



1) 2) 3) 4) 断电前,请不要做任何清洁操作 修改安全装置和控制装置前,请咨询制造商 请不要移动和取出机器中的电器盒 格栅必须远离尖硬物品
※ 重要提示:防冻液能使热泵在低温气候下正常工作
Байду номын сангаас
1. 安装产品时,必须安装水流开关,安装位置在空调的水流进水口,以保证有足够的水流量。 2. 板式换热器进水前,必须安装水过滤器,并且,半年清洗一次。 3. 在低温地区,如果空气温度低于 0℃,请将水系统加足够乙二醇以防止断电结冰损坏热泵。 4. 机器必须长期通电(包括停止使用);通电时,热泵有防冻功能;冬天,如果没有足够的防冻液,并且 在断电状态下,热泵有可能会损坏。冬天,如果必须断电超过 30 分钟,为了保护机器不结冰,请将机 器中的水排空。
3.1: 安装注意事项 3.1.1:运输和储存事项 机器在运输和存放中,请保持直立
3.1.2 安装检查 运输和储存事项 一、安装前的准备工作: 1、 察看安装现场: A、 确认场地的面积足够容纳所有的设备(包括水箱、水泵、主机、控制器、管材、管件等) ,并 且有足够的可操作空间。 B、 测量吊装路径、楼梯、门的宽度等,确保设备到达安装现场的路径通畅,避免设备安装时无法 到达现场,特别是水箱体积较大时。 2、 要求客户确保: A、 确保热水供、回水管路安装到位,距安装水箱的位置不超过 4 米,并且便于与水箱连接。 B、 自来水供水管路的取水点不超过 4 米。 C、 场地取电的位置不超过 5 米,并且电表容量,电线容量足够,相位(三相、两相)符合要求。 Rev 2. 01/2016 - 3-
3、 按场地的条件绘制标准施工图纸: A、 根据客户的场地具体规划设备的布局,力求水路的最短、最直,设备之间预留合理的操作维护 空间。 B、 精确测算需要的管材,管件数量,电线数量。 C、 侧出风的主机考虑当地的风向选择合理的安装方向,避免出风方向在风向上。 二、安装的步骤既注意事项: 1、 设备到达现场后先根据图纸确认各设备的安装位置并且用粉笔清晰标出,按确认的位置先将热泵主 机固定到位,再将水箱摆放到指定位置。 2、 根据现场各设备的相对位置再次确认各段管路的长度,各阀门、配件的安装位置。 3、 热泵主机到水箱之间循环水管路的联结,补水管的联结,热水管路的连接方法。 A、 管路的安装以热泵主机为起点,水箱为终点。 B、 与热泵主机、水箱的水泵,阀门的接头必须采用活接头,便于日后检修维护。丝口连接点的生 料带必须缠 7—10 圈,并且扭紧到足够的力矩。 C、 水泵在安装前必须全面检查与水密封相关的螺丝,逐一紧固。 D、 安装现场必须具备必要的排水口, 防止设备故障溢水造成损失。 安装在家庭内的水箱必须设置 溢流口。 E、 各管路的阀门尽量靠近水路的起点,便于日后检修。 F、 电动阀、电磁阀必须安装到位,防止阀门关闭不严造成系统过度补水。 G、 管路连接完毕必须整体打压试验,确认密封方可通水。 H、 施工未完成时离开现场,需确认水阀关闭,电源切断,严防人为水电泄漏。 I、 管路与回水增压泵、水箱的连接必须用活接,丝口连接处生料带缠绕 7 圈以上,用足够的力矩 扭紧。 J、 回水管与水箱的连接最好深入水箱下水位,避免回水产生噪声。 K、 管道连接前必须先套保温,现在预定的安装位置打上管卡。 L、 在阀门两头设置固定管卡,避免开关阀门力矩向管道传递。 三、设备调试步骤: 1、 首先由主机进水口开始注水,直至水从出水口出入水箱,确保主机换热器内空气排尽。 2、 主机接电源必须分清 N、L 极,严禁接反。 3、 必须先排尽空气,再通电源,启动主机。 四、水箱开孔要求: 1、 底部排污孔。 2、 脚步供水孔。 3、 循环水出口。 4、 由下至上 2/5 处,循环水进口 5、 顶部回水口。 6、 浮球吊线孔。 7、 气孔。 8、 顶部侧面溢流孔。 7 6 5













3.循环水泵扬程及流量的选择:循环水泵要求大流量,水箱与机组同层安装,水泵额定扬程10m 以上。










Aeras 系列空气源说明书

Aeras 系列空气源说明书

Aeras 3 Aeras 3 Aeras 4 Aeras 4 Aeras 4 Aeras 6 Aeras 7 Aeras 11(C3-2)(C3-12)(C4-1)(C4-2)(C4-12)(C6-2)(C7-2)(C11-2)A TTENTION: It is recommended that this equipment be installed by a licensed electrical/plumbing contractor only. All installations must conform to local and national codes.Check Compressor Model Being Installed:Doctor:Address:Phone No.:Dealer:Address:This information is not intended to replace the information found in the User Manual . Refer to the User Manual for full installation, safety and precautions.PREINSTALLATION GUIDEMODELS:C3, C4, C6, C7 & C11COMPRESSORCOMPRESSORPLACEMENT• Indoor use only, in a dust-free room.• Ventilation required for room to remain between 35°F to 100°F (2°C to 38°C). Additional forced air and HVAC must be used if ambient temperatures do not fall into this range.• Do not install on surfaces with more than a 5 degree incline.• Allow 12" minimum clearance on all sides for all units.• If unit is placed in an area adjacent to office space, sound eliminating techniques should be considered for the unit.PLUMBING• Connect drain hose to fitting on bottom of coalescing filter and direct it into floor drain/purge bowl for disposal of water.• Connect compressor air outlet to facility plumbing with provided supply hose (3/8" MPT × 3/8" MPT × 6' long).• Connect fresh air manifold to controlled fresh air source.•Connect only equipment suitable for listed maximum pressure of the compressor.PREINSTALLATION GUIDEEQUIPMENT ROOM LAYOUTFRESH AIR INTAKE KITSPart Number0050028658-0090050020050028658-010005002005002005014NOTE: Fresh air intake CANNOT be installed on Aeras dual voltage compressor with Sound Shield (PN: C3-12SS and C4-12SS).REMOTE CLEARANCE (ALL SIDES)PREINSTALLATION GUIDEELECTRICALHIGH VOL TAGE• Install a dedicated electrical circuit of sufficient capacity (see SPECIFICATIONS & SITE REQUIREMENTS table).• Any means provided to isolate this device from the supply mains shall isolate all poles simultaneously. The disconnection means and overcurrent protection are to be provided by the installer. This device should always be attached to a dedicated circuit with appropriate wiring and circuit protection.• All Aeras Compressor models are factory set to run on 230 volts mains power. Aeras Compressor models C3-12 and C4-12 are dual voltage capable and can run on 115 volts or 230 volts mains power. (See compressor manual MAINS VOL TAGE SWITCHING for setting voltage procedure.)LOW-VOL TAGE REMOTE SWITCHING (RECOMMENDED)• Maximum wire length for low-voltage, 18-gauge wire is 500 feet.RAMVACRemotePanel (or Equivalent)with Illuminated 24V DCSwitch 1GAerasControlT erminalsFHG123LOW-VOL TAGE REMOTE SWITCHING (AL TERNATIVE)T oggle Switchor Other Non-IlluminatedSwitch(Optional)FHAerasControlT erminalsFHSwitchLightCommon+24V DC+24V DCDC CommonFGHIlluminated Remote SwitchREMOTESWITCHFGHCONNECTORAERAS CONTROL PANELCOMPRESSORConforms to:ANSI/AAMI STD ES60601Certified to:CAN/CSA STD C22.2 NO. 60601-1ETL CLASSIFIED4007136DentalEZ2500 Highway 31 South Bay Minette, AL 36507Phone: 866-DTE-INFO Fax: PN: 7565-058C February, 2022SPECIFICATIONS & SITE REQUIREMENTSPREINSTALLATION GUIDE© 2022 DentalEZ Alabama, Inc. DentalEZ and Aeras are registered trademarks of DentalEZ, Inc. Ramvac is a registered trademark of Ramvac Dental Products, Inc.AERAS 3(C3-2)AERAS 3(C3-12)AERAS 4(C4-1)AERAS 4(C4-2)AERAS 4(C4-12)AERAS 6(C6-2)AERAS 7(C7-2)AERAS 11(C11-2)Max Users 334446711Voltage (AC)230(208-253)115/230(103-126/208-253)115(103-126)230(208-253)115/230(103-126/208-253) 230(208-253)230(208-253)230(208-253)Power Consumption (Amps)10.512/6.12311.517.6/916.32132Breaker Size (Amps)2015302020203040Fusetron Size FRN 15FRN 10FRN 25FRN 15FRN 15FRN 20FRN 25FRN 40Number of Motor Heads12223223HP Per Motor Head 2.501.251.25.501.25 (Left)2 (Right)22Pressure85 PSI/586 kPa to 115 PSI/793 kPa with ± 2% T otal Error BandHigh-Pressure Mode *105 PSI/724 kPa to 125 PSI/862 kPaWeight (lbs)160136190190149250260385Dimensions W × D × H (in)29×21×2930×21×2629×21×2929×21×2930×21×2635×25×3035×25×3041×29×32Dimensions(with Sound Cover)33.3×29×34N/A 33.3×29×3433.3×29×34N/A 35×29×3435×29×3441.1× 33×36Dimensions(with Sound Shield)N/A 30×20×26N/A N/A 30×20×26N/A N/A N/A Pump Up Cycle Time, 85 to 115 PSI (Sec)4560454545454040Tank Size (Gal)1212121212202030Filtration (microns)0.3 Coalescing; 0.01 Final ParticulateDryer Duty Cycle 100%Dryer Dew Point (PDP)-40°F/-40°C dBA Levels (with/without Sound Cover)65/73N/A70/7870/78N/A72/8076/8278/84dBA Levels (with/without Sound Shield)N/A 63/67N/A N/A 66/70N/A N/A N/ANOTES: *High-pressure mode should only be used with a compatible milling machine; not for use in general dentistry.。



欢迎阅读空气源热泵热水系统的简易操作指南一、热水系统的水温设置? 加热设备(可视作热交换器或热储水箱)出水口的水温,一般的设置温度为不低于55℃ 。



电加热自动温度控制器设置温度上限温度为45℃,下限温度为38℃,就是在水温低于38℃时电加热自动投入时,当水温达到45℃电加热器自动切断,冬天打 1 23广州金号空气源热泵 --(简易操作说明)(一).操作面板(二△开如按住上升键10秒不放,设定温度可以上升至60℃。



待参数设定后按“”键将3、读出/修改本机密码连续按“选项”键,模块号位显示“4”,表示[功能4],按确认键“”,进入[功能4],提示“4 111”,表示密码为“111””数据增加,“””键写入。



当人工排除这些故障后,连续按三次“”键,当数码管出现“- - - - -”””⑴⑵恒热空气源热泵--(简易操作指南)一、操作与使用1、热泵机组上电,线控器液晶屏初始化后,显示各参数如下:?? 时钟:00:00,?? 模式:自动,?? T5:水箱温度,此时水箱没水,显示温度与环境一样,?? 在线机组数:并联机组总数,?? 水位:空2、时钟设定:设置到当时北京时间按3????4、???? 水位设定范围:50%,75%,100%,水位显示如下:5、循环水温设定?? 用来设定水箱保温进入温度条件,按压循环水温设定键后才能通过增加,减少按键设定。



空气源热泵使用说明书-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1空气源热泵原理由生活中的常识中我们可以知道,热水可以自己慢慢向空气中放热,冷却成凉水,这表明热量可以从温度高的物体——热水自动的传递到温度低的物体——空气。
















空气能(常规热水 泳池机 高温机 冷暖机) 通用型说明书

空气能(常规热水 泳池机 高温机 冷暖机) 通用型说明书
热泵热水机组的工程系统应用有很多形式,以下介绍几种单机热水和采暖系统,作为参考。无论 是循环式机组还是直热式机组,在补水管道安装时均不一定按图示所进行,可根据安装方式采用保 温水箱上端进行补水。
出水温度 30~55℃
80℃ 27~35℃ 30~55℃ 30~55℃
4.16 本公司空气源热泵热水系列机组已充注制冷剂,制冷剂的饱和蒸汽压力与温度成对应关系。 温度高,对应的饱和蒸汽压力也高。为保证机组安全,运行期间机组周围的环境温度不应 超过 45℃,否则机组将有高压报警的危险。机组在有制冷剂的情况下,严禁在机组制热系 统管路上火焰切割或烧焊。严禁在机组运行时或机组承受压力情况下,紧固螺栓或螺母; 如发现连接面有泄漏,必须泄压后才能紧固螺栓、螺母。机组调试、使用中应避免制冷剂 泄漏。空气中人体可接受的制冷剂蒸汽浓度(AEL)为 1000ppm,操作人员在该浓度之下工作 对身体无不良影响。但如果发生大量溢漏或泄漏,制冷剂蒸汽会集中在靠近地面的低处, 引起人体缺氧不适应。这时,应加强通风,可用风机鼓风,使靠近地面的空气流通。在制 冷剂蒸汽被排除前,不要进入污染区域,以免对人体产生不良影响。不要让液态制冷剂接 触皮肤和眼睛,以避免皮肤和眼睛冻伤。
热泵热水器使用的压缩机、四通阀等主要零配件采用世界名厂生产的优质产品,外壳采用耐腐 蚀、超厚度的涂层钢板,从而保证了产品质量,其使用寿命长达十年以上,远远高于其它类型热水 器的使用寿命。
热泵热水器安装简便,且不受环境限制,可安装在楼顶、阳台、车库、厨房、储物间、地下室 等地方,不须专人看管,不须设置专用机房。
4.4电工接线时务必参照接线图,电工接线时务必参照接线图;为了使用安全,请勿私自改动、 修理热泵热水机组;请勿在拆掉栅格或钣金的状态下使用热水机组,以免引起意外或机组运 行不正常。

GREE FLEXX系列空气条件器用户手册说明书

GREE FLEXX系列空气条件器用户手册说明书

Indoor UnitOWNERS MANUALMODELS:Thank you for choosing our product. Please read this Owner ’sManual carefully before operation and retain it for future reference. If you would like a copy of this Manual, please contact your local distributor or visit /resources now to download and file the electronic version.FLEXX24HP230V1BH FLEXX36HP230V1BH FLEXX48HP230V1BH FLEXX60HP230V1BHINTRODUCTIONThank you for choosing GREE!GREE systems are among the most environmentally friendly and energy efficient in the market today. You can feel confident in your selection because the same pride in craftsmanship and engineering knowledge that goes into millions of other GREE installed products worldwide has gone into your unit.COMFORT AND WELLNESS, IT’S WHAT WE DOIn 1991, GREE set out to make the world a cooler place. To this end, we’ve become a global leader in air conditioners, developing some of the most advanced commercial and residential air conditioners in the world. Based in Zhuhai, China, we’re now the world’s largest specialized air conditioner company integrating R&D, manufacturing, sales and service. It’s o ur mission to innovate and create new ways to help people live well and stay comfortable no matter where they live, work or play.INNOVATION IS IN OUR DNAPart of our responsibility is being mindful of the world we live in, which means we’re committed to using innovation to design more eco-friendly air conditioners. Every year we commit 3% of our budget to R&D. And, as a pioneer in the air conditioning industry, our R410A Refrigerant is eco-friendly.LEADING THE WAYFrom our humble beginning in 1991, GREE has grown over 80,000 strong across the world. With 3 research institutes, 9 product development centers, over 300+ labs and 5000+ engineers, we’ve absolutely committed to finding newer and more efficient ways to keep our customers comfortable, healthy and productive.A GLOBAL CITIZEN OF THE WORLDToday, we’ve developed some of the world’s most energy-efficient and technically advanced air conditioners. From the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Media Village to the main stadium of the 2010 Africa World Cup, GREE is trusted to help people stay comfortable in the most extreme environments. Residentially, we’ve created wonders of technology that are just as contemporary, beautiful and efficient. Every day, over 100 million customers stay cool with GREE air conditioners.For more information on the GREE product line please visit our site at or use the camera on your smart phone to scan the QR code below:SAFETY PRECAUTIONSWARNINGPlease read this manual in its entirety and consult with your licensed HVAC installing contractor before operating and using this equipment.Installation must be completed by a licensed HVAC contractor, and must comply with all applicable city, state, and national codes. Your licensed HVAC installing contractor must use factory-authorized kits or accessories when modifying this equipment. Improper installation, operation, adjustment, alteration, service, maintenance, or use can cause an explosion, fire, electrical shock, or other conditions which may cause death, personal injury, or property damage. Recognize and be aware of all safety information and alert symbols. When you see the following symbols on the equipment and in the Installation Manuals, be alert to the potential for personal injury.It is important to understand these signal words: DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION, and NOTICE, as these words are used with the safety-alert symbol.ENERGY SAVINGS TIPS1. CLEAN OR REPLACE INDOOR RETURN AIR FILTERA clean return air filter will allow for proper airflow and will ensure that your system is runningat its optimum performance and efficiency. Check your air filter every 30 days during cooling and heating seasons, and clean or replace it if its dirty.2. INSTALL A PROGRAMMABLE, WI-FI, SMART THERMOSTATA programmable Wi-Fi smart thermostat will allow you to monitor and control your homescooling and heating temperature settings from a smart phone, tablet, or computer whenever you are away. They are designed to provide comfort and energy savings by using algorithms and operating history to adjust the operating settings throughout the day.3. ADJUST THERMOSTAT SETTINGSProgramming an occupied & unoccupied schedule throughout the week will not only save energy, it will also reduce the wear and prolong the lifespan of your equipment by preventing the system from operating when it is not necessary.4. ROOMS EXPOSED TO DIRECT SUNLIGHTIn the cooling season it is recommended to block the radiant heat effect from the sun byclosing all window coverings during the daytime.In the heating season it is recommended to open all window covers to allow for the radiant heat from the sun to help warm the spaces being conditioned.5. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE & SERVICEKeeping the area around the outdoor unit clear from any debris or leaves will allow for your system to run at its optimum performance and efficiency in both cooling and heatingseasons.Scheduling a pre-season routine maintenance to be performed by a licensed HVACcontractor can improve the systems efficiency and the comfort you experience during both cooling and heating seasons.MAINTENANCE & CARE Routine maintenance & care must be performed on this equipment to ensure that your system is running at its optimum performance and efficiency.AIR FILTERCheck your air filter every 30 days during cooling and heating seasons, and clean or replace it if its dirty. To access your air filter, remove the filter access door and pull the air filter out of the Indoor Unit, as shown in the steps below:Step 1:Step 2:INDOOR UNITRoutine inspection and maintenance of the following must be completed regularly by a licensed HVAC contractor:•Inspect and clean blower motor, blower wheel, and housing.•Inspect all electrical components and tighten all wiring connections.•Inspect and clean evaporator coil, condensate drain pan, and drain line.•Test operation of equipment and perform any repairs necessary.You can search for a licensed HVAC contractor near you by going to the following site:/find-a-contractor/TROUBLESHOOTINGCheck the following before contacting your licensed HVAC installing contractor:If none of the possible remedies above were able to resolve the problem, then please contact your licensed HVAC installing contractor for service. You can also search for a licensed HVAC contractor near you by going to the following site:/find-a-contractor/REGISTRATION This registration is for U.S.A products only. Warranty registration is not a requirement for the Standard Warranty, however it is recommended. The Extended Warranty Option (exclusive to GREE Select Dealers) does require warranty registration within 60 days of installation. Customers should keep a copy of their installation invoice on hand to provide to their servicing contractor who should contact Customer Care at 888.850.7928 if warranty parts or technical assistance is needed.COMPLETE ONLINE REGISTRATION AT:/warranty-program#registrationCOMPLETE SECTIONS BELOW AND KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCEWARRANTYWARRANTY COVERAGEGREE (hereinafter “Company”) warrants this product against failure due to defect in materials or workmanship under normal use and maintenance as follows. All warranty periods begin on the date of original installation. If the date cannot be verified, the warranty period begins one hundred twenty (12) days from the date of manufacture. If a part fails due to defect during the applicable warranty period, company will provide a new or re-manufactured part, at company’s option, to replace the failed defective part at no charge for the part. This limited warranty is subject to all provisions, conditions, limitations and exclusions listed below.SELECT DEALER WARRANTYUnit must be purchased and installed by a certified GREE Select Dealer.• A warranty period of Ten (10) Years on all Parts and Ten (10) Years on the Compressor is only offered when registering a complete new GREE system (indoor and outdoor unit) to the original registered end user/homeowner when installed by a GREE Select Dealer in a residential owner-occupied location.•The standard Five (5) Years on all Parts and Five (5) Years on the Compressor applies to FLEXX unit installation of Indoor or Outdoor unit only; all corresponding new Indoor andOutdoor Unit model and serial numbers must be entered in order to complete theregistration. When registering a new Indoor or Outdoor Unit ONLY to existing equipment, all model and serial numbers of existing equipment must be entered in order to complete the registration.STANDARD WARRANTY• A warranty period of Five (5) Years on all Parts and Five (5) Years on the Compressor when installed in a residential and any non-owner occupied application. Registration ofinstallation is strongly recommended.COMMERCIAL WARRANTY• A warranty period of One (1) Year on all Parts and Five (5) Years on the Compressor when installed in a commercial application.CONTROLS WARRANTY• A warranty period of 90 days on GREE branded controls from purchase date.This Limited Warranty Statement applies only to systems that are properly installed by a state certified or licensed HVAC contractor, under applicable local and state law in accordance with all applicable building codes and permits; GREE installation and operation instructions and good trade practices. Defective parts must be returned to the distributor through a registered servicing dealer for credit.LIMITED WARRANTY STATEMENTLIMITATIONS OF WARRANTIES: ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND/OR CONDITIONS (INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE) ARE LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITIATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION LASTS, SO THE ABOVE MANY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THE EXPRESS WARRANTIES MADE IN THIS WARRANTY ARE EXCLUSIVE AND MAY NOT BE ALTERED, ENLARGED, OR CHANGED BY AN DISTRIBUTORS, DEALER, OR OTHER PERSON, WHATSOEVER.WARRANTY THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER1. Labor or other costs incurred for diagnosing, repairing, removing, installing, shipping,servicing or handling of either defective parts, replacement parts, or unit replacements.2. Product cleaning required prior to warranty service and repair.3. Normal maintenance as outlined in the Installation, Service, or Owner’s Manual, includingfilter cleaning and/or replacement and lubrication.4. Failure due to faulty installation or repairs, damage, misapplication, abuse, improperservicing, lack of or in-sufficient maintenance, unauthorized alteration or improper operation.5. Failure to start due to voltage conditions, blown fuses, open circuit breakers, or damages dueto the inadequacy or interruption of electrical service.6. Failure or damage due to floods, winds, fires, lightning, accidents, corrosive environments(rust or residue etc.) or other conditions beyond the control of the company.7. Failure or damage of coils, piping or other parts due to corrosion, when installed within one(1) mile of seacoast or corrosive body.8. Parts not supplied or designated by company, or damages resulting from their use.9. Products installed outside the 48 contiguous United States, except the District of Columbiaand Hawaii.10. Electricity or fuel costs or increases in electricity or fuel costs from any reason whatsoever,including additional or unusual use of supplemental electric heat.11. Any cost to replace, refill or dispose of refrigerant, including the cost of refrigerant.12. Shipping damage or damage as a result of transporting the unit.13. Accessories such as condensate pumps, line sets and so forth are not covered.14. Any special, indirect or consequential property or commercial damage of any naturewhatsoever. Some states do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation many not apply to you.15. Consumable components, such as air filters, are not covered under parts warranty.This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. In jurisdictions where warranty benefits conditioned on registration are prohibited by law, registration is not required, and the STANDARD warranty period shown above will apply.U.S. CONTACT INFORMATION TRADEWINDS, LLCE-mail: ******************Contractor Support: 888-850-7928 | Mon-Fri 8 AM - 5 PM EDT。



Product SpecificationsA200446 Illustrations and photographs are only representative. Some product models may vary.A200326EASIER TO SELL•Up to 92.1% AFUE in upflow, horizontal, and downflow positions •Single-stage gas valve and fixed-speeds, constant torque ECM.•Cabinet air leakage less than 2.0% at 1.0 in. W.C. and cabinet air leakage less than 1.4% at 0.5 in. W.C. when tested in accordance with ASHRAE standard 193•Approved for Manufactured Housing/Mobile Home applications with accessory (order separately)•NOx emissions less than 40 ng/J; can be installed in California air quality management districts with a 40 ng/J NOx emission limit. TOUGHER•Flame roll-out sensors standard•Adjustable heating blower OFF delay•Factory set blower ON delay•RPJ® primary heat exchanger•Stainless steel secondary heat exchanger•High temperature limit control designed to prevent overheating •Direct ignition with Silicon Nitride ignitor•High quality, corrosion-resistant, prepainted steel cabinet EASIER TO INSTALL AND SERVICE•Direct vent (2-pipe), single-pipe venting or ventilated combustion air •24 V AC humidifier terminal & electronic air cleaner terminal •35” (889mm) high, for ease of installation•Simplified, factory installed internal condensate drain system •Quarter turn knobs for easy door removal and secure attachment •Factory shipped for natural gas, with propanegas conversion kits available•Four position - upflow/downflow/horizontal (left/right) installation •Twelve different venting configurations•Through the casing flue pipe for counterflow or horizontal applications with accessory (order separately)•Concentric vent available•Self diagnostics with super bright LED•Slide out heat exchanger and blower assemblyLIMITED WARRANTY*•20 year heat exchanger limited warranty•5 year parts limited warranty- With timely registration, an additional 5 year parts limited warranty *For residential applications only. See warranty certificate for complete details and restrictions, including warranty coverage for otherapplications.R92ESNUp to 92.1%, Single-Stage, Multi-Speed ECM,Condensing Gas FurnaceWARNING!CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING AND FIREHAZARDFailure to follow this warning could result in personal injury, death,and/or property damage.This furnace is not designed for use in recreation vehicles or outdoors.This furnace is designed for use in manufactured (Mobile) homes whenan optional Mobile Home accessory kit is installed.Failure to follow this warning could result in personal injury, death,and/or property damage.Use of the AHRI Certified TM Mark indicatesa manufacturer's participation in the program.For verification of certification for individualproducts,go to .Model NumberInput(BTUH)Efficiency AFUE Cooling CapacityCFM range@ .5 in. w.c. (125 Pa)Dimensions H x W x DInches (Millimeters)Shipping Wt.Lbs (Kg)Upflow/Hz DownflowR92ESN0401410A40,00092.1%92.1%290 - 98535 x 14-3/16 x 29-1/2 (889 x 361 x 750)112 (50.8) R92ESN0401712A40,00092.1%92.1%350 - 98535 x 17-1/2 x 29-1/2 (889 x 445 x 750)122.5 (55.6) R92ESN0601412A60,00092.1%92.1%450 - 103535 x 14-3/16 x 29-1/2 (889 x 361 x 750)122 (55.3) R92ESN0601714A60,00092.1%92.1%535 - 119035 x 17-1/2 x 29-1/2 (889 x 445 x 750)132 (59.9) R92ESN0801716A80,00092.1%92.1%450 - 136535 x 17-1/2 x 29-1/2 (889 x 445 x 750)142 (64.4) R92ESN0802120A80,00092.1%92.1%940 - 181535 x 21 x 29-1/2 (889 x 533 x 750)150 (68.0) R92ESN1002120A100,00092.1%92.1%945 - 185035 x 21 x 29-1/2 (889 x 533 x 750)160 (72.6) R92ESN1202420A120,00092.1%92.1%805 - 185035 x 24-1/2 x 29-1/2 (889 x 622 x 750)183 (83.0)DIMENTIONAL DRAWINGA200327For California Residents:If installed with a manufactured (mobile) home conversion kit in SCAQMD: This furnace does not meet the SCAQMD Rule 1111 14 ng/J NOx emission limit, and thus is subject to a mitigation fee of up to $450. This furnace is not eligible for the Clean Air Furnace Rebate Program:FURNACE SIZEABCDSHIP WT.LB (KG) CABINET WIDTH OUTLET WIDTH BOTTOM INLET WIDTHAIR INTAKE 040141014-3/16 (361)12-1/2 (319)12-9/16 (322)7-1/8 (181)112.0 (50.8)040171217-1/2 (445)15-7/8 (403)16 (406)8-3/4 (222)122.5 (55.6)060141214-3/16 (361)12-1/2 (319)12-9/16 (322)7-1/8 (181)122.0 (55.3)060171417-1/2 (445)15-7/8 (403)16 (406)8-3/4 (222)132.0 (59.9)080171617-1/2 (445)15-7/8 (403)16 (406)8-3/4 (222)142.0 (64.4)080212021 (533)19-3/8 (492)19-1/2 (495)10-1/2 (267)150.0 (68.0)100212021 (533)19-3/8 (492)19-1/2 (495)10-1/2 (267)160.0 (72.6)120242024-1/2 (622)22-7/8 (581)23 (584)12-1/4 (311)183.0 (83.0)U .S . E C C N : N o t S u b j e c t t o R e g u l a t i o n (N .S .R .)N O T E : A L L D I M E N S I O N S I N I N C H (M M )MODEL NUMBER NOMENCLATUREA190043FURNACE COMPONENTSA190145MINIMUM CLEARANCES TO COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALSDIGIT POSITION 12,34567-910,1112,131415||||||||||BRAND A, B, C…1, 2, 3…EFFICIENCY08 = 800 CFM 10 = 1000 CFM 12 = 1200 CFM 14 = 1400 CFM 16 = 1600 CFM 20 = 2000 CFM 22 = 2200 CFMMAJOR SERIESMINOR SERIES026 = 26,000 BTU/h 040 = 40,000 BTU/h 045 = 45,000 BTU/h …….155 = 155,000 BTU/h14 = 14.2”17 = 17.5”21 = 21.0”24 = 24.5”FEATUREHEATING INPUTCABINET WIDTHCOOLING CAPACITYF, G, N, R C = Constant Airflow Variable-Speed ECME =Fixed-Speeds, Constant Torque (FCT) ECM P = PSCV = Variable Speed , Constant Torque (VCT)80 - 80% AFUE 92 - 92% AFUE 95 - 95% AFUE 96 - 96% AFUE 97 - 97% AFUEM - ModulatingS - Single Stage T - Two StageL = Low NOxM = Mobile/Manufactured Home N = Standard NOx U = Ultra Low NOxMOTOR TYPEHEATING STAGESECMPOSITION CLEARANCE Rear0 (0 mm)Front (Combustion air openings in furnace and in structure)1 in. (25 mm)Required for service *24 in. (610 mm)†All Sides of Supply Plenum *1 in. (25 mm)Sides 0 (0 mm)Vent0 (0 mm)Top of Furnace1 in. (25 mm)*.Consult your local building codes †.RecommendedPHYSICAL DATAFURNACE SIZE04014100401712060141206017140801716080212010021201202420 HEATING CAPACITY AND EFFICIENCYInput40,00040,00060,00060,00080,00080,000100,000120,000 Output37,00037,00056,00056,00075,00075,00093,000111,000Certified T emperature Rise Range ºF (ºC)35 - 65(19 - 36)35 - 65(19 - 36)35 - 65(19 - 36)35 - 65(19 - 36)40 - 70(22 - 39)35 - 65(19 - 36)40 - 70(22 - 39)45 - 75(25 - 42)AIRFLOW CAPACITY AND BLOWER DATARated External Static Pressure (in. w.c.)Heating0. Cooling0.500.500.500.500.500.500.500.50Airflow Delivery@ Rated ESP (CFM)Heating765740110010001350146016751735 Cooling985985103511901370181518551800Cooling Capacity (tons) @ 400, 350 CFM/ton 400 CFM/ton2 2.50 2.503 3.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 350 CFM/ton 2.5033 3.504555Direct-Drive Motor Type Electronically Commutated Motor (ECM)Direct-Drive Motor HP1/21/21/21/21/23/43/43/4 Motor Full Load Amps 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 RPM Range600 - 1200Speed Selections5Blower Wheel Dia x Width in.11 x 711 x 811 x 711 x 811 x 811 x 1011 x 1011 x 11 Air Filtration System Field Supplied FilterFilter Used for Certified Watt Data325531-40*ELECTRICAL DATAInput Voltage Volts-Hertz-Phase115-60-1Operating Voltage Range Min-Max104-127Maximum Input Amps Amps7. Unit Ampacity Amps9.809.809.909.909.9012.9013.0013.00 Minimum Wire Size AWG1414141414141414Maximum Wire Length @ Minimum Wire Size Feet3737373737282828 (M)(11.50)(11.50)(11.40)(11.40)(11.40)(8.70)(8.70)(8.70)Maximum Fuse/Ckt Bkr(Time-Delay TypeRecommended)Amps1515151515151515 Transformer Capacity (24vac output)40 VAExternal Control Power Available Heating27.9 VA Cooling34.6 VACONTROLSGas Connection Size1/2” - NPTBurners (Monoport)22334456 Gas Valve (Redundant)Manufacturer White Rodgers™Minimum Inlet Gas pressure (in. w.c.) 4.50Maximum Inlet Gas pressure (in. w.c.)13.60Manufactured (Mobile) Home Kit See Accessory ListingIgnition Device Silicon NitrideHeating Blower Control (Heating Off-Delay)Adjustable: 90, 120, 150, 180 secondsCooling Blower Control (Time Delay Relay)90 secondsCommunication System noneThermostat Connections Com 24V, R, W, G, YAccessory Connections EAC (115vac); HUM (24vac); 1-stg AC (via Y)AIR DELIVERY - CFM (With Filter)NOTE :1.Afilter is required for each return-air inlet. Airflow performance includes a 3/4-in. (19 mm) washable filter. See accessory list in Specification Product Data sheet. To determine airflowperformance without this filter, assume an additional 0.1 in. w.c. available external static pressure.2.ADJUST THE BLOWER SPEED TAPS AS NECESSARY FOR THE PROPER AIR TEMPERATURE RISE FOR EACH INSTALLATION.3.The “Function” column identifies which speed taps can be used for heating. Shaded areas indicate that this airflow range is BELOW THE RANGE ALLOWED FOR HEATINGOPERATION. THESE AIRFLOW RANGES MAY ONLY BE USED FOR COOLING.4.If the same motor speed tap is needed for heating and cooling, a Jumper Wire accessory kit is available, see SpecificationProduct Data sheet for the current Jumper Wire accessory partnumber. Reference the “Start-up, Adjustments, and Safety Check” section for further Jumper Wire instructions.5.Airflows over 1800 CFM require bottom return, two-side return, or bottom and side return. A minimum filter size of 20” x 25” (508 x 635 mm) is required.6.For upflow applications, air entering from one side into both the side of the furnace and a return air base counts as a side and bottom return.7.The “-” entry indicates an unstable operating condition.FURNACE SIZESPEED TAPS FunctionEXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (IN.W.C.) 1.000401410Gray Cooling. Do not use for heating.1120108510551015985950915880850815Yellow Cooling. Do not use for heating.925885850810775735695660620580Blue 3Heating or alt Cooling 765725685640605565525475430375Orange 3Alt Cooling or alt Heating 750710665625585545500455405350Red 3, 7Alt Cooling. Do not use for heating.510435400345290230190145--0401712Gray Cooling. Do not use for heating.1120109010551020985950915875840805Yellow Cooling. Do not use for heating.910880845800760720680640595555Orange Alt Cooling or alt Heating 835795760720680630585540505475Blue 3Heating or alt Cooling 740700660610565520475440405365Red 3, 7Alt Cooling. Do not use for heating.555500445395350315260205--0601412Gray Cooling. Do not use for heating.116511401110108010351000960920870825Blue Heating or alt Cooling 1105108510501010975930890845795755Yellow Alt Cooling or alt Heating 10401000960920880840785740690640Orange 3Alt Cooling or alt Heating 840795750705655610555500450395Red 3Alt Cooling. Do not use for heating.7456155555104503903402902301950601714Gray Cooling. Do not use for heating.13351300127512301190113510901040985925YellowAlt Cooling or alt Heating 1170113510951045995940890825770700Blue 3Heating or alt Cooling1010965910855800735675615555505Orange 3Alt Cooling or alt Heating 960905855800740675615555505460Red 3Alt Cooling. Do not use for heating.9107356756055354854303753302650801716Gray Cooling. Do not use for heating1545150514601420136513201275122511801135BlueHeating or alt Cooling 13751330127512251175112510751025970920Yellow 3Alt Cooling or alt Heating 1195114010901040985930875815765705Orange 3Alt Cooling. Do not use for heating.1015955900845780730670615550490Red 3, 7Alt Cooling. Do not use for heating.945735575520450375325260--0802120Gray 5, 6Cooling. Do not use for heating.2020196519201865181517601705165015951545Yellow Alt Cooling or alt Heating 1650159015351475142513701315126012051145Blue Heating or alt Cooling 149514301365131012601200114510851030970Orange Alt Cooling or alt Heating14201355129012351175112010601005945890Red 3Alt Cooling. Do not use for heating.1200112010609959408758107506856251002120Gray 5, 6Cooling. Do not use for heating.2060201019551905185018001750169016301565Blue Heating or alt Cooling 1730167516201565151014551385132512701210Yellow Alt Cooling or alt Heating 1685163015701515146014101345128012251170Orange 3Alt Cooling or alt Heating 14451370131012501185111510551005950875Red 3Alt Cooling. Do not use for heating.12351155109010209459008357556906351202420Gray 5, 6Cooling. Do not use for heating.2070202019651910185017901725166016051550BlueHeating or alt Cooling 1795173516801620156014951440137513151255Yellow 3Alt Cooling or alt Heating 14651400134012701210115010901030950880Orange 3Alt Cooling. Do not use for heating.12951235116510951030970905825760700Red 3Alt Cooling. Do not use for heating.10951020945875805730660585525465ACCESSORIESPART NUMBER COMPONENT NAME DESCRIPTION 0401410040171206014120601714NAHB00101CT EXTERNAL TRAP KIT CONDENSATE TRAPX X X X NAHA00110DA DRAIN ACCESSORY 1/2” CPVC to 3/4” PVC (10 PACK)X X X X NAHA002CV VENT TERMINATION KIT 2” CONCENTRIC VENT X X X X NAHA001CV 3” CONCENTRIC VENT --X X NAHA00101VC INTERNAL VENT KIT THROUGH THE CABINETX X X X NAHA00301VT DIRECT VENT TERMINATION KIT 2” BRACKET X X X X NAHA00401VT 3” BRACKET--XXNAHA00101CK INLET AIR PIPE COUPLING COUPLING FOR POLYPROPYLENEVENT SYSTEMSX X X X NAHA00101HV HORIZONTAL INSTALLATION KITTRAP GROMMET (DIRECT VENTAPPLICATION ONLYX X X X NAHA00101HH FREEZE PROTECT KIT CONDENSATE DRAIN LINE - TAPE X X X X NAHA00201HH CONDENSATE FREEZE PROTECTION KIT CONDENSATE TRAP WITH HEAT PADX X X X NAHA01101SB FLOOR BASE KIT COMBUSTIBLE FLOOR X X X X AGAGC9NPS01B **.Factory authorized and filed installed. Gas conversion kits are CSA recognized.GAS CONVERSION KIT NATURAL TO PROPANE X X X X AGAGC9PNS01B *GAS CONVERSION KIT PROPANE TO NATURAL X X X X NAHC00101MH *MANUFACTURED HOME KIT GAS CONVERSION KITX X X X AGATWNDTE01A TWINNING KIT - FCT ECM OPERATION OF TWO IDENTICAL SIZEMODEL FURNACES---X AGABLRJMP10ABLOWER TAP KITBLOWER SPEED TAP JUMPER KITX X X X 1188594††.Order through FAST Parts.X = Accessory availableGAS VALVE TOWER PORTADAPTER KITADAPTER FOR GAS VALVE X X X X 325531-402†WASHABLE FILTER 3/4” X 16” x 25” WASHABLE FILTERX X X X FHG1425-2†EXTERNAL BOTTOM FILTERRACK14-1/2” x 25” W/O FILTER X -X -FHG1625-2†16” x 25” W/O FILTER -X -X NAHB00101CA COIL ADAPTER KIT WITH NO OFFSET X X X X NAHB00201CA WITH SINGLE OFFSET X X X X NAHB00301CA WITH DOUBLE OFFSETX X X X NAHA01401RA RETURN AIR KIT14-3/16” WIDE X -X -NAHA01701RA 17-1/2” WIDE-X -X NAHA001NKCONDENSATE NEUTRALIZER KITNEUTRALIZES CONDENSATEXXXXACCESSORIES (continued)ORIFICESPART NUMBER COMPONENT NAME DESCRIPTION 0801716080212010021201202420NAHB00101CT EXTERNAL TRAP KIT CONDENSATE TRAPX X X X NAHA00110DA DRAIN ACCESSORY 1/2” CPVC to 3/4” PVC (10 PACK)X X X X NAHA002CV VENT TERMINATION KIT 2” CONCENTRIC VENT X X X -NAHA001CV 3” CONCENTRIC VENT X X X X NAHA00101VC INTERNAL VENT KITTHROUGH THE CABINETX X X X NAHA00301VT DIRECT VENT TERMINATIONKIT 2” BRACKET X X X -NAHA00401VT 3” BRACKETXXXXNAHA00101CK INLET AIR PIPE COUPLING COUPLING FOR POLYPROPYLENE VENTSYSTEMSX X X X NAHA00101HV HORIZONTAL INSTALLATION KITTRAP GROMMET (DIRECT VENTAPPLICATION ONLYX X X X NAHA00101HH FREEZE PROTECT KIT CONDENSATE DRAIN LINE - TAPE X X X X NAHA00201HH CONDENSATE FREEZE PROTECTION KIT CONDENSATE TRAP WITH HEAT PADX X X X NAHA01101SB FLOOR BASE KIT COMBUSTIBLE FLOOR X X X X AGAGC9NPS01B **.Factory authorized and filed installed. Gas conversion kits are CSA recognized.GAS CONVERSION KIT NATURAL TO PROPANE X X X X AGAGC9PNS01B *GAS CONVERSION KIT PROPANE TO NATURAL X X X X NAHC00101MH *MANUFACTURED HOME KIT GAS CONVERSION KITX X X X AGATWNDTE01A TWINNING KIT - FCT ECM OPERATION OF TWO IDENTICAL SIZEMODEL FURNACESX X X X AGABLRJMP10ABLOWER TAP KITBLOWER SPEED TAP JUMPER KITX X X X 1188594††.Order through FAST Parts.X = Accessory availableGAS VALVE TOWER PORTADAPTER KITADAPTER FOR GAS VALVE X X X X 325531-402†WASHABLE FILTER 3/4” X 16” x 25” WASHABLE FILTER X ---325531-403†3/4” X 20” x 25” WASHABLE FILTER -X X -325531-404†3/4” X 24” x 25” WASHABLE FILTER---X FHG1625-2†EXTERNAL BOTTOM FILTERRACK16” x 25” W/O FILTER X ---FHG2025-2†20” x 25” W/O FILTER -X X -FHG2424-2†24-1/2” x 24” W/O FILTER ---X NAHB00101CA COIL ADAPTER KITWITH NO OFFSET X X X X NAHB00201CA WITH SINGLE OFFSET X X X X NAHB00301CA WITH DOUBLE OFFSETX X X X NAHA01401RA RETURN AIR KIT14-3/16” WIDE ----NAHA01701RA 17-1/2” WIDE X ---NAHA02101RA 21” WIDE -X X -NAHA02401RA 24-1/2” WIDE ---X NAHA001NKCONDENSATE NEUTRALIZERKITNEUTRALIZES CONDENSATEXXXXPart Number Gas Type Orifice SizePart Number Gas Type Orifice SizePart Number Gas Type Orifice Size1185612Natural 421183809Natural 461184256Propane 541176928Natural 431185613Natural 471185615Propane 551185574Natural 441185614Natural481185616Propane 561177213Natural451185617Propane 1.25 mm 1185618Propane1.30 mm© 2020 Carrier. All rights reserved.A Carrier Company Edition Date: 10/20Catalog No:440 65 6401 03Replaces: 440 65 6401 02。

新空气Evaporative Air Cooler产品说明书

新空气Evaporative Air Cooler产品说明书

Manual 1.0Evaporative Air CoolerOWNERS MANUALRead and save these instructions.A Name You Can TrustTrust should be earned and we will earn yours. Customer happiness is the focus of our business.From the factory to the warehouse, from the sales floor to your home, the whole NewAir family promises to provide you with innovative products, exceptional service, and support when you need it the most. Count on NewAir.As a proud NewAir owner, welcome to our family. There are no robots here, real people shipped your product and real people are here to help you. Contact Us:For questions regarding your product, please contact us at:Call: 1-855-963-9247Email: ******************Online:Connect with Us: /newairusa /newairusa /newairusa/newairusaR EAD AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS. Register Your Product Online (4)Safety Information & Warnings (5)Parts List (7)Operating Instructions (8)Maintenance (14)Troubleshooting (17)Limited Manufacturer’s Warranty (19)SPECIFICATIONSA Name You Can TrustRegister Your NewAir Product Online Today!Take advantage of all the benefits product registration has to offer: Service and SupportDiagnose troubleshooting and service issues faster and more accuratelyRecall NotificationsStay up to date for safety, system updates and recall notificationsSpecial PromotionsOpt-in for NewAir promotions and offersRegistering your product information online is safe & secure and takes less than 2 minutes to complete:Alternatively, we recommend you attach a copy of your sales receipt below and record the following information, located on the manufacturer’s nameplate on the rear of the unit. You will need this information if it becomes necessary tocontact the manufacturer for service inquiries. Date of Purchase: ___________________________________________ Serial Number: ____________________________________________ Model Number: ____________________________________________SAFETY INFORMATION & WARNINGScondition and situation that may occur. Please read allinstructions before using this evaporative cooler. Failure tocarefully read all instructions may result in possible electricshock or fire hazard, and will void the manufacturer’s warran ty. •Use this evaporative cooler only as instructed in this owner’s manual.Other uses may cause electric shock, injury or fire.•Use this evaporative cooler only as instructed in this owner’s manual.Other uses may cause electric shock, injury or fire.•Close supervision is required if this cooler is used near children or pets. •To protect against electric shock, do not immerse this cooler or its plug and cord in water.•If the cooler is being transported or will not be in use, disconnect it from the power supply by tightly gripping the plug and pulling it from the power outlet. Do not disconnect the power supply by pulling on the evaporative cooler’s power cord.•Avoid co ntact with any of the evaporative cooler’s moving parts.•Place the evaporative cooler on a level surface.•This evaporative cooler is intended to plug into a matching receptacle.Under no circumstances should the plug be altered in any way. Animproper connection can result in electric shock.•If possible, avoid using extension cords with this evaporative cooler. If anextension cord is absolutely necessary, do not use more than oneextension cord to operate more than one cooler.•Do not insert objects or allow fingers to enter into the cooler’s grills, as thismay cause electric shock or bodily injury. Do not block or tamper with theevaporative cooler while it is in operation.•Do not run the power cord under mats or carpeting, and do not cover thepower cord with runners. Arrange the power cord away from room trafficand where it can be tripped over.•Do not operate this evaporative cooler in the presence of flammablesubstances or explosives.A Name You Can Trust•Do not place the cooler near an open flame or cooking/heating appliances. •If the evaporative cooler will not be in use, empty the tank of any remaining water.•If the cooler’s plug or power cord is damaged, do not attempt to repair the components yourself. Please contact customer service or have the unitexamined by an authorized service provider.Safety Warnings and PrecautionsWARNING: Chemical Burn Hazard. Keep batteries away from children.This product contains a lithium button/coin cell battery. If a new or used lithium button/coin cell battery is swallowed or enters the body, it can cause severe internal burns and can lead to death in as little as 2 hours. Always completely secure the battery compartment. If the battery compartment does not close securely, stop using the product, remove the batteries, and keep it away from children. If you think batteries might have been swallowed or placed inside any part of the body, seek immediate medical attention.(a)The cells shall be disposed of properly, including keeping them away fromchildren; and(b)Even used cells may cause injury.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSA Name You Can TrustPARTS LIST1. Fan head 9. Cooling pad slot2. Display panel10. Dustproof air filter 3. Water level indicator 11. Water tank4. Caster12. Power cord bracket5. Control panel13. Power cord6. Remote control storage slot 14. Water tank knob7. Carrying handles 15. Ice pack8. Cooling pad knob 16. Remote controlCarefully remove all packaging materials and retain for future storage/use. Make sure there is no residual foam left in any of the components. No tools will be required to assembly this evaporative cooler.FILLING THE WATER TANK1. Remove the water tanktank knowcounterclockwise 900.2. Before using theevaporative cooler forthe first time, werecommend cleaning thetank with a warm waterand light detergentsolution.3. Fill the tank with clean water. Pay attention to the water level indicatorlocated on the front of the cooler to avoid overfilling the evaporativecooler. The approximate tank size of the NEC500WH00 is 1.45 gallons (5.4 liters).4. Replace the tank back onto the back of the unit. Turn the water tank knobclockwise 900. This locks the water tank back into place.USING THE ICE PACKThe NEC500WH00 evaporative cooler includes an optional ice pack for added cooling.1.Place the ice pack in the freezer until frozen. Do not open the ice pack oringest its contents.2.Put the ice pack into one of the water tank’s chambers.3.The ice pack is not necessary for operation, but will help enhance thecooling effect in higher temperatures.melting.4.The ice pack will last approximately four hours beforeA Name You Can TrustUSING THE REMOTE CONTROLThe NEC500WH00 is equipped with a remotecontrol. A CR2032 3V coin-typereplacement battery is included for your convenience. 1. To use the remote control, aim it at theunit and select one of the functions on the remote control. The effective distance is approximatel y 24”.• ON/SPEED = Power ON andadjusts speed. • OFF = Power OFF• TIMER = Timer function of up to7.5 hours• SWING = Swinging air louvers • COOLER/HUMIDIFIER = Controls cooling/humidification function • MODE = Adjust the airflow modeTHE CONTROL & DISPLAY PANELSAfter the tank is filled with water, connect the evaporative cooler to a power outlet. The unit will beep twice, indicating that the power source is connected. The cooler will be in standby mode at this time.1.Press the ON/SPEED button to turn on the evaporative cooler.2.To adjust the fan speed, press the ON/SPEED button again until yourdesired speed has been reached. The current fan speed will be indicated on the display panel. To turn the unit off and revert back to standby mode, press the OFF button.Fan SpeedIndicators:LOWMEDIUM HIGH Cooler/HumidifierIndicatorAfter the desired fan speed has been selected, press theCOOLER/HUMIDIFIER button to activate thecooling/humidifying function. This powers the waterpump and will cool and add moisture to the air at thesame time. The blue cooling icon will also be visible onthe display panel.Please note that if the initial fan speed is set to 3, the unit will revert back to the second speed setting for five minutes. After five minutes, the unit will automatically switch to the third fan speed. This is to allow the cooling pad to be thoroughly absorbed with water, which results in optimized cooling. The cooler will not revert back to other speeds if the initial fan speed was set to either 1 or 2.The NEC500WH00 has two different automatic airflow modes. Setting the airflow mode is optional.To set the airflow mode, press the MODE button. Natural Mode Natural Mode – Indicated by the palm tree icon on the display panel, this setting will adjust the airflow speed between 1, 2 and 3.Sleep Mode Sleep Mode –Indicated by the moon icon on the display panel, this setting will cycle through the fan speed settings, and gradually lower the speed at different intervals,depending on the selected fan speed.1. This evaporative cooler is equipped with a 7.5 hour programmable timer.To set the timer, press the TIMER button. Each press of this button willadd 0.5 hours to the set time.2. The set time will be indicated in the middle of the display panel.Swing IndicatorTo activate the oscillation feature, press the SWING button. The fan head will automatically oscillate counterclockwise, which directs cool air into a cyclone for a more focused cooling effect.ADDITIONAL FEATURES1.If the water level in the tank drops below the minimum level, the unit willproduce an audible alert that will last for ten seconds. After ten seconds, the evaporative cooler will automatically turn off.2.If the water tank is removed while the unit is on, it will automatically turnoff.Regular cleaning and maintenance is an essential step in maintaining the longevity of your evaporative cooler and ensuring that it operates free of defects. Maintain your evaporative cooler by following these steps:GENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS1.Always unplug the evaporative cooler from the power supply beforeservicing or cleaning.e a soft cloth and a mild soap and warm water solution to clean theunit’s exterior. Do not use harsh cleaners, gasoline, paint th inner,benzene, etc., as these substances can damage the evaporative cooler. 3.Thoroughly dry all of the cooler’s parts with a soft cloth beforereconnecting the unit to the power supply.4.Empty the water tank after the evaporative cooler has been in use.Regular, scheduled cleaning of the water tank before each use is alsorecommended.5.If the evaporative cooler will not be in use for an extended period of time,place the unit back in its original carton and keep it stored in a clean, dry place.6.The evaporati ve cooler’s filter, tank and cooling pad will need to beremoved prior to cleaning. Once all of the different components havebeen cleaned, place them back into the unit in this order: water tank,cooling pad and dust filter.CLEANING THE DUST FILTER & COOLING PADTo prevent clogging of the dust filter, we recommend cleaning the filter at least once a month.1. To clean the dust filter, remove it from the back of the unit bypushing down on the two tabs located above the filter and pull itout. Gently scrub it with a soft brush and rinse with water. Allow itto thoroughly air dry before placing it back in the unit.2. To clean the cooling pad, first remove the dust filter to expose the pad.Turn the knob on the pad clockwise and pull it out from the back of theunit. Rinse it with clean water and allow it to thoroughly air dry beforeplacing it back in the unit.CLEANING THE WATER TANK1.Unplug the evaporative cooler from the power supply and empty thewater tank after the evaporative cooler has been in use. Regular,scheduled cleaning of the water tank before each use is alsorecommended.2.To clean the water tank, rinse it in a warm water and light detergentsolution or a water and vinegar solution. Rinse it with clean water and dry it thoroughly before placing it back into the cooler.TROUBLESHOOTINGLIMITED MANUFACTURER’S WARRANTYThis appliance is covered by a limited manufacturer’s warranty. For one year from the original date of purchase, the manufacturer will repair or replace any parts of this appliance that prove to be defective in materials and workmanship, provided the appliance has been used under normal operating conditions as intended by the manufacturer.Warranty Terms: During the first year, any components of this appliance found to be defective due to materials or workmanship will be repaired or replaced, at the manufacturer’s discretion, at no charge to the original purchaser. The purchaser will be responsible for any removal or transportation costs. Warranty Exclusions: The warranty will not apply if damage is caused by any of the following: •Power failure•Damage in transit or when moving the appliance•Improper power supply such as low voltage, defective household wiring or inadequate fuses•Accident, alteration, misuse or abuse of the appliance such as using non-approved accessories, inadequate air circulation in the room or abnormal operating conditions (extreme temperatures)•Use in commercial or industrial applications•Fire, water damage, theft, war, riot, hostility or acts of God such as hurricanes, floods, etc.•Use of force or damage caused by external influences•Adjustments to temperature by removal of sticker and/or screw •Partially or completely dismantled appliancesObtaining Service: When making a warranty claim, please have the original bill of purchase with purchase date available. Once confirmed that your appliance is eligible for warranty service, all repairs will be performed by a NewAir™ authorized repair facility. The purchaser will be responsible for any removal or transportation costs. Replacement parts and/or units will be new, re-manufactured or refurbished and is subject to the manufacturer’s discretion. For technical supportandwarrantyservice,********************************.。



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a. 拧紧仪器背面空气出口上的密封螺帽,接通电源,打开 电源开关。此时开关上红色指示灯亮,压力表指针在5 分钟内由0上升到0.4MPa一段时间后压缩机停止工作。
b. 关 闭 电 源 开 关,若 10 分 钟 内 压 力 表 的 压 力 仍 保 持 在 0.4MPa, 表明仪器正常,自检合格。
⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧
1、过滤器 4、电源开关 7、限流调节
2、压力表 5、空气出口 8、电源线
3、稳压阀 6、自动放水口
a. 将仪器从包装箱内取出,核对合格证、保修卡、仪器备 件是否齐全。
b. 检查仪器外观,观察仪器有无在运输中造成损坏。若发 现异常,请立即与我公司联系解决。
我 们 坚 持 质 量 第 一,用 户 至 上 的 服 务 准 则,产 品 遍 及 全 国,并出口挪威、阿根廷、韩国、乌克兰等18个国家和地区。
SPB-3(GCK3302)型全自动空气源,是一种为气相色谱仪专 用的压力稳定,纯净的空气源。可满足任何厂家生产的任何型 号的气相色谱仪使用,是替代高压空气瓶供气的一种理想的升 级换代产品。产品通过国家分析仪器监督检验中心检测。
c. 寿 命 长:储气罐的出口处设有压力控制器。当储气罐中 的压力降至下限到0.6MPa时压力控制器开始动作,当储 气罐中的压力达到上限0.8MPa时压力控制器关闭电源, 压缩机停止工作,周而复始满足系统工作的需要。当系 统超压时有安全保护系统。系统中设有低压启动装置, 保证每次主机启动时气压为零,大大提高了主机的使用 寿命。
使 用 说 明 书



Quick-Start Installation GuideTools Required• Combustion Analyzer• Size 50-200: 2.5mm Allen Wrench • Size 300-400: Flat Head Screw Driver • •Note: Remember to turn gas valve on/off switch to the “On” positionSize 50-200: Gas Valve On/Off Switch Power Venter Access Panel Size 300-400: Gas Valve On/Off SwitchBurner Access PanelSTEP 6Place combustion analyzer in flue pipe.High Fire Gas Valve Adjustment:High Fire Adjustmentto reaches 33% fire.Run % PotentiometerMeter Reading O 2 Meter ReadingAction RequiredNatural Propane Gas Natural Gas Propane Gas Gas Valve Adjustment<7.4%<8.7%<7%<6.7%Counter Clockwise>7.9%>9.3%>7.9%>7.6%ClockwiseLow Fire Adjustment Table 2Low Fire Gas Valve Adjustment:STEP 10Remove R to W1 jumper. Turn thermostat to lowest setting and confirm unit turns off.CO 2 Meter ReadingUnit Size (MBH)Natural Gas 50-200<4.2%50-200>5.0%300<4.0%300>4.5%400<4.2%400>5.0%Switches 1-5 for Gas Control ModeModulating with Outdoor Air Reset (Master) – This gas control should be used in regions with large temperature swings. The unit will automatically vary the discharge air temperature based on the outside air temperature. Set the “Design T/ Space SP” potentiometer to outdoor air temperature where the unit should be at 100% fire (usually design outdoor air temperature used in sizing the unit).Note: If ordered with Outdoor Air Reset, unit will come with an Outdoor Air Sensor for field installation. The unit can be field converted to Outdoor Air Reset by ordering the Outdoor Air Sensor, part number 11J11R09966-001.Dip Switch Settings: #1 & 3 – ON; #2, 4 & 5 – OFFModulating with Outdoor Air Reset (Network) – This gas control modulates the unit the same as Outdoor Air Reset (Master). However, it does not require a separate outdoor air sensor. It allows the master unit to share the outdoor air temperature with all networked units. Set the “Design T/Space SP” potentiometer to outdoor air temperature where the unit should be at 100% fire (usually design outdoor air temperature used in sizing the unit).Note: One master unit is required per networked group; when networked together, the Master and Member units need to be set to the same Modbus address.Dip Switch Settings: #1 & 4 – ON; #2, 3 & 5 – OFFDesign T/Space SP PotentiometerDesign T/Space SP Potentiometer2-10 VDC/4-20 mA Input – This gas control allows the unit to vary the discharge air temperature based on a signal from the building automation system.Note: Units can also be controlled via a Modbus signal. See Operation Section of unit installation manual for additional details. Dip Switch Settings: 2-10 VDC Input: #1-5 – OFF; 4-20 mA Input: #5 – ON; #1-4 – OFFTwo Stage – While designed for modulating gas control, the Nexus unit can be used with two stage gas control. A W1 signal will cause the unit to run at the firing rate set by the Run % Potentiometer. A W2 signal will cause the unit to run at 100% fire.Dip Switch Settings: #1-5 – OFFRun % Potentiometer。

LG 空气 水源热泵说明书

LG 空气 水源热泵说明书

LGPompe à chaleur air/eauModèles : Série AH• Nous vous invitons à lire ce manuel dans son intégralité avant toute utilisation et mise en marche de la pompe à chaleur air/eau.• Après l'avoir lu attentivement, conservez ce manuel d'utilisation afin de pouvoir vous y reporter ultérieurement.Mode d’emploiCher utilisateur,Merci d’avoir choisi une pompe à chaleur air/eau LG.Ce choix vous garantit un niveau de performance et de service d’excellence afin de favoriser un confort de vie agréable.2Pompe à chaleur air/eauINFORMATIONS À CONSERVERSpécifiez la référence due modèle et le numéro de série :N°de modèle N°de sérieIls sont mentionnés sur l’étiquette apposée sur la face latérale de l’unité.Nom de l’installateur Date d’achatI Agrafez votrefacture à cette page afin de le retrouver facilement si vous devez, le cas échéant, prouver la date d’achat ou vous prévaloir de la garantie.LISEZ CE MODE D’EMPLOIIl contient de nombreuses astuces utiles sur la manière d’utiliser et d’assurer l’entretien de votre pompe à chaleur air/eau. Un minimum de mesures de précaution de votre part peut vous éviter de perdre beaucoup de temps et d’argent pendant la durée de vie de votre produit.Vous trouverez de nombreuses réponses aux problèmes fréquents dans le tableau de résolution des problèmes. Si vous consultez d’abord notre Tableau de résolution des problèmes, il est possible que vous n’ayez pas besoin de faire appel à un technicien agrée. .PRÉCAUTIONS D’USAGE• Pour toute réparation ou maintenance de cette unité, contactez le service technique agréé.• Pour toute installation de cette unité, contactez l’installateur agréé.• Cette pompe à chaleur air/eau ne doit pas être mise en marche par des enfants ou des personnes infirmes, sans surveillance.• Les enfants ne peuvent en aucun cas jouer avec la pompe à chaleur air/eau.• Si le câble d’alimentation doit être remplacé, il convient de confier cette tâche à un technicien agréé qui utilisera uniquement des pièces de rechange d’origine.• L’installation doit être réalisée conformément aux consignes de sécuritéConsignes de sécurité.......................3Présentation de l’appareil..................6Instructions pour l’utilisation............8Utilisation d’un thermostatd’ambiance (24)Maintenance et entretien (27)Consignes de sécuritéConsignes de sécuritéConsignes de sécuritéPrésentation de l’appareilInstructions pour l’utilisationUtilisation du thermostatMaintenance et entretienMaintenance et entretienP/No.: MFL57490702Printed in Korea After reading this manual, keep it in a place easily accessible to the user for future reference.。




二、性能指标:1﹑使用条件□运行电压:AC220±20%(上限10%,下限20%)□运行环境温度:-20~+60℃□储存温度:-30~+85℃□湿度要求:30~95%RH2﹑温度控制及测量精度:1℃3﹑控制器符合□GB4706.1-1988《家用和类似用途电器的安全第一部分:通用要求》□GB4706.32-1996《家用和类似用途电器的安全热泵﹑空调器和除湿机的特殊要求》□GB18430.2-2001《蒸汽压缩机循环冷水(热泵)机组户用和类似用途的冷水(热泵)机组》□抗干扰度符合GB4343.2-1999□印刷电路板符合GB4588.1和GB4588.2的规定4﹑负载能力□压缩机、换向阀、喷液阀、辅电、曲轴箱继电器负载能力:5A/250VAC□循环泵、进水泵、回水阀、风机高风、低风继电器负载能力:10A/250VAC 三、主要特点及功能1)具有自动制热功能2)具有记忆功能四、线控器控制面板△开/关键:在关机状态下按此键则开机,在开机状态下按此键则关机;△模式键:运行模式选择(“参数设定”模式/“查询”模式/“运行”模式),进入“参数设定”模式后60秒内无按键操作,则自动退回“运行”模式;进入“查询”模式后无论有无按键操作都不自动退出,只有按“模式”键重新选择模式。


△上升/下降键:用此键调整设定温度,在开机状态下初始温度显示55℃,每按一次温度上升或下降1 度,温度设定范围为20℃-55℃,如按住上升键4 秒不放,设定温度可以上升至80℃。

Daikin MSZ-GL09NA 内外分离空气源说明书

Daikin MSZ-GL09NA 内外分离空气源说明书

GENERAL FEATURES•Slim wall-mounted indoor units provide zone comfort control•The outdoor unit powers the indoor unit, and should a power outage occur, the system is automatically restarted when power returns•INVERTER-driven compressor and LEV provide high efficiency and comfort while using only the energy needed to maintain maximum performance •Multiple fan speed options: Quiet, Low, Medium, High, Super-high, Auto •Multiple control options available:- Hand-held Remote Controller (provided with unit)- kumo cloud ® smart device app for remote access - Third-party interface options - Wired or wireless controllers •Quiet operation•Smart Set: recalls a preferred preset temperature setting at the touch of a button•Blue Fin anti-corrosion treatment applied to the outdoor unit heat exchanger for increased coil protection and longer lifeNotes2 Allows indoor units to connect to an MA ControllerUnit: inchc l e a r *1*1 4 in. or more whenfront and sides of the unit are clear*2 When any 2 sides of left, rightand rear of the unit are clearholes(09/12/15 Btu/h )REQUIRED SPACELiquid refrigerant pipe joint Refrigerant pipe (flared) Ø 1/4Gas refrigerant pipe jointRefrigerant pipe (flared) Ø 3/8 (09/12 KBTU/H )Ø1/2 (15 KBTU/H )4 in .o rm o r e14i n. o r m or e8i n . o r m o r e *24 i n. o rm or eFORM# MSZ-GL09NA / MUZ-GL09NA - 202003, ,Specifications are subject to change without notice.© 2020 Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC US LLC. All rights reserved.。



空氣源熱泵熱水器產品產品使用說明書使用說明書CSH-T030/050/070/100/150(新版99.06.01製)感謝你購買空氣源熱泵熱水器◆在您安裝或使用前請認真閱讀使用說明書 ◆請妥善保管本使用說明書,以便日後查閱■ 電源電源及電壓及電壓及電壓要求要求● 電源一定要接好地線,請不要隨意更改電源接線。

● 熱泵熱水器連接時,必須接有一個無熔絲斷路器。

● 銅質導線選用適合在戶外使用電源的導線。

●運行電壓:AC220V ,60Hz第一部份第一部份::使用使用操作注意事項操作注意事項● 在開機運行之前,請您檢查進排風格柵是否有物體所遮擋。

● 本熱泵熱水器是按照下述使用條件下設計而成的,環境溫度-10~38℃,水壓0.15~0.6Mpa 。

● 若在上述狀況以外的場合下使用熱泵熱水器,可能導致功能失常。

■ 功能操作當熱泵熱水器運轉時,如若關機,接著開機,控制器將有3分鐘延時保護(保護壓縮機)。

■ 溫度設定熱泵熱水器的出水溫度由控制板設定,當儲水箱水溫高於設定溫度時,熱泵熱水器停止運轉,當儲水箱水溫低於設定溫度-5℃時,熱泵熱水器自行運轉。

■ 維護保養和清潔● 對熱泵熱水器進行維護時,必須是熱泵熱水器處於切斷電源狀態。

● 不使用時:應切斷電源,把開關斷開。

● 請不要對熱泵熱水器使用汽油、天那水、揮發油、溶劑和其他化學藥品、或者液體殺蟲劑,否則可能造成零件裂開、變形等情況。

● 機組周圍應保持乾燥,通風良好。


● 若停機時間較長,應將機組管路中的水放掉,並切斷電源,套好防護罩。


第二第二部分部分部分::按鍵說明■ 按鍵說明1、 開/關鍵:主機開關機功能。

2、 供水鍵:手動開關供水泵。

3、 經濟鍵:未用。

4、 水溫“▲/▼”鍵:可將水箱水溫設置在28度至50度。

5、 參數“▲/▼”鍵:可將各種參數進行上下設定。

6、 功能鍵:選擇各項功能表功能進行設定。

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二、性能指标:1﹑使用条件□运行电压:AC220±20%(上限10%,下限20%)□运行环境温度:-20~+60℃□储存温度:-30~+85℃□湿度要求:30~95%RH2﹑温度控制及测量精度:1℃3﹑控制器符合□GB4706.1-1988《家用和类似用途电器的安全第一部分:通用要求》□GB4706.32-1996《家用和类似用途电器的安全热泵﹑空调器和除湿机的特殊要求》□GB18430.2-2001《蒸汽压缩机循环冷水(热泵)机组户用和类似用途的冷水(热泵)机组》□抗干扰度符合GB4343.2-1999□印刷电路板符合GB4588.1和GB4588.2的规定4﹑负载能力□压缩机、换向阀、喷液阀、辅电、曲轴箱继电器负载能力:5A/250VAC□循环泵、进水泵、回水阀、风机高风、低风继电器负载能力:10A/250VAC 三、主要特点及功能1)具有自动制热功能2)具有记忆功能四、线控器控制面板△开/关键:在关机状态下按此键则开机,在开机状态下按此键则关机;△模式键:运行模式选择(“参数设定”模式/“查询”模式/“运行”模式),进入“参数设定”模式后60秒内无按键操作,则自动退回“运行”模式;进入“查询”模式后无论有无按键操作都不自动退出,只有按“模式”键重新选择模式。


△上升/下降键:用此键调整设定温度,在开机状态下初始温度显示55℃,每按一次温度上升或下降1 度,温度设定范围为20℃-55℃,如按住上升键4 秒不放,设定温度可以上升至80℃。



△锁定键:连续按此键4 秒进入锁屏,所有按键无效,同时显示“锁定”,再连续按此键4 秒退出锁屏。


(只有将机组设为1 号机时有效,其余无效)△化霜键:连续按此键4 秒,进入强制化霜状态,显示“化霜”字符,按“上升/ 下降”键先选至需设定的机组代号上,按“确认”键对此机组选定,此时被选定的机组代号闪烁并开始化霜,不选择机组无效。

再连续按“化霜”键4 秒系统退出强制化霜程序。


特别约定:1.液晶屏为绿底黑字,自带背光源,背光源在无按键操作时延时12 秒熄灭。

2.时钟每24 小时误差不超过1 分钟;3.显示板自带备用电池,保证掉电一个月内时钟能正常运行;4.主板和显示板485 通讯距离按标准485通讯执行;5.只有一台机组时,跳过机组选择过程。

6.从40℃开始55℃逐渐修正(安线性逐渐修正),显示温度比实际测量温度高2℃可设定参数如下表:注:①如果设定温度小于T 进投,则进水阀投入温度按设定温度-1 执行;②如果设定温度小于T 回退,则回水阀退出温度按设定温度-2 执行;高温制热时设定温度的自动调整:1、当环境温度<=32℃时执行的设定温度按照线控实际的设定温度执行2、当环境温度>32度A、线控的设定温度<=d6,则设定温度按照线控的设定温度执行B、线控的设设定温度>d6,则实际执行的设定温度按照d6的温度执行注:①为了防止压缩机长期连续疲劳运转,强制规定压缩机每连续运行P3 设定参数时间后,停机两小时再继续运行,为“00”表示取消限时运行;②P4(千、百位)、P5(个、十位)可组成0~9999 的设定参数,规定压缩机累计运行设定参数后系统进入锁定状态(系统停止工作),显示面板的“锁定”闪烁,P4 和P5 同时为“00”表示取消限时运行。

备注:将P1、 P2 增加为动态密码,即每次设定必须和上次设定一致有效。


一、输入信号 ○环境温度传感器 ○盘管温度传感器1、2 ○排气温度传感器1、2 ○进水温度传感器 ○水箱温度传感器 ○回水温度传感器○风机压力开关1、2 CN1 CN2 ○低水位开关(信号光耦隔离) ○高水位开关(信号光耦隔离) ○水流开关 (信号光耦隔离) ○低压开关 (信号光耦隔离) ○高压开关 (信号光耦隔离)○过电流开关1、2(信号光耦隔离) ○水压开关 (信号光耦隔离) ○联动开关 (信号光耦隔离)回水N排气2排气1高压2低压2过电流2压机2喷淋2310P关开21高水位低水位水压开关检测变压器相序水流通讯低压1变压器高压1膨胀阀辅 电循环泵回水阀低速风喷淋1高速风换向阀压机1L保险丝管温2环温管温1进水水箱过电流1加热带/报警联动开关进水泵○显示器与主板连线信号二、输出信号○压缩机1、2输出○风机高、低输出○换向阀输出○喷液阀1、2输出○循环泵输出○进水阀输出○回水阀输出○辅电输出○加热带/报警输出○电子膨胀阀输出○显示板输出三、运行控制初始状态初次上电,控制器默认为关机态,按一次“开/关”键机器开机,温度初始设定值为50℃,增减键默认为温度增减键,每按一次温度增减一度,控制器对当前设定值记忆,当机器断电后再上电,机器按记忆状态自启动工作。














⑵当循环泵非运行时投入条件水箱水位低于低水位开关,即低水位开关断开,同时低于高水位;退出条件水箱水位高于高水位开关后延时30秒;2.当d1=01时⑴当A2=00时浮球控制:投入条件同时满足条件①②①高水位开关断开;②进水阀已退出运行10分钟;退出条件满足条件高水位开关闭合延时30秒;⑵当A2=01时温度控制:投入条件只要满足条件①或②③之一①高、低水位开关都断开;②低水位开关闭合,但高水位开关断开,且水箱温度≥T进投;(如T进投≥T设,则应为≥T设-2)③进水阀已退出运行10分钟;退出条件只要满足条件①②之一①高水位开关闭合后延时30秒;②低水位开关闭合,且水箱温度≤T进投-T进水回差;(如T进投≥T设,则应为≤T设–T进水回差)⑶当A2=02时,时间控制:投入条件只要满足条件①或②③之一①低水位开关断开,同时高水位开关断开;②低水位开关闭合,但高水位开关断开,且在进水规定时间内;(即t补水开始~ t补水结束)③进水阀已退出运行10分钟退出条件水箱水位高于高水位开关后延时30秒;B.回水阀⒈当A3=00时,流量开关回水方式投入条件(该条件下,回水当回水水流开关使用(当做干节点使用),当满足以下2个条件后,打开回水阀)①回水水流开关已闭合;②回水阀已停20分钟;退出条件回水阀工作10分钟退出;⒉当A3=01时,温差回水方式投入条件(该条件下,回水当温度传感器来使用,满足以下回水条件时,打开回水阀)回水温度≤T回退-T回水回差(如T回退≥T设,则应为≤T设– T回水回差)退出条件回水温度≥T回退(如T回退≥T设,则应为≥T设-2)⒊当A3=02时,定时回水方式投入条件(该条件下,满足以下回水条件时,打开回水阀)在T回水开始时间和T回水结束时间内,每隔T回水间隔时间。



⒈当d1=00时㈠非化霜运行时(即无化霜标志时)投入条件只要同时满足条件①②①水箱水位高于低水位开关,即低水位开关闭合;②T水箱<T设定- T压机回差退出条件只要满足条件①②③之一①T水箱≥T设定②压缩机已退出工作30秒③水箱水位低于低水位开关,即低水位开关断开;㈡化霜运行时(即有化霜标志时)进入化霜模式投入,退出化霜模式之前退出;或运行动作和风机动作相反。

⒉当d1=01时投入条件同时满足条件①②①低水位开关闭合,T水箱≤T设定-T压机回差;②循环水泵已退出运行2分钟;退出条件:1.当A6=00时只要满足条件①②之一①压缩机和电加热已退出工作30秒;②运行5分钟后压缩机和电加热都未工作(压缩机和电加热未开机)2. 当A6=01时只要满足条件①②之一①压缩机已退出工作30秒;②运行5分钟后压缩机未工作(压缩机未开机)3.附加功能说明在循环加热机型下:1、当d5=00时,循环泵按上述要求正常运行2、当d5=01时,循环泵一旦开启则不再关闭,除非出现以下条件①出现水流或者相序故障时关闭水泵②当机器关机时关闭水泵D.压缩机⒈当d1= 00时投入条件同时满足条件①②或③①水箱水位低于低水位开关,即低水位开关断开,同时低于高水位;②水流压力已达到设计值,即水压开关闭合;③循环泵已运行30秒且T水箱<T设定- T压机回差退出条件只要满足条件①②之一①当循环泵未工作时,水箱水位高于高水位开关后延时30秒;②当循环泵工作时,T水箱≥T设定(注:化霜除外)⒉当d1=01时投入条件同时满足条件①②①循环水泵已运行30秒,且T水箱≤T设定- T压机回差;②水流开关已闭合;退出条件只要满足条件①②之一①T水箱≥T设定;②水流开关断开;注:特别约定1、压缩停机3分钟方可再启动;(化霜时除外)2、压缩启动后至少运行3分钟停机(有保护或关机除外);E.风机(环境温度故障时,风机保持原有风速)风速按下列条件运行:1、风机1(指高风此风机对应压缩机1)①当T环<18℃时,风机正常运行;②当T环>18℃时:a、T排气1<100℃时,风机1恢复正常运行;b、T排气1>115℃时,风机1停风机;c、风机1对应的压力开关断开,风机1停风机。
