r e mo t e u p d a t e p r o t o c o l w h i c h i s b a s e d o n Ha s h f u n c t i o n,a n d g i v e t h e f o r ma l p r o o f .T h e p r o t o c o l f o c u s e s o n mu t u a l a u t h e n t i c a t i o n a n d s o f t wa r e i n t e g r i t y p r o t e c t i o n,c a n p r e v e n t t h e a t t a c k e r f r o m t a mp e i r n g a n d c o u n t e f r e i t i n g t h e s o f t w a r e i n f o r ma t i o n a n d u s i n g t h e u p d a t e i n t e f r a c e t o r e a c h t h e g o a l o f c o n t r o l l i n g o r d e s t r o y i n g t h e e mb e d d e d d e v i c e s .
( P I n f o r m a t i o n E n g i n e e r i n g U n i v e r s i t y , Z h e n g z h o u 4 5 0 0 0 4 , H e n a n , C h i n a )
Ab s t r a c t I n l i g h t o f t h e s e c u it r y is r k s o f e mb e d d e d d e v i c e s e x i s t i n g i n r e mo t e s o f t wa r e u p d a t e p r o c e s s e s , we p r o p o s e a l i g h t w e i g h t s e c u r e
一、串行线路接口(Serial Line Interface,SLIP)固件升级SLIP是一种简单可靠的通信协议,用于在串行线路上传输 IP 数据报。
二、通过以太网协议(Ethernet Protocol)进行固件升级以太网协议是一种常用的网络通信协议,可以通过局域网或互联网进行数据传输。
Linux 第章 嵌入式VNC远程控制的实现
Linux 第章嵌入式VNC远程控制的实现什么是嵌入式VNC远程控制VNC(Virtual Network Computing)是一种远程桌面控制协议,可以在不同的操作系统之间远程控制计算机。
实现嵌入式VNC远程控制的步骤1. 编译安装VNC ServerVNC Server是实现嵌入式VNC远程控制的核心组件,需要先在嵌入式设备上编译并安装VNC Server。
2.下载VNC Server的源代码,并解压缩到指定目录中。
3.进入VNC Server源代码目录,使用以下命令编译并安装VNC Server:./autogen.sh && ./configure --without-x &&make&&sudo make install上述命令将会自动编译并安装VNC Server,安装完成后可以查看相应的安装目录及文件。
2. 配置VNC ServerVNC Server安装完成后,默认的配置文件较为简单,需要进行一些配置才能使其正常运行。
以下是常见的VNC Server配置项:1.设置VNC Server监听的端口号,可以使用默认的5900端口或者其它自定义的端口号。
2.设置VNC Server的密码,用于访问VNC Server的认证。
3.设置VNC Server的分辨率以及颜色深度等显示参数。
1. 设备连接到互联网:确保设备能够连接到互联网,可以是通过Wi-Fi、移动数据网络或其他无线连接方式。
2. 服务器端准备:在服务器端准备升级文件。
3. 设备检测升级:设备在空闲状态下定期检测服务器是否有新的升级可用。
4. 下载升级文件:一旦检测到升级可用,设备会从服务器下载升级文件。
5. 升级准备:设备在下载升级文件后会对其进行解压和校验,确保文件的完整性。
6. 开始升级:设备在解压和校验完成后会重新启动,并应用新的固件文件。
7. 升级完成:一旦设备完成升级,它会自动重新连接到互联网并恢复正常运行。
随 着 社 会 发 展 ,各 行 各 业 大 量 使 用 嵌 入 式 电 子 设备,如道路上的高清数字监控摄像头、远程水文监
1 基本原理
控 设 备 等 。 这 些 设 备 的 软 件 升 级 维 护 又 是 常 态 ,而
远程在线升级包含 5 个环节:程序数据准备、程
设备一旦安装,拆卸十分繁琐,这就要求其必须能够 序数据传输、烧写环节、程序更新方式、用户程序跳
程序升级必须将 BIN 格式的程序数据烧写到指 定存储空间去。所以程序须内嵌烧写功能。程序数 据的烧写可以一次性烧写,也可以分批次进行,相应 的烧写程序可以一次性准备好,也可以分批次准备。 1.4 程序更新方式
程序更新方式分为两种。第一种是程序整体更 新,即擦除,再写入新的程序。就是擦除整个程序所 占空间,再写入新的程序数据,较为简单。但中途断 电无法启动。第二种是将存储空间上的程序分为两 段 ,第 一 段 启 动 程 序 功 能 为 接 收 并 更 新 第 二 段 程 序 即用户程序,其始终保持不变,中途掉电不会影响启 动 。 第 二 段 程 序 为 用 户 程 序 实 现 具 体 功 能 ,可 被 擦 除 更 新 。 本 节 着 重 分 析 分 析 第 二 种 方 式 ,即 二 级 启 动及更新原理和更新模式。 1.4.1 基本原理
升级的原理,将其分为五个功能环节,每个环节给出 一 个 或 多 个 实 现 策 略 ,并 且 某 些 核 心 功 能 代 码 可 以 复 用 ,从 而 简 化 开 发 。 实 际 应 用 中 只 需 根 据 使 用 芯 片 ,在 各 环 节 选 择 实 现 策 略 ,分 别 实 现 ,最 后 集 成 并 调试即可。本文最后章节对单片机/DSP/ARM 各举 一个实际应用范例。
实现策略,只需根据实际情况选择相应策略,然后对 5 个环节进行组合,即可实现远程升级方案。
表1 s t m3 2 f 1 0 3 v e t 6ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้的主存 储块
名 称
序 出现漏洞或者 用户提 出新 的需求时 ,需 要对程 序进 行升
级 。通常升级 的方法是专业 的工程技术 人员 到达 现场用代
地 址 范 围
0 x 0 8 O 0 O O 0 0 一 O x O 8 O 0 O 7 F F
长度 ( 字节)
2 K
码烧 写工具对设 备进行升 级。这不仅 浪费 了宝 贵的时间 , 付 出了高 昂的人力成本 ,而且对于一些 安装在 高压 、高空
环境 的设备 升级时 ,还带来 了一定 的安全风 险。鉴于此 ,
页1 页2
页2 5 6
t h e p og r r a m i s n o t o n l y r el i a b l e a n d s t a b l e , b u t a l s o r e d u c e s t h e ma i n t e n a n c e c o s t s o f u p g r ad i n g p r o g r a m f o r e mb e d d e d t er mi n a l e q u i p me n t .
地址:210061 江苏省南京市高新技术开发区高新路20号
qt 嵌入式更新程序的方案
qt 嵌入式更新程序的方案英文版QT Embedded Update Program SolutionAs the demand for embedded systems continues to grow, the need for efficient and reliable update mechanisms becomes increasingly important. This article explores the solution of using the QT framework to develop an embedded update program.1. IntroductionIn the realm of embedded systems, updates are crucial for enhancing functionality, fixing bugs, and improving security. QT, a popular cross-platform application framework, offers a robust and flexible platform for developing such update programs.2. QT Framework AdvantagesQT's extensive library of graphical user interface (GUI) components, cross-platform compatibility, and its event-drivenarchitecture make it an ideal choice for embedded update program development.3. Embedded Update Program DesignThe embedded update program should have the following key features:User Interface: An intuitive and user-friendly interface is essential for ease of use. QT's GUI components can be leveraged to create such an interface.Update Mechanism: The program should have the ability to check for updates, download them, and install them seamlessly. QT's networking capabilities can be used for this purpose.Robustness: The program must be able to handle various error scenarios, such as failed downloads or installation issues. QT's error handling and exception management features can help ensure robustness.Security: Security is a critical aspect of any update mechanism. The program should ensure the authenticity andintegrity of updates through secure protocols and encryption techniques.4. ImplementationThe implementation of the embedded update program can be divided into the following steps:Design the User Interface: Utilize QT's GUI components to create an intuitive and user-friendly interface.Implement the Update Mechanism: Utilize QT's networking capabilities to check for updates, download them, and install them seamlessly.Handle Errors and Exceptions: Leverage QT's error handling and exception management features to ensure the robustness of the program.Ensure Security: Implement secure protocols and encryption techniques to ensure the authenticity and integrity of updates.5. ConclusionQT provides a powerful and flexible platform for developing embedded update programs. By leveraging its GUI components,networking capabilities, error handling, and security features, developers can create robust and secure update mechanisms for embedded systems.中文版QT嵌入式更新程序方案随着嵌入式系统需求的不断增长,对高效可靠的更新机制的需求也变得越来越重要。
摘要:本发明公开一种嵌入式设备远程固件升级方法,适用于通过以太网或无线网络与远程TFTP 服务器信号连接的基于STM32F407单片机的靶场测试数据采集设备,包括如下步骤:(11)下载请求:嵌入式设备作为TFTP客户端,向存储新版固件程序文件的远程TFTP服务器发起下载文件请求;
地址:210094 江苏省南京市孝陵卫200号
利用NAND Flash实现嵌入式系统的远程更新
利用NAND Flash 实现嵌入式系统的远程更新引言嵌入式系统在各个领域有着广泛的应用,嵌入式系统的维护与升级也变得日益重要。
传统的嵌入式升级方式通常由维护人员到达设备现场进行重新烧写系统或者更换Flash 存储部件,当设备数量庞大并且分布范围广泛时,这种升级维护方式的工作量将非常大,而且耗费的时间长、成本高。
参考文献提出了一种基于GPRS 的嵌入式系统软件的远程在线升级,通过GPRS 网络实现对ARM 嵌入式终端的系统软件进行在线升级。
参考文献实现了一种在Bootloader 中实现嵌入式系统自动升级的方法,这种方法是将映像文件存储在CF 卡中,系统重启时Bootloader 将检测CF 卡中的映像文件,读取映像文件并烧写到目标板的Flash 中,实现升级。
本文针对嵌入式Linux 操作系统提出了一种新的更新机制,并且基于ARM9 微处理器和NAND Flash 存储器,对uboot 和Linux 内核进行修改,实现了对嵌入式Linux 系统的远程自动更新。
1 基本原理1.1 总体结构支持远程自动更新的嵌入式Linux 系统机构,它可以分为嵌入式终端和远程管理系统两部分。
系统的总体结构如图1 所示,嵌入式终端采用基于ARM9 架构的AT91RM9200 微处理器,采用扩展的32MB SDRAM,由2 片16 位数据宽度的SDRAM 芯片HY57V281620 并连而成,采用64MB NANDFla sh 存储芯片K9F1208,运行嵌入式Linux 系统。
本文介绍了一种基于uPSD 单片机的固件下载、存储和更新功能的实现方案,并给出了Bootloader程序的实现思路。
关键词:uPSD单片机、固件更新、Bootloader中图分类号:TP333.4 TP311.53 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-0992(2010)05A-0047-02具有联网功能的嵌入式产品在日常生产、生活中应用日益广泛。
这种方法实现过程清晰,但是存在以下弊端: 1、成本较高,大容量的EEPROM价格较高;2、安全性差,外部存储器无法加密,很容易被破解。
嵌入式设备远程在线升级技术的研究黄绳雄;张荣芬【摘要】The working principle of remote online update for embedded system is presented. The hardware platform of the system and the design principle of software are introduced. This paper presents the scheme of remote online update for embedded system which is based on the communication mode of Internet and this scheme was tested, the result shows that this scheme has a high rate of success for update and a fast speed for update.%介绍了嵌入式系统远程在线升级的工作原理,并详细阐述了系统硬件平台及软件的设计原理,提出了基于Intemet通信方式的嵌入式系统远程在线升级的方案,并对该方案进行了测试,测试结果表明:该方案具有较高的升级成功率和较快的升级速度。
1.嵌入式设备远程在线升级技术的研究 [J], 黄绳雄;张荣芬
2.基于C8051F02X单片机的远程在线升级技术 [J], 牛旭
3.一种基于Web的远程在线升级技术的实现 [J], 苏诗荐;章杰;程树英;戴曼娜;林汉伟
4.VxWorks远程在线软件升级技术 [J], 张友根;李新明;赵党乾;王帅
5.基于ARM的IAP在线及远程升级技术 [J], 姜晓梅;李祥和;任朝荣;姚明
远程升级控制系统嵌入式设备程序的设计方法杨光海;彭晓乐;张川;公丕华;王海;孙海;徐丹;吴晔【期刊名称】《工业控制计算机》【年(卷),期】2016(0)6【摘要】In order to reduce the costs of embeddd devices update and maintenance in the control system effectively,ac-cording to storage structure of the embedded devices,with the single chip processor as an example,this paper presents a remote upgrade methed of embedded devices in the control system,which means implementing process.%为了有效降低控制系统内嵌入式设备程序的升级和维护成本,根据嵌入式设备存储器的结构,以单片机为例介绍了控制系统内嵌入式设备程序远程升级的设计方法及实现过程。
【总页数】2页(P18-19)【作者】杨光海;彭晓乐;张川;公丕华;王海;孙海;徐丹;吴晔【作者单位】西南技术物理研究所,四川成都 610041;西南技术物理研究所,四川成都 610041;西南技术物理研究所,四川成都 610041;西南技术物理研究所,四川成都 610041;西南技术物理研究所,四川成都 610041;西南技术物理研究所,四川成都 610041;西南技术物理研究所,四川成都 610041;西南技术物理研究所,四川成都 610041【正文语种】中文【相关文献】1.基于CDMA网络的嵌入式设备远程升级系统 [J], 朱伟斌;张涛;顾海涛;邓新欣2.嵌入式设备远程升级方案设计 [J], 杭万里;张荣3.基于公理化设计的可编程序控制器控制系统设计方法 [J], 王晓勇;唐敦兵;楼佩煌;马万太4.面向对象程序设计方法在多轴运动控制系统中的应用 [J], 刘宗礼;张洛平;苏春堂5.面向对象程序设计方法在控制系统中的应用 [J], 戴儒明;纪建军;王红因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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Vol.5No.3,Sept.2014Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation Sum No.19Realization of remote update technology for embedded equipment based on μC /OS-ⅡMENG Hui ,PAN Lian(School of Information Science and Engineering ,Wuhan University of Science and Technology ,Wuhan 430081,China )Abstract :Aiming at the inaccessible problem of remote embedded devices update and maintenance ,this paper presents a method u-sing general packet radio service (GPRS )to achieve update based on the embedded real-time operating system (RTOS )μC /OS-Ⅱ.It introduces architecture of the system first.And then it uses LPC1768chip as the central processing unit ,SIM900A module for da-ta transmission ,and SST25VF016B to store the data.To ensure accuracy of the data transmission ,cyclic redundancy code (CRC )is adopted.The software uses fixed bootstrap and mutable update program ,and thus the embedded devices can still normally start in case of update failure.Finally ,high stability and extensive adaptability of the system are verified by experimental data.Key words :μC /OS-Ⅱ;remote update ;general packet radio service (GPRS );embedded system CLD number :TP274Document code :AArticle ID :1674-8042(2014)03-0069-04doi :10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2014.03.013With the development of communication technology and embedded technology ,remote monitoring system based on wireless communication is more and more widely used.In the process of actual application ,we of-ten need to modify and update the program of the em-bedded system.Because of long-distance terminal e-quipment and poor working environment ,if maintainers have to come to the scene ,the maintenance cost will be very high and the program cannot be updated in real time.This paper puts forward the scheme that utilizes mobile communication technology ,embedded technolo-gy ,computer technology and Internet technology to im-plement a system that can update and monitor remote embedded equipment.It has great realistic significance for many engineering applications.1System compositionFig.1shows the structure of a remote update system.The system is mainly composed of embedded terminal e-quipment ,Internet ,server ,etc.Fig.1Structure of remote update systemThe embedded equipment sends data to remote server by general packet radio service (GPRS )communication module based on transmission control protocol /user dat-agram protocol (TCP /UDP ).On the server side ,the data is received with a matching transceiver.After the data being analyzed ,the server side registers the termi-nal equipment.Users can update and monitor remote embedded equipment by going through the browser.Thus it is easy to implement software download ,debug and update online from the remote terminals.2Hardware design of embedded e-quipmentHardware circuit diagram of embedded equipment is shown in Fig.2.Hardware platform of the control sys-tem is constructed by utilizing LPC1768processor as core.Peripheral circuit of the processor mainly compri-ses six modules :GPRS module ,memory module ,joint test action group (JTAG )debug module ,watchdog*Received date :2014-04-15Corresponding author :MENG Hui (menghui8592@yeah.net )(WTD )module ,data acquisition module and power managementmodule.Fig.2Hardware system of embedded equipmentThe whole working process of hardware system is as follows :Embedded terminal equipment of the processor LPC1768is responsible for control of the peripheral cir-cuit.It sends data to GPRS module via serial port.At the same time ,the server sends data to the processor through GPRS module.GPRS module uses SIM900A with good property and internally installed TCP /UDP protocol.It can send and receive data via GPRS.AT commands are allowed to establish TCP /UDP protocol stacks.All of AT com-mands begin with “AT ”and ends in “CR”to indicate that the instruction is over.By means of RS232asyn-chronous serial communication ,the program is more convenient.SIM900A interface circuit is shown in Fig.3.The storage device utilizes SST25VF016B with serial peripheral interface (SPI ),16Mb storage space and highspeed clock frequency of 80MHz.The SST25VF016B interface circuit is shown in Fig.4.Fig.3SIM 900A interfacecircuitFig.4SST 25VF 016B interface circuit3Embedded equipment program-ming3.1Overall software design schemeAs shown in Fig.5,the update process is as follows :1)GPRS module receives update package from the server when the embedded equipment is running follow-ing the application (APP )program.After the data is verified ,the central controller will write it to external memory.2)When data receiving is completed ,the central con-troller sets the update flag and then jumps to interior memory address of 0x000000to run bootstrap.3)At this moment ,the embedded equipment is star-ted and the central controller reads the update flag.Ac-cording to the flag ,the embedded equipment determines whether it needs to update program.4)If update is needed ,the central controller reads the update package from external memory ,and then writes it to interior memory.5)Once the update is finished ,the central controller automatically cleans up the update flag.The program will jump to interior memory addresses of 0x004000to run the newone.Fig.5Software design scheme3.2Design of bootstrapBootstrap starts running from interior memory at ad-dress 0x000000.Bootstrap is responsible for reading the update package from external memory and then writing it to interior memory.During this process ,the central controller will erase first and then program the internal flash memory ,and the in application programming (IAP )function could be called.Table 1shows the IAP commands.The command handler sends the status code INVALID COMMAND when receiving an undefined command.The IAP routine resides at 0x0x1ffffff0loca-tion.Some key program codes are as follows :1)The IAP function could be called in the following way using C language.#define IAP LOCATION 0x1ffffff1.2)Define data structure or pointers to pass IAP com-mand table and result table to IAP function :7Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation Vol.5No.3,Sept.2014Unsigned long command[5];Unsigned long result[3];3)Define pointer to function type,which takes two parameters and returns“void”.Note the IAP returns theresult with the base address of the table residing inR1.Typedef void(*IAP)(unsigned int[],unsigned int[]);IAP iap entry;4)Set function pointeriap entry=(IAP)IAP LOCATION.Whenever you wish to call IAP,you could use the following statement.iap entry(command,result).Table1IAP commandsIAP command CommandcodeDescriptionPrepare sector(s)for“write”opera-tion 50This command must be executed be-fore executing“CopyRAM toFlash”or“Erase sector(s)”com-mandCopyRAM to flash 51This command is used to programthe flash memoryErase sector(s)52This command is used to erase a sector or multiple sectors of on-chip Flash memory3.3Implementation of App programs The App program constitutes embedded real-time op-erating system(RTOS)μC/OS-Ⅱ.It starts executing at address0x00004000.It is primarily responsible for col-lecting data,translating and saving the update package to the external memory,and then setting up the flag which is stored in the external memory of processor.It is core program of the embedded equipment.The entire system is controlled byμC/OS-Ⅱ,which schedules the tasks,and allocates resources for each of the tasks effec-tively.Thus the system reliability is improved.For the update,App program is needed to deal with two aspects of the problems.1)The design of communication protocol.The server will split the update package into smaller chunks on a fixed-size value because the update package is quite large.The size of each chunk is set at512bit.If it is less than512bit,the system will fill up0x00later.Ta-ble2shows the data format of receiving update pack-age.Table2Data format of receiving update packageType Head ID Data CRC Length16bit32bit8bit512ˑ8bit16bit519ˑ8bit After embedded equipment receives the update pack-age,it recalculates cyclic redundancy code(CRC)code and compares the new code with the received code.The same CRC indicates that transmitted data and received data are consistent and embedded equipment will send back an ACK signal to the server.If no ACK signal is received within the certain period of time,the server re-transmission package is in prescribed number.This mechanism could prevent the external interference,so that it provides stability and reliability for the wireless communication between the server and the embedded e-quipment.2)The priority of a task is the key to manage the whole system.In order to implement more complex functionality,the system usually should be divided into multiple modules.These modules mainly have the fol-lowing task functions,as shown in Table3.Table3Task configurationTask nameTaskpriorityStacksize(bit)Task function Data collecting6128Task sampTerminal receiving7128Task uart0revTerminal sending8128Task uart0sendGPRS data sending9128Task send Updating10128Task updat4Measures of improving system stabilityIn the process of remote update,due to some reasons such as distance,the embedded equipment is unable to avoid network congestion and network packet classifica-tion,etc.These faults always lead to updating failure.Reliable program and hardware mechanism can ensure the remote update success.The following measures are taken to guarantee reliability of the system to dispose of network packet classification.Usually,in the period of updating the remote device,server will transmit data to multiple devices at the same time.Network packets will be broken up into smaller ones in the transmission process.A packet data of1024 byte may be separated into two packets of500byte and 524byte.Embedded terminals do not contain reassemb-ling package mechanism.Therefore,the packets sent by the server are set at512byte per frame size.These set-tings can ensure stability of the transmission.For process equipment with unexpected power outage,in the process of the remote terminal updating,unexpected power outage may cause update failure.In order to pre-vent the embedded device from being started because of the power outage,the system uses Boot Loader and App mode.After receiving the whole update package,the e-quipment does the final update to ensure that the equip-ment boots normally in accident cases.17MENG Hui,et al./Realization of remote update technology for embedded equipment based onμC/OS-ⅡBy analyzing a large amount of statistical data ,it can be seen from Fig.6that in the same signal strengths ,the larger the update package ,the longer the updating time.However ,under the different signal strengths ,the stron-ger the signal ,the shorter the transmissiontime.Fig.6Test results of update5ConclusionThe purpose of this paper is to study a convenient and effective application update scheme and solve the issues that need to on-site maintenance in the traditional way.At the same time ,this system effectively realizes remote transmission of information with development of the GPRS mobile communication technology.The system can be widely used in power monitoring ,data collection in harsh environments ,flash warning and agricultural monitoring.Experiments show that the system has good flexibility with low cost to improve quality and efficien-cy of maintenance and management.References[1]JIANG Jian-hu ,ZHANG Zhen-jiang.Water quality monito-ring system based on GPRS and GPS.Techniques of Auto-mation and Applications ,2006,25(8):66-68,81.[2]Altun A A ,BascifciN.A wireless sensor network based onzigbee forECG Monitoring.In :Proceedings of the 5th Inter-national Conference on Application of Information and Com-munication Technologies (AICT ),Baku ,Azerbaijan ,2011:1-5.[3]Philips Semiconductors.Using IAP for LPC2000ARM de-vices.[2013-10-25].http ://www .nxp.com /documents /application note /AN10256.pdf.[4]SUN Hong-yu ,XIANG Yang ,SUN Yao-ru ,et al.Motor i-maginary-based BCI for controlling a remote car.Journal ofMeasurement 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