一、单项选择题1、标志一个民族的良好素质和社会发展水平的重要元素之一是个体乃至大众的( C )A.心理状况B.智力状况C.健康状况D.工作状况2、维护和增进人的心理健康是心理卫生的最终目的,心理卫生是达到心理健康的(B )A.目标B.手段C.方法D.依据3、正常的智力水平是人们生活、学习、工作的最基本的( B)A.生理条件B.心理条件C.家庭条件D.社会条件4、自我意识正确是个体心理健康的( D )A.唯一标准B.客观标准C.先决条件D.核心标准5、心理健康的人能享受学习、工作和休闲给自己带来的不同的满足,他们能过一种( C )A.紧张的生活B.平淡的生活C.平衡的生活D.快乐的生活6、世界卫生组织的简称是(A.)。
A. WHOB. WHSC. WHYD. WHJ7、心理健康是相对的,制定绝对的心理健康标准( A )A.很难B.很容易C.比较困难D.比较容易8、下列表述哪一项不符合第三届国际心理卫生大会提出的心理健康的标准( C )A身体、智力、情绪十分协调B适应环境,人际关系中能彼此谦让C有痛苦感,心理常常感到难受D在工作和职业中,能充分发挥自己的能力,过有效率的生活9、下列表述哪一项不属于健康的人际关系应具备的特点( D )A.了解他人,理解他人B.乐于接受他人,也愿意被他人接受C.在别人中间总是受欢迎的D.与家人的关系时好时坏10、下列四项哪一项不属于制定心理健康标准的依据( B )A.统计常模B.(社会)道德规范C.生活适应D.临床诊断1、下列表述对心理健康教育的基本涵义理解有误的是( C)A.是培养学生良好的心理素质,促进学生身心全面和谐发展的教育活动B.是素质教育的重要组成部分C.是治疗精神疾病的重要手段D.是落实跨世纪素质教育工程,培养高质量人才的重要环节2、在心理咨询工作中,对其工作对象的称呼不恰当的是( D )A.来访者B.求助者C.求询者D.病人3、在学校从事心理健康教育和心理辅导工作的人被称为( D )A.心理咨询师B.心理治疗师C.心理医生D.辅导员或心理教师4、心理治疗的基础首先在于建立良好的( D )A.治疗关系B.辅导关系C.咨询关系D.朋友关系5、心理健康教育、心理辅导、心理咨询、心理治疗四者之间既具有某种程度的一致性和渗透性,又具有( D )A.相同性B.协调性C.对立性D.差异性6、就工作对象而言,学校心理健康教育和心理辅导是以哪部分学生为主( A )A.正常学生B.优秀学生C.问题学生D.异常学生7、在心理咨询工作中,其工作对象被称为来访者或求助者、求询者,主要是指在适应和发展方面有某些心理困扰或轻、中度心理障碍的( C )A.异常人B.病人C.正常人D.好人8、由于心理健康教育与心理辅导之间的联系尤为密切,因此人们有时也将心理健康教育直接称为( C )A.学校心理咨询B.学校心理学C. 学校心理辅导D.学校健康辅导9、在全面发展教育中,心理健康教育具有( B )A.因果效应B. 乘数效应C.加数效应D.特殊效应10、心理健康状态对个体身体健康状态的影响是( A)A.必然的B.可能的C.不大的D.偶然的11、保密性原则是指在心理健康教育过程中,教育者应从道义上维护、法律上保护学生的( C)A.人格和尊严B.选举权和被选举权C. 名誉和隐私权D.政治权利和经济地位12、心理健康教育与德育的最大不同在于(D)。
小学六年级下册英语第3单元期测验题(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What do we use to talk to people on the phone?A. KnifeB. TelephoneC. SpoonD. Plate2.Which of these is a wild animal?A. TigerB. DogC. CatD. Fish3.We ______ (not/finish) our homework last night because it ______ (be) too difficult. This morning, I ______ (ask) my friend for help, and he ______ (explain) everything to me. Now I ______ (understand) the lesson.4.Which animal is known for its black and white stripes?A. GiraffeB. ZebraC. LionD. Elephant5.Which of these is a vegetable?A. CarrotB. OrangeC. AppleD. Banana6.Which of the following is a holiday?A. ChairB. ChristmasC. TableD. Car7.Which of these is used to brush our teeth?A. KnifeB. PlateC. ToothbrushD. Spoon8.Which of these is used to eat rice?A. SpoonB. KnifeC. ForkD. Plate9.Which one is used to clean the table?A. NapkinB. KnifeC. SpoonD. Fork10.The book is ______ the table.A. OnB. InC. AtD. To11.Which of these is a mode of transportation?A. CarB. TshirtC. PhoneD. Pen12.Yesterday, I ______ (walk) to school because my bike ______ (break). It ______ (rain) a little, but I ______ (arrive) at school on time.13.Which of these is a sweet fruit?A. LemonB. OrangeC. AppleD. Carrot14.Which of the following is a fruit?A. CarrotB. CucumberC. StrawberryD. Onion15.How many months are there in a year?A. 10B. 12C. 15D. 716.Which of these is a number?A. CarB. FiveC. DogD. Chair17.Which of these is a shape?A. CircleB. SpoonC. PlateD. Knife18.Which one is the longest?A. DayB. WeekC. MonthD. Year19.Which of these is an animal that lives in water?A. DogB. FishC. BirdD. Cat20.My brother usually ______ (wake) up early in the morning. Today, he ______ (wake) up late because he ______ (stay) up late last night.21.My mom ______ (make) a cake yesterday for my birthday. She ______ (use) chocolate and strawberries, which ______ (be) my favorite ingredients. I ______ (share) the cake with my friends, and we ______ (enjoy) it a lot.22.Which animal is known for being slow?A. RabbitB. CheetahC. TurtleD. Lion23.Which of these is used for writing?A. PencilB. SpoonC. KnifeD. Plate24.Which one is a shape?A. DogB. SquareC. BananaD. Fish25.What do we use to write?A. BookB. PenC. ChairD. Table26.What is the opposite of "empty"?A. FullB. CleanC. SmallD. Tall27.Which of these is a shape?A. SquareB. ChairC. DogD. Plate28.Which one of these is a holiday?A. ChristmasB. MondayC. FebruaryD. March29.What is the opposite of "clean"?A. DirtyB. FastC. SoftD. Cold30.What is the color of the sky on a sunny day?A. GreenB. RedC. BlueD. Yellow31.What is the capital of England?A. LondonB. ParisC. New YorkD. Tokyo32.Which of these is a question word?A. AppleB. DogC. WhoD. Table33.What do we use to clean the floor?A. BroomB. PlateC. TableD. Cup34.Which of these is a time of the day?A. MorningB. ChairC. OctoberD. Summer35.When I ______ (be) a child, I ______ (like) to visit the park on weekends. My parents ______ (take) me there every Saturday. I ______ (play) on the swings and______ (climb) the jungle gym. I ______ (have) so much fun.36.Which of these is an animal?A. AppleB. DogC. TableD. Shoe37.What is the opposite of "good"?A. badB. niceC. fineD. happy38.Which color is a lemon?A. BlueB. GreenC. YellowD. Red39.What is the capital of England?A. ParisB. LondonC. BerlinD. Rome40.Which of the following is a type of weather?A. CloudB. RainC. ChairD. Table41.Which of these is a toy?A. SpoonB. ForkC. BallD. Plate42.What time of day do you usually eat breakfast?A. MorningB. AfternoonC. EveningD. Night43.You are sitting in a classroom. The teacher is standing in front of the board and explaining a lesson. The students are listening carefully. What is happening in the classroom?A. Students are playing gamesB. Students are watching a movieC. A lesson is being taughtD. The teacher is taking a break44.Which word is a greeting?A. sorryB. thank youC. goodbyeD. hello45.Which of these is used to eat salad?A. KnifeB. ForkC. SpoonD. Plate46.What do you use to write on paper?A. SpoonB. ForkC. PencilD. Plate47.What do you say when you want to apologize?A. SorryB. PleaseC. Thank youD. Goodbye48.Which of these is not a color?A. RedB. GreenC. ChairD. Blue49.What color is an apple?A. RedB. GreenC. YellowD. All of the above50.What is the color of the sky on a clear day?A. BlueB. RedC. GreenD. Yellow(答案及解释)。
第八次自我测验一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1.下列说法中正确的个数是( )A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个(1)过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线平行; (2)过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线垂直; (3)不相交的两条直线叫做平行线; (4)有公共顶点且有一条公共边的两个互补的角互为邻补角. (5)在同一平面内,过直线上一点有且只有一条直线垂直于已知直线; (6)在同一平面内,有且只有一条直线垂直于已知直线. (7)两点之间的所有连线中,线段最短; (8)相等的角叫做对顶角; (9)两点之间的距离是两点之间的线段; (10)在同一平面内的两条直线的位置关系只有两种:平行或相交 2、下列式子正确的是( )A 、0个 B 、1个 C 、2个 D 、3个①()()22933b a a b b a -=--- ②31332=⨯- ③()()22m mx x -=- ④4122122+-=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-x x x⑤()110-=- (6)、(-0.2)-2=25 (7)、(-21)-3=-81 (8)、()823-=-- (9)、271313-=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-- 3、下列各式中不能用平方差公式计算的是( )A 、()()y x y x --+-B 、()()a b b a --22C 、()()()22b a b a b a ++-D 、()()c b a c b a -++- 4.如图,直线AB ,CD 被直线EF 所截,下列选项不正确的是( )A.∠3=∠6B.∠2=∠6C.∠1和∠4是内错角D.∠3和∠5是同位角 5.如图,在下列条件中,能判断AD ∥BC 的是( )A.∠DAC=∠BCAB.∠DCB+∠ABC=180°C.∠ABD=∠BDCD.∠BAC=∠ACD6.如图,图象(折线OEFPMN)描述了某汽车在行驶过程中速度与时间的关系,下列说法中错误的是( ) A .第3分钟时汽车的速度是40千米/时 B .第12分钟时汽车的速度是0千米/时C .从第3分钟到第6分钟,汽车停止D .从第9分钟到第12分钟,汽车的速度从60千米/时减少到0千米/时7.下列选项中,过点P 画AB 的垂线,三角板放法正确的是( )8.过一条线段外一点,作这条线段的垂线,垂足在( )A.这条线段上B.这条线段的端点处C.这条线段的延长线上D.以上都有可能9.如图,在空白网格内将某一个小正方形涂成阴影部分,且所涂的小正方形与原阴影图形的小正方形至少有一边重合.小红按要求涂了一个正方形,所得到的阴影图形恰好是轴对称图形的概率为( )A .51B .1541C .94D .3110.如图所示,AD ⊥BD ,BC ⊥CD ,AB =m ,BC =n ,则BD 的长度的取值范围是( ) A 、BD >m B 、BD <n C 、m <BD <n D 、n <BD <m 二、填空题(每题3分,共30分)11.如图,按角的位置关系填空:∠A 与∠2是直线____________.被直线_____.所截得的_____.12.如图,下列条件中:①∠B+∠BCD=180°;②∠1=∠2;③∠3=∠4;④∠B=∠5;则一定能判定AB ∥CD 的条件有_____(填写所有正确的序号).13.如图,要从小河引水到村庄A ,请设计并作出一最佳路线,理由是_____. 14.如图,AC ⊥BC ,AC=3,BC=4,AB=5,则点B 到AC 的距离为_____.15.一个不透明的盒子中装有10个黑球和若干个白球,它们除了颜色不同外,其余均相同,从盒子中随机摸出一球并记下其颜色,再把它放回盒子中摇匀,重复上述过程,共试验400次,其中有240次摸到白球,由此估计盒子中的白球大约有________个.16.某校组织学生到距学校6 km的光明科技馆参观.王红准备乘出租车去科技馆,出租车的收费标准如下表:里程数收费/元3 km以下(含3 km) 8.003 km以上每增加1 km 1.80则收费y(元)与出租车行驶里程数x(km)(x≥3)之间的关系式为_____.17.均匀地向如图所示的容器中注满水,能反映在注水过程中水面高度h随时间t变化的图象的是( )18.A,B两地相距20 km,甲、乙两人都从A地去B地,图中l1和l2分别表示甲、乙两人所走路程s(km)与时间t(h)之间的关系.下列说法:①乙晚出发1 h;②乙出发3 h后追上甲;③甲的速度是4 km/h;④乙先到达B 地.其中正确的个数是( )A.1B.2C.3D.419.小雨画了一个边长为3 cm的正方形,如果将正方形的边长增加x cm,那么面积的增加值y(cm2)与边长的增加值x(cm)之间的关系式为____________.20.小明早晨从家骑车到学校,先上坡,后下坡,行驶情况如图所示,如果返回时上、下坡的速度与去学校时上、下坡的速度相同,那么小明从学校骑车回家用的时间是____________.三、解答题21.(5分)如图,一个半径为18 cm 的圆,从中心挖去一个正方形,当挖去的正方形的边长由小变大时,剩下部分的面积也随之发生变化.(1)若挖去的正方形边长为x(cm),剩下部分的面积为y(cm2),则y 与x 之间的关系式是什么? (2)当挖去的正方形的边长由1 cm 变化到9 cm 时,剩下部分的面积由 变化到 . 22.(每题4分,共12分) 计算(1)()()02201614.3211π--⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-+-- (2)()b a b a b b a b a 3322323591313÷--⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⋅⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-÷(3)先化简,再求值:()()()[]x y y x y x y x 253222÷--+-+,其中2-=x ,21=y23、(5分)已知:如图,△ABC 中,AC ⊥BC ,若D 、E 在AB 边上,点F 在AC 边上,DG ⊥BC 于点G ,∠1=∠2,求证EF ∥CD 。
陕西省咸阳市事业单位《职业能力测验》教师教育《说明:本卷为历年及近期公务员(国考)考试真题》本卷共150题,考试时间90分钟,满分100分一、单选题1. 世界上跨经度最多的大洲是()。
A、亚洲B、南极洲C、大洋洲D、南美洲【参考答案】B2. 学生缺乏学习动机可能是由于某种需要没有得到充分的满足,这种动机理论属于()。
A、强化理论B、成就动机理论C、成败归因理论D、需要层次理论【参考答案】D3. 在心智技能形成过程中,心智活动的实践模式向头脑内部转化,由物质的、外显的、展开的形式变成观念的、内潜的、简缩的形式的过程称之为()。
4. 过度学习的适当强度是()。
A、100%B、110%C、120%D、150%【参考答案】D5. 幼儿游戏玩具“恩物”的设计者是()。
A、卢梭B、裴斯泰洛齐C、福禄贝尔D、陈鹤琴【参考答案】C6. 品德形成过程经历的第二阶段是()。
A、依从B、接受C、认同D、内化【参考答案】C7. 以教育、影响受教育者的经过选择和处理的符合一定社会需要的道德规范、政治原则、思想观点及其体系是指()。
A、德育方法B、德育内容C、德育模式D、德育过程【参考答案】B8. 下列哪条铁路的建设对西南区的经济发展具有划时代的意义?()A、成昆线B、湘黔线C、焦柳线D、青藏线【参考答案】A9. 最早从理论上对班级授课制加以论证的是()。
A、卢梭B、洛克C、夸美纽斯D、赫尔巴特【参考答案】C10. 程序教学的提出者是()。
A、华生B、斯金纳C、加涅D、布鲁纳【参考答案】B11. 下列方法中不属于社会性惩罚的是()。
A、心理性惩罚B、生理性惩罚C、自然后果法D、剥夺性惩罚【参考答案】B12. 造成个体认知过程方面的差异主要原因时期不同的()。
A、认知方式和认知途径B、认知方式和认知能力C、思维方式和智力水平D、智力水平和认知水平【参考答案】B13. 反映一个国家配合政治、经济、科技体制而确定下来的学校办学形式、层次结构、组织管理等相对稳定的运行模式和规定,这是指()。
A.时间效度B. 内容效度C. 效标关联效度D. 结构效度8. 统计学中反映一组数据集中趋势的量是下面哪个选项()。
A、90%B、10%C、78%D、22%10. 考试中对学生进行排名,常见的名次属于什么变量()A、称名B、顺序C、等距D、比率答案提示:1.B2.C3. C4.D5.B6.A7.B8.D9. B 10.B二、绘制统计图(共10分)请按以下的分布统计资料,绘制相对次数分布直方图与多边图(可画在同一个坐标框图上)答案提示:考核知识点:次数直方图与多边图的绘制,见第一章第三节的次数分布直方图的内容,P10-12。
小学三年级上册英语第4单元期测验题(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which one is used to cut paper?A. ScissorsB. ForkC. KnifeD. Spoon2.Which of these is a pet?A. LionB. CatC. TigerD. Elephant3.What is the opposite of "new"?A. OldB. TallC. SmallD. Fast4.Which of these is a country?A. LondonB. JapanC. ParisD. New York5.My grandmother is very kind. She always makes me feel special when I visit her. She likes to tell stories about when she was young. I enjoy listening to her stories because they are always interesting. We also bake cookies together, and I love her homemade cookies the most.6.Which of these is a primary color?A. GreenB. YellowC. OrangeD. Purple7.Which one is used to eat soup?A. ForkB. SpoonC. KnifeD. Plate8.Which one is a wild animal?A. DogB. ElephantC. CowD. Sheep9.What do we use to write on a blackboard?A. PenB. ChalkC. EraserD. Marker10.Which animal can fly?A. CatB. DogC. BirdD. Elephant11.Which one is a vegetable?A. BananaB. TomatoC. CarrotD. Mango12.Which of these is used to brush your teeth?A. ToothbrushB. SpoonC. KnifeD. Plate13.Which of these is a month of the year?A. JanuaryB. SummerC. AprilD. Day14.What do we use to write on the board?A. PenB. MarkerC. KnifeD. Spoon15.What is the opposite of "fast"?A. SlowB. SmallC. HeavyD. Light16.What do we use to eat soup?A. KnifeB. SpoonC. PlateD. Fork17.How old is a typical 3rd grader?A. 4 years oldB. 6 years oldC. 8 years oldD. 10 years old18.Which of these is a holiday?A. MondayB. ChristmasC. JanuaryD. April19.Which of the following is a season of the year?A. MondayB. FebruaryC. SummerD. Tuesday20.What do you drink with a straw?A. SoupB. MilkC. JuiceD. Rice21.I usually wake up at 7:00 in the morning. After I wake up, I get out of bed and go to the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth. Then, I go to the kitchen to have breakfast. My mom often makes eggs and toast for me. After breakfast, I get dressed andleave f or school. I take the bus to school because it’s faster than walking. School starts at 8:00, so I need to leave home by 7:30.22.Which of these animals has wings?A. FishB. BirdC. ElephantD. Dog23.What is the opposite of "cold"?A. HotB. WarmC. WetD. Cool24.Which color is the sky?A. BlueB. RedC. GreenD. Yellow25.My parents ______ (go) to the supermarket every Saturday. Last Saturday, I______ (go) with them. We ______ (buy) some fruit and vegetables, and then we ______ (eat) lunch at a nearby restaurant.26.Which of these animals is a mammal?A. BirdB. FishC. DogD. Turtle27.________ you like apples?A. DoesB. DoC. AreD. Is28.Which of these is a season?A. SundayB. WinterC. JanuaryD. Holidayst summer, my family ______ (go) on a vacation to the beach. We ______ (stay) at a nice hotel. Every day, we ______ (swim) in the ocean and ______ (build) sandcastles. It ______ (be) a wonderful trip, and we ______ (have) a lot of fun.30.Which of these is a shape?A. CircleB. AppleC. ChairD. Book31.What is the opposite of "big"?A. SmallB. TallC. HeavyD. Long32.What do we use to eat salad?A. KnifeB. ForkC. SpoonD. Plate33.Which of these is a mode of transportation?A. TableB. CarC. ChairD. Pen34.Choose the right preposition: The cat is ______ the box.A. inB. onC. underD. beside35.Today is my birthday. I am __ years old. I invited my friends to a party at my house. We will have cake, play games, and watch a movie together. I am really excited because it is going to be a fun day.36.It is ______ now.A. HotB. HotterC. The hottestD. More hot37.What do you use to write on paper?A. PenB. PillowC. BedD. Shoes38.Which animal is famous for its black and white stripes?A. ElephantB. TigerC. ZebraD. Giraffe39.Which one is a type of transportation?A. TrainB. TableC. ChairD. Bed40.We are going on a trip to the ______ this weekend. I’m very ______ because I love seeing the ______ there. I also like to take pictures with my ______. After the trip, we will have a ______ at a nearby restaurant.41.How many fingers do you have on one hand?A. ThreeB. FiveC. TenD. Eight42.Where do fish live?A. In the treeB. In the oceanC. In the skyD. On the ground43.Which of these is used to drink water?A. PlateB. CupC. SpoonD. Fork44.I’m going to the __ to buy some food. I need to buy __, __, and __. I also need to buy some __ and a __. After I finish shopping, I will go home and cook a __ dinner for my family.45.Which one is used to drink?A. ForkB. SpoonC. KnifeD. Cup46.What is the weather like in winter?A. hotB. coldC. warmD. rainy47.Which of these is a place to cook food?A. BathroomB. KitchenC. BedroomD. Garden48.What is the opposite of "big"?A. SmallB. TallC. HeavyD. Short49.Which of these is a fruit?A. CarrotB. BananaC. LettuceD. Potato50.She ______ a beautiful dress today.A. wearB. wearsC. wearingD. wore(答案及解释)。
小学三年级下册英语第5单元期测验题(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which one is a shape?A. SquareB. BookC. ChairD. Plate2.Which one is a fruit?A. PotatoB. AppleC. CarrotD. Onion3.Which of these is used for writing?A. EraserB. PenC. PlateD. Book4.My family loves to visit the park on weekends. We often go there in the afternoon. My little brother likes to play on the swings, while I prefer to play football with my friends. After playing, we usually have a picnic with sandwiches, fruits, and some drinks. My mom always brings a __ to sit on while we eat.5.Which of these is used to eat?A. SpoonB. ChairC. TableD. Plate6.Which of these animals can live in water?A. DogB. FishC. LionD. Elephant7.She __________ a teacher.A. isB. areC. amD. be8.Which one is used for eating?A. SpoonB. KnifeC. PlateD. Cup9.Which of these is a famous country?A. ChinaB. SpoonC. PlateD. Chair10.Which of these is a body part?A. ChairB. SpoonC. FootD. Table11.Which of these is a fruit?A. PotatoB. CarrotC. BananaD. Lettuce12.Which animal can fly?A. DogB. BirdC. ElephantD. Cat13.I ______ (study) English for two years. Last week, I ______ (take) an English test. I ______ (feel) nervous before the test, but after I ______ (finish) it, I ______ (be) happy because I ______ (do) well.14.Which one is a body part?A. BallB. HandC. TableD. Chair15.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. ColdB. WarmC. SoftD. Tall16.What is the opposite of hot?A. ColdB. WarmC. CoolD. Wet17.What do we use to eat food?A. PlateB. ForkC. CupD. Spoonst summer, we ______ (travel) to the mountains for vacation. We ______ (stay) in a small cabin. Every morning, we ______ (go) hiking, and we ______ (explore) the nature around us. I ______ (enjoy) the fresh air and beautiful views.19.My family and I _______ (go) to a theme park last Saturday. We _______ (ride) roller coasters and _______ (play) games. My younger sister _______ (be) too scared to ride the big roller coaster, so she _______ (watch) us. After that, we _______ (eat) lunch at the park. It _______ (be) an exciting day.20.Which of these is a type of tree?A. OakB. DogC. CarD. Table21.Which one is a tool?A. BookB. HammerC. ChairD. Apple22.How do you say "你好" in English?A. Good nightB. HelloC. Thank youD. Goodbye23.Which of these is a toy?A. DollB. TreeC. CarD. Hat24.What is the opposite of "wet"?A. DryB. SoftC. HeavyD. Light25.Which animal is known for having a long neck?A. ElephantB. GiraffeC. DogD. Tiger26.Which one is a color?A. AppleB. GreenC. ChairD. Table27.We ______ (have) a great time at the amusement park last weekend. We ______ (ride) roller coasters and ______ (eat) cotton candy. My little brother ______ (enjoy) the merrygoround the most. I ______ (take) a lot of pictures to remember the day.28.Which animal lives in the ocean?A. ElephantB. WhaleC. TigerD. Kangaroo29.Which animal can fly?A. ElephantB. TigerC. BirdD. Dog30.Which one is a fruit?A. CarrotB. OrangeC. PotatoD. Lettuce31.Which one is a food?A. PizzaB. ChairC. PlateD. Spoon32.Which of these is used to clean the floor?A. MopB. KnifeC. SpoonD. Plate33.Peter always ______ (go) to school by bus. Last Monday, he ______ (decide) to walk because the weather ______ (be) nice. He ______ (leave) home early, but when he ______ (arrive) at school, he ______ (realize) that he ______ (forget) his lunch.34.Which of these is a fruit?A. TomatoB. PotatoC. CarrotD. Onion35.Which of these is a wild animal?A. DogB. TigerC. CatD. Elephant36.Which one is a body part?A. LegB. TableC. ChairD. Plate37.Which of these is a part of the body?A. LegB. TableC. SpoonD. Chair38.Which of these is a body part?A. LegB. TableC. CarD. Book39.What time is it? It’s _____ oclock.A. fiveB. fifesC. fivesD. fives40.I _______ (love) to read books in my free time. Last weekend, I _______ (borrow)a new book from the library. The story _______ (be) about a young girl who _______ (go) on an adventure. I _______ (enjoy) reading it so much that I _______ (finish) the book in two days. After finishing the book, I _______ (recommend) it to my friends, and they_______ (decide) to read it too. It _______ (be) a great book.41.What do we use to write on a board?A. PenB. ChalkC. EraserD. Brush42.What is the opposite of "young"?A. NewB. OldC. TallD. Big43.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. warmB. coldC. coolD. spicy44.What do we use to write on paper?A. PenB. SpoonC. PlateD. Shoe45.What do you wear on your feet?A. HatB. ShoesC. ShirtD. Pants46.Which of these animals is a fish?A. DolphinB. SharkC. WhaleD. Cat47.Which of these is a pet?A. LionB. CatC. ElephantD. Tiger48.The dog is very ___.A. cuteB. cutsC. cuterD. cutest49.What is the opposite of "fast"?A. SlowB. TallC. LightD. Strong50.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. WarmB. CoolC. SoftD. Cold(答案及解释)。
高中数学必修二 第09章 统计(A卷基础篇)(含答案)
第九章统计A(基础卷)参考答案与试题解析一.选择题(共8小题)1.(2020春•郑州期中)某中学为了了解500名学生的身高,从中抽取了30名学生的身高进行统计分析,在这个问题中,500名学生身高的全体是()A.总体B.个体C.从总体中抽取的一个样本D.样本的容量【解答】解:为了了解500名学生的身高,从中抽取了30名学生的身高进行统计分析,这500名学生身高的全体是总体.故选:A.2.(2020春•盐城期末)某校高一、高二、高三年级各有学生数分别为800、1000、800(单位:人),现用分层抽样的方法抽取一个容量为n的样本了解网课学习情况,样本中高一学生的人数为48人,那么此样本的容量n为()A.108 B.96 C.156 D.208【解答】解:∵高一、高二、高三学生的数量之比依次为800:1000:800=4:5:4,现用分层抽样的方法抽出的样本中高一学生有48人,∴由分层抽样性质,得:,解得n=156.故选:C.3.(2020•赣州模拟)从某班50名同学中选出5人参加户外活动,利用随机数表法抽取样本时,先将50名同学按01,02,……50进行编号,然后从随机数表的第1行第5列和第6列数字开始从左往右依次选取两个数字,则选出的第5个个体的编号为()(注:表为随机数表的第1行与第2行)0347 4373 8636 9647 3661 4698 6371 62977424 6792 4281 1457 2042 5332 3732 1676A.24 B.36 C.46 D.47【解答】解:由题知从随机数表的第1行第5列和第6列数字开始,由表可知依次选取43,36,47,46,24.故选:A.4.(2020•山西模拟)如图茎叶图记录了甲、乙两组各五名学生在一次英语听力测试中的成绩(单位:分).则甲组数据的中位数,乙组数据的平均数分别为()A.12,15 B.15,15 C.15,15.9 D.15,16.8【解答】解:由茎叶图得:甲组数据为:9,12,15,24,27,乙组数据为:8,15,18,19,24,故甲组数据的中位数是15,乙组数据的平均数是:16.8,故选:D.5.(2020•新课标Ⅲ)设一组样本数据x1,x2,…,x n的方差为0.01,则数据10x1,10x2,…,10x n的方差为()A.0.01 B.0.1 C.1 D.10【解答】解:∵样本数据x1,x2,…,x n的方差为0.01,∴根据任何一组数据同时扩大几倍方差将变为平方倍增长,∴数据10x1,10x2,…,10x n的方差为:100×0.01=1,故选:C.6.(2020春•闵行区校级期中)在一次数学测试中,高二某班40名学生成绩的平均分为82,方差为10.2,则下列四个数中不可能是该班数学成绩的是()A.100 B.85 C.65 D.55【解答】解:因为S210.2,所以40×10.2=408,若存在x=55,则(x)2=(55﹣82)2=729408,则方差必然大于10.2,不符合题意,所以55不可能是所有成绩中的一个样本.故选:D.7.(2020•4月份模拟)学校为了调查学生在课外读物方面的支出(单位:元)情况,抽取了一个容量为n 的样本,并将得到的数据分成[10,20),[20,30),[30,40),[40,50]四组,绘制成如图所示的频率分布直方图,其中支出在[40,50]的同学有24人,则n=()A.80 B.60 C.100 D.50【解答】解:本题考查频率分布直方图,考查数据处理能力.由频率分布直方图可得,支出在[40,50]的频率为1﹣(0.01+0.024+0.036)×10=0.3.根据题意得,解得n=80.故选:A.8.(2020•深圳模拟)一个容量为100的样本,其数据分组与各组的频数如表:组别(0,10] (10,20] (20,30] (30,40] (40,50] (50,60] (60,70]频数12 13 24 15 16 13 7则样本数据落在(10,40]上的频率为()A.0.13 B.0.52 C.0.39 D.0.64【解答】解:由频率分布表知,样本数据落在(10,40]上的频率为:0.52.故选:B.二.多选题(共4小题)9.(2020春•启东市校级月考)为了了解参加运动会的2000名运动员的年龄情况,从中抽取了20名运动员的年龄进行统计分析.就这个问题,下列说法中正确的有()A.2000名运动员是总体B.所抽取的20名运动员是一个样本C.样本容量为20D.每个运动员被抽到的机会相等.【解答】解:由题意知,2000名运动员的年龄是总体,所以A错误;所抽取的20名运动员的年龄是一个样本,所以A错误;样本容量是20,所以C正确;每个运动员被抽到的机会相等,所以D正确.故选:CD.10.(2020•烟台一模)2020年春节前后,一场突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情在全国蔓延,疫情就是命令,防控就是责任.在党中央的坚强领导和统一指挥下,全国人民众志成城、团结一心,掀起了一场坚决打赢疫情防控阻击战的人民战争.右侧的图表展示了2月14日至29日全国新冠肺炎疫情变化情况,根据该折线图,下列结论正确的是()A.16天中每新增确诊病例数量呈下降趋势且19日的降幅最大B.16天中每日新增确诊病例的中位数小于新增疑似病例的中位数C.16天中新增确诊、新增疑似、新增治愈病例的极差均大于2000D.19至29日每日新增治愈病例数量均大于新增确诊与新增疑似病例之和【解答】解:由频率分布折线图可知,16天中新增确诊病例数量整体呈下降趋势,但具体到每一天有增有减,故A错误;由每日新增确诊病例的数量大部分小于新增疑似病例的数量,则16天中每日新增确诊病例的中位数小于新增疑似病例的中位数,故B正确;由图可知,16天中新增确诊、新增疑似、新增治愈病例的极差均大于2000,故C正确;由图可知,20日的新增治愈病例数量小于新增确诊与新增疑似病例之和,故D错误.∴正确的结论是BC.故选:BC.11.(2020春•济宁月考)一组数据2x1+l,2x2+1,2x3+1,…,2x n+1的平均值为7,方差为4,记3x1+2,3x2+2,3x3+2,…,3x n+2的平均值为a,方差为b,则()A.a=7 B.a=ll C.b=12 D.b=9【解答】解:2x1+l,2x2+1,2x3+1,…,2x n+1的平均值为7,方差为4,设X=(x1,x2,x3,…,x n),E(2X+1)=2E(X)+1=7,得E(X)=3,D(2X+1)=4D(X)=4,D(X)=1,3x1+2,3x2+2,3x3+2,…,3x n+2的平均值为a,方差为b,a=E(3X+2)=3E(X)+2=11,b=D(3X+2)=9D(X)=9,故选:BD.12.(2020•淄博模拟)某健身房为了解运动健身减肥的效果,调查了20名肥胖者健身前(如直方图(1)所示)后(如直方图(2)所示)的体重(单位:kg)变化情况,对比数据,关于这20名肥胖者,下面结论正确的是()A.他们健身后,体重在区间[90,100)内的人数较健身前增加了2人B.他们健身后,体重原在区间[100,110)内的人员一定无变化C.他们健身后,20人的平均体重大约减少了8kgD.他们健身后,原来体重在区间[110,120]内的肥胖者体重都有减少【解答】解:体重在[90,100)内的肥胖者由健身前的6人增加到健身后的8人,增加了2人,所以A 正确;他们健身后,体重在[100,110)内的百分比没有变,但人员组成可能改变,所以B错误;他们健身后,20人的平均体重大约减少了(0.3×95+0.5×105+0.2×115)﹣(0.1×85+0.4×95+0.5×105)=5(kg),所以C错误;因为图(2)中没有体重在[110,120)内的人员,所以原来体重在[110,120)内的肥胖者体重都有减少,所以D正确.故选:AD.三.填空题(共4小题)13.(2020•江苏模拟)某次数学测验五位同学的成绩分布茎叶图如图,则这五位同学数学成绩的方差为10.【解答】解:由图可得这五位同学考试成绩分别为122,128,129,130,131;则这五位同学数学成绩的平均数为:(122+128+129+130+131)=128,方差[(122﹣128)2+(128﹣128)2+(129﹣128)2+(130﹣128)2+(131﹣128)2]=10.故答案为:10.14.(2020•南通模拟)为了解某校学生课外阅读的情况,随机统计了1000名学生的课外阅读时间,所得数据都在[50,150]中,其频率分布直方图如图所示,则阅读时间在[125,150)中的学生人数为200.【解答】解:由频率分布直方图得:阅读时间在[125,150)中的频率为:1﹣(0.004+0.012+0.016)×25=0.2.∴阅读时间在[125,150)中的学生人数为:1000×0.2=200.故答案为:200.15.(2020•扬州模拟)某校在高一、高二、高三三个年级中招募志愿者50人,现用分层抽样的方法分配三个年级的志愿者人数,已知高一、高二、高三年级的学生人数之比为4:3:3,则应从高三年级抽取15名志愿者.【解答】解:∵高三年级的学生人数占的比例为,则应从高三年级抽取的人数为5015,故答案为:15.16.(2020•中卫三模)从2021个学生中选取202人志愿者,若采用下面的方法选取,先用简单随机抽样法从2021人中剔除1人,剩下的2020人按系统抽样取出202人,则每人入选的概率.【解答】解:根据抽样的性质可知,无论哪种抽样,每个个体抽到的概率都是相同的,用简单随机抽样从2021人中剔除1人,每个人被剔除的概率相等,剩下的2020人再按系统抽样的方法抽取,每个人被抽取的概率也相等,即,故答案为:.四.解答题(共5小题)17.(2020•宁德模拟)A、B两同学参加数学竞赛培训,在培训期间,他们参加了8次测验,成绩(单位:分)记录如下:A71 62 72 76 63 70 85 83B73 84 75 73 7876 85B同学的成绩不慎被墨迹污染(,分别用m,n表示).(1)用茎叶图表示这两组数据,现从A、B两同学中选派一人去参加数学竞赛,你认为选派谁更好?请说明理由(不用计算);(2)若B同学的平均分为78,方差s2=19,求m,n.【解答】解:(1)A、B两同学参加了8次测验,成绩(单位:分)茎叶图如下:由茎叶图可知,B同学的平均成绩高于A同学的平均成绩,所以选派B同学参加数学竞赛更好.(2)因为(73+84+75+73+70+m+80+n+76+85)=78,所以m+n=8,①,因为S2[52+62+32+(m﹣8)2+(n+2)2+22+72]=19,所以(m﹣8)2+(n+2)2=4,②联立①②解得,m=8,n=0.18.(2020•武侯区校级模拟)成都七中为了解班级卫生教育系列活动的成效,对全校40个班级进行了一次突击班级卫生量化打分检查(满分100分,最低分20分).根据检查结果:得分在[80,100]评定为“优”,奖励3面小红旗;得分在[60,80)评定为“良”,奖励2面小红旗;得分在[40,60)评定为“中”,奖励1面小红旗;得分在[20,40)评定为“差”,不奖励小红旗.已知统计结果的部分频率分布直方图如图:(1)依据统计结果的部分频率分布直方图,求班级卫生量化打分检查得分的中位数;(2)学校用分层抽样的方法,从评定等级为“良”、“中”的班级中抽取6个班级,再从这6个班级中随机抽取2个班级进行抽样复核,求所抽取的2个班级获得的奖励小红旗面数和不少于3的概率.【解答】解:(1)得分[20,40)的频率为0.005×20=0.1;得分[40,60)的频率为0.010×20=0.2;得分[80,100]的频率为0.015×20=0.3;所以得分[60,80)的频率为1﹣(0.1+0.2+0.3)=0.4.设班级得分的中位数为x分,于是,解得x=70.所以班级卫生量化打分检查得分的中位数为70分.(2)由(1)知题意“良”、“中”的频率分别为0.4,0.2.又班级总数为40.于是“良”、“中”的班级个数分别为16,8.分层抽样的方法抽取的“良”、“中”的班级个数分别为4,2.因为评定为“良”,奖励2面小红旗,评定为“中”,奖励1面小红旗.所以抽取的2个班级获得的奖励小红旗面数和不少于3为两个评定为“良”的班级或一个评定为“良”与一个评定为“中”的班级.记这个事件为A.则为两个评定为“中”的班级.把4个评定为“良”的班级标记为1,2,3,4,2个评定为“中”的班级标记为5,6.从这6个班级中随机抽取2个班级用点(i,j)表示,其中1≤i<j≤6.这些点恰好为6×6方格格点上半部分(不含i=j对角线上的点),于是有种.事件仅有(5,6)一个基本事件.所以.所抽取的2个班级获得的奖励小红旗面数和不少于3的概率为.19.(2020•甲卷三模)中国女排一直是国人的骄傲,2019年女排世界杯于9月14日﹣9月29日在日本举行,中国女排10连胜提前夺冠,获世界杯第五冠、三大赛第十冠.中国女排用胜利点燃国人的激情,女排精神成为了拼搏、不服输的代表.某校受此影响,也举办了校园排球联赛,每班各自选出12人代表队,最后甲、乙两班进入决赛,如下茎叶图所示的是对每名队员上场时间做的统计,根据茎叶图回答问题:(Ⅰ)计算甲、乙两班队员上场的平均时间,并根据茎叶图分析哪班队员上场时间更均衡(不需要计算);(Ⅱ)赛后学校在上场时间超过50分钟(包括50分钟)的队员中随机抽取2人评为最佳运动员,则两人中至少有一人来自乙班的概率是多少?【解答】解:(Ⅰ)甲班队员上场的平均时间31.25,乙班队员上场的平均时间34.5.由茎叶图分析甲班队员上场时间更均衡.(Ⅱ)上场时间超过50分钟的队员甲班有两人为A,B,乙班有3人为C,D,E.则从5人中随机抽取2人的取法有:AB,AC,AD,AE,BC,BD,BE,CD,CE,DE.共有10种,至少有一人来自乙班的有9种,故两人中至少有一人来自乙班的概率P.20.(2020春•锡山区校级期中)为了落实习主席提出“绿水青山就是金山银山”的环境治理要求,某市政府积极鼓励居民节约用水.计划调整居民生活用水收费方案,拟确定一个合理的月用水量标准x(吨),一位居民的月用水量不超过x的部分按平价收费,超出x的部分按议价收费.为了了解居民用水情况,通过抽样,获得了某年200位居民每人的月均用水量(单位:吨),将数据按照[0,1),[1,2),…,[8,9)分成9组,制成了如图所示的频率分布直方图,其中0.4a=b.(1)求直方图中a,b的值,并由频率分布直方图估计该市居民用水的平均数(每组数据用该组区间中点值作为代表);(2)设该市有40万居民,估计全市居民中月均用水量不低于2吨的人数,并说明理由;(3)若该市政府希望使85%的居民每月的用水量不超过标准x(吨),估计x的值,并说明理由.【解答】解:(1)由题意得:,解得a=0.15,b=0.06.由频率分布直方图估计该市居民用水的平均数为:0.5×0.04+1.5×0.08+2.5×0.15+3.5×0.20+4.5×0.26+5.5×0.15+6.5×0.06+7.5×0.04+8.5×0.02≈4.07.(2)由频率分布直方图得:全市居民中月均用水量不低于2吨的频率为:1﹣0.04﹣0.08=0.88,∴全市居民中月均用水量不低于2吨的人数为:400000×(1﹣0.04﹣0.08)=352000.(3)∵前6组的频率之和是0.04+0.08+0.15+0.20+0.26+0.15=0.88>0.85,而前5组的频率之和为0.04+0.08+0.15+0.20+0.26=0.73<0.85,∴5≤x<6,由0.15×(x﹣5)=0.85﹣0.73,解得:x=5.8,因此,估计月用水量标准为5.8吨时,85%的居民每月的用水量不超过标准.21.(2020•迎泽区校级模拟)2019年下半年以来,各地区陆续出台了“垃圾分类”的相关管理条例,实行“垃圾分类”能最大限度地减少垃圾处置量,实现垃圾资源利用,改善垃圾资源环境,某部门在某小区年龄处于[20,45]岁的人中随机地抽取x人,进行了“垃圾分类”相关知识掌握和实施情况的调查,并把达到“垃圾分类”标准的人称为“环保族”,得到如图示各年龄段人数的频率分布直方图和表中的统计数据.(1)求x,y,z的值;(2)根据频率分布直方图,估计这x人年龄的平均值(同一组数据用该区间的中点值代替,结果按四舍五入保留整数);(3)从年龄段在[25,35]的“环保族”中采取分层抽样的方法抽取9人进行专访,并在这9人中选取2人作为记录员,求选取的2名记录员中至少有一人年龄在[30,35]中的概率.组数分组“环保族”人数占本组频率第一组[20,25)45 0.75第二组[25,30)25 y第三组[30,35)20 0.5第四组[35,40)z0.2第五组[40,45) 3 0.1【解答】解:(1)由题意得:.(2)根据频率分布直方图,估计这x人年龄的平均值为:22.5×0.06×5+27.5×0.04×5+32.5×0.04×5+37.5×0.03×5+42.5×0.03×5=30.75≈31..(3)从年龄段在[25,35]的“环保族”中采取分层抽样的方法抽取9人进行专访,[25,30)中选:95人,[30,35]中选:94人,在这9人中选取2人作为记录员,基本事件总数n,选取的2名记录员中至少有一人年龄在[30,35]包含的基本事件个数:m26,∴选取的2名记录员中至少有一人年龄在[30,35]中的概率p.。
2m1m 2m 1mM3m0 =200 =200kPa 0kPa p p 图3-20 习题3-1图 ①σcz 1=17×2=; σcz 2=17×2+19×=; 对于淤泥质粘土 σcz 3=17×2+19×+ ×= σcz 4=17×2+19×+ ×+ ×2=②若图3-20中,中砂层以下为坚硬的整体岩石σcz 1、σcz 2、σcz 3同①,但岩层顶面处为+10×=绘制自重应力曲线。
小学五年级上册英语第5单元期测验题(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which of these animals is a pet?A. LionB. DogC. TigerD. Elephant2.Which one is a vehicle?A. BicycleB. PlateC. SpoonD. Dog3.Which one is the smallest?A. ElephantB. AntC. LionD. Giraffe4.What color is the grass?A. RedB. GreenC. BlueD. Yellow5.My sister __________ (1) to school every day by bus. She __________ (2) very early in the morning and __________ (3) her breakfast quickly. After that, she__________ (4) her bag and __________ (5) the bus. She __________ (6) to school at 8:00 AM and __________ (7) her first lesson at 8:30. Her favorite subject __________ (8) English because she __________ (9) learning new words.6.Which of these is a color?A. BlueB. DogC. TableD. Chair7.Which is the correct way to say “早上好” in English?A. Good afternoonB. Good morningC. Good eveningD. Good night8.Which of these is a mode of transportation?A. TrainB. KnifeC. PlateD. Spoon9.My dog __________ (1) very friendly. He __________ (2) to play with me every afternoon. Yesterday, we __________ (3) in the park, and he __________ (4) a stick. He __________ (5) so happy!10.I __________ (study) English every day because I __________ (want) to speak it very well. I __________ (learn) new words and __________ (practice) speaking with my friends. Last week, I __________ (take) a test, and I __________ (do) well.11.I __________ (1) to the library after school yesterday. I __________ (2) a book about animals. It __________ (3) very interesting. After reading, I __________ (4) some homework. At 5:00 PM, I __________ (5) home and __________ (6) dinner with my family. We __________ (7) rice and vegetables. It __________ (8) a busy but fun afternoon.12.My parents ______ (celebrate) their wedding anniversary last weekend. We ______ (have) a big party at our house. Many of our relatives ______ (come) to join the celebration. My dad ______ (make) his famous spaghetti, and my mom ______ (decorate) the house with beautiful flowers. We all ______ (enjoy) the party very much.13.Which one is a body part?A. ChairB. LegC. SpoonD. Book14.What is the correct way to say "你好" in English?A. ByeB. HelloC. SorryD. Thanks15.I ______ (not/like) to eat spinach when I was younger, but now I ______ (eat) it every day because it ______ (be) very healthy. Yesterday, I ______ (eat) spinach with chicken for lunch.16.Which of these is a direction?A. LeftB. ChairC. TableD. Dog17.I like to __________ in my free time. Sometimes, I go to the __________ and play __________ with my friends. Other times, I like to __________ and __________. My brother prefers __________ because he enjoys __________. We also go to the__________ to watch __________. I enjoy spending my free time because it helps me to __________.18.Today, we __________ (study) math in class. We __________ (learn) how to add and subtract large numbers. After the lesson, we __________ (do) some practice exercises. It __________ (be) very interesting.19.What do you do when you want to borrow a book from the library?A. Just take itB. Ask the librarian for helpC. Hide it and leaveD. Take it without asking20.Which one is the largest planet?A. EarthB. MarsC. JupiterD. Venus21.David is studying for his math test. He needs to learn how to add and subtract__________ and __________. Yesterday, his teacher gave the class a __________ to help them practice. David thinks the test will be __________, but he is confident because he has been studying hard. His best friend, Jack, is also studying with him. They are both __________, and they help each other with difficult problems. After the test, David plans to treat himself to a __________.22.What is the opposite of happy?A. ExcitedB. SadC. AngryD. Nervous23.I ______ (like) to read books. My favorite book ______ (be) "Harry Potter". Every day, I ______ (read) for 30 minutes before going to bed. Last week, I ______ (finish) reading a new book. It ______ (be) very interesting. I ______ (hope) to read more books this month.24.Which of these is used to play music?A. BrushB. GuitarC. SpoonD. Fork25.You are about to take a test, and you feel nervous. What is the best way to handle this feeling?A. Panic and give up on the testB. Take deep breaths, stay calm, and focus on the questionsC. Tell the teacher you are not ready to take the testD. Avoid answering any questions because you feel too nervous26.I always ______ (get) up early in the morning. This morning, I ______ (wake) up at 6:00. After that, I ______ (brush) my teeth, ______ (eat) breakfast, and ______ (go) to school. I ______ (be) always on time.27.Which of these is a transportation vehicle?A. AirplaneB. TableC. ChairD. Bed28.Which of these is a fruit?A. PotatoB. BananaC. CarrotD. Lettuce29.What is the opposite of "old"?A. YoungB. BigC. NewD. Tall30.Tom is at school. He is sitting in his __________ and listening to the teacher. The teacher is talking about __________. Tom writes down some important information in his __________. After school, Tom shares what he learned with his __________. They are both excited about the lesson.31.Which of these is an animal?A. DogB. CarC. TableD. Spoon32.Which of these is used to write?A. KnifeB. PenC. SpoonD. Plate33.Which of these is a time of the day?A. JanuaryB. SummerC. MorningD. March34.I like to _______ TV in the evening.A. watchB. lookC. seeD. read35.Which of these is the largest?A. WhaleB. ElephantC. LionD. Giraffe36.Which one is a domestic animal?A. ElephantB. DogC. LionD. Tiger37.Which of these is an animal?A. CatB. ChairC. TableD. Car38.How do you say "对不起" in English?A. SorryB. PleaseC. Thank youD. Excuse me39.It is your birthday. You have a cake with candles on it, and your friends are singinga song. What is happening?A. A weddingB. A birthday partyC. A holidayD. A family reunion40.David loves playing sports. His favorite sport is __________ because he loves running fast. He plays __________ with his friends every Sa turday. David’s dream is to become a professional __________ player when he grows up. After the game, he usually drinks __________ and eats fruit to stay healthy.41.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. ColdB. WarmC. HotterD. Bigger42.I’m learning how t o take care of plants. I planted a small __ in a pot. Every day, I make sure it gets enough __ and water. I also put it in the __ to help it grow faster. Aftera few weeks, I hope the plant will have __ and leaves. It’s exciting to see it grow!43.We __________ (1) to the cinema last night. The movie __________ (2) very interesting, and we __________ (3) popcorn and drinks. After the movie, we __________ (4) to a restaurant and __________ (5) dinner there. It __________ (6) a great evening.44.I ______ (not/understand) the math problem yesterday, so my teacher ______ (explain) it again. Now, I ______ (understand) how to solve it. I ______ (be) very happy because I ______ (learn) something new.45.Which of these is a number?A. 3B. ElephantC. SpoonD. Chair46.Sarah and her friends are going to the beach. They need to pack their __________ to play in the sand and a __________ to protect themselves from the sun. Sarah also makes sure to bring a __________ for taking pictures of the ocean and the __________ to relax on after swimming.47.My family and I _______ (have) a picnic last weekend. We _______ (decide) to go to the park because the weather _______ (be) very warm. We _______ (bring) sandwiches, fruits, and drinks with us. When we _______ (arrive) at the park, we_______ (find) a nice spot under a tree. My brother and I _______ (play) frisbee while our parents _______ (sit) and _______ (talk). Later, we _______ (take) a lot of photos and _______ (enjoy) our time in the park.48.Today, I am going to the __ with my family. It is a very __ place. We are going to see some __ and play games. I like going there because there are many __ to ride, and I can eat __. After playing, we will watch a __ show and feel __. It’s going to be a fun day!49.Which one is a toy?A. ChairB. TableC. DollD. Plate50.Which of these is the opposite of "hot"?A. ColdB. SlowC. FastD. Tall(答案及解释)。
八中近期考试题目及答案**八中近期考试题目及答案**一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 下列哪个选项是正确的?A. 地球是平的B. 光速是宇宙中最快的速度C. 人类是水生动物D. 太阳是银河系的中心答案:B2. 以下哪项不是中国四大发明之一?A. 造纸术B. 印刷术C. 指南针D. 望远镜答案:D3. 以下哪个国家不是联合国安全理事会常任理事国?A. 中国B. 法国C. 德国D. 俄罗斯答案:C4. 以下哪种元素的化学符号是“Fe”?A. 铜B. 铁C. 铝D. 锌答案:B5. 以下哪个数学公式是勾股定理?A. a² + b² = c²B. a² - b² = c²C. a² + c² = b²D. a² - c² = b²答案:A6. 以下哪个国家不是G20成员国?A. 美国B. 英国C. 巴西D. 挪威答案:D7. 以下哪个是莎士比亚的作品?A. 《悲惨世界》B. 《哈姆雷特》C. 《百年孤独》D. 《老人与海》答案:B8. 以下哪个是元素周期表中的稀有气体?A. 氢B. 氦C. 氧D. 钠答案:B9. 以下哪个是中国古代四大美女之一?A. 西施B. 貂蝉C. 王昭君D. 杨玉环答案:A、B、C、D10. 以下哪个是计算机编程语言?A. HTMLB. CSSC. JavaScriptD. XML答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 地球的自转周期是______小时。
答案:242. 光年是长度单位,表示光在一年内传播的距离,1光年约等于______千米。
答案:9.46万亿3. 联合国的总部设在______。
答案:纽约4. 元素周期表中,最轻的元素是______。
答案:氢5. 勾股定理的公式是______。
答案:a² + b² = c²6. G20是指______个主要经济体的国际论坛。
第1篇第一章:逻辑推理题1. 题目:一个篮子里有5个苹果,你从中取出3个,然后又放回2个,请问篮子里现在有多少个苹果?答案:5个。
2. 题目:有三个开关分别控制着三个房间里的灯。
3. 题目:一个人从10楼开始向下跳楼,每次跳下去都会变成原来的1/2。
第二章:数学题1. 题目:一个数加上它的倒数的和是5,求这个数。
答案:设这个数为x,则x + 1/x = 5。
将方程两边同时乘以x,得到x^2 + 1 = 5x。
移项得到x^2 - 5x + 1 = 0。
使用求根公式得到x = (5 ± √21) / 2。
所以这个数可以是(5 + √21) / 2或(5 - √21) / 2。
2. 题目:一个三位数,它的个位数字是3,百位数字是5,这个数的十位数字是多少?答案:这个数的十位数字是2。
3. 题目:一个长方形的长是它的宽的3倍,长方形的周长是30厘米,求长方形的长和宽。
根据周长的定义,2(长+宽) = 30,即2(3x + x) = 30。
A.新时期B.新阶段C.新征程D.新时代8. 综合分析国际国内形势和我国发展条件,从二〇二〇年到本世纪中叶可以分两个阶段来安排。
第一周《周易》导读测验返回本次得分为: 12.00/15.00, 本次测试的提交时间为: 2018-03- 08, 如果你认为本次测试成绩不理想,你可以选择再做一次。
1 单选(1 分) 易经中最好的卦是得分/总分 A. 坤卦 B. 泰卦 1.00/1.00 C. 乾卦 D. 离卦正确答案: B 你选对了 2 单选(1 分) 在八卦中,兑卦象征的女性是得分/总分 A. 母亲 B. 少女1.00/1.00 C. 长女 D. 中女正确答案: B 你选对了 3 单选(1 分) 更接近中国地形方位的是得分/总分 A. 河图 B. 先天八卦图 1.00/1.00 C. 后天八卦图 D. 64 卦图正确答案: B 你选对了 4 单选(1分) 乾卦中,九五爻的位置是得分/总分 A. 中而不正B. 只有正 C. 只有中 D. 既中又正 1.00/1.00 正确答案: D 你选对了 5 单选(1 分) 周朝崇尚的颜色是得分/总分 A. 白色 B. 黑色 0.00/1.00 C. 蓝色 D. 红色正确答案: D 你错选为 B 6 单选(1 分) 易经所描绘的最好的吉凶状态是得分/总分 A. 大吉B. 有喜 C. 有庆 D. 元吉 1.00/1.00 正确答案: D 你选对了 7 单选(1 分) 伏羲氏对周易的主要功绩是得分/总分 A. 先天八卦 1.00/1.00 B. 洛书 C. 河图 D. 后天八卦正确答案: A 你选对了 8 单选(1 分) 周文王对周易的主要功绩,错误的是得分/总分 A. 后天八卦 B. 先天八卦 1.00/1.00 C. 发明六十四卦 D. 撰写卦爻辞正确答案: B 你选对了 9 单选(1 分) 乾卦九四爻辞说,“或跃在渊,无咎”,其中,或代表了一种什么思想:得分/总分 A. 相时而动 1.00/1.00 B. 有些人 C. 可有可无 D. 边防巡逻正确答案:A 你选对了 10 单选(1 分) 泰卦六五爻辞说,“帝乙归妹”,体现的思想是:得分/总分A. 兄妹情深B. 婚姻包办 0.00/1.00C. 礼贤下士D. 靓女先嫁正确答案: C 你错选为B 11 单选(1分) 周易中,周的含义,不正确的有?得分/总分 A. 指周朝 B. 指周普 C. 周是一种姓 1.00/1.00 D. 既指周朝,又指周普正确答案:C 你选对了 12 单选(1 分) 坤卦六二爻辞说,“直方大,不习无不利”,与下面哪句话思想更加接近:得分/总分 A. 知识便是美德 B. 为学日益,为道日损 1.00/1.00 C. 女子无才便是德 D. 好好学习,天天向上正确答案: B 你选对了 13 单选(1 分) 泰卦九二爻辞说,“包荒,用冯河,不遐遗,朋亡,得尚于中行”,其中,用冯河,是说:得分/总分 A. 鼓励徒步过河 1.00/1.00 B. 不能徒步过河 C. 重用冯河这个人 D. 只要能过河就行正确答案: A 你选对了 14 单选(1 分) 泰卦卦辞说,“小往大来,亨”,其中,来和往意指得分/总分 A. 亲近君子,远离小人 B. 礼尚往来 C. 世界就是来来往往,变化无穷 0.00/1.00 D. 舍小求大正确答案: A 你错选为 C 15 单选(1分) 乾卦中,初九爻辞说,“潜龙勿用”,意思是指得分/总分 A. 龙在处于初级阶段,处于潜伏的时候,不要有所作为。
小学五年级下册英语第1单元期测验题(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. ColdB. WarmC. SweetD. Spicy2.What is the color of grass?A. GreenB. YellowC. BlueD. Red3.What is the opposite of "empty"?A. FullB. SmallC. ColdD. Heavy4.I __________ (not like) to wake up early on weekends, but today I __________ (wake) up early because I __________ (need) to finish my homework. After I__________ (finish) it, I __________ (have) breakfast. Later, I __________ (plan) to go to the park to meet my friends. It __________ (be) a busy day!5.Alice is going to the park with her friends this afternoon. She is very excited because the weather is sunny and perfect for playing outside. She puts on her __________ to stay safe while playing. Her friend, Lily, is bringing a __________ to play with, and James is bringing a __________ to throw. Alice decides to bring a __________ so they can all sit down and rest after playing. When they get tired, they will go to the __________ to buy some cold drinks.6.I like to eat healthy food. For breakfast, I usually have __ and a cup of __. At lunch, I eat a sandwich with __ and __. Sometimes, for dessert, I have __.7.What do we call the shape with three sides?A. SquareB. CircleC. TriangleD. Rectangle8.Today is my birthday! I __________ (1) a big party at home. My friends__________ (2) to my house at 3:00 PM. We __________ (3) games, eat cake, and__________ (4) many pictures. My parents __________ (5) me a new bike. I__________ (6) very happy!9.Olivia is drawing a picture of a __________. She starts with a big __________ in the middle of the page. Then she adds some __________ and colors them. After finishing, Olivia shows her drawing to her mom, who says it looks very __________.10.Which of these is the opposite of "tall"?A. LongB. ShortC. WideD. Thin11.Which one is a type of transport?A. CarB. SpoonC. DogD. Apple12.Which of these is a means of transport?A. AirplaneB. HatC. PillowD. Shoe13.Lucy wakes up early every day to get ready for school. She brushes her teeth and gets dressed in her __________. Her mom packs her a __________ with some sandwiches and an apple. Lucy grabs her __________ and heads out to catch the bus. At school, she loves __________ because she gets to learn about different animals. After lunch, Lucy enjoys playing with her friends on the __________.14.What is the opposite of "open"?A. CloseB. FastC. SlowD. Long15.Which one is a wild animal?A. TigerB. DogC. FishD. Cat16.I have a ______ at home. Her name is Bella. She is very ______ and likes to play with her ______. Every day, we go to the ______ to play fetch. Bella runs ______ and brings the ball back to me. After playing, we go home, and I give her some ______ to eat.17.Lily is at the park with her friends. They are playing on the __________. Lily is swinging high up into the air. After swinging for a while, she gets off and joins her friends in playing __________. They laugh a lot and feel __________. The weather is__________, so they wear hats and sunglasses.18.Which of the following is a fruit?A. CarrotB. BananaC. CucumberD. Potato19.Which sentence is in the present continuous tense?A. I am eating lunch.B. I eats lunch.C. I ate lunch.D. I will eat lunch.20.Yesterday, I __________ (go) to the zoo with my friends. We __________ (see) many animals, such as lions, monkeys, and elephants. I __________ (take) lots of pictures, and my friend __________ (buy) a souvenir from the gift shop. It __________ (be) a great day!st weekend, I __________ (join) a cooking class. We __________ (learn) how to make pizza. I __________ (enjoy) the class very much. After the class, I __________ (invite) my friends over to try the pizza, and they __________ (love) it.22.What is the opposite of big?A. LargeB. TinyC. HugeD. Tall23.You are in a big city with tall buildings. There are many cars and buses on the street. What type of place are you in?A. A villageB. A cityC. A farmD. A forest24.Which one is a sport?A. swimmingB. eatingC. sleepingD. reading25.What do we wear on our feet?A. GlovesB. ShoesC. HatD. Jacket26.Which of these is a color?A. PinkB. BallC. SpoonD. Plate27.I like to eat ______ for breakfast.A. PizzaB. MilkC. SandwichD. Fruit28.We _______ (live) in a city, but we _______ (spend) our holidays in the countryside. Last summer, we _______ (stay) at a small cottage near a lake. We _______ (swim), _______ (fish), and _______ (have) a great time.29.We _______ friends.A. isB. areC. amD. be30.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. ColdB. TallC. LightD. Heavy31.Which one is a vegetable?A. BananaB. CarrotC. OrangeD. Pineapple32.What do we use to drink?A. KnifeB. ForkC. PlateD. Glass33.What do you wear on your hands in the winter to keep warm?A. ShoesB. GlovesC. HatD. Scarf34.Which of these is a tool?A. WrenchB. PlateC. SpoonD. Chair35.Which animal is known for its long neck?A. DogB. CatC. GiraffeD. Elephant36.Jake is practicing for his school play. He is playing the role of a __________ in the play. Jake has been learning his lines and practicing with his friends every __________. He is excited to perform on stage in front of his family and teachers. After the play, Jake’s parents will give him a __________ for doing a great job.37.Which of these is a wild animal?A. TigerB. CatC. DogD. Cowst holiday, I __________ (1) to the mountains with my friends. We __________ (2) hiking and __________ (3) many beautiful photos. We __________ (4) a great time there.39.What do we drink when we are thirsty?A. WaterB. ShoesC. HatD. Pencil40.We ______ (celebrate) my birthday at home last year. My friends ______ (come) over and we ______ (play) games. I ______ (receive) many presents, including a new book and a toy robot. Afterward, we ______ (eat) cake and ______ (talk) about our favorite things.41.What is the opposite of "big"?A. TallB. SmallC. LargeD. Heavy42.I have ____ apple.A. aB. anC. theD. some43.Which of these is the opposite of "cold"?A. HotB. HardC. TallD. Light44.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. WarmB. ColdC. CoolD. Freezing45.Lily is helping her mom in the kitchen. She is washing the __________ while her mom is cooking. After that, she dries the __________ with a towel. Lily also helps to set the table by putting the __________ and __________ on each plate. They are getting ready for a family dinner.46.Which one is the opposite of "big"?A. SmallB. HeavyC. TallD. Light47.I ______ (visit) my grandparents last weekend. They ______ (live) in the countryside, so we ______ (spend) the whole day there. We ______ (pick) apples from their garden, and my grandmother ______ (make) apple pie. I ______ (help) her bake the pie, and it ______ (taste) delicious.48.Jack is cleaning his room. He picks up his __________ and puts them in the__________. Then, he makes his bed by folding the __________ neatly and placing the __________ on top. He also organizes his books and places them on the __________.49.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. ColdB. WarmC. SunnyD. Dry50.How do you say "再见" in English?A. helloB. goodbyeC. pleaseD. thanks(答案及解释)。
小学五年级上册英语第1单元期测验题(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which of these is a fruit?A. PotatoB. CarrotC. BananaD. Lettuce2.Tom is going to the park with his friends. They are planning to play some games like __________ (soccer) and __________ (basketball). After playing, they will sit down and have a __________ (picnic) with sandwiches, fruits, and __________ (juice). Tom is very excited because the weather is __________ (sunny) and perfect for outdoor activities.3.I __________ (1) my homework after school every day. It __________ (2) me about 30 minutes to finish it. Sometimes, I __________ (3) my homework at the kitchen table, and other times, I __________ (4) it in my room.4.We ______ (celebrate) my mother’s birthday la st Sunday. She ______ (get) many presents from us. We ______ (have) a big cake, and we ______ (sing) a birthday song. After the party, we ______ (go) to a restaurant for dinner. It ______ (be) a very happy day.5.What do we use to cut paper?A. ScissorsB. RulerC. EraserD. Pencil6.Which of these is an insect?A. BirdB. FishC. ButterflyD. Dog7.Which of these animals can swim?A. DogB. FishC. BirdD. Elephant8.Which of these is used to cut food?A. KnifeB. PlateC. ForkD. Spoon9.Which animal is a pet?A. TigerB. LionC. DogD. Elephant10.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. ColdB. WetC. FastD. Soft11.What is the opposite of "in"?A. UpB. DownC. OutD. Left12.Which of these is a vegetable?A. CarrotB. BananaC. AppleD. Orange13.What is the opposite of "new"?A. SmallB. OldC. LightD. Fast14.Which one is a bird?A. FrogB. ParrotC. FishD. Dog15.I __________ (enjoy) reading books in my free time. My favorite book __________ (be) about adventure. I __________ (read) it last month, and it __________ (be) so exciting. I __________ (recommend) this book to my friends, and they __________ (say) they __________ (love) it too.16.What do we use to drink?A. SpoonB. PlateC. CupD. Fork17.Which one is a fruit?A. MangoB. KnifeC. PlateD. Spoon18.Mia is getting ready for school. She packs her __________ (backpack) with__________ (books), __________ (notebooks), and a __________ (pencil case). She also brings a __________ (water bottle) to stay hydrated. Mia is excited because she loves her __________ (class).19.Which of these is a wild animal?A. TigerB. DogC. CowD. Cat20.Which of these animals can swim?A. DogB. FishC. CatD. Horse21.What is the correct way to say "hello" in English?A. GoodbyeB. YesC. HelloD. Thank you22.Which one is used for reading?A. BookB. ChairC. TableD. Computer23.What is the opposite of big?A. TallB. SmallC. LargeD. Short24.I have a very busy day ahead. In the morning, I need to go to school. After school, I have a __ class where I will practice playing the __. Then, I have to do my homework before I go to my friend’s house for a sleepover. It’s going to be a fun day!25.This morning, I __________ (1) my shoes and __________ (2) to school. It__________ (3) raining, so I __________ (4) an umbrella. My best friend __________ (5) me at the school gate. We __________ (6) together to the classroom.26.Lily is getting ready for her dance recital. She puts on her __________, ties her__________, and practices her routine one more time. Lily feels nervous but excited because she has worked hard for this moment. She hopes to do her best in front of the audience.27.Which of these animals can jump?A. DogB. KangarooC. FishD. Elephant28.Which of these is an animal?A. TableB. LionC. BookD. Apple29.David is learning how to play the __________. He is taking lessons every week from his teacher, Mr. Smith. David practices his music every day after school, and he is getting better and better. His favorite song to play is __________, which he learned just last week. David’s parents are very proud of him for working hard and improving his__________ skills. One day, David hopes to play in a __________ and share his music with others.st Saturday, my family and I went to the __________. The weather was__________, so we decided to have a picnic. We brought a __________ with sandwiches, apples, and juice. My little sister played __________ while I read a book under the__________. After lunch, we went to the lake and saw many __________ swimming. We had a great time, and it was a __________ day!31.Which of these is a color?A. CircleB. BlueC. RunD. Jump32.My favorite subject is English. Every day, I __________ (1) English at school. In the morning, I __________ (2) my English book and __________ (3) the new words. In the afternoon, we __________ (4) English songs and __________ (5) stories. I__________ (6) my English teacher very much because she __________ (7) so kind and helpful.33.Yesterday, my friend Sarah and I _______ (go) to the zoo. We _______ (see) many animals there. First, we _______ (visit) the elephants, and then we _______ (go) to see the monkeys. Sarah _______ (love) the monkeys because they _______ (be) so playful. After that, we _______ (watch) the lions _______ (rest) in the sun. We _______ (stay) at the zoo for about three hours, and we _______ (take) lots of photos. It _______ (be) a fun day, and we _______ (have) a great time.34.I ______ (love) to play basketball with my friends. We ______ (play) every afternoon at the park. Yesterday, we ______ (have) a match, and my team ______ (win) the game. After the game, we ______ (celebrate) by eating ice cream together. It ______ (be) a fun day.35.Which one is a holiday?A. ChristmasB. MondayC. SummerD. Winter36.What do we wear on our feet?A. HatB. GlovesC. ShoesD. Scarf37.Which of these is a number?A. DogB. OneC. TableD. Car38.In the summer, we __________ (like) to go swimming. The pool __________ (be) my favorite place. I __________ (swim) with my friends almost every weekend. Last weekend, we __________ (have) a swimming race. I __________ (win) second place!39.It’s getting late. We ______ (need) to go home soon because our parents are waiting for us.40.What is the past tense of "go"?A. GoedB. GoingC. WentD. Goes41.My friend Jack __________ (be) very good at math. He __________ (study) hard every day. Yesterday, he __________ (solve) a very difficult problem. His teacher__________ (say) he __________ (do) a great job. Jack __________ (always) helps me with my homework. I __________ (be) really grateful for his help.42.I __________ (love) animals, especially dogs. I __________ (have) a dog named Max. Max __________ (be) very friendly and playful. Every morning, I __________(take) Max for a walk in the park. He __________ (like) running and __________ (play) with other dogs. After the walk, we __________ (go) back home, and I __________ (feed) him. Max __________ (be) very happy when I __________ (play) with him.43.Which of the following sentences uses the correct article?A. I have a apple.B. I have an apple.C. I have the apple.D. I have apple.44.What is the plural form of "book"?A. BookesB. BooksC. BookesD. Bookies45.I __________ (1) a new phone last week. It __________ (2) very fast, and I__________ (3) it to play games and listen to music. I __________ (4) my friends about it, and they __________ (5) it too. My brother __________ (6) my old phone because it __________ (7) still works well.46.Which one is a vegetable?A. TomatoB. OrangeC. StrawberryD. Banana47.Which of these is a body part?A. TableB. FootC. ChairD. Book48.Which of the following is a shape?A. CircleB. DogC. CarD. Book49.I __________ (1) a new bike for my birthday last month. It __________ (2) red and blue. I __________ (3) it every day after school. My brother __________ (4) his bike, too.50.Jake is going on a trip with his family. They pack their __________ with some__________, clothes, and a __________. Jake is excited because they are going to visit a famous __________ in the city.(答案及解释)。
小学五年级下册英语第6单元期测验题(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.In the evening, I ______ (like) to read books. My favorite books ______ (be) about adventure. I ______ (imagine) myself as the hero in the story. Last week, I ______ (finish)a book about pirates. It ______ (be) very exciting.2.What do we wear on our feet?A. ShoesB. ShirtC. HatD. Gloves3.I like going to the library because it is full of interesting books. There are books about __, animals, space, and many other topics. I always take a few books home to read. My favorite books are about __, especially the ones with pictures. I love reading and learning new things.4.David is playing soccer with his friends. They are having a great time. David kicks the ball __________ and his friend Mark tries to __________ it. The game is very__________, and everyone is running and trying to score goals. Finally, David scores the winning __________ and everyone cheers.5.Which sentence shows correct possessive form?A. This is Mary’s book.B. This is Mary book.C. This is Marys’ book.D. This is Marys book.6.I ______ (go) to the library every Saturday. Last week, I ______ (borrow) a book about animals. I ______ (read) it for two days. The book ______ (be) very interesting. After I ______ (finish) reading, I ______ (return) it to the library.7.Tom and his sister are getting ready for bed. They have already brushed their__________ and put on their __________. Tom is reading a __________ before sleeping, while his sister is listening to music on her __________. They feel __________ and ready to sleep.8.Which one is a body part?9.Which of these animals is a pet?A. CowB. DogC. ElephantD. Lion10.Which one is a body part?A. EyeB. PlateC. KnifeD. Fork11.The dog is _______ the chair.A. inB. onC. underD. at12.We __________ (visit) the zoo last weekend. It __________ (be) a great experience. We __________ (see) many animals, such as lions, tigers, and monkeys. My little brother __________ (like) the elephants the most. After we __________ (see) all the animals, we __________ (take) a lot of photos and __________ (leave) the zoo.13.What is the opposite of "young"?A. OldB. TallC. ShortD. Small14.Which of these is a musical instrument?A. GuitarB. SpoonC. PlateD. Cup15.What do we wear on our feet?A. HatB. ShoesC. ScarfD. Gloves16.Which of these is used to clean the floor?A. BrushB. MopC. SpoonD. Cup17.Which of these is used for sitting?A. SpoonB. KnifeC. ChairD. Plate18.Emily and her friends are at the zoo. They are looking at the __________ (1), which is eating __________ (2). Emily notices that the __________ (3) is very tall and has a long __________ (4). Afterward, they visit the __________ (5) and watch the elephants play.19.Which one is a type of flower?A. RoseB. ChairC. SpoonD. Dog20.Which one is a classroom object?21.Which of these is a month of the year?A. TuesdayB. JanuaryC. SummerD. Car22.Which one is a shape?A. SquareB. PenC. TableD. Chair23.My best friend ______ (be) Lisa. She ______ (live) in the same neighborhood as me, so we ______ (play) together almost every day. Last week, we ______ (have) a sleepover at her house. We ______ (watch) movies and ______ (eat) popcorn. It ______ (be) a fun night.24.I ______ (take) the bus to school every day. The bus ______ (arrive) at my stop at 7:30 AM. I ______ (sit) next to my friend Jenny, and we ______ (talk) about our lessons. When we ______ (arrive) at school, we ______ (go) to our classrooms. My teacher______ (start) the lesson at 8:00 AM. We ______ (study) English first, and then we______ (have) math class.25.Which of these is a body part?A. FingerB. SpoonC. PlateD. Chair26.Which of these is a country?A. ChinaB. WinterC. TableD. Book27.Which one is used to drive?A. CarB. ChairC. SpoonD. Plate28.What do we use to drink liquids?A. PlateB. ForkC. CupD. Knife29.Mark and his family are going to the beach. Mark brings his __________, a towel, and a __________. His sister, Emma, loves to build __________ in the sand, while Mark plays __________ with his friends. After some time, they all go for a swim in the__________ to cool off.30.Which of these animals can swim?A. BirdB. FishC. ElephantD. Dog31.Which fruit is yellow and monkeys like to eat?A. AppleB. BananaC. OrangeD. Cherry32.How do you say "谢谢" in English?A. SorryB. PleaseC. Thank youD. Welcome33.How many legs does a cat have?A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five34.I love to read books in my free time. My favorite book is about animals. I__________ (1) to the library every week to borrow new books. Last week, I__________ (2) a book about tigers. It __________ (3) very interesting, and I__________ (4) a lot of facts about tigers. I __________ (5) to read more books like that.35.Which of these is a sweet food?A. CakeB. CarrotC. OnionD. Potato36.What is the opposite of "clean"?A. DirtyB. WetC. TallD. Small37.Which of these animals is famous for its roar?A. ElephantB. TigerC. LionD. Bear38.I __________ (study) English every day after school. I __________ (read) books, __________ (watch) English movies, and __________ (speak) with my friends in English. Sometimes, I __________ (play) language games on my phone. My teacher__________ (be) very kind, and she __________ (help) me learn new words. I__________ (enjoy) learning English because it __________ (be) fun and useful.39.Which of these is not a fruit?A. BananaB. AppleC. CarrotD. Orange40.Which of these is the opposite of "tall"?A. ShortB. HeavyC. BigD. Light41.Which one is a color?A. DogB. AppleC. RedD. Run42.We ______ (visit) the zoo last weekend. It ______ (be) a sunny day, and we ______ (see) many animals. My favorite animal ______ (be) the elephant. We ______ (watch) it play with water for a long time. After the zoo, we ______ (go) to a nearby park to have a picnic.43.What do you use to cut paper?A. SpoonB. KnifeC. ScissorsD. Fork44.Which of these is a body part?A. DogB. BookC. EarD. Table45.Which of these is a vegetable?A. CarrotB. BananaC. TomatoD. Apple46.I __________ (be) very tired yesterday because I __________ (study) all day. I__________ (want) to go to bed early, but I __________ (need) to finish my homework first. My brother __________ (help) me with the math problems. After I __________ (finish) my homework, I __________ (sleep) for 10 hours.47.Which of these is used to measure time?A. ClockB. KnifeC. RulerD. Chair48.I __________ (study) for my English test right now. I __________ (read) my textbook and __________ (practice) vocabulary. Yesterday, I __________ (review) some grammar rules, and I __________ (feel) ready for the test tomorrow. After I __________ (finish) studying, I __________ (watch) my favorite TV show.49.What do we call the person who teaches us in school?A. DoctorB. TeacherC. FarmerD. Cook50.Which of these is a farm animal?A. LionB. CowC. TigerD. Whale(答案及解释)。
小学三年级上册英语第五单元期测验题(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which of these is used to read?A. BookB. ShoeC. SpoonD. Cup2.How many fingers do we have on one hand?A. 5B. 6C. 4D. 103.What do we wear on our head?A. HatB. ShoesC. GlovesD. Scarfst summer, my family and I _______ (go) on a vacation to the beach. We _______ (stay) in a hotel near the ocean. Every day, we _______ (swim) in the sea and _______ (build) sandcastles on the beach. My sister _______ (collect) seashells, while I _______ (watch) the sunset. In the evening, we _______ (eat) seafood at a nice restaurant. It_______ (be) an amazing vacation.5.My school is organizing a talent show next month. I am going to participate by singing a song. I am practicing every day to make my performance perfect. My friend Sarah will play the __ to accompany me, and we hope the audience will enjoy our __.6.Where do you sleep?A. CarB. BedC. KitchenD. Bathroom7.Which one is used for reading?A. BookB. PlateC. SpoonD. Fork8.What do we use to drink?A. CupB. KnifeC. PlateD. Spoon9.Which of these is a vegetable?A. CarrotB. AppleC. PearD. Banana10.Which sentence uses the possessive adjective correctly?A. This is your book.B. This is you book.C. This is he book.D. This is his book.11.Which of the following is a school subject?A. CookingB. MathC. SwimmingD. Shopping12.Which of the following is a type of weather?A. CloudB. RainC. ChairD. Tablest Saturday, my family and I went on a picnic in the park. We packed a basket with sandwiches, fruit, and some __. I also brought my favorite book to read while sitting on the blanket. My little brother liked playing with a __ and running around the park. We stayed for a few hours and enjoyed the sunshine.14.How many fingers do you have on one hand?A. FourB. SixC. FiveD. Ten15.Which animal is known for its ability to swim?A. DogB. CatC. FishD. Bird16.This morning, I _______ (wake) up early and _______ (eat) a big breakfast. After that, I _______ (go) to the park to meet my friends. We _______ (play) basketball for an hour, and we _______ (have) a lot of fun.17.Every Saturday, I go to the park with my family. We play games like soccer and basketball. My brother is really good at playing soccer. He kicks the ball into the net, and we all cheer. After playing, we sit on the grass and eat sandwiches with some __. Sometimes, we also have __ for dessert.18.Which of these is a vehicle?A. CarB. BookC. TableD. Chair19.Which color is a banana?A. RedB. BlueC. YellowD. Green20.What is the color of the sky?A. RedB. GreenC. BlueD. Yellow21.Which of these is a fruit?A. CarrotB. PearC. OnionD. Potato22.My father ______ (be) a great cook. He ______ (make) delicious meals for our family every evening. Yesterday, he ______ (cook) spaghetti for dinner, and it ______ (taste) amazing. We all ______ (enjoy) the meal and ______ (ask) him to cook it again soon.23.Which of these is a tool?A. HammerB. CarC. DogD. Plate24.What do you call a baby dog?A. KittenB. CalfC. PuppyD. Cub25.What do we use to drink water?A. SpoonB. CupC. KnifeD. Plate26.Which of these is used to write?A. PenB. SpoonC. KnifeD. Plate27.Which one is a type of food?A. PencilB. BananaC. BookD. Shirt28.Which one is a color?A. GreenB. DogC. TableD. Carrot29.Which of these is an insect?A. CatB. ButterflyC. DogD. Elephant30.What is the opposite of "light"?A. HeavyB. TallC. FastD. Slow31.I enjoy playing sports, especially soccer. Every Saturday, my friends and I play soccer in the park. We have a lot of fun, but sometimes it gets very hot, so we take breaks and drink water. I hope to play in a soccer team someday.32.My cousin ______ (visit) us last weekend. He ______ (stay) at our house for two days. We ______ (go) to the park and ______ (play) soccer. He ______ (be) very good at soccer, so we ______ (have) a lot of fun. I ______ (hope) he can visit us again soon. 33.I like going to the library because it is full of interesting books. There are books about __, animals, space, and many other topics. I always take a few books home to read. My favorite books are about __, especially the ones with pictures. I love reading and learning new things.34.What do you use to brush your teeth?A. CombB. ToothbrushC. TowelD. Scissors35.How many days are there in a week?A. 7B. 5C. 6D. 1036.Which animal is known for being very slow?A. CheetahB. SlothC. TigerD. Rabbit37.What do we wear on our head?A. GlovesB. ShoesC. HatD. Scarf38.I ____ like ice cream.A. don’tB. notC. isn’tD. am39.Which animal has a long neck?A. TigerB. GiraffeC. ElephantD. Dog40.Which animal lives in water?A. DogB. FishC. CatD. Bird41.What color is the sun?A. YellowB. BlueC. GreenD. Red42.Which animal lives in the water?A. LionB. FishC. TigerD. Elephant43.Which one is a fruit?A. OnionB. PineappleC. LettuceD. Potato44.I like to help my parents at home. I clean my room, wash the dishes, and take out the trash. Sometimes, I help my father in the garden, too.45.What do we drink when we are thirsty?A. FoodB. JuiceC. BookD. Pencil46.Which of these is used to make bread?A. SpoonB. KnifeC. ForkD. Flour47.My grandmother lives in a big house in the countryside. There are many flowers and trees in her garden. In the summer, she grows vegetables like tomatoes and cucumbers. I love visiting her because I can help her water the plants and pick the vegetables.48.Which of the following is a form of transportation?A. CarB. TreeC. BuildingD. Book49.I _______ like ice cream.A. notB. do notC. don’tD. none50.My dad ______ (work) in an office. Every day, he ______ (leave) for work at 8:00 in the morning. After work, he ______ (come) home at 6:00 in the evening. Last Friday, he ______ (bring) home some pizza, and we ______ (eat) it together.(答案及解释)。
小学六年级下册英语第6单元期测验题(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which one is a body part?A. ArmB. SpoonC. PlateD. Chair2.Which of these animals is a wild animal?A. LionB. DogC. FishD. Cat3.What do you wear on your feet?A. HatB. ShoesC. GlovesD. Coat4.My sister and I __________ (1) to the market last weekend. We __________ (2) some fresh fruit and vegetables. Then, we __________ (3) bread and cheese. After shopping, we __________ (4) home and __________ (5) a delicious lunch together. We __________ (6) pasta and salad. It __________ (7) a nice day.5.Which of these is a season of the year?A. MondayB. JanuaryC. SummerD. February6.I ______ (like) to read books about animals. Yesterday, I ______ (read) a book about dolphins. It ______ (be) very interesting, and I ______ (learn) a lot of new things.7.Which one is the opposite of "heavy"?A. LightB. TallC. ShortD. Big8.We are going to the __ next summer. My family loves to visit different places. We will go to the __ to see the beautiful __ and relax. I plan to take lots of photos and visit the __ to learn about local history.9.My _______ is big.A. bookB. booksC. booksD. books10.Which of these is a season?A. MayB. SummerC. AfternoonD. Week11.I __________ (1) to school by bus every day. Yesterday, I __________ (2) to school on foot because it __________ (3) very sunny. I __________ (4) a red hat to protect myself from the sun. When I __________ (5) at school, my friends __________ (6) to me. We __________ (7) in the playground before the bell rang.12.Anna and her family are going camping this weekend. They are going to a__________ near a __________. Anna is packing her __________, a sleeping bag, and her flashlight. Her dad is bringing the tent, and her mom is preparing __________ to cook over the campfire. After setting up camp, Anna plans to go hiking with her family and look for __________.13.Which one is a fruit?A. DogB. AppleC. ChairD. Car14.What is the plural form of "book"?A. BooksB. BookesC. BookedD. Bookies15.I __________ (1) to the library every week. It __________ (2) near my house. I __________ (3) books about animals and science. My friend Sarah __________ (4) to read books about history. We __________ (5) the library together every Saturday afternoon.16.Which one is a vegetable?A. appleB. carrotC. fishD. dog17.What do we use to write on a blackboard?A. EraserB. ChalkC. MarkerD. Pencil18.What color is grass?A. RedB. BlueC. GreenD. Yellow19.Tom __________ (like) to read books in his free time. Yesterday, he __________ (finish) reading a book about space. It __________ (be) very interesting, and he__________ (decide) to read another one by the same author. His mother __________ (tell) him to take a break and __________ (go) outside for a while. Tom __________ (agree) and __________ (play) soccer with his friends.20.What is the opposite of "big"?21.Emma is going to the store with her mom. They need to buy some __________,__________, and __________. Emma also asks her mom if they can get some__________ and __________. After shopping, they check out at the __________ and head home.22.Which sentence uses the demonstrative pronoun correctly?A. This are my books.B. This is my book.C. Those is my books.D. These is my book.23.Which of these is used for cutting paper?A. KnifeB. ScissorsC. RulerD. Spoon24.Jack and his family are on a road trip. They are driving through the __________ to visit some friends. Jack’s little sister likes to look out the window and see the__________ passing by. After a few hours, they stop at a __________ to have lunch and take a break.25.What is the opposite of "fast"?A. SlowB. HeavyC. LightD. Tall26.My father ______ (teach) me how to ride a bicycle. He is very patient, and I am learning quickly.27.My grandmother __________ (live) in a small house by the river. Every morning, she __________ (wake) up early and __________ (water) the flowers in her garden. She __________ (love) gardening because it __________ (make) her happy. After that, she __________ (read) the newspaper and __________ (have) a cup of tea. In the afternoon, she __________ (go) for a walk in the park. Last week, she __________ (buy) a new hat, and I __________ (see) her wearing it when I __________ (visit) her.28.I _______ (see) my friend Emily at the store yesterday. She _______ (buy) some new shoes. We _______ (talk) for a while, and then we _______ (decide) to go to the café. We _______ (have) a great time together.29.Whats the correct translation for "I am a student"?A. 我是老师B. 我是学生C. 我是医生D. 我是朋友30.Which animal is known for its trunk?A. ElephantB. GiraffeC. ZebraD. Lion31.Which of these is a mode of transportation?32.Which one is used to drink water?A. CupB. KnifeC. PlateD. Spoon33.Which of these is a time of day?A. MondayB. BreakfastC. NightD. Summer34.Which one is a holiday?A. JanuaryB. MondayC. ChristmasD. Winter35.Which of these is used to cut things?A. KnifeB. SpoonC. ForkD. Plate36.Anna loves animals, and she is visiting the zoo today. She first sees a __________ (1) walking around in its large enclosure. Near the __________ (2), there are some monkeys swinging from tree to tree. Anna is also excited to see a __________ (3) in the water, swimming happily. Afterward, they go to see the __________ (4), which is very tall and has a long neck.37.Which animal is known for its ability to swim?A. DogB. CatC. FishD. Bird38.Our teacher _______ (give) us a quiz every Friday. It helps us review everything we learned during the week.39.Which of these is a place where you can read books?A. SchoolB. LibraryC. ParkD. Kitchen40.Which of these is a number?A. SevenB. SpoonC. ChairD. Plate41.I love going to the __ with my family. We can play __, fly a __, or have a picnic. I always bring my __ to play. Sometimes, I like to bring my __ to draw pictures of the trees and animals. We usually stay there for a few __ before going home.42.Which of these is a body part?A. TableB. LegC. ChairD. Book43.My grandmother lives in a big house in the countryside. There are many flowers and trees in her garden. In the summer, she grows vegetables like tomatoes andcucumbers. I love visiting her because I can help her water the plants and pick the vegetables.44.What is the opposite of "up"?A. DownB. LeftC. RightD. In45.I __________ (1) to the library every Saturday. I __________ (2) books about animals and __________ (3) them at home. Last week, I __________ (4) a new book about dinosaurs. It __________ (5) so interesting that I __________ (6) to read it again. I __________ (7) my friend Tom to the library next week.46.Which animal says "meow"?A. DogB. CatC. CowD. Elephant47.What do we use to drink water?A. SpoonB. CupC. KnifeD. Fork48.What do we use to write?A. PencilB. KnifeC. ForkD. Plate49.My father __________ (work) at a hospital. He __________ (be) a doctor. He__________ (help) people every day. He __________ (go) to work at 8:00 AM and__________ (come) home at 6:00 PM.50.Which of these is a part of the body?A. LegB. TableC. SpoonD. Chair(答案及解释)。
初级经济师《工商管理》考试题库【3套练习题】模拟训练含答案答题时间:120分钟试卷总分:100分姓名:_______________ 成绩:______________第一套一.单选题(共20题)1.衡量企业经济状况和技术发展水平的指标是()。
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1m 2m 1m
0 =200 =200kPa 0
kPa p p 图3-20 习题3-1图 ①σcz 1=17×2=34.0kPa ; σcz 2=17×2+19×3.8=106.2kPa ; 对于淤泥质粘土 σcz 3=17×2+19×3.8+(18.20-10) ×4.2=140.64kPa σcz 4=17×2+19×3.8+(18.20-10) ×4.2+(19.6-10) ×2=159.84kPa
②若图3-20中,中砂层以下为坚硬的整体岩石σcz 1、σcz 2、σcz 3
2、某钻孔土样的压缩试验及记录如表4-9所示,试绘制压缩区线和计算各土层的α1-2及相应的压缩模量E s ,并评定各土层的压缩性。
表4-9 土样的压缩式样记录
--p p e e a MPa -1,
a e E s MPa , 由于0.1MPa -1≤a 1-2=0.16 MPa -1<0.5MPa -1,故属于中
--p p e e a MPa -1,
.0995.0111=+=+=a e E s MPa ,
由于a 1-2=0.90 MPa -1≥0.5MPa -1,故属于高压缩性土。
3、某工程采用箱形基础,基础底面尺寸b ×l =10.0m ×10.0m ,基础高度h =d =6.0m ,基础顶面与地面平齐,地下水位深2.0m ,基础顶面集中中心荷载N =8000kN ,基础自重G =3600kN ,其他条件如图4-13,估算此基础的沉降量。
E =5.0MPa
图4-13 习题4-2图
解: 基底压力P=
1036008000410=-⨯+=⨯-+A G N kPa ; 基底自重应力σcz =18×2+(20-10)×4=76kPa ;
基底附加压力p 0=p -σcz =76-76=0,故基础的沉降量为零。
4、某地基土的内摩擦角φ=20o ,粘聚力c =25kPa ,土中某点的最大主应力为250kPa ,最小主应力为100kPa ,试判断该点的应力状态。
解:方法一:用σ1判断应力状态 由极限平衡条件可知
σ1f =σ3tan 2(45°+φ/2)+2c tan(45°+φ/2)
=100×tan 2(45°+20/2)+2×25×tan(45°+20/2)=275.37kPa σ1f >σ1
故该点属于弹性平衡状态 方法二:用σ3判断应力状态
由极限平衡条件可知 σ3f =σ1tan 2(45° - φ/2) - 2c tan(45° - φ/2)
=250×tan 2(45° - 20/2) - 2×25×tan(45° - 20/2)=87.56kPa σ3>σ3f
5、某挡土墙墙高5m ,墙背倾角为10°,填土表面倾角15°,填土为无粘性土,重度γ=15.68kN /m 3,内摩擦角φ=30°。
21)cos(cos )
(cos βεεδβφφδεδεεφ-+-++
a K
=20°等代入上式得: 2
)1530sin()3020sin(221)1020cos(10cos )
1030(cos ⎥⎦
a K =0.48
m KN K h E a a /15.9448.0568.1521
m h y c 67.13
1、某钻孔土样的压缩试验及记录如表,试绘制压缩区线和计算各土层的α1-2及相应的压缩模量E s ,并评定各土层的压缩性。
2、某工程采用箱形基础,基础底面尺寸b ×l =10.0m ×10.0m ,基础高度h =d =6.0m ,基础顶面与地面平齐,地下水位深2.0m ,基础顶面集中中心荷载N =8000kN ,基础自重G =3600kN ,其他条件如图,估算此基础的沉降量。
E =5.0MPa
,粘聚力c =25kPa ,土中某点的最大主应力为250kPa ,最小主应力为100kPa ,试判断该点的应力状态。
4、某挡土墙墙高5m ,墙背倾角为10°,填土表面倾角15°,填土为无粘性土,重度γ=15.68kN /m 3,内摩擦角φ=30°。