



目 录
产品概述 (1)
技术革新 (2)
符合标准 (5)
质量保证体系 (6)
体系认证 (7)
技术参数 (8)
形尺寸和内部结构图 (9)
一次接线方案 (10)
安装基础图 (15)
订货须知 (16)
项 目高度(h )宽度(w )深度(d )重量
单 位mm mm mm kg
数 据22005501450≤700
Bulletin B290-11014CH. December 2015. Rev.1。



ASN.1简介与XML或JSON的比较很容易使人忽略Protocol Buffers其实是对现有技术的重新实现。



在电信和计算机网络领域,ASN.1(Abstract Syntax Notation one)是一套标准,是描述数据的表示、编码、传输、解码的灵活的记法。


标准简介ASN.1是ISO和ITU-T的联合标准,最初是1984年的CCITT X.409:1984的一部分。




标准的ASN.1编码规则有基本编码规则(BER,Basic Encoding Rules)、规范编码规则(CER,Canonical Encoding Rules)、唯一编码规则(DER,Distinguished Encoding Rules)、压缩编码规则(PER,Packed Encoding Rules)和XML编码规则(XER,XML Encoding Rules)。




应用层协议如X.400(email)、X.500和LDAP(目录服务)、H.323(VoIP)和SNMP使用 ASN.1 描述它们交互的协议数据单元。



化学品安全技术说明书产品名称: 奈斯勒试剂按照GB/T 16483、GB/T 17519 编制修订日期: 2019年7月15日版本: 1.0最初编制日期: 2019年7月15日第1部分化学品及企业标识化学品中文名:奈斯勒试剂化学品英文名: Dipotassium tetraiodomercurate产品编号: -企业名称:上海百舜生物科技有限公司企业地址:上海奉贤区柘林镇联业路918弄26号邮编: 201400传真:联系电话:电子邮件地址:企业应急电话:产品推荐及限制用途:工业及科研用途。






GHS危险性类别:急性经口毒性类别 2急性经皮肤毒性类别 1急性吸入毒性类别 2特异性靶器官毒性反复接触类别 2危害水生环境 ——急性危险类别 1危害水生环境 ——长期危险类别 1标签要素:象形图:警示词:危险危险性说明:H300 吞咽致命H310 皮肤接触致命H330 吸入致命H373 长期或反复接触可能对器官造成伤害H410 对水生生物毒性极大并具有长期持续影响防范说明:预防措施:—— P264 作业后彻底清洗。

—— P270 使用本产品时不要进食、饮水或吸烟。

—— P262 严防进入眼中、接触皮肤或衣服。

—— P280 戴防护手套/穿防护服/戴防护眼罩/戴防护面具。

—— P260 不要吸入粉尘/烟/气体/烟雾/蒸气/喷雾。

—— P271 只能在室外或通风良好处使用。

—— P284 [在通风不足的情况下] 戴呼吸防护装置—— P273 避免释放到环境中。

事故响应:—— P301+P310 如误吞咽:立即呼叫解毒中心/医生—— P321 具体治疗 ( 见本标签上的…… )。

—— P330 漱口。

—— P302+P352 如皮肤沾染:用水充分清洗。

—— P310 立即呼叫解毒中心/医生—— P361+P364 立即脱掉所有沾染的衣服,清洗后方可重新使用—— P304+P340 如误吸入:将人转移到空气新鲜处,保持呼吸舒适体位。



API_标准目录(中)(一)API标准最新版(2004)及新译标准中译本421-1 API Spec 2C-2004 海上平台起重机规范90.00421-2 API Spec 2F-1997 系泊锚链规范45.00421-3 API Spec 2Y-1999 海上结构用调质钢板规范35.00421-4 API RP 5A3-2003(ISO13678:2000)套管、油管和管线管的螺纹脂推荐方法60.00421-5 API RP 5B1-1999 套管、油管和管线管螺纹测量和检验90.00421-6 API RP 5C1-1999 推荐采用的套管、油管的维护和使用方法60.00421-7 API Spec 5L-2000 管线钢管规范150.00421-8 API Spec 5L-2004(相当API Spec 5L-2000的增补版)两者同时使用管线钢管规范50.00421-9 API Spec 9A-2004 钢丝绳规范60.00421-10 API RP 9B-2002 油田钢丝绳的应用、保养和使用的推荐方法55.00421-11 API RP 572-2001 压力容器检验90.00421-12 API Spec 576-2000 泄压装置的检验85.00421-13 API Std 653-2001 储油罐检验、修理、改造和重建140.00421-14 API Std 675-1994(R2000) 容积泵-计量泵60.00421-15 API Std 682-2002 用于离心泵和旋转泵的泵轴封系统220.00421-16 API Std 685-2000 石油、重化工和气体用无焊离心泵180.00411-1 2000年第四版API会标大纲许可证申请文件包20.00411-2 API Spec Q1-2003 第7版石油、石化和天然气工业质量纲要规范50.00411-3 API Spec 2B-2001 结构钢管制造技术规范30.00411-4 API Spec 2H-1999 海洋平台管接头用碳锰钢板规范30.00 411-5 API Spec 2MT1-2001 用于近海结构件改善韧性的碳锰钢板规范35.00411-6 API Spec 4F-1995(R2001) 钻井和修井井架40.00411-7 API Spec 5B-1996(含98勘误)套管、油管和管线管螺纹的加工、测量和检验(美制单位)100.00411-8 API Spec 5CT-2001 (ISO11960) 套管和油管规范240.00 411-9 API Spec 5D-2001 钻杆规范50.00411-11 API Spec 5L1-2002 管线钢管铁路运输的推荐实用规程30.00411-12 API Spec 5L2- 2002 非腐蚀性气体输送管线管内涂层推荐做法40.00411-13 API Spec 5LW-1996(R2003)管线管内陆及海上船舶运输推荐作法30.00411-14 API Spec 6A-1999(R2002)井口装置和采油树设备规范230.00411-15 API Spec 6AV1-1996 近海作业用地面和水下安全阀的验证试验规范40.00411-16 API Spec 6D-2002(ISO14313)管线阀门规范70.00 411-17 API Spec 6FA-1999 阀门耐火试验规范40.00411-18 API Spec 7-2001 旋转钻柱构件规范110.00411-19 API Spec 7F-2003 油井链条和链轮45.00411-20 API Spec 7K-2001(含A2002)钻井和井口操作设备规范70.00411-21 API Spec 8A-1997 (含A2001)钻井和采油提升设备规范40.00411-22 API Spec 8C-2003 钻井和采油提升设备规范55.00411-25 API Spec 10D-2002 弓簧套管扶正器规范35.00411-26 API Spec 11AX-2001(含2002勘误)地下杆式抽油泵及其配件的技术规范80.00411-27 API Spec 11B-1998 抽油杆规范60.00411-28 API Spec 11E-94(R2000)抽油机技术规范70.00411-29 API Spec 11V1-95(R2000)气举阀、孔板、回流阀和隔板阀规范50.00411-30 API RP 11V7-1999 气举阀的修理、试验和鉴定推荐作法40.00411-31 API Spec 12B-1995(R2000)螺栓连接储油罐规范40.00411-32 API Spec 12D-1994(R2000)油田现场焊接储油罐规范30.00411-33 API Spec 12F-1994(R2000)车间焊接的生产液体储罐技术45.00411-34 API Spec 12GDU-1990(R1999)二醇型天然气脱水装置规范50.00411-35 API Spec 14A-2000(ISO10432)井下安全阀设备规范80.00411-36 API Std 526-2002 钢制法兰端泄压阀50.00411-37 API Std 527-1991 泄压阀的阀座密封度20.00411-38 API RP 591-1998 炼油阀门的用户验收40.00411-39 ANSI/API Std 594-1997 双夹式、凸耳对夹式和双法兰式止回阀35.00411-40 API Std 598-1996 阀门的检验和试验40.00411-41 API Std 599-2002 法兰端、螺纹端和焊接端金属旋塞阀35.00411-42 API Std 600-2001 (ISO 10434-1998)石油和天然气工业用阀盖螺栓连接的钢制闸阀50.00411-43 API Std 602-1998 法兰、螺纹、焊接连接和阀体加长连接的紧凑型钢制闸阀40.00411-44 API Std 603-2001 法兰端、对焊端、耐腐蚀拴接阀盖闸阀40.00411-45 API Std 607-1993(R1998)转1/4周软阀座阀门的耐火试验40.00411-46 API Std 608-2002 法兰、螺纹和焊连接的金属球阀40.00 411-47 API Std 609-1997 双法兰连接、凸耳及饼式蝶阀50.00 411-48 API Std 610-2003 石油、重工化学和天然气工业用离心泵160.00411-49 API Spec 617-2002 石油、化工及气体工业用的离心压缩机210.00411-50 API Std 620-2002 大型焊接低压储罐设计与施工180.00 411-51 API Std 650-1998(A00、01) 钢制焊接石油储罐230.00 411-52 API Std 660-2003 炼油厂用通用管壳式换热器60.00411-53 API Std 661-2002 炼油厂用通用空气冷却换热器100.00 411-54 API Std 662-2002 炼油厂通用板式换热器45.00411-55 API Spec 683-1993(R2000)石油、化工与燃气工业机械设备质量改进细则45.00411-56 API Std 1104-1999(含2001勘误)管道及有关设施的焊接90.00411-57 API RP 1110-1997 液体石油管道压力试验40.00411-58 API标准中译本丛书(一)(含12个标准:5L、6A、6AV1、14A、598、600、602、607、608、609、11V1和11V7) 600.00(二)ASME标准中译本422-1 ASME B16.5-2003 管法兰和法兰管件210.00422-2 ASME B1.5-1997 爱克母(ACME)螺纹130.00422-3 ASME B1.8-1988(R1994) 矮牙爱克母螺纹50.00412-1 ASME规范压力管道及管件B31、B16系列标准(上册)含5个标准 330.001. ASME B31.4-1998 液态烃和其他液体管线输送系统2. ASME B31.5-1992 (含1994年增补)制冷管道3. ASME B31.8-1999 输气和配气管道系统4. ASME B31.9-1996 建筑管道规范5. ASME B31.11a-1989(R1998)浆液输送管道系统412-2 ASME B31G-1991 确定已腐蚀管线剩余强度的手册(对ASME B31压力管道规范的补充文件)70.00412-3 ASME规范压力管道及管件B31、B16系列标准(下册)含10个标准 320.001. ASME B16.1-1998 铸铁管法兰和法兰管件(25、125和250磅级)2. ASME B16.3-1998 可锻铸铁螺纹管件(150和300磅级)3. ASME B16.4-1998 灰铸铁螺纹管件(125和250磅级)4. ASME B16.9-1993 工厂制造的锻钢对焊管件5. ASME B16.10-1992 阀门的面至面和端至端尺寸6. ASME B16.11-1996 承插焊式和螺纹式锻造管件7. ASME B16.14-1991 钢铁管螺纹管堵、内外螺丝和锁紧螺母8. ASME B16.28-1994 锻轧钢制对接焊小弯头半径弯头和180。

化学品安全技术说明书 - Divinol DHG ISO 46

化学品安全技术说明书 - Divinol DHG ISO 46

84350 Divinol DHG ISO 46化学品标识化学品的推荐用途和限制用途润滑油材料/混合物的使用供应商的详细情况Zeller+Gmelin GmbH & Co. KG 企业名称:街道:Schlossstr. 20地区:D-73054 Eislingen 联系电话:传真:+49 (0) 7161 / 802-0+49 (0) 7161 / 802-290电子邮箱:Thorsten Grönig信息联络人:+49 (0) 7161 / 802-268联系电话:电子邮箱:www.zeller-gmelin.de网址:Produktsicherheit / Product Safety 联系人:德国: +49 (0) 7161 / 802-400上海市化工职业病防治院 (Shanghai Institute of Occupational Disease for Chemical Industry): 4006267911企业应急电话 (24h):物质/混合物的GHS 危险性类别欧盟编号(EC) No 1272/2008根据(EC )第1272/2008号条例[化学品分类及标记全球协调制度],该混合物不属于危险品范畴。

GHS 标签要素没有更多的相关信息可用。


根据IP346DMSO 提取物矿物油成分小于3%化学特性危险的成分没有 (根据 欧盟法规(EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH))有关急救措施的描述如有疑问或症状仍然存在,寻求医疗咨询。

如果昏迷而呼吸正常, 保持利于恢复的姿势并就医。



若吸入接触到皮肤时,立刻用很多水 和 肥皂冲洗皮肤。



ASN 系列产品介绍0126

ASN 系列产品介绍0126

3 4

KYN61是国内首次将组装式工艺、中置式结 构应用到35kV系统的开关柜中去的,从而改变 了35kV系统焊接柜一统天下的局面

我公司在KYN61基础上进行改进完善的全 新的新一代ASN1-40.5系列户内高压开关设备

ASN1系列产品总结了现有产品的优缺点,着 重在安全性,可靠性和操作方便性方面有重要 的突破,从而成为目前35kV系统组装式开关柜 结构最为完善的产品之一
极柱配置灵活:固封极柱或普通绝缘筒 操动机构与主回路上下布置,减小了产品的

A S N 1(2,3)
额定电压40.5kV(24kV,10kV)系列 N 库柏耐吉公司特征
S- Switchgear代表开关设备
A- Air 代表空气绝缘的开关设备
ASN系列的产品型号由西高所正式颁发 ASN系列的产品型号经工商部门注册登记 ASN系列的产品已获得多项国家专利 ASN系列的产品为库柏耐吉独有的知识产权



Aniline Blue *************(24小时)化学品安全技术说明书GHS product identifier 应急咨询电话(带值班时间)::供应商/ 制造商:供应商/ 制造商: Agilent Technologies, Inc.(美国安捷伦科技有限公司)住所:5301 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Santa Clara, CA, 95051, United States 联系电话:+1 800 227 9770 供应商/ 制造商: Agilent Technologies Singapore (International) Pte Ltd.(安捷伦科技新加坡(国际)私人有限公司)住所:No. 1 Yishun Avenue 7, Singapore, 768923 联系电话:(65) 6276 2622供应商/ 制造商: Agilent Technologies Denmark ApS (安捷伦科技丹麦私人有限公司)住所:Produktionsvej 42, DK-2600 Glostrup, Denmark 联系电话: +45 44859500 苯胺蓝化学品的推荐用途和限制用途AR173部件号:安全技术说明书根据 GB/ T 16483-2008 和 GB/ T 17519-2013本安全技术说明书责任人的e-mail地址:***************GHS化学品标识:苯胺蓝推荐用途AR173 // Aniline Blue // Artisan Masson's Trichrome Stain Kit // 65 mL & 115 mL参考号码: SDS013:有关环境保护措施,请参阅第 12 节。

物质或混合物的分类根据 GB13690-2009 和 GB30000-2013紧急情况概述液体。


象醋 [轻微]如发生皮肤刺激: 求医要么就诊。

insulcast rvts primer 40 安全技术说明书

insulcast rvts primer 40 安全技术说明书

安全技术说明书INSULCAST RTVS PRIMER 40产品标识产品名称INSULCAST RTVS PRIMER 40物质或混合物的推荐用途及限制用途推荐用途底漆。

供应商的详细情况供应商ITW Performance PolymersBay 150Shannon Industrial EstateCo. ClareIrelandV14 DF82353(61)771500353(61)471285应急电话应急电话+44(0)1235 239 670 (24h)物质或混合物的分类物理危险易燃液体类别2 - H225健康危害急性毒性类别4 - H302 皮肤刺激类别2 - H315 眼损伤类别1 - H318 生殖毒性类别2 - H361d 特异性靶器官毒性-一次接触类别3 - H336 特异性靶器官毒性-反复接触类别2 - H373环境危害危害水生环境-长期危险类别3 - H412标签要素象形图警示词危险危险性说明H225 高度易燃液体和蒸气。

H302 吞咽有害。

H315 造成皮肤刺激。

H318 造成严重眼损伤。

H336 可能造成昏昏欲睡或眩晕。

H361d 怀疑对胎儿造成伤害。

H373 长期或反复接触可能损害器官。

H412 对水生生物有害并具有长期持续影响。

防范说明P210 远离热源/ 热表面/ 火花/明火/ 其他点火源。


P270 使用本产品时不要进食、饮水或吸烟。

P280 戴防护手套/ 穿防护服/ 戴防护眼罩/ 戴防护面具。

P303+P361+P353 如皮肤(或头发)沾染:立即脱掉所有沾染的衣服。

用水清洗皮肤/ 淋浴。

P305+P351+P338 如进入眼睛: 用水小心冲洗几分钟。



P308+P313 如接触到或有疑虑:求医/ 就诊。

含有ACETONE, PROPAN-2-OL, BUTANOL-norm, TOLUENE所有危险性说明的全文会显示在第16部分。

ASN3-12 EN 2013-12-06

ASN3-12 EN 2013-12-06

ASN3-12Metal enclosed medium voltage switchgear•Air insulated switchgear•Internal arc classified•LSC2B-PM•Tested to GB 390612kV 50kA-4sASN3-12 Safe, reliable MVswitchgearPowering business worldwideNext generation transportationEaton is driving the development of newtechnologies – from hybriddrivetrains and emission control systems to advanced engine components – that reduce fuel consumption and emissions in trucks and cars.Higher expectationsWe continue to expand our aerospace solutions andservices to meet the needs of new aviation platforms,including the high-flying light jet and very light jet markets.Building on our strengths Our hydraulics businesscombines localised service and support with an innovative portfolio of fluid powersolutions to answer the needs of global infrastructure projects,including locks, canals and dams.Powering Greener Buildings and BusinessesEaton’s Electrical Group is a leading provider of powerquality, distribution and control solutions that increase energy efficiency and improve power quality, safety and reliability.Our solutions offer a growing portfolio of “green” products and services, such as energy audits and real-time energy consumption monitoring.Eaton’s Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS), variable-speed drives and lighting controls help conserve energy and increase efficiency.Eaton delivers the power inside hundreds of products that are answering the demands of today’s fast changing world.We help our customers worldwide manage the power they need for buildings, aircraft, trucks, cars, machinery and entire businesses. And we do it in a way that consumes fewer resources.AutomotiveAerospaceElectricalTruckHydraulics2Eaton Corporation is a worldwide leader in the design, manufacture, and sale of safe, reliable and high-performance medium voltage power distribution equipment in accordance with IEC, GB and ANSI standards.Complete Global Medium Voltage Switchgear Solutions Eaton, a premier leader in designing and manufacturing power distribution and protection equipment in the electrical industry,offers a comprehensive range of medium voltage (MV) solutions to meet the needs of virtually every application. From products that feature cutting-edge design that allow for easy access,maintenance and space savings, to arc-resistant products that enhance safety, Eaton’s medium voltage solutions provide a variety of products for every need. Additionally, Eaton’s global service network provides maximum customer support in all regions of the world.As one of the few completely vertically integrated and diversified industrial manufacturers in the world, Eaton designs not only MV assemblies, but also the key components that comprise the MV solutions – from steel housing and circuit breaker compartments to vacuum interrupters, circuit breakers, bus systems and fuses.Eaton’s MV heritage, strengthened by acquisitions such as Westinghouse DCBU, Cutler Hammer, MEM and Holec, has resulted in breakthrough MV technologies and numerous international patents over the years.Part of Eaton’s complete electrical PowerChain Solutions – which help businesses minimize risks while realizing greater reliability, cost efficiencies, capital utilization and safety – Eaton’s medium voltage equipment meets all applicablestandards and certifications such as IEC, NEMA / ANSI, GB, UL, IEEE, KEMA and CSA.When it comes to medium voltage solutions, you can trust the one name with a long history of proven performance: Eaton.Eaton’s range of SF 6free switchgearfor Medium VoltageASN3-12Safe, reliable MV switchgear with sustainability built-inKnowledge and understandingBuilt to the highest quality standardssolution to medium voltageswitchgear applications.Some applications are:•Power generation/distribution •Water and waste water treatment•Mining•Commercial buildings •Industrial facilities•Oil and gas (on- and off-shore)•Marine•Airports and hospitals.4A complete range of compact, environmentally-friendly switchgear up to 5000 AInnovative in its design, field-proven over forty years of vacuum circuit breaker production and fully third-party certified to GB 1984/DL402, Eaton's new ASN3-12 certified to GB 3906/DL404, range of compact airinsulated Medium Voltage switchgear leads the industry in safety, reliability, performance and sustainability.Eaton has over 80 years experience in the design,manufacture and application of Medium Voltage switchgear. Being at the forefront of technological advances, we pioneered the use of vacuum technology 80 years ago and introduced epoxy-resin insulation over 50 years ago. Eaton is still committed to developing, innovating and improving - as well as to reducing size and costs.Millions of our vacuum inter-rupters have been in operation in every type of environment in the world, catering for the widestrange of applications. It is thisknowledge, understanding andexperience that make Eaton the logical choice for the safe control and protection of distributionsystems.ASN3-12 are particularly suited to provide control and protection for cables, transformers, capacitors and motors used across many industries. In fact ASN3-12 excels anywhere that medium voltage power has to be switched, controlled and protected.ASN3-12 are designed and fully third-party type-tested to the latest GB 3906/DL404 standards, with full segregation by earthed metal partitions of all the major compartments, and are equipped with Eaton's very latest range of vacuum circuit breakers type CE/VN - which are fully third-party type-tested in accordancewith GB1984/DL402.Using Eaton's state of the art technology and manufactured inaccordance with the highestquality standards, our engineershave integrated coretechnologies, such as circuit breaker and mechanism design,vacuum technology, solidinsulation and electrical fieldcontrol to build a reliable andcompact system, which benefitfrom the best practices incorporated in our currentmedium voltage range.ASN3-12 Switchgear, which covers full range of products to up 5000 A, uses only environmentally friendly technology and materials. ASN3-12 is based on vacuum technology and air insulation, and is therefore the perfectalternative to environmentally harmful SF 6 gas insulatedswitchgear. It is also produced with fully recyclable materials ensuring that at the end of its life the product can be safely and efficiently recycled -providing a wholly sustainableCombining advanced technology with provenengineering excellence, the ASN3-12 range provides the highest safety and reliability standards without compromising competitiveness.As pioneers in vacuum and arc-interruption technologies, further developed over 40 years, Eaton has millions of vacuum interrupters successfully operating in multiple applications worldwide; Eaton's latest vacuum circuit breaker, CE/VN, is the core part of ASN3-12 switchgear.5World leading technology with safety built inLow initial costs due to: •Compact footprint •Cable access from front or rear •Cable entry from either top or bottom •Easy-access cablecompartment for ease of cable connection •Integrated arc chamber Low lifetime costIncreasing global legislation concerning the use of green -house gases such as SF 6gas and their related disposal costs,makes vacuum technology with its reliability, low maintenance,and low environmental impact the choice for now and the future.As the world strives to reduce the amount of SF 6gas used in all applications there is aresponsibility on the users of electrical switchgear to find,where appropriate, alternatives to SF 6gas as an insulation and switching medium. Air and solid insulation switchgear systems incorporating vacuum switching technologies are a reliable, safe and economic alternative for use in electrical systems below 40.5 kV and therefore should be used instead of SF 6gas insulated systems.Modern medium voltageswitchgear employing vacuum technology together with air and epoxy resin insulation provides:•Minimum number of parts and components •No special requirements for the end-of-life disposal of the switchgear •Environmentally-friendlymaterials used in the design •No use of SF 6-gas for switching and insulation (green switching)•No risk of damaging leaks of SF 6gas or of toxic by-products •Energy-efficient production and assembly, withenvironmentally friendly energy sources •Minimal number of transition points in the primary design enables low energy loss during operation •Only re-usable and/or recyclable materials usedLow environmental impact•Robust maintenance-free design with minimum number of parts •CE/VN circuit breaker has a long life of 50000/30000 operations without the need for active maintenance.•Advanced vacuuminterrupter contact designs prevent hot spots, create less heat and minimise electrode erosion to yield longer life.•No SF 6pressure checks and specialised refilling procedures Low end of life disposal costs due to:•Vacuum switching technology •Air insulation•Recycling or re-use of all materials possible •No special decommissioning procedures necessaryMinimal costs during service due to:•Compartments are protected against penetration by metal partitions •Internal arc classification of AFLR provides operator safety in the unlikely event of an internal arc •Operation only possible with the circuit breakercompartment door closed •Logical mechanical and electrical interlocks prevent mal-operation •Capacitive voltage detection system for verification of safe isolation from supply •In the unlikely event of vacuum interrupter failure there is no damage to personnel and no harmful gases are emitted.•Vacuum interrupter contact erosion is negligible •ANS3-12 switchgear equipped with high performance CEcircuit breaker is rated at 630A, with C2-grade back-to-back capacitor bank switching capacity •Fewer moving parts in the pole unit versus other arc interruption technologiesSafety, reliability and performance •Cable connection and user interfaces for operation on the same side of the unit •Multiple cables per phase with standard compression lug for ease of cable connection •Secondary cable entry points on both sides of the low voltage compartment top plate •Secondary cable wire way runs complete over the length of the switch g ear to help with inter-unit wiring.•Secondary cable terminals positioned at a goodreachable height within the low voltage compartment •Clear and simple,straightforward operation panels combined with an active mimic diagramUser friendly•Quality assurance inaccordance with ISO 9001•Separate compartments for;cable, vacuum circuit breaker and busbars •Integrated arc chamber •Routine testedReliable and safe inoperationThe switchgear is type tested to the latest IEC, GB/DL and has third-party certification to prove internal arc containment classification of AFLR 31.5 kA for 1 second. This means there is minimal risk of harm to personnel in the unlikelyevent of an internal arc in the cable compartment, vacuum circuit breaker compartment or the busbar compartment in any direction: front, rear and sides of the switchgear.Fully type-tested to latest IEC, GB/DL standards•Complete design third party certified in accordance with IEC, GB/DL•Internal arc fault tested in accordance with IEC, GB•Back to wall configuration with front cable access6CompartmentsLow voltage compartmentA fully segregated metal wire-way is mounted at the top of each switchgear panel that connects together to form a continuous low voltage wire-way that runs along the entire length of the switchgear.Low voltage wire-way for inter panel wiringBasic designASN3-12 is modular in construction, ensuring that any panel combination and rating can be applied on a system.Relay protection components, meters, electrical indicator and secondary equipments with special requirement can be mounted within the low voltage compartment. Control wiring is laid inside enough spaced wiring way,separated by grounded metal partitions and isolated from the high voltage compartment. Rotatable secondary wiring terminal board is used, offering convenience for secondary wiring and maintenance.Major electrical components of the switchgear are housed in separatecompartments, including circuit breaker compartment, bus-bar compartment, cable compartment and low voltage compartment. Each compartmentprovides up to IP2X protection; except the low voltage compartment, the other three compartments have theirindividual arc chamber.ANS3-12 switchgear is composed of panels and drawablecomponents. The surface of panels and partition of each function unit are both coated with high quality Al-Zn sheets and riveted with rivets. Because the panels can be quickly assembled and connected Easy to extension, flexible commissioning of the switchgear is an added benefit.7Fully segregated by earthed metal partitions, with its own pressure relief channel into the arc chamber, the compart m ent provides all the safety interlocking mechanisms required for safe and reliable operation of the vacuum circuit breaker. Manual operationbuttons allow for full operation of the vacuum circuit breaker from the front of theswitchgear with the door fully closed. The circuit breaker is mechanically interlocked with the compartment door so that the door cannot be opened until the circuit breaker is switched Off and racked out into the Test position.Vacuum circuit breaker compartmentBusbar compartmentAutomatic shuttersCast resin CTs are provided as standard in a wide range of ratings, with an option to use low voltage tape-wound CTs in the same location.Current transformers Cable compartment Earth barThe voltage transformers are available in 3 configurations:Fixed, Withdrawable with shutters, and Withdrawable without shutters. All options are fitted with withdrawable primary fuses. The compartment door can be interlocked with the earth switch to ensure that the cables are safely earthed before the door is opened. Voltage transformers Circuit earth switchBusbars are totally enclosed in their own earthed metalcompartment which vents into the arc chamber. Fully insulated along their entire length, the busbars are type tested forratings up to 4000 A, 50 kA for 4 seconds. Adjacent busbar compartments are segregated by stainless steel partitions and wall bushings of long creep distance, offering effective protection from accidents.Earthed metal shutters for both busbar and cable connections can be individually operated. When the truck is moved from Disconnect/Test position to Operation position, the shutters will open automatically so that moving contact and fixed contact can be switchedtogether smoothly; when the truck is moved from Operation position to Disconnect/Test position, the shutters will be closed automatically with fixed contact being segregatedeffectively. Since the upper and lower shutters are not linked for movement, the shutter at high voltage side can be locked up during maintenance, to prevent contact with any live parts and ensure safety of maintenance personnel.The earth switch is operated from the front of the switchgear, with mechanical indicators to show the switch position. A window allows direct viewing of the earth switch position. The earth switch ismechanically interlocked with the circuit breaker or contactor truck such that it can only be closed when truck is in the Test/Disconnectposition. In addition, since the earth switch is mechanically interlocked with the front and back doors of the cable compartment, the cable compartment door can be opened only when the earth switch is off.Primary components such as current transformer, voltage transformer, earth switch, and surge arrester can be mounted inside the cable compartment. The bottom of the panel thatconnects with single core cable is equipped with unsealing and detachable non-magnetic metal blanking plate to facilitate convenient filed construction.An earth bar is provided individually inside the cable compartment, running through adjacent panels and making good contact with the panels. The earth bar is used by directly earthed components, connecting to user’s onsite earth line.8Eaton has a range of preferred relay options that can be fitted as standard. However, customer specific protection relays from any manufacturer can be fitted to the compartment door.Protection relayOptional LED indication of earth switch Open/Closed status.Earth switch indicatorThe circuit breaker compartment door viewing window provides visual indication of the position of the circuit breaker indicating:•The status of the breaker •The status of the spring-charged mechanism The cable compartment door viewing window allows visual indication of:•The status of the earth switch •Inspection of the cable connectionsViewing windowsEasy to understand mimic diagram of each circuit.Mimic diagramBreaker Open/Closed status indicator.Breaker Open/Closed command switch.Optional LED indication of spring charge mechanism "Charged" statusElectrical operation with circuit breaker status indicatorClear to view panel with all controls and indications clearly visible and easy to operate.Low voltage control and protection compartmentCircuit breaker Open buttonManual circuit breaker operationCircuit breaker racking In/Out mechanismCircuit breaker racking mechanismEach circuit breaker panel can be equipped with an optional standard three phase voltage detection system for voltage detection to IEC 61243-5. The VDS is driven from a capacitive divider fitted within the insulators connected to the cable connection and shows the operator if the connected cable is live.Voltage detection systemOption for an ammeter and phase selector switch.Option for voltmeter and phase selector switch.Metering with phase selector switchControl and protection9Eaton core technologiesCast-resin is a high-quality primary insulation material. By using cast-resin for solid insulation, Eaton's designengineers can shape the parts specifically for optimalinsulation, robust construction and cooling purposes. With over 50 years ofexperience in the design and manufacture of cast-resin components, Eaton has determined that the best solution is to embed the conductors and vacuum interrupters directly into the moulding to form a single encapsulated pole unit (EPU).Features•High mechanical strength for improved durability and mechanical life of the pole unit •Protected against adverse climatic conditions and humidity •Protected againstmechanical impact, shock and vibration •Provides high thermal conductivity for improved temperature rating •High electrical resistivity and creepage current resistance for improved insulation and compact designSolid insulation using cast-resin technologyEaton's vacuum interrupters consist of a ceramic cylinder that houses fixed and movable contacts. Movement of the contact under vacuum conditions is performed by bellows. A shield surrounding the contacts prevents the insulators from becoming contaminated by any metal vapour produced during current interruption. This shield also ensures good voltage potential distribution over the insulator.A special feature of Eaton's vacuum interrupters is the creation of a large number of parallel arcs between thecontacts. This "diffuse discharge"is characterised by very low arc voltage and shortarc times, resulting in very low arc energy - so contact wear in a vacuum interrupter is negligible.Vacuum interrupters are main -tenance free and are certified up to 30,000 operation cycles.Vacuum technology: safe, compact and reliable1.Bellows2.Bellows shield3.Ceramic insulators4.Movable contact5.Magnetic laminations24531Features•Environmentally friendly vacuum interrupters totally encap -sulated within pole units constructed of solid epoxy resin •Rated current up to 5000A•Mechanical lifespan up to 50,000 operations•Back-to-back capacitor bank switching capacity up to 630A •Mechanically and electrically trip-free stored energy mechanism design •Integrated mechanical lever for manual charging operation with pushbutton control •Spring charged indicator with contacts for remote indication of spring status •Mechanical status indicator for Open/Closed •Auxiliary contacts for Open/Closed position•Position indicator for Connected/Test position within the compartment •Auxiliary contacts for remote position indication •Mechanically interlocked with the compartment door •Mechanical interlock to ensure the breaker is in the open position before it can be racked-in or racked-out •Eaton CEi Intelligent Circuit Breaker Solution option10The vacuum circuit breaker uses a simple and reliable spring charged mechanism for operation of the vacuum interrupters. The construction of the mechanical linkage between the actuator and the drive rod of each of the three vacuum interrupters is simple and effective.Main componentsVacuum circuit breakerFeatures•Busbar compartment runs over the entire length of the switchboard •Individual panel segregation between sections of the busbar chamber •Constructed from high-quality hard-drawn copper of standard dimensions •Fully insulated over the entire length of the switchboard •Busbar chamber vents directly into the integral arc-chamber •Busbar ratings up to 5000 A•Busbar short circuit ratings up to 50 kA - 4sThe busbar system is constructed from high-quality hard drawn copper bars of standardised cross-section.Busbars11All panels can be equipped with a cable earthing switch. The earth switch is mechanically interlocked with the circuit breaker so that the earth switch can only be operated when the circuit breaker is open, and withdrawn to the 'Disconnected/Test' position.Features•Fully fault-rated earth switch •Operated in the front of the panel•Auxiliary contacts for service/earthed positions •Mechanical position indicators•Optional motor operated earth switch•Mechanically and/or electrically interlocked with the vacuum circuit breaker •High performance gear driven mechanismEarth switchFeatures•Environmentally friendly vacuum interrupters •Rated current up to 400 A•Maximum interruption current of 4 kA •Fuse protected up to 50 kA•Electronic coil control for optimum control of the coil voltage and reduced watts loss means more efficient use of power and lower heat generation •Electronic coil control allows for field selectable control voltages and drop out times •Up to 6 auxiliary contacts in any combination of Normally Open and Normally Closed configurations •Mechanical latch option is available with electrical unlatch signal.•Long life with up to 500,000 electrical operations and 500,000 mechanical operations with no maintenance or adjustment requiredContactorMotor starters, transformers and capacitor banks in the ASN-12 switchgear system are available with vacuum contactor trucks. Contactors for 3.6, 7.2 or 12 kV can be mounted on a trucktogether with fuses. Surge arresters can also be mounted at the cable compartment. For motor or transformer control applications up to 7.2 or 12 kV, ASN-12 device incorporates the Eaton range of CEC contactors.12Safe and reliable in useIEC, GB describes the extent to which the switchgear and control gear are allowed to remain operational in caseaccess to a main compartment is necessary.ASN3-12 has the highest attainable level of Loss of Service Continuity of LSC2B.Category LSC2BThis form allows for maximum continuity of service of the system during access to the compartments inside theswitchgear - meaning that the main switching device of each functional unit of an LSC2B switchgear is fitted in its own accessible compartment.Maintenance may be performed on the main switching device without de-energizing thecorresponding cable connection or the main busbars. As a consequence, in this example of LSC2B switchgear, aminimum of 3 compartments for each functional unit is necessary:• 1 for each main switching device • 1 for components connected to one side of a main switching device, for example, feeder circuit • 1 for components connected to the other side of the main switching device, for example, busbars Switchgear is classified as LSC2B when it is possible and safe to open the circuit breaker compartment when the cable and busbars are energised.In addition to the IAC and the LSC classifications, IEC, GB defines the type of partitions required between each panel and between each functional unit within the panel.ASN3-12 employs onlyearthed metal partitions and therefore has the highest level of partition classification of PM.ASN3-12 switchgear is equipped with automatic earthed metal shutters.Individually operated shutters for both the Line (busbar)and Load (cable) connections can be padlocked in the closed position. When the vacuum circuit breaker is in the test or the disconnect positions the shutters will automatically close to prevent accidental contact with any live parts. For testing purposes,special shutter lifters are used to maintain the shutters in the open position. Colour coded and labelled 'Busbar' and'Cable', the shutters are easily identified as Open or Closed.Loss of service continuity classificationPartition classificationInternal Arc Classification (IAC) of AFLRWhile the integrity of theequipment to provide continuity of supply was a major design consideration throughout its development, the safety of the operator has also been one of the most important criteria, with a number of reassuring features built in.All of Eaton's medium voltage systems, including ASN3-12, have been third party tested to all relevant standards, and are in accordance with IEC, GB/DL regulations.Eaton has always emphasised the need to design and create safe switchgear for operators at all times.One of the biggest potential threats to operators is anIEC, GB defines the level of protection to be provided in the event of an internal arc fault being generated within the switchgear. ASN3-12 has been proven by independent third-party test to provide an IAC Classification of IAC = AFLR.A = Protection for personnel F = Protection at the Front ofthe switchgearL = Protection at the Lateral(sides) of the switchgear R = Protection at the Rear of the switchgearThe IEC, GB standard requires that an internal arc test is carried out in each of the power sections of the switchgear. In ASN3-12 thismeans the cable compart m ent,the vacuum circuit breakercompartment, and the mainbusbar compartment. The standard allows for each test to be conducted inindividual switchgear panels -meaning that three separate panels can be used to prove the integrity of the design.ASN3-12, however, hasachieved IEC, GB with all threetests being conducted in thesame panel. It is an important safety feature and indication ofstrength that ASN3-12 passed all three required tests in the same panel.The ASN3-12 has the following IAC ratings:12 kV 31.5 kA - 1 S Proven experience and knowledge gained by Eaton over many years in the areas of cast-resin technology,vacuum technology, arc interruption and electrical field control have been integrated in the design and development of ASN3-12 - ensuring that theswitchgear is safe and has high operational reliability throughout its lifetime.internal arc in the switchgear. The metal-clad design and the robust construction has enabled ASN3-12 to successfully pass internal arcing test in accordance with IEC 62271-200 and GB 3906 in all three primary compartments and provides an IAC rating of up to 31.5 kA for 1 seconds.。


本技术规范中化学品要求和测试所引用的标准,如欧盟指令,都适用标准、指令的最新版本,除非 另有说明。
本资料仅供参考,英文版本 IOS-MAT-0054 具有最终法律效力。
1 of 23 2009-10-26 Elsa Hou 译稿
表2. 实木、木基材料和天然材料的要求
在实木(包括实木拼板)、 污染限值:硼及其化合物的迁移 天然纤维、胶合板、层压 值:30 mg 硼/kg 板/弯曲木中
如果木材有涂层,在 SD 测试前应去除涂层。
DIN 53160(用人工 合成汗液进行萃取, 16小时,23 °C), 然后依照EN ISO 11885(ICP/AES分 析)
IOS-MAT-0054 第五版译文
审稿人:Jason Liu, Teresa Xu, Sebrina Chen
AA-92520-5 2009-10-09
本规范的目的是确保儿童产品和玩具在儿童使用时是安全的,因为儿童更为敏感,并且接触产品的 方式与成人不同(如吮吸和咀嚼)。
在印刷或上色的纸/纸板中 污染限值:每种染料10 mg/kg
甲醛含量不可高于30mg/kg。 EN 71-11
文件 SD
2.3 纺织品





QW-403.2 The maximum thickness qualified is the thickness of the test coupon. QW-403.3 For full penetration single-sided welds without backing, where the meas-urement of penetration can be made by visual or mechanical means, requalification is re-quired when the base metal thickness is more than 20% thicker than that qualified when thetest coupon thickness is 1 in. (25 mm) and under, and more than 10% thicker when the testcoupon thickness is over 1 in. (25 mm). Where the measurement of penetration cannot bemade, requalification is required when the base metal thickness is more than 10% thicker thanthat qualified when the test coupon thickness is 1 in. (25 mm) and under, and more than 5%thicker when the test coupon thickness is over 1 in. (25 mm).评定的最大厚度是试件的厚度对于无衬垫单面焊全焊透焊缝,如可能用目视或机械方法测定溶深时,当试件厚度不大于1in.(25mm),母材比评定厚度大20%以上;或试件厚度为1in.(25mm)以上,母材比评定厚度大10%以上,则需重新进行评定。



ASME规范产品金属材料和焊件着色液体渗透检验1.概述1.1 本规程适用于ASME规范产品金属材料和焊件着色液体渗透检验。

1.2 本规程仅适用于探测材料或焊件表面开口类缺陷。

1.3 本规程在执行之前,须演示至AI满意。

2.人员2.1 从事液体渗透检验的人员必须是根据南京定色钛业有限公司<<NDE人员培训、考试、资格认证实施细则>>(资料号:QCD-011)进行考试和资格任命的合格人员。

3. 渗透材料3.1 渗透材料包括检验过程中使用的所有渗透剂、溶剂或清洗剂、显像剂等。

3.2 液体渗透探伤材料,必须是指定的和推荐的,见表3.2。


不允许用不同类型的或不同制造厂的渗透材料混合使用表3.23.3 当检验奥氏体不锈钢或钛材时,必须根据ASME规范第Ⅴ卷T-641(b)中的程序,对所有材料分别分析氯和氟的含量。


3.4 当检查镍基合金时,必须按照ASME规范第Ⅴ卷T-641(a)中的程序,对所有材料分别分析硫含量。



4. 检验程序4.1 检验程序流程图见图4.1图4.14.2 表面制备所有渗透检验前,被检工件表面及其附近至少为1英寸(25.4mm)的区域内都应干燥清洗干净,不得有任何脏物、纤维屑、氧化皮、焊剂、油和其它外来物。


4.3 预清洗4.3.1 在施加渗透剂之前,被检区域及其附近至少为1英寸(25.4mm)的区域内均需用清洁剂进行清洗。

4.3.2 清洗后,通过适当的方法(自然挥发或人工通风),对被检表面进行干燥;最少干燥的时间以保证在施加渗透剂之前清洁剂已完全挥发为界。

4.4 施加渗透剂4.4.1 可以用浸渍、涂刷或喷涂等任一合适的方法,在被检工件NJBST Co.,Ltd. QCD-015 Rev.:0 Page:5 of 8 Title: PROCEDURE FOR LIQUID PENETRANT EXAMINATIONof workpieces to be examined by any suitable means such as dipping, brushingor spraying.4.4.2 The temperature of the penetrant and the surface to be examined shall not be below 500F(100C) nor above 1250F(520C) throughout the examination period. When it is not practical to conduct a liquid penetrant examination within above temperature range, the examination procedure at the proposed lower or higher temperature range shall be qualified using a quench cracked aluminum block according to ASME Code Section V, T-653.4.4.3 Penetration time is critical. The minimum dwell time is shown in Table 4.4.3. For suitable temperature, the area being examined shall remain wettedby the penetrant for the dwell time.Table 4.4.3 Recommended minimum dwell times4.5 Excess Penetrant RemovalExcess solvent removable penetrant shall be removed by wiping with a cloth or absorbent paper. The remaining traces shall be removed by lightly wiping the surface with a cloth or absorbent paper moistened with solvent. To avoid over removing, flushing the surface with solvent shall be prohibited.4.6 Developer Application4.6.1 The developer shall be applied as soon as possible after excess penetrant removal and drying surface. The surface may be dried by normal evaporation before the developer is applied. The drying time shall be within5 to 20 min.4.6.2 The developer shall be applied by spraying. A uniform thin coatingshall be provided and the coating thickness shall be suitable.4.6.3 Prior to applying wet developer to the surface, the developer must bethoroughly agitated.4.6.4 Dipping or flooding the part with non-aqueous developer is prohibited, since it will dissolve the penetrant in the discontinuities through itssolvent action.4.7 Interpretation4.7.1 Developing time for final interpretation begins 表面施加渗透剂。


EN 13126-13-2012
DIN 18357-2012 ANSI/BHMA A156.13-2012 ANSI/UL 305-2012 NF P26-313-2012 NF P26-330-13-2012
NF P26-330-14-2012 BS 10621-2007+A2-2012 BS 8621-2007+A2-2012 BS 3621-2007+A2-2012 BS EN 13126-14-2012 BS EN 13126-13-2012 DIN EN 13126-14-2012
Hardware performance sheet (HPS) - Identification and
硬件性能表(HPS).耐火和/或烟控门和/或开窗应用的建筑 summary of test evidence to facilitate the
五金便于可交换性的试验证据的识别和总结.德文版本EN interchangeability of building hardware for application to 正常
Building hardware. Lever handles and knob furniture. Requirements and test methods
正常 正常
建筑五金件.窗和阳台门用五金件.试验方法和要求.第14 部分:窗风钩.德文版本EN 13126-14-2012
EN 1527-2013
EN 16035-2012
NF P26-336-2013 NF P26-326-2012 UL 305-2012 BS EN 12320-2012 DIN EN 12320-2012 JIS C6020 AMD 1-2012 BS EN 1906-2012 JG/T 394-2012 EN 13126-14-2012



棉纱英文质量标准翻译精梳40/1s CCW – Combed Compact Weaving 40/1s CCH – Combed Compact Kni ng 40/1s CW – Combed Weaving 30/1s CW – Combed Weaving 普梳 Carded For Weaving: 20/1s KW – Carded Weaving 24/1s KW 30/1s KW 32/1s KW 36/1s KW 40/1s KW 20/1s OE Carded For Kni ng: 20/1s KH – Carded Kni ng 24/1s KH 30/1s KH 32/1s KH –36/1s KH –40/1s KH  40KW  32KW 40KW PARAMETERS 参数 20 KW 24KW 30KW  30KW 32KW Actual Count (Ne) 真实支数真实支数 20s 24s 30s 32s 40s 真实支数Tolerance 差异(% +/-) 1.5 % 1.5 % 1.5 % 1.5 % 1.5 % Count CV% 支数不匀率支数不匀率 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 CSP 缕纱断裂强力 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 Strength CV% 强力变异系数强力变异系数 5 5 5 5 5 TPI 每寸捻度每寸捻度 19.67 21.5 24.09 24.89 27.82 TPI CV% 每寸捻度变异系数5 5 5 5 5 U % (UT-3) 乌斯特指数乌斯特指数11.2 11.6 12.8 13.2 13.8 thin 幼节/km (-50%) 11 15 27 30 42 thick 粗节/km (+50%) 79 97 197 220 363 Neps 棉结/km (+200%) 90 140 316 340 407 Total Imperfec ons 总疵点/km 180 252 540 590 812 RKM 断裂长度gm/tex 16.0 16.0 16 16 16 Elonga on % 伸长% 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.25 Rkm CV% 断裂长度变异系数9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 CV% of Elonga on 伸长变异系数伸长变异系数伸长变异系数 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 Hairiness H 毛羽度毛羽度 8.3 7.8 7.3 7.1 6.3 Classimat Faults 偶发性纱疵 Total Faults 总纱疵110 165 220 275 425 Objec onable Faults A3+B3+C2+D2 (九级纱疵) 5 5 5 5 7 H2+I1+I2 2 2 2 2 5 棉纱线长细度指标H2+I1+I2 A.count 支数支数 19.99 C.V .%条干CV 1.16 Lea Str.单纱强力单纱强力 112.24 C.L.S.P C.L.S.P..总强力(支数×每磅强力)每磅强力) 2243 C.V .%强力CV 3.88 R.K.M 千米强力千米强力 14.35 V .%均匀度均匀度 10.19 Thin 细节细节 1 Thick 粗节粗节 42 Neps 棉节棉节 59 CLSP (Count Lea Strength Product )RKM (Rupture Kilometer )U % (uniformity % 100% COTTON VIRGIN OE YARNS PRODUCED ON AUTOCORO 100%原生棉AUTOCORO(机器型号)气流纺纱号)气流纺纱WRAPPING TEST RESULTS 经纱测试结果经纱测试结果COUNT 纱支纱支9/1 OE 10/1 E 12/1 OE 16/1 OE  16/1 OE 9支单气流纺支单气流纺 10支单气流纺 12支单气流纺 16支单气流纺支单气流纺Average Count (Ne) 平均纱支(英支)平均纱支(英支)9.01 9.96 11.94 15.93  15.93 Avg Strength 平均强力平均强力214.7 197.0 159.1 115.0 CSP(AROUND) 连续纺连续纺1933 1963 1899 1832 Count Cv% 纱支CV %值%值 (Coefficient of varia on 表示一列数值变异程度的相对指标,是标准差对平均数的百分率)准差对平均数的百分率)1.16 1.34 0.91 0.99  0.99 Strength Cv % 强力CV %值%值4.12 4.91 3.99 5.48  5.48 TPI Test Results TPI 测试结果测试结果 .P T .P.I..I. TWIST PER INCH (每英寸纱线的捻度)每英寸纱线的捻度)11.36 12.47 14.04 16.65 .P T .P.I. Cv%.I. Cv% TPI CV%值4.05 4.07 3.95 2.57 T .M. TPM ? TWIST PER METER 每米纱线捻度每米纱线捻度3.79 3.95 4.06 4.17  4.17 Uster Test Results 乌斯特测试结果乌斯特测试结果 Avg. U% 平均乌斯特值U% 9.64 10.12 10.01 10.01 9.98 Thin/Km. (-50%) ) 比标准的纱细50%以上的每千米细节数%以上的每千米细节数0.2 0.40 0.5 0.5 0.0  0.0 Thick/Km.(+50%) 比标准的纱粗50%以上的每千米粗节数%以上的每千米粗节数9.4 23.30 32.2 30.4  30.4 Neps/Km.(+280%) 比标准的纱粗280%以上的每千米棉结数%以上的每千米棉结数5.0 6.30 6.30 19.2 22.5 Total Imperfec ons/Km 每千米的总瑕疵数每千米的总瑕疵数14.6 30.00 51.8 51.8 52.9 Hairiness 毛羽毛羽6.03 6.32 6.21 6.21 5.02  5.02 Sh ?1.58 1.68 1.58 1.31 UTR-3 Test Results UTR-S 测试结果测试结果Avg BF (Gms) ?782.5 720.2 720.2 580.1 580.1 437.2 AvgR.Km (Nm* Kgf). 平均千米扭矩平均千米扭矩 ?11.71 11.92 11.92 11.50 11.50 11.49  11.49 .Km Cv % 千米CV 值8.48 7.33 7.33 8.18 8.18 8.65  8.65 Elonga on % 伸长率伸长率6.35 5.98 5.98 5.23 5.74 Elonga on Cv % 伸长率CV 值7.19 6.26 6.26 9.12 9.12 8.02 支数偏差CV100m%(纱线) 绦干均匀度(CV0.01m)%(纱线,粗纱,粗条) 筒管之间差异(CVB%)(纱线) 不均匀指数(纱线) 幼节(-50%)细纱 粗节(+50%)粗节 棉结(+200%~280%)(纱线) 毛羽(H) 毛羽变异系数(SH)(纱线) 筒管之间差异(CVB%)(纱线) 断裂强度(CN/TEX) &nbs p; &nbs p; 断裂强力差异(CV%)(纱线) 断裂张力(CN.CM) 质量指标 缩写 说明 单位 实际水平 USTER 标准对照标准对照支数变异 CVcb 管纱之间的支数变异系数 % 13.2 质量变异 CVm CVm 质量变异系数 % 2.2 质量变异 CVmb 卷装之间质量变异系数 % 3 疵点 Thin 细节 个/1000m 2.9 Thick 粗节 22 Neps 棉结 46 毛羽指数 H 毛羽的绝对值、测量全部纤维长度 000 毛羽标准差 SH 一个管纱内的毛羽标准差 % 000 毛羽变异系数 CVHb CVHb 卷装之间的毛羽变异系数 % 尘埃 Dust 个/1000m 杂质 Trash 直径变异系数 CVd 纱的直径变异系数 % 形状 Shape 纱的截面形状、椭圆短轴和长轴比率 密度 D 纱的密度 g/cm3 强力 FH 断裂强力 CN 000 强度 RH 每tex 的断裂强力 % 000 伸长率 εH εH 断裂强力时的纱伸长率 % 000 伸长率变异系数 CVεCVε 试样间伸长率变异系数 % 断裂功 WH 强力测量到断裂强力时所做的功 CNcm 断裂功变异系数 CVWH 试样间断裂功的变异系数 % IPI=Imperfec on=常发性疵点,即细节、粗节、棉结。



PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sikaflex®-292iVersion 03.01 (04 - 2022), en_IE012001212924001000PRODUCT DATA SHEETSikaflex®-292iMultipurpose adhesive for marine applicationsTYPICAL PRODUCT DATA (FURTHER VALUES SEE SAFETY DATA SHEET)Chemical base 1-component polyurethane Colour (CQP001-1)WhiteCure mechanism Moisture-curing Density (uncured)depending on colour1.3 kg/l Non-sag properties (CQP061-1)Very good Application temperature 10 ─ 40 °C Skin time (CQP019-1)40 minutes A Open time (CQP526-1)30 minutes A Curing speed (CQP049-1)(see diagram 1)Shrinkage (CQP014-1)2 %Shore A hardness (CQP023-1 / ISO 48-4)40Tensile strength (CQP036-1 / ISO 527)3 MPa Elongation at break (CQP036-1 / ISO 527)400 %Tear propagation resistance (CQP045-1 / ISO 34)8 N/mm Tensile lap-shear strength (CQP046-1 / ISO 4587) 2 MPa Service temperature (CQP509-1 / CQP513-1)4 hours 1 hour-50 ─ 90 °C 120 °C 140 °CShelf life (CQP016-1)12 months BCQP = Corporate Quality ProcedureB) 23 °C / 50 % r. h.C) storage below 25 °CDESCRIPTIONSikaflex®-292i is a non-sag 1-component poly-urethane adhesive of thixotropic, paste-like consistency which cures on exposure to atmo-spheric moisture. It exhibits excellent adhes-ive properties and a good mechanical strength.Sikaflex®-292i meets the low spread of flame requirements set out by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).PRODUCT BENEFITSGood gap-filling properties ▪Can be painted▪Bonds well to a wide variety of substrates ▪Wheelmark approved▪Solvent free and very low VOC▪AREAS OF APPLICATIONSikaflex®-292i is suitable for structural joints in marine constructions which will be subjec-ted to high dynamic stresses. It is suitable to bond metals, particularly aluminium (includ-ing anodized finishes), metal primers and paint coatings (2-component systems), or ceramic materials, plastics such as GRP (un-saturated polyester resin), ABS, etc.Seek manufacturer’s advice and perform tests on original substrates before using Sikaflex®-292i on materials prone to stress cracking.This product is suitable for experienced pro-fessional users only. Tests with actual sub-strates and conditions have to be performed ensuring adhesion and material compatibility.1 / 2CURE MECHANISM Sikaflex®-292i cures by reaction with atmo-spheric moisture. At low temperatures the water content of the air is generally lower and the curing reaction proceeds somewhatslower (see diagram 1).Diagram 1: Curing speed for Sikaflex®-292iCHEMICAL RESISTANCESikaflex®-292i is generally resistant to fresh water, seawater, diluted acids and diluted caustic solutions; temporarily resistant to fuels, mineral oils, vegetable and animal fatsand oils; not resistant to organic acids, glycol-ic alcohol, concentrated mineral acids and caustic solutions or solvents.METHOD OF APPLICATIONSurface PreparationSurfaces must be clean, dry and free from grease, oil and dust. Surface treatment de-pends on the specific nature of the substrates and is crucial for a long lasting bond. Sugges-tions for surface preparation may be found on the current edition of the appropriate Sika® Pre-treatment Chart.Consider that these suggestions are based on experience and have in any case to be verified by tests on original substrates.Application Sikaflex®-292i can be processed between 10 °C and 40 °C (climate and product) but changes in reactivity and application proper-ties have to be considered. The optimum tem-perature for substrate and sealant is between 15 °C and 25 °C.Consider that the viscosity will increase at low temperature. For easy application, condition the adhesive at ambient temperature prior to use.To ensure a uniform thickness of the bondline it is recommend to apply the adhesive in formof a triangular bead (see figure 1).Figure 1: Recommended bead configurationSikaflex®-292i can be processed with manual, pneumatic or electric driven piston guns. The open time is significantly shorter in hot and humid climate. The parts must always be in-stalled within the open time. Never join bond-ing parts if the adhesive has developed a skin.Tooling and finishingTooling and finishing must be carried out within the skin time of the sealant. It is re-commended using Sika® Tooling Agent N. Other finishing agents must be tested for suit-ability and compatibility prior the use.RemovalUncured Sikaflex®-292i can be removed fromtools and equipment with Sika® Remover-208 or another suitable solvent. Once cured, the material can only be removed mechanically. Hands and exposed skin have to be washed immediately using Sika® Cleaner-350H clean-ing towels or a suitable industrial hand clean-er and water.Do not use solvents on skin.FURTHER INFORMATIONCopies of the following publications are avail-able on request:Safety Data Sheets▪Sika Pre-treatment Chart For Marine Applications▪General GuidelinesBonding and sealing with 1-component Sikaflex®▪PACKAGING INFORMATION Cartridge 300 ml Unipack 600 ml BASIS OF PRODUCT DATAAll technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may vary due to circum-stances beyond our control.HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION For information and advice regarding trans-portation, handling, storage and disposal of chemical products, users shall refer to the ac-tual Material Safety Data Sheets containing physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety-related data.DISCLAIMERThe information, and, in particular, the re-commendations relating to the application and enduse of Sika products, are given in good faith based on Sika's current knowledge and experience of the products when prop-erly stored, handled and applied under nor-mal conditions in accordance with Sika's re-commendations. In practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site condi-tions are such that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either from this information, or from any writ-ten recommendations, or from any other ad-vice offered. The user of the product must test the product’s suitability for the intended application and purpose. Sika reserves the right to change the properties of its products. The proprietary rights of third parties must be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always refer to the most recent issue of the local Product Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request.PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sikaflex®-292iVersion 03.01 (04 - 2022), en_IE 012001212924001000SIKA IRELAND LIMITED Ballymun Industrial Estate BallymunDublin 11, Ireland Tel: +353 1 862 0709Web: Twitter: @SikaIreland2 / 2。



ASME-Ⅸ焊接评定标准要素摘要一QW-253 WPS变素(SMAW)注:+-增加,――取消,>-增大/大于,<-减少/小于,↑-上坡焊,↓-下坡焊,←-左焊法,→-右焊法,φ-改变。

QW-253.1 WPS变素(SMAW)特殊焊接方法的变素注:+-增加,――取消,>-增大/大于,<-减少/小于,↑-上坡焊,↓-下坡焊,←-左焊法,→-右焊法,φ-改变。

二QW-254 WPS变素(SAW)注:+-增加,――取消,>-增大/大于,<-减少/小于,↑-上坡焊,↓-下坡焊,←-左焊法,→-右焊法,φ-改变。

QW-254.1 WPS变素(SAW)特殊焊接方法的变素注:+-增加,――取消,>-增大/大于,<-减少/小于,↑-上坡焊,↓-下坡焊,←-左焊法,→-右焊法,φ-改变。

三QW-255 WPS变素(GMAW和FCAW)QW-255.1 WPS变素(GMAW和FCAW)特殊焊接方法的变素注:+-增加,――取消,>-增大/大于,<-减少/小于,↑-上坡焊,↓-下坡焊,←-左焊法,→-右焊法,φ-改变。

四QW-256 WPS变素(GTAW)注:+-增加,――取消,>-增大/大于,<-减少/小于,↑-上坡焊,↓-下坡焊,←-左焊法,→-右焊法,φ-改变。

QW-256.1 WPS变素(GTAW)特殊焊接方法的变素注:+-增加,――取消,>-增大/大于,<-减少/小于,↑-上坡焊,↓-下坡焊,←-左焊法,→-右焊法,φ-改变。

五QW-257 WPS变素(PAW)注:+-增加,――取消,>-增大/大于,<-减少/小于,↑-上坡焊,↓-下坡焊,←-左焊法,→-右焊法,φ-改变。

QW-257.1 WPS变素(PAW)特殊焊接方法的变素2)熔化喷涂表面加硬层(HFSF)的重要变素和非重要变素见ASME-Ⅸ-2004版第27~28页。




2012年目录价格表PCR 、RT-PCR 、qPCR 及qRT-PCR产品名称目录号规格价格TransFast TM Taq DNA Polymerase AP101-01500 units 180 元AP101-026×500 units 900 元TransFast TM Taq DNA Polymerase(含2.5 mM dNTPs)AP101-11500 units 220 元AP101-126×500 units 1140 元EasyTaq TM DNA Polymerase AP111-01500 units 120 元AP111-026×500 units 600 元AP111-034×2500 units 1900 元EasyTaq TM DNA Polymerase(含2.5 mM dNTPs)AP111-11500 units 160 元AP111-126×500 units 840 元AP111-134×2500 units 2700 元TransTaq TM -T DNA Polymerase AP122-01250 units 180 元AP122-02500 units 340 元AP122-036×500 units 1800 元TransTaq TM -T DNA Polymerase (含2.5 mM dNTPs)AP122-11250 units 200 元AP122-12500 units 380 元AP122-136×500 units 2040元TransTaq TM DNA Polymerase High Fidelity (HiFi )AP131-01250 units 240 元AP131-02500 units 450 元AP131-036×500 units 2400 元TransTaq TM DNA Polymerase HighFidelity (HiFi )(含2.5 mM dNTPs)AP131-11250 units 260 元AP131-12500 units 490 元AP131-136×500 units 2640 元TransStart TM Taq DNA Polymerase AP141-01250 units 320 元AP141-02500 units 600 元AP141-036×500 units 3000 元TransStart TM Taq DNA Polymerase (含2.5 mM dNTPs)AP141-11250 units 340 元AP141-12500 units 640 元AP141-136×500 units 3240 元TransStart TM TopTaq DNA Polymerase AP151-01250 units 400 元AP151-02500 units 750 元AP151-036×500 units 3600 元TransStart TM TopTaq DNA Polymerase(含2.5 mM dNTPs)AP151-11250 units 420 元AP151-12500 units 790 元AP151-136×500 units 3840 元EasyPfu TM DNA Polymerase AP211-01250 units 180 元AP211-02500 units 340 元AP211-036×500 units 1800 元EasyPfu TM DNA Polymerase (含2.5 mM dNTPs)AP211-11250 units 200 元AP211-12500 units 380 元AP211-136×500 units 2040 元TransStart TM FastPfu DNA Polymerase AP221-01250 units 500 元AP221-02500 units 900 元AP221-036×500 units 4500 元TransStart TM FastPfu DNA Polymerase(含2.5 mM dNTPs)AP221-11250 units 520 元AP221-12500 units 940 元AP221-136×500 units 4740 元GC Enhancer AG101-01200 µl 80 元PCR Stimulant AG111-01200 µl 80 元2×EasyTaq TM PCR SuperMix ( -dye )AS111-01 1 ml 180 元AS111-025×1 ml750 元AS111-0315×1 ml2000 元2×EasyTaq TM PCR SuperMix ( +dye )AS111-11 1 ml180 元AS111-125×1 ml750 元AS111-1315×1 ml2000 元2×TransTaq TM-T PCR SuperMix (-dye)AS122-01 1 ml270 元AS122-025×1 ml1150 元2×TransTaq TM-T PCR SuperMix ( +dye)AS122-11 1 ml270 元AS122-125×1 ml1150 元2×TransTaq TM High Fidelity(HiFi)PCR SuperMix I (-dye )AS131-01 1 ml280 元AS131-025×1 ml1200 元2×TransTaq TM High Fidelity(HiFi)PCR SuperMix II (-dye)AS131-21 1 ml280 元AS131-225×1 ml1200 元2×Trans Blood PCR SuperMix(-dye )AS141-01 1 ml600 元AS141-025×1 ml2550 元2×EasyPfu PCR SuperMix (-dye )AS211-01 1 ml270 元AS211-025×1 ml1150 元2×TransStart TM FastPfu PCR SuperMix (-dye )AS221-01 1 ml500 元AS221-025×1 ml2130 元EasyScript TM Reverse Transcriptase AE101-012000 units80 元AE101-0210000 units360 元AE101-035×10000 units1700 元TransScript TM Reverse Transcriptase AT101-012000 units140 元AT101-0210000 units600 元AT101-035×10000 units2850 元TransScript TM II Reverse Transcriptase AH101-012000 units360 元AH101-0210000 units1500 元EasyScript TM First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix AE301-0110 rxns130 元AE301-0250 rxns610 元TransScript TM First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix AT301-0110 rxns190 元AT301-0250 rxns850 元TransScript TM One-Step gDNA Removal and cDNA Synthesis SuperMix AT311-0110 rxns220 元AT311-0250 rxns1000 元TransScript TM All-in-One First-Strand cDNASynthesis SuperMix for PCRAT321-0150 rxns1200 元TransScript TM All-in-One First-Strand cDNASynthesis SuperMix for qPCRAT331-0150 rxns1000 元TransScript TM II First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix AH301-0110 rxns410 元AH301-0250 rxns1750 元TransScript TM II One-Step gDNA Removal and cDNA Synthesis SuperMix AH311-0110 rxns460 元AH311-0250 rxns2000 元TransScript TM II All-in-One First-Strand cDNASynthesis SuperMix for PCRAH321-0150 rxns2200 元TransScript TM II All-in-One First-Strand cDNASynthesis SuperMix for qPCRAH331-0150 rxns2000 元EasyScript TM Two-Step RT-PCR SuperMix AE401-01RT体系/PCR体系800 元20 µl×50 rxns/50 µl×80 rxns TransScript TM Two-Step RT-PCR SuperMix AT401-01RT体系/PCR体系1050 元2×EasyTaq TM PCR SuperMix ( -dye )20 µl×50 rxns/50 µl×80 rxns TransScript TM II Two-Step RT-PCR SuperMix AH401-01RT体系/PCR体系1950 元20 µl×50 rxns/50 µl×80 rxnsEasyScript TM One-Step RT-PCR SuperMix AE411-0150 µl 体系×40 rxns760 元TransScript TM One-Step RT-PCR SuperMix AT411-0150 µl 体系×40 rxns960 元TransScript TM II One-Step RT-PCR SuperMix AH411-0150 µl 体系×40 rxns1680 元Rinbonuclease Inhibitor AI101-012000 units220 元AI101-025×2000 units990 元TransStart TM Green qPCR SuperMix AQ101-01 1 ml350 元AQ101-025×1 ml1600 元AQ101-0315×1 ml4200 元TransStart TM Green qPCR SuperMix UDG AQ111-01 1 ml500 元AQ111-025×1 ml2000 元AQ111-0315×1 ml5400 元TransStart TM Eco Green qPCR SuperMix AQ121-01 1 ml260 元AQ121-025×1 ml1200 元AQ121-0315×1 ml3200 元TransStart TM Top Green qPCR SuperMix AQ131-01 1 ml400 元AQ131-025×1 ml1800 元AQ131-0315×1 ml4800 元TransScript TM Green Two-Step qRT-PCR SuperMix AQ201-01RT体系/qPCR体系1500 元20 µl×50 rxns/25 µl×240 rxnsTransScript TM II Green Two-Step qRT-PCR SuperMix AQ301-01RT体系/qPCR体系2700 元20 µl×50 rxns/25 µl×240 rxnsTransScript TM Green One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMix AQ211-0125 µl 体系×80 rxns720 元AQ211-0225 µl 体系×320 rxns2320元TransScript TM II Green One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMix AQ311-0125 µl 体系×80 rxns1280 元AQ311-0225 µl 体系×320 rxns4160元TransStart TM Probe qPCR SuperMix AQ401-01 1 ml350 元AQ401-025×1 ml1600 元AQ401-0315×1 ml4200 元TransScript TM Probe One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMix AQ221-0125 µl 体系×80 rxns720 元AQ221-0225 µl 体系×320 rxns2320元TransScript TM II Probe One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMix AQ321-0125 µl 体系×80 rxns1280 元AQ321-0225 µl 体系×320 rxns4160元High Pure dNTPs (2.5 mM each)AD101-01 1 ml60 元AD101-025×1 ml270 元High Pure dNTPs (10 mM each)AD101-11 1 ml220 元AD101-125×1 ml990 元DNA 分子量标准Trans2K DNA Marker BM101-01250 µl70 元BM101-024×250 µl240 元Trans2K Plus DNA Marker BM111-01250 µl70 元BM111-024×250 µl240 元Trans2K Plus II DNA Marker BM121-01250 µl70 元BM121-024×250 µl240 元TransScript TM Two-Step RT-PCR SuperMix AT401-011050 元Trans4K DNA Marker BM131-01250 µl70 元BM131-024×250 µl240 元Trans5K DNA Marker BM141-01250 µl70 元BM141-024×250 µl240 元Trans8K DNA Marker BM151-01250 µl70 元BM151-024×250 µl240 元Trans15K DNA Marker BM161-01250 µl90 元BM161-024×250 µl280 元1Kb DNA Ladder BM201-01250 µl70 元BM201-024×250 µl240 元1Kb Plus DNA Ladder BM211-01250 µl110 元BM211-024×250 µl360 元100bp DNA Ladder BM301-01250 µl90 元BM301-024×250 µl280 元100bp Plus DNA Ladder BM311-01250 µl110 元BM311-024×250 µl360 元100bp Plus II DNA Ladder BM321-01250 µl90 元BM321-024×250 µl280 元Trans DNA Marker I BM401-01250 µl70 元BM401-024×250 µl240 元Trans DNA Marker II BM411-01250 µl70 元BM411-024×250 µl240 元基因克隆与点突变pEASY TM-T1 Cloning Kit CT101-0120 rxns540 元CT101-0260 rxns 1420 元pEASY TM-T1 Simple Cloning Kit CT111-0120 rxns540 元CT111-0260 rxns1420 元pEASY TM-T3 Cloning Kit CT301-0120 rxns540 元CT301-0260 rxns 1420 元pEASY TM-T5 Zero Cloning Kit CT501-0120 rxns700 元CT501-0260 rxns 1840 元pEASY TM-Blunt Cloning Kit CB101-0120 rxns540 元CB101-0260 rxns 1420 元pEASY TM-Blunt Simple Cloning Kit CB111-0120 rxns540 元CB111-0260 rxns1420 元pEASY TM-Blunt Zero Cloning Kit CB501-0120 rxns700 元CB501-0260 rxns1840 元Trans10 Chemically Competent Cell CD101-0110×100 µl150元CD101-0220×100 µl260元Trans5α Chemically Competent Cell CD201-0110×100 µl150元CD201-0220×100 µl260元Trans109 Chemically Competent Cell CD301-015×100 µl100 元CD301-0210×100 µl180元CD301-0320×100 µl340元Trans110 Chemically Competent Cell CD311-015×100 µl155元CD311-0210×100 µl280 元Trans1-Blue Chemically Competent Cell CD401-015×100 µl100元CD401-0210×100 µl180元CD401-0320×100 µl340元Trans2-Blue Chemically Competent Cell CD411-015×100 µl145元CD411-0210×100 µl270元CD411-0320×100 µl500元Trans1-T1 Phage Chemically Comptent Cell CD501-015×100 µl110元CD501-0210×100 µl200元CD501-0320×100 µl360元DMT Chemically Competent Cell CD511-015×50 µl75 元CD511-0220×50 µl220 元Easy Mutagenesis System FM101-01 5 rxns260 元FM101-0220 rxns960 元Fast Mutagenesis System FM111-01 5 rxns350 元FM111-02 20 rxns1200 元核酸纯化EasyPure TM Genomic DNA Kit EE101-0150 rxns500 元EE101-02200 rxns1800 元EasyPure TM Plant Genomic DNA Kit EE111-0150 rxns450 元EE111-02200 rxns1600 元EasyPure TM Blood Genomic DNA Kit EE121-0150 rxns450 元EE121-02200 rxns1600 元BloodZol EE131-01可处理50 ml血液350 元EE131-02可处理200 ml血液1200 元PlantZol EE141-01100 ml1250 元EasyPure TM Plasmid MiniPrep Kit EM101-0150 rxns170 元EM101-02200 rxns600 元EasyPure TM HiPure Plasmid MaxiPrep Kit EM111-0110 rxns800 元ArtMedia TM Plasmid Culture EM201-0195 ml+5 ml200 元EasyPure TM PCR Purification Kit EP101-0150 rxns210 元EP101-02200 rxns720 元EasyPure TM Quick Gel Extraction Kit EG101-0150 rxns230 元EG101-02200 rxns800 元TransZol ET101-01100 ml500 元TransZol Up ET111-01100 ml600 元TransZol Plant ET121-01100 ml600 元EasyPure TM RNA Kit ER101-0150 rxns1180 元EasyPure TM Viral DNA/ RNA Kit ER201-0150 rxns780 元EasyPure TM Plant RNA Kit ER301-0150 rxns1080 元EasyPure TM Blood RNA Kit ER401-0150 rxns1180 元RNAhold TM ER501-01100 ml450 元基因表达pEASY TM-E1 Expression Kit CE101-0110 rxns440 元pEASY TM-E2 Expression Kit CE111-0110 rxns440 元ArtMedia TM Protein Expression CP101-0195ml+5ml220 元BL21(DE3) Chemically Competent Cell CD601-015×100 µl130元CD601-0210×100 µl240元CD601-0320×100 µl440元BL21(DE3) pLysS Chemically Competent Cell CD701-015×100 µl130元CD701-0210×100 µl240元CD701-0320×100 µl440元Trans etta(DE3) Chemically Competent Cell CD801-015×100 µl145元CD801-0210×100 µl270元CD801-0320×100 µl500元B(DE3) Chemically Comptent Cell CD811-015×100 µl145元Trans2-Blue Chemically Competent CellCD811-0210×100 µl 270元CD811-0320×100 µl 500元BL21 Chemically Competent CellCD901-015×100 µl 130元CD901-0210×100 µl 240元CD901-0320×100 µl 440元pEASY TM -M1 Expression KitCM101-0110 rxns 600 元pEASY TM -M2 Expression Kit CM111-0110 rxns 600 元蛋白检测及纯化ProteinRuler TM I (12-80 kDa)DR101-01250 µl 140 元DR101-022×250 µl 250 元ProteinRuler TM II (12-100 kDa)DR201-01250 µl 180 元DR201-022×250 µl 320 元ProteinRuler TM III (25-120 kDa)DR301-01250 µl 180 元DR301-022×250 µl 320 元ProteinRuler TM Ⅳ (30-200 kDa)DR401-01250 µl 200 元DR401-022×250 µl 360 元Blue Plus TM Protein Marker (16-94 kDa)DM101-01250 µl 200 元DM101-022×250 µl 360 元Blue Plus TM II Protein Marker (14-100 kDa)DM111-01250 µl 220 元DM111-022×250 µl 400 元Blue Plus TM III Protein Marker (25-170 kDa)DM121-01250 µl 350 元DM121-022×250 µl 630 元EasySee TM Western Marker (20-90 kDa)DM201-01250 µl 450 元DM201-022×250 µl 800 元EasySee TM Western Marker (含 EasySee TMWestern Blot Kit )DM201-11250 µl+100 ml 810 元DM201-122×250 µl+200 ml 1440 元EasySee TM II Western Marker (30-150 kDa)DM211-01250 µl 560 元DM211-022×250 µl 1000 元EasySee TM II Western Marker (含 EasySee TMWestern Blot Kit )DM211-11250 µl+100 ml 920 元DM211-122×250 µl+200 ml 1640 元EasySee TM Western Blot KitDW101-01100 ml 450 元DW101-02200 ml 800 元Easy Protein Quantitative KitDQ101-01100 ml 200 元ProteinPure TM Ni-NTA ResinDP101-01 5 ml 520 元DP101-0225 ml 2200 元ProteinPure TM GST Resin DP201-0110 ml 1400 元细胞生物学TransSerum Fetal Bovine SerumFS101-01100 ml 240 元FS101-025×100 ml 1080 元TransLipid TM Transfection ReagentFT101-010.75 ml 1600 元FT101-022×0.75 ml 2900 元Single-Luciferase Reporter Assay Kit FR101-0150 rxns 300 元FR101-02200 rxns 1000 元常用抗体Anti-c-Myc Mouse Monoclonal AntibodyHT101-01 50 µl 500元HT101-022×50 µl 900元Anti-Flag Mouse Monoclonal Antibody HT201-01 50 µl 500元HT201-02 2×50 µll 900元Trans B(DE3) Chemically Comptent CellAnti-HA Mouse Monoclonal Antibody HT301-0150 µl500元HT301-022×50 µl900元Anti-V5 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody HT401-0150 µl500元HT401-022×50 µl900元Anti-His Mouse Monoclonal Antibody HT501-0150 µl500元HT501-022×50 µl900元Anti-GST Mouse Monoclonal Antibody HT601-0150 µl500元HT601-022×50 µl900元Anti-MBP Mouse Monoclonal Antibody HT701-0150 µl500元HT701-022×50 µl900元Anti-β-Tubulin Mouse Monoclonal Antibody HC101-0150 µl500元HC101-022×50 µl900元Anti-β-Actin Mouse Monoclonal Antibody HC201-0150 µl500元HC201-022×50 µl900元Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L),HRP Conjugate HS101-01100 µl140元Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L),HRP Conjugate HS201-01100 µl140元其它产品T4 DNA Ligase FL101-0110000 units200 元FL101-022×10000 units360 元DMT Enzyme GD111-01200 units300 元DNase I (RNase-free )GD201-011500 units400 元RNase A GE101-01 1 ml300 元Proteinase K GE201-01 1 ml150 元IPTG GF101-01 1 ml50 元X-gal GF201-01 1 ml90 元Ampicillin GG101-01 1 ml40 元Kanamycin GG201-01 1 ml30 元Chloramphenicol GG301-01 1 ml45 元G418GG401-01 5 ml420 元6×DNA Loading Buffer GH101-015×1 ml45 元6× Protein Loading Buffer GH201-01 1 ml20 元ddH2O GI101-0125 ml20 元RNase-Free water GI201-01100 ml100 元GelStain GS101-01500 µl600 元核酸纯化组成产品Lysis Buffer 2 (LB2) GA101-0110 ml 15 元Clean Buffer 2 (CB2) GA101-0255 ml75 元Binding Buffer 2 (BB2) GA101-0312 ml 25 元Wash Buffer 2(WB2) GA101-0412 ml 24 元Resuspension Buffer 1 (RB1) GA101-0515 ml 25 元Precipitation Buffer 1 (PB1) GA101-06 6 ml 20 元Binding Buffer 1 (BB1) GA101-078 ml 25 元Clean Buffer 1 (CB1) GA101-0830 ml 40 元Wash Buffer 1 (WB1)GA101-0912 ml24 元Clean Buffer 3 (CB3)GA101-10 6 ml15 元Red Cell Lysis Buffer (RCL) GA101-1170 ml 50 元Lysis Buffer 3 (LB3) GA101-1230 ml50 元Binding Buffer 3 (BB3) GA101-1315 ml 25 元Wash Buffer 3(WB3) GA101-1412 ml24 元Spin Column (Genomic DNA)GA101-1550 个200 元Resuspension Buffer (RB) GB101-0115 ml 20 元Lysis Buffer (LB,Blue)GB101-02 15 ml 20 元Neutralization Buffer (NB,Yellow) GB101-0320 ml30 元ToxinOut Buffer (TB) GB101-0460 ml200 元Spin Column (Plasmid MiniPrep)GB101-0550个125 元Spin Column (Plasmid MaxiPrep)GB101-06each30 元Gel Solubilization Buffer (GSB,Yellow) GC101-0130 ml50 元Wash Buffer (WB) GC101-0210 ml 20 元Elution Buffer (EB)GC101-03 5 ml15 元Binding Buffer (BB)GC101-0430 ml 50 元Spin Column (PCR Purification/Gel Extraction)GC101-0550个200 元Binding Buffer 4 (BB4) GR101-0160 ml100 元Clean Buffer 4 (CB4)GR101-02 50 ml70 元Wash Buffer 4(WB4)GR101-0312 ml40 元Binding Buffer 5 (BB5) GR101-0415 ml50 元Wash Buffer 5(WB5)GR101-0512 ml40 元Carrier RNA (1μg/μl)GR101-06310 μl100 元Spin Column (RNA Extraction)GR101-0750 个300 元Binding Buffer 6 (BB6) GR101-0860 ml100 元Clean Buffer 6 (CB6)GR101-0960 ml120 元Wash Buffer 6 (WB6)GR101-1012 ml30 元TPI溶液GR101-11100 ml350 元TPII溶液GR101-12100 ml350 元RNA溶液GQ101-0115 ml100 元辅助产品M13 Forward Primer (10 µM)GJ101-0150 µl20 元M13 Reverse Primer (10 µM)GJ101-1150 µl20 元T7 Promoter Primer (10 µM)GJ201-0150 µl20 元T7 Terminator Primer (10 µM)GJ201-1150 µl20 元SP6 Promoter Primer (10 µM)GJ301-0150 µl20 元SR Primer (10 µM)GJ401-0150 µl20 元CMV Forward Primer (10 µM)GJ501-0150 µl20 元TK PolyA Reverse Primer (10 µM)GJ601-0150 µl20 元10×EasyTaq TM Buffer(含Mg2+)GK101-01 1.2 ml50 元10×TransFast TM Taq Buffer(含Mg2+)GK111-01 1.2 ml50 元10×TransTaq TM-T Buffer(含Mg2+)GK112-01 1.2 ml160 元10×TransTaq TM HiFi Buffer Ⅰ(含Mg2+)GK121-01 1.2 ml160 元10×TransTaq TM HiFi Buffer Ⅱ(含Mg2+)GK121-11 1.2 ml160 元10×TransStart TM Taq Buffer (含Mg2+)GK131-01 1.2 ml160 元10×EasyPfu Buffer (含Mg2+)GK201-01 1.2 ml80 元5×TransStart TM FastPfu Buffer(含Mg2+)GK211-01 1.2 ml130 元5× ES RT Buffer GL101-01200 µl 100 元5× TS RT Buffer GL111-01200 µl 100 元10×TS II RT Buffer GL121-01100 µl 100 元Anchored Oligo(dT)18 Primer (0.5 µg/µl)GM101-0110 µl20 元Anchored Oligo(dT)18 Primer (0.5 µg/µl)GM101-02500 µl800 元Anchored Oligo(dT)20 Primer (0.5 µg/µl)GM101-1110 µl20 元Anchored Oligo(dT)20 Primer (0.5 µg/µl)GM101-12500 µl800 元Random Primer (0.5 µg/µl)GM111-0110 µl20 元Passive Reference Dye ⅠGN101-0140 µl80 元Passive Reference Dye ⅡGN111-0140 µl80 元Passive Reference Dye ⅢGN121-0140 µl80 元PCR Enhancer GN131-0140 µl80 元5×T4 DNA Ligase Buffer GO101-01300 μl 100元EasyScript TM RT/RI Enzyme Mix GO201-0110µl 70 元2×ES Reaction Mix GO202-01100 µl 70 元TransScript TM RT/RI Enzyme Mix GO301-0110 µl 100 元2×TS Reaction Mix GO302-01100 µl 100 元TransScript TMⅡ RT/RI Enzyme Mix GO401-0110 µl 210 元2×TSⅡ Reaction Mix GO402-01100 µl 210 元Affinity Chromatographic Column GP101-011个60 元A液GP201-01100 ml260 元B液GP201-02100 ml260 元C液GP201-03150 μl80 元考马斯亮蓝液(蛋白定量)GP301-01100 ml120 元。

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