bec高级听力必备手册The BEC Advanced Listening Essentials Handbook is a comprehensive guide designed to help individuals improve their listening skills for the Business English Certificate (BEC) Advanced exam. This handbook covers key listening strategies, techniques, and tips to ensure success on the exam.The handbook begins with an overview of the BEC Advanced exam and its listening section, providing an understanding of the format and expectations. It then delves into various listening skills and strategies, such as predicting, summarizing, and note-taking, to help test takers effectively process and comprehend the listening passages.The handbook also offers practice exercises and sample questions that closely resemble the types of listening tasks found on the BEC Advanced exam. These exercises allow individuals to apply the strategies and techniques learned throughout the handbook, further enhancing their listening proficiency.Additionally, the BEC Advanced Listening Essentials Handbook provides tips on improving listening skills outside of formal test preparation. It offers suggestions for incorporating listening practice into daily routines, such as listening to podcasts, watching videos, and engaging in conversations with native English speakers. Overall, the BEC Advanced Listening Essentials Handbook serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking to enhance their listening skills for the BEC Advanced exam.。
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BEC剑桥商务英语高级真题集听力原文剑桥商务英语高级真题集听力原文1This is the Business English Certificate Higher 3, Listening Test 1.Part One. Questions 1 to 12.You will hear the founder of a company called Manshee talking to business students about its development.As you listen, for questions 1 to 12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number.After you have listened once, replay the recording.You now have forty-five seconds to read through the notes.[pause]Now listen, and complete the notes.[pause]Man: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I’m honoured to have this opportunity to talk to you.Eight years ago, I bought my first computer, but I soon discovered that where I lived, it was difficult to find accessories for that particular make. That made me realise that other people must have the same problem.Then I found that foreign magazines contained plenty of advertisements of mail order companies, so I started buying spare parts and things that way and selling them on to my friends at a small profit. That was how my company, Manshee, was born.Four years later, Manshee was making a profit and had reached a turnover of si某 million pounds. We had four directors - myself and three of my friends - plus a staff of seventeen. The culture was young and the working environment didn’t have any structure. Thecompany just grew and grew with its own momentum, and everything we did seemed to strike lucky. If we needed to buy some equipment or redecorate the sales office, we decided yes or no in isolation, only taking the short term - usually the cash flow for that month - into account.However, the market became increasingly cut throat, and that led to falling margins. We realised, rather unwillingly, that the time had come to structure our future, but we didn’t really have much idea how to set about it. So we went to a firm of consultants who specialise in helping small businesses, and it proved a turning point. They insisted that we four directors sit down and rank our investments in order of importance for the coming years. It seems obvious now, but we’d never realised the value of doing it before. Initially, we set out strategic and financial targets for the ne 某t three years, and now we’re pleased with just how many of those objectives we’ve met.The value of bringing in outside e某pertise was that it gave us objectivity. It’s so easy to tak e things for granted, and to go on in the same mindset. Using consultants meant we received invaluable advice on our business priorities.剑桥商务英语高级真题集听力原文2Part One. Questions 1 to 12.You will bear the opening of the Factories of the Year awards ceremony.As you listen, for questions 1 to 12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number.After you bare listened once, replay the recording.You now have forty-five seconds to read through the notes.[pause]Now listen, and complete the notes.[pause]Man: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and "welcome to the Factories of the Year award. My name is Jonathan Hargreaves, and I’m Chief E某ecutive of the Institute of Production Research, which organised these awards, in association with Barrington Business School. I’m delighted to introduce to you the school’s professor of manufacturing science, Jacqueline Allen, who again chaired the panel of judges. Jacqueline.Woman: Thank you, Jonathan, and good morning, everyone. This year’s search for the Factories of the Year has produced a bumper crop of outstanding winners, which is very welcome proof that the old economy isn’t dead, but is emerging revitalised from its recent problems.As ever, we initiated our search for the best by sending each participating factory a questionnaire. This consisted of fourteen pages and probably more questions than the recipients would have liked. From their answers, each factory was assessed on a basket of performance criteria. Some of these were immediately measurable, like handover times, which of course can have a big impact on productivity and which are showing a healthy tendency towards being shortened. Another was delivery reliability, a high score in which is essential for any customer-led organisation.Other criteria which we considered were less tangible, but no less important for that. We took staff morale very seriously, because if it’s poor it can have measurable results such as high staff turnover and a high accident rate. And if a business can’t easilyhandle change, it may well create more problems than it solves, and its future is unlikely to be secure.The ne某t step was for the panel of judges to assess the results and devise a shortlist. We then visited these factories. I must say, I found it fascinating to see so many factories in action. As aresult of these visits, we came up with the three winners in each category.The factories that emerged from this process shared some familiar characteristics. Impressive people-management practices, for a start.A determination among the factory’s management team not to be second best, for another. And acting on the realisation that clever initiatives don’t count if they don’t further a factory’s missi on. No successful factory can, for a moment, forget its customers, whether they’re internal to the company or e某ternal.As ever, new trends emerged: an outstanding level of competencein supply-chain management, as well as in manufacturing, is increasingly important. The links between a factory, its suppliers and its customers can make or break an operation.This year’s winners also demonstrate the importance of optimising the movement of goods and people around the factory. Confused, muddled-looking factories underperform, while successful ones use signs to help staff and visitors find the best route totheir destination. And allowing goods or materials to get lost in some dusty corner of the warehouse is unacceptable: the problem of tracking components as they move through production has led to a number of developments, of which electronic tagging is one of the most e某citing剑桥商务英语高级真题集听力原文3.Part One. Questions 1 to 12.You will hear part of a talk to a group of business students about the role of free gifts in product promotion.As you listen, for questions 1 to 12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number.After you have listened once, replay the recording.You now have forty-five seconds to read through the notes.[pause]Now listen, and complete the notes.[pause]Woman: Hello. My name’s Sue Barnard. I’ve come to talk to you this afternoon about that old marketing perennial, the free gift. I work as a marketing consultant, on a freelance basis, and I thought that I would begin with an anecdote. One of the companies I work with is a major manufacturer of consumer durables, and so I need to keep in touch with the latest campaigns being launched by rival groups, as well as seein g how our own efforts are looking. So I’m a keen reader of weekly magazines.Although I’m actually based in Manchester, last week I happened to be with some clients at their sales conference, which was being held in Wales. On the way there, waiting at the station, I poppedinto a newsagents for a browse, to pass the time. The March issue of Prime magazine immediately caught my eye because the cover said‘Free Gift this Issue: Free Diary’. And it puzzled me because I had seen the same issue on sale in Manchester without any gift. Clearly, people in Wales were getting the same magazine, but all packaged up in a special plastic jacket with this gift inside. Why, I wondered,were people in my area losing out?Well, of course, the answer lies in the marketing policy of the magazine itself. No use giving everyone a freebie because then there’d be no way of gauging how successful it’d been in drumming up e某tra sales. In other words, it’s a controlled e某periment. In this case, flat sales of Prime in Manchester, coupled with strong sales in Wales, would indicate that the gift had done the trick, and this type of strategy is vital for magazines as more and more, titles crowd the racks.Just looking round the newsagents this week, you’ll find one magazine giving away a book worth si某 ninety-nine, when the magazine itself only costs two ninety-nine. And it doesn’t stop there. One rival is offering a CD, another a calculator. And so it goes on. You know, it really is a ‘readers’ market at the moment. But, I can see you’re asking yourselves, if the gifts are actually far more e某pensive than the magazines... ? Well, clearly, the magazines are facing greater competition and it’s all about offering your reader the best possible value. If your competitor’s got something out, then you don’t want to be seen to be lagging behind. And once you’ve started, in a sense, you’ve got to keep on - you do get locked into a ‘circulation war’ where the only way to stay on top seems to be through the free gifts. And remember, it doesn’t matter if the gift costs more than the magazine because the real profits come not from the cover price, but from the advertising revenues. To keep those flowing in, you need good figures, andthat’s where the free gifts come in.And, of co urse, it can’t be any old gift. An inappropriate choice would do more harm than good. The gift must reinforce the truebrand values of the magazine. The specialist titles are particularly good at this. And it’s also a good opportunity for people to sample your magazine; it may bring in new readers. With the right gift, you could even be looking at as much as fifteen per cent uplift on your sales, particularly in the teen market, where pop fashions come and go and it’s very important to encourage reader loya lty.[pause]Now listen to the recording again.[pause]That is the end of Part One. You now have 20 seconds to check your answers.[pause]Part Two. Questions 13 to 22.You will hear five different people talking about workshops they have recently attended.For each e某tract there are two tasks. Look at Task One. For each question 13-17, choose the aim of the workshop, from the list A-H. Now look at Task Two. For each question 18 to 22, choose the outcome of the workshop, from the list A-H.After you have listened once, replay the recording.You now have thirty seconds to read the two lists.剑桥商务英语高级真题集听力原文44.Part One. Questions 1 to 12.You will hear a college lecturer talking to a class of business students about a supermarket chain. As you listen, for questions 1 to 12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number.After you have listened once, replay the recording.You now have forty-five seconds to read through the notes.[pause]Now listen, and complete the notes.[pause]Man: Good morning. In today’s class we’ll be comparing two supermarket chains whose futures are looking very different at the moment. First of all, the Williams chain.Sharon Tucker joined Williams two years ago as Sales Director, taking over as Chief E某ecutive three months later. The company was struggling. Sales growth was fading away, and profits were falling. Its strategy of focusing on redesigning stores was doing nothing to boost sales. In short, Williams had lost its way.After just one year under Tucker’s leadership, it’s regainedits confidence, and with good reason. Sales have been rising for fifteen months, starting almost as soon as she walked in the door. They’re up by five per cent in the last si某 months, e某cluding new space, with profits over the same period rising by ten per cent. And the company claims to have attracted a million new customers.Tucker came from the American chain Hurst’s, and her e某perience there persuaded her that everyday low pricing, the strategy pursued by that giant and by most of the British supermarket groups, wouldn’t work for a small player like Williams. Its larger rivals could too easily undercut it.Instead, she decided to use a high-low strategy, which is generally known as loss-leading. The technique’s familiar: cut the price of twenty or so selected items each week. The radical part came in the implementation. Instead of making it a national campaign, which would allow Williams’s rivals to instantly follow its pricecuts, the company’s ‘best deals’, as they’re called, vary from town to town, and change every week. The company employs five thousand distributors in order that, every week, a third of all the people living in the catchment area of a Williams store receiveflyers through their doors, detailing these special offers. The price cuts are dramatic, like forty per cent off breakfast cereals, the same off bars of soap, fifty per cent off soft drinks, and so on. Indeed, many items are sold at below the cost to Williams.Shoppers seem to love it, as is evident from Williams’s sales. But it’s high risk: sales have to increase by enough to limit the impact on profits, and they have to be able to deliver the goods. That’s harder than it sounds. Some of the products on offer fly out of the door, selling as much in a week as they normally would in a year. Organising adequate stock levels for that, on different products around the country, is a nightmare of logistics. What makes all this feasible, apart from very good planning, is that Williams’s distribution system isn’t centralized, unlike some of the other supermarket chains.。
Increase, rise, grow, go up Expand to, increase to, go up to, be up to, rise to Go up by x%, increase by x% Fluctuate, concussion Pick up, climb Surge up, hike sth up, jump up, shoot up, soar,
• Fund-raising / Leveraged buyout/ granting (awarding) a fund
• interest rate / exchange rate • Market prediction / annual progress review • assets / fixed assets • profit and loss account • cost expenses net/gross income • expenses claim form; reimburse,
Part III 答案出现分解
相关但不 切题的
找准立场;看清时态;判断真假;以全盖偏 (转换表达);孰轻孰重;理性排除
• The company’s idea is that…
• 客观发生的事实 • Kevin怎么想?Jerry怎么想?
商务英语(BEC)高级真题范讲二(听力 2) For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One, choose the reason given for deciding to relocate the company premises from the list A-H. For Task Two, choose the problem described that arose after the relocation from the list A-H.After you have listened once,replay the recording.Task One - ReasonFor questions 13-17, match the extracts with the reasons, listed A-H.For each extract, choose the reason given for the relocation.Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract.13 A to cope with increased ordersB to accommodate new equipment needs14C to share premises with new parent companyD to improve public relations15E to reduce overheads16 F to make more efficient use of spaceG to avoid problems with a contract17 H to be nearer suppliersTask Two - ProblemFor questions 18-22, match the extracts with the problems, listed A-H.For each extract, choose the problem that arose after the relocation.Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract.18 A unfavourable publicityB dismissal of manager19C decrease in productivity20 D staff transport difficultiesE inadequate staff facilities21 F too few new staff recruitedG increase in communication costs22 H lack of time for trainingANSWER KEYS:Part 213 E 14 F 15 C 16 G 17 H18 H 19 F 20 E 21 D 22 A。
bec商务英语高级第三版修订版学生用书听力原文In today's globalized business environment, effective communication in English is indispensable for professionals across various industries. The ability to understand and communicate in Business English is particularly crucial for individuals seeking success in international markets. This article will delve into the importance of Business English proficiency and explore how it enhances professional opportunities and facilitates intercultural communication.Firstly, proficiency in Business English enables individuals to engage confidently in international business transactions. Whether negotiating contracts, conducting presentations, or participating in meetings, fluency in English empowers professionals to express their ideas clearly and persuasively. Moreover, it fosters trust and credibility with international partners, as effective communication minimizes misunderstandings and ensures alignment of objectives.Furthermore, Business English proficiency opens doors to a wealth of career opportunities in multinational corporations and globalized industries. In today's interconnected world, companies actively seek candidates who possess strong English language skills to navigate diverse work environments and engage with stakeholders worldwide. From marketing and sales to finance and human resources, proficiency in Business English is a valuable asset that enhances employability and promotes career advancement.Additionally, mastering Business English enhances cultural competence and fosters cross-cultural collaboration. Language serves as a gateway to understanding cultural nuances and fostering meaningful connections with colleagues and clients from different backgrounds. By honing their English language skills, professionals demonstrate respect for cultural diversity and create inclusive work environments where ideas can flourish across borders.Moreover, Business English proficiency equips individuals with the ability to access a wealth of resources and knowledge in the global marketplace. From industry reports and market analyses to online forums and professional networks, English-language materials offer valuable insights and opportunities for learning and professional development. By leveraging these resources, professionals can stay abreast of industry trends, expand their expertise, and remain competitive in the global arena.Furthermore, proficiency in Business English enhances adaptability and resilience in an ever-evolving business landscape. In an era of rapid technological advancement and economic uncertainty, effective communication skills are essential for navigating change and seizing new opportunities. By mastering Business English, professionals can communicate confidently in diverse situations, whether adapting to remote work environments, collaborating across time zones, or capitalizing on emerging market trends.In conclusion, proficiency in Business English is paramount for success in today's globalized business landscape. From facilitating international transactions to unlocking career opportunities and fostering cross-cultural understanding, fluency in English empowers professionals to thrive in diverse and dynamic environments. By investing in language learning and honing their communication skills, individuals can broaden their horizons, expand their networks, and achieve their professional aspirations on a global scale.。
2019 年 BEC 商务英语高级听力资料:美国失业率下降A police convoy has left a British prison for a military airfield to handover the radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza and four other suspects for extraditionto the United States to face terrorism charges. Earlier on Friday, after yearsof legal wrangling, judges at the High Court in London said the five men couldbe deported to America immediately.It follows a failed appeal tohalt theextradition on health grounds.Donny Sandwich reports.Outside the Royal Court of Justice,about a hundred campaigners gatheredfor the final chapter in its long-running legal saga. They held banners reading‘freedom democracy hypocrisy’ and ‘Islam will prevail ’. But inside the court,the judges clinically took apart the argument that Abu Hamza should be allowedto stay in Britain. Lord Justice Thomas said he and Mr. Justice Owsley werewholly unpersuaded that the cleric was unfit to plead his trial. He said AbuHamza could be treated in the United States for his mental health problems whichwas said to include depression and memory loss.The World's largest platinum producer Anglo American Platinum has sacked12,000 South African workers who have been on an unofficial strike. Martin Plotreports.For the past three weeks only 20% of Anglo Platinum miners have turned [upfor] work. The company says four of its mines are at a standstill. This comes asanother Anglo American company,this time Mining Ano closed its plant.Four goldmining companies are also at a halt . This wave of industrial unrest, much of itnot sanctioned by the recognized unions, comes as the South Africa's financeminister has cut forecast for growth.Investors are increasingly skeptical aboutthe country's future, a major headache for President Jacob Zuma.The US unemployment rate has fallen below 8%, its lowest level in almost 4years. Speaking at the rally a few hours after the figures were released,President Obama said America was on the route to recovery.Our businesses have now added 5.2 million new jobs over the past two and ahalf year. This morning we found out that the unemployment rate has fallen toits lowest level since I took office.The director general of the BBC says the allegations of its former starpresenter, Jimmy Savile, sexually abused young teenagers in the 60s and 70s haveleft him appalled . George Enthrew who recently took up the post o f thedirector general said the BBC’s thoughts and sympathies were with the womenaffected and he urged staff, past and present, with any informationto comeforward. Sir Jimmy Savile died last year.You are listening to the latest world news from the BBC.Turkish military units have opened fire on Syrian military positions aftera mortar shell landed on the countryside in southern Turkey. The Syrian shelllanded near a town of InHatay province. There were no reports of casualties. OnWednesday and Thursday Syrian military targets were hit by a Turkish artilleryafter a Syrian mortar shell killed five people in the Turkish town of Akcakale.Syrian activists say the city of Homs has been subjected to its most severebombardment in five months.The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights saidaircraft and artillery targeted the neighborhood of Khaldiya,butsaid thatthere was no confirmation on the number of casualties.In the biggest demonstrations in Jordan for years,thousands of people havemarched through the capital Amman demanding political reform.Our correspondentWyre Davies was there.As many as ten thousand people took to the streets of Amman today, mainlysupporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamic Action Front,but also otherleftist and opposition groups.Security outside the al-Husseini mosque in[Amonzo] city was extremely tight. But everything passed off remarkably,peacefully.There is simply no appetite here for the violence andturmoil that has engulfed the region over the last two years. Nonetheless,thelarge noisy crowds was openly critical of the king's promisedpolitical reformsand demanded fundamental changes to a system they say is corrupt and loaded infavor of the country's ruling elite .The United Nations says the situation in western Burma remains tensefollowing violence in June between Buddhists and the country's Muslim Rohingyaminority. A spokesman for the UN Refugee Agency, Adrian Edwards, said the numberof people displaced by the clashes in Rakhine state was continuing to rise asmore villagers left their homes in search of food,healthcare andotherassistance.。
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1附录:BEC 高级 经科教材课文听力部分答案 Unit 1a listening 1-5 H D B E A Unit 1b listening (1) Suggested answer : Options 2000 is a system of flexible working introduced by BT. A large proportion of office-based staff work from home with 24-hour access to BT’s intranet. These staff work in virtual project teams, only meeting when it is necessary. (2) 1-8 B A C C B C B B Unit 2a listening1 (1) Suggested answer: Internet share prices have fluctuated wildly over the past twelve months. Prices were very high earlier this year but have recently collapsed. (2) 1-8 B C A C B A B A listening 2 upward trend soaring fallen recovery peaking collapsed Unit 2b These answers are bolded in T’s tapescript. 1. all-share 2. science-based 3. (long-term) growth 4. (worldwide) presence 5.third/3rd largest 6. innovation-led 7.academic institutions 8 .restructuring 9.next three/3 year 10.administration 11. (executive) team 12. strategy and policy Unit 3b These answers are bolded in T’s tapescrips . 1. standards and expectations 2. preparatory work 3. late (for meetings) 4. congestion 5. senior manager 6. business cards 7. brief introduction 8.audio-visual aids 9.(special) dinner 10.children 11.hospitality 12. 10.children 11.hospitality 12. (sightseeing)(trips) (sightseeing)(trips) Unit 4a 1-8 C A B B C B B A Unit 4b 1-10 H G C D F J I O M N Unit 5a 1-5 H F E B C Unit 5b listening(1) These answers are bolded in T’s tapescript. 1. agency recruitment 2 skills shortages 3. desk research 4. neutral location 5. presents his findings 6. offer process 7. first annual salary 8. a retainer 9.strengths and weaknesses 10. key players 11. (commercially) sensitive 12. motivated (2) suggested answer: Purpose To explain how headhunting works and illustrate its benefits. Content Guy’s main points include an overview of recruitment methods in general, the headhunting Process,remuneration and the benefits of using headhunters.Sometimes he does not support his main points;they are sufficient in themselves.At other times,guy supports his point by giving more detail(e.g.about the advantages of using a headhunter in the penultimate paragraph).At times Guy rephrases what he has said for emphasis(e.g. the final sentence). 2OrganiisationGuy orders his main points by giving an overview of how his area fits in with otherrecruitment methods.He then talks through the chronological sequence ofheadhunting.Finally, he stresses the benefits of headhunting.Guy introduces his talk by introducing himself and describing his topic. He concludes by stressing to the audience the benefits of what he does. LanguageGuy uses linking words and phrases in the following areas:sequencing words (first,then, afterwards, when,finally),explaining/rephrasing(which is ,otherwise known as,in otherwords) and emphasising(this is particulary the case in…). He also uses phrases to signpost his talk (I’m here to tell you a little bit about…) and signal what follows (The advantage of a good headhunter is that…).Unit 6a listening 1 1-8 A C B C B A B C listening listening 2 2 2 suggested suggested suggested answer: answer: answer: Speaker Speaker Speaker 1: 1: simplicity, humility, a sense of responsibility Speaker 2: simplicity, openness Speaker 3: 3: humility, humility, humility, openness, openness, openness, enthusiasm, enthusiasm, enthusiasm, simplicity simplicity Speaker 4: simplicity Speaker 5: thrift Unit 7a listening 1 suggested answer: Octacon has lost several important contracts to itsrival, Centronics. Centronics seemed to know when the contracts were up for renewal and had information about Octacon’s terms and conditions. Octacon needs to find out if one of its staff has leaked the information or if the company has been infiltrated. listening 2 Action Implication Unit 7b 1-5 F C A H D 6-10 P I N K MUnit 8b 1-8 C B A BCheck CVs and previous employers ofeveryone who has joined the company overthe last 12 months. Check appraisal records for anyone inSales who is unhappy.Check who’s got access to whatinformation.individual Issue individual computer computer computer passwords. passwords. Check employees’ e-mail. Bring in a security consultant to pose as a temp in the Sales Department.It will take ages. They need to be through. If they don’t find anything in Sales, they need to check appraisal records for the whole company. The company would know who was logging on, when and what they were looking at. The company could see who was dissatisfied and then check their appraisal notes. But it would be bad for morale if anyone found out. She could find out all the gossip. But again, it would be very bad for morale if anyone found out.。
新编剑桥商务英语高级第二版 听力
新编剑桥商务英语高级第二版听力Title: Review of New Cambridge Business English Advanced Second Edition ListeningThe New Cambridge Business English Advanced Second Edition Listening is a comprehensive and effective resource for those looking to improve their English listening skills in a business context. The materials included in this book cover a wide range of topics relevant to today's business world, making it an essential tool for anyone aiming to succeed in an international business environment.One of the key strengths of this book is its focus on authentic materials. The listening exercises feature a variety of real-world scenarios such as meetings, presentations, telephone conversations, and negotiations, providing learners with a realistic insight into the language used in professional settings. This not only helps learners improve their listening skills but also exposes them to the vocabulary and language structures commonly used in business communication.In addition to the authentic materials, the New Cambridge Business English Advanced Second Edition Listening also offers a range of exercises and activities designed to enhance listeningcomprehension. These include multiple-choice questions,gap-fill exercises, and transcription tasks, all of which aim to challenge learners and help them develop their listening skills in a systematic manner.Furthermore, the book also includes a section on pronunciation and intonation, which is often overlooked in traditional listening materials. By focusing on these aspects of language learning, learners can improve their ability to understand spoken English and communicate more effectively in a business context.Overall, the New Cambridge Business English Advanced Second Edition Listening is a valuable resource for learners who want to enhance their listening skills in a business environment. With its focus on authentic materials, challenging exercises, and attention to pronunciation and intonation, this book provides a comprehensive and effective way to improve English listening skills for professional success.。
新编剑桥商务英语高级第二版 听力
正文内容:1. 第一个大点:语速和语调的变化1.1 语速的变化:《新编剑桥商务英语高级第二版》的听力部分涵盖了不同语速的录音材料,从慢速到正常速度,帮助学习者逐渐适应商务场景中的真实语速。
1.2 语调的变化:教材中的录音材料涵盖了不同语调的情景对话,帮助学习者理解和适应商务交流中的语调变化,提高听力理解能力。
2. 第二个大点:多样的语音和口音2.1 多样的语音:教材中的录音材料涵盖了不同国家和地区的英语口音,如英国英语、美国英语、澳大利亚英语等,帮助学习者熟悉和理解不同语音特点。
2.2 多样的口音:教材中的录音材料还包括了来自不同国家和地区的人们的真实口音,如美国人、英国人、澳大利亚人等,帮助学习者更好地理解和应对不同口音的商务交流。
3. 第三个大点:真实的商务场景3.1 商务会议:教材中的听力材料包括了商务会议的录音,学习者可以通过听取这些录音材料,了解商务会议的流程、常用表达和交流技巧。
3.2 商务谈判:教材中的听力材料还包括了商务谈判的录音,学习者可以通过听取这些录音材料,学习商务谈判的技巧、策略和常用表达。
3.3 商务电话:教材中的听力材料还包括了商务电话的录音,学习者可以通过听取这些录音材料,提高商务电话沟通的听力和口语能力。
4. 第四个大点:专业的商务词汇和表达4.1 商务词汇:教材中的听力材料涵盖了丰富的商务词汇,学习者可以通过听取这些录音材料,扩充商务词汇量,提高听力理解和口语表达能力。
4.2 商务表达:教材中的听力材料还包括了各种商务场景中的表达方式,如商务会议中的开场白、商务谈判中的提议和反驳等,学习者可以通过听取这些录音材料,学习和模仿商务场景中的表达方式。
5. 第五个大点:听力技巧和策略5.1 笔记技巧:教材中的听力材料配有相应的听力题目,学习者可以通过做题的同时,提高听力笔记的技巧,快速捕捉关键信息。
1. 内容丰富:该教材包含了大量的商务英语听力材料,涵盖了商务活动的各个方面,如商务谈判、市场营销、贸易实务等。
2. 难度适中:该教材的难度适中,既不是特别简单,也不是特别难,适合大多数学习者使用。
3. 听力材料真实:该教材的听力材料大多来源于真实的商务场景,学习者可以更好地了解商务英语的实用性和口语化特点。
4. 练习多样:该教材的练习形式多样,包括听写、选择题、填空题等,可以帮助学习者全面提高听力技能。
5. 配有答案:该教材的练习部分配有答案,方便学习者自我检测和纠正。
6. 适用范围广:该教材既可以作为商务英语专业的教材使用,也可以作为其他专业学生的辅修教材使用。
bec商务英语高级 听力资料
正文内容:1. 商务英语听力资料的种类1.1 商务英语听力教材1.2 商务英语听力练习册1.3 商务英语听力录音1.4 商务英语听力讲座1.5 商务英语听力原版材料2. 商务英语听力资料的获取途径2.1 学校图书馆2.2 在线商务英语资源2.3 商务英语培训机构2.4 商务英语学习网站2.5 商务英语社交媒体群组3. 商务英语听力资料的学习方法3.1 制定学习计划3.2 注重听力技巧的培养3.3 多样化的听力练习3.4 听力笔记的整理与总结3.5 听力实践与模拟考试4. 商务英语听力资料的应用技巧4.1 听取关键信息4.2 注意理解上下文4.3 提高听力速度4.4 学习商务英语词汇与表达4.5 分析商务英语听力材料的结构与语法5. 商务英语听力资料的评估与反馈5.1 参加模拟考试5.2 寻求他人的反馈和建议5.3 自我评估与反思总结:通过对BEC商务英语高级听力资料的详细阐述,我们可以得出以下结论:商务英语听力资料的种类多样,获取途径广泛,学习方法多样化,应用技巧丰富,评估与反馈也是提高听力能力的重要环节。
BEC Higher Listening
In-class material
• The company’s idea is that…
• 客观发生的事实 • Kevin怎么想?Jerry怎么想?
• A thing of the past • is history • later on • In the next stage • In the future • Wasn’t
3. Be smart!
BEC 4星期听力复习计划
1. 辨音提高 2. 商务知识 3. 熟悉解题规律 4. 专项训练:重音,语气,排除选项,答案
This sounds important!
• Crucial; vital; significant; above all • What I really believe is … • What I strongly recommend is … • This is definitely a wise move. • As long as we tackle this problem, the
• would like to say • would’ve been • could • If it weren’t for…
• Well, • The real problem for me is • That’s why… • What’s crucial/important/significant is… • Any way, • So, • And, • What about • And of course,
• Would love to see • Would've been • Thought • Yes or no
Exercise OnePart OneQuestions 1-12You will hear a speaker addressing a group of business people at the beginning of a training course. He is telling them about the timetable for the first day.As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes, using up to 3 words or a number. You will hear the recording twice.General:The morning session begins at ________________1_____________________________.The course is called ______________2________________.The day’s work:The main task for the day is to ______________3______________.Two things to take into account are your product’s ____________4__________ and your _________5______.Don’t spend time thinking about the __________________6____________________.The most important thing today is to use your ________________7________________________.Each group should produce a _______________8_______________.Before meeting together again, each group should choose a ____________9_______________.Evening options:The subject of this evening’s talk is the _______________10_______________________.An __________11___________ will take place in the Davidson Room.If you want meet an advertising editor, go to _____________12___________________.Part TwoQuestions 13-22You will hear extracts from five different people all work in the offices of a large company talking about letters they have just received.For each extract there are tow tasks. For task one, choose what was in the letter received from list A-H. . For task two choose the response the speaker intends to make from the list I-P.You will hear the recording twice.Task One – What the Letter ContainsFor questions 13-17, match the extracts with the descriptions of what was in the letter, listed A-H.For each extract, choose what was in the letter received from list A-H.Write one letter A-H next to the number of the extract.13. ___ A an enquiry about future plans14. ___ B a complaint about a product15. ___ C agreement with a recent decision16. ___ D a request for an appointment17. ___ E an order for a new productF thanks for assistanceG an invitation to attend a presentationH an apology for delayTask Two – ResponseFor question 18-22, match the extracts with the responses, listed I-P.For each extract, choose the response the speaker intends to make.Write one letter I-P next to the number of the extract.18. ___I waiting before taking any action19. ___I writing to apologize20. ___K passing it on to another department21. ___L arranging a meeting22. ___M asking for further detailsN writing to express thanksO writing to complainP phoning to discuss a problemPart ThreeQuestions 23 - 30You will hear a radio interview with Martha Flowers, the Managing Director of the MAX chain of sandwich bars.Choose the correct phrase to complete each sentence or answer the question.23 Martha started her business becauseA someone asked her to.B she saw a good opportunity.C she had a lot of experience in fast food.24 Martha says the first three years of the business wereA not very successful.B surprisingly good.C very interesting.25 How does MAX try to follow the example of fast food chainsA by working fasterB by using cheap productsC by working efficiently26 What does Martha say about office diaries?A She thinks that, unfortunately, they are necessary.B She never uses one at all.C Her secretary keeps one for her.27 What does Martha say about her employees?A They must listen more carefully to what customers say.B She finds what they can tell her very useful.C It is difficult to recruit enough good quality staff.28 According to Martha, what is the most important factor in MAX’s success?A The same customers keep buying their products.B They only sell the best quality products.C They have high profit margin.29 Martha's advice to anyone who is starting a new business is toA look for an area with few competitors.B keep yourself well informed about competitors.C try to offer lower prices than your competitors.30 What surprises Martha about other companies?A They don’t monitor their competitors' activities.B They are unaware of their own weaknesses.C They don’t act on the information they have.Exercise TwoPart OneQuestion 1-12You will hear a successful executive addressing a group of trainees on a business course. She is describing her job to them.As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number.You will hear the recording twice.Her day:1. The first problem is to find a ____________________________________________.2. How many opportunities she has depends on how many _____________________ she is discussing.3. Just before leaving the office she always ________________________________. Meetings:4. She meets dairy with her ____________________________________________.5. The maximum length of these meeting is ____________________________.6. Once a week she meets the ______________________________________.7. They discuss _________________________________________________.8. Once a month she gives a ____________ to her colleagues.9. As preparation for this she has to ____________________ from various departments. Background:10. A qualification from the _____________________ is essential.11. You also need a Maters in _____________________________________.12. For this job, __________________________________ is the most important quality.Part TwoQuestion 13-22You will hear five different people talking about the meeting they’ve attended or are about to attend.For each extract there are two tasks. For task one, choose the person who is speaking from the list A-H. for task two, choose the person the speaker is talking to from the list I-P.Choose the person who is speaking from the list A-H.Task One – Person Who Is SpeakingFor questions 13-17, match the extracts with the people listed A-H.For each extract, choose the person who is speaking.Write one letter A-H next to the number of the extract.13. ___ A the personnel manager14. ___ B the training manager15. ___ C the managing director16. ___ D the manager of office supplies17. ___ E the marketing managerF a temporary clerkG the junior finance managerH the finance directorTask Two – Who the Speaker Is Talking ToFor question 18-22, match the extract with the person the speaker is talking to, listed I-P. For each extract, choose the person the speaker is talking to.Write one letter I-P next to the number of the extract.18. ___I a manager in the same company19. ___J a fellow passenger on the train to work20. ___K a clerk in another department21. ___L the staff in his / her department22. ___M the participants at the meetingN his wife / her husbandO a rather forgetful member of the departmentP a representative from another companyPart ThreeQuestions 23 - 30You will hear part of a conversation between two managers from different companies, a woman called Elizabeth and a man called Steven. Choose the correct phrase to complete each sentence or answer the question.23 Elizabeth says at the beginning that her company isA planning to expand.B small and not very rich.C doing rather badly at the moment.24 Steven thinks that his computer systemA is just as fast as the latest systems.B is much faster than Elizabeth's present system.C is completely different to the newest systems.25 Steven believes that the real reason the computers in his company are being replaced isA so that the business can move into the international market.B because of a difference of opinion in his company.C because their clients will like it.26 Elizabeth thinks that the price Steven is askingA includes the price of installation and servicing.B is within the amount her company has budgeted for.C is a perfectly reasonable price for the equipment.27 Steven agrees that his company willA install the system and pay part of the servicing costs.B pay the costs of servicing for the first year.C install and service the system.28 Steven offers to train Elizabeth's staff to use the system, provided thatA the trainers go to Elizabeth's company.B only a limited number of people receive training.C Elizabeth's company doesn't try to compete with his.29H o w d o e s E l i z a b e t h's c o m p a n y d i f f e r f r o m S t e v e n's?A I t i s l i k e l y t o b e c o m e l a r g e r t h a n S t e v e n's i n t h e f u t u r e.B I t i s c o n c e r n e d o n l y w i t h a s p e c i a l i z e d a r e a o f t h e m a r k e t.C I t h a s s t a r t e d t o o p e r a t e i n m o r e t h a n o n e c o u n t r y.30W h a t d o e s S t e v e n s a y a b o u t t h e c h a i r s?A H e w i l l h a v e d i f f i c u l t y g e t t i n g p e r m i s s i o n t o i n c l u d e t h e m.B H e w i l l b e a b l e t o g i v e t h e m t o E l i z a b e t h a s p a r t o f t h e d e a l.C I t i s u n r e a s o n a b l e o f E l i z a b e t h t o a s k f o r t h e m.Exercise ThreePart OneQuestion 1-12You will hear the manager of On Course Ltd, a business training company, giving his staff instructions about a business summer school they are organizing, which begins tomorrow.As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number.You will hear the recording twice.ON COURSE LIMITED – Briefing notes for staff on business summer school.General preparation:1. The number of participants has increased by _____________________.2. Extra bedrooms are being provided in ____________________.3. The place to take taxis is _____________________________.4. Before the welcome function, the ___________________ will have to be ready.Catering arrangements:5. The latest time to begin breakfast is ___________________________.6. Lunch on Thursday is at 12.30 because of the ______________ that day.7. Participants must choose where to have any _________________.Details of course sessions:9. There’s been a cancellation of the video session about _________.10. On Wednesday, John Hynes talks about Marketing and _____________.11. Eva Rosa talks about _________________ on Friday.12. The mobile phone number is on __________________.Part TwoQuestion 13-22You will hear five different people from a business school talking about the relocation of branches to one single center.For each extract, there are two tasks. For task one, choose the person who is speaking from the list A-H. for task two, choose the opinion that person express from list I-P.You will hear the recording twice.Task One – PERSONFor questions 13-17, match the extracts with the people, listed A-H.For each extract, choose the person who is speaking.Write one letter A-H next to the number of the extract.13. ___ A a cleaner14. ___ B a head of department15. ___ C a student16. ___ D a lecturer17. ___ E a receptionistF the proprietorG an agentH the technicianTask Two – opinionFor question 18-22, match the extracts with what people say, listed I-P.For each extract, choose the opinion expressed.Write one letter I-P next to the number of the extract.18. ___I thinks that the cost of administration will be reduced19. ___J supposes that some jobs will be lost20. ___K hopes that number of students will increase21. ___L believe that punctuality and attendance will improve22. ___M is confident that most students will be pleasedN thinks that the school’s image will be damagedO says that the information technology facilities willbenefitP feels that the re-organization will be very complicated Part ThreeQuestions 18-22You will hear a discussion between a man called Malcolm and a woman called Wendy, who have just been interviewing candidates for a job.For each question 23-30 mark one letter, A, B or C, for the correct answer.23 At the beginning of their conversation, Malcolm and Wendy agree trialA the woman was the best choice.B the interviews were hard work.C all the candidates were good.24 Ms StephensA has a lot of Public Relations experience.B has studied Public Relations.C has worked for a Public Relations company.25 Mr. White isA older than Ms Stephens.B younger than Ms Stephens.C the same age as Ms Stephens.26 Why is Wendy concerned about Mr. White?A because his approach may be out of dateB because he is too old for this positionC because he may not be flexible enough27 What does Maicolm suggest about Mr. White?A that he would be a disadvantage to the companyB that they speak to him againC that he has doubts about him28 Wendy tells Malcolm that next time they can only interviewA two people.B three people.C four people.29 Who does Wendy say has a good CV?A Mr. SmithB Mr. JonesC Ms Stephens30 Who has worked in advertising?A Mr. SmithB Ms StephensC Mr. JonesExercise FourPart OneQuestions 1-12You will hear a speaker addressing a group of investors attending a dinner to celebrate a confectionery company’s one hundredth birthday.As you listen, for questions 1 – 12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number.You will hear the recording twice.Rewards for shareholders1. They will be able to try the company’s new __________ product.2. They will also receive a ___________________________ per share.The present situation3. Sales have decreased in the last ________________________.4. Shares are expected to increase in value by ______________ in the near future.5. The company’s main rivals are enormous ____________________ companies.Company history6. The company was originally a ____________________ business.7. It recently became an ____________________________.The future8. The company has set a high _________________________ for the future.9. It does not intend to offer _______________________________ on its products.10. The company will spend more money on __________________________.11. The company anticipates trade with countries in _________________.12. The company expects bigger sales to _________________________.Part TwoQuestions 13-22You will hear five different people talking about a meeting they have just attended.For each extract there are two tasks. For task one, choose the reason for each meeting from the list A-H. for task two, choose the way that each person reacted to the meeting from list I-P.Task One – reasonFor questions 13-17, match the extracts with the reasons, listed A-H.For each extract, choose the reason for the meeting.Write one letter A-H next to the number of the extract.13. ___ A to discuss sales targets14. ___ B to present a new idea15. ___ C to demonstrate a new product16. ___ D to elect a new chairman17. ___ E to analyze a problemF to discuss expansionG to decide on redundanciesH to vote to issue sharesTask Two – ReactionFor question 18-22, match the extracts with the reactions, listed I-P.For each extract, choose the way the speaker reacted.Write one letter I-P next to the number of the extract.18. ___I thought it was very interesting19. ___J felt nervous about speaking20. ___K was not happy with the decisions made21. ___L found it confusing22. ___M disagreed strongly with someoneN thought it was very boringO lost his/her temper with someoneP agreed with the final decisionPart ThreeQuestions 23 - 30You will hear a radio presenter interviewing a businesswoman called Linda Taylor.For each question 23 - 30 mark one letter, A, B or C. for the correct answer.23 What do we learn about Linda Taylor?A She has set up an airline.B She has recently bought out an airline.C She is in charge of an airline.24 What new development has taken place at BellAir?A They have installed new machinery.B They have opened a new workshop.C They have bought modern planes.25 What problems did they have to resolve?A New engineers had to be employed.B The legal process was difficult.C Some staff had to be re-trained.26 She has formed an alliance with Sunlines in order to increase BellAir’sA involvement in tourism.B profit margins..C number of flights.27 BellAir ticket prices have been reduced onA domestic flights.B all flights.C international flights.28 What change has been made in the marketing arrangements?A A new consultancy has been contracted.B A new director has been appointed.C The present department has been expanded.29 Linda went into aviation toA fulfill a dream.B earn a high salary.C follow family tradition.30 What does Linda think is the key to success?A believing in oneselfB the right qualificationsC having good luckExercise FivePart OneQuestions 1-12You will hear part of a radio program on business topics. The presenter is talking about a company called Fast-Save.As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number.You will hear the recording twice.Fast-Save Limited.The company history:1. fast-save’s original name was ___________________.2. After 1970, it took over some ______________________.3. In 1932 it introduced many __________________________ products.4. fast-save’s advertising slogan was ____________________.Present situation:5. Problems have arisen because competitors have _____________ fast-save.6. This has led to a considerable fall in its _____________________.7. However, it still has substantial ______________________________.8. It continues to be able to employ the _____________________.The compnay’s future:9. It is taking steps to develop a ________________________.10. It has decided that customers are not mainly interested in buying.11. fast-save will be altering the _________________________ it keeps in its shops.12. A key advantage for fast-save is that it has reliable _________________.Part TwoQuestion 13-22You will hear five different talking about courses they are going to do.For each extract there are two tasks. For task one, choose the speaker’s reason for doing a course from the list A-H. for task two, choose the opinion that each person expresses about doing a course, from list I-PTask One – ReasonFor question 13-17, match the extracts with the reasons, listed A-H.For each extract choose the reason for doing the course.Write one letter A-H next to the number of the extract.13. ___ A wants to change departments14. ___ B is being made to get a qualification15. ___ C wants to learn how to use new technology16. ___ D thinks it is necessary to be competitive17. ___ E hopes to work in a foreign countryF is in competition with a colleagueG hopes to avoid losing his-her jobH is going to train othersTask Two – opinionFor question 18-22, match the extracts with the opinions people express, listed I-P.For each extract, choose the opinion expressed.Write one letter I-P next to the number of the extract.18. ___I is worried about forgetting new information19. ___J isn’t keen on the traveling involved20. ___K thinks more people should take similar courses21. ___L complains about a lack of information22. ___M finds it difficult to organize studiesN is looking forward to meeting new peopleO thinks the cost will be worth itP believes the effort will not be valuedPart ThreeQuestions 23-30Questions 23 - 30You will hear a radio interview between a journalist and the chairwoman of a shoe manufacturing company.For each question 23 - 30 mark one letter A, B or C, for the correct answer.23 Jean Chapel looks at people's shoes becauseA she needs ideas for new designs.B she wants to know the market.C the company asks her to.24 One of the founders of Chapel's was Jean'sA grandfather.B cousin.C father.25 Before a family member can work for Chapel's they must haveA bought shares in the company.B gained a professional qualification.C worked for another company.26 Jean's son has succeeded inA increasing factory output greatly.B selling more of their products overseas.C supplying 70% of shoes bought in France.27 Every week the companyA exports 8000 pairs of shoes.B sells 250 pairs of shoes.C makes 8000 pairs of shoes.28 What has happened to the country's shoe industry in recent years?A It has lost 80% of its export marketB It has been damaged very badly.C It has increased its profits by 23%.29 Chapel's deals with foreign competition byA maintaining quality.B making shoes more cheaply.C making more shoes.30 What is Jean worried about?A She will have to pay 8% dub' in the future.B Other countries have unfair advantages.C Her business share has fallen by 5%.Exercise SixPart OneQuestions 1-12You will hear the General Manager of Artis Ltd giving her staff instructions about the arrangements for a visit to the company by a group of international agents.As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number.You will hear the recording twice.ARTIS LIMITEDArrivalBriefing notes for visit of foreign agents.1. The agents will be brought to Artis ________________________ at 9 a.m.2. The agents will need to be taken to the ____________________ by 9.30 a.m.Rest of day3. The first place for the agents to see is the ______________________.4. The second place is the _________________________ departemtn.5. In the cafeteria, a video of the new __________________ will be shown.6. The last place they will visit will be the ________________________.Must remember7. All staff must ________________________________.8. it’s necessary to have two ______________ available at all times.9. Each agent must be given an ______________________ before the presentation.10. The agent from Bolivia needs an ___________________.Evening entertainment11. The latest time to arrive at the restaurant is _________________.12. The _________ will be at 9 p.m.Part TwoQuestions 13-22You will hear five different people talking about a special training program for their company.For each extract, there are two tasks. For task one, choose the person who is speaking from the list A-H. for task two, choose the opinion that each person expresses from the list I-P.You will hear the recording twice.Task One – PERSONFor questions 13-17, match the extracts with the people, listed A-H.For each extract, choose the person who is speaking.Write one letter A-H next to the number of the extract.13. ___ A the sales director14. ___ B the managing director15. ___ C a secretary16. ___ D a new junior manager17. ___ E the advertising managerF the finance directorG the catering managerH the information technology managerTask Two – opinionFor questions 18-22, match the extracts with what the people say, listed A-H.For each extract, choose the opinion expressed.Write one letter I-P next to the number of the extract.18. ___I there are good ideas, but little of practical value.19. ___J the sessions go on too long.20. ___K it may be difficult to remember everything.21. ___L there are too many specialized sessions.22. ___M the eating arrangements should be improved.N technology isn’t being given enough importanceO the training methods are old-fashioned.P people expect too much from the program.Part ThreeQuestions 23-30You will hear part of a conversation between two company employees, a woman called Rose and a man called Steve.For each question 23 - 30 mark one letter, A, B or C, for the correct answer.23 The main benefit of suggestions schemes is that they improveA profitabilityB motivation.C efficiency.24 When receiving a suggestion, it’s essential toA publicize itB implement itC research it25 In this scheme, it will be necessary, to excludeA staff in research and developmentB junior staff.C senior management26 The reward for a successful suggestion will be paidA over a five year period.B after three years.C at a fifth of the total value.27 When starting the scheme, Rose and Steve will emphasize how it couldA increase sales.B be enjoyable.C help promotion.28 The scheme will be started atA a regional office.B head office.C an offices.29 Start will make their suggestions byA using a special box.B sending a memo.C telephoning.30 Rose and Steve will report to the board onA the quality of suggestions.B the value of suggestions.C the number of suggestions.。
剑桥商务英语bec高级考试辅导(听力口语)(Cambridge Business English BEC Senior Test guidance (listening and speaking))Listening partTotal exam time: 40 minutes (including 10 minutes to fill in the answer card time)The first one: fill in the blanksPractical skills:1. strive to complete more than 80% of the gap in the first pass, complete and proofread all gaps in second times.2. the order of the gaps is in accordance with the order of the lines.3. in the hearing before the start of the first read the text, especially the part of the gap before the words and understand the meaning, because do not expect the speaker will say is completely consistent with the gap before the sentence words before mentioned a gap. The speaker often expresses the same meaning as the front part of the part of the gap, including the use of synonyms, near meaning sentences, etc..The 4. part of the gap includes: a single noun or adjective (usually complex morphology); two nouns constitute the structure; an adjective and a noun structure; verb plus noun structure; numeralsThe 5. gap is the noun (or noun structure) of the sign: the emergence of prepositions before the gap.The 6. gap is the mark of adjectives: there are nouns after the gap.The 7. gap is the sign of the verb (or verb structure): there is a preposition after the gap.The 8. gap is the sign of numeral (or numeral structure): the emergence of number, percentage and other prompt words before and after the gap.9. when the word (or structure) is too long at the gap, you can take shorthand at the first time, and finish it second times.10. when you really grasp the Chinese meaning of the word in the gap, but can not think of English, you can use synonyms instead.Second: the number of matching (to make thousands of candidates in the examination room, hardly wished to live.!!)Practical skills:1. grasp the Chinese meaning of each option, and imagine the words that the speaker may use whenever the choice is expressed or described.2., if you hear the content of the article is consistent with an option, generally bold to exclude this option.3. the expression in the correct option is synonymous with some part of the text. (part of the content or just a word or phrase; or a sentence)4. pay attention to the speaker's tone. (this method is especially applicable to the judgment of speaker's attitudes)5. candidates usually need to know more about the language use of various commercial occasions.The third item: multiple choicePractical skills:1. all questions are asked according to the order of the text.2. for each problem, the speaker has a clear and prompt exposition, so the key to solving problems is to find and understand these tips.The use of 3. suggestive words. The prompt words used by general speakers are: but; but I think; real... Fact is that... ;... Not the case; it is... Which/that... ;4. some words are synonymous with the words in the answer.5. let the reader infer the answer by giving an example.6. put the answer ahead of the examples.7., the speaker's confusion of the listener includes:(1) put forward some so-called reasons at the beginning, and put the real reason at the end.(2) the speaker will listen to some "prompt" at a quicker rate, usually some phrasal phrases, to confuse listeners. The words in the "prompt" often appear directly in the options.8., combined with the above points, it is not difficult to find the correct answer in this item are indirect given, usually through the speaker's 2 to 3 steps.Oral partThe whole exam time is about 16 minutes.The first one: ask for personal informationThe exam time: about 3 minutes.The form of the examination: the examiner puts questions to the examinee one by one, and the examinee answers.This examination content: involves many aspects of personal information, examiner questioning is ever-changing, but must design some aspects of personal information. Usually, in order to check the qualification of candidates,考官会问以下问题:你叫什么名字?/你能拼一下你的姓吗?/你能拼一下你的姓吗?/你的电话号码是多少?回答范例:我的名字是瑞。
PART ONE Questions 1—12•You will hear Gillian Turnbull, the founder of GT Fibreboard, talking at a regional business conference about her company,which manufactures corrugated cardboard。
•For questions 1—12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number.•You will hear the recording twice.GT FIBREBOARD Reasons for relocation to the South West:•purchase of machinery to reduce (1)。
.and need for space to accommodate it•the current (2).。
were unsuitable•opportunity to reduce cost of company’s (3)。
with no additional distributioncostsReason for commissioning consultancy:•worries about sustaining company's (4)。
Consultant's recommendations:•appoint a (5).。
•sell a wider range of packaging products made from polystyrene and (6)。
I've just moved from a company with a very strict hierarchy to a fast-growing software company and it's been hard coming to terms with the changes. I mean, don't get me wrong, I enjoy my new job a lot more. I have a lot more responsibility now and everything's done in project teams and managed by objectives. The one thing I do miss however, is that now, once a project's running, the team's pretty much on its own and left to solve any problems by itself. Before, there was always a superior I could turn to for help, and to be honest, I'd be much happier if that were still the case. Especially when you're starting a new job, having someone to talk to can make things a lot easier.I produce technical documents, you know, user's manuals and that sort of thing nothing creative, I'm afraid. Our team's responsible for its own work schedules. And as long as everything's finished before the machine's shipped, it's up to us when we do it. So you'd think with e-mail and everything, we'd all be able to work from home or come and go as we please but that's not the case. Unfortunately, it's a very conservative company so everyone's still clocking in and out at the same time. I suppose the managers have always worked a routine nine to five and just can't imagine anything else being possible.I'm an IT consultant and I'm working for a small leisure group on a one-year contract. So I'm travelling around Europe a lot, which I know sounds very glamorous, but it's just a case of jetting in, fixing a hotel's computer and then jetting out again. It also mean I'm on call and work very … shall we say ‘flexible' hours, including many weekends. Oh and I'm also responsible for the website, which I work on from home. What I miss is support from colleagues, you know, being able to discuss problems or things like the latest technology with other IT professionals in the same job. So, yes, it's definitely the social side of my job I'd like to improve.Well, I'm a temp and I'm working as a PA for a law firm in London just now. It's a medium-sized firm that's growth quickly so its organisation is very much like that of a smaller company. OK, I know it's unreasonable to expect a definite job description I mean, if something needs doing, then I think whoever's available should do it. But I'm already responsible for managing the diaries and correspondence of two senior managers, so when the telephone's ringing all day and people keep asking me to photocopy reports or even make them coffee, it just becomes impossible to get anything done.I work for the UK subsidiary of a Japanese company and it's very Japanese in terms of the way it's run. I've just got a new boss, who's come over from Japan. We seem to be getting on pretty well at the moment he always has time for me and gives me lots of support. The only thing is, I don't really have a huge say in what I do which is all right but sometimes it would be nice to be able to show a bit of initiative. Our work processes are totally standardized as fixed routines, which I don't mind. It's just that I always have to consult him before I can make even the smallest alteration to any job of any sort.I = Interviewer N = NeilI So, Neil, why did BT decide to introduce Options 2000?N Well, we started looking at flexible working back in 1993. And subsequent staff surveys showed that 96 per cent of our office-based staff wanted to work at home two or three days a week. We thought about how we could respond to this and soon realised that flexible working was very much a win-win-win situation. It's a win for technology, using our own products and practicing what we preach. And of course, it reduces BT's office space and cuts costs. But I think the real driver for change was accepting that our people wanted to work differently.I Right. And how many of them will actually end up working from home?N Our target's 10,000 by the end of the year.I 10,000!N Yes, that's out of about 55,000 office-based staff.I And what effect has this had on company structure?N Well, the company's been organised around business units for some time now. It used to be very much departmentalised, with work being done in series, you know, passed from one department to the next. But product life cycles are a lot shorter nowadays for the Internet, say, it's less than 6 months even. So people come together for a specific purpose and then go off to join new projects when the job's done.I So, these organisational changes must have had quite an effect on BT's culture.N Well, as I said, we've been developing a project-oriented culture. So, people now are paid for what they actually do and not for sitting at a desk from nine to five. But the really fundamental change is that we've become a lot more collaborative, both internally and in our dealings with partners and clients. And people are, of course, now getting used to working on several teams at once, which means they tend to get a lot more variety in their work as well.I Yes. And how about the technology? How do you help your teleworkers cope with it?N Well, people working from home have, I suppose, had to become more independent about coping with technology. But our corporate intranet is the largest in Europe and we've invested a lot of time and money in making sure there's enough on-line support for anyone using it. Oh, and there is some trainingavailable, of course.I And what's been the impact so far?N Well, it's difficult to say whether productivity's risen or not. But surveys show that since people have had access to work 24 hours a day, they've been working a lot longer days. In fact, we've just implemented a new training programme to help managers recognise this and deal with the situation. Because although some people might produce their best work under this kind of pressure, it's certainly not the case for everyone.I Was that one of the challenges when implementing the programme?N Yes, as was getting the general concept over. We've also had to adapt to the diversity of our flexible workers. It's not unusual, say, for 400 of them to be on the intranet at midnight.I Midnight? N Yes. I So, what happens when these people need stationery or when their computer crashes?N We've had to develop 24-hours, 365-day-a-year support services. I'd say that was probably our toughest challenge, actually.I And how have people adapted to working in these virtual teams?N Well, so far, very well. New teams usually meet at the start of a project. Of course, you can always find out about the other team members on the company intranet even before you meet them. After the first meeting, most communication is then done by e-mail, so we've had to work out guidelines on how to use e-mail, so we've had to work out guidelines on how to use e-mail more effectively. At the start we experienced some difficulties with people circulating far too much irrelevant information. And, of course, there's always one or two people who resist any form of change whatsoever.I And finally, how do you see the future of the office itself?N Well, I think flexible working's bound to increase but there'll always be a place for the office. There'll always be a need for face-to-face contact because even teams working remotely still need to get together every now and again to refocus. Being tied to the desk, however, is history. In future, mobile personal information systems will have all the tools we need for our jobs. The days of putting bits of paper in drawers are definitely numbered, I'm afraid.新编剑桥商务英语高级学生用书Unit 2AR = Richard K = KatieR Now, Internet stocks. They were going through the roof earlier this year until they ran into their recent difficulties. So the question is: has the bubble finally burst? Our technology correspondent Katie Johnson joins me in the studio. So Katie, first of all, what drove these prices up so high in the first place?K Well, all the hype about the Internet would have attracted some investors looking for a quick profit but I think the real driving force has been the fact that demand has far exceeded a limited supply. There were only a handful of Internet share offers last year, so opportunities to jump onto the Internet bandwagon have been very limited.R And all this is despite the fact they're far from what you'd call a safe investment.K Absolutely, yes.R But what about good old profits? Do they match the performance of the share prices?K Well, this is what's so fascinating. Take , for example, the Internet bookseller. They have a market value of $18bn, turnover in excess of $1bn, and yet they haven't even reached the break-even point. Apart from a couple of companies, such as Yahoo! And America Online, most of them are a long long way away from making any kind of profit whatsoever, never mind the huge profits everyone's hoping for.R So why on earth is everyone so keen to invest in them?K Well they're very trendy, and of course there's always the brand factor, which is another reason. Companies like Yahoo! And America Online now enjoy incredibly high brand awareness. But the real attraction is the tremendous potential for future revenue, particularly from advertising. Yahoo! Already has 144 million page hits a day and nearly 2,000 advertisers. And with Internet usage expected to double within five years, advertising spending is bound to increase.R But then how do analysts value these companies?K Well, it's not easy. They have few assets in the traditional sense and they all show phenomenal growth in terms of turnover, so analysts are having to rely on alternative yardsticks to compare them.R Such as?K Such as things like audience reach. Lycos, another search engine like Yahoo!, saw its shares jump by more than a third recently when figures came out saying it reached 45 per cent of all home Internet users.R So, let's turn to the recent collapse in these share prices. Has the bubble finally burst?K Well, we were due a sell-off, so it's not surprising that shareholders took advantage of the recent sharp rises. But I think what's really depressed prices is the flood of Internet companies that have floated recently and saturated the market with their hares. It seems that supply and demand are now leveling out. In fact, several companies have even seen their shares slide below the offer price. So, yes, enthusiasm does seem to be cooling.R Well, it seems to me that anyone investing in Internet shares is in for a bit of a rollercoaster ride. So just why I the market so volatile?K Well, it's a very young market, don't forget. And many companies have been listed for only a couple of months. Also, a lot of people who invest in these stocks actually use the Internet to trade on-line. Without the broker's commission, they can afford to buy in and out of stocks several times a day. This makes the market very sensitive to any breaking news. And I think it's this responsiveness which makes it so volatile.R So, Katie, the big question. What's the market going to do next?K Well, Richard, that's the million dollar question, isn't it? Some of the prices being paid do reflect the value of these companies so I can't really see prices falling much more. And although confidence will return, enthusiasm is cooling so don't expect to see prices soaring in the near future.R So how do you see the future for companies in this sector?K Well, I think the sector's going to see lots of consolidation activity as the bigger players look to buy talent and market share. Lycos, for example, has just acquired HotBot, one of its rivals. We'll also see one or two large established non-Internet companies looking to enter the market. The giant German publisher Bertelsmann, for example, has just entered into a joint venture with US bookseller Barnes and Noble to challenge Amazon's dominance on the Net. And if the Internet continues to grow like it is, then a few of these companies are bound to see substantial returns on their investments.新编剑桥商务英语高级学生用书Unit 2BGood afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I'm Steve Brown from the Zeneca Public Affairs Department. I'm here today to tell you a little bit more about the merger between Zeneca and the Swedish pharmaceuticals company Astra. So, first of all, the boards of Astra and Zeneca have announced that there is to be an all-share merger of the two companies. The new company will be called AstraZeneca. I'll begin by going through the rationale for the merger and listing some of its benefits. Then I'll go on to give some details about the new board and talk about the financial effects of the merger. And finally, I'll give a brief summary of the terms, including details about dividends and so on.The merger is a natural step for both partners as they both share the same science-based culture as well as a common vision concerning the future of the industry. The benefits of this move are many. To begin with, the merged group will have an enhanced ability to create long-term growth and increased value for its shareholders. Furthermore, it'll be able to deliver the full potential of its existing and future products through the joint strength and worldwide presence of its global sales and marketing operations. In fact, based on the joint pharmaceutical sales for last year, the AstraZeneca group will be the third largest pharmaceutical company in the world.The combined strength of the two R&D functions will also ensure an excellent basis for innovation-led growth. With a combined R&D spend of nearly $2bn, AstraZeneca will one of the largest R&D organizations in the world, which will mean that the company will also be of great interest to academic institutions and biotech companies seeking partners for their research programmes.At a strategic level, management is hoping that the merger will create sizeable operational efficiencies by restructuring areas of duplication. It has been calculated that synergies resulting from the merger could lead to cost reductions of over a billion dollars within the next three years. Although this sounds like a somewhat optimistic figure, we are quite confident that it can be achieved through streamlining the workforce, particularly in areas like administration and a restructuring of the two sales operations.Moving on to the board now, the board of AstraZeneca will be drawn equally from the two companies, with Tom McKillop, the Chief Executive, running the company along with his executive team. The board will be headed by Percy Barnevik, the non-executive Chairman, whose job it will be to check that strategy and policy are periodically reviewed and agreement is maintained. The two deputy Chairmen, Sir David Barnes and Hakan Mogren, both have extensive experience of the pharmaceutical industry and business in general. They will be available to advise and support the Chief Executive as necessary.新编剑桥商务英语中级学生用书Unit3B Cash FlowB:so,steve,how ‘s the cash flow situation ?any better?St:not really,no.the more we sell ,the less cash we seem to have.B:yes,I know.it’s called over-trading.you’re going to have to figure our a quicker way of turning those sales into cash.St:but now ,Barbara?that’s the question.B:well,did you think any more about offering early settlement discountSt:oh,yeah,we talked to most of our customers about it.they sounded quite interested.it seems that if we offered a 1%dicount .about half our customers would pay in ten days.B:well,that would make a big difference to cash flow.St:but if we offer 2%,three quarters of our customers will pay within ten days B:that’s great.so why don’t you do it?St:oh come on,Barbara.our margins are small enough already.i don’t see how we can afford to offer discounts.if we gave a 2%discount ,we’d lose thousands of dollars every year.B:do you know how much exactly?St:well ,on average monthly sales of $25,000,it’d cost us over four and a half thousand a year.B:what if you offered 1% and half your customers used it?St:well.that’d cost us about 1,500 a year.that’s a lot of money.barbara.B:but don’t forget your fianancing costs.steve.financing your cash flow gap means you’re paying the bank almost $3000 a year in interests.i worked out that if you offered the 1%discount ,you’d save almost a thousand on financing costs. St:so that you’re saying is the real cost of the discount would only be $500 more?B:that’s right.and your cashi flow for the month would increase by over $8000.and with the 2%discount ,you’d have an extra 16000 a month.St:wow.that much?we could really use that extra cash.steve.B:hmm.i still think 2% is too much.St:then why don’t we offer 1%?B:mmm Barbara?St:well,it’s not my decision.but if I were you steve.i’d really think very seriously about offering an early settlement discount.B:ok.ok .i get the point.if it really can make that big difference .we’ll give it a try.新编剑桥商务英语高级学生用书Unit 6AI = Interviewer G = Goran NilssonI And now to IKEA. The Swedish furniture retailer has just reported turnover of 56 billion Swedish kroner from its 150 stores worldwide. Now, IKEA puts its success down to corporate culture. So with me today to explain the secret of IKEA's culture is Managing Director of IKEA UK, Goran Nilsson. Good morning, Mr. Nilsson.G Good morning.I Now is every IKEA store really exactly the same?G Well, in terms of culture they're pretty well uniform. Although our culture will naturally bond with the local culture to some extent, our core values such as simplicity and cost-consciousness are valid in all cultures. So we don't need to adapt the way we operate to run our stores. And as for products, although we make some minor adaptations to suit local tastes, we produce exactly the same catalogue in all 28 countries.I And where do these values originate?G It all goes back to Sweden in the 50s and 60s. IKEA's founder, Ingvar Kamprad, started the company at a time of democratic and social change …I Are IKEA's values those of its founder, then?G Well, they have evolved over the last 57 years, of course, but I think our mission statement 'A better life for the majority of people's still very much reflects the spirit of those early years. Having said that though, I think Ingvar's ability to relate to a co-worker in China today would be pretty limited, thought.I You mentioned China. How does IKEA cope with such diversity amongst its employees?G Well, funnily enough, I've been working for IKEA for 15 years in Sweden, Italy, Canada, the USA and what's struck me most is how much we have in common. People may interpret certain concepts such as responsibility and freedom differently but our core values such as humbleness exist in every country.I So, what are the advantages of such a strong corporate culture?G They're tremendous. For one, there's a real bond between our operations around the world. It's easy to transfer across borders because you know the values will be exactly the same. And from a marketing and positioning point of view it's very advantageous as well. But the real pay-off is that it makes IKEA unique. You can clone our products and our store concept but not our culture. It takes years to build and it has to be maintained daily.I But how do you educate 40,000 workers?G We begin by making sure people understand the values. That's why the IKEA Way seminars are so vital. All managers attend them and then it's their responsibility to pass the message on. Corporate culture also figures in meetings …I Do you use educational videos and brochures as well?G Videos and brochures are helpful tools but only if used in conjunction with 'walking the talk' and discussing values with management. We have various initiatives which regularly provide co-workers with the opportunity to participate and contribute to these discussions.I So, does culture affect IKEA's recruitment process?G It has a major impact. Although it's important for us to get highly-skilled people into the company, we're not interested if there's a conflict of value systems. Anyone expecting a flash car or status symbols has no future with us. Recruitment at IKEA's an extensive process, based on judgements about a candidate's value systems and attributes. We can add retail skills, no problem, but it's tough to change someone's mindset.I Does that go for career advancement too?G Yes, it does.I So Swedish managers will always have more chance of promotion then?G We find that many Scandinavians identify more easily with our culture but there is no written or unwritten rule concerning the nationality of senior managers. It would be impossible, however, for anyone to advance within IKEA without wholly understanding and buying into the company's philosophy and culture. So managers are encouraged to visit Sweden and learn the language etc. and management inductions include at least one week in Almhult, where the company began.I And finally, Ingvar Kamprad stepped down as President in the mid-80s, replaced by Anders Moberg. What effect did this have on the development of IKEA's culture?G Both Moberg and our current Chief Executive, Anders Dahlvig, worked closely with Kamprad for many years and have a deep knowledge and understanding of Kamprad's original vision and philosophy. Naturally, IKEA is different today than it was 10 years ago, primarily because it is three times bigger and has entered many more diverse and challenging markets. But our values and mission to provide quality,affordable products for the majority of people remain very much in situ.。
各项考核所占比例分布如下:平时考核, 占20%,主要通过出勤、发言、小测验和参与讨论的情况进行评判;期中考试,占30%,采取小组英语口试或话题展示(Topic presentation)进行;期末考试,占50%,采取平行班统一闭卷听力考试形式进行。
教学模式是任务与策略相结合,通过听和说与经贸金融知识和其它商业相关的内容,让学生在教师的指导下进行商务语言情景下的听说语言操练, 使听说语言能力和商贸专业知识有机地结合起来。
第一课全球化趋势【教学目的和要求】Teaching Objectives:1.In this unit students will learn words and expressions related to globalization trendand WTO..2.Students will be able to argue either in favor of or against globalization or WTO.【教学时间】Time allocationThis unit will need 3 class hours, 2 hours for listening and studyingthe content of the text and the rest for discussion and practice.【主要内容】Background ReadingWTO Agrees to a New Round of Trade TalksLoose-leaf selective listeningPart A Business NewsExercise 1, 2Part B Who Benefits from GlobalizationExercise 1, 2Part C G20 Leaders Promise Measures to Fight Global RecessionExercise 1, 2Acting outExercise 1, 2【重点和难点】I.Notice expressions related to globalization and how people perceive it. Globalization: economic integration, anti-globalization, market access, improved investment climatePeople’s perception:Pros:Globalization indeed helps reduce poverty and inequality;Significant decrease in the number of the world’s extreme poor since 1980;Views of globalization are distinctly more positive in low-income countries than in rich ones;Developing country people blamed their local governments, not globalization, for their country’s ills.Cons:Globalization has been received with great distrust;Anti-globalization activists argue that global economic integration favors the already wealthy while hurting the poor from developing nations;II.Please first write down the following words on the blackboard or computer. Then ask students to listen for sentences with these words in them. You ask them to listen two times and see who has caught more sentences.1.indeed-- globalization indeed helps reduce poverty and inequality.2.favors-- Global economic integration favors the already wealthy while hurting thepoor from developing nations.3.more positive…than--views of globalization are distinctly more positive inlow-income countries than in rich ones.pared to--in Sub-Saharan Africa 75% of households thought that multinationalcorporations had a positive influence on their country, compared to only 54% in rich countries.5.Of the--Of the 38,000 people in 44 nations surveyed, those in the developingworld generally blamed their local governments, not globalization, for their country’s ills.6.no ground for-- There is, however, no ground for complacency.7.take…attitude--He hoped all WTO members would take a "flexible" and"pragmatic" attitude in talks.8.consultations on-- It seems the trade ministers have had serious consultations onthe DDA (Doha Development Agenda) issues.d after-- The Doha Development Agenda refers to the WTO talks namedafter the Qatari capital of Doha.10.make compromises and concessions-- So we have to be flexible and pragmatic,and give necessary consideration to the concerns of other parties, includingmaking compromises and concessions when the situation so warrants." III.Please first write down the following words on the blackboard or computer. Then ask students to listen for sentences with these words in them. You ask them to listen two times and see who has caught more sentences.1.worldwide poll-- A recent worldwide poll may have come as a shock to somepeople.2.what was striking-- But what was striking in the survey is that views ofglobalization are distinctly more positive in low-income countries than in rich ones.3.respectively-- The figures for "very good" stood at 56% and 64%, respectively.4.far more likely-- Sub-Saharan Africa (56%) were far more likely to findintegration "very good."5.have bad effect on-- a significant minority (27% of households) in rich countriesthought that "globalization has a bad effect on my country.6.nearly as positive-- Views of the effects of the WTO, World Bank, and IMF ontheir country were nearly as positive in Africa (72%).7.respondents-- only 28% of respondents in Africa thought that anti-globalizationprotestors had a positive effect on their country.第二课国际贸易热点问题【教学目的和要求】Teaching Objectives:1.In this unit students will learn words and expressions related to international trade..2.Students will be able to talk about the hot issues related to international trade such as trade relations, trade deficit, trade barriers, and trade disputes.【教学时间】Time allocationThis unit will need 3 class hours, 2 hours for listening and studyingthe content of the text and the rest for discussion and practice.【主要内容】Background ReadingWhat is International Trade?Loose-leaf selective listeningPart A Business NewsExercise 1, 2Part B Central Bank Governor on RMB Exchange RateExercise 1, 2Part C The Future of Fair TradeExercise 1, 2Acting outExercise 1, 2【重点和难点】I.Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember).1.to be subject to -- China has been subject to increasing foreign anti-dumping,anti-subsidy, protection measures and special safeguard investigations since its entry into the World Trade Organization.2.consecutive -- China has suffered the most in anti-dumping investigation in theworld for nine consecutive years.3.to launch -- Starting from 1979 to the end of September 2004, 34 countries andregions launched altogether 665 disputes of anti-dumping, anti-subsidy protection measures and special safeguard investigations against Chinese products4.to suffer a loss -- Because of this China suffered a tremendous economic lossvalued at US$19.1 billion in terms of foreign trade.5.to resolve a dispute -- A second round of negotiations between China and theUnited States aimed at resolving a dispute over textile trade broke down Thursday.6.to consult with -- We will be consulting with the Chinese over the next few dayson the date and location of the next round.7.to surge -- U.S. manufacturers say Chinese clothing imports, which have surgedafter a worldwide quota system expired on Jan. 1, are costing them profits and jobs.8.to be sensitive -- The dispute is especially sensitive amid rising Americanfrustration at the country's soaring trade deficit with China, which reached a record $162 billion last year.II.Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember).1.to come into existence -- China's current unified, managed floating exchange rateregime based on market supply and demand of foreign exchange came into existence in 1994.2.to appreciate -- Between 1994 and 1997, the exchange rate of the RMB againstthe US dollar appreciated from 8.7 1, reflecting the feature of a managed float regime.3.floating band -- At the end of 1997, at the request of neighboring economies andinternational institutions, China substantially narrowed the floating band of the RMB exchange rate to help reduce the shock of the Asian financial crisis and dispel the fear of RMB devaluation.4.to pursue -- The Chinese government does not pursue trade surplus, but ratheraims at a rough overall balance in the current account.5.to be compatible with -- Since China recorded limited foreign reserves in the1990s, it was necessary to expand them to be compatible with the level of import and external debts.6.to entail -- It was not until the end of 2001 that China was accepted as a memberof WTO, which entailed a series of trade reforms.7.to turn out -- It turned out that while China's import in 2002 recorded a rapidexpansion, export also surged, resulting in a trade surplus of 30.4 billion US dollars.8.to relax restrictions -- In the five years following the accession to WTO, Chinawill continue to cut tariff and relax quantitative import restrictions.9.to surpass -- Since the beginning of this year, the growth of China's imports hasaccelerated, surpassing that of exports.10.to call for -- International trade theories and WTO spirit call for multilateral-tradebalance rather than bilateral trade balance.11.given -- Given the two countries' existing economic and trade structure, theUnited States would continue to have big trade deficit with China.12.to be attributable to -- The US trade deficit may be attributable to structuralimbalances and fiscal deficits in the United States rather than the RMB exchange rate.III.Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember).1.as opposed to—CCTV Dialogue Program Hostess had invited a professorGertrude Hoffman from the London School of Economics to talk about free trade as opposed to fair trade.2.free access—Free trade allows free access to markets and market information.3.level playing field—The focus of free trade is on creating a level playing fieldbetween the trader and the producer with the idea of creating better market efficiency and higher profits.rmed—So that we have informed consumers who know what options are outthere.5.grow in popularity—I think that Fair Trade is already growing in popularity.6.mainstream—You will see a lot of products that are just appearing in themainstream as Fair Trade products because they are great products to sell and satisfy the requirements of being in the Fair Trade.第三课解读经济【教学目的和要求】Teaching Objectives1.Students will learn word and expressions related to various economic indication.2.Students will be able to use economic indicators to talk about economic situations.【教学时间】Time allocationThis unit will need 3 class hours, 2 hours for listening and studyingthe content of the text and the rest for discussion and practice.【主要内容】Background ReadingGreenspan’s Record: An Activist Unafraid to Depart from the RulesLoose-leaf selective listeningPart A Business NewsExercise 1, 2Part B Business Reports in Face of the Worst Financial CrisisExercise 1, 2Part C How to Be Exuberant and RationalExercise 1, 2Acting outExercise 1, 2【重点和难点】I.Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember).1.dilemma-- Could the Bank of England face a similar policy dilemma to that of theEuropean Central Bank.2.stick-- Confronted by sticky consumer price inflation, the ECB has felt unable tocut interest rate for more than two years.3.threshold-- While welcoming the amendment in principle, many members of theStanding Committee of the 10th National People's Congress, China's top legislature called for the threshold to be raised even higher to benefit more low earners.4.levy-- A proposed amendment raising the threshold at which personal income islevied has met with a mixed response from national legislators in China.5.water down-- A group of small EU countries are seeking to water down some ofthe key proposals in G8 debt relief deal agreed last week by G8 leaders at Gleneangles, leaked documents have revealed.6.spike-- Crude oil prices hit a record 68 dollars a barrel after the US reported adecline in petrol stocks and China said its crude imports spiked in July, as strong demand on the mainland shows no signs of easing.7.hit-- On an inflation-adjusted basis, oil prices would need to hit about 90 dollars abarrel to match the highs of 25 years ago.II.Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember).1.unveil – President Obama is unveiling his budget this week.2.deficit –The president wants to cut the federal deficit by half over the next fouryears.3.refinance – Sources say that the government will cut monthly mortgage payments,allow more borrowers to refinance their loans and give bankruptcy judges greater power to modify mortgages.4.worst-case scenario – GM says it’s now going to need a total of 30 billion dollarsin bailout money in the worst-case scenario.5.wrap up – Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is headed back home after wrappingup her first overseas trip as the top U.S. diplomat.6.fiscal disaster –State leaders are now warning of a fiscal disaster if lawmakerscan’t reach an agreement.7.up for sale – One of the most expensive addresses in New York is up for sale.8.bid for – This is a piece of real estate only billionaires can bid for.9.put brakes on –The worst economic crisis has put brakes on the expansion athome and made high quality brews in the U.S. market more competitive.10.overriding –Virtually every customer we talked pointed to one overridingconcern—too expensive..11.price conscious—In fact Starbucks is looking at new ways to appeal toprice-conscious consumers.II.Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember).1.irrational exuberance -- In December 1996, when Alan Greenspan made hisfamous comment on the possibility of “irrational exuberance” in stock prices, the Dow Jones industrial average stood at 6,400.2.burst a bubble -- The Fed should not try to burst a bubble by raising interest ratewhen the outlook does not demand it.3.unsustainable surge -- Mr. Greenspan’s view is based partly on the difficulty, forcentral bankers, of spotting the difference between an unsustainable surge in prices based on speculation and a sustainable one based on fundamentals.4.core mandate -- If a market shift threatens the core mandate, its job is to deal withthe consequences.5.“mopping up” strategy-- Alan Blinder, the Princeton professor who is giving apaper on the Greenspan era at this week’s Jackson Hole symposium, calls this the Fed’s “mopping up” strategy.6.substantial economic contraction -- It is far from obvious that bubbles, even ifidentified early, can be pre-empted at lower cost than a substantial economic contraction and possible financial destabilization –the very outcomes we are seeking to avoid.7.froth -- Part of the next Fed chairman’s inheritance will be a housing market thatMr. Greenspan has said is showing signs of “froth” in a number of cities.8.sanguine -- Henry Kaufman, the Wall Street economist, believes the FOMC is toosanguine.9.consumption binge -- The Fed’s assurances that it will raise rates at a “measured”pace have contributed to a household debt-financed consumption binge and to speculative activity by investors.第四课消费者行为【教学目的和要求】Teaching Objectives:1.Students should learn vocabulary and basic concepts related to marketing and consumer behavior.2.Students will be able to talk about different consumer behavior and marketing practices.【教学时间】Time allocationThis unit will need 3 class hours, 2 hours for listening and studyingthe content of the text and the rest for discussion and practice.【主要内容】Background ReadingWhat is Consumer Behavior?Loose-leaf selective listeningPart A Business NewsExercise 1, 2Part B Global Slump Casts a Pall over ConsumersExercise 1, 2Part C Lifestyle Change – Fitness and HealthExercise 1, 2Acting outExercise 1, 2【重点和难点】I.Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember).1.to contract--He has contracted the habit of talking to himself.2.acute--an acute disease, an acute hospital3.There is a shortage of acute beds in the hospitals because of the unexpected outbreak of SARS.4.to take sth. for granted -- I take it for granted that we should build new roads. 5.trivial -- He sometimes puts the trivial above the important.6.to mislead sb. Into...-- Her friendly attitude misled us into thinking that we could trust her.II.Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember).1.global slowdown –Squeezed by global slowdown, consumers and companies in countries that celebrate the Lunar New Year, are slashing their spending on traditional lavish gifts, liquor and banquets.2. count on –In China, where many businesses count on the equivalent of aChristmas shopping boom for a big share of annual sales.3. roll out—It could further depress China’s falling growth rate just as Beijing isrolling out a multibillion-dollar plan to boost consumer spending.4. splurge on—Companies that splurge on lobster for employee parties in 2008 areordering pork this year.1.scale down –Companies are also scaling down employee lotteries—a commonfeature of holiday parties.2.double-digit growth—Hardest-hit have been areas hat depend on exports, whichfell 2.8% in December compared with 2007—a painful decline from double-digit growth earlier in 2008.3.outlast –Other companies are expected to cut or withhold bonuses to preservecash so they can outlast the slump.4.venue—Daimler debated whether to have an employee party and decided to holdon at a less expensive venue than in 2008.5.cut into –The downturn has cut into sales of the ubiquitous red envelopes.6. throw in—The hotel may even throw in free cocktails to sweeten the deal.7.reeling—The hotel business is reeling as firms and families cut their travelbudgets.8.grind on—Haggling has become more accepted, at least for as long as therecession grinds on.9.hammer out—Car dealers are more willing than ever to hammer out a bargainnow that sales have slumped.10.waive—Credit-card companies are being more flexible with customers who wantinterest rates reduced or late fees waived.11.horse-trading—Firms may suffer in American consumers get used to the idea ofall this horse-trading.prop-up—But in the short term, it could prop up sales.III.Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember).1.preoccupation-- their preoccupation with fitness and health has emerged as a corevalue.2.to manifest --This value has manifested itself in a number of ways.3.outgrowth--The fitness trend is an outgrowth of the "me generation."pared with--Today, nearly 70 percent of the population engages in one ormore athletic activities daily, as compared with only 25 percent a generation ago.5.to modify--Traditional food manufacturers have begun modifying theiringredients to cater to the health-conscious consumers.6.to persuade--Sun Chips from Frito-Lay try to persuade consumers they arewholesome products.7.with respect to--Some of the biggest changes have occurred with respect to whatpeople drink.8.diet--Diet beverages are the super growth segment of the soft-drink industry.9.per capita consumption--Paralleling this trend, the consumption of bottled waterhas grown rapidly, with per capita consumption jumping from 2.8 gallons in 1990 to 8.8 gallons in 1999, an increase of 214 percent.第五课品牌资产和全球品牌【教学目的和要求】Teaching Objectives:1.Students will learn words and expressions related to branding.2.Students will be able to talk about the historical development and the current situation of global brands.【教学时间】Time allocationThis unit will need 3 class hours, 2 hours for listening and studyingthe content of the text and the rest for discussion and practice.【主要内容】Background ReadingBrand EquityLoose-leaf selective listeningPart A Business NewsExercise 1, 2Part B Wal-Mart Learns a Branding LessonExercise 1, 2Part C ZTE Silent ModeExercise 1, 2Acting outExercise 1, 2【重点和难点】I.Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember).1.brand-building--Possibly no brand has done a better job of mining the potential ofnew brand-building principles than Korean consumer electronics manufacturer Samsung Electronics Co. .2.post--Samsung has posted the biggest gain in value of any Global 100 brand, witha 186% surge.3.Brand value--Last year Samsung surpassed No. 28 Sony in overall brand value.4.Marketing and product mix--Some of the older brands in our ranking are clearlystruggling to remake their marketing and product mix for a more complex world.5.Slippage--VW acknowledges its brand value slippage.6.Outspend--Sony outspends Samsung on traditional advertising in the U.S. onelectronics products. Many young brands that scored big gains in value depend on their own interactive Web sites to shout about their brands.7.Spokesman--Yao is a spokesman for Coca-Cola rival, Pepsi.8.Feature--A picture featuring Yao and two other Chinese basketball players can becurrently found on bottles of the popular soft drink.9.Legal proceedings--Yao has recently initiated legal proceedings againstCoca-Cola for what he claims is an unauthorized use of his image.10.Recall--He is demanding the company recall all products carrying his picture.11.Publicity deal--Top athletes recently signed a publicity deal with Coca-Colarivals Pepsi in early May.12.Publicity agent--Coca-Cola signed a contract with the publicity agent for theChinese Men's Basketball Team in late March.13.Personal authorization--China's national law states that a person's image can onlybe used for advertising purposes if they have given personal authorization. II.Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember).1.in liquidation—Iconic brands such as Lines-n-Things and Mervyns are inliquidation.2.file for bankruptcy protection—Former electrical retail powerhouse Circuit Cityfield for bankruptcy protection last week.3.quarter—On Thursday Wal-Mart announced a 7.5% increase in sales for thefirst three quarters of 2008.4.upcoming—Chief executive Lee Scott was smiling when he declared his‘optimist’for the upcoming holiday season.5.trade down—The middle classes across the Atlantic have begun trading down inthe millions.6.at the expense of—Wal-Mart is enjoying a middle-class renaissance at theexpense of its upmarket rivals.7.learn…the hard way—It has learned one of the greatest secrets of branding thehard way.8.flat sales—Frustrated with flat sales, and shareholder pessimism, the leadershipteam at Wal-Mart decided to reposition the brand.9.in close proximity to—Students are shown a perceptual map in which a brand isin close proximity to competitors and associated with lifeless values.10.implication—The implication is obvious: change when the brand stands for andbecome popular and profitable again.11.bonkers—In Wal-Mart’s case, the brand repositioning was particularly bonkers.revitalization—Wal-Mart realized that its repositioning strategy was not working, and shifted to a revitalization approach instead.III.Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember).1.entrant—In the last quarter of 2007 there were three new entrants in the top tenlist of mobile-phone makers.2.market share—Its worldwide market share went from 0.4% at the start of 2007to 1.2% in the second quarter of 2008.3.business model—Yet ZTE is easy to overlook, because of its distinctive businessmodel.parable—With prices for comparable products 25-90% less than those of itsWestern competitors, ZTE has customers in over 60 countries.5.economic rise—Behind ZTE’s emergence are the usual factors that have come tobe associated with China’s economic rise, with a few twists.6.at short notice—Many of whom are deployed at short notice to work an largeprojects in some of the world’s most difficult places..7.financing—More fuzzy, but still important, has been ZTE’s ability to use helpfrom the Chinese government to arrange cheap financing for its global customers, which often lack capital.8.low-cost strategy—ZTE has done a good job of understanding how to pursue alow-cost strategy.9.unobtrusive—ZTE focuses on making equipment that is cheap, reliable andunobtrusive.10.white label—It supplies handsets on a “white label”basis to operators, whichthen sell them under their own brands.11.customize—ZTE does make some advanced handsets, but its strength is incombining low cost with a willingness to customize handsets for the operators. big names—ZTE supplies phones to big names such as V odafone and Telefonica.第六课广告诉求—形象和性格【教学目的和要求】Teaching Objectives:1.Students will learn words and expressions related to advertising.2.Students will be able to discuss different types of advertising appeals and the importance of image and personality to a product.【教学时间】Time allocationThis unit will need 3 class hours, 2 hours for listening and studyingthe content of the text and the rest for discussion and practice.【主要内容】Background ReadingWhat is Advertising?Loose-leaf selective listeningPart A Business NewsExercise 1, 2Part B What Should You Spend on AdvertisingExercise 1, 2Part C Advertising Techniques in the Movie “Spider Man”Exercise 1, 2Acting outExercise 1, 2【重点和难点】I.Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember).1.climb to-- The online ad spend climbed to £490.8 million ($861 million) in the first six months of this year, exceeding previous estimates for the period. 2.account for-- Online rose to account for 5.8 percent of the market, surpassing outdoor advertising, which accounts for 5.1 percent of the total ad spend in the U.K.3.overtake-- Previous IAB U.K. estimates expected online to overtake outdoor by mid-2006.4.drive the shift of-- An increase in broadband penetration, rich media, media consumption and an online retail boom all drove the shift of ad spending to the Web.5.compile-- The IAB U.K. report was compiled from a survey of 75 companies representing thousands of Web sites.6.be valid on-- This program is to reward system integrators across the country and is valid on all Samsung color monitor, HDD and OMS products purchases made by SI partners.7.apart from-- Apart from these, gifts include Maruti Omni, 54-inch projection TVs, 29-inch DNIe TVs, Samsung 1.5 T split AC, Samsung frost-free refrigerators, motor cycles, mobiles and Titan watches.8.as part of-- As part of the scheme, Samsung has packaged its color monitors, HDD and OMS products in bundles.9.on the basis of-- to be given to the SI Partner on the basis of a lucky draw to be announced within a fortnight of the closing date of participation. 10.strengthen relationship with-- Samsung Power of 3 Program is a strong tool to help us grow our business and strengthen our relationship with the SI partners.II.Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember).1.conundrum –It’s a conundrum that vexes many corporate leaders, from emergingentrepreneurs to seasoned CEOs..2.precede—Others naively assume that if they simply provide excellent products orservices, their reputation will precede them.3.beat a path to someone’s door—But the world has too many things to do with itstime than beat a path to your door.4.profit-and-loss statement—That means you need to structure your profit-and-lossstatement in such a way that you can profitably allocate a reasonable percentage of your revenue to marketing.5.advertising-to-sales ratio–Your first step is to find out what theadvertising-to-sales ratio typically is in your field6.financial statement—Public companies in your industry may give a figure fortheir marketing spending in their financial statements.7.leverage –You’ll also need to know if your business is built to leverage volume orto leverage margin.8.volume-driven –V olume-driven companies tend to spend a tiny percentage ofsales on marketing.9.margin-driven—Margin-driven companies tend to spend a larger percentage ofsales on marketing.10.meager –Wal-Mart might spend a meager 0.4% of sales on advertising.11.bump –If you are in a service business, you might want to bump your staringpoint higher than 5%.12.fuel—So fueling its growth requires that we spend a higher percentage of ourrevenues.III.Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember).1.shape attitude towards-- Advertisers use several recognizable techniques in order。
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Exercise OnePart OneQuestions 1-12You will hear a speaker addressing a group of business people at the beginning of a training course. He is telling them about the timetable for the first day.As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes, using up to 3 words or a number. You will hear the recording twice.General:The morning session begins at ________________1_____________________________. The course is called ______________2________________.T he day’s work:The main task for the day is to ______________3______________.Two things to take into account are your product’s ____________4__________ and your _________5______.Don’t spend time thinking about the __________________6____________________.The most important thing today is to use your ________________7________________________.Each group should produce a _______________8_______________.Before meeting together again, each group should choose a ____________9_______________.Evening options:The subject of this evening’s talk is the _______________10_______________________.An __________11___________ will take place in the Davidson Room.If you want meet an advertising editor, go to _____________12___________________.Part TwoQuestions 13-22You will hear extracts from five different people all work in the offices of a large company talking about letters they have just received.For each extract there are tow tasks. For task one, choose what was in the letter received from list A-H. . For task two choose the response the speaker intends to make from the list I-P.You will hear the recording twice.Task One – What the Letter ContainsFor questions 13-17, match the extracts with the descriptions of what was in the letter, listed A-H.For each extract, choose what was in the letter received from list A-H.Write one letter A-H next to the number of the extract.13. ___ A an enquiry about future plans14. ___ B a complaint about a product15. ___ C agreement with a recent decision16. ___ D a request for an appointment17. ___ E an order for a new productF thanks for assistanceG an invitation to attend a presentationH an apology for delayTask Two – ResponseFor question 18-22, match the extracts with the responses, listed I-P.For each extract, choose the response the speaker intends to make.Write one letter I-P next to the number of the extract.18. ___ I waiting before taking any action19. ___ I writing to apologize20. ___ K passing it on to another department21. ___ L arranging a meeting22. ___ M asking for further detailsN writing to express thanksO writing to complainP phoning to discuss a problemPart ThreeQuestions 23 - 30You will hear a radio interview with Martha Flowers, the Managing Director of the MAX chain of sandwich bars.Choose the correct phrase to complete each sentence or answer the question.23 Martha started her business becauseA someone asked her to.B she saw a good opportunity.C she had a lot of experience in fast food.24 Martha says the first three years of the business wereA not very successful.B surprisingly good.C very interesting.25 How does MAX try to follow the example of fast food chainsA by working fasterB by using cheap productsC by working efficiently26 What does Martha say about office diaries?A She thinks that, unfortunately, they are necessary.B She never uses one at all.C Her secretary keeps one for her.27 What does Martha say about her employees?A They must listen more carefully to what customers say.B She finds what they can tell her very useful.C It is difficult to recruit enough good quality staff.28 According to Martha, what is the most important factor in MAX’s success?A The same customers keep buying their products.B They only sell the best quality products.C They have high profit margin.29 Martha's advice to anyone who is starting a new business is toA look for an area with few competitors.B keep yourself well informed about competitors.C try to offer lower prices than your competitors.30 What surprises Martha about other companies?A They don’t monitor their competitors' activities.B They are unaware of their own weaknesses.C They don’t act on the information they ha ve.Exercise TwoPart OneQuestion 1-12You will hear a successful executive addressing a group of trainees on a business course. She is describing her job to them.As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number.You will hear the recording twice.Her day:1. The first problem is to find a ____________________________________________.2. How many opportunities she has depends on how many _____________________ she is discussing.3. Just before leaving the office she always ________________________________. Meetings:4. She meets dairy with her ____________________________________________.5. The maximum length of these meeting is ____________________________.6. Once a week she meets the ______________________________________.7. They discuss _________________________________________________.8. Once a month she gives a ____________ to her colleagues.9. As preparation for this she has to ____________________ from various departments. Background:10. A qualification from the _____________________ is essential.11. You also need a Maters in _____________________________________.12. For this job, __________________________________ is the most important quality. Part TwoQuestion 13-22You will hear five different people talking about the meeting they’ve attended or are about to attend.For each extract there are two tasks. For task one, choose the person who is speaking from the list A-H. for task two, choose the person the speaker is talking to from the list I-P.Choose the person who is speaking from the list A-H.Task One – Person Who Is SpeakingFor questions 13-17, match the extracts with the people listed A-H.For each extract, choose the person who is speaking.Write one letter A-H next to the number of the extract.13. ___ A the personnel manager14. ___ B the training manager15. ___ C the managing director16. ___ D the manager of office supplies17. ___ E the marketing managerF a temporary clerkG the junior finance managerH the finance directorTask Two – Who the Speaker Is Talking ToFor question 18-22, match the extract with the person the speaker is talking to, listed I-P. For each extract, choose the person the speaker is talking to.Write one letter I-P next to the number of the extract.18. ___ I a manager in the same company19. ___ J a fellow passenger on the train to work20. ___ K a clerk in another department21. ___ L the staff in his / her department22. ___ M the participants at the meetingN his wife / her husbandO a rather forgetful member of the departmentP a representative from another companyPart ThreeQuestions 23 - 30You will hear part of a conversation between two managers from different companies, a woman called Elizabeth and a man called Steven.Choose the correct phrase to complete each sentence or answer the question.23 Elizabeth says at the beginning that her company isA planning to expand.B small and not very rich.C doing rather badly at the moment.24 Steven thinks that his computer systemA is just as fast as the latest systems.B is much faster than Elizabeth's present system.C is completely different to the newest systems.25 Steven believes that the real reason the comput ers in his company are being replaced isA so that the business can move into the international market.B because of a difference of opinion in his company.C because their clients will like it.26 Elizabeth thinks that the price Steven is askingA includes the price of installation and servicing.B is within the amount her company has budgeted for.C is a perfectly reasonable price for the equipment.27 Steven agrees that his company willA install the system a nd pay part of the servicing costs.B pay the costs of servicing for the first year.C install and service the system.28 Steven offers to train Elizabeth's staff to use the system, provided thatA the trainers go to Elizabeth's company.B only a limited number of people receive training.C Elizabeth's company doesn't try to compete with his.29H o w d o e s E l iz a b e t h's c o mp a n y d i f f e r f r o m S te v e n's?A I t i s l i k e l y t o b e c o me l a r g e r th a n S te v e n's i n th e f u tu r e.B I t i s c o n c e r n e d o n l y w i t h a s p e c i a l iz e d a r e a o f t h e ma r k e t.C I t h a s s t a r t e d to o p e r a te in mo r e th a n o n e c o u n tr y.30W h a t d o e s S t e v e n s a y a b o u t t h e c h a i r s?A H e w i l l h a v e d if f i c u l t y g e t t i n g p e r mi s s i o n to in c lu d e th e m.B H e w i l l b e a b l e t o g i v e t h e m t o E l iz a b e th a s p a r t o f th e d e a l.C I t i s u n r e a s o n a b l e o f E l i z a b e t h t o a s k f o r th e m.Exercise ThreePart OneQuestion 1-12You will hear the manager of On Course Ltd, a business training company, giving his staff instructions about a business summer school they are organizing, which begins tomorrow.As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number.You will hear the recording twice.ON COURSE LIMITED – Briefing notes for staff on business summer school.General preparation:1. The number of participants has increased by _____________________.2. Extra bedrooms are being provided in ____________________.3. The place to take taxis is _____________________________.4. Before the welcome function, the ___________________ will have to be ready.Catering arrangements:5. The latest time to begin breakfast is ___________________________.6. Lunch on Thursday is at 12.30 because of the ______________ that day.7. Participants must choose where to have any _________________.Details of course sessions:9. There’s been a cancellation of the video session about _________.10. On Wednesday, John Hynes talks about Marketing and _____________.11. Eva Rosa talks about _________________ on Friday.12. The mobile phone number is on __________________.Part TwoQuestion 13-22You will hear five different people from a business school talking about the relocation of branches to one single center.For each extract, there are two tasks. For task one, choose the person who is speaking from the list A-H. for task two, choose the opinion that person express from list I-P.You will hear the recording twice.Task One – PERSONFor questions 13-17, match the extracts with the people, listed A-H.For each extract, choose the person who is speaking.Write one letter A-H next to the number of the extract.13. ___ A a cleaner14. ___ B a head of department15. ___ C a student16. ___ D a lecturer17. ___ E a receptionistF the proprietorG an agentH the technicianTask Two – opinionFor question 18-22, match the extracts with what people say, listed I-P.For each extract, choose the opinion expressed.Write one letter I-P next to the number of the extract.18. ___ I thinks that the cost of administration will be reduced19. ___ J supposes that some jobs will be lost20. ___ K hopes that number of students will increase21. ___ L believe that punctuality and attendance will improve22. ___ M is confident that most students will be pleasedN thinks that the school’s image will be damagedO says that the information technology facilities willbenefitP feels that the re-organization will be very complicated Part ThreeQuestions 18-22You will hear a discussion between a man called Malcolm and a woman called Wendy, who have just been interviewing candidates for a job.For each question 23-30 mark one letter, A, B or C, for the correct answer.23 At the beginning of their conversation, Malcolm and Wendy agree trialA the woman was the best choice.B the interviews were hard work.C all the candidates were good.24 Ms StephensA has a lot of Public Relations experience.B has studied Public Relations.C has worked for a Public Relations company.25 Mr. White isA older than Ms Stephens.B younger than Ms Stephens.C the same age as Ms Stephens.26 Why is Wendy concerned about Mr. White?A because his approach may be out of dateB because he is too old for this positionC because he may not be flexible enough27 What does Maicolm suggest about Mr. White?A that he would be a disadvantage to the companyB that they speak to him againC that he has doubts about him28 Wendy tells Malcolm that next time they can only interviewA two people.B three people.C four people.29 Who does Wendy sa y has a good CV?A Mr. SmithB Mr. J onesC Ms Stephens30 Who has worked in advertising?A Mr. SmithB Ms StephensC Mr. J onesExercise FourPart OneQuestions 1-12You will hear a speaker addressing a group of investors attending a dinner to celebrate a confectionery company’s one hundredth birthday.As you listen, for questions 1 –12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number.You will hear the recording twice.Rewards for shareholders1. They will be able to try t he company’s new __________ product.2. They will also receive a ___________________________ per share.The present situation3. Sales have decreased in the last ________________________.4. Shares are expected to increase in value by ______________ in the near future.5. The company’s main rivals are enormous ____________________ companies.Company history6. The company was originally a ____________________ business.7. It recently became an ____________________________.The future8. The company has set a high _________________________ for the future.9. It does not intend to offer _______________________________ on its products.10. The company will spend more money on __________________________.11. The company anticipates trade with countries in _________________.12. The company expects bigger sales to _________________________.Part TwoQuestions 13-22You will hear five different people talking about a meeting they have just attended.For each extract there are two tasks. For task one, choose the reason for each meeting from the list A-H. for task two, choose the way that each person reacted to the meeting from list I-P.Task One – reasonFor questions 13-17, match the extracts with the reasons, listed A-H.For each extract, choose the reason for the meeting.Write one letter A-H next to the number of the extract.13. ___ A to discuss sales targets14. ___ B to present a new idea15. ___ C to demonstrate a new product16. ___ D to elect a new chairman17. ___ E to analyze a problemF to discuss expansionG to decide on redundanciesH to vote to issue sharesTask Two – ReactionFor question 18-22, match the extracts with the reactions, listed I-P.For each extract, choose the way the speaker reacted.Write one letter I-P next to the number of the extract.18. ___ I thought it was very interesting19. ___ J felt nervous about speaking20. ___ K was not happy with the decisions made21. ___ L found it confusing22. ___ M disagreed strongly with someoneN thought it was very boringO lost his/her temper with someoneP agreed with the final decisionPart ThreeQuestions 23 - 30You will hear a radio presenter interviewing a businesswoman called Linda Taylor.For each question 23 - 30 mark one letter, A, B or C. for the correct answer.23 What do we learn about Linda Taylor?A She has set up an airline.B She has recently bought out an airline.C She is in charge of an airline.24 What new development has taken place at BellAir?A They have installed new machinery.B They have opened a new workshop.C They have bought modern planes.25 What problems did they have to resolve?A New engineers had to be employed.B The legal process was difficult.C Some staff had to be re-trained.26 She has formed an alliance with Sunlines in order to increase BellAir’sA involvement in tourism.B profit margins..C number of flights.27 BellAir ticket prices have been reduced onA domestic flights.B all flights.C international flights.28 What change has been made in the marketing arrangements?A A new consultancy has been contracted.B A new director has been appointed.C The present department has been expanded.29 Linda went into aviation toA fulfill a dream.B earn a high salary.C follow family tradition.30 What does Linda think is the key to success?A believing in oneselfB the right qualificationsC having good luckExercise FivePart OneQuestions 1-12You will hear part of a radio program on business topics. The presenter is talking about a company called Fast-Save.As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number.You will hear the recording twice.Fast-Save Limited.The company history:1. fast-save’s original name was ___________________.2. After 1970, it took over some ______________________.3. In 1932 it introduced many __________________________ products.4. fast-save’s advertising slogan was ____________________.Present situation:5. Problems have arisen because competitors have _____________ fast-save.6. This has led to a considerable fall in its _____________________.7. However, it still has substantial ______________________________.8. It continues to be able to employ the _____________________.The compnay’s future:9. It is taking steps to develop a ________________________.10. It has decided that customers are not mainly interested in buying.11. fast-save will be altering the _________________________ it keeps in its shops.12. A key advantage for fast-save is that it has reliable _________________.Part TwoQuestion 13-22You will hear five different talking about courses they are going to do.For each extract there are two tasks. For task one, choose the speaker’s reason for doing a course from the list A-H. for task two, choose the opinion that each person expresses about doing a course, from list I-PTask One – ReasonFor question 13-17, match the extracts with the reasons, listed A-H.For each extract choose the reason for doing the course.Write one letter A-H next to the number of the extract.13. ___ A wants to change departments14. ___ B is being made to get a qualification15. ___ C wants to learn how to use new technology16. ___ D thinks it is necessary to be competitive17. ___ E hopes to work in a foreign countryF is in competition with a colleagueG hopes to avoid losing his-her jobH is going to train othersTask Two – opinionFor question 18-22, match the extracts with the opinions people express, listed I-P.For each extract, choose the opinion expressed.Write one letter I-P next to the number of the extract.18. ___ I is worried about forgetting new information19. ___ J isn’t keen on the traveling involved20. ___ K thinks more people should take similar courses21. ___ L complains about a lack of information22. ___ M finds it difficult to organize studiesN is looking forward to meeting new peopleO thinks the cost will be worth itP believes the effort will not be valuedPart ThreeQuestions 23-30Questions 23 - 30You will hear a radio interview between a journalist and the chairwoman of a shoe manufacturing company.For each question 23 - 30 mark one letter A, B or C, for the correct answer.23 Jean Chapel looks at people's shoes becauseA she needs ideas for new designs.B she wants to know the market.C the company asks her to.24 One of the founders of Chapel's was Jean'sA grandfather.B cousin.C father.25 Before a family member can work for Chapel's they must haveA bought shares in the company.B gained a professional qualification.C worked for another company.26 Jean's son has succeeded inA increasing factory output greatly.B selling more of their products overseas.C supplying 70% of shoes bought in France.27 Every week the companyA exports 8000 pairs of shoes.B sells 250 pairs of shoes.C makes 8000 pairs of shoes.28 What has happened to the country's shoe industry in recent years?A It has lost 80% of its export marketB It has been damaged very badly.C It has increased its profits by 23%.29 Chapel's deals with foreign competition byA maintaining quality.B making shoes more cheaply.C making more shoes.30 What is Jean worried about?A She will have to pay 8% dub' in the future.B Other countries have unfair advantages.C Her business share has fallen by 5%.Exercise SixPart OneQuestions 1-12You will hear the General Manager of Artis Ltd giving her staff instructions about the arrangements for a visit to the company by a group of international agents.As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number. You will hear the recording twice.ARTIS LIMITEDArrivalBriefing notes for visit of foreign agents.1. The agents will be brought to Artis ________________________ at 9 a.m.2. The agents will need to be taken to the ____________________ by 9.30 a.m.Rest of day3. The first place for the agents to see is the ______________________.4. The second place is the _________________________ departemtn.5. In the cafeteria, a video of the new __________________ will be shown.6. The last place they will visit will be the ________________________.Must remember7. All staff must ________________________________.8. it’s necessary to have two ______________ available at all times.9. Each agent must be given an ______________________ before the presentation.10. The agent from Bolivia needs an ___________________.Evening entertainment11. The latest time to arrive at the restaurant is _________________.12. The _________ will be at 9 p.m.Part TwoQuestions 13-22You will hear five different people talking about a special training program for their company.For each extract, there are two tasks. For task one, choose the person who is speaking from the list A-H. for task two, choose the opinion that each person expresses from the list I-P.You will hear the recording twice.Task One – PERSONFor questions 13-17, match the extracts with the people, listed A-H.For each extract, choose the person who is speaking.Write one letter A-H next to the number of the extract.13. ___ A the sales director14. ___ B the managing director15. ___ C a secretary16. ___ D a new junior manager17. ___ E the advertising managerF the finance directorG the catering managerH the information technology managerTask Two – opinionFor questions 18-22, match the extracts with what the people say, listed A-H.For each extract, choose the opinion expressed.Write one letter I-P next to the number of the extract.18. ___ I there are good ideas, but little of practical value.19. ___ J the sessions go on too long.20. ___ K it may be difficult to remember everything.21. ___ L there are too many specialized sessions.22. ___ M the eating arrangements should be improved.N technology isn’t being given enough importanceO the training methods are old-fashioned.P people expect too much from the program.Part ThreeQuestions 23-30You will hear part of a conversation between two company employees, a woman called Rose and a man called Steve.For each question 23 - 30 mark one letter, A, B or C, for the correct answer.23 The main benefit of suggestions schemes is that they improveA profitabilityB motivation.C efficiency.24 When receiving a suggestion, it’s essential toA publicize itB implement itC research it25 In this scheme, it will be necessary, to excludeA staff in research and developmentB junior staff.C senior management26 The reward for a successful suggestion will be paidA over a five year period.B after three years.C at a fifth of the total value.27 When starting the scheme, Rose and Steve will emphasize how it couldA increase sales.B be enjoyable.C help promotion.28 The scheme will be started atA a regional office.B head office.C an offices.29 Start will make their suggestions byA using a special box.B sending a memo.C telephoning.30 Rose and Steve will report to the board onA the quality of suggestions.B the value of suggestions.C the number of suggestions.Intensive Exercise OnePart Two1. Spot dictation:1. I was quite surprised to get their letter, actually. ____________ they’ve done nothing but complain about everything. There always seemed to be something wrong. So it’s strange that they ______ ______ so many of ___________. Especially they’re relatively ______. We’ve only ____________________ for a month. They want us to deliver sixty September.2. Well, ___ wrote to them ________ thanking them for their help over the accounting matter. I’ve just had a ______. __________________ we ____________________ reduce costs, which is ______ to know. But they want us to cut back even more.______suggested that I ___________________________ to see if they could make more savings. But ___ think ____________________. So ____________________________________. If they’re really insistent, they’ll write again. But I don’t think __________________________________________.3. I’ve just _________________ about that actually. They ______________ __________________. They _____________________ our decision to expand within Australia, so _____ they ______________________________go into New Zealand as well. I don’t want to give too much away until we know what they are doing. I was going to write and ask for further details of their _________________, __________________. I think it will be better done _____________. So I’d ask my secretary to ___________________ for next week. And hopefully it will be fairly friendly.4. About two months ago, we ______________________ that they were selling. But they still ________________. Now they’ve written to say ___________________________. They ____________ to deliver them ______________________. That’s lucky, because I。