Winofex Analysis 20141114


Tektronix MDO3000 Series 数字多功能作业仪用户指南说明书

Tektronix MDO3000 Series 数字多功能作业仪用户指南说明书

19StandardMath ToolsDisplay up to four math function traces (F1-F4). The easy-to-use graphical interface simplifies setup of up to two operations on each function trace;and function traces can be chained together to perform math-on-math.absolute value integralaverage (summed)invert (negate)average (continuous)log (base e)custom (MATLAB) – limited points product (x)derivativeratio (/)deskew (resample)reciprocaldifference (–)rescale (with units)enhanced resolution (to 11 bits vertical)roof envelope (sinx)/x exp (base e)square exp (base 10)square root fft (power spectrum, magnitude, phase,sum (+)up to 50 kpts) trend (datalog) of 1000 events floorzoom (identity)histogram of 1000 eventsMeasure ToolsDisplay any 6 parameters together with statistics, including their average,high, low, and standard deviations. Histicons provide a fast, dynamic view of parameters and wave-shape characteristics.Pass/Fail TestingSimultaneously test multiple parameters against selectable parameter limits or pre-defined masks. Pass or fail conditions can initiate actions including document to local or networked files, e-mail the image of the failure, save waveforms, send a pulse out at the rear panel auxiliary BNC output, or (with the GPIB option) send a GPIB SRQ.Jitter and Timing Analysis Software Package (WRXi-JTA2)(Standard with MXi-A model oscilloscopes)•Jitter and timing parameters, with “Track”graphs of •Edge@lv parameter (counts edges)• Persistence histogram, persistence trace (mean, range, sigma)Software Options –Advanced Math and WaveShape AnalysisStatistics Package (WRXi-STAT)This package provides additional capability to statistically display measurement information and to analyze results:• Histograms expanded with 19 histogram parameters/up to 2 billion events.• Persistence Histogram• Persistence Trace (mean, range, sigma)Master Analysis Software Package (WRXi-XMAP)(Standard with MXi-A model oscilloscopes)This package provides maximum capability and flexibility, and includes all the functionality present in XMATH, XDEV, and JTA2.Advanced Math Software Package (WRXi-XMATH)(Standard with MXi-A model oscilloscopes)This package provides a comprehensive set of WaveShape Analysis tools providing insight into the wave shape of complex signals. Includes:•Parameter math – add, subtract, multiply, or divide two different parameters.Invert a parameter and rescale parameter values.•Histograms expanded with 19 histogram parameters/up to 2 billion events.•Trend (datalog) of up to 1 million events•Track graphs of any measurement parameter•FFT capability includes: power averaging, power density, real and imaginary components, frequency domain parameters, and FFT on up to 24 Mpts.•Narrow-band power measurements •Auto-correlation function •Sparse function• Cubic interpolation functionAdvanced Customization Software Package (WRXi-XDEV)(Standard with MXi-A model oscilloscopes)This package provides a set of tools to modify the scope and customize it to meet your unique needs. Additional capability provided by XDEV includes:•Creation of your own measurement parameter or math function, using third-party software packages, and display of the result in the scope. Supported third-party software packages include:– VBScript – MATLAB – Excel•CustomDSO – create your own user interface in a scope dialog box.• Addition of macro keys to run VBScript files •Support for plug-insValue Analysis Software Package (WRXi-XVAP)(Standard with MXi-A model oscilloscopes)Measurements:•Jitter and Timing parameters (period@level,width@level, edge@level,duty@level, time interval error@level, frequency@level, half period, setup, skew, Δ period@level, Δ width@level).Math:•Persistence histogram •Persistence trace (mean, sigma, range)•1 Mpts FFTs with power spectrum density, power averaging, real, imaginary, and real+imaginary settings)Statistical and Graphical Analysis•1 Mpts Trends and Histograms •19 histogram parameters •Track graphs of any measurement parameterIntermediate Math Software Package (WRXi-XWAV)Math:•1 Mpts FFTs with power spectrum density, power averaging, real, and imaginary componentsStatistical and Graphical Analysis •1 Mpts Trends and Histograms •19 histogram parameters•Track graphs of any measurement parameteramplitude area base cyclescustom (MATLAB,VBScript) –limited points delay Δdelay duration duty cyclefalltime (90–10%, 80–20%, @ level)firstfrequency lastlevel @ x maximum mean median minimumnumber of points +overshoot –overshoot peak-to-peak period phaserisetime (10–90%, 20–80%, @ level)rmsstd. deviation time @ level topΔ time @ levelΔ time @ level from triggerwidth (positive + negative)x@ max.x@ min.– Cycle-Cycle Jitter – N-Cycle– N-Cycle with start selection – Frequency– Period – Half Period – Width– Time Interval Error – Setup– Hold – Skew– Duty Cycle– Duty Cycle Error20WaveRunner WaveRunner WaveRunner WaveRunner WaveRunner 44Xi-A64Xi-A62Xi-A104Xi-A204Xi-AVertical System44MXi-A64MXi-A104MXi-A204MXi-ANominal Analog Bandwidth 400 MHz600 MHz600 MHz 1 GHz 2 GHz@ 50 Ω, 10 mV–1 V/divRise Time (Typical)875 ps500 ps500 ps300 ps180 psInput Channels44244Bandwidth Limiters20 MHz; 200 MHzInput Impedance 1 MΩ||16 pF or 50 Ω 1 MΩ||20 pF or 50 ΩInput Coupling50 Ω: DC, 1 MΩ: AC, DC, GNDMaximum Input Voltage50 Ω: 5 V rms, 1 MΩ: 400 V max.50 Ω: 5 V rms, 1 MΩ: 250 V max.(DC + Peak AC ≤ 5 kHz)(DC + Peak AC ≤ 10 kHz)Vertical Resolution8 bits; up to 11 with enhanced resolution (ERES)Sensitivity50 Ω: 2 mV/div–1 V/div fully variable; 1 MΩ: 2 mV–10 V/div fully variableDC Gain Accuracy±1.0% of full scale (typical); ±1.5% of full scale, ≥ 10 mV/div (warranted)Offset Range50 Ω: ±1 V @ 2–98 mV/div, ±10 V @ 100 mV/div–1 V/div; 50Ω:±400mV@2–4.95mV/div,±1V@5–99mv/div,1 M Ω: ±1 V @ 2–98 mV/div, ±10 V @ 100 mV/div–1 V/div,±10 V @ 100 mV–1 V/div±**********/div–10V/div 1 M Ω: ±400 mV @ 2–4.95 mV/div, ±1 V @5–99 mV/div, ±10 V @ 100 mV–1 V/div,±*********–10V/divInput Connector ProBus/BNCTimebase SystemTimebases Internal timebase common to all input channels; an external clock may be applied at the auxiliary inputTime/Division Range Real time: 200 ps/div–10 s/div, RIS mode: 200 ps/div to 10 ns/div, Roll mode: up to 1,000 s/divClock Accuracy≤ 5 ppm @ 25 °C (typical) (≤ 10 ppm @ 5–40 °C)Sample Rate and Delay Time Accuracy Equal to Clock AccuracyChannel to Channel Deskew Range±9 x time/div setting, 100 ms max., each channelExternal Sample Clock DC to 600 MHz; (DC to 1 GHz for 104Xi-A/104MXi-A and 204Xi-A/204MXi-A) 50 Ω, (limited BW in 1 MΩ),BNC input, limited to 2 Ch operation (1 Ch in 62Xi-A), (minimum rise time and amplitude requirements applyat low frequencies)Roll Mode User selectable at ≥ 500 ms/div and ≤100 kS/s44Xi-A64Xi-A62Xi-A104Xi-A204Xi-A Acquisition System44MXi-A64MXi-A104MXi-A204MXi-ASingle-Shot Sample Rate/Ch 5 GS/sInterleaved Sample Rate (2 Ch) 5 GS/s10 GS/s10 GS/s10 GS/s10 GS/sRandom Interleaved Sampling (RIS)200 GS/sRIS Mode User selectable from 200 ps/div to 10 ns/div User selectable from 100 ps/div to 10 ns/div Trigger Rate (Maximum) 1,250,000 waveforms/secondSequence Time Stamp Resolution 1 nsMinimum Time Between 800 nsSequential SegmentsAcquisition Memory Options Max. Acquisition Points (4 Ch/2 Ch, 2 Ch/1 Ch in 62Xi-A)Segments (Sequence Mode)Standard12.5M/25M10,00044Xi-A64Xi-A62Xi-A104Xi-A204Xi-A Acquisition Processing44MXi-A64MXi-A104MXi-A204MXi-ATime Resolution (min, Single-shot)200 ps (5 GS/s)100 ps (10 GS/s)100 ps (10 GS/s)100 ps (10 GS/s)100 ps (10 GS/s) Averaging Summed and continuous averaging to 1 million sweepsERES From 8.5 to 11 bits vertical resolutionEnvelope (Extrema)Envelope, floor, or roof for up to 1 million sweepsInterpolation Linear or (Sinx)/xTrigger SystemTrigger Modes Normal, Auto, Single, StopSources Any input channel, External, Ext/10, or Line; slope and level unique to each source, except LineTrigger Coupling DC, AC (typically 7.5 Hz), HF Reject, LF RejectPre-trigger Delay 0–100% of memory size (adjustable in 1% increments, or 100 ns)Post-trigger Delay Up to 10,000 divisions in real time mode, limited at slower time/div settings in roll modeHold-off 1 ns to 20 s or 1 to 1,000,000,000 events21WaveRunner WaveRunner WaveRunner WaveRunner WaveRunner 44Xi-A 64Xi-A 62Xi-A104Xi-A 204Xi-A Trigger System (cont’d)44MXi-A64MXi-A104MXi-A204MXi-AInternal Trigger Level Range ±4.1 div from center (typical)Trigger and Interpolator Jitter≤ 3 ps rms (typical)Trigger Sensitivity with Edge Trigger 2 div @ < 400 MHz 2 div @ < 600 MHz 2 div @ < 600 MHz 2 div @ < 1 GHz 2 div @ < 2 GHz (Ch 1–4 + external, DC, AC, and 1 div @ < 200 MHz 1 div @ < 200 MHz 1 div @ < 200 MHz 1 div @ < 200 MHz 1 div @ < 200 MHz LFrej coupling)Max. Trigger Frequency with400 MHz 600 MHz 600 MHz 1 GHz2 GHzSMART Trigger™ (Ch 1–4 + external)@ ≥ 10 mV@ ≥ 10 mV@ ≥ 10 mV@ ≥ 10 mV@ ≥ 10 mVExternal Trigger RangeEXT/10 ±4 V; EXT ±400 mVBasic TriggersEdgeTriggers when signal meets slope (positive, negative, either, or Window) and level conditionTV-Composite VideoT riggers NTSC or PAL with selectable line and field; HDTV (720p, 1080i, 1080p) with selectable frame rate (50 or 60 Hz)and Line; or CUSTOM with selectable Fields (1–8), Lines (up to 2000), Frame Rates (25, 30, 50, or 60 Hz), Interlacing (1:1, 2:1, 4:1, 8:1), or Synch Pulse Slope (Positive or Negative)SMART TriggersState or Edge Qualified Triggers on any input source only if a defined state or edge occurred on another input source.Delay between sources is selectable by time or eventsQualified First In Sequence acquisition mode, triggers repeatedly on event B only if a defined pattern, state, or edge (event A) is satisfied in the first segment of the acquisition. Delay between sources is selectable by time or events Dropout Triggers if signal drops out for longer than selected time between 1 ns and 20 s.PatternLogic combination (AND, NAND, OR, NOR) of 5 inputs (4 channels and external trigger input – 2 Ch+EXT on WaveRunner 62Xi-A). Each source can be high, low, or don’t care. The High and Low level can be selected independently. Triggers at start or end of the patternSMART Triggers with Exclusion TechnologyGlitch and Pulse Width Triggers on positive or negative glitches with widths selectable from 500 ps to 20 s or on intermittent faults (subject to bandwidth limit of oscilloscope)Signal or Pattern IntervalTriggers on intervals selectable between 1 ns and 20 sTimeout (State/Edge Qualified)Triggers on any source if a given state (or transition edge) has occurred on another source.Delay between sources is 1 ns to 20 s, or 1 to 99,999,999 eventsRuntTrigger on positive or negative runts defined by two voltage limits and two time limits. Select between 1 ns and 20 sSlew RateTrigger on edge rates. Select limits for dV, dt, and slope. Select edge limits between 1 ns and 20 s Exclusion TriggeringTrigger on intermittent faults by specifying the normal width or periodLeCroy WaveStream Fast Viewing ModeIntensity256 Intensity Levels, 1–100% adjustable via front panel control Number of Channels up to 4 simultaneouslyMax Sampling Rate5 GS/s (10 GS/s for WR 62Xi-A, 64Xi-A/64MXi-A,104Xi-A/104MXi-A, 204Xi-A/204MXi-A in interleaved mode)Waveforms/second (continuous)Up to 20,000 waveforms/secondOperationFront panel toggle between normal real-time mode and LeCroy WaveStream Fast Viewing modeAutomatic SetupAuto SetupAutomatically sets timebase, trigger, and sensitivity to display a wide range of repetitive signalsVertical Find ScaleAutomatically sets the vertical sensitivity and offset for the selected channels to display a waveform with maximum dynamic range44Xi-A 64Xi-A 62Xi-A104Xi-A 204Xi-A Probes44MXi-A 64MXi-A104MXi-A 204MXi-AProbesOne Passive probe per channel; Optional passive and active probes available Probe System; ProBus Automatically detects and supports a variety of compatible probes Scale FactorsAutomatically or manually selected, depending on probe usedColor Waveform DisplayTypeColor 10.4" flat-panel TFT-LCD with high resolution touch screenResolutionSVGA; 800 x 600 pixels; maximum external monitor output resolution of 2048 x 1536 pixelsNumber of Traces Display a maximum of 8 traces. Simultaneously display channel, zoom, memory, and math traces Grid StylesAuto, Single, Dual, Quad, Octal, XY , Single + XY , Dual + XY Waveform StylesSample dots joined or dots only in real-time mode22Zoom Expansion TracesDisplay up to 4 Zoom/Math traces with 16 bits/data pointInternal Waveform MemoryM1, M2, M3, M4 Internal Waveform Memory (store full-length waveform with 16 bits/data point) or store to any number of files limited only by data storage mediaSetup StorageFront Panel and Instrument StatusStore to the internal hard drive, over the network, or to a USB-connected peripheral deviceInterfaceRemote ControlVia Windows Automation, or via LeCroy Remote Command Set Network Communication Standard VXI-11 or VICP , LXI Class C Compliant GPIB Port (Accessory)Supports IEEE – 488.2Ethernet Port 10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet interface (RJ-45 connector)USB Ports5 USB 2.0 ports (one on front of instrument) supports Windows-compatible devices External Monitor Port Standard 15-pin D-Type SVGA-compatible DB-15; connect a second monitor to use extended desktop display mode with XGA resolution Serial PortDB-9 RS-232 port (not for remote oscilloscope control)44Xi-A 64Xi-A 62Xi-A104Xi-A 204Xi-A Auxiliary Input44MXi-A 64MXi-A104MXi-A 204MXi-ASignal Types Selected from External Trigger or External Clock input on front panel Coupling50 Ω: DC, 1 M Ω: AC, DC, GND Maximum Input Voltage50 Ω: 5 V rms , 1 M Ω: 400 V max.50 Ω: 5 V rms , 1 M Ω: 250 V max. (DC + Peak AC ≤ 5 kHz)(DC + Peak AC ≤ 10 kHz)Auxiliary OutputSignal TypeTrigger Enabled, Trigger Output. Pass/Fail, or Off Output Level TTL, ≈3.3 VConnector TypeBNC, located on rear panelGeneralAuto Calibration Ensures specified DC and timing accuracy is maintained for 1 year minimumCalibratorOutput available on front panel connector provides a variety of signals for probe calibration and compensationPower Requirements90–264 V rms at 50/60 Hz; 115 V rms (±10%) at 400 Hz, Automatic AC Voltage SelectionInstallation Category: 300 V CAT II; Max. Power Consumption: 340 VA/340 W; 290 VA/290 W for WaveRunner 62Xi-AEnvironmentalTemperature: Operating+5 °C to +40 °C Temperature: Non-Operating -20 °C to +60 °CHumidity: Operating Maximum relative humidity 80% for temperatures up to 31 °C decreasing linearly to 50% relative humidity at 40 °CHumidity: Non-Operating 5% to 95% RH (non-condensing) as tested per MIL-PRF-28800F Altitude: OperatingUp to 3,048 m (10,000 ft.) @ ≤ 25 °C Altitude: Non-OperatingUp to 12,190 m (40,000 ft.)PhysicalDimensions (HWD)260 mm x 340 mm x 152 mm Excluding accessories and projections (10.25" x 13.4" x 6")Net Weight7.26kg. (16.0lbs.)CertificationsCE Compliant, UL and cUL listed; Conforms to EN 61326, EN 61010-1, UL 61010-1 2nd Edition, and CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1-04Warranty and Service3-year warranty; calibration recommended annually. Optional service programs include extended warranty, upgrades, calibration, and customization services23Product DescriptionProduct CodeWaveRunner Xi-A Series Oscilloscopes2 GHz, 4 Ch, 5 GS/s, 12.5 Mpts/ChWaveRunner 204Xi-A(10 GS/s, 25 Mpts/Ch in interleaved mode)with 10.4" Color Touch Screen Display 1 GHz, 4 Ch, 5 GS/s, 12.5 Mpts/ChWaveRunner 104Xi-A(10 GS/s, 25 Mpts/Ch in interleaved mode)with 10.4" Color Touch Screen Display 600 MHz, 4 Ch, 5 GS/s, 12.5 Mpts/Ch WaveRunner 64Xi-A(10 GS/s, 25 Mpts/Ch in interleaved mode)with 10.4" Color Touch Screen Display 600 MHz, 2 Ch, 5 GS/s, 12.5 Mpts/Ch WaveRunner 62Xi-A(10 GS/s, 25 Mpts/Ch in interleaved mode)with 10.4" Color Touch Screen Display 400 MHz, 4 Ch, 5 GS/s, 12.5 Mpts/Ch WaveRunner 44Xi-A(25 Mpts/Ch in interleaved mode)with 10.4" Color Touch Screen DisplayWaveRunner MXi-A Series Oscilloscopes2 GHz, 4 Ch, 5 GS/s, 12.5 Mpts/ChWaveRunner 204MXi-A(10 GS/s, 25 Mpts/Ch in Interleaved Mode)with 10.4" Color Touch Screen Display 1 GHz, 4 Ch, 5 GS/s, 12.5 Mpts/ChWaveRunner 104MXi-A(10 GS/s, 25 Mpts/Ch in Interleaved Mode)with 10.4" Color Touch Screen Display 600 MHz, 4 Ch, 5 GS/s, 12.5 Mpts/Ch WaveRunner 64MXi-A(10 GS/s, 25 Mpts/Ch in Interleaved Mode)with 10.4" Color Touch Screen Display 400 MHz, 4 Ch, 5 GS/s, 12.5 Mpts/Ch WaveRunner 44MXi-A(25 Mpts/Ch in Interleaved Mode)with 10.4" Color Touch Screen DisplayIncluded with Standard Configuration÷10, 500 MHz, 10 M Ω Passive Probe (Total of 1 Per Channel)Standard Ports; 10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet, USB 2.0 (5), SVGA Video out, Audio in/out, RS-232Optical 3-button Wheel Mouse – USB 2.0Protective Front Cover Accessory PouchGetting Started Manual Quick Reference GuideAnti-virus Software (Trial Version)Commercial NIST Traceable Calibration with Certificate 3-year WarrantyGeneral Purpose Software OptionsStatistics Software Package WRXi-STAT Master Analysis Software Package WRXi-XMAP (Standard with MXi-A model oscilloscopes)Advanced Math Software Package WRXi-XMATH (Standard with MXi-A model oscilloscopes)Intermediate Math Software Package WRXi-XWAV (Standard with MXi-A model oscilloscopes)Value Analysis Software Package (Includes XWAV and JTA2) WRXi-XVAP (Standard with MXi-A model oscilloscopes)Advanced Customization Software Package WRXi-XDEV (Standard with MXi-A model oscilloscopes)Spectrum Analyzer and Advanced FFT Option WRXi-SPECTRUM Processing Web Editor Software Package WRXi-XWEBProduct Description Product CodeApplication Specific Software OptionsJitter and Timing Analysis Software Package WRXi-JTA2(Standard with MXi-A model oscilloscopes)Digital Filter Software PackageWRXi-DFP2Disk Drive Measurement Software Package WRXi-DDM2PowerMeasure Analysis Software Package WRXi-PMA2Serial Data Mask Software PackageWRXi-SDM QualiPHY Enabled Ethernet Software Option QPHY-ENET*QualiPHY Enabled USB 2.0 Software Option QPHY-USB †EMC Pulse Parameter Software Package WRXi-EMC Electrical Telecom Mask Test PackageET-PMT* TF-ENET-B required. †TF-USB-B required.Serial Data OptionsI 2C Trigger and Decode Option WRXi-I2Cbus TD SPI Trigger and Decode Option WRXi-SPIbus TD UART and RS-232 Trigger and Decode Option WRXi-UART-RS232bus TD LIN Trigger and Decode Option WRXi-LINbus TD CANbus TD Trigger and Decode Option CANbus TD CANbus TDM Trigger, Decode, and Measure/Graph Option CANbus TDM FlexRay Trigger and Decode Option WRXi-FlexRaybus TD FlexRay Trigger and Decode Physical Layer WRXi-FlexRaybus TDP Test OptionAudiobus Trigger and Decode Option WRXi-Audiobus TDfor I 2S , LJ, RJ, and TDMAudiobus Trigger, Decode, and Graph Option WRXi-Audiobus TDGfor I 2S LJ, RJ, and TDMMIL-STD-1553 Trigger and Decode Option WRXi-1553 TDA variety of Vehicle Bus Analyzers based on the WaveRunner Xi-A platform are available.These units are equipped with a Symbolic CAN trigger and decode.Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Options500 MHz, 18 Ch, 2 GS/s, 50 Mpts/Ch MS-500Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Option 250 MHz, 36 Ch, 1 GS/s, 25 Mpts/ChMS-500-36(500 MHz, 18 Ch, 2 GS/s, 50 Mpts/Ch Interleaved) Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Option 250 MHz, 18 Ch, 1 GS/s, 10 Mpts/Ch MS-250Mixed Signal Oscilloscope OptionProbes and Amplifiers*Set of 4 ZS1500, 1.5 GHz, 0.9 pF , 1 M ΩZS1500-QUADPAK High Impedance Active ProbeSet of 4 ZS1000, 1 GHz, 0.9 pF , 1 M ΩZS1000-QUADPAK High Impedance Active Probe 2.5 GHz, 0.7 pF Active Probe HFP25001 GHz Active Differential Probe (÷1, ÷10, ÷20)AP034500 MHz Active Differential Probe (x10, ÷1, ÷10, ÷100)AP03330 A; 100 MHz Current Probe – AC/DC; 30 A rms ; 50 A rms Pulse CP03130 A; 50 MHz Current Probe – AC/DC; 30 A rms ; 50 A rms Pulse CP03030 A; 50 MHz Current Probe – AC/DC; 30 A rms ; 50 A peak Pulse AP015150 A; 10 MHz Current Probe – AC/DC; 150 A rms ; 500 A peak Pulse CP150500 A; 2 MHz Current Probe – AC/DC; 500 A rms ; 700 A peak Pulse CP5001,400 V, 100 MHz High-Voltage Differential Probe ADP3051,400 V, 20 MHz High-Voltage Differential Probe ADP3001 Ch, 100 MHz Differential Amplifier DA1855A*A wide variety of other passive, active, and differential probes are also available.Consult LeCroy for more information.Product Description Product CodeHardware Accessories*10/100/1000Base-T Compliance Test Fixture TF-ENET-B †USB 2.0 Compliance Test Fixture TF-USB-B External GPIB Interface WS-GPIBSoft Carrying Case WRXi-SOFTCASE Hard Transit CaseWRXi-HARDCASE Mounting Stand – Desktop Clamp Style WRXi-MS-CLAMPRackmount Kit WRXi-RACK Mini KeyboardWRXi-KYBD Removable Hard Drive Package (Includes removeable WRXi-A-RHD hard drive kit and two hard drives)Additional Removable Hard DriveWRXi-A-RHD-02* A variety of local language front panel overlays are also available .† Includes ENET-2CAB-SMA018 and ENET-2ADA-BNCSMA.Customer ServiceLeCroy oscilloscopes and probes are designed, built, and tested to ensure high reliability. In the unlikely event you experience difficulties, our digital oscilloscopes are fully warranted for three years, and our probes are warranted for one year.This warranty includes:• No charge for return shipping • Long-term 7-year support• Upgrade to latest software at no chargeLocal sales offices are located throughout the world. Visit our website to find the most convenient location.© 2010 by LeCroy Corporation. All rights reserved. Specifications, prices, availability, and delivery subject to change without notice. Product or brand names are trademarks or requested trademarks of their respective holders.1-800-5-LeCroy WRXi-ADS-14Apr10PDF。



关于赛门铁克查杀中文XP系统文件问题的事件分析安天安全研究与应急处理中心(Antiy CERT) 一、 事件描述:2006年5月17日,赛门铁克(诺顿)杀毒软件升级病毒库后,会把中文简体版Windows XP系统的关键文件当作病毒隔离,重启后系统将会瘫痪。




Antiy CERT对相关问题进行分析,并根据分析过程撰写此分析报告。

二、 赛门铁克官方解释:赛门铁克对事件的官方说明如下:在windows XP sp2 简体中文版打上补丁KB924270以后,SAV更新到5月17日的病毒定义以后,会把C:\windows\system32\netapi32.dll 和c:\windows\system32\lsasrv.dll认为是backdoor.haxdoor,并且把他们隔离掉。


赛门铁克对事件的官方解释如下:5月21日下午,赛门铁克称其安全响应中心使用多种自动化系统来辅助完成手动分析, 最近在自动化系统中进行了一处改动,这却无意中引发了自动化系统中使用的一个简单定义发生变化,进而导致2个Windows系统文件被错误地检测为恶意软件。

三、 被误杀文件信息:lsasrv.dll:DLL 文件: lsasrv 或者 lsasrv.dllDLL 名称: Microsoft Local Security Authority Server描述: lsasrv.dll用于本地安全密码验证相关动态链接库文件。

属于: Microsoft Windows Operating System系统 DLL文件:是netapi32.dll:DLL 文件: netapi32 或者 netapi32.dllDLL 名称: Microsoft LAN Manager DLL描述:netapi32.dll是Windows网络应用程序接口,用于支持访问微软网络。








为解决这一系列问题,应用Visaul Basic6.0研究开发了一个针对“3414”试验数据分析的软件,并在Windows XP 下测试通过。












3模块设计3.1模型生成“3414”试验的回归分析模型是以三元二次方程(Y =b 0+b 1X 1+b 2X 2+b 3X 3+b 4X 12+b 5X 22+b 6X 32+b 7X 1X 2+b 8X 1X 3+b 9X 2X 3)为基础进行生成。



Neil B MartinT est Manager WSSC-Interop and T oolsMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Message Analyzer Packet Analysis at a Higher LevelContent•Packet Analyzer -review •Abstracting views of protocols •Alternative data sources •ETW•Remote Capture•Bluetooth•USB•Evtx•Logs filesMessage Analyzer –What is it?• A packet analyzer is a computer program or a piece of computer hardware that can intercept and log traffic passing over all or part of a network•Packet analyzers capture network packets in real time and display them in human-readable format•WireShark, Microsoft NetMon3.4•These tools are dissectors•If they recognize a packet they dissect it and display the inner fields of the packet•The parsers are written based on the protocol specifications or in some cases through reverse engineering of the protocols whenno specification is available•Dissection and Abstraction•We want to allow a higher level of abstraction view of protcols•Pattern Matching•Match up request/response pairs where possible•Called an operation•Different Viewers and Charts•Addressing many of the challenges of diagnosing modern networks •Protocol Validation•Identify packets that do not match the specification•Data capture from multiple sources•NDIS, Bluetooth, USB, Windows Firewall Layer, Web Proxy•Header only network capture•Reduce data in volume scenarios•Correlation of data across multiple data sources and logs•Load and display multiple data source•Message Analyzer captures ETW •ETW -Event Trace for Windows •Message Capture from:•Traditional NDIS traffic from the Network Adapter •Windows Filtering Platform 9aka Firewall)•Web proxy•USB ports•Bluetooth•Windows SMB Client•Windows SMB Server ……•E vent T racing for W indows ETW•High-resolution (<<100µs)logging infrastructure allows any component to tell the outside world what it is currently doing by firing ETW events.• A powerful diagnostic tool to log every methods/lines inside the code with reasonable performance fordebugging/troubleshooting.•MSDN on ETW/en-us/library/bb968803(VS.85).aspxAll Windows ETW Sources are available to Message Analyzer•Capability to perform remote capture •Select machine and give credentials•Collect data via ETW from NIC on remote machine•Powerful, extensible viewing and analysis •Browse, Select, View•Browse for messages from various sources (live, or stored)•Select a set of messages from those sources by characteristic(s)•View messages in a provided viewer, configure or build your own • A new high-level grid view•High level “Operations” view with automatic re-assembly•“Bubbling up” of errors in the stack to the top level•Ability to drill down the stack to underlying messages and/or packets•On the fly grouping, filtering, finding, or sorting by any message property •Payload rendering•V alidation of message structures, behavior, and architecture•Does the protocol comply with the specifications?•Over 450 published specifications for Windows Protocols(as of Windows 8.1)(/en-us/library/gg685446.aspx)Available online and as PDFContinue to publish new documents with each release of Windows •Continue to develop tools and technology to aid with the development of protocol documents, parsers and test technologyHow to get MA: /en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40308 How to get help: Blog,Operating Guide, T echnet Forum for Message Analyzer •We invite you to Explore Message Analyzer•Connect Community•https:///site216/。


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Windows安全防护 MSE安全攻防培训资料

Windows安全防护 MSE安全攻防培训资料

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axiom analysis suite的使用方法

axiom analysis suite的使用方法

axiom analysis suite的使用方法(实用版4篇)篇1 目录1.Axiom Analysis Suite 简介2.安装 Axiom Analysis Suite3.使用 Axiom Analysis Suite4.常见问题与解决方法5.总结篇1正文一、Axiom Analysis Suite 简介Axiom Analysis Suite 是一款功能强大的数据分析软件,适用于各种行业和领域。


二、安装 Axiom Analysis Suite1.访问 Axiom Analysis Suite 官方网站,下载并安装软件包。


3.安装完成后,启动 Axiom Analysis Suite,进入主界面。

三、使用 Axiom Analysis Suite1.数据导入(1)支持多种数据格式,如 CSV、Excel、SQL 等。








5.报告输出(1)将分析结果导出为 Excel、PDF 等格式。





五、总结Axiom Analysis Suite 是一款实用的数据分析软件,适用于各类用户。



Ixia test systems deliver the industry’s most comprehensive solutions for the performance, functional, and conformance testing of networks and networked applications. The 2-slot XM2 portable chassis provides a high-density, highly-flexible platform on which an Ixia test system can be built. Operating in conjunction with the Ixia family of test applications, the XM2 provides the foundation for a complete portable, flexible test environment.A wide array of interface modules is available for the XM2. The chassis supports up to 32 - 10GbE ports, 12 - 40GbE ports, 4 - 100GbE ports, 4 - packet over SONET (POS) ports, or 4 - asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) ports. These modules provide the network interfaces and distributed processing resources needed for executing a broad range of data, signaling, voice, video, and application testing for layers 2-7.The XM2 chassis supports an integrated test controller that manages all system and testing resources. Resource ownership at a per-port level, coupled with hot-swappable interface modules, ensures a highly flexible and multi-user testing environment. A load module form factor adapter assures backward compatibility with existing Ixia standard form factor interface modules and provides seamless migration from and integration with existing Ixia test system installations.XM2 Chassis Highlights∙Common platform: a single portable solution for executinga wide array of data,signaling, routing, voice,video, and application testingfrom Layer 2 through 7∙Hot swappable modules: interface cards can beactively swapped in and outof the test bed withoutdisrupting ongoing tests∙Extensive interface support: 10/100/1000 Ethernet,10GbE, Higher SpeedEthernet 40Gbps, 100Gbps,and dual-speed40/100Gbps, OC-3c/12cATM, OC-3c/12c/48c/192cPacket over SONET (POS) ∙Integrated PC controllerrunning Windows 7 formanagement and control ofport configuration andstatistics∙High performance: high-speed backplane andsystem controller to supportthe high bandwidthrequirements of mediumscale application tests∙Daisy-chaining of up to 256 Ixia chassis in a single test(XM12 High Performance,XM2, IXIA 400Tv2) with highsynchronization accuracy∙Powerful automationfacilities using the Tclscripting language with easyintegration into automatedlab environments∙Modular sub-components: power supplies, and harddriveXM2 Portable ChassisSpecificationsTemperature1Some high density / high performance load modules may require more power and cooling reducing the number of useable slots.The number of useable slots will be determined by the combination of load modules being used in the chassis.2For a complete list of all Ixia load modules supported by the XM2 chassis please refer to the Ixia Hardware and Reference guide document and the Product Compatibility Matrix that are available under the Support section of the website.3Some high density / high performance load modules may require a lower operating temperature. If this is the case, the operating temperature will be specified in the load module datasheet.Features∙Common platform: a single portable solution for executing a wide array of data, signaling, routing, voice, video, and application testing from Layer 2 through 7∙Hot swappable modules: interface cards can be actively swapped in and out of the test bed without disrupting ongoing tests∙Extensive interface support: 10/100/1000 Ethernet, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, Higher Speed Ethernet 40 Gbps, 100Gbps, and Dual-Speed 40/100 Gbps, OC-3c/12c ATM, OC-3c/12c/48c/192c Packet over SONET (POS), Power over Ethernet (PoE)∙Integrated PC controller running Windows 7 operating system for management and control of port configuration and statistics∙High performance: high-speed backplane and system controller to support the high bandwidth requirements of medium scale application tests∙Daisy-chaining of up to 256 Ixia chassis in a single test (XM12 High Performance, XM2, IXIA 400Tv2) with high synchronization accuracy∙Powerful automation facilities using the Tcl scripting language with easy integration into automated lab environments∙Modular sub-components: power supplies, and hard driveBenefits∙Very high Gigabit and 10 Gigabit Ethernet port density in 3U portable chassis, reducing space requirements and simplifying management∙Wide variety of network interfaces available enables flexible, multi-functional deployment∙High performance architecture speeds test initialization and execution times∙Multi-user environment leverages test equipment investment across multiple tests and users simultaneously∙Port-level user ownership maximizes testing resources across multiple users∙Integrated software packaging/installation for both chassis and interface modules reduces management overhead and simplifies upgrades∙Remote management allows easy access to chassis resources via a network∙Pre-built automated test packages provide for the simple execution of scalable benchmarking metric tests∙Hot-swappable interface modules allow continual test execution in a multi-user environment without interruption ∙Modular sub-components enable simplified and quicker upgrades and replacements∙Backward compatibility of hardware and software with existing Ixia test systems allows easy transition from or integration with existing installationsTargeted Users∙Engineering and quality assurance (QA) groups developing and testing high density Ethernet products∙Engineering and QA groups developing and testing layer 2-7 devices∙Manufacturing groups executing production quality and repetitive testing∙Customer support departments troubleshooting customer issues∙Internet service providers (ISPs), carriers, and large enterprises executing product qualification/acceptance testing or pre-deployment hot staging∙Certification and interoperability labs providing third party equipment test and validationIndustry-Leading PerformanceThe architecture of the XM2 chassis is designed for superior test application performance. Reduced test initialization and execution times compared with existing test systems ensures optimized use of test equipment investment.Ixia’s test systems are built on a proven, scalable archit ecture that integrates a RISC CPU running Linux and network protocol stacks on every test port. This distributed Linux processing environment enables application traffic testing of content-aware devices, together with line-rate stateless traffic generation and analysis on each Ixia test port.High ScalabilityThe XM2 test system is designed to operate in high scalability test environments. The XM2 chassis supports up to 32 Gigabit Ethernet ports and up to 32 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports in a portable 3U high system. Multiple XM2 and other Ixia chassis can be daisy-chained together to extend a single test environment to thousands of ports. The XM2 works in conjunction with Ixia’s family of applications to control and execute testing across large scale test beds.Application SupportThe XM2 high performance chassis supports a wide array of Ixia test applications, including:∙IxLoad for performance testing content-aware devices (e.g., load balancers, web servers, video servers) running protocols such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, SIP, MPEG2 video, etc.∙IxVoice is a comprehensive hardware and software test framework that provides unified VoIP and PSTN test solutions for the telecom/network equipment∙IxNetwork for control and data plane performance testing of routers and switches with complex protocol support including BGP, OSPF, IS-IS, MPLS, IP multicast and Spanning Tree, including IPv4 and IPv6variations and many more protocols …∙IxAutomate for executing automated, wizard-based data and control plane protocol tests with sophisticated results analysis for RFC-based benchmark performance switch tests∙IxExplorer for granular, highly flexible data plane testing and analysis∙IxChariot for emulation of networked applications to determine end-to-end response times∙IxANVL for protocol conformance testing.Highly ServiceableThe XM2 is highly serviceable. Load modules may be replaced while the chassis is powered on -- all other load modules continue to run unaffected. The system hard drive is mounted on a replaceable tray. An interchangeable, modular power supply is also replaceable. Repairs and replacements are possible in a matter of minutes and without the need to return the chassis to the factory.Investment ProtectionThe XM2 portable chassis delivers increased performance for test applications while at the same time maintaining compatibility with existing Ixia test systems. Ixia standard form factor load modules are supported in the XM2 chassis via a load module adapter that supports hot swap and improved system performance. Test applications, configurations, and automation scripts are compatible, allowing easy migration of existing test beds to the new system without loss of capital investment.Product Ordering Information941-0023OPTIXIAXM2-02 2-slot XM form factor chassis, including integrated PC controller, power supplies, IxOS operating system, and IxExplorer client application.944-0007Standard Form Factor load module adapter module for the XM12 High Performance, XM12 and XM2 chassis. 942-0006Chassis Accessory, Carry case for 941-0023 (XM2-02) chassis; Includes retractable handle, reinforced padded corners, and wheels942-0023AFD2, Auxiliary Function Device, IRIG-B standalone timing unit for any Ixia chassis, RoHS compliant; Includes two 15 ft. cables, 6 ft. USB cable, 6 ft. serial cable, 6 ft. chassis sync cable and power supply; Configure by USB or serial cable; requires cable to be connected to BITS or other timing source942-0002AFD1, Auxiliary Function Device, GPS standalone unit for any Ixia chassis. Includes antenna, USB cable, serial cable, chassis sync cable and power supply. Configure by USB or serial cable, requires antenna to be installed with line-of-sight to the GPS satellites942-0043GPS Roof Antenna and 400ft AFD1 Installation Kit with in-line amplifier. Includes: 75 foot long antenna cable, two, 200 foot long, Series 240 coaxial cables and in-line amplifier. For use with 942-0002 AFD1 Auxiliary Function Device, GPS standalone unit.942-0044GPS Roof Antenna and 400ft AFD1 Installation Kit. Includes: 75 foot long antenna cable, one, 400 foot long, Series 400 coaxial cable. For use with 942-0002 AFD1 Auxiliary Function Device, GPS standalone unit.。

2014,Analytical QbD native gel

2014,Analytical QbD  native gel

Electrophoresis2014,35,2163–21712163Mili PathakDebayon DuttaAnurag Rathore Department of Chemical Engineering,Indian Institute of Technology,New Delhi,IndiaReceived November25,2013 Revised March4,2014 Accepted March7,2014Research ArticleAnalytical QbD:Development of a native gel electrophoresis method for measurementof monoclonal antibody aggregatesThis paper presents a quality by design(QbD)based development of a novel native PAGE (N-PAGE)method as a low-cost analytical tool for analysis of aggregates of monoclonal parability to the present gold standard of SEC has been established.The motivation is the fact that SEC requires relatively expensive equipment and consumables, thus making N-PAGE relevant to those academicians and other small companies involved in early-stage development of biotherapeutics that do not have access to SEC,especially in developing countries.Furthermore,SEC suffers from certain disadvantages including the possibility of secondary interactions between the stationary phase and analyte resulting in higher elution time and therefore underestimation of the analyte size.The proposed N-PAGE method can also serve as an orthogonal analytical method for aggregate analysis.A QbD-based approach has been used for development and optimization of the protocol. First,initial screening studies were carried out with parameters including the running buffer pH,running buffer molarity,gel buffer pH,loading dye,sample concentration, and running voltage.Next,optimization of operating parameters was performed using principles of design of experiments.Thefinal optimized protocol was compared to the traditional SEC method and the results were found to be comparable.While N-PAGE has been in use for protein analysis for several decades,use of N-PAGE for analysis of mAb aggregates with data comparable to SEC such as the case presented here is novel. Keywords:mAb aggregate/Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(N-PAGE)/Quality by design(QbD)/Size-exclusion chromatography(SEC)DOI10.1002/elps.2014000551IntroductionMonoclonal antibodies(mAbs)have been successfully demonstrated to target extracellular proteins with high speci-ficity for treatment of a variety of autoimmune diseases,such as cancer and multiple sclerosis[1,2].Since their introduc-tion in the early1990s,the demand for mAbs has increased rapidly and they presently comprise more than40%of the marketed biotech therapeutics[3].Typical processing scheme for production of mAbs involves product expression in mammalian cells followed by clarification of the harvested cell culture broth.The purification process comprises protein A affinity chromatog-raphy for product capture and removal of host cell related impurities,low pH inactivation for virus removal followed by a combination of cation exchange chromatography(CEX), Correspondence:Professor Anurag Rathore,Department of Chemical Engineering,Indian Institute of Technology,Hauz Khas, New Delhi110016,IndiaE-mail:asrathore@Abbreviations:APS,ammonium persulfate;DOE,design of experiments;mAb,monoclonal antibody;N-PAGE,native PAGE;QbD,quality by design;RMSD,root mean square de-viation anion exchange chromatography(AEX),and/or hydrophobic interaction chromatography(HIC)for removal of a gamut of product-related,process-related,and host cell related impurities[4].Ultrafiltration/diafiltration(UF/DF)steps are intermittently used for product concentration and/or buffer exchange.Thefinal steps include nanofiltration for viral clearance followed by UF/DF into thefinal formulation buffer[4,5].During processing,the process intermediates are analyzed for the various host cell related,process-related, and product-related impurities.This is performed so as to ensure that adequate process control and process monitoring is in place[6–9].Aggregates are one of the important factors responsible for increased risk of immune response.The un-known nature of the formed aggregates as well as their wide size range(six orders of magnitude,from a few nm to few mm in diameter)pose a challenge for analysis.None of the currently available techniques is able to cover this entire size range(kDa to mm)and as a result a combination of several techniques is used for this analysis.Techniques that may be included in this analytical package are SEC,PAGE,asymmet-ricalflowfieldflow fractionation(AF4),electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy(AFM),small angle X ray scatter-ing/small angle neutron scattering(SAXS/SANS),“Native”Colour Online:See the article online to view Figs.1–4in colour.2164M.Pathak et al.Electrophoresis2014,35,2163–2171MS,macro-ion mobility spectrometry,and analytical ultra-centrifugation[10].Each technique has its own strengths and weaknesses.Moreover,the available techniques differ with re-spect to the underlying physical principle and,consequently, differ with respect to the results and type of information obtained.Of these,while SEC is the most commonly used tool due to its excellent robustness,it suffers with certain disadvantages including sample dilution,limited resolution, limited particle size range,and possibility of secondary inter-actions between the stationary phase and analyte resulting in higher elution time and therefore underestimation of the an-alyte size[11].Also,SEC requires expensive instrumentation and consumables[11,12].SDS-PAGE is also an often-used quality control method to differentiate disulfide-mediated and nondisulfide-mediated covalent aggregates but is unable to quantify the total aggregates,as covalent aggregates have a tendency to break down in the presence of chaotropes such as SDS.Native PAGE on the other hand is easy to perform and can analyze both covalent and noncovalent aggregates. However,as the electrophoretic mobility depends both on size and charge,quantification is a difficult task.Quality by design(QbD)has been described by the ICH Q8guideline as“a systematic approach to development that begins with predefined objectives and emphasizes product and process understanding and process control,based on sound science and quality risk management”[13–15].Design of experiment(DOE)is a key element in QbD application toward process development[16,17].In this approach,all rel-evant variables are altered simultaneously through a set of planned experiments followed by statistical analysis of the results.DOE approach has been shown to deliver signifi-cant amount of information through a minimum number of experiments.While numerous examples exist in the litera-ture demonstrating QbD-based process development[18–20], applications toward analytical development are relatively recent[21–24].N-PAGE is based on the premise that any alteration in the charge,conformation,or binding events of the protein occurring during mAb processing would change their rela-tive migration[25–31].As a result,it can be used for stability studies of mAbs and other proteins[32]and also for demon-strating product comparability.It can also be used as an or-thogonal tool to SEC for mAb analysis[12].Thus,the focus of this paper is to develop and validate a novel,robust native PAGE protocol for quantification aggregates of mAbs with p IϾ8using QbD approach.Performance of thefinal proto-col has been compared to the traditional SEC method.This paper demonstrates how the principles of QbD can be applied for development and optimization of analytical methods.2Materials and methods2.1Materials and equipmentAcrylamide,N,N-methylenebisacrylamide,Tris,TEMED,and ammonium persulfate(APS)were obtained from Sigma–Aldrich(St.Louis,MO,USA).Silver nitrate,EDTA,sodium carbonate anhydrous,methanol,and glacial acetic acid used for silver staining were obtained from Merck(Darmstadt, Germany).Neutralized pool of mAb was used for experimen-tation.A major Indian biotech manufacturer donated the mAb.The Mini-PROTEAN Tetra cell electrophoresis unit was purchased from Bio-Rad(Hercules,CA,USA)and used for gel casting and performing electrophoresis.GS800-calibrated densitometer with Quantity One R software was purchased from Bio-Rad and used for gel scanning and analysis.2.2MethodologyA QbD-based methodology was adopted for development and optimization of the N-PAGE-based analytical method for measurement of aggregates[21].First,key performance attributes were defined for the method.For this study,we defined these as the number of bands(to quantitate if com-plete separation is being achieved),error in aggregate per-centage(to quantitate deviation from SEC),and root mean square deviation(RMSD)for aggregate percentage(to quan-titate accuracy for the method).Based on our understanding of development of N-PAGE method,we performed a few scouting studies at the start to prioritize the parameters that have significant effect on the quality of the separation.Next, we optimized the conditions of the running gel followed by optimization of gel percentage.Both these studies employed DOE to get the required information from as few experiments as possible.Finally,the optimized method was compared to the SEC and data were analyzed statistically to demonstrate that the method successfully meets the expectations.2.2.1Scouting studiesMethod attributes,which lead to separation of biomolecules (from literature and trial experiments),include running buffer pH,running buffer molarity,aminocaproic acid ratio, gel buffer molarity,gel buffer pH,loading dye,concentration of sample,voltage,and percentage of resolving gel.All these parameters were studied within the ranges mentioned in Ta-ble1.Effect of each parameter was examined and parameters that were found to be significant were examined further. 2.2.2Optimization of running gel conditions(Study1)In this study,the important parameters from initial screening that were forced to impact protein stability were examined, and the data were analyzed by JMP R 8(SAS Institute,Cary, NC)statistical software.2.2.3Optimization of gel percentage(Study2)In this study,a two-level,three-parameter,full-factorial DOE with two center points was performed(to optimize the gelElectrophoresis2014,35,2163–2171Liquid Phase Separations2165 T able1.Experimental approach followed for creation and optimization of the N-PAGE protocol for analyzing aggregates of mAb products Studies Parameters Range used ConclusionScouting studies Running buffer molarity0.05–0.2M Band migration less at0.05M,but trailing with unclearbackground indicating protein instability at0.2M.Further examined in Study1.Running buffer pH 4.3–6.5Protein denaturation observed at low pH and poormigration at high pH.Further examined in Study1.Aminocaproic acid ratio0.05–0.2M Less migration at low ratio,product instability at higherratio.Further examined in Study1.Gel buffer concentration0.015–0.25M Fine bands at low concentration with higher runningtime,smiley effect,and denaturation at higherconcentration.Further examined in Study1.Loading dye30%of glycerol and sucrose Proper bands obtained at30%sucrose.Locked at30%sucrose.Concentration of sample0.1–1mg/mL Fine bands at low concentration,two overlapping bandsat high concentration.Locked at0.2mg/ml.Voltage50–120V Proper band formation but higher run-time at lowvoltage.Vertical streaking at higher voltages.Lockedat50V.Resolving gel percentage6,8,10Band diffusion high at6%gel resulting in impropervisibility.At10%gel,poor migration with overlappingof aggregate and monomer bands.Proper migrationand band formation at8%.Locked at8%.Phase1study Running buffer molarity0.05–0.15M Optimum value identified as0.14M.Running buffer pH 5.3–6.0Optimum value identified as5.5.Aminocaproic acid ratio0.05–0.1M Optimum value identified as0.1M.Gel buffer concentration0–25mM Did not show significant impact.Phase2study Acrylamide(%)7.5–8.5Optimum value identified as8.5%.Bisacrylamide(%)0.15–0.25Optimum value identified as0.25%.APS(%)0.1–0.2Optimum value identified as0.1%.percentage),and the resulting data were analyzed using JMP R 8(SAS Institute)statistical software.2.2.4Statistical analysis for robustness andcomparabilitySamples with different aggregate content were analyzed with N-PAGE protocol in triplicates to check the robustness of the proposed method as well as to compare the performance of the two methods,were analyzed by SEC.Student’s t-test and RMSD values were used to examine the comparability of the measurements using Student’s t-distribution test.If the calculated t value was less than the t value at p=0.05,the data were deemed to be comparable.3Results and discussion3.1Scouting studiesIn a typical N-PAGE separation,the buffer provides a con-ducting medium for the separation,maintains the pH and ionic strength of the sample similar to the surrounding gel. For proteins with p IϽ8,Tris-glycine buffer(Laemmli buffer system)without SDS has been extensively used in the liter-ature[25,31].In our case,the p I of the mAb is between8.2and8.5,thus we aimed to impart positive charge to the pro-tein.There are various electrophoresis buffers available in the range from3.8to10.2,having different acidic–basic compo-nents[33].The pH of running buffer and stacking gel buffer is known to be an important nder and Wishart used native acidic gel electrophoresis with running gel buffer and stacking gel buffer pH as4.3and5.2,respectively,to sep-arate prion protein oligomers[34].Similarly,Heukeshoven and Dernick used a Tris-HC1/Tris-glycine as basic buffer and beta-alanine(pH4.6)as acidic buffer to develop a native hor-izontal ultrathin PAGE method for proteins under both basic and acidic conditions[35].Thus,for developing the N-PAGE protocol for mAb analysis,the pH of the running buffer,gel buffer,and sample buffer was kept below the p I of the pro-tein without addition of any dye so as to maintain the native structure[5].The pH range6–6.5was chosen,as the struc-tural changes are fully reversible in this range and thus,the native structure of the mAb can be maintained[34,36,37]. Recently,researchers have used150mM aminocaproic acid in buffers for separation of membrane protein complexes. Aminocaproic acid allowed the omission of salt that would otherwise impair electrophoresis[38].As the stability of mAb is known to decrease at high buffer molarities,the optimal buffer molarity has to be estimated[39,40].Based on the above-mentioned observations from litera-ture,scouting studies were performed to examine the various2166M.Pathak et al.Electrophoresis 2014,35,2163–2171Figure 1.Results from the screening study performed for creating an N-PAGE protocol for separation of aggregates for mAb products.(A)Plot comparing the number of bands predicted by the model against actual data.(B)List of the various factors contributing to the variability in the model in order of their impact.(C)Plots showing effect of running buffer concentration,running buffer pH,and concentration of aminocaproic acid on the number of bands.operating parameters and their ranges.The outcome is sum-marized in Table 1.Several parameters were fixed based on the scouting studies.These included the loading dye con-tent (30%sucrose with methyl green),sample concentration (0.2mg/mL),operating voltage (50V at 7mA/gel),tempera-ture (5–10°C),time (3.5–4h),and gel percentage (8%).Based on the results of the scouting studies,we con-cluded that the optimal protocol would need to address is-sues of product stability,resolution,and diffusion of bands.Parameters that affect product stability include the running buffer pH,running buffer molarity,aminocaproic acid con-centration in running buffer,and gel buffer molarity [41,42].Parameters that are known to affect resolution and diffusion of bands include gel content (acrylamide (%),bisacrylamide (%),and APS (%)).These studies were performed as Study 1and Study 2using the principles of DOE.Study 1focused on optimization of the running gel conditions and Study 2focused on optimization of the gel content.3.2Study 1:Optimization of the running gelconditionsIn this study,several parameters including the running buffer pH,running buffer molarity,aminocaproic acid concentra-tion in running buffer,and gel buffer molarity were exam-ined in the ranges listed in Table 1.About 8%of resolvinggel and 3.5%stacking gel were prepared from the stock so-lution of 29.2%acrylamide (14.6g in 50mL Milli-Q water)and 0.8%bisacrylamide (0.4g in 50mL of Milli-Q water).Furthermore,10%APS was freshly prepared each time with TEMED for the free-radical polymerization of acrylamide and bis-acrylamide.Cathode buffer (running buffer)contained aminocaproic acid [6].The number of bands was considered as the output re-sponse in this study.The results obtained were analyzed us-ing JMP R8(SAS Institute)and are shown in Fig.1.The resulting model had an R 2of 0.995and R 2-adjusted value of 0.990,indicating goodness of fit (Fig.1A).It is observed that the gel buffer does not seem to have much impact on the qual-ity of separation as measured by the number of visible bands (Fig.1B).The concentration of the aminocaproic acid,buffer concentration,and the running buffer pH had significant impact on the quality of separation.The latter two variables yielded a curved response with the optimal value at 0.14M of acetate–NaOH buffer,pH 5.5.Based on these results,the op-timal operating conditions were chosen as 0.14M acetic acid in 0.1M 6-aminocaproic acid (pH 5.5)as running buffer,15mM acetic acid–NaOH (pH 6)as gel buffer,loading dye containing 30%sucrose with methyl green,and 3.5%stacking gel with 8%resolving gel.Electrophoresis was performed at 7mA/gel (50V)at temperature between 5and 10°C for 3.5h.Electrophoresis2014,35,2163–2171Liquid Phase Separations2167parison of per-formance of the N-PAGE pro-tocol with the SEC-based separation for two different samples.(A)N-PAGE gel for sample 1.(B)Densitome-ter scan of the N-PAGE gel for sample 1.(C)SEC chro-matogram for sample 1.(D) N-PAGE gel for sample2.(E) SDS-PAGE gel for sample2.(F) Reducing PAGE gel for sample 2.(G)Densitometer scan of the N-PAGE gel for sample2.(H) SEC chromatogram for sam-ple2.(I)Comparison of the ag-gregate percentage measured by N-PAGE versus SEC.Along with N-PAGE,reducing(SDS+DTT)and nonre-ducing(SDS)PAGE were carried out for sample2.Reduc-ing PAGE gel showed two bands,one at25kDa and the other at50kDA(Fig.2F),while in the nonreducing gel,one prominent thick band was observed at150kDa and with two poorly separated,faint bands just above it(Fig.2E),indicat-ing presence of high molecular weight impurities(aggregate percentage ofß4.8).On the contrary,N-PAGE and SEC for sample2gave aggregate content of11.96and10.56,respec-tively(Fig.2D,G–I).The underperformance of the reducing PAGE occurs because in this method the sample is subjected to SDS and DTT.SDS being a chaotropic agent imparts nega-tive charge to the protein and causes inter-and intramolecular repulsion resulting in breakage of noncovalent interactions.DTT being a reducing agent causes cleavage of the disulfide bonds.Thus,both covalent and noncovalent aggregates get disintegrated during the reducing PAGE and only covalent aggregates are quantified in nonreducing PAGE[18,43].By comparing the aggregate percentage value in N-PAGE and nonreducing PAGE,it can be concluded that total aggregate in the sample is11.96%of which4.8%is formed due to covalent interactions and remaining are due to noncovalent interactions.To confirm sample stability during the run,pure mAb sample with0%aggregate(did contain charged variants)was run along with two samples with different aggregate content. The results are shown in Fig.2.It is observed that the two bands of sample1are properly separated using this N-PAGE2168M.Pathak et al.Electrophoresis2014,35,2163–2171Figure 3.Results from the DOE study performed for op-timization of the N-PAGE pro-tocol for separation of ag-gregates for mAb products. The various plots show the various process performance attributes predicted by the model against actual data. Also shown are the key factors that affect a given attribute.protocol and also the values of aggregate are comparable to the values obtained from SEC analysis(Fig.2A–C).How-ever,analysis of the second sample yielded different results (Fig.2D).Three bands of aggregates were observed along with an extra band in addition to the one corresponding to the monomer(lane1in Fig.2D).Pure mAb,acidic variant, and basic variants were also run in this gel(lanes2–4in Fig.2D).It can be concluded that in sample2,the multiple bands are seen(lane1in Fig.2D)due to the separation of basic variants in N-PAGE analysis.While this may be desir-able for analysis of charged variants,our present focus is only on analysis of aggregates,and hence we decided to develop a strategy to mask the charge effect so as to avoid any confusion for the analyst.This was the focus of Study2that is presented in the next section.Factors that were identified for Study2 included acrylamide(%),bisacrylamide(%),and APS(%).3.3Study2:Optimization of the gel contentGel percentage has been known to play an important role in separation of mAb aggregates.While the mesh formed by acrylamide and bis-acrylamide needs to be loose enough to allow differential migration of monomer and aggregate, if the mesh is too loose the resolution suffers from higher band diffusion[44,45].In this study,gel percentage was opti-mized using QbD approach[21].A two-level,three-parameter, full-factorial DOE with two center points was used to per-form experimentation in the ranges mentioned in Table1. The quality of the separation was assessed by monitoring the number of bands,diffusion of bands,and the error in the calculated aggregate percentage from N-PAGE runs.The error in aggregate percentage was calculated by subtract-ing the aggregate percentage measured by SEC from theElectrophoresis2014,35,2163–2171Liquid Phase Separations2169Figure parison of thefinal,optimized N-PAGE protocol with SEC analysis.(A)N-PAGE gel for sample4.(B)Densitometer scan for sample 4.(C)SEC chro-matogram for sample 4.(D and E)Comparison of the aggregate percentage measured by N-PAGE versus SEC for multiple samples.aggregate percent measured by N-PAGE.Figure3shows the outcome of the statistical analysis of the study.The R2and R2-adjusted values for the three models were satisfactory,indi-cating that most of the variability is explained by the proposed models.It is observed that the bisacrylamide percentage solely determines the number of bands,with the number of bands increasing with bisacrylamide percentage.Further-more,bisacrylamide percentage also has the most significant impact on the overall error in aggregate percentage,with the error decreasing with increasing bisacrylamide percentage. Thus,it can be concluded that a high bisacrylamide percent-age(in the range examined)is optimal for separation of ag-gregates by N-PAGE.After bisacrylamide percentage,acrylamide percentage emerged as the most significant variable.It is observed that the error percentage in aggregate decreases with increasing acrylamide percentage and also the diffusion decreases with increasing acrylamide percentage.Hence,a high acrylamide percentage(in the range examined)is also optimal for sep-aration of aggregates by N-PAGE.These observations are in agreement with the understanding that an increase in acry-lamide percentage and bisacrylamide percentage reduces the pore size of the gel,which in turn increasesfineness and resolution between the bands.Optimal pore size is essential for achieving satisfactory resolution between the monomer and aggregate bands.However,further increase in acry-lamide percentage and bisacrylamide percentage will result in2170M.Pathak et al.Electrophoresis2014,35,2163–2171overlapping of the two bands and poor separation.Finally, APS percentage had a comparably lower impact on separa-tion performance,but has linear negative effect on the over-all error in aggregate percentage.Thus,the APS percentage should be less(in the range examined).3.4Optimized N-PAGE protocolThefinal optimized protocol for N-PAGE involved running an8.75%gel with8.5%acrylamide and0.25%bisacrylamide with0.1%APS prepared in15mM acetate–NaOH gel buffer at pH6.The protocol uses0.14M acetate–NaOH as the anode buffer at pH5.5,and0.14M acetate–NaOH as the cathode buffer at pH5.5with0.1M aminocaproic acid. Sample-loading dye would contain30%sucrose with a tinch of methyl green as the tracking dye.Sample-loading concen-tration would be0.2mg/mL without salt and electrophoresis would be performed at7mA/gel(50V)at temperature be-tween5and10°C.3.5Comparison to SEC analysisThefinal N-PAGE protocol was compared to the traditional SEC analysis and the results are illustrated in Fig.4.It is seen that the separation of the monomer from the dimer is acceptable(Fig.4A)and also comparable to that of SEC (Fig.4B and C).Multiple samples with different aggre-gate content were analyzed with the developed protocol in triplicates and the results were found to be comparable to SEC and with low RMSD(Fig.4D).This indicates the reproducibil-ity of the proposed protocol.Finally,the aggregate percentage measured by N-PAGE was compared to SEC(Fig.4F),and the straight line passing through the0,0index demonstrates the comparability of the proposed protocol to SEC.The t-test was performed onfive different samples,each with triplicate run or more,to show comparison of samples analyzed by the two systems(Fig.4D).The calculated t value is less than the tabulated t value at p=0.05demonstrating comparability of the data.This clearly demonstrates the performance of the proposed protocol.4Concluding remarksA QbD-based approach has been demonstrated for creation and optimization of an N-PAGE-based protocol for separa-tion of aggregates of an mAb therapeutic product.The data presented in this study establishes N-PAGE as a suitable com-plimentary method to SEC and perhaps even an alternative to SEC.The authors have declared no conflict of interest.5References[1]James,K.,Bell,G.T.,J.Immunol.Methods1987,100,5–40.[2]Shukla,A.A.,Thommes,J.,Trends Biotechnol.2010,28,253–261.[3]Sommerfeld,S.,Strube,J.,Chem.Eng.Process.2005,44,1123–1137.[4]Strohl,W.R.,Knight,D.M.,Curr.Opin.Biotechnol.2009,20,668–672.[5]Low,D.,O’Leary,R.,Pujar,N.S.,J.Chromatogr.B2007,848,48–63.[6]Read,E.K.,Park,J.T.,Shah,R.B.,Riley,B.S.,Bror-son,K.A.,Rathore,A.S.,Biotechnol.Bioeng.2010,105, 276–284.[7]Read,E.K.,Shah,R.B.,Riley,B.S.,Park,J.T.,Bror-son,K.A.,Rathore,A.S.,Biotechnol.Bioeng.2010,105, 285–295.[8]Rathore,A.S.,Bhambure,R.,Ghare,V.,Anal.Bioanal.Chem.2010,398,137–154.[9]Rathore,A.S.,Joshi,V.,Yadav,N.,Biopharm Int.2013,26,40–45.[10]denEngelsman,J.,Garidel,P.,Smulders,R.,Koll,H.,Smith,B.,Bassarab,S.,Seidl,A.,Hainz,O.,Jiskoot,W., Pharm.Res.2011,28,920–933.[11]Arakawa,T.,Ejima,D.,Li,T.,Philo,J.S.,J.Pharm.Sci.2010,99,1674–1692.[12]Carpenter,J.F.,Randolph,T.W.,Jiskoot,W.,Crommelin,D.J.,Middaugh,C.R.,Winter,G.,J.Pharm.Sci.2010,99,2200–2208.[13]Rathore,A.S.,Trends Biotechnol.2009,27,546–553.[14]Rathore,A.S.,Winkle,H.,Nat.Biotechnol.2009,27,26.[15]ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline Q8(R1),Phar-maceutical development,International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for the Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use, Geneva,Switzerland,2008.(/LOB/ media/MEDIA4986.pdf)[16]Myers,R.H.,Montgomery,D.C.,Anderson-Cook,C.M.,Response Surface Methodology:Process and Product Optimization using Designed Experiments,Wiley Inter-science,New Jersey2009.[17]Kumar,V.,Bhalla,A.,Rathore,A.S.,Biotechnol.Prog.2014,30,86–99.[18]Bade,P.,Kotu,S.P.,Rathore,A.S.,J.Sep.Sci.2012,35,3160–3169.[19]Hoek,P.V.,Harms,J.,Wang,X.,Rathore, A.S.(Eds.),Case Study on Definition of Design Space for a Microbial Fermentation Step,in Quality by Design for Biopharmaceuticals:Perspectives and Case Studies,Wiley Interscience,New Jersey2009, pp.85–109.[20]Ferreira,S.L.C.,Bruns,R.E.,da Silva,E.G.P.,dos San-tos,W.N.L.,Quintella,C.M.,David,J.M.,de Andrade, J.B.,Breitkreitz,M.C.,Jardim,I.C.S.F.,Neto,B.B.,J.Chromatogr.A2007,1158,2–14.[21]Pathak,M.,Chaudhary,N.,Rathore,A.S.,J.Pharm.Biomed.Anal.2014,92,119–126.[22]Vogt,F.G.,Kord,A.S.,J.Pharm.Sci.2011,100,797–812.[23]Oriandini,S.,Pinzauti,S.,Furlanetto,S.,Anal.Bioanal.Chem.2013,405,443–450.[24]Rozet,E.,Lebrun,P.,Hubert P.,Trends Anal.Chem.2013,157–167.。

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TA Universal Analysis 入门指南

TA Universal Analysis 入门指南
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保存结果和程序会话 ........................................................................... 24
退出程序 .................................................................................... 24
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Winofex’s analysis of market conditionas of 17th Nov 2014Winofex 对外汇市场走势分析 2014年11月17日Last week’s global market: 上周全球市场分析:Due to settlement of main issues in the United States such as theend of tapering policy and off-year election, it seemed like it was giving a steady influence to the bullish market last week. Consumers’sectors such as Wall Mart had a good performance and the remarkable increase in single day sales in China had aroused expectations for end of year shopping season and hence gave stability in the market. However, the increased volatility in the currency and the commodity market influenced the changes in the flow of various different market sectors. Particularly, due to theslide in the oil prices, the energy sector decreased greatly.美国当局的重大事件,如年底的政改与大选,貌似给上周稳健上行的市场都带来了沉重的打击。




Drop in oil prices caused downswing of crude oil export countries such as South America, affected companies performances in Europe and stressing issues in Ukraine had caused the market to shrink. 油价的突变使原油输出国南美,欧洲和乌克兰等受油价影响的国家市场收缩。

When it became official that Japan might delay the point where they will increase the consumption tax, the market increased by 3.62%. Also, before the enforcement of the cross trading policy of Shanghai and Hong Kong, it showed 2.51% and 2.11% increase in Shanghai market and Hong Kong’s Hang Seng stock price index each. 官方定价使日本将不得不延迟增加消费税,日本股市增值3.62%。


Besides, there were increase of 1.33% in the UK, 1.21% in the US Nasdaq, 0.79% in Taiwan, 0.64% in India’s market each. There were also increase of 0.35% in DOW Jones index and 0.39% in the S&P500 index. In other words, countries which had issues like Japan and China was ranked the top and the other countries increased about 1%. However, some Europe countries such as Russia, Germany, Italy dropped by 0.80%, 0.42%, 0.68% each. In addition, Brazil dropped by 2.73% as a result of slide in oil prices as South America countries such as Brazil and Peru has high level of dependence on exporting raw materials. 此外,英国股市增值1.33%,美国纳斯达克增值1.21%,台湾增值0.79%,印度增值0.64%。





Last week’s forex market flow: 上周外汇市场分析:Stable market was expected but volatility in exchange rate was recorded as issues in Japan such as delaying the plan of increasing their consumption tax and early general election affected the market. Due to this, US dollar turned bullish and other currencies bearish. At the beginning of the week, the Japanese Yen dropped below 115 Yen but when issue such as increasing consumption tax had arisen, the market closed with 116.28 Yen and hence had shown similar flow in the interim.Eventually, the USDJPY increased by 1.53%, GBP by 1.38%, RUB 1.30%, BRL 1.27% and KRW 1.12%. 外汇市场预期将相对稳定,但日本外汇市场将受到汇率波动,政改及早期大选的影响。


上周初期,日元下跌并低于115,但因增加消费税的消息发出,市场在116.28 结束交易。

最终,USDJPY 汇率增长1.53%,GBP 增长1.38%,RUB增长1.30%,BRL增长1.27% ,KRW增长1.12%。

Last week’s metal flow: 上周金属市场分析:The rate of the gold showed fluctuations in a steady tone due to the rise in USD throughout the week. In other words, despite the rising USD, it didn’t expand the falling rate and had maintained a steady tone. However, when Barack Obama and the Republican Party had a dispute over the Keystone XL pipeline, it increased more than 2% due to the political chaos. Similarly, copper showed fluctuations in a steady tone without major difference, but despite the shrinking industrial production flow in China, it increased by 1.69% as the USD turned bearish on Friday. Even though the Chinese government increased the purchase amount of copper this year due to the price fall, issues such as reduced demand is restricting the rise of the copper price. Likewise, the gold demand in China and India is not increasing. The bullish effect of the USD and reduce in demand is still existing in the product market. In a weekly basis, the gold increased by 1.53%, silver by 3.76%, copper by 0.26%, white gold by 0.38% and the overall flow of the metal market was satisfactory. 黄金在美金增值期间,在一个稳定的价格区域内波动,而没有继续下跌。





