



精选word第十二章国民收入核算二、单项选择题1、下列哪—项不列入国内生产总值的核算中( )A、出口到国外的一批货物B、政府发放给贫困家庭的救济金C、经纪人从旧房买卖中收取的佣金D、保险公司收到的家庭财产保险费2、“面粉是中间产品”这一命题( )A、一定是对的B、一定是不对的C、可能对,也可能不对D、以上三种说法全对3、下列哪一项计入GDP 中? ( )A、购买一辆用过的旧自行车B、购买普通股票C、汽车制造厂买进10吨钢板D、银行向某企业收取一笔贷款利息4、某国的资本品存量在年初为10000亿美元,本年度生产了2500亿美元的资本品,资本消耗折旧为2000亿美元,则该国在本年度的总投资和净投资分别是( )A、2500亿美元和500亿美元B、12500亿美元和10500亿美元C、2500亿美元和2000亿美元D、7500亿美元和8000亿美元5、以下正确的统计恒等式为( )A、投资= 储蓄B、投资= 消费C、储蓄= 消费D、总支出- 投资= 总收入- 储蓄6、下列项目中,( ) 不是要素收入A、总统薪水B、股息C、公司对灾区的捐献D、银行存款者取得的利息7、以下( ) 不能计入国内生产总值A、企业的库存B、家庭主妇的家务劳务折合成的收入C、拍卖毕加索作品的收入D、为他人提供服务所得收入8、安徽民工在南京打工所得收入应该计入到当年( ) 中A、安徽的国内生产总值(GDP)B、安徽的国民收入(NI)C、南京的国民生产总值(GNP)D、南京的国内生产总值(GDP)9、通货膨胀时,GNP价格矫正指数( )A、大于1B、小于IC、大于0D、小于010、一国的国内生产总值小于国民生产总值,说明该国公民从外国取得的收入( ) 外国公民从该国取得的收入A、大于B、小于C、等于D、可能大于也可能小于11、如果:消费额= 6亿元,投资额= 1亿元,间接税= 1亿元,政府用于商品和劳务的支出额= 1.5亿元,出口额= 2亿元,进口额= 1.8亿元,则( )A、NNP = 8.7亿元B、GDP = 7.7亿元C、GDP = 8.7亿元D、NNP = 5亿元12、用收入法计算的GDP等于( )A、消费+投资+政府支出+净出B、工资+利息+租金+利润+间接税C、工资+利息+中间产品成本+间接税+利润D、工资+利息+租金+利润+间接税+折旧13、如果当期价格水平低于基期价格水平,那么( )A、实际GDP等于名义GDPB、实际GDP小于名义GDPC、实际GDP与名义GDP 相同D、实际GDP大于名义GDP14、如果钢铁、油漆、绝缘材料以及所有用来制造一个电烤炉的原料价值在计算GDP时都包括进去了,那么这种衡量方法( )A、因各种原料都进入市场交易,所以衡量是正确的。






















第十六章宏观经济政策实践1. 政府的财政收入政策通过哪一个因素对国民收入产生影响A. 政府转移支付;B. 政府购买;C消费支出;D.出口。

解答:C2. 假定政府没有实行财政政策,国民收入水平的提高可能导致( )。

A. 政府支出增加;B. 政府税收增加;C政府税收减少;D.政府财政赤字增加。

解答:B3. 扩张性财政政策对经济的影响是( )。


解答:A4. 商业银行之所以会有超额储备,是因为( )。


解答:B5. 市场利率提高,银行的准备金会( )。

A. 增加;B. 减少;C不变;D.以上几种情况都有可能。

解答:B6. 中央银行降低再贴现率,会使银行准备金( )。

A. 增加;B. 减少;C不变;D.以上几种情况都有可能。

解答:A7. 中央银行在公开市场卖出政府债券是试图( )。


解答:C8. 什么是自动稳定器是否边际税率越高,税收作为自动稳定器的作用越大解答:自动稳定器是指财政制度本身所具有的减轻各种干扰对GDP的冲击的内在机制。




第十六章 宏观经济政策实践
• 《管子·侈靡篇》:“雕卵然后瀹(yue,四声, 煮)之,雕栋然后爨(cuan,四声,烧)之。”
体现了怎样的经济思想?这种政策在什么样的情况 下采用?是否与凯恩斯的思想一致?
• 管子认为,让富人穷奢极侈,穷人就能有工作做了, 不必仰赖救济就可以维持生计。他还鼓励厚葬,延长 治丧时间,提高治丧规格,如开挖巨大的墓坑,可以 使用庞大的力工,使大量能工巧匠有用武之地,而这 又是孝子贤孙乐于支出的。
要不惜出现赤字来实行增支减税的扩张性财政政 策;若存在通货膨胀缺口,政府有责任减支增税, 宁肯增大盈余也要实行紧缩性政策。总之,功能 财政思想认为,政府为了实现充分就业和消除通 货膨胀,需要赤字就赤字,需要盈余就盈余,而 不应为实现财政收支平衡妨碍政府财政政策的正 确制定和实行。 --这种思想是凯恩斯主义者的财政思想,是对预 算平衡思想的否定。目标与手段。 --特别是对于财政赤字,凯恩斯认为:
1.财政政策工具[2] 第一,政府支出[2]
①政府购买 政府购买是指政府对商品和劳务的购买,如购买军需
品、机关公用品、政府雇员报酬、公共项目工程所需的支 出等都属于政府购买。 ②政府转移支付
劳务作为报偿的支出,包括政府在社会福利保险、贫困救 济和补助等方面的支出。
间接税主要转嫁给生产者 12
2.财政政策工具的运用 第一,经济萧条时期的运用
萧条时期,总需求不足,此时,政府可以提高购 买支出水平,如举办公共工程;可以增加社会福利费 用,提高转移支付水平,从而增加人们的可支配收入 和消费支出水平;可采取减税措施。以此增加社会整 体需求水平,抑制经济衰退,实现充分就业。 第二,经的作用 [3] ①个人所得税

曼昆《宏观经济学》(第10版)笔记和课后习题详解 第16章 关于稳定化政策的不同观点【圣才出品】

曼昆《宏观经济学》(第10版)笔记和课后习题详解  第16章 关于稳定化政策的不同观点【圣才出品】






(2)不主张用政策干预经济的理由(见表16-1)表16-1不主张用政策干预经济的理由图16-1内在时滞与外在时滞的区分3.预期和卢卡斯批判(1)理性预期和适应性预期(见表16-2)表16-2理性预期和适应性预期(2)卢卡斯批判(见表16-3)表16-3卢卡斯批判考点二:斟酌处置政策与固定政策规则★★★★1.斟酌处置政策(见表16-4)表16-4斟酌处置政策2.固定政策规则(见表16-5)表16-5固定政策规则3.时间不一致性和通货膨胀与失业之间的权衡(1)假设①假定菲利普斯曲线描述了通货膨胀和失业之间的关系,失业可表示为:u=u n-α(π-Eπ)。

































CHAPTER 16THE FED, MONEY, AND CREDITSolutions to the Problems in the Textbook:Conceptual Problems:1. The three tools the Fed has to conduct monetary policy are open market operations, discount ratechanges, and reserve requirement changes. If the Fed wants to increase the money supply, it has the following options: first, the Fed can buy government bonds from the public (mostly banks), thereby increasing bank reserves. These open market purchases will induce banks to extend their loans, which will create more money. Second, it can lower the discount rate, so it becomes less costly for banks to borrow reserves from the Fed. This also will induce banks to create more money by extending more loans. Finally, the Fed can lower the required-reserve ratio, which again will allow banks to lend more.2. The currency-deposit ratio is the ratio of currency outstanding to bank deposits. The Fed cannotdirectly influence this ratio, since it is determined by the behavior of the public and influenced by the convenience of obtaining cash and by seasonal patterns (increased Christmas shopping, for example).However, by changing either bank regulations (that would affect the ease of obtaining cash) or interest rates (that would change the opportunity cost of holding cash), the Fed may indirectly affect how much currency the public is willing to hold.3.a. 3.a.ii2i2i1 i10 0Y2 Y1 Y Y1 Y2 YIf most disturbances come from the money sector (a shift in money demand), interest rate targets work better than money targets. In the IS-LM diagram below we can see that as money demand increases due to changing expectations, the LM-curve will shift to the left and the interest rate will increase. By increasing money supply and shifting the LM-curve back to the right, the central bank can get the economy back to the original equilibrium.3.b. If most disturbances come from the expenditure sector, the central bank is better off targeting moneysupply. If spending increases, the IS-curve shifts to the right and the interest rate increases. If the central bank tried to get the interest rate back to its original level by increasing money supply, the disturbance would intensify, since the LM-curve would also shift to the right. Thus, the central bank should keep money supply (and thus the LM-curve) stable to keep the disturbance at a minimum.4.a. A bank run occurs when depositors, worried about the safety of their assets, rush to withdraw theirdeposits.4.b. If a bank is in trouble because it has made some bad investment decisions, people may expect it tofail. Thus they may want to withdraw their deposits before it is too late. Since other depositors are1likely to behave in the same way, a run on the bank can be anticipated. Even a fairly financially sound bank may not be able to withstand a run, since most assets are tied up in loans. Almost all U.S. banks are FDIC insured and therefore a run on a bank is very unlikely. With FDIC insurance, depositors know that they can get at least their principal back from the government should a bank fail, and therefore they do not panic easily.4.c. During the Great Depression, a large-scale run on banks lead to liquidity problems and bank failures.This decreased the lending power of the whole banking system. In other words, depositors lost their confidence in banks and withdraw their deposits. This increased the currency-deposit ratio, leading toa decrease in the money multiplier and a contraction in money supply.4.d. The existence of the FDIC increases the public's confidence in the banking system, so a run on banksis highly unlikely. Therefore the currency-deposit ratio is low and the value of the money multiplier is high. The money multiplier is also more stable since the public does not withdraw deposits any time a bank failure occurs.5.a. There are basically two reasons why the Fed does not adhere more closely to its monetary growthtargets in the short run. The first is technical: due to the variability of the money multiplier and the lag in collecting data on money supply figures, the Fed is not always able to achieve its monetary growth target. The second reason is that the Fed, in the short run, uses interest rate targets concurrently with monetary growth targets, and it is impossible to succeed at both at the same time. Therefore, as the Fed responds to changes in the economy, it may move away at least temporarily from its monetary growth target. The Fed's desire to have some short-run flexibility while still maintaining long-run credibility, may cause a temporary deviation from the announced monetary growth target.5.b. The targeting of nominal interest rates can be self-defeating, especially in times of high inflation. If(nominal) interest rates increase, the Fed has to increase money supply to reduce interest rates to their original level. However, expansionary monetary policy will lead to more inflation and this will ultimately result in higher nominal interest rates. The so-called Fisher-equation states that the nominal interest rate (i n) is equal to the real interest rate (i r) plus the rate of inflation (π), that is,i n = i r + π.In the long run, the real interest rate will not be affected by expansionary monetary policy, but the nominal interest rate will be higher due to increased inflation. Another attempt to further reduce the nominal interest rate by expanding money supply even more will aggravate inflation even more and ultimately not succeed in bringing interest rates down.6.a. Nominal GDP is an ultimate target of monetary policy.6.b. The discount rate is an instrument of monetary policy.6.c. The monetary base is an immediate target of monetary policy.6.d. M1 is an intermediate target of monetary policy.6.e. The Treasury bill rate is an intermediate target of monetary policy.6.f. The unemployment rate is an ultimate target of monetary policy.7. When banks ration credit, interest rates are no longer a good indication of existing market conditions.Credit is rationed when lending institutions limit the amount that their customers can borrow based on concerns that such borrowing may not be financially prudent. In this situation, the Fed should not use interest rate targets as a guide for its monetary policy, since interest rates no longer reflect true market conditions.8. The Fed has much more control over intermediate targets (money supply or interest rates) than it doesover ultimate targets (GDP, unemployment, or inflation). Changes in these intermediate targets do not have an immediate effect on the ultimate targets and therefore the Fed can easily reverse or re-enforce its policy measure. Because of the long lags associated with monetary policy, the Fed uses these2intermediate targets to get feedback on the effects of a policy change and the likeliness that a policy measure will achieve its ultimate goal. However, concentrating solely on intermediate targets does not guarantee that the ultimate objectives will be achieved.9. From the quantity theory of money equation MV = PY, we get%∆M + %∆V = %∆P + %∆Y ==> %∆P = %∆M - %∆Y + %∆V.If real GDP (Y) is assumed to grow at a rate of 3.5%, the Fed has to let money supply (M) grow at a rate of 3.5% to keep prices (P) stable, assuming that velocity (V) remains stable. The Fed can control nominal GDP through changes in nominal money supply only as long as the behavior of money demand (and thus velocity) is relatively predictable. The long-run GDP growth rate has been around2.25%, far below the3.5% mentioned here, and expansionary monetary policy will not achieve such ahigh growth rate. But there is a very close relationship between money supply changes and price changes in the long run, while real GDP growth is primarily influenced by other factors. If the Fed overestimates the rate at which potential GDP grows, then it is likely to stimulate the economy too much and induce high inflation. Therefore, nominal GDP targeting rather than real GDP targeting may be a better approach, since the former creates a policy tradeoff between unemployment and inflation. In other words, we will get less growth but also less inflation if potential GDP growth is overestimated.Technical Problems:1. Assume the Fed sells Treasury bills valued at $10 million to a bank.Fed Balance Sheet: Assets LiabilitiesGovt. securities - $10 Currency 0Other assets 0 Bank deposits - $10 Bank Balance Sheet: Assets LiabilitiesDeposits at the Fed - $10 Deposits 0Govt. securities + $10Other assets 0The bank has now lost $10 million in reserves (deposits at the Fed). If required reserves are no longer sufficient, then the bank will have to acquire new reserves.If a bank depositor buys the Treasury bills, then the balance sheet will be:Bank Balance Sheet: Assets LiabilitiesReserves - $10 Deposits - $10Other assets 0Again, the bank may have to make up for the loss of reserves.2. Assume the Fed buys $10 million worth of gold and then decides to sterilize the effect of thispurchase on the monetary base through open market operations.Fed Balance Sheet: Assets LiabilitiesGold + $10 Currency 0Other assets 0 Member bank deposit + $10 The purchase of gold increased the monetary base (bank reserves) by $10 million.Fed Balance SheetAfter Sterilization: Assets LiabilitiesGold + $10 Bank deposits (+10 -10) = $0Govt. securities - $103The sale of government securities to banks again decreased the monetary base (bank reserves) by $10 million, so there is no overall change in the monetary base.3.a. If the reserve-deposit ratio is 100%, then banks cannot create any loans and the money multiplier isequal to 1. This means that the Fed has total control over the money supply, since it has control over bank reserves. However, this would significantly change the banking industry, since banks no longer would be able to extend loans.3.b. Since banks would not be able to issue any loans, the assets side would contain only reserves.3.c. Banking could still remain profitable as long as banks were able to generate service charges to covertheir operating costs.4.In deciding whether monetary base targeting or interest rate targeting is better for the Fed in itsconduct of monetary policy, it would be good to know whether the goods sector or the money sector is more prone to disturbances. If most disturbances occur in the goods sector (assume the IS-curve shifts to the right), then monetary base targeting is better, since interest rate targets would force the Fed to aggravate the disturbance. Under interest rate targeting, the Fed would be forced to change money supply (shifting the LM-curve to the right) and aggregate demand would be changed even more. If most disturbances occur in the money sector (assume the LM-curve shifts to the left), then interest rate targeting is better, since the Fed can easily offset the disturbance. Under interest rate targeting the Fed could change money supply (shifting the LM-curve to the right again) without affecting aggregate demand.ii2i2i1 i1Y2 Y1 Y Y1 Y2 YAdditional Problems:1. How does an increase in the currency-deposit ratio affect the money multiplier? What is theeffect of an increase in the reserve-deposit ratio?The money multiplier is defined as mm = (1 + cu)/(cu + re), wherecu = CU/D = currency-deposit ratio, andre = R/D = reserve-deposit ratio.An increase in the currency-deposit ratio means that people hold more currency and banks have fewer funds to create deposits. Therefore the money multiplier decreases. An increase in the reserve-deposit ratio means that banks now hold more reserves, so fewer deposits can be created. Again, the money multiplier decreases.42. Assume that an increasing number of department and grocery stores accept credit and debitcards and more consumers use these cards to do their shopping. How will the money multiplier and money supply be affected?If more consumers make purchases using credit or debit cards rather than cash, then less currency is held and the currency-deposit ratio will be lower. This implies a larger money multiplier and, given a fixed stock of high-powered money, an increase in money supply.3. "The introduction of the FDIC after the Great Depression not only calmed the worries of thepublic but also made monetary policy easier for the Fed." Comment on this statement.The introduction of the FDIC lowered the public's fear of new bank failures. Consumer confidence in the banking system increased and people held less currency. Banks also were able to reduce their excess reserves, since they no longer feared a widespread bank run. The currency-deposit and the reserve-deposit ratios both declined, and the size of the money multiplier increased. In addition, the money multiplier became more stable, since consumers became less likely to panic after a bank failure occurred. The larger and the more stable the money multiplier, the easier it is for the Fed to control money supply by changing the monetary base through open market operations.4. Assume money supply (M) is $1,200 billion, total bank deposits (D) are $800 billion and therequired reserve-deposit ratio is 10%. What would the Fed have to do to lower money supply by 5%? Explain your answer.We know that M = CU + D ==> CU = M - D = 1,200 - 800 = 400.If we assume that banks do not hold excess reserves, thenR = (0.1)D = (0.1)800 = 80 and H = CU + R = 400 + 80 = 480.Thus the money multiplier is M/H = mm = 1,200/480 = 2.5.If the Fed wants to reduce money supply by 5% or $60 billion, it has to reduce high-powered money (H) by $24 billion, by selling $24 billion worth of Treasury bills. In other words,∆M = mm(∆H) == > - 60 = 2.5(∆H) ==> (∆H) = - 60/2.5 = - 245. Assume the currency-deposit ratio is 30%, the required reserve-deposit ratio is 8% and theexcess reserve-deposit ratio is 2%. How much would money supply change if the Fed made open market sales valued at $20 million?The money multiplier is defined as: M/H = mm = (1 + cu)/(cu + re).In this example the size of the money multiplier is equal tomm = (1 + 0.3)/(0.3 + 0.08 + 0.02) = (1.3)/(0.4) = 3.25.An open market sale valued at $20 million would decrease high-powered money (H) by $20 million. Therefore, money supply (M) would decrease by $65 million, since∆M = mm(∆H) = (3.25)(-20) = - 65.6. Assume bank deposits are $3,200 billion, the required reserve-deposit ratio is 10%, andcurrency outstanding is $400 billion. What should the Fed do to decrease money supply by $100 million?Ms = Cu + D = 400 + 3,200 = 3,600 and H = Cu + R = Cu + (0.1)D = 400 + 320 = 720==> money multiplier = Ms/H = mm = 3,600/720 = 5==> ∆Ms = mm(∆H) ==> - 100 = 5(∆H) ==> ∆H = - 20If the Fed wants to decrease money supply by $100 million, bank reserves have to be decreased by $20 million through the open market sale of government securities. (Note: The assumption was that excess reserves are zero, which may not be true.)7. True or false? Why?5"An open market sale raises the monetary base and therefore money supply."False. An open market sale occurs when the Fed sells government bonds to the private sector, primarily banks, in return for currency. Reserves held in the form of deposits at the Fed decrease, and therefore the monetary base (the stock of high-powered money) decreases as does money supply, since banks cannot loan out as much as previously.8. What problems would arise if the Fed tried to conduct open market operations via the stockmarket?Theoretically, the Fed could change high-powered money and thus the supply of money by buying and selling stocks. The problem, however, would be how to decide which stocks to buy and sell, since the Fed's actions would affect the values of the stocks being bought or sold.9. "Large open market sales may have a negative impact on the demand for money, the budgetsurplus, the income velocity of money, and consumption." Comment on this statement.Open market sales decrease bank reserves and therefore money supply. This increases interest rates, leading to a lower level of investment and income. Since income tax revenues decrease in a recession, the budget surplus will also decrease. Since interest rates are higher, the interest payments on the national debt will increase. A lower level of income means a lower level of consumption. The income velocity of money generally declines in a recession. However, the decline in money occurs before the decline in income. Thus we first see an increase in velocity in the short run, followed by a decrease.10. Which is the most useful tool for the Fed to conduct its monetary policy? In your answerdiscuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of the tools that the Fed has at its disposal. The Fed has three basic tools to conduct monetary policy are open market operations, discount rate changes, and reserve requirement changes.Open market operations are used most often by the Fed since it can be undertaken every business day, can be undertaken to a large or small degree, and can be easily reversed. Bank reserves are immediately affected to a desired degree with the initiative lying solely with the Fed.The discount rate can be used as a signal for a change in monetary policy, but often a change in the discount rate simply reflects an adjustment to existing money market conditions. The disadvantage of using the discount rate is that it is up to banks to change the level of bank reserves. Bank reserves only change when banks borrow more or less from the Fed. Since this behavior cannot be anticipated, bank reserve changes cannot be accurately anticipated.Reserve requirement changes are used only rarely, since this is an extremely blunt tool. A reserve requirement change will affect the money multiplier and have a huge effect on money supply. Generally banks are given ample time to adjust to changes.11. Comment on the following statement:"Changes in the discount rate are always a sign that the Fed has changed its monetary policy." The discount rate is the rate at which banks can borrow from the Fed. The federal funds rate is the rate at which banks can borrow from each other. Banks generally prefer to borrow at the lowest rate. They do not like to borrow too often or too much from the Fed, however, since the Fed may then question their way of doing business. But if the demand for bank reserves increases and the difference between the federal funds rate and the discount rate gets too large, banks have an incentive to borrow from the Fed more often than usual. In this case total bank reserves will increase more than the Fed would like. As a result, the Fed may adjust the discount rate to bring it more in line with the federal funds rate. Therefore, while an increase in the discount rate may signal a shift in the Fed's policy, it may also simply reflect the Fed's response to a change in money market conditions.612. In 1991-92, the Fed repeatedly lowered the discount rate, but failed to stimulate the economy.Explain this fact. Subsequently, the Fed lowered the reserve requirements for banks. In your opinion, what was the Fed's objective in doing this, and was the objective achieved?Lowering the discount rate is not always successful in increasing money supply (and thus stimulating the economy), since it requires that banks take the initiative to change bank reserves. In 1991-92, the U.S. was in a recession and negative business expectations persisted. Many banks needed to recover from loan losses they had incurred and did not want to extend credit even though they were encouraged to do so by the Fed.The Fed finally lowered the reserve requirements for banks in a further effort to stimulate the economy but also to increase the profitability of banks. Banks do not earn interest on the reserves they hold, so a decrease in reserve requirements allowed them to increase their earnings and reduce their portfolio risk by buying Treasury-bills. While the economy was not immediately stimulated by new loans, at least the profitability of banks increased, creating more stability within the banking system.13. "Open market sales are more effective than increasing the discount rate in changing moneysupply." Comment. In your answer explain the short-run effects of restrictive monetary policy on velocity, the budget surplus, and national saving.With open market operations, the Fed has the initiative and bank reserves are immediately affected. Open market operations can be undertaken to a small or large extent on every business day, the Fed can determine the level of impact on bank reserves, and the Fed's actions can be easily reversed. Discount rate changes affect banks' cost of borrowing from the Fed, but leave the initiative to react to the banks. Thus, the Fed cannot easily predict the exact effect on bank reserves. For example, in 1991 the Fed changed the discount rate 15 times but banks did not borrow more from the Fed or increase their lending due to unfavorable economic conditions. If the Fed restricts money supply, interest rates will increase, leading to a decrease in economic activity. Initially, the income velocity (V = PY/M) will increase due to the lower money supply (M), but it will take time to affect income. But as national income (Y) decreases, income velocity will decline. Other results will include a decrease in the budget surplus (due to lower tax revenues) and national saving (due to lower income and a lower government surplus).14. Assume the Fed lowered the discount rate. How would personal saving, the budget surplus andaggregate money demand be affected?A lower discount rate is intended to encourage banks to borrow more from the Fed. It is not always clear that banks will respond as expected, but if they do, bank reserves will increase and so will money supply, as banks increase their lending activity. This will lower interest rates, leading to an increase in investment and national income. Personal saving will increase with a higher income level. Similarly, tax revenues will go up, increasing the budget surplus. Lower interest rates and higher income will increase money demand. (We also can see this from the fact that money supply has increased. Since the money sector has to move into a new equilibrium, money demand has to go up if money supply is increased.)15. Should you expect the federal funds rate to be above the discount rate or vice versa? Explain. The Fed is the lender of last resort and banks can always borrow from the Fed if the need arises. When banks borrow from the Fed, they are charged a rate called the discount rate. But banks also have the option to borrow from each other at the federal funds rate. Banks generally prefer to borrow at the lowest rate possible. However, they do not like to borrow too heavily from the Fed, since the Fed is a regulator of banks. Banks fear that their behavior will be questioned if the Fed takes notice and thus prefer to borrow from each other. In doing so, they drive the federal funds rate above the discount rate.716. "Reserve requirements act as an unfair tax on banks." Comment on this statement.Banks are forced to hold their reserves either as vault cash or as deposits at the Fed earning no interest in either case. Since other financial institutions have no such reserve requirement, it could be argued that this unfairly taxes banks. On the other hand, reserves guarantee a certain amount of liquidity for the banking system, which may be necessary, should there be a run on banks. The reserves held as deposits at the Fed also serve to facilitate the check clearing process. For these reasons, the tax can be viewed as necessary and therefore less "unfair."17. Does the Fed have control over the federal funds rate and over bank reserves? If so, can the Fedcontrol both simultaneously?The Fed has indirect control over the federal funds rate, since it has control over the supply of total bank reserves in the banking system through open market operations. However, the Fed cannot control the demand for bank reserves. If the demand for bank reserves increases, the federal funds rate will rise. If the Fed chooses to peg the federal funds rate, it has to create additional bank reserves via open market purchases. On the other hand, if the Fed chooses to control the level of bank reserves, it has to let the federal funds rate fluctuate. Therefore, the Fed cannot control the federal funds rate and the level of bank reserves simultaneously.18. "By lowering the reserve requirements for banks, the Fed reduces the budget deficit, nationalsaving, and the income velocity of money." Comment on this statement.If the Fed lowers the reserve requirement, banks have more money to lend out and can thus increase their earnings by making more loans or buying T-bills. If banks extend their loans, then money supply will increase and interest rates will decrease, stimulating investment and national income. Saving will increase with a higher level of income. Similarly, tax revenues will go up, reducing the budget deficit. Interest payments on the national debt will also decrease with lower interest rates, which will also help to lower the deficit. Velocity will initially decrease, since money supply will increase before income. But as income increases, then velocity will increase again. Ultimately, velocity may not change by much, since the income elasticity of money demand is close to one in the long run.19. "Restrictive monetary policy over a long time period will lead to lower interest rates."Comment on this statement.Long-run effects of monetary policy are different from short-run effects. Restrictive monetary policy leads to higher interest rates in the short run due to less liquidity (liquidity effect). But higher interest rates will reduce aggregated demand, which reduces prices and national income. Thus the level of interest rates will start to decline again (price-income effect). Lower prices will eventually lead to lower inflationary expectations and thus lower nominal interest rates (price-anticipation effect). In the end, real interest rates (i r) will return to their original level and nominal interest rates (i n) will be lower, since the inflation rate (π) is lower. This is shown in the so-called Fisher equation: i n = i r + π.20. "The elimination of required reserves on bank deposits would decrease the Fed's control overmoney supply. But if money supply increased uncontrollably, then high rates of inflation would result." Comment on the following statement.The Fed has a number of policy instruments at its disposal to control the level of bank reserves (and thus money supply). The required-reserve ratio is only one such instrument. The Fed can always influence bank reserves through the use of open market operations. Even if reserve requirements are abolished, the money multiplier will always have a finite value, since banks will always hold some (excess) reserves to meet their daily cash needs and emergency needs. If the reserve requirement were eliminated, the money multiplier would become larger, since banks would not choose to voluntarily hold as many reserves as the Fed required. However, large-scale open market operations would still enable the Fed to exercise great influence over bank reserves and therefore money supply.8。

高鸿业《西方经济学(宏观部分)》(第6版)配套题库【课后习题】 第16章 失业与通货膨胀【圣才出品

高鸿业《西方经济学(宏观部分)》(第6版)配套题库【课后习题】  第16章 失业与通货膨胀【圣才出品


















第一部分国民收入核算第二部分简单国民收入决定理论第三部分 IS-LM模型及政策分析与实践第四部分总供求+失业与通胀+经济周期与经济增长第一部分国民收入核算一、判断正误并改正1.国内生产总值等于各种最终产品和中间产品的价值总和。


(错)包括:物质产品与劳务(goods and services)3.不论是商品数量还是商品价格的变化都会引起实际国内生产总值的变化。







































宏观经济学第十六章 课后练习 参考答案word精品文档7页

宏观经济学第十六章 课后练习 参考答案word精品文档7页

第十六章课后练习·参考答案 ( P482-483 ) 1.3)政府的财政政策有收入政策和支出政策,收入政策比如税收政策通过影响可支配收入进而影响消费,最终传导到对国民收入的影响。



























A.减少税收B.制定物价管制政策C.增加政府支出D.增加公共事业投资4.中央银行通过进步法定准备金比率属于〔〕A.控制总供应B.扩张性货币政策C.收入指数化政策D.紧缩性货币政策5.以下哪种情况不会引起国民收入程度的上升〔〕A.增加净税收B.增加政府转移支付C.减少个人所得税D.增加政府购置6.假如政府支出的减少与政府转移支付的增加一样时,收入程度会〔〕A.增加B.不变C.减少D.不确定7.在其他条件不变情况下,政府增加公共设施投资,会引起国民收入〔〕A.增加B.不变C.减少D.不确定8.与货币政策同义的词是〔〕A.扩张性政策B.利息率政策C.金融政策D.紧缩性政策9.公开市场业务是指〔〕A.中央银行在金融市场上买进或卖出有价证券B.中央银行增加或减少对商业银行的贷款C.中央银行规定对商业银行的最低贷款利率D.中央银行对商业银行施行监视10.政府运用赤字财政政策是〔〕A.要求企业用自己资金购置B.要求居民用现金购置C.将公债卖给商业银行D.将公债卖给中央银行11.当经济过热时,中央银行可以在金融市场上〔〕A.卖出政府债券,降低再贴现率B.卖出政府债券,进步再贴现率C.买进政府债券,降低再贴现率D.买进政府债券,进步再贴现率12.以下哪一项措施是中央银行无法用来变动货币供应量?〔〕A.调整法定准备金B.调整再贴现率C.调整税率D.公开市场业务13.当法定准备金率为25%时,假如你在银行兑现了一张200美元的支票而且将现金放在身边,这个行动对货币供应的潜在影响是〔〕A.流通中货币增加800美元B.流通中货币减少800美元C.流通中货币增加200美元D.流通中货币减少200美元14.财政政策的内在稳定器作用表达在〔〕A.延缓经济衰退B.刺激经济增长C.减缓经济波动D.促使经济到达平衡15.“松财政紧货币〞会使利率〔〕A.上升B.下降C.不变D.不确定16.“双紧〞政策会使国民收入〔〕A.增加B.减少C.不变D.不确定17.在充分就业的经济中,政府购置支出增加将导致〔〕A.价格程度上升,利率下降B.价格程度下降,利率上升C.价格程度和利率同时上升D.价格程度和利率同时下降18.假如一国经济处于萧条和衰退时期,政府应采取〔〕A.财政预算盈余B.财政预算赤字C.财政预算平衡D.财政预算盈余或赤字19.假如一国经济处于国内失业,国际收支顺差的状况,这时适宜采用〔〕A.扩张性财政政策B.扩张性货币政策C.扩张性财政政策与扩张性货币政策D.扩张性财政政策与紧缩性货币政策20.扩张性财政政策对经济的影响是〔〕A.缓和了经济萧条但增加了政府债务B.缓和了萧条也减轻了政府债务C.加剧了通货膨胀但减轻了政府债务D.缓和了通货膨胀但增加了政府债务三、简答1.什么是自动稳定器?是否税率越高,税收作为自动稳定器的作用越大?2.什么是斟酌使用的财政政策和货币政策?3.平衡预算的财政思想和功能财政思想有何区别?第十六章练习题答案一、1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.F8.T 9.F 10.F 11.F 12.F 13.F 14.T二、1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.D11.B 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.B 19.C 20.A三、1.自动稳定器亦称内在稳定器,是指财政制度本身所具有的减轻各种干扰对国民收入冲击的内在机制。

微观经济学第十六章 宏观经济政策实践 课后练习参考答案

微观经济学第十六章  宏观经济政策实践  课后练习参考答案

第十六章宏观经济政策实践1. C2. B3. A4. D5. B6. A7. C8. 答案见课本第462页。


9. 答案见课本第462页。




13.解:C=100+0.8yd i=50 g=200 tr=62.5 t=0.25(1)由模型:c=100+0.8y dy d=y-t×y-try=c+i+g解得:y=(100+0.8tr+i+g)/(0.2+0.8t)=1000(2)当均衡收入y=1000时,预算盈余:BS=t×y-g-tr=0.25×1000-200-62.5=-12.5(3)当i增加到100时,均衡收入为:Y=(1+btr+i+g)/[1-b(1-t)]=(100+0.8×62.5+100+200)/[1-0.8(1-0.25)]=1125这时预算盈余BS=0.25×1125-200-62.5=18.75预算盈余之所以会从-12.5变为18.75,是因为国民收入增加了,使税收增加了。

(4)若充分就业的收入y*=1200,当i=50时,充分就业预算盈余:BS*=t×y*-g-tr=300-200-62.5=37.5当i=100时,充分就业预算盈余BS*没有变化,仍等于37.5(5)若i=50,g=250,y*=1200,则BS*=t×y*-g-t r=0.25×1200-250-62.5=-12.5 (6)略14.答案见课本第469-471页15.解:货币创造乘数k=(1+r c)/(r c+r)=1.38/(0.38+0.18)=2.46若增加基础货币100亿美元,则货币供给增加△M=100×2.46=246亿美元16.解:(1)货币供给M=C U+D=1000+400/0.12=4333亿美元(注:其中C U为非银行部门持有的通货,本题中为1000亿美元,D为活期存款)(2)当准备金率提高到0.2,则存款变为400/0.2=2000亿美元,现金仍是1000亿美元,因此货币供给为1000+2000=3000亿美元,货币供给减少了1333亿美元(3)中央银行买进10亿美元债券,即基础货币增加10亿美元,则货币供给增加:△M=10×1/0.12=83.3亿美元。

经济基础知识 章节练习题库 第16章 财政管理体制

经济基础知识 章节练习题库 第16章 财政管理体制


A.中央与地方共享税B.中央与地方共管税C.地方税D.中央税答案: A解析:本题考查分税制财政管理体制。



A.财政转移支付制度B.预算执行制度C.部门预算制度D.政府采购制度答案: A解析:本题考查财政转移支付制度的概念。




A.75%和25%B.50%和50%C.60%和40%D.25%和75%答案: C解析:本题考查分税制财政管理体制。



A.财力性转移支付B.横向转移支付C.一般性转移支付D.专项转移支付答案: D解析:本题考查政府间转移支付制度。




A.政府预算管理体制是财政管理体制的中心环节B.满足财政支出需要是决定政府间财政收入划分的主要标准C.政府间财政收支划分的基本特征是收入结构与支出结构的非对称性安排D.在财政单一制下,地方在中央决策和授权范围内管理财政活动答案: B解析:本题考查财政管理体制的内容。



第15-16章财政政策与货币政策一.单项选择1.d; 2.d; 3.d; 4.b; 5.c; 6.a; 7.b; 8.a; 9.d;10.a; 11.c; 12.d; 13.b; 14.b; 15.a; 16.d; 17.a; 18.c;19.d; 20.b; 21.b; 22.a; 23.c; 24.c; 25.b; 26.b; 27.b;28.a; 29.a; 30.c; 31.b; 32.d; 33.b; 34.c; 35.c;36.c; 37.a; 38.a; 39.b; 40.b; 41.c; 42.a; 43.a; 44.b;45.c; 46.a ; 47.a; 48.d; 49.c; 50.d。

二.多项选择1.abcd; 2.cd; 3.ab; 4.cd; 5.bcd; 6.bcd; 7.ac; 8.abc;9.ab; 10.acd; 11.bcd; 12.abd; 13.ad; 14.bd; 15.abcd;16.bcd; 17.ad; 18.ab。









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()二、单选1.下列哪种情况增加货币供给而不会影响均衡国民收入?()A. IS曲线陡峭而LM 曲线平缓B.IS曲线垂直而LM曲线平缓C. IS曲线平缓而LM曲线陡峭D. IS曲线和LM曲线一样平缓2.挤出效应发生于下列哪种情况?()A.私人部门增税,减少了私人部门的可支配收入和支出B.减少政府支出,弓I起消费支出下降C.增加政府支出,使利率提高,挤出了对利率敏感的私人部门支出D.货币供给增加,弓起消费支出增加3.下列()不属于扩张性财政政策。

A.减少税收B.制定物价管制政策C.增加政府支出D.增加公共事业投资4.中央银行通过提高法定准备金比率属于()A.控制总供给B.扩张性货币政策C.收入指数化政策D.紧缩性货币政策5.下列哪种情况不会引起国民收入水平的上升()A.增加净税收B.增加政府转移支付C.减少个人所得税D.增加政府购买6.如果政府支出的减少与政府转移支付的增加相同时,收入水平会()A.增加B.不变C.减少D.不确定7.在其他条件不变情况下,政府增加公共设施投资,会引起国民收入()A.增加B.不变C.减少D.不确定8.与货币政策同义的词是()A.扩张性政策B.利息率政策C.金融政策D.紧缩性政策9.公开市场业务是指()A.中央银行在金融市场上买进或卖出有价证券B.中央银行增加或减少对商业银行的贷款C.中央银行规定对商业银行的最低贷款利率D.中央银行对商业银行实施监督10.政府运用赤字财政政策是()A.要求企业用自己资金购买B.要求居民用现金购买C.将公债卖给商业银行D.将公债卖给中央银行11.当经济过热时,中央银行可以在金融市场上()A.卖出政府债券,降低再贴现率B.卖出政府债券,提高再贴现率C.买进政府债券,降低再贴现率D.买进政府债券,提高再贴现率12 .下列哪一项措施是中央银行无法用来变动货币供给量?()A.调整法定准备金B.调整再贴现率c.调整税率D.公开市场业务13.当法定准备金率为25%时,如果你在银行兑现了一张200 美元的支票而且将现金放在身边,这个行动对货币供给的潜在影响是()A. 流通中货币增加800 美元B. 流通中货币减少800 美元c. 流通中货币增加200 美元D. 流通中货币减少200 美元14.财政政策的内在稳定器作用体现在()A. 延缓经济衰退B. 刺激经济增长c. 减缓经济波动D. 促使经济达到均衡15.“松财政紧货币”会使利率()A. 上升B. 下降c. 不变D. 不确定16.“双紧”政策会使国民收入()A.增加B.减少c.不变D.不确定17.在充分就业的经济中,政府购买支出增加将导致()A.价格水平上升,利率下降B.价格水平下降,利率上升C.价格水平和利率同时上升D.价格水平和利率同时下降18.如果一国经济处于萧条和衰退时期,政府应采取()A.财政预算盈余B.财政预算赤字C.财政预算平衡D.财政预算盈余或赤字19.如果一国经济处于国内失业,国际收支顺差的状况,这时适宜采用)A.扩张性财政政策B.扩张性货币政策C.扩张性财政政策与扩张性货币政策D.扩张性财政政策与紧缩性货币政策20.扩张性财政政策对经济的影响是()A.缓和了经济萧条但增加了政府债务B.缓和了萧条也减轻了政府债务c.加剧了通货膨胀但减轻了政府债务D.缓和了通货膨胀但增加了政府债务三、简答1.什么是自动稳定器?是否税率越高,税收作为自动稳定器的作用越大?2.什么是斟酌使用的财政政策和货币政策?3.平衡预算的财政思想和功能财政思想有何区别?第十六章练习题答案1. F2. T3. T4. F5. F6. T7. F8. T9. F10. F11. F12. F13. F14.T1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.B 19.C20.A1.自动稳定器亦称内在稳定器,是指财政制度本身所具有的减轻各种干扰对国民收入冲击的内在机制。




























