三菱模拟软件FX FX--TRN TRN--BEG BEG--C 使用方法使用方法三菱模拟软件FX-TRN-BEG-C 是针对FX 系列PLC 系列设计的一套模拟软件,可以帮助初学者掌握和理解FX 的指令系统,因此要求初学者必须熟悉三菱PLC 的指令格式和输入方法。
接着出现训练的主画面,学习共A~F 共6个学习阶段,由简到难,由线入深。
建议初学者从A 开始一步一步学起,可以先认真看一下帮助文件,先了解一下软件使用的有关事项。
Science and Technology&Innovation┃科技与创新2023年第12期文章编号:2095-6835(2023)12-0145-03FX-TRN-BEG-C仿真系统在实践教学中的应用:以福建水利电力职业技术学院“电气控制与PLC技术”实践教学为例*刘起汉(福建水利电力职业技术学院电力工程学院,福建三明366000)摘要:为了提高“电气控制与PLC技术”的教学效果,提升学生的应用能力,应用三菱仿真教学系统,开展“电气控制与PLC技术”仿真教学。
关键词:“电气控制与PLC技术”;教学设计;仿真软件;仿真教学中图分类号:G712文献标志码:A DOI:10.15913/ki.kjycx.2023.12.044“电气控制与PLC技术”是针对电气自动化、电力控制及维护等领域而设计的课程,在当今日益发展的电力工业中,人们需要运用现代控制技术和计算机技术来实现电力负荷的平衡控制,保证电气设备的运行安全与稳定性[1]。
FX-TRN-BEG-C 软件打开工程出错解决办法关于三菱仿真学习软件(FX-TRN-BEG-C 打开工程时出错本人最近安装过三菱仿真学习软件(FX-TRN-BEG-C 后,不能打开工程文件, 打开就死机,弹出下面的错误提示。
觉得很郁闷,就上网寻求大侠们的帮助,试了 好多方法,都不见效,最后发现一个方法,看起来比较靠谱,就试了下,不过太麻 烦,最后经过一番摸索,终于搞定了,现跟广大爱好和学习 P LC 的朋友们分享下。
########################################################### 应用程序错误 “ 0x77ef8577"指令引用的“ 0x00090009"内始”运行 中输入MSCONFIG 看到urre ntly en gaged in the p roject durati on is 2 years (or more). (C) mortgage guara ntee 1. borrower (mortgagor) betwee n 18-65 years of age,LadTool.exe - 存,该内存不能为 “ READLadTool.exe - 应用程序错误 “ 0x77ef8577"指令引用的“ 0x00090009" 内为三菱FXTRN-BEG-模拟学习软件的 “梯形”工具,再“开•4"・冽禹苫齐易耳訶LadTool.exe is a存,该内存不能为 L 4,I...—MI 4W_ … 呵6;::I■- ■ ■ ▼ U I . X ■: W ■ >3 ■+ + ■ A J— ■■訂 5 ?“ READ',TX 1 TA'i.迂,TiJiT 耳~* ■-辻ilnV …f 昂_ I f Ffc , A尸-■ Un*, wi \ V« vAtwith full civil cap acity; 2. home mortgage in prin ci pie a gross floor area not lgss j han 70 square meters or home value notFXTRN-BEG-冲突,关掉。
⎰-102e xdxSevere_MessagesMust be corrected. The program's execution is terminated when the error is encountered, unless for I/O statements the program uses the END or ERR I/O statement specifiers to transfer control,perhaps to a routine that uses the IOSTAT specifier (see your DEC Fortran user manual).The severe messages follow (in alphabetical order):o MESSAGE: Adjustable array dimension errorNUMBER: 93EXPLANATION: Upon entry to a subprogram, one of the followingerrors was detected during the evaluation of dimensioninginformation:- An upper-dimension bound was less than alower-dimension bound.- The dimensions implied an array that was largerthan addressable memory.o MESSAGE: Attempt to access non-existent recordNUMBER: 36EXPLANATION: A direct-access READ or FIND statement attemptedto access beyond the end of a relative file (or a sequentialfile on disk with fixed-length records) or access a record that was previously deleted in a relative file.o Array index out of bounds (SIGTRAP)NUMBER: 138EXPLANATION: Break exception generated a SIGTRAP signal(described in signal(3)). Core dump file created.The cause is an array subscript that is outside the dimensionedboundaries of that array. Try recompiling using the -checkbounds option (perhaps with the f77_dump_flag environmentvariable set) or examine the core dump file to determine thesource code in error.o MESSAGE: Array index out of bounds for index n (SIGTRAP) NUMBER: 139EXPLANATION: Break exception generated a SIGTRAP signal(described in signal(3)). Core dump file created.The cause is an array subscript that is outside the dimensionedboundaries of the array index n. Try recompiling using the-check bounds option (perhaps with the f77_dump_flagenvironment variable set) or examine the core dump file todetermine the source code in error.o MESSAGE: BACKSPACE errorNUMBER: 23EXPLANATION: An error condition was detected during executionof a BACKSPACE statement.o MESSAGE: Cannot overwrite existing fileNUMBER: 10EXPLANATION: Specified file xxx already exists when OPENstatement specified STATUS='NEW' (create new file) using I/Ounit x. Make sure correct file name, directory path, unit, and so forth were specified in the source program. Decide whether to:- Rename or remove the existing file before rerunningthe program.- Modify the source file to specify different filespecification, I/O unit, or OPEN statement STATUS='UNKNOWN'. o MESSAGE: Cannot stat fileNUMBER: 108EXPLANATION: Attempted stat operation on the indicated filefailed. Make sure correct file and unit were specified.o MESSAGE: CLOSE errorNUMBER: 28EXPLANATION: An error condition was detected by the DECFortran RTL I/O system during execution of a CLOSE statement. o MESSAGE: DELETE errorNUMBER: 55EXPLANATION: An error condition was detected by the DECFortran RTL I/O system during execution of a DELETE statement. o MESSAGE: Divide by zero check (SIGTRAP)NUMBER: 137EXPLANATION: Break exception generated a SIGTRAP signal(described in signal(3)). Core dump file created.Examine core dump file for possible cause.o MESSAGE: Duplicate file specificationsNUMBER: 21EXPLANATION: Multiple attempts were made to specify fileattributes without an intervening close operation. A DEFINEFILE statement was followed by another DEFINE FILE statement or an OPEN statement.o MESSAGE: ENDFILE errorNUMBER: 33EXPLANATION: One of the following conditions occurred:- The file was not a sequential organization file withvariable-length records.- The file was not opened for sequential or append access.- An unformatted file did not contain segmented records.- The DEC Fortran RTL I/O system detected an error duringexecution of an ENDFILE statement.o MESSAGE: End-of-file during readNUMBER: 24EXPLANATION: One of the following conditions occurred:- A DEC Fortran RTL I/O system end-of-file conditionwas encountered during execution of a READ statementthat did not contain an END, ERR, or IOSTAT specification. - An end-of-file record written by the ENDFILE statementwas encountered during execution of a READ statementthat did not contain an END, ERR, or IOSTAT specification. - An attempt was made to read past the end of an internalfile character string or array during execution of a READ statement that did not contain an END, ERR, or IOSTATspecification.o MESSAGE: Error during readNUMBER: 39EXPLANATION: The DEC Fortran RTL I/O system detected an errorcondition during execution of a READ statement.o MESSAGE: Error during writeNUMBER: 38EXPLANATION: The DEC Fortran RTL I/O system detected an error condition during execution of a WRITE statement.o MESSAGE: File name specification errorNUMBER: 43EXPLANATION: The file name was specified erroneously.o MESSAGE: File not foundNUMBER: 29EXPLANATION: A file with the specified name could not be found during an open operation.o MESSAGE: FIND errorNUMBER: 57EXPLANATION: The DEC Fortran RTL I/O system detected an error condition during execution of a FIND statement.o MESSAGE: Floating overflow in math libraryNUMBER: 88EXPLANATION: A floating-point overflow condition was detected during execution of a math library procedure.o MESSAGE: Floating underflow in math libraryNUMBER: 89EXPLANATION: A floating-point underflow condition was detected during execution of a math library procedure. The resultreturned was zero.o MESSAGE: Format/variable-type mismatchNUMBER: 61EXPLANATION: An attempt was made either to read or write areal variable with an integer field descriptor (I or L), or to read or write an integer or logical variable with a real field descriptor (D, E, F, or G).o MESSAGE: Formatted I/O to unit open for unformatted transfers NUMBER: 257EXPLANATION: Attempted formatted I/O (such as list-directed ornamelist I/O) to a unit where the OPEN statement indicated the file was unformatted (FORM keyword). Check that the correct unit (file) was specified.If the FORM keyword was not specified in the OPEN statement andthe file should contain formatted data, specifyFORM='FORMATTED' in the OPEN statement. Otherwise, ifappropriate, use unformatted I/O.o MESSAGE: Inconsistent file organizationNUMBER: 51EXPLANATION: The file organization specified in an OPENstatement did not match the organization of the existing file. o MESSAGE: Inconsistent OPEN/CLOSE parametersNUMBER: 46EXPLANATION: Specifications in an OPEN or CLOSE statement wereinconsistent. Some invalid combinations follow:- READONLY with STATUS='NEW' or STATUS='SCRATCH'- ACCESS='APPEND' with READONLY, STATUS='NEW' orSTATUS='SCRATCH'- DISPOSE='SAVE', 'PRINT', or 'SUBMIT' withSTATUS='SCRATCH'- DISPOSE='DELETE' with READONLYo MESSAGE: Inconsistent record lengthNUMBER: 37EXPLANATION: An attempt was made to open a direct access filewithout specifying a record length.o MESSAGE: Inconsistent record typeEXPLANATION: The RECORDTYPE value in an OPEN statement did notmatch the record type attribute of the existing file that was opened.o MESSAGE: Infinite format loopNUMBER: 60EXPLANATION: The format associated with an I/O statement thatincluded an I/O list had no field descriptors to use intransferring those values.o MESSAGE: Input conversion errorNUMBER: 64EXPLANATION: During a formatted input operation, an invalidcharacter was detected in an input field, or the input valueoverflowed the range representable in the input variable. The value of the variable was set to zero.o MESSAGE: Input record too longNUMBER: 22EXPLANATION: A record was read that exceeded the explicit ordefault record length specified when the file was opened. To read the file, use an OPEN statement with a RECL= value (record length) of the appropriate size.o MESSAGE: Input statement requires too much dataEXPLANATION: An unformatted READ statement attempted to readmore data than existed in the record being read.o MESSAGE: Insufficient virtual memoryNUMBER: 41EXPLANATION: The DEC Fortran RTL was unable to acquireadditional virtual memory from the operating system. Users of the C and Korn shells may be able to overcome this problem by increasing the per-process data limit using the limit (C shell) or ulimit (Korn shell) commands. For more information, see the csh(1) and ksh(1) reference pages.If the maximum per-process data size is already allocated,increase the value of the maxdsiz parameter in the system'sconfiguration file. Note that edits to the configuration file do not take effect until the operating system kernel has been rebuilt, and the system has been rebooted. For moreinformation, see the doconfig(1) reference page and youroperating system guide to system configuration.o MESSAGE: Integer overflowNUMBER: 70EXPLANATION: During an arithmetic operation, an integer valueexceeded byte, word, or longword range. The result of theoperation was the correct low-order part. See your DEC Fortran user manual for ranges of the various integer data types.o MESSAGE: Integer zero divideNUMBER: 71EXPLANATION: During an integer arithmetic operation, anattempt was made to divide by zero. The result of theoperation was set to the dividend, which is equivalent todivision by 1.o MESSAGE: Internal consistency check failureNUMBER: 8EXPLANATION: Internal severe error. Please check that theprogram is correct. Recompile if an error exists in theprogram.If this error persists, submit an SPR.o MESSAGE: Invalid argument to Fortran Run-Time Library NUMBER: 48EXPLANATION: The compiler passed an invalid or improperlycoded argument to the DEC Fortran RTL. This can occur if the compiler is newer than the RTL in use.o MESSAGE: Invalid argument to math libraryNUMBER: 81EXPLANATION: One of the mathematical procedures detected aninvalid argument value.o MESSAGE: Invalid logical unit numberNUMBER: 32EXPLANATION: A logical unit number greater than or less than zero was used in an I/O statement.o MESSAGE: Invalid reference to variable in NAMELIST input NUMBER: 19EXPLANATION: One of the following conditions occurred:- The variable was not a member of the namelist group.- An attempt was made to subscript the scalar variable.- A subscript of the array variable was out-of-bounds.- An array variable was specified with too many or toofew subscripts for the variable.- An attempt was made to specify a substring of a non-character variable or array name.- A substring specifier of the character variable wasout-of-bounds.- A subscript or substring specifier of the variable wasnot an integer constant.- An attempt was made to specify a substring using anunsubscripted array variable.o MESSAGE: Kernel breakpoint (SIGTRAP)NUMBER: 131EXPLANATION: Break exception generated a SIGTRAP signal(described in signal(3)). Core dump file created.Examine core dump for possible cause.o MESSAGE: Keyword value error in OPEN statementNUMBER: 45EXPLANATION: An improper value was specified for an OPEN orCLOSE statement keyword requiring a value.o MESSAGE: List-directed I/O syntax errorNUMBER: 59EXPLANATION: The data in a list-directed input record had aninvalid format, or the type of the constant was incompatiblewith the corresponding variable. The value of the variable was unchanged.o MESSAGE: Logarithm of zero or negative valueNUMBER: 83EXPLANATION: An attempt was made to take the logarithm of zeroor a negative number. The result returned was the reservedoperand, -0.o MESSAGE: Mixed file access modesNUMBER: 31EXPLANATION: An attempt was made to use any of the followingcombinations:- Formatted and unformatted operations on the same unit.- An invalid combination of access modes on a unit,such as direct and sequential.- A DEC Fortran RTL I/O statement on a logical unit thatwas opened by a program coded in another language. o MESSAGE: No such deviceNUMBER: 42EXPLANATION: A pathname included an invalid or unknown device name when an OPEN operation was attempted.o MESSAGE: Not a Fortran-specific errorNUMBER: 1EXPLANATION: An error occurred in the user program or in the RTL that was not a DEC Fortran-specific error.o MESSAGE: Not taken branch delay emulation (SIGTRAP) NUMBER: 134EXPLANATION: Break exception generated a SIGTRAP signal(described in signal(3)). Core dump file created. Examine core dump for possible cause.o MESSAGE: OPEN or DEFINE FILE requiredNUMBER: 26EXPLANATION: A direct access READ, WRITE, or FIND, statementwas attempted for a file when no DEFINE FILE or OPEN statement with ACCESS='DIRECT' was performed for that file.o MESSAGE: Open failureNUMBER: 30EXPLANATION: An error was detected by the DEC Fortran RTL I/Osystem while attempting to open a file in an OPEN, INQUIRE, or other I/O statement. This message is issued when the errorcondition is not one of the more common conditions for which specific error messages are provided. It can occur if an OPEN operation is attempted for one of the following files:- A segmented file that was not on a disk or a rawmagnetic tape.- A standard I/O file that had been closed.o MESSAGE: Operation requires seek abilityNUMBER: 120EXPLANATION: Attempted an operation on a file that requiresthe ability to perform seeks on that file. Make sure thecorrect unit, directory path, and file were specified.o MESSAGE: Output statement overflows recordNUMBER: 66EXPLANATION: An output statement attempted to transfer moredata than would fit in the maximum record size.o MESSAGE: Overflow check (SIGTRAP)NUMBER: 136EXPLANATION: Break exception generated a SIGTRAP signal(described in signal(3)). Core dump file created.The cause is an integer overflow. Try recompiling using the-check overflow option (perhaps with the f77_dump_flagenvironment variable set) or examine the core dump file todetermine the source code in error.o MESSAGE: Pathname errorNUMBER: 43EXPLANATION: A pathname (or file name) given to an OPEN orINQUIRE statement was not acceptable to the DEC Fortran RTL I/O system.o MESSAGE: Permission to access file denied, unit x, file xxx NUMBER: 9EXPLANATION: Check the mode (protection) of the specifiedfile. Make sure the correct file was being accessed. Change the protection, specified file, or process used beforererunning program.o MESSAGE: Record number outside rangeNUMBER: 25EXPLANATION: A direct access READ, WRITE, or FIND statementspecified a record number outside the range specified when the file was opened.o MESSAGE: Recursive I/O operationNUMBER: 40EXPLANATION: While processing an I/O statement for a logicalunit, another I/O operation on the same logical unit wasattempted, such as a function subprogram that performs I/O to the same logical unit was referenced in an expression in an I/O list or variable format expression.o MESSAGE: REWIND errorNUMBER: 20EXPLANATION: One of the following conditions occurred:- The file was not a sequential file.- The file was not opened for sequential or append access.- The DEC Fortran RTL I/O system detected an error conditionduring execution of a REWIND statement.o MESSAGE: Segmented record format errorNUMBER: 35EXPLANATION: An invalid segmented record control data word wasdetected in an unformatted sequential file. The file wasprobably either created with RECORDTYPE='FIXED' or 'VARIABLE' in effect, or was created by a program written in a languageother than Fortran.o MESSAGE: Significance lost in math libraryNUMBER: 87EXPLANATION: The magnitude of an argument or the magnitude ofthe ratio of the arguments to a math library function was solarge that all significance in the result was lost. The result returned was the reserved operand, -0.o MESSAGE: Square root of negative valueNUMBER: 84EXPLANATION: An argument required the evaluation of the squareroot of a negative value. The result returned was the reserved operand, -0.o MESSAGE: Subscript out of rangeNUMBER: 77EXPLANATION: An array reference was detected outside thedeclared array bounds.o MESSAGE: Syntax error in formatNUMBER: 62EXPLANATION: A syntax error was encountered while the RTL wasprocessing a format stored in an array or character variable. o MESSAGE: Syntax error in NAMELIST inputNUMBER: 17EXPLANATION: The syntax of input to a namelist READ statement was incorrect.o MESSAGE: Taken branch delay emulation (SIGTRAP) NUMBER: 133EXPLANATION: Break exception generated a SIGTRAP signal(described in signal(3)). Core dump file created. Examine core dump for possible cause.o MESSAGE: Too many records in I/O statementNUMBER: 27EXPLANATION: An attempt was made to do one of the following: - Read or write more than one record with an ENCODEor DECODE statement.- Write more records than existed.o MESSAGE: Too many values for NAMELIST variableNUMBER: 18EXPLANATION: An attempt was made to assign too many values to a variable during a namelist READ statement.o MESSAGE: Undefined exponentiationNUMBER: 82EXPLANATION: An exponentiation that is mathematicallyundefined was attempted, for example, 0.**0. The result returned for floating-point operations was the reservedoperand, -0, and for integer operations, zero.o MESSAGE: Unformatted I/O to unit open for formatted transfers NUMBER: 256EXPLANATION: Attempted unformatted I/O to a unit where theOPEN statement indicated the file was formatted (FORM keyword). Check that the correct unit (file) was specified.If the FORM keyword was not specified in the OPEN statement andthe file should contain unformatted data, specifyFORM='UNFORMATTED' in the OPEN statement. Otherwise, ifappropriate, use formatted I/O (such as list-directed ornamelist I/O).o MESSAGE: Unit already openNUMBER: 34EXPLANATION: A DEFINE FILE statement specified a logical unitthat was already opened.o MESSAGE: Unit not connectedNUMBER: 11EXPLANATION: The specified unit was not open at the time ofthe attempted I/O operation. Check if correct unit number was specified. If appropriate, use an OPEN statement to explicitly open the file (associates the file with the unit number).o MESSAGE: User breakpoint (SIGTRAP)EXPLANATION: Break exception generated a SIGTRAP signal(described in signal(3)). Core dump file created.Examine core dump for possible cause.o MESSAGE: User single step (SIGTRAP)NUMBER: 135EXPLANATION: Break exception generated a SIGTRAP signal(described in signal(3)). Core dump file created.Examine core dump for possible cause.o MESSAGE: Variable format expression value errorNUMBER: 68EXPLANATION: The value of a variable format expression was notwithin the range acceptable for its intended use; for example, a field width was less than or equal to zero. A value of 1 was assumed, except for a P edit descriptor, for which a value of zero was assumed.o MESSAGE: Write to READONLY fileNUMBER: 47EXPLANATION: A write operation was attempted to a file thatwas declared READONLY in the OPEN statement that is currently in effect.o MESSAGE: Wrong number of argumentsEXPLANATION: An improper number of arguments was used to calla math library procedure.Error_MessagesShould be corrected. The program may continue execution, but the output from this execution may be incorrect.The error messages follow (in alphabetical order):o MESSAGE: Floating divide by zeroNUMBER: 73EXPLANATION: During a floating-point arithmetic operation, anattempt was made to divide by zero.o MESSAGE: Floating invalidNUMBER: 65EXPLANATION: During an arithmetic operation, thefloating-point value generated resulted in an invalid format (not representable for that data type).o MESSAGE: Floating overflowNUMBER: 72EXPLANATION: During an arithmetic operation, a floating-pointvalue exceeded the largest representable value for that data type. See your DEC Fortran user manual for ranges of thevarious data types.o MESSAGE: Floating point exceptionNUMBER: 75EXPLANATION: A floating-point exception occurred. Core dumpfile created. Possible causes include divide by zero,overflow, or an invalid operation, such as subtraction ofinfinite values, multiplication of zero by infinity (withoutsigns), division of zero by zero or infinity by infinity, and conversion of floating-point to fixed-point format when anoverflow prevents conversion.o MESSAGE: Floating underflowNUMBER: 74EXPLANATION: During an arithmetic operation, a floating-pointvalue became less than the smallest representable value forthat data type. On RISC systems (depending on the values ofthe f77 command -fpe option), the underflowed result was either set to zero or allowed to gradually underflow. On AXP systems, the underflowed result is set to zero. See your DEC Fortranuser manual for ranges of the various data types.o MESSAGE: Fortran abort routine calledNUMBER: 266EXPLANATION: The program called abort to terminate theprogram.o MESSAGE: IOT trap signalNUMBER: 76EXPLANATION: Core dump file created. Examine core dump forpossible cause of this IOT signal.o MESSAGE: Output conversion errorNUMBER: 63EXPLANATION: During a formatted output operation, the value ofa particular number could not be output in the specified field length without loss of significant digits. When this situation is encountered, the field is filled with asterisks.o MESSAGE: Process interrupted (SIGINT)NUMBER: 69EXPLANATION: The process received the signal SIGINT.Determine source of this interrupt signal (described insignal(3)).o MESSAGE: Process killed (SIGTERM)NUMBER: 78EXPLANATION: The process received the signal SIGTERM.Determine source of this software termination signal (described in signal(3)).o MESSAGE: Process quit (SIGQUIT)NUMBER: 79EXPLANATION: The process received the signal SIGQUIT. Coredump file created. Determine source of this quit signal(described in signal(3)).Warning_MessagesShould be investigated. The program continues execution, but the output from this execution may be incorrect.The warning messages follow (in alphabetical order):o MESSAGE: Could not open message catalog: formsg.cat NUMBER: noneEXPLANATION: The DEC Fortran message file was not found onthis system. See your DEC Fortran user manual for moreinformation.Informational_MessagesFor informational purposes only. Unless it accompanies anothermessage, the program continues.The informational messages follow (in alphabetical order):o MESSAGE: Check environment variable NLSPATH and protection of path-name/for_msg.datNUMBER: noneEXPLANATION: The DEC Fortran message file was not found onthis system. For more information, see your DEC Fortran user manual or your DEC Fortran installation guide.o MESSAGE: Check location/protection of NLS and/usr/lib/formsg.datNUMBER: noneEXPLANATION: The DEC Fortran message file was not found onthis system. See your DEC Fortran user manual for moreinformation.o MESSAGE: nn floating divide-by-zero trapsNUMBER: 299EXPLANATION: The total number of floating-point divide-by-zero traps encountered during program execution was nn. This summary message appears at program completion.o MESSAGE: nn floating invalid trapsNUMBER: 297EXPLANATION: The total number of floating-point invalid data traps encountered during program execution was nn. This summary message appears at program completion.o MESSAGE: nn floating overflow trapsNUMBER: 298EXPLANATION: The total number of floating-point overflow traps encountered during program execution was nn. This summary message appears at program completion.o MESSAGE: Floating-point conversion failedNUMBER: 95EXPLANATION: The attempted unformatted read or write ofnon-native floating-point data failed. A non-nativefloating-point value either exceeded the allowable maximumvalue for the equivalent native format and was set equal toinvalid, or the value was infinity (plus or minus), not anumber (NaN), or otherwise invalid and was set to invalid.Very small numbers are set to zero (0). This could be caused by the specified non-native floating-point format not matching the floating-point format found in the specified file.Make sure the correct file was specified. Make sure the recordlayout matches the format DEC Fortran is expecting. Check that the correct non-native floating-point data format wasspecified, as described in your DEC Fortran user manual.o MESSAGE: nn floating underflow trapsNUMBER: 300EXPLANATION: The total number of floating-point underflowtraps encountered during program execution was nn. Thissummary message appears at program completion.o MESSAGE: Format syntax error at or near xxNUMBER: 58EXPLANATION: Check the statement containing xx, a charactersubstring from the format string, for a format syntax error.For information about FORMAT statements, refer to the "DECFortran Language Reference Manual".o MESSAGE: Fortran error message number is nnnNUMBER: noneEXPLANATION: The DEC Fortran message file was not found onthis system. For information about the message file location and the error text that corresponds to the listed error number, nnn, see your DEC Fortran user manual.。
FX-TRN-BEG-C仿真软件在PLC教学中的作用随着可编程序控制技术(PLC) 在工农业方面的广泛应用, 尽快培养出市场需要的,能熟练掌握PLC技术的技能型人才成为中等职校的主要任务。
同一品牌的PLC模块,仿真软件也是多种多样的,以三菱为例,其仿真教学软件有FX-TRN-BEG-CL和GX Simulator 6.0 等。
FX-TRN-BEG-CL i三菱电机最新推出的教学软件,它的舞台是用三维虚拟空间进行设计, 它将虚拟舞台和编程操作合成在一起, 集成了程序的编写、模拟调试、动画演示效果等功能, 具有较强的互动性。
用户可以通过梯形的逻辑编程、载入仿真来控制舞台的实时制造单元, 以动画演示形式形象地表现出程序的结果是用来培养学生学习通用梯形图的逻辑编程的软件。
FX-TRN-BEG-CI软件设置了初级、中级和高级多层次的学习环节,各课题之间呈现出渐进式的提高,学习中每位学生都可以根据自己的学习基础、学习兴趣来选择自己想学的内容, 也可以选择适合自己水平的练习。
FX-TRN-BEG-C1平台为学生提供了自我尝试和满足好奇心理的案例、可靠学习条件, 使学生主动参与性大大提高。
二、以课题为依据,重组教材;以仿真为手段,循序渐进地完成教学目标PLC是一门实用性很强的专业课,按一般的教学模式一一先理论学习后实践训练的话,学生在理论学习之后, 往往对指令功能、用法印象不深刻;在实践训练之际,又得重新学习指令,造成理论与实践两者不能相得益彰, 教学效果不佳。
PLC仿真软件应用(补充教材)赵进学衡水铁路电气化学校2007年7月目录前言 (3)§1 PLC概述和编程要点 (4)§1.1 PLC简介与内部构成 (4)§1.2 PLC与继电器的联系、软元件符号与编程示例 (5)§1.3 PLC输入输出接口 (7)§1.4 通用辅助继电器和继电器自锁互锁 (8)§1.5 计时器和计数器 (8)§1.6 母线连接和触点状态 (8)§1.7 边沿触点和触点块 (9)§1.8 PLC运行顺序和编程注意事项 (9)§1.9 步进控制与步进指令编程 (10)表1-4 PLC编程常用指令 (12)§1 练习题 (12)§2 PLC计算机仿真软件 (13)§2.1 仿真软件界面 (13)§2.2 编程方式与符号栏 (15)§2.3 元件放置与梯形图编辑 (16)§2.4 程序转换、保存与写入 (17)§2 练习题 (17)§3 仿真编程实例 (18)§3.1 基本控制程序编程 (18)§3.2 基本指令编程 (18)§3.3 单流程步进指令编程 (19)§3.4 多流程步进指令编程 (20)§3.5 功能指令编程 (21)- 2 -前言本手册是课本《可编程序控制器及其应用》的补充,分为三章。
为检查编程结果,以及调用文件方便,本教材对编程文件存盘路径和存盘文件名做如下约定:1. 存盘工作路径:D:\PLC\<班级>2. 存盘文件名:<练仿真习题目>为准确描述梯形图中各个触点以及线圈所在的位置,本教材做如下约定:1. 沿左母线自上而下,对梯形图的每行依次标记为A、B、C、…区,对于不同位置的触点,冠以区号确定其具体位置,例如A~X0和B~X0分别表示A区的X0触点和B区的X0触点。
读入程序是将 PLC 主机中的用户程序读入到计算机;写出程序 是将计算机内的用户程序写出至 PLC 主机。
写出或者读入程序时,用编程电缆连接计算机和 PLC 主机,将 PLC 主机电源翻开,并将编程通信口一旁的转换开关置于 STOP 一侧 〔下侧〕。程序传输完毕转入 PLC 运行时,再将此开关置于 RUN 一 侧〔上侧〕。
存盘完成后,将在相应目录下生成文件名相同,但是扩展名不同 的四个文件,其中文件类型为“性能监视器文件〞的为用户程序主文 件,其他为辅助文件。
13 重新命名存盘 正在编辑的原有文件,可以改变路径和文件名存为另一个文件, 而不改变原有文件。方法是:点击菜单栏“文件〞菜单,选择“另存 为〞菜单项,弹出存盘设置对话框,选择路径、输入文件名确认存盘。 § 指令语句表编程 点击编程界面工具栏 2 的“指令表视图〞按钮,显示图 3-7 所 示指令语句表编程界面,根据事先设计的指令语句表,逐步编制指令 语句表程序。
13〕指令查找 按照指令查找。 14〕触点/线圈查找 按照触点或线圈以及元件名查找。 15〕到指定程序 跳转到指定程序。 16〕下一个 查找下一个。 17〕刷新 界面刷新。 18〕帮助 显示帮助说明。 §工具栏 2 工具栏 2 如图 3-3 所示。各功能按钮从左至右依次介绍如下:
图 3-3 工具栏 2
1〕梯形图视图 显示梯形图编程界面。 2〕指令表视图 显示指令语句表编程界面。 3〕注释视图 显示注释界面 4〕存放器视图 显示存放器视图界面 5〕注释显示设置 显示注释显示设置界面 6〕开始监控
W ,系性能监视器文件〕,翻开原有程序文件按照上述方法编辑修改。
11 视图显示比例 菜单栏“视图〞菜单下有“显示比例〞菜单项,显示比例由 50% 至 150%分为多级,选择的显示比例越大,图素显示越大,但是对图 形的观察范围越小,一般选择能够显示出梯形图左右母线的比例为 宜。 12 存盘
编者目录第一章 FX-TRN-BEG-C软件介绍 (4)第二章 FX-TRN-BEG-C软件基本操作练习 (8)第三章实验项目 (13)实验一基本逻辑指令应用 (13)实验二计时器/计数器应用 (17)实验三按钮信号控制设计 (22)实验四输送带控制设计 (25)实验五舞台装置控制设计 (28)实验六自动门操作控制设计 (31)实验七升降机控制设计 (34)实验八部件分拣与分配控制设计 (37)第一章 FX-TRN-BEG-C软件介绍一、练习概要此软件目的在于帮助您学习PLC的编程。
•编程工具• 一个虚拟PLC• 模拟机器• 输入/输出 开关和指示灯请看一下下边的表。
基于 OPC 的客户-服务结构
2021 年 04 月
机 电 工 程 技 术
MX OPC 配置器是 MX OPC 服务软件运行时的一个客
户端,通过其访问 I/O 服务器,查看和修改设备与数据
OPC 的客户-服务结构如图 1 所示。任何 OPC 客户端
应用程序都可以连接到任何 OPC 服务器,即 OPC 在人机
OPC 服务器类型包括 OPC 数据访问 (DA)、OPC 报警和
事件 (AE) 以及 OPC 历史数据访问 (HDA)。
第 50 卷
第 04 期
工 程 技 术
Vol.50 No.04
DOI: 10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-9492. 2021. 04. 035
李启丙. 基于组态软件的 PLC 控制系统全软件仿真 [J] . 机电工程技术,2021,50 (04):135-137.
(3 s) 后关门,等待新的呼唤。
4.2 OPC 设备设置
在设备窗口中点击 OPC 设备,在通用 OPC 属性面板
中选择 OPC 服务器 Mltsubishi.MXOPC.6。在通道连接中
连接对像是在 MCGS 中用到的变量,通道名称是在 OPC
实验一 熟悉FX-TRN-BEG-CL的使用
1. 通过FX-TRN-BEG-CL的使用,学会用该软件做PLC的仿真实验。
2. 初步学习用指令表、梯形图方式编制PLC程序。
3.输入程序,输入方法跟FXGP/WIN — C软件一样。
A-5 2.1 概要。
A-52.2 软件安装。
A-62.3 开始学习PLC编程。
A-9 2.3.1 启动培训软件。
A-92.3.2 用户登陆。
A-9 2.4 主菜单配置。
A-102.5 培训画面配置。
A-11 2.5.1 培训画面。
A-112.5.2 3-D虚拟生产场所。
A-122.5.3 远程控制。
A-132.5.4 梯形图编程区域。
A-132.5.5 索引窗口。
A-142.5.6 虚拟PLC输入输出映像表。
A-162.5.7 操作面板。
A-16 2.6 写入程序。
A-17 2.6.1 准备梯形图编程。
A-172.6.2 读出标准答案。
A-18 2.7 动作确认。
A-19 2.7.1 程序传送。
A-192.7.2 调节仿真速度。
A-19 2.8 自我评估。
A-202.9 退出。
A-211.概述SWOD5C-FXTRN-BEG-C PLC培训软件在你的个人电脑里产生一个虚拟的生产场所,可使用在任何时候或地点学习PLC编程。
3D 仿真图形由用户程序来控制。
SWOD5C-FXTRN-BEG-C CD-ROM 系统安装光盘:1张这本手册分为: - 软件介绍- 在计算机上增加了索引显示的练习清单 - 梯形图工具的操作- 模拟PLC 和虚拟设备的说明2.课程计划概要以下课程计划流程图能够使你更好的理解PLC 编程课程结构。
同一品牌的PLC模块,仿真软件也是多种多样的,以三菱为例,其仿真教学软件有FX-TRN-BEG-CL和GX Simulator 6.0等。
基于FX-TRN-BEG-C的自动分配系统仿真教学潘春玲【摘要】PLC是一门理论与实践并重的课程,然而在实际教学中,由于实训条件有限,PLC的课程教学并不能取得良好的教学效果.通过自动分配系统的教学实例,展示了三菱FX-TRN-BEG-C仿真软件在教学上的优势,结果显示,融合仿真软件的PLC课程教学,可以解决实际教学中实训设备不足的问题,培养学生的学习兴趣,有效提高教学效率.【期刊名称】《铜仁学院学报》【年(卷),期】2017(019)006【总页数】4页(P51-53,90)【关键词】PLC;仿真技术;FX-TRN-BEG-C【作者】潘春玲【作者单位】泉州经贸职业技术学院信息系,福建泉州 362000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】G712PLC是专为工业控制而设计的一种电子系统装置,它以微处理器为核心,执行数字运算操作,融合了传统的继电器控制技术、计算机技术、自动化技术和通信技术,性能稳定、功能强大,可靠性高,并且编程简单,在冶金、化工、印刷生产线等自动化领域都有着广泛的应用。
3、⽹络锁服务没有正常启动现象:我的电脑->右键->管理->服务和应⽤程序->服务 ->NrService 5.10状态为未启动解决⽅法:可能是⽹络锁服务所使⽤的3152端⼝被其他程序占⽤,修改⽹络锁服务到其他端⼝再尝试启动服务。
4、服务端开启了防⽕墙现象:在客户端打开“命令提⽰符”输⼊:telnet 服务器ip 3152回车。
如果显⽰“不能打开到主机的连接,在端⼝ 3152 连接失败”,说明⽹络不通或锁服务没有正常启动,如果命令提⽰符显⽰⽆字符的⿊⾊界⾯说明⽹络已连通⽽且锁服务正常。
8、⽹络锁服务没有正常启动9、现象:我的电脑->右键->管理->服务和应⽤程序->服务 ->NrService 状态为未启动10、解决⽅法:可能是⽹络锁服务所使⽤的3152端⼝被其他程序占⽤,修改⽹络锁服务到其他端⼝再尝试启动服务。
11、服务端开启了防⽕墙12、现象:在客户端打开“命令提⽰符”输⼊:telnet 服务器ip 3152回车。
如果显⽰“不能打开到主机的连接,在端⼝ 3152 连接失败”,说明⽹络不通或锁服务没有正常启动,如1科技实⼒打造品牌魅⼒果命令提⽰符显⽰⽆字符的⿊⾊界⾯说明⽹络已连通⽽且锁服务正常。
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LadTool.exe - 应用程序错误“0x77ef8577"指令引用的“0x00090009"内存,该内存不能为“READ
LadTool.exe - 应用程序错误“0x77ef8577"指令引用的“0x00090009"内存,该内存不能为“READ',
LadTool.exe 为三菱FXTRN-BEG-C模拟学习软件的“梯形”工具,再“开始”运行中输入 MSCONFIG 看到
urrently engaged in the project duration is 2 years (or more). (C) mortgage guarantee 1. borrower (mortgagor) between 18-65 years of age,
with full civil capacity; 2. home mortgage in principle a gross floor area not less than 70 square meters or home value not
发现有许多服务,去掉一些勾,点确定,经过筛选发现是 Themes 服务和FXTRN-BEG-C冲突,关掉。
urrently engaged in the project duration is 2 years (or more). (C) mortgage guarantee 1. borrower (mortgagor) between 18-65 years of age, with full civil capacity; 2. home mortgage in principle a gross floor area not less than 70 square meters or home value not
二、在弹出的属性对话框中,选择兼容性,勾选兼容模式,选择Windows 2000或者是Windows NT 4.0 然后点击确定,OK~就这么简单搞定。
urrently engaged in the project duration is 2 years (or more). (C) mortgage guarantee 1. borrower (mortgagor) between 18-65 years of age, with full civil capacity; 2. home mortgage in principle a gross floor area not less than 70 square meters or home value not。