A、15元B、20元C、30元D、35元6、小华的数学书有160页,他已经看了这本书的40%,那么小华还剩下多少页没有看?A、80页B、90页C、100页D、110页二、填空题(本大题有6小题,每小题4分,共24分)1、小明有24本书,他把这些书平均分给他的3个朋友,每个朋友可以得到____ 本书。
2、一个长方形花坛的长是15米,宽是9米,这个花坛的周长是 ____ 米。
3、一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是5厘米,这个长方形的面积是 ____ 平方厘米。
4、小华有20个苹果,他每天吃掉3个苹果,吃掉 ____ 天后,小华还剩10个苹果。
5、小明有48本书,小华有36本书,两人一共有书 ________ 本。
6、学校买来一些篮球,平均分给6个班,每班分得12个篮球,学校一共买了________ 个篮球。
请问小华骑一圈自行车轮胎要转多少圈?3、156 + 278 = ?4、450 - 198 = ?3、156 + 278 = 434解析:通过加法得到的结果与我们给出的答案一致。
那么科技书籍有多少本?A. 7本B. 8本C. 9本D. 10本2、一个长方形的长是6厘米,宽是4厘米,这个长方形的周长是多少厘米?A. 10厘米B. 16厘米C. 20厘米D. 24厘米3、小明有15本故事书,他送给小红5本后,他还剩多少本书?A. 8本B. 9本C. 10本D. 11本4、一辆公交车上有22个座位,已经有14个人坐下了,还有多少个空座位?A. 6个B. 7个C. 8个D. 9个5、小华有一些苹果,他给了小红3个,给了小明2个,还剩下8个。
小华原来有多少个苹果?选项:A. 13个B. 14个C. 15个D. 16个6、一个长方形的长是12厘米,宽是长的一半。
这个长方形的周长是多少厘米?选项:A. 24厘米B. 28厘米C. 30厘米D. 32厘米二、填空题(本大题有6小题,每小题4分,共24分)1、一个长方形的长是6厘米,宽是3厘米,这个长方形的周长是______ 厘米。
2、小明有18个苹果,小华有24个苹果,小明和小华一共有 ______ 个苹果。
如果小明的书桌厚度是3厘米,那么5本书的总厚度是 ______ 厘米。
如果小红给小明一半的苹果,那么小明和小红一共有 ______ 个苹果。
5、小明的书桌上有一排书,从左到右数,第一本是数学书,第五本是语文书,那么第四本书是 ______ 书。
6、一个长方形的长是10厘米,宽是5厘米,那么这个长方形的周长是 ______ 厘米。
三、计算题(本大题有5小题,每小题4分,共20分)1、小华有15个苹果,小明给了小华5个苹果,小华现在有多少个苹果?2、小红有12本书,她借给小明3本书,又从图书馆借了4本书,小红现在一共有多少本书?3、(1)计算:75 + 32 × 44、(1)计算:3.6 × 7 - 2.55、(1)(34+12)(2)(0.8−15)(3)(23×4)(4)(213÷13)(5)(7.2÷1.6)四、操作题(本大题有2小题,每小题7分,共14分)第一题题目描述:小明有一些正方体和长方体的小木块,他想要拼出一个长方体,这个长方体的长是8厘米,宽是6厘米,高是4厘米。
2024年人教版三年级上册数学期中综合训练(1-5单元)一、填空题1.在()里填上合适的长度单位.(1)汽车每小时行驶80( ).(2)一棵大树高9( ).(3)一架飞机每小时飞行1500( ).2.小明家离学校500米,他每天上下学需要往返两次,小明每天走了( )千米。
3.现在是晚上7:15,《新闻联播》已经开始15分钟了,《新闻联播》开始的时间是晚上( )。
4.两所小学分别有896名和726名学生,这两所小学一共有( )名学生。
5.用0、1、5组成一个最大的三位数是( ),组成一个最小的三位数是( ),他们的和是( ),他们的差是( )。
6.( )分米=50厘米6分=( )秒( )吨=7000千克7.一个数乘10,得到的数比原来的数大36。
原来的数是( )。
8.有8颗红珠子,黄珠子的数量比红珠子的6倍多7颗,黄珠子有( )颗。
9.计算302+157时,结果的十位是( );计算446+543时,结果的百位是( )。
10.电影院一号厅有240个座位,二号厅比一号厅少34个座位,两个厅一共有( )个座位。
11.()里最大能填多少?( )-56<135( )+67<99296+( )<500590-( )>198270-( )>154800-( )>38512.在括号里填上“>”“<”或“=”。
90-15( )46+37810-700( )100270-90( )160250+170( )45052+39( )97-13310-150( )130+70二、选择题13.月月有8元钱,贝贝的钱数比月月的3倍多一些,4倍少一些。
人教版数学三年级上册期中考试试卷一.选择题(共8题, 共16分)1.秒针走一圈就是()。
A.克B.千克C.吨4.如果一个数减去270得58, 则这个数是()。
A.212B.318C.3285.某种交通工具每小时行驶80千米, 这种交通工具可能是()。
A.60秒>30分>1时>半分B.1时>30分>60秒>半分 C.1时>半分>30分>60秒8.面粉每袋重25千克, ()袋的总重恰好是1吨。
A.10B.20C.40二.判断题(共8题, 共16分)1.王叔叔7月份一共做了874个零件, 李叔叔7月份一共做了798个零件, 这一个月王叔叔比李叔叔多做76个零件。
()3.妈妈去上班, 早晨6: 20从家出发, 经过35分钟到达单位, 到单位时是6时55分。
()4.时针指着3, 分针指着9, 这时是3时9分。
()5.小东读500个字要用3分30秒, 小芳读500个字用了200秒, 小芳比小东慢10秒。
()6.原价是701元手机现价是598元, 大约便宜了100元。
()1.一支铅笔原来长1分米, 用去3厘米5毫米, 还剩()毫米。
2.750减380就是()个十减()个十, 差是()。
3.从甲地到乙地, 坐飞机需要553元, 坐动车需要379元, 坐动车比坐飞机便宜()元。
3时=()分15分=()秒100秒=()分()秒5.一种微波炉原价899元, 现价402元, 大约便宜了()元。
一、选择题(每题2分,共10题,30分)1. 一个三位数,百位上的数字比十位上的数字大2,十位上的数字比个位上的数字大2,这个三位数是()2. 下列各数中,与1000最接近的数是()3. 9的()倍是63。
4. 64是8的()倍。
5. 525的百位上的数字是(),表示()个百。
6. 一个数是800,另一个数比它多60,另一个数是()。
7. 1000与2000之间,个位和百位数字都是0的数有()个。
二、判断题(每题1分,共20题,20分)8. 一个三位数的百位和十位数字相同,个位数字是0,这个数是110。
()9. 4的6倍是24,6的4倍也是24。
()10. 1000比900多100。
()11. 任何数乘以0都得0。
()12. 36是4的倍数,也是6的倍数。
()13. 一个三位数的十位和个位数字相同,这个数是200。
()三、填空题(每空1分,共10空,10分)14. 一个三位数的个位数字是4,十位数字是5,这个数写作______。
15. 6个十是______,6个百是______。
16. 1000里面有______个百。
17. 5的9倍是______,8的4倍是______。
四、简答题(每题10分,共1题,10分)18. 请简述如何判断一个数是否是另一个数的倍数。
五、综合题(共4题,30分)19. (1)小明有3个苹果,小红的苹果比小明多2个,小丽比小红多3个,小丽有多少个苹果?(7分)(2)一个数是300,另一个数比它少50,另一个数比它多100,这三个数分别是多少?(7分)20. (3)一个班级有25个学生,如果每5个学生一组,可以分成几组?(8分)(4)一个长方形的长是10厘米,宽是5厘米,这个长方形的周长是多少厘米?(8分)二、判断题(每题1分,共13题,13分)14. 三个三位数相加,和一定是三位数。
()15. 最大的三位数是999,最小的三位数是100。
()16. 一个数的百位和十位数字相同,个位数字是0,这个数是550。
他用了其中的1/5后,还剩下多少支铅笔?A. 6支B. 24支C. 20支D. 18支2、下面哪个数字在数轴上最接近于20但又小于20?A. 20.1B. 19.8C. 20.5D. 19.53、题目:小华有5个苹果,他给了小明2个苹果,然后又给小红3个苹果。
请问小华现在还剩多少个苹果?A. 0个B. 2个C. 3个D. 5个4、题目:下列哪个图形是轴对称图形?A. 正方形B. 长方形C. 三角形D. 梯形5、下面哪个数比35大但是比40小?A. 34B. 38C. 41D. 456、如果一个正方形的边长是5厘米,那么它的周长是多少?A. 10厘米B. 15厘米C. 20厘米D. 25厘米二、填空题(本大题有6小题,每小题4分,共24分)1、一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是4厘米,那么这个长方形的周长是(______)厘米。
3、一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是5厘米,这个长方形的周长是 ______ 厘米。
4、小华有12个苹果,她要平均分给3个小朋友,每个小朋友可以分得 ______ 个苹果。
每个朋友可以得到 ________ 颗糖果。
6、一个正方形的边长是7厘米,那么这个正方形的周长是 ________ 厘米。
三、计算题(本大题有5小题,每小题4分,共20分)1、56 + 37 = ?2、84 - 29 = ?3、小明有20个苹果,他给了小红5个,然后又给了小华3个,最后小明还剩下多少个苹果?4、小丽有35元钱,她买了一个书包花费了25元,之后又买了一个笔记本花费了8元。
小丽还剩下多少钱?5、78 + 19 = ?5、78 + 19 = ?四、操作题(本大题有2小题,每小题7分,共14分)第一题题目:小明有一些相同的正方体,他按照下面的方式排列:一排排地放,每排3个,一共放了4排。
小学三年级上册数学期中测试卷一.选择题(共6题, 共12分)1.一根彩带长280米, 第一次用去156米, 第二次用去44米, 总共用去多少米?列式正确的是()。
A.99B.1C.1000D.1005.分针走1小格的时间, 秒针正好走()。
A.米B.分米C.千米二.判断题(共6题, 共12分)1.一列客车晚上8时30分从广州出发, 次日上午9时15分到达上海, 这列客车在途中行驶共用了12小时45分钟。
()3.四位数减三位数, 差一定是三位数。
()5.一个数与 298 相加, 和是645, 求这个数。
列式是: 298+645。
()6.一袋大米重200千克, 5袋大米重1000千克。
()三.填空题(共6题, 共20分)1.上午的8时用24时记时法表示是()时;晚上8时用24时记时法表示是()时。
(1)上海浦东“滨江大道”的绿地带全长二千五百米, 写作()。
(2)上海到北京的铁路线长一千四百六十二千米, 写作()。
1米﹣4分米=()分米 18厘米+32厘米=()分米1时20分﹣40分=()分4000米+5000米=()千米4800千克﹣800千克=()吨5.妈妈带了503元, 买了一个396元的电饭锅, 妈妈大约还剩下()元。
1时25分()分65秒=()分()秒180分=()时 120秒=()分四.计算题(共2题, 共20分)1.计算:2时25分—2时5分= 12时20分—11时50分=12时40分—8时20分= 7时45分—15分=8时40分+60分= 7时35分+45分=11时20分—8时20分= 5时25分+1时55分=2.列竖式计算。
2024-2025学年山东省德州市数学小学三年级上学期期中复习试卷(答案在后面)一、选择题(本大题有6小题,每小题2分,共12分)1、小明的书架上原来有8本书,他借给小红3本书后,书架上还剩多少本书?A、5本B、6本C、7本D、8本2、一个长方形的长是12厘米,宽是5厘米,这个长方形的周长是多少厘米?A、17厘米B、20厘米C、27厘米D、32厘米3、小明有5个苹果,妈妈又给他买了3个苹果,小明现在有多少个苹果?A. 8个B. 10个C. 12个4、小红有8个铅笔,她的同桌给了她2个铅笔,小红现在有多少个铅笔?A. 10个B. 6个C. 5个5、小明有25个苹果,他每天吃掉3个苹果,吃了5天后,小明还剩下多少个苹果?选项:A. 15个B. 20个C. 10个D. 5个6、小华有一些邮票,他给了小丽10张,又给了小芳5张,最后小华还剩下8张邮票。
小华原来有多少张邮票?选项:A. 23张B. 18张C. 13张D. 8张二、填空题(本大题有6小题,每小题4分,共24分)1、小明的书桌上原来有12本书,他借给同学5本,现在他书桌上还剩______ 本书。
2、一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是5厘米,它的周长是 ______ 厘米。
3、一个长方形的长是10厘米,宽是5厘米,这个长方形的周长是 ______ 厘米。
(1)27×3=________(2)240÷8=________(3)560÷7=________(4)120×5=________6、一个数的5倍是100,这个数是 ________ 。
三、计算题(本大题有5小题,每小题4分,共20分)1、小明有24个苹果,他给了小红8个,请问他还剩多少个苹果?2、一辆公交车上有35人,在第一站下去了9人,然后又上来了12人,请问现在车上有多少人?3、(1)357 + 426 =4、(1)768 × 3 =5、计算。
2024年最新人教版三年级数学(上册)期中试卷一、选择题(每题5分,共20分)1. 下列哪个数不是3的倍数?()A. 12B. 15C. 18D. 212. 一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是5厘米,它的周长是多少厘米?()A. 13厘米B. 23厘米C. 26厘米D. 33厘米3. 下列哪个数是质数?()A. 8B. 9C. 10D. 114. 下列哪个图形不是平面图形?()A. 正方形B. 圆C. 球体D. 长方形二、填空题(每题5分,共20分)1. 8乘以7等于______。
2. 12除以4等于______。
3. 一个长方形的长是10厘米,宽是6厘米,它的面积是______平方厘米。
4. 下列数中,______是偶数。
三、解答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 小明有5个苹果,小红有3个苹果,小刚有7个苹果。
他们一共有多少个苹果?2. 一个正方形的边长是6厘米,它的周长是多少厘米?3. 下列数中,哪些是3的倍数?请列出所有符合条件的数。
四、应用题(每题10分,共30分)1. 小华有15个糖果,他想平均分给3个朋友。
每个朋友能分到多少个糖果?2. 一个长方形的长是10厘米,宽是5厘米,它的面积是多少平方厘米?3. 下列数中,哪些是质数?请列出所有符合条件的数。
五、附加题(每题10分,共20分)1. 小明有10个苹果,他想平均分给4个朋友。
每个朋友能分到多少个苹果?还剩多少个苹果?2. 一个正方形的边长是8厘米,它的周长是多少厘米?一、选择题答案:1. D2. B3. D4. C二、填空题答案:1. 562. 33. 604. 8、10三、解答题答案:1. 小明、小红、小刚一共有15个苹果。
2. 正方形的周长是24厘米。
3. 3、6、9、12、15、18、21都是3的倍数。
四、应用题答案:1. 每个朋友能分到5个糖果,还剩1个糖果。
2. 长方形的面积是50平方厘米。
3. 2、3、5、7、11、13、17、19、23、29、31、37、41、43、47都是质数。
2024年上海市英语小学三年级上学期期中自测试卷及解答参考一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Listen to the conversation between two friends and choose the correct answer.A. How old is the boy?B. What does the girl like to eat?C. Where does the boy go to school?Answer: A. How old is the boy?Explanation: In the conversation, the girl asks, “How old are you?” indicating that she is asking the boy’s age.2、Listen to a short story and choose the correct ending.A. The boy found his ball in the park.B. The girl borr owed the boy’s ball to play with.C. The boy and the girl searched for the ball together.Answer: C. The boy and the girl searched for the ball together.Explanation: The story describes how the boy lost his ball and the girl offered to help him find it, showing that they searched for the ball together.3、Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.A. What is the boy’s name?B. What is the girl’s name?C. How old are they?D. What school are they from?Answer: BExplanation: The dialogue includes a boy and a girl introducing themselves. The girl says, “My name is Lily,” which indicates that her name is Lily. The other options are not mentioned in the dialogue.4、Listen to the short story and answer the question.Question: What did the little bird do after it found the caterpillar?A. The little bird ate the caterpillar.B. The little bird played with the caterpillar.C. The little bird took the caterpillar home.D. The little bird helped the caterpillar find food.Answer: CExplanation: In the short story, the little bird finds a caterpillar and takes it home. The story does not mention the bird eating the caterpillar, playing with it, or helping it find food. Therefore, the correct answer is that the little bird took the caterpillar home.5.Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.A. The boy wants to play football.B. The girl likes to read books.C. They both want to go swimming.Explanation: The conversation mentions that the girl has read three books already and is eager to read another one, indicating her interest in reading books.6.Listen to the following sentences and complete the following sentence with the missing word.“The cat is sleeping in the sun, it feels very __________.”A. hotB. coldC. warmAnswer: CExplanation: The sentence describes the cat sleeping in the sun, which is a typical setting where it would feel warm due to the sunlight. Therefore, “warm” is the correct completion for the sentence.7、Listen to the following dialogue and answer the question:A: Hi, Jane, how was your weekend?B: Oh, it was great! I went to the zoo with my family. We saw lots of animals, including pandas, tigers, and elephants.Question: What did Jane do last weekend?A. She went to the park.B. She visited a zoo.C. She went to a movie.Explanation: In the dialogue, Jane says, “Oh, it was great! I went to the zoo with my family,” which indicates that she visited a zoo last weekend.8、Listen to the following conversation and answer the question:M: What are you doing, Lily?W: I’m reading a book about space. It’s really interesting. Did you know that there are over 100 billion stars in our galaxy?Question: What is Lily doing right now?A. She is watching TV.B. She is reading a book.C. She is doing homework.Answer: BExplanation: In the conversation, Lily says, “I’m reading a book about space,” which tells us that she is currently reading a book.9.Listen to the following dialogue between two friends and choose the best answer to complete the sentence.A. What do you like to do in your free time?B. I like to play football with my friends.C. What about you?D. I enjoy reading books.Answer: BExplanation: The dialogue is about what the two friends like to do in their freetime. The correct answer is “I like to play football with my friends.”10.Listen to the following conversation between a teacher and a student and choose the best answer to complete the sentence.A. How was your science project?B. I did a science project about plants.C. What did you learn from it?D. I learned that plants need sunlight and water to grow.Answer: DExplanation: The conversation is about the student’s science proje ct on plants. The correct answer is “I learned that plants need sunlight and water to grow,” which is what the student found out from their project.11.What is the name of the boy’s favorite pet?A. A catB. A dogC. A birdD. A fishAnswer: BExplanation: The boy mentions that his favorite pet is a dog in the conversation, so the correct answer is B. A dog.12.How many apples does the girl have in her bag?A. 3B. 5C. 7D. 10Answer: CExplanation: The girl says in the listening passage that she has seven apples in her bag, making option C the correct answer.二、选择题(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、What is the capital city of France?A) New YorkB) LondonC) ParisAnswer: C) ParisExplanation: Paris is the capital city of France. New York is the capital of the United States, and London is the capital of the United Kingdom.2、Which of the following animals is a mammal?A) SharkB) TurtleC) ElephantAnswer: C) ElephantExplanation: An elephant is a mammal, which means it is warm-blooded, has fur, and gives birth to live young. Sharks are fish, and turtles are reptiles.3、Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.The cat is very ____________.A. happyB. hungryC. tiredAnswer: A. happyExplanation: The sentence is about the cat, so we are looking for an adjective that describes the cat’s emotional state. “Happy” is the most suitable option as it describes a positive emotion.4、Choose the correct plural noun to complete the sentence.There are____________in the garden.A. catB. dogsC. fishAnswer: C. fishExplanation: The sentence is about the number of items in the garden, and we need to choose the correct plural noun. “Fish” is the only option that is plural, as “cats” and “dogs” are already in the plural form.5、What is the plural form of the word “cat”?A. catsB. catC. catesD. catesAnswer: A. catsExplanation: The plural form of a noun is used to refer to more than one. The correct plural form of “cat” is “cats.”6、Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.The sun is very___________in the sky.A. brightB. lightC. darkD. heavyAnswer: A. brightExplanation: The sentence is describing the sun, which is known to be bright. The correct choice is “bright” to describe its appearance in the sky.7、What color is the sky on a sunny day?A. RedB. BlueC. GreenD. YellowAnswer: B. BlueExplanation: The sky is usually blue on a sunny day because of the scattering of sunlight by the molecules of air.8、Which of the following is not a type of animal?A. DogB. CatC. TreeD. FishAnswer: C. TreeExplanation: A tree is a type of plant, not an animal. The other options (dog, cat, and fish) are all examples of animals.9.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.The cat is sitting on the _.A. tableB. chairC. floorAnswer: A. tableExplanation: The correct answer is “table” because cats are often seen sitting on tables, which are elevated surfaces. “Chair” and “floor” are also places cats might si t, but “table” is the most typical choice for this sentence.10.Select the word that does not belong in the list.A. appleB. bananaC. carD. orangeAnswer: C. carExplanation: The word “car” does not belong in the list because “apple,” “banana,” and “orange” are all types of fruits. “Car” is a vehicle and not a type of fruit, making it the odd one out.11.What is the capital city of France?A)LondonB)ParisC)RomeD)BerlinAnswer: B) ParisExplanation: Paris is the capital city of France. London is the capital of the United Kingdom, Rome is the capital of Italy, and Berlin is the capital of Germany.12.Which of the following is a type of fruit?A)AppleB)CarrotC)TomatoD)PotatoAnswer: A) AppleExplanation: An apple is a type of fruit. Carrots, tomatoes, and potatoes are all vegetables.三、完型填空(10分)Directions: Choose the best word or phrase to complete the following sentence.The cat sat on the mat and watched the birds 1 in the tree. Suddenly, it 2 a piece of string and 3 it. The birds 4 the string and 5 away.1.A. flying B. flew C. fly D. flys2.A. found B. founds C. finds D. finding3.A. threw B. throws C. throw D. throwing4.A. caught B. catch C. catches D. catching5.A. flew B. fly C. flying D. flyedAnswer: 1. A 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. A四、阅读理解(26分)Title: The Magic of NatureRead the following passage:Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between rolling hills and a sparkling river, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily loved nature more than anything else in the world. Every morning, she would wake up early and go for a walk in the forest that surrounded her village. The trees, birds, and flowers were her friends, and she felt a special connection to them.One day, while exploring the forest, Lily stumbled upon a hidden glade. In the center of the glade stood a very old oak tree. The tree seemed to be whispering secrets to the wind, and Lily felt an inexplicable pull towards it. She approached the tree and touched its rough bark. Suddenly, she felt a warm, tingling sensation run through her fingers.As Lily looked around, she noticed that the glade was bathed in a soft, golden light. The trees shimmered with an ethereal glow, and the flowers seemed to dance in the breeze. She realized that the tree had magical powers. Excitedly, she made a wish, hoping that her wish would come true.The next morning, Lily woke up to find that her wish had been granted. The village had been plagued by a terrible drought, but now, the river was flowing once again, and the fields were green and lush. The villagers were overjoyed and thanked Lily for her magical intervention.Questions:1.What was Lily’s favorite thing in the world?A) Reading booksB) Playing with her friendsC) NatureD) Eating candy2.What did Lily discover when she found the hidden glade?A) A treasure chestB) A magical treeC) A lost petD) A secret cave3.How did Lily’s wish affect the village?A) The village became richerB) The village had a terrible stormC) The village experienced a droughtD) The river flowed once again, and the fields became lushAnswers:1.C) Nature2.B) A magical tree3.D) The river flowed once again, and the fields became lush五、写作题(16分)Writing TaskTopic: Write a short story about a day when you discovered a hidden treasure in your backyard.Instructions:•Begin your story with a brief description of your backyard.•Describe the day you decided to explore it more thoroughly.•Include a sequence of events that lead you to the hidden treasure.•Describe the treasure and what you did with it.•Conclude with how this experience made you feel.Example:Once upon a time, there was a small, sunny backyard behind my house. It was filled with a variety of plants, from towering trees to colorful flowers. My family never spent much time there, so it was a place of mystery and wonder to me.One sunny afternoon, I decided to take a closer look around. I wanderedthrough the grass, examining each plant and stone as I went. Suddenly, I noticed a faint, rustling sound coming from behind a bush. Curiosity piqued, I approached the bush and pried it open with my fingers. To my astonishment, I found a small, wooden chest buried beneath the soil.I carefully unearthed the chest and opened it. Inside were shiny coins, an old, leather-bound book, and a delicate silver locket. The coins were probably from the 1800s, and the book looked like it contained ancient maps and secret codes. The locket, however, held a photo of my great-grandparents, who had lived in the house before my family moved in.I knew I had to show this incredible discovery to my parents. They were equally amazed and excited by the treasure. We decided to keep the coins and the book as a family heirloom, and I wore the locket as a reminder of my connection to my past.This experience taught me that sometimes, the greatest treasures are hidden in plain sight. It made me feel like a real explorer, and I couldn’t wait to uncover more mysteries in our backyard.Analysis:•The story begins with a vivid description of the backyard, setting the stage for the adventure.•The main character, the narrator, is introduced, and their curiosity is established.•The sequence of events leading to the discovery of the treasure iswell-plotted, with a clear progression from the initial exploration to the actual discovery.•The treasure itself is described in detail, enhancing the reader’s sense of wonder and the value of the find.•The conclusion ties the story together, reflecting on the significance of the discovery and its emotional impact on the narrator.•The language used is appropriate for a third-grade level, with simple sentence structures and vocabulary.。
2024年苏教版英语小学三年级上学期期中自测试卷及答案指导一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、What is the name of the teacher who teaches the students English?A. Mr. WangB. Mrs. LiC. Mr. ZhangAnswer: AExplanation: The teacher’s name is mentioned in the dialogue as“Mr.Wang.” Therefore, the correct answer is A.2、How many apples does Tom have in his bag?A. Two applesB. Three applesC. Four applesAnswer: BExplanation: In the conversation, Tom says, “I have three apples in my bag.” Thus, the correct answer is B.3、Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.A. What color is the sky?B. How is the weather today?C. What are they talking about?Answer: BExplanation: The dialogue is about the weather today. The second speaker asks, “How is the weather today?” which is a question about the weather.4、Listen to the short passage and complete the sentence.A. The boy is reading a book.B. The girl is playing with a ball.C. The teacher is teaching the class.Answer: CExplanation: The passage describes what the teacher is doing in the classroom. The correct sentence to complete the passage is “The teacher is teaching the class.”5、听力材料:A. Tom is in the classroom.B. Tom is in the library.C. Tom is in the playground.Question: Where is Tom?Answer: AExplanation: In the listening material, it is mentioned that Tom is in the classroom. Therefore, the correct answer is A.6、听力材料:A. The cat is on the bed.B. The dog is under the table.C. The bird is in the tree.Question: Which animal is in the tree?Answer: CExplanation: The listening material clearly states that the bird is in the tree. Thus, the correct answer is C.7、Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.Question: What is the boy going to do this weekend?A)He’s going to visit his grandparents.B)He’s going to watch a film.C)He’s going to play football.Answer: AExplanation: The dialogue might have contained a sentence like, “I’m going to visit my grandparents this weekend.” The answer is A because the boy is stating his intention to visit his grandparents.8、Listen to the short passage and fill in the blank.Passage: My favorite subject is _________. I like it because it’s very interesting and I can learn a lot about animals and plants.Question: What’s the missing word in the blank?Answer: ScienceExplanation: The passage mentions learning about animals and plants, which are typically covered in science classes. Therefore, the missing word thatcompletes the sentence is “Science.”9、What does Mike have in his hand?A. An appleB. A bananaC. An orangeAnswer: C. An orangeExplanation: In the listening material, you will hear a conversation or a sentence that clearly indicates Mike has an orange in his hand. Pay attention to the key words that describe the fruit, such as its color or name.10、Where are they going?A. To the parkB. To the zooC. To the supermarketAnswer: A. To the parkExplanation: The dialogue or sentence in the audio will provide context clues about their destination. Listen for phrases like “let’s go to the park” or other indicators that suggest the location. The correct choice is based on these verbal cues.11.What does the teacher ask the student to do?A. Close the book.B. Open the book.C. Read the book.Answer: B. Open the book.Explana tion: In the listening passage, the teacher says, “Please open your books to page 15.” Thus, the correct answer is B. Open the book.12.How many apples does the boy have?A. Two.B. Five.C. Ten.Answer: A. Two.Explanation: In the listening passage, the b oy says, “I have two apples.” Therefore, the correct answer is A. Two.二、选择题(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1.Which of the following is a color?A)DogB)RedC)TableD)CatAnswer: B) RedExplanation: This question tests basic vocabulary recognition. Among the options, only “Red” refers to a color. “Dog” and “Cat” are animals, and “Table” is a piece of furniture.2.Listen to the sentence and choose the correct response.Sentence: “Good morning, class.”A)Hello, teacher.B)Good afternoon, teacher.C)Goodbye, class.D)How are you?Audio Cue: (Assuming an audio recording of “Good morning, class” is played)Answer: A) Hello, teacher.Explanation: This question tests greeting comprehension and response. When a teacher says “Good morning, class,” a common and polite response from studen ts would be “Hello, teacher” or a similar greeting acknowledging the morning greeting. “Good afternoon, teacher” would not be appropriate if the time of day is morning. “Goodbye, class” is a farewell greeting, not a response to a greeting. “How are you?” is a question asking about someone’s well-being, not a greeting response.3、Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:I have a new __________.A. shoesB. shoeC. pair of shoesAnswer: C. pair of shoesExplanation: The correct way to refer to a set of shoes in English is “a pair of shoes.” Singular “shoe” would not make sense in this context, and “shoes” without specifying that it’s a pair could be grammatically incorrect.4、Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:She_________her homework every day.A. doB. doesC. doingAnswer: B. doesExplanation: The verb “do” when used with “homework” should be conjugated to match the subject “she,” which is third person singular. Therefore, “does” is the correct choice. “Do” would be used with “I” or “we,” and “doing” is the present participle, not the simple present tense.5、What is the plural form of the word “cat”?A. catsB. cat’sC. catAnswer: A. catsExplanation: The plural form of “cat” is “cats.” Option B is a possessive form (cat’s) indicating ownership, and option C is the singular form.6、Choose the correct question word to complete the sentence: “I_______go to the park with my friends tomorrow.”A. doB. doesC. amAnswer: C. amExplanation: The correct question word to complete the sentence is “am” because it is used with the present tense verb “go” to form a question in the first person singular. Options A and B are incorrect as “do” is used withpresent simple verbs and “does” is used with third person singular verbs.7、What is your favorite subject?A. Maths.B. Dog.C. Cake.Answer: AExplanation: The question is asking about a person’s favorite subject. “Maths” is a subject that one can study in school, making it a logical an swer. “Dog” is an animal, and “Cake” is a food item, neither of which are subjects that can be studied in school.8、Who is your best friend?A. Apple.B. Teacher.C. Lily.Answer: CExplanation: The question is asking about a person’s best friend. “Lily” i s a name of a person, making it a suitable answer. “Apple” is a fruit, and “Teacher” is a profession, neither of which can be a person’s best friend in the context of this question.9、Which of the following words means “opposite direction of up”?A. leftB. rightC. downD. frontAnswer: C. downExplanation: The word “down” means the opposite direction of up. When something moves from a higher position to a lower one, we say it’s moving down.10、Choose the correct form of the verb “be” for the sentence:“The cat_______black.”A. amB. isC. areD. beAnswer: B. isExplanation: The verb “be” changes form depending on the subject of the sentence. In this case, “cat” is singular and third-person, so the correct form of the verb “be” to use is “is.” Therefore, the correct sentence is “The cat is black.”11.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.The cat is very ________.A. smartB. prettyC. funnyAnswer: AExplanation: The correct answer is “smart” because it describes an intelligent or clever cat. “Pretty” would describe the appearance of the cat, and “funny” would describe the cat’s behavior, which are not the primary attributes mentioned in the sentence.12.Match the animal with its correct habitat.A. ElephantB. FishC. TigerD. DuckE. Bear1.Forest2.Ocean3.River4.Mountain5.DesertAnswer: A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3, E-5Explanation: Elephants live in forests (A-1), fish live in the ocean (B-2), tigers are often found in the mountains (C-4), ducks are commonly found in rivers (D-3), and bears can be found in various habitats, but especially in the forest (E-5).三、完型填空(10分)Section Three: ClozeComplete the passage with the correct words. Choose from the words given in the box. Each word can only be used once.Box: on, his, teacher, favourite, haveJack is a student in Grade Three. He loves school very much. Every day, he ge ts up early and goes to school (1)_______time. Maths is Jack’s(2)_______subject. He enjoys solving puzzles and problems in class. Today, he has a Maths lesson with (3)_______Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown is very kind and helpful. He always makes learning fun.Afte r school, Jack likes to play football with (4)_______friends. It’s a great way to relax and exercise. At home, he (5)_______a small library with many books, including storybooks and adventure novels.Answers:1.on2.favourite3.his4.his5.has四、阅读理解(26分)Reading ComprehensionRead the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: The Story of Little Red Riding HoodLittle Red Riding Hood was a little girl who always wore a red cloak. One day, her mother asked her to take some food to her sick grandmother who lived in the woods. “Remember,” said her mother, “stay on the path and don’t talk to strangers.”Little Red Riding Hood walked into the forest. Suddenly, a wolf appeared beside her. “Where are you going?” the wolf asked. The little g irl replied, “I am going to see my grandmother and bring her some food because she is ill.” The wolf smiled and said, “That’s very kind of you. But don’t you want to pick some flowers for her?”The little girl thought it was a good idea and began picking flowers. Meanwhile, the wolf ran to the grandmother’s house, ate her up, and then put on her clothes. When Little Red Riding Hood arrived at the house, she found the ‘grandmother’ looking strange. The wolf tried to eat her too but a brave woodsman heard her cries and saved her just in time.1.What did Little Red Riding Hood’s mother ask her to do?2.Why did the wolf go to the grandmother’s house?3.Who saved Little Red Riding Hood from the wolf?Answers:1.Her mother asked her to take some food to her sick grandmother who lived in the woods.2.The wolf went to the grandmother’s house to eat the grandmother andpretend to be her.3.A brave woodsman saved Little Red Riding Hood from the wolf.五、写作题(16分)Write a short story about your favorite animal. Include the following points:1.Describe the appearance of the animal.2.Share an interesting experience you had with the animal.3.Explain why this animal is your favorite.Example:My favorite animal is a golden retriever named Max. Max has a thick, golden coat and big, brown eyes. His tail is always wagging, which makes him look very friendly.One day, I was playing with Max in the park. Suddenly, a small puppy came running towards us. Max barked loudly and started to chase the puppy. I was worried that Max might hurt the little dog, so I called his name to stop him. Max turned around and looked at me with a guilty expression. I laughed and patted his head. The puppy came back to us, and Max and I played together again.I love Max because he is always loyal and protective. He makes me feel happy and safe. Whenever I am sad, Max is always there to cheer me up. That’s why Max is my favorite animal.Explanation:This example follows the given structure for the writing prompt. Theappearance of Max is described with adjectives like “thick,” “golden,” “big,” and “brown.” An interesting experience with Max is shared, showing the reader how Max protects and makes the narrator feel safe. Finally, the reason for Max being the favorite animal is explained, emphasizing loyalty and companionship.。
180秒○3分5时○30分1时○61秒6分○60秒1分25秒○85秒 2分10秒○210秒5.学校要买一张办公桌需要896 元,买一把椅子需要203元,大约需要准备()元钱够买这一套桌椅。
3分=()秒 2分-45秒=()秒4分15秒=()秒200秒=()分()秒300分=()时 160分=()时()分花花每天睡觉9()小红每天写作业大约用42()小丽吃饭用了18()小刚跑50米用了15()8.刘会计买了一件羽绒服花了605元,比原来便宜了213元,原来的价格大约是()元。
请问这个长方形的宽是多少厘米?选项:A、9厘米B、10厘米C、12厘米D、15厘米3、一个正方形花坛的每边长为5米,小明绕着这个花坛走了两圈,请问他一共走了多少米?A. 10米B. 20米C. 30米D. 40米4、如果一本书原价是20元,现在打8折出售,请问现在的售价是多少元?A. 14元B. 16元C. 18元D. 20元3、一个正方形花坛的每边长为5米,小明绕着这个花坛走了两圈,请问他一共走了多少米?4、如果一本书原价是20元,现在打8折出售,请问现在的售价是多少元?5、小明有5个苹果,妈妈又给他买了8个苹果,小明现在有多少个苹果?A. 3个B. 6个C. 10个D. 13个6、小华有20元,她用5元买了一个笔记本,还剩多少钱?A. 15元B. 20元C. 25元D. 30元二、填空题(本大题有6小题,每小题4分,共24分)1、1米等于______ 分米。
2、一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是5厘米,这个长方形的周长是 ______ 厘米。
3、一个长方形的长是12厘米,宽是5厘米,这个长方形的周长是 ______ 厘米。
那么,每个好朋友将得到______ 个糖果。
5、小明的年龄是小丽年龄的3倍,如果小丽的年龄是12岁,那么小明的年龄是______ 岁。
6、一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是5厘米,这个长方形的面积是 ______ 平方厘米。
三、计算题(本大题有5小题,每小题4分,共20分)1、(56 + 23)×4 - 32 =?2、8 × 7 - 5 × 4 + 3 × 5 =?3、计算题:(1)325 + 478 =4、计算题:(1)642 ÷ 2 =5、(1)计算下列算式:8 + 6 =(2)完成下列乘法:3 ×4 =(3)进行除法计算:24 ÷ 4 =四、操作题(本大题有2小题,每小题7分,共14分)第一题小明有一些红色和蓝色的小方块,他想要按照以下规则拼出一个正方形:1.每行有5个小方块;2.每列也有5个小方块;3.每个红色小方块旁边至少有2个蓝色小方块。
2023-2024学年度第一学期小学三年级语文期中考试卷班级:_____________________ 姓名:_____________________ 成绩:___________________一、看拼音,写词语。
(8分)xiān yàn zhǔn bèi yóu piào kě liánzhī zhū cū zhuàng lǚ xíng hán lěng二、用“√”给加点字选择正确的读音。
(6分)几.乎(jǐ jī)努.力(nǔ lǔ)放假.(jiǎ jià)挨.打(āi ái)坪坝.(bà bèi)摔.跤(suāi shuāi)三、辨字组词。
(改为“把”字句)_______________________________________________________________________________________ 3.橘子、柿子你挤我碰,争着要人们去摘呢!(仿写拟人句)_______________________________________________________________________________________ 4.用修改符号在原句上修改病句。
A.200秒B.14分C.1时2.在钟面上,秒针从 12 走到 10 ,经过了()。
A.2 秒B.50 秒C.50 分3.1吨铁跟1吨棉花比,()。
(1)小红数数,从1数到10大约用了5 。
(2)小学生一天在校的时间大约是6 。
(3)一辆货轮的载质量是5000 。
(4)电脑屏幕宽4 。
240分= 时 1分50秒= 秒 4000米-1千米= 米9吨= 千克 10分米= 毫米 1米-35厘米= 厘米16.估算297+ 104时,可以把 297 看成,把 104 看成,结果是。
18.一辆自行车 284 元,一架玩具飞机 308 元,爸爸要给小明买这两件商品,大约需要准备元。
1. 看拼音,写词语。
róng qiú guī zé zèng sòng kǒng què yán liào()()()()()2. 用“√”标出下列句子中加点字的正确读音。
(1)妹妹在暑假.(jiǎ jià)里背.(bēi bèi)诵了二十首古诗。
(2)接着,先生在孙中山的书上又圈.(quān juàn)了一段。
3. 形近字组词。
增()棕()径()残()赠()综()经()戏()4. 词语积累。
5. 按要求按成句子。
6. 填空。
(1)《山行》一诗中,描写诗人因喜爱枫林晚景而停车欣赏的诗句是“ _______________,_____________。
小学三年级上册数学期中测试卷一.选择题(共6题, 共12分)1.计量重型物品或大宗物件的质量, 通常用()作单位。
A.吨B.千克C.克2.贝贝的爸爸要买下面的物品, 大约应该准备()钱才够。
A.千米、米、毫米, 厘米B.米, 千米、厘米、毫米C.千米、米、厘米, 毫米4.下面是三名小朋友在一次赛跑比赛中的成绩, 比一比, 冠军是()。
乐乐用了1分13秒;欢欢用了1分32秒;牛牛用了1分50秒A.乐乐B.欢欢C.牛牛5.爷爷每分钟跑100米, 他每天早上坚持跑10分钟, 共跑()。
A.600B.580C.570二.判断题(共6题, 共12分)1.小东读500个字要用3分30秒, 小芳读500个字用了200秒, 小芳比小东慢10秒。
()5.小花身高1米3分米, 就是103厘米。
()三.填空题(共6题, 共29分)1.米店运来5吨大米, 上午卖出3000千克, 余下的下午要全部卖出, 下午卖出()吨。
2.计算219-(108+54), 先算(), 再算(), 结果是()。
5060米=______千米______米 600毫米=______厘米=______分米1时15分=______分6500千克=______吨______千克4.填上“时”、“分”或“秒”。
4分=()秒90分=()时()分360秒=()分 80秒=()分()秒1时=()分1时10分=()分120分=()时 1分35秒=()秒6.593-409中, 593接近(), 409接近(), 593-409的结果大约是(), 实际计算结果是()。
2023-2024青岛市小学数学三年级上册期中测试题(一)(时间:70分钟,满分100分)一、 填一填。
(24分)1、我们学过的质量单位有哪些?请写出来:我们学过的长度单位有哪些?请你写出四个长度单位:2、在 里填上“﹤”、“﹥”、“﹦”。
(8分)1900克 2千克 8kg 800g3吨 3000千克 7000米 70千米3、 填上合适的单位。
(1)、一枚2分硬币大约重1( )。
(2)、一头肥猪重140( )。
(3)、一辆汽车载重量是8( )。
(1)一袋水泥重50千克,( )袋水泥重1吨。
① 2 ①4 ① 205、看一看,填一填。
(1)钟面上,分针、时针的移动是 ( )现象。
(2)小飞用双手推动桌子向前移动,桌子的移动是( )现象。
① 1千克① 1克① 50克① 100千克2、最大的一位数除最大的三位数,商是()。
① 一位数① 两位数① 三位数3、下面各题商最接近140的算式是()。
① 846÷6 ① 480÷4 ① 417÷3 ① 580÷54、把2吨萝卜分4次运往北京,平均每次运()。
① 50千克① 5吨① 500千克5、最大的三位数乘最大的一位数,积是()位数。
(12分)40÷4= 350÷7= 42÷7= 100÷2=540÷9= 60×3= 0÷8= 200×3=400÷5= 24×2= 50÷5= 8000÷4=2、用竖式计算。
(第一小题要验算)(12分)(1)561÷5 (2)196×8(3)306÷33、脱式计算。
三年三年级上册期中测试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 下列哪种现象属于光的折射?A. 镜子反射B. 雨后彩虹C. 水中倒影D. 日出日落2. 以下哪种物质是导体?A. 塑料B. 玻璃C. 人体D. 空气3. 地球围绕太阳旋转的周期是多久?A. 一年B. 一月C. 一天D. 一小时4. 下列哪种动物属于哺乳动物?A. 鸟B. 鱼C. 蝙蝠D. 蜥蜴5. 下列哪个城市是中国的首都?A. 上海B. 北京C. 广州D. 深圳二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 地球是太阳系中最大的行星。
()2. 长江是中国最长的河流。
()3. 火山喷发是一种自然灾害。
()4. 人类是由猿类进化而来的。
()5. 光速是宇宙中最快的速度。
()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 太阳系共有______颗行星。
2. 人体内最多的成分是______。
3. 我国的国宝动物是大______。
4. 地球的表面积大约有______平方公里。
5. 世界上最长的河流是______。
四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 简述光合作用的基本原理。
2. 请解释牛顿的三大运动定律。
3. 描述地球自转和公转的区别。
4. 请列举三种可再生能源。
5. 简述DNA的双螺旋结构。
五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 小明家到学校的距离是1000米,他每分钟走60米,计算他到学校需要多少分钟。
2. 一个长方体的长、宽、高分别是2米、3米、4米,计算它的体积。
3. 一个等差数列的前三项分别是2、5、8,求第四项和第五项。
4. 如果一辆车以每小时60公里的速度行驶,计算它行驶100公里需要多少小时。
5. 一个班级有40名学生,其中有25名女生,计算男生和女生的比例。
六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. 分析地球气候变化的原因及其影响。
2. 讨论人类活动对生态环境的影响。
七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)1. 设计一个简单的电路,使灯泡亮起来。
(共34分)1. 秒针从3走到4是()秒,分针从3走到4是()分,时针从3走到4是()时。
2. 现在钟表面上的时间是(),分针再走一圈后的时间是()。
3. 在括号里填上合适的单位。
5. 铅笔长()厘米()毫米,用去8毫米,还剩下()毫米。
6. 50毫米=()厘米5000米=()千米1分30秒=()秒2吨=()千克200毫米=()分米1吨-500千克=()千克7. 56是7的()倍,6的5倍是()。
8. 在括号里填上“>”“<”或“=”。
30厘米()4分米400米()4千米8分()80秒1吨-400千克()9000千克9. 便利店每天上午8:30开门,现在是10:45,便利店开门()分钟了,也就是()小时()分钟。
10. 果园里有苹果树501棵,梨树389棵,苹果树比梨树多()棵。
11. 一件上衣246元,一条裤子124元,这件上衣和这条裤子共()元。
12. ①小红有8颗黄珠子,红珠子的数量比黄珠子的6倍多6颗。
(下列说法对的在题后括号内打“√”,错的打“×”,共5分)13. 一个手指头的宽大约是1分米。
()14. 眨一下眼大约是1秒。
()15. 32÷8=4表示是32是4的8倍。
()16. 计算万以内的加、减法时,要把相同数位对齐。
()17. 8009千克-9千克=8吨。
① ①三、选择。
(把正确答案的序号填在括号内,共5分)18. 钟面上分针走1大格,秒针走()圈。
A. 1B. 5C. 1219. 时针在2和3之间,分针指向7,秒针指向12,这时是()。
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一、单项测试:30% 1.按要求积累词语。
表示“颜色多”的词语 如:五颜六色 形容“天气寒冷”的词语 如:冰天雪地 在“木”上加一笔,成新的字 如:未 2.选词填空(不能重复)。
看 环视 欣赏 望 参观 发现
去年国庆节,妈妈带我到世博园( )。
刚走进世博园,远远就( )见了一幢高大的展馆,那是中国馆。
我飞奔而去,( )到展馆门前排着很长的队伍。
进了展馆,终于( )到了《清明上河图》,总算圆了我的一个梦。
( )四周,我( )人们的脸上都流露出自豪的神情。
背着风 向上跳着 强大的风 疯子般 了解风力 向着风
牛顿很想知道这 究竟有多大的力气,能把他刮多远?他要 。
于是他像个 不停地在风中 ,身子有时候 ,有时候 。
一边……一边…… 不但……而且…… 虽然……但是…… 因为……所以……
(1)海底世界( )景色奇异,( )物产丰富。
(2)陈毅每天都会坐在灶前( )烧火,( )看书. (3)( )今日海面上波涛汹涌,( )渔民老张照样出海捕鱼。
学校_______________________ 班级__________ 学号_________ 姓名______________ ……………密○………………………………………封○………………………………………○线…………………………
一次,吴先生教( jiāo jiào)梅兰芳练跷(qiào qiāo)功。
正是凭着这种顽强的毅力,梅兰芳从小打下了扎( zā zhā )实的功底,后来终于成为一名蜚(fēi fěi)声海内外的京剧艺术大师。
1. 在文中的括号里圈出恰当的字。
2. 根据划线部分内容的意思找出文中的词语,写在括号内。
要求:1. 仔细看图,再想一想乌鸦为什么开始喝不到水,后来它看到什么受到启发,想出好办法喝到了水。
3. 字数在250个左右。