以下是一个简单的例子:c#define PI 3.14159上述代码定义了一个名为PI的宏,并将其替换为3.14159。
在程序中可以使用PI宏,如下所示:cdouble radius = 5.0;double area = PI * radius * radius;2、Python中的宏:Python中没有内置的宏定义功能,但可以使用装饰器来模拟宏的效果。
以下是一个使用装饰器实现宏的例子:pythondef my_macro(func):def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):# 在这里添加宏的实现逻辑result = func(*args, **kwargs)# 在这里添加宏的扩展逻辑return resultreturn wrapper上述代码定义了一个名为my_macro的装饰器,它包装了传入的函数并添加了宏的实现逻辑和扩展逻辑。
在程序中使用该装饰器,如下所示:python@my_macrodef add(a, b):return a + b3、Java中的宏:Java中没有内置的宏定义功能,但可以使用Java的反射机制和动态代理来实现类似的效果。
以下是一个使用反射和动态代理实现宏的例子:javapublic interface MyMacro {int add(int a, int b);}public class MyMacroImpl implements MyMacro {@Overridepublic int add(int a, int b) {// 在这里添加宏的实现逻辑return a + b;}}public class MyMacroProxy implements InvocationHandler {private Object target;public MyMacroProxy(Object target) { = target;}@Overridepublic Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {// 在这里添加宏的扩展逻辑return method.invoke(target, args);}}。
Macros的TIL文件与其它TIL 文件是一样的,都含有表面与拓扑结构的数据。
在拓扑菜单topo 里点击TIL:read Macro。
aclocal用法aclocal是一个GNU Autotools工具链中的一个重要工具,它用于生成configure脚本,并确保它们能够正确地检测到系统的库和头文件位置。
在实际使用中,通常需要使用多个.m4文件,因此可以将它们放入同一个目录,并使用以下方式指定多个输入文件:``````- -I dir:指定额外的.m4文件路径。
- -I dir:通过逗号分隔的列表指定额外的.m4文件路径。
- -D macro=value:定义一个宏,并为其指定一个值。
- -I dir:使用自定义的.aclocal目录,指定同名目录中的.m4文件。
export ACLOCAL_FLAGS='--prefix=/usr/local/share/aclocal'这个例子中,我们使用export命令将ACLOCAL_FLAGS环境变量设置为自定义选项。
这些宏定义通常以AC_开头,以下是一些常用的宏定义示例:- AC_INIT:在configure.ac文件中使用此宏定义,指定软件包的名称和版本号。
filament 交叉编译步骤
二、filament交叉编译的步骤和流程1. 确定目标评台和系统:在进行filament交叉编译之前,首先需要确定目标评台和系统,包括移动端、PC端、虚拟现实设备等等。
2. 确认编译工具链:根据目标评台和系统的不同,选择合适的编译工具链,如NDK、CMake、MSVC等。
3. 设置编译环境:搭建好所需的开发环境和依赖库,并进行相关配置。
4. 修改源码和配置文件:根据目标评台的特性和要求,对源码和配置文件进行相应的修改和调整。
5. 编译和优化:使用所选的编译工具链对filament引擎进行编译和优化,以达到在目标评台上的最佳性能和效果。
cmake macro 参数
1. 什么是CMake中的macro参数?在CMake中,macro参数允许用户定义一组命令序列并在不同的地方进行重复使用。
2. 如何定义和使用macro参数?要定义一个macro,可以使用如下的语法:```macro(<macro_name> <arg1> <arg2> ... )mands>endmacro()```在这个语法中,`<macro_name>`是宏的名称,`<arg1> <arg2> ...`是参数列表,`mands>`是宏包含的命令序列。
要使用宏,可以使用如下的语法:```<macro_name>(<arg1_value> <arg2_value> ...)```在这个语法中,`<macro_name>`是宏的名称,`<arg1_value><arg2_value> ...`是参数值。
3. 宏参数的最佳实践在使用宏参数时,有一些最佳实践可以帮助提高代码的可读性和可维护性。
4. 宏参数的高级用法除了基本的定义和使用之外,CMake中的宏参数还可以进行更高级的操作。
pmirGLO vector
Promega Corporation2800 Woods Hollow Road Madison, WI 53711-5399USA Telephone 608-274-4330Toll Free 800-356-9526Fax 608-277-2516InternetPRODUCT USE LIMITATIONS, WARRANTY,DISCLAIMER Promega manufactures products for a number of intended uses. Please refer to the product label for the intended use statements for specific products.Promega products contain chemicals which may be harmful if misused. Due care should be exercised with all Promega products to prevent direct human contact.Each Promega product is shipped with documentation stating specifications and other technical information.Promega products are warranted to meet or exceed the stated specifications. Promega's sole obligation and the customer's sole remedy is limited to replace-ment of products free of charge in the event products fail to perform as warranted. Promega makes no other warranty of any kind whatsoever, and SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WAR-RANTIES OF ANY KIND OR NATURE WHATSOEVER,DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, AS TO THESUITABILITY, PRODUCTIVITY, DURABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, MER-CHANTABILITY, CONDITION, OR ANY OTHER MAT-TER WITH RESPECT TO PROMEGA PRODUCTS. In no event shall Promega be liable for claims for any other damages, whether direct, incidental, foresee-able, consequential, or special (including but not lim-ited to loss of use, revenue or profit), whether based upon warranty, contract, tort (including negligence) or strict liability arising in connection with the sale or the failure of Promega products to perform in accordance with the stated specifications.Part# 9PIE133Revised 10/09Part# 9PIE133Printed in USA Revised 10/09pmirGLO Dual-Luciferase miRNA Target Expression Vector:Cat.#Size E133020µgC a t .# E 1330 c o n t a i n s :P a r t N o .N a m e E133A pmirGLO Vector 20µg C838A Oligo Annealing Buffer1mlDescription: The pmirGLO Dual-Luciferase miRNA Target Expression Vector (a–e)is designed to quantitatively evaluate microRNA (miRNA) activity by the insertion of miRNA target sites 3´ of the firefly luciferase gene (luc2). These target sites can be introduced by cloning putative miRNA binding sites alone, or the 3´ untranslated region (UTR) of a gene of interest, to study the influence of these sites on transcript stability and activity. Firefly luciferase is the primary reporter gene;reduced firefly luciferase expression indicates the binding of endogenous or introduced miRNAs to the cloned miRNA target sequence. This vector is based on Promega dual-luciferase technology, with firefly luciferase (luc2) used as the primary reporter to monitor mRNA regulation and Renilla luciferase (hRluc-neo ) acting as a control reporter for normalization and selection. This vector contains the following features:•Human phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) promoter provides low translational expression, which is advantageous when reduction of signal is the desired response. The PGK promoter is a nonviral universal promoter, which functions across cell lines (yeast, rat, mouse and human).•Firefly luciferase reporter gene (luc2) inversely reports miRNA activity in mammalian cells.•Multiple cloning site (MCS) is located 3´ of the firefly luciferase reporter gene (luc2).•Humanized Renilla luciferase-neomycin resistance cassette (hRluc -neo) is used as a control reporter for normalization of gene expression and stable cell line selection.•Amp r gene allows bacterial selection for vector amplification.•SV40 late poly(A) signal sequence is positioned downstream of luc2to provide efficient transcription termination and mRNA polyadenylation.•Synthetic poly(A) signal/transcription stop site.Concentration: 1µg/µl in 10mM Tris-HCl, 1mM EDTA; final pH 7.4.GenBank ®Accession Number:FJ376737.Storage Conditions:See the storage temperature and expiration date on the Product Information Label.Functional AssaysIdentity Assay: The vector has been sequenced completely and has 100% identity with the published sequence availableat: ww w w .p r o m e g a .c o m /v e c t o r s /Restriction Digestion:The functional purity of this vector DNA is verified by complete digestion with restriction enzymes at the optimal temperature for 1 hour. Samples are examined by agarose gel electrophoresis, comparing cut and uncut vector DNA with marker DNA.Contaminant AssaysContaminating Nucleic Acids: RNA, single-stranded DNA and chromosomal DNA are not evident in specified quantities of this vector as determined by agarose gel electrophoresis.Nuclease Assay: Following incubation of 1µg of this vector in Restriction Enzyme Buffer at 37°C for 16–24 hours, no evidence of nuclease activity is detected by agarose gel electrophoresis.Physical Purity:A 260/A 280≥1.80, A 260/A 250≥1.05.© 2008, 2009 Promega Corporation. All Rights Reserved.Dual-Glo is a registered trademark of Promega Corporation. GeneClip and PureYield are trademarks of Promega Corporation.GenBank is a registered trademark of US Department of Health and Human Services.Products may be covered by pending or issued patents or may have certain limitations. Please visit our Web site for more information.All specifications are subject to change without prior notice.Product claims are subject to change. Please contact Promega Technical Services or access the Promega online catalog for the most up-to-date information on Promega products.AF9PI E133 1009E133(a)READ THIS FIRST BEFORE OPENING PRODUCTThe sale of this product and its use by the purchaser are subject to the terms of a limited use label license, the full text of which is shippedwith this product and also available at: ww w w .p r o m e g a .c o m \L U L L . That text must be read by the purchaser prior to opening this product to determine whether the purchaser agrees that all use of the product shall be in accordance with the license terms. If the purchaser is not willing to accept the terms of the limited use label license, Promega is willing to accept the return of the unopened product and provide the purchaser with a full refund. However, if the product is opened for any reason, then the purchaser agrees to be bound by the terms of the limited use label license.(b)U.S. Pat. No. 5,670,356.(c)Australian Pat. No. 2001 285278 and other patents pending.(d)The method of recombinant expression of Coleoptera luciferase is covered by U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,583,024, 5,674,713 and 5,700,673. A license (from Promega for research reagent products and from The Regents of the University of California for all other fields) is needed for any commercial sale of nucleic acid contained within or derived from this product.(e)Licensed from University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc., under U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,292,658, 5,418,155, Canadian Pat. No.2,105,984 and related patents.S i g n e d b y :J. Stevens, Quality AssurancePromega Corporation2800 Woods Hollow Road·Madison, WI 53711-5399 U.S.A. Toll Free in the USA 800-356-9526 Telephone 608-274-4330 Features List and Map for the pmirGLO VectorSV40 late poly(A) signal106–327SV40 early enhancer/promotor426–844hRluc -neo fusion protein coding region 889–2664Synthetic polyadenylation signal 2728–2776β-lactamase (Amp r ) coding region3037–3897Col E1-derived plasmid origin of replication 4052–4088Human phosphoglycerate kinase promoter 5094–5609luc2reporter gene5645–7297Multiple cloning site (MCS, Figure 1)7306–7350I.Sample ProtocolA.Vector Cloning1.Design oligonucleotides: Order oligonucleotide pairs that contain the desired miRNAtarget region and, when annealed and ligated into the pmirGLO Vector, result in the miRNA target region in the correct 5´ to 3´ orientation. Insure that the overhangs created by oligonucleotide annealing are complementary to those generated by restric-tion enzyme digestion of the pmirGLO Vector in Step 2. Add an internal restriction site to your oligonucleotides for clone confirmation (e.g., NotI in Figure 3 creates a ~125bp insert when digested with NotI because of a NotI site at position 93 in the vector).2.Digest vector: Linearize the pmirGLO Vector with the appropriate restriction enzymes togenerate overhangs that are complementary to the annealed oligonucleotide overhangs.3.Anneal oligonucleotides: Dilute both oligonucleotides (supplied by user) to 1µg/µl.Combine 2µl of each oligonucleotide with 46µl of Oligo Annealing Buffer. Heat at 90°C for 3 minutes, then transfer to a 37°C water bath for 15 minutes. Use the annealed oligonucleotides immediately, or store at –20°C.B.Ligation and Transformation1.Dilute annealed oligonucleotides 1:10 in nuclease-free water to a final concentrationof 4ng/µl per oligonucleotide. Ligate 4ng of annealed oligonucleotides and 50ng of linearized vector using a standard ligation protocol. Transform ligated pmirGLO Vector using high-efficiency JM109 competent cells (e.g., Cat.# L2001).2.Select clones on ampicillin-containing plates, then select clones containing theoligonucleotides by digesting miniprep-purified DNA (e.g., purified using thePureYield™ Plasmid Miniprep System, Cat.# A1221) using the unique restriction site in the oligonucleotide pair. The purified plasmid DNA can be transfected directly or expanded to generate more DNA.Additional information about annealing, ligation, transformation and oligonucleotide design can be found in the GeneClip ™ U1 Hairpin Cloning Systems Technical Manual ,C.An Example of Detecting mi-R21 Activity Using the pmirGLO Vector:miR-21 ConstructAn overview describing the use of the pmirGLO Vector to interrogate endogenous mi-R21microRNA is shown in Figure 2.The presence of broadly endogenous microRNA mi-R21 was monitored in HeLa cells.Constructs contained either an exact match to the 21bp mi-R21 target sequence or a mismatched version of that target site (1) as well as PmeI, XbaI and NotI restriction sites (Figure 3; mismatched sequence is in italics). Twenty-four hours after transfection with the mi-R21 pmirGLO Vector constructs, cells were analyzed for luciferase activity using the Dual-Glo ®Luciferase Assay System (Cat.# E2920) and a MicroLumatPlus LB96V lumino-meter (Berthold). Normalized firefly luciferase activity (firefly luciferase activity/Renilla luciferase activity) for each construct was compared to that of the pmirGLO Vector no-insert control. For each transfection, luciferase activity was averaged from six replicates.II.Reference1.Zeng, Y. and Cullen, B.R. (2003) Sequence requirements for micro RNA processing-neo SV40 late PGK ...GCAAG ATCGC CGTGT AATTC TAGTT GTTTA AACGA GCTCG CTAGCCTCGA GTCTA GAGTC GACCT GCAGG...PmeI DraI 5´EcoICRI Sac INheIXhoI SalI AccIXbaI3´F i g u r e 1. p m i rG L O V e c t o r m u l t i p l e c l o n i ng s i te .gene firefly luciferase translation In absence of mi-R21activity.proteinmRNA destablized;F i g u r e 2. M e c h a n i s m o f a c t i o n o f t h e p m i r G L O V e c t o r .5´ CTAGA TAGCTTATC TT CTGATGTTGA ACTA GCGGCCGC TA GTTT 3´XbaImi-R21 mismatch sense, PmeI and XbaImi-R21 antisense, PmeI and XbaImi-R21 sense, PmeI and XbaImi-R21 mismatch antisense, PmeI and XbaI5´ AAAC TA GCGGCCGC TAGT TCAACATCAG TCT GATAAGCTA T 3´5´ CTAGA TAGCTTATC AGA CTGATGTTGA ACTA GCGGCCGC TA GTTT 3´5´ AAAC TA GCGGCCGC TAGT TCAACATCAG AA GATAAGCTA T 3´PmeI NotI internal sitemi-R21 target sequence XbaIPmeINotI internal site mi-R21 target sequence F i g u r e 3. S a m p l e o l i g o n u c l e o t i d e s f o rm i -R 21.mismatchP e r c e n t f i r e f l y :R e n i l l a l u c i f e r a s e a c t i v i t y c o m p a r e d t o n o -i n s e r t c o n t r o lF i g u r e 4. N o r m a l i z e d l u c i f e r a s e a c t i v i t y u s i n g t h e p m i rG L O V e c t o r w i t h a n m i -R 21 t a r g e t s e q u e n c e .。
macro是什么意思...coordinated programmes of regulation of the economy both at the macro level and at the micro level.宏观与微观手段相协调的经济调控计划柯林斯高阶英语词典He photographed this using a macro lens...他用微距镜拍下了这个。
柯林斯高阶英语词典Zooming is not possible while in macro mode.在微距模式下不可能实现变焦。
柯林斯高阶英语词典The marks, microstructure, macro and micro fractureappearance of the 11 th order fan rotor blades was analyzed.对风机第11级动叶片进行了痕迹、显微组织和断口宏微观分析.期刊摘选High quality concrete requests each element must be uniformly distributed on macro and micro point.性能良好的水泥混凝土要求各组分在宏观和微观上都达到均匀分布.期刊摘选Macro ( gasp! ) names all uppercase and begin with BOOST _.宏 ( 气吁吁地说! ) 的名字使用全是大写的BOOST_ 开始.期刊摘选Discusses and provides example code for using the ASSERT macro to check for assertion failures.讨论并提供有关使用ASSERT宏检查断言失败的代码示例.期刊摘选It mainly introduces the knowledge of macro virus and how to prevent it.文中着重介绍了对WORD宏病毒的了解认识及预防.期刊摘选I spent two summers as an intern in the macro group of the CBO.我在国会预算办公室的宏观小组实习了两个暑假.期刊摘选The formal parameter list of a macro definition uses the identifier more than once.宏定义的形参表多次使用该标识符.期刊摘选Compose the material universe, the concept of micro - macro is the world's mysteries.宇宙构成物质观, 宏微世界奥妙现.期刊摘选Assess and identify relevant macro - economic, fiscal and market factors and key external influences on organizational performance.了解对公司绩效有影响的国家财政政策及市场方面的因素,评估和确定相关宏观经济走势.期刊摘选A string processing language including nesting feature and macro feature.包含嵌套功能和宏功能的一种符号串处理语言.期刊摘选Macro and Micro are two concepts that define Strategy gaming.宏观与微观是定义策略游戏的两个概念.期刊摘选Whereby, land configuration refers a mega pictures or macro view of the whole region.其中, 格局是指宏观鉴定于整个地区的地形.期刊摘选In C ++ replace macro representation with code to be piled.在C+中用代码替换宏定义进行编译.期刊摘选Macro - control ability to curb price rises?宏观调控能否抑制房价上涨?期刊摘选Any failed cast attempt stops the macro from casting any further spells.任何失败的释放停止宏后续法术释放.期刊摘选Most of the political news research focused on the reporters operation, and more macro expound.前人对时政新闻的研究较多集中于新闻业务的层面上, 以宏观阐述为主.期刊摘选Secondly, we analyze economic growth theory, the macro base of technology participating in distribution.其次, 我们分析了技术要素参与收益分配的宏观基础——经济增长理论.期刊摘选He photographed this using a macro lens.他用微距镜拍下了这个。
field_prep宏定义 -回复
field_prep宏定义-回复在软件开发中,宏定义(Macro Definition)是一种预处理指令,用于在编译之前将一段代码标记为另一个名称。
下面是一个示例:#define INIT_FIELD(field) \do { \field = 0; \} while (0)#define VALIDATE_FIELD(field, min_value, max_value) \do { \if (field < min_value field > max_value) { \printf("Invalid field value!"); \exit(1); \} \} while (0)#define CALCULATE_FIELD(field1, field2, result) \do { \result = field1 + field2; \} while (0)在上述代码中,我们定义了三个宏:INIT_FIELD用于初始化字段的值,VALIDATE_FIELD用于验证字段的值是否合法,CALCULATE_FIELD用于计算字段之间的关系。
非洲猪瘟荧光定量pcr检测原理非洲猪瘟(African swine fever,ASF)是由非洲猪瘟病毒(African swine fever virus,ASFV)引起的一种急性、高度致死性的病毒性疾病,对于养猪业造成了巨大的经济损失。
荧光定量PCR(quantitative PCR,qPCR)是一种敏感且可靠的检测方法,用于检测和定量ASFV的存在。
它结合了聚合酶链反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)、荧光探针和实时荧光检测技术。
1. 样品处理:首先,从疑似感染非洲猪瘟的猪只体组织或血样中提取RNA/DNA。
2. 反转录:如果提取的样本为RNA,则需要通过反转录将其
3. PCR反应:接下来,在反转录的cDNA或DNA盘中,加入
4. 实时荧光检测:PCR反应进行时,PCR仪内的光束会以恒
5. 阈值周期(Ct)测定:分析PCR反应结果,确定引物与靶
基因序列结合的周期数(Ct 值)。
Ct 值反映了起始非洲猪瘟
较低的Ct 值表示非洲猪瘟病毒的数量较高。
linux 中dmacro 用法 -回复
linux 中dmacro 用法-回复Linux中的dmacro用法Dmacro是Linux系统中一个强大的宏命令工具,它可以帮助用户简化和自动化常见的任务和操作。
例如,在Debian或Ubuntu中,可以使用以下命令安装:sudo apt-get install dmacro第二步:了解dmacro的基本概念在开始使用dmacro之前,我们需要了解一些基本概念。
以下是一些最常用的关键字和操作符:- `EXTERN`:它用于定义外部宏文件。
- `CONF`:它用于配置dmacro的一些参数。
- `SET`:它用于设置变量的值。
- `LOOP`:它用于循环执行一系列命令。
- `GOTO`:它用于跳转到指定的标签位置。
- `IF`:它用于条件判断。
- `EXEC`:它用于执行外部程序或命令。
以下是一个简单的示例宏文件:# 示例宏文件.m# 设置变量SET name=JohnSET age=25# 打印变量EXEC echo "Name: name"EXEC echo "Age: age"# 循环打印数字LOOP i=1:10EXEC echo "Number: i"ENDLOOP在这个示例宏文件中,我们定义了两个变量`name`和`age`,然后使用`EXEC`关键字执行了两个命令来打印这些变量的值。
二、Charles的功能特点1. 监控网络请求:可以查看应用程序发出的网络请求和服务器端的返回数据,了解网络请求过程中的每一个环节。
2. 修改网络数据:可以修改网络请求和响应的数据,方便开发者调试和测试,可以模拟各种不同的网络情况,包括慢速的3G网络、不稳定的WiFi网络等。
3. SSL代理:支持将SSL代理到本地,对加密的网络请求进行解密和分析。
4. 重播请求:可以将之前的网络请求再次发送到服务器,方便重复测试。
5. 报表和统计:可以生成报表显示网络请求的情况,包括请求的数量、响应时间、错误情况等,方便开发者了解网络性能。
6. 易于使用:界面简洁清晰,操作简便,适合各种技术水平的开发者使用。
三、Charles的安装步骤1. 前往冠方全球信息站xxx 下载对应的安装包。
2. 安装Charles,根据提示进行相应的设置。
3. 启动Charles,确保Charles能够在本地端口监听网络请求。
四、使用Charles进行网络请求监控1. 打开Charles,打开需要进行网络请求监控的应用程序。
2. 在Charles中,可以在“Structure”选项下查看网络请求的结构,包括请求方法、URL、状态码、请求头、响应头等信息。
3. 在“Sequence”选项中可以查看网络请求的时间序列,方便了解请求的顺序和时间间隔。
4. 在“Map Local”选项中可以进行本地映射,将服务器返回的数据映射到本地文件,便于进行修改和测试。
五、使用Charles进行网络数据修改1. 选中需要进行修改的网络请求,在“Edit”选项中可以进行数据的修改,包括请求头、响应头、请求体和响应体等。
fico规则引擎 tryyer
FICO是Fair Isaac Corporation的简称,它是一家专门从事信用评分和决策解决方案的公司。
1. FICO规则引擎Tryer的基本概念和功能FICO规则引擎Tryer是针对决策管理系统而设计的一款工具,它的主要功能包括规则测试、优化和部署。
2. FICO规则引擎Tryer的优势和应用场景FICO规则引擎Tryer具有许多优势,例如易用性高、灵活性强、性能优秀等。
3. 我对FICO规则引擎Tryer的个人观点和理解从个人角度来看,我认为FICO规则引擎Tryer是一款非常有价值的工具。
affymetrix mrna芯片原理 -回复
affymetrix mrna芯片原理-回复什么是Affymetrix mRNA芯片?Affymetrix mRNA芯片是一种广泛应用于基因表达分析的高通量技术。
Affymetrix mRNA芯片可以同时检测成千上万个基因的表达水平变化,进而帮助科学家了解这些基因的功能以及它们在不同生物过程中的作用。
那么,Affymetrix mRNA芯片是如何工作的呢?1. 提取mRNA:首先,从特定样本中提取出细胞总RNA,并选取其中只含有成熟的mRNA。
2. 反转录和合成cDNA:在此步骤中,将提取到的mRNA经过逆转录反应转化为cDNA。
逆转录反应利用百万寡聚dT引物和逆转录酶(reverse transcriptase)将mRNA转录为相应的cDNA分子。
3. 合成(in vitro transcription):cDNA会经过dATP、dCTP、dGTP 和dUTP标记酶法引入复制体中,为下一步骤做准备。
4. 破碎和杂交:在芯片的制作中,Array探针被固定在玻璃芯片上。
5. 洗涤和染色:经过杂交后,非特异连接的标记RNA将被清洗掉,只留下与特定目标基因匹配的RNA。
6. 扫描和分析:用激光扫描仪测量芯片上不同位置的荧光密度,并将这些数据传输至计算机以生成图像。
下面是本文总结的以macro 为前缀的单词及相关解释。
1.macroeconomics 宏观经济学
2.macros 在计算机术语中指「宏;宏命令;宏指令」
3.macro instruction 广义指令,宏指令
4.macro command 宏命令
7.macrostructure (宏观结构)
8.macroscale n.大规模
macrof1score计算公式Macro F1 Score 计算公式是用于评估分类模型性能的一种指标。
在深入了解Macro F1 Score之前,我们先来了解一下F1 Score的定义。
F1 Score是一种综合考虑了模型的精确率(Precision)和召回率(Recall)的指标。
F1 Score是精确率和召回率的调和平均数,它能够综合衡量模型在识别正例和负例方面的性能。
Macro F1 Score是对多分类问题进行评估时常用的指标之一。
它是计算每个类别的F1 Score,并对它们进行算术平均。
与Micro F1 Score不同,Macro F1 Score对每个类别的性能平等看待,不考虑类别之间的样本数量差异。
下面我们以一个例子来说明如何计算Macro F1 Score。
然后,我们计算每个类别的F1 Score。
F1 Score的计算公式为:2 * (精确率* 召回率) / (精确率+ 召回率)。
对于狗类别,F1 Score 为2 * (0.67 * 0.67) / (0.67 + 0.67) ≈ 0.67。
Resettable Integrator MacroThe Int macro within Micro-Cap is one of the most useful macros for system modeling. It pro-duces an output signal which is the integral of the input signal to the macro. With the current Int macro, the output is the integral of the waveform over the entire period of the simulation. There is no means of resetting the macro. This article will describe a revised macro circuit that adds a resetting capability to the integrator macro.The standard integrator macro that is distributed with Micro-Cap is shown in Figure 1. Two parameters are passed to this macro: SCALE and VINIT. The SCALE parameter multiplies theintegral by its defined value, and the VINIT parameter defines an initial value for the integration.Fig. 1 - Standard Integrator macro circuitThe operation of the macro is fairly simple and takes advantage of the integrated nature of a capacitive voltage. The input voltage to the macro is converted by the G1 source into an equiva-lent current multiplied by the SCALE parameter. This current is then used to charge a capacitor. Since the value of the capacitor is 1 Farad, the voltage across it will be the integral of the current though the capacitor. The VINIT parameter is used to set the initial condition of the capacitor in order to provide an initial value that the integrated voltage is then built upon. The parallel resistor keeps the voltage finite when there is a DC voltage input. The E1 source then provides a buffered output which reproduces the integrated voltage across the capacitor at the output pin.The standard integrator macro will be used as the basis for the resettable integrator macro. The resettable integrator macro circuit is shown in Figure 2. It passes the same two parameters, SCALE and VINIT, as the standard integrator macro. The basic operation of each of the macros is the same.12Fig. 2 - Resettable Integrator macro circuitThe main modification is that the parallel resistor has been replaced by an S (V-Switch) compo-nent. The input of the switch samples the voltage at the Reset pin, and the output of the switch models the parallel resistance of the integrator. The model statement for the switch is defined as:.MODEL RPAR VSWITCH (RON=1u ROFF=1Meg VON=.75 VOFF=.25)When the voltage at the Reset pin is below .25 volts, the switch will be off and the resistance of the switch will be 1Meg. The macro will then operate in the same manner as the standard integra-tor macro. When the voltage at the Reset pin is greater than .75 volts, the switch will be on and the resistance of the switch will be 1u. Note that the default value of RMIN, which sets the minimum absolute value of a resistance, in the Global Settings is 1u so this is the smallest the resistance can be without modifying that setting. The small parallel resistance will cause the capacitor to quickly discharge bringing the output voltage of the integrator down to zero volts which essentially resets the macro. The VINIT parameter will only set the value of the integrator at the beginning of the simulation. Any reset operation will use zero volts as the baseline. The Von and Voff parameters of the switch were assigned these specific values so that a boolean voltage waveform could be used on the Reset pin.A 1e9 resistor on the Reset pin provides a DC path to ground for the node. With the addition of this resistor in the macro, the Reset pin can be left floating in a circuit that calls the macro. When floating, the Reset pin will be disabled, and the integrator will operate like the standard model.The value of the capacitor in the macro has been set to 10mF in order to reduce the RC time constant when discharging the capacitor during the reset operation. Since the value of the capaci-tor does scale the voltage across the capacitor by the factor 1/C, the VofV dependent source (E1) at the output of the macro must also be scaled accordingly to compensate for this factor. Setting the value of E1 to 10m cancels the effect that the capacitor value has on the integrated waveform.3Fig. 3 - Integrator output waveformsFinally, the initial condition of the capacitor must also be scaled so that the VINIT parameter will be treated appropriately. The IC keyword sets the initial voltage across the capacitor at the begin-ning of the simulation. However, the E1 source multiplies this initial voltage by 10m when propagating the voltage to the output. Therefore, the VINIT parameter must be multiplied by 100when setting the IC value of the capacitor.Should the time constant for the reset operation be too slow for an application, changing the capacitor value in the macro will also necessitate changing the E1 value along with the multiplier for the capacitor IC statement.An example circuit has been assembled which contains both the standard integrator macro and the resettable integrator macro. The two integrators share a common input which is a Voltage Source defined as:DC 0 AC 1 0 Gaussian 1 500u 200u 1mwhich will produce a periodic Gaussian pulse waveform every 1ms. The Reset pin of the resettable integrator has a pulse source connected to it which will provide a short reset pulse at 5ms.The resultant transient analysis is displayed in Figure 3. The top plot is the input waveform. The bottom plot is the reset waveform. The middle plot contains the output waveforms of both integrators with V(Out) being the standard integrator output and V(OutR) being the resettable integrator output. The two outputs match until 5ms when the reset pulse occurs. At this point,the resettable integrator output returns to zero volts and starts the integration over again.。
cmake里的macro用法在CMake 中,macro 是一种定义重复使用代码的方法。
与函数类似,一个macro 也可以接受参数。
定义一个macro 的语法是:```macro (macro_name arg1 arg2 ...)...endmacro ()```其中,`macro_name` 是你定义的macro 名称,`arg1`、`arg2` 等是macro 的参数。
在`...` 中,你可以使用这些参数,并编写需要执行的代码。
使用一个macro 的语法是:```macro_name (arg1_value arg2_value ...)```其中,`arg1_value`、`arg2_value` 等是你传递给macro 的参数的具体值。
以下是一个简单的例子:```macro (print_message message)message ("${message}")endmacro ()print_message ("Hello, World!")```在这个例子中,我们定义了一个名为`print_message` 的macro,它接受一个`message` 参数。
在macro 的实现中,我们使用了`message` 命令来输出这个参数。
最后,我们通过`print_message` 调用macro,并传递了一个字符串参数"Hello, World!"。
请注意,macro 中定义的变量和函数只在macro 中有效,不会影响到外部的变量和函数。
如果需要在macro 中定义的变量或函数在外部可用,需要使用`set` 命令或`function` 命令来定义。
这就是CMake 中macro 的用法。
使用macro 可以帮助我们避免重复编写代码,提高代码的可维护性和复用性。
vxe-column filter-method 使用方式
vxe-column filter-method 使用方式filter-method是Element Plus(Vue.js 的表格组件库)中vxe-table 组件的一个属性,用于自定义列的筛选方式。
2.函数接收两个参数:•value: 输入框中用户输入的筛选条件。
•row: 当前行的数据对象。
下面是一个简单的示例:<template><vxe-table :columns="columns" :data="tableData"></vxe-table> </template><script>export default {data() {return {tableData: [{ name: 'Alice', age: 25 },{ name: 'Bob', age: 30 },{ name: 'Charlie', age: 22 },],columns: [{ title: 'Name', key: 'name', filterable: true, filter-method: this.customFilter },{ title: 'Age', key: 'age', filterable: true, filter-method: this.customFilter },],};},methods: {customFilter(value, row) {// 自定义筛选逻辑,这里示例为匹配姓名包含输入值的行return .indexOf(value) > -1;},},};</script>在上面的示例中,每一列都启用了筛选功能,并通过filter-method属性指定了一个名为customFilter的方法。
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Fiche révision macro économie Economie ouverteOuverture de l’économie dans les années 60Taux de change nominal :∙cotation au certain => 1 EUR= 1,39 USD (on fixe la monnaie national à 1 et on fait varier la monnaie étrangère)∙cotation à l’incertain => 0,72 EUR=1 USD (on fixe la monnaie étrangère à 1 et on fait varier la monnaie national)✓Taux de change flexible : c’est le marché qui détermine le niveau du taux de change.On parle d’appréciation i de la monnaie national quand son prix en monnaie étrangère augmente (E augmente)On parle de dépréciation ii de la monnaie national quand son prix en monnaie étrangère diminue (E diminue)✓Taux de change fixe : c’est la banque centrale qui maintient le taux de change fixe en jouant avec ses réserves de monnaie.On parle de dévaluation quand E (taux de change) augmenteOn parle de réévaluation quand E (taux de change) baisseTaux de change réel=£ = (E.P*)/PEffet d’une dépréciation (en taux de change flexible) sur la balance commerciale£↗ donc le prix des importations augmenteIl faut que les exportations et les importations augmentent pour compenser la hausse de la valeur des importations = condition de Marshall Lerner => amélioration de la balance commerciale∆X iii-∆Im iv> ∆£vEntre A et B, BC (balance commerciale) se détériore car E > X + Im car le prix des exportations et importations sont fixé des moins a l’avance. £↗ donc amélioration de la balance commercialeModèle Mundell et Fleming3 hypothèses importantes :1. Les prix sont fixes et les ajustements sont fait par les quantités2. L’offre suit toujours la demande3. Les capacités de productions sont constantes.Equilibre sur le marché monétaireEn change flexible, il n’y a pas de variation de réserves de monnaie. S’il y a une politique de relance monétaire :Equilibre entre la balance global et la balance des capitauxBG= BC+BKBP = BG + ∆R/PBC = XY*-mY+∂£ ∆R/P (Variation des réserves réel)Y*= Revenu étrangerBP=0 => Equilibre sur le marché des changesEn change flexible : le taux de cahnge varie pour BP et BG soit en équilibreEn change fixe : les réserves de monnaie varient pour maintenir BP=BG=0 => à l’équilibre Au dessus de BG, on a un excédant . Au dessous de BG, on a un déficit .r*↘ => Entrer des capitaux dans l’économie domestique => BK s’améliore↗Y* =>↗ X(exportation) => BC ↗ => BP ↗Plus les capitaux sont mobiles, plus la courbe (BP) est horizontale.Equilibre et efficacité des politiques selon le régime de changeEn change flexiblePas de variation des réserves de monnaiePolitique monétairePlus les capitaux sont mobiles, plus la politique monétaire sera efficace.Conclusion :En change fixe, la politique monétaire est efficace même plus qu’en économie fermé. Plus les capitaux sont mobiles, plus la politique monétaire sera efficace.Capitaux très mobilesLes capitaux sont peu mobiles => effet 1 => £↗ (dépréciation)=> politique budgétaire plus efficace qu’en économie fermée.Les capitaux sont très mobiles => effet 2 => la politique budgétaire est efficace mais moins qu’en économie fermée.En change fixeQuand il y a excès d’offre sur le marché national (donc déficit extérieur) => la banque centrale va acheter de la monnaie national et vendre ses devises.Y*↘ donc Y↘A court terme, ∆R varie et BG est en déséquilibre. A long terme, ∆R=0, BG=BP=0 => à l’équili brePolitique monétairePolitique budgétaireCapitaux peu mobile Array Capitaux très mobilesConclusion : Plus les capitaux sont mobiles, plus la politique budgétaire sera efficace pl us qu’enéconomie fermée à court terme et encore plus à long terme.La loi d’Okun∆u t=u t-u t-1G t = (Y t-Y t-1)/Y t-1 X 100Loi d’Okun : ∆u t=α-β g tTransformée par les économistes en : ∆u t= -β (g t-g t) avec gt = PIB potentielPlus g t est éloigné de g t plus ∆u↗FRIEDMAN invente le taux de chômage naturelCette version est controversée à cause :-le calcul de g t (gros problème)-la mesure de u n (varie selon les études)Théorie quantitative de la monnaie (TQM)Version d’Irvin FISHERTQM = M.V=P.YM : quantité de la monnaieV: vitesse de circulation de la monnaieP : niveau général de s prixY : PIB réelᴨ=∆M/M t-1L’inflation ne dépend que du taux de croissance de la masse monétaire. Version monétariste de la TQMᴨt= M t - g tLes Keynésiens critiquent tout d’abord les déterminants de la vitesse de la monnaie. La vitesse de la monnaie est une fonction croissante de i i ↗ => V ↗Inflation par les coûtsLes keneysiens pensent que a principale cause de l’inflation est la hausse des couts de production => « cost push »Pour eux, l’inflation qui provoque la hausse de la masse monétaire. Les 3 origines de l’inflation :∙ ↗ Des salaires :L’action des syndicats et la durée des contrats contribuent à la rigidité de la baisse des salaires.↗Salaires----- >↗Prix∙ ↗ Des profitsLes entreprises doivent verser des dividendes aux actionnaires. Pour faire davantage de profits, les entreprises doivent augmenter les prix.∙ Choc d’offreÉvénements économiques qui se produisent quand le taux de croissance ↘ et le niveau des prix ↗.Inflation et chômage : la courbe de PhillipsSi demande de travail (entreprises) > offre de travail (travailleur) --- > salaires↗Si demande de travail (entreprises) < offre de travail (travailleur) --- > salaires sont constantsLes économistes transforment la relation entre chômage et inflationᴨ=W-ᴨ (avec ᴨ=croissance de la productivité)il y a dilemme entre inflation et chômage (pour faire ↘le chômage il faut accepter ↗ d e l’inflation). Les gouvernements vont faire des politiques de « stop and go » :Quand u↗, W↗ Quand ᴨ↗, W≈0 (constant)Courbe de Phillips augmenté(FRIEDMAN)3 hypothèses du modèle FRIEDMAN∙Pas d’illusion monétaire : le salaire réel ↗ =>pouvoir d’achat ↗ => consommation ↗ => Y↗Chez les monétaristes quand la salaire réel ↗ => les agents vont anticiper la ↗ des prix donc constance de la consommation et de Y∙Existence du taux de chômage naturelU n = NAIWU u n est déterminée par la salaire min, le marché du travail et la facilité ou non de licenciement.∙Les anticipations sont adaptativesLes agents quand ils vont des erreurs, ils se rattrapent progressivement.ᴨt=∂(u t-u n)-ᴨe t-1A court termeSi u t<u n => u t ↗ quand ᴨ↘Si u t>u n => u t↘ quand ᴨ↗A long termeU t=u nU n attire u t => A court terme, la politique monétaire aura des effets sur l’emploi.A long terme, la politi que monétaire ne fera qu’augmenter l’inflation.u ↘ donc les entreprises ↗W pour attirer des salariés.1ere la relance va permettre de faire baisser le chômage mais va augmenter l’inflation. Il y a bien un dilemme entre u et ᴨ MAIS A LONG TERME !!!La courbe de Phillips à long terme de TobinLa politique économique sera efficace à long et court terme.Courbes de Phillips chez les nouveaux classiquesAnticipation rationnelle = politique monétaire aura aucun effet sur l’activité économique. Quand u t > u n => M S↗ u t < u n => M S↗Une politique monétaire anticipée n’a aucun impact sur le chômage.Une politique monétaire anticipée sera totalement inefficace.Le seul effet d’une politique monétaire sera d’engendrer de l’inflation.Les politiques conjoncturelles ne feront que provoquer de l’inflation.Critique de u n par les post-keynésiens. Stanley montre que u n n’existe pasRéponse post keynésien a la forme de la courbe de PhillipsEntre u p et u t => on peut faire baisser le chômage sans augmenter l’inflation.Si il y a un choc d’offre ( ↗ du prix du pétrole) la courbe va vers le haut.La courbe de Phillips dépend des chocs d’offre.i Appréciation = baisse du taux de change à l’incertain (exemple: appréciation de l’euro => il faut moins d’euro pour acheter un dollar)ii Dépréciation = augmentation du taux de change à l’incertainiii∆X= Variation des exportationsiv∆Im= Variation des importationsv∆£Variation du taux de change réel。