计算机网络 Glossary 词汇表




《计算机英语(第3版)》词汇表GlossaryAa priori / 7eiprai5C:rai /ad. 〈拉〉用演绎方法,经推理(7C)abbreviate / E5bri:vieit /v. 缩写(8A)abbreviation / E7bri:vi5eiF E n /n. 缩写(词)(7B)abridge / E5bridV /v. 缩短;节略(10C)abstract / Ab5strAkt /v. 把…抽象出来;提出,抽出(5C)abstract machine 抽象机(2C)abstraction / Ab5strAkF E n /n. 抽象;提取(5A)abundance / E5bQndEns /n. 大量,丰富,充足(1C)abusive / E5bju:siv / a. 谩骂的;毁谤的(10A)accommodate / E5kCmEdeit /v. 容纳;使适应(4C)accounting / E5kauntiN /n. 会计(制度);记账;结账;结算(11B)activate / 5Aktiveit /v. 激活,启动(2C)actualization / 7AktFuElai5zeiF E n /n. 实现(7A)address / E5dres /v. 编址;寻址(3C)Address box 地址框(9C)address bus 地址总线(2A)addressee / 7Adre5si: /n. 收信人;收件人;被访地址(7A)addressing / E5dresiN /n. 编址;寻址(9A)adjacent / E5dVeis E nt / a. 相邻的,毗连的(2C)administer / Ed5ministE /v. 掌管;实施(4C)administrator / Ed5ministreitE /n. (系统、程序等的)管理员(6A)advent / 5Advent /n. 出现,到来(1A)adversary / 5AdvEs E ri /n. 对手,敌手(12C)adverse / 5AdvE:s, Ad5vE:s / a. 不利的,有害的(2C)adware / 5AdwZE /n. 广告软件(12B)affiliate / E5filiit /n. 附属机构;分公司(11C)affiliate marketing 联属网络营销,联盟营销(11C)affiliation / E7fili5eiF E n /n. 联系;从属关系(11C)aggregate / 5AgrigEt / a. 聚集的;合计的(4C)aggregation / 7A^ri5^eiF E n /n. 聚集,聚合,集合(10C)albeit / C:l5bi:it /conj. 尽管(4B)algorithm / 5AlgEriT E m /n. 算法(1B)align / E5lain /v. 对准,对齐(10B)alignment / E5lainmEnt /n. 对准,对齐(10B)allocate / 5AlEkeit /v. 分配;分派(2B)allot / E5lCt /v. 分配;分派(2B)allude / E5l j u:d /v. 暗指,影射;间接提到(to)(10C)allure / E5l j uE /n. 诱惑力,魅力(1C)alternate / C:l5tE:nit, 5C:ltE‐ / a. 供选择的,供替换的;备用的(8B)alternatively / R:l5tE:nEtivli /ad. 或者,非此即彼(8B)ambiguous / Am5bigjuEs / a. 含糊不清的,模棱两可的(3A)amenable / E5mi:nEbl / a. 顺从的;易作出响应的(4B)analog(ue) / 5AnElCg / a. 模拟的(1A)analogous / E5nAlEgEs / a. 相似的;可比拟的(to/with)(9B)analogy / E5nAlEdVi /n. 比拟,类推,类比(5C)analyst / 5AnElist /n. 分析员,分析师(5B)analytic(al) / 7AnE5litik(E l) / a. 分析的(1A)Analytical Engine 分析机,解析机(1A)analyzer / 5AnElaizE /n. 分析程序,分析算法,分析器(2C)animation / 7Ani5meiF E n /n. 动画(制作)(9C)anomaly / E5nCmEli /n. 异常(现象);不按常规(6A)antitrust / 7Anti5trQst / a. 反托拉斯的,反垄断的(10A)
antivirus software 防病毒软件(11C)app / Ap /n. 〈口〉应用程序,应用软件(= application)(1C)apparatus / 7ApE5reitEs /n. 器械;设备(7B)appealing / E5pi:liN / a. 吸引人的;有感染力的(3B)append / E5pend /v. 附加(9B)applet / 5AplEt /n. 小应用程序(3B)application / 7Apli5keiF E n /n. 应用程序,应用软件(1B)application programming interface 应用程序编程接口,应用程序设计接口(10C)approximation / E7prCksi5meiF E n /n. 近似(值)(1A)arcane / B:5kein / a. 神秘的,晦涩难解的;秘密的(3B)architecture / 5B:kitektFE /n. 体系结构(1A)arena / E5ri:nE /n. 竞技场;活动场所(7B)array / E5rei /n. 数组;一系列(3A)artificial intelligence 人工智能(1A)assembler / E5semblE /n. 汇编程序,汇编器(4A)assembly / E5sembli /n. 部件;组合体(11A)assembly code 汇编代码(3B)assembly language 汇编语言(3A)assignment statement 赋值语句(3A)assortment / E5sC:tmEnt /n. 分类;各种各样(11B)asterisk / 5AstErisk /n. 星号(3C)asynchronous / ei5siNkrEnEs / a. 不同时的;异步的,非同步的(4C)athletic / AW5letik / a. 运动的,体育的(11B)attachment / E5tAtFmEnt /n. 附件(1C)audible / 5C:dEbl / a. 听得见的(7B)audit / 5C:dit /v. 审计;审核(12A)augment / C:g5ment /v. 扩大;增加(7C)authentication / C:7Wenti5keiF E n /n. 验证,鉴别(4C)author / 5C:WE /v. 著作,写作;编写(10B)authorize / 5C:WEraiz /v. 授权;委托(12B)authorized / 5C:WEraizd / a. 经授权的(4C)automate / 5C:tEmeit /v. 使自动化(1B)automated / 5C:tEmeitid / a. 自动化的(1B)automatic teller machine 自动柜员机,取款机(12A)automation / 7C:tE5meiF E n /n. 自动化(1A)autonomous / C:5tCnEmEs / a. 自治的,自主的,独立的(4C)autonomous agent 自主主体(4C)Bbackbone / 5bAkbEun /n. 骨干(网),基干(网)(7C)backcountry / 5bAk7kQntri / a. 偏僻乡村的(9C)backup / 5bAkQp /n. & a. 备份,后备(2C)/ 备份的,后备的(6B)balance / 5bAlEns /n. 余额;差额;结算(6B)bandwidth / 5bAndwidW /n. 带宽(4C)banking / 5bANkiN /n. 银行业务;银行业(1A)banner / 5bAnE /n. 标题,横幅(10B)bar / bB: /n. 条;条形图(3C)bar chart 条形图(3C)bar code 条形码(11A)base class 基类,基本类(6C)base ten notation 以10为底的记数法(9A)batch / bAtF /n. (一)批(4B)beta / 5bi:tE; 5beitE /n. 希腊语的第二个字母(B,β);测试版(6C)beta testing β测试(法)(6C)bill / bil /v. 给…开账单;把…登账(7A)billing / 5biliN /n. 开(账)单;记账(11B)binary / 5bainEri / a. & n. 二进制的(1A)/ 二进制(数)(9A)binary notation 二进制记数法(9A)biometric(al) / 7baiEu5metrik(E l) / a. 生物统计学的(11A)
bit / bit /n. 位,比特(1A)bit map 位图;位映象(7B)bit pattern 位模式(2B)blackboard model 黑板法模型(2C)blackout / 5blAkaut /n. 断电,停电(12A)block / blCk /n. (字、信息、程序、数据等的)块;分程序(2A)block character 块字符(1C)blog / blCg /n. 博客,网志,网络日志(weblog的缩略) blooper / 5blu:pE /n. 过失,失礼(10A)blueprint / 5blu:print /n. 蓝图(5B)bolster / 5bEulstE /v. 支撑;支持;提高(4B)bombsight / 5bCmsait /n. 轰炸瞄准器(1A)boot / bu:t /v. & n. [亦作boot up]引导,启动(1C)bottleneck / 5bCtlnek /n. 瓶颈,障碍(7B)bounds checking 边界检查(3B)boxer / 5bRksE /n. 拳击运动员,拳师(9C)bracket / 5brAkit /n. 括号(3C)brand-new / 5brAnd5n j u: / a. 全新的,崭新的(12B)break-in / 5breikin /n. 闯入;盗窃(12A)breeze / bri:z /n. 〈主美口〉不费吹灰之力的事(1C)bridge / bridV /n. 网桥,桥接器(4C)bridging / 5bridViN /n. 桥接,跨接(6C)broadband / 5brC:dbAnd / a. 宽带的(7B)broker / 5brEukE /n. 代理者;代理程序(3B)brownout / 5braunaut /n. 负载偏重期,电压不足(12A)browse / brauz /v. 浏览(3B)browser / 5brauzE /n. 浏览器(1C)buffer / 5bQfE /n. 缓冲区,缓冲器(12A)bug / bQg /n. (程序)错误,故障(4A)building block 积木块,构建模块,构件(5B)built-in / 5bilt5in / a. 内置的,内部的(1A)bureaucratic / 7bjuErE u5krAtik / a. 官僚(政治)的;官僚主义的(5B)bursty / 5bE:sti / a. 猝发的,突发的(7C)bus / bQs /n. 总线(1A)bus topology 总线拓扑结构(8A)bust / bQst /n. 崩溃,不景气(11A)bypass / 5baipB:s /v. 绕过;越过(11C)byte / bait /n. 字节(1A)bytecode / 5baitkEud /n. 字节码(3B)Ccable television 有线电视(7B)cancellation / 7kAnsE5leiF E n /n. 取消;删去(6B)capitalization / 7kApitElai5zeiF E n; ‐li5z /n. 大写字母的使用(9C)captivating / 5kAptiveitiN / a. 迷人的,可爱的(9C)cardinality / 7kB:di5nAliti /n. 基数性;(集的)势,(集的)基数(6A)carrier / 5kAriE /n. 载波(8A)carrier sense 载波检测,载波监听(8A)carte blanche / 5kB:t5blCnF /n. 〈法〉全权,自由处理权(12C)cartridge / 5kB:tridV /n. 盒,匣(4A)cascade / kA5skeid / n. 小瀑布;瀑布状物;级联;层叠(5A)cascading / kA5skeidiN / a. 级联的;层叠的(6B)cascading rollback 级联回滚(6B)case / keis /v. 〈俚〉(尤指企图盗窃时)探察,察看(12C)cash on delivery 货到付款,交货付款(11C)catastrophe / kE5tAstrEfi /n. 灾难,灾祸(12A)categorize / 5kAtigEraiz /v. 将…分类;为…取名描述(7A)cater / 5keitE /v. 满足需要;迎合;考虑(for, to)(5A)cathode / 5kAWEud /n. 阴极(2A)cathode ray tube 阴极射线管(2A)cell / sel /n. 单元;单元格(7C)cell phone 蜂窝电话,移动电话,手机(9A)cellular / 5seljulE / a. 蜂窝状的,多孔的(7A)cellular telephone 蜂窝电话,移动电话,手机(7A)census / 5sensEs /n. 人口普查(1A)central processing unit 中央处理器(1A)centrifugal / sen5trifju^El / a. 离心的(11C)centrifugal pump 离心泵(11C)chain-letter / 5tFein7letE /v. 向…发送连锁信(或连锁邮件)(10A)champ / tFAmp /n. 〈口〉冠军(1C)channel / 5tFAnl /v. (通过某种渠道)输送,传送;引导(6C)
character set 字符集(1C)chatty / 5tFAti / a. 聊天式的,轻松而亲切的;爱闲聊的(10A)check box 复选框,选择框,校验框(5B)checkers / 5tFekEz /n. 〈美〉西洋跳棋(8A)
checkout / 5tFekaut /n. 结账(离去);付款台(11B)chip / tFip /n. 芯片(1A)circuit board 电路板(7B)circuit breaker 断路器(12A)circuitry / 5sE:kitri /n. 电路(1A)circulation / 7sE:kju5leiF E n /n. 流通;循环(10C)circumvent / 7sE:kEm5vent /v. 绕过;规避(5A)civic-minded / 5sivik5maindid / a. 关心公益的;热心公民(或市民)事务的(12B)clarity / 5klAriti /n. 清晰,明晰(3B)class hierarchy 类层次(3B)classified / 5klAsifaid / a. 归入密级的,保密的(10A)
click / klik /v. & n. (鼠标)单击(2B)/(鼠标的)点击(11B)client / 5klaiEnt /n. 客户程序;客户机(1C)client/server model 客户机/服务器模型(8A)clip / klip /n. 剪下来的东西;电影(或)电视片段(2C)clipper / 5klipE / chip 加密芯片(12A)clog / 5klCg /v. 塞满;阻塞(12A)cluster / 5klQstE /n. (人或物的)群,组;(果实、花等的)串,束,簇(8A)clutter / 5klQtE / n. 凌乱,杂乱;杂乱的东西(3B)coaxial / 7kEu5AksiEl / a. 同轴的(8B)coaxial cable 同轴电缆(8B)coexist / 7kEuig5zist /v. 共存;同时存在(4C)cognition / kC^5niF E n /n. 认识,认知(1B)coherent / kEu5hiEr E nt / a. 相干的;一致的;协调的(6A)coincide / 7kEuin5said /v. 相符,相一致;重合(9B)collaboration / kE7lAbE5reiF E n /n. 合作;协作(1B)collaborative / kE5lAbEreitiv / a. 合作的,协作的(4C)collide / kE5laid /v. 冲突;碰撞(8C)collusion / kE5lu:V E n /n. 共谋,勾结,串通(12B)colon / 5kEulEn /n. 冒号(9C)commit / kE5mit /v. 提交,委托;承诺(6B)commit point 提交点(6B)commonplace / 5kCmEnpleis / a. 普通的,平凡的(12A)compact disc 光盘(2A)compatibility / kEm7pAti5biliti /n. 兼容性(1C)compatible / kEm5pAtEbl / a. 兼容的(2B)compelling / kEm5peliN / a. 强制性的;有强烈吸引力的;令人信服的(1C)competitor / kEm5petitE /n. 竞争者(10A)compilation / 7kCmpi5leiF E n /n. 编译;汇编(2C)compile / kEm5pail /v. 汇编;编译(1A)compiled code 编译执行的代码(3B)compiled language 编译执行的语言(4A)compiler / kEm5pailE /n. 编译程序,编译器(3A)complementary / 7kRmpli5ment E ri / a. 补充的;互补的(10C)compliant / kEm5plaiEnt / a. 顺应的,顺从的,遵从的(4B)complication / 7kCmpli5keiF E n /n. 复杂情况;困难,难题(11B)comprehend / 7kCmpri5hend /v. 理解,领会(1B)computational / 7kCmpju:5teiF E nEl / a. 计算(机)的(1B)conceive / kEn5si:v /v. (构)想出(1A)conceptual / kEn5septjuEl / a. 概念的(6A)conceptually / kEn5septjuEli /ad. 概念上(1A)concise / kEn5sais / a. 简明的,简要的(10A)concurrency / kEn5kQrEnsi /n. 同时发生,并发,并行性(4C)concurrent / kEn5kQrEnt / a. 同时发生的,并发的,并行的(2B)conditional statement 条件语句(3A)conditioning / kEn5diFEniN /n. 调节,调整(7A)conducive / kEn5d j u:siv / a. 有助的,有益的(to)(9A)confidential / 7kCnfi5denF E l / a. 秘密的,机密的(10A)configurable / kEn5figErEbl / a. 可配置的(6C)configuration / kEn 7figju5reiF E n /n. 配置(2C)configuration item 配置项(2C)configure / kEn5figE /v. 配置(5A)congestion / kEn5dVestF E n /n. 拥挤;拥塞(7C)conjecture / kEn5dVektFE /n. 推测,猜想(1A)connection string 连接字符串(6C)connectivity / kEnek5tiviti /n. 连通(性),连接(性)(4C)connector / kE5nektE /n. 连接器,插头座(7B)connotation / 7kCnE u5teiF E n /n. 内涵(意义),涵义(7B)consolidate / kEn5sClideit /v. (把…)联为一体,合并;巩固(5B)consortium / kEn5sC:tiEm /n. ([复]-tia / ‐tiE / 或
-tiums)联营企业;(国际)财团,联盟(4C)constrain / kEn5strein /v. 约束,限制(3B)
constraint / kEn5streint /n. 约束,限制(5A)contender / kEn5tendE /n. 争夺者,竞争者(1C)contention / kEn5tenF E n /n. 争用;争夺(4C)context switch 上下文转换,语境转换(2B)controller / kEn5trEulE /n. 控制器(2B)converge / kEn5vE:dV /v. 会聚;结合;收敛(7A)convergence / kEn5vE:dV E ns /n. 会聚;结合;收敛(7A)conversion / kEn5vE:F E n /n. 转换;转变(1C)converter / kEn5vE:tE /n. 转换器,转换程序(8C)convoluted / 5kCnvElu:tid / a. 盘绕的;盘错的,错综复杂的(3B)
cookie / 5kuki /n. “甜饼”(指一种临时保存网络用户信息的结构)(11B)cooperative / kEu5Cp E rEtiv / a. 合作的,协作的(10C)Copy command 复制命令(9C)cordless telephone 无绳电话(7A)corporate / 5kC:p E rit / a. 公司的;社团的(4C)corrupt / kE5rQpt /v. 破坏,损坏;腐蚀(5A)corruption / kE5rQpF E n /n. 破坏;腐化;讹误(6B)cosmetic / kCz5metik / a. 化妆用的;装饰性的;非实质性的(9C)cost effectiveness 成本效益(4C)cost-effective / 5kCsti5fektiv / a. 有成本效益的;合算的(5A)counterfeiter / 5kauntE7fitE /n. 伪造者(尤指伪造货币的人)(12A)countermeasure / 5kauntE7meVE /n. 对策,对抗手段(11C)counterpart / 5kauntEpB:t /n. 对应的物(或人)(1C)country code 国家代码(9A)coupon / 5ku:pCn /n. 购物优惠券,礼券,赠券(11B)courier / 5kuriE /n. 信使(10A)courtesy / 5kE:tisi /n. 谦恭有礼;好意(1C)
coverage / 5kQvEridV /n. 新闻报道;覆盖范围(12C)coworker / kEu5wE:kE /n. 同事(10A)crack / krAk /v. 破译(1A)cracker / 5krAkE /n. 非法侵入(计算机系统)者(12A)credit card 信用卡(7A)criterion / krai5tiEriEn /n. ([复]-ria / ‐riE / 或 -rions)标准,准则(6C)critter / 5kritE /n. 〈美口〉生物;动物(10A)
cryptic / 5kriptik / a. 隐秘的;(简短而)意义含糊的;费解的(3B)cursive / 5kE:siv /n. 草体;草体字(母)(1C)cursor / 5kE:sE /n. 光标(2A)custom / 5kQstEm / a. 定制的,自定义的(12C)customize / 5kQstEmaiz /v. 定制,使用户化(2B)customized / 5kQstEmaizd / a. 定制的,用户化的(11A)cut-through / 5kQtWru: / a. 穿越式的,直通的(7C)cyber / 5saibE / a. 计算机(网络)的(9A)cyber cafe 网吧(9A)cyberspace / 5saibEspeis /n. 电脑空间,网络空间(9C)Ddaemon / 5di:mEn /n. 端口监督/监控程序,守护程序(12C)data bus 数据总线(2A)data capture 数据捕获,数据收集(12B)data declaration 数据声明(3A)data field 数据字段;数据域(1C)data flow diagram 数据流程图(5B)data item 数据项(6B)data library 数据(文件)库(6C)data link 数据链路(7C)data stream 数据流(6C)dated / 5deitid / a. 过时的(10B)datum / 5deitEm /n. ([复]data)数据(1A)de facto / di:5fAktEu / a. 〈拉〉实际的,事实上的(3B)deadlock / 5dedlCk /n. 死锁;僵局(6B)debit / 5debit /n. 借方;借记,借入(11C)debit card 借方卡(11C)debug / di:5bQg /v. 调试,排除(程序)中的错误(4A)debugger / di:5bQgE /n. 调试程序,排错程序(4A)decentralize / 7di:5sentrElaiz /v. 分散(4C)decimal / 5desim E l / a. 十进制的(1A)decimal notation 十进制记数法(9A)decipher / di5saifE /v. 破译,译解(7A)deck / dek /n. 卡片叠,卡片组(1A)decode / 7di:5kEud /v. 译(码),解(码)(2B)decorative / 5dekErEtiv / a. 装饰性的(10B)decrement / 5dekrimEnt /v. 减少,减缩(6B)dedicate / 5dedikeit /v. 把…献给,把…用于(4B)dedicated / 5dedikeitid / a. 专用的(1A)deduce / di5d j u:s /v. 推论,推断(3A)default / di5fC:lt /n. 默认,缺省,系统设定值(4A)definitive / di5finitiv / a. 决定性的;确定的;规定的(5A)degradation / 7de^rE5deiF E n /n. 降级,退化(7C)degraded / di5greidid / a. 降级的,退化的(8B)déjà-vu/ 7deiVB:5vju: /n. 〈法〉似曾经历的错觉(5C)deliverable / di5liv E rEb E l /n. [常作复]可交付使用的产品(5A)
delivery on payment 付款交货(11C)delve / delv /v. 搜索,翻查(3B)demodulate / di:5mCdjuleit /v. 解调(7A)demodulator / di:5mCdjuleitE /n. 解调器(2A)demultiplex / 7di:5mQltipleks /v. 分路,把…分成多路(7C)denote / di5nEut /v. 表示;意思是(6A)deploy / di5plCi /v. 部署(11C)derivation / 7deri5veiF E n /n. 派生(物)(9C)descriptor / di5skriptE /n. 描述符,解说符(2B)desensitize / 7di:5sensitaiz /v. 使不敏感,使降低敏感性(12B)designate / 5dezigneit /v. 指定,指明;命名;指派(3C)designated / 5dezi^neitid / a. 指定的,派定的(1C)desk / desk /n. 服务台;部门(9C)desktop / 5desktCp / a. & n. 桌面的;台式(计算机)的(1A)/ 桌面;台式(计算)机(1C)destine / 5destin /v. 预定,指定(往某一目的地或供某种用途)(for)(9B)detrimental / 7detri5ment E l / a. 有害的;不利的(7B)devastating / 5devEsteitiN / a. 破坏性极大的,毁灭性的(6B)device driver 设备驱动程序(2B)devotee / 7devE5ti: /n. 献身者;爱好者(4B)dexterity / dek5steriti /n. 灵巧,敏捷(1B)dialog box 对话框(3B)dial-up / 5dai E lQp / a. 拨号的(9A)Difference Engine 差分机(1A)differentiator / 7difE5renFieitE /n. 区分者;鉴别者(4B)digit / 5didVit /n. 数字(1A)digital camera 数码照相机(7B)digitize / 5didVitaiz /v. 使(数据)数字化(2C)dinosaur / 5dainEsC: /n. 恐龙;(尤指废弃过时的)庞然大物(2B)dip / dip /n. (暂时或小幅度的)减少;下降(11A)direct debit 直接借记,直接付款(11C)direct memory access 直接存储器存取(7B)directory / di5rekt E ri /n. 目录(2B)disability / 7disE5biliti /n. 无能力;残疾(1B)disable / dis5eibl /v. 使丧失能力;停用(6C)disastrous / di5zB:strEs / a. 灾难性的(6B)discretion / di5skreF E n /n. 斟酌决定(或处理)的自由(2B)discrimination / dis7krimi5neiF E n /n. 区别;歧视(10A)disenfranchise / 7disin5frAntFaiz /v. 剥夺…的公民权;剥夺…的权利(4B)disgruntled / dis5grQntld / a. 不满的(12A)disk drive 磁盘机,磁盘驱动器(2A)dismantle / dis5mAntl /v. 解散;拆开;废除(8A)disparate / 5disp E rit / a. 完全(或根本)不同的;不相干的(11A)disparity / dis5pAriti /n. 不同,差异(1C)dispatcher / di5spAtFE /n. 调度程序(2B)disrupt / dis5rQpt /v. 扰乱;使中断(8B)dissemination / di7semi5neiF E n /n. 散布;传播(10C)distributed / di5stributid / a. 分布(式)的(2C)distributor / di5stribjutE /n. 经销商;批发商(11C)disturbance / di5stE:b E ns /n. 干扰(12A)documentation / 7dCkjumen5teiF E n /n. 文件编制,文档编制;[总称]文件证据,文献资料(5A) domain / dE5mein /n. 领域,域(4C)domain name system 域名系统(9A)domain name 域名(9A)doorway / 5dC:wei /n. 出入口,门口(9C)dot-bomb / 5dCtbCm /n. 网络炸弹(11A)dot-com / 5dCtkCm /n. 网络公司(11A)dotted decimal notation 点分十进制记数法(9A)double-check / 5dQbl5tFek /v. 复核;从两方面查对(12B)down / daun /v. 击倒;击落;倒下(8B)downturn / 5dauntE:n / n. 衰退;下降趋势(11A)drive / draiv /n. 驱动器(2A)driver / 5draivE /n. 驱动程序,驱动器(2B)drop shipping 直达货运(11C)drop-down menu 下拉式菜单(或选项屏)(5B)droplet / 5drCplit /n. 小滴(2A)drum / drQm /n. 磁鼓(2A)dual / 5dju:E l; 5du:El / a. 双的;双重的(7C)duke / d j u:k /n. 公爵(3B)dupe / dju:p; du:p /v. 欺骗,愚弄(12C)duplicate / 5d j u:plikeit /v. 复制;重复(9C)duplicate / 5d j u:plikit / a. 复制的;副(本)的;重复的(8A)Eeditor / 5editE /n. 编辑程序,编辑器(2C)electrical contact 电触点(1A)electronic bulletin board 电子公告板(12A)embed / im5bed /v. 把…嵌入(1A)embedded / im5bedid / a. 嵌入(式)的(9C)embody / im5bCdi /v. 使具体化,体现;包含(10C)embrace / im5breis /v. (欣然)接受;(乐意)利用(10C)emoticon / i5mEutikCn /n. 情感符(emot ion icon的缩合)(10A)emulate / 5emjuleit /v. 模拟,仿真,模仿(12B)encapsulate / in5kApsjuleit; ‐sE‐ /v. 封装(7C)encapsulation / in7kApsju5leiF E n; ‐sE‐ /n. 封装(3B)encipher / in5saifE /v. 把…译成密码(1A)encode / en5kEud /v. 把…编码;把…译成电码(或密码)(4A)encompass / in5kQmpEs /v. 包含,包括(4C)encrypt / in5kript /v. 把…加密(12A)encryption / in5kripF E n /n. 加密(4C)end user 最终用户,终端用户(6A)endpoint / 5endpCint /n. 端点(8B)enfranchise / in5frAntFaiz /vt. 给…公民权(或选择权)(4B)Enter key 回车键(9C)enthusiast / in5Wju:ziAst /n. 热心者,狂热者(1C)entity / 5entiti /n. 实体(5B)entity relationship diagram 实体关系图,实体联系图,E-R图(5B)enumerate / i5n j u:mEreit /v. 列举,枚举;遍历(6C)equate / i5kweit /v. 等同,相等(7B)erase / i5reiz /v. 擦除,消除,清除(2A)erroneous / i5rEuniEs / a. 错误的,不正确的(6B)essence / 5es E ns /n. 本质,实质(3A)etch / etF /v. 蚀刻(1A)Ethernet / 5i:WE7net /n. 以太网(标准)(4C)etiquette / 5etiket /n. 礼节;(行业中的)道德规范;规矩(10A)evoke / i5vEuk /v. 唤起;使人想起(11C)excerpt / ek5sE:pt/v. 摘录;引用(10A)exclusive lock 排它锁,互斥(型)锁(6B)executable / 5eksikju:tEbl / a. & n. 可执行的(3A)/ 可执行文件(12B)execution / 7eksi5kjuF E n /n. 执行,运行(1A)existing / ig5zistiN / a. 现存的,现有的,现行的(1B)expertise / 7ekspE:5ti:z /n. 专门知识(或技能),专长(12C)expiration / 7ekspi5reiF E n /n. 期满;截止(12B)exploratory / ik5splCrEt E ri / a. 探索的;勘探的(5A)expression / ik5spreF E n /n. 表达式(3A)extensibility / ik7stensE5biliti /n. 可扩展性,可扩充性(4C)extension / ik5stenF E n/n. 扩展,扩充;扩展名(2B)extract / ik5strAkt /v. 提取,析取,抽取(9A)Ffable / 5feibl /n. 寓言(4B)
fabricate / 5fAbrikeit /v. 制作(1A)facsimile / fAk5simili /n. 传真(7A)factor / 5fAktE /v. 把…分解成(into)(5C)familiarize / fE5miliEraiz /v. 使熟悉;使通晓(8B)fault tolerance 容错(4C)ferry / 5feri /n. & v. 渡船;摆渡;渡口/ 渡运;运送(9C)fiber / 5faibE /n. 〈主美〉纤维;光纤(7A)fiber-optic / 5faibEr5Cptik / a. 光纤的(7A)fiber-optic cable 光缆(7A)fictional / 5fikF E nEl / a. 小说的;虚构的(2B)field / fi:ld /n. & v. 字段;域;信息组(1C)/ 派…上场;实施;产生(3B)File Transfer Protocol 文件传送协议(7C)filename / 5failneim /n. 文件名(12A)filestore / 5failstC: /n. 文件存储(器)(2C)fill / fil /n. 填充(7C)film clip 剪片(2C)fine-tune / 5fain5t j u:n /v. 微调,细调(6C)finger / 5fiNgE /n. finger命令,远程用户信息服务命令(12C)fingerprint / 5fiN^Eprint /n. 指纹(印),手印(11A)fingerprint reader 指纹读取器(11A)firewall / 5faiEwC:l /n. 防火墙(4C)firmware / 5fE:mwZE /n. [总称]固件(2A)fitting / 5fitiN /n. 试穿,试衣(11C)flag / flAg /v. 用标记表明(12B)flame / fleim /v. (向…)发送争论(或争辩)邮件(10A)flaming / 5fleimiN /n. 争论(特指在邮件讨论组或网络论坛中争论)(10A)flat file 平面文件,展开文件(6A)flatbed scanner 平板扫描仪(2A)flaw / flC: /n. 缺点,瑕疵(3B)
flawed / flC:d / a. 有缺点的,有瑕疵的(5C)flawless / 5flC:lis / a. 无瑕的,完美的(1C)floppy / 5flCpi / a. (松)软的(2A)floppy disk 软(磁)盘(2A)flowchart / 5flEutFB:t /n. 流程图(3C)flux / flQks /n. (不断的)变动;波动(6B)focal / 5fEuk E l / a. 焦点的(8A)focal point 焦点,活动(或注意、兴趣等的)中心(8A)foil / fCil /v. 挫败;使受挫折(11C)folder / 5fEuldE /n. 文件夹(1C)folksonomy / 5fEuk7sCnEmi /n. 公众(或大众、分众)分类(法)(folks与tax onomy的缩合)(10C)footwear / 5futwZE /n. [总称]鞋类(11B)foreseeable / fC:5si:Ebl / a. 可预见到的(4B)formulate / 5fC:mjuleit /v. 构想出;系统地阐述(9C)forward slash 正斜杠(9C)foster / 5fCstE /v. 培养,促进(10C)frame / freim /n. 帧,画面(2C)/ 图文框;框架(5B)frame relay 帧中继(7C)fraud / frC:d /n. 欺骗,欺诈(11C)fraudulent / 5frC:djulEnt / a. 欺骗性的,欺诈性的(11C)fraught / frC:t / a. [一般作表语]充满的(with)(11A)frequency array 频率数组(3C)frivolous / 5frivElEs / a. 轻薄的;琐屑的(10A)
function statement 函数语句(3A)functional language 函数式语言(3A)functionality / 7fQNkFE5nAliti /n. 功能性(1C)fuse / fju:z /v. 熔合;熔凝(2A)Ggaggle / 5gAgl /n. (紊乱而有联系的)一堆(3B)garbage collector 垃圾收集器(6C)gateway / 5geitwei /n. 网关(8C)gauge / geidV /v. 估计,判断;计量(5B)gender / 5dVendE /n. 性别(10A)general-purpose register 通用寄存器(7B)generator / 5dVenEreitE /n. 生成程序,生成器;发生器(2C)generic / dVi5nerik / a. 类属的;一般的;通用的(2B)gift card 礼物卡,打折卡(11C)giga- / 5dVi^E, 5dVai^E /comb. form 表示“吉”,“千兆”,“十亿”,“109”(7B)gigabit / 5dVigEbit /n. 吉位,千兆比特(7C)grammatical / ^rE5mAtik E l / a. (符合)语法的(3A)granularity / 7^rAnju5lAriti /n. 粒度,间隔尺寸(5C)graphic(al) / 5grAfik(E l) / a. 图形的,图示的,图解的(1B)graphical user interface 图形用户界面(2B)graphics / 5grAfiks /n. 图形,图形显示(1A)graphics card 显(示)卡(12B)grayscale / 5greiskeil /n. 灰度级,灰度标(1C)green / gri:n /n. (高尔夫)球穴区;高尔夫球场(9C)greeting card 贺卡(9C)grim / grim / a. 严厉的;阴森的(10A)gullible / 5^Qlib E l / a. 易受骗的,易上当的(10A)Hhack / hAk /v. & n. 非法闯入(计算机网络),黑客攻击(11C)hacker / 5hAkE /n. 黑客(3B)
handheld / 5hAndheld /n. 手持式计算机,掌上电脑(1C)hand-held computer 手持式计算机,掌上电脑(9A)hand-held scanner 手持式扫描仪(2A)handle / 5hAndl /n. 句柄;(文件、对象等的)(名)称(编)号,名(字编)号(5C)handler / 5hAndlE /n. 处理程序;处理器(2B)handshaking / 5hAnd7FeikiN /n. 握手,信号交换(2B)haphazard / 7hAp5hAzEd / a. 无计划的,随意的(9A)harass / 5hArEs /v. 骚扰;烦扰(10A)harassment / 5hArEsmEnt, hE5rAs‐ /n. 骚扰(10A)hard disk 硬(磁)盘(2A)hard drive 硬盘驱动器(2A)hard-core / 5hB:dkC: / a. 中坚的,铁杆的(1C)hassle / 5hAsl /n. 搏斗;困难;麻烦(1C)header / 5hedE /n. 标题,报头,头标;页眉(3B)heading / 5hediN /n. 航向(1B)head-up display 前导显示器,平视显示器(1B)heterogeneity / 7hetErEudVi5ni:Eti /n. 各种各样,异构性,非均匀性(4C)heterogeneous / 7hetErEu5dVi:niEs / a. 不同种类的,多机种的,异构的(4C)heuristic / hju5ristik / a. 试探的,启发式的(12B)hierarchical / 7haiE5rB:kik E l / a. 分级的,分层的,层次的(2B)hierarchy / 5haiE7rB:ki /n. 层次,分层(结构),分级(结构)(3A)high-definition / 5haidefi5niF E n / a. 高清晰度的(7C)high-end / 5hai5end / a. 高端的,尖端的(1C)hindrance / 5hindrEns /n. 妨碍,障碍(12A)hinge / hindV /v. 依…而定,以…为转移(on, upon)(10A)histogram / 5histEu^rAm /n. 直方图,矩形图;频率分布图(3C)hoax / hEuks /n. 骗局;恶作剧(10A)home page 主页(9C)homepage / 5hEumpeidV /n. 主页(10B)homogeneous / 7hCmEu5dVi:niEs / a. 同种类的;同性质的;同构的(4C)hop / hCp /n. & v. 路程段;中继段;跳跃(7C)/ 跳跃(9B)host / hEust /n. & v. 主机(9A)/ 作…的主机(9C)host address 主机地址(9A)hosted service 托管服务(10C)hotspot / 5hCtspCt /n. (网络)热点,热区(9A)HTML tag HTML标记(9C)hub / hQb /n. (网络)集线器;(轮)毂(8B)Hungarian / hQN5gZEriEn / a. 匈牙利的(1A)hurricane / 5hQrikEn /n. 飓风(9C)hybrid / 5haibrid /n. 混合物;杂(交)种(8B)hyperlink / 5haipEliNk /n. 超(级)链接(9C)hypertext / 5haipEtekst /n. 超(级)文本(4C)Hypertext Markup Language 超(级)文本标记语言(9C)Hypertext Transfer Protocol 超(级)文本传输协议,超(级)文本传送协议(4C)Iicon / 5aikCn /n. 图标,图符(1C)ideagora / ai5diE7^EurE /n. 创意集市,点子市集(10C)identifier / ai5dentifaiE /n. 标识符(7C)identity theft 身份(信息)盗取(11C)ideological / 7aidiE u 5lCdVik E l / a. 思想上的;意识形态的(12C)imaging / 5imidViN /n. 成像(技术)(7C)immigration / 7imi5^reiF E n /n. 移民,移居(9C)impediment / im5pedimEnt /n. 妨碍;障碍物(7B)imperative / im5perEtiv / a. 必要的(6C)implementation / 7implimen5teiF E n /n. 实现,执行(1B)inadvertent / 7inEd5vE:t E nt / a. 因疏忽造成的;粗心大意的(6B)incentive / in5sentiv /n. 刺激;动机(12C)inclined / in5klaind / a. 倾向于…的;有…爱好(或天赋)的(12B)incoming / 5in7kQmiN / a. 进来的;输入的(9B)inconsistency / 7inkEn5sist E nsi /n. 不一致(2C)incorporate / in5kC:pEreit /v. 包含,吸收;把…合并,使并入(1A)increment / 5inkrimEnt /v. 增加,增长(6B)incremental / 7inkri5ment E l / a. 增量的;递增的(2C)indexing / 5indeksiN /n. 编索引;标引;加下标;变址(3C)indiscreet / 7indis5kri:t / a. 不慎重的,轻率的(10A)
indiscriminate / 7indi5skriminit / a. 不加区别的;不加选择的;任意的(12C)infamous / 5infEmEs / a. 臭名昭著的(12A)infection / in5fekF E n /n. (病毒)传染;感染(12B)inference engine 推理机(4A)info / 5infEu /n. 〈口〉信息(= information)(1C)information superhighway 信息高速公路(10A)infrastructure / 5infrE7strQktFE /n. 基础结构(4C)inheritance hierarchy 继承层次(5C)in-house / 5in5haus /ad. & a. 在机构内部;无外援地/内部的,自用的(11B)initiate / i5niFieit /v. 开始;发起(2B)inject / in5dVekt /v. 注入;注射(7B)ink cartridge 墨盒(4A)inkjet / 5iNkdVet / a. 喷墨的(2A)innate / 7i5neit / a. 固有的;天生的(7C)innovation / 7inE u5veiF E n /n. 革新,创新(6C)input stream 输入(信息)流(1A)insightful / 5in7saitf u l / a. 富有洞察力的;有深刻见解的(8A)instant messaging 即时通信,即时消息(10C)instantaneous / 7inst E n5teiniEs / a. 瞬间的,即刻的(3B)instruction set 指令集(1A)instrumental / 7instru5ment E l, 7instrE‐ / a. 起作用的,有帮助的(in, to)(9C)integer / 5intidVE /n. 整数(9A)integral / 5intigr E l / a. 构成整体所必需的,基本的(1B)integrated / 5inti^reitid / a. 集成的,综合的,一体化的(1A)integrated circuit 集成电路(1A)integrated network 综合网络(7C)integrated use interface 综合用户接口(2C)integrator / 5intigreitE /n. 积分器(1A)intellectual property 知识产权(11A)intent / in5tent /n. 意图,目的(5C)interactive / 7intEr5Aktiv / a. 交互(式)的(7A)interactivity / 7intErAk5tiviti /n. 交互性(10C)intercept / 7intE5sept/v. 拦截;截取(11C)interchange / 5intEtFeindV /n. 交换,互换(4B)interchange / 7intE5tFeindV /v. 交换,互换(2C)interchangeable / 7intE5tFeindVEb E l / a. 可交换的,可互换的(8C)interdisciplinary / 7intE5disiplin E ri / a. 学科间的,跨学科的(1B)interface / 5intEfeis /n. 界面;接口(1B)interfacing / 5intE7feisiN /n. 接口技术(1B)interleave / 5intEli:v /v. 交错,交叉,交替;隔行扫描(5A)interlink / 7intE5liNk /v. 链接,互连(10C)intermediary / 7intE5mi:diEri / a. & n. 中间的,居间的(7B)/ 媒介(物);调解人;中间人(6A)intermediate language 中间语言,中级语言(3A)internet / 5intEnet /n. 互联网,互连网(8A)Internet Protocol IP协议,网际协议,网间协议(7C)internetwork / 7intE5netwE:k /n. 互联网,互连网(8C)interoperability / 5intEr7Cp E rE5biliti /n. 互操作性,互用性(4C)interoperate / 7intEr5Cp E reit /v. 互操作,互用(7C)interpreted code 解释执行的代码(3B)interpreted language 解释执行的语言(4A)interpreter / in5tE:pritE /n. 解释程序,解释器(3B)interpreter program 解释程序(4A)interprocess communication 进程间通信(8A)interrupt / 7intE5rQpt /n. 中断(2B)interrupt handler 中断处理程序(2B)interrupt signal 中断信号(2B)intersection / 7intE5sekF E n /n. 交,相交,交集;交点(6A)intertwine / 7intE5twain /v. (使)缠结,(使)缠绕在一起(3B)interweave / 7intE5wi:v /v. (使)交织(6B)interwork / intE5wE:k /v. 配合工作,互工作(7C)intranet / 5intrEnet /n. 企业内部(互联)网,内联网(4C)intrinsically / in5trinsik E li /ad. 固有地;本质上;内在地(4C)intruder / in5tru:dE /n. 侵入者;闯入者(12C)intrusion / in5tru:V E n /n. 侵入;打扰(12C)intuitive / in5t j u:itiv / a. 直觉的;凭直觉获知的(1C)inundate / 5inEndeit /v. 淹没;(似洪水般)布满(9C)inventory / 5invEnt E ri; ‐tC:ri /n. & v. 存货(清单),库存(11A)/ 为…开列存货清单;编制…的目录;盘存(12B)inverse / 7in5vE:s, 5invE:s / a. 反的,逆的(7C)inverted / in5vE:tid / a. 反向的;倒置的(6A)invocation / 7invE5keiF E n /n. 调用(4C)invoke / in5vEuk /v. 调用;激活(12B)involved / in5vClvd / a. (由于复杂或混乱而)难处理的,棘手的;复杂的(6A)ironic / ai5rCnik / a. 具有讽刺意味的;出乎意料的(1C)irony / 5aiErEni /n. 反语;讽刺文体(10A)
irreplaceable / 7iri5pleisEbl / a. 不能替代的;失去后无法补偿的(12A)irrespective / 7iri5spektiv / a. 不考虑的;不顾的(of)(5A)itemize / 5aitEmaiz /v. 逐条记载,详细登录(4B)iteration / 7itE5reiF E n / n. 迭代(法),重复(5A)Jjewelry / 5dVu:Elri /n. 〈美〉[总称]珠宝,首饰(9C)jot / dVCt /v. 草草记下;匆匆记下(1C)joystick / 5dVCistik /n. 控制杆,操纵杆,游戏杆(2A)juvenile / 5dVu:vEnail /n. 少年(12C)Kkernel / 5kE:n E l /n. 内核,内核程序,核心程序(2B)key escrow / 5eskrEu, es5k‐ / chip 密钥托管芯片(12A)keyword / 5ki:wE:d /n. 关键词,关键字(9C)Llabel switching 标签交换(7C)laptop / 5lAptCp / a. & n. 膝上型的,便携式的(2A)/ 膝上型计算机,便携式计算机(1A)latency / 5leit E nsi /n. 潜伏时间,等待时间(7C)laundry list 〈美口〉细目清单,开列一长串项目的单子(4B)lax / lAks / a. 松(弛)的(12A)layered / 5leiEd / a. 分层的(2C)learning curve 学习曲线(1C)legacy / 5legEsi / a. 旧版本的,老化的(7C)legality / li5^Aliti /n. 依法,合法(性)(8A)legitimate / li5dVitimit / a. 合法的;正当的(12A)letter-perfect / 7letE5pE:fikt / a. 字字正确的;毫无讹误的(1C)lever / 5li:vE; 5le‐ /n. (杠)杆;控制杆(2A)leverage / 5li:v E ridV; 5le‐ /v. 充分利用(10C)library / 5laibrEri /n. 库,程序(或文件、对象)库(2C)library routine 库程序,库存(子)程序,程序库例行程序(4A)life cycle 生命周期,生存周期,寿命周期(1B)light pen 光笔(2A)linear / 5liniE / a. 线(性)的;直线的(3C)linguistic / liN5gwistik / a. 语言(学)的(3A)linguistics / liN5^wistiks /n. 语言学(1B)linker / 5liNkE /n. 连接程序,链接程序(3B)liquid crystal display 液晶显示(器)(2A)list box 列表框(11B)listing / 5listiN /n. 列表;一览表;目录(11B)listserv / 5listsE:v /n. 邮件发送清单(或邮件列表)管理程序(10A)literally / 5lit E rEli /ad. 逐字地;从字面上;确实地,不加夸张地(11C)local area network 局域网(7C)locator / lE u5keitE; 5lEukeitE /n. 定位器,定位符(9C)log / lC^ /n. (运行)记录;(系统)日志(6B)logical element 逻辑元件(1A)login / 5lCgin; 5lC:g‐ /n. 注册,登陆,进入系统(9B)logistics / lE u5dVistiks /n. 后勤(学)(11C)logo / 5lEu^Eu /n. 标识,标志图,徽标(10B)loom / lu:m /n. 织机(1A)looping / 5lu:piN /n. 循环;构成环形(3C)lowercase / 5lEuE5keis / a. (字母)小写的(7B)low-tech / 7lEu5tek / a. 低技术的(10B)lurk / lE:k /v. 潜伏;暗藏;潜行(6B)Mmacro / 5mAkrEu /n. 宏,宏指令(3A)magnetic disk 磁盘(2B)magneto-optical / mAg7ni:tEu5Cptik E l / a. 磁光的(2A)magnify / 5mA^nifai /v. 放大,扩大(12B)mailing list 邮件发送清单,邮件列表(10A)main memory 主存(储器)(2B)main page 主页(9C)mainframe / 5meinfreim /n. 主机,大型机(1A)mainstream / 5meinstri:m / a. 主流的(5C)malicious / mE5liFEs / a. 恶意的(3B)mall / mC:l /n. (车辆不得入内只限行人活动的)商业区,商业大街(11C)。



网络计算机英语词汇1500 词1. file [fail] n. 文件;v. 保存文件2. command [k..mɑ:nd] n. 命令,指令3. use [ju:z, ju:s] v. 使用,用途4. program [.pr.ugr.m] n. 程序5. line [lain] n. (数据,程序)行,线路6. if [if] conj. 如果7. display [dis.plei] vt. 显示,显示器8. set [set] v. 设置,n. 集合9. key [ki:] n. 键,关键字,关键码10. list [list] n. 列表,显示,v. 打印11. by [bai] prep. 凭,靠,沿12. press [pres] v. 按,压13. with [wie, wiθ] prep. 用,与,随着14. format [.f.:m.t] n. 格式15. change [t.eind.] v. 更换,改变,变动16. cursor ['k.:s.] n. 光标17. directory [di.rekt.ri] n. 目录,索引簿18. from [fr.m,fr.m] prep. 从,来自,以来19. menu [.menju:] n. 菜单,目录20. option [..p..n] n. 任选,选择,可选项21. character [.k.rikt.] n. 字符,符号,特性22. current [.k.r.nt] n. 电流23. type [taip] n. 型,类型;v. 打印24. screen [skri:n] n. 屏幕,屏;v. 屏蔽25. specify [.spesifai] v. 指定,规定,确定26. move [mu:v] v. 移动27. disk [disk] n. 盘,磁盘28. text [tekst] n. 正文,文本29. drive [draiv] v. 驱动;n. 驱动器30. see [si:] v. 看,看出,查看31. name [.neim] n. 名,名称;vt. 命名32. record [.rek.:d, ri.k.:d] n. 记录33. box [b.ks] n. 箱,匣,(逻辑)框34. database [.deit.beis] n. 数据库35. help [help] v. & n. 帮助36. memory [.mem.ri] n. 记忆存储,存储器37. which [wit.] pron. 哪个,a. 那一个38. all [.:l] a. 全,全部;ad. 完全39. on [.n] ad. 接通,导电,开40. copy [.k.pi] n. 复制,v. 拷贝41. shell [.el] n. 壳,外壳·42. delete [di.li:t] vt. 删除,删去,作废43. enter [.ent.] v. 键入,送入44. margin [.mɑ:d.in] n. 余量,边缘,边际45. mark [mɑ:k] n. 标记;vt. 加标记46. also [..:ls.u] ad. & conj. 也,亦,还47. do [du, du:] v. 做,干;n. 循环48. information [.inf..mei..n n. 信息,情报49. choose [t.u:z] v. 挑选,选择,选定50. select [si.lekt] vt. 选择51. group [gru:p] n. 组,群52. first [f.:st] a. & ad. & n. 第一,首先53. field [fi:ld] n. 字段,域,栏,场54. procedure [pr..si:d..] n. 过程,程序,工序55. print [print] v. 打印,印刷56. return [ri.t.:n] v. 返回,回送57. number [.n.mb.] n. 数字,号码;vt. 编号58. selected [si.lekt] a. 精选的59. want [w.nt, wɑ:nt] v. 需要,应该,缺少60. window [.wind.u] n. 窗口61. message [.mesid.] n. 信息,消息,电文62. dialog [.dai.l.g] n. & vt. 对话63. example [ig.zɑ:mp.l] n. 例子,实例64. create [kri:.eit] vt. 创立,建立65. insert [in.s.:t, .ins.:t] vt. 插入66. related [ri.leitid] a. 相关的67. item [.ait.m] n. 项,项目,条款68. edit [.edit] vt. 编辑,编排,编篡69. marked [ma:kt] a. 有记号的70. area [...ri.] n. (区)域,面积,方面71. parameter [p..r.mit.] n. 参数,参变量72. then [een] ad. & conj. 那时,则73. variable [.ve.ri.b.l] a. 可变的;n. 变量74. tab [t.b] n. 制表键75. up [.p] ad. 上,向上,a. 高的76. string [stri.] n. 行,字符串77. each [.i:t.] a. & ad. 各(自),每个78. active [..ktiv] a. 激活的,活动的79. topic [.t.pik] n. 题目,论题80. start [stɑ:t] v. 起动,开始,启动81. mode [m.ud] n. 态,方式,模82. selection [si.lek..n] n. 选择83. function [.f..k..n] n. 函数,功能,操作84. word [w.:d] n. 字(词),单词85. make [meik] vt. 制造,形成,接通86. right [rait] a. 右边的,正确的87. value [.v.lju:] n. 值88. button [.b.tn] n. 按钮89. index [.indeks] n. 索引,变址,指数90. without [wi.eaut] prep. 没有,在…以外91. appear [..pi.] vi. 出现,显现,好像92. left [left] a. & n. 左边(的)93. save [seiv] v. 保存94. next [nekst] n. 下一次,a. 其次95. off [.(:)f] ad. (设备)关着,脱离96. following [.f.l.ui.] a. 下列的,以下的97. control [k.n.tr.ul] v. 控制,支配,管理98. only [..unli] a. 唯一的,ad. 仅仅99. user [.ju:z.] n. 用户100. end [end] n. 结束,终点,端点101. system [.sist.m] n. 系统102. contain [k.n.tein] vt. 包含,包括103. time [taim] n. 时间;vt. 计时104. letter [.let.] n. 字母,信105. data [.deit.] n. 数据106. setting [.seti.] n. 设置,调整107. desire [di.zai.] v. & n. 期望108. position [p..zi..n] n. 位置;vt. 定位109. down [daun] ad. 落下,降低,减少110. task [tɑ:sk] n. 任务;v. 派给…任务111. view [vju:] n. & v. 视图,景象112. switch [swit.] n. & v. 开关,转换,切换113. include [in.klu:d] vt. 包括,包含114. get [get] v. 得到,获得,取115. default [di.f.:lt] v. 缺省,预置,约定116. structure [.str.kt..] n. 结构,构造,构件117. into [.intu, .int.] prep. 向内,进入118. path [pɑ:θ] n. 路径,通路,轨道119. blank [bl..k] n. 空白,间隔120. open [..up.n] v. 打开,开启,断开121. add [.d] v. & n. 加,增加,添122. enable [i.neib.l] vt. 启动,恢复正常操作123. operation [..p..rei..n] n. 操作,运算,动作124. erase [i.reiz] v. 擦除,取消,删除125. filename ['failneim] n. 文件名126. search [s.:t.] v. 检索,查询,搜索127. another [..n.e.] a. 另一个,别的128. last [lɑ:st] a. & n. 最后(的)129. column [.k.l.m] n. 列,柱,栏130. after [.ɑ:ft.] prep. & ad. 以后,后面131. prompt [pr.mpt] n. & v. 提示132. two [tu:] n. & a. 二,两,双133. execute [.eksikju:t] v. 实行,实施134. about [..baut] ad. 关于,大约,附近135. escape [i.skeip] v. 逃避,逸出,换码136. error [.er.] n. 错误,误差,差错137. currently [.k.r.ntli] ad. 目前,现在138. extension [ik.sten..n] n. 扩充,延伸139. same [seim] a. 同样的,相同的140. status [.steit.s] n. 状态,态,状况141. run [r.n] v. 运行,运转,操作142. argument [.ɑ:gju:m.nt] n. 变元,自变量143. statement [.steitm.nt] n. 语句,陈述,命题144. shift [.ift] v. 转义,换档,移位145. store [st.:] n. & vt. 存储,存储器146. scroll [skr.ul] vt. 上滚(卷);n. 纸卷147. replace [ri(:).pleis] vt. 替换,置换,代换148. macro ['m.kr.u] n. 宏,宏功能,宏指令149. page [peid.] n. 页面,页,版面150. quit [kwit] v. 退出,结束151. define [di.fain] vt. 定义,规定,分辨152. reference [.ref.r.ns] n. & a. 参考;参考的153. other [..e.] a. 别的,另外的154. while [wail] conj. 当…的时候155. pressing [.presi.] n. & a. 压制;紧急的156. restore [ri.st.:] vt. 恢复,复原157. top [t.p] n. 顶,尖端158. how [hau] ad. 如何,怎样,多么159. color [.k.l.] n. 颜色,色彩,(彩)色160. allow [u] v. 允许,容许161. block [bl.k] n. (字,信息,数据)块162. decimal [.desim.l] n. & a. 十进制;十进制的163. main [mein] a. 主要的164. definition [.defi.ni..n] n. 定义,确实,清晰度165. between [bi.twi:n] prep. 在…之间,中间166. optional [..p..n.l] a. 任选的,可选的167. date [.deit] n. 日期168. remove [ri.mu:v] v. 除去,移动169. arrow [..r.u] n. 箭头,指针170. label [.leib.l] n. 标签,标号,标识符171. within [wi.ein] prep. 在…以内172. issue [.i.u:, .isju:] v. 发行,出版,流出173. different [.difr.nt]a. 不同的,各种各样的174. available [..veil.b.l] a. 可用的175. returned [ri't.:nd] a. 退回的176. associate [..s.u.ieit] v. 相联,联想,关联177. attribute [..tribju:t, ..tribju:t] n. 属性,标志,表征178. dos [du:z]磁盘操作系统179. before [bi.f.:] prep. 以前,前,先180. order [..:d.] n. & vt. 指令,次序;排序181. modify [.m.difai] vt. 修改,改变,变址182. array [..rei] n. 数组,阵列183. mouse [maus] n. 鼠标器184. note [n.ut] n. 注解,注释185. locate [l.u.keit] vt. 定位186. video [.vidi.u] n. 视频,电视187. printer [.print.] n. 打印机,印刷机188. bar [bɑ:] n. 条,杆,棒189. bottom ['b.t.m] n. & a. 底,基础;底下的190. carriage [.k.rid.] n. 滑架,托架191. content [.k.ntent] n. 含量,容量,内容192. either [.aie. , .i:e.] a. & pron. 任何一个,各193. ok [.u.kei] ad. & a. 对,好;全对194. space [speis] n. 空格键,空间195. editor [.edit.] n. 编辑程序196. exist [ig.zist] vi. 存在,生存,有197. scope [sk.up] n. 范围,显示器198. paragraph [.p.r.grɑ:f] n. 段(落),节,短讯199. multi [m.lti] (词头)多200. clear [kli.] v. 清除,弄干净201. exit [.eksit] n. & vi. 出口;退出202. report [ri.p.:t] vt. & n. 报告,报表203. execution [.eksi.kju:..n] n. 执行204. backup [.b.k.p] n. 备份,后备,后援205. version [.v.:..n, .v.:r..n] n. 版本206. find [faind] v. 寻找,发现207. pointer [.p.int.] n. 指针,指示字208. subset ['s.bset] n. 子集,子设备209. keyboard [.ki:b.:d] n. 键盘210. full [ful] a. & ad. & n. 全(的),满211. check [t.ek] v. 校对,栓查,核算212. should [.ud, ..d] v. & aux. 应当,该213. single [.si.g.l] a. & n. 单个的;一个,单214. positioning [p..zi..n] n. 定位215. provide [pr..vaid] v. 提供216. title [.taitl] n. 题目,标题217. expression [ik.spre..n] n. 表达式218. through [θru:] prep. & ad. 通过,直通219. toggle ['t.gl] n. & v. 触发器;系紧220. code [k.ud] n. 码,代码,编码221. such [s.t.] a. & pron. 这样的,如此222. beginning [bi.gini.] n. 起点,初223. guide [gaid] n. 向导,指南,入门224. tree [tri:] n. 树,语法树225. environment [in.vai.r.nm.nt] n. 环境226. but [b.t,b.t]但是,可是,除非,不过227. device [di.vais] n. 设备,器件,装置228. highlight [.hailait] n. 增强亮度,提示区229. call [k.:l] v. 调用,访问,呼叫230. continue [k.n.tinju:] v. 连续,继续231. indicate [.indikeit] vt. 指示,表示232. until [.n.til, .n.til] prep. 到…为止,直到233. begin [bi.gin] v. 开始,着手,开端234. place [pleis] vt. 放,位,地点235. rename [ri:'neim] vt. 更名,改名236. swap [sw.p] v. 交换,调动237. work [w.:k] n. 工作238. remain [ri.mein] vi. 剩下,留下,仍然239. close [kl.uz] v. & a. 关闭,闭合;紧密的240. combination [.k.mbi.nei..n] n. 结合,组合241. profile [.pr.ufail] n. 简要,剖面,概貌242. unless [.n.les] conj. 除非243. so [s.u] pron. & conj. 如此,这样244. except [ik.sept] prep. 除…之外,除非245. turn [t.:n] v. & n. 转,转动;圈,匝246. back [b.k] n. 背面,反向,底座247. sure [.u.,..:] a. & ad. 确实的;的确248. section [.sek.(.)n] n. 节,段,区域249. follow [.f.l.u] v. 跟随,跟踪250. split [split] v. 分开,分离251. need [ni:d] v. 必须,需要252. access [..kses] n. 存取,选取,接近253. additional [..di..n.l] a. 附加的,辅助的254. cancel [.k.ns.l] v. 删除,取消,作废255. document [.d.kjum.nt] n. 文献,资料,文件256. case [keis] n. 情况,场合257. numeric [nju:'merik] n. & a. 数字的,分数258. go [g.u] vi. 运行,达到259. load [l.ud] n. & v. 装入,负载,寄存260. try [trai] n. (尝)试,试验261. size [saiz] n. 尺寸,大小,容量262. entire [in.tai.] a. & n. 完全的;总体263. leave [li:v] v. 离开,留下264. history [.hist.ri] n. 历史265. second [.sek.nd, si.k.nd] n. & a. 秒,第二(的) 266. reflow [ri:'fl.u] v. & n. 回流,逆流267. output [.autput] n. 输出,输出设备268. out [aut] n. & a. 输入,在外269. both [b.uθ] a. & ad. 两,双,都270. install [in.st.:l] vt. 安装271. source [s.:s] n. 源,电源,源点272. way [wei] n. 路线,途径,状态273. assign [..sain] vt. 赋值,指定,分派274. support [s..p.:t] vt. 支援,支持,配套275. specific [spi.sifik] a. 特殊的,具体的276. join [d..in] v. & n. 连接,并(运算)277. expand [ik.sp.nd] v. 扩充,扩展,展开278. like [laik] a. 类似的,同样的279. diskette ['disket] n. 软磁盘,软盘片280. skip [skip] v. 跳跃(定位),跳过281. application [..pli.kei.(.)n] n. 应用282. confirmation [.k.nf..mei..n] n. 认可283. whether [.wee.] conj. 无论,不管284. hold [h.uld] v. 保持285. click [klik] n. “卡搭”声,插销286. write [rait] v. 写,存入287. byte [bait] n. (二进制的)字节288. abbreviate [..bri:vieit] vt. 缩写,省略289. show [..u] v. 显示,呈现,出示290. otherwise [..e.waiz] ad. & a. 另外291. working [.w.:ki.] n. 工作,操作,作业292. delimiter [di'limit.] n. 定界符,分界符293. location [l.u.kei..n] n. 定位,(存储器)单元294. perform [p..f.:m] v. 执行,完成295. graphic [.gr.fik] n. & a. 图形;图形的296. read [ri:d] v. 读,读阅297. confirm [k.n.f.:m] vt. 证实,确认298. sort [s.:t] v. 分类,排序299. clause [kl.:z] n. 条款,项目,子句300. once [w.ns] ad. & n. 只一次,一旦301. however [hau.ev.] conj. 然而,可是302. extend [ik.stend] v. 扩充303. look [luk] v. 看,查看304. starting ['stɑ:ti.] a. 起始的305. now [nau] ad. & n. 此刻,现在306. original [..rid..n.l] n. & a. 原文;原(初)始的307. correspond [.k.ri.sp.nd] vi. 通信(联系)308. property [.pr.p.ti] n. 性(质),特征309. several [.sev.r.l] a. & n. 若干个,几个310. learn [l.:n] v. 学习,训练311. cause [k.:z] n. 原因,理由312. bracket [.br.kit] n. (方)括号,等级313. omit [.u.mit] vt. 省略,删去,遗漏314. running [.r.ni.] a. 运行着的,游动的315. sub‐directory n. 子目录316. edge [ed.] n. 棱,边,边缘,界限317. form [f.:m] n. 格式,表格,方式318. instruction [in.str.k..n] n. 指令,指导319. ascii n. 美国信息交换标准码320. below [bi.l.u] a. & prep. 下列的;低于321. standard [.st.nd.d] n. 标准322. occurrence [..k.r.ns] n. 出现,发生323. lock [l.k] n. & v. 锁,封闭;自动跟踪324. append [..pend] vt. 附加,增补325. destination [.desti.nei..n] n. 目的地,接收站326. password ['pɑ:sw.:d] n. 口令,保密字327. point [p.int] n. 点,小数点,句号328. variety [v..rai.ti] n. 变化,种类,品种329. many [.meni] a. & n. 许多,多数330. buffer [.b.f.] n. 缓冲器331. useful [.ju:sf.l] a. 有用的332. object [..bd.ikt. .b.d.ekt] n. 对象,目标,物体333. again [..gein] ad. 再,又,重新,也334. operating [..p.reit] a. 操作的,控制的335. carry [.k.ri] v. 进位,带336. update [..p.deit] v. 更新,修改,校正337. moving ['mu:vi.] n. & a. 活动的,自动的338. coprocessor ['es.] n. 协同处理器339. overlay ['.uv.'lei] v. 覆盖,重叠340. practice [.pr.ktis] n. 实习,实践341. navigation [.n.vi.gei..n] n. 导航342. automatically [.:t..m.tikli] ad. 自动地,机械地343. total [.t.utl] n. & v. 总数;总计344. previous [.pri:vi.s] a. 早先的,上述的345. software [.s.ftw..] n. 软件346. shortcut [...:tk.t] n. 近路,捷径347. long [l..] a. 长的,远的348. unique [ju:.ni:k] a. 唯一的,独特的349. part [pɑ:t] n. 部分,零件350. updated [..p.deit] a. 适时的,更新的351. internal [in.t.:nl] a. 内部的352. fill [fil] v. 填充353. basic [.beisik] n. & a. 基本;基本的354. math [m.θ] n. 数学355. since [sins] prep. 自从…以来356. determine [di.t.:min] v. 确定357. making [.meiki.] n. 制造,构造358. center [.sent.] n. 中心,中央359. already [.:l.redi] ad. 已经,早已360. keyword ['ki:w.:d] n. 关键字(词)361. action [..k..n] n. 操作,运算362. condition [k.n.di..n] n. 条件,情况;vt. 调节363. quick [kwik] a. & ad. 快速的,灵敏的364. assigned [..sain] a. 指定的,赋值的365. give [giv] vt. 给出,赋予,发生366. large [lɑ:d.] a. (巨)大的,大量的367. chapter [.t..pt.] n. 章,段368. computer [k.m.pju:t.] n. 计算机369. complete [k.m.pli:t] v. & a. 完成;完整的370. past [pɑ:st] a. 过去的,结束的371. match [m.t.] v. 比较,匹配,符合372. recover [ri.k.v.] v. 恢复,回收373. always [..:lweiz] ad. 总是,一直,始终374. require [ri.kwai.] v. 需要,要求375. opening [..up.ni.] n. 打开,断路,孔376. network [.netw.:k] n. & vt. 网络;联网377. sign [sain] n. 符号,信号,记号378. release [ri.li:s] vt. & n. 释放,核发,版379. three [θri:] a. & n. 三(的)380. recall [ri.k.(:)l] vt. 撤消,复活,检索381. deletion [di'li:..n] n. 删去(部分),删除382. fixed [fikst] a. 固定的,不变的383. amount [.'maunt] vt. & n. 总计;合计384. alias [.eili.s] n. 别名,代号,标记385. quote [kw.ut] n. & v. 引号;加引号386. correct [k..rekt] a. & vt. 正确的;改正387. else [els] ad. & conj. 否则,此外388. maximum [.m.ksim.m] n. & a. 最大(的),最高389. under [..nd.] prep. 在…下面(之下)390. take [teik] v. 取,拿391. switching [swit.i.] n. 开关,转接,交换392. element [.elim.nt] n. 元件,元素,码元393. modification [.m.difi.kei..n] n. 改变,修改394. modified ['m.difaid] a. 修改的,变更的395. input [.input] n. 输入,输入设备396. uppercase ['.p..keis] n. 大写字母397. plus [pl.s] prep. 加,加上,外加398. found [faund] v. 建立,创办399. debug [di:'b.g] vt. 调试400. force [f.:s] v. & n. 强制;压力,强度401. lowercase ['l.u..keis] n. 下档,小写体402. just [d..st] ad. 恰好403. undo [.n.du:] vt. 取消,废除404. environ [in'vai.r.n] vt. 围绕,包围405. why [wai] ad. 为什么406. temporary [.temp.r.ri] a. 暂时的,临时的407. put [put] v. 存放(记录),放置408. instead [in.sted] ad. (来)代替,当作409. encounter [in.kaunt.] v. & n. 遇到,碰到410. across [..kr.s] prep. 交叉,越过411. matching ['m.t.i.] n. 匹配,调整412. wildcard n. 通配符413. spill [spil] v. 漏出,溢出,漏失414. level [.lev.l] n. 水平,级,层次415. browse [brauz] v. 浏览416. speech [spi:t.] n. 说话,言语,语音417. occur [..k.:] vi. 发生,出现,存在418. memo [.mem.u] n. 备忘录419. prior [.prai.] a. 先验的,优先的420. loaded [l.ud] a. 有负载的421. length [le.θ] n. (字,记录,块)长度422. round [raund] v. 舍入,四舍五入423. variant [.ve.ri.nt] n. & a. 变体,易变的424. floppy [.fl.pi] n. 软磁盘425. machine [m...i(:)n] n. 机器,计算机426. square [skw..] n. & a. 正方形;方形的427. supply [s..plai] vt. & n. 电源,供给428. home [h.um] n. & a. 家,出发点429. normal ['n.:m.l] a. & n. 正常,标准430. onto [..ntu, -t.] prep. 向…,到…上431. during [.dju.ri.] prep. 在…期间432. module [.m.dju:l] n. 模块(程序设计)433. monochrome ['m.n.kr.um] n. 单色434. assistance [..sist.ns] n. 辅助设备,帮助435. tell [tel] n. 讲,说,教,计算436. library [.laibr.ri] n. (程序…)库,图书馆437. demonstration [.dem.n.strei..n] n. (公开)表演,示范438. stack [st.k] n. 栈,堆栈,存储栈439. even [.i:v.n] a. & ad. 偶数的;甚至440. evaluate [i.v.ljueit] v. 估计,估算,求值441. times [taimz] n. 次数442. previously ['pri:vj.sli] ad. 以前,预先443. directly [di'rektli] ad. 直接地,立即444. logical [.l.d.ik.l] a. 逻辑的,逻辑“或”445. template ['templit] n. 标准框,样板,模板446. calling ['k.:li.] n. 呼叫,调用,调入447. later ['leit.] a. 更后的,后面的448. driver ['draiv.] n. 驱动器,驱动程序449. therefore ['e..f.:] ad. & conj. 因此,所以450. saving [.seivi.] a. 保存的451. detail [.di:teil] n. 元件,零件,细节452. linker ['li.k.] n. 连接程序453. loop [lu:p] n. 圈,环;(程序)循环,回路454. process [es] vt. 处理,进程,加工455. scheme [ski:m] n. 方案,计划,图456. every [.evri] a. 每个,全体,所有的457. refer [ri.f.:] v. 访问,引用,涉及458. possible [.p.s.b(.)l] a. 可能的,潜在的459. above [..b.v] a. 在…之上,大于460. overview [..uv.vju:] n. 综述,概要461. result [ri.z.lt] n. 结果462. syntax ['sint.ks] n. 语法,文法,句法463. abbreviation [..bri:vi.ei..n] n. 缩短,省略,简称464. bios n. 基本输入/输出系统465. hidden ['hidn] a. 隐藏的,秘密的466. null [n.l] n. & a. 空(的),零(的)467. send [send] v. 发送468. private ['praivit] a. 专用的,私人的469. hard [.hɑ:d] a. 硬的470. hardware [.hɑ:dw..] n. 硬件471. say [sei] v. 说,显示,假定472. equal ['i:kw.l] vt. & n. 等于,相等;等号473. pack [p.k] n. 压缩,包裹474. minus [.main.s] a. & n. 负的;负数,减475. alternate [.:l.t.:nit, ..:lt.:neit] a. 交替的,备用的476. collapse [k.'l.ps] v. 崩溃,破裂477. corner ['k.:n.] n. 角,角落,转换478. present ['preznt,pri'zent] a. & v. 现行的;提供479. interpreter [in.t.:prit.] n. 解释程序,翻译机480. advance [.d.vɑ:ns] v. & n. 进步,提高;进展481. forward [.f.:w.d] a. 正向的482. fast [fɑ:st] a. & ad. 快速的483. special [fɑ:st] a. 专用的,特殊的484. slash [sl..] n. 斜线485. utility [ju:.tiliti] n. & a. 实用程序;实用性486. regardless [ri.gɑ:dl.s] a. 不注意的,不考虑的487. disable [dis'eibl] vt. 禁止,停用488. compatible [k.m.p.t.b.l] a. 可兼容的,可共存的489. depend [di.pend] vi. 随…而定,取决于490. empty [.empti] a. 空,零,未占用491. alphabetical [..lf.'betik.l] a. 字母(表)的,abc 的492. branch [brɑ:nt.] n. 分支,支线;v. 转换493. resume [.rezju:mei] v. 重(新)开(始)494. multiple [.m.ltip.l] a. 多次的,复杂的495. monitor [.m.nit.] n. 监视器,监督程序496. configuration [k.n.figju.rei..n] n. 配置497. replacement [ri.pleism.nt] n. 替换,置换,更新498. required [ri'kwai.d] a. 需要的499. macros ['m.kr.s] n. 宏命令(指令)500. table ['teibl] n. 表501. loss [l.s] n. 损耗,损失502. batch [b.t.] n. 批,批量,成批503. exact [ig'z.kt] a. 正确的504. aboveboard [.'b.v'b.:d] ad. & a. 照直,公开的505. activate [..ktiveit] vt. & n. 使激活,驱动506. around [..raund] ad. & prep. 周围,围绕507. slow [sl.u] a. & ad. 慢速的508. floating ['fl.uti.] a. 浮动的,浮点的509. refresh [ri'fre.] v. 刷新,更新,再生510. stop [st.p] v. 停止,停机511. pass [pɑ:s] v. 传送,传递,遍(数)512. public ['p.blik] a. 公用的,公共的513. eject [i.d.ekt] n. 弹出514. ignore [ig.n.:] vt. 不管,忽略不计515. share [...] v. 共享,共用516. sequence ['si:kw.ns] n. 顺序,时序,序列517. consist [k.n'sist] vi. 符合,包括518. step [step] n. 步,步骤,步长,档519. double ['d.bl] a. 两倍的,成双的520. come [k.m] vi. 来,到,出现521. lower ['l.u.,'lau.] a. 下部的,低级的522. describe [di'skraib] vt. 描述,沿…运行523. count [kaunt] v. 计数,计算524. pop [p.p] v. 上托,弹出(栈)525. valid ['v.lid] a. 有效的526. suspend [s.s'pend] v. 中止,暂停,挂起527. enhance [in'hɑ:ns] vt. 增强,放大,夸张528. separate [.sep.reit] v. & a. 分隔,分离,各自的529. echo ['ek.u] n. 回波,反射波530. necessary [.nesis.ri] a. 必要的,必然的531. greater than 大于532. able ['eibl] a. 能…的,有能力的533. marking [mɑ:ki.] n. 标记,记号,传号534. ask [ɑ:sk] v. 请求,需要535. term [t.:m] n. 项,条款,术语536. bring [bri.] v. 引起,产生,拿来537. warning ['w.:ni.] n. & a. 报警,预告538. less [les] a. & ad. 更小,更少539. whose [hu:z] pron. 谁的540. comment [.k.ment] n. & vi. 注解,注释541. effect [i'fekt] n. 效率,作用,效能542. expanding [iks'p.ndi.] a. 扩展的,扩充的543. on‐line ['in] a. 联机的544. reorder [ri:'.:d.] v. (按序)排列,排序545. direct [di'rekt] a. 直接的546. enclose [in'kl.uz] vt. 封闭,密封,围住,包装547. reset ['ri:'set] vt. 复位,置“0”548. various ['v..ri.s] a. 不同的,各种各样的549. paper ['peip.] n. 纸,文件,论文550. prevent [pri'vent] v. 防止,预防551. side [said] n. (旁)边,面,侧(面)552. push [pu.] v. 推,按,压,进(栈)553. programming ['pr.ugr.mi.] n. 程序设计,编程序554. upper ['.p.] a. 上的,上部的555. row [r.u,rau] n. 行556. pressed [prest] a. 加压的,压缩的557. temporarily ['temp.rerili] ad. 暂时558. day [dei] n. 日,天,白天,时代559. repaint [ri:'peint] vt. 重画560. redefine ['ri:di'fain] vt. 重新规定(定义)561. relation [ri'lei..n] n. 关系,关系式562. dimension [di'men..n] n. 尺寸,维,因次563. boundary ['baund.ri] n. 边界,界限,约束564. zoom [zu:m] v. 变焦距565. initialize [i'iz] v. 初始化566. personal ['p.:s.nl] a. 个人的,自身的567. hello [.h..l.u] int. & v. 喂!;呼叫568. true [tru:] a. & n. 真,实,选中569. wish [wi.] v. & n. 祝愿,希望570. font [f.nt] n. 铅字,字形571. know [n.u] v. 知道,了解,认识572. convert [k.n.v.:t, .k.nv.:t] v. 转换,变换573. global [.gl.ub.l] n. 全局,全程,全局符574. still [stil] a. & n. & v. 静止的;静;平静575. installation [.inst..lei..n] n. 安装,装配576. invoke [] vt. 调用,请求577. interactive [int.r'.ktiv] a. 交互式,交互的578. described [di.skraib] a. 被看到的,被发现的579. century [.sent..ri] n. 世纪580. literal [.lit.r.l] a. 文字的581. rather [.rɑ:e.] ad. 宁可,有点582. exclusive [ik.sklu:siv] a. 排斥,排它性583. marker [mɑ:k.] n. 记号,标记,标志584. wait [weit] v. 等待585. appropriate [..pr.upri-it, ..pr.uprieit] a. 适当的,合适的586. fit [fit] v. & n. 适合,装配;非特587. adapter [.'d.pt.] n. 适配器,转换器588. filter [.filt.] n. 滤波器,滤光材料589. break [breik] v. 断开,撕开,中断590. backward ['b.kw.d] ad. 向后,逆,倒591. searching [s.:t.] n. 搜索592. receive [ri.si:v] v. 接收593. dual ['dju:.l] a. 对偶的,双的594. retry [ri:'trai] vt. 再试,复算595. normally ['n.:m.li] ad. 正常地,通常596. exactly [ig.z.ktli] ad. 正好,完全,精确地597. immediately [i.mi:di.tli] ad. 直接地598. separated ['sep.reitid] a. 分开的599. high [hai] a. 高600. equivalent [i'kwiv.l.nt] a. 相等的,等效的601. light [lait] n. & a. 光(波,源);轻的602. zero ['zi.r.u] n. 零,零位,零点603. storage ['st.:rid.] n. 存储,存储器604. width [widθ] n. 宽度605. language [.l..gwid.] n. 语言606. startup ['stɑ:t.p] n. 启动607. much [m.t.] a. & n. 很多,许多,大量608. per [p.] prep. 每,按609. over [..uv.] prep. 在…上方610. mirror [.mir.] n. & v. 镜,反射,反映611. request [ri'kwest] n. & vt. 请求612. keypad ['ki:.p.d] n. 小键盘613. keep [ki:p] v. 保持,保存614. resident [.rezid.nt] a. 驻留的615. learning [.l.:ni.] n. 学问,知识616. talk [t.:k] v. 通话,谈话617. summary [.s.m.ri] n. 摘要,汇总,提要618. well [wel] n. & a. 井;好,良好619. link [li.k] n. & v. 链接;连接,联络620. according to a. 按照,根据621. identify [ai'dentifai] v. 识别,辨认622. designated [.dezignit, -neit] a. 指定的,特指的623. pertain [p..tein] vi. 附属,属于,关于624. expansion [ik.sp.n..n] n. 展开,展开式625. incompatible [.ink.m.p.t.b.l] a. 不兼容的626. blinking [bli.k] n. 闪烁627. month [m.nθ] n. 月份628. precede [pri.si:d] v. 先于629. readily ['redili] ad. 容易地,不勉强630. transportable [tr.ns'p.:t.bl] a. 可移动的631. appropriately [.'pr.upri.eitli] ad. 适当地632. routine [ru:'ti:n] n. 程序,例行程序633. ready [.redi] a. 就绪,准备好的634. listing ['listi.] n. 列表,编目635. newly ['nju:li] ad. 新近,重新636. year [ji.] n. (一)年,年度,年龄637. contact [.k.nt.kt] n. 接触,触点638. session [.se..n] n. 对话,通话639. own [.un] a. & v. 自己的;拥有640. redraw [ri:'dr.:] vt. 再拉641. here [hi.] ad. 在这里642. manual ['m.nju.l] a. 手工的,手动的643. particular [p.'tikjul.] a. 特定的,特别的644. rectangle ['rekt..gl] n. 矩形645. additive ['.ditiv] a. & n. 相加的;附加物646. similar ['simil.] a. 相似的647. assembly [.'sembli] n. 汇编,安装,装配648. copyright ['k.pirait] n. 版权649. description [di'skrip..n] n. 描述650. retrieve [ri'tri:v] v. 检索651. mistake [mi'steik] n. 错误652. produce [pr.'dju:s] v. 生产,制造653. ram [r.m] 随机存取存储器654. exception [ik'sep..n] n. 例外,异常,异议655. digit ['did.it] n. 数字,位数,位656. reverse [ri'v.:s] v. & a. 反向的,逆657. minimum ['minim.m] n. & a. 最小(的),最低658. enough [i.n.f] a. & ad. 足够的,充足的659. although [.:l'e.u] conj. 虽然,即使660. reindex v. & n. 变换(改变)符号661. third [θ.:d] a. & n. 第三,三分之一662. red [red] a. & n. 红色(的)663. along [.'l..] prep. & ad. 沿着664. test [test] n. & v. 测试665. small [sm.:l] a. 小的,小型的666. feed [fi:d] v. 馈给,(打印机)进纸667. company [.k.mp.ni] n. & v. 公司;交际,交往668. movie ['mu:vi] n. 影片,电影(院)669. compile [k.m'pail] vt. 编译670. frequently [.fri:kw.ntli] ad. 常常,频繁地671. undefined [..ndi'faind] a. 未定义的672. state [steit] n. & vt. 状态;确定673. tick [tik] v;n. 滴答(响);勾号(√)674. accept [.k.sept] vt. 接受,认可,同意675. intense [in.tens] a. 强烈的,高度的676. documentation [.d.kjumen'tei..n] n. 文件编制,文本677. asterisk [..st.risk] n. 星号(*)678. easily [.i:zili] ad. 容易地,轻易地679. become [bi.k.m] v. 成为,变成,适宜680. address [..dres] vt. & n. 寻址;地址681. interface ['int.feis] n. 接口682. pause [p.:z] vi. 暂停683. repeat [ri.pi:t] v. 重复684. restart [.ri:'stɑ:rt] v. 重新启动,再启动685. assumed [.'sju:md,.'su:md] a. 假定的686. speed [spi:d] n. 速度687. entry [.entri] n. 输入,项(目),入口688. combine [k.m.bain] v. 组合,联合689. organize [..:g.naiz] v. 组织,创办,成立690. finished ['fini.t] a. 完成的691. mixed [mikst] a. 混合的692. permit ['p.:mit,p.'mit] v. 许可,容许693. formatting ['f.:m.ti.] n. 格式化694. root [ru:t] n. 根695. symbol [.simb.l] n. 符号,记号696. binary ['bain.ri] n. & a. 二进制;双态的697. whenever [wen.ev.] ad. & conj. 随时698. reach [ri:t.] v. & n. 范围,达到范围699. caution [.k.:..n] n. & v. 警告,注意700. subtotal [s.b't.utl] n. & v. 小计,求部分和701. card [kɑ:d] n. 卡片,插件(板)702. general [.d.en.r.l] a. 通用的703. associated [.'s.u.i.eitid] a. 联合的,相联的704. transfer [tr.ns'f.:] v. 传送,转换,转移705. connect [k.n.nekt] v. 连接706. partition [k.n.nekt] v. 划分,分区,部分707. hexadecimal ['heks..desim.l] a. 十六进制的708. generate [.d.en.reit] vt. 产生,发生,生成709. specification [.spesifi.kei..n] n. 说明书,规则说明书710. customize ['k.st.maiz] vt. 定制,定做711. far [fɑ:] a. 远的,遥远的712. nest [nest] v. 嵌套,后进先出713. duplicate [.dju:plikit] vt. 复制,转录,加倍714. compression [k.m'pre..n] n. 压缩,浓缩715. unable [.n.eib.l] a. 不能的716. means [mi:nz] n. 方法,手段717. alternately [.:l.t.:nitli] ad. 交替地,轮流地718. intensity [in.tensiti] n. 强度,亮度719. reading [.ri:di.] n. 读,读数720. let [let] v. 让,允许721. explicitly [ik'splisitli] ad. 明显地,显然地722. compare [k.m'p..] v. 比较,对照,比喻723. sector [.sekt.] n. & v. 扇区,段;分段724. problem [.pr.bl.m] n. 问题,难题725. vertically ['v.:tik.li] ad. 竖直地,直立地726. horizontally [.h.ri'z.ntli] ad. 水平地727. backspace ['b.k.speis] v. 退格,回退728. terminate [.t.:mineit] v. 端接,终止729. people [.pi:pl] n. 人们730. short [..:t] a. & n. 短的;短路731. drag [dr.g] vt. 拖,拉,牵,曳732. formatted [f.:rm.t] a. 有格式的733. preview ['pri:vju:] n. & vt. 预映734. underscore ['.nd.'sk.:] vt. 在…下面划线735. correctly [k.'rektli] ad. 正确地736. initially [i'ni..li] ad. 最初,开头737. reformat [.ri'f.m.t] v. 重定格式738. inside [in.said] n. & a. 内部,内容;内部的739. integrate [.intigreit] v. 综合,集成740. controlled [k.n.tr.ul] a. 受控制的,受操纵的741. period [.pi.ri.d] n. 周期742. huge [hju:d.] a. 巨大的,非常的743. determined [di't.:mind] a. 坚决的,毅然的744. trailing ['treili.] n. & a. 结尾;尾随的745. seek [si:k] v. 查找,寻找,探求746. introduction [.intr.'d.k..n] n. 入门,介绍,引进747. indent ['indent,in'dent] v. 缩排748. base [.beisis] n. 基,底,基地址749. integer ['intid..] n. 整数750. attempt [..tempt] vt. & n. 尝试,试验751. twice [twais] n. & ad. 两次,两倍于752. formed [f.:m] a. & n. 成形753. subscript ['s.bskript] n. 注脚,下标754. tiny [.taini] a. 微小的,微量的755. model [.m.dl] n. 模型,样机,型号756. correction [k.'rek..n] n. 校正,修正757. rating [.reiti.] n. 定额,标称值758. secondary ['sek.nderi] a. 辅助的,第二的759. opened a. 开路的,断开的760. limit ['limit] n. 极限,限界761. sun [s.n] n. 太阳,日762. translate [tr.ns'leit] v. 翻译,转换,平移763. reason ['ri:zn] n. 原因,理由764. colon ['k.ul.n] n. 冒号“:”765. avoid [.'v.id] vt. 避免,取消,无效766. range [reind.] n. 范围,域,区域767. allocate ['.l.keit] vt. 分配768. wordperfect a. 一字不错地熟记的769. simply ['simpli] ad. 简单地,单纯地770. verify ['verifai] vt. 鉴定,检验,核对771. manner ['m.n.] n. 方法,样式,惯例772. direction [di'rek..n] n. 方向,定向,指向773. portion ['p.:..n] n. & vt. 部分;分配774. emulator ['emjuleit.] n. 仿真器,仿真程序775. successful [s.k'sesf.l] a. 成功的776. applied [.'plaid] a. 适用的,外加的777. sum [s.m] n. 和,合计,总额778. achieve [.'t.i:v] vt. 完成,实现779. together [t.'gee.] ad. 一同,共同,相互780. affect [..fekt] vt. 影响,改变,感动781. delay [di'lei] v. 延迟782. free [fri:] a. 自由的,空闲的783. properly ['pr.p.li] ad. 真正地,适当地784. kind [kaind] n. 种类,属,级,等785. splitting ['spliti.] n. 分区(裂)786. feature [fi:t..] n. 特征,特点787. console ['k.ns.ul,k.n's.ul] n. 控制台,操作台788. operate ['.p.reit] v. 操作,运算789. kernel ['k.:nl] n. 内核(核心)程序790. easy ['i:zi] a. & ad. 容易的;容易地。

Glossary 词汇表

Glossary 词汇表

trust 信任,信赖to come to light 显露出来fraud 欺骗the mislabelling 错贴标签to water down 掺水,冲淡to adulterate (在食物中)掺入杂质,掺假a mark up 加价,抬价deception 骗局,欺诈fraudulent 欺诈的to seize 没收a raid 突击搜捕,搜查substandard 不合格的,劣质的fake 假的,冒充的counterfeit 假冒的organic 有机的free range 自由放养的compliance 遵守,服从to make a fast buck (不择手段,弄虚作假)挣快钱,快速致富authentic 真的to claim 声称Glossary 词汇表board games 棋类游戏chess (国际)象棋Go 围棋strategies 策略moves 移动(棋子)noughts and crosses 画圈打叉的连三子棋work out 猜出来,推断出来card games 纸牌游戏actions (下棋)行为less rational 不太理智的game theory 博弈论opponents 对手chaotic 混乱的hard to predict 难预测the stock market 股票市场multi-player game 有众人参与的游戏base (动词)以什么为依据predictions 预测traders 交易人infinitely 极其;永远to sleep rough 露宿(街头)homeless 无家可归的to get back on (their) feet 重新振作起来a tour guide 一名导游off the beaten track 人迹罕见、偏僻的背街小巷isolated 孤立无援的a volunteer 一名志愿者to look down on (someone) 瞧不起、歧视(某人)a reversal of fortune 运势逆转to stand tall 重建信心technical skills 技术技能life skills 生活技能self-confidence 自信心self-esteem 自尊dyslexia 阅读障碍to drift out (由于外因)慢慢地离开、脱离depression 抑郁症alcohol abuse 酗酒an outcast 无家可归的人,被遗弃的人to empower 帮助,给予某人做某事的能力。



信息技术常用术语中英文对照表1. 计算机网络 Computer Network2. 互联网 Internet3. 局域网 Local Area Network (LAN)4. 带宽 Bandwidth5. 路由器 Router6. 交换机 Switch7. 防火墙 Firewall8. 病毒 Virus9. 木马 Trojan10. 黑客 Hacker11. 中央处理器 Central Processing Unit (CPU)12. 内存 Random Access Memory (RAM)13. 硬盘 Hard Disk Drive (HDD)14. 固态硬盘 Solid State Drive (SSD)15. 显卡 Graphics Card16. 主板 Motherboard17. BIOS Basic Input/Output System18. 操作系统 Operating System19. 应用程序 Application20. 编程语言 Programming Language21. 数据库 Database22. 服务器 Server23. 客户端 Client24. 云计算 Cloud Computing25. 大数据 Big Data27. 机器学习 Machine Learning28. 深度学习 Deep Learning29. 虚拟现实 Virtual Reality (VR)30. 增强现实 Augmented Reality (AR)31. 网络安全 Network Security32. 数据加密 Data Encryption33. 数字签名 Digital Signature34. 身份验证 Authentication35. 访问控制 Access Control36. 数据备份 Data Backup37. 数据恢复 Data Recovery38. 系统升级 System Upgrade39. 系统优化 System Optimization40. 技术支持 Technical Support当然,让我们继续丰富这个信息技术常用术语的中英文对照表:41. 网络协议 Network Protocol42. IP地址 Internet Protocol Address43. 域名系统 Domain Name System (DNS)44. HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol45. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure46. FTP File Transfer Protocol47. SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol48. POP3 Post Office Protocol 349. IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol50. TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol51. 无线局域网 Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)52. 蓝牙 Bluetooth53. 无线保真 WiFi (Wireless Fidelity)54. 4G Fourth Generation55. 5G Fifth Generation56. 物联网 Internet of Things (IoT)57. 云服务 Cloud Service58. 网络存储 Network Attached Storage (NAS)59. 分布式文件系统 Distributed File System60. 数据中心 Data Center61. 系统分析 Systems Analysis62. 系统设计 Systems Design63. 软件开发 Software Development64. 系统集成 Systems Integration65. 软件测试 Software Testing66. 质量保证 Quality Assurance67. 项目管理 Project Management68. 技术文档 Technical Documentation69. 用户手册 User Manual70. 知识库 Knowledge Base71. 网络拓扑 Network Topology72. 星型网络 Star Network73. 环形网络 Ring Network74. 总线型网络 Bus Network75. 树形网络 Tree Network76. 点对点网络 PeertoPeer Network77. 宽带接入 Broadband Access78. DSL Digital Subscriber Line79. 光纤到户 Fiber To The Home (FTTH)80. VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol通过这份对照表,希望您能更加轻松地理解和应用信息技术领域的专业术语。


guard v.警卫,提防 v.哨兵
guardian n.保护人
guess v.
guest n.客人,宾客,旅客
guesthouse n.宾馆
guidance n.向导,指导
guide v.向导,指引 n.导游
guilt n.犯罪,过失
gravel n.砂砾,石子
gravity n.引力,严肃
graze v.吃草,擦碰
grease v.润滑油脂
great adj.大的,伟大的
greatly adj.大大地,非常地
greatness n.伟大,大
greece n.希腊
greed n.贪婪,贪心
giver v.给予,付出 n.让步
glad adj.快乐的,高兴的
glance v.看一眼 n.一瞥
glare n.
glass n.玻璃,镜子
glassware n.玻璃制品
gleam n.微光,闪光
glide v.
glimpse v.
guilty adj.有罪的,内疚的
guitar n.吉它,六弦琴
gulf n.海湾,鸿沟
gulp v.吞下
gum n.树胶,口香糖,牙龈
gun n.枪,炮
gunpowder n.火药
gust n.一阵(大风)
gutter n.街沟
guy n.家伙
grief n.悲哀,悲伤
grieve v.使悲伤,伤心
grim adj.冷酷的,不祥的
grin v.露齿而笑
grind v.碾碎,磨快,折磨

连接器相关词汇中英文-Glossary of connectors

连接器相关词汇中英文-Glossary of connectors

Tin Plating Gold plating COPPER ALLOY THERMOPLASTIC Dust cover Vertical mount Hybrid with Elastomeric Gasket Synchronous Optical Network Electro-Static discharge Quick turnaround Customization Copper passive Copper active Optical Reflow solder Aluminum heat sink Bezel Copper alloy Shock loading Direct Attached Optical Direct Attach Cable Active Optical Cable Press-fit pin Soldering pin High/Low profile Tab-up or tab-down Modular jacks Magnetic jacks Ganged Stacked Belly to belly Hybrid Band Width Resonance Cancellation Air Switch Fible Channel Gigabit Ethernet American Wire Gauge Military& Aerospace Blue Chip Customer Base Diverse Product Portfolio Small Form Factor Housing Liquid Crystal Polymer Finish System Manager Bus Solid State Disk Optical Disk Driver Infiniband High Performance Computing



《计算机网络》中英文对照表Chapter 11.1Internet:因特网Computer network :计算机网络Host: 主机End system: 终端系统Packet switching: 分组交换Route: 路径Internet service provider (ISP): 因特网服务提供商Protocol: 协议Transmission Control Protocol (TCP):传输控制协议1.2Client: 客户端Server: 服务器Peer: 对等机Reliable data transfer: 可靠数据传输Flow control: 流量控制Congestion-control: 拥塞控制User Datagram Protocol (UDP): 用户数据报协议1.3Circuit switching: 电路交换/线路交换Packet switching: 分组交换Frequency-division multiplexing (FDM): 频分多路复用Time-division multiplexing (TDM): 时分多路复用Bandwidth: 带宽Time slot: 时隙Frame: 帧Message: 报文:Packet: 分组Store-and-forward: 存储转发Datagram network: 数据报网络Virtual-circuit network: 虚电路网络1.4Router: 路由器Modem: 调制解调器Local area network (LAN): 局域网Ethernet: 以太网Wireless LAN: 无线局域网Guided media: 导向型介质Unguided media: 非导向型介质Twisted-pair copper wire: 双绞线Unshielded twisted pair(UTP): 非屏蔽双绞线Coaxial cable: 同轴电缆Fiber optics: 光线/光缆1.6Nodal processing delay: 结点处理延迟Queuing delay: 排队延迟Transmission delay: 发送延迟Propagation delay: 传播延迟Traffic intensity: 流通强度End-to-end delay: 端到端延迟1.7Layer: 层次Protocol stack: 协议栈Application layer: 应用层Transport layer: 传输层Network layer: 网络层Link layer: 链路层Physical layer: 物理层Encapsulation: 封装Message: 报文Segment: 报文段Datagram: 数据报Frame: 帧Chapter 22.1Client-server architecture: 客户端-服务器体系结构;C/S结构P2P architecture: 对等结构Processes: 进程Socket: 套接字Application programming interface (API): 应用程序编程接口IP address: IP地址Prot number: 端口号Syntax: 语法Semantics: 语义Full-duplex: 全双工Handshaking: 握手Real-time application: 实时应用2.2The World Wide Web: 万维网HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP): 超文本传输协议Web page: 网页Object: 对象HyperText Markup Language (HTML): 超文本标记语言URL:统一资源定位符Browser: 浏览器Persistent connection: 持久连接Non-persistent connection: 非持久连接Round-trip time (RTT): 往返时间Without pipelining: 非流水线方式With pipelining: 流水线方式Web cache: web 缓存Proxy server: 代理服务器2.3File Transfer Protocol (FTP): 文件传输协议Control connection: 控制连接Data connection: 数据连接Out-of-band: 带外In-band: 带内2.4Electronic Mail: 电子邮件User agent: 用户代理Mail server: 邮件服务器Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP): 简单邮件传输协议Mailbox: 邮箱Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME): 多用途因特网邮件扩展协议Post Office Protocol (POP): 邮局协议Internet Mail Access Protocol (IMAP): Internet 邮件访问协议2.5Domain Name System (DNS): 域名系统Hostname: 主机名Host aliasing: 主机别名Mail server aliasing: 邮件服务器别名Load distribution: 负载分配Root DNS server: 根DNS服务器Top-Level Domain (TLD) servers: 顶级域DNS服务器Authoritative DNS servers: 授权DNS服务器;权威DNS服务器Local DNS server: 本地DNS服务器Database: 数据库Chapter 33.1Logical communication: 逻辑通讯3.2Multiplexing: 多路复用Demultiplexing: 多路分解Well-known port number: 众所周知的端口号3.3UDP segment: UDP报文段Checksum: 校验和;检查和Wrapped around: 回卷3.4Channel: 通道;信道Positive acknowledgement : 肯定应答Negative acknowledgement: 否定应答ARQ (automatic repeat request): 自动重传请求Feedback: 反馈Retransmission: 重传Stop-and-wait protocol: 停止-等待协议Duplicate packets: 冗余分组Sequence number: 顺序号Timer: 定时器Alternating-bit protocol: 比特交替协议Utilization: 利用率Go-back-N (GBN): 回退N步Window size: 窗口大小Sliding-window protocol: 滑动窗口协议Cumulative acknowledgement: 累积确认Timeout: 超时Selective Repeat (SR): 选择重传3.5Connection-oriented: 面向连接Point-to-point: 点到点Three-way handshake: 三次握手Maximum segment size (MSS): 最大报文段大小Maximum transmission unit (MTU): 最大传输单元Piggybacked: 捎带Sample RTT: 样本RTTFast retransmit: 快速重传Selective acknowledgement: 选择确认Flow-control: 流量控制Receive window: 接收窗口3.7Congestion control: 拥塞窗口Self-clocking: 自定时的Additive-increase, multiplicative-decrease: 加性增,乘性减Slow star: 慢启动Congestion avoidance: 拥塞避免Threshold: 阈值Fast recovery: 快速恢复Bottleneck: 瓶颈Latency: 延迟Chapter 44.1Forwarding: 转发Routing: 路由Routing algorithm: 路由算法Forwarding table: 转发表Router: 路由器Jitter: 抖动Best-effort service: 尽力而为的服务4.2Virtual-circuit (VC) network: 虚电路网络Datagram network: 数据报网络Prefix: 前缀Longest prefix matching rule: 最长前缀匹配规则4.3Input port: 输入端口Switching fabric: 交换结构Routing processor: 路由处理器Crossbar: 交叉结构4.4Time-to-live (TTL) :生存时间Fragmentation: 分片;片段Dotted-decimal notation: 点分十进制表示法Subnet: 子网Subnet mask: 子网掩码Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR): 无类别域际路由选择Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol(DHCP):动态主机配置协议Plug-and-play: 即插即用Network address translation (NA T): 网络地址转换Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP): 因特网控制报文协议Dual-stack: 双栈Tunneling: 隧道4.5Default router: 默认路由器Graph: 图A global routing algorithm : 全局路由算法A decentralized routing algorithm : 分布式路由算法Static routing algorithm: 静态路由算法Dynamic routing algorithm : 动态路由算法Link-State (LS): 链路状态Distance-Vector(DV): 距离向量Routing table: 路由表Autonomous system (AS): 自治系统Intra-autonomous system routing protocol: 自治系统内路由协议Inter-AS routing protocol: 自治系统间路由协议4.6Interior gateway protocol: 内部网关协议Routing Information Protocol (RIP): 路由信息协议Open Shortest Path First (OSPF): 开放最短路径优先协议Advertisement: 公告Hop: 跳Border Gateway Protocol (BGP): 边界网关协议4.7Broadcast: 广播Multicast: 多播Chapter 55.1Node: 结点Link: 链路Frame: 帧Medium access control (MAC): 介质访问控制Full-duplex: 全双工Half-duplex: 半双工Adapter: 适配器Network interface card (NIC): 网卡Interface: 接口5.2Parity check: 奇偶校验Odd: 奇数Even: 偶数Cyclic redundancy check (CRC): 循环冗余校验Polynomial: 多项式5.3Collide: 冲突Multiple access protocol: 多路访问协议Channel partitioning protocol: 信道划分协议Random access protocol: 随机访问协议Taking-turns protocol: 轮转协议Code division multiple access (CDMA): 码分多址访问Carrier sensing: 载波侦听Collision detection: 冲突检测Polling protocol: 轮询协议Token-passing protocol: 令牌传递协议Token: 令牌Local Area Network (LAN): 局域网Token-ring: 令牌环Fiber distributed data interface (FDDI): 光纤分布式数据接口Metropolitan Area Network (MAN): 城域网5.4Address Resolution Protocol (ARP): 地址解析协议Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP): 动态主机配置协议5.5Ethernet: 以太网Preamble: 前导码Manchester encoding: 曼彻斯特编码5.6Hub: 集线器Collision domain: 冲突域Switch: 交换机Filtering: 过滤Forwarding: 转发Switch table: 交换表Self-learning: 自学习Plug-and-play devices: 即插即用设备Cut-through switching: 直通式交换5.7Point-to-point: (PPP): 点到点。



计算机软件英语词汇表1. Application - 应用程序2. Software - 软件3. Program - 程序4. Code - 代码5. Algorithm - 算法6. Database - 数据库7. Operating system - 操作系统8. User interface - 用户界面9. Debugging - 调试10. Compiler - 编译器11. Interpreter - 解释器12. Version control - 版本控制13. Integration - 集成14. Testing - 测试15. Documentation - 文档16. Web development - 网站开发17. Mobile app - 移动应用18. Interface - 接口19. Function - 函数20. Object-oriented programming - 面向对象编程21. Back-end - 后端22. Front-end - 前端23. Database management - 数据库管理24. Network - 网络25. Security - 安全26. Framework - 框架27. Bug - 错误28. Patch - 补丁29. Update - 更新30. Install - 安装31. Uninstall - 卸载32. Optimization - 优化33. Scalability - 可扩展性34. User experience - 用户体验35. User acceptance testing - 用户验收测试36. Integration testing - 集成测试37. Regression testing - 回归测试38. Alpha testing - 内部测试39. Beta testing - 公测40. Deployment - 部署。



Glossary词汇表Accounting 会计Audit 审计Bookkeeping 簿记Financial Accounting 财务会计Management Accounting 管理会计Internal Control 内部控制Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)通用会计准则Sole Proprietorship 独资企业Partnership伙伴关系;合作;合作关系;合伙人身份Corporation公司(制企业)Accounting entity会计单位,会计主体;会计个体;会计实体Going Concern 持续经营Accounting Period 会计期间Monetary Measurement 货币计量Objective 目标,目的;客观的Relevance 相关性Reliability 可靠性Comparability 可比较性Consistency一致性Accrual basis accounting 权责发生制会计方法记账Cash basis accounting 收付实现制会计方法记账Financial Statement 资产负债表Balance Sheet 资产负债表Income Statement 利润表Statement of Cash Flow 现金流量表Transaction 交易Debit借Credit贷Double-entry bookkeeping 复式记账法Accounting Cycle 会计循环Trial Balance试算平衡表Journal 日记账Ledge r分类账Posting 过账Entry 分录Income Summary 利润总结Closing 结账Current Assets 流动资产Cash and Cash Equivalent 现金和现金等价物Short-term Investment 短期投资Accounts Receivable 应收账款Inventory 存货Prepaid Expense 预付费用Property, plant and equipment 固定资产PPE Deterioration 磨损,消耗Obsolescence过时,落后Salvage value 残值Patent 专利Trademark 商标Goodwill商誉Copyright著作权Franchise 特许经营权Impairment 减值Current Liabilities 流动负债Accounts Payable 应付账款Accrued Expenses应计费用Unearned Revenue 预售收入Contingent Liabilities 或有负债Convertible bonds 可转换债券Bonds Payable应付债券Deferred Income Tax 递延所得税Owners’ Equity 所有者权益Stockholder 股东Common stock普通股Preferred stock优先股Premium on common stock 普通股溢价Additional paid-in capital 资本公积Capital Stock 股本Treasury stock 库存股Retained Earning 留存收益Dividends 股利Stock option 股票期权Unrealized gain or loss 未实现损益Revenue 收入Net Sales 净销售收入Expenses 费用Cost of Goods Sold 销货成本Selling expenses 销售费用Administrative expense 管理费用Gross Profit毛利润Net Income 净利润Bank Reconciliation 银行存款余额调节表,银行对账单Marketable Securities 有价证券Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 坏账准备Raw Material 原材料Work in Process 半成品Finished Goods 产成品Perpetual Inventory system 永续盘存制Periodic inventory system 定期盘存制Depreciation 折旧Intangible Assets 无形资产Amortization 摊销Expenditure开支;费用;消费;消耗Disbursement 支出,垫付。

Glossary 词汇表

Glossary 词汇表

Glossary 词汇表(收听发音, 请单击英语单词) scheming惯耍阴谋的;诡计多端的to worm (her) way into (something)慢慢钻进了(什么地方)insecure没有安全感to feel trapped被困住了to uncover被发现了to be showered with被大量给予(某物)to be dumped被抛弃了a constitutional crisis宪法危机widespread criticism多方的批评to renounce声明放弃to thrive大量生长to absorb汲取,吸收to be vulnerable to容易受到伤害的ultraviolet rays紫外线to feed off靠吃…来生存to withstand承受a protective amino acid保护性氨基酸to pass up the food chain传递食物链to work out研究出a tablet片剂Be Late for School! 上学迟到了!英语学习点: School V ocabulary 与学校相关的词语Drriinnggg! That's the sound kids upand down the country do not want tohear – the alarm bell.The school year has just started andchildren across the UK have to wakeup bright and early to go to school.But students at one school in north-east England can lie in for an extrahour before they go to school.Kids can now have a lie in on school days.Monkseaton High School has been allowing its pupils to come into school an hour later than other schools.The headmaster, Dr Paul Kelley, says that this approach helps students pay more attention in class.He feels that young people are more productive later on in the day and that a late start may be better for their school career than an early one.Dr Kelley told the BBC that "teenagers don't function very well in the morning and their need to sleep is biological".It seems that this novel approach to teaching shows positive results. The school has already seen a drop in the number of pupils playing truant by 27%.More importantly, Dr Kelley also said that exam results have improved by 20-30% over the past year.Lessons at Monkseaton High School begin at 10am and finish at 3.40pm; however, the school opens from 8am to 5pm.bright and early 明亮的大清早儿lie in 躺在床上Sealed with a Kiss 吻之展英语学习点: Kissing V ocabulary 有关‘吻’的词汇"Get your gob in gear for a night!" Thatwas the invitation to a recent event inLondon celebrating the art of kissing.People were asked to put on lip gloss,press their mouths against a piece ofcard and then write a messagedescribing a memorable smacker.One woman mentioned her experienceof giving a peck on a baby's cheek.William and Catherine: Was this the kiss of 2011?Another moaned about a sloppy kiss she had received from a new boyfriend.Anthropologists suggest the origins of the snog aren't romantic: in primitivetimes mothers chewed food and gave it to their babies mouth-to-mouth.Today, kissing etiquette varies according to local customs. In some countries people will greet you with one peck, in others with two or more.In France, they are so keen on kissing that they have even got a smackernamed after them: the French kiss. That's the one where tongues get busy.But in India a smooch in public could land you in jail. In Germany, you won'tbe giving your freedom the kiss-off but an inappropriate snog could be thekiss of death for your promotion. The Knigge Society says the practice of greeting work colleagues with a kiss is uncomfortable for many Germans.The longest continuous snog ever recorded lasted for more than 46 hours. AThai couple locked lips in a special event in the beach resort of Pattaya.But what about Britain? Well, we Brits are much less shy than we used to be about kissing in public, but not everyone is keen. In particular, air kissing isseen as an affectation of the rich and beautiful classes. You can even refer tosuch people as mwahs, which is the sound of a kiss: "Darling! Mwah!"a gob (俚语)嘴lip gloss 唇彩a smacker (俚语)响亮的吻a peck (俚语)轻吻a sloppy kiss 心不在焉,草率的亲吻a snog (英式俚语)长时间的接吻a French kiss 法式接吻(舌头伸入对方口中)a smooch 浪漫地亲吻并拥抱在一起to give something the kiss-off (俚语)直接说不要什么东西了the kiss of death 死亡之吻to lock lips 亲吻air kissing空吻affectation 矫揉造作、装模做样a mwah (原意指亲脸颊发出的声音)一个无诚意的有钱社交名流英语学习点: Physics V ocabulary 物理词汇Could Time Travel Be Real? 时空穿梭成真?A discovery in the last week has turnedphysics on its head.A team of scientists have said that theyrecorded subatomic particles calledneutrinos travelling faster than light.No-one thought that was possible.It is a finding that could overturn oneof Einstein's long-acceptedfundamental laws of the Universe.Doctor Who is a time-travelling character in apopular BBC TV science-fiction seriesThe finding was made by researchers at Cern in Switzerland and Gran Sassoin Italy.The speed of light is a cornerstone in Einstein's theory of specialrelativity, which is what gives us the concept of causality: causes precedeeffects.Among the implications of this challenge to mainstream theory is the factthat it could mean time travel is possible, a hypothesis that has longconvinced writers of science fiction.But the experiment has its sceptics. A physicist from the University ofSurrey, Jim Al-Khalili, believes that the current consensus is correct andthat the light-speed barrier is impossible to surpass.He has tried to pick holes in the methodology of the Cern researchers. Sosure is Al-Khalili that they have made an error in their measurements that he has decided to defend the laws of physics by challenging the laws of social convention.Al-Khalili said: "If the Cern experim ent proves to be correct… I will eat my boxer shorts on live TV."to turn something on its head 完全改变subatomic particle 次原子粒子to overturn 推翻long accepted 长期被认可的cornerstone 基石theory of special relativity 狭义相对论the concept of causality 因果关系的概念implications 影响,含义,推断mainstream theory 主流理论time travel 时空穿梭hypothesis 假设science fiction 科幻小说experiment 实验sceptic 怀疑论者current consensus 当前的共识the light-speed barrier 光速障碍overcome 克服to pick holes in something 寻找漏洞methodology 方法论,方法学social convention 社会惯例,常规The Silver Smokescreen! 银幕与烟幕英语学习点: Film V ocabulary 电影词语Here's looking at you kid!Lights, camera, action! When we go to the cinema we sometimes experience scenes that reflect reality. But does the imagery affect our behaviour?A new study has found that teenagers who see actors smoking on screen are more likely to take it up.5,000 15 year olds in the UK were questioned and many said seeing blockbuster films that depict smoking would encourage them to light up.This research by Bristol University looked at the potential influence of some of the 360 top US box office films released between 2001 and 2005 that showed smoking, such as Spider-Man and The Matrix.Now some experts are calling for a change in film certification so the under-18s are unable to see actors smoking on the silver screen.Dr Andrea Waylen, who led the research, said "We saw a linear relationship between adolescent smoking and the number of films they had seen depicting smoking."In the UK, films with ratings U (universal) or PG (parental guidance) ban scenes showing drug misuse but not cigarette smoking.But is seeing the lead puffing on a cigarette really glamorising smoking? If so, would the motion-picture industry have to re-think what goes in every scene from the start to the end credits?Simon Clark, director of the smoker's group Forest, said: "We go to the cinema to escape from the nanny state… what next? Should government reclassify films that feature fat people as well in case they are bad role models?"lights, camera, action!灯光,开拍,动作!imagery 想象中的blockbuster 畅销大片depict 表现,刻画box office 票房film certification (针对观众年龄的)电影限制规定the silver screen 银幕ratings 评级PG (parental guidance) 家长指导级the lead 领衔主演glamorising 潇洒的motion-picture 电影scene 场面the end credits 影片末尾的演员表reclassify 重新划定role models 榜样Take Away English 随身英语Reap What you Sow! 园艺在英国盛行英语学习点: Gardening V ocabulary 和园艺有关的词汇Odd things are happening to Brits... weseem to be developing green fingers!The number of people growing their ownfruit and veg has almost doubled in thepast year, according to Gardeners' Worldmagazine.Gardens and allotments across the UKhave been put to use as people discoverthe joys of home-grown produce.Brits are developing green fingers!But not everyone has space for a vegetable patch or a flowerbed. And sometimes a window box just isn't enough of a gardening challenge.That's why some people have been turning to guerrilla gardening. This is when people plant flowers or vegetables in public spaces to make them greener and more pleasing to the eye.Many people would approve of prettifying towns and cities, but guerrilla gardening is not strictly legal. Therefore, this type of gardening often takes place in the dead of night.But the stereotype of the keen gardener is not someone who wears combat boots and breaks the law. It is of someone who wears wellies and spends all their time in greenhouses and potting sheds. We expect such a person toknow every aspect of how to tend and cultivate their plants.Yet, despite the increase in people growing their own, more than half of the UK population still do not know when 18 out of the top 22 fruit and vegetables are in season, according to Gardeners' World.It seems that Britain still has some way to go before we can justifiably be called a nation of gardeners.to reap what one sows 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆to have green fingers 形容有园艺才华的人fruit and veg 蔬果allotment [英](划成小块出租的)菜地home-grown 自家种植produce 农作物vegetable patch 菜地flowerbed 花坛window box 放在窗台上的长花盆guerrilla 游击队式的to prettify something 美化某物the dead of night 深夜wellies 雨靴greenhouse 温室potting shed 盆栽棚to tend something 照顾某物to cultivate something 培养某物to grow one's own 种植自己的蔬菜和水果in season 当季的a nation of gardeners 园艺大国Web Words Hit Dictionaries 网络词录入字典英语学习点: New Words in the Dictionary 字典新词The web-savvy amongst you willknow that just as a mouse is nolonger only a rodent, a tweet isn'tnecessarily a noise made by a bird.Nearly a quarter of the new wordsadded to the latest edition of theChambers Dictionary come frominternet culture, with the economicrecession and climate change alsocontributing strongly.Hmm, I wonder if I can find quantitative easing…The internet age's ability to reinvent old words with new meanings continues. The cloud, you may think, is the thing above your head which produces rain.It's not as simple as that any more.We all know what pay is, right? And a wall is a wall – as in The Great Wall of... But what about a paywall? Can you work it out?Moving onto the economy, words such as quantitative easing and double- dip recession have become familiar to followers of current affairs.Amongst the environmental terms now appearing in the dictionary you can find upcycle and precycle as well as carbon offsetting.National treasure, Neet, man flu, crowdsourcing and staycation are also officially recognised for the first time.And there are some abbreviations made popular by email and social networking sites. When you're surprised you can write OMG! (Oh my God) and if you really like someone, BFF 永恒挚友(best friend forever) is the expression for you.web-savvy 擅长网络的人,网络行家tweet 推特The cloud 计算云,电脑云paywall 付费墙quantitative easing 量化宽松double-dip 双底衰退upcycle 升级再造precycle 预回收carbon offsetting 炭抵消national treasure 国宝人物Neet ‘三无人员’(无教育,无职业,无培训人员)man flu 男士小感冒crowdsourcing 众包(企业利用互联网将工作分配出去的商业模式)staycation 不出远门在家度假OMG (Oh My God!) 我的天哪!BFF (best friend forever) 永恒挚友Ever won the lottery? No? But didthat stop you buying another lotteryticket?If the answer is another 'no', youmight call yourself an optimist.But then, according to researchers atUniversity College London, humanbeings are naturally sanguinecreatures.We are born with a predisposition for optimismIt's all in the brain, they say. A study suggests that it is very efficient at processing good news: about 80% of people have a tendency to see the glass as half-full, not half-empty, even if they don't consider themselves to be optimists.The good news is that this brings a health benefit. Being upbeat and having a positive outlook on life reduces anxiety. A study of nearly 100,000 women showed a lower risk of death from heart disease amongst optimists.But there are pitfalls to always having an upbeat attitude. The authors of the study point out that the 2008 financial crisis may have been caused by analysts overestimating their assets' performance even in the face of clear evidence to the contrary.There are personal health risks too. Dr Tali Sharot, lead researcher, said: "'Smoking Kills' messages don't work as people think their chances of cancer are low. There's a very fundamental bias in the brain."But, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining. Even if seeing the world through rose-tinted glasses poses a risk to our health, it's not somethingthat is likely to cause us to lose sleep.Let's just keep our chins up and keep smiling!optimism 乐观主义sanguine (正式用语)满怀希望的to see the glass as half-full, not half-empty 表示同样半杯水,乐观的人觉得杯子是半满,悲观的人觉得杯子是半空的。



计算机专用英语词汇1500词1. file n. 文件;v. 保存文件2. command n. 命令,指令3. use v. 使用,用途4. program n. 程序5. line n. (数据,程序行,线路6. if conj. 如果7. display vt. 显示,显示器8. set v. 设置,n. 集合9. key n. 键,关键字,关键码10. list n. 列表,显示,v. 打印11. by prep. 凭,靠,沿12. press v. 按,压13. with prep. 用,与,随着14. format n. 格式15. change v. 更换,改变,变动16. cursor n. 光标17. directory n. 目录,索引簿18. from prep. 从,来自,以来19. menu n. 菜单,目录20. option n. 任选,选择,可选项21. character n. 字符,符号,特性22. current n. 电流23. type n. 型,类型;v. 打印24. screen n. 屏幕,屏;v. 屏蔽25. specify v. 指定,规定,确定26. move v. 移动27. disk n. 盘,磁盘28. text n. 正文,文本29. drive v. 驱动;n. 驱动器30. see v. 看,看出,查看31. name n. 名,名称;vt. 命名32. record n. 记录33. box n. 箱,匣,(逻辑框34. database n. 数据库35. help v. & n. 帮助36. memory n. 记忆存储,存储器37. which pron. 哪个,a. 那一个38. all a. 全,全部;ad. 完全39. on ad. 接通,导电,开40. copy n. 复制,v. 拷贝41. shell n. 壳,外壳42. delete vt. 删除,删去,作废43. enter v. 键入,送入44. margin n. 余量,边缘,边际45. mark n. 标记;vt. 加标记46. also ad. & conj. 也,亦,还47. do v. 做,干;n. 循环48. information n. 信息,情报49. choose v. 挑选,选择,选定50. select vt. 选择51. group n. 组,群52. first a. & ad. & n. 第一,首先53. field n. 字段,域,栏,场54. procedure n. 过程,程序,工序55. print v. 打印,印刷56. return v. 返回,回送57. number n. 数字,号码;vt. 编号58. selected a. 精选的59. want v. 需要,应该,缺少60. window n. 窗口61. message n. 信息,消息,电文62. dialog n. & vt. 对话63. example n. 例子,实例64. create vt. 创立,建立65. insert vt. 插入66. related a. 相关的67. item n. 项,项目,条款68. edit vt. 编辑,编排,编篡69. marked a. 有记号的70. area n. (区域,面积,方面71. parameter n. 参数,参变量72. then ad. & conj. 那时,则73. variable a. 可变的;n. 变量74. tab n. 制表键75. up ad. 上,向上,a. 高的76. string n. 行,字符串77. each a. & ad. 各(自,每个78. active a. 激活的,活动的79. topic n. 题目,论题80. start v. 起动,开始,启动81. mode n. 态,方式,模82. selection n. 选择83. function n. 函数,功能,操作84. word n. 字(词,单词85. make vt. 制造,形成,接通86. right a. 右边的,正确的87. value n. 值88. button n. 按钮89. index n. 索引,变址,指数90. without prep. 没有,在…以外91. appear vi. 出现,显现,好像92. left a. & n. 左边(的93. save v. 保存94. next n. 下一次,a. 其次95. off ad. (设备关着,脱离96. following a. 下列的,以下的97. control v. 控制,支配,管理98. only a. 唯一的,ad. 仅仅99. user n. 用户100. end n. 结束,终点,端点101. system n. 系统102. contain vt. 包含,包括103. time n. 时间;vt. 计时104. letter n. 字母,信105. data n. 数据106. setting n. 设置,调整107. desire v. & n. 期望108. position n. 位置;vt. 定位109. down ad. 落下,降低,减少110. task n. 任务;v. 派给…任务111. view n. & v. 视图,景象112. switch n. & v. 开关,转换,切换113. include vt. 包括,包含114. get v. 得到,获得,取115. default v. 缺省,预置,约定116. structure n. 结构,构造,构件117. into prep. 向内,进入118. path n. 路径,通路,轨道119. blank n. 空白,间隔120. open v. 打开,开启,断开121. add v. & n. 加,增加,添122. enable vt. 启动,恢复正常操作123. operation n. 操作,运算,动作124. erase v. 擦除,取消,删除125. filename n. 文件名126. search v. 检索,查询,搜索127. another a. 另一个,别的128. last a. & n. 最后(的129. column n. 列,柱,栏130. after prep. & ad. 以后,后面131. prompt n. & v. 提示132. two n. & a. 二,两,双133. execute v. 实行,实施134. about ad. 关于,大约,附近135. escape v. 逃避,逸出,换码136. error n. 错误,误差,差错137. currently ad. 目前,现在138. extension n. 扩充,延伸139. same a. 同样的,相同的140. status n. 状态,态,状况141. run v. 运行,运转,操作142. argument n. 变元,自变量143. statement n. 语句,陈述,命题144. shift v. 转义,换档,移位145. store n. & vt. 存储,存储器146. scroll vt. 上滚(卷;n. 纸卷147. replace vt. 替换,置换,代换148. macro n. 宏,宏功能,宏指令149. page n. 页面,页,版面150. quit v. 退出,结束151. define vt. 定义,规定,分辨152. reference n. & a. 参考;参考的153. other a. 别的,另外的154. while conj. 当…的时候155. pressing n. & a. 压制;紧急的156. restore vt. 恢复,复原157. top n. 顶,尖端158. how ad. 如何,怎样,多么159. color n. 颜色,色彩,(彩色160. allow v. 允许,容许161. block n. (字,信息,数据块162. decimal n. & a. 十进制;十进制的163. main a. 主要的164. definition n. 定义,确实,清晰度165. between prep. 在…之间,中间166. optional a. 任选的,可选的167. date n. 日期168. remove v. 除去,移动169. arrow n. 箭头,指针170. label n. 标签,标号,标识符171. within prep. 在…以内172. issue v. 发行,出版,流出173. different a. 不同的,各种各样的174. available a. 可用的175. returned a. 退回的176. associate v. 相联,联想,关联177. attribute n. 属性,标志,表征178. dos 磁盘操作系统179. before prep. 以前,前,先180. order n. & vt. 指令,次序;排序181. modify vt. 修改,改变,变址182. array n. 数组,阵列183. mouse n. 鼠标器184. note n. 注解,注释185. locate vt. 定位186. video n. 视频,电视187. printer n. 打印机,印刷机188. bar n. 条,杆,棒189. bottom n. & a. 底,基础;底下的190. carriage n. 滑架,托架191. content n. 含量,容量,内容192. either a. & pron. 任何一个,各193. ok ad. & a. 对,好;全对194. space n. 空格键,空间195. editor n. 编辑程序196. exist vi. 存在,生存,有197. scope n. 范围,显示器198. paragraph n. 段(落,节,短讯199. multi (词头多200. clear v. 清除,弄干净201. exit n. & vi. 出口;退出202. report vt. & n. 报告,报表203. execution n. 执行204. backup n. 备份,后备,后援205. version n. 版本206. find v. 寻找,发现207. pointer n. 指针,指示字208. subset n. 子集,子设备209. keyboard n. 键盘210. full a. & ad. & n. 全(的,满211. check v. 校对,栓查,核算212. should v. & aux. 应当,该213. single a. & n. 单个的;一个,单214. positioning n. 定位215. provide v. 提供216. title n. 题目,标题217. expression n. 表达式218. through prep. & ad. 通过,直通219. toggle n. & v. 触发器;系紧220. code n. 码,代码,编码221. such a. & pron. 这样的,如此222. beginning n. 起点,初223. guide n. 向导,指南,入门224. tree n. 树,语法树225. environment n. 环境226. but 但是,可是,除非,不过227. device n. 设备,器件,装置228. highlight n. 增强亮度,提示区229. call v. 调用,访问,呼叫230. continue v. 连续,继续231. indicate vt. 指示,表示232. until prep. 到…为止,直到233. begin v. 开始,着手,开端234. place vt. 放,位,地点235. rename vt. 更名,改名236. swap v. 交换,调动237. work n. 工作238. remain vi. 剩下,留下,仍然239. close v. & a. 关闭,闭合;紧密的240. combination n. 结合,组合241. profile n. 简要,剖面,概貌242. unless conj. 除非243. so pron. & conj. 如此,这样244. except prep. 除…之外,除非245. turn v. & n. 转,转动;圈,匝246. back n. 背面,反向,底座247. sure a. & ad. 确实的;的确248. section n. 节,段,区域249. follow v. 跟随,跟踪250. split v. 分开,分离251. need v. 必须,需要252. access n. 存取,选取,接近253. additional a. 附加的,辅助的254. cancel v. 删除,取消,作废255. document n. 文献,资料,文件256. case n. 情况,场合257. numeric n. & a. 数字的,分数258. go vi. 运行,达到259. load n. & v. 装入,负载,寄存260. try n. (尝试,试验261. size n. 尺寸,大小,容量262. entire a. & n. 完全的;总体263. leave v. 离开,留下264. history n. 历史265. second n. & a. 秒,第二(的 266. reflow v. & n. 回流,逆流267. output n. 输出,输出设备268. out n. & a. 输入,在外269. both a. & ad. 两,双,都270. install vt. 安装271. source n. 源,电源,源点272. way n. 路线,途径,状态273. assign vt. 赋值,指定,分派274. support vt. 支援,支持,配套275. specific a. 特殊的,具体的276. join v. & n.连接,并(运算 277. expand v. 扩充,扩展,展开278. like a. 类似的,同样的279. diskette n. 软磁盘,软盘片280. skip v. 跳跃(定位,跳过281. application n. 应用282. confirmation n. 认可283. whether conj. 无论,不管284. hold v. 保持285. click n. "卡搭"声,插销286. write v. 写,存入287. byte n. (二进制的字节288. abbreviate vt. 缩写,省略289. show v. 显示,呈现,出示290. otherwise ad. & a. 另外291. working n. 工作,操作,作业292. delimiter n. 定界符,分界符293. location n. 定位,(存储器单元294. perform v. 执行,完成295. graphic n. & a. 图形;图形的296. read v. 读,读阅297. confirm vt. 证实,确认298. sort v. 分类,排序299. clause n. 条款,项目,子句300. once ad. & n. 只一次,一旦301. however conj. 然而,可是302. extend v. 扩充303. look v. 看,查看304. starting a. 起始的305. now ad. & n. 此刻,现在306. original n. & a. 原文;原(初始的307. correspond vi. 通信(联系308. property n. 性(质,特征309. several a. & n. 若干个,几个310. learn v. 学习,训练311. cause n. 原因,理由312. bracket n. (方括号,等级313. omit vt. 省略,删去,遗漏314. running a. 运行着的,游动的315. sub-directory n. 子目录316. edge n. 棱,边,边缘,界限317. form n. 格式,表格,方式318. instruction n. 指令,指导319. ascii n. 美国信息交换标准码320. below a. & prep. 下列的;低于321. standard n. 标准322. occurrence n. 出现,发生323. lock n. & v. 锁,封闭;自动跟踪324. append vt. 附加,增补325. destination n. 目的地,接收站326. password n. 口令,保密字327. point n. 点,小数点,句号328. variety n. 变化,种类,品种329. many a. & n. 许多,多数330. buffer n. 缓冲器331. useful a. 有用的332. object n. 对象,目标,物体333. again ad. 再,又,重新,也334. operating a. 操作的,控制的335. carry v. 进位,带336. update v. 更新,修改,校正337. moving n. & a. 活动的,自动的338. coprocessor n. 协同处理器339. overlay v. 覆盖,重叠340. practice n. 实习,实践341. navigation n. 导航342. automatically ad. 自动地,机械地343. total n. & v. 总数;总计344. previous a. 早先的,上述的345. software n. 软件346. shortcut n. 近路,捷径347. long a. 长的,远的348. unique a. 唯一的,独特的349. part n. 部分,零件350. updated a. 适时的,更新的351. internal a. 内部的352. fill v. 填充353. basic n. & a. 基本;基本的354. math n. 数学355. since prep. 自从…以来356. determine v. 确定357. making n. 制造,构造358. center n. 中心,中央359. already ad. 已经,早已360. keyword n. 关键字(词361. action n. 操作,运算362. condition n. 条件,情况;vt. 调节363. quick a. & ad. 快速的,灵敏的364. assigned a. 指定的,赋值的365. give vt. 给出,赋予,发生366. large a. (巨大的,大量的367. chapter n. 章,段368. computer n. 计算机369. complete v. & a. 完成;完整的370. past a. 过去的,结束的371. match v. 比较,匹配,符合372. recover v. 恢复,回收373. always ad. 总是,一直,始终374. require v. 需要,要求375. opening n. 打开,断路,孔376. network n. & vt. 网络;联网377. sign n. 符号,信号,记号378. release vt. & n. 释放,核发,版379. three a. & n. 三(的380. recall vt. 撤消,复活,检索381. deletion n. 删去(部分,删除382. fixed a. 固定的,不变的383. amount vt. & n. 总计;合计384. alias n. 别名,代号,标记385. quote n. & v. 引号;加引号386. correct a. & vt. 正确的;改正387. else ad. & conj. 否则,此外388. maximum n. & a. 最大(的,最高389. under prep. 在…下面(之下 390. take v. 取,拿391. switching n. 开关,转接,交换392. element n. 元件,元素,码元393. modification n. 改变,修改394. modified a. 修改的,变更的395. input n. 输入,输入设备396. uppercase n. 大写字母397. plus prep. 加,加上,外加398. found v. 建立,创办399. debug vt. 调试400. force v. & n. 强制;压力,强度401. lowercase n. 下档,小写体402. just ad. 恰好403. undo vt. 取消,废除404. environ vt. 围绕,包围405. why ad. 为什么406. temporary a. 暂时的,临时的407. put v. 存放(记录,放置408. instead ad. (来代替,当作409. encounter v. & n. 遇到,碰到410. across prep. 交叉,越过411. matching n. 匹配,调整412. wildcard n. 通配符413. spill v. 漏出,溢出,漏失414. level n. 水平,级,层次415. browse v. 浏览416. speech n. 说话,言语,语音417. occur vi. 发生,出现,存在418. memo n. 备忘录419. prior a. 先验的,优先的420. loaded a. 有负载的421. length n. (字,记录,块长度422. round v. 舍入,四舍五入423. variant n. & a. 变体,易变的424. floppy n. 软磁盘425. machine n. 机器,计算机426. square n. & a. 正方形;方形的427. supply vt. & n. 电源,供给428. home n. & a. 家,出发点429. normal a. & n. 正常,标准430. onto prep. 向…,到…上431. during prep. 在…期间432. module n. 模块(程序设计 433. monochrome n. 单色434. assistance n. 辅助设备,帮助435. tell n. 讲,说,教,计算436. library n. (程序…库,图书馆437. demonstration n. (公开表演,示范438. stack n. 栈,堆栈,存储栈439. even a. & ad. 偶数的;甚至440. evaluate v. 估计,估算,求值441. times n. 次数442. previously ad. 以前,预先443. directly ad. 直接地,立即444. logical a. 逻辑的,逻辑"或" 445. template n. 标准框,样板,模板446. calling n. 呼叫,调用,调入447. later a. 更后的,后面的448. driver n. 驱动器,驱动程序449. therefore ad. & conj. 因此,所以450. saving a. 保存的451. detail n. 元件,零件,细节452. linker n. 连接程序453. loop n. 圈,环;(程序循环,回路454. process vt. 处理,进程,加工455. scheme n. 方案,计划,图456. every a. 每个,全体,所有的457. refer v. 访问,引用,涉及458. possible a. 可能的,潜在的459. above a. 在…之上,大于460. overview n. 综述,概要461. result n. 结果462. syntax n. 语法,文法,句法463. abbreviation n. 缩短,省略,简称464. bios n. 基本输入/输出系统465. hidden a. 隐藏的,秘密的466. null n. & a. 空(的,零(的 467. send v. 发送468. private a. 专用的,私人的469. hard a. 硬的470. hardware n. 硬件471. say v. 说,显示,假定472. equal vt. & n. 等于,相等;等号473. pack n. 压缩,包裹474. minus a. & n. 负的;负数,减475. alternate a. 交替的,备用的476. collapse v. 崩溃,破裂477. corner n. 角,角落,转换478. present a. & v. 现行的;提供479. interpreter n. 解释程序,翻译机480. advance v. & n. 进步,提高;进展481. forward a. 正向的482. fast a. & ad. 快速的483. special a. 专用的,特殊的484. slash n. 斜线485. utility n. & a. 实用程序;实用性486. regardless a. 不注意的,不考虑的487. disable vt. 禁止,停用488. compatible a. 可兼容的,可共存的489. depend vi. 随…而定,取决于490. empty a. 空,零,未占用491. alphabetical a. 字母(表的,abc的492. branch n. 分支,支线;v. 转换493. resume v. 重(新开(始494. multiple a. 多次的,复杂的495. monitor n. 监视器,监督程序496. configuration n. 配置497. replacement n. 替换,置换,更新498. required a. 需要的499. macros n. 宏命令(指令500. table n. 表501. loss n. 损耗,损失502. batch n. 批,批量,成批503. exact a. 正确的504. aboveboard ad. & a. 照直,公开的505. activate vt. & n. 使激活,驱动506. around ad. & prep. 周围,围绕507. slow a. & ad. 慢速的508. floating a. 浮动的,浮点的509. refresh v. 刷新,更新,再生510. stop v. 停止,停机511. pass v. 传送,传递,遍(数 512. public a. 公用的,公共的513. eject n. 弹出514. ignore vt. 不管,忽略不计515. share v. 共享,共用516. sequence n. 顺序,时序,序列517. consist vi. 符合,包括518. step n. 步,步骤,步长,档519. double a. 两倍的,成双的520. come vi. 来,到,出现521. lower a. 下部的,低级的522. describe vt. 描述,沿…运行523. count v. 计数,计算524. pop v. 上托,弹出(栈 525. valid a. 有效的526. suspend v. 中止,暂停,挂起527. enhance vt. 增强,放大,夸张528. separate v. & a. 分隔,分离,各自的529. echo n. 回波,反射波530. necessary a. 必要的,必然的531. greater than 大于532. able a. 能…的,有能力的533. marking n. 标记,记号,传号534. ask v. 请求,需要535. term n. 项,条款,术语536. bring v. 引起,产生,拿来537. warning n. & a. 报警,预告538. less a. & ad. 更小,更少539. whose pron. 谁的540. comment n. & vi. 注解,注释541. effect n. 效率,作用,效能542. expanding a. 扩展的,扩充的543. on-line a. 联机的544. reorder v. (按序排列,排序545. direct a. 直接的546. enclose vt. 封闭,密封,围住,包装547. reset vt. 复位,置"0"548. various a. 不同的,各种各样的549. paper n. 纸,文件,论文550. prevent v. 防止,预防551. side n. (旁边,面,侧(面 552. push v. 推,按,压,进(栈 553. programming n. 程序设计,编程序554. upper a. 上的,上部的555. row n. 行556. pressed a. 加压的,压缩的557. temporarily ad. 暂时558. day n. 日,天,白天,时代559. repaint vt. 重画560. redefine vt. 重新规定(定义 561. relation n. 关系,关系式562. dimension n. 尺寸,维,因次563. boundary n. 边界,界限,约束564. zoom v. 变焦距565. initialize v. 初始化566. personal a. 个人的,自身的567. hello int. & v. 喂!;呼叫568. true a. & n. 真,实,选中569. wish v. & n. 祝愿,希望570. font n. 铅字,字形571. know v. 知道,了解,认识572. convert v. 转换,变换573. global n. 全局,全程,全局符574. still a. & n. & v. 静止的;静;平静575. installation n. 安装,装配576. invoke vt. 调用,请求577. interactive a. 交互式,交互的578. described a. 被看到的,被发现的579. century n. 世纪580. literal a. 文字的581. rather ad. 宁可,有点582. exclusive a. 排斥,排它性583. marker n. 记号,标记,标志584. wait v. 等待585. appropriate a. 适当的,合适的586. fit v. & n. 适合,装配;非特587. adapter n. 适配器,转换器588. filter n. 滤波器,滤光材料589. break v. 断开,撕开,中断590. backward ad. 向后,逆,倒591. searching n. 搜索592. receive v. 接收593. dual a. 对偶的,双的594. retry vt. 再试,复算595. normally ad. 正常地,通常596. exactly ad. 正好,完全,精确地597. immediately ad. 直接地598. separated a. 分开的599. high a. 高600. equivalent a. 相等的,等效的601. light n. & a. 光(波,源;轻的602. zero n. 零,零位,零点603. storage n. 存储,存储器604. width n. 宽度605. language n. 语言606. startup n. 启动607. much a. & n. 很多,许多,大量608. per prep. 每,按609. over prep. 在…上方610. mirror n. & v. 镜,反射,反映611. request n. & vt. 请求612. keypad n. 小键盘613. keep v. 保持,保存614. resident a. 驻留的615. learning n. 学问,知识616. talk v. 通话,谈话617. summary n. 摘要,汇总,提要618. well n. & a. 井;好,良好619. link n. & v. 链接;连接,联络620. according to a. 按照,根据621. identify v. 识别,辨认622. designated a. 指定的,特指的623. pertain vi. 附属,属于,关于624. expansion n. 展开,展开式625. incompatible a. 不兼容的626. blinking n. 闪烁627. month n. 月份628. precede v. 先于629. readily ad. 容易地,不勉强630. transportable a. 可移动的631. appropriately ad. 适当地632. routine n. 程序,例行程序633. ready a. 就绪,准备好的634. listing n. 列表,编目635. newly ad. 新近,重新636. year n. (一年,年度,年龄637. contact n. 接触,触点638. session n. 对话,通话639. own a. & v. 自己的;拥有640. redraw vt. 再拉641. here ad. 在这里642. manual a. 手工的,手动的643. particular a. 特定的,特别的644. rectangle n. 矩形645. additive a. & n. 相加的;附加物646. similar a. 相似的647. assembly n. 汇编,安装,装配648. copyright n. 版权649. description n. 描述650. retrieve v. 检索651. mistake n. 错误652. produce v. 生产,制造653. ram 随机存取存储器654. exception n. 例外,异常,异议655. digit n. 数字,位数,位656. reverse v. & a. 反向的,逆657. minimum n. & a. 最小(的,最低658. enough a. & ad. 足够的,充足的659. although conj. 虽然,即使660. reindex v. & n. 变换(改变符号661. third a. & n. 第三,三分之一662. red a. & n. 红色(的663. along prep. & ad. 沿着664. test n. & v. 测试665. small a. 小的,小型的666. feed v. 馈给,(打印机进纸667. company n. & v. 公司;交际,交往668. movie n. 影片,电影(院669. compile vt. 编译670. frequently ad. 常常,频繁地671. #ff0000 a. 未定义的672. state n. & vt. 状态;确定673. tick v;n. 滴答(响;勾号(√ 674. accept vt. 接受,认可,同意675. intense a. 强烈的,高度的676. documentation n. 文件编制,文本677. asterisk n. 星号(*678. easily ad. 容易地,轻易地679. become v. 成为,变成,适宜680. address vt. & n. 寻址;地址681. interface n. 接口682. pause vi. 暂停683. repeat v. 重复684. restart v. 重新启动,再启动685. assumed a. 假定的686. speed n. 速度687. entry n. 输入,项(目,入口688. combine v. 组合,联合689. organize v. 组织,创办,成立690. finished a. 完成的691. mixed a. 混合的692. permit v. 许可,容许693. formatting n. 格式化694. root n. 根695. symbol n. 符号,记号696. binary n. & a. 二进制;双态的697. whenever ad. & conj. 随时698. reach v. & n. 范围,达到范围699. caution n. & v. 警告,注意700. subtotal n. & v. 小计,求部分和701. card n. 卡片,插件(板 702. general a. 通用的703. associated a. 联合的,相联的704. transfer v. 传送,转换,转移705. connect v. 连接706. partition v. 划分,分区,部分707. hexadecimal a. 十六进制的708. generate vt. 产生,发生,生成709. specification n. 说明书,规则说明书710. customize vt. 定制,定做711. far a. 远的,遥远的712. nest v. 嵌套,后进先出713. duplicate vt. 复制,转录,加倍714. compression n. 压缩,浓缩715. unable a. 不能的716. means n. 方法,手段717. alternately ad. 交替地,轮流地718. intensity n. 强度,亮度719. reading n. 读,读数720. let v. 让,允许721. explicitly ad. 明显地,显然地722. compare v. 比较,对照,比喻723. sector n. & v. 扇区,段;分段724. problem n. 问题,难题725. vertically ad. 竖直地,直立地726. horizontally ad. 水平地727. backspace v. 退格,回退728. terminate v. 端接,终止729. people n. 人们730. short a. & n. 短的;短路731. drag vt. 拖,拉,牵,曳732. formatted a. 有格式的733. preview n. & vt. 预映734. underscore vt. 在…下面划线735. correctly ad. 正确地736. initially ad. 最初,开头737. reformat v. 重定格式738. inside n. & a. 内部,内容;内部的739. integrate v. 综合,集成740. controlled a. 受控制的,受操纵的741. period n. 周期742. huge a. 巨大的,非常的743. determined a. 坚决的,毅然的744. trailing n. & a. 结尾;尾随的745. seek v. 查找,寻找,探求746. introduction n. 入门,介绍,引进747. indent v. 缩排748. base n. 基,底,基地址749. integer n. 整数750. attempt vt. & n. 尝试,试验751. twice n. & ad. 两次,两倍于752. formed a. & n. 成形753. subscript n. 注脚,下标754. tiny a. 微小的,微量的755. model n. 模型,样机,型号756. correction n. 校正,修正757. rating n. 定额,标称值758. secondary a. 辅助的,第二的759. opened a. 开路的,断开的760. limit n. 极限,限界761. sun n. 太阳,日762. translate v. 翻译,转换,平移763. reason n. 原因,理由764. colon n. 冒号":"765. avoid vt. 避免,取消,无效766. range n. 范围,域,区域767. allocate vt. 分配768. wordperfect a. 一字不错地熟记的769. simply ad. 简单地,单纯地770. verify vt. 鉴定,检验,核对771. manner n. 方法,样式,惯例772. direction n. 方向,定向,指向773. portion n. & vt. 部分;分配774. emulator n. 仿真器,仿真程序775. successful a. 成功的776. applied a. 适用的,外加的777. sum n. 和,合计,总额778. achieve vt. 完成,实现779. together ad. 一同,共同,相互780. affect vt. 影响,改变,感动781. delay v. 延迟782. free a. 自由的,空闲的783. properly ad. 真正地,适当地784. kind n. 种类,属,级,等785. splitting n. 分区(裂786. feature n. 特征,特点787. console n. 控制台,操作台788. operate v. 操作,运算789. kernel n. 内核(核心程序790. easy a. & ad. 容易的;容易地791. modifier n. 修改量,变址数792. invalid a. 无效的793. compiler n. 编译程序(器794. dot n. 点795. beep n. 蜂鸣声,嘀嘀声796. face n. 面,表面797. random a. 随机的798. facility n. 设施,装备,便利799. heading n. 标题800. asynchronous a. 异步的,非同步的801. series n. 序列,系列,串联802. individual a. 个别的,单个的803. explain v. 阐明,解释804. paste n. 湖,胶,膏805. welcome vt. & n. 欢迎806. six n. & a. 六(个(的807. early a. & ad. 早期,初期808. wrap v. & n. 包装,缠绕809. blue a. & n. 蓝(色,青色810. queue v. & n. 排队,队列811. interrupt v. & n. 中断812. respect n. & vt. 遵守,关系813. converted a. 转换的,变换的814. common a. 公用的815. hyphen n. 连字符,短线816. serial a. 串行的,串联的817. loading n. 装入,加载,存放818. retain vt. 保持,维持819. setup n. 安排,准备,配置820. freeze v. 冻结,结冰821. intend vt. 打算,设计822. explanation n. 说明,注解,注释823. certain a. 确实的,确定的824. zap v. 迅速离去,击溃825. archive vt. 归档826. negative a. 负的,否定的827. image n. 图像,影像,映像828. platform n. 平台,台架829. often ad. 经常,往往,屡次830. signal n. & v. 信号;发信号831. cpu 控制处理部件832. bit n. 比特;(二进制位833. fully ad. 十分,完全834. deactivate vt. 释放,去活化835. especially ad. 特别(是,尤其836. usually ad. 通常,平常,一般837. recommend vt. 推荐,建议838. maintain vt. 维护,保养,保留839. important a. 严重的,显著的840. central a. 中央的,中心的841. addition n. 加法,增加842. anytime ad. 在任何时候843. analyst n. 分析员844. false a. 假(布尔值,错误845. black a. & n. 黑色的,黑色846. gather n. 聚集,集合847. cycle n. & v. 周,周期;循环848. relative a. 相对的849. offer v. 提供,给予,呈现850. ending n. 结束851. rent v. & n. 租用;裂缝852. sentence n. 句(子853. remember v. 存储,记忆,记住854. proper a. 真的,固有的855. design v. 设计856. examine v. 检验,考试,审查857. initial a. 最初的,初始的858. corrupt v. & a. 恶化;有毛病的859. buy v. 买,购买,赢得860. increase v. 增加,增大861. host n. 主机862. sample n. & v. 样品,样本;抽样863. pending a. 悬而未决的,未定的864. divide v. 除865. boot n. 引导,靴866. hide v. 隐藏,隐蔽867. half n. & a. & ad. 一半,半个868. magenta n. & a. 深红色(的 869. leading n. & a. 引导(的 870. wrong a. & ad. n. 错误(的 871. today n. & ad. 今天872. least a. & ad. 最小(的873. opposite a. & n. & ad. 相反的874. white a. & n. 白色(的875. override v. & n. 超越,克服876. brown a. & n. 褐色(的,棕色877. hex a. & n. 六角形的878. rest n. & v. 剩余,休息879. damage n. & vt. 损伤,故障880. instant a. 立刻的,直接的881. reserved a. 保留的,预订的882. technology n. 工艺,技术,制造学883. handle n. 处理,句柄884. apply v. 应用,适用于,作用885. stand v. 处于(状态,保持886. payment n. 支付,付款887. kilobyte n. 千字节(kb888. parenthesis n. 括弧,圆括号889. scan v. 扫描,扫视,搜索890. locating n. 定位,查找891. developer n. 开发者,显影剂892. murder n. 弄坏,毁掉893. flush v. 弄平,使齐平894. unlock v. 开锁,打开895. movement n. 传送,移动896. consecutive a. 连续的,连贯的897. collection n. 集合,聚集,画卷898. front a. 前面的,正面的899. addressing n. 寻址900. prefix n. 前缀901. carousel n. 圆盘传送带902. safety n. 安全,保险903. static a. 静态的,不变的904. background n. 背景,底色,基础905. product n. (乘积,产品906. assignment n. 赋值,分配907. bad a. 坏的,不良的908. declare v. 说明909. adjust vt. 调整,调节,控制910. recognize v. 识别911. route n. 路线,路由912. respectively ad. 分别地913. unsuccessful a. 不成功的,失败的914. received a. 被接收的,公认的915. navigate v. 导航,驾驶916. considered a. 考虑过的,被尊重的917. due a. 到期的,应付(给的918. recently ad. 近来919. room n. 房间,空间920. descend v. 下降,落下921. fact n. 事实922. alter v. 改变,修改923. track n. 磁道,轨道924. precedence n. 优先权925. skeleton n. 骨架,框架926. log n. & v. 记录,存入927. star n. 星形,星号928. hot a. 热的929. replaceable a. 可替换的930. accessible a. 可以使用的931. involve vt. 涉及,卷入,占用932. configure vt. 使成形933. question n. 问题934. green n. & a. 绿色绿色的935. entirely ad. 完全地,彻底地936. helpful a. 有帮助的,有用的937. middle a. 中间的938. declared a. 承认的,申报的939. compress vt. 压缩,精减940. graphically ad. 用图表表示941. auto a. 自动的942. automatic a. 自动的943. aligned a. 对准的,均衡的944. anywhere ad. 在任何地方945. terminal n. 终端,端子946. door n. 舱门,入口,孔947. expire v. 终止,期满948. resolution n. 分辨率949. local a. 局部的,本地的950. semicolon n. 分号(;951. reread vt. 重读952. overwrite v. 重写953. critical a. & n. 临界的;临界值954. manager n. 管理程序955. capability n. 能力,效力,权力956. affected a. 受了影响的957. allowed a. 容许的958. border n. 边界,框,界限959. cache n. 高速缓存960. bell n. 铃,钟961. play v. 玩,奏,放音,放象962. quickly a. 快,迅速地963. fastback n. 快速返回964. answer n. & v. 响应,回答;答复965. represent v. 表示,表现,代表966. difference n. 差分,差967. highest a. 最高的968. project n. 项目,计划,设计969. physical a. 物理的,实际的970. matter n. 物质,内容,事情971. hercules n. 大力神,大力士972. reduce v. 减少,降低,简化973. publisher n. 出版者,发行人974. trim n. 区标,微调975. substitute v. 代替,替换,代入976. disabled a. 禁止的,报废的977. recent a. 近来的978. positive a. 正的,阳的,正片979. upgrade v. 升级,提高质量980. instance n. & vt. 例子,情况;举例981. happen vi. (偶然发生,碰巧982. elapsed vi. & n. 经过983. future n. & a. 将来,未来的984. midnight n. & a. 午夜985. though conj. 虽然,尽管986. nor conj. 也不987. mono a. & n. 单音的988. slide v. & n. 滑动,滑动触头989. abort v. & n. 中断,故障990. jump v. & n. 转移991. toward prep. 朝(着…方向 992. throughout prep. 贯穿,整,遍993. via prep. 经过,经由994. among prep. 在…之中,中间995. neither a. & pron. (两者都不996. layer n. & v. 层,涂层997. scatter v. 散射,分散,散布998. attention n. 注意(信号999. convention n. 常规,约定,协定1000. conventional a. 常规的,习惯的1001. tool n. 工具,刀1002. handler n. 处理程序1003. processor n. 处理机,处理程序1004. desktop a. 台式的1005. build v. 建造,建立,组合1006. windowing n. 开窗口1007. development n. 开发,研制,显影1008. exceed v. 超过,大于1009. understand v. 懂,明白(了,理解1010. horizontal a. 水平的,横向的1011. alphabetically ad. 按字母表顺序1012. meet v. "与",符合,满足1013. protect vt. 保护1014. reserve vt. 保留,预定,预约1015. clock n. 时钟,计时器,同步1016. manifest vt. 表明,显示,显现1017. safe a. 安全的,可靠的1018. disconnect vt. 拆接,断开,拆线1019. clockwise a. 顺时针的1020. eliminate vt. 除去,消除,切断1021. actual a. 实际的,现实的1022. declaration n. 说明,申报1023. probably ad. 多半,很可能1024. ring n. & v. 环,圈;按铃1025. cover vt. 盖,罩,套1026. indicator n. 指示器,指示灯1027. apple n. 苹果1028. icon n. 图符,象征1029. consideration n. 考虑,研究,讨论1030. skill n. 技巧1031. picture n. 图象,画面1032. layout n. 布置,布局,安排1033. suggest vt. 建议,提议,暗示1034. convenient a. 方便的,便利的1035. instruct vt. 讲授,命令1036. appendix n. 附录1037. medium n. & a. 媒体;中等的1038. truncate vt. 截尾,截断1039. inhibit vt. 禁止1040. nearly ad. 近乎,差不多,几乎1041. warn vt. 警告,警戒,预告1042. underline n. 下划线1043. register n. 寄存器1044. stuff n. & vt. 材料;装入1045. exclude vt. 排除,除去1046. destroy vt. 破坏,毁坏,打破1047. calculation n. 计算,统计,估计1048. angle n. 角,角度1049. lexical a. 辞典的,词法的1050. decide v. (使判定,判断1051. trouble n. 故障1052. processing n. (数据处理,加工1053. customer n. 顾客,客户1054. port n. 端口,进出口1055. discuss vt. 讨论,论述1056. segment n. 段,片段,图块1057. filing n. (文件的整理汇集1058. identically ad. 相等,恒等1059. market n. 市场,行情,销路1060. valuable a. 有价值的,贵重的1061. limited a. 有限的,(受限制的1062. trying a. 费劲的,困难的1063. heap n. 堆阵1064. grey n. & a. 灰色;灰色的1065. permanently ad. 永久地,持久地1066. accelerator n. 加速装置,加速剂1067. originally ad. 原来,最初1068. ability n. 性能,能力,效率1069. internally ad. 在内(部 1070. derelict vt. 中途淘汰1071. redirect vt. 重定向1072. reside vi. 驻留1073. header n. 首部,标题,报头1074. extra a. 特别的,额外的1075. repeated a. 重复的1076. death n. 毁灭,消灭1077. observe v. 观察,探测1078. density n. 密度1079. management n. 管理1080. environmental a. 周围的,环境的1081. surrounding a. 周围的,环绕的1082. master a. 总要的,总的1083. recursive a. 递归的,循环的1084. trap n. & vt. 陷阱;俘获1085. dimensional n. 尺寸的,…维的1086. logic n. 逻辑(线路1087. conjunction n. 逻辑乘,"与" 1088. identical a. 相等的,相同的1089. advice n. 意见,参考说明1090. meaning n. 意义,含义1091. fall n. 落下,降落1092. interval n. 间歇,区间1093. compatibility n. 兼容性,适应性1094. rule n. 规则,法则,尺1095. flag n. 标志(记,特征(位 1096. criterion n. 标准,判据,准则1097. office n. 办公室,局,站1098. express a. 快速的1099. volume n. 卷,册,体积,容量。

Network Security Glossary网络安全技术词汇

Network Security Glossary网络安全技术词汇


】(N)中继(N)-relay抽象语法abstract syntax访问/存取access访问控制access control访问(存取)控制证书access control certificate访问控制判决功能Access control Decision Function(ADF)访问控制判决信息Access control Decision Information(ADI)访问控制实施功能Access control Enforcement Function(AEF)访问控制信息access control information访问控制列表access control list访问控制机制access control mechanisms访问控制策略access control policy访问控制策略规则access control policy rules访问控制令牌access control token访问列表access list访问周期access period访问请求access request访问类型access type认可/审批accreditation主动威胁active threat主动搭线窃听active wiretapping报警处理器alarm processor应用级防火墙application level firewall资产Assets赋值assignment关联安全状态association security state保障/保证assurance非对称认证方法asymmetric authentication method非对称密码算法asymmetric cryptographic algorithm非对称密码技术asymmetric cryptographic technique非对称加密系统asymmetric encipherment system非对称密钥对asymmetric key pair非对称签名系统asymmetric signature system属性attribute属性管理机构撤销列表(AARL)Attribute Authority Revocation List(AARL)属性管理机构(AA)Attribute Authority(AA)属性证书Attribute certificate属性证书撤销列表(ACRL)Attribute Certificate Revocation List(ACRL)审计/审核audit审计分析器audit analyzer审计归档audit archive审计机构audit authority审计调度器audit dispatcher审计提供器audit provider审计记录器audit recorder审计踪迹audit trail审计跟踪收集器audit trail collector审计跟踪检验器audit trail examiner鉴别/认证authentication认证证书authentication certificate鉴别数据authentication data鉴别(认证)信息authentication imformation鉴别(认证)发起方authentication initiator鉴别(认证)令牌authentication token(token)鉴别(认证)符authenticator授权用户authorised user授权机构/机构Authority授权机构证书authority certificate授权authorization授权管理员authorized administrator自动安全监控automated security monitoring可用性availability数据可用性availability of data备份规程backup procedure基础证书撤消列表base CRL分组/块block分组链接block chaining界限检查bounds checking简码列表brevity lists浏览browsingCA证书CA-certificate回叫call back权能/能力capability证书certificate证书策略certificate policy证书序列号certificate serial number证书用户certificate user证书确认certificate validation认证certification认证机构certification authority认证机构撤销列表Certification Authority Revocation List (CARL) 认证路径certification path信道/通道channel密文ciphertext申明鉴别信息claim authentication information许可权clearance明文cleartext无碰撞(冲突)散列函数collision resistant hash-function混合型防火墙combination firewall共用接地系统common grounding system通信安全communications security分割compartmentalization构件/组件/部件component泄漏compromise已泄露证据compromised evidence泄漏发射compromising emanations计算机系统computer system隐蔽系统concealment system配置管理configuration management配置管理系统configuration management system不带恢复的连接完整性connection integrity without recovery 无连接保密性connectionless confidentiality无连接完整性connectionless integrity连通性connectivity应急计划contingency plan控制区control zone可控隔离controllable isolation受控访问controlled access受控可访问性controlled accessibility受控共享controlled sharing成本风险分析cost-risk analysis对抗countermeasure隐蔽信道covert channel隐蔽存储信道covert storage channel隐蔽时间信道covert timing channel凭证credentialsCRL分发点CRL distribution point串扰cross-talk密码分析cryptanalysis密码算法crypto-algorithm密码链接cryptographic chaining密码校验函数cryptographic check function密码校验值cryptographic check value密码同步cryptographic synchronization密码体制cryptographic system; cryptosystem密码编码(学)cryptography密码运算crypto-operation密码安全cryptosecurity数据保密性data confidentiality数据损害data contamination数据完整性data integrity数据原发鉴别data origin authentication数据串(数据)data string(data)数据单元完整性data unit integrity解密/脱密decipherment降级degradation委托delegation委托路径delegation path交付机构delivery authority增量证书撤销列表delta-CRL(dCRL)拒绝服务denial of service依赖/依赖性dependency数字签名digital signature目录信息库Directory Information Base目录信息树Directory Information Tree目录系统代理Directory system Agent目录用户代理Directory user Agent可区分名distinguished name可区分标识符distinguishing identifier加密encipherment、encipher、encryption加密算法encryption algorithm终端实体end entity终端系统end system终端实体属性证书撤销列表(EARL)End-entity Attribute Certificate Revocation List终端实体公钥证书撤销列表(EPRL)End-entity Public-key Certificate Revocation List 端到端加密end-to-end encipherment实体鉴别entity authentication环境变量environmental variables评估保证级evaluation assurance level(EAL)评估机构evaluation authority评估模式evaluation scheme事件辨别器event discriminator证据evidence证据生成者evidence generator证据请求者evidence requester证据主体evidence subject证据使用者evidence user证据验证者evidence verifier交换鉴别信息exchange authentication information外部IT实体external IT entity外部安全审计external security audit故障访问failure access故障控制failure control容错fault tolerance特征features反馈缓冲器feedback buffer取数保护fetch protection文件保护file protection防火墙firewall固件firmware形式化证明formal proof形式化顶层规范formal top-level specification形式化验证formal verification完全CRL full CRL粒度granularity接地网ground grid接地电阻ground resistance接地grounding接地电极grounding electrode接地系统grounding system握手规程handshaking procedure散列函数(哈希函数)hash function散列代码hash-code散列函数标识符hash-function identifier隐藏hide持有者holder主机Host宿主单元host unit标识identification标识数据identification data抗扰度immunity (to a disturbance)假冒impersonation印章imprint不完全参数检验incomplete parameter checking间接攻击indirect attack间接CRL indirect CRL (iCRL)信息系统安全information system security信息系统安全管理体系结构information system security management architecture 信息技术设备information technology equipment初始编码规则initial encoding rules初始化值initialization value发起者initiator完整性integrity禁止interdiction交错攻击interleaving attack内部通信信道internal communication channel内部安全审计internal security audit隔离isolation密钥key密钥协商key agreement密钥确认key confirmation密钥控制key control密钥分发中心key distribution centre密钥管理key management密钥转换中心key translation centre标记label主、客体标记label of subject and object最小特权least privilege雷电电磁脉冲lightning electromagnetic pulse雷电防护区lightning protection zones受限访问limited access链路加密link encryption逐链路加密link-by-link encipherment本地系统环境local system environment漏洞loophole故障malfunction管理信息Management Information强制访问控制mandatory access control冒充Masquerade测量measurement消息message消息鉴别码message authentication code仿制mimicking监控器(监控机构)monitor(monitor authority)监控monitoring多级装置multilevel device多级安全multilevel secure多访问权终端multiple access rights terminal相互鉴别mutual authentication【于是我在同传箱里,灵魂在语言的罅隙里舞蹈至死,忘记自己靠会议为生,或是靠回忆为生,n'importe quelconque】n位分组密码n-bit block cipher网络实体network entity网络层network layer网络协议network protocol网络协议数据单元network protocol data unit网络中继network relay网络安全network security网络服务network service网络可信计算基network trusted computed base抗抵赖non-repudiation抗抵赖交换non-repudiation exchange抗抵赖信息non-repudiation information创建抗抵赖/抗创建抵赖non-repudiation of creation交付抗抵赖/抗交付抵赖non-repudiation of delivery原发抗抵赖non-repudiation of origin接收抗抵赖/抗接收抵赖non-repudiation of receipt发送抗抵赖/抗发送抵赖non-repudiation of sending提交抗抵赖/抗提交抵赖non-repudiation of submission 抗抵赖策略non-repudiation policy抗抵赖服务请求者non-repudiation service requester 公证notarization公证权标notarization token公证方/公证者notary公证方(公证机构)notary(notary authority)NRD权标/NRD令牌NRD tokenNRO权标NRO tokenNRS权标NRS tokenNRT权标NRT token客体object对象方法object method客体重用object reuse离线鉴别证书off-line authentication certificate离线密码运算offline crypto-operation单向函数one-way function单向散列函数one-way hash function在线鉴别证书on-line authentication certificate在线密码运算online crypto-operation开放系统open system组织安全策略organisational security policies原发者originatorOSI管理OSI Management带外out-of-band包package包过滤防火墙packet filter firewall填充padding成对的密钥pairwise key被动威胁passive threat被动窃听passive wiretapping口令password口令对话password dialog对等实体鉴别peer-entity authentication渗透penetration渗透轮廓penetration profile渗透痕迹penetration signature渗透测试penetration testing个人识别号person identification number(PIN)人员安全personal security物理安全physical security明文plain text策略policy策略映射policy mapping端口port表示上下文presentation context表示数据值presentation data value表示实体presentation-entity预签名pre-signature本体principal最小特权原则principle of least privilege服务优先权priority of service隐私privacy保密变换privacy transformation私有解密密钥private decipherment key私有密钥(私钥)private key私有签名密钥private signature key特权指令privileged instructions规程安全procedural security产品product证明proof保护表示上下文protecting presentation context保护传送语法protecting transfer syntax保护映射protection mapping保护轮廓protection profile保护环protection ring保护接大地protective earthing协议数据单元protocol data unit协议实现一致性声明protocol implementation conformance statement 代理服务器proxy server伪缺陷pseudo-flaw公开加密密钥public encipherment key公开密钥基础设施(PKI)Public Infrastructure (PKI)公开密钥(公钥)public key公开密钥证书(证书)public key certificate(certificate)公开密钥信息public key information公开验证密钥public verification key消除purging随机数Random number随机化Randomized实开放系统Real open system接收方/接收者Recipient恢复规程Recovery procedure冗余Redundancy参照确认机制reference validation mechanism 细化refinement反射攻击reflection attack反射保护reflection protection中继系统relay system可依赖方relying party重放攻击replay attack抵赖repudiation资源分配resource allocation受限区restricted area保留的ADI retained ADI揭示reveal撤销证书revocation certificate撤销证书列表revocation list certificate风险risk风险分析risk analysis风险管理risk management角色role角色分配证书role assignment certificate角色规范证书role specification certificate回退rollback根root循环函数/轮函数round-function路由选择routing路由选择控制routing control基于规则的安全策略rule-based security policy SA属性SA-attributes安全保护(大)地safety protection earth封印/密封seal秘密密钥secret key安全配置管理secure configuration management 安全信封(SENV)secure envelope安全交互规则secure interaction rules安全操作系统secure operating system安全路径secure path安全状态secure state安全管理员security administrator安全报警security alarm安全报警管理者security alarm administrator安全关联security association安全保证security assurance安全属性security attribute安全审计security audit安全审计消息security audit message安全审计记录security audit record安全审计踪迹security audit trail安全审计者security auditor安全机构security authority安全证书security certificate安全证书链security certificate chain安全通信功能security communication function安全控制信息security control information安全域security domain安全域机构security domain authority安全要素security element安全交换security exchange安全交换功能security exchange function安全交换项security exchange item安全特征security features安全过滤器security filter安全功能security function安全功能策略security function policy安全信息security information安全内核security kernel安全等级security level安全管理信息库Security Management Information Base 安全目的security objective安全周边security perimeter安全策略security policy安全恢复security recovery安全关系security relationship安全报告security report安全需求security requirements安全规则security rules安全规范security specifications安全状态security state安全目标security target安全测试security testing安全变换security transformation安全相关事件Security-related event敏感信息sensitive information敏感性sensitivity敏感标记sensitivity label屏蔽shield短时中断short interruption安全服务security service单项结合安全关联single-item-bound security association 单级装置single-level device中级功能强度SOF-medium源认证机构Source of Authority (SOA)欺骗spoofing待机模式、休眠模式stand-by mode 、sleep-mode强鉴别strong authentication主体subject管态supervisor state对称鉴别方法symmetric authentication method对称密码算法symmetric cryptographic algorithm对称密码技术symmetric cryptographic technique对称加密算法symmetric encipherment algorithm系统完整性system integrity系统完整性规程system integrity procedure系统安全功能system security function技术攻击technological attack终端标识terminal identification威胁threat威胁监控threat monitoring防雷保护接地thunder proof protection ground时间戳time stamp时变参数time variant parameter时间相关口令time-dependent password令牌token通信业务流保密性traffic flow confidentiality通信业务流安全traffic flow security陷门trap door特洛伊木马Trojan horse可信/信任trust可信信道trusted channel可信计算机系统trusted computer system可信计算基trusted computing base可信实体trusted entity可信主机trusted host可信路径trusted path可信软件trusted software可信第三方trusted third party可信时间戳trusted time stamp可信时间戳机构trusted time stamping authority无条件可信实体unconditionally trusted entity单向鉴别unilateral authentication不间断供电系统uninterrupted power supply system用户标识user identification(user ID)用户-主体绑定user-subject binding确认validation验证verification验证函数verification function验证密钥verification key验证过程verification process验证者verifier脆弱性;漏洞vulnerability做会前必须先熟悉专业词汇啊~~给会议资料当然好,没有的话就去网上找平行文本然后再总结~~~【世界这么大,可我偏偏遇见了你;同传箱这么小,可我偏偏弄丢了你。



Active-matrix主动矩阵Adapter cards适配卡Advanced application高级应用Analytical graph分析图表Analyze分析Animations动画Application software 应用软件Arithmetic operations算术运算Audio-output device音频输出设备Access time存取时间access存取accuracy准确性ad network cookies广告网络信息记录软件administrator管理员Add-ons 插件Address地址Agents代理Analog signals模拟信号Applets程序Asynchronous communications port异步通信端口Attachment附件编辑本段BBar code条形码Bar code reader条形码读卡器Basic application基础程序Binary coding schemes二进制编码方案Binary system二进制系统Bit比特Browser浏览器Bus line总线Backup tape cartridge units备份磁带盒单元Bandwidth带宽Bluetooth蓝牙Broadband宽带Business-to-business企业对企业电子商务Business-to-consumer企业对消费者Bus总线编辑本段CCables连线Cell单元箱Chain printer链式打印机Character and recognition device字符标识识别设备Chart图表Chassis支架Chip芯片Clarity清晰度Closed architecture封闭式体系结构Column列Combination key结合键computer competency计算机能力connectivity连接,结点Continuous-speech recognition system连续语言识别系统Control unit操纵单元Cordless or wireless mouse无线鼠标Cable modems有线调制解调器carpal tunnel syndrome腕骨神经综合症CD-ROM只读光盘CD-RW可重写光盘CD-R可记录压缩光盘Channel信道Chat group谈话群组chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs) ]氯氟甲烷Client客户端Coaxial cable同轴电缆cold site冷网站Commerce servers商业服务器Communication channel信道Communication systems信息系统Compact disc rewritableCompact disc光盘computer abuse amendments act of 19941994计算机滥用法案computer crime计算机犯罪computer ethics计算机道德computer fraud and abuse act of 1986计算机欺诈和滥用法案computer matching and privacy protection act of 1988计算机查找和隐私保护法案Computer network计算机网络computer support specialist计算机支持专家computer technician计算机技术人员computer trainer计算机教师Connection device连接设备Connectivity连接Consumer-to-consumer个人对个人cookies-cutter programs信息记录截取程序cookies信息记录程序cracker解密高手cumulative trauma disorder积累性损伤错乱Cyber cash电子货币Cyberspace计算机空间cynic愤世嫉俗者chart图表closed architecture 封闭式体系结构编辑本段DDatabase数据库database files数据库文件Database manager数据库管理Data bus数据总线Data projector数码放映机Desktop system unit台式电脑系统单元Destination file目标文件Digital cameras数码照相机Digital notebooks数字笔记本Digital video camera数码摄影机Discrete-speech recognition system不连续语言识别系统Document文档document files文档文件Dot-matrix printer点矩阵式打印机Dual-scan monitor双向扫描显示器Dumb terminal非智能终端data security数据安全Data transmission specifications数据传输说明database administrator数据库管理员Dataplay数字播放器Demodulation解调denial of service attack拒绝服务攻击Dial-up service拨号服务Digital cash数字现金Digital signals数字信号Digital subscriber line数字用户线路Digital versatile disc数字化通用磁盘Digital video disc数字化视频光盘Direct access直接存取Directory search目录搜索disaster recovery plan灾难恢复计划Disk caching磁盘驱动器高速缓存Diskette磁盘Disk磁碟Distributed data processing system分部数据处理系统Distributed processing分布处理Domain code域代码Downloading下载DVD 数字化通用磁盘DVD-R 可写DVDDVD-RAM DVD随机存取器DVD-ROM 只读DVD编辑本段Ee-book电子阅读器Expansion cards扩展卡end user终端用户e-cash电子现金e-commerce电子商务electronic cash电子现金electronic commerce电子商务electronic communications privacy act of1986电子通信隐私法案encrypting加密术energy star能源之星Enterprise computing企业计算化environment环境Erasable optical disks可擦除式光盘ergonomics人类工程学ethics道德规范External modem外置调制解调器extranet企业外部网编辑本段FFax machine传真机Field域Find搜索FireWire port火线端口Firmware固件Flash RAM闪存Flatbed scanner台式扫描器Flat-panel monitor纯平显示器floppy disk软盘Formatting toolbar格式化工具条Formula公式Function函数fair credit reporting act of 1970公平信用报告法案Fiber-optic cable光纤电缆File compression文件压缩File decompression文件解压缩filter过滤firewall防火墙firewall防火墙Fixed disk固定硬盘Flash memory闪存Flexible disk可折叠磁盘Floppies磁盘Floppy-disk cartridge磁盘盒Formatting格式化freedom of information act of 1970信息自由法案frequency频率frustrated受挫折Full-duplex communication全双通通信编辑本段GGeneral-purpose application通用运用程序Gigahertz千兆赫Graphic tablet绘图板green pc绿色个人计算机Group by 排序编辑本段Hhandheld computer手提电脑Hard copy硬拷贝hard disk硬盘hardware硬件Help帮助Host computer主机Home page主页Hyperlink超链接hacker黑客Half-duplex communication半双通通信Hard-disk cartridge硬盘盒Hard-disk pack硬盘组Head crash磁头碰撞header标题help desk specialist帮助办公专家helper applications帮助软件Hierarchical network层次型网络history file历史文件hits匹配记录horizontal portal横向用户hot site热网站Hybrid network混合网络编辑本段IImage capturing device图像获取设备information technology信息技术Ink-jet printer墨水喷射印刷机Integrated package综合性组件Intelligent terminal智能终端设备Intergrated circuit集成电路implements 实现接口Interface cards接口卡Internal modem内部调制解调器internet telephony网络电话internet terminal互联网终端Identification识别i-drive网络硬盘驱动器illusion of anonymity匿名幻想index search索引搜索information pushers信息推送器initializing 初始化instant messaging计时信息internal hard disk内置硬盘Internet hard drive 网络硬盘驱动器intranet企业内部网编辑本段Jjoystick操纵杆编辑本段Kkeyword search关键字搜索编辑本段Llaser printer激光打印机Layout files版式文件Light pen光笔Locate定位Logical operations逻辑运算Lands凸面Line of sight communication视影通信Low bandwidth低带宽lurking潜伏编辑本段MMain board主板Mark sensing标志检测Mechanical mouse机械鼠标Memory内存Menu菜单Menu bar菜单条Microprocessor微处理器Microseconds微秒Modem card调制解调器Monitor显示器Motherboard主板Mouse 鼠标Multifunctional device多功能设备Magnetic tape reels磁带卷Magnetic tape streamers磁带条mailing list邮件列表Medium band媒质带宽metasearch engine整合搜索引擎Microwave微波Modem解调器Modulation解调编辑本段NNet PC网络计算机Network adapter card网卡Network personal computer网络个人电脑Network terminal 网络终端Notebook computer笔记本电脑Notebook system unit笔记本系统单元Numeric entry数字输入national information infrastructure protection act of1996国际信息保护法案national service provider全国性服务供应商Network architecture网络体系结构Network bridge网桥Network gateway网关network manager网络管理员newsgroup新闻组no electronic theft act of1997无电子盗窃法Node节点Nonvolatile storage非易失性存储编辑本段OObject embedding对象嵌入Object linking目标链接Open architecture开放式体系结构Operation System 操作系统Optical disk光盘Optical mouse光电鼠标Optical scanner光电扫描仪Outline大纲off-line browsers离线浏览器Online storage联机存储编辑本段Ppalmtop computer掌上电脑Parallel ports并行端口Passive-matrix被动矩阵PC card个人计算机卡Personal laser printer个人激光打印机Personal video recorder card个人视频记录卡Photo printer照片打印机Pixel像素Platform scanner平版式扫描仪Plotter绘图仪Plug and play即插即用Plug-in boards插件卡Pointer指示器Pointing stick指示棍Port端口Portable scanner便携式扫描仪Presentation files演示文稿Presentation graphics电子文稿程序Primary storage主存Procedures规程Processor处理机Programming control language程序控制语言Packets数据包Parallel data transmission平行数据传输Peer-to-peer network system点对点网络系统person-person auction site个人对个人拍卖站点physical security物理安全Pits凹面plug-in插件程序privacy 隐私权proactive 主动地programmer 程序员Protocols协议provider供应商project 项目工程proxy server代理服务pull products推取程序push products推送程序编辑本段RRAM cache随机高速缓冲器Range范围Record记录Relational database关系数据库Replace替换Resolution分辨率Row行Read-only只读Reformatting重组regional service provider区域性服务供应商repetitive motion injury反复性动作损伤reverse directory反向目录right to financial privacy act of 1979财产隐私法案Ring network环形网编辑本段SScanner扫描器Search查找Secondary storage device辅助存储设备Semiconductor半导体Serial ports串行端口Server服务器Shared laser printer共享激光打印机Sheet表格Silicon chip硅片Slots插槽Smart card智能卡Soft copy软拷贝Software suite软件协议Sorting排序Source file源文件Special-purpose application专用文件Spreadsheet电子数据表Standard toolbar标准工具栏Supercomputer巨型机System 系统Systemcabinet 系统箱System clock时钟System software系统软件Satellite/air connection services卫星无线连接服务search engines搜索引擎search providers搜索供应者search services 搜索服务器Sectors扇区security安全Sending and receiving devices发送接收设备Sequential access顺序存取Serial data transmission单向通信signature line签名档snoopware监控软件software copyright act of1980软件版权法案software piracy软件盗版Solid-state storage固态存储器specialized search engine专用搜索引擎spiders网页爬虫spike尖峰电压Star network星型网Strategy方案subject主题subscription address预定地址Superdisk超级磁盘surfing网上冲浪surge protector浪涌保护器systems analyst系统分析师...编辑本段TTable二维表Telephony电话学Television boards电视扩展卡Terminal 终端Template模板Text entry文本输入Thermal printer 热印刷Thin client瘦客Toggle key触发键Toolbar工具栏Touch screen触摸屏Trackball追踪球TV tuner card电视调谐卡Two-state system双状态系统technical writer技术协作者technostress重压技术telnet远程登录Time-sharing system分时系统Topology拓扑结构Tracks磁道traditional cookies传统的信息记录程序Twisted pair双绞编辑本段UUnicode统一字符标准uploading上传usenet世界性新闻组网络编辑本段VVirtual memory虚拟内存Video display screen视频显示屏V oice recognition system声音识别系统vertical portal纵向门户video privacy protection act of 1988视频隐私权保护法案virus checker病毒检测程序virus病毒V oiceband音频带宽V olatile storage易失性存储voltage surge电涌编辑本段WWand reader 条形码读入Web 网络Web appliance 环球网设备Web page网页Web site address网络地址Web terminal环球网终端Webcam摄像头What-if analysis假定分析Wireless revolution无线革命Word字长Word processing文字处理Word wrap自动换行Worksheet file 工作文件web auctions网上拍卖web broadcasters网络广播web portals门户网站web sites网站web storefront creation packages网上商店创建包web storefronts网上商店web utilities网上应用程序web-downloading utilities网页下载应用程序webmaster web站点管理员web万维网Wireless modems无线调制解调器wireless service provider无线服务供应商world wide web万维网worm蠕虫病毒Write-protect notch写保护口编辑本段其他缩写DVD digital bersatile 数字化通用光盘IT information technology信息技术CD compact disc 压缩盘PDA personal digital assistant个人数字助理RAM random access memory随机存储器WWW World Wide Web 万维网DBMS database management system数据库管理系统HTML Hypertext Markup Language超文本标示语言OLE object linking and embedding对象链接入SQL structured query language结构化查询语言URL uniform resouice locator统一资源定位器AGP accelerated graphics port加速图形接口ALU arithmetic-logic unit算术逻辑单元CPU central processing unit中央处理器CMOS complementary metal-oxide semiconductor互补金属氧化物半导体CISC complex instruction set computer复杂指令集计算机HPSB high performance serial bus高性能串行总线ISA industry standard architecture工业标准结构体系PCI peripheral component interconnect外部设备互连总线PCMCIA Personal Memory Card International Association个人计算机存储卡国际协会RAM random-access memory随机存储器ROM read-only memory只读存储器USB universal serial bus通用串行总线CRT cathode-ray tube阴极射线管HDTV high-definition television高清晰度电视LCD liquid crystal display monitor液晶显示器MICRmagnetic-ink character recognition磁墨水字符识别器OCR optical-character recognition光电字符识别器OMR optical-mark recognition光标阅读器TFT thin film transistor monitor薄膜晶体管显示器Zip disk压缩磁盘Domain name system(DNS)域名服务器file transfer protocol(FTP)文件传送协议hypertext markup language(HTML)超文本链接标识语言Local area network(LAN)局域网internet relay chat(IRC)互联网多线交谈Metropolitan area network(MAN)城域网Network operation system(NOS)网络操作系统uniform resource locator(URL)统一资源定位器Wide area network(W AN)广域网Web server / Web 服务器well-connected / 连接良好well-known services / 公认的服务wide area network, WAN / 广域网wildcard character / 通配符wildcarding / 通配符方式window menu / 窗口菜单Windows 2000 Server File and Print Servers for Macintosh / Windows 2000 Server 的Macintosh 文件与打印服务器Windows 2000 Task Manager / Windows 2000 任务管理器Windows Internet Name Service, WINS / Windows Internet 命名服务Windows Management Instrumentation, WMI / Windows 管理规范Windows Media Services / Windows Media 服务WINS, Windows Internet Name Service / Windows Internet 命名服务WINS proxy / WINS 代理WINS resource / WINS 资源Winsockwireless communication / 无线通讯WMI, Windows Management Instrumentation / Windows 管理规范workgroup / 工作组X.509v3 certificate / X.509/ 证书XOR, exclusive OR / 异或zone / 区域zone list / 区域列表zone transfer / 区域传送。

马虎词汇 07

马虎词汇 07

fussy adj. 过分挑剔的futile adj. 徒劳的;无益的fuzzy adj. 有绒毛的,绒毛状的gabble v. 急促而不清楚的说出gainful adj. 有利的,有报酬的gainsay v. 否认;反驳galaxy n. 星系;银河gale n. 大风gallant adj. 英勇的gallery n. 画廊阿紫gabble 说了这几天的经历,在大漠的gale 中gallant 杀死了辽国的士兵,gainsay 了自己曾经洗劫过京都财主江烟菊的galaxy gallery,更不曾偷过那些fuzzy 毛绒玩具:“我是一个fussy 女人,怎么会看上便宜的玩具?futile 劳动我从来不做,gainful 东西我倒是可以考虑。

galvanize v. 电镀,通电,激励gangster n. 暴徒,歹徒gap n. 裂口;差距garb n. 服装,装束garner v. 储存garnish v. 装饰gash n. 深的切口gasoline n. 汽油gasp v. 气喘,喘息gauche adj. 笨拙的;粗鲁的青翼蝠王韦一笑伙同一伙身着警察garb 的gangster ,在海淀区gasoline 加油站用galvanize 的铁棍把门撬开一个gap,入室抢劫,把室内garnish 砸的一塌糊涂,还把看门人脑袋打开一个gash,偷走了在抽屉里garner 的10 万元现金,其中一个gauche 胖子因为跑得太慢,gasp 吁吁的被海淀公安局抓获。

gaudy adj. 华而不实的gauge v. 精确计量gaze v. 凝视gear n. 齿轮gelatinous adj. 凝胶状的gem n. 宝石general adj. 普通的generalize v. 概括,归纳generally adv. 一般地;广泛地generate v. 产生,造成紫衣龙王身上镶满了gaudy gem,经过gauge 大概有30 颗之多,有gear 状的绿gem,有gelatinous 蓝gem,还有general 红宝石,generalize 起来也就这3 种,generally 人决然穿不起,张无忌gaze 着如此华贵的衣服不禁倒吸了口冷气,也不由generate 疑问:哪里来的呢?generous adj. 慷慨的,大方的generously adj. 宽大地genial n. 和蔼的genre adj. 风格;体裁genteel n. 上流社会的gentility n. 文雅;有教养gentry adj. 贵族genuine n. 真实的geometry n. 几何学germinate v. 发芽,发新枝generous 韦小宝老年的时候经过一段时间的磨练,逐渐适应了genteel gentility,逐渐成了一个genuine gentry,他对下人的错误都很generously,对于一般下人也很genial,没事儿的时候学习geometry ,还学会了散文genre 的写作,真是老树germinate 。

Networking Glossary 计算机网络术语缩写对照表大全

Networking Glossary  计算机网络术语缩写对照表大全

Networking Glossary 计算机网络术语Abend Abnormal end of taskAbstract Syntax Notation One It is the OSI language used to describe abstract entitiesor concepts in a machine.Abstract Syntax Syntax is machine independent types and values, defined using anASN.1.ACB In VTAM, ACB is the access method control block. In NCP, ACB is the adapter control blockACB name It is the name of a microinstruction. It is a name typically specified on theVTAM APPL definition statementAccept In a VTAM application program, this means to establish a session with a logicalunit in response to CINIT request.Access Control Entry It specifies identifiers and access rights to granted or denied holdersof the identifiers, default protection for directories, or security alarms.Access Control List It is a list defining the kinds of access granted or denied to users ofan object.Access Method It is a technique for moving data between main storage and input/output devices. It is also a technique used in telecommunications.Access Method Control Block (ACB) It is a control block that links an application program to VSAM or VTAM.ACF/VTAM Advanced Communications Function for the Virtual Telecommunications Access MethodAcknowledgment It is a positive response sent indicating successful reception of information. Acquire In VTAM, acquire means to take over resources that were formerly controlled byan access method in another domain.Activate It means to initialize a resource.Active Operational It is the state of a resource when it has been activated and is operational. Active Application It is an application currently capable of being used by a user.Active Window It is the terminal window where current operations are in the foreground. ACTLU In SNA, ACTLU is a command used to start a session with a logical unit.ACTPU In SNA, ACTPU is a command used to start a session with a physical unit.Adapter Control Block (ACB) In NCP, it is a control block that contains line control information and the states of I/O operations.Adapter Control Block It is a definition in an I/O database describing an adapter ordevice controller and the I/O interconnect.Adaptive Session-Level Pacing Pacing is where session components exchange pacing windows that might vary in size during the course of a session.Address In data communication, address is a designated identifier.Address Descriptor Record It is information that reflects the address of an Apple event. Address Mask It is a bit mask used to select bits from an IP address for subnet addressing. Address Resolution It is a conversion of an IP address into a corresponding physical address, such as Ehternet or Token Ring.Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) ARP is the TCP/IP protocol used to dynamicallybind a high level IP Address to low level physical hardware addresses. ARP works across single physical networks and is limited to networks that support hardware broadcast. Address Space Address space is used to uniquely identify network accessible units, sessions, adjacent link stations, and links in a node for each network in which the node participates. Addressing In data communication, it is the way in which a station selects the station to which it is to send data.Adjacent control point It is a control point that is directly connected to an APPN, LEN,or composite node.Adjacent NCPs Network control programs are connected by subarea links with no intervening NCPs.Adjacent nodes It is two nodes connected by at least one path that connects no other node. Adjacent SSCP table It is a table identifying SSCPs that VTAM can enter into a session with.Adjacent subareas They are subareas connected by one or more links with no intervening subareas.Advanced Communications Function (ACF) It is a group of IBM licensed programs. Advanced Peer-to-Peer Network (APPN) APPN is an upper layer networking protocol based on peer technology. The fundamental difference between APPN and SNA is thatVTAM is not required for session establishment after initial download of parameters. Advanced Peer-to-Peer Network (APPN) END node It is a node that can register itslocal LUs with its network node server. It can also have links to multiple nodes, but canhave only one CP-CP session with a network node at a time. CP-CP sessions can never be established between END nodes.Advanced Peer-to-Peer Network (APPN) Interchange node This type of node can characteristically be described by its functions, which include controlling networkresources, performing CDRM functions in subarea networks, and owning NCPs. This typeof node appears to be an APPN type node to an APPN network, and it appears to be asubarea node to a subarea network. It can reside between an APPN network and a subarea network, thus providing integration of the two.Advanced Peer-to-Peer Network (APPN) LEN node This type of node is differentfrom an END node, because it supports functions not supported by an END node. For example, an LEN node supports ILU protocols but not CP-CP sessions.Advanced Peer-to-Peer Network (APPN) NETWORK node An APPN NETWORKnode performs the following functions:⏹ Distributed directory services⏹ Intermediate routing services in an APPN network⏹ Network services for specific END nodes⏹ Performs intermediate session routing⏹ It is the management service focal pointThe APPN network node cooperates with other network nodes to maintain a network topology database, which is used to select optimal routes for LU-LU sessions based on requestedclasses of service. An APPN network node can also attach to a subarea network as aperipheral node or to other end nodes.Advanced Program-to-Program Communication (APPC) APPC is a protocol architecture based on T2.1 architecture utilizing LU6.2 to accomplish peer communications.Many references to APPC are simply LU6.2. The basic meaning of APPC is communication between programs, that is, transactions programs. This type of protocol permits communication between programs written in different languages.Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) Formerly named DARPA, it was the government agency that funded the ARPANET. ARPA is a participant in early developmentof TCP/IPAlert In SNA, Alert is a message sent to a management subsystem typically using network management vector transport (NMVT) protocol.Alertable In DECnet architecture, a synchronous alert that delivers date to specific points Alertsafe According to Digital Equipment documentation, Alertsafe can be called withoutrisk of triggering an alert while asynchronous delivery of alerts is enabled.Alias File It is a file that contains a pointer to another file, directory, or volume.Alias Name It is a naming convention sometimes used to refer to a different name thatmeans the same as the alias, or refers to another name, which may be used as a pointer.Allocate Allocate is a LU6.2 verb that assigns a session to a conversation.Allocation Class According to Digital Equipment documentation, this is a unique number between 0 and 255 that the system manager assigns to a pair of hosts and to the dualpathed devices that the hosts make available to other nodes in a VMS cluster.Alpha Primary Bootstrap According to Digital Equipment documentation, it is the primary bootstrap program that initializes an AXP system with OpenVMS AXP.Alternate route It is a route which is not the primary method of moving data from pointto another point.Ampersand (&) When used in the command of most UNIX operating systems, it placesthe task or tasks in background operation.Ancillary Control Process It is a process acting as an interface between software and anI/O driver.APAR Authorized Program Analysis ReportAPI Application Program InterfaceAPPC Advanced Program-to-Program CommunicationAPPL Application programApple Event According to Apple documentation, Apple Event is a high level that adheresto the Apple Event Interprocess Messaging Protocol.Apple Event Handler According to Apple documentation, Apple Event Handler is adefined function that extracts pertinent data from an Apple event.Apple Event Interprocess Messaging Protocol This protocol is a standard defined byApple Computer, Inc. for communication among applications. According to Apple documentation, high level events that adhere to this protocol are called Apple events.Apple Event parameter According to Apple documentation, this parameter is a keyword specifying a descriptor record containing data that the target application of an Appleevent must use.Apple File Exchange This exchange is program that permits file transfer between Apple computers and DOS-based computers.AppleShare File Server This software permits users to perform tasks in AppleTalk networks. AppleShare Print Server This server is a Macintosh computer and software that manage network printing.AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol (ADSP) This is an AppleTalk protocol that provides the capability for maintaining a connection-oriented session between entities on the Internet. AppleTalk Echo Protocol (AEP) It is a response-oriented protocol whereby a response issent when a packet is received.AppleTalk Filing Protocol (AFP) AFP is the protocol used between an application andfile server. AFP is a client of ASP.AppleTalk Internet Router Router software operating on an Apple computer supportingup to eight AppleTalk networks.AppleTalk Phase 2 Introduced in June of 1989, it extended the capability of AppleTalkPhase I; for example, it supports Token Ring and provides more efficient routing techniques.It is included in System/7 software.AppleTalk Session Protocol (ASP) AppleTalk session protocol is used to establish andmaintain logical connections between a workstation and a server.AppleTalk Transaction Protocol (ATP) ATP is an AppleTalk protocol that functions inmany ways like a connection-oriented protocol. For example, it orients the packets intothe order they need to be received, and if any packets have been lost, automatic retransmissionof a packet(s) is performed.AppleTalk Transition It is a message containing information indicating specific occurrencesthat relate to the AppleTalk Transition Queue.AppleTalk Transition Queue It is an operating system queue.Application Layer According to ISO OSI model, this is layer seven. It provides application services.Application Program It is a software that provides functions needed by a user. A usermay be defined as a human, API, transaction program, or other logical entity.Application Program Interface (API) API is an addressable point that serves the functionto bring together two or more entities.Application Program Major Node According to IBM documentation, in VTAM, this is agroup of application program minor nodes.Application Result Handler This program is designed to perform predefined functionsof results generated from applications.Application Server This server is a computer used solely to provide processing power for application programs.Application Service Element (ASE) ASE is a definition explaining the capabilities of an application entity.Application Service Object It is a subobject of an application entity and might containASE elements or service objects as subobjects.Application transaction program This program is built around LU6.2 protocols.Apply Apply is System Modification Program (SMP) command used in certain SNA environments, whereby programs and/or program fixes are added to system libraries.APPN Advanced Peer-to-Peer NetworkAPPN Intermediate Routing Network It is an APPN network consisting of networknodes and their interconnections.Argument List According to Digital Equipment, it is a vector of entries representing a procedure parameter list and possibly a function value.Argument Pointer According to Digital Equipment, it is a general register 12 on VAX systems. By convention, AP contains the address of the base of the argument list for procedures initiated using CALL instructions.ARPANET It served as central backbone for the IN during the seventies and most of the eighties.ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) ASCII is a standardcode using a character set based on binary digits (1s and 0s). This character set is thefoundation whereby letters, numbers, and specialized control functions are defined.Assignment Statement In Digital Command Language (DCL), it is the association of asymbol name to use with a character string or numeric value. In Digital Equipment implementations, symbols can define synonyms for system commands or can be used for variables in command procedures.Asynchronous (ASYNC) In data communication, ASYNC refers to transmission of datawithout synchronous protocol.Asynchronous System Trap It is a method whereby a specific event can be identifiedthrough a software simulated interrupt.Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) ATM is a CCITT standard defining cell relay.This is where data of multiple types of services, such as data, voice, and/or video, ismoved in fixed size cells throughout a network.Association Control Service Element It is used to establish and terminate associationsbetween applications.Attenuation A term used with fiber optics that refers to the reduction of signal loss, measuredin decibels.Attribute From a security perspective, it is a identifier or holder of an identifier. Whenused in a conversation concerning threads, it specifies detailed properties about theobjects to be created.Attributes Object It describes details of the objects to be created.Authentication Authentication is a process of establishing identity.Authorized path In VTAM under MVS, it is a facility that enables an application programto specify that a data transfer or related operation be carried out in a privilegedand more efficient manner.Automatic logon In SNA, it is a process by which VTAM automatically creates a sessioninitiation request to establish a session between two logical units (LUs). The result ofthis request is the SNA BIND command from the Primary Logical Unit (PLU) to the Secondary Logical Unit (SLU). Hence, a LU-LU session is established if the BIND image iscorrect and other parameters are accurate.Automatic Record Locking According to Digital Equipment documentation, it is a capability provided by Open VMS Record Management Services that enables a user to lockonly one record in a specific shared file at any given time.A/UX Toolbox According to Apple documentation, this is a library that enables a program running under the A/UX operating system to call Macintosh User Interface Toolbox and operating system routines.Background Process It is a term used in most UNIX environments. It means a processnot requiring total attention of the system for operation.Backplane Interconnect According to Digital Equipment documentation, VAX systemshave an internal processor bus that enables I/O device controllers to communicate withmain memory and the central processor. These I/O controllers may reside on the samebus as memory and the central processor, or they may be on a separate bus.BASE disk In SNA, and specifically the VM operating system, this is the disk containingtext decks and macroinstructions for VTAM, NetView, and VM/SNA console support (VSCS).Base Priority It is a priority that a VM system assigns to a process when it is created. Normally, it comes from the authorization file.Basic Logical Object It is an object in a specific logical structure that has no subordinate.Baud Baud is the number of times per second a signal can change on a transmission line.Begin bracket In SNA, the value of the begin-bracket indicator in the request header (RH).It is the first request in the first chain of a bracket. Its value denotes the start of a bracket.BER Bit Error RateBerkeley Broadcast It is a non-standard IP broadcast address using all zeros in the hostportion instead of all ones.Best-effort Delivery It is a description of network technologies that do not provide reliabilityat link levels.Bezier Curve It is a curve defined by three outline points: Two outline points on a curve that serve as endpoints and one not on the curve point. These determine degree of curvature.BF See Boundary Function.Big Endian It is a format for storage or transmission of binary data in which the most significant byte comes first.Binary Synchronous Communication (BSC) BSC is a telecommunication protocolusing a standard set of transmission control characters and control character sequences.BIND In SNA, this is a request for session activation between logical units.BIND Command In SNA, this is the command used to start a session and define the characteristics thereof.BIND Image In SNA, these are session parameters used to establish and govern the session between logical units. In VTAM, the BIND image is located in the LOGMODE tablein the form of entries—one entry per type of image is required to define the LU.BIND Pacing In SNA, BIND pacing can be used to prevent a BIND standoff. It is a technique used by the Address Space Manager (ASM).Bitmap Generally speaking, it is an array of data bits used for graphic images.Bitmap Device It is a device that displays bitmaps.Bitmap Font A bitmap font is created made from a matrix of dots.BIU segment In SNA, it is data contained within a Path Information Unit (PIU). It consistsof either a Request/Response Header (RH) followed by all or part of aRequest/Response unit (RU), or only part of an RU.Blocking AST It is an AST that can be requested by a process using the lock management system services. A blocking AST is delivered to the requesting process when it is preventing another process from accessing a resource.Boot Server According to Digital Equipment documentation, this is the management centerfor a VMScluster system and its major source provider. The boot server provides diskaccess and downline loads satellite nodes.Bootstrap Block It is that part of the index file on a system disk that contains a programthat loads the operating system into memory.Boundary Function (BF) In SNA, BF is a boundary function protocol support forattached peripheral nodes.Boundary Node (BN) A boundary node fundamentally performs the function of transforming network addresses to local addresses.Bracket In SNA, brackets are one or more chains of RUs and their responses that are exchanged between session partners.Bracket Protocol This protocol is a data flow control protocol in which session partners exchange data through IBM’s SNA bracket protocol.Broadcast IN TCP/IP, it is a request for a logical connection at layers one and two in the network. Broadcast technology is exemplified by Ethernet.Broadcast Search In APPN, it is the simultaneous search to all network nodes in theform of a request for some type of data.Broadcast Storm It is a situation in a network using broadcast technology where a considerable number of broadcasts are put on the medium at one time.Browse With regard to functions that can be performed on a entity, browse merely permits viewing.BSC See Binary Synchronous Communication.Btrieve According to Novell documentation, this is a complete indexed record management system designed for high-performance data handling.Bucket According to Digital Equipment documentation, this is a storage structure usedfor building and processing files. A bucket contains one or more records or record cells. Buckets are the units of contiguous transfer between Open VMS Record Management Services buffers and the disk.Buffer A buffer is temporary storage area used to hold input or output data.Bundle Bit The FINDER uses information in a bundle bit (BNDL Resource) to associateicons with the file.Button A button is generally agreed to be that which is pressed on a mouse. Mice mayhave two or three buttons. Two-button mice are common in non-Xwindow environments. Three-button mice are common in X window environments and can be used in non-X window environments, depending on the mouse vendor.CA See Channel Adapter or Channel Attachment.Cache A cache is a high speed storage buffer.Call Call means to invoke a program, routine, or subroutine.Call Connected Packet This packet is a DTE packet transmission indicating DCE acceptance of the incoming call.Call Progress Signal This signal is a communication from the DCE to the calling DTE indicating the status of a call.Call Request Packet In X.25 communications, this packet is a call supervision packet transmitted by a DTE to ask for a call establishment through the network.Calling Calling is the process of transmitting selection signals to establish a connection between data stations.Cancel Cancel means to terminate.Carrier In data communication, a carrier is a continuous frequency capable of being modulated. Carrier Sense It is a device (transceiver, interface board, or other entity) capable ofdetecting a constant frequency.Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) This is a protocolthat utilizes equipment capable of detecting a carrier and permits multiple access to a common medium. This protocol also has the ability to detect a collision, because this type technology is broadcast oriented.Casual Connection In SNA, this type of connection is made in subarea networks with PUT5 nodes attached through a boundary function using low-entry networking capabilities. Catalog In SNA, a catalog is a list of pointers to libraries, files, or datasets.CCITT Comite Consultatif Internationale de Telegraphique et Telephonique. The International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee.CCW In SNA, CCW means Channel Command Word.CDRM In SNA, CDRM refers to Cross-Domain Resource Manager.CDRSC In SNA, CDRSC refers to Cross-Domain Resource.Central Directory Server According to IBM documentation, this is an APPN networknode that provides a repository for network resource locations.Central Processing Unit (CPU) A CPU is the circuitry that executes instructions.Channel Generically speaking, a channel is a path over which data can move. In mostIBM documentation, the word channel has a specific meaning. For example, IBM supportstwo types of channels today—parallel and serial.Channel Adapter (CA) It is a device used to attach the communication controller to ahost channel.Channel-Attached In SNA terminology, the term channel-attached connotes a serial or parallel data link protocol. IBM has other data link protocols, such as SDLC, ESCON,token ring, and so on.Channel Link This link is a data link connection between two devices.Character-coded It is an SNA term used in VTAM meaning unformatted.Chooser According to Apple documentation, an accessory that enables a user to selectshared devices, such as printers and file servers.CI Only VMScluster Configuration According to Digital Equipment this is a type of VMScluster configuration in which the computer interconnect (CI), device is used for most interprocessor communication. In these configurations, a node may be a VAX processor ora Hierarchical Storage Controller (HSC).CICS See Customer Information Control System.CID See Communication Identifier and Connection Identifier.CINIT CINIT is a request sent from a SSCP to a primary logical unit requesting a BIND command be issued.Circuit Switching It is connectivity on demand between DTEs and DCEs.Cladding Cladding is the surrounding part of a cable that protects the core optical fibers.This part is between the fibers and the cable jacket.Class of Service (COS) In SNA, class of service defines explicit routes, virtual routes, and priority, and is used to provide a variety of services within the network.Class of Service Database In APPN, this is a database maintained independently byeach network node, and optionally by APPN END nodes.Cleanup It is a term used in SNA referring to how sessions are terminated between LUs. Specifically, it is a network services request that causes a particular LU-LU session to beended immediately.Clear indication packet It is a call supervision packet that data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE) transmits to inform a data terminal equipment (DTE) that a call has beencleared.Clear request packet It is a call supervision packet that is transmitted by a data terminal equipment (DTE) to ask that a call be cleared.Click Click means to press and release a mouse button.Client It is a term used to connote peer technology. Clients are programs used to initiate something. In TCP/IP clients can be found in TELENT and FTP. In the X windowing system,a client is typically a program that conforms to the X protocol and works in conjunctionwith a X server.Client Application In Apple environments, this is an application using Apple Event Interprocess Messaging Protocol to request a service. An example is printing a list of filesor spell-checking a list of words.CLNP Connectionless Network Protocol is a protocol that does not perform retransmissionsor perform error recovery at a transport layer.Clocking Clocking is the use of clock pulses to control synchronization.Closed User Group (CUG) CUG is a user group that can communicate with other usersin the group, but not with users outside the group.CLSDST Close destinationCluster A cluster is a network of computers in which only one computer has file-systemdisk drives attached to it.Cluster Controller In SNA, this is the precursor to the establishment controller. It is adevice to which terminals and printers attach. IBM’s 3174 cluster controllers appear as aPU2.0.CMC Communication Management ConfigurationCMOT CMOT is the use of Common Management Information Services over TCP/IP. Succinctly, it is the implementation of the OSI network management specification over TCP/IP.CMS See Conversational Monitor System.CNM See Communication Network Management.CNN See Composite Network Node.CNOS Change Number of SessionsCollision A collision is an event where two or more devices simultaneously perform a broadcast on the same medium. This term is used in Ethernet networks and also in networks where broadcast technology is implemented.Collision Detection This term is used to define a device that can determine when a simultaneous transmission attempt has been made.Command A command is a request to execute an event.Command According to Digital Equipment, when this is used in reference to Digital Command Language (DCL), it means an instruction, generally an English type word, enteredby the user at a terminal or included in a command procedure.Command Facility It is a component of IBM’s NetView program that is the base for comm and processors that can monitor, control, automate, and improve the operation of anSNA network.Command-Line Prompt Generally, this refers to a place on a terminal where commandscan be entered. The direction of these commands is contingent to the system or softwarefrom which the command line is generated. According to Hewlett Packard’s documentation,it is that which appears on the screen immediately after login. Usually the commandlineprompt is either a $ (for Bourne and Korn shells) or a % (for C shells), but it can bemodified. A popular modification is to print the current working directory and the historystack number before the $ or %. You can find the command-line prompt by pressingReturn several times. Every time you press Return, the HP-UX operating system printsthe prompt.Command List (CLIST) In IBM’s SNA, this is a list of commands and statementsdesigned to perform a specific function for the user. A variety of CLISTs exists. Some examples are NetView, TSO, and REXX.Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP) CMIP is the OSI protocol forsystems management.Common Management Information Service Element It is the Application Service。



第三章1.Most Significant Bit (MSB): 最高位2.Internet Header Length (IHL): Internet首部长度3.Differentiated Service(DS): 差分服务4.Assured Forwarding(AF): 确保转发5.Per-Hop-Behavior(PHB): 逐跳行为6.Service Level Agreement(SLA): 服务级别协议7.Denial of Service(DoS): 拒绝服务8.Expedited Forwarding (EF): 加速转发9.Real-Time Application(RTA): 实时应用10.Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET): 最坏情况运行时间11.V oice over IP(V oIP): IP语音12.Instant Messaging(IM): 即时通信13.Explicit Congestion Notification(ECN): 显示拥塞通告14.Time to Live(TTL): 生存时间15.Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol(DHCP): 动态主机配置协议16.Quality of Service(QoS): 服务质量17.Resource Reservation Protocol(RSVP): 资源预留协议18.Per-Hop Behavior(PHB): 逐跳行为19.Per-Domain Behavior(PDB): 逐域行为20.Path MTU(PMTU): 路径MTU21.ICMPv6 Packet Too big: ICMPv6数据包太大22.Transport Relay Translator(TRT): 传输延时转换器。



ENGLISH/英语 atmospheric atomic absorption flame spectrometry atomic absorption(AA) analysis attitude; manner audit audit audit findings audit procedure audit standards audit team auditor autecology auto regeneration of a waterbody automotive catalytic converters autosampler autotrophic organisms auxiliary operations available awareness / understanding awareness; consciousness background noise backlog bacteria bag filter baghouse balance barometric BOD measurement base on; ground on based on; basis; in response to Basel Convention of 1989 baseline data basic BAT (best available technology) batch batch; group BATEA (best available technology economically achievable) battery be inspected be observant; pay attention to; look sharp beneficial benefit benefit-cost analysis benthnc ecosystem benthon, benthos
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Glossary 词汇表Chapter 1Internet: network of networksEdge边缘网络* end system(端系统), host(主机), application(应用)* access networks接入网络+ residential network住宅网+ company/institutional network公司网+ wireless network无线网* physical media物理介质+ twisted pair双绞线+ coaxial cable同轴线缆+ optical fiber 光纤+ radio无线电Core(switched network)核心网络* circuit switching电路交换+ FDM/TDM Frequency/Time-division multiplexing频分多路复用/时分多路复用* packet switching报文交换+ statistical multiplexing统计多路复用+ store and forward 存储转发+ queue 排队* heirarchy(tiers) 层次结构nodal delay* processing delay 处理延迟* queuing delay 排队延迟* transmission delay 传输延迟* propagation delay 传播延迟end-to-end delay 端到端延迟throughput 吞吐量bottleneck link 瓶颈链路Peer Entity 对等实体Layering 分层Protocol, PDU(Protocol Data Unit) 协议Service, SAP(Service Access Point) 服务5-layer Internet protocol stack 5层网络协议栈* application layer, message 应用层,消息* transport layer, segment 传输层,报文段* network layer, datagram 网络层,数据报* link layer, frame 链路层,帧* physical layer, bit sequence 物理层,比特序列TCP/IP:Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol 传输控制协议与网际协议IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 美国电气和电子工程师协会OSI Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI model) 开放系统互联Chapter 2Network application and Application layer protocolBrowser and HTTP(hypertext transfer protocol) 浏览器和超文本传输协议Application architecturesClient-server Model(C/S Model)客户端服务器模式Peer-to-peer (P2P)Hybrid(混合式)of client-server and P2PApplication Demand+ Loss tolerance 丢包容忍度+ Delay sensitivity 延迟敏感性+ Bandwidth 带宽Sublayer Supply+ Reliable 可靠+ Unreliable 不可靠HTML, hyper text markup language 超文本标记语言URL Uniform Resource Locator统一资源定位符stateful vs. stateless 有状态,无状态persistent vs. non-persistent 持续,非持续pipelined and parallel 流水线的,并行的HTTP Request message format 消息格式HTTP Response message formatCache and proxy server 缓存HTTP cookieHTTP "session" 会话FTP file transfer protocol 文件传输协议control connection 控制连接data connection 数据连接“out of band”带外的SMTP: simple mail transfer protocol 简单邮件传输协议MIME: multimedia mail extensionPOP: Post Office ProtocolIMAP: Internet Mail Access ProtocolDNS: Domain Name System 域名管理系统SNMP, simple network management protocol 简单网络管理协议resolve 解析recursive resolution 递归解析iterative resolution 迭代解析resource records (RR) 资源记录CNAME,“canonical”(the real) name 主域名Flooding 洪泛Hierarchical Overlay 层次覆盖Socket APIChapter 3header 首部/头部payload 负载segment (传输层使用的)报文段best effort delivery 尽力而为交付multiplexing 多路复用demultiplexing 与多路分解reliable data transfer 可靠数据传输flow control 流量控制in-order delivery 保序交付out-of-order delivery 乱序交付4-tuple 四元组source IP address 源地址source port number 源端口destination IP address 目的地址destination port number 目的端口well-known port number 周知端口号checksum 校验和flipped-bit error 位翻转错误,即0变1,1变0pseudo header 伪首部(positive) acknowledgement (ACK) (肯定)确认negative acknowledgement (NAK): 否定确认retransmit/retransmission 重传port scan 端口扫描ARQ (Automatic Repeat reQuest) 自动重传请求sequence number 序列号stop-and-wait 停等timer 计时器pipelining流水线in-flight, outstanding, yet-to-be-acknowledged packet 待确认的数据包go-back-N 回退N步selective repeat 选择重传selective acknowledgement 选择确认cumulative ACK 累积确认sliding window protocol 滑动窗口协议window size 窗口大小RTT(Round-trip Time) 往返时间RTO(Retransmission TimeOut) 重传超时full-duplex communication 全双工通信half-duplex communication 半双工通信simplex communication 单工通信connectionless 无连接connection-oriented 面向连接byte stream 字节流piggyback 捎带MSS(maximum segment size) 最大报文段长MTU(Maximum transmission unit) 最大传输单元point-to-point 点到点end-to-end 端到端unicast 单播multicast 多播/组播broadcast 广播receive window 接收端窗口congestion window 拥塞窗口three-way handshake 三次握手duplicate ACK 重复确认Congestion 拥塞Congestion Control 拥塞控制Congestion Window 拥塞窗口AIMD(additive increase/multiplicative decrease) 加法增大,乘法减小Congestion Avoidance(CA) 拥塞避免Slow Start(SS) 慢启动Slow Start Threshold(ssthreh) 慢启动阈值Fast Retransmit 快速重传Fast Recovery 快速恢复Chapter 4forwarding 转发forwarding table 转发表routing 选路/路由routing algorithm 路由算法routing protocol 路由协议Link state 链路状态Distance Vector 距离向量Hierarchical routing 层次路由virtual circuit(虚电路)datagram(数据报)direct delivery 直接投递/交付indirect delivery 间接投递/交付mobility 移动性dotted-decimal notation 点分十进制记法slash notation 斜线记法/subnet 子网supernet 超网subnet mask 子网掩码netid 网络IDhostid 主机IDprefix 前缀suffix 后缀VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Mask) 变长子网掩码CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) 无分类域间路由选择route aggregation 路由聚合longest-prefix matching 最长前缀匹配TTL, time to live 生存期TOS, type of service,服务类型QoS, Quality of service, 服务质量timestamp 时间戳fragmentation 分片reassembly 重组offset 偏移量DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol,动态主机配置协议ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol,Internet控制消息协议NA T, Network Address Translation 网络地址转换NAT traversal NAT穿越port forwarding/mapping 端口映射Tunneling 隧道技术Link state 链路状态Distance Vector 距离向量count to infinity 计数到无穷Poisoned reverse 毒性逆转Hierarchical routing 层次路由AS, autonomous systems 自治系统,或自治域“intra-AS”routing 域内路由“Inter-AS”routing 域间路由Interior Gateway Protocols (IGP) 内部网关协议Enterior Gateway Protocols (EGP) 外部网关协议RIP: Routing Information ProtocolOSPF: Open Shortest Path FirstIGRP: Interior Gateway Routing Protocol ,Cisco私有的内部网关协议BGP: Border Gateway Protocol 边界网关协议Chapter 5point-to-point links 点对点链路PPP (point-to-point protocol) 点到点协议broadcast or shared links 广播/共享式链路switched links 交换式链路Multiple Access 多点接入,或多路访问Error Detection 检错Error Correction 纠错adaptor 适配器network interface card, NIC 网络接口卡“dumb”devices 哑设备transparency 透明性Byte stuffing(字节填充)Bit stuffing(比特填充)redundancy 冗余Parity Checking 奇偶校验CRC, Cyclic Redundancy Check, 循环冗余检验Generator Polynomial 生成多项式MAC, Media Access Control, 媒体访问控制MAC address MAC地址Channel Partitioning 信道划分Random Access Protocols 随机访问协议(争用型协议)TDMA time division multiple access 时分多路访问FDMA frequency division multiple access 频分多路访问CDMA Code Division Multiple Access 码分多路访问clock synchronization 时钟同步Polling轮询Carrier Sense 载波监听CSMA/CD, Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection 带有冲突检测的载波监听多点接入jamming signal 干扰信号collision window 冲突窗口collision Domain 冲突域broadcast Domain 广播域exponential backoff 指数退避network device 网络设备Repeaters 中继器Hubs集线器Bridge 网桥Switch 交换机Router 路由器gateway 网关host 主机Virtual Local Area Network, VLAN 虚拟局域网ARP Address Resolution Protocol地址解析协议Chapter 6infrastructure modead hoc modeHandoff 切换base station 基站access points AP 接入点single hop 单跳multiple hops 多跳WiFi, 802.11 a/b/g/nBluetoothWiMAXcellular network 蜂窝通信网SNR: signal-to-noise ratio 信噪比BER: bit error rate 误码率interference 干扰attenuation 衰减Hidden terminal 隐藏终端spectrum 频段CSMA/CA Collision Avoidance 带有冲突避免的载波监听多点接入beacon frames 信标帧SSID: Service Set IDentity 服务集合标识Passive Scanning 被动扫描Active Scanning 主动扫描request-to-send (RTS) 请求发送clear-to-send (CTS) 允许发送Chapter 8cryptography (密码学)confidentiality(私密性)authentication (认证)message integrity(消息完整性)firewalls (防火墙)intrusion detection systems(入侵检测系统) encryption (加密)decryption (解密)eavesdrop (偷听)impersonation (假冒身份)hijacking (劫持)denial of service (DoS,拒绝服务)plaintext(明文)ciphertext(密文)symmetric key (对称密钥)Public key (公钥)Private key (私钥)Symmetric cryptography (对称加密)Non-symmetric cryptography (非对称加密) Public key cryptography (公钥加密)DES: Data Encryption StandardAES: Advanced Encryption Standardcipher block chaining (CBC,密码分组链接) Initial Vector(IV, 初始向量)Public Key Certification(公钥证书), PKI Message Authentication Code(消息认证码) Digital Signature (数字签名)Certification Authority (CA,可信证书权威机构) Stateless packet filtering (无状态包过滤) Stateful packet filtering (有状态包过滤)Access Control Lists (ACL,访问控制列表) VPN (Virtual Private Network) 虚拟专用网补充术语TLV(Type-Length-Value) 类型-长度-值。
