGarch::garchSim(specskew19,n=500)g<-fGarch::garchFit(~garch(1,1),x,cond.dist="QMLE",include.mean=FALSE,trace=FALSE) symmetry_test(g,"FM",B=400,burn=100)#slowersymmetry_test(g,"FM",B=400,burn=100,approximate=TRUE) TestStatistics Available test statistics for symmetry testsDescriptionThe list of implemented test statistics and their functionsUsageB1(X)BH2(X)BHC1(X,k)BHC2(X,k)BHI(X)BHK(X)CM(X)FM(X)HM(X,k)K2U(X)K2(X)KS(X)SGN(X)WCX(X)MGG(X)MI(X)MOI(X,k)MOK(X,k)NAC1(X,k)NAC2(X,k)NAI(X,k)NAK(X,k)RW(X)ArgumentsX the numeric vector for which to calculate the test statistick the’k’parameter in the formula(if applicable)DetailsBelow is a list of the implemented test statistics in the package.Each statistic is listed by it’s name,a code string(e.g.’B1’,CM’,’MOI’)and the formula of the statistic which is evaluated.The codestring is used as an argument to the symmetry_test function.Some statistics depend on a parameter ’k’which can be seen from the formulas and is also passed as an argument.Each statistic is implemented as a function with the same name as the code string,so the name of the function is passed as the argument "stat"to the symmetry_test functionValueThe value of the test statistic.Test statisticsThe list of available statitics in the format "code(s):name (reference)"•MI :The Mira test statistic (see (Mira 1999))•CM :The Cabilio–Masaro test statistic (see (Cabilio and Masaro 1996))•MGG :The Miao,Gel and Gastwirth test statistic (see (Miao et al.2006))•B1:The √b 1test statistic (see (Miloševi´c and Obradovi´c 2019))•KS :The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test statistic (see (Miloševi´c and Obradovi´c 2019))•SGN :The Sign test statistic (see (Miloševi´c and Obradovi´c 2019))•KS :The Wilcoxon test statistic (see (Miloševi´c and Obradovi´c 2019))•FM :The characterization based test statistic (see (Feuerverger et al.1977))•RW :The Rothman-Woodroofe test statistic (see (Gaigall 2019))•BHI :The Litvinova test statistic (see (Litvinova 2001))•BHK :The Baringhaus and Henze supremum-type test statistic (see (Baringhaus and Henze 1992))•BH2:The Baringhaus-Henze test statistic (see (Baringhaus and Henze 1992))•MOI and MOK :The Miloševi´c and Obradovi´c test statistics (see (Miloševi´c and Obradovi´c 2016))•NAI and NAK :The Nikitin and Ahsanullah test statistics (see (Nikitin and Ahsanullah 2015))•K2and K2U :The Božin,Miloševi´c ,Nikitin and Obradovi´c Kolmogorov type statistics based on V-and U-statistics respectively (see (Božin et al.2018))•NAC1,NAC2,BHC1and BHC2:The Allison and Pretorius test statistics (see (Allison and Pretorius 2017))ReferencesAllison JS,Pretorius C (2017).“A Monte Carlo evaluation of the performance of two new tests for symmetry.”Computational Statistics ,32(4),1323–1338.doi:10.1007/s0018001606804.Baringhaus L,Henze N (1992).“A characterization of and new consistent tests for symmetry.”Communications in statistics-theory and methods ,21(6),1555–1566.doi:10.1080/03610929208830863.Božin V ,Miloševi´c B,Nikitin Y ,Obradovi´c M (2018).“New Characterization-Based Symmetry Tests.”Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society ,10–1007.doi:10.1007/s40840-01806803.Cabilio P,Masaro J (1996).“A simple test of symmetry about an unknown median.”CanadianJournal of Statistics,24(3),349–361.doi:10.2307/3315744.Feuerverger A,Mureika RA,others(1977).“The empirical characteristic function and its appli-cations.”The Annals of Statistics,5(1),88–97.doi:10.1214/aos/1176343742.Gaigall D(2019).“Rothman-Woodroofe symmetry test statistic revisited.”Computational Statis-tics&Data Analysis,106837.Litvinova VV(2001).“New nonparametric test for symmetry and its asymptotic efficiency.”Vest-nik St.Petersburg University Mathematics,34(4),12–14.Miao W,Gel YR,Gastwirth JL(2006).“A new test of symmetry about an unknown median.”In Random Walk,Sequential Analysis And Related Topics:A Festschrift in Honor of Yuan-Shih Chow,199–214.World Scientific.Miloševi´c B,Obradovi´c M(2016).“Characterization based symmetry tests and their asymptotic efficiencies.”Statistics&Probability Letters,119,155–162.Miloševi´c B,Obradovi´c M(2019).“Comparison of efficiencies of some symmetry tests around an unknown centre.”Statistics,53(1),43–57.Mira A(1999).“Distribution-free test for symmetry based on Bonferroni’s measure.”Journal of Applied Statistics,26(8),959–972.doi:10.1080/02664769921963.Nikitin Y,Ahsanullah M(2015).“New U-empirical Tests of Symmetry Based on Extremal Or-der Statistics,and their Efficiencies.”In Mathematical Statistics and Limit Theorems,231–248. Springer.doi:10.1007/9783319124421_13.IndexAvailable Test Statistics,4B1(TestStatistics),6BH2(TestStatistics),6BHC1(TestStatistics),6BHC2(TestStatistics),6BHI(TestStatistics),6BHK(TestStatistics),6CM(TestStatistics),6FM(TestStatistics),6HM(TestStatistics),6K2(TestStatistics),6K2U(TestStatistics),6KS(TestStatistics),6MGG(TestStatistics),6MI(TestStatistics),6MOI(TestStatistics),6MOK(TestStatistics),6NAC1(TestStatistics),6NAC2(TestStatistics),6NAI(TestStatistics),6NAK(TestStatistics),6rmixnorm,2rsl,2RW(TestStatistics),6SGN(TestStatistics),6symmetry,3symmetry_test,3,3,7,8Test Statistics,5TestStatistics,3,6WCX(TestStatistics),610。
从技术上角度区分,颜色空间可考虑分成如下三类:RGB 型颜色空间/计算机图形颜色空间:这类模型主要用于电视机和计算机的颜色显示系统。
例如,RGB,HSI, HSL和HSV等颜色空间。
XYZ 型颜色空间/CIE颜色空间:这类颜色空间是由国际照明委员会定义的颜色空间,通常作为国际性的颜色空间标准,用作颜色的基本度量方法。
例如,CIE 1931 XYZ,L*a*b,L*u*v 和LCH等颜色空间就可作为过渡性的转换空间。
例如,YUV,YIQ,ITU-R BT.601 Y'CbCr, ITU-R BT.709 Y'CbCr和SMPTE-240M Y'PbPr等颜色空间。
例如,RGB 和CIE La*b*, CIE XYZ和HSL,HSL 和Y'CbCr等,它们之间的变换需要借助其他颜色空间进行过渡。
R'G'B'和Y'CbCr两个彩色空间之间的转换关系用下式表示:Y = 0.299R + 0.587G + 0.114BCr = (0.500R - 0.4187G - 0.0813B) + 128Cb = (-0.1687R - 0.3313G + 0.500B) + 128二、彩色电视的制式及其颜色空间1、彩色电视制式目前世界上现行的彩色电视制式有三种:NTSC 制、PAL制和SECAM制。
这里不包括高清晰度彩色电视HDTV (High-Definition television)。
Symmetry Breaking
Symmetry BreakingToby WalshNational ICT Australia and School of CSE,University of New South Wales,Sydney,Australia,tw@.auSymmetry occurs in many problems in aritifical intelligence.For example,in the n-queens problem,the chessboard can be rotated90◦.As a second example, several machines in a factory might have the same capacity.In a production schedule,we might therefore be able to swap the jobs on machines with the same capacity.As a third example,two people within a company might have the same skills.Given a staffroster,we might therefore be able to interchange these two people.And as a fourth example,when configuring a computer,two memory boards might be identical.We might therefore be able to swap them around without changing the performance of the computer.Symmetries come in many different forms.For instance,there are rotation symmetries(e.g.the90◦rotations of the chessboard in the n-queens problem), reflection symmetries(e.g.the reflection of the chessboard along one of its di-agonals),and permutation symmetries(e.g.the interchange of equally skilled personnel in a staffroster).Problems may have many symmetries at once(e.g. the n-queens problem simultaneously has several rotation and reflection symme-tries).We can describe such symmetries using group theory.The symmetries of a problem form a group.Their actions are to map solutions(a n-queens solution, a production schedule,a staffroster,a configuration,etc.)onto solutions.We must deal with such symmetry or we will waste much time visiting symmetric solutions.In addition,we must deal with symmetry during our search for solu-tions otherwise we will visit many search states that are symmetric to those that we have already visited.One well known mechanism to deal with symmetry is to add constraints which eliminate symmetric solutions[1].I will describe a general method for breaking any type of symmetry[2,3].The basic idea is very simple.We pick an ordering on the variables,and then post symmetry breaking constraints to ensure that thefinal solution is lexicographically less than any symmetric re-ordering of the variables.That is,we select the“lex leader”assignment.In theory,this solves the problem of symmetries,eliminating all symmetric solutions and pruning many symmetric states.Unfortunately,the set of symmetries might be exponentially large(for example,there are n!symmetries if we have n identical machines in a factory).By exploting properties of the set of symmetries we can sometimes overcome this problem.I will describe two special cases where we can deal with an expo-nential number of symmetries in polynomial time.These two cases frequently occur in practice.In thefirst case,we have a matrix(or array)of decisions vari-ables in which the rows and/or columns are symmetric and can be permuted. In this case,we can lexicographical order the rows and/or columns[4,5].In the second case,we have values for our decision variables which are symmetric and can be interchanged.I show how so called“value precedence”can be used to break all such symmetry[6,7].Finally,I will end with a discussion of open research questions in this area. Are they efficient ways to combine together these symmetry breaking constraints for particular types of symmetries?Are there useful subsets of these symmetry breaking constraints when there are too many to post individually?Are there problems where the symmetry breaking constraints can be simplified?Can these symmetry breaking methods be used outside of constraint programming? References1.Puget,J.F.:On the satisfiability of symmetrical constrained satisfaction problems.In Komorowski,J.,Ras,Z.,eds.:Proceedings of ISMIS’93.LNAI689,Springer-Verlag(1993)350–3612.Crawford,J.,Luks,G.,Ginsberg,M.,Roy,A.:Symmetry breaking predicates forsearch problems.In:Proceedings of the5th International Conference on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning,(KR’96).(1996)148–1593.Walsh,T.:General symmetry breaking constraints.In:12th International Confer-ence on Principles and Practices of Constraint Programming(CP-2006),Springer-Verlag(2006)4.Shlyakhter,I.:Generating effective symmetry-breaking predicates for search prob-lems.In:Proceedings of LICS workshop on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing(SAT2001).(2001)5.Flener,P.,Frisch,A.,Hnich,B.,Kiziltan,Z.,Miguel,I.,Pearson,J.,Walsh,T.:Breaking row and column symmetry in matrix models.In:8th International Con-ference on Principles and Practices of Constraint Programming(CP-2002),Springer (2002)w,Y.,Lee,J.:Global constraints for integer and set value precedence.In:Pro-ceedings of10th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming(CP2004),Springer(2004)362–3767.Walsh,T.:Symmetry breaking using value precedence.In:Proceedings of the17thECAI,European Conference on Artificial Intelligence,IOS Press(2006)。
Symmetric Key Crypto
x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18
y9 y10 y11 y12 y13 y14 y15 y16 y17 y18 y19 y20 y21
o Efficient in hardware
Part 1 Cryptography
RC4 Initialization
S[i] is permutation of 0,1,...,255 key[i] contains N bytes of key
for i = 0 to 255 S[i] = i K[i] = key[i (mod N)] next i j = 0 for i = 0 to 255 j = (j + S[i] + K[i]) mod 256 swap(S[i], S[j]) next i i = j = 0
uses 3 shift registers
o X: 19 bits (x0,x1,x2, …,x18) o Z: 23 bits (z0,z1,z2, …,z22)
o Y: 22 bits (y0,y1,y2, …,y21)
Part 1 Cryptography
A5/1: Keystream
o Examples: maj(0,1,0) = 0 and maj(1,1,0) = 1
If y10 = m then Y steps If z10 = m then Z steps
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Codes Using BacktrackingHsien-Wen Tseng and Chin-Chen Chang Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi 621, Taiwan, R.O.C.E-mail: {hwtseng,ccc} Correspondence address:Chin-Chen ChangProfessorDepartment of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Chung Cheng UniversityChiayi 621, Taiwan, R.O.C.E-mail: ccc@.twTEL: 886-5-2720411 ext. 33100FAX: 886-5-2720859Codes Using BacktrackingHsien-Wen Tseng and Chin-Chen ChangDepartment of Computer Science and Information Engineering,National Chung Cheng University, Chaiyi, Taiwan 621, R.O.C.E-mail: {hwtseng,ccc}@.twAbstractMany coding standards, such as JPEG, H.261, H.263, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, use variable length codes (VLC) as their entropy coding strategy. However, VLC have a big drawback when transmitting over a noisy channel. This drawback is an error propagation problem. For this reason, reversible variable length codes (RVLC) have been used to enhance the error resilient capabilities of VLC. This paper presents a new algorithm using backtracking that can construct symmetrical RVLC. Depth first node generation is applied to this algorithm and bounding function is used to replace nodes with their symmetrical children. The experimental results show that our algorithm can generate better codes than those of previous methods. In addition, our proposed algorithm provides a shorter maximum code length. The shorter maximum code length can usually achieve more efficient decoding.Keywords: reversible variable length codes (RLVC), Huffman Code, H.263, MPEG-4, JPEG-2000, error resilience1. IntroductionTraditionally, variable length codes (VLC) have been used as entropy coding in many image coding standards (JPEG [1]) and video coding standards (H.261 [2], H.263 [3], MPEG-1 [4], MPEG-2 [5]). An example of VLC is the Huffman Code, which is well known to give the optimal code with minimum redundancy. But in recent years, more and more new standards such as JPEG-2000 [6], H.263+ [7], H.263++ [8], MPEG-4 [9] have adopted reversible variable length codes (RVLC), because VLC have the problem of error propagation. Even one single bit error will cause many following codewords to be misinterpreted. This is a big problem in an error-prone environment. In order to enhance the error resilient capabilities of VLC, Fraenkel and Klein [10] presented the bidirectional Huffman coding in 1990, Takishima et al.[11] proposed the RVLC for avoiding continuous errors in 1995. RVLC are not only a prefix code but also a suffix code. A code is called a prefix code namely if no codeword is a prefix of any other codewords. Conversely, a code is called a suffix code namely if no codeword is a suffix of any other codewords. Therefore, RVLC can be decoded both in the forward and backward directions so as to provide error resilient transmission over a noisy channel.RVLC are very useful because they provide the capability of error resiliency and because they can be decoded in two directions. Except for the adoption in manystandards as we mentioned above, RVLC can also be applied to speed up searching of encoded data. For example, we can begin by searching the encoded data in the forward and backward directions at the same time. This can significantly reduce the search time and this kind of search is impossible when using VLC.There are two types of RVLC, one is symmetrical and the other is asymmetrical. Symmetrical RVLC share the same code table when decoding both in the forward and backward directions, because the code is symmetrical. But two types of code tables are necessary for asymmetrical RVLC. For this reason, symmetrical RVLC is simpler than asymmetrical RVLC; meanwhile, the memory requirement of symmetrical RVLC is less than that of asymmetrical RVLC. However, asymmetrical RVLC always provides better efficiency than symmetrical RVLC because a more flexible code selection is allowed.In this paper, we will concentrate on symmetrical RVLC and devise a new method of constructing symmetrical RVLC. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the related works. Section 3 explains the details of our proposed algorithm. Experimental results are presented in Section 4. The conclusions are drawn in Section 5.2. Previous WorksIn 1995, Takishima et al. [11] proposed a coding scheme to generate RVLC. It starts from a non-reversible VLC, such as Huffman Code, and converts the code by a top-down scheme into a symmetrical RVLC. Recently, Tsai and Wu [12, 13] proposed a more efficient symmetrical RVLC construction algorithm that is based on Takishima et al.’s algorithm. This algorithm also starts from a list of given Huffman Code, but uses a new codeword selection mechanism to select candidate codewords in each level. We first explain some terms in relation to their construction algorithms, and then briefly summarize their algorithms.The number of symmetrical codewords on a full binary tree of level L is given as follows:m o(L) = 2└(L+1)/2┘,where └x┘is the largest integer less than or equal to x. Let p(L) denote the total number of symmetrical codewords at level L unavailable due to the violation of the prefix condition. The calculation of p(L) can be found in [11]. Hence, the number of available symmetrical codewords, m(L), at level L is calculated as follows:m(L) = m o(L) - p(L).If we ignore the codeword selection mechanism in both Takishima et al.’s algorithm and Tsai and Wu’s algorithms, then their algorithms can be summarized asfollows:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (i) Initialize the bit length vector of the target symmetrical RVLCn rev(i) = n(i),where n(i) is the bit length vector of a list of given Huffman Code.(ii) Count m(i), which is the total number of available symmetrical codewords of a full binary tree at level i.If n rev(i) > m(i){n rev(i+1) = n rev(i+1) + n rev(i) - m(i),n rev(i) = m(i),}Assign the first n rev(i) candidate codewords as target codewords.(iii) Repeat Step (ii) until the number of target codewords is equal to the number of codewords.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bit length vector is denoted as (n(1), n(2), ……, n(L max)), where n(i) is the number of codewords having length i and L max is the maximum code length. We observe a common phenomenon in their algorithm, which is∑=1 irev(i)n<= ∑=1in(i).It means that the total number of symmetrical RVLC of length less than or equal to i never exceeds the total number of Huffman Code of length less than or equal to i. As a result, the bit length vector of Huffman Code dominates the bit length vector of symmetrical RVLC. The Huffman Code is well known to give the optimal code with minimum redundancy. But this is not always true when applying it to the RVLC domain. For example, in Table 1, the average code length of symmetrical RVLC (C14) is shorter than C12 and C13, where C11 is a list of Huffman Code, C12 is a symmetrical RVLC generated by Takishima et al.’s algorithm, and C13 is a symmetrical RVLC generated by Tsai and Wu’s algorithm.Table 1. Huffman Code and RVLCsSymbol Probability C11 C12 C13 C14A 0.33 00 00 00 1B 0.30 01 11 11 00C 0.18 11 010 010 010D 0.10 100 101 101 0110E 0.09 101 0110 0110 01110Average code length 2.19 2.46 2.46 2.32Table 1, reveals that the symmetrical RVLC generated from a given Huffman Code may not be good enough. This is because more constraints are bundled with symmetrical RVLC, such as the prefix condition, the suffix condition and symmetry. Meanwhile, the number of available symmetrical codewords at each level is limited tothe bit length vector of a given list of Huffman Code. These result in the waste of symmetrical codewords at some level. For example, in Table 1, the symmetrical codewords with length 1 (‘0’ and ‘1’) are not available in Takishima et al.’s algorithm and Tsai and Wu’s algorithm. But they produce a shorter average code length when using them in the symmetrical RVLC C14.Besides, the affix codes (a code having both prefix and suffix properties) have been extensively studied in Fraenkel and Klein [10]. They mentioned that searching for affix codes should not be restricted to the set of Huffman codes. Because there are optimum codes which cannot be obtained via the Huffman algorithm. For example, given the source weight distribution (7, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1), the only bit length vector minimizing the average code length is (2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4), but none of the Huffman Codes with this bit length vector has the affix property.Hence we will introduce a novel symmetrical RVLC construction algorithm that is not based on a given Huffman Code. The backtracking technique is employed in our proposed algorithm. For certain sources, the number of prefix codes can be large enough to make an exhaustive search for an affix code forbidden, the backtracking method has as its virtue the ability to yield the good result with far fewer searches. Its basic idea is to build up the solution vector one by one and to use the bounding function to test whether the vector being formed has any chance of success. In manycases, a backtracking algorithm generally has unfavorable performance. This is not always the case, because a good method and data structure makes the algorithm efficiently. Our proposed algorithm is obviously better than Tsai and Wu’s algorithm in respect of the processing time to construct the symmetrical RVLC. Further, the average code length is also improved. This will be shown in our experimental results.3. Proposed AlgorithmOur algorithm employs the technique of backtracking. Many problems which deal with searching for a set of solutions can be solved using the backtracking formulation. We assume that symbol a i occurs in the data with probability Pi. The desired solution can be expressed as an n-tuple (C1, C2, …, C n), where C i is the codeword of symbol a i and n is the number of symbols. Our algorithm calls for finding one vector that minimizes a bounding function B(C1, C2, …, C n). The bounding function is defined as,B(C1, C2, …, C n) = ∑n PiLi1where Pi is the occurrence probability of symbol a i and Li is the length of codeword C i .That is to say, the bounding function is the calculation of average code length.Before explaining the details of the proposed algorithm, we define some terms employed in our algorithm.Symmetrical ChildrenIn a full binary tree, the symmetrical children of a node X are defined by all of the first symmetrical codewords on paths from node X to leaf nodes. For example, in Figure 1, the black nodes are symmetrical codewords, the symmetrical children of A(‘0’) are C(‘00’), F(‘010’), and J(‘0110’), and the symmetrical child of D(‘11’) isH(‘111’).Fig. 1 A sample treeReplacementGiven a source probability distribution P = (P1, P2, …, P n) in decreasing order. Our method starts with P and generates the symmetrical RVLC level by level. Suppose we have selected m available symmetrical codewords from Level 1 to Level l and they are represented by a target list tlist = (c1, c2, …, c m) in increasing order of, where code length. Then the average code length of these codes is tavg = ∑m PiLi1Li is the length of codeword c i. The replacement test is performed on each component in tlist one by one. Assume that codeword c i has k symmetrical children (c i1, c i2, …, c ik). If we replace the codeword c i with its symmetrical children, we will obtain a new list (c1, c2, …, c i1, c i2, …, c ik, …, c m). The new list is then rearranged in increasing order of code length and we will obtain a list nlist= (c'1, c'2, …, c'm+k-1). The probability distribution P is remapped to nlist. The average code length of the first m codes innlist is navg =∑mi 'PiL 1, where L 'i is the length of codeword c 'i . Now we make acomparison, if tavg > navg then the replacement is carried out and the target list tlist is replaced with the new list nlist . In a nutshell, we use the bounding function to replace nodes with their symmetrical children, and the bounding function is the calculation of average code length.In summary, our proposed symmetrical RVLC algorithm is specified as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 1. Assign the codeword ‘1’ to the target list. Step 2. For each symmetrical codeword at level i (i > 1)Assign the available symmetrical codewords to the target list based on the increasing order of code length.Step 3. If any code in the target list satisfies the condition of replacement , replace thiscode with its symmetrical children .Step 4. Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 until the size of the target list is greater than or equalto the number of codewords.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We are going to illustrate this by an example. Five symbols with probabilities (0.26, 0.24, 0.18, 0.17, 0.15) are given. Table 2 shows the process of generatingsymmetrical RVLC, level by level. There is no replacement carried out from Level 1 to Level 4, because they cannot minimize the bounding function B. In Level 5, the only available symmetrical codeword is ‘01110’, so we assign codeword ‘01110’ to the target list. Now the target list = (1, 00, 010, 0110, 01110), and the bounding function B is 0.26 * 1 + 0.24 * 2 + 0.18 * 3 + 0.17 * 4 + 0.15 * 5 = 2.71. Then we check the replacement of the target list. If we replace the code ‘1’ with its symmetrical children ‘11’ and ‘101’, the bounding function B will gain 0.26 * 2 + 0.24 * 2 + 0.18 * 3 + 0.17 * 3 + 0.15 * 4 = 2.65. It satisfies the condition of replacement, so the replacement takes place. Finally, there are no other codewords in the target list satisfying the condition of replacement, and the size of the target list is greater than the number of codewords. Therefore, our algorithm ends. This results in the codes ‘00’, ‘11’, ‘010’, ‘101’, ‘0110’, and the average code length is 2.65.Table 2. Sample of proposed algorithmLevelTarget List(Before replacement)Target List(After replacement)AverageCode Length1 (1) (1) 0.262 (1, 00) (1, 00) 0.743 (1, 00, 010) (1, 00, 010) 1.284 (1, 00, 010, 0110) (1, 00, 010, 0110) 1.965 (1, 00, 010, 0110, 01110) (00, 11, 010, 101, 0110, 01110) 2.654. Experimental ResultsOur experiments are done by C++ Builder run on a notebook computer with Mobil Pentium III 600MHz CPU and 128MB RAM. The proposed algorithm has been tested on the English alphabet and file set from Canterbury Corpus (/). The Canterbury Corpus file set was developed specifically for testing new compression algorithms. The files were selected based on their ability to provide representative performance results. Meanwhile, as for the compression efficiency, the average code length is employed. It is defined as,Average Code Length = ∑n PiLi1where n is the number of symbols, Pi is the occurrence probability of symbol a i and Li is code length of symbol a i. The average code length is the number of bits needed, on average, to represent a symbol.From Table 3, it can be seen that, to the average code length, our proposed algorithm outperforms Tsai and Wu’s algorithm. It is superior to Tsai and Wu’s algorithm by 0.14264718. This is the number of bits saved, on average, to represent a symbol. It seems small, but it becomes significant when the input is large enough.Table 3. Comparison of symmetrical RVLC constructed from Tsai & Wu’s algorithmand our proposed algorithmTable 4 shows the results tested on the Canterbury Corpus file set. It can be seen that our proposed algorithm provides smaller average code length than Tsai and Wu’s algorithm. Moreover, the time needed to generate symmetrical RVLC is provided in Table 4. For the sake of equitableness, we assume that a source probabilitydistribution is given. The algorithm proposed by Tsai and Wu should construct a Huffman code first, and then begins from the Huffman code. In contrast to their work, our proposed algorithm doesn’t start the construction with a given Huffman code. We begin from a given source probability distribution, and construct the symmetrical RVLC one by one. Table 4 shows the time needed to generate the codes by our scheme is shorter than that of Tsai and Wu’s algorithm.Furthermore, our proposed algorithm, like Tsai and Wu’s algorithm, can avoid the codeword variation problem compared with Takishima et al.’s algorithm [11]. The codeword variation problem resulting from the Huffman Code is not unique when given the same source. For example, we can convert a Huffman Code to another with the same average code length by exchanging a node or a leaf at the same level. This conversion is called equivalent transform [11]. A different Huffman Code will generate a different symmetrical RVLC in Takishima et al.’s algorithm and the codeword variation problem occurs. Our proposed algorithm generates unique symmetrical RVLC when given the same source probability distribution, hence the codeword variation problem never occurs.Table 4. Comparison of the average code lengthIn Table 5, it is shown that for the most part our proposed algorithm always provides a shorter maximum code length than Tsai and Wu’s algorithm. Traditionally, a Huffman Code has a memory requirement of O(2h) and a computational complexity of O(h), where h is the height of the Huffman tree; it is also the maximum code length [14]. For this reason, the shorter maximum code length usually can achieve more efficient decoding.Table 5. Comparison of the maximum code length and the bit length vectorFile Codeword Mode Max. Code LengthBit Length VectorHuffman Code15 (0,0,1,6,8,7,11,8,5,11,5,1,0,3,2) Tsai and Wu’s Sym. RVLC 15 (0,0,1,4,5,5,9,8,14,11,5,1,0,3,2) asyoulik.txt (68 codewords) Our Sym. RVLC 12 (0,0,3,2,5,5,7,6,10,9,16,5)Huffman Code16 (0,1,0,4,9,8,6,5,4,13,12,3,0,1,4,4) Tsai and Wu’s Sym. RVLC 16 (0,1,0,3,5,5,7,8,8,12,13,3,0,1,4,4) alice29.txt (74 codewords) Our Sym. RVLC 12 (0,0,3,2,5,5,7,6,10,9,16,11) Huffman Code12 (0,0,1,6,9,6,8,9,6,8,11,10) Tsai and Wu’s Sym. RVLC 12 (0,0,1,4,5,5,9,8,13,8,11,10) xargs.1 (74 codewords) Our Sym. RVLC 12 (0,0,3,2,5,5,7,6,10,9,16,11) Huffman Code12 (0,1,0,4,8,8,8,8,5,15,9,10) Tsai and Wu’s Sym. RVLC 12 (0,1,0,3,5,5,7,8,11,12,14,10) grammar.lsp (76 codewords) Our Sym. RVLC 12 (0,1,1,2,5,5,6,7,9,10,15,15)Huffman Code19 (0,0,2,7,3,9,4,4,7,14,5,2,6,1,1,7,4,3,2) Tsai and Wu’s Sym. RVLC 19 (0,0,2,4,4,4,8,6,8,10,9,2,6,1,1,7,4,3,2) plrabn12.txt (81 codewords) Our Sym. RVLC 14 (0,0,4,2,4,4,6,4,8,6,12,8,18,5)Huffman Code16 (0,0,1,8,4,9,5,7,12,13,10,6,2,3,0,4) Tsai and Wu’s Sym. RVLC 16 (0,0,1,4,5,5,9,8,14,13,10,6,2,3,0,4) lcet10.txt (84 codewords) Our Sym. RVLC 13 (0,0,3,3,4,4,7,5,10,8,15,11,14) Huffman Code14 (0,0,0,6,12,8,5,11,13,13,6,5,5,2) Tsai and Wu’s Sym. RVLC 14 (0,0,0,4,6,6,10,10,16,16,6,5,5,2) cp.html (86 codewords) Our Sym. RVLC 12 (0,0,2,2,6,6,8,8,12,12,20,10) Huffman Code13 (0,1,0,3,7,11,7,17,16,17,3,4,4) Tsai and Wu’s Sym. RVLC 13 (0,1,0,3,5,5,7,8,11,12,18,16,4) fields.c (90 codewords) Our Sym. RVLC 13 (0,0,2,2,6,6,8,8,12,12,20,14)Huffman Code17 (1,0,0,1,2,14,11,9,9,7,10,9,13,20,16,11,26) Tsai and Wu’s Sym. RVLC 17 (1,0,0,1,2,4,6,5,9,10,17,17,14,20,16,11,26) ptt5(159 codewords) Our Sym. RVLC 16 (1,0,0,2,3,3,5,5,8,8,13,12,22,23,41,13) Huffman Code14 (0,1,0,0,3,20,16,24,25,45,30,56,29,6) Tsai and Wu’s Sym. RVLC 15 (0,1,0,0,3,6,11,10,16,17,31,31,56,54,19) sum(255 codewords) Our Sym. RVLC 15 (0,1,0,1,5,5,9,10,15,14,26,24,44,43,58) Huffman Code12 (1,0,1,3,1,0,0,1,1,74,146,28)Tsai and Wu’s Sym. RVLC 17 (1,0,1,2,2,0,0,1,1,6,12,12,24,23,46,45,80) kennedy.xls (256 codewords)Our Sym. RVLC17(1,0,1,0,3,1,1,4,8,8,17,16,31,29,59,56,21)5. ConclusionsIn this paper, an efficient symmetrical RVLC construction algorithm has been proposed. This algorithm employs the technique of backtracking. Depth first node generation is applied to this algorithm. Bounding function is used to replace nodes with their symmetrical children. The major contribution of the proposed algorithm is that it provides smaller average code length than does Tsai and Wu’s algorithm. Meanwhile, our proposed algorithm has no codeword variation problem.According to our experimental results, it is seen that our proposed algorithm can generate efficient symmetrical RVLC. Moreover, for the most part, our symmetrical RVLC provides a shorter maximum code length than Tsai and Wu’s symmetrical RVLC. The shorter maximum code length can usually achieve more efficient decoding. Furthermore, improvement of average code length may be possible. 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