达索系统产品研发部高级执行副总裁Dominique Florack 说:“最新发布的增强功能可以帮助用户将V5提升到全新的高度,使其包含更加丰富的功能、特性和产品种类。
”达索系统行业、营销和企业传播执行副总裁Monica Menghini说:“达索系统拥有庞大的客户群,我们的多种解决方案可以帮助客户创造更吸引人、更令人满意的产品和体验。
catiaV5 R22安装步骤
1.安装vs20082.安装CATIAV5R22_32bit_P3 or _64bit_可以修改一下安装目录:D:\ds\R22 第一个目录修改D:\ds\CatEnv第二个目录修改其他默认3.破解Catia(可以暂时不管和步骤7一起破解)1.严格按照【破解说明.pdf】安装2.对【破解说明.pdf】中5.1步骤说明:2.1.图左边【Licenses】为本目录下【Licenses(32)】或【Licenses(64)】2.2.右边【C:\ProgramData\DassaultSystemes】为隐藏文件夹,需要打开隐藏2.3破解成功后如下两图:4.VPM可以不安装(用于数据库连接貌似)5.安装CAA:直接NEXT安装即可V56R2012.CAA_CATIA_P3.windows.1-16.安装Rade环境变量目录修改为同CATIA:D:\ds\CatEnv7.破解Rade1.严格按照【破解说明.pdf】安装2. 对【破解说明.pdf】中3.8步骤说明2.1生成许可可以选择Rade和Catia,生成两个许可文件2.2添加许可再在license manager里面按照【破解说明 .pdf】4.1中添加上述两个许可:3.对破解步骤3.6-3.9的说明1.先导出CATIA破解文件,并完成后面CATIA的破解步骤,直到文档末尾2.再导出CAA RADE破解文件,并完成本文档【8配置RADE的操作】就可破解RADE4.对【DSLS_SSQ_Setup_eng.pdf】中5.1步骤说明:4.1.图左边【Licenses】4.2.右边【C:\ProgramData\DassaultSystemes】为隐藏文件夹,需要打开隐藏4.3破解成功后如下两图:8.配置Rade8.1许可 CATVBTLicenser.exe8.1.1报错8.2环境配置CATVBTSetup.exe9.常见问题:9.1.License Manager问题在导入license时报错解决:localhost必须保持连接状态9.2打开vs2008以后出现很多错误对话框解决:重复步骤7和步骤89.3 打开工程mkmk时报错:link error 2001 解决:安装vs2008 sp19.4 打开setting management 后没任何内容卸载后全部重装后解决9.5安装过程是否需要重启不需要重启。
CATIA V5R22安装教程
开始安装:第一步:运行CRACK目录下的DSLS_32bit_SSQ(DSLS_64bit_SSQ).EXE(根据自己的电脑是32或是64位系统而定),安装过程不要改安装目录;将“Install Server from scratch…”打上对号,选择第二项。
第二步:安装结束后,会自动弹出License Server Administration的窗口,如果没有弹出就手动从开始——程序——DS License Server – License Server Administration启动。
第三步:在License Administration Tool窗口中右击选择Add new server;在License Server name中填上localhost;点OK。
第四步:在License Administration Tool窗口中双击新建立的localhost服务;将会弹出服务器电脑的信息。
将服务器电脑的相关信息复制粘贴到注册机窗口里;点击Generate;将生成的文件保存到C盘下的LICENSE文件夹中(新建一个LICENSE文件夹);All done!Enjoy窗口中点击OK。
第六步:点选License Administration Tool里的已建立的localhost服务,然后在菜单栏中依次选择到License ——Enroll。
【安装破解说明】1.启动安装Autodesk AutoCAD 20122.输入安装序列号:666-69696969, 667-98989898, 400-454545453.输入密匙:001D14.完成安装,重启CAD。
8.先粘贴激活界面的申请号至注册机中的Request中,9.点击Generate算出激活码,在注册机里点Mem Patch键否则无法激活提示注册码不正确。
【AutoCAD2012破解图文教程】第一步:解压下载的压缩包,解压完毕后进入文件夹里找到安装程序“setup.exe”,双击开始安装Autocad2012中文版第二步:启动安装程序以后,就会弹出如下图所示的安装画面,我们就可以开始安装AutoCAD2012第三步:接受安装协议第四步:选择许可证类型并输入产品信息,这里为大家提供的序列号包括:序列号:666-69696969 或667-98989898 或400-45454545密匙:001D1第五步:自定义安装路径并选择配置文件注意:这一步中默认即可,最好不要选择第二项,否则可能会无法安装成功。
第七步:CAD2012 32位中文版安装完成(未激活版)点击“完成”这样我们CAD2012 32位中文版就安装完成了下面开始讲解CAD2012 32位中文版的激活过程第八步:运行CAD2012 32位中文版双击打开在桌面上生成的CAD2012 32位中文版图标第九步:CAD2012 32位中文版的激活界面点击“激活” 继续下一步的操作第十步:勾选“我同意按照Autodesk隐私声明“点击“我同意”继续下一步第十一步:CAD2012 32位中文版的产品许可激活选项申请号是我们下面要用到的重要点勾选“我具有Autodesk提供的激活码”第十二步:打开“注册机”找到激活码获取工具在我们解压出来的文件里面找到“注册机”打开双击“KeyGen-32bit”激活码获取工具注册机下载地址:/downinfo/38480.html第十三步:把申请号复制到注册机程序界面上的REQUEST输入框中,然后点击“Mem Patch”和Generate 按钮,得到CAD2012 32位中文版的激活码。
Catia V6R2012x 安装说明
完成安装以后进入控制面板选中JAVA选项,在弹出的窗口中 将“高级”-“JRE自动下载”设置为“从不自动下载”
Confidential Information
CATIA V6R2012x的安装 将CD-ROM插入驱动器,启动安装程序后弹出“Welcome”对话框。
Confidential Information
Confidential Information
CATIA V6 帮助文档安装(推荐安装方法) 确认完安装路径以后“确认”开始解压安装。
Confidential Information
CATIA V6 帮助文档安装(推荐安装方法) 解压安装完成后,我们进入到V6中对帮助文档进行配置即可。 完成安装后的帮助文档。
• CPU:Intel Xeon E5620 • 内存:12G • 硬盘:1T • 显卡:nVIDIA Quadro FX600 • 系统:Windows 2008 server R2 64bit
客户端 Client Side:HP Z600
• CPU:Intel Xeon E5620 • 内存 Memory:4G • 硬盘 Hard Disk:500G • 显卡 Graphics:nVIDIA Quadro FX600 • 系统 System:Windows 7
点击点击 NextNext 进入下一步 进入下一步
Confidential Information
CATIA V6R2012x的安装 单击“Next”不作任何选择。
Confidential Information
LabView2012下载、安装、破解全过程[图解]2013年7月31日 15:20:27 发布:awen能对LabView这个软件感兴趣的,大概也知道LabView的功能和用途了吧!软件功能太强大,我自己也不是很了解,这里就不多介绍了,只说说安装和破解的全过程,像我这样的初学者,百度一下就清楚了。
)3)点击Unzip开始解压缩安装文件,如下图所示;第二步:安装.NET 4.01)解压完成后,安装程序会自动运行,如果本机没有安装.net4框架,就会自动提示安装,选择“确定”进行安装;2)按下图红圈的选择进行安装;3)下图为.NET4安装过程,请耐心等待;4).NET4安装完毕,点击“完成”按钮;第三步:安装LabView20121).NET4安装完成后,LabView2012安装程序会自动运行,如下图;2)点击“下一步”继续安装;3)输入用户信息后点击“ 下一步”继续安装;4)此时会要求输入序列号,如下图;5)运行NI License Activato,如下图;6)在NI License Activato菜单中依次选择Options→Generate Serial Number…7)复制弹出窗口中的序列号8)回到LabView安装程序中,在序列号输入页面的第一个框中填入刚才复制的序列号,第二个框留空,点击“下一步”继续安装;9)选择安装目录(我选择安装到D盘,如下图所示),点击“下一步”继续安装;10)按需要选择安装组件,没特别要求的,默认就好,点击“下一步”继续安装;11)为节省安装时间,把下图红圈中的选中状态去掉,点“下一步”继续;12)一如既往的选择接受协议,然后点击“下一步”继续;13)点击“下一步”开始安装;14)这个时间比较漫长,找点零食啃啃消磨时间;15)好了,经过耐心的等待,终于安装完成了,点击“不需要支持”;16)点击“下一步”正式完成安装;17)选择“取消”18)选择“否”19)完成,重新启动电脑。
CATIA V R R R 安装教程
这个是catia的英文帮助文档,是各个模块的简单教 程,可以不装,要装的话和主程序装法一样
17、主程序安装完成,打钩取消,点击完成 打钩取消
19、以管理员身份运行 DSLS_SSQ_V6R2016x_Installer_20160205.exe
d:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\DS License Server 点install
此空格如果 空着,请输 入localhost, 再点确定
如果安装完成,没有自动跳出窗口,点击开始,找到下图软件 双击
29、自动跳出如下窗口,选择保存地址,地址随意,但须记住, 本例子保存在默认的我的文档里,点击保存
30、自动跳出all done!enjoy!点击OK
40、将我的文档里的破解文件剪切到_SolidSQUAD_里的 Licenses文件夹里
41、将Licenses文件夹复制到 C:\ProgramData\DassaultSystemes,注意是C盘的
Autodesk Vault Server 2012 安装指南说明书
Installing Autodesk Vault Server 2012 on Small Business Server 2008Please follow the following steps to ensure a successful installation of the Autodesk Vault Server 2012 on Microsoft Small Business Server 2008. Please note that this document covers the most common Microsoft Small Business Server 2008 environment and your specific environment may vary. This document does not cover all possible configurations.Though it is supported, Autodesk does not recommend installing onto Microsoft Small Business Server 2008 due to the complexity of the operating system and that it is a domain controller. It is recommended to use a machine not running Microsoft Small Business Server 2008, if able.**Please note the following information regarding running SQL 2008 on a domain controller From /en-us/library/ms143506.aspx#DC_Support:For security reasons, Microsoft recommends that you do not install SQL Server 2008/ 2008 R2 on adomain controller. SQL Server Setup will not block installation on a computer that is a domain controller, but the following limitations apply:∙On Windows Server 2003, SQL Server services can run under a domain account or a local system account.∙You cannot run SQL Server services on a domain controller under a local service account or a network service account.∙After SQL Server is installed on a computer, you cannot change the computer from a domain member to a domain controller. You must uninstall SQL Server before you change the hostcomputer to a domain controller.∙After SQL Server is installed on a computer, you cannot change the computer from a domain controller to a domain member. You must uninstall SQL Server before you change the hostcomputer to a domain member.∙SQL Server failover cluster instances are not supported where cluster nodes are domain controllers.∙SQL Server Setup cannot create security groups or provision SQL Server service accounts ona read-only domain controller. In this scenario, Setup will fail.Pre Installation - Operating System1.Disable the User Account Control (UAC) through Control Panel -> User Accounts; a reboot isrequired.2.If applicable, download and install Windows 2008 Service Pack 2. Details on Server 2008 SP2can be found here.**Service pack 2 is required for a successful implementation.Pre Installation – Microsoft SQL ServerSQL 2008 / 2008 R21.Click Add a new user account inside the SBS Console.2.Enter user information shown below for the new user and click Next.3.Input a password that fulfills your password requirements and click Add user account.4.Click Finish to complete the wizard.5.Prior to installing SQL, please ensure that .NET 3.5 SP1 has been installed as it is a prerequisitefor SQL. The installer can be downloaded or ran from3rdParty\NET\35SP1\wcu\dotNetFramework on the installation media.6.Begin the SQL Server installation from your SQL installation media. If plan on using SQL Expressthat is bundled with vault, you will run Setup.exe located under 3rdParty\SQL2008Expressfolder on your Vault 2012 installation media. You can also download SQL Express 2008 R2 from .7.Start the installation process for Microsoft SQL 2008 Server by selecting New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation from the Installation menu.8.The installation process installs any necessary prerequisites and begins running the pre-installation checks. Note any errors and take the necessary corrective actions before continuing.9.In the Feature Selection window, select Database Engine Services.10.In the Instance Configuration window, select Named instance and enter the name asAutodeskVault.Note: If you install SQL without using this instance name, the Autodesk Vault Server installation will create its own instance of SQL Server called AutodeskVault using Microsoft SQL Express 2008 and will fail due to the Domain Controller restrictions listed earlier in this document.11.In the Server Configuration window, select the Service Accounts tab.a.Specify user account created in Step 2 for the SQL Server Database Engine. Set theStartup Type to Automatic.12.In the Database Engine Configuration window, select the Account Provisioning tab.a.Select Mixed Mode authentication and set the SA password. The default password usedduring a default installation for the SA password is AutodeskVault@26200.b.Add the local administrator account (or desired account) as a SQL Server administrator.**Only Windows users entered in this dialog will have full rights when logging into theSQL server. All other Windows logins will be treated as a guest account.13.Verify the installation options chosen and Install. Once the installer has finished, it can beclosed.Pre Installation – IIS1.Browse to the IIS configuration files in SBS 2008:C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config2.Create a copy of applicationHost.config and place it in a temporary location. This will preservethe original file.3.Open the file applicationHost.config file in Notepad. Browse to the <globalModules>sectionand modify the line<add name="PasswordExpiryModule" image="C:\Windows\system32\RpcProxy\RpcProxy.dll" />to read<add name="PasswordExpiryModule" image="C:\Windows\system32\RpcProxy\RpcProxy.dll"preCondition="bitness64" />4.Additionally, if Exchange 2007 Service Pack 3 is installed, modify the lines<add name=”exppw” image=”C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\ClientAccess\Owa\auth\exppw.dll” />to read<add name=”exppw” image=”C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\ClientAccess\Owa\auth\exppw.dll” preCondition=”bitness64″/>and under <modules> section update line<add name=”exppw” />to read<add name=”exppw” preCondition=”bitness64″/>5.Save the file.6.Open the command prompt and stop and start IIS by running IISRESET at the command prompt.Do not close the command prompt.7.Type the following command at the command prompt and hit enter. Please note that this is oneline.%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config -section:system.webServer/httpCompression /-[name='xpress']8.Type exit to close the command prompt.Autodesk Vault Server 2012 Installation1. Autodesk recommends installing the Vault Server to a non-default website. This is achieved byselecting the Configure button during the installation. This is not required, but isrecommended.plete the installation of Vault Server 2012.3.In some cases, users experienced error 29001…Error –5001.19 during the installation of theAutodesk Vault 2012 (Server) Language Pack. If you experience this issue, please perform the following steps to resolve:a.Browse to the IIS configuration files in SBS 2008:C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.configb.Open the file applicationHost.config file in Notepad and modify the line<section name="requestFiltering" overrideModeDefault="Deny" />to read< section name="requestFiltering" overrideModeDefault="Allow" />c.Save the file and close Notepad.d.Start the installation again.Post- Installation IIS 71.Open the IIS Manger by going to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Internet InformationServices Manager2.Right click the Default Application Pool and select Set Application Pool Defaults3.Modify the Enable 32-Bit Applications and set the value to False.4.Right click on Application Pools and select Add Application Pool. Enter a name for a newapplication pool, 32DefaultAppPool.5.Right click the new application pool 32DefaultAppPool and select Advanced Settings.6.Set Enable 32-Bit applications to True.7.Next, right click the DefaultAppPool and select View Applications.8.Right click on /AutodeskDM/… application, and select Change Application Pool…9.Assign the new 32DefaultAppPool.10.Verify connectivity.Links referenced/en-us/library/ms143506.aspx#DC_Support/kb/968849/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=3181842A-4090-4431-ACDD-9A1C832E65A6&displaylang=nl&displaylang=en/kb/970259/EN-US/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;971272/en-us/library/cc546071(WS.10).aspxRevision History。
Catia V5-6R2015 在 Win7 和 Win10 上的安装总结
Catia在Win7,Win10上的安装总结2017.09.07本文是参考了网上大量大侠的安装指导,结合自己的多次反复折腾的经验写出来的总结适用于Win7 系统和Win10系统,Win8 应该也是可以的,但未在Win8上测试过。
本人先用Win7,后换Win10,在Win7和Win10上遭遇了大量痛苦,最终都安装成功CATIA_P3_V5-6R2015_GA_64bit !R21以上的其他版应该也是类似的。
下面以Win7上的安装为例,Win10上不同的地方会及时做出说明1、用WinRar 解压下图中选中的文件(我的是64位win7,所以选了64位的catia):2、关闭所有防病毒软件,建议先扫描一遍解压后的DS_CATIA_P3_V5-6R2015_GA_SSQ 文件夹,再决定是否安装。
3、运行DS_CATIA_P3_V5-6R2015_GA_SSQ 文件夹里的setup.exe 安装,全部选项不做改变,直至最后安装完成时勾掉“立即运行”的选项,不立即启动catia,推荐安装在c:,破解方便(如需安装补丁,此时接着安装sp1,但不要安装sp2,会闪退导致catia不能用)4、运行DSLS_SSQ_V6R2015x_Installer_01042015.exe 安装license 服务器:5、禁用不用的网卡,仅留一个当前在用的,一般在用的是无线网卡(不知是否需要),一般应该不需要(后面的“计算机ID”是根据网卡mac 地址生成的,多网卡怕造成麻烦)6、将C:\Users\你电脑的用户名\AppData\Roaming\DassaultSystemes 下的CATSettings 文件夹删除,“你电脑的用户名”就是Windows登录用户名,一般为administrator7、启动服务:8、启动DS License Server Administration:9、连接:不一定能连接上,不能连接上就先往下生成许可证,导入许可证,然后再连接10、启动破解程序:11、双击左边蓝色文字,弹出“服务器配置”,拷贝名称和计算机ID 到右边的破解窗口:点击Generate 产生许可证文件。
LabView2012下载、安装、破解全过程[图解]2013年7月31日 15:20:27 发布:awen能对LabView这个软件感兴趣的,大概也知道LabView的功能和用途了吧!软件功能太强大,我自己也不是很了解,这里就不多介绍了,只说说安装和破解的全过程,像我这样的初学者,百度一下就清楚了。
)3)点击Unzip开始解压缩安装文件,如下图所示;第二步:安装.NET 4.01)解压完成后,安装程序会自动运行,如果本机没有安装.net4框架,就会自动提示安装,选择“确定”进行安装;2)按下图红圈的选择进行安装;3)下图为.NET4安装过程,请耐心等待;4).NET4安装完毕,点击“完成”按钮;第三步:安装LabView20121).NET4安装完成后,LabView2012安装程序会自动运行,如下图;2)点击“下一步”继续安装;3)输入用户信息后点击“ 下一步”继续安装;4)此时会要求输入序列号,如下图;5)运行NI License Activato,如下图;6)在NI License Activato菜单中依次选择Options→Generate Serial Number…7)复制弹出窗口中的序列号8)回到LabView安装程序中,在序列号输入页面的第一个框中填入刚才复制的序列号,第二个框留空,点击“下一步”继续安装;9)选择安装目录(我选择安装到D盘,如下图所示),点击“下一步”继续安装;10)按需要选择安装组件,没特别要求的,默认就好,点击“下一步”继续安装;11)为节省安装时间,把下图红圈中的选中状态去掉,点“下一步”继续;12)一如既往的选择接受协议,然后点击“下一步”继续;13)点击“下一步”开始安装;14)这个时间比较漫长,找点零食啃啃消磨时间;15)好了,经过耐心的等待,终于安装完成了,点击“不需要支持”;16)点击“下一步”正式完成安装;17)选择“取消”18)选择“否”19)完成,重新启动电脑。
Windows Server 2012R2安装过程图解
Windows Server 2012R2安装过程图解准备工作1、服务器:HPE DL360 GEN10(4块硬盘)2、安装介质盘或镜像文件(ISO):Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard x64(英文版)iLO的设置和使用iLO是Integrated Ligths-out的简称,是HP服务器上集成的远程管理端口,它是一组芯片内部集成vxworks嵌入式操作系统,通过一个标准RJ45接口连接到工作环境的交换机。
简单来说,iLO是高级别的远程KVM 系统,可以将服务器的显示信息显示在本地,并且使用本地的键盘鼠标控制、操作服务器,并可以将本地的光盘镜像、文件夹作为虚拟光驱映射并加载到服务器中。
Autodesk 2012 产品安装指南说明书
Installing Autodesk 2012 Products:Preparing for InstallationTranscriptReviewing DocumentationBefore you begin your installation, I recommend you review the documentation that is available via the Autodesk product installer.The installation help link will take you to a page giving you access to system re-quirements, installation help, the Autodesk network administrators guide and li-censing guide, as well as links to troubleshooting support pages for the different Autodesk products that you're installing.The system requirements link will take you to the Autodesk Services and Support page where you can check the system requirements for each of the Autodesk 2012 products you are installing. Using this information, verify that your computer meets the minimum system requirements for the Autodesk product being installed. This includes, minimum RAM, minimum free disk space and supported operating sys-tem. If your system doesn’t meet these requirements, problems can occur, both within AutoCAD and at the operating system level.The installation and deployment FAQ will take you to a page where you can ac-cess PDF files of the products installation help and the Autodesk licensing guide, and network administrators guide.The installation help guide provides an overview of the installation steps for each of the Autodesk products being installed, as well as answers to frequently asked questions. I recommend you familiarize yourself with the installation process before you begin installing. Many of the questions that we are asked in product support are already addressed in the installation help documentation.And lastly, I always recommend reviewing the readme file for each Autodesk product being installed. The readme file often contains information relating to in-stallation as well as late-breaking information that may not have made it into thefinal documentation.It's worth taking the time to review all these documents before you begin.Choosing a LanguageIf you’re a subscription customer and you’re planning on installing in a different or additional language, now would be a good time to download that language pack so it is ready to use when you begin the installation.Login to the Subscription Center and select “Get Y our Upgrade”. From there navigate to the product you're looking for – in this case I'll use AutoCAD Electrical 2012 – locate the particular language pack you need and download it.Some products may not have multiple languages available at the time of product release but additional language packs may be available later for Subscription cus-tomers.Once the download is completed, launch the executable, pick the install button and let it extract itself to the default location. Once extracted, the language pack MSI file will be ready for you to add when you run the installer.Getting the Server Host NameIf you will be installing a network licensed product, you will need to know the host name of the server (or servers) that will be running the Autodesk Network Li-cense Manager. If you don’t know the host name, there are a couple of ways to find it.One way is to open a Windows command prompt on the system running the Network License Manager and enter ipconfig /all at the command prompt.This screen will contain a lot of information but all you’re looking for at this point is the Host Name.If the server is already running the Autodesk Network License Manager, there is another way to find the Host name. On the server, run the LMTOOLS utility and switch to the System Settings tab. On this tab, you can see the host name of the server. Use either of these methods to get this information.If you have a Single Server Model, you only need the host name of the one server.If you have a Distributed Server Model, you need the host name of the master server and each server in the distributed pool.And if you have a Redundant Server Model, you’ll need to know the host name of each of the three servers that form the redundant server pool.Locating Y our Serial Number and Product KeyOne important step in preparing for installation is to locate the serial number and product key for the Autodesk product you are installing; you will be prompted for this information during the installation process. The serial number and product key can be found in a variety of locations, depending on how you obtained your Autodesk product.If you have physical media, you’ll see the serial number and product key printed on the label of the box. In this example I'm showing you the label from an Auto-desk Education Master Suite for 2011 but the location and format will be similar for the 2012 products. So, if you are installing from a DVD or USB key, the first place to look for this information is on the product packaging.If you’re a Subscription Customer, you can find this information in the “Contract Administration” section of the Subscription Center. Log into the Subscription Cen-ter, click “Contract Administration” and “Coverage Report”. Once you're looking at the Subscription Coverage Reports, pick your contract number and you will see your serial number and product keys listed under the “Products” section.If you participate in the Autodesk Education Community, you can find this in-formation by logging in and locating the product in question. If you have not al-ready downloaded the product, picking the download button will start the down-load and will display the products serial number and product key. If you have al-ready downloaded the product and just need to know the serial number and prod-uct key, pick the “Get Serial” button for your product to have it display this informa-tion.And finally, if you ordered your product using the online Autodesk store, the se-rial number and product key will be provided in the “Order Details” confirmation screen after the purchase, as well as the subsequent “Thank Y ou” e-mail that you will receive after the purchase process is complete.Preparing your systemUnderstanding Administrative Permission RequirementsThe next step in preparing your system for installation is to confirm your admin-istrative permissions. In order to install an Autodesk 2012 product, you must have administrative rights. Y ou don't have to have domain administrator permissions, but you do need administrative rights in order to do the installation. If you have ques-tions about this, see your system administrator for more information.Installing .NET 4.0Many of the Autodesk 2012 products require the installation of Microsoft .NET 4.0. In most cases, .NET 4.0 will automatically be installed by the Autodesk in-staller however there can be conditions where the Autodesk installer is unable to install .NET 4 and the installation process will automatically be terminated so that it can be installed manually.To ensure that the Autodesk product installation is not interrupted by .NET in-stallation requirements, we strongly recommend manually installing Microsoft .NET 4.0 before beginning installation of your Autodesk 2012 product.Microsoft .NET 4.0 is available in your Autodesk 2012 product media in the fol-lowing location:\3rdParty\NET\4\wcu\dotNetFramework\Reboot firstAfter .NET 4.0 has been installed, you must reboot your computer. Y ou should really do this even if you are not prompted to reboot.Restarting your system before installation helps ensure that any pending operat-ing system updates get applied before you starting installing your Autodesk 2012 products.Turn off virus-checking softwareMake sure you turn off any virus checking software running on your system be-fore you begin installing. Most virus software does real-time checks of files as they're being added to your system. Not only can it slow down the installation process, but it can actually introduce corruption. So make sure that your virus checking software is turned off before you install, and make sure you turn it back on when you're complete.Close all running applicationsAnd the final step, before beginning installation, is to close all applications that are currently running on your system. Some applications—Microsoft Outlook, for example—can interfere with the installation process. So, before you begin install-ing, it's just a good idea to shut down other applications that are running.Copyright © 2011 Autodesk, Inc.Reference Video Series:2012:Preparing for installation of Autodesk products and suites。
CATIA V6 许可服务器安装设置
Installation of cracked DS License Server v17022013 (by SSQ)1.GENERAL INFORMATIONCracked (by SSQ) DS License Server (subsequently the called DSLS-SSQ) allows to run CATIA V5R21, CATIA V5-6R2012 (akaV5R22), CATIA V5-6R2012 (aka V5R23), CAA Rade V5R21, CAA Rade V5-6R2012, CAA Rade V5-6R2013, CAA MultiCax V5R21, CAA MultiCax V5-6R2012, CAA MultiCax V5-6R2013 and all their service-packs.It’s possible to expand list of DS programs and licenses supported by DSLS-SSQThere are two variants of DSLS-SSQ and DS programs DS (CATIA, CAA, MultiCax etc.) installationLocal installationAt Local installation DSLS-SSQ and DS programs are installed on the same computerNetwork InstallationAt Network Installation DSLS-SSQ is installed on one network computer (server-computer) and DS programs are installed on other network computers (client-computers)The process of DSLS-SSQ setup is identical for both the types of installations2.DSLS-SSQ INSTALLATIONTo install DSLS-SSQ you need Administrator rights! On Vista/Win7 computers UAC mast be disabled! On Vista/Win7 computers it’s strongly recommended to run all executables as Administrator (RMC > run as Administrator) Uninstall original DS License Server If you already have got it installed!Run installer of DSLS-SSQ. Be sure to run proper installer for Win32 or Win64 OSFor Win32 run DSLS_17022013_32bit_SSQ.msiFor Win32 run DSLS_17022013_32bit_SSQ.msiSelect “Install Server from scratch…” Confirm(ОК)with warning “WARNING! All license keys will be deleted…”. Click NextAt the end of setup window of License Administration Tool will start automatically. If not you mast start it manually (Start – All Programs - DS License Server – License Server Administration). Be sure that License Server Administration (DSLicSrv.exe) is not blocked by Antivirus/FireWallIn License Administration Tool window you have to see default local server.If you cannot see default local server you mast create it manually. Right Mouse Click in License Administration Tool window > Add new serverI n “License server name:” input localhost > click OK2.9. Right Mouse Click on created server > Connect2.10. Right Mouse Click on created server > Display properties2.11. You will see “Server Configuration” window2.12. Run SSQ’s License Generator DSLS_LicGen_SSQ_v1.1.exe. Copy “Server name” and “Server ID” from ServerConfiguration window to License Generator window. In “Generate License for” tab select DS product for license generation. Click OK to close Server Configuration window2.13. In License Generator window click Generate! and save license file (*.licz) to your computer2.14. Click OK to close License Generator2.15. In License Administration Tool window click License > Enroll2.16. Select license file (*.licz) created and saved on step 2.13. Click Open2.17. Be sure that all licenses have been added successfully (0 invalid). Click OK2.18. Open License Administration tab and check the accessible licenses. Close License Administration Tool.2.19. Copy folder Licenses from crack to:-for Vista/Win7 to folder С:\ProgramData\DassaultSystemes\-for ХР to folderC:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\DassaultSystemes\ orC:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\DassaultSystemes\(see License Server Documentation for more info)Run CATIA Settings ManagmentOn General > Licensing tab select licenses for desired Configurations and ProductsATTENTION!1.Selecting the licenses with words ACADEMIC or EDUCATIONAL in names :DIC - CATIA - ACADEMIC DISCOVER 2 ConfigurationED2 - CATIA - EDUCATIONAL HEAT 2 ConfigurationEX2 - CATIA - Educational Heat EAR 2 Configurationwill start your CATIA as Student Version2.Selecting the license forI3D - CATIA - 3D INSIGHT 2 Configurationwill made SAVING unavailableDo not select that license if you do not want such limitations2.21. Start CATIAThat’s allEnjoyCracked by Team-SolidSQUAD (SSQ)。
Step4:安装完成会不要立刻运行catia v5 6R 2015
Step5:打开_SolidSQUAD_,右键以管理员运行文件夹中 的 ;点击下一步,路径改成D:安装,静待安装完成!
Step 7:右键选择连接(connect),然后选择显示特性(Display properties), 弹出对话框服务器配置信息,复制计算机名称和计算机ID
CATIA _P3_V5_6R2015 Win7 64位安装教程
Step2:打开文件夹CATIA_P3_V5-6R2015_GA_64bit_Win64 ,运 行setup。
Step3:全部按下一步(安装路径可默认,也可以选择其他盘,对安装没有 任何影响。不要有中文,以免安装失败),时间稍长,静待安装完成。
Step12:将_SolidSQUAD_ /Client/64-bit/ netapi32文件复制到D:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B25\win_b64\code\bin
coቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱy
Step13:安装完毕,打开CATIA主程序,点击主菜单栏工具—选项,配置许可证文 件(C12/DF1 DL1 ELD GSD ID1 PDG PEO PFD PHS CD3 CV2 DI2 DIC EI2 ER2 FS2 HD2 I3D ISX KD3 MD2 CD1 ED2 EX2不要勾选)若勾选ELD,ED2,EX2任一个,将出现学 生版catia。
1 2
Step9:将step7复制的计算机名称和计算机ID依次输入,点击 Generate, 成功读取后会出现All done!Enjoy!图标,点击OK,将 license文件保存至任意位置,关闭Gen界面。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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由SSQ破解的达索系统许可证服务器(以下简称为DSLS-SSQ)允许用户运行CATIA V5R21,CATIA V5-6R2012(也叫作 V5R22),CAA Rade V5R21,CAA Rade V5-6R2012,CAA MultiCax V5R21,CAA MultiCax V5-6R2012与他们所有的升级包。
2.DSLS-SSQ 安装说明
对于32位的操作系统,安装..\DS_License_Server_32bit_SSQ\ DSLS_32bit_SSQ.msi 对于64位的操作系统,安装..\DS_License_Server_32bit_SSQ\ DSLS_64bit_SSQ.msi.
2.6 勾选Install Server from scratch… 弹出警告WARNING! All license keys will be deleted…单击OK,点击Next
2.8 在安装界面的最后,License Server Administration会自动启动,如果它不自动启动,你必须手动启动(开始-所有程序-DS License Server-License Server Administration)
3.1 在License Server Administration中右键,选择Add New Server
3.2 在License Server name字段中输入主机或是计算机的名字(计算机名必须只能是数字,英文字母,连接符或下划线!不允许非英文字符!)。
3.3 在License Server Administration窗体中双击创建好的服务器
3.4 你会在Server Configuration窗体中获得服务器端的信息
3.5 运行SSQ的DS许可证生成器-DSLS_LicGen_SSQ.exe(在VISTA/WIN7的计算机上强烈推荐在右键弹出菜单中使用管理员模式启动)
3.6 把Server name(下图示例中的sever-n)以及Server id(下图示例中的DSL-41E210195B347D7D)从右侧的Server Configuration窗口中复制到左侧的DSLS_LicGen_SSQ窗口中的对应字段中。
在Generate License For字段中的下拉菜单中选择CATIA V5R21-V5R22.SSQ并单击Generate。
3.7 把许可证文件保存为licz格式
3.8 在LicGen窗口中单击OK,到此为止都完成了!
3.9 如果想要安装CAA Rade V5R21-V5R22,CAA MultiCax V5R21-V5R22,必须在下拉菜单中选择CAA Rade V5R21-V5R22.SSQ,CAA MultiCax V5R21-V5R22.SSQ后重复3.6到3.8步。
4.1 在License Server Administration窗口中选择已安装的服务器(localhost)并单击Enroll
选择CATIA V5R21-V5R22的许可证文件(licz格式),单击Open
4.2 在License Enrollment窗体中检查是否所有的许可证都被迁入(XXX license data received(0 invalid)),单击OK
4.3 如果也生成了其他DS的应用程序的许可证文件,将它们以与4.1-4.2步中的步骤相同的方式迁入到DSLS中
4.4 到此为止,你已经完成DSLS的配置,可以打开License Administration选项卡中查看迁入的许可证
关闭License Server Administration窗口
5.1 所有的DS应用程序通过一个特别的配置文件(DSLicSRv.txt)来检查DSLS 的许可服务
-对于VISTA/WIN7操作系统,路径为С:\ProgramData\DassaultSystemes\Licenses -对于XP操作系统,路径为C:\Documents and Settings\All Users \Application
-对于XP操作系统,路径为C:\Documents and Settings\All Users \Application
5.2 在记事本中打开DSLicSRv.txt,默认显示的是localhost:4085
为此需要运行DS应用程序的Settings Management(例如对于CATIA V5-6R2012的Settings Management,开始-所有程序-CATIA-Tools-Settings Management
在Licensing Information中检查DSLS是否在运行
在List of Available Configurations or Products的列表中选择所需要的许可证(至少需要选择一个许可证),保存设置,单击OK
-Team-SolidSQUAD (SSQ)(感谢热情破解
169859559)与CATIA DELMIA ENOVIA学习区A(QQ群号:2690006)。