ZPD1 THRU ZPD75ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Ratings at 25°C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.Type Zener Voltage(1)atI Z= 5 mAV Z(V)atI Z= 5 mAf = 1 kHzr zj(Ω)atI Z= 1 mAf = 1 kHzr zj(Ω)Temp. Coeff.of Zener VoltageatI Z= 5 mAαvz(10–4/K)ReverseVoltageatI R= 100 nAV R(V)atT amb= 45°CI Z(mA)atT amb= 25°CI Z(mA)Dynamic Resistance AdmissibleZener current(2)ZPD1(3)0.7 ... 0.8 6.5 (< 8)< 50–26 ... –23–280340 ZPD2.7 2.5 ... 2.975 (< 83)< 500–9 ... –4–135160 ZPD3 2.8 ... 3.280 (< 95)< 500–9 ... –3–117140 ZPD3.3 3.1 ... 3.580 (< 95)< 500–8 ... –3–109130 ZPD3.6 3.4 ... 3.880 (< 95)< 500–8 ... –3–101120 ZPD3.9 3.7 ... 4.180 (< 95)< 500–7 ... –3–92110 ZPD4.3 4.0 ... 4.680 (< 95)< 500–6 ... –1–85100 ZPD4.7 4.4 ... 5.070 (< 78)< 500–5 ... +2–7690 ZPD5.1 4.8 ... 5.430 (< 60)< 480–3 ... +4> 0.86780 ZPD5.6 5.2 ... 6.010 (< 40)< 400–2 ... +6> 15970 ZPD6.2 5.8 ... 6.6 4.8 (< 10)< 200–1 ... +7> 25464 ZPD6.8 6.4 ... 7.2 4.5 (< 8)< 150+2 ... +7> 34958 ZPD7.57.0 ... 7.9 4 (< 7)< 50+3 ... +7> 54453 ZPD8.27.7 ... 8.7 4.5 (< 7)< 50+4 ... +7> 64047 ZPD9.18.5 ... 9.6 4.8 (< 10)< 50+5 ... +8> 73643 ZPD109.4 ... 10.6 5.2 (< 15)< 70+5 ... +8> 7.53340 ZPD1110.4 ... 11.6 6 (< 20)< 70+5 ... +9> 8.53036 ZPD1211.4 ... 12.77 (< 20)< 90+6 ... +9> 92832 ZPD1312.4 ... 14.19 (< 25)< 110+7 ... +9> 102529 ZPD1513.8 ... 15.611 (< 30)< 110+7 ... +9> 112327 ZPD1615.3 ... 17.113 (< 40)< 170+8 ... +9.5> 122024 ZPD1816.8 ... 19.118 (< 50)< 170+8 ... +9.5> 141821 ZPD2018.8 ... 21.220 (< 50)< 220+8 ... +10> 151720 ZPD2220.8 ... 23.325 (< 55)< 220+8 ... +10> 171618 ZPD2422.8 ... 25.628 (< 80)< 220+8 ... +10> 181316 ZPD2725.1 ... 28.930 (< 80)< 250+8 ... +10> 201214 ZPD3028 ... 3235 (< 80)< 250+8 ... +10> 22.51013 ZPD3331 ... 3540 (< 80)< 250+8 ... +10> 25912 ZPD3634 ... 3840 (< 90)< 250+8 ... +10> 27911 ZPD3937 ... 4150 (< 90)< 300+10 ... +12> 29810 ZPD4340 ... 4660 (< 100)< 700+10 ... +12> 3279.2 ZPD4744 ... 5070 (< 100)< 750+10 ... +12> 3568.5 ZPD5148 ... 5470 (< 100)< 750+10 ... +12> 3867.8 ZPD5652.0 … 60.0(4)< 135(4)< 1000(5)typ. +10(4)–––ZPD6258.0 … 66.0(4)< 150(4)< 1000(5)typ. +10(4)–––ZPD6864.0 … 72.0(4)< 200(4)< 1000(5)typ. +10(4)–––ZPD7570.0 … 79.0(4)< 250(4)< 1500(5)typ. +10(4)–––NOTES:(1) Tested with pulses t p= 5 ms(2) Valid provided that leads at a distance of 4 mm from case are kept at ambient temperature(3) The ZPD1 is a silicon diode operated in forward direction. Hence, the subscript of all parameters should be “F” instead of “Z”.Connect the cathode terminal to the negative pole(4) at I Z= 2.5 mA(5) at I Z= 0.5 mA。
直拉法单晶硅制备虚拟仿真实验软件说明书北京欧倍尔软件技术开发有限公司2020年8月第一章软件简介1.1 概述本软件是材料与能源学科交叉的教育信息化建设项目,旨在为本科院校新能源材料与器件、新能源科学与工程、先进材料成形、电子信息技术等相关专业的学生提供一个三维的、高仿真度的、高交互操作的、全程参与式的、可提供实时信息反馈与操作指导的、虚拟的直拉法单晶硅制备模拟操作平台,使学生通过在本平台上的操作练习,进一步熟悉半导体物理基础知识、了解直拉单晶硅制备实验室实际实验环境、培训基本动手能力,为进行实际生产操作奠定良好基础。
1.2 软件特色本软件的特色主要有以下几个方面:(1)三维可视化技术利用电脑模拟产生一个三维空间的虚拟世界,构建高度仿真的虚拟实验环境和实验对象,提供使用者关于视觉、听觉、触觉等感官的模拟,让使用者如同身历其境一般,可以及时、没有限制地360°旋转观察三维空间内的事物,界面友好,互动操作,形式活泼。
ZDWR系列大型地网接地电阻测试仪使用手册武汉智能星电气有限公司2019-2-20目录一、仪器概述 (2)二、性能特点 (2)三、技术指标 (3)四、仪器测试的操作过程及功能说明 (4)五、注意事项 (9)六、运输、贮存 (11)七、售后服务 (12)ZDWR系列大型地网接地电阻测试仪一、仪器概述目前在电力系统中,大型地网的接地电阻的测试目前主要采用工频大电流三极法测量。
测试电流波形为正弦波,频率仅与工频相差为5Hz,使用45Hz 和55Hz 两种频率进行测量。
三、技术指标四、仪器测试的操作过程及功能说明1. 测量原理框图及测试接线图测量原理框图 R 0 R x R f 倍;线径:≥1.5mm 2 测量电压线1:长度为0.618D ;线径: ≥1.0mm 2测量电压线2: 接被测地网测量接地线: 接被测地网。
Pin Connections Pin # Single 1 –Vin 7 NC 8 –Vout 9 +Vout 11 NC 14 +Vin NC = No Connection Dual –Vin NC Com +Vout -Vout +Vin XX.X ± 0.5 mm XX.XX ± 0.25 mm
● ● ●
Custom Solutions Available UL94V-0 Package Material Efficiency to 80%
Selection Guide
Part Number DIP 14 Input Voltage (VDC) 1.8, 3.3, 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 1.8, 3.3, 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 1.8, 3.3, 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 1.8, 3.3, 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 1.8, 3.3, 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 1.8, 3.3, 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 1.8, 3.3, 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 1.8, 3.3, 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 1.8, 3.3, 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 1.8, 3.3, 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 1.8, 3.3, 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 1.8, 3.3, 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 1.8, 3.3, 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 1.8, 3.3, 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 Output Voltage (VDC) 1.8 3.3 5 9 12 15 24 ±1.8 ±3.3 ±5 ±9 ±12 ±15 ±24 Output Current (mA) 555 303 200 111 84 66 42 ±278 ±152 ±100 ±56 ±42 ±33 ±21 Efficiency (%) 70 75 70-78 70-78 78-82 80-84 74-85 70 70 70-78 75-80 78-84 80-84 80-84
RTTZ电缆RTTZ电缆是是由原YTTW电缆从新命名而来,并出台了国家标准:标准号GB/T 34926-2017《额定电压0.6/1kV及以下云母带矿物绝缘波纹铜护套电缆及终端》。
二、RTTZ电缆型号规格:RTTZ----铜芯云母带矿物绝缘波纹铜护套控制电缆RTTYZ----铜芯云母带矿物绝缘波纹铜护套聚烯烃外护套控制电缆RTTVZ----铜芯云母带矿物绝缘波纹铜护套聚氯乙烯外护套控制电缆示例1:额定电压 450/750V 铜芯云母带矿物绝缘波纹铜护套控制电缆,规格为 7×1.5mm 2 ,表示为: RTTZ-450/750V 7×1.5示例2:额定电压 0.6/1kV 铜芯云母带矿物绝缘波纹铜护套聚氯乙烯外护套电力电缆,规格为 4×95mm 2 ,表示为:RTTVZ-0.6/1kV 4×95三、RTTZ电缆的性能和优缺点:1、防火性能优越,耐火等级不仅满足国标GB12666 6A类950C ,90min,还可满足英国BS6387-1994中规定的A级650C3h;B级750C3h; C级950C3h要求;同时,在燃烧中还能耐受水喷与机械撞击;2、连续长度长,不管是单芯,还是多芯电缆,其长度能满足供电长度需要,每根连续长度可达1000m以上;3、截面大,单芯电缆截面可达630mm2多芯电缆可达70mm2;4、具有柔性,电缆可以盘在盘上,其弯曲半径6-10D;5、燃烧时无烟无毒,绝缘采用无机材料,燃烧时不会产生任何有害气体,更不会发生2次污染,是真正的环保绿色产品;6、过载能力大,电缆不仅载流量大,而且具有较大的过载能力。
RVS2*2.5标准Q320123TY04-2006电压等级450/750RVS1*1.5标准Q320123TY05-2007电压等级300/500BVR1.5-1.0电压等级450/750ontrol cables以下各种动力、电器仪器及固定或移动式电气设备的控制线路。
缆或有屏蔽层结构的软电缆,应不小于电缆外径的 6倍。
有铠装或铜带屏蔽结构的电缆,应不小于电缆外径KVV 、KVVP450/750 -- 2~37 2~14 2~10KVVP2 -- 4~37 4~14 2~10KVV22 -- 7~37 4~37 4~14 4~10KVVR、KVVRP4~37 -- --5,7,8,10,12,14,16,19,24,27,30,37芯。
准电压,用 U0/U表示,单位为V。
当使用于直流系统时,该系统的额定电压应不大于电缆额定电压的 1.5 1.1倍。
额定电压用 U0/U表示,单位为V。
少等于使用电缆系统的标称电压,该条件均适用于 U0和U值。
不大于电缆额定电压的 1.5倍。
标称电压的 10%,如果电缆的额定电压至少等于该系统的标称电压,则电缆可在高于额定电压10%的工作电等标准中有关电缆的额定电压U0/U表示意义与GB 5023-1997完全一ulated cables and wires and cords以下各种动力、电器仪器、照明及固定或移动式电气设备的连接线路。
zw32-24户外高压真空断路器技术参数2014年4月12日zw32-24户外高压真空断路器目录1、概述……………………………………………………………………………2、结构特征和工作原理…………………………………………………………3、技术特征………………………………………………………………………4、安装、调试与维护……………………………………………………………5、运输、验收及保管……………………………………………………………6、随机文件………………………………………………………………………7、订货须知………………………………………………………………………8、产品执行的标准及编号………………………………………………………9、隔离部分技术说明……………………………………………………………1zw32-24户外高压真空断路器概述1.1产品型号、名称、规格ZW 32 -12 M /400(630)-16(20)1.2产品用途及使用范围、使用条件ZW32-12 M型zw32-24户外高压真空断路器(以下简断路器)为额定电压12KV,三相交流50HZ的户外配电设备。
在RD-3X Dytronic设计过程时,许多Radian公司的设计特色被加入并得到了提高,附加了A/D和 DSP技术,加入了计算机支持功能,提高了Radian公司的电压电流互感器输入设计版本,这些技 RD-3X利用Radian设计的A/D线路结合了DSP的技术,这些 术使RD-3X成为便携式标准表的基准。 进步提供给用户高度的灵活性,包括同时、多参数的测量和谐波分析的能力。 A/D和DSP技术 为了加速测试进程,Radian公司已经将特制的A/D积分转换器设计在RD-3X中,有独立的电压和 电流的A/D线路,结合DSP技术的应用,使得RD-3X的性能得到了极大的提高。在独立采集电压 和电流数据时,RD-3X能非常容易采集A/D转换出的数字信号,处理数据,显示各种测量功能。 PC支持 为了增强分析测试能力,每一个RD-3X都有通讯口,这接口允许用户连接个人计算机运行Radian
3.0 技术条件
3.1 准确度 3.2 输入/输出 3.3 一般操作条件 3.4 准确度影响量 3.5 保护 3.6 外观描述
10 10 11 11 12 12
4.0 操作概述
4.1 测量原理 4.2 内部参考标准 4.3 输出方式 4.4 电压电流输入 4.5 辅助电源输入 4.6 钳形电流夹输入 4.7 脉冲输入 4.8 脉冲输出 4.9 模拟信号输入 4.10 串行通讯 4.11 传感器端子l 4.12 机壳接地、地、中性线 4.13 内置计算机 4.14 键盘 4.15 USB 4.16 LVDS 4.17 显示 4.18 RD-3X 电压电流量程划分
RD-3X 三相便携式电量标准表操作手册
1.1 强化的设计特点 1.2 实验室应用 1.3 测试装置中应用 1.4 现场测试应用 1.5 功率分析 1.6 用户负载测试 1.7 自动计算功能 1.8 软件包 1.9 安全设计
PDA TR34文件中文
医疗保健产品生产和检测用隔离系统的设计和验证PDA 技术报告34号2001年9/10月1.0 引言1.1前言近年来,隔离技术迅速出现,作为一种可供选择的人造环境广泛应用于多种医疗保健产品的生产和检测。
GJB 3243-1998 电子元器件表面安装要求
电子元器件表面安装要求Surface mount of c01llponents and devices , requirements for 1 范围1.1 主题内容标准规定了表面安装对电子元器件、印制板设计、印制板基材、工艺材料和组装工艺的要求。
1.2 适用范围本标准适用于军用电子装备印制板的电子元器件表面安装。
2 引用文件GB 3 1 31 - 88 锡铅焊料GB 4677.10 - 84 印制板可焊性测试方法CB 4677.22 - 88 印制板表面离子污染测试方法GB 9491 - 88 锡焊用液态焊剂(松香基)CJB 362A - 96 刚性印制板总规范CJB 2 142 - 94 印制线路板用覆金属箔层压板总规范3 定义3.1 术语3.1.1 表面安装 surface mount无需利用印制板元器件插装孔,直接将元器件贴、焊到印制板表面规定位置上的过程。
3.1.2 引线lead从元器件封装体内向外引出的导线。
在表面安装元器件中,指翼形引线、J 形引线、I 形引线等外引线的统称。
3.1.3 引脚leadfoot引线末端的一段,通过软钎焊使这一段与印制板上焊盘共同形成焊点。
3.2 缩写词3.2.1 CFP ceramic flat package陶瓷扁平封装。
3.2.2 CTE coefficient of thermal expansion热膨胀系数。
3.2.3 DIP double in-line package双列直插式封装。
3.2.4 LCC leadless ceramic chip carrier无引线陶瓷芯片载体。
3.2.5 MELF metal electrodes leadless face components金属电极无引线端面元件。
3.2.6 PLCC plastic leaded chip carriers塑料封装有引线芯片载体。
3.2.7 PQFP plastic quad flat package塑料方形扁平封装。
*表示公差为±0.15mm注:带黄/绿双色线的印字内容为“~ n G xx ~”, 无黄/绿双色线的印字内容为“~ n Xxx~”*表示公差为±0.1mm, **表示公差为±0.2mm注:A05RN-F(300/500V),A07RN-F(450/750V) 四芯,五芯线芯线颜色的排序为:四芯: (1) 黄/绿, 蓝色, 啡色, 黑色; (2) 黄/绿, 啡色, 黑色, 灰色;(3) 蓝色, 啡色, 黑色, 灰色;五芯: (1) 黄/绿, 蓝色, 啡色, 黑色, 灰色, 或(2) 蓝色, 啡色, 黑色, 灰色; 黑色,注:带黄/绿双色线的印字内容为“~ n G xx ~”, 无黄/绿双色线的印字内容为“~ n Xxx~”- 1 -H05RR-F (300/500V)*表示公差为±0.08mm **表示公差为±0.15mmH07RN-F (450/750V)1.*表示公差为±0.1mm, **表示公差为±0.2mm,2. 4~5芯目前无KEMA 认证注:H05RR-F(300/500V),H07RN-F(450/750V) 四芯,五芯线芯线颜色的排序为:四芯: (1) 黄/绿, 蓝色, 啡色, 黑色; (2) 黄/绿, 啡色, 黑色, 灰色;(3) 蓝色, 啡色, 黑色, 灰色; 五芯: (1) 黄/绿, 蓝色, 啡色, 黑色, 灰色, 或(2) 蓝色, 啡色, 黑色, 灰色; 黑色,注:带黄/绿双色线的印字内容为“~ n G xx ~”, 无黄/绿双色线的印字内容为“~ nXxx~”1. 印字印在蓝色线芯表面,其余不印字2. 绝缘线芯应与纺纤填充物绞合在一起.绞向必须与线芯导体绞向一致3.编织要求:最少24锭,线股最少60,目数最少700/M.2注:带黄/绿双色线的印字内容为“~ n G xx ~”, 无黄/绿双色线的印字内容“~nXxx~”2*表示公差为±0.08mm注:四芯,五芯线芯线颜色的排序为:四芯: (1) 黄/绿, 蓝色, 啡色, 黑色; (2) 黄/绿, 啡色, 黑色, 灰色;(3) 蓝色, 啡色, 黑色, 灰色; 五芯: (1) 黄/绿, 蓝色, 啡色, 黑色, 灰色, 或(2) 蓝色, 啡色, 黑色, 灰色; 黑色,注:带黄/绿双色线的印字内容为“~ n G xx ~”, 无黄/绿双色线的印字内容为“~ n X xx ~”*表示公差为±0.08mm注:带黄/绿双色线的印字内容为“~ n G xx ~”, 无黄/绿双色线的印字内容为“~ n X xx ~”,*表示公差为±0.08mm注:带黄/绿双色线的印字内容为“~ n G xx ~”, 无黄/绿双色线的印字内容为“~ n X xx ~”,注:四芯,五芯线芯线颜色的排序为: 三芯:黄/绿, 蓝色, 啡色四芯: (1) 黄/绿, 蓝色, 啡色, 黑色; (2) 黄/绿, 啡色, 黑色, 灰色;(3) 蓝色, 啡色, 黑色, 灰色; 五芯: (1) 黄/绿, 蓝色, 啡色, 黑色, 灰色, 或(2) 蓝色, 啡色, 黑色, 灰色; 黑色,*表示公差为±0.08mm注:带黄/绿双色线的印字内容为“~ n G xx ~”, 无黄/绿双色线的印字内容为“~ n X xx ~”,注:四芯,五芯线芯线颜色的排序为:三芯:黄/绿, 蓝色, 啡色四芯: (1) 黄/绿, 蓝色, 啡色, 黑色; (2) 黄/绿, 啡色, 黑色, 灰色;(3) 蓝色, 啡色, 黑色, 灰色; 五芯: (1) 黄/绿, 蓝色, 啡色, 黑色, 灰色, 或(2) 蓝色, 啡色, 黑色, 灰色; 黑色,更改履历页。
1/18March 2004sESD PROTECTION FOR RS-232I/O PINS:±8KV IEC 1000-4-2CONTACT DISCHARGE ±15KV HUMAN BODY MODELs1µA SUPPLY CURRENT ACHIEVED WHEN IN AUTO-POWERDOWNs250Kbps MINIMUM GUARANTEED DATA RATEs GUARANTEED 6V/µs SLEW RATE RANGE s GUARANTEED MOUSE DRIVEABILITY s 0.1µF EXTERNAL CAPACITORSsMEET EIA/TIA-232SPECIFICATIONS DOWN TO 3VsAVAILABLE IN SO-28,SSOP-28,TSSOP28AND FLIP-CHIP28PACKAGESDESCRIPTIONThe ST3243E device consists of 3drivers,5receivers and a dual charge-pump circuit.The device meets the requirements of EIA/TIA and V.28/V.24communication standards providing high data rate capability and enhanced electrostatic discharge (ESD)protection.All transmitter outputs and receiver input are protected to ±8KV USING IEC 1000-4-2contact discharge and ±15KV using the Human Body Model.The receiver R2is always active to implement a wake-up feature for serial port.The ST3243E has a proprietary low-dropout transmitter output stage enabling true RS-232performance from a 3.0V to 5.5V supply with a dual charge pump.The device is guaranteed to run at data rates of 250kbps while maintaining RS-232output levels.The Auto-powerdown feature functions when FORCEON is low and FORCEOFF is high.During this mode of operation,if the device does not sense a valid RS-232signal,the driver outputs aredisabled.If FORCEOFF is set low,both drivers and receivers (expert R2B)are shut off,and supply current is reduced to 1µA.Disconnecting the serial port or turning off the peripheral drives causes the auto-powerdown condition to occur.Auto-powerdown can be disabled when FORCEON and FORCEOFF are high,and should be done when driving a serial mouse.With Auto-powerdown enabled,the device is activated automatically when a valid signal is applied to any receiver input.Typical application are in notebook,subnotebook,palmtop computers,battery-powered equipment,hand-held equipment,peripherals and printers.ST3243E±15KV ESD PROTECTED 3TO 5.5V,400KBPS,RS-232TRANSCEIVER WITH AUTO-POWERDOWNST3243E2/18ORDERING CODESPIN DESCRIPTIONType Temperature Range PackageCommentsST3243ECD 0to 70°C SO-28(Tube)27parts per tube /12tube per box ST3243EBD -40to 85°C SO-28(Tube)27parts per tube /12tube per boxST3243ECDR 0to 70°C SO-28(Tape &Reel)1000parts per reel ST3243EBDR -40to 85°C SO-28(Tape &Reel)1000parts per reel ST3243ECPR 0to 70°C SSOP-28(Tape &Reel)1350parts per reel ST3243EBPR -40to 85°C SSOP-28(Tape &Reel)1350parts per reel ST3243ECTR 0to 70°C TSSOP28(Tape &Reel)2500parts per reel ST3243EBTR -40to 85°C TSSOP28(Tape &Reel)2500parts per reel ST3243ECJ 0to 70°C FLIP-CHIP28coming soon ST3243EBJ-40to 85°CFLIP-CHIP28coming soonPlN N°SYMBOL NAME AND FUNCTION1C 2+Positive Terminal of Inverting Charge Pump Capacitor 2C 2-Negative Terminal of Inverting Charge Pump Capacitor 3V--5.5V Generated by the Charge Pump 4R1IN First Receiver Input Voltage 5R2IN Second Receiver Input Voltage 6R3IN Third Receiver Input Voltage 7R4IN Fourth Receiver Input Voltage 8R5IN Fifth Receiver Input Voltage 9T1OUT First Transmitter Output Voltage 10T2OUT Second Transmitter Output Voltage 11T3OUT Third Transmitter Output Voltage 12T3IN Third Transmitter Input Voltage 13T2IN Second Transmitter Input Voltage 14T1IN First Transmitter Input Voltage 15R5OUT Fifth Receiver Output Voltage 16R4OUT Fourth Receiver Output Voltage 17R3OUT Third Receiver Output Voltage 18R2OUT Second Receiver Output Voltage 19R1OUT First Receiver Output Voltage20R2OUTB Non-inverting Complementary Receiver Output,always active for wake-up21INVALID Output of the valid signal detector.Indicates if a valid RS-232level is present on receiver inputs logic "1"22FORCEOFF Drive low to shut down transmitters and on-board powersupply.This over-rides all automatic circuitry and FORCEON 23FORCEONDrive high to override automatic circuitry keeping transmitters on (FORCEOFF must be high)24C 1-Negative Terminal of Voltage-Charge Pump Capacitor 25GND Ground26V CC Supply Voltage27V+ 5.5V Generated by the Charge Pump28C 1+Positive Terminal of Voltage-Charge Pump CapacitorST3243E3/18PIN DESCRIPTIONPlN N°SYMBOL NAME AND FUNCTIONA1R2IN Second Receiver Input Voltage A2R3IN Third Receiver Input Voltage A3R4IN Fourth Receiver Input Voltage A4R5IN Fifth Receiver Input Voltage A5T1OUT First Transmitter Output Voltage A6T2OUT Second Transmitter Output Voltage B1V--5.5V Generated by the Charge Pump B2R1IN First Receiver Input Voltage B3T3OUT Third Transmitter Output Voltage B4T3IN Third Transmitter Input Voltage B5T1IN First Transmitter Input Voltage B6T2IN Second Transmitter Input VoltageC1C 2+Positive Terminal of Inverting Charge Pump Capacitor C2C 2-Negative Terminal of Inverting Charge Pump Capacitor C5R4OUT Fourth Receiver Output Voltage C6R5OUT Fifth Receiver Output VoltageD1C 1+Positive Terminal of Voltage-Charge Pump Capacitor D2V+ 5.5V Generated by the Charge Pump D3V CC Supply VoltageD4FORCEON Drive high to override automatic circuitry keeping transmitters on (FORCEOFF must be high)D5R1OUT First Receiver Output Voltage D6R3OUT Third Receiver Output VoltageE1GND GroundE2C 1-Negative Terminal of Voltage-Charge Pump Capacitor E3FORCEOFF Drive low to shut down transmitters and on-board powersupply.This over-rides all automatic circuitry and FORCEON E4INVALID Output of the valid signal detector.Indicates if a valid RS-232level is present on receiver inputs logic "1"E5R2OUTB Non-inverting Complementary Receiver Output,always active for wake-upE6R2OUTSecond Receiver Output VoltageST3243E4/18PIN CONFIGURATIONINVALID TRUTH TABLEOUTPUT CONTROL TRUTH TABLERS-232SIGNAL PRESENT AT ANY RECEIVER INPUTINVALID OUTPUTYES H NOLFORCE ON FORCE OFF VALID RECEIVERLEVELOPERATION STATUS T OUT R OUT R 2OUTB X 0X Shutdown (Force OFF)HIGH Z HIGH Z ACTIVE 11X Normal Operating (ForceON)ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE 01YES Normal Operating (Auto-powerdown)ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE 01NOShutdown (Auto-powerdown)HIGH ZACTIVEACTIVEST3243E5/18ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSAbsolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur.Functional operation under these condition is not implied.ESD PERFORMANCE:TRANSMITTER OUTPUTS,RECEIVER INPUTSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(C 1-C 4=0.1µF,V CC =3V to 5.5V,T A =-40to 85°C,unless otherwise specified.Typical values are referred to T A =25°C)LOGIC INPUT ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(C 1-C 4=0.1µF,V CC =3V to 5.5V,T A =-40to 85°C,unless otherwise specified.Typical values are referred to T A =25°C)Symbol ParameterValue Unit V CC Supply Voltage-0.3to 6V V+Doubled Voltage Terminal(V CC -0.3)to 7V V-Inverted Voltage Terminal0.3to -7V V++|V-|13V FORCEON,FORCEOFF,T INInput Voltage -0.3to 6VR IN Receiver Input Voltage Range ± 25V T OUTTransmitter Output Voltage Range± 13.2V R OUT R OUTB INVALID Receiver Output Voltage Range -0.3to (V CC +0.3)Vt SHORT Short Circuit Duration on T OUT (one at a time)Continuous T stgStorage Temperature Range-65to 150°C Symbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit ESD ESD Protection Voltage Human Body Model± 15KV ESDESD Protection VoltageIEC 1000-4-2(Contact Discharge)± 8KVSymbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit I ASHDNSupply Current Auto-powerdown FORCEOFF =GNDFORCEON =V CC All R_IN open or grounded110µA I SUPPLY Supply Current FORCEON =FORCEOFF =V CC 0.31mA I SHDNShutdown Supply CurrentFORCEOFF =GND110µASymbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V TIL Input Logic Threshold Low T-IN,FORCEON,FORCEOFF 0.8V V TIHInput Logic Threshold HighT-IN,FORCEON,FORCEOFF V CC =3.3V V CC =5V22.4V V V THYS Transmitter Input Hysteresis0.5V I IL Input Leakage Current T-IN,FORCEON,FORCEOFF ± 0.01± 1.0µA I OL Output Leakage Current Receiver Disabled ± 0.05± 10µA V OL Output Voltage Low I OUT =1.6mA 0.4V V OHOutput Voltage HighI OUT =-1mAV CC -0.6V CC -0.1VST3243E6/18AUTO-POWERDOWN ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(C 1-C 4=0.1µF,V CC =3V to 5.5V,T A =-40to 85°C,unless otherwise specified.Typical values are referred to T A =25°C,FORCEON =GND,FORCEOFF =V CC )TRANSMITTER ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(C 1-C 4=0.1µF,V CC =3V to 5.5V,T A =-40to 85°C,unless otherwise specified.Typical values are referred to T A =25°C)RECEIVER ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(C 1-C 4=0.1µF,V CC =3V to 5.5V,T A =-40to 85°C,unless otherwise specified.Typical values are referred to T A =25°C)Symbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V RITE Receiver Input Threshold to INVALID Output Voltage HIGH (Fig.1)Positive Threshold 2.7V Negative Threshold2.7V V RITD Receiver Input Threshold to INVALID Output Voltage LOW (Fig.1)-0.30.3VV IOL INVALID Output Voltage LOWI OUT =1.6mA 0.4V V IOH INVALID Output Voltage HIGHI OUT =-1mAV CC -0.6V t WU Receiver or Transmitter Edge Transmitter Enabled (Fig.1)100µst INVHReceiver Positive or Negative Threshold to INVALID HIGH (Fig.1)0.2µst INVLReceiver Positive or Negative Threshold to INVALID LOW (Fig.1)30µsSymbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V TOUT Output Voltage Swing All Transmitter outputs are loaded with 3K Ωto GND± 5± 5.4V R OUT Output ResistanceV CC =V+=V-=0V V OUT =±2V30010M ΩI SC Output Short Circuit Current V CC =3.3V± 40± 60mA I L Output Leakage Current V CC =0to 5.5V,transmitter output=±12V,transmitter disabled± 25µA V OTTransmitter Output Voltage T1IN =T2IN =GND,T3IN =V CCT3OUT loaded with 3K Ωto GNDT1OUT and T2OUT loaded with 2.5mA each± 5VSymbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V RIN Receiver Input Voltage Operating Range-2525V V RIL RS-232Input Threshold LowT A =25°C V CC =3.3V T A =25°C V CC =5.0V V RIHRS-232Input Threshold HighT A =25°C V CC =3.3V T A =25°C V CC =5.0V1. V RIHYS Input Hysteresis 0.5V R RIN Input ResistanceT A =25°C357K ΩST3243E7/18TIMING CHARACTERISTICS(C 1-C 4=0.1µF,V CC =3V to 5.5V,T A =-40to 85°C,unless otherwise specified.Typical values are referred to T A =25°C)Symbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit D R Maximum Data RateR L =3K ΩC L =1000pF one transmitter switching250400Kbps t PHL t PLHReceiver Propagation Delay R IN to R OUT C L =150pF0.15µs t T_SKEW Transmitter Skew 150ns t R_SKEW Receiver Skew 70nsS RTTransition Slew RateT A =25°C R L =3K to 7K Ω V CC =3.3V measured from +3V to -3V or -3V to +3V C L =150pF to 1000pF C L =150pF to 2500pF643030V/µs V/µsST3243E8/18APPLICATION CIRCUITSREQUIRED MINIMUM CAPACITANCE VALUE (µF)V CC (V)C 1C 2,C 3,C 4,C BYPASS3to 5.50.0470.33ST3243E9/18AUTOPOWERDOWN INPUT LEVELSAUTOPOWERDOWN INPUTTIMINGInformation furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronicsAll other names are the property of their respective owners© 2004 STMicroelectronics - All Rights ReservedSTMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States.18/18。
RJK0330DPBSilicon N Channel Power MOS FETPower SwitchingREJ03G1639-0400Rev.4.00Apr 10, 2008Features• High speed switching• Capable of 4.5 V gate drive• Low drive current• High density mounting• Low on-resistanceR DS(on) = 2.1 mΩ typ. (at V GS = 10 V)• Pb-freeOutlineAbsolute Maximum Ratings(Ta = 25°C)UnitRatingsItem SymbolDrain to source voltage V DSS 30 VGate to source voltage V GSS±20 VDrain current I D 45 ADrain peak current I D(pulse)Note1 180 ABody-drain diode reverse drain current I DR 45 A Avalanche current I AP Note 2 22 A Avalanche energy E AR Note 2 48.4 mJChannel dissipation Pch Note3 55 WChannel to Case Thermal Resistance θch-C 2.27 °C/WChannel temperature Tch 150 °CStorage temperature Tstg –55 to +150 °CNotes: 1. PW ≤ 10 µs, duty cycle ≤ 1%2. Value at Tch = 25°C, Rg ≥ 50 Ω3. Tc = 25°CElectrical Characteristics(Ta = 25°C)Item Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test ConditionsDrain to source breakdownvoltageV (BR)DSS 30 — — V I D = 10 mA, V GS = 0 Gate to source leak current I GSS — — ±0.1 µA V GS = ±20 V, V DS = 0 Zero gate voltage drain current I DSS — — 1 µA V DS = 30 V, V GS = 0 Gate to source cutoff voltage V GS(off) 1.2 — 2.5 V V DS = 10 V, I D = 1 mAR DS(on) — 2.1 2.7 m Ω I D = 22.5 A, V GS = 10 V Note4 Static drain to source on stateresistance R DS(on) — 2.8 3.9 m Ω I D = 22.5 A, V GS = 4.5 V Note4 Forward transfer admittance |y fs | — 90 — S I D = 22.5 A, V DS = 10 V Note4 Input capacitance Ciss — 4300 — pF Output capacitance Coss — 800 — pFReverse transfer capacitance Crss — 245 — pF V DS = 10 V, V GS = 0,f = 1 MHz Gate Resistance Rg — 0.4 — Ω Total gate charge Qg — 27 — nC Gate to source charge Qgs — 10.5 — nCGate to drain charge Qgd — 5.8 — nC V DD = 10 V, V GS = 4.5 V,I D = 45 A Turn-on delay time t d(on) — 6.8 — ns Rise time t r — 3.9 — nsTurn-off delay time t d(off) — 50 — ns Fall timet f — 5.4 — ns V GS = 10 V, I D = 22.5 A,V DD ≅ 10 V, R L = 0.44 Ω, Rg = 4.7 Ω Body–drain diode forward voltage V DF — 0.78 1.02 V I F = 45 A, V GS = 0 Note4 Body–drain diode reverse recovery timet rr — 36 — ns I F = 45 A, V GS = 0di F / dt = 100 A/ µs Body–drain diode reverse recovery charge Q rr — 34 — nCNotes: 4. Pulse testMain CharacteristicsPackage DimensionsOrdering InformationPart No. Quantity Shipping Containerpcs TapingRJK0330DPB-00-J0 2500Refer to "/en/network " for the latest and detailed information.Renesas Technology America, Inc.450 Holger Way, San Jose, CA 95134-1368, U.S.A Tel: <1> (408) 382-7500, Fax: <1> (408) 382-7501Renesas Technology Europe LimitedDukes Meadow, Millboard Road, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, SL8 5FH, U.K.Tel: <44> (1628) 585-100, Fax: <44> (1628) 585-900Renesas Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Unit 204, 205, AZIACenter, No.1233 Lujiazui Ring Rd, Pudong District, Shanghai, China 200120Tel: <86> (21) 5877-1818, Fax: <86> (21) 6887-7858/7898Renesas Technology Hong Kong Ltd.7th Floor, North Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: <852> 2265-6688, Fax: <852> 2377-3473Renesas Technology Taiwan Co., Ltd.10th Floor, No.99, Fushing North Road, Taipei, Taiwan Tel: <886> (2) 2715-2888, Fax: <886> (2) 3518-3399Renesas Technology Singapore Pte. Ltd.1 Harbour Front Avenue, #06-10, Keppel Bay Tower, Singapore 098632 Tel: <65> 6213-0200, Fax: <65> 6278-8001Renesas Technology Korea Co., Ltd.Kukje Center Bldg. 18th Fl., 191, 2-ka, Hangang-ro, Yongsan-ku, Seoul 140-702, Korea Tel: <82> (2) 796-3115, Fax: <82> (2) 796-2145Renesas Technology Malaysia Sdn. BhdUnit 906, Block B, Menara Amcorp, Amcorp Trade Centre, No.18, Jln Persiaran Barat, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia Tel: <603> 7955-9390, Fax: <603> 7955-9510RENESAS SALES OFFICES。
Document Number: 31035For Technical Questions, contact, ff2aresistors@Document Number: 31035For Technical Questions, contact, ff2aresistors@Disclaimer Legal Disclaimer NoticeVishayAll product specifications and data are subject to change without notice.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use or application of any product described herein or of any information provided herein to the maximum extent permitted by law. The product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein, which apply to these products.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay.The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications unless otherwise expressly indicated. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages arising or resulting from such use or sale. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.元器件交易网Document Number: 。
Z-15GQ3中文资料(omron)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
Z-01H Z-01H-B Z-01HS Z-01HS-B Z-01HD Z-01HD-B --Z-01HQ Z-01HQ-B -------------
Z-15EQ Z-15EQ-B --Z-15EQ22
Z-15EQ22-B Z-15EQ21 Z-15EQ21-B -------
E (1.8 mm)
H (0.25 mm)
Z-15GW54 Z-15GW54-B Z-15GW2277
单向 短铰链滚轮
Z-15GW2277-B Z-15GM Z-15GM-B Z-15GM22 Z-15GM22-B Z-15GM2 Z-15GM2-B
1.额定值 01:0.1 A(微负荷) 15: 15 A
4.防护等级 W44: W78:
无:通用 55: 防滴 A55:防滴 (包括终端)
无:引脚柱塞 S: 超薄弹簧柱塞 D: 短弹簧柱塞 2.接触间隙 K: 弹簧柱塞(中OP) H2: 0.20 mm K3:弹簧柱塞(高OP) (超高灵敏度)Q3:面板安装柱塞(低OP)
• •
这些交换机使用一个橡胶套管上情况之间致动器和粘合剂填充和 覆盖,以增加耐滴水. 模型与防滴端子防护护盖并用树脂充填模终端也可提供.
■ 型号图例
长铰链杆 小力 线 铰链杆(低) W52: 小力 线 铰链杆(高) W22: 短铰链滚轮摇臂 W2: 铰链滚轮摇臂 W25: 铰链滚轮摇臂 (大滚子) W49: 短铰链 交叉滚子杠杆 W54: 铰链交叉滚子杠杆 W2277:单向短铰链 摆杆(低) M: 反向铰链杆 M22: 反向短铰链滚轮摇臂 M2: 反向铰链滚轮摇臂 NJ: 柔性杆(高) NJS: 柔性杆(低)
Deviation from Nominal (%)
2415 0515
25.000 20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 0.000 -5.000
2405 0505
20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 0.000 -5.000
2409 0509
0% 20% 40% 60% Total Output current (%) 80% 100%
4kV (H) (H) (H) (H) (H) (H)
RGZ-xx3.3D (H) RGZ-xx05D RGZ-xx09D RGZ-xx12D RGZ-xx15D (H) (H) (H) (H)
RGZ-xx24D (H) 3.3,5,9,12,15,24 ±24 ±42 xx = Input Voltage * add Suffix “P” for Continuous Short Circuit Protection, e.g. RGZ-0524D/P, P e.g. RGZ-0524D/HP, has 4kV Isolation and is Short Circuit Protected.
0% 20% 40% 60% Total Output current (%)
0% 20% 40% 60% Total Output current (%)
0% 20% 40% 60% Total Output current (%)
Deviation / Load
Typical Characteristics
运放类型:低功率放大器数目:4带宽:1.2MHz针脚数:14工作温度范围:0°C to +70°C封装类型:SOIC3dB带宽增益乘积:1.2MHz变化斜率:0.5V/μs器件标号:324器件标记:LM324AD增益带宽:1.2MHz工作温度最低:0°C工作温度最高:70°C放大器类型:低功耗温度范围:商用电源电压最大:32V电源电压最小:3V芯片标号:324表面安装器件:表面安装输入偏移电压最大:7mV运放特点:高增益频率补偿运算逻辑功能号:324额定电源电压, +:15V1.短路保护输出2.真差动输入级3.可单电源工作:3V-32V4.低偏置电流:最大100nA5.每封装含四个运算放大器。
● Slot technology, Lizt wire recommended for proximity and skin effects reduction
● Mains insulation according to IEC60065 and IEC60950 safety standards
Consumer Products
Pulse offers a complete range of Switch-Mode Transformers in various technologies (slot, layer and triple insulation wire) used for power supplies in television, set-top boxes, satellite receivers, DVD players, telephone chargers, and white goods. Pulse also offers a new range of specific magnetics for LCD TV power supplies and inverters to meet the growing, worldwide demand for flat-screen televisions. These innovative, components are manufactured in state-of-the-art, modern facilities. Switch-Mode Transformers, as well as new LCD components are produced in one of four different factories in China, depending on the technology. The products mentioned in this section serve as an overview of Pulse’s Consumer magnetics product line. For more information about Consumer products, contact Pulse Consumer Division Applications Engineering via e-mail at consumer@.
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20 0
0% 20% 40% 60% Total Output current (%)
0% 20% 40% 60% Total Output current (%)
0% 20% 40% 60% Total Output current (%)
Deviation / Load
0% 20% 40% 60% Total Output current (%) 80% 100%
0% 20% 40% 60% Total Output current (%) 80% 100%
Efficiency / Load
100 80 60 40
1215 0515
0% 20% 40% 60% Total Output current (0% 60% Total Output current (%)
0% 20% 40% 60% Total Output current (%)
Deviation / Load
Output Power (%)
100 80 60 40 30 20 0
(Ambient Temperature)
120pF max. 15GΩ min. 1 Second Continuous -40°C to +85°C (see Graph) -55°C to +125°C 95% RH 2.8g continued on next page July-2006
RJZ & RGZ Series
2 Watt DIP14 Single & Dual Output
Selection Guide
Part Number DIP 14 RJZ-xx3.3S RJZ-xx05S RJZ-xx09S RJZ-xx12S RJZ-xx15S RJZ-xx24S Input Voltage (VDC) 3.3,5,9,12,15,24 3.3,5,9,12,15,24 3.3,5,9,12,15,24 3.3,5,9,12,15,24 3.3,5,9,12,15,24 3.3,5,9,12,15,24 3.3,5,9,12,15,24 3.3,5,9,12,15,24 3.3,5,9,12,15,24 3.3,5,9,12,15,24 3.3,5,9,12,15,24 Output Voltage (VDC) 3.3 5 9 12 15 24 ±3.3 ±5 ±9 ±12 ±15 Output Current (mA) 606 400 222 166 133 83 ±303 ±200 ±111 ±84 ±66 Efficiency (%) 70-75 78-85 78-84 80-85 82-85 80-85 75 75-82 75-80 78-82 80-84 82-84
Unregulated Converters
● ● ● ● ● ●
2W Single and Dual Outputs in DIP 14 3kVDC and 4kVDC Isolation Optional Continuous Short Circuit Protected Custom Solutions Available UL94V-0 Package Material Efficiency up to 85%
Safe Operating Area
90 85 Operating Temperature °C
Typical Characteristics
30.000 25.000 30.000
Deviation / Load
30.000 25.000
Deviation / Load
Deviation from Nominal (%)
20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 0.000 -5.000
Deviation from Nominal (%)
Detailed Information see Application Notes chapter "MTBF"
using MIL-HDBK 217F
Typical Characteristics
Efficiency / Load
100 80 60 40
0505 2405
Efficiency / Load
100 80 60 40
1205 2405 0505
Efficiency / Load
100 80 60 40
1209 2409 0509
Efficiency %
Efficiency %
20 0
20 0
Efficiency %
0% 20% 40% 60% Total Output current (%) 80% 100%
0% 20% 40% 60% Total Output current (%) 80% 100%
Efficiency / Load
100 80 60 40
1209 2409 0509
Efficiency / Load
100 80 60 40
0512 1212 2412
Efficiency %
Efficiency %
20 0
20 0
Efficiency %
20 0
4kV (H) (H) (H) (H) (H) (H)
RGZ-xx3.3D (H) RGZ-xx05D RGZ-xx09D RGZ-xx12D RGZ-xx15D (H) (H) (H) (H)
RGZ-xx24D (H) 3.3,5,9,12,15,24 ±24 ±42 xx = Input Voltage * add Suffix “P” for Continuous Short Circuit Protection, e.g. RGZ-0524D/P, P e.g. RGZ-0524D/HP, has 4kV Isolation and is Short Circuit Protected.
20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 0.000 -5.000
Deviation from Nominal (%)
2409 0509
20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 0.000 -5.000
1212 0512
0% 20% 40% 60% Total Output current (%) 80% 100%
1215 2415
Efficiency %
Efficiency %
20 0
20 0
0% 20% 40% 60% Total Output current (%)
0% 20% 40% 60% Total Output current (%)
Deviation / Load
30.000 25.000 30.000
MTBF (+25°C) using MIL-HDBK 217F
RJZ_RGZ Series
RJZ types RGZtypes RJZ types RGZ types 893 x 103 hours 810 x 103 hours 208 x 103 hours 151 x 103 hours
30.000 25.000 30.000 25.000
Deviation / Load
30.000 25.000
Deviation / Load
Deviation from Nominal (%)
Deviation from Nominal (%)
20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 0.000 -5.000
EN-60950-1 Certified EN-60601-1 Certified
Specifications (Core Operating Area)
Input Voltage Range Output Voltage Accuracy Line Voltage Regulation Load Voltage Regulation (10% to 100% full load) Output Ripple and Noise (20MHz limited) Temperature Coefficient Operating Frequency Efficiency at Full Load Isolation Voltage (H-Suffix) Rated Working Voltage Isolation Capacitance Isolation Resistance Short Circuit Protection P-Suffix Operating Temperature Range (free air convection) Storage Temperature Range Relative Humidity Package Weight 3.3V Types 5V Types All other Types ±10% ±5% 1.2%/1% of Vin typ. ±20% max. ±15% max. ±10% max. ±150mVp-p max. 0.02%/°C max. 20kHz min./ 50kHz typ. / 90kHz max. (tested for 1 second) (tested for 1 second) (long term isolation) 70% min. / 80% typ. 3000VDC min. 4000VDC min. see Application Notes