松下FS3(Panasonic FS3GK) 简体中文说明书




非常感谢您购买了本公司生产的洗衣机■ 使用产品前请仔细阅读本使用说明书,以做 到正确使用。

使用前请务必先阅读「安全注 意事项」(2~4页),以做到安全使用。

■ 如有技术变动,恕不另行通知。

■ 请妥善保管本使用说明书。

■ 本机包含可再次利用的材料,废弃时请协助 正确处理或回收利用,以保护环境。

双桶洗衣机(家用)使用说明书型号双桶洗衣机 使用说明书地 址:杭州经济技术开发区松乔街6号原产地:中国 杭州Panasonic 洗衣机/干衣机·客户服务热线:400-6611-315 400-8811-315周一至周日:7:30~21:30Panasonic 官方网站: 服务邮箱(E-mail ):CS315@ 邮编:杭州松下家用电器有限公司符合国家标准:GB4706.1-2005 GB4706.24-2008GB4343.1-2009 GB4706.26-2008GB17625.1-2012 GB/T4288-2008■一次洗涤数量:■粉末漂白剂的使用方法■装箱单■技术参数■一次洗涤时间:产品型号*洗 净 比*能 效 等 级额定输入功率洗涤脱水额定频率产品净重额定洗涤容量额定脱水容量标准水量使用水压 洗涤噪声值脱水噪声值*耗电量(千瓦时/工作周期)*用水量(升/工作周期)220 V ~50 Hz 0.03-1 Mpa <62 dB (A 计权)<72 dB (A 计权)27 7.0 6.0 52 L 0.105140350 W 135 W 0.80 3级额定电压洗涤知识目次产品特点 ……………………………2安全注意事项 ………………………2各部件名称 …………………………5附件 …………………………………5操作部的使用方法 …………………6安装注意事项 ………………………7洗涤程序 ……………………………8■ 洗涤前的准备 …………………8■ 洗涤 ……………………………8■ 中间脱水 ………………………9■ 漂洗 ……………………………9■ 脱水 ……………………………9保养方法 ……………………………10■ 日常保养 ………………………10■ 特殊情况的处理 ………………10■ 线屑过滤网的清洁 ……………10■ 进水过滤器的清洁 ……………10■ 线屑过滤器的清洁 ……………10故障检修 ……………………………11■ 要求维修之前 …………………11■ 下列现象并非故障 ……………11■ 产品中有害物质的名称及含量…11洗涤知识 ……………………………封底■ 一次洗涤数量 …………………封底■ 一次洗涤时间 …………………封底■ 粉末漂白剂的使用方法 ………封底■ 技术参数 ………………………封底● 本机的额定洗涤、脱水容量是以国标规定的试验布为准。



●为了方便区分各种按钮操作时的基准点(例 :“程序”
6/8/2010 11:22:43 AM
①连接电源插头 ②打开水龙头
■请勿放入容易被洗涤水甩飞的 轻质物品及洗碗布等
各部位名称uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 4 准
⿟开启/关闭机门uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu4 备 与
⿟附件uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu5 确 认
NP-TG1_CS.indd 7
启动时 暂停时
( ) 启动十分钟后仍未运转, 则自动切断电源
准 备

切断电源时 重新设定时


●启动后欲更改程序时,请重新打开电源。 ●启动后欲更改烘干内容时,请按下“烘干”按钮。 正在烘干时,则无法更改烘干内容。
示 意 图
使用前请检查安装状态!uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 6
操作按键说明uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 6

SAMPO GK-313 说明书

SAMPO GK-313 说明书

GK-313SAMPO行動電話機使用手冊目錄1 前言 (7)1.1 簡介 (7)1.2 安全須知 (8)1.3 安全警告和注意事項 (9)1.3.1通用注意事項 (9)1.3.2使用手機的注意事項 (9)1.3.3使用電池的注意事項 (12)1.3.4使用充電器的注意事項 (13)1.3.5清潔和維護 (14)1.3.6一般注意事項 (15)2使用前 (16)2.1 名稱和說明 (16)2.1.1規格 (16)2.1.2按鍵說明 (17)2.1.3側鍵功能介紹 (19)2.2 電池 (19)2.2.1電池的拆卸和安裝 (19)2.2.2電池的充電 (20)2.3 連接網路 (22)12.3.3開關話機 (23)2.3.4 SIM卡的去鎖 (23)2.3.5話機解鎖 (24)2.3.6連接到網路 (25)3基本操作 (26)3.1 撥打電話 (26)3.1.1撥打國內電話 (26)3.1.2撥打固定電話分機 (26)3.1.3撥打國際電話 (27)3.1.4撥打列表中電話 (28)3.2 緊急呼叫 (28)3.3 接聽電話 (29)3.4 通話記錄 (29)3.5 呼叫菜單 (29)4功能表 (32)4.1 功能表的使用 (32)4.1.1搜索選擇功能 (32)4.1.2快捷選擇功能 (32)4.1.3導航鍵功能 (33)24.3 電話簿 (37)4.4 訊息 (39)4.4.1新訊息 (39)4.4.2 寫訊息 (39)4.4.3 查看已接收訊息和已保存訊息 (41)4.4.4常用範本的操作 (43)4.4.5 訊息設定 (43)4.4.6 多媒體訊息 (44)4.4.7 聊天 (46)4.4.8 語音郵件 (47)4.4.9 廣播訊息 (47)4.5 通話記錄 (47)4.5.1 查看通話列表 (47)4.5.2輔助選單 (48)4.6 設定 (50)4.6.1 話機設定 (50)4.6.2 通話設定 (52)4.6.3 網路設定 (53)4.6.4 安全設定 (52)4.6.5 恢復原廠設定 (55)4.6.6音效 (55)34.7.2相簿 (56)4.7.3動畫錄影器 (57)4.7.4動畫播放器 (57)4.7.5照片藝術家 (57)4.7.6音樂播放器 (58)4.7.7錄音 (59)4.7.8鈴聲編輯 (59)4.8 檔案管理 (60)4.9 娛樂和遊戲 (60)4.9.1遊戲 (60)4.9.2碼錶 (61)4.9.4遊戲設定 (61)4.10 情境模式 (61)4.10.1一般模式 (61)4.10.2會議模式 (62)4.10.3戶外模式 (62)4.10.4室內模式 (63)4.10.5耳機模式 (63)4.11 行動祕書 (63)4.11.1 日曆 (63)4.11.2 待辦事項 (64)44.12 網路服務 (64)4.12.1 STK (64)4.12.2 WAP (65)4.12.3 帳號資料 (66)4.13 附加功能 (67)4.13.1 計算機 (67)4.13.2 單位換算 (67)4.13.3 貨幣換算 (68)4.13.4 健康管理 (68)4.14 快捷功能 (69)4.15 T-FLASH卡的使用 (69)4.15.1 T-flash卡的拆裝 (69)4.15.2 T-flash卡的使用 (70)5輸入法 (71)5.1 概述 (71)5.2 鍵盤定義 (71)5.3 輸入法說明 (72)5.3.1拼音輸入法 (72)5.3.2筆劃輸入法 (74)5.3.3 智慧英文輸入法 (76)56附錄一 (79)6.1 常見故障診斷 (79)7附錄二 (80)7.1 縮略語及其解釋 (80)8附錄三 (81)8.1 手機配件使用注意事項 (81)8.2 電池 (81)8.2.1充電器 (82)8.2.2USB (82)8.3 保固條款 (82)8.2 維修中心 (85)61 前言1.1 簡介感謝您選擇SAMPO GK-313系列行動電話。

Panasonic DMC-GF3数码相机 高级功能说明书

Panasonic DMC-GF3数码相机 高级功能说明书


高级功能使用说明书数码相机型号DMC-GF3目录使用之前相机的注意事项 (5)标准附件 (6)元件的名称及功能 (7)关于镜头 (12)准备更换镜头 (13)安装肩带 (16)给电池充电 (17)• 充电 (17)• 大约工作时间和可拍摄的图像数量 (19)插入及取出记忆卡(可选件)/电池 (22)关于记忆卡 (23)• 关于本机可以使用的记忆卡 (23)• 大约可拍摄的图像数量和可拍摄的时间 (25)设置日期/时间(时钟设置) (26)基本功能选择拍摄模式 (28)拍摄优质图像的技巧 (30)拍摄静态影像 (31)• 拍摄静态影像时设置焦点的方法(AFS/AFC) (31)• 拍摄静态影像 (33)• 使用触摸快门功能拍摄 (34)• 切换拍摄屏幕上显示的信息 (34)使用自动功能拍摄(智能自动模式) (35)轻松调整后拍摄(高级智能自动模式) (39)使用失焦控制功能拍摄 (41)使用喜欢的设置拍摄(程序AE模式) (42)录制动态影像 (44)• 录制动态影像时设置焦点的方法(连续AF) (44)• 录制动态影像 (45)回放图像/动态影像 (47)• 回放图像 (47)• 改变回放屏幕上显示的信息 (50)• 回放动态影像 (51)• 从动态影像中创建静态影像 (53)删除图像 (54)设置菜单 (56)• 设置菜单项 (57)设置快速菜单 (59)关于设置菜单 (61)拍摄光学影像稳定器 (69)使用变焦拍摄 (71)使用闪光灯拍摄 (72)• 切换到合适的闪光灯设置 (72)补偿曝光 (76)使用连拍模式拍摄 (77)使用自动括弧式曝光拍摄 (79)用自拍定时器拍摄 (81)用自动聚焦拍摄 (83)用手动对焦拍摄 (89)调整白平衡 (92)使用功能按钮 (97)• 固定焦点和曝光(AF/AE锁) (98)• 确认光圈效果和快门速度效果(预览模式) (99)通过指定光圈/快门速度进行拍摄 (100)• 光圈优先AE (100)• 快门优先AE (100)• 手动曝光模式 (101)配合拍摄场景拍摄(场景模式) (103)• [肖像] (103)• [柔肤] (104)• [风景] (104)• [建筑物] (104)• [运动] (104)• [周边失焦] (105)• [花] (105)• [食物] (106)• [物体] (106)• [夜间肖像] (106)• [夜景] (107)• [照明] (107)• [宝宝1]/[宝宝2] (108)• [宠物] (109)• [派对] (109)• [日落] (109)用不同的影像效果拍摄(创意控制模式) (110)使用自定义模式拍摄 (113)使用个人识别功能拍摄 (115)输入文字 (121)使用[拍摄]模式菜单 (122)• [照片格调] (122)• [高宽比] (123)• [图像尺寸] (124)• [质量] (125)• [感光度] (126)• [ISO上限设置] (127)• [ISO增量] (127)• [个人识别] (127)• [聚焦模式] (127)• [快速AF] (128)• [测光模式] (128)• [闪光] (129)• [数码红眼纠正] (129)• [智能分辨率] (129)• [智能动态范围](智能动态范围控制) (130)• [慢速快门降噪] (130)• [阴影补偿] (131)• [延伸远摄转换] (131)• [数码变焦] (131)• [连拍速率] (131)• [自动括弧式曝光] (131)• [自拍定时器] (132)• [色彩空间] (132)• [稳定器]...................................132使用[动态影像]模式菜单. (133)• [拍摄模式] (133)• [录制质量] (134)• [连续AF] (135)• [延伸远摄转换] (135)• [风声消除] (135)• [麦克风音量显示] (135)• [麦克风音量调整] (136)• [闪烁削减] (136)使用[自定义]菜单 (137)回放/编辑使用[回放]模式菜单 (144)• [2D/3D设置] (144)• [幻灯片放映] (144)• [回放模式] (146)• [编辑标题] (147)• [文字印记] (148)• [视频分割] (150)• [调整大小] (151)• [剪裁] (152)• [高宽比转换] (153)• [旋转]/[旋转显示] (154)• [收藏夹] (155)• [打印设定] (156)• [保护] (158)• [个人识别编辑] (159)连接到其他设备欣赏3D图像 (160)在电视屏幕上回放图像 (164)保存拍摄的静态影像和动态影像 (168)• 将SD卡插入到录像机中进行复制 (168)• 使用AV电缆复制回放的影像 (169)• 使用“PHOTOfunSTUDIO”向PC中复制 (170)连接到PC (171)打印图像 (174)其他LCD监视器显示 (179)使用时的注意事项 (182)信息显示 (189)故障排除 (191)使用之前相机的注意事项请勿使其受到剧烈震动、撞击或压力。

Panasonic 光电传感器产品说明书

Panasonic 光电传感器产品说明书

ANLY PHOTO SENSORPHOTO SENSORTYPE SELECTION :I02PS0T30--001NProduct is subject to change without notice.SENSING MODE P=Photo type F=Optical fiber typeBODY SHAPE Q=sQuare type M=flat type (Mini)G=Groove type S=Screw type T=recTangular type F=Flat type H=screw type with HandleSENSING DISTANCE 10=10cm 300=3M 2000=20MMETHOD of DETECTION D=Diffuse reflective M=Mirror reflective T=Through-beam R=Red light (PG series)G=Green light (PG series)W=White light (PG series)SENSING DIRECTION None=Vertical H=HorizontalOUTPUT MODE N=NPN DC mode P=PNP DC mode A=2 wire AC mode R=Relay mode1=Normally open (PM series)2=Normally closed (PM series)FIBER LENGTH 50=50cm 100=1m 200=2mGENERAL DATA :Switching frequency: 80Hz Switching frequency: 80Hz Switching frequency: 60Hz Switching frequency: 60Hz Switching frequency: 30Hz Switching frequency: 30HzSwitching frequency: 100Hz Switching frequency: 100Hz Switching frequency: 80Hz Switching frequency: 80HzSwitching frequency: 30HzSensing distance: 10cmDC 10 ~ 30VSensing distance: 30cmDC 10 ~ 30VSwitching frequency: 1kHzAU-F02DC 10 ~ 30VSensing distance: 3mDC 10 ~ 30VSensing distance: 20mDC 10 ~ 30VPF-300M-R seriesSensing distance: 1mAC/DC 24 ~ 240VPF-2000T-R seriesSensing distance: 3mAC/DC 24 ~ 240VPT-15D seriesSensing distance: 20mAC/DC 24 ~ 240VPT-30D seriesSensing distance: 15cmDC 10 ~ 30VPT-200M seriesSensing distance: 30cmDC 10 ~ 30VPT-200T seriesSensing distance: 2mDC 10 ~ 30VSensing distance: 2mDC 10 ~ 30VSensing distance: 5cmConjunction with AU-F01/02Fiber (ӿ1.0)Fiber (ӿ2.2 x 2)Fiber (ӿ1.0 x 2)Fiber (ӿ2.2)Fiber (ӿ1.0)Fiber (ӿ2.2) Fiber (ӿ2.2 x 2)Fiber (ӿ1.0 x 2)Sensing distance: 4cmConjunction with AU-F01/02Sensing distance: 1.2cmConjunction with AU-F01/02FS-05T series FS-15T series FH-05T seriesSensing distance: 15cmConjunction with AU-F01/02 FH-15T seriesSensing distance: 5cmConjunction with AU-F01/02Sensing distance: 15cmConjunction with AU-F01/02FS-01D series FS-04D seriesSensing distance: 1.2cmConjunction with AU-F01/02FH-01D series Sensing distance: 4cmConjunction with AU-F01/02FH-04D seriesSwitching frequency: 30HzPF-200D-R seriesSensing distance: 2mAC/DC 24 ~ 240VSwitching frequency: 30HzPF-500M-R seriesSensing distance: 5mAC/DC 24 ~ 240VSwitching frequency: 30HzPF-700M-R seriesSensing distance: 7mAC/DC 24 ~ 240VSwitching frequency: 30HzPF-1000T-R seriesSensing distance: 10mAC/DC 24 ~ 240VSwitching frequency: 100Hz Switching frequency: 100HzPM-10D seriesSensing distance: 10cmDC 10 ~ 30VSensing distance: 40cmDC 10 ~ 30VPM-40D seriesAU-F01Switching frequency: 1kHzDC 12 ~ 24VPS, PT seriesCONNECTION :PF seriesDCBrown N.O.N.C.DCDC PMseriesDCPG, PQ series NPN typePG series PNP typeDCDCGreenBlackYellowAC/DC GreenBlackYellowGreenBlackYellowTargetPM-200M series PM-200T series Sensing distance: 2m Switching frequency: 80Hz Switching frequency: 80Hz Switching frequency: 60HzDC 10 ~ 30V Sensing distance: 2m DC 10 ~ 30V PG-06 seriesSensing distance: 6mm DC 10 ~ 30VNPN typePNP typeLight sourceDiffuse reflective typeThrough-beam typeMirror reflective typeDIMENSIONS : (mm) PS series。

panasonic 数码相机 DMC-S3GK DMC-S1GK 说明书

panasonic 数码相机 DMC-S3GK DMC-S1GK 说明书





• 除您自己私人使用外,对预先录制的磁带、光盘或其它出版或发行的材料进行录制会违反版权法。


安全注意事项警告:为防止火灾、触电或产品损坏的危险,• 请勿使本机遭受雨淋、受潮,并防止溅上水或溅入水,还请勿将诸如花瓶等盛有液体的物品置于本机上。

• 请仅使用所推荐的配件。

• 请勿拆卸机罩(或背板),因内部并无用户可维修的部件。






• 请勿加热或放在火焰附近。

• 请勿将电池长时间搁置在阳光直射、门窗关闭的汽车中。



■■电池充电器须知注意!• 请勿将本机安装或放置于书柜、内置橱柜或其它狭窄的空间。



• 请勿使报纸、桌布、窗帘和类似物品遮挡空气的流通。

• 请勿在本机上放置无保护的火源,例如点燃的蜡烛。

• 请按照环保要求处理电池。

• 当连接上AC电源线时,电池充电器将处于待机状态。


■■使用时• 请务必使用正宗的Panasonic音像电缆(DMW-AVC1:另售)。

• 切勿使用所附USB连接电缆以外的任何其他电缆。




型号:YD-350/500GM使用说明书● 非常感谢您购买了Panasonic 产品。

● 用前请仔细阅读本说明书并妥善保管,以备今后查阅。

● 产品序列号:YD-350GM3HGE、YD-500GM3HGE唐山松下产业机器有限公司数字IGBT 控制 MIG/MAG 弧焊电源TSM85196■ 特 性● 采用LED 数字显示,轻触按键操作,操作更直观,更方便。

z 送丝装置采用闭环反馈控制,送丝速度更稳定,再现性好。

z 可以存储、调用9种焊接规范,初学者可以轻松焊接。


■ 适用焊接方法●3种焊接方法选择。

(1)CO2焊接 (2)MAG焊接 (3)不锈钢MIG焊接z Y D-350GM3HGE 可以使用的焊接方法。

母材材料焊丝材料保护气体 丝径(mm)0.8 0.9 1.0 CO21.2 0.8 0.9 1.0 实心焊丝MAG 1.2 CO2 1.2 碳钢药芯焊丝MAG 1.2 0.8 0.9 1.0 实心焊丝MIG1.2 0.9 CO2 1.2 不锈钢药芯焊丝MAG1.2z Y D-500GM3HGE 可以使用的焊接方法母材材料焊丝材料保护气体 丝径(mm)1.2 1.4 CO21.6 1.2 1.4 实芯焊丝MAG1.6 1.2 1.4 CO2 1.6 碳钢药芯焊丝MAG1.2 1.2实芯焊丝MIG 1.6 1.2 不锈钢药芯焊丝CO21.6MAG:80% Ar + 20% CO 2 MIG:98% Ar + 2% O 2目录使用前准备1.安全注意事项······················1-12.敬请遵守的安全事项················2-13.搬运、安装场所、电源设备··········3-1■搬运····························3-1■安装场所························3-1 ■电源设备························3-1 4.机器构成··························4-1■焊接施工必要的器材··············4-1 ■电缆连接························4-2 5.各部位的名称和功能················5-1■电源开关(NFB)················5-1 ■输出接线部分····················5-1 ■操作面板························5-2 ■后面板··························5-5 ■控制板··························5-6连 接6.连接······························6-1■输出侧的连接····················6-1 ■送丝装置控制电缆的连接··········6-1 ■母材(-)电压检出线的连接········6-2 ■电源输入的连接··················6-2使用方法7.焊接施工前・后的作业··············7-1■操作前的准备····················7-1 ■操作后的作业····················7-1 8.操作······························8-1■「详细」的设定・确认··············8-1 ■焊接条件的「调用」和「存储」········8-2 ■焊接的准备······················8-3 ■焊接····························8-4 9.负载持续率························9-1应用性能10与其他设备的连接·················10-1 ■YD-350GM3HGE/YD-500GM3HGE······10-1 检查11.日常检查··························11-1■焊接电源(本产品)···············11-1 ■电缆····························11-1 ■除本产品外······················11-1 12.定期检查··························12-1■检查内容························12-1 ■在耐压试验和绝缘电阻测试中应注意的问题······················12-2故障及排除13.故障及排除························13-1■异常代码························13-1 ■焊接故障时的检查项目············13-3 ■查明原因后的处理················13-3技术资料14.参数规格··························14-1■技术规格························14-115.部品配置图························15-116.部品明细表························16-117.电路图····························17-1■YD-350GM3HGE····················17-1 ■YD-500GM3HGE····················17-418.外形尺寸图························18-119.焊接条件表························19-120.用语解说··························20-121.焊接条件记录表····················21-122.有毒有害物质或元素说明············22-1安全使用说明务请遵守下述安全对策,详细阅读使用说明书正文1.必须由电气人员按相关规定进行接地。



1、机器人手臂弧形结构,腹部空间大,减少和焊接夹具的干涉。 2、机器人后部预留焊接电缆端子,焊枪线连接方便。 3、电缆内藏式机器人不受焊枪电缆的影响,更适合窄小位置焊缝的焊接。



差异化需求(高級机器人) 提高周边应用(自动化)
铝MIG 变位机
高級 (差別化)
中級 (强化周边)
电机控制CPU I/O控制CPU
电脑通用接口 示教器性能 CPU处理能力
维护性 外部轴放大器的组成
主CPU能力提高6倍,提高了协调控制精度 (插补时间 由24ms缩短至8ms)

左右安全(Dead Man)开关

1、秉承了GⅡ机器人示教器的界面 风格,简洁明了,各功能区分布 在显示屏的周围,布局合理有序。
1、高性能的机器人本体 2、功能强大的机器人控制器 3、操作快捷方便的新型示教器 4、焊接专业化的应用软件 5、机器人专用焊枪及变位机




Thank you very much for purchasing Panasonic products. Read this Instruction Manual carefully and thoroughly for the correct and optimum use of this product. Kindly keep this manual in a convenient place for quick reference.1INTENDED PRODUCTS FOR CE MARKING● R efer “our web site (/id/pidsx/global)” for the intended products.The models listed under “SPECIFICATIONS” come with CE Marking.As for all other models, please contact our office.● C ontact for CEPanasonic Marketing Europe GmbH Panasonic Testing Center Winsbergring 15, 22525 Hamburg,GermanyNotes: 1) Not incorporated on the thru-beam type sensor emitter.2) It is the power indicator (green: lights up when the power is ON) for the thru-beam type sensor emitter.3)Not incorporated on the basic type sensor.3MOUNTING● T he tightening torque should be0.5N·m or less.● O ptimum sensing is possible whenthe position of the transparentsensing object is set at the centerof the sensor and the reflector.flector, the sensing may be unstable.4WIRING DIAGRAMS±10%±10%Note: The thru-beam type sensor emitter does not incorporate the output.5SENSITIVITY ADJUSTMENTStep 1. T urn the sensitivity adjuster fully counterclock-wise to the minimum sensitivity position, MIN.2.I n the light received condition, turn the sen-sitivity adjuster slowly clockwise and con-firm the point A where the sensor entersthe “Light” state operation.3. I n the dark condition, turn the sensitivity adjuster further clockwise until the sensor en-ters the “Light” state operation and then bring it back to confirm point B where the sensor just returns to the “Dark” state operation.If the sensor does not enter the “Light” state operation even when the sensitivity adjuster is turned fully clockwise, the position is point B .4. T he position at the middle of points A and B is the optimum sensing position.6CAUTIONS● T his product has been developed / produced for industrial use only.● M ake sure to carry out wiring in the power supply OFF condition. ● T ake care that wrong wiring will damage the sensor. ● V erify that the supply voltage variation is within the rating. ● I f power is supplied from a commercial switching regula-tor, ensure that the frame ground (F.G.) terminal of the power supply is connected to an actual ground. ● I n case noise generating equipment (switching regulator, inverter motor, etc.) is used in the vicinity of this product, connect the frame ground (F.G.) terminal of the equipment to an actual ground. ● E xtension up to total 100m (each emitter and receiver of th-ru-beam type), or less, is possible with 0.3mm 2, or more of conductor area cable. However , the extension of a power supply line and the output line of less than 10m is accept-able in case using this product as conforming to S-mark. ● M ake sure that stress by forcible bend or pulling is not applied directly to the sensor cable joint. ● D o not run the wires together with high-voltage lines or power lines or put them in the same raceway. This can cause malfunction due to induction. ● D o not use during the initial transient time (50ms) after the power supply is switched ON. ● T ake care that the sensor is not directly exposed to fluorescent lamp from a rapid-starter lamp, a high frequency lighting de-vice or sunlight etc., as it may affect the sensing performance. ● T his sensor is suitable for indoor use only. ● D o not use this sensor in places having excessive vapor, dust, etc., or where it may come in contact with corrosive gas, etc. ● T ake care that the sensor does not come in contact with oil, grease, organic solvents such as thinner, etc., strong acid, or alkaline. ● T his sensor cannot be used in an environment contain-ing inflammable or explosive gases. ● N ever disassemble or modify the sensor.7RoHS DIRECTIVE● T his equipment complies with RoHS (EC and Chinese directive). ● C hinese RoHS indicates inclusion despite regulation value. (Refer Chinese part.)/id/pidsx/globalOverseas Sales Division (Head Office)2431-1 Ushiyama-cho, Kasugai-shi, Aichi, 486-0901, Japan Phone: +81-568-33-7861 FAX: +81-568-33-8591For sales network, please visit our website.© Panasonic Industrial Devices SUNX Co., Ltd. 2016PRINTED IN JAPAN056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONIC AG。



松下g3说明书篇一:松下操作说明书收到机子首次使用要先充电12个小时以上底座接上电源无绳里面放上电池无绳放到底座上就可以进行充电了发货前我们都是设置好的您收到机子充好电就可以使用了不需要进行对码操作有问题可以在线咨询或来电咨询谢谢支持1. 接听电话:当有电话来的时候按通话键或者免提键即可进行通话通话完毕后按挂机键退出2. 拨打电话:先按通话键或者免提键听筒有拨号音之后然后再拨您要拨打的电话号码通话完毕后按挂机键退出还可以先拨您要拨打的电话号码然后再按通话键或者免提键3. 重播键:先按一下重播键然后按上翻或者下翻找到要播出的号码然后按通话键或者免提键即可播出4. 对讲操作:在待机的状态下无绳屏幕都会自动分出1 和 2 按一下对讲键然后再按数字键要对讲的无绳号另一个无绳的就会响铃按通话键即可通话5. 电话本储存号码操作:在待机的状态下按一下确认键然后再按一下退出键然后按数字键输入要储存的姓名(只能拼音或者英文)输入完毕之后再按确认键进入输入要存储的电话号码输入完毕之后再按2次确认键确认6. 删除电话本里面的电话号码:在待机的状态下按一下确认键然后再按上翻或者下翻找到您要删除的号码然后按退出键再按确认键即可删除7. 进入菜单操作(以下操作都是在待机的状态下操作)(1) Ringer setting 铃声设定:按一次菜单键然后按4次下翻屏幕显示Ringer srtting 时按一次确认键然后再按1次下翻屏幕显示Ringer tone时再按1次确认然后再按上翻或者下翻就可以选择铃声了按确认键确认(2) Ringer volume 铃声音量:按一下菜单键然后按4次下翻键然后按2次确认键按上翻或者下翻选择铃声音量大小 OFF为关闭铃音按确认键确认(3) Set date & time 设置日期时间:按一下菜单键然后按5次下翻键然后按2次确认键进入设置如期时间直接按数字键输入按退出键可以选择上午和下午 AM为上网 PM为下午按确认键确认(4) Alarm 闹钟:按一下菜单键然后按5次下翻键然后按1次确认键然后再按1次下翻键再按确认键进入按上翻或者下翻选择(OFF 为关闭 ONCE为一次 Daily/每日)再按1次确认键进入闹钟时间设置按退出键选择上午或者下午(AM为上午 PM为下午)再按2次确认键进入闹钟铃声选择按确认键确认(5) Night mode 休息模式/外来电话铃声静音状态:按一下菜单键然后按3次下翻键在按2次确认键然后再按上翻或者下翻现在 ON为开启静音模式 OFF为关闭静音模式按确认键确认(6) LCD contrast 液晶显示对比度设置:按一次菜单键然后按8次下翻键然后再按一次确认键再按3次下翻键然后再按确认键进入按上翻或者下翻选择按确认键确认(7) Set dial mode/拨号方式音频和脉冲设置:按一次菜单键然后按8次下翻键再按1次确认键然后再按7次下翻键再按2次确认键然后按上翻或者下翻选择 Tone/音频 Pulse/脉冲按确认键确认(8)按键音开关设置:按一次菜单键然后按8次下翻键再按1次确认键然后按4次下翻键再按1次确认键进入选择 ON为开启 OFF为关闭按确认键确认(9)子机听留言:按一下菜单键然后按确认键即可听取按导航键的右箭头可以听取下一条按导航键的左箭头可以重复听取(10)设置自动应答响铃次数:按一次菜单键然后按8次下翻键再按3次确认键然后按上翻或者下翻选择2-7次按确认键确认(11)语音报号开关设置:按1次菜单键然后按下翻键至屏幕显示Talking Caller ID时再按确认键进入然后按上翻或者下翻选择ON或者OFF ON为开 OFF为关闭按确认键确认8. 底座留言操作:(1)主人留言:按2次REC主人留言键听见“滴”声后开始录制录制完之后再按一下REC主人留言键即可完成。



松下g3说明书篇一:松下操作说明书收到机子首次使用要先充电12个小时以上底座接上电源无绳里面放上电池无绳放到底座上就可以进行充电了发货前我们都是设置好的您收到机子充好电就可以使用了不需要进行对码操作有问题可以在线咨询或来电咨询谢谢支持1. 接听电话:当有电话来的时候按通话键或者免提键即可进行通话通话完毕后按挂机键退出2. 拨打电话:先按通话键或者免提键听筒有拨号音之后然后再拨您要拨打的电话号码通话完毕后按挂机键退出还可以先拨您要拨打的电话号码然后再按通话键或者免提键3. 重播键:先按一下重播键然后按上翻或者下翻找到要播出的号码然后按通话键或者免提键即可播出4. 对讲操作:在待机的状态下无绳屏幕都会自动分出1 和 2 按一下对讲键然后再按数字键要对讲的无绳号另一个无绳的就会响铃按通话键即可通话5. 电话本储存号码操作:在待机的状态下按一下确认键然后再按一下退出键然后按数字键输入要储存的姓名(只能拼音或者英文)输入完毕之后再按确认键进入输入要存储的电话号码输入完毕之后再按2次确认键确认6. 删除电话本里面的电话号码:在待机的状态下按一下确认键然后再按上翻或者下翻找到您要删除的号码然后按退出键再按确认键即可删除7. 进入菜单操作(以下操作都是在待机的状态下操作)(1) Ringer setting 铃声设定:按一次菜单键然后按4次下翻屏幕显示Ringer srtting 时按一次确认键然后再按1次下翻屏幕显示Ringer tone时再按1次确认然后再按上翻或者下翻就可以选择铃声了按确认键确认(2) Ringer volume 铃声音量:按一下菜单键然后按4次下翻键然后按2次确认键按上翻或者下翻选择铃声音量大小 OFF为关闭铃音按确认键确认(3) Set date & time 设置日期时间:按一下菜单键然后按5次下翻键然后按2次确认键进入设置如期时间直接按数字键输入按退出键可以选择上午和下午 AM为上网 PM为下午按确认键确认(4) Alarm 闹钟:按一下菜单键然后按5次下翻键然后按1次确认键然后再按1次下翻键再按确认键进入按上翻或者下翻选择(OFF 为关闭 ONCE为一次 Daily/每日)再按1次确认键进入闹钟时间设置按退出键选择上午或者下午(AM为上午 PM为下午)再按2次确认键进入闹钟铃声选择按确认键确认(5) Night mode 休息模式/外来电话铃声静音状态:按一下菜单键然后按3次下翻键在按2次确认键然后再按上翻或者下翻现在 ON为开启静音模式 OFF为关闭静音模式按确认键确认(6) LCD contrast 液晶显示对比度设置:按一次菜单键然后按8次下翻键然后再按一次确认键再按3次下翻键然后再按确认键进入按上翻或者下翻选择按确认键确认(7) Set dial mode/拨号方式音频和脉冲设置:按一次菜单键然后按8次下翻键再按1次确认键然后再按7次下翻键再按2次确认键然后按上翻或者下翻选择 Tone/音频 Pulse/脉冲按确认键确认(8)按键音开关设置:按一次菜单键然后按8次下翻键再按1次确认键然后按4次下翻键再按1次确认键进入选择 ON为开启 OFF为关闭按确认键确认(9)子机听留言:按一下菜单键然后按确认键即可听取按导航键的右箭头可以听取下一条按导航键的左箭头可以重复听取(10)设置自动应答响铃次数:按一次菜单键然后按8次下翻键再按3次确认键然后按上翻或者下翻选择2-7次按确认键确认(11)语音报号开关设置:按1次菜单键然后按下翻键至屏幕显示Talking Caller ID时再按确认键进入然后按上翻或者下翻选择ON或者OFF ON为开 OFF为关闭按确认键确认8. 底座留言操作:(1)主人留言:按2次REC主人留言键听见“滴”声后开始录制录制完之后再按一下REC主人留言键即可完成。





它与普通的全自动拍摄截然不同,可松下FH3GK主要参数•相机类型:卡片相机•有效像素(万):1410•感光器件:CCD•相当于35mm镜头尺寸:28-140mm•液晶屏尺寸:2.7英寸•防抖支持:支持基本性能传感器尺寸1/2.33英寸有效像素1410万图像处理系统VenusIV接口性能数据接口USB2.0接口,AV接口,DC输入接口镜头特点变焦方式光学变焦对焦方式9点人工智能自动对焦,面部优先对焦,1点对焦对焦辅助方式对焦辅助灯拍摄性能曝光模式程序自动曝光曝光补偿±2级,以1/3级增减肖像,风景,运动,海滩,雪景,聚会,烟火,食物,儿童,宠物,日落,夜晚风景,夜晚肖像,高速连拍,闪光灯连场景模式拍,空中摄影.啧沙相框,柔肤,变换,自拍闪光灯闪光模式自动,强制,关闭,防红眼,慢速同步其他功能液晶屏尺寸 2.7英寸光圈范围F2.8-6.9测光方式智力多点测光松下(Panasonic)DMC-FH3GK数码相机(蓝色)描述iA(智能自动)模式可由相机瞬间识别肖像、夜间肖像、风景、微距等常用的6种场景。





松下 CF-30K系列 便携式计算机 说明书

松下 CF-30K系列 便携式计算机 说明书
部件名称 铅(Pb) 水银(Hg) 有毒有害物质或元素 镉(Cd) 六价铬 (CrVI) 多溴联苯(PBB) 多溴二苯醚(PBDE)
安装主板 驱动器 (HDD、ODD 等) 液晶显示器 机壳 电源适配器 电池 交流电源电缆 调制解调器 电话电缆 系链 歲布 针笔 CD/DVD 媒体 :表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 SJ/ T 11363 - 2006 标准规定的限量要求以下。 :表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 SJ/ T 11363 - 2006 标准规定的限量要求。 产品的环保使用期限不包括电池。
锂电池! 警告!因安装不当或使用不对可能会有发生爆炸的危险。 此计算机备有锂电池可以用来储存日期、时间和其他日期。 15-Cs-1 电池的更换仅能由授权的维修服务人员进行。
CD/DVD 驱动器注意事项(仅限于有 CD/DVD 驱动器)
注意事项! 本产品为使用激光制品。按本处规定外使用各种控制器、 调节或操作步骤可能造成危险的辐射照射。切勿打开机盖。 不要自行进行修理。请有资格的人进行维修。
如有异物进入,可能引起火灾或触电。 如有异物进入,应立即关闭电源并拔下交流电源线,然后取 出电池,并与技术支持部门联系。 切勿擅自拆卸本品 计算机内部有高压部件,触摸时可能触电。不得触摸内部的 插针及电路板,且不得令异物进入计算机内部。 此外,进行改动或拆卸也可能引起火灾。 请将 SD 内存卡置于婴幼儿无法接触的地方。 意外吞食内存卡会造成身体伤害。如意外吞食内存卡,应立 即就医。 不得将本品放置在不稳的表面上。 如失去平衡,本品可能翻倒或坠落,从而造成伤害。 不得堆放 如失去平衡,本品可能翻倒或坠落,从而造成伤害。 不得将本品长时间放置在高温环境(如阳光照射下的汽车) 中 如将本品暴露于高温下(如阳光照射下的汽车内或直射阳光) , 可能造成外框变形与 / 或引起内部零件故障。如长时间在此种 条件下运行,可造成短路或绝缘层受损等情况,从而引起火 灾或触电。 拔出交流插头时应握住插头 如拉扯电源线,则可能使其受损,从而引起火灾或触电。 交流插头处于连接状态时,不得移动本品 交流电源线可能受损,从而引起火灾或触电。 如交流电源线受损,应立即拔出交流插头。 务必在本品上使用指定的交流适配器 如使用非原装(并非随本品附带或由 Panasonic 提供)的交 流适配器,可能引起火灾。 不得让交流适配器受到剧烈冲击 如在交流适配器受到剧烈冲击(如坠落)后继续使用,则可 能引起触电、短路或火灾。 每小时休息 10-15 分钟 如长时间使用本品,会对眼睛或手部的健康产生不良影响。 使用耳机时,音量切勿过大 如长时间用大音量刺激耳朵,可能会使听力受损。 在调制解调器上使用普通电话线 如与公司或业务办事处等的内线电话线(内部交换机)或数 字式公用电话连接,或在计算机不支持的国家或地区使用, 则可能引起火灾或触电。 切勿将 LAN 端口与非指定的网络或电话线连接 如果 LAN 端口与以下网络连接,则将引起火灾或触电。 1000 BASE-T、100 BASE-TX、10 BASE-T 以外的网络 电话线(IP 电话(互联网协议电话) ,内线电话线(内部交 换机) ,数字式公用电话等) 避免让皮肤长时间接触本品 避免让皮肤过长时间接触本品或电源适配器上的任何产热部 位,否则会导致低温烫伤。 切勿将计算机靠近电视机或收音机使用。 要将计算机远离磁场。储存在硬盘上的数据可能会丢失。 电缆 建议不要使用长度超过3米的接口电缆。

Panasonic 电器产品操作指南说明书

Panasonic 电器产品操作指南说明书

Cómo extraer la batería recargable incorporada antes de desechar laLa batería de esta afeitadora no pue-de ser sustituida por el usuario. No obstante, se puede sustituir en un centro de servicio técnico autoriza-do. El procedimiento que se descri-be a continuación sólo sirve para exponer la forma de extraer la bate-ría con vistas a desecharla de ma-nera adecuada.Asegúrese siempre de extraer la batería del cortapelo antes de des-Comment retirer la pile rechargeable intégrée avant de jeter la tondeuseégrée à cette tondeuse ne doit pas être remplacéteur. Il convient de retourner l’ap-pareil à un centre de service agr pour remplacer la pile. La procci-dessous s’applique uniquement au retrait de la pile rechargeable pour sa mise au rebut.Avant de mettre la tondeuse au rebut, assurez-vous que la pile en a été retirée.Débranchez la prise de l’adap-tateur et le cordon de la ton-Retirez la lame de la tondeuse.Retirez la vis (a), puis le couver-inférieur (b).(reportez-vous àla fig. 19)Détachez le couvercle de la molette (c), retirez la vis (d) et déconnectez la molette (e).Retirez les deux vis (f).Détachez le boîtier (g), pan-neaux avant (h) et latéraux (i),。

Panasonic DMC-FP3 使用说明书

Panasonic DMC-FP3 使用说明书

Basic Operating InstructionsDigital CameraPC VQT2L41-1M0110KZ1020Dear Customer,Thank you for choosing Panasonic!You have purchased one of the most sophisticated and reliable products on the market today. Used properly, we’re sure it will bring you and your family years of enjoyment. Please take the time to fill in the information below.The serial number is on the tag located on the underside of your Camera. Be sure to retain this manual as your convenient Camera information source. Please note that the actual controls and components, menu items, etc. of your Digital Camera may look somewhat different from those shown in the illustrations in these Operating Instructions.Carefully observe copyright laws.•Recording of pre-recorded tapes or discs or other published orbroadcast material for purposes other than your own private use may infringe copyright laws. Even for the purpose of private use, recording of certain material may be restricted.Serial No.Model No.THE SOCKET OUTLET SHALL BE INSTALLED NEAR THEEQUIPMENT AND SHALL BE EASILY ACCESSIBLE.This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.2 VQT2L41 (ENG)WARNING:TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE, ELECTRIC SHOCK OR PRODUCT DAMAGE,•DO NOT EXPOSE THIS APPARATUS TO RAIN, MOISTURE, DRIPPING OR SPLASHING AND THAT NO OBJECTS FILLED WITH LIQUIDS,SUCH AS VASES, SHALL BE PLACED ON THE APPARATUS.•USE ONLY THE RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES.•DO NOT REMOVE THE COVER (OR BACK); THERE ARE NOUSER SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. REFER SERVICING TOQUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL.Product Identification Marking is located on the bottom of units.■About the battery packCAUTIONBattery pack (Lithium ion battery pack)•Use the specified unit to recharge the battery pack.•Do not use the battery pack with equipment other than the specified unit.•Do not get dirt, sand, liquids, or other foreign matter on the terminals.•Do not touch the plug terminals (+ and −) with metal objects.•Do not disassemble, remodel, heat or throw into fire.If any electrolyte should come into contact with your hands or clothes, wash it off thoroughly with water.If any electrolyte should come into contact with your eyes, never rubthe eyes. Rinse eyes thoroughly with water, and then consult a doctor.CAUTIONDanger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace onlywith the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.•Do not heat or expose to flame.•Do not leave the battery(ies) in an automobile exposed to direct sunlight for a long period of time with doors and windows closed.WarningRisk of fire, explosion and burns. Do not disassemble, heat above 60 °C (140 °F) or incinerate.(ENG) VQT2L41 3■About the battery chargerCAUTION!DO NOT INSTALL OR PLACE THIS UNIT IN A BOOKCASE, BUILT-IN CABINET OR IN ANOTHER CONFINED SPACE. ENSURE THE UNIT IS WELL VENTILATED. TO PREVENT RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK OR FIRE HAZARD DUE TO OVERHEATING, ENSURETHAT CURTAINS AND ANY OTHER MATERIALS DO NOTOBSTRUCT THE VENTILATION VENTS.Battery chargerThis battery charger operates on AC between 110 V and 240 V.But•In the U.S.A. and Canada, the battery charger must be connected toa 120 V AC power supply only.•When connecting to an AC supply outside of the U.S.A. or Canada, use a plug adaptor to suit the AC outlet configuration.■Cautions for Use•Do not use any other AV cables except the supplied one.•Do not use any other USB connection cables except the supplied one.Keep the camera as far away as possible from electromagnetic equipment (such as microwave ovens, TVs, video games etc.).•If you use the camera on top of or near a TV, the pictures and sound on thecamera may be disrupted by electromagnetic wave radiation.•Do not use the camera near cell phones because doing so may result in noise adversely affecting the pictures and sound.•Recorded data may be damaged, or pictures may be distorted, by strongmagnetic fields created by speakers or large motors.•Electromagnetic wave radiation generated by microprocessors may adversely affect the camera, disturbing the pictures and sound.•If the camera is adversely affected by electromagnetic equipment and stops functioning properly, turn the camera off and remove the battery or disconnect AC adaptor (DMW-AC5PP; optional). Then reinsert the battery or reconnect AC adaptor and turn the camera on.Do not use the camera near radio transmitters or high-voltage lines.•If you record near radio transmitters or high-voltage lines, the recorded pictures and sound may be adversely affected.4 VQT2L41 (ENG)(ENG) VQT2L41 56 VQT2L41 (ENG)ContentsStandard accessories (7)Names of parts (8)Touch operations . (9)Charging the battery (10)Inserting and removing the card(optional)/the battery (12)Picture save destination(cards and built-in memory) (13)Setting the clock (14)Setting the menu ......................15 Taking pictures with automatic settings [INTELLIGENT AUTO] Mode ....16Selecting the [REC] Mode .......18 Taking motion pictures [MOTION PICTURE] Mode ........19Viewing your pictures [NORMAL PLAY] .......................20Deleting pictures ......................20 Others Reading the Operating Instructions (PDF format) ........21Specifications ...........................23Optional accessories (26)Information for Your Safety (2)(ENG) VQT2L41 7Standard accessoriesCheck that all the accessories are included before using the camera. Partnumbers are as of January 2010.Battery PackDMW-BCH7PP•Charge the batterybefore use.Battery Pack is indicated asbattery pack or battery in thetext.Battery ChargerDE-A75Bbattery charger or charger inthe text.Battery CarryingCaseVGQ0J54Hand StrapVFC4297USB Connection CableK1HA08AD0002AV CableK1HA08CD0028CD-ROM VFF0571 •Software:Use it to install the software on your PC.•OperatingInstructions•Cards are optional. You can record or play back pictures on the built-in memory when you are not using a card.•If any accessories are lost, customers should contact 1 800 99-LUMIX (1-800-995-8649) for further information about obtaining replacement parts.•Please dispose of all packaging appropriately.●We recommend you use a battery with sufficient battery power or theAC adaptor when recording motion pictures.8 VQT2L41 (ENG)supply is cut off due to a power cut or if the AC adaptor is disconnected etc., the motion picture being recorded will not be recorded.(ENG) VQT2L41 910 VQT2L41 (ENG) ■About batteries that you can use with this unit The battery that can be used with this unit is DMW-BCH7PP .It has been found that counterfeit battery packs which look very similar to the genuine product are made available to purchase in some markets. Some of these battery packs are not adequately protected with internal protection to meet the requirements of appropriate safety standards. There is a possibility that these battery packs may lead to fire or explosion. Please be advised that we are not liable for any accident or failure occurring as a result of use of a counterfeit battery pack. To ensure that safe products are used we recommend that a genuine Panasonic battery pack is used.•Use the dedicated charger and battery.•The camera has a function for distinguishing batteries which can be used safely. The dedicated battery (DMW-BCH7PP) supports this function. The only batteries suitable for use with this unit are genuine Panasonic products and batteries manufactured by other companies and certified by Panasonic. (Batteries which do not support this function cannot be used). Panasonic cannot in any way guarantee the quality, performance or safety of batteries which have been manufactured by other companies and are not genuine Panasonic products.•The battery is not charged when the camera is shipped. Charge the battery and set the clock before use.•Charge the battery with the charger indoors (10 °C - 35 °C)(50 °F - 95 °F).Ensure [LUMIX] faces outwards.Guidelines for the number of recordable pictures andRecording conditions by CIPA standard•CIPA is an abbreviation of [Camera & Imaging Products Association]. •[NORMAL PICTURE] Mode.•Temperature: 23 °C (73.4 °F)/Humidity: 50% when LCD monitor is on.∗ •Using a Panasonic SD Memory Card (32 MB). •Using the supplied battery.•Starting recording 30 seconds after the camera is turned on. (When the Optical Image Stabilizer function is set to [AUTO].)•Recording once every 30 seconds with full flash every second recording.•Rotating the zoom lever from Tele to Wide or vice versa in every recording.•Turning the camera off every 10 recordings and leaving it until the temperature of the battery decreases.∗ T he number of recordable pictures decreases in Auto Power LCD Mode and Power LCD Mode.●Always use genuine Panasonic batteries (DMW-BCH7PP).●If you use other batteries, we cannot guarantee the quality of this product.●The card may be damaged if it is not fully inserted.●Keep the Memory Card out of reach of children to prevent swallowing.Picture save destination (cards and built-in memory) ■Built-in memory (approx. 40 MB)●The built-in memory can be used as a temporary storage device when the card being used becomes full.●The access time for the built-in memory may be longer than the access time for a card.■Compatible memory cards (optional)The following SD standard-based cards●If the write-protect switch is set to ‘LOCK’, the card cannot be used to record or delete pictures, and it cannot be formatted.●Latest information:http://panasonic.jp/support/global/cs/dsc/(This Site is English only.)A)▲▼◄►To cancel → Touch [CANCEL]To return to the previous screen→ Touch [CANCEL]•Turn on power again and check timedisplay.■To change time settingTouch [CLOCK SET] from the [REC] or [SETUP] menu, and thenRefer to the procedure below when operating the [SETUP] menu, [REC] menu and [PLAYBACK] menu.:::itemby menu.settingsAlso if the shutter button is pressed halfway during an operation,Optimum settings are made automatically from information such as ‘face,’make settings manually.A )Press halfway (press lightly and focus) •If jitter becomes noticeable, use both hands, keep your arms close to yourbody, and stand with your feet at shoulder width.•Focus display (B )(In focus: lit / Not in focus: flashing) •The AF area (C ) is displayed around the subject’s face by the Face Detection function. In other cases, it is displayed at the point on the subject which is in focus. •Focus: Max. W: 10 cm (0.33 feet)/ Max. T: 50 cm (1.64 feet) and aboveB C■Automatic scene detectionCamera identifies the scene when pointed at the subject, and makes optimum settings automatically. The type of scene detected is indicatedIf the camera automatically identifies the scene and determines that people appear as subjects in the picture ( or ), Face Detection is activated, and the focus and exposure are adjusted for the recognized faces.[NORMAL PICTURE] ModeTake pictures with your own settings. [MY SCENE MODE]Take pictures in commonly used Scene Modes.[SCENE MODE]Take pictures according to the scene. [MOTION PICTURE] ModeTake motion pictures.Record motion picture with audio as follows. (Note that recording without audio is not possible.)Elapsed recording timeRemaining recordingtime (approx.)Hold down halfway (adjust the focus)Press fully(start recording)Press fully●The focus and zoom will remain as they were at the beginning of recording.●Immediately release the shutter button after pressing it all the way. ●When there is no space left to store the motion picture, recording automatically ends.●Motion pictures can be recorded continuously up to 2GB. To record more than 2 GB, press the shutter button again. (Remaining time for continuous recording is displayed on the screen.)Deleting picturesPlayback Mode:You can also go to the next or previous picture by dragging the center of the screen.●To play back a motion picture, use ◄► to select the picture and touch .Deleted pictures cannot be recovered.Touch [YES](ENG) VQT2L4121•You have practised the basic operations introduced in these Operating Instructions and want to progress to advanced operations.•You want to check the Troubleshooting.In these kinds of situations refer to the Operating Instructions (PDF format) contained on the CD-ROM (supplied).A To return to the install menu.BS ee next page.Double click the ‘Operating Instructions’ shortcut icon on the desktop22VQT2L41 (ENG)■When the Operating Instructions (PDF format) will not open You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or later or Adobe Reader 7.0 or later to browse or print the Operating Instructions (PDF format).Insert the CD-ROM containing the Operating Instructions (supplied),click B and then follow the messages on the screen to patible OS: Windows 2000 SP4/Windows XP SP2 or SP3/Windows Vista SP1 or SP2/Windows 7•You can download and install a version of Adobe Reader that you can use with your OS from the following Web Site./reader/otherversions■To uninstall the Operating Instructions (PDF format)Delete the PDF file from the ‘Program Files\Panasonic\Lumix\’ folder. •When the contents in the Program Files folder cannot be displayed, click the [Show the contents of this folder] to display them.(ENG) VQT2L412324 VQT2L41 (ENG)Battery chargerEquipment mobility: MovableBattery Pack (lithium-ion)(ENG) VQT2L41 2526VQT2L41 (ENG)Product name: Battery PackProduct no.: DMW-BCH7PP●Performance identical to supplied battery pack.●Product numbers are correct as of January 2010. These may be subject to change.●Accessories and/or model numbers may vary between countries. Consult your local dealer.MEMO(ENG) VQT2L41 27•SDXC Logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC.•QuickTime and the QuickTime logo are trademarks orregistered trademarks of Apple Inc., used under licensetherefrom.•Other names, company names, and product namesprinted in these instructions are trademarks orregistered trademarks of the companies concerned.Panasonic Canada Inc.5770 Ambler Drive,Mississauga, OntarioL4W 2T3(905) 624-5010www.panasonic.ca© Panasonic Corporation 2010Printed in China。

Panasonic LC-X3 X3L 多媒体投影机说明书

Panasonic LC-X3 X3L 多媒体投影机说明书

MULTIMEDIA PROJECTORMODEL LC-X3/X3LOWNER'S INSTRUCTION MANUALTO THE OWNERBefore operating this projector, read this manual thoroughly and operate the projector properly.This projector provides many convenient features and functions. Operating the projector properly enables you to manage those features and maintains it in better condition for a considerable time.Improper operation may result in not only shortening the product-life, but also malfunctions, fire hazard, or other accidents.If your projector seems to operate improperly, read this manual again, check operations and cable connections and try the solutions in the “Trouble-shooting” section of the end of this booklet. If the problem still persists, contact the sales dealer where you purchased the projector or the service center.SAFETY PRECAUTIONS2SAFETY PRECAUTIONS345FEATURES AND DESIGN6PREPARATIONPREPARATION8PREPARATION9PREPARATION10CONNECTING THE PROJECTORCONNECTING THE PROJECTORCONNECTING THE PROJECTORCONNECTING THE PROJECTORCONNECTING THE PROJECTORCONNECTING THE PROJECTORCONNECTING THE PROJECTORCONNECTING THE PROJECTORCONNECTING THE PROJECTORCONNECTING THE PROJECTORCONNECTING THE PROJECTORCONNECTING THE PROJECTORBEFORE OPERATIONBEFORE OPERATIONBEFORE OPERATIONBASIC OPERATIONBEFORE OPERATIONBEFORE OPERATIONBEFORE OPERATIONBEFORE OPERATIONSELECT BUTTONPOINT POINTER (red frame)ITEM ICONPOINTER (red frame)MENUPOINTERBEFORE OPERATIONSYSTEM MENU Used to select a computer system. (Refer to P36)IMAGE MENUUsed to adjust thecomputer image.[Fine sync / Total dots /White Balance / Contrast/ Brightness / Sharpness](Refer to P40)POSITION MENUUsed to adjustthe position ofthe image.(Refer to P42)SCREEN MENUUsed to adjust thesize of the image.(Refer to P43)SYSTEM MENU Used to select a color system of the selected video source.(Refer to P45)SCREEN MENUUsed to set the sizeof the image eitherRegular or Wide.(Refer to P47)VIDEO SOURCE MENUUsed to select a videosource among[(Video), (Y,C) and(Y, Cb, Cr)].(Refer to P44)SOUND MENUUsed to adjustor mute theVolume.(Refer to P35)BASIC OPERATIONBASIC OPERATIONBASIC OPERATIONBASIC OPERATION Indicate the roughlylevel of the item.Move the arrow toor w and press theSELECT (REARCLICK) button.Move the arrow tothe item and thenpress the SELECT(REAR CLICK)The system being selected.The systems on this dialog box can be selected.Close theSYSTEM Menu.When this mark is displayed as black, more computer system modes will be available. Move the arrow to this mark and then press the SELECT (REAR CLICK) button,and the other modes will be displayed.Providing the information of the computer detected COMPUTER MODECOMPUTER MODECOMPUTER MODEThis Mode hasparameters beingstored.The Vacant Mode.Manual set ComputerMode (1 to 8).Close the PCADJUSTMENT Menu.COMPUTER MODE640 X 480720 X 400800 X 6001024 X 7681152 X 8641280 X 1024COMPUTER MODEClose the PICTURE IMAGE Move the arrow to v or w and press SELECT (REAR CLICK) button.COMPUTER MODEMove the arrow to the item and then press the SELECT (REAR CLICK) button.Starts the adjustment on the item set to "On".COMPUTER MODESelect the arrow to thedirection (described as, , or ),andthen press the SELECT(REAR CLICK) button.COMPUTER MODEVIDEO MODEVIDEO MODEsystem being selected.Move the arrow tothe Mode and pressthe SELECT (REARCLICK) button.VIDEO MODECloses the PICTURE IMAGE ADJUSTMENT Menu.Move the arrow to v or w and press SELECT (REAR CLICK) button.VIDEO MODESETTINGSETTING Move the Pointer to the language that you wantto set, and then pressthe SELECT (REARCLICK) button.APPENDIX。

松下 电动按摩椅 EP-MA8K 使用说明书

松下 电动按摩椅 EP-MA8K 使用说明书





Searching for FAQs has been made easier.Page EN10
Transport, installation and assembly
●Dimensions of main unit! (Page EN46)
Page EN32
About heat massage
●“温热” operating method
Page EN44
The sound is strange!
●Operating sound, perception, etc.
Page EN20
What kind of courses are there?
● The back massage intensity controller display differs according to the course and action!。



重拨/暂停 J 话筒闭音 K 挂断 L 监听 M 帮助 N 电话簿设定 O 目录 P 音量 Q 导航键 Q
来电显示打印 R 来电显示检索 S 下一组 T 名字/电话号码转换 T 停止 U 设定 V 传真开始 V 复印开始 W
您应保存记录的事项 请在此附上您的收据。
- 请勿将墨盒长时间放在保护袋外面。 因为 这样会缩短墨粉寿命。
- 如果您误吞了墨粉, 请喝几杯水以冲淡 胃中浓度, 并立即接受治疗。
- 如果墨粉进入了眼睛, 请用水彻底清 洗, 并接受治疗。
- 如果皮肤接触了墨粉, 请用肥皂和水彻 底清洗。
- 如果您误吸了碳粉, 请前往有新鲜空气 的地方并咨询当地的医疗人员。
L 将本机从寒冷的地方移至较暖的地方后, 让 本机适应较暖的温度, 不要连接本机约30分 钟。 如果在温度突然改变后太快连接本机, 本机内部可能发生冷凝并导致故障。
L 切勿在有雷电的时候安装电话线。 L 切勿将电话插口安装在潮湿的位置, 除非该
插口是专门为潮湿位置而设计的。 L 切勿触摸非绝缘的电话线或终端, 除非电话
KX-FL513CN控件位置如Fra bibliotek利用使用说明书
当参考使用说明书时, 请始终打开封面页 (下一页), 以便您能方便地看到各个按钮。
当参考使用说明书时, 请始终打开此页。 有关每个按钮的描述, 请参阅页 7。

音频 A 组键B 多站点发送 C 手动站点 D 垃圾传真过滤器 E 分页 F 清晰度 G 自动接收 H 快速扫描开始 I



● 若火花飞溅于机器上,会从吸气口、开口处进入内部造成机器烧损,应尽力避免。
6.确保安全安装 安装在台架上时,应充分注意脚 轮、电焊机本体的地脚螺栓等是 否安全可靠。
(示例) 长袖上衣
手持面罩 (保护眼睛)
本产品与 EU 的安全法令 EC 指令的要求不符,故不能直接 将本机带入欧洲及欧洲以外的 EEA 协定缔约国。
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