



EM78P156NP中文资料(E...OTP ROMEM78P156N8位微控制器1.2版OTP ROM规格修订历史记录版1.0 1.1 1.2最初版本改变上电复位内容添加设备特性在6.3节07/01/200307/29/2004内容应用笔记OTP ROM 1.概述EM78P156N是一个8位微处理器设计和低功耗,高速CMOS技术开发..它配备1K * 13位电气一次性可编程只读存储器(OTP-ROM).它提供三个防护护位来防止在OTP存储器用户代码被侵入. 8 OPTION位也可满足用户要求.307.29.2004 (V1.2)OTP ROM 2.特性工作电压范围:2.5V?5.5V工作温度范围:-40°C?85°C工作频率响(基于2个时钟周期):*晶振模式:DC?20MHz在5V,DC?8MHz电压为3V,DC?4MHz 在2.5V.*ERC模式:DC?4MHz电压为5V,DC?4MHz在3V,DC?4MHz在2.5V.低功耗:*在5V / 4MHz不到2毫安*通常为20μA在3V / 32KHz*通常1μA在睡眠模式下1K×13位片内ROM一个安全寄存器防止OTP存储器代码入侵一个配置寄存器以满足用户需求48×8位片内寄存器(SRAM,通用寄存器)2个双向I / O端口5级堆栈用于子程序嵌套8位实时时钟/计数器(TCC),其信号源,触发边缘,和溢出中断每个指令周期两个时钟掉电(休眠)模式三种可用中断*TCC溢出中断*输入端口状态改变中断(唤醒从睡眠模式)*外部中断可编程自由运行看门狗定时器8个可编程上拉引脚7个可编程下拉销8个可编程开漏引脚2个可编程R-option引脚封装类型:*18引脚DIP 300MIL *18引脚SOP 300MIL *20引脚SSOP 209mil : EM78P156NP : EM78P156NM : EM78P156NAS 本规范如有变更,恕不另行通知.407.29.2004 (V1.2)OTP ROM*20引脚SSOP 209mil: EM78P156NKM99.9%单指令周期命令HXT和LXT之间系统频率分界点大约为400KHz 本规范如有变更,恕不另行通知.507.29.2004 (V1.2)。



液晶常⽤电源管理芯⽚1200AP40 1200AP60、1203P60200D6、203D6 DAP8A 可互代203D6/1203P6 DAP8A2S0680 2S08803S0680 3S08805S0765 DP104、DP7048S0765C DP704加24V得稳压⼆极管ACT4060 ZA3020LV/MP1410/MP9141ACT4065 ZA3020/MP1580ACT4070 ZA3030/MP1583/MP1591MP1593/MP1430ACT6311 LT1937ACT6906 LTC3406/A T1366/MP2104AMC2576 LM2576AMC2596 LM2596AMC3100 LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104AMC34063A AMC34063AMC7660 AJC1564AP8012 VIPer12AAP8022 VIPer22ADAP02 可⽤SG5841 /SG6841代换DAP02ALSZ SG6841DAP02ALSZ SG6841DAP7A、DP8A 203D6、1203P6DH321、DL321 Q100、DM0265RDM0465R DM/CM0565RDM0465R/DM0565R ⽤cm0565r代换(取掉4脚得稳压⼆极管) DP104 5S0765 DP704 5S0765DP706 5S0765DP804 DP904FAN7601 LAF0001LD7552 可⽤SG6841代(改4脚电阻)LD7575PS 203D6改1脚100K电阻为24KOB2268CP OB2269CPOB2268CP SG6841改4脚100K电阻为2047KOCP1451 TL1451/BA9741/SP9741/AP200OCP2150 LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104OCP2160 LTC3407OCP2576 LM2576OCP3601 MB3800OCP5001 TL5001OMC2596 LM2596/AP1501PT1301 RJ9266PT4101 AJC1648/MP3202PT4102 LT1937/AJC1896/AP1522/RJ9271/MP1540SG5841SZ SG6841DZ/SG6841DSM9621 RJ9621/AJC1642SP1937 LT1937/AJC1896/AP1522/RJ9271/MP1540STRG5643D STRG5653D、STRG8653DTEA1507 TEA1533TEA1530 TEA1532对应引脚功能接⼊THX202H TFC719THX203H TFC718STOP246Y TOP247YV A7910 MAX1674/75 L6920 AJC1610VIPer12A VIPer22A[audio01]ICE2A165(1A/650V、31W);ICE2A265(2A/650V、52W);ICE2B0565(0、5A/650V、23W):ICE2B165(1A/650V、31W);ICE2B265(2A/650V、52W);ICE2A180(1A/800V、29W);ICE2A280(2A/800、50W)、KA5H0365R, KA5M0365R, KA5L0365R, KA5M0365RN# u) t! u1 W1 B) R, PKA5L0365RN, KA5H0380R, KA5M0380R, KA5L0380R1、KA5Q1265RF/RT(⼤⼩两种体积)、KA5Q0765、FSCQ1265RT、KACQ1265RF、FSCQ0765RT、FSCQ1565Q这就是⼀类得,这些型号得引脚功能全都⼀样,只就是输出功率不⼀样。



常用集成电路速查表AN115?锁相环调频立体声解码电路1AN260?FM中频放大及AM高、中频放大电路2AN262?音频前置放大电路3AN278?FM中频放大电路4AN360?低噪声音频前置放大电路5AN362/AN362L?锁相环调频立体声解码电路6AN366/AN366P?FM/AM中频及AM高频放大电路8AN426510AN5265?音频功率放大电路10AN5270?音频功率放大电路11AN5274?音频功率放大电路12AN5743?音频前置及功率放大电路13AN5836〖KG1]双声道音频前置放大电路14AN6210?录/放音双声道音频前置放大电路15AN6612S?电机稳速控制电路16AN6650?微型电机速度控制电路17AN6875?LED电平显示驱动电路18AN6884?LED电平显示驱动电路19AN7060?音频前置放大电路20AN7085N5?单片录/放音电路21AN7105?双声道音频前置及0 3W×2功率放大电路22AN7106K?双声道音频功率放大电路23AN7108?单片立体声放音电路24AN7110?1 2W音频功率放大电路26AN7120?音频功率放大电路27AN7147N〖KG1]5 8W×2音频功率放大电路28AN7161N?20W音频功率放大电路29AN7168?双声道音频功率放大电路30AN7169〖KG1]5 8W音频功率放大电路31AN7178?双声道音频功率放大电路32AN7222?FM/AM中频放大电路33AN7273?FM/AM中频放大电路34AN7310?双声道音频前置放大电路35AN7311?双声道音频前置放大电路36AN7312?具有ALC的双声道音频前置放大电路37AN7338K?CD唱机声音效果处理电路38AN7420?锁相环调频立体声解码电路39AN8389SE1?CD唱机主轴和进给电机、聚焦和跟踪线圈伺服驱动电路40 AN8802CE1V?CD唱机电机伺服驱动电路41AN89C2051~24PC?微处理器42BA328?双声道音频前置放大电路43BA335?自动选曲电路44BA532?5 8W音频功率放大电路45BA536?4 8W×2音频功率放大电路46BA656?LED电平显示驱动电路47BA1102F?杜比B型降噪处理电路48BA1106F?杜比B型降噪处理电路49BA1332/BA1332L?锁相环调频立体声解码电路50BA1356?锁相环调频立体声解码电路52BA1362F?锁相环调频立体声解码电路53BA3283?放音电路54BA3304F?双声道音频前置放大电路54BA3312N?具有ALC的双声道音频前置放大电路55BA3314?MIC音频前置放大电路56BA3404F?低电压自动返转双声道音频前置放大电路57BA3416BL?双声道音频前置放大电路58BA3503F?单片立体声放音电路59BA3506?单片放音电路60BA3515AFS?单片放音电路61BA3516F?单片放音电路62BA3818F?电压比较器63BA3822LS?双五段图示均衡放大电路64BA3828?电子选台预置电路65BA3880S?BBE音频信号处理电路66BA4402?FM高频放大及变频电路67BA4560/BA4560N?双运算放大器67BA5096?数字延时混响电路68BA5208AF?双声道功率放大电路70BA5402A?4 2W×2音频功率放大电路70BA5406?4 5W×2音频功率放大电路71BA6209/BA6209N/BA6209U/BA6209V?电机正/反转驱动电路72BA6227?电机稳速电路74BA6296FP?CD唱机主轴和进给电机、聚焦和循迹线圈伺服驱动电路75 BA6301?电机速度伺服控制电路76BA6395FP?CD唱机电机伺服驱动电路77BA6796FP?CD唱机主轴和进给电机、聚焦和循迹线圈伺服驱动电路79 BA7725S?音频信号压缩/扩展处理电路80BA7743FS?Hi-Hi音频磁头信号放大电路81BA7751ALS?音频信号处理电路82BA7766SA?音频信号处理电路83BA7797F?音频信号处理电路85BA15218/BA15218N?双运算放大器86BH7770KS?Hi-Hi音频信号处理电路87BL3102?时钟信号发生器92BL3207?电荷耦合延时电路93BU9252F?MIC音频信号延时电路94BU9253FS?音频信号混响延迟电路95CD3161CS?双声道前置放大电路95CD7640CP?FM/AM中频放大电路96CD7738?单片录/放音电路97CD9608CS?双声道音频前置放大电路98CN9832/CS8831?语音录/放音电路99CW9300?音乐电路102CX20023?单片录/放音电路103CX20029?AM/FM立体声收音调谐器104CX20107?单片录/放音电路105CX20111?FM/AM收音机电路106CXA1005P?双声道音频功率放大电路107CXA1019/CXA1019M/CXA1019P?单片FM/AM收音机电路108CXA1033P?单片AM收音机电路113CXA1034/CXA1034P?单片立体声放音电路114CXA1081M?CD唱机射频放大及伺服电压产生电路116CXA1179AS?耳机声音选择控制电路118CXA1191M/CXA1191P?单片FM/AM收音机电路120CXA1238M/CXA1238P?FM/AM立体声收音机电路122CXA1244S?CD唱机电机伺服驱动电路124CXA1262N?单片录/放音电路125CXA1278N?单片放音电路127CXA1279AS?音频信号处理电路128CXA1279BS?音频信号处理电路129CXA1622?立体声功率放大电路130CXA1642P?背景歌声信号消除电路131CXA1644P?回声效果发生器132CXA1649M?音调处理电路133CXA1735S?环绕声信号处理电路134CXA1782BQ?CD唱机主轴和进给电机、聚焦和寻迹线圈伺服驱动电路136CXA1821M?CD唱机射频信号放大电路139CXA8008P?单片放音电路140CXD1135QZ?CD唱机数字信号处理电路141CXD1167Q?CD唱机数字信号处理电路144CXD1186C-Q?CD-ROM译码电路147CXD2500AQ?CD唱机数字信号处理电路150CXD2518Q?CD唱机EEM解调、RAM控制、纠错CLV伺服驱动电路152CXP1031Q?CD唱机系统控制电路154D6121G001?CD唱机功能键矩阵编码电路155D6121G002?CD唱机功能键矩阵编码电路155D6375A?数码录音电话数字信号处理电路156D7335P?FM高频放大及变频电路159D7640AP?FM/AM中频放大电路160D7658P?具有ALC控制的双声道前置均衡放大电路161D7666P?双路五点LED电平指示电路162D7668AP?具有ALC控制的双声道前置放大电路163D7796P?五段音调控制电路164DF1700?CD唱机数字滤波器165DG4100?1W音频功率放大电路167DM74LS164M?8位移位寄存器168ES3207F?视频和音频D/A转换、制式转换、卡拉OK电路169ES56028E?数字回声混响电路170ES65033?数字混响延时电路171GM71C4263CJ60?DROM存储器172GY9403?单片数字卡拉OK电路173H8/3714?中央处理器174HA1137W?FM中放、鉴频、AGC及AFC电路175HA1196?锁相环调频立体声解码电路176HA1371?7 3W音频功率放大电路177HA1377?7W×2音频功率放大电路178HA1392?6 8W×2音频功率放大电路179HA1394?8 2W×2音频功率放大电路180HA1406?音频前置放大电路181HA11211?FM/AM中放及音频功率放大电路182HA11251?FM/AM中放、鉴频及音频放大电路183HA12002?扬声器保护电路184HA12016?立体声解码电路185HA12045/HA12045MP/HA12046/HA12046MP/HA12047/HA12047MP?杜比B型降噪处理电路186HA12102?双声道音频前置放大电路188HA12413/HA12413A?FM/AM中频放大电路189HA13001?双声道音频功率放大电路191HA17324?高性能四运算放大器192HC138?电子控制电路193HT8955A?回声效果产生电路194HT-G311?音乐电路(电子念佛)195HY403?音乐电路195IAP722?FM高放、混频电路196IR3N06?窄带FM中频放大电路197IR3R20A?程序选曲电路198JRC6308B?MIC信号放大电路199KA2107?直流音量/音调控制电路200KA2206B?音频功率放大电路201KA2209?低电压双声道音频功率放大电路201KA2213?单片磁带录音机电路202KA2261?锁相环调频立体声解码电路203KA2263?锁相环调频立体声解码电路205KA2284?LED电平显示驱动电路206KA2292?单片FM/AM立体声收音机电路207KA2402?低电压直流电机速度控制电路208KA4558?双运算放大器208KA7226?具有ALC的双声道均衡放大电路209KA8309B?CD唱机伺服信号(SSP)处理电路210KA9201?CD唱机射频放大/伺服电压产生电路212 KA9201Q?CD唱机射频放大/伺服电压产生电路213 KA22134?具有ALC的双前置功率放大电路215KA22136?单片放音电路216KA22234?双声道五段图示均衡电路217KA22241B?具有ALC的双声道均衡放大电路219KA22242?具有ALC的双声道前置/均衡放大电路220 KA22261?双声道前置放大电路221KA22427?FM/AM收音机电路222KA22471?FM/AM中频放大电路223KD01/KD01C?驱动闪光电路224KD07?闪烁、音乐电路225KD12D?译码、报警电路226KD15?音乐电路(十五的月亮)227KD48?音乐电路(12首名曲打点报时、光控)227KD151?音乐电路(天仙配)228KD152G?音乐电路(济公活佛)229KD152H?音乐电路(洪湖水,浪打浪)229KD152L?音乐电路(兰花草)230KD152M?音乐电路(世上只有妈妈好)231KD153?音乐电路(叮咚、叮咚)231KD154/KD154B?光控音乐电路232KD155?音乐电路(雀叫、声控)233KD156?音乐电路(鸟叫、余音叮咚)233KD167?音乐电路234KD253?音乐电路(双音叮咚)234KD253B?音乐电路(余音叮咚)235KD254?多种合成音乐电路236KD482?音乐电路(12首名曲)236KD482FC?石英钟定时、音乐打点电路237KD482G?音乐电路(7首双音乐曲)237KD482H?程控语言(中文)报时电路238KD482Ⅰ?音乐电路(16首世界名曲)239KD5603/KD5604?音乐电路(欢迎光临/谢谢光临)239 KD5605?音乐电路(猫叫)240KD5608?音乐电路(狗叫)241KD5609?音乐电路(公鸡叫)241KD56010?音乐电路(恭喜发财)242KD56011?音乐电路(小鸡叫)242KD56012?音乐电路(鸟叫)243KD56013?音乐电路(青蛙叫)243KD56014?音乐电路(鹅叫)244KD56015?音乐电路(蝉叫)244KD56016?音乐电路(马叫)245KD56017?音乐电路(羊叫)245KD56018?音乐电路(蟋蟀叫)246KD56023?音乐电路(哈哈笑)246KD9300?音乐电路(一首世界名曲)247KD9561B?音乐电路(嘀嘟、嘀嘟)247KD9562?音乐电路(枪声)248KD9562B?音乐电路(光控报警声)249KD9562C?音乐电路(单键8音)249KD9563A?音乐电路(三声二闪光)250KD9565?音乐电路(六声五闪光)251KDA0316LN?音频D/A转换电路251KIA6003?FM中频放大电路252KIA6040P?FM/AM中频放大电路253KIA6043S?立体声解码电路254KIA6280H?双声道音频功率放大电路255KIA8127F?单片FM/AM收音机电路256KM44C1000B?语音存储器(ARAM)257KT8554N?编/解码电路258LA1130?AM中频放大电路259LA1135?AM调谐电路260LA1140?FM中频放大电路261LA1210?AM/FM中放及AM混频电路262LA1231N?FM中放、鉴频、AGC及AFC电路263LA1235?FM中频放大电路265LA1245?AM混频、中放及检波电路266LA1260?AM/FM中放及AM混频电路267LA1265?AM/FM中放及AM混频电路268LA1816?单片收音机电路269LA2000?自动选曲电路270LA2785?杜比定向逻辑解码电路271LA3160?双声道低噪声音频均衡放大电路273LA3161/LA3161A?双声道低噪声音频均衡放大电路274LA3210/LA3210B?低噪声音频均衡放大电路275LA3220?具有ALC的双声道音频均衡放大电路277LA3361?锁相环调频立体声解码电路278LA3365?锁相环调频立体声解码电路279LA3370?锁相环调频立体声解码电路280LA3600?五段图示均衡放大电路281LA4100(1.0W)/LA4101(1.5W)/LA4102(2.1W)?音频功率放大电路282 LA4112?2 7W音频功率放大电路284LA4120?1W×2音频功率放大电路285LA4125/LA4125T?2 4W×2音频功率放大电路286LA4135?2 1W音频功率放大电路287LA4160?2 2W音频功率放大电路288LA4162?0 5W音频功率放大电路289LA4185?2 4W×2音频功率放大电路290LA4220?3 5W音频功率放大电路292LA4225?音频功率放大电路293LA4261?立体声功率放大电路293LA4270?6W×2音频功率放大电路294LA4275?重低音功率放大电路295LA4282?10W×2音频功率放大电路296LA4440?6W×2音频功率放大电路297LA4445?双声道音频功率放大电路298LA4520?立体声耳机功率放大电路299LA4533?双声道音频功率放大电路300LA4550?2 1W×2音频功率放大电路301LA4570?双声道音频功率放大电路302LA4581MB?立体声放音电路303LA4582C?音频功率放大电路304LA4585M?单片放音电路305LA6324?四运算放大器306LA7016?电子开关307LAG665D/F?单片立体声放音电路309LB1403/LB1403N?LED电平显示驱动电路311LB1405?LED电平显示驱动电路312LB1409?LED电平显示驱动电路313LB3500?FM本振频率分频电路314LC5872?系统控制微处理器315LC7218?锁相环频率合成电路318LC7230?数字调谐微处理器318LC7265?数字显示(LED)驱动电路321LC7267?数字显示(LED)驱动电路323LC7515?5曲自动选曲电路325LC7538?电子音量控制电路326LC7821N?双声道8路模拟电子开关电路328LC7872E?CD-G译码电路329LC78815M?双声道16bitD/A变换电路331LM324/LM324A/LM324N?四运算放大器333LR381641?CD唱机主轴、字符控制电路335LS0072?单片变音电路337LS1240A?电话机振铃电路337M5130/M5130P?具有ALC的双声道音频前置放大电路338 M5201AL?音频混合放大电路340M5218AP?双运算放大器340M5285FP?双声道音频前置放大电路341M38197MA79F?CD唱机系统控制与显示驱动电路342M51102/M51102L?5 5W×2音频功率放大电路346M51131L?话筒演唱及混响音量控制电路347M51301/M51301P?具有ALC的双声道音频前置放大电路348 M51515BL/M51515L?5 5W×2音频功率放大电路350M51521AL/M51521L?双声道音频前置放大电路351M51543P?双声道音频前置放大电路353M51544AL/M51544L?双声道音频前置放大电路354M51598FP?CD唱机射频预放大电路355M51903L?LED显示驱动电路356M52131FP?CD唱机伺服电路357M62438FP?SRS?3D音频处理电路359M65839SP?全功能数字卡拉OK电路360M65840?变调型卡拉OK电路361M65843AFP?数字回声信号处理电路363M65844AP?数字回声信号处理电路364M65850P?数字混响信号处理电路365MB3110A?超低音频信号处理电路366MC4558?双运算放大器367MC14066BPC?四组双向模拟开关368MC34012?电话机振铃电路369MC34114?电话机通话电路369MM5430N?数字调谐微处理器371MN1402STN?全逻辑电路372MN3101?专用时钟驱动电路373MN3102?专用时钟驱动电路374MN3108?专用时钟驱动电路375MN3207?BBD音频延时电路376MN3208?BBD音频延时电路376MN662740RE?CD唱机数字和伺服信号处理、数字滤波及D/A变换电路377MN67730MH?数字音频解码电路380MSP3410D?I 2C控制多制式音频信号处理电路382MSP4315D-A1?I 2C控制多制式音频信号处理电路385NE567/SE567?音调解码/锁相环电路387NE570?降噪处理电路388NE5532AN/NE5532N?内部补偿低噪声双运算放大器389NJM2063A/NJM2063AM?杜比B型降噪电路390NJM2072M?SLSS标准信号检测电路392NJM2177A?杜比逻辑定向环绕声解码电路392NJM2234L?声道控制开关394NJM4558/NJM4558D/NJM4558DD?双运算放大器395NJU4052?双4选1模拟开关397NJU9701?单片数字延时电路398NJW1103?杜比定向逻辑解码电路399PCM1710U?音频D/A变换电路401PCM1712L?音频D/A变换电路402PCM1716E?音频DAC电路404PCM1734UB-E2?音频DAC(5 1)电路405PCM1800?数字音频解码电路406PD2395?数字音频回响电路407PDG037?CD唱机系统控制微处理器409PT2399?音频数字延迟混响电路412SAA7283ZP?丽音解调解码电路413SAA7345?数字信号处理电路415SAA7372?数字信号处理和数字伺服电路417SAA9860?Hi-Fi多功能音效处理电路419SDV1810?音/视频信号处理电路420SECL810?音频信号控制电路424SM5840?CD唱机数字滤波器425SM5875BM?音频D/A变换电路426SN74LS02N?2输入端四与非门427STK4191/STK4191Ⅱ?50W音频功率放大电路428STK4352?7W×2音频功率放大电路430STK4362?10W音频功率放大电路431STK4392?15W×2音频功率放大电路432T1400?接收频率数字显示电路433TA1216AN?三声道音频信号处理电路434TA2047N?NICAM系统模拟滤波电路436TA2136F/TA2136N?声音重演信号(SRS)处理电路437TA7120P/TA7120P-C?低噪声音频前置放大电路439TA7130P?FM中放及检波电路440TA7137P?具有ALC的音频前置放大电路441TA7205/TA7205AP/TA7205P?5 8音频功率放大电路442TA7215P?2 2W×2音频功率放大电路444TA7222AP?5 8W音频功率放大电路445TA7227P?5 5W×2音频功率放大电路446TA7230P?2 4W×2音频功率放大电路447TA7232P?2 2W×2音频功率放大电路448TA7233AP/TA7233P?4 5W×2音频功率放大电路449TA7240/TA7240AP/TA7240P?5 8W×2音频功率放大电路450 TA7270/TA7270P?5 8W×2音频功率放大电路452TA7291P?加载电机驱动电路453TA7324P?噪声抑制电路454TA7325P?双声道音频前置放大电路455TA7335P?FM调谐电路456TA7341P?自动选曲电路457TA7342P?锁相环调频立体声解码电路458TA7343/TA7343AP/TA7343P?锁相环调频立体声解码电路459TA7358AP/TA7358P?FM前级放大电路460TA7368F?1 1W音频功率放大电路462TA7373F?锁相环调频立体声解码电路463TA7376P?400mW×2音频功率放大电路464TA7405P?双声道音频前置正反向自动翻转电路465TA7508P?四运算放大器466TA7604AP/TA7604P?锁相环调频立体声解码电路467TA7628AP/TA7628HP/TA7628P?音频前置及功率放大电路469TA7630P?双声道音量、高音、低音控制电路471TA7640AP?FM/AM中频放大电路472TA7641/TA7641AP/TA7641BP/TA7641E?单片M收音机电路474TA7666P?LED电平显示驱动电路476TA7668AP/TA7668BP/TA7668P?具有ALC的双声道音频前置放大电路477 TA7688F?双声道耳机驱动电路479TA7757P?FM/AM中频放大电路480TA7766F?FM立体声解码电路481TA7770N?杜比B型降噪电路483TA7780N?轻触机芯驱动电路484TA7784P?双声道磁头选择开关、自动翻转及放大电路485TA7792F?FM/AM调谐电路486TA7795F?单片放音电路487TA7796P?多段图示均衡电路488TA8100F?单片FM/AM收音机电路489TA8106F?立体声耳机激励电路490TA8111AP?单片双声道放音电路491TA8115F?单片立体声放音电路492TA8119P?前置放大和耳机驱动电路494TA8122AF?FM/AM收录机电路496TA8126F?电子调谐用DC/DC转换电路497TA8127F/TA8127N?AM调谐及多路解码电路498TA8132F/TA8132N/TA8132AF/TA8132AN?AM/FM中频放大电路501TA8152AFN?TV/FM收音机电路504TA8155F?单片录/放音电路505TA8158F?FM收音机调谐电路506TA8164P?FM/AM收音机电路507TA8173AP?环绕声信号处理电路508TA8184P?环绕声音量控制电路509TA8200AH?双声道音频功率放大电路509TA8210AH?22W×2双声道音频功率放大电路510TA8211AH?双声道音频功率放大电路511TA8213K?重低音功率放大电路512TA8218AH?音频功率放大电路513TA8256H?6W×3音频功率放大电路515TA8628/TA8628N?具有电子音量控制的AV/TV开关电路516 TA8776N?环绕声信号处理电路518TA75393S?双电压比较器520TA75458P?双运算放大器521TA75558P?双运算放大器522TB1204N?NICAM解码电路523TB1212N?丽音信号处理电路526TB2003-004FN?系统控制微处理器528TBA820L/TBA820M/TBA820MS?2W音频功率放大电路529 TBA2800?遥控信号接收电路531TC4052B/TC4052BP?双4选1模拟开关532TC4053AP?三组2路双向模拟开关534TC4066AP/TC4066BP/TC4066DP?四组双向模拟开关536TC74HCT7007AF?音频转换电路538TC7SHU04FTL?音频转换电路539TC7W32FTE12L?5 1声道音频信号处理电路539TC9121P?轻触电子逻辑控制电路540TC9127P?锁相环电路542TC9134P?系统控制微处理器543TC9136P?数字调谐微处理器545TC9138AP?15曲自动选曲电路547TC9146AP?数字调谐微处理器549TC9147AP?数字调谐微处理器551TC9150P?红外遥控解码电路552TC9153P?双声道电子音量控制电路553TC9157AP?系统控制电路555TC9165P?5曲电脑选曲电路557TC9167P?9曲电脑选曲电路558TC9289F/TC9289P/TC9289N?卡拉OK电路560TC9300F-003?数字调谐微处理器561TC9303AN?数字调谐微处理器564TC9305-035?系统逻辑控制电路565TC9307-010?数字调谐微处理器566TC9308AF-029?数字调谐微处理器568TC9312N?可编程电机控制电路570TC9409BF?环绕声信号处理电路571TC9412AFELP?话筒音量调整电路573TC9415N?数码卡拉OK电路574TC9444F003?卡拉OK?DSP电路575TD134AF?双模前置预分频电路577TD6104P?FM预分频电路577TD6301AP?荧光显示驱动电路578TDA1013B?音频功率放大电路580TDA1083?FM/AM收音机电路581TDA1301?CD唱机数字伺服电路582TDA1302?CD唱机射频放大电路583TDA1520?20W音频功率放大电路584TDA1521?12W×2?Hi-Fi音频功率放大电路585TDA1521A?6W×2?Hi-Fi音频功率放大电路586TDA1522?20W×2音频功率放大电路586TDA1524/TDA1524A?立体声音量/音调控制电路587TDA1543?数字控制变换电路589TDA1602A?单片Hi-Fi录/放音电路590TDA2003?10W音频功率放大电路591TDA2004?10W×2音频功率放大电路592TDA2005?10W×2音频功率放大电路593TDA2006?12W音频功率放大电路594TDA2007?双声道音频功率放大电路595TDA2009/TDA2009A?10W×2音频功率放大电路596TDA2320A?双声道音频前置放大电路597TDA2611A/TDA2611AQ?5W音频功率放大电路598TDA2616/TDA2616Q?12W×2具有静音功能的Hi-Fi音频功率放大电路600 TDA2820M?1W×2音频功率放大电路601TDA2822M?1 4W×2音频功率放大电路602TDA3810?混响、立体声和模拟立体声放大电路603TDA7010T?FM收音机电路604TDA7021T?单片FM收音机电路605TDA7050?0 35W×2音频功率放大电路606TDA7056A?超重低音功率放大电路607。

MOTO A925尾插通用接口定义

MOTO A925尾插通用接口定义

MT 展讯AD CECT 杂牌无名手机制作充电器数据线的办法测试工具:1:万用表一个2:符合手机插座的满针插头一个3:维修电源表一个(需要有短路保护的)一:测GND线1:先把数据插头插入手机的插座。



三:测USB启动线和D+ D-线同上方法,通过电源表的正极摄子触其它的接口脚位,当触致手机屏幕上显示手机将进入U 盘模式时,作好记录此脚,继续往下点触,当手机屏幕再次显示手机将进入U盘模式时再次作好记录,又继续往下触,当手机屏幕第三次提示手机将进入U盘模式时同样作好记录,这时测量完毕。

四:接好数据线脚USB线的数法为:2个方孔朝上对着电脑的USB接口时.左起U1--供电,U2--D- U3--D+ U4--地线分出最后一步测量的进入U盘模式的线,其中1,2,3间肯定有两条是相隔邻近的,将这两条相隔得近的线列入为USBD+和USBD-。

另一条为USB BOOT线(USB激活线)将USB激活脚和充电脚相连为USB供电线(即+U1--供电)(手机)GND =电脑的USB接口上的GND线U4--地线(手机)充电脚USB BOOT=电脑USB接口上的B+线U1--供电邻近的两条进入U盘模式的线=USB接口的D+和D-线接口引线与USB接线接好后手机关机插入USB插头端进电脑,如果电脑显示屏右下角提示发现新硬件时,自制USB下载线全过程完毕如果电脑显示屏事下解提示无法识别的USB设备时请将接口上的D+ D-线相互调换后再次插入数据线到电脑的USB插座上,电脑屏幕右下角提示发现新硬件,即完成了纠正过程。

华硕 M5A78L USB3 主板用户手册

华硕 M5A78L USB3 主板用户手册
關於這本用戶手冊...................................................................................................................... ix 用戶手冊的編排方式...................................................................................................... ix 提示符號.............................................................................................................................. ix 跳線帽及圖示說明........................................................................................................... ix 哪裡可以找到更多的產品信息.................................................................................... x
或認可之配件所引起之故障與損壞。 D. 因用戶自行安裝軟件及設定不當所造成之使用問題及故障。 E. 計算機病毒所造成之問題及故障。 F. 本公司保修識別標籤撕毀或無法辨認,涂改保修服務卡或與產品不符。 G. 要求華碩提供軟件安裝服務(用戶需自行提供原版軟件)、軟件故障排除或清除密碼等。 H. 其它不正常使用所造成之問題及故障。 用戶手冊中所談論到的產品名稱僅做識別之用,而這些名稱可能是屬於其他公司的註冊商標 或是版權。 關於產品規格最新的升級信息請您到華碩的官方網站瀏覽或是直接與華碩公司聯絡。




电性能参数⏹充电截止电压 4.18V---4.235V⏹充电电流450mA±50mA⏹最大充电电流600mA⏹预充电压≤3.0V⏹预充电流150mA±50mA⏹预充时间30min⏹再充电电压 4.10V---4.15V⏹转灯电压 4.16V---4.20V⏹转灯电流30mA---100mA⏹短路电流0mA⏹最高输出电压 4.8V---5.0V⏹充电时间4H⏹ID端电压 3.0V±0.2V指示灯状态⏹充电器接通电源黄色灯闪烁1S后熄灭⏹正常充电红色灯常亮⏹预充电红色灯闪烁⏹充电完成绿色灯常亮⏹输出端短路黄色灯闪烁⏹电池损坏黄色灯闪烁⏹输出端正极脱落黄色灯闪烁⏹输出端负极脱落黄色灯闪烁⏹输出端ID端脱落黄色灯闪烁⏹电池接触不良黄色灯闪烁功能说明⏹预充电EM78P156检测到如下两种情况之一即开始进入充电周期:A.充电器接通电源后(EM78P156IC工作电压为5.0V±0.5V),输出端接上锂电池(电池电压小于3.0V);B.输出端接上锂电池(电池电压小于3.0V),然后充电器接通电源后(EM78P156IC 工作电压为5.0V±0.5V);如果锂电池的初始电压低于预充充电压 3.0V,则充电器首先进入预充电阶段。





笔记本常用供电芯片大全线性稳压块:2951、LP2951、m5236、2950、AAT3200、AAT3680、AME8824、AMS1505、APL5912、APL5913、G9338、SC1565、MAX8863、MIC5205、SI91 83、开机芯片:东芝TMP87PM48U、TMP48U、TMP87PH48UIBM:TB6805F、TB6806F、TB6807F TB6808F、TB62501F、、BD4175KV、I/O芯片:PC97338、PC87391、PC87392、pc87393、SMSC系列:FDC37N869、FDC37N958、FDC37N972、LPC47N227/217、LPC47N252 LPC47N253、LPC47N254、LPC47N354、LPC47 N267键盘芯片:H8C/2471、H8/3434、H8/3431、H8S/2116V、PC87541 PC87570、PC87591 PC87594 PC97551 PC97554键盘芯片:具有开机功能:H8/3434、H8/3437、H8/2147、H8/2149、H8/2161、H 8/2168、PC87570、PC87591、H8S/XXX 、M38857、M38867、M38869系统供电芯片:ISL6228 ISL6232、MAX1630 MAX1631、MAX1632、MAX1633、MAX1634、MAX1635、MAX17003 E、MAX1901、MAX1902、MAX1904、MAX1977、MAX1999、MAX785、MAX786、MAX8734、LTC1628、LT3728L、LT3728LX、SB3052、SC1402、SC1403、SC1404、SC2450、TPS51020、TPS51120〈MAX1631、MAX1634、MAX1904 可互换〉〈MAX1632、MAX1635、MAX1902 可互换〉〈MAX786、SB3052 可互换_老机型〉〈MAX8734、MAX1999可互换〉SC1402 (与MAX1632一样)IBM R40用LTC1628(与MAX1632差不多)索尼常用MAX785(奔2机器)辅助供电芯片:ADP3160、ADP3167、ADP3168、APW7057、APW7060、ISL6224、ISL6225、ISL6227、IPM6220A、MAXl540、MAXl541、MAX1623、MAX1626、MAX1627、MAX1644、MAX1710、MAX1711、MAXl712、MAX1714、MAX1715、MAX1717、MAX1718、MAX1809、MAX1844、MAX1845、MAX1992、MAXl993、MAX8505、MAX8550、MAX8632、MAX8743、MAX8794、SC1470、SC1474、SC1476、SC1485、SC1486、SCl486A、SC470、SI786LG、G2996、SWC1486、TPS51116、TPS51117、TPS51120、TPS51124、TPS54610、TPS54672、CPU供电芯片:ADP3166、ADP3170、ADP3180、ADP3181、ADP3203、ADP3421、AIC1567、ISL6215、ISL6218、ISL6223、ISL6227、ISL6260、ISL6262、LTC1436、LTC1736、LTC1709、LTC3716、LTC3735、MAX1532、MAX1710、MAX1711、MAX1712、MAX1714、MAX1717、MAX1718、MAX1830、MAXl831、MAX1897、MAX1907、MAX1987、MAX1988、MAX798、MAX8760、MAX8770、MAX8771、MAX8774、MAX8736SC451、SC452、SC1474、SC1476、供电芯片搭配使用:ADP3203/ADP3415、ADP3205+ADP3415、ADP3410+ADP3421、ADP3410+ADP3422、ADP3207+ADP3419、ADP3208+ADP3419电池充/放电控制芯片:AAI3680、ADP3801、ADP3806BQ24700、BQ2470l、BQ24702、BQ24703、DS2770、ISL6251、M61040FP、MAXl644 MAX1645、MAX1647、MAX1648、MAX745、MAX1736 MAX1772、M AX1773、MAX1870 MAX1873、MAX1908、MAX1909、MAX745、MAX8724、M AX8725、MAX8765、MB3878、MB3879、MB3887、MB39A126PFV、LT1505G、LTl505、LTC4008、TC490/591、TL494、TL594、OZ983、OZ985、笔记本电池电量检测芯片:BQ2040、BQ2060CPU温度控制芯片:MAX1617、MAX1020A、AD1020、AD1021、AD1030、AD103 0A、AD1031、CM8500、MAX1989、AD1020A、MAX6654、ADM1032、G781、L M26、网卡芯片:RTL8100、RTL8139、Intel-DA82562ET、RC82540、3COM、BCM440、BCM5702KBGA、88E8001、88E8055、82562EZ网卡隔离器:LF8423、LF-H80P、H-0023、H0024/42、H0019、ATPL-119(内部是线圈,非电路)声卡芯片:ES1921、ESS1980S、STAC9704、AU8810、4299-JQ、4297-JQ、AD1885、AD1984、8552TS、8542TS、CS4239-KQ、AD1981、AD19 81B、ADl888、ADl981、AD1986、ALC200、ALC201A、ALC202、ALC203、ALC258、ALC262、ALC655、ALC658、ALC660、ALC861、ALC880、ALC883、CMl9738、CS4205、CX20468、CX20549、CX20561 PT2353、(没声音,杂音,声小,查功放芯片)(开机时,没有声音,无声卡设备,查声卡芯片)音频功放芯片:APA2020、TPA0142、TPA0312、TPA6017、TPA0202、LM4835、L M4838、LM4861、LM4863、LM4880、LM4881、LM4882、LM4911、MAX9710、MAX9750、MAX9751、MAX9755、MA X9789、MAX9790、ESS1980S、8552TS、8542TS、TPA0302、AU8810 、BA7786、AN1294、AN12941、AN12942B、AN12943、G1420、PC卡信号芯片:R5C551、R5C552、R5C476、R54472、R5C593、SN0301520、P CIXXX、PC卡供电芯片:TPS2205、TPS2206、TPS2216、TPS2211、TPS2224、PU2211、M2562A、M2563A、M2564A、OZ2206、超级I/O:PC8394TIO芯片:PC系列:PC87591S(VPCQ01)、PC 87591L(VPC01)、PC97317IBWPC87393 VGJ、PC87591E-VLB、PC87591E (-VPCI01)/(VPCQ01)、PC97551-VP C、PC87570-ICC/VPC、PC87391VGJ、PC8394T、PC87392、PC87541L、PC87541VPC87591E-VLB、TB系列:TB62501F、TB62506F、TB6808F、ENE系列:KB3910QB0、KB910SFC1、KB3910SF、KB910QF、KB910QB4、KB9 10LQF、KB910LQFA1其它系列:IT8510E、PS5130、W83L950D、LPC47N249-AQQ、PCI4510、LPC47 N253-AQQ、LPC47N250-SD、LPC47N252-SG、LPC47N254-AQQ、(1)管理串口、并口、软驱、I/O:PC97338、MB87392、(2)管理键盘、鼠标、且带开机功能:H8/3437、H8。


y 1$¸Æ 0 z Ü 3~7 ûü$EF 0 z RF &¸Æ 0$Ûf& 1 z IOCF0 >~ UV4 注意:读 RF 的结果为 RF 和 IOCF0 相与的结果。
8) R10~R2F îUV4
1) A ×4 ßaµ$ð¤Ga?f&¯¥

符号 Vdd P65/OSCI
P62/TCC P61
表 1 EM78P153 引脚描述
I/O 类型 功能
*通用 I/O 引脚
WDT c RC YZ4ÙYZ+,4Ö-Ä$WDT ./ $º© èé0º#WDT {FÎ[à ä WDT ü¬ ©12G\$WDT &¸ IOCE0 WDTE Aü¬ðC©^_O34$WDT {F\]5 18ms kl
*置为/RESET 时有上拉
*通用 I/O 引脚
*通用 I/O 引脚

3) IOC5~IOC6 I/O UV4
z 1 q³¿ I/O àá$0 qF z IOC5 Q 4 &q z IOC5 IOC6 UV4&E5

义隆中文资料 EM78P447S中文

义隆中文资料 EM78P447S中文
8位 OTP 微控制器
产品规Байду номын сангаас书
版本 1.7
本文内容是由英文规格书翻译 而来,目的是为了您的阅读更 加方便。它无法跟随原稿的更 新,文中可能存在翻译上的错 误,请您参考英文规格书以获 得更准确的信息。
IBM 为一个注册商标,PS/2 是 IBM 的商标之ㄧ.。
4.5 复位和唤醒 ..................................................................................................... 16
4.5.1 复位................................................................................................................... 16 4.5.2 状态寄存器的 RST, T, 和 P 的状态 ....................................................................... 20
Elan Korea Electronics Company, Ltd.
301 Dong-A Building 632 Kojan-Dong, Namdong-ku Incheon City, KOREA Tel: +82 32 814-7730 Fax:+82 32 813-7730
义隆电子(香港)有限公司 九龙观塘巧明街 95 号世达中心 19 楼 A 室 电话:+852 2723-3376 传真:+852 2723-7780



联想清零大全三星激光打印机安装碳粉清零方法三星安装碳粉要清零清零方法如下:1 、按住停止键拨下电源,再插上电源按确认键(停止键不放)。

2 、最后同时放开停止键和确认键,在按确认键。

联想外设恢复出厂状态及打印测试页的方法一、激光打印机1 、LJ2312/LJ2412/LJ2500/LJ2600 关闭打印机开关,关闭前盖。

按住面板按钮打开打印机开关,直到Drum 灯亮。

Drum 灯亮表示打印机进入了打印测试模式。

如果想打印测试页, 当Drum 灯亮时,松开面板按钮然后再按一下。


灯检测模式功能Drum 简单测试页打印机打印简单测试页,打印完毕后回复ready 状态。

Ready 打印配置& 打印字体测试页打印机打印当前配置和内部字体表,打印完毕后回复ready 状态。

Alarm 复位打印机恢复出厂设置,打印完毕后回复ready 状态。

Data 十六进制数据打印打印机将数据打印成十六进制数据,检查数据错误或问题。


2 、LJ880/LJ1600 按住演示按钮2 秒,直到控制面板所以指示灯慢速闪烁,打印机打印出一页演示页,打印机必须处于就绪模式。

3 、LJ2110/LJ2210/LJ6P/LJ6P+/LJ6010 按住面板按钮打开打印机电源开关。






4 、LJ3010A/LJ3116/LJ3220A/LJ6C/LJ6C+ 在就绪模式下按一下联机,使打印机处于脱机状态,按一下执行键,打印出一页测试页。

在就绪模式下按一下联机,使打印机处于脱机状态,同时按住CANCEL 和ALT ,待蜂鸣器响一声,打印机会重启动,即恢复出厂状态。



FH78LXX1Pin Configuration 管腳配置Type Name 型號命名 FH78L XX - TPacking Type 包裝形式 T : Tape 編帶B : Bulk 散裝封裝形式 R : SOT-89電壓TYPE No.MARKINGTYPE No.MARKINGTYPE No.MARKINGFH78L05 8A FH78L09 8E FH78L15 8I FH78L06 8B FH78L10 8F FH78L18 8J FH78L07 8C FH78L12 8G FH78L20 8KFH78L08 8D FH78L13 8H FH78L24 8LDESCRIPTION & FEATURES 概述及特點The FH78LXX series of three terminal positive regulators is available with several fixed output voltages making them useful in a wide range of applications. FH78LXX can use as a zener diode/resistor combination replacement, and lowerquiescent current. These devices suitable for amultitude of applications that require a regulated supply of up to 100 mA.The voltages available allow the FH78LXX to be usedin logic systems, instrumentation, HiFi, and other solid state electronic equipment. circuit takes over preventing the IC from overheating.FH78LXX 系列三端穩壓器有效利用幾個固定電壓得到較寬的應用範圍,可替代混合的齊納二極體和電阻時,而且更低的靜態電流。



创维售后内部平板故障速查表32L05HR8M60LG主板5800-A8M600-0010不开机U63R1247L05HF8M60LG主板5800-A8M600-0020不开机U23.3V稳压管32L05HR8M60LG主板5800-A8M600-0000自动开关机U56M5832LBAIW8TTG三星主板5800-A8TT34-01自动开关机U3693032L16IW8R07创维主板5800-A8R070-0010不开机US312816832L05HR8M60LG主板5800-A8M600-0000不开机U63R1232L01HM8M19LG主板5800-A8M190-0010不开机U416M1926LCAIW8TT3LG主板5800-A8TT33-04热机图像不良U13693032L01HW8M19LG主板5800-A8M190-0030不开机U416M1924S16IW8R07主板不开机U5328162226L16SW8R03主板不收台R102726232L05HR8K29主板不开机U34MT822232L05HR8K29主板老化花屏UD25TU32M1632L05HR8K29主板杂音L53220S137C32L05HR8K29主板花屏RND20220排阻22L08IW8H06主板不开机IC903AP151022L08IW8H06主板开机白屏IC00225X2047L20HW8DA2主板不开机U2425X8047L20HW8DA2主板AV无信号U1AX6832P93MV9G10电源板不开机U202780942L05HF8M60驱动板花屏U1010020A32P93MV9G10Y板不开机Q381139230G12232P93MV9G10X板不开机Q18230G12246L88IW8TP9驱动白屏ZCP2ACQ40LBAPW驱动竖线ICT14222T240L88IW8DA8驱动灰屏ICT14222T332P93MV9G10电源三无IC801120732P93MV9G10电源不开机U12243132P93MV9G10电源不开机C15132L01HM8M19电源板P32TQF不开机VD2218V稳压管32L05HR8M60电源板P32TLK不开机ZD216V稳压管32L05HR8M60电源板P32TLK背光不亮IC3H722432L05HR8M60电源板P32TLK无24VZD527V稳压管32L01HM8M19电源板P32TQF背光不亮CS14n732L05HR8M60电源板P32TLK 不开机IC4H343532L05HR8M60电源板P32TLK背光亮一下灭C36680P42L05HF8M60LG电源板5800-P42TLQ-000024V高R317100K42L05HF8M60LG电源板5800-P42TLQ-0000无24VIC303TL43142L05HF8M60LG电源板5800-P42TLQ-00005V低D102P6KE2042L05HF8M60LG 电源板5800-P42TLQ-0000无380VIC201NCP165342L05HF8M60LG电源板5800-P42TLQ-00005V低C102电容32L05HR8M60电源板无背光C36680P32L05HR8M60电源板无背光R370欧电阻32L05HR8M60电源板异响C3722nF32L05HR8M60电源板无背光Q7265532L05HR8M60电源板5V低ZD815V稳压管32L05HR8M60电源板5V带负载差T25100-062012-001032L05HR8M60电源板5V低C4810232L05HR8M60电源板5V低Q8265532L05HR8M60电源板一闪灭C36680P32L05HR8M60电源板无背光IC3H722432L05HR8M60电源板无5VZD815V稳压管32L05HR8M60电源板烧保险R12.2K26寸电源板5800-A26ATB-0050背光不亮Q201Q202D60926寸电源板5800-A26TQM-0110背光不亮IC601655626寸电源板5800-A26TQM-0110背光不亮C528电容26寸电源板5800-A26TQM-0110背光不亮C537电容26寸电源板5800-A26ATB-0050背光不亮U201332826寸电源板5800-A26ALM-0000背光不亮IC600997626寸电源板5800-A26ATB-0030背光亮一下灭Z201Z202二极管26寸电源板5800-A26TQM-0110背光不亮C510电容26寸电源板5800-A26ATB-0030背光不亮Q208二极管26L08HR8K21主板不开机IC608691226L08HR8K21主板不开机IC605108526L08HR8K21主板不开机IC803DDR26L08HR8K21主板死机IC803DDR32L05HR8K29主板不开机Q1W1A32L05HR8K29主板不开机U1325B6432L05HR8K29主板不开机U1424C3232L05HR8K29主板无台SAW2726232L05HR8K29主板有声无图Q2VH32L05HR8K29主板不开机X127.000晶振32L05HR8K29主板不开机U16148232L05HR8K29主板不开机L422uH32L05HR8K29主板无声C42310uF47LED108K81LG恒流板69172-0026A黑屏Q1018610246L98SW8TAG三星背光板SS46022S-H图暗T101T201变压器42LDARW8T19LG背光板6632L-0514A 黑屏Q201663547E70RG8M70LG恒流板69172L-0026A 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无5VIC101101442L05RF8M60电源板P44TLQ背光一闪灭T7011309769D-00006D72数字板5800-Y6D721-00不开机UD1283806D72数字板5800-Y6D721-00老化半小时黑屏CD244电容漏电6D66数字板5800-Y6D660-02彩色不良UM324C166D72数字板5800-Y6D721-00绿屏有字符UD1632306D72数字板5800-Y6D721-00水印RP9101排阻32L16HC8610LG主板5800-A8610-01不开机U600866832LCAIW8765LG主板5800-A8765-01不开机U14FLASH32LCAIW8765LG主板5800-A8765-01不开机U14FLASH47L05HF8M60LG主板5800-A8M60-0020不开机U63R1232L05HR8M60LG主板5800-A8M60-0020不开机U56M583748PW8TTGLG主板5800-A8TTG1-00白屏有字符U36Q54742L05RF8M60LG主板5800-A8M60-0040不开机U56M5832S16IW8R07奇美主板5800-A8R070-0010不开机RP15RP1532S16IW8R07奇美主板5800-A8R070-0010不开机US126TZM26L08HR8K21主板5800-P26ALM-0000背光一闪灭IC6009976电源板5800-P26TQM-30背光不亮Q4\Q5\Q6\Q760N04电源板5800-P26TQM-30不开机D6*******电源板5800-P26TQM-30背光不亮Q2T2A电源板5800-P26TQM-30不开机D6*******电源板5800-P26TQM-0010带不起负载Q610\Q5091815\101332L01HM8M18LG电源板P32TQF 不开机U6FAN738232L01HM8M18LG电源板P32TQF一闪灭C514N732L01HM8M18LG电源板P32TQF不开机U9CQ056532L01HM8M18LG电源板P32TQF无背光V6440332L01HM8M18LG电源板P32TQF无5VV51AT32L28RM8G20电源板AD231不开机N29IN400740K01HR电源板715G3196无24VC915333电容32P93MV9G10电源板不开机C804C804电容32LHAIW8TT3AU驱动板XM0056CA黑屏C645电容42L16HR8TAGLG驱动板黑屏UC16840L88IW三星驱动板黑屏D1二极管42L16HR8G10LG驱动板黑屏UC1\0068A0068A32P93MV9G10Y板无光IC24141032L98SW8M10日立背光板HPC-1654E黑屏F20172V/5A42L98SW8TTOLG背光板6632L-0153C一闪灭Q210844742L16HR8DA2LG背光板6636L-0448A黑屏MU1989737L88IW8DA8LG背光板6632L-0199D黑屏F1/Q1Q260V.6.3A/895855L05HR8G29奇美背光板VII70077.00黑屏U278M0547K05HR8K29LG背光板6632L-0612A黑屏R1710355L05HF8G29奇美背光板VIT70077.30黑屏Q74/Q70/Q41/Q37P4404EDB/P2504BDG22L08IW8R03奇美主板5800-A8R030-3000不开机U6525F1626L16SW8R03奇美主板5800-A8R030-3000不搜台LN2LN226L16SW8R03奇美主板5800-A8R030-3000无AV1UX124L6432LBAIW8TTGLG主板5800-A8TT34-01不定时蓝线干扰U136G3032L05HR8M60LG主板5800-A8M600-0000不开机U56M586P18三星数字板5800-Y6P180-02不开机RN9104.7K电阻6D85三星数字板5800-Y6D850-01开5分钟不同步ICM30113076T19数字板5800-Y6T190-01不开机IC809/IC811Flash24C166D81数字板5800-Y6D810-00不开机RM533.3K电阻6D81数字板5800-Y6D810-00不开机ICM0912966D35数字板5800-Y6M500-12缺红色UM42EX426P18数字板5800-Y6P18-02图像彩色不良UN403TDA87593D20数字板5800-Y3D200-00不遥控U101HM60246电源板无380vIC6004981846电源板无12、24vIC607659932L98IW8TTMLG主板5800-A8TTM0-01AV 花屏U11W79E63240K01HR8K27三星主板715G4089-MOF-000-004L黑屏U410525L6440K01HR8K27三星主板715G4089-MOF-000-004L花屏U4106DDR24E12HR8K27AU主板715G4089-MOF-000-004L不开机U410525L6424L16SW8R19创维主板5800-A8R190-1020不开机U15767424L16SW8R19创维主板5800-A8R190-1020花屏RP9排阻32E60HR8R81LG主板5800-A8R800-0050不开机U15267426L08HR8K21奇美主板5800-A8K210-0010不开机IC701主芯片26L08HR8K21奇美主板5800-A8K210-0230不开机Q602IA26L08HR8K21奇美主板5800-A8K210-0200不开机IC80124C3226L08HR8K21奇美主板5800-A8K210-0220黑屏Q909N5D26L08HR8K21奇美主板5800-A8K210-0220黑屏Q909N5C26L08HR8K21奇美主板5800-A8K210-0230无图IC101TDA988526L08HR8K21奇美主板5800-A8K210-0230花屏IC902167126L08HR8K21奇美主板5800-A8K210-0200不开机IC80124C3232L05HR8M60LG主板5800-A8M600-0020不开机U6511632L01HM8M18LG主板5800-A8M180-0020键控失灵U416M1932L88IW8TTGLG主板5800-A8TTG1-04开机白屏U136G3032L05HR8M60LG主板5800-A8M600-0020不开机U725B6432L05HR8M60LG 主板5800-A8M600-0040无声C427C42732E60HR8R81LG主板5800-A8R800-0050不开机U15267432E60HR8R80LG主板5800-A8R810-0050花屏RP922欧排阻20L98TV8H01奇美主板5800-A8H010-00不开机IC002EEPR0M37L98PW8TTJLG主板5800-A8TTJ0-62不开机U101TVP514732L98IW8TTKLG 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SL6WR 2.40 GHz 800 MHz 0.13 micron D1 512 KB 478 pin PPGA FC-PGA2
SL6Z3 2.40 GHz 800 MHz 0.13 micron M0 512 KB 478 pin PPGA FC-PGA2
SL6GS 2.40 GHz 400 MHz 0.13 micron C1 512 KB 478 pin PPGA FC-PGA2
SL6D7 2.40 GHz 533 MHz 0.13 micron B0 512 KB 478 pin PPGA FC-PGA2
SL6PM 2.40 GHz 400 MHz 0.13 micron D1 512 KB 478 pin PPGA FC-PGA2
SL684 2.40 GHz 533 MHz 0.13 micron B0 512 KB 478 pin PPGA FC-PGA2
SL6E9 2.40 GHz 400 MHz 0.13 micron C1 512 KB 478 pin PPGA FC-PGA2
SL6QP 2.40 GHz 400 MHz 0.13 micron D1 512 KB 478 pin PPGA FC-PGA2
SL6RZ 2.40 GHz 533 MHz 0.13 micron C1 512 KB 478 pin PPGA FC-PGA2
SL78Z 3 GHz 800 MHz 0.13 micron D1 512 KB 478 pin PPGA
SL6WU 3 GHz 800 MHz 0.13 micron D1 512 KB 478 pin PPGA
SL6WK 3 GHz 800 MHz 0.13 micron D1 512 KB 478 pin PPGA FC-PGA2



液晶品牌与型号电源管理芯片型号与封装可代换型号xaslipyelBENQ 71G+1200AP40 直插1200AP10 1200AP60AOC 712SI EA1532A贴片xaslipyel三星940BW DM0565Rxaslipyel优派型号忘记 TOP245YNxaslipyelLG W1934S TOP246YNxaslipyel飞利浦170s6 dap02alsz 贴片xaslipyelLG型号忘记 LAF0001 可以用FAN7601代xaslipyel飞利浦170s6 dap02alsz=sg6841xaslipyelHP17驱动高压电源全一体 SG5841SZ贴片,可用SG6841DZ 代用。

xaslipyel联想后来出的像IBM的 17的,SG6841DZ 可用SG6841D代用xaslipyel三星型号忘记 DM0465R(我记得还有这么一款的)xaslipyel飞利浦170c7 EA1532A贴片xaslipyel200D6、203D6、DAP8A 三种可以代用xaslipyel优派VA1703WB ld7552bps 贴片xaslipyel其他我知道的常用型号有xaslipyelSG6841DZ 贴片很多机器上用到xaslipyelSG5841SZ 贴片用SG6841DZ可以代用,xaslipyel美格WB9 LD7575PS清华同方 XP911W LD7575PS联想LXM -WL19AH LXM-WL19BH LD7575PS(早期有的用:NCP1203D6)联想LXM-17CH: 1203D6方正17寸:1203D6与LD7575PS方正19寸:LD7575PSBenQ: FP94VW FP73G FP71G+S FP71G+G FP71GX等都是用:1200AP40 LG 22(南京同创):LAF001与STR W6252 。

LG 19寸:LAF001 联想L193(福建-捷联代工):NCP1203D6PHILIPS 170S5 (FAN7601)还有LD7575可用203D6代用,只是1脚的对地电阻不同,LD7575是100K,203D6是24.1K,LP7552可用SG6841代用希望大家都列下来,这样子备PWM IC的时候就有个数了,知道买什么样子的电源管理芯片备用着,有时候手上没有,知道是电源管理坏了在那里干着急,反正PWM IC便宜的,可以每样备个2个,以备不时之需介绍几个LCD液晶显示器电源IC的代换希望能帮上大家.DAP8A\DAP7A\LD7575\203D6可以直接代换DAP02\SG5841\SG6841可以直接代换1200AP40\1200AP60\1203P60可以直接代换DM0465R\CM0565R\DM0565R可以直接代换TOP246Y\TOP247Y可以直接代换常见显示器IC代换OCP5001-----------TL5001AMC3100----------LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104 OCP2150----------- LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104 ACT6906----------- LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104 OCP2160-----------LTC3407AMC34063A-----------AMC34063AMC7660------------AJC1564ACT4060--------------ZA3020LV/MP1410/MP9141ACT4065------------ZA3020/MP1580ACT4070----------ZA3030/MP1583/MP1591MP1593/MP1430 AMC2576-------LM2576AMC2596-------LM2596OCP2576--------LM2576OMC2596-------LM2596/AP1501VA7910---------MAX1674/75 L6920 AJC1610SM9621---------RJ9621/AJC1642PT1301----------RJ9266PT4101----------AJC1648/MP3202PT4102----------LT1937/AJC1896/AP1522/RJ9271/MP1540 ACT6311-------LT1937SP1937-----------LT1937/AJC1896/AP1522/RJ9271/MP1540 OCP3601---------MB3800OCP1451---------TL1451/BA9741/SP9741/AP200电源IC STR-G5643D G5653D G8653D 直接代换203D6和DAP8A 直接代换1200AP40和1200AP60直接代换5S0765和DP104、DP704直接代换DP804和DP904直接代换2S0680和2S0880直接代换TEA1507和TEA1533直接代换三星的DP104,704,804可以用5S0765代换,DP904不能用任何块代换行场振荡、场输出、视频ICTDA9109和SID2511、KB2511、STV7779直接代换TDA9103和STV7778直接代换TDA9112和TDA9113直接代换TDA9115和TDA9116、STV6888直接代换TDA9118和STV9118直接代换TDA8172和TDA9302、TDA8177直接代换TDA1675 和DBL2056直接代换TDA9210和STV9210直接代换LM1203和LM2203、DBL2054直接代换TDA9116用STV6888代换,TDA4856可以用TDA4841PS代换,TDA9112可以用TDA9113代换,S1D2511可以用TDA9109代换203D6200D6LD7575DAP8A203X6直接代换SG6841SG5841DAPO2直接代换DM0456 DM0565直接代换1200AP401200AP601203AP10直接代。


µV V mA
VI = 35 V
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF L78M06C (refer to the test circuits, TJ = 25°C, VI = 11V, IO = 350 mA, CI = 0.33 µF, CO = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified).
Parameter² (for VO= 5 to 18V) (for VO= 20, 24V)
Value 35 40 Internally Limited Internally Limited -65 to +150 0 to +150
运算丆操作丆经营 运行活动作用函数
Unit V V mA mW °C °C
Thermal Resistance Junction-case Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient
接头丟 周围的丆 接点丟 四周的丟 中继线 环抱的丆 围绕的丟 各方面的
TYPE L78M05 L78M06 L78M08 L78M09 L78M10 L78M12 L78M15 L78M18 L78M20 L78M24 TO-220 L78M05CV L78M06CV L78M08CV L78M09CV L78M10CV L78M12CV L78M15CV L78M18CV L78M20CV L78M24CV TO-220FP L78M05CP L78M06CP L78M08CP L78M09CP L78M10CP L78M12CP L78M15CP L78M18CP L78M20CP L78M24CP DPAK (*) L78M05CDT L78M06CDT L78M08CDT L78M09CDT L78M10CDT L78M12CDT L78M15CDT L78M18CDT L78M20CDT L78M24CDT IPAK L78M05CDT-1 L78M06CDT-1 L78M08CDT-1 L78M09CDT-1 L78M10CDT-1 L78M12CDT-1 L78M15CDT-1 L78M18CDT-1 L78M20CDT-1 L78M24CDT-1 OUTPUT VOLTAGE 5V 6V 8V 9V 10 V 12 V 15 V 18 V 20 V 24 V



MP468880V Input, 1A High Power LED DriverMPS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION – INTERNAL USE ONLYThe Future of Analog IC TechnologyDESCRIPTIONThe MP4688 is a high voltage input step-down switching regulator to deliver a constant current ofFEATURES• Wide 4.5V to 80V Operating Input RangeORDERING INFORMATIONPart Number*Package Top Marking Free Air Temperature (T A) MP4688DN SOIC8E MP4688 –40°C to +85°CELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSV IN = 60V, T A= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.Specifications over temperature are guaranteed by design and characterization.PIN FUNCTIONSBLOCK DIAGRAMTYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS L=47µH, 1 LED Load, T A=25 o C, unless otherwise noted.OPERATIONHysteresis Current Control with Adaptive Threshold AdjustmentMP4688 operates in a hysteresis current control supply voltage. The UVLO rising threshold is about 4.0V while its falling threshold is a consistent 3.65V. Thermal ShutdownThermal shutdown is implemented to prevent the chip from operating at exceedingly highAPPLICATION INFORMATIONCOMPONENT SELECTIONSetting the LED CurrentThe LED current I LED is set using a sensinggreater than the maximum diode current.Input Capacitor C INThe input current to the step-down converter is discontinuous, therefore a capacitor is required to supply the AC current to the step-down (ESR) value of the output capacitor.External Bootstrap DiodeAn external bootstrap diode may enhance the efficiency of the LED driver. In below cases, an external BST diode is recommended from the 5V to BST pin: Layout ConsiderationIt is essential to place the input decoupling capacitor, catch diode and the MP4688 (VIN pin, SW pin and PGND) as close as possible, with traces that are very short and fairly wide.NOTICE: The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Users should warrant and guarantee that thirdparty Intellectual Property rights are not infringed upon when integrating MPS products into any application. MPS will not assume any legal responsibility for any said applications.PACKAGE INFORMATIONSOIC8E (EXPOSED PAD)6) DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE.RECOMMENDED LAND PATTERN。






OTP ROM2、特征14个引线封装:EM78P153S工作电压范围:2.3V~5.5V适用温度范围:0 ℃~70℃工作频率范围(基于2个Clock):晶振模式:DC-20MHZ at 5V,DC-8MHZ at 3V,DC-4MHZ at 2.3VERC模式:DC-4MHZ at 5V,DC-4MHZ at 3V,DC-4MHZ at 2.3V低功耗:* 在5V/4MHz时低于1.5mA* 在3V/32KHz时为15uA* 在休眠模式时为1uA1024x13位片内ROM内置4个校准IRC振荡器(8MHZ,4MHZ,1MHZZ,455KHZ)振荡器起振时间预分频系数可编程一个安全位(代码寄存器中)保护程序不被读出一个结构寄存器满足用户要求32x8bits片内寄存器组(SRAM,一般寄存器)2组双向I/O端口5级用于子程序嵌套的堆栈8位实时计时/计数器(TCC),其信号源、触发边沿可编程选择,溢出时产生中断节能模式(SLEEP模式)三种可用的中断:* TCC溢出中断* 输入引脚变化中断(从休眠模式唤醒)* 外部中断可编程自由运行看门狗定时器(WDT)7个可编程上拉I/O引脚7个可编程漏极开路 I/O引脚6个可编程下拉I/O引脚每个指令周期为两个时钟周期:99.9%的指令为单周期指令封装类型:14脚SOP、DIP14管脚DIP 300mil:EM78P153SP14管脚SOP 150mil:EM78P153SN系统高低频率的变化点是400KHZOTP ROM3、管脚分配图1 管脚分配表1 管脚说明 SymbolPin No.TypeFunctionVdd 4 - 电源提供.P65/OSCI 5 I/O * 一般i/o 脚.* 外部时钟信号输入.* 晶振的输入脚.* 内部上拉和漏级开路* 脚的状态改变时从睡眠模式唤醒. P64/OSCO 6 I/O *一般i/o 脚*外部时钟信号输入.*晶振的输入脚.* 内部上拉和漏级开路* 脚的状态改变时从睡眠模式唤醒P63//RESET 7I * 如果被设置为/reset 且保持在逻辑低,系统将会复位 *脚的状态改变时从睡眠模式唤醒 * 正常模式下,/reset 脚上的电压不能大于vdd* 定义为/reset 时具有内部上拉功能 * P63只能是输入脚P62/TCC 8 I/O*一般i/o 脚*内部上拉/漏级开路/内部下拉*脚的状态改变时从睡眠模式唤醒 * 外部定时/计数输入 P61 9 I/O *一般i/o 脚.*内部上拉/漏级开路/内部下拉.*脚的状态改变时从睡眠模式唤醒.OTP ROM* 编程模式下为施密特触发器输入P60//INT 10 I/O *一般i/o 脚.*内部上拉/漏级开路/内部下拉.*脚的状态改变时从睡眠模式唤醒.*编程模式下为施密特触发器输入. * 低电平触发的外部中断脚. P66, P67 2, 3 I/O *一般i/o 脚.*内部上拉/漏级开路*脚的状态改变时从睡眠模式唤醒. P50~P53 1,14~13 I/O*一般i/o 脚.*内部下拉P53 12 I/O *一般i/o 脚. VSS 11 - *地.OTP ROM 4、功能描述图2 功能块图4.1 操作寄存器1、R0(间接地址寄存器)R0并非实际存在的寄存器。



I.GENERAL DESCRIPTIONEM78P156E is an 8-bit microprocessor with low-power and high-speed CMOS technology. There is a 1K*13-bit Electrical One Time Programmable Read Only Memory (OTP-ROM) within it. It provides a PROTECTION bit to prevent a user’s code from intruding as well as 7 OPTION bits to match the user’s requirements.Because of the OTP-ROM, the EM78P156E offers users a convenient way to develop and verify their programs.Moreover, a user’s developed code can be programmed easily by an EMC writer.II.FEATURES•Operating voltage range: 2.2V~5.5V•Available in temperature range: 0°C~70°C•Operating frequency range: DC ~ 36MHz•Low power consumption:* less than 1.6 mA at 5V/4MHz* typical of 15 µA at 3V/32KHz* typical of1 µA during the sleep mode•1Kx13 bits on chip ROM•One security register to prevent the code in the OTP memory from intruding•One configuration register to match the user’s requirements•48x8 bits on chip registers (SRAM)• 2 bi-directional I/O ports• 5 level stacks for subroutine nesting•8-bit real time clock/counter (TCC) with selective signal sources, trigger edges, and overflow interrupt•Two clocks per instruction cycle•Power-down mode (SLEEP mode)•Three available interruptions* TCC overflow interrupt* Input-port status changed interrupt (wake up from the sleep mode)* External interrupt•Programmable free running watchdog timer•8 pull-high pins•7 pull-down pins•8 open-drain pins•Two R-option pins•Package type: SOP, SOIC and DIP•99.9% single instruction cycle commandsIII.PIN ASSIGNMENTSFig. 1 Pin assignments IV.FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMFig. 2 Functional block diagram V.PIN DESCRIPTIONVI.FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONVI.1Operational Registers1.R0 (Indirect Addressing Register)•R0 is not a physically implemented register. Its major function is to be an indirect addressing pointer. Any instruction using R0 as a pointer actually accesses data pointed by the RAM Select Register (R4).2.R1 (Time Clock /Counter)•Increased by an external signal edge which is defined by TE bit (CONT-4) through the TCC pin,or by the instruction cycle clock.•Writable and readable as any other registers.3.R2 (Program Counter) & Stack•R2 and hardware stacks are 10~12-bit wide. The structure is depicted in Fig. 3.•Generating 1024x13 bits on-chip OTP ROM addresses to the relative programming instruction codes. One program page is 1024 words long.•The contents of R2 are set all “0”s upon a RESET condition.•“JMP” instruction allows the direct loading of the lower 10 program counter bits. Thus, “JMP” allows PC to go to any location within a page.•“CALL” instruction loads the lower 10 bits of the PC, and then PC+1 is pushed into the stack. Thus, the subroutine entry address can locate anywhere within a page.“RET” (“RETL K”, “RETI”) instruction loads the program counter with the contents of the top-level stack.“ADD R2,A” allows a relative address to be added to the current PC, and the ninth and tenth bits of the PC are cleared.•“MOV R2,A” allows to load an address from the “A” register to the lower 8 bits of the PC, and the ninth and tenth bits of the PC are cleared.•Any instruction which would change the contents of R2 (e.g. “ADD R2,A”, “MOV R2,A”, “BC R2,6”,......) willcause the ninth and tenth bits (A8~A9) of the PC to be cleared. Thus, the computed jump is limited to the first256 locations of a page.•All instructions are single instruction cycle (f clk/2) except the instructions which would change the contents of R2 need one more instruction cycle.PCFig. 3 Program counter organization000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F10::3FFig. 4 Data memory configuration4.R3 (Status Register)76543210GP2GP1GP0T P Z DC C•Bit 0 (C)Carry flag•Bit 1 (DC)Auxiliary carry flag•Bit 2 (Z)Zero flag. Set to "1" if the result of an arithmetic or logic operation is zero.•Bit 3 (P)Power-down bit. Set to 1 during power-on or by a “WDTC” command and reset to 0 by a“SLEP” command.•Bit 4 (T)Time-out bit. Set to 1 by the “SLEP” and “WDTC” commands, or during power-up and reset to 0 by WDT time-out.•Bit 5~7 (GP0~2)General-purpose read/write bits.5.R4 (RAM Select Register)•Bits 0 ~ 5 are used to select registers (address: 00~06, 0F~3F) in the indirect addressing mode.•Bits 6 ~ 7 are general-purpose read/write bits.•See the configuration of the data memory in Fig.4.6.R5 ~ R6 (Port 5 ~ Port 6)•R5 and R6 are I/O registers.•Only the lower 4 bits of R5 are available.7.RF (Interrupt Status Register)76543210-----EXIF ICIF TCIF •"1" means interrupt request, and "0" means non-interrupt occurence.•Bit 0 (TCIF)TCC overflowing interrupt flag. Set when TCC timer overflows, reset by software.•Bit 1 (ICIF)Port 6 input status changed interrupt flag. Set when Port 6 input changes, reset by software.•Bit 2 (EXIF)External interrupt flag. Set by falling edge on /INT pin, reset by software.•Bits 3 ~ 7Not used.•RF can be cleared by instruction but can not be set.•IOCF is the interrupt mask register.•Note that the result of reading RF is the "logic AND" of RF and IOCF.8.R10 ~ R3F•All of these are the 8-bit general-purpose registers.VI.2Special Purpose Registers1. A (Accumulator)•Internal data transfer, or instruction operand holding•It can not be addressed.2.CONT (Control Register)76543210-/INT TS TE PAB PSR2PSR1PSR0Bit 0 (PSR0)~Bit 2 (PSR2) TCC/WDT prescaler bits.PSR2PSR1PSR0TCC Rate WDT Rate0001:21:10011:41:20101:81:40111:161:81001:321:161011:641:321101:1281:641111:2561:128 Bit 3 (PAB)Prescaler assignment bit.0: TCC1: WDTBit 4 (TE)TCC signal edge0: increment if the transition from high to low takes place on TCC pin1: increment if the transition from high to low takes place on TCC pinBit 5 (TS)TCC signal source0: internal instruction cycle clock1: transition on TCC pinBit 6 (INT) Interrupt enable flag0: masked by DISI or hardware interrupt1: enabled by ENI/RETI instruction•CONT register is both readable and writable.3.IOC5 ~ IOC6 (I/O Port Control Register)•“1” puts the relative I/O pin into high impedance, while “0” defines the relative I/O pin as output.•Only the lower 4 bits of IOC5 are able to be defined.•IOC5 and IOC6 registers are both readable and writable.4.IOCA (Prescaler Counter Register)•IOCA register is readable.•The value of IOCA is equal to the contents of Prescaler counter.•Down counter.5.IOCB (Pull-down Control Register)76543210 /PD7/PD6/PD5/PD4-/PD2/PD1/PD0 Bit 0 (/PD0)Control bit used to enable the pull-down of P50 pin.0: Enable internal pull-down1: Disable internal pull-downBit 1 (/PD1)Control bit used to enable the pull-down of P51 pin.Bit 2 (/PD2)Control bit used to enable the pull-down of P52 pin.Bit 3Not used.Bit 4 (/PD4)Control bit used to enable the pull-down of P60 pin.Bit 5 (/PD5)Control bit used to enable the pull-down of P61 pin.Bit 6 (/PD6)Control bit used to enable the pull-down of P62 pin.Bit 7 (/PD7)Control bit used to enable the pull-down of P63 pin.•IOCB register is both readable and writable.6. IOCC (Open-drain Control Register)76543210 OD7OD6OD5OD4OD3OD2OD1OD0 Bit 0 (OD0)Control bit used to enable the open-drain of P60 pin.0: Disable open-drain output1: Enable open-drain outputBit 1 (OD1)Control bit used to enable the open-drain of P61 pin.Bit 2 (OD2)Control bit used to enable the open-drain of P62 pin.Bit 3 (OD3)Control bit used to enable the open-drain of P63 pin.Bit 4 (OD4)Control bit used to enable the open-drain of P64 pin.Bit 5 (OD5)Control bit used to enable the open-drain of P65 pin.Bit 6 (OD6)Control bit used to enable the open-drain of P66 pin.Bit 7 (OD7)Control bit used to enable the open-drain of P67 pin.•IOCC register is both readable and writable.7. IOCD (Pull-high Control Register)76543210/PH7/PH6/PH5/PH4/PH3/PH2/PH1/PH0 Bit 0 (/PH0)Control bit used to enable the pull-high of P60 pin.0: Enable internal pull-high1: Disable internal pull-highBit 1 (/PH1)Control bit used to enable the pull-high of P61 pin.Bit 2 (/PH2)Control bit used to enable the pull-high of P62 pin.Bit 3 (/PH3)Control bit used to enable the pull-high of P63 pin.Bit 4 (/PH4)Control bit used to enable the pull-high of P64 pin.Bit 5 (/PH5)Control bit used to enable the pull-high of P65 pin.Bit 6 (/PH6)Control bit used to enable the pull-high of P66 pin.Bit 7 (/PH7)Control bit used to enable the pull-high of P67 pin.•IOCD register is readable and writable.8.IOCE (WDT Control Register)76543210 WDTE EIS-ROC----Bit 7 (WDTE)Control bit used to enable Watchdog Timer.0: Disable WDT.1: Enable WDT.•WDTE is both readable and writable.Bit 6 (EIS)Control bit used to define the function of P60 (/INT) pin.0: P60, bi-directional I/O pin.1: /INT, external interrupt pin. In this case, the I/O control bit of P60 (bit 0 of IOC6) must be set to “1”.•When EIS is “0”, the path of /INT is masked. When EIS is “1”, the status of /INT pin can also be read by way of reading Port 6 (R6). Refer to Fig.7(a).•EIS is both readable and writable.Bit 4 (ROC)ROC is used for the R-option.Setting the ROC to “1” will enable the status of R-option pins (P50~P51) to be read by the controller. Clearing the ROC will disable the R-option function. If the R-option function is selected, the user must connect the P51 pin or/and P50 pin to VSS by a 430KΩ external resistor (Rex). If the Rex is connected/disconnected, the status of P50 (P51) will be read as “0”/”1". Refer to Fig.8.•ROC is readable and writable.Bits 0~3, 5Not used.9.IOCF (Interrupt Mask Register)76543210-----EXIE ICIE TCIE Bit 0 (TCIE)TCIF interrupt enable bit.0: disable TCIF interrupt1: enable TCIF interruptBit 1 (ICIE)ICIF interrupt enable bit.0: disable ICIF interrupt1: enable ICIF interruptBit 2 (EXIE)EXIF interrupt enable bit.0: disable EXIF interrupt1: enable EXIF interruptBits 3~7Not used.•Individual interrupt is enabled by setting its associated control bit in the IOCF to “1”.•Global interrupt is enabled by the ENI instruction and is disabled by the DISI instruction. Refer to Fig.10.•IOCF register is both readable and writable.VI.3TCC/WDT & PrescalerThere is an 8-bit counter available as prescaler for the TCC or WDT. The prescaler is available for the TCC only or the WDT only at the same time and the PAB bit of the CONT register is used to determine the prescaler assigment.The PSR0~PSR2 bits determine the ratio. The prescaler will be cleared by the instructions which write to TCC each time, when assigned to TCC mode. The WDT and prescaler, when assigned to WDT mode, will be cleared by the “WDTC”and “SLEP” instructions. Fig.5 depicts the circuit diagram of TCC/WDT.•R1 (TCC) is an 8-bit timer/counter. The clock source of TCC can be internal clock or external clock input (edge selectable from TCC pin). If TCC signal source is from internal clock, TCC will increase by 1 in every instruction cycle (without prescaler). Refer to Fig.5, CLK=Fosc/2 or CLK=Fosc/4 is depended on the CODE option bit CLKS.CLK=Fosc/2 if CLKS bit is “0”, and CLK=Fosc/4 if CLKS bit is “1”. If TCC signal source is from external clock input, TCC will increase by 1 on every falling edge or rising edge of TCC pin.•The watchdog timer is a free running on-chip RC oscillator. The WDT will keep running even the oscillator driver has been turned off (i.e. in sleep mode). During the normal operation or the sleep mode, a WDT time-out (if enabled) will cause the device to reset. The WDT can be enabled or disabled at any time during the normal mode by software programming. Refer to WDTE bit of IOCE register. With no presacler, the WDT time-out period is approximately18 ms.Fig. 5 Block diagram of TCC and WDTVI.4I/O PortsThe I/O registers, both Port 5 and Port 6, are bi-directional tri-state I/O ports. Port 6 can be pulled high internally by software. In addition, Port 6 can also have open-drain output by software. There is an input status changed interrupt (or wake-up) function on Port 6. P50 ~ P52 and P60 ~ P63 pins can be pulled down by software. Each I/O pin can be defined as “input” or “output” pin by the I/O control registers (IOC5 ~ IOC6). P50~P51 are the R-option pins enabled by setting the ROC bit in the IOCE register to 1. While the R-option function is used, P50~P51 are recommended to be used as output pins. During the period of R-option being enabled, P50~P51 must be programmed as input pins. In the R-option mode, the current consuming by the Rex should be taken into the consideration, if the low power consumption is concerned.IOD*Pull-down is not shown in the figure.Fig. 6 The circuit of I/O port and I/O control register for Port 5*Pull-high (down) and open-drain are not shown in the figure.Fig. 7(a) The circuit of I/O port and I/O control register for P60(/INT)The I/O registers and I/O control registers are both readable and writable. The I/O interface circuits for Port 5 and Port 6 are shown in Fig.6 and Fig.7(a), 7(b) respectively.*Pull-high (down) and open-drain are not shown in the figure. Fig. 7(b) The circuit of I/O port and I/O control register for P61~P67InterruptFig. 7(c) Block diagram of I/O Port 6 with input changed interrupt/wake-upTable 2 Usage of Port 6 input changed wake-up/interrupt functionUsage of Port 6 Input Status Changed Wake-up/Interrupt(I) Wake-up from Port 6 input status changed(II) Port 6 input status changed Interrupt(a) Before SLEEP 1. Read I/O Port 6 (MOV R6,R6)1. Disable WDT1 (using very carefully)2. Execute "ENI"2. Read I/O Port 6 (MOV R6,R6)3. Enable interrupt (Set IOCF.1)3. Execute "ENI" or "DISI"4. If Port 6 changed (interrupt)4. Enable interrupt (Set IOCF.1)→ Interrupt vector (008H)5. Execute “SLEP” instruction(b) After wake-up1. If "ENI" → Interrupt vector (008H)2. If "DISI" → Next instruction1Note : Software disables WDT (watchdog timer) but hardware must be enabled before using port6 changedwake-up function. (CODE Option Register, bit 11 (ENWDTB-) set to "1").* The Rex is 430K ohm external resistor.Fig. 8 The circuit of I/O port with R-option (P50,P51)VI.5 RESET and Wake-up1.RESETThe RESET can be caused by(1)Power-on reset(2)/RESET pin input "low", or(3)WDT time-out (if enabled).Note that only power-on reset, or only voltage detector in Case (1) is enabled in the system by CODE option bit.Refer to Fig. 9. The device will be kept in a RESET condition for a period of approx. 18ms (one-oscillator start-up timer period) after the reset is detected. Once the RESET occurs, the following functionsare performed.•The oscillator is running, or will be started.•The Program Counter (R2) is set to all "0".•All I/O port pins are configured as input mode (high-impedance state).•The Watchdog Timer and prescaler are cleared.•Upon power-on, the upper 3 bits of R3 are cleared.•The bits of the CONT register are set to all “1” except the bit 6 (INT flag).•The bits of the IOCA register are set to all “1”.•The bits of the IOCB register are set to all “1”.•The IOCC register is cleared.•The bits of the IOCD register are set to all “1”.•Bit 7 of the IOCE register is set to “1”, and Bits 4 and 6 are cleared.•Bits 0~2 of RF register and bits 0~2 of IOCF register are cleared.Executing the “SLEP” instruction can perform the sleep mode (power-down mode). While entering sleepmode, WDT (if enabled) is cleared but keeps running. The controller can be awakened by(1) external reset input on /RESET pin,(2) WDT time-out (if enabled), or(3) Port 6 input status changed (if enabled).The first two cases will cause the EM78P156E to reset. The T and P flags of R3 can be used to determine the source of the reset (wake-up). The last case is considered the continuation of program execution and the global interrupt (“ENI” or “DISI” being executed) decides whether or not the controller branches to the interrupt vector following wake-up. If ENI is executed before SLEP, the instruction will begin to execute from the address 008H after wake-up. If DISI is executed before SLEP, the instruction will restart from the place where is right next to SLEP after wake-up.Only one of the cases 2 and 3 can be enabled before entering the sleep mode. That is,[a]if Port 6 input status changed interrupt is enabled before SLEP , WDT must be disabled by software; however,the WDT bit in the option register is still enabled. Hence, the EM78P156E can be awakened only by case 1 or 3.[b]if WDT is enabled before SLEP, Port 6 input status changed interrupt must be disabled. Hence, the EM78P156Ecan be awakened only by case 1 or 2. Refer to the section on interrupt.If Port 6 input status changed interrupt is used to wake up the EM78P156E (the case [a]), the following instructions must be executed before SLEP:MOV A, 0bxx000110; Select internal TCC clockCONTWCLR R1; Clear TCC and prescalerMOV A, 0bxxxx1110; Select WDT prescalerCONTWWDTC; Clear WDT and prescalerMOV A, 0b0xxxxxxx; Disable WDTIOW REMOV R6, R6; Read Port 6MOV A, 0b00000x1x; Enable Port 6 input changed interruptIOW RFENI (or DISI); Enable (or disable) global interruptSLEP; SleepNOPOne problem should be aware that after waking up from the sleep mode, WDT would enable automatically.The WDT operation (being enabled or disabled) should be handled appropriately by software after waking up from the sleep mode.Table 3 The summary of the initialized values for registersAddress Name Reset Type Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0Bit Name X X X X C53C52C51C50 N/A IOC5Power-on U U U U1111/RESET and WDT U U U U1111Wake-up from Pin Changed U U U U P P P PBit Name C67C66C65C64C63C62C61C60 N/A IOC6Power-on11111111/RESET and WDT11111111Wake-up from Pin Changed P P P P P P P PBit Name X/INT TS TE PAB PSR2PSR1PSR0 N/A CONT Power-on10111111/RESET and WDT10111111Wake-up from Pin Changed P P P P P P P PBit Name--------0X00R0(IAR)Power-on U U U U U U U U/RESET and WDT P P P P P P P PWake-up from Pin Changed P P P P P P P PBit Name--------0X01R1(TCC)Power-on00000000/RESET and WDT00000000Wake-up from Pin Changed P P P P P P P PBit Name--------0X02R2(PC)Power-on00000000/RESET and WDT00000000Wake-up from Pin Changed**0/P**0/P**0/P**0/P**1/P**0/P**0/P**0/PBit Name GP2GP1GP0T P Z DC C 0X03R3(SR)Power-on00011U U U/RESET and WDT000T T P P PWake-up from Pin Changed P P P T T P P PBit Name GP1GP0------0x04R4(RSR)Power-on11U U U U U U/RESET and WDT11P P P P P PWake-up from Pin Changed11P P P P P PBit Name X X X X P53P52P51P50 0x05R5(P5)Power-on0000U U U U/RESET and WDT0000P P P PWake-up from Pin Changed0000P P P PBit Name P67P66P65P64P63P62P61P60 0x06R6(P6)Power-on U U U U U U U U/RESET and WDT P P P P P P P PWake-up from Pin Changed P P P P P P P PBit Name X X X X X EXIF ICIF TCIF 0x0F RF(ISR)Power-on U U U U U000/RESET and WDT U U U U U000Wake-up from Pin Changed U U U U U P P PBit Name--------0x0A IOCA Power-on11111111/RESET and WDT11111111Wake-up from Pin Changed P P P P P P P PAddress Name Reset Type Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0Bit Name/PD7/PD6/PD5/PD4X/PD2/PD1/PD0 0x0B IOCB Power-on1111U111/RESET and WDT1111U111Wake-up from Pin Changed P P P P U P P PBit Name OD7OD6OD5OD4OD3OD2OD1OD0 0x0C IOCC Power-on00000000/RESET and WDT00000000Wake-up from Pin Changed P P P P P P P PBit Name/PH7/PH6/PH5/PH4/PH3/PH2/PH1/PH0 0x0D IOCD Power-on11111111/RESET and WDT11111111Wake-up from Pin Changed P P P P P P P PBit Name WDTC EIS X ROC X X X X 0x0E IOCE Power-on10U0U U U U/RESET and WDT10U0U U U UWake-up from Pin Changed1P U P U U U UBit Name X X X X X EXIE ICIE TCIE 0x0F IOCF Power-on U U U U U000/RESET and WDT U U U U U000Wake-up from Pin Changed U U U U U P P PBit Name--------0x10R10~R3F Power-on U U U U U U U U~ 0x3F/RESET and WDT P P P P P P P PWake-up from Pin Changed P P P P P P P P ** To jump address 0x08, or to execute the instruction which is next to the “SLEP” instruction.X: not used.U: unknown or don’t care.P: previous value before reset.t: check Table 42.The status of T and P of STATUS registerA RESET condition can be caused by the following events:1.a power-on condition,2.a high-low-high pulse on /RESET pin, and3.Watchdog Timer time-out.The values of T and P, listed in Table 4 can be used to check how the processor wakes up. Table 5 shows the events which may affect the status of T and P .Table 4 The values of T and P after RESETReset Type T P Power-on11/RESET during operating mode*P*P/RESET wake-up during SLEEP mode10WDT during operating mode0PWDT wake-up during SLEEP mode00Wake-up on pin changed during SLEEP mode10 *P: Previous status before resetTable 5 The status of T and P being affected by eventsEventT P Power-on11WDTC instruction 11WDT time-out 0*P SLEP instruction10Wake-up on pin changed during SLEEP mode 10Fig. 9 Block diagram of Reset of controllerVI.6InterruptEM78P156E has three falling edge interrupts listed below :(1) TCC overflow interrupt(2) Port 6 input status changed interrupt (3) External interrupt [(P60//INT) pin].Before Port 6 input status changed interrupt being enabled, reading Port 6 (e.g. “MOV R6,R6”) is necessary.Each pin of Port 6 can have this feature if its status changed. Any pin configured as output or P60 pin configured as /INT is excluded from this function. The Port 6 input status changed interrupt can wake up the EM78P156E from the sleep mode if it is enabled prior to going into the sleep mode by executing SLEP. When waking up, the controller will continue to execute the succesive address if the global interrupt is disabled or branch to the interrupt vector 008H if the global interrupt is enabled.RF is the interrupt status register, which records the interrupt requests in the relative flags/bits. IOCF is an interrupt mask register. The global interrupt is enabled by the ENI instruction and is disabled by the DISIinstruction. When one of the interrupts (when enabled) occurs, the next instruction will be fetched from addressWDTE*P: Previous value before reset008H. Once in the interrupt service routine, the source of an interrupt can be determined by polling the flag bits in RF. The interrupt flag bit must be cleared by instructions before leaving the interrupt service routine andenabling interrupts to avoid recursive interrupts.The flag (except ICIF bit) in the Interrupt Status Register (RF) is set regardless of the status of its mask bit or the execution of ENI. Note that the outcome of RF will be the logic AND of RF and IOCF. Refer to Fig.10. TheRETI instruction ends the interrupt routine and enables the global interrupt (the execution of ENI).When an interrupt is generated by the INT instruction (when enabled), the next instruction will be fetched from address 001H/INTFig. 10 Interrupt input circuitVI.7 Oscillator1.Oscillator ModesEM78P156E can be operated in four different oscillator modes. There are Internal Capacitor oscillator mode (IRC), External RC oscillator mode (ERC), High XTAL oscillator mode (HXT) and Low XTAL oscillator mode (LXT). Users can select one of them by programming MS and HLF in the CODE option register. Table 6 depicts how these four modes to be defined.The up-limited operation frequency of crystal/resonator on the different VDDs is listed in Table 7.Table 6 Oscillator Modes defined by MS, HLF, HLP and IRCENMode MS HLF HLP IRCEN External RC oscillator mode0*X*X1High XTAL oscillator mode11*X*XLow XTAL oscillator mode100*XInternal C, External R oscillator mode0*X*X0 <Note> 1. X, Do not care2. The transient point of system frequency between HXT and LXY is around 400 KHz.Table 7 The summary of maximum operating speedsConditions VDD (V)Fxt max. (MHz)2.58Two clocks 3125186.4202.516Four clocks 3245366.5402. Crystal Oscillator/Ceramic Resonators (XTAL)EM78P156E can be driven by an external clock signal through the OSCI pin as shown in Fig.11Ext. ClockFig. 11 Circuit for External Clock InputIn the most applications, pin OSCI and pin OSCO can be connected with a crystal or ceramic resonator to generate oscillation. Fig.12 depicts the circuit. It is the same no matter in the HXT mode or in the LXT mode. Table 8recommends the values of C1 and C2. Since each resonator has its own attribute, users should refer to their specifications for appropriate values of C1 and C2. RS, a serial resistor, may be necessary for AT strip cut crystal or low frequency modeFig. 12 Circuit for Crystal/ResonatorTable 8 Capacitor Selection Guide for Crystal Oscillator or Ceramic ResonatorsOscillator Type Frequency Mode Frequency C1 (pF)C2 (pF)455 KHz100~150100~1501.00 MHz40~8040~80Ceramic Resonator HXT 2.0 MHz20~4020~404.0 MHz10~3010~3032.768 KHz2515LXT100 KHz2525200 KHz2525 Crystal Oscillator455 KHz20~4020~150HXT 1.0 MHz15~3015~302.0 MHz15154.0 MHz15153.ERC Oscillator ModeFor some applications whose timing need not be calculated precisely, the RC oscillator (Fig.13) offers a lot of cost savings. Nevertheless, it should be aware that the frequency of the RC oscillator is the function of the supply voltage, the values of the resistor (Rext), the capacitor (Cext), and even the operation temperature.Moreover to this, the frequency also changes slightly from one chip to another due to the process variation.In order to maintain a stable system frequency, the values of the Cext should not be less than 20pF as well as the value of Rext should not be greater than 1M ohm. If they can not be kept in this range, the frequency is affected easily by noise, humidity and leakage.The smaller Rext the RC oscillator has, the faster frequency it gets. On the contrary, for very low Rext values, for instance, 1KΩ, the oscillator becomes unstable because the NMOS can not discharge the current of thecapacitance correctly.On a basis of the above reasons, it must be kept in mind that all of the supply voltage, the operation temperature, the components of the RC oscillator, the package types and the ways of PCB layout will effect the system frequency.V CCRextCextFig. 13 Circuit for External RC Oscillator ModeTable 9 RC Oscillator FrequenciesCext Rext Average Fosc @ 5V, 25°CAverage Fosc @ 3V, 25°C3.3k 3.92 MHz 3.65 MHz 5.1k 2.67 MHz 2.60 MHz 10k 1.39 MHz 1.40 MHz 100k 1.49 KHz 156 KHz 3.3k 1.39 MHz 1.33 MHz 5.1k 940 KHz 920 KHz 10k 480 KHz 475 KHz 100k 52 KHz 50 KHz 3.3k 595 KHz 560 KHz 5.1k 400 KHz 390 KHz 10k 200 KHz 200 KHz 100k21 KHz20 KHz*1. Measured on DIP packages.2. Design reference only 4.IRC Oscillator ModeIn IRC mode, it consists of an internal C which default frequency value is 4MHz. We suggest that the external Resistant value here should be 50K Ω connected to vdd with internal C.VI.8CODE Option Register 1.Code Option RegisterThe EM78P156E has one Code option register which is not a part of the normal program memory. The option bits can not be accessed during normal program execution.12111098765~0MSENWDTBCLKSPTBHLFIRCENHLP------Bit 12 (MS): Oscillator type selection.0: RC type1: XTAL type (XTAL1 and XTAL2)Bit 11 (ENWDTB): Watchdog Timer enable.0: Enable 1: DisableBit 10 (CLKS): Instruction period option.0: two oscillator periods 1: four oscillator periodsRefer to the section of Instruction Set.Bit 9 (PTB): Protect bit 0: Enable 1: DisableBit 8 (HLF): XTAL frequency selection.0: XTAL2 type (Low frequency, 32.768KHz)300pF100pF20pF。



E M78P153单片机





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EM78P468L8-BITMicrocontrollerProduct SpecificationD OC.V ERSION1.0ELAN MICROELECTRONICS CORP.March 2006Trademark Acknowledgments:IBM is a registered trademark and PS/2 is a trademark of IBM.Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.ELAN and ELAN logo are trademarks of ELAN Microelectronics Corporation.Copyright © 2006 by ELAN Microelectronics CorporationAll Rights ReservedPrinted in Taiwan, ROCThe contents of in this specification are subject to change without notice. ELAN Microelectronics assumes no responsibility concerning the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of this specification. ELAN Microelectronics makes no commitment to update, or to keep current the information and material contained in this specification. Such information and material may change to conform to each confirmed order.In no event shall ELAN Microelectronics be made responsible to any claims attributed to errors, omissions, or other inaccuracies in the information or material contained in this specification. ELAN Microelectronics shall not be liable for direct, indirect, special incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use of such information or material.The software (if any) described in this specification is furnished under a license or nondisclosure agreement, and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such agreement.ELAN Microelectronics products are not intended for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems. Use of ELAN Microelectronics product in such applications is not supported and is prohibited.NO PART OF THIS SPECIFICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ELAN MICROELECTRONICS.ELAN MICROELECTRONICS CORPORATIONHeadquarters:No. 12, Innovation Road 1 Science-based Industrial Park Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C. 30077 Tel: +886 3 563-9977Fax: +886 3 563-9966 Hong Kong:Elan (HK) MicroelectronicsCorporation, Ltd.Rm. 1005B, 10/F Empire Centre68 Mody Road, TsimshatsuiKowloon , HONG KONGTel: +852 2723-3376Fax: +852 2723-7780elanhk@USA:Elan Information TechnologyGroup1821 Saratoga Ave., Suite 250Saratoga, CA 95070USATel: +1 408 366-8223Fax: +1 408 366-8220Europe:Elan Microelectronics Corp. (Europe)Siewerdtstrasse 1058050 Zurich, SWITZERLAND Tel: +41 43 299-4060Fax: +41 43 299-4079 Shenzhen:Elan MicroelectronicsShenzhen, Ltd.SSMEC Bldg., 3F, Gaoxin S. Ave.Shenzhen Hi-Tech Industrial ParkShenzhen, Guandong, CHINATel: +86 755 2601-0565Fax: +86 755 2601-0500Shanghai:Elan MicroelectronicsShanghai Corporation, Ltd.23/Bldg. #115 Lane 572, Bibo RoadZhangjiang Hi-Tech ParkShanghai, CHINATel: +86 021 5080-3866Fax: +86 021 5080-4600Contents Contents1GENERAL DESCRIPTION (1)2FEATURES (1)2.1CPU (1)2.2LCD Circuit (3)2.3Applications (3)3PIN ASSIGNMENTS (4)3.1QFP - 64 (4)3.2LQFP - 64 (5)3.3LQFP - 44 (6)3.4QFP - 44 (7)4 FUNCTION DESCRIPTION (10)4.1Operational Registers (11)4.2Special Purpose Registers (20)4.3TCC and WDT Pre-scaler (27)4.4I/O Ports (30)4.5RESET and Wake-up (31)4.6Oscillator (36)4.7Power-on Considerations (39)4.8Interrupt (40)4.9LCD Driver (41)4.10 Infrared Remote Control Application / PWM Waveform Generate (47)4.11Code Options (51)4.12 Instruction Set (52)4.13 Timing Diagram (55)5ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (56)6ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTIC (57)6.1DC Electrical Characteristics (57)6.2AC Electrical Characteristics (59)6.3Device Characteristic (60)7APPLICATION CIRCUIT (72)APPENDIX A: (73)APPENDIX B: (76)APPENDIX C: (77)ContentsSpecification Revision HistoryDescription Date Version Revisionversion 2006/03/151.0 InitialEM78P468L8-BIT Microcontroller1 GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThis LSI is an 8-bit RISC type microprocessor with high speed CMOS technology andlow power consumption. Integrated onto a single chip are on chip watchdog timer (WDT),Data RAM, ROM, programmable real time clock counter, internal/external interrupt,power down mode, LCD driver, infrared transmitter function, and tri-state I/O. TheEM78P468L provides multi-protection bits to protect against intrusion of user’s code inthe OTP memory and a seven option bits to accommodate user’s requirements. It alsoprovides an especial 13 bits customer ID option.With its OTP-ROM feature, this LSI offers a convenient way of developing and verifyinguser’s programs. Moreover, user developed code can be easily programmed with theELAN writer.2 FEATURES2.1 CPUOperating voltage and temperature range:EM78P468N:z Commercial:2.3V ~ 5.5 V. (at 0 ~+70 )z Industrial: 2.5V ~ 5.5 V. (at -40 ~+85 )EM78P468L:z Commercial:1.9V ~ 5.5 V. (at 0 ~+70 )z Industrial: 2.1V ~ 5.5 V. (at -40 ~+85 )Operation speed: DC ~ 10MHz clock input.clockoperationDualz High frequency oscillator can select among Crystal, RC, or PLL (phase lockloop)z Low frequency oscillator can select between Crystal or RC modeTotally 272 bytes SRAMz144 bytes general purpose registerz128 bytes on chip data RAM4K*13 bits OTP - ROM (One Time Programmable - Read Only Memory)Up to 28 bi-directional tri-state I/O portsz Typically, 12 bi-directional tri-state I/O ports.EM78P468L8-BIT Microcontrollerz16 bi-directional tri-state I/O ports shared with LCD segment output pin.8-level stack for subroutine nesting8-bit real time clock/counter (TCC)One infrared transmitter/PWM generator functionFour sets of 8 bits auto reload down-count timer can be used as interrupt sources z Counter 1: independent down-count timerz Counter 2, High Pulse Width Timer (HPWT), and Low Pulse Width Timer(LPWT) shared with IR function.Programmable free running on chip watchdog timer (WDT). This function canoperate on Normal, Green and Idle mode.Operationmodes:z Normal mode: The CPU operated on frequency of main oscillator (Fm)z Green mode: The CPU operated on frequency sub-oscillator (Fs) and mainoscillator (Fm) stop.z Idle mode: CPU idle, LCD display remains workingz Sleep mode: whole chip stop working.Input port wake up function (PORT6, PORT8). Working on Idle and leep mode.Eight interrupt sources, three external and five internal.z Internal interrupt source : TCC; Counter 1,2; High/Low pulse width timer.z External interrupt source : INT0, INT1 and Pin change wake-up (Port 6 andPort 8)Packages:z Dice form : 59 pinz QFP-64 pin : EM78P468NQ (Body 14mm*20mm)z QFP-64 pin : EM78P468LQ (Body 14mm*20mm)z LQFP-64 pin : EM78P468NAQ (Body 7mm*7mm)z LQFP-64 pin : EM78P468LAQ (Body 7mm*7mm)z LQFP-44 pin : EM78P468NBQ (Body 10mm*10mm)z LQFP-44 pin : EM78P468LBQ (Body 10mm*10mm)z QFP-44 pin : EM78P468NCQ (Body 10mm*10mm)z QFP-44 pin : EM78P468LCQ (Body 10mm*10mm)EM78P468L8-BIT Microcontroller2.2 LCD CircuitCommon driver pins: 4Segment driver pins: 32LCD Bias: 1/3, 1/2 biasLCD Duty: 1/4, 1/3, 1/2 duty2.3 ApplicationsRemote control for air conditionercareHealthappliancesHomeEM78P468L8-BIT Microcontroller3 PIN ASSIGNMENTS3.1 QFP - 64SEG14SEG13SEG12SEG1SEG9SEG8SEG7SEG6SEG5VLCD2VLCD3/RESETGNDR-OSCIOSCOVDDXINXOUTP5.4/INT0P5.5/INT1P5.6/TCCP5.7/IROUTP6.P6.1P6.6P6.5P6.4P6.3P6.2SEG16/P7.0SEG17/P7.1SEG18/P7.2SEG19/P7.3SEG20/P7.4SEG21/P7.5SEG22/P7.6SEG23/P7.7SEG24/P8.0SEG25/P8.1SEG26/P8.2P6.7SEG28/P8.4SEG27/P8.3SEG11SEG15COM3COM2COM1COM0VBVASEG4SEG3SEG2SEG1SEGNCNCSEG31/P8.7NCNCNCSEG3/P8.6SEG29/P8.5Input PinOutput PinInput/Output PinDigital I/O Pin/LCD Output PinLCD Output PinFig. 1-(a) Pins Configuration for 64 Pin QFP PackageEM78P468L8-BIT Microcontroller3.2 LQFP - 64SEG14SEG13SEG12SEG1SEG9SEG8SEG7SEG6SEG5VLCD2VLCD3/RESETGNDR-OSCIOSCOVDDXINXOUTP5.4/INT0P5.5/INT1P5.6/TCCP5.7/IROUTP6.P6.1P6.6P6.5P6.4P6.3P6.2SEG16/P7.0SEG17/P7.1SEG18/P7.2SEG19/P7.3SEG20/P7.4SEG21/P7.5SEG22/P7.6SEG23/P7.7SEG24/P8.0SEG25/P8.1SEG26/P8.2P6.7SEG28/P8.4SEG27/P8.3SEG11SEG15COM0VBVASEG4SEG3SEG2SEG1SEGNCNCSEG31/P8.7NCNCCOM1COM2COM3 SEG28/P8.5SEG28/P8.6NCInput PinOutput PinInput/Output PinDigital I/O Pin/LCD Output PinLCD Output PinFig. 1-(b) Pins Configuration for 64 Pin LQFP PackageEM78P468L8-BIT Microcontroller3.3 LQFP - 44SEG14SEG13SEG12COM3COM2COM1COMVBVAVLCD2VLCD3/RESETGNDR-OSCIOSCOVDDXINXOUTP5.4/INT0P5.5/INT1P5.6/TCCP5.7/IROUTP6.P6.1P6.6P6.5P6.4P6.3P6.2SEG16/P7.SEG17/P7.1SEG18/P7.2SEG19/P7.3SEG20/P7.4SEG21/P7.5SEG22/P7.6SEG23/P7.7SEG24/P8.0SEG25/P8.1SEG26/P8.2P6.7SEG28/P8.4SEG27/P8.3SEG11Input PinOutput PinInput/Output PinDigital I/O Pin/LCD Output PinLCD Output PinFig. 1-(c) Pins Configuration for 44 Pin LQFP PackageProduct Specification (V1.0) 03.15.2006• 7(This specification is subject to change without further notice)3.4 QFP - 44S E G 14S E G 13S E G 12C O M 3C O M 2C O M 1C O M 0V BV AVLCD2VLCD3/RESET GND R-OSCI OSCO VDD XIN XOUT P5.4/INT0P5.5/INT1P 5.6/T C C P 5.7/I R O U T P 6.0P 6.1P 6.6P 6.5P 6.4P 6.3P 6.2S E G 16/P 7.0SEG17/P7.1SEG18/P7.2SEG19/P7.3SEG20/P7.4SEG21/P7.5SEG22/P7.6SEG23/P7.7SEG24/P8.0SEG25/P8.1SEG26/P8.2P 6.7S E G 28/P 8.4SEG27/P8.3S E G 11Input Pin Output Pin Input/Output PinDigital I/O Pin/LCD Output Pin LCD Output PinFig. 1-(d) Pins Configuration for 44 Pin QFP Package8 •Product Specification (V1.0) 03.15.2006(This specification is subject to change without further notice)Table 1 (a) Pin Description for Package of QFP64 and LQFP64PINPIN numberI/O typeDescriptionVDD 29 I * Power supply pin GND 26 I* System ground pinR-OSCI 27 I* In crystal mode: crystal input * In RC mode: resistor pull high.* In PLL mode: connect 0.01 F capacitance to GND * Connect 0.01 F capacitor to GND and code option select PLL mode when high oscillator is not use. OSCO 28 O* In crystal mode: crystal output* In RC mode: instruction clock output Xin 30 I* In crystal mode: I nput pin for sub-oscillator. Connect to a 32.768KHz crystal* RC mode: this pin is connected with a resistor to high level.Xout 31 O* In crystal: Connect to a 32.768KHz crystal* In RC mode: instruction clock output/RESET 25 I* Low active. If set as /RESET and remains at logic low, thedevices will be resetP5.4/INT0 32 I/O * General purpose I/O pin. /external interrupt.* INT0 interruption source can be set to falling or risingedge by IOC71 register bit 7 (INT_EDGE).* Wake up from sleep mode and idle mode when the pin status changes.P5.5/INT1 33 I/O* General purpose I/O pin. /external interrupt. * Interruption source is a falling edge signal.* Wake up from sleep mode and idle mode when the pin status changes. P5.6/TCC 34 I/O* General purpose I/O/ external counter input* This pin works in normal/green/idle mode. P5.7/IROUT 37I/O* General purpose I/O pin or IR/PWM mode output pin, * Capable of sinking 20mA/5V. P6.0 ~ P6.7 38~45 I/O * General purpose I/O pin.* Pull-high, pull-low and open drain function support.* All pins can wake up from sleep and idle modes when the pin status changes.COM3~0 17~20 O * LCD common output pin. SEG0~SEG15 16~1 O * LCD segment output pin.SEG16/P7.0~SEG23/P7.7 64 ~ 57 O/(I/O)* LCD segment output pin. Can be shared with general purposes I/O pinSEG24/P8.0~SEG30/P8.6 SEG31/P8.7 56 ~ 50 46 O/(I/O)* LCD segment output pin. Can be shared with general I/O pin* For general purpose I/O use, can wake up from sleep mode and idle mode when the pin status changes. * For general purposes I/O use, supports pull-high function.VB 21 O * Connect capacitors for LCD bias voltage VA 22 O * Connect capacitors for LCD bias voltage VLCD2 23 O * One of LCD bias voltage VLCD3 24 O * One of LCD bias voltage NC35~36 47~49Product Specification (V1.0) 03.15.2006• 9(This specification is subject to change without further notice)Table 1 (b) Pin Description for Package of QFP44 and LQFP44PINPIN numberI/O typeDescriptionVDD18 I * Power supply pin GND 15 I* System ground pinR-OSCI 16 I* In crystal mode: crystal input * In RC mode: resistor pull high.* In PLL mode: connect 0.01 F capacitance to GND * Connect 0.01 F capacitor to GND and code option select PLL mode when high oscillator is not use. OSCO 17 O* In crystal mode: crystal output* In RC mode: instruction clock output Xin 19 I* In crystal mode: I nput pin for sub-oscillator. Connect to a 32.768KHz crystal* RC mode: this pin is connected with a resistor to high level.Xout 20 O* In crystal: Connect to a 32.768KHz crystal* In RC mode: instruction clock output/RESET 14 I* Low active. If set as /RESET and remains at logic low* the devices will be resetP5.4/INT0 21 I/O * General purpose I/O pin. /external interrupt.* INT0 interruption source can be set to falling or risingedge by IOC71 register bit 7 (INT_EDGE).* Wake up from sleep mode and idle mode when the pin status changes.P5.5/INT1 22 I/O* General purpose I/O pin. /external interrupt. * Interruption source is a falling edge signal.* Wake up from sleep mode and idle mode when the pin status changes. P5.6/TCC 23 I/O* General purpose I/O/ external counter input* This pin works in normal/green/idle mode. P5.7/IROUT 24I/O* General purpose I/O pin or IR/PWM mode output pin,* Capable of sinking 20mA/5V. P6.0 ~ P6.7 25~32 I/O* General purpose I/O pin.* Pull-high, pull-low and open drain function support.* All pins can wake up from sleep and idle modes when the pin status changes.COM3~0 6~9 O * LCD common output pin. SEG11~SEG14 5~2 O * LCD segment output pin. SEG16/P7.0 SEG17/P7.1~SEG23/P7.7 144~38O/(I/O)* LCD segment output pin. Can be shared with general purposes I/O pin SEG24/P8.0~SEG31/P8.4 37~33O/(I/O) * LCD segment output pin. Can be shared with general I/O pin* For general purpose I/O use, can wake up from sleepmode and idle mode when the pin status changes.* For general purposes I/O use, supports pull-high function.VB 10 O * Connect capacitors for LCD bias voltage VA 11 O * Connect capacitors for LCD bias voltage VLCD2 12 O * One of LCD bias voltage VLCD313 O * One of LCD bias voltage10 •Product Specification (V1.0) 03.15.2006(This specification is subject to change without further notice)4FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONR -O S C IO S C OX i nX o u tFig. 2 System Block DiagramProduct Specification (V1.0) 03.15.2006• 11(This specification is subject to change without further notice)4.1 Operational Registers4.1.1 R0/IAR (Indirect Addressing Register)(Address: 00h)R0 is not a physically implemented register. It is used as indirect addressing pointer. Any instruction using R0 as register actually accesses the data pointed by the RAM Select Register (R4).4.1.2R1/TCC (Time Clock Counter) (Address: 01h)Increases by an external signal edge applied to TCC, or by the instruction cycle clock. Written and read by the program as any other register.4.1.3R2/PC (Program Counter) (Address: 02h)* The structure is depicted in Fig. 3* Generates 4K × 13 on-chip ROM addresses to the relative programming instruction codes.* "JMP" instruction allows direct loading of the low 10 program counter bits.* "CALL" instruction loads the low 10 bits of the PC and PC+1, then push it into the stack. * "RET'' ("RETL k", "RETI") instruction loads the program counter with the contents at the top of stack.* "MOV R2, A" allows the loading of an address from the A register to the PC. The contents of the ninth and tenth bits do not change.* "ADD R2, A" allows a relative address be added to the current PC.* The most significant bit (A10~A11) will be loaded with the content of bits PS0~PS1 in the Status register (R3) upon execution of a "JMP'' or "CALL'' instruction.12 •Product Specification (V1.0) 03.15.2006(This specification is subject to change without further notice)000H 003H 006H009H 00CH 00FH 012H 015H 018HFFFHFig. 3 Program Counter OrganizationFig. 4 Data Memory ConfigurationProduct Specification (V1.0) 03.15.2006• 13(This specification is subject to change without further notice)4.1.4R 3/SR (Status Register) (Address: 03h)Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0-- PS1 PS0 T P Z DC CBit 7 : Not usedBit 6 ~ 5 (PS1 ~ 0) : Page select bitsPS1PS0ROM page (Address)0 0 Page 0 (000H ~ 3FFH) 0 1 Page 1 (400H ~ 7FFH) 1 0 Page 2 (800H ~ BFFH) 11Page 3 (C00H ~ FFFH)PS0~PS1 are used to select a ROM page. User can use PAGE instruction (e.g. PAGE 1) or set PS1~PS0 bits to change ROM page. When executing a "JMP", "CALL", or other instructions which causes the program counter to be changed (e.g. MOV R2, A), PS0~PS1 are loaded into the 11th and 12th bits of the program counter where it selects one of the available program memory pages. Note that RET (RETL, RETI) instruction does not change the PS0~PS1 bits. That is, the return will always be to the page from where the subroutine was called, regardless of the current setting of PS0~PS1 bits.Bit 4 (T) : Time-out bit. Set to 1 by the "SLEP" and "WDTC" commands or during power up and reset to 0 by WDT timeout.EVENT T P REMARKWDT wake up from sleep mode 0 0 WDT time out (not sleep mode) 0 1 /RESET wake up from sleep 1 0 Power up1 1Low pulse on /RESET11X: don't careBit 3 (P) : Power down bit. Set to 1 during power on or by a "WDTC" command and reset to 0 by a "SLEP" command. Bit 2 (Z) : Zero flagBit 1 (DC) : Auxiliary carry flag. Bit 0 (C) : Carry flag4.1.5R4/RSR (RAM Select Register) (Address: 04h)Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0RBS1 RBS0 RSR5 RSR4 RSR3 RSR2 RSR1 RSR0Bits 7 ~ 6 (RBS1 ~ RBS0) : determine which bank is activated among the 4 banks. See the configuration of the data memory in Fig.4. Use BANK instruction (e.g. BABK 1) to change bank.Bits 5 ~ 0 (RSR5 ~ RSR0) : are used to select up to 64 registers (address: 00~3F) in theindirect addressing mode. If no indirect addressing is used, the RSR can be used as an8-bit general purposes read/writer register.4.1.6 R5/PORT5 (PORT 5 I/O Data and Page of Register Select)(Address: 05h)Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0R57 R56 R55 R54 -- -- -- IOCPAGE Bit 7~4 : 4-bits I/O registers of PORT5User can use IOC50 register to define input or output each bit.Bit 3~1 : Not usedBit 0 (IOCPAGE) : change IOC5 ~ IOCF to another pageIOCPAGE = “0” : Page 0 (select register of IOC 50 to IOC F0)IOCPAGE = “1” : Page 1 (select register of IOC 61 to IOC E1)4.1.7 R6/PORT6 (PORT 6 I/O Data Register)(Address: 06h)Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0R67 R66 R65 R64 R63 R62 R61 R60 Bit 7~0 : 8-bit I/O registers of PORT 6User can use IOC60 register to define input or output each bit.4.1.8 R7/PORT7 (PORT 7 I/O Data Register)(Address: 07h)Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0R77 R76 R75 R74 R73 R72 R71 R70 Bit 7~0 : 8-bit I/O registers of PORT 7User can use IOC70 register to define input or output each bit.4.1.9 R8/PORT8 (PORT 8 I/O Data Register)(Address: 08h)Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0R87 R86 R85 R84 R83 R82 R81 R80 Bit 7~0 : 8-bit I/O registers of PORT 8User can use IOC80 register to define input or output each bit.14 •Product Specification (V1.0) 03.15.2006(This specification is subject to change without further notice)Product Specification (V1.0) 03.15.2006• 15(This specification is subject to change without further notice)4.1.10 R9/LCDCR (LCD Control Register)(Address: 09h)Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0BS DS1 DS0 LCDEN-- LCDTYPE LCDF1 LCDF0Bit 7 (BS): LCD bias select bit,BS = “0”: 1/2 biasBS = “1”: 1/3 biasBit 6 ~ 5 (DS1 ~ DS0): LCD duty selectDS1DS0LCD duty0 0 1/2 duty 0 1 1/3 duty 1 X 1/4 dutyBit 4 (LCDEN) : LCD enable bitLCDEN = “0” : LCD circuit disable. all common/segment outputs are set to ground(GND) levelLCDEN = “1” : LCD circuit enable. Bit 3: Not usedBit 2 (LCDTYPE) : LCD drive waveform type select bitL CDTYPE = “0” : A type waveform L CDTYPE = “1” : B type waveformBit 1 ~ 0(LCDF1 ~ LCDF0): LCD frame frequency control bits LCD frame frequency (e.g. Fs=32.768KHz) LCDF1LCDF01/2 duty1/3 duty1/4 duty0 0 Fs/(256*2)=64.0 Fs/(172*3)=63.5 Fs/(128*4) =64.00 1 Fs/(280*2)=58.5 Fs/(188*3)=58.0 Fs/(140*4) =58.51 0 Fs/(304*2)=53.9 Fs/(204*3)=53.5 Fs/(152*4) =53.91 1 Fs/(232*2)=70.6 Fs/(156*3)=70.0 Fs/(116*4) =70.6Fs: sub-oscillator frequency4.1.11 RA/LCD_ADDR (LCD Address) (Address: 0Ah)Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 00 0 0 LCD_A4LCD_A3LCD_A2 LCD_A1 LCD_A0Bit 7 ~ 5: Not used, fixed to “0”16 •Product Specification (V1.0) 03.15.2006(This specification is subject to change without further notice)Bit 4~0 (LCDA4 ~ LCDA0): LCD RAM address RB (LCD data buffer)RA(LCD address) Bit 7 ~4Bit 3 (LCD_D3)Bit 2 (LCD_D2)Bit 1 (LCD_D1)Bit 0(LCD_D0)Segmen t 00H --SEG001H -- SEG1 02H -- SEG2 | | |1DH -- SEG29 1EH -- SEG30 1FH -- SEG31 CommonX COM3 COM2 COM1 COM04.1.12 RB/LCD_DB (LCD Data Buffer)(Address: 0Bh)Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0-- -- -- -- LCD_D3LCD_D2 LCD_D1 LCD_D0Bit 7 ~ 4 : Not usedBit 3~0 (LCD_D3 ~ LCD_D0) : LCD RAM data transfer register4.1.13 RC/CNTER (Counter Enable Register) (Address: 0Ch)Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0-- -- -- -- LPWTEN HPWTEN CNT2EN CNT1ENBit 7,5 : Not used, must fixed to “0” Bit 6,4 : Not usedBit 3(LPWTEN): low pulse width timer enable bit,LPWTEN = “0” : Disable LPWT. Count operation stop. LPWTEN = “1” : Enable LPWT. Count operation start. Bit 2(HPWTEN) : high pulse width timer enable bitHPWTEN = “0” : Disable HPWT. Count operation stop. HPWTEN = “1” : Enable HPWT. Count operation start. Bit 1(CNT2EN) : counter 2 enable bitCNT2EN = “0” : Disable Counter 2. Count operation stop. CNT2EN = “1” : Enable Counter 2. Count operation start. Bit 0(CNT1EN) : counter 1 enable bitCNT1EN = “0” : Disable Counter 1. Count operation stop.CNT1EN = “1” : Enable Counter 1. Count operation start.4.1.14 RD/SBPCR (System, Booster and PLL Control Register)(Address: 0Dh)Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0-- CLK2 CLK1 CLK0 IDLE BF1 BF0 CPUS Bit 7: Not usedBit 6 ~ 4 (CLK2 ~ CLK0): main clock selection bits for PLL mode (code option select)CLK2 CLK1 CLK0 Main clock Example Fs=32.768K0 0 0 Fs*130 4.26MHzMHz0 0 1 Fs*65 2.13MHz0 1 0 Fs*65/2 1.0650 1 1 Fs*65/4 532KHzMHz1 X X Fs*244 8Bit 3 (IDLE) : idle mode enable bit. This bit will decide the intended mode of the SLEP instruction.I DLE=”0”+SLEP instruction => sleep modeI DLE=”1”+SLEP instruction => idle mode* NOP instruction must be added after SLEP instruction.Example : IDLE mode : IDLE bit = “1” +SLEP instruction + NOP instructionSLEEP mode : IDLE bit = “0” +SLEP instruction + NOP instructionBit 2,1 (BF1, 0): LCD booster frequency select bit to adjust VLCD 2,3 driving.BF1 BF0 Booster frequency0 0 Fs0 1 Fs/41 0 Fs/81 1 Fs/16Bit 0 (CPUS): CPU oscillator source select, When CPUS=0, the CPU oscillator select sub-oscillator and the main oscillator is stopped.CPUS = “0”: sub-oscillator (Fs)CPUS = “1”: main oscillator (Fm)18 •Product Specification (V1.0) 03.15.2006 CPU Operation ModeFig. 5 CPU Operation Mode4.1.15 RE/IRCR (IR and PORT 5 Setting Control Register) (Address: 0Eh)Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0IRE HF LGP -- IROUTE TCCE EINT1 EINT0 Bit 7 (IRE): Infrared Remote Enable bitIRE = “0” : Disable IR/PWM function. The state of P5.7/IROUT pin is determined by bit 7 of IOC 50 if it’s for IROUT.IRE = “1” : Enable IR or PWM function.Bit 6 (HF) : High carry frequency.HF = “0” : For PWM application, disable H/W modulator function. IROUT waveform is created according to high-pulse and low-pulse time as determined by the high pulse and low pulse width timers respectively. The counter 2 is an independent auto reload timer.HF = “1” : For IR application mode, enable H/W modulator function, the low time sections of the generated pulse is modulated with the frequency Fcarrier. The frequency of Fcarrier provide by counter 2.Bit 5 (LGP) : IROUT for long time of low pulse.LGP = “0” : The high-pulse width timer register and low-pulse width timer is valid. LGP = “1” : The high-pulse width timer register is ignored. So the IROUT waveform is dependent on low-pulse width timer register only.Bit 4 : Not usedBit 3 (IROUTE) : Define the function of P5.7/IROUT pin.IROUTE = “0” : for bi-directional general I/O pin.IROUTE = “1” : for IR or PWM output pin, the control bit of P5.7 (bit 7 of IOC50)must be set to “0”Bit 2 (TCCE) : Define the function of P5.6/TCC pin.TCCE = “0” : for bi-directional general I/O pin.TCCE = “1” : for external input pin of TCC, the control bit of P5.6 (bit 6 of IOC50)must be set to “1”Bit 1 (EINT1): Define the function of P5.5/INT1 pin.EINT1 = “0” : for bi-directional general I/O pin.EINT1 = “1” : for external interrupt pin of INT1, the control bit of P5.5 (bit 5 ofIOC50) must be set to “1”Bit 0 (EINT0) : Define the function of P5.4/INT0 pin.EINT0 = “0” : for bi-directional general I/O pin.EINT0 = “1” : for external interrupt pin of INT0, the control bit of P5.4 (bit 4 ofIOC50) must be set to “1”4.1.16 RF/ISR (Interrupt Status Register)(Address: 0Fh)Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0ICIF LPWTF HPWTF CNT2F CNT1F INT1F INT0F TCIF These bits are set to “1” when interrupt occurs respectively.Bit 7 (ICIF) : PORT 6, PORT 8, input status changed interrupt flag. Set when PORT6, PORT8 input changes.Bit 6 (LPWTF) : interrupt flag of internal low-pulse width timer underflow.Bit 5 (HPWTF) : interrupt flag of internal high-pulse width timer underflow.Bit 4 (CNT2F) : interrupt flag of internal counter 2 under-flow.Bit 3 (CNT1F) : interrupt flag of internal counter 1 underflow.Bit 2 (INT1F ): external INT1 pin interrupt flag.Bit 1 (INT0F) : external INT0 pin interrupt flag.Bit 0 (TCIF) : TCC timer overflow interrupt flag. Set when TCC timer overflows.4.1.17 Address: 10h~3Fh;R10~R3F (General Purpose Register)R10~R31F and R20~R3F (Banks 0~3) are general purposes register.。
