则下列分析正确的是()A.a同学跳高过程中克服重力做的功较多B.a同学在最高点时的速度为0C.b同学腾空过程用时较长D.b同学起跳过程中先超重后失重2、如图甲所示,被称为“魔力陀螺”玩具的陀螺能在圆轨道外侧旋转不脱落,其原理可等效为如图乙所示的模型:半径为R的磁性圆轨道竖直固定,质量为m的铁球(视为质点)沿轨道外侧运动,A、B分别为轨道的最高点和最低点,轨道对铁球的磁性引力始终指向圆心且大小不变,不计摩擦和空气阻力,重力加速度为g,则A.铁球绕轨道可能做匀速圆周运动B.铁球绕轨道运动过程中机械能守恒C.铁球在A gRD.轨道对铁球的磁性引力至少为3mg,才能使铁球不脱轨3、如图所示,电荷量相等的两个电荷Q1和Q2,两者连线及中垂线上分别有A点和B 点,则下列说法正确的是()A .若两者是同种电荷,则A 点的电势一定高于B 点的电势B .若两者是同种电荷,则A 点的场强一定大于B 点的场强C .若两者是异种电荷,则A 点的电势一定高于B 点的电势D .若两者是异种电荷,则A 点的场强一定大于B 点的场强4、如图所示,质量为1m 的木块A 放在质量为2m 的斜面体B 上,现对木块A 施加一竖直向下的力F ,它们均静止不动,则( )A .木块A 与斜面体B 之间不一定存在摩擦力B .斜面体B 与地面之间一定存在摩擦力C .地面对斜面体B 的支持力大小等于()12m m g +D .斜面体B 受到4个力的作用5、一质量为M 的探空气球在匀速下降,若气球所受浮力F 始终保持不变,气球在运动过程中所受阻力仅与速率有关,重力加速度为g 。
安庆一中、安师大附中2025届高三第三次模拟考试数学试卷注意事项1.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.2.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置. 3.请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符.4.作答选择题,必须用2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案.作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效. 5.如需作图,须用2B 铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗.一、选择题:本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。
1.已知函数()cos ||sin f x x x =+,则下列结论中正确的是 ①函数()f x 的最小正周期为π; ②函数()f x 的图象是轴对称图形; ③函数()f x 的极大值为2; ④函数()f x 的最小值为1-. A .①③ B .②④ C .②③D .②③④2.《九章算术》是我国古代内容极为丰富的数学名著,书中有如下问题:“今有刍甍,下广三丈,袤四丈,上袤二丈,无广,高二丈,问:积几何?”其意思为:“今有底面为矩形的屋脊状的楔体,下底面宽3丈,长4丈,上棱长2丈,高2丈,问:它的体积是多少?”已知l 丈为10尺,该楔体的三视图如图所示,其中网格纸上小正方形边长为1,则该楔体的体积为( )A .10000立方尺B .11000立方尺C .12000立方尺D .13000立方尺3.已知条件:1p a =-,条件:q 直线10x ay -+=与直线210x a y +-=平行,则p 是q 的( )A .充要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充分不必要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件4.已知i 为虚数单位,实数,x y 满足(2)x i i y i +=-,则||x yi -= ( ) A .1B 2C 3D 55.当0a >时,函数()()2xf x x ax e =-的图象大致是( )A .B .C .D .6.已知函数()(2)3,(ln 2)()32,(ln 2)xx x e x f x x x ⎧--+≥⎪=⎨-<⎪⎩,当[,)x m ∈+∞时,()f x 的取值范围为(,2]e -∞+,则实数m 的取值范围是( ) A .1,2e -⎛⎤-∞ ⎥⎝⎦B .(,1]-∞C .1,12e -⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦D .[ln 2,1]7.设全集U =R ,集合{|(1)(3)0}A x x x =--≥,11|24xB x ⎧⎫⎪⎪⎛⎫=>⎨⎬ ⎪⎝⎭⎪⎪⎩⎭.则集合()U A B 等于( )A .(1,2)B .(2,3]C .(1,3)D .(2,3)8. 下列与的终边相同的角的表达式中正确的是( )A .2k π+45°(k ∈Z)B .k ·360°+π(k ∈Z)C .k ·360°-315°(k ∈Z) D .k π+(k ∈Z)9.连接双曲线22122:1x y C a b -=及22222:1y x C b a -=的4个顶点的四边形面积为1S ,连接4个焦点的四边形的面积为2S ,则当12S S 取得最大值时,双曲线1C 的离心率为( )A .52B .322C .3D .210.如图,在ABC 中,,(,),2AD AB BD xAB yAC x y R AD ⊥=+∈=,且12AC AD ⋅=,则2x y +=( )A .1B .23-C .13-D .34-11.已知全集U =R ,函数()ln 1y x =-的定义域为M ,集合{}2|0?N x x x =-<,则下列结论正确的是A .M N N =B .()UMN =∅C .MN U =D .()UM N ⊆12.将函数sin 2y x =的图像向左平移(0)ϕϕ>个单位得到函数sin 26y x π⎛⎫=+⎪⎝⎭的图像,则ϕ的最小值为( ) A .6π B .12πC .1112πD .56π 二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
一、选择题(本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,有的小题只有一个选项正确,有的小题有多个选项正确.全部选对的得5分,选不全的得3分,有选错的或不答的得0分)1、(本题9分)万有引力定律是下列哪位科学家发现的A.牛顿B.开普勒C.卡文迪许D.法拉第2、(本题9分)如图所示为远距离交流输电的简化电路图.发电厂的输出电压是U,用等效总电阻是r的两条输电线输电,输电线路中的电流是I1,其末端间的电压为U1.在输电线与用户间连有一理想变压器,流入用户端的电流是I2.则()A.用户端的电压为I1U1/I2B.输电线上的电压降为UC.理想变压器的输入功率为I12rD.输电线路上损失的电功率为I1U3、(本题9分)做曲线运动物体的速度方向、合力的方向和运动轨迹如图所示,其中正确的是()A.B.C.D.4、(本题9分)如图所示,一轻质弹簧,两端连着物体A和B放在光滑水平面上,如果物体A被水平速度为v0的子弹射中并嵌在物体A中,已知物体A的质量为物体B的质量的34,子弹的质量是物体B质量的14.弹簧被压缩到最短时物体B的速度为()A .012vB .08vC .04vD .023v 5、在不计空气阻力的条件下,下列物体运动过程中,机械能守恒的是A .小孩沿滑梯匀速滑下B .起重机吊着货物匀速上升C .用力推箱子在水平地面上加速滑行D .被抛出的铅球在空中运动6、 (本题9分)如图所示,在水平雪面上雪橇受与水平方向成α角的拉力F 作用,沿直线匀速前进了s 的距离。
2019-2020学年安徽省安庆一中安师大附中铜陵一中马鞍山二中新高考化学模拟试卷一、单选题(本题包括15个小题,每小题4分,共60分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意)1.下列说法正确的是()A.甲烷有两种二氯代物B.1 mol CH2=CH2中含有的共用电子对数为5N AC.等物质的量的甲烷与氯气在光照条件下反应的产物是CH3ClD.邻二甲苯只有一种结构说明苯分子不是由单双键交替组成的环状结构【答案】D【解析】【详解】A. 甲烷为正四面体构型,所以二氯甲烷只有一种结构,故A错误;B. 1 mol CH2=CH2中含有的共用电子对数为6N A,故B错误;C. 甲烷与氯气在光照条件下发生取代反应,多步取代反应同时进行,所以等物质的量的甲烷与氯气在光照条件下反应的产物为多种氯代烃与氯化氢的混合物,故C错误;D. 邻二甲苯只有一种结构说明苯分子不是由单双键交替组成的环状结构,故D正确。
则匀强磁场的磁感应强度大小为()A.sin? mgILαB.cos? mgILαC.tan? mgILαD.mg IL4、关于物理学的发展,下列说法正确的是A.物理学家卡文迪许在实验室中测出了万有引力常量的值B.牛顿发现万有引力定律,被称为“称量地球重量”的人C.伽利略研究第谷的观测记录,发现行星运行规律,总结出行星运动三大定律D.开普勒提出日心说认为太阳是静止不动的,地球和其它行星绕太阳运动5、如图所示,足够长的竖直绝缘管内壁的粗糙程度处处相同,处于方向互相垂直的匀强电场和匀强磁场中.一带正电的小球从静止开始沿管下滑,下列小球运动速度v和时间t、小球所受弹力F N和速度v的关系图像中正确的是A.B.C.D.6、A、B两颗卫星都在圆轨道上绕地球运行,如图所示.则以下判断正确的是()A.卫星A所受地球的万有引力大于卫星B受到地球的万有引力B.卫星A的线速度大小一定大于卫星B的线速度的大小C.卫星A的机械能一定小于卫星B的机械能D.在相等的时间内卫星A和地心的连线扫过的面积与卫星B和地心的连线扫过的面积相等二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。
一、选择题(本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,有的小题只有一个选项正确,有的小题有多个选项正确.全部选对的得5分,选不全的得3分,有选错的或不答的得0分)1、两个小球固定在一根长为L的杆的两端,绕杆上的O点做圆周运动,如图所示,当小球1的速度为v1时,小球2的速度为v2,则转轴O到小球2的距离为A.B.C.D.2、(本题9分)以下关于分子间作用力的说法,正确的是()A.温度趋于确定值时,气体内分子运动速率均相同B.液体难于被压缩表明液体中分子间只存在斥力C.气体分子之间也存在分子力的作用D.扩散现象表明分子间不存在引力3、(本题9分)如图所示,劈a放在光滑的水平面上,斜面光滑,把b物体放在a斜面顶端由静止滑下,则在下滑过程中,a对b的弹力对b做功为W1,b对a的弹力对a做功为W2,对下列关系正确的是()A.W1=0,W2=0 B.W1≠0,W2=0C.W1=0,W2≠0D.W1≠0,W2≠04、如图所示,一个长为的轻质细杆,端固定一质量为的小球,小球以点为圆心在竖直平面内做圆周运动,通过最高点时,小球的速度为,取。
则此时杆受小球()A .的拉力B .6N 的压力C .24N 的拉力D .24N 的压力5、 (本题9分)如图,电荷量为q 1和q 2的两个点电荷分别位于P 点和Q 点。
已知在P 、Q 连线上某点R 处的电场强度为零,且PR=2RQ 。
则A .两点电荷带有同种电荷且q 1=2q 2B .两点电荷带有同种电荷且q 1=4q 2C .两点电荷带有异种电荷且q 1=2q 2D .两点电荷带有异种电荷且q 1=4q 26、 (本题9分)一段粗细均匀的金属导体两端加一定电压后产生了恒定电流,已知该导体单位体积内的自由电子数为n ,电子的电荷量为e ,自由电子定向移动的速率为v ,要想得出通过导体的电流,除以上给出的条件外,还需要以下哪个条件( )A .导体的长度LB .导体的电阻RC .导体的横截面积SD .导体两端的电压U7、 如图所示,小球在竖直放置的光滑圆形管道内做圆周运动,内侧壁半径为R ,小球半径为r ,则下列说法正确的是( )A .小球通过最高点时的最小速度v min ()g R r +B .小球通过最高点时的最小速度v min =0C .小球在水平线ab 以下的管道中运动时,内侧管壁对小球一定无作用力D .小球在水平线ab 以上的管道中运动时,外侧管壁对小球一定有作用力8、如图,长为L 的水平传送带以速度2v 匀速运动.将一质量为m 的小物块无初速放到传送带的左端,当物块运动到传送带的右端时,速度刚好为v ,物块与传送带摩擦产生的热量为Q ,已知物块与传送带间的动摩擦因数为μ,重力加速度为g .下列表达式正确的是( )A .212mgL mv μ=B .232mgL mv μ= C .Q mgL μ= D .3Q mgL μ=9、 (本题9分)如图所示,蹦床比赛中的运动员正被蹦向空中向上运动(空气阻力不可忽略),下列关于此过程中的说法正确的有 ( )A .运动员处于失重状态B .运动员机械能守恒C .运动员克服重力做的功等于动能的减少量D .空气阻力对运动员做负功10、 (本题9分)A 、B 、C 为电场中电场线上的三个点,一带电小球从A 点由静止释放,并开始计时,先后沿直线经过B 、C 两点,其运动过程中的v-t 如图所示,下列说法正确的是A .电场方向由A 指向CB .A 、B 、C 三点中B 点场强最大C .小球由B 至C 过程中平均速度等于5.5m/sD .B 、C 两点间电势差大小|U BC |大于A 、B 两点间电势差大小|U AB |11、 (本题9分)如图所示,一质量为m 的人站在观光电梯内的磅秤上,电梯以0.1g 的加速度加速上升h 高度,在此过程中( )A .磅秤的示数等于0.1mgB .人的重力势能增加了mghC .人的动能增加了0.9mghD .人的机械能增加了1.1mgh12、 (本题9分)两个不在一条直线上的分运动,其合运动 A .若两个分运动都是直线运动,则合运动一定是直线运动 B .若两个分运动都是匀速直线运动,则合运动一定是匀速直线运动 C .若两个分运动都是匀变速直线运动,则合运动一定是匀变速直线运动D .若两个分运动都是初速为零的匀加速直线运动,则合运动一定是初速为零的匀加速直线运动二.填空题(每小题6分,共18分)13、 (本题9分)在“天宫一号”的太空授课中,航天员王亚平做了一个有趣实验,如图所示,在T 形支架上用带小圆环的细绳拴着一颗小钢球,小球质量为m ,细绳长度为L ,王亚平用手指沿细绳的垂直方向轻推小球,小球在细绳拉力作用下绕T 形支架做匀速圆周运动,测得小球运动的周期为T ,由此可知此时小球的线速度为______________,细绳对小球中的拉力为_________________.14、如图所示,A 、B 、C 三点为一直角三角形的三个顶点,∠B=30°,现在A 、B 两点放置两点电荷A q 、B q ,测得C 点场强的方向与AB 平行,则A q 带________,:A B q q =_________.15、(本题9分)人造地球卫星A和B的质量之比为1∶2,轨道半径之比为2∶1,它们受到地球的引力之比为______,它们运行的线速度之比为____,它们运行的周期之比为______。
第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.Where was it ______ the road accident happened the other day?A.that B.whenC.how D.which2.Julia has got a pretty _ deal—she was laid off just for being late once!A.rough B.toughC.illegal D.mean3.––The small restaurant is always crowded in every part.––That’s ______ it has a unique dining enviro nment and quite a few wonderful dishes. A.why B.becauseC.where D.when4.—Oh, my God! What’s wrong with you?—I was going the normal speed limit when a truck appeared in front of me ________ and I didn't have time to stop.A.between the lines B.around the clockC.out of the blue D.over the moon5.一Which T—shirt do you like best?一.They are both out of fashion and expensive.A.None B.Neither C.Any D.Both6.After ________________ a sandstorm warning on Sunday evening, meteorologists forecast that dusty weather will continue in parts of the country on Monday. A.breaking off B.calling off C.leaving off D.putting off 7.—Guess what! I came across an old friend at the station last weekend.—I’m sure you talked with him happily.A.Sounds good! B.Very well.C.How nice! D.All right.8.Mary liked to look back on her high—school days,she thought were the happiest in her life.A.that B.what C.which D.when9.This raw chocolate tastes pretty delicious due to ______ amount of melted pure freshcream.A.equal B.generous C.insufficient D.tiny10.--- You look happy today. Is there anything good?--- I’m very delighted ______ as one of the exchange students.A.to choose B.to have been chosenC.choosing D.having been chosen11.public bicycles with a mobile app is more convenient for users.A.To unlock B.Unlock C.Unlocked D.Unlocking12.—You’ve agreed to go, so why aren’t you getting ready?—But I ________ that I was expected to set off at once.A.don’t realize B.didn’t realizeC.haven’t realized D.hadn’t realized13.-- I prefer a computer made in your company, but I may need some more information about the product.-- ______.A.Thank you B.It’s a pleasureC.You are welcome D.At your service14.________ some teenage rs don’t realize is ________ difficult life can be after they get addicted to drugs.A.That; how B.Which; what aC.What; what D.What; how15.--- I’ll take the blue one. This is twenty dollars.--- Here’s the change. .A.Best wishes B.My pleasureC.Have a nice day D.Let’s call it a day16.Everyone in the village hoped that he would ______ after a few days’ treatment. A.pick up B.come up C.keep up D.make up17.—Helen is going to Manchester for further education next month.—I’m ______ because I have to stay at home and work.A.green with envy B.white as a sheetC.tickled pink D.black and blue18.I ________ my cellphone last night. Now the battery is running out.A.could have charged B.might chargeC.should have charged D.would charge19.— How can I wake up so early?—Set the alarm at 5:00 am., you will make it.A.and B.butC.or D.so20.Experience is a hard teacher because she ________ the test first, the lesson afterwards.A.gives B.has given C.was giving D.would give第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.A teacher’s job is n ot to tell the students what to believe or value, but to ________ them to develop a worldview for themselves.A.urge B.equipC.persuade D.rank2.—You mean the position is still vacant?—Yes, but you must know our job is very demanding.—_______.A.With pleasure B.I don’t mind C.Don’t mention it D.That’s all right 3.-- Can you spare me a few minutes now?-- ______, but I’ll be free this afternoon.A.I’m afraid not B.I’m not sureC.Yes, with pleasure D.No, I won’t4.Working hard is not a __________ of great success, but it is among the essential requirements.A.sign B.signalC.guarantee D.mark5.When on holidays, the railways put on trains to make people’s travel more convenient.A.regularB.specialC.particularD.unusual6.I ______ football since I left university.A.didn’t play B.don’t playC.won’t play D.haven’t played7.Some tourists’ visiting Tian’ anmen Square during the holiday left a __________ oflitter everywhere they went.A.trail B.dotC.chain D.track8.Please wear your best clothes on Monday, as your class photos ______ then.A.will take B.will be taken C.have taken D.have been taken9.He is confident, ________________ in my opinion, is most important in society. A.how B.whichC.that D.what10.— How much do you charge for the iPhone?—Well,it cost me $ 400,but I’ll ________ 20% as it’s no longer new.A.reduce to B.decrease toC.knock off D.cut off11.One of our rules is that every student _______ wear school uniform while at school. A.might B.couldC.shall D.will12.The college examination is ________________ easier this year than I have expected. A.fairly B.quiteC.rather D.very13.While we were listening to the speech attentively, a voice _____ to announce the result of the election.A.broke in B.broke up C.broke off D.broke down14.Having a hobby does do good to you. It doesn’t matter what it is ______ it drives you to move forward.A.if only B.in caseC.as long as D.in order that15.Agatha didn’t tell me ______ she would pick up her son from school.A.which B.whenC.where D.what16.In spring, the scene on the top of the hill is so appealing that it is ________ my words.A.above B.overC.beyond D.off17.______ the deadline, the workers had to work overtime to get the job finished. A.Giving B.Given C.Having given D.To give18._____ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.A.Which B.When C.What D.As19.— Do you like the book you father bought you?—Very much. It’s exactly______I wanted.A.which B.thatC.what D.how20.— Hello, Paul, do you like to join us in playing football? We need one more person to ____ a team.—Y es, I’d like to.A.pick up B.pick out C.make up D.make out第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
1、如图所示,A、B为两个等量的正点电荷,在其连线中垂线上的a点放一个负点电,点电荷q从a点由静止释放荷q(不计重力),b点为连线中垂线上一点且aO bO经O点运动到b点的过程中,下列说法正确的是()A.点电荷q的速度一定先增大后减小B.点电荷q的加速度一定先减小后增大C.点电荷q的电势能一定先增大后减小D.点电荷q在O点电势最大,动能为零2、如图所示,甲、乙、丙三个光滑轨道,甲是水平轨道,乙是向下凹的圆弧轨道,丙是向上凸的圆弧轨道,三个轨道水平方向距离相同,图中虚线在同一水平面上。
现有三个完全相同的小球分别从相同高度由静止开始滚下,到达轨道的右侧,三个小球运动过程中始终未脱离轨道,下列说法正确的是A.甲轨道上的小球先到达右侧B.乙轨道上的小球先到达右侧C.丙轨道上的小球先到达右侧D.三个轨道上的小球同时到达右侧3、如图所示,间距为L、电阻不计的足够长平行光滑金属导轨水平放置,导轨左端有一阻值为R的电阻,一质量为m、电阻也为R的金属棒横跨在导轨上,棒与导轨接触v沿导良好.整个装置处于竖直向上、磁感应强度为B的匀强磁场中,金属棒以初速度轨向右运动,前进距离为s)在金属棒整个运动过程中,下列说法正确的是A .金属棒运动平均速度大于2v B .金属棒d 克服安培力做的功等于电阻R 上产生的焦耳热 C .通过电阻R 电荷量为2BLsRD .电阻R 上产生的焦耳热为2012Q mv4、甲乙两汽车从同一地点开始行驶,它们的图象如图所示。
下列有关叙述错误的是()A.亲本非芦花鸡的基因型为DDZ B Z B、ddZ b WB.F1雌雄非芦花鸡共产生6种基因型的配子C.F2的芦花鸡中,雄鸡:雌鸡=2:1D.F2的非芦花鸡中,雄鸡:雌鸡=7:63.下列有关物质跨膜运输的叙述,正确的是()A.生长素极性运输时不需要消耗能量B.固醇类激素进入靶细胞的过程属于主动运输C.神经细胞受到刺激时产生的Na 内流属于被动运输D.护肤品中的甘油进入皮肤细胞的过程属于协助扩散4.下列对细胞的认识,不合理的是()A.细胞体积不能无限长大——细胞体积越大,相对表面积越小,物质交换效率越低B.癌细胞的表面发生了变化——细胞膜上糖蛋白减少,细胞之间的黏着性显著降低C.叶绿体内部光反应场所增大——内膜和类囊体薄膜上分布着光合色素和光反应所需的酶D.细胞之间的协调有赖于信息交流——胰岛A细胞合成分泌的胰高血糖素随血液到达全身各处,与肝细胞膜表面的受体结合5.如图,双脱氧核苷三磷酸(ddNTP)的结构与脱氧核苷三磷酸(dNTP)相似(N 代表A、G、C、T中的一种),都能作DNA 复制的原料。
2.用N A表示阿伏加德罗常数的数值,下列说法中不正确的是A.标准状况下,22.4LCl2通入足量NaOH溶液中,完全反应时转移的电子数为2N AB.20gD2O含有的电子数为10N AC.1L0.1mol•L-1NH4NO3溶液中的氮原子数为0.2N AD.25℃时,1.0LpH=12的NaClO溶液中由水电离出OH-的数目为0.01N A【答案】A【解析】【详解】A、Cl2+2NaOH=NaCl+NaClO+H2O,1mol氯气参加反应转移1mol电子,因此标准状况下22.4L氯气参加此反应转移1mol电子,个数为N A,选项A不正确;B、20g D2O的物质的量为1mol,1mol重水中含有10mol电子,含有的电子数为10N A,选项B正确;C、溶液中硝酸铵的物质的量n=cV=0.1mol/L×1L=0.1mol,而1mol硝酸铵中含2molN原子,故0.1mol硝酸铵中含0.2N A个氮原子,选项C正确;D、次氯酸钠是强碱弱酸盐,溶液呈碱性,溶液中的OH-都是由水电离出来,25℃时,pH=12的1.0LNaClO 溶液中c(H+)=10-12mol/L,c(OH-)=10-2mol/L,则水电离出的OH-的数目为0.01N A,选项D正确;答案选A。
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第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.If people keep polluting the ocean, no creature there will survive ______.A.at all cost B.for a long whileC.in the long run D.by no means2.She sat on the top of the stairs _____ her head on her crossed arms and cried.A.for B.when C.with D.while3.It is widely acknowledged that students should be ____________ in terms of overall quality. A.supported B.matchedC.evaluated D.controlled4.--- Dad, have you seen my Christmas card?--- ______ you painted last night? I’m afraid I haven’t seen ______.A.One ; one B.The one ; itC.One ; it D.The one ; that5._____ the plant once a week if you are to get fruit in the autumn.A.Watered B.Watering C.To water D.Water6.A good government is not to pick technologies, but to establish conditions ________ innovation is supported and encouraged into the marketplace.A.when B.thatC.as D.where7.Mary doesn't want to move to Beijing because if she________ _there, she wouldn't be able to see her husband often.A.would live B.were to liveC.has lived D.lives8..---How did you French?---- I lived in Paris for two years before I came to England, so I got lots of practice.A.go through B.pick up C.set up D.turn up9.______ exactly what was wrong with him, the doctors gave him a complete examination.A.To discover B.Discovering C.Discovered D.Having been discovered10.The cost of living in big cities ________ steadily for many years,and it has led some youths to drop outof the big city race.A.is climbing B.is being climbedC.has been climbing D.has been climbed11.Sometimes it seems to bother the teacher ______ all the students are being too quiet.A.how B.whatC.that D.where12.Male nurses are difficult to hire as many men reject this______ out of the long-existing discrimination.A.oncept B.responsibilityC.identity D.personality13.He switched off the light and was about to leave the classroom and only then____ to rain heavily.A.it began B.it beginsC.does it begin D.did it begin14.The Chinese people are hopeful for ________ 2019 will bring for their families and the country. A.how B.whichC.what D.that15._______, I have never seen anyone who's as capable as John.A.As long as I have traveled B.Much as I have traveledC.Now that I have traveled so much D.As I have traveled so much16.–What’s wrong with your ipad2? The sound ____is not clear.--Yes. It has been broken for some time.A.come out B.coming out C.to come out D.came out17.There will be an endless power of youth supporting the Chinese nation’s rejuvenation_______ the younger generation of the country has ideals , pursuits and shoulders.A.as far as B.so long asC.even if D.as if18.It was not until 3 days later that the boy came back to life and explained to the police what_______ to him.A.was happening B.was to happen C.had happened D.has happened19.Teaching as a career is to many people owing to the long holidays.A.popular B.familiarC.attractive D.fantastic20.— Tony, you seem in high spirits.—________ We won the match 4-1.A.Guess what? B.Oh, come on!C.So what? D.No wonder.第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
21.(6分)Madison Williams was studying in her bedroom when the door burst open.It was hermother,Leigh williams,with a frightening and incredible story,“A little boy fell into a septic tank(化粪池),and no one can reach him.”The n she made this request of her 13-year-o1d daughter,“Can you help?”Madison and Leigh ran to a neighbor’s yard,where they found the boy’s anxious mother and other adults surrounding a septic tank opening.The opening was only slightly wider than a basketball.The boy,who was only two years o1d,had slipped in and was drowning in four feet of waste water inside the tank.Madison quickly surveyed the situation.She was the only one who could fit through the smallho1e.Without hesitation,she got on her stomach next to the opening,placed her arms out in front of her,and told the adults,“Lower me in.”Leigh and others held her waist and legs.“I wiggled(扭动)my arms and shoulders until I got through the opening,”Madison said.Inside,the tank was dark,and the air disgusting.Madison jammed her left wrist against a pole,injuring the muscles in her wrist and arm so severely that the hand seemed useless.Madison shot her good hand out and grasped the boy’s foot tightly.“Pull me up!”she shouted to the others above.As they were pulled to the surface,the boy’s free foot got stuck under the inside lip of the opening.“Lower me down!”she yelled.“I had to wiggle his foot until it was free,”she told Reader’s Digest.Then,ten minutes after Madison had entered the tank,she and the boy were lifted out.“Madison’s a hero,”Holley,one of her neighbors said “What other teenage girl is going to voluntarily go into a septic tank?”1、Madison was asked to help the boy because________.A.she was brave enough to help the boyB.she knew how to survey the situationC.she could fit through the small hole to get the boyD.she was willing to help others in trouble2、According to the text,we can learn that__________.A.the boy’s mother was too scared to rescue her sonB.a boy was trapped when reaching for his basketballC.Madison Williams was choked in the disgusting airD.the two kids got out of danger with the aid of the adults3、Which might be the main idea of the passage?A.A boy fell into a septic tank.B.A mother requested her daughter to save a boy.C.A neighbor helped a girl out of trouble.D.A girl rescued a little boy from a septic tank.22.(8分)Have you ever noticed tiny raised areas on the branches of a tree? These may have been insects. These small insects feed on tree sap (汁液). Insects on urban trees are notably more abundant than those on rural trees. As a result, urban trees suffer from heavy infestations (害虫横行), and are often unhealthy or die. To protect and restore urban trees’ health, we need to determine the factors that make these tree pests more successful in urban habitats.Living organisms interact closely with their environment. The warmer, more drought-stressed trees harbor more successful pests than cooler, less drought-stressed trees. As cities and natural habitats become hotter and drier, damaging insects will become more abundant on urban trees.Trees within urban forests are valuable economically and for the environmental sustainability (可持续性) of the region. More than half of the world’s population lives in cities. Across the globe, people are moving into cities at a faster rate than ever. Rapid growth may turn cities into places with harder conditions. Although cities are primarily made of buildings, roads, parking lots, and vehicles, there are still plants in them. The trees within a city are referred to as the urban forest. Urban forests offer very big benefits to human and environmental health. They improve air and water quality, provide habitat for wildlife, cool down temperatures and beautify our environment. They make cities livable.However, being a city tree is not easy. Heat released by human activities is trapped in cities. As a result, temperatures in urban areas are often warmer than their surrounding rural areas. We call this urban warming or the urban heat island effect. Urban habitats are mostly made of surfaces of asphalt (沥青) and concrete. These surfaces reduce the amount of rainwater that reaches tree roots. As a result, urban forests may suffer, which can negatively affect people and the environment.What can we do to restore urban forests? Regular irrigation when possible may help keep pest populations under control. Planting tree species that are suitable to handle heat and drought stress would also reduce the occurrence of insect pest outbreaks.1、What makes tree pests more successful in the city than in rural areas?A.The warmer and rainy habitat.B.The hotter and drier habitat.C.The cooler and drier habitat.D.The hotter and rainy habitat.2、Urban forests make cities livable by .A.providing people enough clean waterB.improving the living environmentC.offering people economic benefitsD.lowering the temperatures3、According to the text, what results in the city trees’ suffering?A.Natural disasters.B.Invisible forces.C.Human activities.D.Natural evolution.4、What would be the best title for the text?A.The Importance of the Urban TreesB.How to Protect the Urban TreesC.Urban Trees Are in Great DangerD.Let’s Act for the Protection of Urban Trees23.(8分)Squatting down on my disorganized closet floor, I looked eagerly through my albums for the picture of my grandma’s Christmas lights. I searched so long and so eagerly that I lost all feeling in the legs. Ignoring the pain, I went on with my search, because finding the picture was worth it.My beloved gra ndma on my dad’s side, who passed away almost four years ago, would decorate the Christmas trees like it was her job. Each year she would decorate an ornate, 12-foot-tall, shining tree in her living room, and most years she would have an additional pink tree, palm tree, colored- light tree,white-light tree, bedroom tree, etc. The ideas varied year after year, but the theme was always the same: Let There Be Light.For the outside of the house, my grandma hired people to come and string thousands of lights through the trees in her yard. It wasn’t easy, and it wasn’t cheap, but it was a labor of love. People in the small town came and parked their kid-packed cars on the street, gazing at the thousands upon thousands of shining lights year after year. They brou ght us magic, which was grandma’s legacy. That is the family act I am supposed to follow for the rest of my life. It’s what I’m dying to recreate and pass on to my own kids. I feel so much pressure because no one is capable of doing it—and of doing it correctly—but me.So, it’s me and only me, each year unfastening countless strings of lights, winding them round a 10-foot, prickly tree, and sending the lights to the highest branches. Though I’m only ever just scratching the surface of grandma’s magic, I uncover a little more each year. I still haven’t found that picture of my grandma’s Christmas lights, but I know it exists, and I will find it, even if it means losing all feeling in my legs.1、Why did the author suffer from pain?A.Because she was missing her beloved grandma.B.Because she had trouble finding grandma’s lights.C.Because she kept an uncomfortable gesture for long.D.Because she broke her legs while searching for something.2、What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?A.Grandma’s Christmas trees.B.The atmosphere of Christmas.C.The beauty of Christmas trees. D.Christmas memories in childhood.3、Which of the following best describes grandma’s yard on Christmas?A.Colourful and messy. B.Interesting and dizzy.C.Noisy and crowded. D.Shiny and attractive.4、What’s the authors attitude towards her grandma’s way to spend Christmas?A.It is the best way people like. B.It is her duty to pass it on.C.It needs to be improved. D.It is too costly to do it.24.(8分)World’s best beaches: 2018 TripAdvisor award winnersNO. 1 Clearwater BeachIt lies in America, about a forty-minute drive west of Tampa. It impresses travelers with two and a half miles of sugar-white sand, crystal-clear waters and gentle Gulf wind. The beach offers calm, shallow water, making it an ideal playground for tourists.*Bargain hotel nearby: Pier House 60 Marina Hotel, from $293 per night (double bed)*Airfare: As low as $71 round-trip from ORD (Chicago) to TPA (Tampa)No. 2 Siesta BeachJust south of Sarasota, Siesta Beach on Siesta Key is known for its eight-mile stretch of sugar-fine, quartz-white sand. It’s also a great spot for kids to collect seashells and sand dollars.*Bargain hotel nearby: Tropical Beach Resorts, from $295 per might (double bed)*Airfare: As low as $238 round-trip from EWR (Newark) toSRQ (Sarasota)No. 3 Ka’anapali BeachAmong the most visited beach in West Maui, this area is a popular spot for quiet relaxation or water sports. It’s also famous for the daily cliff diving ceremony off of the beach’s northernmost cliffs known as Black Rock.*Bargain hotel nearby: Lahaina Shores Beach Resort, from$289 per night (double bed)*Airfare: As low as $382 round-trip from SFO (San Francisco) to OGG (Kahului)No. 4 South BeachPeople watching is a grea t pastime in Miami’s South Beach, which draws celebrities and models. Travelers love the wide, fine, white sand-covered beaches as well as the surrounding area, known forwild nightlife and excellent restaurants.*Bargain hotel nearby: Room Mate Lord Balfour, from $264 per night (double bed)*Great airfare: As low as $3 round-trip from LGA (New York) to MIA (Miami)1、How much may they pay at least if Mr. and Mrs. Smith from Chicago visit a beach?A.$364 B.$435C.$579 D.$6572、Siesta Beach is different from other three beaches in that .A.tourists enjoy an exciting sportB.fine sugar-white sand covers itC.children have more great funD.many famous persons visit it3、Charlie is eager to meet his favourite movie star, which beach would you recommend? A.Clearwater Beach. B.Siesta Beach.C.Ka’anapali Beach.D.South Beach.25.(10分)JOHANNESBURG—They say cats have nine lives. Now a Chinese toad(蟾蜍) has joined that club of clever survivors.South Africans are shocked at the endurance of a toad that got trapped in a cargo shipment from China to Cape Town, after jumping into a porcelain candlestick(烛台) that was made there. South African officials reportedly planned to put down the creature, fearing it would cause harm as an invasive species if it were let go in the wild.But the toad got a last-minute pardon. Mango Airlines, a South African airline, transported the toad on Friday to Johannesburg for delivery to an animal shelter, after officials decided to find a way to let the toad live. The two-hour flight was a breeze compared to the trip from China, a long way of many weeks and thousands of kilometers across the Indian Ocean.Airline spokesman Hein Kaiser said the toad got “first-class treatment”, sitting in a transparent plastic container with escort Brett Glasby, an animal welfare inspector. There was even a ceremony, in which the toad’s boarding pass was handed to Glasby.“He was the star of the show on the flight,” Kaiser said of the amphibious(两栖的) passenger. “I think every passenger stopped to have a look.”On landing in Johannesburg, the toad was brought out of its container for a celebrity-style photo shoot. Observers said the brown toad seemed like a cool customer. It belongs to the Asian Toad species, which breeds during the monsoon(季风) season. It is believed to have survived the trip from China by hardening its skin to prevent it from drying out, and also by slowing its breathing and heart rate—methods that helpthe species survive in times of drought.“We’ve had snakes in imported timber and scorpions(蝎子) in fruit. We were called because the toad was right inside the candlestick, and we had to break it to get it out” Glasby, the inspector, told The Star, a South African newspaper.1、What is the passage mainly about?A.Asian toads can’t get used to the life in South Africa.B.South Africa ignores the protection of animals.C.An Asian toad gets a new home in South Africa.D.Workers shipped a toad to South Africa on purpose.2、If the toad is released into the wild, ________.A.it will make the locals feel shockedB.it will lose its life in the wildC.it might flee into another countryD.it might harm the native species3、The toad was able to arrive in South Africa alive ________.A.because it formed hard skin to protect itselfB.because it escaped all attacks and huntsC.because it used to stop its breath in winterD.because it was lucky to be given a chance4、It can be inferred from the passage that ________.A.a candlestick is the best place for a toadB.droughts make toads live longerC.sometimes animals are transported accidentallyD.no one has seen such a big toad in Africa第三部分语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.26.(30分)Running for a DreamI will never forget that November day.It was hotter than normal.This was the 1 my father and I had waited so long for,because we had been working towards this race for three years.Dozens of familiar faces from church and school flashed across my view.They had come 2 me.I saw worry and 3 on my father's face.Then the race began!For the first two and a half miles.I felt 4 .I had never before been so ready for something.The weeks leading up to the race were filled with controlled 5 and a strict diet.My friends hadn't seen me in weeks,but they understood the 6 required to make my dream a reality.As in all of my races,Ididn't 7 out in the front,I loved the pleasure of passing people as my strength overtook their premature speed.Then without warning,my strength began to decrease.Neck and neck with one of my greatest competitors,I 8 see the finish line.I had begun the final dash into 9 when my knees became weak and my legs gave way.Nothing I could do would make them 10 weight.I watched as runners rushed by me.11 I knew my dreams of victory were destroyed.I had to finish the race.However,my legs hurt badly.With all of the 12 left in me,I got on my hands and knees and crawled (爬),inch by inch,across the finish line.Voices,both 13 and familiar,cheered me on.They gave me the courage to keep 14 until the very end.The doctors were there in seconds,but my eyes searched the crowd for him.There was only one person I wanted to 15 to.I whispered,"I'm so sorry,Dad,I'm so sorry I 16 you."He looked at me,saying,"You could never disappoint me.Sometimes these things just 17 .All that matters is that you did your best.""But we worked so 18 .What about our dream?"He reached over for my hand and said,"Don't you know that you are my dream and it has come true?"It wasn't long before my running shoes were back on,marking a 19 path for my journey,I learned that all of the miles,the tears,the sweat,and the pain my dad and I experienced together were not for a 20 .What I realized,though,was that to him,I was the greatest prize he had ever won.1、A.dream B.weather C.result D.day2、A.for B.to C.across D.over3、A.coldness B.astonishment C.excitement D.amusement4、A.proud B.great C.nervous D.afraid5、A.programs B.studies C.instructions D.practices6、A.sacrifice B.potential C.patience D.attention7、A.look B.move C.start D.come8、A.should B.could C.must D.need9、A.relief B.spirit C.pleasure D.glory10、A.give B.feel C.hold D.add11、A.Where B.Because C.If D.Although12、A.trust B.emotion C.strength D.confidence13、A.loud B.foreign C.soft D.firm14、A.going B.running C.fighting D.training15、A.refer B.talk C.listen D.agree16、A.frightened B.disturbed C.disappointed D.bored17、A.develop B.change C.follow D.happen18、A.late B.hard C.closely D.quickly19、A.new B.near C.rough D.narrow20、A.wish B.duty C.rank D.race第二节(每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。