KENWOOD TK-278/378中文编程简介KENWOOD TK-278/378的操作模式分四种:1、最终用户模式:即通信模式或集群设定通讯模式;2、经销商模式:即各类功能设定模式,如DTMF功能设定、信道设定、集群功能设定、有线及无线复制功能以及全机复位功能;3、测试、调试模式:即机器显示屏显示内容、形式设定、频率显示及调整等功能;4、计算机模式:及通过计算机及相应置频软件调整机器工作内容功能。
TA Instruments产品说明书
New Castle, DE USA Lindon, UT USA Crawley, United Kingdom Shanghai, China Beijing, ChinaTaipei, TaiwanTokyo, JapanSeoul, Korea Bangalore, IndiaParis, France Eschborn, Germany Brussels, BelgiumEtten-Leur, Netherlands Sollentuna, Sweden Milano, Italy Barcelona, Spain Melbourne, Australia Mexico City, MexicoDifferential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Q20004 Q206 DSC Technology8 Accessories10 Temperature Control Options14 Tzero®& MDSC® Technology18 Applications20Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) Q5000 IR32 Q50034 Q5036 Q5000 IR Technology38 Performance42 Q500 / Q50 Technology44 TGA Accessories & Options46 Applications52 TGA-HP58 Applications60Simultaneous DSC/TGAQ60064 SDT Technology66 Applications68Vapor Sorption AnalysisVTI-SA+72 VTI-SA+Technology74 Q5000 SA78 Q5000 SA Technology80 Applications86 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) Q80092 Deformation Modes & Sample Size94 Subambient Operation95 Q800 Technology96 Modes of Deformation98 Accessories100 DMA Theory104 Modes of Operation105 Applications106Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA) Q400EM / Q400112 Q400 Technology114 Modes of Deformation116 TMA Theory / Modes of Operation118 Applications122CALORIMETRYDSC Q2000 SPECIFICATIONS TechnologiesTzero ®TechnologyAdvanced MDSC ®Available Direct Cp MeasurementIncluded Platinum™ Software IncludedHardware Features SVGA Touch Screen Included User Replaceable Tzero Cell Yes 50-Position Autosampler Available Autolid Included Dual Digital Mass Flow Controllers Included Full Range of Cooling Accessories (LNCS, RCS90, RCS40, FACS, QCA)Available Pressure DSC Available Photocalorimeter Available Performance Temperature Range Ambient to 725 ˚C With Cooling Accessories -180 to 725 ˚C Temperature Accuracy +/- 0.1 ˚C Temperature Precision +/- 0.01 ˚C Calorimetric Reproducibility (indium metal)+/- 0.05 %Calorimetric Precision (indium metal)+/- 0.05 %Dynamic Measurement Range>+/- 500 mW Baseline Curvature (Tzero; -50 to 300 ˚C)10 μW Baseline Reproducibility with Tzero+/- 10 μW Sensitivity 0.2 μW Indium Height / Width (mW/˚C)* 60The Q2000 is a research-grade DSC with superiorperformance in baseline flatness, precision,sensitivity, and resolution. Advanced Tzero ®technology and multiple exclusive hardware andsoftware features make the Q2000 powerful,flexible, and easy-to-use. Modulated DSC ®anda reliable 50-position autosampler are availableas options. An additional high-value feature isPlatinum™ software, which permits automaticscheduling of tests designed to keep the Q2000consistently in top operating condition. Availableaccessories, such as a new photocalorimeter,pressure DSC, and the widest array of coolingdevices, make the Q2000 a DSC well-equippedto satisfy the most demanding researcher.*Indium height/width ratio: 1.0 mg In heated at 10 ˚C/min in N 2atmosphere. (A larger number denotes better performance).DSC Q20 SPECIFICATIONSHardware FeaturesQ20AQ20Q20P Tzero ®Cell (fixed position)Included Included—User Replaceable Cell——Yes 50-Position Autosampler —Included—Autolid —Included—Dual Digital Mass Flow Controllers Included Included—Full Range of Cooling Accessories Available AvailableQCA Only (LNCS, RCS90, RCS40, FACS, QCA)Pressure DSC ——Yes Platinum Software —Included—MDSC Available Available —Performance Temperature Range Amb to 725 ˚C Amb to 725 ˚C Amb to 725 ˚C With Cooling Accessories -180 to 725 ˚C -180 to 725 ˚C -130 to 725 ˚C Temperature Accuracy +/- 0.1 ˚C +/- 0.1 ˚C +/- 0.1 ˚C Temperature Precision +/- 0.05 ˚C +/- 0.05 ˚C +/- 0.05 ˚C Calorimetric Reproducibility (indium metal)+/- 1 % +/- 1 %+/- 1 %Calorimetric Precision (indium metal)+/- 0.1 %+/- 0.1 %+/- 0.1 %Dynamic Measurement Range +/- 350 mW +/- 350 mW +/- 350 mW Digital Resolution>0.04μW >0.04μW >0.04μW Baseline Curvature (-50 to 300 ˚C)<0.15 mW <0.15 mW —Baseline Reproducibility< 0.04 mW <0.04 mW —Sensitivity1.0 μW 1.0 μW 1.0 μW Indium Height / Width (mW/˚C)* 8.08.0—*Indium height/width ratio: 1.0 mg In heated at 10 ˚C/min in N 2atmosphere. (A larger number denotes better performance).The Q20 (Q20, AQ20, Q20P) is a cost-effective,easy-to-use, general-purpose DSC module, with calorimetric performance superior to many competitive research-grade models. These are entry-level instruments not based on performance,but on available options. The Q20 is idealfor research, teaching, and quality controlapplications that require a rugged, reliable, basicDSC. The AQ20 is designed for unattendedanalysis of up to 50 samples in a sequentialmanner. The Q20 and AQ20 include dual digitalmass flow controllers and are available withMDSC ®. The Q20P is designed for studies ofpressure-sensitive materials or samples that mayvolatilize on heating.Cooling Rods Cooling Ring Furnace Tzero Thermocouple Constantan Sensor Chromel Area ThermocouplePhotocalorimeterThe Photocalorimeter Accessory (PCA), for the Q2000 DSC, permits characterizationof photocuring materials between -50 and 250 ˚C. UV/Visible light (250-650 nm) froma 200W high pressure mercury source is transmitted to the sample chamber via anextended range, dual-quartz light guide with neutral density or band pass filters. Tzero ®technology permits direct measurement of light intensity at both the sample and referencepositions. It also provides for simultaneous measurement of two samples.RCS40 ArrayRCS90TZERO ®DSC PERFORMANCE APPLICATIONSMDSC ®APPLICATIONSSTANDARD PANS/LIDS APPLICATIONSDSC pans & lids are available in aluminum, alodine-coated aluminum, gold, platinum, graphite, and stainless steel versions. They can be used under a variety of temperature and pressure conditions. Samples can be run in the standard DSC mode in open pans, crimped or hermetically sealed pans / lids or in pressure capsules. Samples in open pans can also be run at controlled pressures using the PDSC Cell. All aluminum standard pans have the same temperature and pressure rating. General details of the pans are shown here.TZERO ®PANS/LIDS APPLICATIONS© 2010 TA Instruments. All rights reserved.L90010.001。
SAMSON 3780说明书
SAMSON 3780说明书调节阀维护及操作规程DCS系统对调节阀的控制主要通过调节阀自身的电气阀门定位器完成。
我司生产线上的调节阀为德国SAMS ON调节阀,SAMSON调节阀采用智能数字阀门定位器(3780,HART协议数字通信),其控制精度高,运行稳定。
它将控制装置 4至20mA的输出信号和调节调的行程相比较,并产生一个相应的压力信号作为输出变量。
电控单元包含两个用于处理控制算法及管理通讯的微控器.一旦实际阀门行程值(实际值)与参考变量(设定点)之间出现偏差,微控器就会产生一个二进制脉冲调制信号去控制两个 2/2通开关阀,且分别由一个指定的放大器来控制。
PART NUMBER MTPH476*006P1A MTPH157*006P1B MTPH187*006P1B MTPH457*006P1C MTPH477*006P1C MTPH336*010P1A MTPH107*010P1B MTPH127*010P1B MTPH307*010P1C MTPH337*010P1C MTPH226*015P1A MTPH686*015P1B MTPH806*015P1B MTPH207*015P1C MTPH227*015P1C MTPH156*020P1A MTPH476*020P1B MTPH606*020P1B MTPH157*020P1C MTPH106*030P1A MTPH456*030P1B MTPH127*030P1C MTPH106*035P1A MTPH107*035P1C MTPH685*050P1A MTPH306*050P1B MTPH336*050P1B MTPH686*050P1C MTPH786*050P1C MTPH475*060P1A MTPH685*060P1A MTPH106*060P1B MTPH156*060P1B MTPH226*060P1B MTPH336*060P1C MTPH476*060P1C MTPH686*060P1C
Operating Temperature: - 55°C to + 85°C Voltage Range: 6 to 60VDC Reverse Voltage: None Capacitance Range: 4.7µF to 470µF Tolerance Range: ± 10%, ± 20% DC Leakage: At + 25°C - 2.0µA max At + 85°C - 6.0 to 10.0µA max
TA I NSTRUMENTS•New Castle, DE USA +1-302-427-4000•Lindon, UT USA +1-801-763-1500•Hialeah, FL USA+1-305-828-4700•Crawley, United Kingdom +44-1293-658900•Shanghai, China +86-21-64956999•Taipei, Taiwan +88-62-25638880•Tokyo, Japan +81-3-5759-8500•Seoul, Korea +82-2-3415-1500•Bangalore, India +91-80-2319-4177-79•Paris, France +33-1-30-48-94-60•Eschborn, Germany +49-6196-400-600•Brussels, Belgium +32-2-706-0080•Etten-Leur, Netherlands+31-76-508-7270•Sollentuna, Sweden +46-8-555-11-521•Milano, Italy +39-02-265-0983•Barcelona, Spain +34-93-600-93-32•Melbourne, Australia +61-3-9553-0813•Mexico City, Mexico+52-55-52-00-18-60L OCAL OFFICESD IFFERENTIAL S CANNING C ALORIMETRY Q20003 Q2005 Q207 DSC Technology9 Accessories11 Temperature Control Options17 Tzero®Technology21 MDSC®Technology25 Applications27T HERMOGRAVIMETRIC A NALYSISQ5000IR35 Q50037 Q5039 Q5000IR Technology41 Q500 / Q50 Technology47 TGA Accessories & Options49 Applications55S IMULTANEOUS DSC/TGAQ60067 SDT Technology69 Applications71V APOR S ORPTION A NALYSISVTI-SA75 VTI-SA Technology77 VTI-SA3 Sorption Analyzer 82 Q5000SA83 Q5000SA Technology87 Applications91D YNAMIC M ECHANICAL A NALYSISQ80097 Deformation Modes & Sample Size99 Modes of Operation100 Q800 Technology101 Modes of Deformation103 Accessories105 DMA Theory106 Applications107T HERMOMECHANICAL A NALYSISQ400EM / Q400113 Q400 Technology115 Modes of Deformation117 TMA Theory / Modes of Operation119 Applications123Temperature Controlled Thermobalance Included Dynamic Range 100 mg Weighing Accuracy +/- 0.1%Weighing Precision +/- 0.01%Sensitivity< 0.1 µg Baseline Dynamic Drift*< 10 µg Signal Resolution 0.01 µg Furnace Heating Infrared Temperature Range Ambient to 1200 ˚CIsothermal Temp Accuracy +/- 1 ˚C Ballistic Heating >2000 ˚C/min Linear Heating Rate0.1 to 500 ˚C/min Furnace Cooling (Forced air / N 2)1200 to 35 ˚C < 10 minVacuum10-2torrTemperature Calibration Electromagnetic Coil/Curie Point StdsAutosampler – 25 sample Included Hi-Res TGA™Included Auto Stepwise TGA Included Modulated TGA™Included TGA/MS Operation Option TGA/FTIR Operation Option Platinum™ Software Included Sample PansPlatinum 50, 100 µL Platinum-HT, 100 µL Ceramic 100, 250 µL Aluminum 80 µL Aluminum Sealed Pan 20 µL* From 50 to 1000 ˚C at 20 ˚C/min using empty platinum pans, no baseline / blank subtraction.36Temperature Compensated Thermobalance Included Maximum Sample Weight 1 g Weighing Precision +/- 0.01%Sensitivity0.1 µg Baseline Dynamic Drift*< 50 µg Furnace HeatingResistance WoundEvolved Gas Analysis Furnace (EGA)Optional Temperature Range Ambient to1000 ˚CIsothermal Temp Accuracy +/- 1 ˚C Isothermal Temp Precision +/- 0.1 ˚C Controlled Heating Rate 0.01 to 100 ˚C/min Furnace Cooling (forced air / N 2)1000 to 50 ˚C < 12 minTemperature Calibration Curie Point Autosampler-16 sample Optional Hi-Res TGA™Optional Auto Stepwise TGA Included Modulated TGA™Optional TGA/MS Operation Optional TGA/FTIR Operation Optional Platinum™ Software Included Sample PansPlatinum 50, 100 µL Ceramic 100, 250, 500 µLAluminum 100 µL* From 50 to 1,000 ˚C at 20 ˚C/min using empty platinum pans, no baseline / blank subtraction.38Temperature Compensated Thermobalance Included Maximum Sample Weight 1 g Weighing Precision +/- 0.01%Sensitivity0.1 µg Baseline Dynamic Drift*< 50 µg Furnace Heating Resistance WoundEGA Furnace Optional Temperature Range Ambient to1000 ˚CIsothermal Temp Accuracy +/- 1 ˚C Isothermal Temp Precision +/- 0.1 ˚C Controlled Heating Rate (˚C/min) 0.1 to 100 Furnace Cooling (forced air / N 2) 1000 to 50 ˚C <12 minTemperature Calibration Curie Point Auto-Loader Included Auto Stepwise TGA Included TGA/MS Operation Optional TGA/FTIR Operation Optional Platinum™ Software Included Sample PansPlatinum 50, 100 µL Ceramic 100, 250, 500 µLAluminum 100 µL* From 50 to 1,000 ˚C at 20 ˚C/min using empty platinum pans, no baseline / blank subtraction.40L INERSLECTROMAGNETS I E 41F URNACE D ESIGN AND T EMPERATURE M EASUREMENTThe Q5000 IR surpasses other models with its new infrared furnace that offers the widest range of linear (0.1 to 500 ˚C/min) and ballistic (>2000 ˚C/min) heating rates from ambient to 1200 ˚C. The innovative design employs four symmetrically-placed IR lamps,and a silicon carbide IR-absorbent enclosure. The quartz-lined furnace contains upper and lower heat shields and a unique control and measurement area thermocouple assembly. Other features include an integrated electromagnetic coil, forced-gas furnace cooling, and vacuum operation. The design benefits include rapid dynamic response and excellent performance and flexibility in standard, advanced (Hi-Res™ TGA; Modulated TGA™), and high heating rate experiments. The quartz liner’s chemical inertness negates the need for special furnaces and is easily cleaned. Vacuum operation improves resolution of closely related events. The primary thermocouple ensures precise temperature control and provides accurate transition temperature measurement, while a redundant “safety” thermocouple disables the furnace if a temperature differential exceeds a set value. The ease of automated Curie Point temperature calibration is a unique Q5000 benefit.IR L AMPS LLIPTICAL R EFLECTORIR A S AMPLE43The highly automated Q5000 IR is the clear choice for complex TGA applications, for low-level detection of impurities, kinetic studies, off-gas analysis, and for high heating rate operation. Its design integrates a thermobalance engineered for maximum baseline flatness and high sensitivity, with the power and flexibility of an infrared furnace,and a proven horizontal purge gas system.Its many user convenience features include the 25-position autosampler, the integral electromagnet, and Platinum™ software for scheduling automatic calibration, verification and diagnostic tests.Sample ArmFlagMeter MovementC URIE P OINT C ALIBRATION- E LECTROMAGNET P ERFORMANCE V ERIFICATIOND YNAMIC B ASELINE S TABILITY H EATING R ATE P ERFORMANCE48Tare ArmPhotodiodeInfrared LEDSensitive, precise, rugged and automated are terms that describe the TA Instruments Q500and Q50 Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA).These are fourth generation products from the world leader in thermogravimetric analysis.Each represents an unparalleled investment because it delivers outstanding performance, is designed with the customer in mind, and is backed by superior support that is the hallmark of our company.Q500 / Q50 T ECHNOLOGY47C ONTROL C ONTROL GASSWITCHING )TGA A CCESSORIES& O PTIONSE VOLVED G AS A NALYSIS(EGA)F URNACEThe rugged and reliable EGA is an optional, quartz-lined furnace for the Q500 or Q50. The liner is chemically inert to products produced from decomposition of the sample, resistant to adsorption of off-gas products, and its reduced internal volume ensures rapid exit of these materials from the sample chamber. These features make the EGA an ideal furnace for use in combined TGA/MS or TGA/FTIR studies.A UTOSAMPLERThe Q500 Autosampler accessory is a programmable, multi-position sample carousel that allows fully automated analysis of up to 64 samples (16 samples per tray). All aspects of sample testing are automated and software controlled, including pan taring and loading, sample weighing, furnace movement, pan unloading, and furnace cooling. The autosampler has the flexibility to meet the needs of both research and QC laboratories. Autosampler productivity is maximized by our Advantage™ software, which permits pre-programmed analysis, comparison, and presentation of results.T EMPERATURE C ALIBRATION A ND W EIGHT L OSS V ERIFICATIONTA Instruments offers the widest range of ICTAC certified and NIST traceable Curie Point reference materials that permit full temperature calibration of the Q Series TGA modules over the range from 150 to 1120 ˚C. The advanced Q5000 IR has an internal electromagnet coil that permits temperature calibration with unprecedented convenience (see page 46). TA Instruments also offers certified Mass Loss Reference Materials for validation of instrument performance (see page 46).amu 455556576020 0 40 60 80 100 120 10.10.01 0.0010.0001 0100200300 400 500 600700Temperature (˚C)W e i g h t (%)I o n C u r r e n t (n A )0.00.1 0.20.3 0.4100806040 010100200300 40050020 30 4050Time (min)34.945min 442.78˚CTemperature (˚C)I n t e n s i t y W e i g h t (%)TGA-MS:P OLYMER A NALYSISThe data below shows the TGA-MS results for the decomposi-tion of ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer. The first step involves the decomposition of the vinyl acetate phase, resulting in the production of acetic acid. By monitoring amu signals typical of acetic acid, the production of the offgas compound is readily detected. The second step involves the thermal decomposition of the polyethylene phase, and its unique decomposition products are easily identified and recorded.TGA-FTIR:P HENOLIC R ESIN D ECOMPOSITIONThe figure below contains the TGA-FTIR results for the thermal decomposition of a phenolic resin adhesive. A Gram-Schmidt reconstruction of the time-resolved FTIR spectra is compared to the weight loss signal as a function of time and temperature. The inset image contains the FTIR spectrum of the offgas composition at 34.95 minutes, near the point of the maximum rate of decomposition. The FTIR spectrum corresponding to this temperature indicates that the offgas products are primarily composed of phenols, including bisphenol A, which is included as a comparison spectrum. This level of chemical specificity is useful in comparing similar products, quality control, and fingerprint analysis.EGA A PPLICATIONS40001.535000. (cm-1)A b s o r b a n c e 150010005005251TA Instruments has been the pioneer in advancing the science of improved resolution TGA techniques, and in providing powerful but easily used software to accelerate material decomposition kinetic studies while preserving good data quality.A DVANCED TGA T ECHNIQUESTGA™ TGA™ (MTGA™)53F ASTER S EPARATIONSFor routine separation of organic and inorganic components, the agile response of the infrared furnace in the Q5000 IR sharply reduces sample analysis time by fast heating and quick cool-down. The figure below shows the determination of carbonate filler in a polypropylene matrix at 40 ˚C/min and at 500 ˚C/min respectively. The Q5000 IR allowed the analysis test time to be reduced by a factor of at least six (6), while preserving excellent data quantitation. Multiple sample analysis using the integrated 25-position autosampler would be a significant productivity enhancer in analyses of this type. A CCURATE R ESIDUALSA common TGA analysis is the determination of the amount of inorganic filler or pigment in an organic matrix. A key element in the analysis is residue accuracy, which depends on baseline quality and tare reproducibility, two aspects which have been improved by an order of magnitude in the Q5000 IR. The figure below shows the decomposition of a 15 milligram sample of a polyolefin fruit juice package, in which the 0.28% residue has been measured to hundredths of a percent!H IGH S ENSITIVITY V OLATILES A NALYSIS Unwanted water or other volatiles in a formulation are often detrimental during product processing. The improved sensitivity of the Q5000 IR allows even small amounts of these undesirable components to be quantified. Sealed aluminum pans allow moisture sensitive samples to be isolated and queued in the autosampler until moments before analysis. The volatiles analysis for a small (2.4 mg) sample of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle stock is shown below. The 0.2% weight change reflects an absolute weight loss of only 5.2 micrograms!T HERMAL S TABILITY C OMPOSITIONAL A NALYSIS M ODULATED TGA™H IGH R ESOLUTION™ TGAV OLATILES A NALYSIS E FFECT OF A DDITIVESV ERIFICATION OF T HERMAL E VENTS Q UANTIFICATION OF F ILLER C ONTENTTGA-HP 50TGA-HP 150TGA-HP 150S Balance Standard Balance Rubotherm Magnetic Suspension Rubotherm Magnetic Suspension Maximum Sample Weight 5 g25 g25 gDynamic Range500 mg25 g25 gWeighing Accuracy+/- 0.1%± 0.0002%± 0.0002% Weighing precision+/- 0.01%±30 µg±30 µg Sensitivity0.5 µg10 µg10 µgReactor Type Single Block Single Block Double-Wall Inconel 625®René41®Alumina/316SSUpper Temperature LimitPretreatment1000 °C1000 °C1200 °C Testing800 °C750 °C1200 °C Pressure Limit50 bar (725 PSI)150 bar (2175 PSI)50 bar (725 PSI) Gas Inlets335 Dynamic Flow-Dosing Optional Optional Standard Steam Generator N/A N/A Standard Vacuum 1 x 10-3torr 1 x 10-3torr N/A Optional High Vacuum 1 x 10-6torr 1 x 10-6torr N/A Corrosive Gas Compatibility N/A Recommended Recommended T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONSInconel 625 is a registered trademark of Special Metals Corporation.René 41 is a registered trademark of Teledyne Industries, Inc.The TA Instruments TGA-HP Series instruments are specialty gravimetric analyzersdesigned to provide unique capabilities for High-Pressure, Ultra-High Vacuum, andThe TGA-HP50 is our standard system, employing a high-sensitivity balance in arobust design. The TGA-HP50 can accommodate samples up to 5 g in mass, witha sensitivity of 0.5 microgram. The TGA-HP50 is the instrument of choice for high-pressure studies (up to 50 Bar) at measurement temperatures up to 800°C, and canaccommodate a variety of gas compositions under high-pressure static or optionaldynamic flow. The standard vacuum accessory provides for measurement attorr; our optional Ultra High Vacuum (UHV)When higher pressures or corrosive gas atmospheres are required, the TGA-HP150is recommended. This top-of-the line model provides static pressures up to 150 Bar,and utilizes an advanced Rubotherm Magnetic Suspension balance with a 25 gcapacity. This allows the reaction chamber to be completely sealed, allowingfor aggressive gas chemistry while isolating the microbalance assembly. TheTGA-HP150 can be operated up to 750°C at the maximum pressure, andcomes equipped with the standard vacuum accessory for low-vacuum studies.The optional UHV accessory is also available for studies under atmospheres downThe TGA-HP150s is a specialized instrument designed for high temperature andpressure combinations. The maximum temperature of 1200°C is achieved safelyin a unique double-wall reactor. The TGA-HP150s is equipped with a steamgenerator which makes it ideal for coal gasification studies, and includes 5 gasAll TGA-HP models can be interfaced for evolved gas analysis as described on62A DSORPTION OF H 2ONC ARBONI NVESTIGATION OFN ANOPOROUS C ARBONC ARBOND IOXIDE S EQUESTRATIONA DSORPTION OF NH 3ON Z EOLITE C ATALYST。
(Side B)
UPD78F9026AGB (Q1003)
DTC143ZE (E23) (Q1002, 1007)
S80835CNMC (Q1004)
HZM27WA (27A) (D1001)
IMN10 (N10) (D1006)
Parts List
DESCRIPTION Printed Circuit Board C 1001 CHIP CAP. C 1003 CHIP CAP. C 1004 CHIP CAP. C 1011 CHIP TA.CAP. C 1013 CHIP TA.CAP. C 1020 CHIP CAP. C 1021 CHIP TA.CAP. C 1022 CHIP CAP. C 1025 CHIP CAP. C 1026 CHIP CAP. C 1029 CHIP CAP. C 1030 CHIP CAP. D 1001 DIODE D 1002 LED D 1003 LED D 1004 DIODE D 1006 DIODE D 1007 LED D 1008 LED D 1009 LED D 1010 LED D 1011 DIODE J 1001 CONNECTOR J 1002 CONNECTOR JP1001 WIRE ASSY JP1002 WIRE ASSY JP1006 CHIP RES. JP1007 CHIP RES. L 1001 M.RFC L 1002 M.RFC L 1003 M.RFC L 1004 M.RFC L 1005 M.RFC L 1006 M.RFC L 1007 M.RFC L 1008 M.RFC Q 1002 TRANSISTOR Q 1003 IC Q 1004 IC Q 1007 TRANSISTOR R 1001 CHIP RES. R 1002 CHIP RES. R 1003 CHIP RES. R 1004 CHIP RES. R 1005 CHIP RES. R 1006 CHIP RES. R 1007 CHIP RES. R 1008 CHIP RES. R 1009 CHIP RES. R 1011 CHIP RES. R 1012 CHIP RES. R 1013 CHIP RES. R 1014 CHIP RES. R 1016 CHIP RES. R 1018 CHIP RES. R 1020 CHIP RES. R 1021 CHIP RES. R 1022 CHIP RES. R 1023 CHIP RES. R 1029 CHIP RES. R 1032 CHIP RES. R 1035 CHIP RES. S 1002 TACT SWITCH S 1003 MICRO SWITCH S 1004 TACT SWITCH S 1005 ROTARY ENCODER X 1001 XTAL SX-1319 JP0001 WIRE ASSY JP0002 WIRE ASSY MC0001 MIC. ELEMENT REF VALUE 0.01uF 0.0033uF 0.01uF 0.1uF 0.33uF 0.001uF 10uF 0.001uF 27pF 15pF 0.01uF 0.01uF V/W 16V 50V 16V 20V 35V 50V 6.3V 50V 50V 50V 16V 16V TOL. B B B B B CH CH B B MFR'S DESIG AAC61X000 GRM36B103K16PT UMK105B332KW-F GRM36B103K16PT TEMSVA21D104M-8R TESVA1V334M1-8R GRM36B102K50PT TEMSVA0J106M-8R GRM36B102K50PT GRM36CH270J50PT GRM36CH150J50PT GRM36B103K16PT GRM36B103K16PT HZM27WA-TR 19-215UYOC/S530-A2/TR8 BRPG1211C-TR BAS316 IMN10 T108 19-215UYOC/S530-A2/TR8 19-215UYOC/S530-A2/TR8 19-215UYOC/S530-A2/TR8 19-215UYOC/S530-A2/TR8 BAS316 B8B-ZR 09FMN-BMTTN-TFT WHT 35 (3)/(3) BLK 35 (3)/(3) RMC1/16 271JATP RMC1/16 271JATP LK2125 220M-T LK2125 220M-T LK2125 220M-T LK2125 220M-T LK2125 220M-T LK2125 220M-T LK2125 220M-T LK2125 220M-T DTC143ZE TL UPD78F9026AGB-8ES S-80835CNMC-B8U-T2 DTC143ZE TL RMC1/16S 102JTH RMC1/16S 271JTH RMC1/16S 471JTH RMC1/16S 151JTH RMC1/16S 151JTH RMC1/16S 151JTH RMC1/16S 151JTH RMC1/16S 222JTH RMC1/16S 221JTH RMC1/16S 152JTH RMC1/16S 471JTH RMC1/16S 682JTH RMC1/16S 682JTH RMC1/16S 104JTH RMC1/16S 472JTH RMC1/16S 472JTH RMC1/16S 472JTH RMC1/16S 103JTH RMC1/16S 103JTH RMC1/16S 101JTH RMC1/16S 104JTH RMC1/16S 121JTH SKHHLN MQS-2AU SKHHLN EC05E1220401 3.6864MHZ RED 35 (3)/(3) BLK 35 (3)/(3) EM-123 VXSTD P/N FR0090500 K22128804 K22178835 K22128804 K78130020 K78160028 K22178809 K78080027 K22178809 K22178222 K22178216 K22128804 K22128804 G2070530 G2070884 G2070654 G2070716 G2070078 G2070884 G2070884 G2070884 G2070884 G2070716 P0090650 P1091089 T51903512 T51003512 J24185271 J24185271 L1690335 L1690335 L1690335 L1690335 L1690335 L1690335 L1690335 L1690335 G3070102 G1093504 G1093606 G3070102 J24189025 J24189018 J24189021 J24189015 J24189015 J24189015 J24189015 J24189029 J24189017 J24189027 J24189021 J24189035 J24189035 J24189049 J24189033 J24189033 J24189033 J24189037 J24189037 J24189013 J24189049 J24189014 N5090036 N7090127 N5090036 Q9000793 H0103214 T51203512 T51003512 M3290024 VERS. LOT SIDE LAY ADR 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1- B 1nical Supplement
Francis Searchlights LSP380 Portable Light Weight
User Instruction & Installation ManualLSP380 PortableLightweight Suez 575wProduct Reference Number:A2273 – LSP380 115v Portable Light Weight Suez 575w A2274 – LSP380 240v Portable Light Weight Suez 575w Manufacturers details: Distributor details:Francis Searchlights LtdUnion Road, BoltonLancashire, BL2 2HJ, UKTel: +44 (0) 1204 558960Fax: +44 (0) 1204 558979E-mail:****************.ukManual Part Number: C22276Issue: 3CONTENTS1 - Introduction2 - Safety Precautions3 - Technical Information4 - Unpacking and Installation Instructions5 - Electrical Installation6 - Operating Instructions7 - Fault Finding8 - Maintenance and Servicing9 - Wiring Diagram & General Assembly10 - Spare Parts List1 - IntroductionIt is imperative that this manual is read carefully and understood before installing your equipment. For your future reference please keep this manual in a safe place.Thank you for specifying a product from the Francis Searchlights range. All Francis products are designed to give complete customer satisfaction and are manufactured to the highest engineering standards in order to ensure optimum performance and service life.The Francis LSP range combines features proven over many years service in the most hazardous conditions in both marine and land installations.In order to prolong the life and performance of your product, we recommend that you only specify Francis Searchlights spare parts. This will also ensure that any warranties on your equipment will not be invalidated. Information on spares ordering and parts is provided in this manual.Should you ever need to contact Francis Searchlights Ltd. regarding your equipment, please quote the Product Serial Number at all times.Back To Top2 - Safety PrecautionsThe following instructions must be adhered to, in order to ensure a safe working environment and the safety of the user.⏹Prevent rain, snow, condensation and water droplets from contacting the lamp as this maycause bulb failure and possible shattering;⏹Because of the high internal pressure in excess of atmospheric. Whilst the construction isinherently strong, there is a slight risk of the bulb shattering;⏹Never look directly into an illuminated searchlight as this may cause severe damage toeyesight. If it is necessary to inspect a lamp whilst in operation, always wear suitable protective goggles;⏹Should it be necessary to examine the lamp with the front bezel removed, always use aprotective shield and wear goggles to ensure a safe working environment;⏹Never attempt to clean a lamp whilst in use;⏹Searchlights get hot. Never touch the unit when lit and always allow 15 to 20 minutes forcooling down after turning the searchlight off;⏹Never place anything on or cover the searchlight when in use;⏹Ensure the lamp has cooled sufficiently before removal;⏹If undue force appears necessary to remove the lamp, the equipment should be inspected by acompetent person or contact the manufacturer;⏹When breaking a lamp for disposal, care must be taken to ensure the glass fragments aresafely contained. This operation must be performed out of doors in free air. In allcircumstances refer to the lamp manufacturers instructions packed with the lamp;⏹Due to the vast range of lamps available it may appear possible that more powerful lamps canbe used in the equipment than for which it was designed. Even when the unit will physically accept a higher wattage or voltage lamp, this substitution is not recommended and isdangerous. This action will also void any warranties on the equipment.Always refer to the lamp manufacturers technical data when dealing with lamps.Back To Top3 - Technical InformationThis product has been designed to operate in accordance with the product specification. The LSP380 searchlight has the following features:⏹Constructed from marine grade aluminium and stainless steel fixings;⏹Parabolic split glass reflector;⏹Stove enamel paint finish;⏹Vertical movement +5° to -35°;⏹Toughened front glass;⏹Integral on/off switch;⏹Enclosure protection to IP65;⏹Weight 15.8Kg which includes Searchlight and power supply;⏹Fitted with G22 lamp changeover system, in event of lamp failure;⏹Instant lamp re-strike. No cooling down time required.⏹Split beam of two 20° sections giving a credible 40° split arc;⏹Shoulder carry strap for ease of transportation;The searchlight also performs to the following optical data:Volts Watts Range P.B.C.P. Div* Lamp Life Lamp Despatch @ 1 Lux (Hours) Cap Number 110v 575w 3767M 14,190,201 2.1° 750 G22 D15764 240v 575w 3767M 14,190,201 2.1° 750 G22 D15764In order that the searchlight operates correctly it is imperative that competent personnel are responsible for the installation, operation and servicing of this equipment. Failure to adhere to this advice may cause premature failure or incorrect operation of the searchlight, which may damage the equipment or cause personal injury.Back To Top4 - Unpacking and Installation InstructionsThe following instructions should be read and fully understood prior to installing the equipment to ensure that the correct procedures are followed, and all safety precautions are observed.Note: If the equipment has been in storage for a considerable amount of time, it is advisable to conduct a routine maintenance check on all parts before installation.Safety PrecautionsThis equipment should not be connected to an electrical supply before being installed. Installation procedures should be adhered to in order to ensure a safe working environment and reduce the risk of damage or personal injury.Preparing the Mounting PositionMark out and drill the fixing holes through the deck, it may be necessary to use a suitable sealant such as silicone on any uneven surfaces, in order to ensure a weatherproofed joint.Back To TopFor safety purposes, only competent personnel should perform the electrical installation. All equipment should be installed to current Electrical Regulations and Standards.In order to obtain the maximum light output from the searchlight, it is essential that the full operating voltage of the lamp fitted be applied to the lampholder contacts.Method of Electrical Connection1) Disconnect the supply before working on the electrical system;2) The searchlight must be connected to a fused electrical supply, using suitably sized cable;3) If the searchlight is located a considerable distance from the supply, provision must be made inthe cable size in order to overcome the voltage drop. The following table should be used for indication purposes only:4) Whenever possible cable terminations should be made below deck and with approved terminaldevices;5) If a spare auxiliary fuse or circuit breaker is not available, one of the correct type and ratingshould be fitted and connected to a positive supply. It is advisable to locate a bus bar or main connection and avoid any direct connection to the supply:6) For 110/220v AC products, the following colour coding system should be used for the customersupply cable:Brown - LiveBlue - NegativeGreen/Yellow - EarthNote: This equipment must be earthed.Back To TopThis equipment is designed for use out of doors, in free air. Never place anything on, or cover, the searchlight when in use as this may present a hazard.The beam of the searchlight can be adjusted to give a 40° split, simply release the external lock wheel and adjust the lever to achieve the desired beam split required.In event of lamp failure, the changeover mechanism can be activated by rotating the lever 180°, which then switches power to the second lamp. The second lamp may take a few seconds to achieve full brightness.This product should not be used for any purpose other than for which it was designed. Any modifications to the product should not be undertaken without consulting the manufacturer. Setting to WorkSafe service in use necessitates the strict observance of the following precautions.⏹Any article fabricated from quartz or glass is inherently fragile and care shouldtherefore be taken, at all times, when handling lamps;⏹Eye protection must be worn when handling lamps that have been removed from theirpackaging materials. The protective jacket should not be removed from the lamp forsafety reasons, as there is a remote possibility of the lamp shattering violently,especially if it is subjected to mechanical shock or vibration;⏹Always isolate the equipment from the supply before inserting a lamp;⏹Before inserting the lamp ensure that all contacts are clean. Contacts must berenewed at the slightest sign of corrosion. Sanding or filing down corroded areas is notrecommended as this will only make the conducting surface between the pin andlampholder smaller, thus causing the lamp to overheat;⏹Do not twist or bend the fused quartz bulb when fitting the lamp as mechanicalstresses MUST be avoided;⏹The lamp must be capable of unimpeded expansion when it warms up to operatingtemperature. Mechanical forces must not be applied to the fused quartz bulb;⏹Before the protective jacket is removed, suitable protection must be worn i.e face maskand gloves with wrist protection;⏹Never touch the quartz bulb with bare hands, as fingerprints will make the glass cloudyand cause a severe loss of light. This may also cause recrystallisation and thusweaken the bulb material. Should the bulb be inadvertently touched, removefingerprints with methylated spirit and a clean, soft paper towel. The bulb should thenbe wiped with distilled water. NOTE: ALWAYS WEAR MASK AND GLOVES DURINGCLEANING);In all circumstances the lamp manufacturers data should be referred to when dealing with lamps.When fitting the lamp:-Always isolate the equipment from the supply when inserting a lamp;-Ensure the circuit is suitably fused;-Ensure the lamp is of the correct power rating and type;-Check lampholder is in good condition. If the contacts show any sign of corrosion, replace the lampholder;-Check the lampholder is in a good dry condition. Never allow water to collect in the lamp fitting or come into contact with the lamp.To fit the lamp:-Loosen all the latches from the front of the searchlight by pressing down the safety catch and releasing the clip, remove the bezel and glass and store in a safe place;-Cut open one end of the protective sleeve surrounding the lamp;-Using the sleeve to prevent the fingers coming into contact with the lamp, position the two pins above the holes in the lampholder;-Gently push the lamp into the lampholder and remove the protective sleeve;TestingUpon correct installation and connection to an electrical supply, the equipment can be tested in order to ensure its’ correct performance. A competent person with some knowledge of electri cal equipment must carry out this work.Equipment required: Multimeter with leadsAmmeterUsing the equation P=VI, the approximate power output of the equipment can be calculated in the following way:-Using the multimeter, take a voltage reading;-Using the ammeter, take an amp reading from the live cable to the lamp;-Multiply these figures together to give an approximate wattage (Power output).For example:Using a 240v 1000w Tungsten halogen lamp:Voltage reading = 240v; Amps reading = 4 ampsTherefore, Wattage = 240 x 4 = 960 wattsBack To Top7- Fault FindingAll fault finding must be conducted by a competent person or qualified Electrical Engineer. Failure of Lamp to lightCauses:1)Power not supplied;2)Fuse blown;3)Failed lampRemedy:1)Check voltage at supply. If supply is not present the fault is at the customer supply. If power ispresent, see remedy 2;2)Check fuse for visual failure. If none noticeable check fuse for continuity using a multimeter. Iffuse found to be faulty, replace with new part and test equipment again for correct working order. If found to be working correctly see remedy 3;3)Firstly, check supply at rear bulkhead terminal rail (within searchlight barrel). If supply ispresent, disconnect unit from power supply before removing the lamp. If the lamp envelope is discoloured, replace the lamp. Replace lamp ensuring all precautions and instructionspreviously outlined in this manual are adhered to.4)Check that the fans in the power supply box are working correctly, if not check that the supplyis present if so, replace fan.5)Check input supply to the power supply unit is correct.6)Check that the switch on the searchlight barrel is working correctly, if not check that the supplyis present if so, replace switch.Back To Top8 - Maintenance and ServicingIn order to prolong the service life and performance of your searchlight, the following maintenance guidelines are recommended:⏹Maintenance checks should be conducted before every voyage or at least every three months;⏹Before checking, disconnect the equipment from the supply;⏹Visually inspect the condition of the equipment;⏹Any major or minor structural damage should be rectified immediately in order to reducesympathetic wear;⏹After inspection it may be necessary to clean the inside of the searchlight. The followingprocedure should be adhered to:⏹Remove the front bezel;⏹Clean the front glass inside and out using a proprietary glass cleaner;⏹Clean the reflector if required;⏹Check the reflector mounting gaskets. If signs of corrosion or damage areevident, replace as necessary;⏹Ensure that the lampholder is free from corrosion or other damage;⏹Check earth point for conductivity;⏹It is advisable to check all seals and gaskets for signs of degradation. Renew if necessary;⏹Upon completing all maintenance requirements, the searchlight should be tested for fullworking order (approximately 20 minutes).If in any doubt as to the correct servicing procedures to adopt please contact your distributor/agent or the manufacturer who will be able to advise the best course of action for your product.Back To Top9 – Wiring diagram & General AssemblyDrawing Number DescriptionC22018 Wiring DiagramA2273 General Assembly10 - Spare Parts ListThe following spare parts can be ordered directly from the manufacturer:Part Number Description Part Number DescriptionC22106 PSU Assy. C11025 Lockwheel Assy.C20595 Elevation bush C20596 Elevation washerC22170 Elevation link C22103 Shoulder strapC16893 Grommet C22268 Ventilation plug assy.C22198 Lampholder Assy. C22151 Rear gasketC22041 Proximity switch C14239 Handle (Top)C09880 Switch C22051 Sealing bootC20550 Latch C22056 IgnitorC22044 Relay base C22045 Relay 115vC22046 Relay 240v C22042 Varistor 115vC22043 Varistor 240v C22061 Front glassC22011 Front glass gasket C10870 LampholderC22040 Magnet C13980 ReflectorC20827 Reflector pads C02196 Shutter springC05125 Tension spring C22104 PSU FanC22055 PSU D15764 575w LampIn order to prolong the life and performance of your product, we recommend that you only specify Francis Searchlights spare parts. This will ensure that any warranties on your equipment will not be invalidated.When ordering spare parts please contact the Sales Department at Francis Searchlights Limited. Please quote searchlight model and serial number at all times. This will enable a fast response to your spares’ requirements.Back To Top。
建伍TK-378&278对讲机中文说明书建伍 TK-378/278 对讲机中文说明书建伍 TK-378/278 对讲机是一种性价比较高的机型,在此介绍其编程方法及维修时的基本调整,以供维修人员参考。
编程方法 1、同时按住 LAMP(侧面照明灯键)和 DIAL 两键,接通电源,两秒钟后液晶屏显示“SEL” ,即进入了经销商模式。
3、用信道选择旋钮选择好信道号数(共有 32 个信道数)后,按(PTT 键) 呼叫键确定,再配合键盘进入该信道数的各功能设定。
各项功能的设定依次为信道号数、接收频率、接收 CTCSSS频率、发射频率、发射 CTCSS 频率、DTMF 信令、ANI 功能、可否被扫描、锁定繁忙信道、时钟拍频频率偏移、发射功率、自台号码(DTMF)等功能。
4、全部的信道功能、参数设定完成后,液晶屏显示“END” ,关机结束。
注意:在设定频率时,用 SCN 键可切换步进值(6.25kHz/5kHz);按住 LAMP 键再旋转信道选择钮能以 1Mhz 的步进值变化。
维修该机时的调整同时按住 LAMP 和 TA 键,打开电源,两秒钟后进入“测试模式” ,按 1 下TA键,再旋转信道选择钮选择好所需频率,再同时按 LAMP 和 LO 键,显示“TUNE”字符,进入调整模式。
1、调整高发射功率值及低发射功率值把功率计连接到通信机上,选择好频率后,使通信机处于显示“tune”状态,按住 PTT 键,便自动以高功率发射,此时,液晶屏显示“H---” ,一边注视功率计,一边用信道选择旋钮把发射功率调整到目标值(数值在 0 - 254 可调)。
顺(逆)时针方向旋转信道选择旋转,发射功率变大(小),后按任意键,调好的数值被存入存储器中,通信机回到“tune”状态,再按 PTT 键,通信机便切换到低功率发射状态,此时显示“L---” 。
2、写入接收状态“繁忙”的基准值,调整好静噪电平级 3 或 9 的数值,其他静噪电平级的值可根据3和9的数值来自动计算将信号发生器连接到通信机上,选择好频率,使通信机显示“tune” ,输入一个希望能恰好打开 9 级静噪的信号电平,按住 MONT 键,开始进行接收,此时,显示“9---” (数值在 1~255 内可调)。
村田制作所 1239AS-H-4R7M# 产品说明书
1. 本目录是从株式会社村田制作所网站中下载的。
Rated current (Isat) is specified when the decrease of the initial inductance value at 30%. Rated current (Itemp) is specified when temperature of the inductor is raised 40°C by
DC current.
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赫赫之东3 2016年版前爪爪适配器说明书
BEAST OF THE EAST 3 de 2016 - Freno delanteroInformaciónUn número indeterminado de bicicletas modelo Beast of the East 3 de 2016 han sido montadas con un adaptador de freno delantero incorrecto. Solamente el modelo ‘3’ está afectado. Los modelos ‘1’ y ‘2’ NO están afectados. Bicicletas afectadas:Códigos SKU de las bicicletas Beast of the East 3 del 2016 afectadasson los siguientes:C27306M7001C27306M7003C27306M7002C27306M7004Las bicicletas afectadas fueron producidas antes deldía 1 de noviembre de 2015. Las bicicletas producidas después del 1 de noviembre de 2015 no están afectadas por el presente boletín de servicio.Acciones a emprender:Desmonte el adaptador de freno erróneo así como los tornillos largos.Reinstale el freno en la horquilla sin el adaptador. Use los tornillos para el freno de 19mm que encontrará incluidos en la caja de piezas de la bicicleta (Shimano #Y8DS98010). Apriete los tornillos a 6-8 N-m usando una llave dinamométrica.Tanto el adaptador de freno como los tornillos desmontados de la bici deben ser descartados; no son necesarios para el modelo de bicicleta afectado por el presente boletín de servicio.ESTA ACCIÓN DEBE SER LLEVADA A CABO ANTES DE VENDER LA BICI O USARARLA POR PRIMERA VEZ.En caso que tenga dudas sobre el presente Boletín de Servicio, contacte con nuestro servicio de atención al cliente llamando al+34 91 198 07 54 (ES)+351 211 141 321 (PT)SB - BOE3_Front Brake_Adapter - 011516。
Vanity Mounted Automatic Soap Dispensing System Liquid Control Module shall be Model № 0386 of American Specialties, Inc., 441 Saw Mill River Road, Yonkers, NY 10701-4913
Install unit under vanity top as per template or to suit site conditions. Connect soap supply tube from shank of Liquid Soap Dispenser (Model № 0388, provided with system) to fitting on top of control module. Connect COM cable with multi-pin socket into control unit inline cable connector. Connect soap supply tube into Top-Fill Tank L-fitting or T-fitting of previous module in chain of multi-unit installation. Connect power supply (Model № 72-ACA or Model № 0385-BP) into DC-Power jack located on the side of the Control Module.
AMERICAN SPECIALTIES, INC. 441 Saw Mill River Road, Yonkers, NY 10701 (914) 476.9000 • (914) 476.0688
Philips 家用电器用户手册.pdf_1701655337.4953728说明书
EN User manual
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Specifications are subject to change without notice © 2021 Koninklijke Philips N.V. All rights reserved.
3 Troubleshooting
Problem Cause
The appliance does not work at all.
The power socket to which the appliance has been connected may be broken.
Check the appliance is plugged in correctly.
Turn off the appliance and wait until it cools down. Check if any residues left.
2 Guarantee and service
If you need information e.g. about replacement of an attachment or if you have a problem, please visit the Philips website at /support or contact the Philips Consumer Care Center in your country.The phone number is in the worldwide guarantee leaflet. If there is no Consumer Care Centre in your country, go to your local Philips dealer.