SAE J 2574-2002
附:SAE标准目录编号名称修订日期字数(千字)页数备注SAE J1019高温输油软管、发动机润滑油软管、以及软管总成试验及程序1990-06-122.665SAE J1037挡风玻璃喷洗器软管2001-082.935SAE J1183弹性材料及部件的疲劳试验推荐指南1998-0211.317SAE J1273液压软管总成推荐操作规程2001-038.6SAE J1288液压制动软管总成的包装、贮存和贮存期1999-042.394SAE J1401公路车辆——采用非石油基液压液体的液压软管总成1999-0912.7SAE J1403真空制动软管1989-073.38SAE J1405液压软管总成可选脉冲试验程序1990-06-182.87SAE J1406液压制动软管在机动车辆上的应用2002-043.816SAE J1527船用燃油软管1993-02-055.6SAE J1570液压盘式制动活塞橡胶防尘套1991-09-303.976SAE J1661CFC-12(R-12)汽车空调系统至HFC-134a(R -134a)改型程序1998-115.268SAE J1662致冷剂改型对于空调系统材料的兼容性1998-113.46SAE J1873传输所含水分试验程序——液压制动软管总成2000-102.474SAE J188动力转向回流软管——高膨胀型1998-013.266SAE J189动力转向回流软管——低压1998-013.29SAE J190动力转向压力软管——钢丝编织型1998-052.985SAE J191动力转向压力软管——低膨胀型1998-053.076SAE J20冷却剂系统软管2002-017.6713SAE J2050高温动力转向压力软管2001-043.46SAE J2064R134a制冷剂汽车空调软管1999-067.3911SAE J30燃料及油软管1998-0635.83SAE J343SAE 100R系列液压软管及软管总成试验及试验程序2001-074.79SAE J51致冷剂12汽车空调系统软管1998-085.698SAE J51附表1.052SAE J517液压软管2001-0435.7通用规范合计25185.22172SAE标准简介SAE各汽车协议和标准的简介1905年初,美国汽车工程师学会(SAE)认识到必须标准化。
SAE J标准目录中文
代号 180-2002 182-1997 183-2002 184-1998 185-2003 187 188-2003 189-1998 190-1998 191-2003 192-2003 193-1996 195-1988 198-2003 200-2001 201-1997 207-1985
柴油机燃油喷嘴总成—8,9,10 和 11 型
冷却软管(政府用于替代 MS52130 部分而对 SAE J20 进
钢丝缠绕支撑冷却软管的正常使用(SAE J20 的增补件)
A 类车辆风窗玻璃阴影区域
材料牌号材料牌号 Cu Si Mg Zn Fe Mn Ni Sn ADT4 2.0~4.0 7.5~9.5 0.3以下以下 3.0以下以下 1.3以下以下 0.5以下以下 0.5以下以下 0.3以下以下1.5~3.5 9.6~12.0 0.3以下以下3.0以下以下 1.3以下以下 0.5以下以下 0.5以下以下 0.3以下以下ADT17 4.0~5.0 16.0-~18.0 16.0-~18.0 0.45~0.65 0.45~0.65 0.1以下以下 1.3以下以下 0.1以下以下 0.1以下以下 0.1以下以下 日本牌号日本牌号C Si Mn P S FC20 3.10~3.60 1.9~2.4 0.5~0.8 0.1以下以下0.15以下以下材料材料 试棒直径(mm) 拉伸强度MPa(Kgf/mm 2) 硬度(HV) FC20 20 220(23) 235 30 200(20) 220 摘自:TSG5100G 系列号:38E-0-0034-0 材料牌号材料牌号C Si Mn P S HT200 3.1~3.4 1.5~2.0 0.6~0.9 <0.3 <0.12 中国灰铸铁力学性能GB5675-85 铸件壁厚mm σb N/mm 2(kgf/mm 2)≥材料牌号材料牌号附铸试棒附铸试棒 附铸试块附铸试块> ≤ 30 50 R15 R25 HT200 20 40 80 150 40 80 150 300 180(18.4) 160(16.3) [155(15.8)] [154(14.8)] 135(13.8) [170(17.3)] 150(15.3) 140(14.3) 130(13.3) 日本优质碳素结构钢机械性能表JISG4051 材料牌号材料牌号 热处理热处理 屈服点屈服点 不小于Kgf/mm 2 抗拉强度不小于Kgf/mm 2伸长率(%) 不小于不小于收缩率(%) 不小于不小于 冲击值冲击值 不小于Kgf*m/cm 2硬度硬度 HB 有效直径mm S10C 正火正火退火退火 21 32 33 109~146 109~149 S15C 正火正火 退火退火 24 38 30 111~167 111~149 S28C S30C 正火正火 退火退火 淬回火淬回火 29 34 48 55 25 23 57 11 137~197 126~156 152~212 30 S35C 正回火正回火 退火退火 淬回火淬回火 31 40 52 58 23 22 50 10 149~207 126~163 167~235 32 S38C S40C 正火正火 退火退火 淬回火淬回火 33 45 55 62 22 20 50 9 156~217 131~163 179~255 35 S43C S45C 正火正火 退火退火 淬回火淬回火 35 50 58 70 20 17 45 3 167~229 137~170 201~269 37 S48C S50C 正火正火 退火退火 淬回火淬回火 37 55 62 75 16 15 40 7 179~235 143~187 212~277 40 S53C S55C 正火正火 退火退火淬回火淬回火 40 60 66 80 15 14 35 6 183~255 149~192 299~285 42 摘自:《中外常用金属材料手册》陕西省标准化情报研究所编P362. 日本优质碳素结构钢化学成分表 单位%序号序号 材料牌号材料牌号 C Si Mn P 以下以下 S 以下以下 1 S10 0.08~0.13 0.15~0.35 0.3~0.6 0.03 0.035 2 S10C 0.08~0.13 0.15~0.35 0.3~0.6 0.03 0.035 3 S15 0.13~0.18 0.15~0.35 0.3~0.6 0.03 0.035 4 S25 0.22~0.28 0.15~0.35 0.3~0.6 0.03 0.035 5 S28 0.25~0.31 0.15~0.35 0.6~0.9 0.03 0.035 6 S30 0.27~0.33 0.15~0.35 0.6~0.9 0.03 0.035 7 S33 0.30~0.36 0.15~0.35 0.6~0.9 0.03 0.035 8 S35 0.32~0.38 0.15~0.35 0.6~0.9 0.03 0.035 9 S38 0.35~0.41 0.15~0.35 0.6~0.9 0.03 0.035 10 S40 0.37~0.43 0.15~0.35 0.6~0.9 0.03 0.035 11 S43 0.40~0.46 0.15~0.35 0.6~0.9 0.03 0.035 12 S45 0.42~0.48 0.15~0.35 0.6~0.9 0.03 0.035 13 S48 0.45~0.51 0.15~0.35 0.6~0.9 0.03 0.035 14 S50 0.47~0.53 0.15~0.35 0.6~0.9 0.03 0.035 15 S53 0.50~0.56 0.15~0.35 0.6~0.9 0.03 0.035 16 S55 0.52~0.58 0.15~0.35 0.6~0.9 0.03 0.035 备注:S10相当JIS S10C,S15相当于JIS S15C,其余依次类推。
SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright ©2002 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER:Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA)Fax: 724-776-0790Email: custsvc@6.4.3Test Requirement (Side Load Fracture Test) (9)6.4.4Acceptance Criteria (9)6.5Resistance to Evaporative Emissions (10)6.5.1Test Procedure (10)6.5.2Acceptance Criteria (10)6.6Electrical Resistance (10)6.6.1Test Procedure (10)6.6.2Acceptance Criteria (10)7.Design Verification/Validation Testing (11)7.1Corrosion (11)7.1.1Test Procedure (11)7.1.2Acceptance Criteria (11)7.2Zinc Chloride Resistance (11)7.2.1Test Procedure (11)7.2.2Acceptance Criteria (11)7.3External Chemical and Environmental Resistance (11)7.3.1Test Procedure (11)7.3.2Fluid or Medium (12)7.3.3Acceptance Criteria (12)7.4Fuel Compatibility (12)7.4.1Test Procedure (12)7.4.2Test Fuels (12)7.4.3Test Requirement (12)7.4.4Acceptance Criteria (12)7.5Life Cycle (13)7.5.1Test Procedure (13)7.5.2Vibration Frequency (13)7.5.3Acceleration (13)7.5.4Vibration Duration (13)7.5.5Fluid Pressure (13)7.5.6Fluid Flow (Liquid Fuel Quick Connectors Only) (13)7.5.7Test Duration (13)7.5.8Test Cycle (14)7.5.9Acceptance Criteria (15)7.6Flow Restriction (16)7.7Elevated Temperature Burst (16)7.7.1Test Procedure (16)7.7.2Acceptance Criteria (17)8.Design Verification/Validation and In-Process Testing Matrix (17)9.Notes (17)9.1Marginal Indicia (17)Appendix A Mating Tube End Template Examples (18)1.Scope—This SAE Recommended Practice defines standard tube end form dimensions so as to guaranteeinterchangeability between all connector designs of the same size and the standard end form. This document also defines the minimum functional requirements for quick connect couplings between flexible tubing or hose and rigid tubing or tubular fittings used in supply, return, and vapor/emissions in fuel systems. This document applies to automotive and light truck applications under the following conditions:a.Gasoline and diesel fuel delivery systems or their vapor venting or evaporative emission controlsystems.b.Operating pressure up to 500 kPa, 5 bar, (72 psig).c.Operating vacuum down to –50 kPa, –0.5 bar (–7.2 psi).d.Operating temperatures from –40 °C (–40 °F) to 115 °C (239 °F).Quick connect couplings function by joining the connector to a mating tube end form then pulling back to assure a complete connection. The requirements stated in this document apply to new connectors in assembly operations unless otherwise indicated. For service operations, the mating tube should be lubricated with SAE 30-weight oil before re-connecting.NOTE—New connector designs using the same materials as previously tested connectors may use the original results as surrogate data for 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4.Vehicle OEM fuel system specifications may impose additional requirements beyond the scope of this general SAE document. In those cases, the OEM specification takes precedence over this document.2.References2.1Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specifiedherein. Unless otherwise specified, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.2.1.1SAE P UBLICATIO NS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.SAE J1645—Fuel System—Electrostatic ChargeSAE J1681—Gasoline, Alcohol, and Diesel Fuel Surrogates for Materials TestingSAEJ1737—Test Procedure to Determine the Hydrocarbon Losses from Fuel Tubes, Hoses, Fittings, and Fuel Line Assemblies by RecirculationSAE J2045—Performance Requirements for Fuel System Tubing Assemblies2.1.2ASTM P UBLICATION—Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.ASTM B 117—Method of Salt Spray (Fog) Testing2.2Related Publication—The following publication is provided for information purposes only and is not a requiredpart of this specification.2.2.1SAE P UBLICATIO N—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.SAE J30—Fuel and Oil Hoses3.Definitions3.1Unexposed coupling—One that has not been used or deteriorated since manufacture.3.2Lot—A group of couplings that can be traced to a single assembly set-up or material lot. No more than oneweek production in a lot.4.Size Designation—The following system of size designations apply to the tube end and connector portions ofquick connect couplings. The connector size designation consists of two numbers. The first number designates the OD of the mating tube end. The second number designates the tubing size suited for the stem.EXAMPLE—9.5 mm x 8 mm connector fits a 9.5 mm male and 8 mm flexible tubing or hose. The mating tube end size designations refers to the nominal OD of the sealing surface. Refer to Figure 1 for anillustration of this Coupling Nomenclature.FIGURE 1—CONNECTOR NOMENCLATUREDetails for standard coupling sizes and dimensions for standard tube end forms are shown on Figure 2.NOTE—On metal or nonmetallic tubing, the OD is used to designate size and on flexible hose and tubing, the ID is used to designate size.5.Test Temperatures—Unless otherwise specified, all tests will be performed at room temperature 23 °C ± 2 °C(73.4 °F ± 4 °F).6.Functional Requirements—This section defines the minimum functional requirements for quick connectorcouplings used in flexible tubing fuel systems.6.1Leak Test—In order to provide a production compatible process, all leak testing should be performed usingcompressed air in a manner that insures the connectors will not leak liquid fuel or vapor.6.1.1T EST P ROCEDURE (L OW P RESSURE)a.Insert leak test pin, shown in Figure 3, into the connector.b.Pressurize between the seals with suitable air leak test equipment to 69 kPa ± 7 kPa, 0.69 bar ±0.07bar (10 psig ± 1 psig).NOTE—For single seal connectors, the stem must be capped or sealed.6.1.2A CCEP TANCE C RITERIA (L OW P RESS URE)—Maximum leak rate 2 cc/min at stabilization.6.1.3T EST P ROCEDURE (H IGH P RE SSURE)a.Insert leak test pin, shown in Figure 3, into the connector.b.For liquid fuel quick connector couplings, pressurize between the seals with suitable air leak testequipment to 1034 kPa ± 35 kPa, 10.34 bar ± 0.35 bar (150 psig ± 5 psig).c.For vapor/emission quick connector couplings, pressurize between the seals with suitable air leak testequipment to 138 kPa ± 10 kPa, 1.38 bar ± 0.10 bar (20 psig ± 2 psig).FIGURE 2—MATING TUBE FORM6.1.4A CCEP TANCE C RITERIA (H IGH P RESSURE)—Maximum leak rate 5 cc/min at stabilization.NOTE 1—For single seal connectors, the stem must be capped or sealed.NOTE 2—Appropriate safety precautions should be taken when testing with high-pressure air.6.1.5T EST P ROCEDURE (V ACUUM)a.Insert leak test pin shown in Figure 3 into connector.b.Apply a vacuum of 7 kPa with suitable vacuum leak test equipment.6.1.6A CCEP TANCE C RITERIA (V ACUUM)—Maximum leak rate 2 cc/min at stabilization.FIGURE 3—LEAK TEST PIN6.2Assembly Effort—Quick connect coupling assembly effort is the peak force required to fully assemble (latchor retain) the mating tube end into the connector. Use a suitable tensile/compression tester to verify conformance to this document.6.2.1T EST P ROCEDURE (N EW P ARTS)a.Test a minimum of 10 couplings.b.Test the quick connect coupling as supplied. Do not add additional lubrication to the quick connectcoupling or test pin.c.Attach quick connect coupling to a suitable test fixture.d.Wipe the test pins, before each test, with a clean lint-free cloth to prevent an accumulation oflubrication.e.Insert assembly test pin, shown in Figure 4, into the quick connect coupling at a rate of 51 mm/min ± 5mm/min (2 in/min ± 0.2 in/min) and measure assembly effort. (Simulated maximum tube end form)6.2.2T EST P ROCEDURE—Connectors after Section 7 exposure.a.Allow samples to dry 48 h before insertion testing.b.Lubricate test pin with SAE 30-weight oil by dipping the end in oil up to the retaining bead.c.Insert assembly test pin, shown in Figure 4, into the quick connector at a rate of 51 mm/min ± 5 mm/min (2 in/min ± 0.2 in/min) and measure assembly effort.6.2.3A CCEP TANCE C RITERIAa.Maximum first time assembly effort must not exceed 67 N (15 lb) for sizes <11 mm male tubes, and111 N (25 lb) for sizes ≥11 mm male tubes.b.Maximum assembly effort after Section 7 exposures must not exceed 111 N (25 lb) for <11 mm maletubes and 156 N (35 lb) for ≥11 mm male tubes.FIGURE 4—ASSEMBLY TEST PIN6.3Pull-Apart Effort—Quick connect coupling pull-apart effort is the peak force required to pull the mating tubeend out of the quick connect coupling. Use a suitable tensile tester to verify conformance to this document.For hose pull-off, see SAE J2045.6.3.1T EST P ROCEDUREa.Attach the quick connector body stem to a fixture suitable for pulling axially through the centerline ofthe quick connector.e the pull-apart test pin shown in Figure 5. (Simulated minimum mating end form)c.Apply a tensile load, at a rate of 51 mm/min ± 5 mm/min (2 in/min ± 0.2 in/min), until completeseparation occurs.6.3.2A CCEP TANCE C RITERIAa.Minimum Force P required to separate the test pin from the fuel quick connector should be, P = 56d upto a maximum of 600 N (135 lb) or for unexposed connectors and P = 37d up to a maximum of 400 N(90 lb) after Section 7 exposure where P = Force in Newtons and d = Nominal Tube Diameter inmillimeters.b.Minimum Force P required to separate the test pin from the vapor/emissions quick connector shouldbe P = 16d up to a maximum of 400 N (90 lb) for unexposed connectors, P = 12d up to a maximum of300 N (67 lb) after Section 7 exposure.FIGURE 5—PULL APART PIN6.4Side Load Capability—Quick connect couplings must be able to withstand side loads typical of what might beimposed by hose routing in a vehicle application as well as from having the hose pushed aside to reach other objects on the vehicle during service procedures. The connector side load capability is measured using a side load leak test and a side load fracture test. All connector designs and all tube end forms on metal or plastic molded parts must meet the requirements of this procedure.6.4.1T EST P ROCEDUREa.Insert quick connector into a length of design intent flexible tubing or hose with the opposite endsealed.b.Attach the quick connector to a suitable side load leak fixture or the plastic molded part, shown inFigure 6. (Simulated minimum end form)c.For liquid fuel quick connect couplings, pressurize the assembly with 1034 kPa ± 35 kPa, 10.34 bar ±0.35 bar (150 psig ± 5 psig) air pressure.d.For vapor/emission quick connect couplings, pressurize the assembly with 69 kPa ± 14 kPa, 0.69 bar± 0.14 bar (10 psig ± 2 psig) air pressure.e.Side load the hose or tube center point with the required load specified and perform the leak test.f.Mount a sample in the fracture fixture or plastic molded part, side load quick connector, at a rate of12.7 mm/min ± 5 mm/min (0.5 in/min ± 0.2 in/min), until the specified force is applied or fracture of thequick connector occurs. Kinking of design intent hose is permitted.6.4.2A CCEP TANCE C RITERIA (S IDE L OAD L EAK T ES T)a.No leaks, fracture, or rupture of the quick connector or its components or the plastic molded tube endpermitted below the minimum F = 19d up to maximum of 225 N (50 lb), where F = Side Load inNewtons and d = nominal tube diameter in millimeters.b.Maximum leak rate is 8 cc/min at stabilization with 10.34 bar ± 0.34 bar (150 psig ± 5 psig) appliedpressure for liquid connectors or 69 kPa ± 14 kPa, 0.69 bar ± 0.14 bar (10 psig ± 2 psig) appliedpressure for vapor connectors.6.4.3T EST R EQ UIREMENT (S IDE L OA D F RACTURE T EST)—Push above the end of the stem.6.4.4A CCEP TANCE C RITERIA—No fracture, rupture, or yield of the quick connector or its components or the plasticmolded tube end permitted, below the minimum of F = 28d up to a maximum of 400 N (90 lb), where F = Side Load in Newtons and d = nominal tube diameter in millimetersFIGURE 6—SIDE LOAD TEST FIXTURE6.5Resistance to Evaporative Emissions—Fuel line couplings are an integral part of the fuel system barrier toevaporative emissions. They are viewed as potential leak sites in the system. This method is to be used to determine hydrocarbon losses from permeation or micro leaks that are characteristic of each connector design.6.5.1T EST P ROCEDUREa.Because the losses from a single coupling are normally too small to measure accurately, it isrecommended that a test specimen be created consisting of 10 couplings. The value measured isthen divided by the number of connectors in the test specimen to arrive at the per connector value.b.Connector stem is to be inserted into the design intent flexible tubing or hose and a design intent tubeend inserted into the connector. The flexible tubing or hose should have its permeation propertiesmeasured independently using the same test fluid, preconditioning time and temperature, testtemperature and measurement technique. The value measure in this test is then corrected bysubtracting the permeation contribution from the flexible tubing.c.For the purpose of making the correction described in b. (previously) measure the length of flexibletubing in the test specimen that will be exposed to fuel during the test. For each section of flexibletubing this should be measured from a point half way up the stem on one connector to the same pointon the next connector in line.d.Precondition the test specimen per SAE J1737 until steady state permeation/leak measurements areobtained. Use Test Fluid C per SAE J1681. Precondition at 40 °C and 60 °C for separate tests ateach of those temperatures.e.Measure the hydrocarbon losses using a suitable SAE test method (i.e., SAE J1737, Mini-SHED,weight loss, etc) providing it is sufficiently accurate and the flexible tubing has been permeation testedusing the same method. Test at steady state temperatures of 40 °C and 60 °C.f.Correct the measured value for the multi-coupling test specimen by first subtracting the permeationvalue attributed to the flexible tubing then dividing that value by the number of couplings in the testspecimen.6.5.2A CCEP TANCE C RITERIA—None. Report value for each size and material combination only.6.6Electrical Resistance—If required by the OEM, all connectors used in fuel system applications involvingflowing liquid fuel must be sufficiently conductive and capable of creating an electrical connection with the flexible tubing into which they are inserted and with the tube end form that is inserted into them in order to prevent the buildup of harmful electrostatic charges.6.6.1T EST P ROCEDUREa.Test specimen is to consist of a coupling representative of the design as it will be installed in a vehicleapplication. The coupling is to be in the middle of the specimen. The length of both the flexible tubingor hose and rigid tubing must be 250 mm.b.Expose the specimens in accordance with 7.4 of this document then dry the exterior thoroughly.c.Measure electrical resistance per SAE J1645 between the inner surfaces at each end of the specimen.CAUTION—Measurement device may produce hazardous electrical charge, handle components with insulated means.d.With the measurement system in place and recording, using insulated tongs or grasping device, movethe connector both axially and tangentially with respect to the installed tube end.6.6.2A CCEP TANCE C RITERIAa.Measured resistance must be less than 106Ω (at 500 V).b.Electrical continuity must be maintained in all orientations of the connector relative to the tube end.c.Maintain material certification log to show in-process capability.7.Design Verification/Validation Testing7.1Corrosion—The corrosion test is performed to assure that the quick connector components will meet thefunctional requirements of the fuel system after exposure to the corrosion test.7.1.1T EST P ROCEDUREa.Insert design intent mating tube ends, shown in Figure 2, into the quick connect couplings.b.Cap the mating tube ends and the stem ends of the quick connect couplings, so internal surfacesremain free of water and corrosion.c.Perform salt spray test per ASTM B CCEP TANCE C RITERIA—The quick connect couplings shall be capable of meeting the functionalrequirements of 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 after 500 h salt spray. Appearance is not a functional requirement.7.2Zinc Chloride Resistance—Zinc chloride is an environmental stress-cracking agent to which somehygroscopic polymers are sensitive. This test is performed to assure that the quick connect couplings meets their functional requirements after exposure to zinc chloride.7.2.1T EST P ROCEDUREa.Insert mating tube ends, shown in Figure 2, into the quick connect couplings.b.Cap the mating tube ends and stem ends of the quick connect couplings, so internal surfaces remainfree of water and corrosion.c.Immerse the couplings in a 50% aqueous solution (by weight) of zinc chloride for 200 h at 23°C (roomtemperature). Cover or cap the container to prevent the solution from changing concentrationsignificantly during the exposure. When in doubt, measure the concentration of ZnCl at the completionof the test.d.When the exposure is complete, remove the quick connect couplings from the zinc chloride solution,do not rinse or clean.e.The quick connect couplings must then be held at room temperature for 24 h.f.Quick connect couplings are to be inspected after each exposure sequence for any evidence ofcracking.7.2.2A CCEP TANCE C RITERIAa.No cracks or fractures of the quick connector or its components permitted.b.The quick connect couplings shall be capable of meeting the functional requirements of 6.1, 6.2, and6.3 after exposure to zinc chloride.7.3External Chemical and Environmental Resistance—Quick connect couplings may be exposed to a range ofchemicals typical of the automotive environment. This chemical resistance test is performed to assure that the quick connect couplings will meet their functional after exposure to typical automotive fluids.7.3.1T EST P ROCEDUREa.Insert mating tube ends, shown in Figure 2, into the quick connect couplings.b.Cap mating tube ends and stem ends of the quick connect couplings.c.Submerge the quick connect coupling assemblies completely.d.At the end of 60 days, dry connectors at room temperature for 48 h.7.3.2F LUID OR M EDIUM—See Table CCEP TANCE C RITERIA—The quick connect couplings shall be capable of meeting the functionalrequirements of 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 upon completion of the external chemical and environmental testing.NOTE—New connector sizes using the same materials and architectural design as previously tested connectors may use the original results as surrogate data.TABLE 1—FLUID OR MEDIUM(1)Fluid or Medium Exposure Time ProcedureAutomatic Transmission Fluid60 Days Soak @ room tempMotor Oil60 Days Soak @ room tempBrake Fluid (Dot 3)60 Days Soak @ room tempEthylene Glycol (50% Water)60 Days Soak @ room tempPropylene Glycol (50% Water)60 Days Soak @ room tempDiesel Fuel60 Days Soak @ room tempEngine Degreaser60 Days Soak @ room temp1.The fluids in Table 2 shall be considered generic or those that are common to the industry.7.4Fuel Compatibility—The fuel compatibility test is performed to assure that the quick connector will meet thefunctional requirements of the fuel system after exposure to specific fuel blends.NOTE—The intention of the document is that all couplings be fully interchangeable. As such couplings must be qualified to operate with all available fuels. Connectors made of materials that are not suitable foruse in some fuels must be clearly labeled to identify their limitations.7.4.1T EST P ROCEDUREa.Insert mating tube ends, shown in Figure 2, into the connectors.b.The samples shall have fuel contact surfaces exposed to the fuels specified in 7.4.2, see Table 2.c.Replace the fuel every 7 days.d.New samples must be used for each test.7.4.2T EST F UE LS—Reference SAE J1681 and Table EST R EQ UIREMENT—One-half the samples shall be tested immediately after removal from the test fuel andthe remaining samples shall be tested after a 48-h dry-out period.7.4.4A CCEP TANCE C RITERIA—The quick connect coupling shall meet the functional requirements of 6.1, 6.2, and6.3 after the completion of the fuel compatibility test.NOTE—New connector sizes using the same materials and architectural design as previously tested connectors may use the original results as surrogate data.TABLE 2—TEST FLUIDSTest Fluid (Per SAE J1681)Exposure Time ProcedureASTM Reference Fuel C60 Days Soak @ 40 °CSAE CE10 (Fuel C Plus 10% Ethyl Alcohol)60 Days Soak @ 40 °CSAE CM30 (Fuel C Plus 30% Methyl Alcohol)60 Days Soak @ 40 °CSAE CME15 (Fuel C Plus 15% MTBE)60 Days Soak @ 40 °CSAE CP (Auto-Oxidized Fuel)60 Days Soak @ 40 °C7.5Life Cycle—The life cycle test is performed to assure that the quick connector will meet the functionalrequirements of the fuel system when exposed to pressure, vibration, and temperature cycles typical of severe duty in automotive applications.7.5.1T EST P ROCEDUREa.Insert a connector in each end of a 500 mm (19.69 in) length of suitable flexible tubing.b.Leak test the assembly per 6.1, except use mating tube end shown in Figure 2.c.Connect the assembly to a test fixture, shown in Figure 7 using production intent tubes.d.Test fluid (liquid fuel quick connect couplings)—Mobil Arctic 155 refrigerant oil or equivalent.e.Test fluid (vapor/emission quick connect couplings)—Air.NOTE—Use of flammable materials is not recommended. However, tests in fuel or fuel surrogates can produce better results at low temperatures.7.5.2V IBRATIO N F REQUENCY—Continuously sweep the frequency from 7 Hz to 200 Hz, with 3 sweeps per hour. 7.5.3A CCELERATION—See Table 3.TABLE 3—ACCELERATION(1)Maintain Acceleration Load From To18 m/s2 (2 G)7 Hz25 Hz90 (10 G)2550182 (20 G) 5075163 (18 G) 75100145 (16 G)100125127 (14 G)125150109 (12 G)15017590 (10 G)1752001.This test may be interrupted or shut down for weekends at the end of anysection.7.5.4V IBRATIO N D URATION—Maintain vibration as specified in 7.5.8 (Test Cycles).7.5.5F LUID P RESSUREa.For liquid fuel quick connect couplings during pressure portions of the test, alternate pressure between0 and 1034 kPa ± 35 kPa, 10.34 bar ± 0.35 bar (150 psig ± 5 psig). Alternate pressure one time perminute (i.e., 1 min at each pressure).b.For vapor/emission quick connect couplings during pressure portions of the test, alternate pressurebetween 0 and 69 kPa ± 2 kPa, 0.69 bar ± 0.02 bar (10 psig ± 0.3 psig). Alternate pressure one timeminute (i.e., 1 min at each pressure).NOTE—Pressure transition rate is to be as close to a square wave as practical but not so abrupt that pressure overshoot occurs. This may require up to 3 s.7.5.6F LUID F LOW (L IQUID F UEL Q UICK C ONNECT C OUP LINGS O NLY)—Flow rate during the specified test cycle is1.33 Lpm ± 0.2 Lpm (0.46 gpm ± 0.07 gpm) through each quick connect coupling.7.5.7T EST D URATION—336 h (14 test cycles) (14 days)7.5.8T EST C YCLES—The test cycle consists of five sections to simulate hot operation, hot soak, hot operation afterhot soak, cold soak, and cold operation. See Table 4.NOTE—Included at the beginning of the hot and cold test sections are temperature transitions times of 1h maximum. Operation Testa.Length of Time—7 hb.Chamber Temperature—125 °C ± 5 °C (257 °F ± 9 °F)c.Fluid Temperature (liquid fuel quick connect couplings only)—66 °C ± 5 °C (151 °F ± 9 °F)d.Fluid Pressure—yese.Fluid Flow—yesf.Vibration—yes7.5.8.2Hot Soaka.Length of Time—2 hb.Chamber Temperature—125 °C ± 5 °C (257 °F ± 9 °F)c.Fluid Temperature (liquid fuel quick connect couplings only)—Heat to chamber temperatured.Fluid Pressure—yese.Fluid Flow—nof.Vibration—no7.5.8.3Hot Operation after Hot Soaka.Length of Time—7 hb.Chamber Temperature—125 °C ± 5 °C (25 7°F ± 9 °F)c.Fluid Temperature (liquid fuel quick connect couplings only)—66 °C ± 5 °C (151 °F ± 9 °F)d.Fluid Pressure—yese.Fluid Flow—yesf.Vibration—yes7.5.8.4Cold Soaka.Length of Time—7 hb.Chamber Temperature— –40 °C (-40 °F)c.Fluid Temperature (liquid fuel quick connect couplings only)—Cool to chamber temperatured.Fluid Pressure—yese.Fluid Flow—nof.Vibration—no7.5.8.5Cold Operationa.Length of Time—1 hb.Chamber Temperature— –40 °C (–40 °F)c.Fluid Temperature (liquid fuel quick connect couplings only)—Cool to chamber temperatured.Fluid Pressure—yese.Fluid Flow—yesf.Vibration—yes7.5.9A CCEP TANCE C RITERIAa.No fluid leaks permitted during or at completion of test, for Vapor connector couplings, air leak test per6.1.b.The connector shall meet the functional requirements of 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 after the completion of thelife cycle test.c.Perform visual inspection of connector and its components. No fractures, cracks, or unusual wearpermitted.FIGURE 7—LIFE CYCLE TEST SET UP7.6Flow Restriction—Quick connect couplings shall be designed to provide minimal flow restriction. 7.6.1T EST P ROCEDURE a.Insert connector into its intended flexible tubing.b.Connect the flexible tubing to a source for controlled flow of water.c.Measure the pressure required to create 120 L/h flow through each connector design.7.6.2A CCEP TANCE C RITERIA —None. Measure and report value.7.7Elevated Temperature Burst—The elevated temperature burst test is performed to assure that the quick connect coupling will withstand the pressure requirements of the fuel system at the maximum operating temperature. This test can be performed as part of the tube and hose assembly requirements of SAE J2045 or as follows.7.7.1T EST P ROCEDURE a.Insert a quick connector in each end of a 500 mm (19.69 in) length of tubing or reinforced fuel hose.Secure each end with a hose clamp if required, to prevent failure of the stem to hose interface.b.Insert male tube ends, shown in Figure 2, into the quick connect couplings.c.Attach assembly to a suitable, air or hydraulic, burst pressure source.d.Place the assembly in a suitable environmental chamber and soak at 115 °C (239 °F) for 1 h.e.Perform burst by pressurizing the hose assembly at a rate of 3450 kPa/min (500 psig/min) until burst or rupture occurs.TABLE 4—LIFE CYCLE TEST SCHEDULESection Hour Chamber TemperatureFluid TemperatureFluid PressureFluid FlowVibration 125 °C (1)1.Temperature may be in transition.125 °C (1)Yes Yes Yes 2125°66°Yes Yes Yes 3125°66°Yes Yes Yes 4125°66°Yes Yes Yes 5125°66°Yes Yes Yes 6125°66°Yes Yes Yes 7125°66°Yes Yes Yes°125°(1)Yes No No 9 125°125°Yes No No°66°(1)Yes Yes Yes 11125°66°Yes Yes Yes 12125°66°Yes Yes Yes 13125°66°Yes Yes Yes 14125°66°Yes Yes Yes 15125°66°Yes Yes Yes 16125°66°Yes Yes Yes–40 °C (1)–40°(1)Yes No No 18–40°–40°Yes No No 19–40°–40°Yes No No 20–40°–40°Yes No No 21–40°–40°Yes No No 22–40°–40°Yes No No 23–40°–40°Yes No No–40°–40°YesYesYes。
序号标准号标准名称1 SAE J-266-1996不变的方向的控制测试程序为了客车和光卡车SAE J-266-96、SAE J-266、SAE J266-1996、SAE J266-96、SAE J266 2 SAE J-2662-2003 项链等级为了能力拿-关装备填充 SAE J-2662-03、SAE J-2662、SAE J2662-2003、SAE J2662-03、SAE J2662 3 SAE J-2666-2003 软管标准尺评价程序SAE J-2666-03、SAE J-2666、SAE J2666-2003、SAE J2666-03、SAE J2666 4 SAE J-2667-2004 STRSW (压榨类型反抗班点焊接) 装备接受标准为了碰撞修复工业SAE J-2667-04、SAE J-2667、SAE J2667-2004、SAE J2667-04、SAE J2667 5 SAE J-323-2004 测试方法为了决定柔韧性塑胶材料的寒冷破裂 SAE J-323-04、SAE J-323、SAE J323-2004、SAE J323-04、SAE J323 6 SAE J-326-1986 术语-水力的锄耕机 < SAE J-326-86、SAE J-326、SAE J326-1986、SAE J326-86、SAE J326 7 SAE J-328-2005 轮-乘客汽车和光卡车履行需求和测试程序 SAE J-328-05、SAE J-328、SAE J328-2005、SAE J328-05、SAE J328 8 SAE J-33-2000 1NOWMOBILE 定义和术语-普通 SAE J-33-00、SAE J-33、SAE J33-2000、SAE J33-00、SAE J33 9 SAE J-331-2000 声音水平为了摩托车 SAE J-331-00、SAE J-331、SAE J331-2000、SAE J331-00、SAE J331 10 SAE J-332-2002 测试机器为了测量的同样客车和光卡车疲劳 SAE J-332-02、SAE J-332、SAE J332-2002、SAE J332-02、SAEJ332 11 SAE J-335-1995 MULTIPOSITION 小的引擎用尽系统火点火SUPRESSION SAE J-335-95、SAE J-335、SAE J335-1995、SAE J335-95、SAE J335 12 SAE J-336-2001 声音水平为了卡车的士内部的 SAE J-336-01、SAE J-336、SAE J336-2001、SAE J336-01、SAE J336 13 SAE J-339-1994 安全带硬件带子擦破测试PROCEDUR SAE J-339-94、SAE J-339、SAE J339-1994、SAE J339-94、SAE J339 14 SAE J-34-2001 外部的声音水平测量法程序为了取乐MOTORBOATS SAE J-34-01、SAE J-34、SAE J34-2001、SAE J34-01、SAE J34 15 SAE J-342-1991 火花避雷器测试程序为了大的大小引擎 SAE J-342-91、SAE J-342、SAE J342-1991、SAEJ342-91、SAE J342 16 SAE J-343-2004 测试和测试程序为了SAE 100R 系列水力的软管和软管集合 SAE J-343-04、SAE J-343、SAE J343-2004、SAE J343-04、SAE J343 17 SAE J-345-1969 湿的或干的人行道客车疲劳山顶和锁定的轮闸牵引SAE J-345-69、SAE J-345、SAE J345-1969、SAE J345-69、SAE J345 18 SAE J-347-2002 DIESEL 燃料注射器集合类型7 (9.5毫米) SAE J-347-02、SAE J-347、SAE J347-2002、SAE J347-02、SAE J347 19 SAE J-348-1990 轮楔 SAE J-348-90、SAE J-348、SAE J348-1990、SAE J348-90、SAE J348 20 SAE J-349-1991 表面不完全的察觉在铁的杆马齿龈管和金属丝 SAE J-349-91、SAE J-349、SAEJ349-1991、SAE J349-91、SAE J349 21 SAE J-350-1991 火花避雷器测试程序为了媒体大小引擎22 SAE J-356-1999 焊接闪光受约束的低碳钢装管标准化为了弯曲两倍发光的和玻璃珠SAE J-356-99、SAE J-356、SAE J356-1999、SAE J356-99、SAE J35623 SAE J-357-1999 身体的和引擎油的化学的属性SAE J-357-99、SAE J-357、SAE J357-1999、SAE J357-99、SAE J35724 SAE J-358-1991 非破坏性的测试SAE J-358-91、SAE J-358、SAE J358-1991、SAE J358-91、SAE J35825 SAE J-383-1995 机动车安全带下锚点-设计推荐SAE J-383-95、SAE J-383、SAE J383-1995、SAE J383-95、SAE J38326 SAE J-384-1994 机动车安全带下锚点-测试程序SAE J-384-94、SAE J-384、SAE J384-1994、SAE J384-94、SAE J38427 SAE J-385-1995 机动车安全带下锚点-履行需求 <SAE J-385-95、SAE J-385、SAE J385-1995、SAE J385-95、SAE J38528 SAE J-386-1997 操作员抑制系统为了关-路工作机器SAE J-386-97、SAE J-386、SAE J386-1997、SAE J386-97、SAE J38629 SAE J-387-1995 术语学-机动车照明SAE J-387-95、SAE J-387、SAE J387-1995、SAE J387-95、SAE J38730 SAE J-390-1999 双的维SAE J-390-99、SAE J-390、SAE J390-1999、SAE J390-99、SAE J39031 SAE J-391-1981 定义为了粒子SAE J-391-81、SAE J-391、SAE J391-1981、SAE J391-81、SAE J39132 SAE J-392-2003 摩托车和设计电压的发动机受驱策的周期电的系统维护SAE J-392-03、SAE J-392、SAE J392-2003、SAE J392-03、SAE J39233 SAE J-393-2001 术语-轮集线器和边为了商业的机动车SAE J-393-01、SAE J-393、SAE J393-2001、SAE J393-01、SAE J39334 SAE J-397-2004 偏斜限制的卷-保护的结构实验室评价SAE J-397-04、SAE J-397、SAE J397-2004、SAE J397-04、SAE J39735 SAE J-398-1995 燃料水槽装填物条件-PASENGER汽车 MULTI-目的乘客机动车和光义务卡车SAE J-398-95、SAE J-398、SAE J398-1995、SAE J398-95、SAE J39836 SAE J-399-1985 阳极电镀铝汽车的部分SAE J-399-85、SAE J-399、SAE J399-1985、SAE J399-85、SAE J39937 SAE J-316-1998 油-调节的碳-钢春天金属丝和春天 <SAE J-316-98、SAE J-316、SAE J316-1998、SAE J316-98、SAE J31638 SAE J-35-2002 DIESEL烟测量法程序SAE J-35-02、SAE J-35、SAE J35-2002、SAE J35-02、SAE J3539 SAE J-351-1998 油-调节的碳-钢阀春天质量金属丝和春天SAE J-351-98、SAE J-351、SAE J351-1998、SAE J351-98、SAE J35140 SAE J-362-1982 机动车头巾门插销系统SAE J-362-82、SAE J-362、SAE J362-1982、SAE J362-82、SAE J36241 SAE J-367-2003 客车门系统压碎测试程序SAE J-367-03、SAE J-367、SAE J367-2003、SAE J367-03、SAE J36742 SAE J-368-1993 高度-力结束和调节的结构的钢43 SAE J-382-2000挡风玻璃除霜系统履行需求-卡车公共汽车和多种用途的机动车SAE J-382-00、SAE J-382、SAE J382-2000、SAE J382-00、SAE J382 44 SAE J-388-1998 动态流动FATIQUE.进行测验平板聚亚安酯泡沫 SAE J-388-98、SAE J-388、SAE J388-1998、SAE J388-98、SAE J388 45 SAE J-389-1978 普遍的符号为了操作员控制 SAE J-389-78、SAE J-389、SAE J389-1978、SAE J389-78、SAE J389 46 SAE J-39-1993 T-钩缝为了SECUREMENT 农业的装备的 SAE J-39-93、SAE J-39、SAE J39-1993、SAE J39-93、SAE J3947 SAE J-400-2002 .进行测验表面被覆的碎片反抗 SAE J-400-02、SAE J-400、SAE J400-2002、SAE J400-02、SAE J400 48 SAE J-4000-1999 辨认和最好的实行的测量法在倾斜操作的执行 SAE J-4000-99、SAE J-4000、SAE J4000-1999、SAE J4000-99、SAE J4000 49 SAE J-4001-1999 倾斜操作使用者手册的执行 SAE J-4001-99、SAE J-4001、SAE J4001-1999、SAE J4001-99、SAE J4001 50 SAE J-4002-2004 (R) H-点机器和设计工具程序和规格 SAE J-4002-04、SAE J-4002、SAE J4002-2004、SAE J4002-04、SAE J4002 51 SAE J-401-2000 选择和使用钢的 SAE J-401-00、SAE J-401、SAE J401-2000、SAE J401-00、SAE J401 52 SAE J-402-1997 SAE 编号系统为了工作或包金箔的钢 SAE J-402-97、SAE J-402、SAE J402-1997、SAE J402-97、SAE J402 53 SAE J-403-2001 的化学的写作SAE 碳钢 SAE J-403-01、SAE J-403、SAE J403-2001、SAE J403-01、SAE J403 54 SAE J-404-2000 的化学的写作SAE 合金钢 SAE J-404-00、SAE J-404、SAEJ404-2000、SAE J404-00、SAE J404 55 SAE J-405-1998 的化学的写作SAE 工作不锈钢 SAE J-405-98、SAE J-405、SAE J405-1998、SAE J405-98、SAE J405 56 SAE J-406-1998 (R) 的方法决定HARDENABILITY 钢的 SAE J-406-98、SAE J-406、SAE J406-1998、SAE J406-98、SAE J406 57 SAE J-409-1995 产品分析-可允许的变更从规定热的化学的分析或钢的投掷 SAE J-409-95、SAE J-409、SAEJ409-1995、SAE J409-95、SAE J409 58 SAE J-411-1997 碳和合金钢 SAE J-411-97、SAE J-411、SAE J411-1997、SAE J411-97、SAE J411 59 SAE J-412-1995 普通特征和热处理钢的 SAE J-412-95、SAE J-412、SAE J412-1995、SAE J412-95、SAE J412 60 SAE J-413-2002 热宴请的机械的属性工作钢 SAE J-413-02、SAE J-413、SAE J413-2002、SAE J413-02、SAE J413 61 SAE J-415-1995 热宴请学期的定义 SAE J-415-95、SAE J-415、SAE J415-1995、SAE J415-95、SAE J415 62SAE J-417-1983 硬测试& 硬数变换 SAE J-417-83、SAE J-417、SAE J417-1983、SAE J417-83、SAE J417 63 SAE J-419-1983 的方法测量DECARBURIZATIONSAE J-419-83、SAE J-419、SAE J419-1983、SAE J419-83、SAE J41964 SAE J-420-1991 磁的粒子检查SAE J-420-91、SAE J-420、SAE J420-1991、SAE J420-91、SAE J42065 SAE J-422-1983 包含的微观的决心在钢SAE J-422-83、SAE J-422、SAE J422-1983、SAE J422-83、SAE J42266 SAE J-423-1998 的方法测量事深SAE J-423-98、SAE J-423、SAE J423-1998、SAE J423-98、SAE J42367 SAE J-425-1991 电磁的测试在旋转当前的方法SAE J-425-91、SAE J-425、SAE J425-1991、SAE J425-91、SAE J42568 SAE J-426-1991 液体PENETRANT测试方法SAE J-426-91、SAE J-426、SAE J426-1991、SAE J426-91、SAE J42669 SAE J-427-1991 敏锐的发散检查SAE J-427-91、SAE J-427、SAE J427-1991、SAE J427-91、SAE J42770 SAE J-428-1991 超声的检查SAE J-428-91、SAE J-428、SAE J428-1991、SAE J428-91、SAE J42871 SAE J-429-1999 机械的和材料需求为了外表上线扣件SAE J-429-99、SAE J-429、SAE J429-1999、SAE J429-99、SAE J429 72 SAE J-430-1998 机械的和化学的需求为了NONTHREADED扣件SAE J-430-98、SAE J-430、SAE J430-1998、SAE J430-98、SAE J430 73 SAE J-431-2000 汽车的灰色铁铸件SAE J-431-00、SAE J-431、SAE J431-2000、SAE J431-00、SAE J431 74 SAE J-434-2004 (R) 汽车的易延展的(小节的) 铁铸件SAE J-434-04、SAE J-434、SAE J434-2004、SAE J434-04、SAE J434 75 SAE J-435-2002 汽车的钢铸件SAE J-435-02、SAE J-435、SAE J435-2002、SAE J435-02、SAE J435 76 SAE J-437-1970 选择和热处理工具的和死亡钢SAE J-437-70、SAE J-437、SAE J437-1970、SAE J437-70、SAE J437 77 SAE J-438-1970 工具和死亡钢SAE J-438-70、SAE J-438、SAE J438-1970、SAE J438-70、SAE J438 78 SAE J-359-1991 红外线的测试SAE J-359-91、SAE J-359、SAE J359-1991、SAE J359-91、SAE J359 79 SAE J-360-2001 (R) 卡车和公共汽车等级停车履行测试程序SAE J-360-01、SAE J-360、SAE J360-2001、SAE J360-01、SAE J36080 SAE J-361-2003 (R) 程序为了内部的的可视化的评价和外部的汽车的整齐的SAE J-361-03、SAE J-361、SAE J361-2003、SAE J361-03、SAE J36181 SAE J-363-1994 文件编档员底部装备SAE J-363-94、SAE J-363、SAE J363-1994、SAE J363-94、SAE J36382 SAE J-365-2004 测试反抗的方法到拖着脚走整齐的材料的SAE J-365-04、SAE J-365、SAE J365-2004、SAE J365-04、SAE J36583 SAE J-366-2001 外部的声音水平为了重的卡车和公共汽车SAE J-366-01、SAE J-366、SAE J366-2001、SAE J366-01、SAE J36684 SAE J-369-2003 聚合的内部的材料的易燃-地平线的测试方法SAE J-369-03、SAE J-369、SAE J369-2003、SAE J369-03、SAE J36985 SAE J-370-1998 门闩和CAPSCREW为试尺码使用在建筑和工业的机器SAE J-370-98、SAE J-370、SAE J370-1998、SAE J370-98、SAE J37086 SAE J-371-1993 排水沟装满和水平堵为了关-路自己-SAE J-371-93、SAE J-371、SAE J371-1993、SAE J371-93、SAE J37187 SAE J-373-1993 供给住宅内在的维为了单一的和二-盘子春天-LOADEDCLUTCHESSAE J-373-93、SAE J-373、SAE J373-1993、SAE J373-93、SAE J373 88 SAE J-374-2002 机动车屋顶力测试程序SAE J-374-02、SAE J-374、SAE J374-2002、SAE J374-02、SAE J374 89 SAE J-375-1994 RADIUM-OF-LOAD或繁荣角指出系统SAE J-375-94、SAE J-375、SAE J375-1994、SAE J375-94、SAE J375 90 SAE J-376-1985 载入指出装置在举起起重机服务-SAE J-376-85、SAE J-376、SAE J376-1985、SAE J376-85、SAE J376 91 SAE J-377-2001 (R) 车的交通声音打信号装置SAE J-377-01、SAE J-377、SAE J377-2001、SAE J377-01、SAE J377 92 SAE J-378-2004 (R) 舰队推进系统配线SAE J-378-04、SAE J-378、SAE J378-2004、SAE J378-04、SAE J378 93 SAE J-379-2004 (R) GOGAN闸衬里的硬SAE J-379-04、SAE J-379、SAE J379-2004、SAE J379-04、SAE J379 94 SAE J-38-1991 举起臂支持装置为了加载器SAE J-38-91、SAE J-38、SAE J38-1991、SAE J38-91、SAE J3895 SAE J-380-2002 (R) 摩擦材料的特效药重力SAE J-380-02、SAE J-380、SAE J380-2002、SAE J380-02、SAE J38096 SAE J-381-2000 挡风玻璃/边窗口除霜/除雾系统测试PROCEDUREAND履行需求-卡车公共汽车和多种用途的机动车SAE J-381-00、SAE J-381、SAE J381-2000、SAE J381-00、SAE J38197 SAE J-439-1977 烧结物碳化物工具SAE J-439-77、SAE J-439、SAE J439-1977、SAE J439-77、SAE J43998 SAE J-44-2003 脚踏闸系统履行需求-雪上汽车SAE J-44-03、SAE J-44、SAE J44-2003、SAE J44-03、SAE J4499 SAE J-441-1993 剪切金属丝开枪SAE J-441-93、SAE J-441、SAE J441-1993、SAE J441-93、SAE J441100 SAE J-442-2001 (R) 测试剥持有者和象徵物品为了开枪锤头SAE J-442-01、SAE J-442、SAE J442-2001、SAE J442-01、SAE J442继续阅读。
1. ISO 6722 - 这是国际标准化组织制定的标准,用于规定汽车
2. SAE J856 - 这是由美国汽车工程师协会制定的标准,用于规
3. DIN 72594 - 这是由德国标准化组织制定的标准,用于规定
4. JASO D 611 - 这是由日本汽车标准化组织制定的标准,用于规定汽车电气线束的热缩管要求,包括材料、尺寸、性能和测试方法等方面。
SAE标准目录代号名称SAE标准目录代号名称SAE TSB002-1992 SAE技术报告的准备SAE TSB003-1999 SAE使用公制(Metric)单位的规则SAE J 10-2000 汽车和非道路车辆气制动储气罐性能要求和识别要求SAE J 17-2003 天然泡沫橡胶SAE J 20-2006 冷却系统软管SAE J 20-1-2002 冷却软管(政府用于替代MS52130部分而对SAE J20进行的增补)SAE J 20-2-2001 钢丝缠绕支撑冷却软管的正常使用(SAE J20的增补件)SAE J 30-1998 燃油和机油软管SAE J 31-1986 液压式铲车举升能力SAE J 33-2000 雪地车定义和术语—总则SAE J 34-2001 机动游艇外部噪声测量规程SAE J 38-1991 装载机举升臂支撑装置SAE J 44-2003 雪地车行车制动系统性能要求SAE J 45-2003 雪地车制动系统试验规程SAE J 46-1993 车轮打滑制动控制系统道路试验规程SAE J 47-2005 摩托车潜在最大噪声声级SAE J 48-1993 液面指示器指南SAE J 49-1980 液压铲车技术参数的定义SAE J 51-2004 汽车空调软管SAE J 56-1999 道路车辆—带调节器的交流发电机—试验方法和一般要求SAE J 57-2000 公路载货车轮胎噪声声级 SAE J 58-1998 带凸缘的12角头螺钉SAE J 64-1995 雪地车识别代号SAE J 67-1998 铲斗,抓斗和挖斗额定容量 SAE J 68-2004 雪地车开关装置和部件试验SAE J 75-2006 机动车制动液容器兼容性 SAE J 78-1998 钢制自攻螺钉SAE J 79-1972 制动盘和制动鼓热电偶安装 SAE J 80-2004 汽车用橡胶垫SAE J 81-1997 滚丝螺钉SAE J 82-1998 机制螺钉机械和质量要求SAE J 88-2006 非道路工作机械外部噪声测量SAE J 89-1995 雪地车坐椅动态缓冲性能标准SAE J 90-1995 汽车非金属垫圈材料标准分类体系SAE J 92-1995 雪地车节气门控制系统SAE J 95-1986 工业设备前照灯SAE J 96-2005 工业设备闪光警报灯SAE J 98-1998 通用工业机械人员防护SAE J 99-2003 公路上使用的工业设备灯光和标志SAE J 100-1999 A类车辆风窗玻璃阴影区域SAE J 101-2006 汽车鼓式制动器液力分泵SAE J 107-1996 摩托车操纵件和显示器SAE J 108-2000 摩托车制动系统试验代码SAE J 109-2000 摩托车和动力驱动自行车行车制动系统性能要求SAE J 112a 电动风窗玻璃刮水器开关SAE J 114-1994 座椅安全带织带磨损性能要求SAE J 115-2003 安全标志SAE J 119-1987 纤维板褶皱弯曲试验SAE J 121M-1997 淬硬和回火螺纹紧固件的脱碳SAE J 121-1997 淬硬和回火螺纹紧固件的脱碳SAE J 122-1998 螺母表面的不连续性SAE J 123-1994 用于疲劳载荷的螺栓,螺钉和双头螺栓的表面不连续性 SAE J 125-1988 铸铁温升性能SAE J 126-1986 冷、热轧钢板和钢带的选择和说明SAE J 128-1994 乘用车和轻型载货车乘员约束系统评价SAE J 129-1981 发动机和传动系识别号码SAE J 131-2003 摩托车转向信号灯SAE J 133-2003 商用挂车和半挂车牵引销性能SAE J 134-1993 乘用车和轻型载货车与挂车组成的列车制动系统道路试验代码SAE J 135-1993 乘用车与挂车组成的列车行车制动系统性能要求SAE J 138-1969 试验人体动力学研究摄影分析指南SAE J 139-1999 点火系统术语SAE J 140-1995 座椅安全带硬件试验规程SAE J 141-1995 座椅安全带硬件性能要求SAE J 153-1987 操作人员预防措施SAE J 156-2005 保险丝SAE J 159-2002 额定容量系统SAE J 160-2001 摩擦材料在暴露在温度升高的环境中时尺寸的稳定性SAE J 163-2006 低压电线和电缆终端接头及铰接夹SAE J 164-2006 散热器盖和加水口颈SAE J 167-2002 农用拖拉机顶部防护—试验规程和性能要求SAE J 169-1985 非道路车辆操作人员空间内空调系统的设计指南SAE J 174-1998 英制钢螺纹紧固件力矩-应力试验规程SAE J 174M-1998 公制钢螺纹紧固件力矩-应力试验规程SAE J 175-2003 道路车辆车轮冲击试验规程SAE J 176-1994 非道路自驱动工作机械快速加油设备SAE J 179-2001 载货车盘式车轮和可拆卸轮辋—表识SAE J 180-2002 建筑和工业机械充电系统SAE J 182-2005 机动车辆基准标志和三维参考系SAE J 183-2006 发动机油性能和发动机维修分类(除节能方面外)SAE J 184-1998 噪声数据获得系统的检定SAE J 185-2003 非道路机械的接近系统SAE J 187-1970 载货车识别号码SAE J 188-2003 高体积膨胀型动力转向压力软管SAE J 189-2003 低压动力转向回油软管SAE J 190-1998 钢丝编织动力转向压力软管SAE J 191-2003 低体积膨胀型动力转向压力软管SAE J 192-2003 雪地车外部噪声等级SAE J 193-1996 球节及球座总成试验规程SAE J 195-1988 机动车辆自动车速控制器SAE J 198-2003 载货车、大客车及多用途车风窗玻璃刮水系统SAE J 200-2006 橡胶材料分类体系SAE J 201-1997 乘用车和轻型载货车在用制动器性能试验规程SAE J 207-1985 汽车金属装饰件和结构件的镀铬和镍SAE J 211-1-2003 冲击试验用仪器—第1部分—电子仪器SAE J 211-2-2001 冲击试验用仪器—第2部分—摄影仪器SAE J 212-1998 乘用车制动系统测功机试验规程SAE J 213-2004 摩托车分类SAE J 216-1999 乘用车玻璃—电路SAE J 217-1994 不锈钢17-7PH弹簧钢丝和弹簧SAE J 218-1981 乘用车识别术语SAE J 220-1998 起重机起重臂限位装置SAE J 222-2006 驻车灯(前位置灯)SAE J 224-1980 碰撞变形分类SAE J 225-2003 商用车制动系统扭矩平衡试验代码SAE J 226-1995 发动机预热器SAE J 228-1995 空气流量参考标准SAE J 229-1993 乘用车行车制动器结构总成试验规程SAE J 230-1994 不锈钢,SAE 30302,弹簧钢丝和弹簧SAE J 232-1994 工业旋转割草机SAE J 234-1977 电动风窗玻璃清洗器开关SAE J 235-1971 电动鼓风机电机开关SAE J 238-1998 螺母和锥形弹簧垫圈总成SAE J 240-2002 汽车蓄电池寿命试验SAE J 243 汽车密封胶,粘结剂和缓冲胶剂的试验方法 SAE J 244-1992 柴油机进气或排气流量测量SAE J 246-2000 球面和凸缘管接头SAE J 247-1987 测量车内噪声脉冲的仪器SAE J 249-1988 机械制动灯开关SAE J 250 合成树脂塑料密封胶—不干型SAE J 253-1989 前照灯开关SAE J 254-1993 废气排放测量用仪器和测量技术SAE J 257-1997 商用车制动器额定功率要求SAE J 259 点火开关SAE J 264-1998 视野术语SAE J 265-2002 柴油机燃油喷嘴总成—8,9,10和11型SAE J 266-1996 乘用车和轻型载货车稳态方向控制试验规程SAE J 267-1999 车轮/轮辋—载货车—性能要求和试验规程SAE J 268-2004 摩托车后视镜SAE J 272-1981 车辆识别号码体系SAE J 276-2002 铰接式装载机和拖拉机转向锁SAE J 277-2004 雪地车电气系统设计电压的维持SAE J 278-1995 雪地车制动灯SAE J 279-2006 雪地车尾灯(后位置灯)SAE J 280-2006 雪地车前照灯SAE J 283-1999 带三点式挂接装置的农用拖拉机液压举升能力试验规程SAE J 284-2002 农用、建筑和工业装备安全警报信号SAE J 285-1999 汽油分配泵喷嘴SAE J 286-2006 SAE第2号离合器摩擦试验机械指南SAE J 287-1988 驾驶员手控制区域SAE J 288-2002 雪地车燃油箱SAE J 291-1980 制动液温度的确定SAE J 292-2006 雪地车及车灯、反射装置和相关装备SAE J 293-2004 车辆坡道驻车性能要求SAE J 294-1993 GVWR大于4 500公斤(10 000 lb)车辆的行车制动器总成试验规程SAE J 297-2002 工业装备操作人员控制件SAE J 299-1993 制动距离试验规程SAE J 300-2004 发动机机油黏度分级SAE J 301-2006 新的或已修订技术报告的有效日期SAE J 304-1999 发动机机油试验SAE J 306-2005 汽车齿轮润滑剂黏度分级SAE J 308-1996 轴和手动变速器润滑剂SAE J 310-2005 汽车润滑脂SAE J 311-2000 乘用车自动变速器液SAE J 312-2001 车用汽油SAE J 313-2004 柴油SAE J 314-2002 毛毡—羊毛和部分羊毛SAE J 315-2004 纤维板试验规程SAE J 318-2003 汽车气制动管接头SAE J 321-1999 推土机牵引机械操作人员防护轮罩SAE J 322-1996 非金属装饰材料—确定抗硫化氢腐蚀性的试验方法 SAE J 323-2004 确定柔性塑料材料冷裂性的试验方法SAE J 326-1986 液压反铲挖掘机术语SAE J 328-2005 乘用车及轻型载货车车轮性能要求和试验规程SAE J 331-2000 摩托车噪声声级SAE J 332-2002 测量乘用车和轻型载货车轮胎一致性的试验机械SAE J 335-1995 多位小型发动机排气系统点火抑制SAE J 336-2001 载货车驾驶室内部噪声声级SAE J 339-1994 座椅安全带织带磨损试验规程SAE J 342-1991 大型发动机火花防止器试验规程SAE J 343-2004 SAE 100R系列液压软管和软管总成试验和试验规程SAE J 345a 干或湿路面乘用车轮胎最大和抱死时车轮制动力 SAE J 347-2002 7型(9.5 mm)柴油机燃油喷嘴总成SAE J 348-1990 车轮三角垫木SAE J 349-1991 黑色金属杆,棒,管和丝的表面缺陷检查SAE J 350-1991 中型发动机火花防止器试验规程SAE J 356-2006 可以抑制焊瘤的弯曲,双层扩口和卷边正火低碳钢 SAE J 357-2006 发动机油的物理和化学特性SAE J 358-1991 非破坏性试验SAE J 359-1991 红外线试验SAE J 360-2001 载货车和大客车坡道驻车性能试验规程SAE J 361-2003 汽车内饰件和外饰件视觉评价规程SAE J 363-1994 滤清器座的安装SAE J 365-2004 装饰材料抗擦伤性试验方法SAE J 366-2001 重型载货车和大客车外部噪声声级SAE J 369-2003 车辆内部聚合物材料燃烧特性—试验方法SAE J 371-2006 非道路自驱动工作机械的放油、注油和油位螺塞SAE J 373-1993 单片和双片弹簧加载式离合器壳内尺寸SAE J 374-2002 车顶抗压试验规程SAE J 375-1994 负荷半径式悬臂角指示系统SAE J 376-1985 起重机举升负载指示装置SAE J 377-2001 车辆通行声音信号装置SAE J 378-2004 船用发动机布线SAE J 379-1996 制动衬片高氏硬度SAE J 380-2002 摩擦材料比重SAE J 381-2000 载货车,大客车和多用途车风窗玻璃除雾系统试验规程和性能要求SAE J 383-1995 机动车辆座椅安全带固定点设计建议SAE J 384-1994 机动车辆座椅安全带固定点试验规程SAE J 385-1995 机动车辆座椅安全带固定点性能要求SAE J 386-2006 非道路工作机械操作人员约束系统SAE J 387-1995 机动车辆灯光术语SAE J 390-1999 双向尺寸SAE J 391-1981 颗粒物尺寸定义SAE J 393-2001 商用车辆车轮,轮毂,轮辋术语SAE J 397-2004 防护结构试验室评价—偏转极限值SAE J 398-2005 乘用车,多用途车和轻型载货车燃油箱加注口条件 SAE J 399-1985 阳极化处理的铝制汽车部件SAE J 400-2002 表面覆层的耐剥落试验SAE J 401-2000 钢的选择和使用SAE J 402-2006 锻制钢和轧制钢的SAE编号系统SAE J 403-2001 SAE碳素钢的化学成分SAE J 404-2000 SAE合金钢的化学成分SAE J 405-1998 SAE锻制不锈钢的化学成分SAE J 406-1998 钢的可淬性确定方法SAE J 409-1995 产品分析—热处理或铸钢化学成分分析的容许变差SAE J 411-1997 碳素钢和合金钢SAE J 412-1995 钢的热处理和一般特性SAE J 413-2002 热处理可锻钢的机械性能SAE J 415-1995 热处理术语定义SAE J 417-1983 硬度试验和硬度值换算SAE J 419-1983 脱碳的测量方法SAE J 420-1991 磁粉检查SAE J 422-1983 用显微镜确定钢所含物质的方法SAE J 423-1998 硬化层深度测量方法SAE J 425-1991 用涡电流法进行电磁试验SAE J 426-1991 液体渗透剂试验方法SAE J 427-1991 渗透辐射检查SAE J 428-1991 超声波检查SAE J 429-1999 外螺纹紧固件机械性能和材料要求SAE J 430-1998 非螺纹紧固件碳素钢实心铆钉机械性能和材料要求SAE J 431-2000 汽车灰铸铁件SAE J 434-2004 汽车可锻(球墨)铸铁件SAE J 435-2002 汽车铸钢件SAE J 437a 工具和模具钢的选用和热处理SAE J 438b 工具和模具钢SAE J 439a 硬质合金刀具SAE J 441-1993 切割钢丝喷丸SAE J 442-2006 喷丸处理用试验带,支架和钢带SAE J 443-2003 使用标准喷丸试验带的规程SAE J 444-2005 喷丸处理和喷砂清洗用铸丸和铸粒的规格SAE J 445-2005 金属喷丸和喷粒的机械性能试验SAE J 447-1995 机动车辆车身及底盘部件的防腐SAE J 448a 表面质地SAE J 449a 表面质地的控制SAE J 450-2002 屈服强度和屈服点术语的使用SAE J 451-1989 铝合金—基本原理SAE J 452-2003 SAE铸铝合金的一般信息—化学组成,机械和物理性能SAE J 454-1991 锻制铝合金的一半数据SAE J 457-1991 SAE锻制铝合金的化学组成,机械性能限值和尺寸公差SAE J 459-1991 轴承和轴瓦合金SAE J 460-1991 轴承和轴瓦合金—SAE轴承和轴瓦的化学组成SAE J 461-2002 锻铜和铸铜合金SAE J 462-1981 锻铜合金SAE J 463-2002 锻铜和铜合金SAE J 464-1989 镁合金SAE J 465-1989 铸镁合金SAE J 466-1989 锻镁合金SAE J 467b 特殊用途合金(超级合金)SAE J 468-1988 锌合金锭和压铸件锌合金的成分SAE J 469-1989 锌模铸合金SAE J 470c 锻镍和与镍有关的合金SAE J 471d 粉末冶金黑色金属部件SAE J 473a 焊锡SAE J 474-1985 电镀及抛光SAE J 476a 干密封式管螺纹SAE J 482-2006 高六角头螺母SAE J 483-2006 槽顶(暗,盖帽式)螺母SAE J 485-1998 安装开口销用螺栓和螺钉杆上的孔及螺母的槽SAE J 490-1996 球节SAE J 491-1987 转向球头销和球座总成SAE J 492 铆钉和铆接SAE J 493 杆端销和U形夹SAE J 499a 装配用零件软拉孔直齿内花键SAE J 501 轴端SAE J 502 半圆键SAE J 503 半圆键槽和键沟SAE J 506-1995 套筒式半轴SAE J 510-1992 机动车辆悬架用钢板弹簧—美制单位SAE J 511-1989 空气弹簧术语SAE J 512-1997 汽车管接头SAE J 513-1999 制冷剂管接头—一般规范SAE J 514-2004 液压管接头SAE J 515-2004 液压O形环材料,特性和尺寸规范SAE J 516-2005 液压软管接头SAE J 517-2006 液压软管SAE J 518-1993 液压凸缘管及4螺栓分裂凸缘型软管接头SAE J 524-1996 弯曲和扩口用退火无缝低碳钢管SAE J 525-1999 弯曲和扩口用退火焊接冷拉低碳钢管SAE J 526-2000 焊接低碳钢管SAE J 527-2000 铜焊双层壁低碳钢管SAE J 530-1995 汽车用管接头SAE J 531-1995 汽车用管子,加注口和排出螺塞SAE J 532-1993 汽车用直螺纹加注口和排出螺塞SAE J 533-1999 管的扩口SAE J 534-1998 润滑剂管接头SAE J 537-2000 蓄电池SAE J 539-1993 柴油机电气系统电压SAE J 541-1996 起动机电路的电压降SAE J 542-1991 起动机的安装SAE J 543-1995 起动机小齿轮和齿圈SAE J 544-1996 电起动机试验规程SAE J 548-1-2000 火花塞SAE J 548-2-2000 火花塞安装座孔SAE J 549-1999 火花塞提前点火率SAE J 551-1-2006 车辆,船(最大15米)和机械电磁兼容性(50 Hz-18 GHz)性能等级和测量方法SAE J 551-5-2004 电动车宽带(9 kH-30 MHz)磁场和电场强度性能等级和测量方法SAE J 551-11-2000 车辆抗电磁干扰性—非道路车辆源SAE J 551-12-1996 车辆抗电磁干扰性—车载模拟发射机SAE J 551-13-1994 车辆抗电磁干扰性—大电流注入SAE J 551-15-2002 车辆抗电磁干扰性—静电放电(ESD) SAE J 551-17-1997 车辆抗电磁干扰性—电线磁场SAE J 553-2004 断电器SAE J 554-1987 电保险丝(管式)SAE J 560-2004 载货车挂车跨接电缆7线电插头SAE J 561-2007 孔式及叉式电接头SAE J 563-1990 6 V和12 V点烟器插座SAE J 564-1990 前照灯变光开关SAE J 565-1989 半自动前照灯变光装置SAE J 567-2006 灯泡保持系统SAE J 572-2004 建筑和工业机械封闭式灯光部件的要求SAE J 573-1998 微型灯泡SAE J 575-2006 总宽度小于2032 mm的车辆用照明装置和部件的试验方法和装备SAE J 576-1991 光学部件用塑料材料,如机动车辆照明装置透镜和反射器SAE J 578-2006 颜色规格SAE J 581-2004 辅助行车灯SAE J 583-2004 前雾灯SAE J 584-2003 摩托车前照灯SAE J 585-2000 总宽度小于2032 mm的机动车用尾灯(后位灯)SAE J 586-2000 总宽度小于2032 mm的机动车用制动灯SAE J 587-1997 牌照板照明装置(后牌照板照明装置)SAE J 588-2000 总宽度小于2032 mm的机动车用转向信号灯SAE J 589B 转向信号灯开关SAE J 591-1995 聚光灯SAE J 592-2005 总宽度小于2032 mm的机动车用示宽灯SAE J 593-2005 倒车灯SAE J 594-2003 回复反射器SAE J 595-2005 被认可的急救车,保养和维修车辆的闪光警示灯SAE J 599-1997 灯光检查代码SAE J 600-1993 前照灯照准试验机械SAE J 602-1989 机械照准前照灯的照准装置SAE J 604-1995 发动机术语—总则SAE J 609-2003 小型发动机安装法兰和动力输出轴SAE J 614-1995 发动机和变速箱量油计标记SAE J 615-1995 发动机安装件SAE J 616-1995 发动机前后座安装SAE J 617-1992 发动机飞轮壳和变速器壳结合法兰SAE J 618-1991 单片弹簧加载离合器飞轮SAE J 619-1993 双片弹簧加载离合器飞轮SAE J 620-1993 与驱动环式偏心离合器的工业动力输出装置和发动机上安装的船用齿轮及单轴承发电机相配用的工业发动机飞轮SAE J 621-1995 带驱动环式偏心离合器的工业功率输出装置SAE J 626-1998 柴油机燃料喷射—燃料喷射泵末端安装法兰SAE J 629-2002 柴油机燃料喷射总成—5型和6型法兰安装SAE J 631-1998 散热器术语SAE J 635-1995 风扇毂螺栓定位圆和导孔SAE J 636-2001 V型皮带和皮带轮SAE J 637-2001 汽车V型皮带传动SAE J 638-1998 机动车辆暖风装置试验规程SAE J 639-2005 车用空调系统机械蒸汽压缩系统制冷剂的安全性和保存SAE J 640-2000 液力传动符号SAE J 641-2000 液力传动术语SAE J 643-2000 液力传动试验代码SAE J 645-1997 汽车变速器术语SAE J 646-2000 行星齿轮术语SAE J 647-1997 变速器示意图SAE J 648-2000 自动变速器液压控制系统术语SAE J 649-2000 自动变速器功能术语SAE J 651-2005 乘用车和轻型载货车自动变速器和自动驱动桥试验代码 SAE J 656-1988 汽车制动术语和定义SAE J 661-1997 制动衬片质量控制试验规程SAE J 662-2003 制动块倒角SAE J 663-2001 制动衬片铆钉和制动块螺栓SAE J 670e 车辆动力学术语SAE J 671-1997 减振材料和车身底部涂层SAE J 673-2005 汽车安全玻璃SAE J 674-2005 机动车和机动车装备用安全玻璃材料SAE J 678-1988 汽车速度表和里程表SAE J 680-1988 载货车驾驶室仪表和控制件的位置和操作SAE J 682-2002 后轮防溅和飞石防护SAE J 683-1985 轮胎防滑链间隙—载货车,大客车和车辆列车(郊区客车,城间客车和公共汽车除外)SAE J 684-2005 汽车挂车联接装置,铰链和安全链SAE J 686-1999 机动车牌照板SAE J 689-1996 乘用车和轻型载货车路缘间隙,接近和离去角及坡道倾翻角SAE J 691-1990 载货车CA尺寸SAE J 693-1989 载货车跨越双胎的总宽度SAE J 694-2001 商用车盘式车轮/轮毂或轮鼓接触面尺寸SAE J 695-1998 机动车辆的转向能力和跑偏SAE J 697-1988 全挂车或台车的安全链SAE J 699-1985 设计机动车辆维修设施时使用的车辆平均尺寸SAE J 700-2001 商用挂车和半挂车上牵引主销SAE J 701-1984 载货车牵引车半挂车互换联接尺寸SAE J 702-2003 载货车-牵引车及载货车-挂车制动和电气连接位置 SAE J 703-2006 载货车及载货车牵引车燃油系统SAE J 704-2000 用于安装载货车变速器上的6螺栓和8螺栓动力输出装置的开口SAE J 706-2003 绞盘等级SAE J 709-1977 农用拖拉机轮胎载荷,扭矩系数和充气压力 SAE J 711-1991 今后设计农用拖拉机时轮胎选用表SAE J 712-1999 工业用和农业用盘式车轮SAE J 714-1993 工业用和农业用盘式车轮安装零部件SAE J 731-1985 装载机部件术语SAE J 732-1992 装载机规格定义SAE J 737-2006 铲土机和推土机切削刃的孔间距SAE J 738-1986 双斜横截口切削刃SAE J 739-2006 平路机切削刃SAE J 740-2006 切削刃和刀头的沉头方孔SAE J 744-1996 液压泵和马达安装及传动尺寸SAE J 745-1996 液压动力泵试验规程SAE J 746-1996 液压马达试验规程SAE J 747-1990 控制阀试验规程SAE J 748-1986 液压方向控制阀(最大压力3 000 psi)SAE J 751-1997 非道路用轮胎和轮辋分类—建筑机械SAE J 753-2006 维修周期表SAE J 754a 润滑剂类型—建筑和工业机械SAE J 755-1980 船用螺旋桨轴轴端和轮毂SAE J 759-2001 灯光识别代码SAE J 760-2004 通用封闭式照明组件尺寸规格SAE J 764-2006 铲土机装载能力试验规程SAE J 765-1990 起重机装载稳定性试验代码SAE J 771-1986 汽车印制电路SAE J 772-2004 载货车变速器后端6螺栓、8螺栓动力输出装置周围间隙SAE J 773-1998 锥形弹簧垫圈SAE J 774-2006 紧急警报装置及其防护壳SAE J 775-2004 发动机提升阀信息报告SAE J 782b 机动车辆座椅手册SAE J 792b SAE喷抛清理手册SAE J 800-1994 机动车辆座椅安全带总成的安装SAE J 810-1996 钢板普通表面缺陷分类SAE J 811-1981 金属机械预加应力表面滚压法及其他方法SAE J 814-1999 发动机冷却剂SAE J 815-2002 汽车座椅用聚氨酯泡沫加载挠度试验SAE J 817-1-1991 工程设计可维修性指南—建筑和工业机械—可维修性定义—非道路工作机械SAE J 817-2-1991 工程设计可维修性指南—建筑和工业机械—可维修性索引—非道路工作机械SAE J 818-1987 装载机额定工作载荷SAE J 819-1995 发动机冷却系统现场试验(空气-沸腾)SAE J 820-1998 起重机缆索速度和功率试验代码SAE J 823-1994 闪光器试验SAE J 824-1995 发动机旋转和气缸定序SAE J 826-2004 H点机械和设计工具规程和规格SAE J 827-2005 高碳铸钢喷丸SAE J 829-2005 油箱加注口盖和盖保持器SAE J 830-1999 燃料喷射装置术语SAE J 831-1998 电气定义SAE J 835-1995 剖分式衬套—设计和应用SAE J 836-1970 汽车冶金连接件SAE J 839-1998 乘用车侧门锁系统SAE J 840-1998 制动蹄和衬片粘结剂试验规程SAE J 843-1997 乘用车和轻型载货车制动系统道路试验代码SAE J 844-2004 空气制动系统非金属管SAE J 845-1997 被认可的急救,维修和保养车辆的声音警报装置SAE J 846-2004 液体导管和接头识别编码系统SAE J 847-1987 挂车拖杆环和挂钩/连接装置性能SAE J 848-2001 重型商用车和半挂车牵引鞍座主销SAE J 849-2003 多节挂车的连接装置和附件的位置SAE J 850-2000 固定刚性壁障碰撞试验SAE J 851-2001 商用车轮辋可拆卸车轮,可拆卸轮辋和间隔圈—尺寸SAE J 852-2001 机动车用前转弯灯SAE J 853-1981 车辆识别代号SAE J 855-2002 纺织品和塑料拉伸和变形试验方法SAE J 858-2006 片式电接头SAE J 860-2003 有机装饰材料质量(重量)测量试验方法SAE J 861-2003 有机装饰材料耐脱色试验方法SAE J 862-1989 影响机械驱动的汽车速度表和里程表精度的因素SAE J 863-1986 薄钢板冲压时塑性变形测定法SAE J 864-1993 用锉刀进行的表面硬度试验SAE J 866-2002 制动衬片摩擦系数识别系统SAE J 873-2003 建筑,林业和工业机械牵引力试验规程SAE J 875-1999 挂车车轴校准(A)SAE J 876-2000 宽轮辋及车轮(A)SAE J 879b 机动车座椅系统SAE J 880-1997 商用车制动系评定试验规范SAE J 881-1985 起重机滑轮和转鼓尺寸SAE J 882-2002 *汽车用纺织品和塑料厚度试验方法SAE J 883-2002 *确定汽车纺织品材料尺寸稳定性试验方法SAE J 884-1991 农用拖拉机驱动轮胎液体配重平衡平台SAE J 887-2004 校车报警灯(A)SAE J 891-2004 弹簧螺母SAE J 892-1996 压紧弹簧螺母英制尺寸系列一般说明SAE J 892M -1996 压紧弹簧螺母公制尺寸系列一般说明SAE J 896-1983 发动机辅助传动装置用装配法兰(A)SAE J 898-2003 非道路机械控制位置SAE J 899-1988 非道路自行推力机械操作者座椅尺寸SAE J 900-1995 曲轴箱排放控制测试规范SAE J 901-2000 万向节及传动轴术语_定义_应用指南SAE J 902-2003 乘用车前风窗除霜系统SAE J 903 乘用车前风窗刮水系统SAE J 905-1999 燃油过滤器试验方法SAE J 910-1999 危险报警信号开关SAE J 911-1998 冷轧钢板表面组织测量(A)SAE J 912-2002 *汽车装饰材料的抗粘连性及相关特性的试验方法SAE J 913-2004 汽车用织物及纤维材料的液体分散性试验方法 SAE J 914-2000 车长小于12米的车辆侧转信号灯SAE J 915-2000 自动变速箱手动操作步骤SAE J 917-2004 船用推拉式控制缆索SAE J 918 乘用车轮胎性能要求和试验方法SAE J 919-1995 单独式操作者的非公路机械噪声测量SAE J 920-1985 非公路工作机械技术公报SAE J 922-1995 涡轮增压器术语SAE J 923-2001 货车和客车驱动桥术语(A)SAE J 924-1995 止推垫圈的设计和应用SAE J 927-1995 发动机上安装的变矩器的飞轮SAE J 928-2006 电线接头—插头及插座的类型SAE J 930-1995 非公路机械蓄电池SAE J 931-1986 液压动力回路滤清(D)SAE J 932-1985 常量应变及微量应变的定义(A)SAE J 933-2005 自攻螺钉的机械性能和质量要求 SAE J 934-1998 车辆乘员门铰链系统SAE J 935-2002 *高强度碳素钢和合金模压钢SAE J 940-1994 碳素钢板和带钢术语SAE J 941-2002 *汽车驾驶员眼睛位置SAE J 942-1999 乘用车前风窗洗涤器系统SAE J 947-2003 纤维板术语表SAE J 948-2005 确定汽车车厢布、乙烯树脂和皮革的耐腐蚀性和汽车车厢布抽丝的试验方法(A)SAE J 951-1985 汽车面漆的佛罗里达曝光试验SAE J 953-1999 乘用车后窗除霜系统SAE J 958-2003 起重吊车术语和尺寸SAE J 959-1991 举升起重机钢丝强度因素(A)SAE J 960-2001 船用操纵缆连接—发动机离合器杠杆(A) SAE J 961-2001 船用操纵缆连接—发动机节流阀杠杆(A)SAE J 964-2003 检测镜子发射和混浊的推荐规程SAE J 965-1966 磨损SAE J 966-2000 测量乘用车轮胎每英里转数的试验规程SAE J 967-2005 *柴油机喷射设备校正液(A)SAE J 968-1-2002 *柴油机喷射油泵试验—第一部分:校正喷嘴和保持架总成(J968)SAE J 968-2-2002 *柴油机喷射油泵试验—第二部分:孔板流量测量(J968)SAE J 971-2000 商用车惯性测功计制动功率标定试验规程(A)SAE J 972-2000 移动障壁碰撞试验SAE J 973-1999 点火系统测量规程SAE J 974-2002 *农用设备闪光报警灯SAE J 975-1993 农用设备前照灯SAE J 983-1998 起重机和缆索式挖掘机的基本操作控制杆的布置SAE J 985-2002 *后视镜设计中应考虑的视觉因素(J985)SAE J 986-1998 乘用车及轻型货车噪声级别SAE J 987-2003 绳索支持椼架臂式起重机试验方法SAE J 993-1989 铝合金及其热调质命名系统SAE J 994-2003 倒车电子警报装置性能试验(A)SAE J 995-1995 钢螺母的机械及材料要求SAE J 997-2000 防止火花装置的试验碳SAE J 999-1998 吊杆起重机动力脱离装置SAEJ101001-2004 工业甩刀式割草机和动力耙SAE J 1004-2004 发动机冷却系统术语词汇SAE J A1004-2004 软件可支持性计划标准(A)SAE J A1005-2001 软件可支持性计划的实施指南SAE J A1006-1999 软件可支持性概念SAE J 1008-1987 自驱式农用设备外部噪声测量(A)SAE J A1010--1-2004 可维护性计划标准SAE J A1010-2000 可靠集中维护的评价标准SAE J A1012-2002 可靠集中维护标准指南SAE J 1012-1993 操作者工作舱增压系统试验步骤SAE J 1013-2004 非公路机械就座操作者全身振动测量SAE J 1014-2004 集材机和履带式拖拉机用牵引绞盘术语及分类SAE J 1015-1995 每小时吨公里试验规程SAE J 1017-1986 压路机和压实机术语(A)SAE J 1019-1990 高温变速器输油软管、发动机润滑油软管及软管总成的试验规程SAE J 1024-1989 建筑及工程机械燃油加热热风装置 SAE J 1025-2000 测量货车轮胎每英里转数的试验规程 SAE J 1028-1998 机动起重机工作区定义SAE J 1029-1996 建造掘土机械的灯光及标识SAE J 1032-1987 机械(非公路机械)适用性定义(A)SAE J 1033-1993 飞轮、飞轮壳及其配件的孔偏心和面偏差的测量 SAE J 1037-2001 前风窗洗涤器管SAE J 1038-1992 儿童用雪地运动车的建议(A)SAE J 1042-2003 通用机械操作者的保护SAE J 1044-2006 世界制造厂识别代号SAE J 1050-2003 驾驶员视野的描述和测量SAE J 1051-2002 *非公路机械座垫挠性变形量的测量(1051)SAE J 1052-2002 *汽车驾驶员及乘员头部位置(A)SAE J 1053-1996 英制系列单线程钢制冲压螺纹设计SAE J 1053M-1996 公制系列单线程钢制冲压螺纹设计SAE J 1058-1999 标准钢板的厚度及公差(A)SAE J 1059-1984 车速表试验规程(A)SAE J 1060 评价与汽车车轮有关的噪声和乘坐舒适性的主观等级量表SAE J 1061-1998 通用螺栓,螺母、螺杆表面不连续性SAE J 1062-2006 雪地运动车乘员手柄SAE J 1063-1993 悬臂式起重机结构试验方法SAE J 1065-2003 液压管及接头的额定压力SAE J 1067-1998 七导线电缆SAE J 1069-1981 非公路自驱式工作机械快速保养用机油更换系统(A)SAE J 1071-2003 平路机操作控制件(A)SAE J 1072 烧结工具材料SAE J 1073-1995 常闭式弹簧离合器旋转试验规程SAE J 1074-2000 发动机噪声等级测量规程(A)(D)SAE J 1075-2000 建筑工地噪声测量SAE J 1076-1990 倒车灯开关SAE J 1078-1994 确定液压伸缩式起重机悬臂能力的推荐方法SAE J 1079-1995 偏心离合器旋转试验规程SAE J 1081-2000 基本标准钢SAE J 1083-2002 *机械未经许可的启动或移动(A)(J1083)。
SAE 目录代号名称1. SAE TSB002-1992 SAE 技术报告的准备2. SAETSB003-1999 SAE 使用公制(Metric)单位的规则3. SAE TSB004-1998 技术委员会指南4. SAE J 10-2000 汽车和非道路车辆气制动储气罐性能要求和识别要求5. SAE J 17-2003 天然泡沫橡胶6. SAE J 18-2002 海绵橡胶和多孔橡胶制品7. SAE J19-1997 汽车用乳胶浸渍制品和涂料8. SAE J 20-2003 冷却系统软管9. SAE J20-1-2002 冷却软管(政府用于替代MS52130 部分而对SAE J20 进行的增补)10. SAE J 20-2-2001 钢丝缠绕支撑冷却软管的正常使用(SAE J20 的增补件)11. SAE J 30-1998 燃油和机油软管12. SAE J 31-1986 液压式铲车举升能力13. SAE J33-2000 雪地车定义和术语—总则14. SAE J 34-2001 机动游艇外部噪声测量规程15. SAE J 38-1991 装载机举升臂支撑装置16. SAE J 43-1988 工业轮式装载机和铲车轴载荷17. SAE J 44-2003 雪地车行车制动系统性能要求18. SAE J 45-2003 雪地车制动系统试验规程19. SAE J 46-1993 车轮打滑制动控制系统道路试验规程20. SAE J 47-1998 摩托车潜在最大噪声声级21. SAE J 48-1993 液面指示器指南22. SAE J49-1980 液压铲车技术参数的定义23. SAE J 51-1998 汽车空调软管24. SAE J56-1999 道路车辆—带调节器的交流发电机—试验方法和一般要求25. SAE J57-2000 公路载货车轮胎噪声声级26. SAE J 58-1998 带凸缘的12 角头螺钉27. SAE J 64-1995 雪地车识别代号28. SAE J 67-1998 铲斗,抓斗和挖斗额定容量29. SAE J 68-1991 雪地车开关装置和部件试验30. SAE J 75-1999 机动车制动液容器兼容性31. SAE J 78-1998 钢制自攻螺钉32. SAE J 79 制动盘和制动鼓热电偶安装33. SAE J 80-1997 汽车用橡胶垫34. SAE J 81-1997 滚丝螺钉35. SAE J 82-1998 机制螺钉机械和质量要求36. SAE J 88-1995 非道路工作机械外部噪声测量37. SAE J89-1995 雪地车坐椅动态缓冲性能标准38. SAE J 90-1995 汽车非金属垫圈材料标准分类体系39. SAE J 92-1995 雪地车节气门控制系统40. SAE J 95-1986 工业设备前照灯 1 代号名称41. SAE J 96-1986 工业设备闪光警报灯42. SAE J 98-1998 通用工业机械人员防护43. SAE J 99-2003 公路上使用的工业设备灯光和标志44. SAE J 100-1999 A 类车辆风窗玻璃阴影区域45. SAE J 101-1989 汽车鼓式制动器液力分泵46. SAE J 107-1996 摩托车操纵件和显示器47. SAE J 108-2000 摩托车制动系统试验代码48. SAE J 109-2000 摩托车和动力驱动自行车行车制动系统性能要求49. SAE J 112a 电动风窗玻璃刮水器开关50. SAE J 113 冷拔机械弹簧钢丝和弹簧51. SAE J 114-1994 座椅安全带织带磨损性能要求52. SAE J 115-2003 安全标志53. SAE J 119-1987 纤维板褶皱弯曲试验54. SAE J 121M-1997 淬硬和回火螺纹紧固件的脱碳55. SAE J 121-1997 淬硬和回火螺纹紧固件的脱碳56. SAE J 122-1998 螺母表面的不连续性57. SAE J 123-1994 用于疲劳载荷的螺栓,螺钉和双头螺栓的表面不连续性58. SAE J 125-1988 铸铁温升性能59. SAE J 126-1986 冷、热轧钢板和钢带的选择和说明60. SAE J 128-1994 乘用车和轻型载货车乘员约束系统评价61. SAE J 129-1981 发动机和传动系识别号码62. SAE J 131-2003 摩托车转向信号灯63. SAE J 133-2003 商用挂车和半挂车牵引销性能64. SAE J 134-1993 乘用车和轻型载货车与挂车组成的列车制动系统道路试验代码65. SAE J 135-1993 乘用车与挂车组成的列车行车制动系统性能要求66. SAE J 138 试验人体动力学研究摄影分析指南67. SAE J 139-1999 点火系统术语68. SAE J 140-1995 座椅安全带硬件试验规程69. SAE J 141-1995 座椅安全带硬件性能要求70. SAE J 153-1987 操作人员预防措施71.SAE J 156-2000 保险丝72. SAE J 159-2002 额定容量系统73. SAE J 160-2001 摩擦材料在暴露在温度升高的环境中时尺寸的稳定性74. SAE J 163-2001 低压电线和电缆终端接头及铰接夹75. SAE J 164-1997 散热器盖和加水口颈76. SAE J 167-2002农用拖拉机顶部防护—试验规程和性能要求77. SAE J 169-1985 非道路车辆操作人员空间内空调系统的设计指南78. SAE J 174-1998 英制钢螺纹紧固件力矩-应力试验规程79. SAE J 174M-1998 公制钢螺纹紧固件力矩-应力试验规程80. SAE J 175-2003 道路车辆车轮冲击试验规程81. SAE J 176-1994 非道路自驱动工作机械快速加油设备82. SAE J 179-2001 载货车盘式车轮和可拆卸轮辋—表识 2 代号名称83. SAE J 180-2002 建筑和工业机械充电系统84. SAE J 182-1997 机动车辆基准标志和三维参考系85. SAE J 183-2002 发动机油性能和发动机维修分类(除节能方面外)86. SAE J 184-1998 噪声数据获得系统的检定87. SAE J 185-2003 非道路机械的接近系统88. SAE J 187 载货车识别号码89. SAE J 188-2003 高体积膨胀型动力转向压力软管90. SAE J 189-1998 低压动力转向回油软管91. SAE J 190-1998 钢丝编织动力转向压力软管92. SAE J 191-2003 低体积膨胀型动力转向压力软管93. SAE J 192-2003 雪地车外部噪声等级94. SAE J 193-1996 球节及球座总成试验规程95. SAE J 195-1988机动车辆自动车速控制器96. SAE J 198-2003 载货车、大客车及多用途车风窗玻璃刮水系统97. SAE J 200-2001 橡胶材料分类体系98. SAE J 201-1997 乘用车和轻型载货车在用制动器性能试验规程99. SAE J 207-1985 汽车金属装饰件和结构件的镀铬和镍100.101. SAE J 211-1-2003 冲击试验用仪器—第 1 部分—电子仪器102. SAE J 211-2-2001 冲击试验用仪器—第2 部分—摄影仪器103. SAE J 212-1998 乘用车制动系统测功机试验规程104. SAE J 213-1997 摩托车分类105.106. SAE J216-1999 乘用车玻璃—电路107. SAE J 217-1994 不锈钢17-7PH 弹簧钢丝和弹簧108. SAE J 218-1981 乘用车识别术语109. SAE J 220-1998 起重机起重臂限位装置110. SAE J 222-2000 驻车灯(前位置灯)111. SAE J 224-1980 碰撞变形分类112. SAE J 225-2003 商用车制动系统扭矩平衡试验代码113. SAE J 226-1995 发动机预热器114. SAE J 228-1995 空气流量参考标准115. SAE J 229-1993 乘用车行车制动器结构总成试验规程116. SAE J 230-1994 不锈钢,SAE 30302,弹簧钢丝和弹簧117. SAE J 232-1994 工业旋转割草机118. SAE J 234 电动风窗玻璃清洗器开关119. SAE J 235 电动鼓风机电机开关120. SAE J 238-1998 螺母和锥形弹簧垫圈总成121. SAE J 240-2002 汽车蓄电池寿命试验122. SAE J 243 汽车密封胶,粘结剂和缓冲胶剂的试验方法123. SAE J 244-1992 柴油机进气或排气流量测量124. SAE J 246-2000 球面和凸缘管接头125. SAE J 247-1987 测量车内噪声脉冲的仪器3 代号名称126. SAE J 249-1988 机械制动灯开关127. SAE J 250 合成树脂塑料密封胶—不干型128. SAE J 253-1989 前照灯开关129. SAE J 254-1993 废气排放测量用仪器和测量技术130. SAE J 257-1997 商用车制动器额定功率要求131. SAE J 259 点火开关132. SAE J 264-1998 视野术语133. SAE J 265-2002 柴油机燃油喷嘴总成—8,9,10 和11 型134. SAE J 266-1996 乘用车和轻型载货车稳态方向控制试验规程135. SAE J267-1999 车轮/轮辋—载货车—性能要求和试验规程136. SAE J 268-1989 摩托车后视镜137. SAE J 272-1981 车辆识别号码体系138. SAE J 273-1981 乘用车识别号码体系139. SAE J 274-1989 悬架弹簧额定承载能力140. SAE J 276-2002 铰接式装载机和拖拉机转向锁141. SAE J 277-1995 雪地车电气系统设计电压的维持142. SAE J278-1995 雪地车制动灯143. SAE J 279-1995 雪地车尾灯(后位置灯)144. SAE J 280-1984 雪地车前照灯145. SAE J 283-1999 带三点式挂接装置的农用拖拉机液压举升能力试验规程146. SAE J 284-2002 农用、建筑和工业装备安全警报信号147. SAE J 285-1999 汽油分配泵喷嘴148. SAE J 286-1996 SAE 第2 号离合器摩擦试验机械指南149. SAE J 287-1988 驾驶员手控制区域150. SAE J 288-2002 雪地车燃油箱151. SAE J 291-1980 制动液温度的确定152. SAE J 292-1995 雪地车及车灯、反射装置和相关装备153. SAE J 293-1995 车辆坡道驻车性能要求154. SAE J 294-1993 GVWR 大于4 500 公斤(10 000 lb)车辆的行车制动器总成试验规程155. SAE J 297-2002 工业装备操作人员控制件156. SAE J 299-1993 制动距离试验规程157. SAE J 300-1999 发动机机油黏度分级158. SAE J 301-1999 新的或已修订技术报告的有效日期159. SAE J 304-1999 发动机机油试验160. SAE J 306-1998 汽车齿轮润滑剂黏度分级161. SAE J 308-1996 轴和手动变速器润滑剂162. SAE J 310-2000 汽车润滑脂163. SAE J 311-2000 乘用车自动变速器液164. SAE J 312-2001 车用汽油165. SAE J 313-1998 柴油166. SAE J 314-2002 毛毡—羊毛和部分羊毛167. SAE J 315-1985 纤维板试验规程4 代号名称168. SAE J 318-2003 汽车气制动管接头169. SAE J 321-1999 推土机牵引机械操作人员防护轮罩170. SAE J 322-1996 非金属装饰材料—确定抗硫化氢腐蚀性的试验方法171. SAE J 323-1998 确定柔性塑料材料冷裂性的试验方法172. SAE J 326-1986 液压反铲挖掘机术语173. SAE J328-1994 乘用车及轻型载货车车轮性能要求和试验规程174. SAE J 331-2000 摩托车噪声声级175. SAE J 332-2002 测量乘用车和轻型载货车轮胎一致性的试验机械176. SAE J 335-1995 多位小型发动机排气系统点火抑制177. SAE J 336-2001 载货车驾驶室内部噪声声级178. SAE J 339-1994 座椅安全带织带磨损试验规程179. SAE J 342-1991 大型发动机火花防止器试验规程180. SAE J 343-2001 SAE 100R 系列液压软管和软管总成试验和试验规程181. SAE J 345a 干或湿路面乘用车轮胎最大和抱死时车轮制动力182. SAE J 347-2002 7 型(9.5 mm)柴油机燃油喷嘴总成183. SAE J 348-1990 车轮三角垫木184. SAE J 349-1991 黑色金属杆,棒,管和丝的表面缺陷检查185. SAE J 350-1991 中型发动机火花防止器试验规程186. SAE J 356-1999 可以抑制焊瘤的弯曲,双层扩口和卷边正火低碳钢187. SAE J 357-1999 发动机油的物理和化学特性188. SAE J 358-1991 非破坏性试验189. SAE J 359-1991 红外线试验190. SAE J 360-2001 载货车和大客车坡道驻车性能试验规程191. SAE J 361-1996汽车内饰件和外饰件视觉评价规程192. SAE J 363-1994 滤清器座的安装193. SAE J 365-1994 装饰材料抗擦伤性试验方法194. SAE J 366-2001 重型载货车和大客车外部噪声声级195.196. SAE J 369-2003 车辆内部聚合物材料燃烧特性—试验方法197. SAE J 370-1998 建筑和工业机械用螺栓和内六角螺钉尺寸198. SAE J 371-1993 非道路自驱动工作机械的放油、注油和油位螺塞199. SAE J 373-1993 单片和双片弹簧加载式离合器壳内尺寸200. SAE J 374-2002 车顶抗压试验规程201. SAE J 375-1994 负荷半径式悬臂角指示系统202. SAE J 376-1985 起重机举升负载指示装置203. SAE J 377-2001 车辆通行声音信号装置204. SAE J 378-1988 船用发动机布线205. SAE J 379-1996 制动衬片高氏硬度206. SAE J 380-2002 摩擦材料比重207. SAE J381-2000 载货车,大客车和多用途车风窗玻璃除雾系统试验规程和性能要求208. SAE J 383-1995 机动车辆座椅安全带固定点设计建议209. SAE J 384-1994 机动车辆座椅安全带固定点试验规程5 代号名称210. SAE J 385-1995 机动车辆座椅安全带固定点性能要求211. SAE J 386-1997 非道路工作机械操作人员约束系统212. SAE J 387-1995 机动车辆灯光术语213. SAE J 390-1999 双向尺寸214. SAE J391-1981 颗粒物尺寸定义215.216. SAE J 393-2001 商用车辆车轮,轮毂,轮辋术语217. SAE J 397-1995 防护结构试验室评价—偏转极限值218. SAE J 398-1995 乘用车,多用途车和轻型载货车燃油箱加注口条件219. SAE J 399-1985 阳极化处理的铝制汽车部件220. SAE J 400-2002 表面覆层的耐剥落试验221. SAE J 401-2000 钢的选择和使用222. SAE J 402-1997 锻制钢和轧制钢的SAE 编号系统223. SAE J403-2001 SAE 碳素钢的化学成分224. SAE J 404-2000 SAE 合金钢的化学成分225. SAE J 405-1998 SAE 锻制不锈钢的化学成分226. SAE J 406-1998 钢的可淬性确定方法227. SAE J 409-1995 产品分析—热处理或铸钢化学成分分析的容许变差228. SAE J 411-1997 碳素钢和合金钢229. SAE J 412-1995 钢的热处理和一般特性230. SAE J 413-2002 热处理可锻钢的机械性能231. SAE J 415-1995 热处理术语定义232. SAE J 417-1983 硬度试验和硬度值换算233. SAE J 419-1983 脱碳的测量方法234. SAE J 420-1991 磁粉检查235. SAE J 422-1983 用显微镜确定钢所含物质的方法236. SAE J 423-1998 硬化层深度测量方法237. SAE J 425-1991 用涡电流法进行电磁试验238. SAE J 426-1991 液体渗透剂试验方法239. SAE J 427-1991 渗透辐射检查240. SAE J 428-1991 超声波检查241. SAE J 429-1999 外螺纹紧固件机械性能和材料要求242. SAE J 430-1998 非螺纹紧固件碳素钢实心铆钉机械性能和材料要求243. SAE J 431-2000 汽车灰铸铁件244. SAE J 434-1986 汽车可锻(球墨)铸铁件245. SAE J 435-2002 汽车铸钢件246. SAE J 437a 工具和模具钢的选用和热处理247. SAE J438b 工具和模具钢248. SAE J 439a 硬质合金刀具249. SAE J 441-1993 切割钢丝喷丸250. SAE J 442-2001 喷丸处理用试验带,支架和钢带251. SAE J 443-2003 使用标准喷丸试验带的规程252. SAE J 444-1993 喷丸处理和喷砂清洗用铸丸和铸粒的规格 6 代号名称253. SAE J 445-1996 金属喷丸和喷粒的机械性能试验254. SAE J 447-1995 机动车辆车身及底盘部件的防腐255. SAE J 448a 表面质地256. SAE J449a 表面质地的控制257. SAE J 450-2002 屈服强度和屈服点术语的使用258. SAE J 451-1989 铝合金—基本原理259. SAE J 452-2003 SAE 铸铝合金的一般信息—化学组成,机械和物理性能260. SAE J 454-1991 锻制铝合金的一半数据261. SAE J 457-1991 SAE 锻制铝合金的化学组成,机械性能限值和尺寸公差262. SAE J459-1991 轴承和轴瓦合金263. SAE J 460-1991 轴承和轴瓦合金—SAE 轴承和轴瓦的化学组成264. SAE J 461-2002 锻铜和铸铜合金265. SAE J 462-1981 锻铜合金266. SAE J 463-2002 锻铜和铜合金267. SAE J 464-1989 镁合金268. SAE J 465-1989 铸镁合金269. SAE J 466-1989 锻镁合金270. SAE J 467b 特殊用途合金(超级合金)271. SAE J 468-1988 锌合金锭和压铸件锌合金的成分272. SAE J 469-1989 锌模铸合金273. SAE J 470c 锻镍和与镍有关的合金274. SAE J 471d 粉末冶金黑色金属部件275. SAE J 473a 焊锡276. SAE J 474-1985 电镀及抛光277. SAE J 476a 干密封式管螺纹278. SAE J 482-1998 高六角头螺母279. SAE J 483-1998 槽顶(暗,盖帽式)螺母280. SAE J 485-1998 安装开口销用螺栓和螺钉杆上的孔及螺母的槽281. SAE J 490-1996 球节282. SAE J 491-1987 转向球头销和球座总成283. SAE J 492 铆钉和铆接284. SAE J 493 杆端销和U 形夹285. SAE J 494 带槽销286. SAE J 495 圆柱销(实心)287. SAE J 496 弹性圆柱销288. SAE J 497 非淬火接地柱销289. SAE J 499a 装配用零件软拉孔直齿内花键290. SAE J 501 轴端291. SAE J 502 半圆键292. SAE J 503 半圆键槽和键沟2.。
SAE J 燃油管路快速接头中文版
SAE J2044 2009年8月发行 1992年6月修订 2009年8月地面车辆推荐实施规范替代 J2044 2002年9月燃油及蒸汽 / 挥发系统的快速接头规范说明本修订主要为反映燃油及挥发系统上技术方面的变更,及对测试流程的澄清。
目录1. 范围 (2)2. 引用 (3)2.1 适用的出版物 (3)2.1.1 SAE出版物 (3)2.1.2 ASTM 出版物 (3)2.2 相关的出版物 (3)2.2.1 SAE 出版物 (3)3. 定义 (4)3.1 未装接接头(Unexposed Coupling) (4)3.2 批次 (4)3.3 尺寸...................................................... (4)4. 尺寸规格 (4)5. 测试温度 (4)6. 功能性要求 (4)6.1 泄漏测试(在线测试) (4)6.1.1 低压泄漏测试流程 (4)6.1.2 低压泄漏测试合格判定 (5)6.1.3 高压泄漏测试流程(仅流体燃料) (5)6.1.4 高压泄漏测试合格判定 (5)6.1.5 真空泄漏测试流程(仅客户要求时的蒸汽系统) (5)6.1.6 真空测试认可判定 (5)6.2 插接力(Assembly Effort) (7)6.2.1 测试流程(新零件) (7)6.2.2 测试流程(第7节装接后的接头) (7)6.2.3 认可判定 (8)6.3 拔脱力(Pull-Apart Effort) (9)6.3.1 测试流程 (9)6.3.2 认可判定 (9)SAE 免责声明SAE版权声明6.4 侧向受力能力 (10)6.4.1 测试流程 (10)6.4.2 认可判定(侧向受力泄漏测试) (10)6.4.3 认可判定(侧向受力破坏测试) (10)6.5 电阻 (10)6.5.1 测试流程 (11)6.5.2 认可判定 (11)6.6 耐蒸汽逸散(Resistance to Evaporative Emissions) (11)7. 设计验证/有效性测试 (11)7.1 腐蚀 (11)7.1.1 测试流程 (11)7.1.2 认可判定 (11)7.2 抗氯化锌 (11)7.2.1 测试流程 (11)7.2.2 认可判定 (11)7.3 耐外部化学和环境性 (12)7.3.1 测试流程,流体或介质 (12)7.3.2 认可判定 (12)7.4 燃油相容性 (12)7.4.1 测试流程 (12)7.4.2 测试用燃料 (12)7.4.3 测试要求 (13)7.4.4 认可判定 (13)7.5 生命周期测试 (13)7.5.1 测试流程 (13)7.5.2 振动频率 (13)7.5.3 加速度 (13)7.5.4 振动持续时间 (13)7.5.5 流体压力 (13)7.5.6 流体流量(仅液体燃料快速接头) (14)7.5.7 测试持续时间 (14)7.5.8 测试循环 (14)7.5.9 认可判定 (15)7.6 高温爆裂测试 (16)7.6.1 测试流程 (16)7.6.2 认可判定 (16)8. 设计验证/有效性及在线测试交叉参照表 (17)9. 注释 (17)9.1 页边标记 (17)附录A测量配套管路端头的凸缘宽度的流程 (18)1. 范围本SAE推荐实施规范适用于燃油供给、回流、蒸气/挥发系统连接的快速接头,定义了其最低功能性要求。
SAEJ2044 SEP 2002
版权所有© 2002 SAE (汽车工程师学会)国际版权所有。
如需订购资料,请联系:电话:877-606-7323(美国与加拿大境内)电话:724-776-4970(美国境外)传真:724-776-0790电邮:custsvc@汽车工程师学会网址:水陆交通工具车辆 建议 惯例 J2044 修订标号 2002年9月 发布日期:1992-06 修订日期:2002-09 代替 J2044 1997年12月液体燃料和蒸汽/排放物系统快连接头规范目 录1.范围 ............................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.参考文献 ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 适用出版物 (4)2.1.1 SAE (汽车工程师学会)出版物 (4)2.1.2 ASTM 出版物 (4)2.2 相关出版物 (4)2.2.1 SAE (汽车工程师学会)的出版物 ............................................................................................................ 53.定义 ............................................................................................................................................................... 5 4.尺寸的名称 ................................................................................................................................................... 5 5.试验温度 ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 6.功能要求 ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 6.1 泄漏测试 . (6)6.1.1 测试程序(低压) (6)6.1.2 验收标准(低压) (6)6.1.3 测试程序(高压) (6)6.1.4 验收标准(高压) (8)6.1.5 测试程序(真空) (8)6.1.6 验收标准(真空) (8)6.2 组装施力 (8)6.2.1 测试程序(新部件) (8)6.2.2 测试程序 (9)6.2.3 验收标准 (9)6.3 拉离的施力 (9)6.3.1 测试程序 (10)6.3.2 验收标准 (10)6.4 侧向载荷能力 (10)6.4.1 测试程序 (11)6.4.2 验收标准(侧向负载泄漏试验) (11)6.4.3 试验要求(侧向负载断裂试验) (11)6.4.4 验收标准 (11)6.5 防蒸发排放 (12)6.5.1 测试程序 (12)6.5.2 验收标准 (12)6.6 电阻 (12)6.6.1 测试程序 (12)6.6.2 验收标准 (13)7. 设计验证/验证测试 (13)7.1 腐蚀 (13)7.1.1 测试程序 (13)7.1.2 验收标准 (13)7.2 氯化锌耐受性 (13)7.2.1 测试程序 (13)7.2.2 验收标准 (13)7.3 外部化学和环境耐受性 (14)7.3.1 测试程序 (14)7.3.2 流体或介质 (14)7.3.3 验收标准 (14)7.4 燃料的兼容性 (14)7.4.1 测试程序 (14)7.4.2 测试燃料 (15)7.4.3 试验要求 (15)7.4.4 验收标准 (15)7.5 寿命周期 (15)7.5.1 测试程序 (15)7.5.2 振动频率 (15)7.5.3 加速度 (15)7.5.4 振动的持续时间 (16)7.5.5 流体压力 (16)7.5.6 流体流量(只对液体燃料的快速连接接头) (16)7.5.7 试验持续时间 (16)7.5.8 试验周期 (16)7.5.9 验收标准 (17)7.6 流量限制 (19)7.6.1 测试程序 (19)7.6.2 验收标准 (19)7.7 高温爆裂 (19)7.7.1 测试程序 (19)7.7.2 验收标准 (19)8. 设计检查/验证和进程内测试矩阵 (19)9. 注 (20)9.1 边栏符号 (20)附录A 匹配管端模板举例 (21)1. 范围本SAE(汽车工程师学会)推荐惯例定义标准的插入式管端尺寸,以保证所有相同尺寸和标准管端连接器设计之间的互换性。
Common Name
化学名 符号 Common Name
Nitrile Rubber
Natural Rubber
天然橡胶 NBR
(Acrylonitrile Butad iene
乙烯丙烯 酸脂
Fluoroalkoxyphosphazene Rubber
乙烯氯醇 橡胶
丁睛橡 胶
氢化丁 睛橡胶 氯化聚 乙烯 氯磺化 聚乙烯 丙烯酸 脂橡胶 聚胺脂 聚胺脂聚醚型 硅胶
Silicone Rubber Fluorosilicone
Fluorocarbon Rubber
Epichlorohydrin Homopolymer
Acrylic Ester/Ethylene Copolymer
SAE J200 标准代号
符号 后缀○1 -1 A:耐热,ASTM D573/70h B:压变,ASTM D395B C:耐臭氧或天候,ASTM D1171A D:压缩挠曲,ASTM D575A EO:耐润滑油,ASTM D471/70h EF:耐燃油,ASTM D471/70h EA:耐水,ASTM D471/70h F:耐低温,ASTM D2137A G:耐撕裂,ASTM D624C
SAE标准中文版美国汽车工程师协会标准中文版目录代号名称1. SAE TSB002-1992 SAE技术报告的准备2. SAE TSB003-1999 SAE使用公制(Metric)单位的规则3. SAE TSB004-1998 技术委员会指南4. SAE J 10-2000 汽车和非道路车辆气制动储气罐性能要求和识别要求5. SAE J 17-2003 天然泡沫橡胶6. SAE J 18-2002 海绵橡胶和多孔橡胶制品7. SAE J 19-1997 汽车用乳胶浸渍制品和涂料8. SAE J 20-2003 冷却系统软管9. SAE J 20-1-2002 冷却软管(政府用于替代MS52130部分而对SAE J20进行的增补)10. SAE J 20-2-2001 钢丝缠绕支撑冷却软管的正常使用(SAE J20的增补件)11. SAE J 30-1998 燃油和机油软管12. SAE J 31-1986 液压式铲车举升能力13. SAE J 33-2000 雪地车定义和术语—总则14. SAE J 34-2001 机动游艇外部噪声测量规程15. SAE J 38-1991 装载机举升臂支撑装置16. SAE J 43-1988 工业轮式装载机和铲车轴载荷17. SAE J 44-2003 雪地车行车制动系统性能要求18. SAE J 45-2003 雪地车制动系统试验规程19. SAE J 46-1993 车轮打滑制动控制系统道路试验规程20. SAE J 47-1998 摩托车潜在最大噪声声级21. SAE J 48-1993 液面指示器指南22. SAE J 49-1980 液压铲车技术参数的定义23. SAE J 51-1998 汽车空调软管24. SAE J 56-1999 道路车辆—带调节器的交流发电机—试验方法和一般要求25. SAE J 57-2000 公路载货车轮胎噪声声级26. SAE J 58-1998 带凸缘的12角头螺钉27. SAE J 64-1995 雪地车识别代号28. SAE J 67-1998 铲斗,抓斗和挖斗额定容量29. SAE J 68-1991 雪地车开关装置和部件试验30. SAE J 75-1999 机动车制动液容器兼容性31. SAE J 78-1998 钢制自攻螺钉32. SAE J 79 制动盘和制动鼓热电偶安装33. SAE J 80-1997 汽车用橡胶垫34. SAE J 81-1997 滚丝螺钉35. SAE J 82-1998 机制螺钉机械和质量要求36. SAE J 88-1995 非道路工作机械外部噪声测量37. SAE J 89-1995 雪地车坐椅动态缓冲性能标准38. SAE J 90-1995 汽车非金属垫圈材料标准分类体系39. SAE J 92-1995 雪地车节气门控制系统40. SAE J 95-1986 工业设备前照灯41. SAE J 96-1986 工业设备闪光警报灯42. SAE J 98-1998 通用工业机械人员防护43. SAE J 99-2003 公路上使用的工业设备灯光和标志44. SAE J 100-1999 A类车辆风窗玻璃阴影区域45. SAE J 101-1989 汽车鼓式制动器液力分泵46. SAE J 107-1996 摩托车操纵件和显示器47. SAE J 108-2000 摩托车制动系统试验代码48. SAE J 109-2000 摩托车和动力驱动自行车行车制动系统性能要求49. SAE J 112a 电动风窗玻璃刮水器开关50. SAE J 113 冷拔机械弹簧钢丝和弹簧51. SAE J 114-1994 座椅安全带织带磨损性能要求52. SAE J 115-2003 安全标志53. SAE J 119-1987 纤维板褶皱弯曲试验54. SAE J 121M-1997 淬硬和回火螺纹紧固件的脱碳55. SAE J 121-1997 淬硬和回火螺纹紧固件的脱碳56. SAE J 122-1998 螺母表面的不连续性57. SAE J 123-1994 用于疲劳载荷的螺栓,螺钉和双头螺栓的表面不连续性58. SAE J 125-1988 铸铁温升性能59. SAE J 126-1986 冷、热轧钢板和钢带的选择和说明60. SAE J 128-1994 乘用车和轻型载货车乘员约束系统评价61. SAE J 129-1981 发动机和传动系识别号码62. SAE J 131-2003 摩托车转向信号灯63. SAE J 133-2003 商用挂车和半挂车牵引销性能64. SAE J 134-1993 乘用车和轻型载货车与挂车组成的列车制动系统道路试验代码65. SAE J 135-1993 乘用车与挂车组成的列车行车制动系统性能要求66. SAE J 138 试验人体动力学研究摄影分析指南67. SAE J 139-1999 点火系统术语68. SAE J 140-1995 座椅安全带硬件试验规程69. SAE J 141-1995 座椅安全带硬件性能要求70. SAE J 153-1987 操作人员预防措施71. SAE J 156-2000 保险丝72. SAE J 159-2002 额定容量系统73. SAE J 160-2001 摩擦材料在暴露在温度升高的环境中时尺寸的稳定性74. SAE J 163-2001 低压电线和电缆终端接头及铰接夹75. SAE J 164-1997 散热器盖和加水口颈76. SAE J 167-2002 农用拖拉机顶部防护—试验规程和性能要求77. SAE J 169-1985 非道路车辆操作人员空间内空调系统的设计指南78. SAE J 174-1998 英制钢螺纹紧固件力矩-应力试验规程79. SAE J 174M-1998 公制钢螺纹紧固件力矩-应力试验规程80. SAE J 175-2003 道路车辆车轮冲击试验规程81. SAE J 176-1994 非道路自驱动工作机械快速加油设备82. SAE J 179-2001 载货车盘式车轮和可拆卸轮辋—表识83. SAE J 180-2002 建筑和工业机械充电系统84. SAE J 182-1997 机动车辆基准标志和三维参考系85. SAE J 183-2002 发动机油性能和发动机维修分类(除节能方面外)86. SAE J 184-1998 噪声数据获得系统的检定87. SAE J 185-2003 非道路机械的接近系统88. SAE J 187 载货车识别号码89. SAE J 188-2003 高体积膨胀型动力转向压力软管90. SAE J 189-1998 低压动力转向回油软管91. SAE J 190-1998 钢丝编织动力转向压力软管92. SAE J 191-2003 低体积膨胀型动力转向压力软管93. SAE J 192-2003 雪地车外部噪声等级94. SAE J 193-1996 球节及球座总成试验规程95. SAE J 195-1988 机动车辆自动车速控制器96. SAE J 198-2003 载货车、大客车及多用途车风窗玻璃刮水系统97. SAE J 200-2001 橡胶材料分类体系98. SAE J 201-1997 乘用车和轻型载货车在用制动器性能试验规程99. SAE J 207-1985 汽车金属装饰件和结构件的镀铬和镍100.101. SAE J 211-1-2003 冲击试验用仪器—第1部分—电子仪器102. SAE J 211-2-2001 冲击试验用仪器—第2部分—摄影仪器103. SAE J 212-1998 乘用车制动系统测功机试验规程104. SAE J 213-1997 摩托车分类105.106. SAE J 216-1999 乘用车玻璃—电路107. SAE J 217-1994 不锈钢17-7PH弹簧钢丝和弹簧108. SAE J 218-1981 乘用车识别术语109. SAE J 220-1998 起重机起重臂限位装置110. SAE J 222-2000 驻车灯(前位置灯)111. SAE J 224-1980 碰撞变形分类112. SAE J 225-2003 商用车制动系统扭矩平衡试验代码113. SAE J 226-1995 发动机预热器114. SAE J 228-1995 空气流量参考标准115. SAE J 229-1993 乘用车行车制动器结构总成试验规程116. SAE J 230-1994 不锈钢,SAE 30302,弹簧钢丝和弹簧117. SAE J 232-1994 工业旋转割草机118. SAE J 234 电动风窗玻璃清洗器开关119. SAE J 235 电动鼓风机电机开关120. SAE J 238-1998 螺母和锥形弹簧垫圈总成121. SAE J 240-2002 汽车蓄电池寿命试验122. SAE J 243 汽车密封胶,粘结剂和缓冲胶剂的试验方法123. SAE J 244-1992 柴油机进气或排气流量测量124. SAE J 246-2000 球面和凸缘管接头125. SAE J 247-1987 测量车内噪声脉冲的仪器126. SAE J 249-1988 机械制动灯开关127. SAE J 250 合成树脂塑料密封胶—不干型128. SAE J 253-1989 前照灯开关129. SAE J 254-1993 废气排放测量用仪器和测量技术130. SAE J 257-1997 商用车制动器额定功率要求131. SAE J 259 点火开关132. SAE J 264-1998 视野术语133. SAE J 265-2002 柴油机燃油喷嘴总成—8,9,10和11型134. SAE J 266-1996 乘用车和轻型载货车稳态方向控制试验规程135. SAE J 267-1999 车轮/轮辋—载货车—性能要求和试验规程136. SAE J 268-1989 摩托车后视镜137. SAE J 272-1981 车辆识别号码体系138. SAE J 273-1981 乘用车识别号码体系139. SAE J 274-1989 悬架弹簧额定承载能力140. SAE J 276-2002 铰接式装载机和拖拉机转向锁141. SAE J 277-1995 雪地车电气系统设计电压的维持142. SAE J 278-1995 雪地车制动灯143. SAE J 279-1995 雪地车尾灯(后位置灯)144. SAE J 280-1984 雪地车前照灯145. SAE J 283-1999 带三点式挂接装置的农用拖拉机液压举升能力试验规程146. SAE J 284-2002 农用、建筑和工业装备安全警报信号147. SAE J 285-1999 汽油分配泵喷嘴148. SAE J 286-1996 SAE第2号离合器摩擦试验机械指南149. SAE J 287-1988 驾驶员手控制区域150. SAE J 288-2002 雪地车燃油箱151. SAE J 291-1980 制动液温度的确定152. SAE J 292-1995 雪地车及车灯、反射装置和相关装备153. SAE J 293-1995 车辆坡道驻车性能要求154. SAE J 294-1993 GVWR大于4 500公斤(10 000 lb)车辆的行车制动器总成试验规程155. SAE J 297-2002 工业装备操作人员控制件156. SAE J 299-1993 制动距离试验规程157. SAE J 300-1999 发动机机油黏度分级158. SAE J 301-1999 新的或已修订技术报告的有效日期159. SAE J 304-1999 发动机机油试验160. SAE J 306-1998 汽车齿轮润滑剂黏度分级161. SAE J 308-1996 轴和手动变速器润滑剂162. SAE J 310-2000 汽车润滑脂163. SAE J 311-2000 乘用车自动变速器液164. SAE J 312-2001 车用汽油165. SAE J 313-1998 柴油166. SAE J 314-2002 毛毡—羊毛和部分羊毛167. SAE J 315-1985 纤维板试验规程168. SAE J 318-2003 汽车气制动管接头169. SAE J 321-1999 推土机牵引机械操作人员防护轮罩170. SAE J 322-1996 非金属装饰材料—确定抗硫化氢腐蚀性的试验方法171. SAE J 323-1998 确定柔性塑料材料冷裂性的试验方法172. SAE J 326-1986 液压反铲挖掘机术语173. SAE J 328-1994 乘用车及轻型载货车车轮性能要求和试验规程174. SAE J 331-2000 摩托车噪声声级175. SAE J 332-2002 测量乘用车和轻型载货车轮胎一致性的试验机械176. SAE J 335-1995 多位小型发动机排气系统点火抑制177. SAE J 336-2001 载货车驾驶室内部噪声声级178. SAE J 339-1994 座椅安全带织带磨损试验规程179. SAE J 342-1991 大型发动机火花防止器试验规程180. SAE J 343-2001 SAE 100R系列液压软管和软管总成试验和试验规程181. SAE J 345a 干或湿路面乘用车轮胎最大和抱死时车轮制动力182. SAE J 347-2002 7型(9.5 mm)柴油机燃油喷嘴总成183. SAE J 348-1990 车轮三角垫木184. SAE J 349-1991 黑色金属杆,棒,管和丝的表面缺陷检查185. SAE J 350-1991 中型发动机火花防止器试验规程186. SAE J 356-1999 可以抑制焊瘤的弯曲,双层扩口和卷边正火低碳钢187. SAE J 357-1999 发动机油的物理和化学特性188. SAE J 358-1991 非破坏性试验189. SAE J 359-1991 红外线试验190. SAE J 360-2001 载货车和大客车坡道驻车性能试验规程191. SAE J 361-1996 汽车内饰件和外饰件视觉评价规程192. SAE J 363-1994 滤清器座的安装193. SAE J 365-1994 装饰材料抗擦伤性试验方法194. SAE J 366-2001 重型载货车和大客车外部噪声声级195.196. SAE J 369-2003 车辆内部聚合物材料燃烧特性—试验方法197. SAE J 370-1998 建筑和工业机械用螺栓和内六角螺钉尺寸198. SAE J 371-1993 非道路自驱动工作机械的放油、注油和油位螺塞199. SAE J 373-1993 单片和双片弹簧加载式离合器壳内尺寸200. SAE J 374-2002 车顶抗压试验规程201. SAE J 375-1994 负荷半径式悬臂角指示系统202. SAE J 376-1985 起重机举升负载指示装置203. SAE J 377-2001 车辆通行声音信号装置204. SAE J 378-1988 船用发动机布线205. SAE J 379-1996 制动衬片高氏硬度206. SAE J 380-2002 摩擦材料比重207. SAE J 381-2000 载货车,大客车和多用途车风窗玻璃除雾系统试验规程和性能要求208. SAE J 383-1995 机动车辆座椅安全带固定点设计建议209. SAE J 384-1994 机动车辆座椅安全带固定点试验规程210. SAE J 385-1995 机动车辆座椅安全带固定点性能要求211. SAE J 386-1997 非道路工作机械操作人员约束系统212. SAE J 387-1995 机动车辆灯光术语213. SAE J 390-1999 双向尺寸214. SAE J 391-1981 颗粒物尺寸定义215.216. SAE J 393-2001 商用车辆车轮,轮毂,轮辋术语217. SAE J 397-1995 防护结构试验室评价—偏转极限值218. SAE J 398-1995 乘用车,多用途车和轻型载货车燃油箱加注口条件219. SAE J 399-1985 阳极化处理的铝制汽车部件220. SAE J 400-2002 表面覆层的耐剥落试验221. SAE J 401-2000 钢的选择和使用222. SAE J 402-1997 锻制钢和轧制钢的SAE编号系统223. SAE J 403-2001 SAE碳素钢的化学成分224. SAE J 404-2000 SAE合金钢的化学成分225. SAE J 405-1998 SAE锻制不锈钢的化学成分226. SAE J 406-1998 钢的可淬性确定方法227. SAE J 409-1995 产品分析—热处理或铸钢化学成分分析的容许变差228. SAE J 411-1997 碳素钢和合金钢229. SAE J 412-1995 钢的热处理和一般特性230. SAE J 413-2002 热处理可锻钢的机械性能231. SAE J 415-1995 热处理术语定义232. SAE J 417-1983 硬度试验和硬度值换算233. SAE J 419-1983 脱碳的测量方法234. SAE J 420-1991 磁粉检查235. SAE J 422-1983 用显微镜确定钢所含物质的方法236. SAE J 423-1998 硬化层深度测量方法237. SAE J 425-1991 用涡电流法进行电磁试验238. SAE J 426-1991 液体渗透剂试验方法239. SAE J 427-1991 渗透辐射检查240. SAE J 428-1991 超声波检查241. SAE J 429-1999 外螺纹紧固件机械性能和材料要求242. SAE J 430-1998 非螺纹紧固件碳素钢实心铆钉机械性能和材料要求243. SAE J 431-2000 汽车灰铸铁件244. SAE J 434-1986 汽车可锻(球墨)铸铁件245. SAE J 435-2002 汽车铸钢件246. SAE J 437a 工具和模具钢的选用和热处理247. SAE J 438b 工具和模具钢248. SAE J 439a 硬质合金刀具249. SAE J 441-1993 切割钢丝喷丸250. SAE J 442-2001 喷丸处理用试验带,支架和钢带251. SAE J 443-2003 使用标准喷丸试验带的规程252. SAE J 444-1993 喷丸处理和喷砂清洗用铸丸和铸粒的规格253. SAE J 445-1996 金属喷丸和喷粒的机械性能试验254. SAE J 447-1995 机动车辆车身及底盘部件的防腐255. SAE J 448a 表面质地256. SAE J 449a 表面质地的控制257. SAE J 450-2002 屈服强度和屈服点术语的使用258. SAE J 451-1989 铝合金—基本原理259. SAE J 452-2003 SAE铸铝合金的一般信息—化学组成,机械和物理性能260. SAE J 454-1991 锻制铝合金的一半数据261. SAE J 457-1991 SAE锻制铝合金的化学组成,机械性能限值和尺寸公差262. SAE J 459-1991 轴承和轴瓦合金263. SAE J 460-1991 轴承和轴瓦合金—SAE轴承和轴瓦的化学组成264. SAE J 461-2002 锻铜和铸铜合金265. SAE J 462-1981 锻铜合金266. SAE J 463-2002 锻铜和铜合金267. SAE J 464-1989 镁合金268. SAE J 465-1989 铸镁合金269. SAE J 466-1989 锻镁合金270. SAE J 467b 特殊用途合金(超级合金)271. SAE J 468-1988 锌合金锭和压铸件锌合金的成分272. SAE J 469-1989 锌模铸合金273. SAE J 470c 锻镍和与镍有关的合金274. SAE J 471d 粉末冶金黑色金属部件275. SAE J 473a 焊锡276. SAE J 474-1985 电镀及抛光277. SAE J 476a 干密封式管螺纹278. SAE J 482-1998 高六角头螺母279. SAE J 483-1998 槽顶(暗,盖帽式)螺母280. SAE J 485-1998 安装开口销用螺栓和螺钉杆上的孔及螺母的槽281. SAE J 490-1996 球节282. SAE J 491-1987 转向球头销和球座总成283. SAE J 492 铆钉和铆接284. SAE J 493 杆端销和U形夹285. SAE J 494 带槽销286. SAE J 495 圆柱销(实心)287. SAE J 496 弹性圆柱销288. SAE J 497 非淬火接地柱销289. SAE J 499a 装配用零件软拉孔直齿内花键290. SAE J 501 轴端291. SAE J 502 半圆键292. SAE J 503 半圆键槽和键沟293. SAE J 506-1995 套筒式半轴294. SAE J 510-1992 机动车辆悬架用钢板弹簧—美制单位295. SAE J 511-1989 空气弹簧术语296. SAE J 512-1997 汽车管接头297. SAE J 513-1999 制冷剂管接头—一般规范298. SAE J 514-2001 液压管接头299. SAE J 515-2001 液压O形环材料,特性和尺寸规范300. SAE J 516-2001 液压软管接头301. SAE J 517-2001 液压软管302. SAE J 518-1993 液压凸缘管及4螺栓分裂凸缘型软管接头303. SAE J 524-1996 弯曲和扩口用退火无缝低碳钢管304. SAE J 525-1999 弯曲和扩口用退火焊接冷拉低碳钢管305. SAE J 526-2000 焊接低碳钢管306. SAE J 527-2000 铜焊双层壁低碳钢管307. SAE J 528-1991 无缝铜管308. SAE J 530-1995 汽车用管接头309. SAE J 531-1995 汽车用管子,加注口和排出螺塞310. SAE J 532-1993 汽车用直螺纹加注口和排出螺塞311. SAE J 533-1999 管的扩口312. SAE J 534-1998 润滑剂管接头313. SAE J 537-2000 蓄电池314. SAE J 539-1993 柴油机电气系统电压315. SAE J 541-1996 起动机电路的电压降316. SAE J 542-1991 起动机的安装317. SAE J 543-1995 起动机小齿轮和齿圈318. SAE J 544-1996 电起动机试验规程319. SAE J 548-1-2000 火花塞320. SAE J 548-2-2000 火花塞安装座孔321. SAE J 549-1999 火花塞提前点火率322. SAE J 551-1-2002 车辆,船(最大15米)和机械电磁兼容性(50 Hz-18 GHz)性能等级和测量方法323. SAE J 551-2-1994 车辆,机动船和由火花点火发动机驱动的装置的无线电骚扰特性的限值和测量方法324. SAE J 551-4-2000 车辆和装置宽带和窄带(150 kHz-1000 MHz)无线电骚扰特性限值和试验方法325. SAE J 551-5-1997 电动车宽带(9 kH-30 MHz)磁场和电场强度性能等级和测量方法326. SAE J 551-11-2000 车辆抗电磁干扰性—非道路车辆源327. SAE J 551-12-1996 车辆抗电磁干扰性—车载模拟发射机328. SAE J 551-13-1994 车辆抗电磁干扰性—大电流注入329. SAE J 551-15-2002 车辆抗电磁干扰性—静电放电(ESD)330. SAE J 551-17-1997 车辆抗电磁干扰性—电线磁场331. SAE J 553-1996 断电器332. SAE J 554-1987 电保险丝(管式)333. SAE J 560-1998 载货车挂车跨接电缆7线电插头334. SAE J 561-2001 孔式及叉式电接头335. SAE J 562-1986 非金属导线管336. SAE J 563-1990 6 V和12 V点烟器插座337. SAE J 564-1990 前照灯变光开关338. SAE J 565-1989 半自动前照灯变光装置339. SAE J 567-1998 灯泡保持系统340. SAE J 572-1998 建筑和工业机械封闭式灯光部件的要求341. SAE J 573-1998 微型灯泡342. SAE J 575-1992 总宽度小于2032 mm的车辆用照明装置和部件的试验方法和装备343. SAE J 576-1991 光学部件用塑料材料,如机动车辆照明装置透镜和反射器344. SAE J 578-2002 颜色规格345. SAE J 581-1998 辅助行车灯346. SAE J 582-1995 辅助近光灯347. SAE J 583-2001 前雾灯348. SAE J 584-2003 摩托车前照灯349. SAE J 585-2000 总宽度小于2032 mm的机动车用尾灯(后位灯)350. SAE J 586-2000 总宽度小于2032 mm的机动车用制动灯351. SAE J 587-1997 牌照板照明装置(后牌照板照明装置)352. SAE J 588-2000 总宽度小于2032 mm的机动车用转向信号灯353. SAE J 589B 转向信号灯开关354. SAE J 590 转向信号闪光器355. SAE J 591-1995 聚光灯356. SAE J 592-2000 总宽度小于2032 mm的机动车用示宽灯357. SAE J 593-1993 倒车灯358. SAE J 594-2003 回复反射器359. SAE J 595-1990 被认可的急救车,保养和维修车辆的闪光警示灯360. SAE J 599-1997 灯光检查代码361. SAE J 600-1993 前照灯照准试验机械362. SAE J 602-1989 机械照准前照灯的照准装置363. SAE J 604-1995 发动机术语—总则364. SAE J 609-2003 小型发动机安装法兰和动力输出轴365. SAE J 614-1995 发动机和变速箱量油计标记366. SAE J 615-1995 发动机安装件367. SAE J 616-1995 发动机前后座安装368. SAE J 617-1992 发动机飞轮壳和变速器壳结合法兰369. SAE J 618-1991 单片弹簧加载离合器飞轮370. SAE J 619-1993 双片弹簧加载离合器飞轮371. SAE J 620-1993 与驱动环式偏心离合器的工业动力输出装置和发动机上安装的船用齿轮及单轴承发电机相配用的工业发动机飞轮372. SAE J 621-1995 带驱动环式偏心离合器的工业功率输出装置373. SAE J 626-1998 柴油机燃料喷射—燃料喷射泵末端安装法兰374. SAE J 629-2002 柴油机燃料喷射总成—5型和6型法兰安装375. SAE J 631-1998 散热器术语376. SAE J 635-1995 风扇毂螺栓定位圆和导孔377. SAE J 636-2001 V型皮带和皮带轮378. SAE J 637-2001 汽车V型皮带传动379. SAE J 638-1998 机动车辆暖风装置试验规程380. SAE J 639-1999 车用空调系统机械蒸汽压缩系统制冷剂的安全性和保存381. SAE J 640-2000 液力传动符号382. SAE J 641-2000 液力传动术语383. SAE J 643-2000 液力传动试验代码384. SAE J 645-1997 汽车变速器术语385. SAE J 646-2000 行星齿轮术语386. SAE J 647-1997 变速器示意图387. SAE J 648-2000 自动变速器液压控制系统术语388. SAE J 649-2000 自动变速器功能术语389. SAE J 651-1996 乘用车和轻型载货车自动变速器和自动驱动桥试验代码390. SAE J 656-1988 汽车制动术语和定义391. SAE J 661-1997 制动衬片质量控制试验规程392. SAE J 662-2003 制动块倒角393. SAE J 663-2001 制动衬片铆钉和制动块螺栓394. SAE J 670e 车辆动力学术语395. SAE J 671-1997 减振材料和车身底部涂层396. SAE J 673-1993 汽车安全玻璃397. SAE J 674-1997 机动车和机动车装备用安全玻璃材料398. SAE J 678-1988 汽车速度表和里程表399. SAE J 680-1988 载货车驾驶室仪表和控制件的位置和操作400. SAE J 682-2002 后轮防溅和飞石防护401. SAE J 683-1985 轮胎防滑链间隙—载货车,大客车和车辆列车(郊区客车,城间客车和公共汽车除外)402. SAE J 684-1998 汽车挂车联接装置,铰链和安全链403. SAE J 686-1999 机动车牌照板404. SAE J 689-1996 乘用车和轻型载货车路缘间隙,接近和离去角及坡道倾翻角405. SAE J 691-1990 载货车CA尺寸406. SAE J 693-1989 载货车跨越双胎的总宽度407. SAE J 694-2001 商用车盘式车轮/轮毂或轮鼓接触面尺寸408. SAE J 695-1998 机动车辆的转向能力和跑偏409. SAE J 697-1988 全挂车或台车的安全链410. SAE J 699-1985 设计机动车辆维修设施时使用的车辆平均尺寸411. SAE J 700-2001 商用挂车和半挂车上牵引主销412. SAE J 701-1984 载货车牵引车半挂车互换联接尺寸413. SAE J 702-1985 载货车-牵引车及载货车-挂车制动和电气连接位置414. SAE J 703-2000 载货车及载货车牵引车燃油系统415. SAE J 704-2000 用于安装载货车变速器上的6螺栓和8螺栓动力输出装置的开口416. SAE J 706-1999 绞盘等级417. SAE J 709-1977 农用拖拉机轮胎载荷,扭矩系数和充气压力418. SAE J 711-1991 今后设计农用拖拉机时轮胎选用表419. SAE J 712-1999 工业用和农业用盘式车轮420. SAE J 714-1993 工业用和农业用盘式车轮安装零部件421. SAE J 731-1985 装载机部件术语422. SAE J 732-1992 装载机规格定义423. SAE J 737-1989 铲土机和推土机切削刃的孔间距424. SAE J 738-1986 双斜横截口切削刃425. SAE J 739-1991 平路机切削刃426. SAE J 740-1986 切削刃和刀头的沉头方孔427. SAE J 741-1993 铲土机、翻斗车车斗额定容量428. SAE J 744-1996 液压泵和马达安装及传动尺寸429. SAE J 745-1996 液压动力泵试验规程430. SAE J 746-1996 液压马达试验规程431. SAE J 747-1990 控制阀试验规程432. SAE J 748-1986 液压方向控制阀(最大压力3 000 psi)433. SAE J 751-1997 非道路用轮胎和轮辋分类—建筑机械434. SAE J 753-1991 维修周期表435. SAE J 754a 润滑剂类型—建筑和工业机械436. SAE J 755-1980 船用螺旋桨轴轴端和轮毂437. SAE J 756-1987 船用螺旋桨联轴节438. SAE J 759-2001 灯光识别代码439. SAE J 760-1999 通用封闭式照明组件尺寸规格440. SAE J 764-1995 铲土机装载能力试验规程441. SAE J 765-1990 起重机装载稳定性试验代码442. SAE J 771-1986 汽车印制电路443. SAE J 772-2000 载货车变速器后端6螺栓、8螺栓动力输出装置周围间隙444. SAE J 773-1998 锥形弹簧垫圈445. SAE J 774-2000 紧急警报装置及其防护壳446. SAE J 775-1993 发动机提升阀信息报告447. SAE J 782b 机动车辆座椅手册448. SAE J 792b SAE喷抛清理手册449. SAE J 800-1994 机动车辆座椅安全带总成的安装450. SAE J 810-1996 钢板普通表面缺陷分类451. SAE J 811-1981 金属机械预加应力表面滚压法及其他方法452. SAE J 814-1999 发动机冷却剂453. SAE J 815-2002 汽车座椅用聚氨酯泡沫加载挠度试验454. SAE J 817-1-1991 工程设计可维修性指南—建筑和工业机械—可维修性定义—非道路工作机械455. SAE J 817-2-1991 工程设计可维修性指南—建筑和工业机械—可维修性索引—非道路工作机械456. SAE J 818-1987 装载机额定工作载荷457. SAE J 819-1995 发动机冷却系统现场试验(空气-沸腾)458. SAE J 820-1998 起重机缆索速度和功率试验代码459. SAE J 821-1994 建筑、农用和非道路机械电线束系统460. SAE J 823-1994 闪光器试验461. SAE J 824-1995 发动机旋转和气缸定序462. SAE J 826-2002 H点机械和设计工具规程和规格463. SAE J 827-1996 高碳铸钢喷丸464. SAE J 829-2000 油箱加注口盖和盖保持器465. SAE J 830-1999 燃料喷射装置术语466. SAE J 831-1998 电气定义467. SAE J 833-2003 人体物理尺寸468. SAE J 835-1995 剖分式衬套—设计和应用469. SAE J 836-1970 汽车冶金连接件470. SAE J 839-1998 乘用车侧门锁系统471. SAE J 840-1998 制动蹄和衬片粘结剂试验规程472. SAE J 843-1997 乘用车和轻型载货车制动系统道路试验代码473. SAE J 844-1998 空气制动系统非金属管474. SAE J 845-1997 被认可的急救,维修和保养车辆的声音警报装置475. SAE J 846-2003 液体导管和接头识别编码系统476. SAE J 847-1987 挂车拖杆环和挂钩/连接装置性能477. SAE J 848-2001 重型商用车和半挂车牵引鞍座主销478. SAE J 849-2003 多节挂车的连接装置和附件的位置479. SAE J 850-2000 固定刚性壁障碰撞试验480. SAE J 851-2001 商用车轮辋可拆卸车轮,可拆卸轮辋和间隔圈—尺寸481. SAE J 852-2001 机动车用前转弯灯482. SAE J 853-1981 车辆识别代号483. SAE J 855-2002 纺织品和塑料拉伸和变形试验方法484. SAE J 858-2001 片式电接头485. SAE J 860-2003 有机装饰材料质量(重量)测量试验方法486. SAE J 861-2003 有机装饰材料耐脱色试验方法487. SAE J 862-1989 影响机械驱动的汽车速度表和里程表精度的因素488. SAE J 863-1986 薄钢板冲压时塑性变形测定法489. SAE J 864-1993 用锉刀进行的表面硬度试验490. SAE J 866-2002 制动衬片摩擦系数识别系统491. SAE J 872-1986 建筑,林业和工业机械牵引杆试验规程492. SAE J 873-2003 建筑,林业和工业机械牵引力试验规程493.494. SAE J 875-1999 挂车车轴校准(A)495. SAE J 876-2000 宽轮辋及车轮(A)496. SAE J 879b 机动车座椅系统497. SAE J 880-1997 商用车制动系评定试验规范498. SAE J 881-1985 起重机滑轮和转鼓尺寸499. SAE J 882-2002 *汽车用纺织品和塑料厚度试验方法500. SAE J 883-2002 *确定汽车纺织品材料尺寸稳定性试验方法501. SAE J 884-1991 农用拖拉机驱动轮胎液体配重平衡平台502. SAE J 887-1996 校车报警灯(A)503. SAE J 891-1998 弹簧螺母504. SAE J 892-1996 压紧弹簧螺母英制尺寸系列一般说明505. SAE J 892M -1996 压紧弹簧螺母公制尺寸系列一般说明506. SAE J 896-1983 发动机辅助传动装置用装配法兰(A)507. SAE J 897-2003 工程机械坡道操作试验规范(A)508. SAE J 898-2003 非道路机械控制位置509. SAE J 899-1988 非道路自行推力机械操作者座椅尺寸510. SAE J 900-1995 曲轴箱排放控制测试规范511. SAE J 901-2000 万向节及传动轴术语_定义_应用指南512. SAE J 902-2003 乘用车前风窗除霜系统513. SAE J 903 乘用车前风窗刮水系统514. SAE J 905-1999 燃油过滤器试验方法515. SAE J 910-1999 危险报警信号开关516. SAE J 911-1998 冷轧钢板表面组织测量(A)517. SAE J 912-2002 *汽车装饰材料的抗粘连性及相关特性的试验方法518. SAE J 913-1996 汽车用织物及纤维材料的液体分散性试验方法519. SAE J 914-2000 车长小于12米的车辆侧转信号灯520. SAE J 915-2000 自动变速箱手动操作步骤521. SAE J 917-1980 船用推拉式控制缆索522. SAE J 918 乘用车轮胎性能要求和试验方法523. SAE J 919-1995 单独式操作者的非公路机械噪声测量524. SAE J 920-1985 非公路工作机械技术公报525. SAE J 922-1995 涡轮增压器术语526. SAE J 923-2001 货车和客车驱动桥术语(A)527. SAE J 924-1995 止推垫圈的设计和应用528. SAE J 925-1993 非公路机械最小接近空间尺寸529. SAE J 927-1995 发动机上安装的变矩器的飞轮530. SAE J 928-2001 电线接头—插头及插座的类型531. SAE J 930-1995 非公路机械蓄电池532. SAE J 931-1986 液压动力回路滤清(D)533. SAE J 932-1985 常量应变及微量应变的定义(A)534. SAE J 933-1998 自攻螺钉的机械性能和质量要求477. SAE J 848-2001 重型商用车和半挂车牵引鞍座主销478. SAE J 849-2003 多节挂车的连接装置和附件的位置479. SAE J 850-2000 固定刚性壁障碰撞试验480. SAE J 851-2001 商用车轮辋可拆卸车轮,可拆卸轮辋和间隔圈—尺寸481. SAE J 852-2001 机动车用前转弯灯482. SAE J 853-1981 车辆识别代号483. SAE J 855-2002 纺织品和塑料拉伸和变形试验方法484. SAE J 858-2001 片式电接头485. SAE J 860-2003 有机装饰材料质量(重量)测量试验方法486. SAE J 861-2003 有机装饰材料耐脱色试验方法487. SAE J 862-1989 影响机械驱动的汽车速度表和里程表精度的因素488. SAE J 863-1986 薄钢板冲压时塑性变形测定法489. SAE J 864-1993 用锉刀进行的表面硬度试验490. SAE J 866-2002 制动衬片摩擦系数识别系统491. SAE J 872-1986 建筑,林业和工业机械牵引杆试验规程492. SAE J 873-2003 建筑,林业和工业机械牵引力试验规程493.494. SAE J 875-1999 挂车车轴校准(A)495. SAE J 876-2000 宽轮辋及车轮(A)496. SAE J 879b 机动车座椅系统497. SAE J 880-1997 商用车制动系评定试验规范498. SAE J 881-1985 起重机滑轮和转鼓尺寸499. SAE J 882-2002 *汽车用纺织品和塑料厚度试验方法500. SAE J 883-2002 *确定汽车纺织品材料尺寸稳定性试验方法501. SAE J 884-1991 农用拖拉机驱动轮胎液体配重平衡平台502. SAE J 887-1996 校车报警灯(A)503. SAE J 891-1998 弹簧螺母504. SAE J 892-1996 压紧弹簧螺母英制尺寸系列一般说明505. SAE J 892M -1996 压紧弹簧螺母公制尺寸系列一般说明506. SAE J 896-1983 发动机辅助传动装置用装配法兰(A)507. SAE J 897-2003 工程机械坡道操作试验规范(A)508. SAE J 898-2003 非道路机械控制位置509. SAE J 899-1988 非道路自行推力机械操作者座椅尺寸510. SAE J 900-1995 曲轴箱排放控制测试规范511. SAE J 901-2000 万向节及传动轴术语_定义_应用指南512. SAE J 902-2003 乘用车前风窗除霜系统513. SAE J 903 乘用车前风窗刮水系统514. SAE J 905-1999 燃油过滤器试验方法515. SAE J 910-1999 危险报警信号开关516. SAE J 911-1998 冷轧钢板表面组织测量(A)517. SAE J 912-2002 *汽车装饰材料的抗粘连性及相关特性的试验方法518. SAE J 913-1996 汽车用织物及纤维材料的液体分散性试验方法519. SAE J 914-2000 车长小于12米的车辆侧转信号灯520. SAE J 915-2000 自动变速箱手动操作步骤521. SAE J 917-1980 船用推拉式控制缆索522. SAE J 918 乘用车轮胎性能要求和试验方法523. SAE J 919-1995 单独式操作者的非公路机械噪声测量524. SAE J 920-1985 非公路工作机械技术公报525. SAE J 922-1995 涡轮增压器术语526. SAE J 923-2001 货车和客车驱动桥术语(A)527. SAE J 924-1995 止推垫圈的设计和应用528. SAE J 925-1993 非公路机械最小接近空间尺寸529. SAE J 927-1995 发动机上安装的变矩器的飞轮530. SAE J 928-2001 电线接头—插头及插座的类型531. SAE J 930-1995 非公路机械蓄电池532. SAE J 931-1986 液压动力回路滤清(D)533. SAE J 932-1985 常量应变及微量应变的定义(A)534. SAE J 933-1998 自攻螺钉的机械性能和质量要求590. SAE J 1029-1996 建造掘土机械的灯光及标识591. SAE J 1032-1987 机械(非公路机械)适用性定义(A)592. SAE J 1033-1993 飞轮、飞轮壳及其配件的孔偏心和面偏差的测量593. SAE J 1037-2001 前风窗洗涤器管594. SAE J 1038-1992 儿童用雪地运动车的建议(A)595.596. SAE J 1042-2003 通用机械操作者的保护597. SAE J 1044-1981 世界制造厂识别代号598. SAE J 1050-2003 驾驶员视野的描述和测量599. SAE J 1051-2002 *非公路机械座垫挠性变形量的测量(1051)600. SAE J 1052-2002 *汽车驾驶员及乘员头部位置(A)601. SAE J 1053-1996 英制系列单线程钢制冲压螺纹设计602. SAE J 1053M-1996 公制系列单线程钢制冲压螺纹设计603. SAE J 1058-1999 标准钢板的厚度及公差(A)。
SAE J2527-2004 中文 氙老化
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ASTM G 113 Standard Terminology Relating to Natural and Artificial for Non-Metallic MaterialsASTM G 130 Standard Method for Calibration of Narrow and Broad-Band Ultraviolet Radiometers Using a SpectroradiometerASTM G 147 Standard Practice for conditioning and Handling of Nonmetallic Materials for Natural and Artificial Weathering Tests.ASTM G 155 Standard Practice for Operating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Non-Metallic MaterialsASTM G 151 Standard Practice for Exposing Nonmetallic Materials in Accelerated Test Devices that Use laboratory Light Sources.ASTM G 156 Standard Practice for Selecting and Characterizing Reference Materials Used to Monitor Consistency of Operating Conditions in an Exposure Test. ASTM D 859, Standard Test Method for Silica in WaterASTM D 4517, Standard Test Method for Low-Level Total Silica in High-Purity Water by Flameless Atomic Absorption SpectroscopyASTM D 523, Standard Test Method for Specular GlossASTM D 660, Standard Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Checking of Exterior Paints ASTM D 714 Standard Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Blistering of PaintsASTM D 2244, Standard Test Method for Calculation of Color Differences fromInstrumentally Measured Color Coordinates2.2 相关出版物以下出版物仅处于信息提供目的且不是本文件的必须部分。
车轮相关标准国际标准ISO 3894-2015 道路车辆—商用车车轮/ 轮辋试验方法ISO 3006 :2015 道路车辆—乘用车车轮- 试验方法ISO 16833-2006 道路车辆-- 车轮-- 径向和轴向跳动检测ISO 3006-2005 道路车辆- 乘用车车轮-- 试验方法ISO 3894-2005 道路车辆-- 商用车车轮轮辋-- 试验方法ISO 3911-2004 充气轮胎用车轮和轮辋-- 术语、规格代号和标志ISO 4000-2-2007 乘用车轮胎和轮辋-- 第二部分轮辋ISO 4107-2010 商用车-- 板辐式车轮在轮毂上的安装尺寸ISO 4209-2 :2001 卡车和客车轮胎和轮辋(度量标准系列)-- 第二部ISO 7141-2005 道路车辆-- 轻合金车轮-- 冲击试验ISO 7575-1993 商用道路车辆-- 平面安装车轮固定螺母ISO 10597-2004 道路车辆- 商用车平面安装固定螺母-- 试验方法ISO 13988-2008 乘用车车轮-- 夹片配重和轮辋轮缘术语、试验程序ISO 14400-2005 道路车辆- 车轮和轮辋-- 使用,一般维护、安全要求ISO 15172-2005 道路车辆-- 车轮-- 螺母座强度试验美国标准SAE J267:2014 车轮/轮辋—载货汽车及客车—径向及弯曲疲劳性SAEJ1102-1995 轮胎螺栓的机械及材料要求SAEJ1204-1997 轮毂- 娱乐和实用拖车测试程序SAEJ1671-2006 外侧安装的制动器卷筒/ 盘式轮毂接合尺寸商用车辆SAE J1730-2004 ABS 励磁器圈位置标准化SAE J175-2003 车轮-冲击试验方法―道路车辆SAE J179-2007 标记-辐板式车轮和可拆卸式轮辋―卡车SAE J1835-1999 组装轮辋式车轮的紧固件SAE J1842-2004 辐板式车轮轮毂辐条式车轮及轴接口尺寸- 商用车SAE J1865-2007 商用车车轮所有配件的尺寸兼容性SAE J1965-2003 道路车辆-商用车和多用途乘用车车轮-固定螺母-试SAE J1981-2005 车轮总成的道路危险冲击测试( 客车,轻型卡车,和SAE J1982-2010 乘用车、轻型卡车及多功能车车轮术语SAE J1986-2011 平衡重量和轮缘设计规范、测试程序和性能建议SAE J1992-2001 车轮/轮辋—军用车辆—性能要求及试验方法SAE J2133-2011 辐板式车轮径向跳动低点标示SAE J2224-2002 载货汽车、挂车及客车车轮密封件和相关包装的识SAE J2283-2005 整体车轮螺母的机械工程和材料要求SAE J2315-1998 车轮螺母座强度SAE J2316-1998 乘用车及轻型货车车轮螺母座性能要求及试验方法SAE J2475-2008 车轮最终总成和轮轴接口尺寸-商用车SAE J2530-2009 乘用车、轻型车修配车轮性能要求及试验方法SAE J2535-2001 重型车轮轴承的安装初载荷SAE J2562-2005 双轴车轮疲劳试验SAE J2633-2007 用于检验涂漆的车轮和车轮装饰件风化试验SAE J2634-2003 车轮及车轮装饰件试验准备阶段的涂层划线SAE J267-2007车轮/轮辋一性能要求及试验方法一卡车和公共汽车SAE J2792-2008 用多种化学品评价车轮罩面漆的化学兼容性的试验SAE J328-2005车轮—乘用车及轻型卡车—性能要求及试验程序SAE J851-2011尺寸-组装轮辋式车轮、可拆装式轮辋及隔圈-卡车SAE J876-2007宽基辐板式车轮及可拆式轮辋SAE J393-2001术语-商用车辆车轮、轮毂及轮辋SAE J694-2007辐板式车轮/轮毂或轮鼓接触面尺寸一卡车和公共汽SAEJ1095-2009耐久试验程序:可拆卸轮圈的轮毂和车轮SAE J175-2003 道路车辆轮子冲击试验程序日本标准JIS D4220-2009汽车车轮的尺寸以及紧固方法JIS D4218-1999解说部分JIS D4218-1999汽车零件-车轮-轮辋轮廓JIS D4103-1998汽车零件-车轮-性能要求和标记JIS D4102-2007用充气轮胎的车轮和轮辋-词汇,规格和标记JIS D2701-1993汽车用车轮螺母JASO C614-2004 汽车零件-辐板式车轮欧盟标准ES 数据传输-EDI 系统ES 质量检验系统ES 钢制车轮、轮辋、轮辐图上关于涂漆层的尺寸标ES 钢制车轮表面涂层标准ES 轻合金车轮、轮辋、轮辐图上关于涂漆层的尺寸ES Apr. 1993 静不平衡的定义(用于轿车、旅行车、厢式汽车ES Apr. 1993 静不平衡的定义(用于商用车的钢制车轮和轻合ES Mar. 1992 机动车车轮轮缘磨损的安全判别ES Apr. 2003 机动车车轮一次谐波的测量和标记ES Apr. 1993 车轮和轮辋标记ES Apr. 1993 公路车辆用钢制车轮的特征文档ES May 2006 厢式汽车和轿车拖车车轮的试验要求ES May 2006 卡车钢制车轮的试验要求ES Apr. 2004 农用车轮的试验要求ES Apr. 1993 公路车辆用轻合金车轮的特征文档ES Apr. 1993 铝合金车轮的漆层特征和试验规范ES Apr. 1995 卡车车轮螺栓孔的表示方法ES May 2006 卡车车轮安装尺寸ES Apr. 1996 卡车车轮辐板安装平面尺寸ES 轿车备用车轮的试验要求ES May 2000 轿车,厢式汽车,轿车拖车车轮+螺母螺栓总成试ES May 2002 钢制车轮轮辋固定平衡块用的轮缘形状ES 农用拖位机高速车轮的均匀性和一次谐波(50 公ES 卡车15 °深槽钢制车轮的静态刚度ES May 2006 卡车车轮双轴疲劳试验ES 数据传输条形码系统ES 轿车和卡车车轮的标准化包装日本的汽车工业标准化工作介绍日本的汽车标准化工作分为两个主要的层次,即日本国家标准:日本工业标准(JIS标准)和日本汽车行业标准(JASO标准)。
SAE J2527标准是关于汽车材料耐久性测试的实验方法,旨在模拟汽车外部遇到的光、热、潮湿等极端环境条件,以预测汽车材料的耐用性能。
具体来说,SAE J2527对需要使用的测试条件非常具体,包括:
1. 内灯滤光片:使用石英材质。
2. 外灯滤光片:使用硼硅酸盐材质。
3. 灯辐照度:0.55 W/m2/nm。
4. 室内空气温度 - 光周期:47℃。
5. 室内空气温度 - 暗循环:38℃。
6. 腔室相对湿度 - 光照周期:50%。
7. 腔室相对湿度 - 暗循环:95%。
8. 黑板温度 - 光照周期:70℃。
9. 黑板温度 - 暗循环:38℃。
10. 样品表面喷涂的光/暗循环时间:遵循Q-SUN氙灯老化试验箱的加速老化程序。
sae j442标准
sae j442标准SAE J442标准是汽车制造工程师协会(SAE)发布的一项标准,主要涉及机动车用玻璃的物理和化学性能以及加工工艺。
本文将深入介绍SAE J442标准的中文内容。
1. 引言SAE J442标准是为了确保机动车玻璃的物理和化学性能达到国际通用的基本要求而制定的。
2. 材料成分根据标准要求,玻璃的材料成分应符合ISO规范13288-1中的要求。
3. 物理性能SAE J442标准规定了玻璃的物理性能指标,包括抗弯强度、抗冲击性、硬度、热膨胀系数、密度、透过率等。
玻璃的密度应不小于2.4 g/cm3。
4. 化学性能SAE J442标准还规定了玻璃的化学性能指标,包括抗红外线辐射能力、更高温度下韧性、对水和蒸汽的稳定性、对有机试剂的稳定性等。
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SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: +1 (724) 776-4970 FAX: +1 (724) 776-0790SAE WEB ADDRESS Copyright 2002 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.2.1.5E URO PEAN F UEL C ELL G RO UP LTD P UBLICATION—Available from European Fuel Cell Group Ltd, Pascalstraat12, 2811 EL Reeuwijk, The Netherlands or of Fuel Cell Technology3.Basic Fuel Cell Description—The basic theory of the hydrogen fuel cell was first published in PhilosophicalMagazine in 1839 by Christian Friedrich Schonbein in the January, 1839 edition and by Sir William Grove in the February, 1839 edition. 160 years later, the practical application of fuel cells to general transportation needs is close to reality.A fuel cell is an electrochemical conversion device that converts a hydrogen fuel and air into electricity. As anexample, in a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell, humidified hydrogen is fed into the anode (negative electrode). A platinum catalyst facilitates the separation of the hydrogen gas into two electrons and two positively charged hydrogen ions, or protons. The hydrogen ions migrate across the electrolyte. The electrolyte is sometimes in the form of a membrane designed such that it can not conduct electrons, therefore, the electrons must travel through an external circuit which contains a motor or other electrical load, which consumes the power generated by the fuel cell. At the same time, humidified air is supplied to the cathode (positive electrode). After the hydrogen ions migrate across the membrane, they are combined at the positive electrode with the electrons and humidified air to form water. The water is then emitted from the fuel cell. A single fuel cell produces only a small output (typically about 0.7 volts), but when the cells are stacked in series, the output voltage is multiplied by the number of cells stacked.While water is a product of the fuel cell reaction, both the air and fuel entering the fuel cell must be humidified.This additional water keeps the membrane hydrated. The humidity of the gases must be carefully controlled, too little water in the hydrogen fuel prevents the membrane from conducting the hydrogen ions, and too much water in the air supplied to the cathode cause the cathode to flood. Flooding of the cathode prevents the air from reaching the cathode catalyst sites and forming the water to be emitted.4.Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Terminology4.1General—Terms used to describe the common components and characteristics of fuel cell vehicles.4.1.1A IR U TILIZATIO N—The fraction of the oxidant that enters the cell that reacts electrochemically.NOTE—Also known as Oxygen Utilization.4.1.2A UXILIARY B ATTERY—A battery provided separately from the primary energy source for operating aninstrument such as a vehicle control device (peripheral devices).NOTE—The auxiliary battery is generally charged by the propulsion battery of fuel cell via a DC-DC converter or the like.4.1.3C AUTION L ABEL—A label displaying information relating to cautions, warnings, and dangers for the purposeof preventing hazardous handling of the fuel cell system.4.1.4C OLD S TART—Start-up that occurs after a sufficient soak at the normal ambient temperature.NOTE—For a test procedure, it is recommended that the soak period should be between 12 hours (minimum) and 36 hours (maximum), and that the vehicle should not be started and should remainin a temperature controlled area during this soak period.4.1.5C OOLANT—A fluid used for effecting heat transfer in the thermal management system.NOTE—The fluid is preferably non-electrically conductive and has a low freezing point.--`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---4.1.6D EFUEL—The process of eliminating fuel from a tank or vessel.4.1.7D EPRESSURIZE—The process of reducing the internal pressure in a tank or vessel to near ambient pressure.4.1.8D IRECT I NTERNAL R EFORMING—Production of hydrogen within a fuel cell from a hydrocarbon based fuel(methanol, gasoline, etc.) fed to the fuel cell or stack.4.1.9E XTERNAL R EFORMING—The production of hydrogen from a hydrocarbon fuel (methanol, gasoline, naturalgas, propane, etc.) prior to entry to the fuel cell or stack.4.1.10F LAMMABILITY L IMIT—The range of vapor concentration of flammable gas that will result in propagation from aflame in air.NOTE—Hydrogen: 4-75%, carbon monoxide: 12.5-74.2%, methane: 5-15%, n-pentane: 1.5-7.8%, acetylene: 2.5-100%, ammonia: 15-28%.4.1.11F LAME V ISIBLE G LASSES—Glasses which makes it possible to detect a colorless flame by making the flamevisible.4.1.12F UEL C ELL—Electrochemical energy conversion device in which fuel and an oxidant react to generateelectricity without any consumption, physically or chemically, of its electrodes or electrolyte.4.1.13F UEL C ELL V EHICLE (FCV)—A vehicle that receives propulsion energy from an onboard fuel cell powersystem.4.1.14F UEL U TILIZATION—The fraction of the fuel that enters the cell that reacts electrochemically.4.1.15G AS C LEANUP—Removal of a contaminant from gaseous feed streams by a mechanical or chemical process.4.1.16H EAT C YCLE T ES T—A fuel cell endurance test under repeated ambient temperature change within aprescribed range.4.1.17H OT S TART—Start-up after a shut-down while the temperature of the fuel cell equipment is still within the fuelcell equipment’s normal operating temperature range.4.1.18H YDROG EN E MBRITTLEMENT—Phenomenon causing metal to lose ductility due to occlusion of hydrogenatoms in the metal.4.1.19H YDROG EN P ERMEATION—Permeation of hydrogen through a material of normal construction, resulting in therelease of hydrogen.4.1.20L O AD F O LLOWING—A mode of operation where the fuel cell system is generating variable power dependingon the load demand.4.1.21L O WER F LAMMABILITY L IMIT (LFL)—The minimum concentration of a flammable gas/vapor in air in whichflame is propagated.4.1.22M AXIMUM A LLOW ABLE W ORKING P RE SSURE (MAWP)—The maximum gauge pressure at which a part orsystem may be operated.NOTE—It is the pressure used in determining the setting of pressure-limiting / relieving devices installed to protect the part or system from accidental over pressuring.4.1.23M AXIMUM O PERATING P RESSURE (MOP)—The normal (non-failure) transient or steady-state gauge pressureat which a part or system may be operated.NOTE—It shall not exceed the allowable working pressure, and is usually kept at a suitable level below thesetting of pressure limiting / relieving devices to prevent their frequent functioning.4.1.24M AXIMUM O PERATING T EMPERATURE (MOT)—The normal (non-failure) transient or steady-state gaugetemperature at which a part or system may be operated.NOTE—It shall not exceed the allowable working temperature, and is usually kept at a suitable level belowthe setting of temperature limiting / relieving devices to prevent their frequent functioning.4.1.25M AXIMUM A LLOW ABLE V O LTAG E —The maximum voltage higher than the rated voltage allowable for theequipment or apparatus.4.1.26M AXIMUM P O WER —The maximum power output which equipment or apparatus can generate according to thespecifications indicated by the manufacturer.4.1.27M AXIMUM V O LTAGE —The maximum voltage generated by equipment or apparatus.4.1.28M INIMUM A LLOWABLE V OLTAGE —The minimum voltage lower than the rated voltage which is allowable for theequipment or apparatus.4.1.29M INIMUM I GNITION E NERGY —The minimum spark energy necessary for flammable gas to ignite.4.1.30M ODEL —Model is a reference individually given by manufacturers to distinguish their fuel cells.4.1.31M ODULE —A self-contained unit that serves as a building block for the overall structure of a power source or asubsystem thereof.4.1.32N O -L OAD V O LTAG E —See Open Circuit Voltage.4.1.33O FF G A S —A gas discharged from the fuel cell stack containing unreacted gas, generated gas, and / or inertgas.4.1.34O PE N C IRCUIT V OLTA GE —The voltage measured at the stack terminals when a fuel cell is disconnected froman external circuit. Also called no-load voltage.4.1.35O PE RATING P RESSURE —The variable pressure at which a system operates in response to changes inoperating conditions.4.1.36P ARTIAL O XIDATION —The process of oxidizing a fuel with a deficiency of oxygen to form a gaseous mixturecontaining hydrogen.4.1.37P OISO NING —A degradation of the fuel cell performance caused by the contamination of the fuel cellcomponents such as the membrane and/or electrodes.4.1.38P OST -C ONSUMER M ATERIALS —Those products or other materials that have served their intended end usesand that have been recovered from or otherwise diverted from the waste stream for the purpose of recycling.4.1.39P OWER D ENSITY (K W/LITER )—In the context of a single cell, the power density is measured in terms of power/unit area of active cell, e.g., kW/m 2; in the context of a complete cell stack, the power density is defined in terms of power/unit stack volume, e.g., kW/m 3.--`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---4.1.40P RE-C ONSUME R M ATERIA LS—Those materials generated during any step in the production of a material orproduct that have been recovered from or otherwise diverted from the waste stream for the purpose of recycling.4.1.41P URG E—To displace the fuel in the fuel tank and / or fuel system to a safe level.4.1.42R ATED C URRE NT—Current level (or levels) in amperes at which a device is designed to operate for aspecified duty cycle.4.1.43R ATED P OWER—The manufacturers specification for power capacity for a cell or stack under specifiedconditions.4.1.44R ATED V OLTAG E—Voltage range at which a device is designed to operate.4.1.45R ECY CLABLE—Products or materials that can be recovered from or otherwise diverted from the waste streamfor the purpose of recycling.4.1.46R ECY CLE—The series of activities, including collection, separation, and processing, by which products orother materials are recovered from or otherwise diverted from the waste stream for use in the form of raw materials in the manufacture of new products.4.1.47R ECY CLED C O NTENT—The portion of a material’s or product’s weight that is composed of materials that havebeen recovered from or otherwise diverted from the waste stream either during the manufacturing process (pre-consumer/post-industrial) or after consumer use (post-consumer).4.1.48R EFO RMING—The conversion of a non-hydrogen fuel, such as hydrocarbons or alcohols, into a gaseousmixture suitable for operating fuel cells.4.1.49S PECIFIC P OWER (K W/KG)—The rated power divided by the cell or stack mass.4.1.50S TA CK L IFE—The cumulative period of time that a fuel cell stack may operate before its output deterioratesbelow a specified minimum value.4.1.51S TA CK R ATED P RES SURE—The air pressure at the entrance of the stack at the time of rated power.NOTE—ISO recommends using absolute pressure. If gauge pressure is used, it should be so noted.4.1.52S TA CK T EST—Experiment where an electrical load is applied to a stack of fuel cells to determine its ability toperform.NOTE—Normally, the output is two pieces of information. First is a current output at a specific cell voltage point. Second is a continuous voltage versus current curve (polarization curve).4.1.53S TA CKING—The process of placing individual fuel cells adjacent to one another to form a fuel cell stack.4.1.54S TA RT-U P T IME—The time required for a fuel cell to generate a useable output after initiation of the start-upprocedure.NOTE—Warm starting time and cold starting time are included.4.1.55S TE AM R EFO RMING—The process of reacting a hydrocarbon fuel in the presence of steam to form a gaseousmixture containing hydrogen.--`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---4.1.56S UBSTACK—Typically a group of stacked fuel cells that makes up the base repetitive unit number of cells perfull stack.NOTE—Substacks may form an intermediate step in manufacturing and may be used to test new stack concepts prior to scale-up to full size stacks.4.1.57T HERMAL C YCLE—Repetition of temperature change of equipment during the cycle of start → drive → stop.NOTE— A process consisting of cooling a fuel cell including a cell stack to a temperature close to ambient temperature from driving temperature and heating again to driving temperature.4.1.58V OLTAGE-C URRENT C HARA CTERISTICS—Characteristics which represent the relationship between voltage andcurrent in a fuel cell.NOTE—In many cases, the current is indicated by the current density in the fuel cells. Also known as polarization curves or IV/VI curves.4.2Fuel Cell Types—Terms describing different types of fuel cells for automotive applications4.2.1A LKALINE F UEL C ELL (AFC)—A type of hydrogen/oxygen fuel cell in which the electrolyte is concentratedKOH and hydroxide ions (OH¯) are transported from the cathode to the anode.NOTE—Temperature of operation can vary from <120 °C to approximately 250 °C depending upon electrolyte concentration.4.2.2C LASSIFICATION—Fuel cells are identified in accordance with the type of electrolyte unless otherwiseindicated.NOTE—The electrolyte types include alkaline, polymer, phosphoric acid, molten carbonate, solid, etc.4.2.3D IRECT H YDRO GEN F UEL C ELL (DHFC)—A type of fuel cell using hydrogen as a raw fuel.4.2.4D IRECT F UEL C ELL—A type of fuel cell directly using a raw fuel.4.2.5D IRECT M E THANOL F UEL C ELL (DMFC)—A type of fuel cell in which the fuel is methanol (CH3OH), in gaseousor liquid form.NOTE—The methanol is oxidized directly at the anode with no reformation to hydrogen. The electrolyte is typically a PEM.--`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---4.2.6F UEL R EFORMING F UEL C ELL—A type of fuel cell using hydrogen obtained by reforming a raw fuel.NOTE—The raw fuel may be methanol, gasoline, or another hydrocarbon-based fuel.4.2.7P HOSPHORIC A CID F UEL C ELL (PAFC)—A type of fuel cell in which the electrolyte consists of concentratedphosphoric acid (H3PO4) and protons (H+) are transported from the anode to the cathode.NOTE—The operating temperature is generally 160 °C ~ 220 °C.4.2.8P ROTO N E XCHA NG E M E MB RANE F UEL C ELL (PEMFC OR PEFC)—A type of acid based fuel cell in which theexchange of protons (H+) from the anode to the cathode is achieved by a solid, aqueous membrane impregnated with an appropriate acid.NOTE—The electrolyte is called a proton-exchange membrane (PEM). The fuel cells typically run at low temperatures (<100 °C) and pressures (<5 atm).4.2.9S OLID O XIDE F UEL C ELL (SOFC)—A type of fuel cell in which the electrolyte is a solid, nonporous metaloxide, typically ZrO2 doped with Y2O3, and O2- is transported from the cathode to the anode.NOTE—The operating temperature is generally 800 °C ~1000 °C4.3Fuel—Terms describing fuel cell fuels and fuel storage4.3.1C LEANLINESS F ACTOR—D E GREE OF F UEL P URITYNOTE—Fuels or raw fuels used in a fuel cell require stringent quality control with respect to substances such as sulfur which may poison the reaction catalysts.4.3.2C OLORING A G ENT—Chemicals to provide hydrogen with color so that leakage of hydrogen gas which is acolorless and odorless substance may be detected by color.4.3.3F LAME-C O LO RING A GENT—Chemicals to provide flame with color so that a colorless flame of hydrogen maybe detected by color.4.3.4F UEL T ANK—A device for storing a raw fuel for the fuel cell.NOTE—When the raw material is hydrogen, the storage method differs according to the state of the hydrogen. In the case of gaseous hydrogen, a metal hydride storage device or a high-pressurecylinder is used. In the case of liquid hydrogen, an insulated storage tank is used.4.3.5H IGH P RESSURE H YDROGEN S TORAGE—A device for storing hydrogen gas or liquid under high pressure.NOTE—Hydrogen is stored and transported in the form of a gas or liquid using a high pressure container.4.3.6L O W T EMPERATURE H YDRO GEN S TORAGE—The storage of liquid hydrogen at low temperatures.NOTE—To be stored as a liquid, hydrogen must be cooled to –253 °C (–423 °F).4.3.7M ETAL H YDRIDE H YDROG EN S TORAGE—The storage of hydrogen absorbed in hydrides.NOTE—The hydrogen is released when the hydride is heated or the pressure is reduced.4.3.8O DORIZING A GENT—Chemicals to provide hydrogen with an odor so that the leakage of hydrogen may bedetected.4.3.9R AW F UEL—The fuel supplied to a fuel cell vehicle from an off-board source.4.3.10R EFO RMATE G AS—The fluid that exits the fuel reformer and acts as feed to the fuel cell stack.4.3.11R EFUELING—Operation of supplying a raw fuel from off-board the vehicle.--` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---4.4Fuel Cell Components—Terms describing the components of fuel cells.4.4.1A NODE—The electrode at which oxidation occurs.4.4.2B IPOLAR P LATES—Conductive plate in a fuel cell stack that is in electrical contact with the anode for one celland a cathode for the adjacent cell.NOTE—The plate may be made of metal, a material such as graphite, or a conductive polymer that may bea carbon-filled composite. The plate usually incorporates flow channels for the fluid feeds andmay also contain conduits for heat transfer.4.4.3C ATALYS T C O ATED M EMBRANE (CCM)—Term used to describe a membrane (in a PEM fuel cell) whosesurfaces are coated with a catalyst layer to form the reaction zone of the electrode. (See also Membrane Electrode Assembly [MEA])4.4.4C ATHODE—The electrode at which reduction occurs.4.4.5C ELL—A basic fuel cell unit formed from a fuel electrode, an air electrode, and electrolyte.4.4.6C ELL D EGRADATIO N R ATE—The rate at which a cell’s performance deteriorates over time.NOTE—The degradation rate can be used to measure both recoverable and permanent losses in cell performance. The typical unit of measure is volts (DC) per unit time.4.4.7CE LL I NTERNA L R ESISTANCE L O SS—The decrease in cell performance due to resistance losses caused byinternal structures that create resistance to electron or ion flow.NOTE—The most noticeable impact is seen in the cells operating region that occurs after activation, but before concentration polarization occurs.4.4.8C ELL P OW ER D ENS ITY—The amount of power produced per unit measure.NOTE—For a single cell, this is typically measured as Watts per square centimeter or kW per square meter.4.4.9C ELL P RESSURE D IFFERENTIA—The difference in pressure across the electrolyte as measured from oneelectrode to the other.4.4.10C URRENT C O LLECTOR—Term used to describe the conductive material in a fuel cell that collects electrons (onthe anode side) or disburses electrons (on the cathode side).NOTE—The current collectors are microporous (to allow for fluid flow through them) and lie in between the catalyst/electrolyte surfaces and the bipolar plates. Also referred to as Gas Diffusion Layer (GDL).4.4.11D ESULFURIZER—A component for removing sulfur from the raw or reformed fuel.4.4.12E LECTRODE—The conducting body that contains active materials and through which current enters or leavesa cell.4.4.13E LECTROLYTE—The medium that provides ion transport between the positive and negative electrodes of acell.4.4.14F UEL C ELL S TACK—An assembly of cells, separators, cooling plates, manifolds, and a supporting structurethat electrochemically converts hydrogen rich gas and air reactants to dc power, heat, water, and other byproducts.--` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---4.4.15H UMIDIFIER—Equipment for adding moisture to reaction gas.4.4.16M EMBRANE—A physical separator that preferentially conducts one species over another.NOTE—The separating layer in a fuel cell that acts as electrolyte (a ion-exchanger) as well as a barrier film separating the gases in the anode and cathode compartments of the fuel cell.4.4.17E LECTRODE A SSEMBLY (MEA)—Structure consisting of a proton-exchange membrane with surfaces incontact with catalyst/carbon/binder layers and sandwiched by two microporous conductive layers (which function as the gas diffusion layers (GDL) and current collectors).NOTE—When combined with the GDL, the MEA is referred to as an integrated or unitized MEA.4.4.18P ROTO N E XCHA NG E M E MB RANE (PEM)—The separating layer in a PEM fuel cell that acts as an electrolyte(which is proton conducting) as well as a barrier film separating the hydrogen-rich feed in the anode compartment of the cell from the oxygen-rich cathode side.4.4.19R EFO RMER—A reactor for producing a hydrogen containing gas mixture from the raw fuel. The output of areformer is typically not suitable for use in a fuel cell stack and requires further processing.4.4.20S EPARATOR P LATE—A solid piece of electrically conductive material (usually a metal or graphite) whichseparate gases on anodes in one cell from gases on cathodes of adjacent cells.NOTE—This plate does not take part in the chemical reaction.4.4.21S TA CK E ND F RAME—A frame used to compress the individual cells together to maintain electricalconductivity, may also be known as an end plate or compression end plate.--`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---4.4.22S TA CK T ERMINAL—An output terminal at which electric power is supplied from the stack.4.4.23W ATER S EPARATO R—Equipment which condenses and separates moisture in the gas discharged from thefuel cell.4.5Fuel Cell Systems—Terms describing fuel cell systems and their function4.5.1A IR P ROCESSING S YSTE M—The system that meters, conditions, processes, and may pressurize the incomingair supply for use within the Fuel Cell Power Train.4.5.2A UTOMATIC C ONTROL S YSTEM—The assembly of sensors, actuators, valves, switches, and control logiccomponents that maintains the Fuel Cell Power Train parameters within the manufacturers specified limits without manual intervention.4.5.3F UEL P ROCESSING S YSTEM—Catalytic or chemical processing equipment plus associated heat exchangersand controls required to convert input fuel to a hydrogen rich stream suitable for operation of the fuel cell stacks.NOTE—The fuel processing system normally contains a reformer or a chemical hydrogen absorption system.4.5.4T HERMAL M ANAG EMENT S Y STEM—Provides cooling and heat rejection to maintain thermal equilibrium withinthe Fuel Cell Power Train and may provide for the recovery of excess heat and assist in heating the power train during startup.4.5.5V ENTING S YSTE M—The gas vent or single-wall metal pipe, and vent connector if used, assembled to form acontinuous open passageway from the flue collar of gas utilization equipment to the outside atmosphere for the purpose of removing vent gases.NOTE—May contain a pressure relief device and/or a flame arrestor.4.5.6W ATER T REATMENT S YSTEM—Provides for treatment and purification of recovered or added water for usewithin the Fuel Cell Power Train.4.6Fuel Cell Vehicle Systems—Terms describing the fuel cell vehicle’s systems’ functions (Reference Figure 1 –Fuel Cell Vehicle Systems)4.6.1F UEL C ELL P OWER S YSTEM—The fuel cell power system consists of the fuel cell powertrain and the on-boardenergy storage device.4.6.2F UEL C ELL P OWERTRAIN—The fuel cell powertrain consists of the fuel cell system as well as the inverter,controller, electric motor, and transmission.4.6.3F UEL C ELL P RO PULS ION S YSTEM—The fuel cell propulsion system consists of the fuel cell powertrain and theon-board energy storage device.4.6.4F UEL C ELL S YSTE M—A system for a fuel cell vehicle, containing one or more of the following: Fuel CellStacks, Air Processing, Fuel Processing, Thermal Management, Water Management, Automatic Control System, and / or Electrical Power Distribution System.4.6.5O N-B O ARD E NE RG Y S TORAGE—The storage of energy on-board the vehicle.NOTE—This energy could be stored in a battery or other energy storage device.4.6.6O N-B O ARD F UEL S TORAGE—The storage of fuel on-board the vehicle.--`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---NOTE—The fuel is in the same state as the fuel from the external fuel source, such as compressed hydrogen or atmospheric methanol stored in a tank.4.6.7P OWER D ISTRIBUTION S Y STEM—Distributes electrical power within the Fuel Cell Power Train.4.7Infrastructure—Terms describing fuel cell vehicle infrastructure components4.7.1F UELING N OZZLE—The infrastructure side of the fuel cell vehicle coupler.4.7.2F UELING C OUPLER—An interface which connects a fuel cell vehicle and a fuel supply service station.NOTE—The fueling coupler may also supply cooling water and communicate information relating to fuel supply. The fueling coupler consists of the fueling nozzle and the fueling receptacle.4.7.3F UELING R ECEPTACLE—The vehicle side of the fuel cell vehicle coupler.4.7.4H YDROG EN F UELING S TATIO N—A hydrogen refueling facility used to dispense hydrogen from a local storageor generation facility into fuel cell vehicles.4.7.5O N-SITE H YDROG EN P RODUCTION—Hydrogen production at a hydrogen fueling station or in an adjoiningfacility.NOTE—Hydrocarbon-based fuel reforming or water electrolysis is used for hydrogen production.-11-FIGURE 1—FUEL CELL VEHICLE SYSTEMS PREPARED BY THE SAE FUEL CELL STANDARDS COMMITTEECopyright SAE InternationalProvided by IHS under license with SAENot for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS --`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Rationale—Not applicable.Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO Standard—Not applicable.Application—This SAE Information Report contains definitions for hydrogen fuel cell powered vehicle terminology. It is intended that this document be a resource for those writing other hydrogen fuel cell vehicle documents, specifically, Standards or Recommended Practices.The purpose of this document is to provide a record of commonly used terminology established by the technical community involved in writing practices and information reports for hydrogen fuel cell powered vehicles.Reference SectionANSI Z21.83—American National Standard For Fuel Cell Powered Plants.Glossary of Terms Relating to Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles, Working Draft dated April 25, 2001#LA-UR-99-3231—Fuel Cells - Green PowerFuel Cell Glossary, Second Edition - MAY, 2000, U.S. Fuel Cell Council – Moving to Market, Fuel CellGlossary, 2nd Edition – May, 2000Status of Fuel Cell TechnologyDeveloped by the SAE Fuel Cell Standards CommitteeCopyright SAE InternationalProvided by IHS under license with SAENot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS --` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---。