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三年级英语期末总复习——单项练习(选词填空)()1. Where _______ my short


B. is

()2. Look ____ _____ socks

on these B. at those

()3. Put _____ your cap

on B. at

()4. This is _____ you.

for B. of

()5. I can not _______.

walk B. walking

()6. I like the shoes. May I try ______on

they B. them

()7. Where _______ my shorts

are B. is

()8. Excuse me, can I ____ that dress

have a look B. have a look at

()9. What is ____ the living room

on B. in C. at

()10. Can I have a look ____ the kitchen

at B. on C. with

()11. There _____ three kites one the wall.

is B. are C. am

()12. I’ll mop the ____.

flower B. four C. floor

()13. I _____ in the bedroom.

sleep B. cook dinner C. wash cups

()_____ my new home.

at B. to

()15. Look _____ my new bedroom.

at B. to C. of

()16. There _____ a new computer in my bedroom. is B. are C. am

()17. Where is my new dress __________. Over there B. It’s pink C. Yes, it is

()18. Put _____ your hat.

in B. up C. on

()1 9. The box is for you. What’s ______ it

under B. in C. on

()20. Happy birthday ______ you.

for B. to C. of

()21. Where is my hat _____ it is.

Here B. there C. where

()22. Where are my jacket _____ there.

Over B. In C. At

()23. Please show _____ that dress.

my B. me C. I

()24. Can I have a look at those shoes Here _______ you are B. they are C. It is

()25. May I try them ____

in B. on C. no

()26. Where are my jeans Here ______

it is B. you are C. they are

()27. Welcome ______ our classroom.

for B. to C. at

()28. What’s ______ your bedroom.

in B. on C. at

()29. What _____ can I do for you

is B. do C. /

()30. Can I have a look ___ the kitchen

with B. at C. from

()31. There _____ some ____ on the table.

are rice B. is rices C. is rice

()32. I’m _______ the mugs.

wash B. washing C. wash to

doing B. do C. does

()34. It’s a birthday gift. It’s ____ my friend . is B. to C. from

()35. Come and _____. It’s a bird.

look at B. watch C. see

()36. _______ time is it

Where B. Which C. What

()37. It’s time _____lunch.

to B. for C. have

()38. I _____ hamburgers.

likes B. has C. like

()39. It’s one ______.

o’ clock B. clock C. ocloce

()40. It’s time to _____ up now.

go B. get C. come

()41 . _______ is it It’s ten o’clock. What colour B. What’s time C. What time ()do we have ______ dinner

to B. for

()43. Wake _____! It’s time _____get up. away ,for B. up, for C. up, to
