



The ADN8830 is a monolithic controller that drives a thermoelectric cooler (TEC) to stabilize the temperature of a laser diode or a passive component used in telecommunications equipment. This device relies re coefficient (NTC) thermistor to sense the temperature of the object attached to the TEC. The target temperature is set with an analog input voltage either from a DAC or an external resistor divider. The loop is stabilized by a PID compensation amplifier with high stability and low noise. The compensation network can be adjusted by the user to optimize temperature settling time. The component values for this network can be calculated based on the thermal transfer function of the laser diode or obtained from the lookup table given in the Application Notes section. Voltage outputs are provided to monitor both the temperature of the object and the voltage across the TEC. A voltage reference of 2.5 V is also provided.



美军标883的对应国内标准-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述部分的内容可以包括以下几个方面:引言部分主要是对该篇文章的背景和意义进行简要介绍,可以提及以下内容:- 美军标883,也即美国军方的标准MIL-STD-883,是一份关于电子元器件可靠性测试方法的标准。


- 近年来,我国的电子元器件产业迅速发展,国内对于电子元器件的测试与认证标准也日益重要。


- 本文将对比分析美军标883与国内对应标准的内容和要求,探讨其差异与相似之处,并对其对国内电子元器件产业的影响与建议进行讨论。

















(SAE1939-15:2003 MOD )国家标准化管理委员会ICSGB/T XXXX.3-XXXX商用车控制系统局域网络(CAN )通信协议第3分:物理层—非屏蔽双绞线(250K 比特/秒)(征求意见稿)20xx-xx-xx 发布20xx-xx-xx 实施GB/T XXXX.3-XXXX前言GB/T××××《商用车控制系统局域网络(CAN 总线)通信协议》包括10个部分:—第1部分:物理层—屏蔽双绞线(250K比特/秒)—第2部分:物理层—非车载诊断连接器—第3部分:物理层—非屏蔽双绞线(250K比特/秒)—第4部分:数据链路层—第5部分:应用层—车辆—第6部分:应用层—诊断—第7部分:网络管理—第8部分:参数组分配—第9部分:地址和标识分配—第10部分:可疑参数编号(SPN)—第11部分:网络层本部分为GB/T××××的第3部分,对应于SAE 1939-15:2003《物理层,非屏蔽双绞线》,本部分与SAE1939-15的一致性程度为修改采用(技术内容完全等同),主要差异如下:—按1.1规定增加了”前言”、“范围”。





本部分主要起草人:GB/T XXXX.3-XXXX 汽车控制系统局域网络(CAN 总线)通信协议第3部分:物理层—非屏蔽双绞线(250千比特/秒)1 范围本部分规定了CAN 总线的物理层—非屏蔽双绞线(250K比特/秒)的电气性能参数等。


2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本部分的引用而成为本部分的条款。



表 4 显示端口
表 5 所示为其他端口。 Symbol I/O 功能描述 DUMMYR[3:1] 电阻测量管脚,正常情况下悬空。 DUMMYL[3:1] DUMMY 无用管脚,悬空即可。 V0/V63 O 伽玛电压镜像管脚。 VDD3DUM O 内部与 VDD3 接在一起。
表 2 系统接口
表3为 Symbol MDP MDN MSP MSN GPIO[9:0] (DB[17:8]) S_CSB(DB [7])
MDDI 管脚作用。 I/O 功能描述 I/O MDDI 数据输入/输出正端,如果 MDDI 不用,该端口悬空。 I/O MDDI 数据输入/输出负端,如果 MDDI 不用,该端口悬空。 I MDDI 数据选通输入正端,如果 MDDI 不用,该端口悬空。 I MDDI 数据选通输入负端,如果 MDDI 不用,该端口悬空。 I/O 总体输入输出,如果在 MDDI 中没有用 GPIO 的话,这些管 脚应该置地。 O 子屏幕驱动 IC 片选信号。 低电平时说明子屏幕驱动 IC 可用,高电平时说明子屏幕驱动
表 1 电源接口
如表 2 所示为系统接口。 Symbol I/O 功能描述 S_PB I 选择 CPU 接口模式,低电平时为并行接口,高电平时为串行 接口。 MDDI_E I 选择 MDDI 接口,低电平时 MDDI 接口不可用,高电平时 N MDDI 接口可用。 ID_MIB I 选择 CPU 种类, 低电平为 intel 80 系列 CPU, 高电平为 motorola 68 系列 CPU,如果 S_PB 是高电平,该端口为 ID 设置端口。 CSB I 片选信号,低电平芯片可用,高电平芯片不可用。 RS I 寄存器选择管脚。 低电平时,指令/状态,高电平时为指令参数/RAM 数据。 不用时需与 VDD3 接在一起。 RW_WR I 管脚作用 CPU 种类 管脚说明 B/SCL RW 68 系列 读写选择,低电平写,高电平读。 WRB 80 系列 写选通作用,在上升沿捕获数据。 SCL 串行接口 时钟同步信号。 E_RDB I 管脚作用 CPU 种类 管脚说明 E 68 系列 读写操作使能端。 RDB 80 系列 读选通作用,低电平时读出数据。 选择串行模式时,将此端口接在 VDD3 上。 SDI I 串行接口的数据输入接口,在 SCL 上升沿捕捉到输入数据,



Cavium Networks Contact: Cavium NetworksAngel Atondo 805 East Middlefield RoadTel: (650) 623-7033 Mountain View, CA 94043 Email: angel.atondo@ Phone: (650) 623-7000Cavium Networks 发布业界最全的基于单核与双核 MIPS64®面向下一代智能网络的 OCTEON™ 处理器新的 OCTEON SOC 处理器为网络、无线、控制和存储应用提供处理器为网络、无线、控制和存储应用提供了了高度集成高度集成和和有成本效益有成本效益的的 64 位计算的解决方案2006 年 1 月 30 日,美国加州日,美国加州山景城山景城 —— 安全、网络服务和嵌入式处理器解决方案的世界领导者 Cavium Networks 今天发布 10 款新的价格从 $20 以下开始基于单核和双核 MIPS64 高度集成的处理器。

为了突破下一代网络、无线、控制和存储应用对特性、性价比和功耗的需求,新的 SOC (System on Chip )集成了定制的 MIPS64 处理器和业界最先进的多层应用(multi-layer applications )加速和安全处理硬件,以及丰富的可配置的网络接口。

新的 OCTEON CN31XX 和 CN30XX 系列处理器与目前市场上领先的多核处理器家族 CN38XX 系列保持软件兼容。

OCTEON 产品家族目前提供从单核到 16 核的业界最具可扩展性和兼容的 MIPS64 处理器产品线,这样 OEM 厂商可以使用同一套通用的软件开发不同性能和价格点的设备,大量的降低了开发成本和缩短了产品面市时间。

OCTEON 处理器被广泛的设计进了各种网络设备,包括路由器、交换机、统一威胁管理(UTM ,Unified Threat Management )设备、应用认知(Application-aware )网关、三网合一(Triple-play )网关、无线局域网(WLAN )、3G 接入和聚合设备以及网络存储设备等。



数字家庭主板M2NDH-支持AMD®SocketAM2Athlon64FX/Athlo64X2/Athlon64/Sempron -AMDLive!™Ready-强大扩充能力:1xPCI-Ex16、2xPCI-E、3xPCI-华硕WiFi-APSolo-华硕DHRemote™-华硕MP3-In™-华硕Q-Connector-高保真音频中央处理器支持AMD®SocketAM2Athlon64FX/Athlo64X2/Athlon64/Sempron 支持AMDCool'n'Quiet™技术AMD64架构,同时兼容32位和64位计算AMDLive!™Ready芯片组NVIDIAnForce®430MCP前端总线2000/1600MT/s内存双通道内存架构4x240-pinDIMM内存插槽,支持最大容量高达8GB的DDR2800/667/533ECC和non-ECC、un-buffered内存扩充插槽1xPCI-Expressx16插槽2xPCI-Expressx1插槽3xPCI2.2插槽存储装置/RAID-1xUltraDMA133/100/66/33-4xSerialATA3.0Gb/s-NVIDIAMediaShield™RAID通过SerialA TA设备支持RAID0、1、0+1、5和JBOD网络功能NVIDIAnForce®430内建GigabitMAC,支持externalAttansicPHY无线局域网:54MbpsIEEE802.11b/g(华硕WiFi-APSolo)音频功能ADI6声道高保真音频CODEC背板S/PDIF数字音频输出USB高达8个USB2.0/1.1接口M2N-VMDH-AMDSocketAM2-NVIDIAGeForce6100/nForce430-双通道DDR2800/667/533-1xPCIExpressx16+1xPCIExpressx1+2xPCI-双VGA:DVI-D和D-Sub-8声道高保真音频-2x1394a接口中央处理器支持AMD®SocketAM2Athlon64X2/Athlon64FX/Athlon64/Sempro nAMDCool'n'Quiet™技术AMD64架构,兼容32位和64位计算AMDLive!™Ready芯片组NVIDIAGeForce6100/nForce430前端总线2000/1600MT/s 内存双通道内存架构4x240-pinDIMM插槽,支持最大容量为8GB的DDR2800/667/533non-ECC,un-buffered内存显卡集成GeForce6100GPU高清晰视频处理,最高分辨率可达1920x1440(@75Hz)支持RGB显示;UXGA1600x1200(@60Hz)支持DVI-D显示支持双VGA输出:DVI-D和RGB注意:DVI-D不能用来输出RGB信号至CRT。




ADM 芯片的全称为Analog Devices(ADI)的高精度模拟数字转换器(ADC)与数字模拟转换器(DAC)芯片。


















Keysight N9038A MXE EMI接收器产品简介说明书

Keysight N9038A MXE EMI接收器产品简介说明书

Keysight N9038AMXE EMI Receiver–3 Hz up to 44 GHz frequency range–Compliant with CISPR 16-1-1:2010 and MIL-STD-461–± 0.5 dB at 1 GHz amplitude accuracySummary of Key SpecificationsThe X-Series difference Future-readyOptimize your investment and extend instrument longevity with upgradeable processor, memory, connectivity, and more to keep your test assets current today and tomorrow.Consistent measurement frameworkAchieve measurement integrity across your organization and drive more productivity in less time by leveraging a proven foundation for signal analysis and identical operation across the X-Series instruments.Broadest set of applicationsAddress the changing demands of technology with additionalmeasurement applications, the ability to run software inside the openWindows operating system, and a first-to-market track record in emerging standards.Stay ready, stay in sync, and arrive ahead —with the Keysight X-Series./find/X-SeriesKeep the Test Queue FlowingIn EMC testing, success depends on tools that can help you do more in less time—today and tomorrow. That’s why we created the MXE: it’s a standards-compliant EMI receiver and diagnostic signal analyzer built on an upgradeable platform. In the lab and on the bench, it provides the accuracy, repeatability,and reliability you need to test with confidence.The MXE makes it easy to test in accordance with CISPR 16-1-1:2010 and MIL-STD-461. Choose the frequency coverage you need—up to 3.6, 8.4, 26.5, or44 GHz—and fully test devices with outstanding accuracy and excellent sensitivity across the required ranges.Through the front panel or remotely with software, you can evaluate emissions and identify suspect signals using EMC measurements and a variety of intuitive displays. The extensive set of built-in analysis tools helps you diagnose the causes of noncompliant emissions.With all these capabilities and more, the MXE enables you and your team to keep the test queue flowing.Extend instrument longevity with easy upgradabilityTo keep your instrument current and extend its longevity, the MXE offers easy upgradability of hardware and software capabilities. For example, you can enhance platform performance through CPU and memory upgrades, and add functionality with a simple license key.Leverage the proven reliability of a mature hardware platform Uptime is essential in a test lab and that’s why we built the MXE on the robust Keysight X-Series signal analyzer platform. In addition, the MXE carries the benefits of Keysight’s standard three-year warranty and responsive service and support team.The MXE is ideally suited for high-performance EMC testing in commercial and military applications. The instrument offers a range of CISPR- and MIL-STD-compliant capabilities—detectors, bandwidths, and more—as well as features that further enhance the accuracy and throughput of EMC testing and data analysis.Simplify setupThe MXE contains a number of features that simplify the setup process for compliance measurements. For example, you can use setup tables to create specific measurement configurations for a variety of frequency ranges and antennas. You can also reduce overall setup time by saving and recallingfrequently used custom instrument settings. In addition, the MXE can remotely control switching functions in external LISNs.To accelerate identification of suspect emissions, access the built-in library of limit lines and activate the relevant regulatory limits. You can also define custom limit lines with the easy-to-use editor. To ensure appropriate limit testing, the MXE can automatically correct measured amplitudes for specific transducers, antennas, cabling, and external preamplifiers using customer-configured amplitude correction files.Accelerate data collectionThe MXE is designed to help you see signal activity—quickly and easily—from multiple perspectives. The comprehensive user display allows you to see both a broad overview of the emissions environment and a detailed view of the signal amplitude at a single frequency.Easily capture emissions data using built-in automated scan, search, and measure functions that mirror recommended commercial and military testing procedures. The multi-trace and max hold capabilities let you view emissions from the current position of the device under test (DUT) along with themaximum emissions from all DUT positions. During monitoring, the three color-coded detectors are updated simultaneously to ensure accurate results.The MXE receiver display provides a simplified view into the emissions performance of the DUT.Maximize Throughput in Compliance TestingChoose from traditional frequency or rapid time domain scanning.Easily identify suspect signalsWith built-in measurement and analysis functions, the MXE makes it easy to identify suspect emissions. For example, the unique color-coded trace display capability clearly identifies signals that exceed the selected limit lines and margins.When creating suspect lists, you can choose between traditional frequency scanning and rapid time domain scanning. Time domain scans significantly reduce the time needed to create a list of suspect emissions prior to making final measurements.Built-in limit testing makes it easy to create emission suspect lists. The receiver can automatically move out-of-limit signals to the signal list, where you can perform measurements with the touch of a button.Simplify final measurementsThe list function in the MXE makes it easy to perform final emissionsmeasurements for all supported standards. When you need to control tower or turntable position, internal frequency lists can be passed to automationsoftware. When orientation optimization isn’t required, built-in capabilities help you complete final measurements with ease.When final measurements are complete, you can conveniently create reports in HTML or PDF format with customized content that includes amplitude corrections, limits, scan tables, trace data, signal lists, and screen shots.All-digital IF architectureA digital intermediate frequency (IF) receiver architecture improvesmeasurement accuracy. By comparison, an analog IF architecture implements gain blocks, log amps, resolution bandwidths, and detectors with analog hardware. Even the best of these designs exhibit performance differences when receiver settings are changed from the settings used for calibration. These differences are then exacerbated over temperature.The all-digital IF architectureincludes digital realizations of the key components, which operate on the signal after it has been digitized. Digital IF can improve EMC measurement throughput by minimizing the need for users to bring the signal being measured to the top of the reference level. Analog receivers require this step for every measurement to minimize the effects of analog hardware errors.In addition, digital IF architecturereduces the occurrence of IF overload, even if signals are above the reference level.As an EMI receiver and diagnostic signal analyzer, the MXE puts a wealth of capabilities at yourfingertips. New receiver technology reduces measurement time and ensures you are prepared for future requirements.Go faster with time domain scanningThe MXE offers three types offrequency scanning: swept, stepped, and time domain. Time domain scan decreases total test time by reducing overall prescan collection times when longer measurement dwell times are required.Time domain scan speedsmeasurements by using high-overlap fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) tocollect emissions data simultaneously over an acquisition bandwidth that is multiple resolution bandwidths wide. This is in contrast to frequency-domain measurements, whichcollect data in individual resolution bandwidths.With time domain testing, you can collect suspect lists rapidly, greatly improving overall test time and throughput.Automate click measurementsUse the MXE's built-in disturbance analyzer to easily make discontinuous disturbance, or click, measurements as specified in CISPR 14-1. Simplify and automate data collection, analysis, and report generation for these commonly tested emissions for more efficient testing.Enhance Your Lab with the Latest CapabilitiesComparison of resolution and FFT acquisition bandwidths.FrequencyA m p l i t u d eFFT acquisition bandwidthA m p l i t u d eFrequencyReceiver resolution bandwidthSwept or stepped frequency domain scanTime domain scanDwell for each resolution bandwidthDwell for each FFT bandwidth (multiple resolution bandwidth)Simplify and automate data collection, analysis, and report generation for click measurements.Be ready for APD measurementsThe MXE helps future-proof your lab by offering the amplitude probability distribution (APD) function that is being considered by CISPR foremissions testing of microwave ovens. To characterize slowly-varyingemissions, the APD function displays the probability of an emissionreaching or exceeding a given level. To facilitate use of this new function, the MXE also offers specific limit-line types that can be used with built-in evaluation capabilities to simplify DUT testing.Find the maximum with monitor spectrumIn EMC testing, capturing the maximum value of each emissionfrequency is crucial. Doing so enables accurate characterization of the DUT.To ensure that you have identified the frequencies of maximum emissions in your suspect list, the MXE offers a new feature called monitor spectrum. This feature offers both live-spectrum and meter displays that make it easy to see emission levels and find the maximum while adjusting the center frequency. Ultimately, monitor spectrum improves overall measurement time by reducing the time it takes to prepare your signal list for final measurements.Monitor spectrum identifies frequency of peak emissions.Be ready for future applications with the APD function.The global center frequency feature lets you easily track signals in both the receiver and spectrum analyzer.Gain Insight with Extensive Diagnostic CapabilitiesVerifying product compliance is just one facet of EMI testing. Solving emissions problems can present a wide range of challenges, and the MXE offers a number of tools that will help you see and understand what’s happening.Leverage powerful spectrum analysisInvestigate out-of-compliance emissions with the MXE’s built-in X-Series spectrum analysis capabilities, which include a rich set of resolution and video analysis bandwidths, detectors, and marker functions. In addition, the MXE includes the X-Series PowerSuite measurements for characterization of transmitted signals.Switching between receiver and spectrum analyzer modes is greatlysimplified with the global center frequency function, which links the viewed frequencies. When analyzing an emission, any modification of its frequency will be automatically updated in the MXE’s suspect list, simplifying the final measurement process.Enhance precompliance measurementsYou can leverage the power and usability of the MXE when making precompliance measurements. The Keysight EMI measurement applications (N6141A and W6141A) put the functionality of the MXE inside any of our X-Series signalanalyzers: PXA, MXA, EXA, or CXA. The excellent sensitivity of the X-Series signal analyzers translates into highly accurate emissions measurements.For PXA, MXA or EXA:/find/N6141A For CXA:/find/W6141AStrip Chart mode provides a unique, gap-free view that is useful fortracking DUT performance as a function of turntable or antenna position.Spectrogram displays and the signal-marker capability help you understand the amplitude–and time-varying nature of emissions.RTSA lets you see and understand high-speed transient signals that aredifficult to capture.See amplitude variation vs time with Strip ChartCharacterize the variation of signal amplitude versus time using Strip Chart, a Keysight-exclusive feature which plots data for up to three detectors. All collected data isgapless, with a two-hour time record. This feature is especially useful for capturing the azimuthal emissions characteristics of a DUT when testing on a turntable.The frequency used for the Strip Chart display is coupled to the suspect list, making it easy to view each signal in the suspect list.View varying emissions with spectrograph displaysObserve how emissions spanning a broad spectral range change over time using the built-in spectrograph display. Tracking any variations in spectral data can provide clues about the origins of out-of-compliance emissions.Capture transient signals with real-time spectrum analysisDiagnose high-speed transient signals using real-time spectrum analysis (RTSA) with frequencymask trigger capability. Preselected microwave RTSA enables image-free, over-the-air signal analysis so you can more quickly and easily analyze sources of radiated emissions.Build a Complete EMI Test SolutionProtect Your Investment with an Upgradable PlatformOur qualified Keysight Solution Partners provide a single point of contact to purchase complete EMI measurement solutions that meet commercial and military specifications. In addition to the MXE EMI receiver, they can provide equipment including chambers, probes, towers and antennas, and services such as integration, installation, training, and support. To further simplify testing, they also offer automation software that can meet your specific needs.If you need to go beyond emission and immunity, our solution partners can provide ESD, line harmonics, droop testing, and more.To keep your instrument current and extend its longevity, the MXE offers easy upgradability of hardware and software. When needed, you can enhanceplatform performance through upgradable CPU, memory, disk drives, and I/O ports. Internally, the mechanical assembly has three expansion slots that can accommodate future enhancements.On the software side, simple license-key upgrades are all it takes to add functionality or measurement applications. For example, the external source control option lets the MXE interface with a variety of Keysight signalgenerators, enabling stimulus/response testing up to 20 GHz. For detailed signal analysis, the library of available measurement applications includes analog demodulation, phase noise, and noise figure.Upgrade frequencyThrough return-to-Keysight upgrades, you can extend the frequency range of MXE EMI receivers up to 44 GHz. The receiver maintains its options, applications, and serial number.While the receiver is at the service center for a frequency extension, it is a convenient time to add functionality such as time domain scan for fast FFT-based frequency scanning.For precompliance testing, Keysight also offers frequency upgrades on PXA, MXA, or EXA signal /find/frequencyup11 | Keysight | MXE EMI Receiver N9038A - BrochureMXE Front and Rear PanelsView up to threedifferent prehensive display provides view of spectrum, meters, and suspect list.Second inputpulse-protected to 2 kW.Removable CPU enables processor, memory, and I/O upgrades.Auxiliary/IO port for LISN control.Send and receive SCPI commands over the GPIB interface.Identify signals and view information easily on the 21.4-cm, high-resolution XGA display.Acquire IQ waveform data quickly or control the MXE remotely from an external PC over the USB 2.0 (type-B port) interface.Synchronize other test equipment with the analyzer using the external trigger output signals.Get answers quickly with the comprehensive, context-sensitive embedded help system.Connect external peripherals and transfer data via the USB 2.0 (type-A port) interface.Navigate the interface and help system using the front-panel keys, or a mouse and keyboard.Test devices up to 44 GHz.View the display on an external monitor by connecting to the VGA video output.Two USB 2.0 ports conveniently located on the front of the instrument.Control the MXE remotely over1000Base-T LAN.Removable solid-state drive.Additional solid-state driveavailable for instrument security.Save files fast with the quick-save feature.12 | Keysight | MXE EMI Receiver N9038A - BrochureThis information is subject to change without notice.© Keysight Technologies, 2013 - 2018Published in USA, March 27, 20185990-7422ENRelated LiteratureKeysight MXE EMI receiverPublication title Publication number Data Sheet5990-7421EN Configuration Guide5990-7419EN X-Series Measurement Application Brochure5989-8019EN/find/mxeEvolving Since 1939Our unique combination of hardware, software, services, and people can help you reach your next breakthrough. We are unlocking the future of technology.From Hewlett-Packard to Agilent to Keysight.myKeysight/find/mykeysightA personalized view into the information most relevant to you. /find/emt_product_registrationRegister your products to get up-to-date product information and find warranty information.Keysight Services/find/serviceKeysight Services can help from acquisition to renewal across your instrument’s lifecycle. Our comprehensive service offerings—one-stop calibration, repair, asset management, technology refresh, consulting, training and more—helps you improve product qualityand lower costs.Keysight Assurance Plans/find/AssurancePlansUp to ten years of protection and no budgetary surprises to ensure your instruments are operating to specification, so you can rely on accurate measurements.Keysight Channel Partners/find/channelpartnersGet the best of both worlds: Keysight’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience.For more information on KeysightTechnologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Keysight office. The complete list is available at:/find/contactus Americas Canada (877) 894 4414Brazil 55 11 3351 7010Mexico001 800 254 2440United States (800) 829 4444Asia Pacific Australia 1 800 629 485China800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 11 2626Japan 0120 (421) 345Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore 180****8100Taiwan0800 047 866Other AP Countries (65) 6375 8100Europe & Middle East Austria 0800 001122Belgium 0800 58580Finland 0800 523252France 0805 980333Germany ***********Ireland 1800 832700Israel 1 809 343051Italy800 599100Luxembourg +32 800 58580Netherlands 0800 0233200Russia 8800 5009286Spain 800 000154Sweden 0200 882255Switzerland0800 805353Opt. 1 (DE)Opt. 2 (FR)Opt. 3 (IT)United Kingdom0800 0260637For other unlisted countries:/find/contactus(BP-9-7-17)/go/quality Keysight Technologies, Inc.DEKRA Certified ISO 9001:2015Quality Management System。



LM124A/LM124QMLLow Power Quad Operational AmplifiersGeneral DescriptionThe LM124/124A consists of four independent,high gain,internally frequency compensated operational amplifiers which were designed specifically to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages.Operation from split power supplies is also possible and the low power supply current drain is independent of the magnitude of the power supply voltage.Application areas include transducer amplifiers,DC gain blocks and all the conventional op amp circuits which now can be more easily implemented in single power supply systems.For example,the LM124/124A can be directly op-erated off of the standard +5Vdc power supply voltage which is used in digital systems and will easily provide the required interface electronics without requiring the additional +15Vdc power supplies.Unique Characteristicsn In the linear mode the input common-mode voltage range includes ground and the output voltage can also swing to ground,even though operated from only a single power supply voltagen The unity gain cross frequency is temperature compensatedn The input bias current is also temperature compensatedAdvantagesn Eliminates need for dual suppliesn Four internally compensated op amps in a single packagen Allows directly sensing near GND and V OUT also goes to GNDn Compatible with all forms of logicn Power drain suitable for battery operationFeaturesn Internally frequency compensated for unity gain n Large DC voltage gain 100dBn Wide bandwidth (unity gain)1MHz (temperature compensated)n Wide power supply range:Single supply 3V to 32Vor dual supplies ±1.5V to ±16Vn Very low supply current drain (700µA)—essentially independent of supply voltage n Low input biasing current 45nA (temperature compensated)n Low input offset voltage 2mV and offset current:5nAn Input common-mode voltage range includes ground n Differential input voltage range equal to the power supply voltagen Large output voltage swing 0V to V +−1.5VOrdering InformationNS PART NUMBER SMD PART NUMBERNS PACKAGE NUMBERPACKAGE DISCRIPTION LM124J/8837704301CA J14A 14LD CERDIPLM124AE/88377043022A E20A 20LD LEADLESS CHIP CARRIER LM124AJ/8837704302CAJ14A 14LD CERDIP LM124AW/883W14B 14LD CERPACK LM124AWG/8837704302XA WG14A 14LD CERAMIC SOIC LM124AJLQMLV 5962L9950401VCA,50k rd(Si)J14A 14LD CERDIP LM124AJRQMLV 5962R9950401VCA,100k rd(Si)J14A 14LD CERDIP LM124AWGLQMLV 5962L9950401VZA,50k rd(Si)WG14A 14LD CERAMIC SOIC LM124AWGRQMLV 5962R9950401VZA,100k rd(Si)WG14A 14LD CERAMIC SOIC LM124AWLQMLV 5962L9950401VDA,50k rd(Si)W14B 14LD CERPACK LM124AWRQMLV5962R9950401VDA,100k rd(Si)W14B14LD CERPACKJanuary 2005LM124A/LM124QML Low Power Quad Operational Amplifiers©2005National Semiconductor Corporation Connection DiagramsLeadless Chip Carrier20108055See NS Package Number E20ADual-In-Line Package20108001Top ViewSee NS Package Number J14A20108033See NS Package Number W14B or WG14AL M 124A /L M 124Q M L 2LM124A/LM124QML Schematic Diagram(Each Amplifier)3Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required,please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications.Supply Voltage,V +32Vdc or +16VdcDifferential Input Voltage 32VdcInput Voltage −0.3Vdc to +32VdcInput Current(V IN <−0.3Vdc)(Note 4)50mAPower Dissipation (Note 2)CERDIP 1260mW CERPACK 700mW LCC1350mW CERAMIC SOIC700mW Output Short-Circuit to GND (One Amplifier)(Note 3)V +≤15Vdc and T A =25˚C ContinuousOperating Temperature Range −55˚C ≤T A ≤+125˚CMaximum Junction Temperature 150˚CStorage Temperature Range−65˚C ≤T A ≤+150˚CLead Temperature (Soldering,10seconds)260˚C Thermal Resistance ThetaJA CERDIP (Still Air)103C/W (500LF/Min Air flow)51C/W CERPACK (Still Air)176C/W (500LF/Min Air flow)116C/W LCC (Still Air)91C/W (500LF/Min Air flow)66C/W CERAMIC SOIC (Still Air)176C/W (500LF/Min Air flow)116C/W ThetaJC CERDIP 19C/W CERPACK 18C/W LCC24C/W CERAMIC SOIC 18C/W Package Weight (Typical)CERDIP TBD CERPACK TBD LCCTBD CERAMIC SOIC 410mg ESD Tolerance (Note 5)250V Note 1:Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is functional,but do not guarantee specific performance limits.For guaranteed specifications and test conditions,see the Electrical Characteristics.The guaranteed specifications apply only for the test conditions listed.Some performance characteristics may degrade when the device is not operated under the listed test conditions.Note 2:The maximum power dissipation must be derated at elevated temperatures and is dictated by Tjmax (maximum junction temperature),ThetaJA (package junction to ambient thermal resistance),and TA (ambient temperature).The maximum allowable power dissipation at any temperature is Pdmax =(Tjmax -TA)/ThetaJA or the number given in the Absolute Maximum Ratings,whichever is lower.Note 3:Short circuits from the output to V+can cause excessive heating and eventual destruction.When considering short circuits to ground,the maximum output current is approximately 40mA independent of the magnitude of V+.At values of supply voltage in excess of +15Vdc,continuous short-circuits can exceed the power dissipation ratings and cause eventual destruction.Destructive dissipation can result from simultaneous shorts on all amplifiers.Note 4:This input current will only exist when the voltage at any of the input leads is driven negative.It is due to the collector-base junction of the input PNP transistors becoming forward biased and thereby acting as input diode clamps.In addition to this diode action,there is also lateral NPN parasitic transistor action on the IC chip.This transistor action can cause the output voltages of the op amps to go to the V+voltage level (or to ground for a large overdrive)for the time duration that an input is driven negative.This is not destructive and normal output states will re-establish when the input voltage,which was negative,again returns to a value greater than -0.3Vdc (at 25C).Note 5:Human body model,1.5k Ωin series with 100pF.L M 124A /L M 124Q M L 4LM124A/LM124QML Quality Conformance InspectionMIL-STD-883,Method5005—Group ASubgroup Description Temp(˚C)1Static tests at+252Static tests at+1253Static tests at-554Dynamic tests at+255Dynamic tests at+1256Dynamic tests at-557Functional tests at+258A Functional tests at+1258B Functional tests at-559Switching tests at+2510Switching tests at+12511Switching tests at-555LM124A 883DC Electrical Characteristics(The following conditions apply to all the following parameters,unless otherwise specified.)All voltages referenced to device ground.SYMBOL PARAMETERCONDITIONSNOTESMINMAX UNIT SUB-GROUPS IccPower Supply Current V+=5V1.2mA 1,2,3V+=30V3.0mA 14.0mA 2,3IsinkOutput Sink CurrentV+=15V,Vout =200mV,+Vin =0mV,-Vin =+65mV 12uA 1V+=15V,Vout =2V,+Vin =0mV,-Vin =+65mV10mA 15mA 2,3Isource Output Source CurrentV+=15V,Vout =2V,+Vin =0mV,-Vin =-65mV -20mA 1-10mA 2,3Ios Short Circuit Current V+=5V,Vout =0V -60mA 1VioInput Offset VoltageV+=30V,Vcm =0V -22mV 1-44mV 2,3V+=30V,Vcm =28.5V -22mV 1V+=30V,Vcm =28V -44mV 2,3V+=5V,Vcm =0V-22mV 1-44mV 2,3CMRRCommon Mode Rejection Ratio V+=30V,Vin =0V to 28.5V 70dB 1±IibInput Bias Current V+=5V,Vcm =0V -5010nA 1-10010nA 2,3Iio Input Offset Current V+=5V,Vcm =0V -1010nA 1-3030nA 2,3PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio V+=5V to 30V,Vcm =0V 65dB 1Vcm Common Mode Voltage Range V+=30V(Note 6)28.5V 1(Note 6)28V 2,3Avs Large Signal Gain V+=15V,Rl =2K Ohms,Vo =1V to 11V(Note 7)50V/mV 4(Note 7)25V/mV 5,6VohOutput Voltage High V+=30V,Rl =2K Ohms 26V 4,5,6V+=30V,Rl =10K Ohms27V 4,5,6VolOutput Voltage LowV+=30V,Rl =10K Ohms 40mV 4,5,6V+=30V,Isink =1uA 40mV 4100mV 5,6V+=5V,Rl =10K Ohms20mV 4,5,6Channel Separation Amp to Amp Coupling1KHz,20KHz (Note 8)80dB4L M 124A /L M 124Q M L 6LM124883DC Electrical Characteristics(The following conditions apply to all the following parameters,unless otherwise specified.)All voltages referenced to device ground.SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS NOTES MIN MAX UNIT SUB-GROUPS Icc Power Supply Current V+=5V 1.2mA1,2,3V+=30V 3.0mA14.0mA2,3Isink Output Sink Current V+=15V,Vout=200mV,+Vin=0mV,-Vin=+65mV12uA1V+=15V,Vout=2V,+Vin=0mV,-Vin=+65mV 10mA15mA2,3Isource Output SourceCurrent V+=15V,Vout=2V,+Vin=0mV,-Vin=-65mV-20mA1-10mA2,3Ios Short Circuit Current V+=5V,Vout=0V-60mA1 Vio Input Offset Voltage V+=30V,Vcm=0V-55mV1-77mV2,3V+=30V,Vcm=28V-55mV1-77mV2,3V+=5V,Vcm=0V-55mV1-77mV2,3V+=30V,Vcm=28.5V-55mV1 CMRR Common ModeRejection RatioV+=30V,Vin=0V to28.5V70dB1 +Iib Input Bias Current V+=5V,Vcm=0V-15010nA1-30010nA2,3 Iio Input Offset Current V+=5V,Vcm=0V-3030nA1-100100nA2,3 PSRR Power SupplyRejection RatioV+=5V to30V,Vcm=0V65dB1Vcm Common ModeVoltage Range V+=30V(Note6)28.5V1(Note6)28V2,3Avs Large Signal Gain V+=15V,Rl=2K Ohms,Vo=1V to11V 50V/mV4 25V/mV5,6Voh Output Voltage High V+=30V,Rl=2K Ohms26V4,5,6V+=30V,Rl=10K Ohms27V4,5,6 Vol Output Voltage Low V+=30V,Rl=10K Ohms40mV4,5,6V+=30V,Isink=1uA40mV4100mV5,6V+=5V,Rl=10K Ohms20mV4,5,6Channel Separation (Amp to Amp Coupling)1KHz,20KHz(Note8)80dB4LM124A/LM124QML7LM124A RAD HARD DC Electrical Characteristics(Note 10)(The following conditions apply to all the following parameters,unless otherwise specified.)All voltages referenced to device ground.SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONSNOTESMIN MAX UNIT SUB-GROUPS VioInput Offset VoltageVcc+=30V,Vcc-=Gnd,Vcm =-15V-22mV 1-44mV 2,3Vcc+=2V,Vcc-=-28V,Vcm =13V-22mV 1-44mV 2,3Vcc+=5V,Vcc-=Gnd,Vcm =-1.4V-22mV 1-44mV 2,3Vcc+=2.5V,Vcc-=-2.5,Vcm =1.1V-22mV 1-44mV 2,3IioInput Offset CurrentVcc+=30V,Vcc-=Gnd,Vcm =-15V-1010nA 1,2-3030nA 3Vcc+=2V,Vcc-=-28V,Vcm =13V-1010nA 1,2-3030nA 3Vcc+=5V,Vcc-=Gnd,Vcm =-1.4V-1010nA 1,2-3030nA 3Vcc+=2.5V,Vcc-=-2.5,Vcm =1.1V-1010nA 1,2-3030nA 3±IibInput Bias CurrentVcc+=30V,Vcc-=Gnd,Vcm =-15V-50+0.1nA 1,2-100+0.1nA 3Vcc+=2V,Vcc-=-28V,Vcm =13V-50+0.1nA 1,2-100+0.1nA 3Vcc+=5V,Vcc-=Gnd,Vcm =-1.4V-50+0.1nA 1,2-100+0.1nA 3Vcc+=2.5V,Vcc-=-2.5,Vcm =1.1V-50+0.1nA 1,2-100+0.1nA 3+PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio Vcc-=Gnd,Vcm =-1.4V,5V ≤Vcc ≤30V-100100uV/V 1,2,3CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio 76dB 1,2,3Ios+Output Short Circiut CurrentVcc+=30V,Vcc-=Gnd,Vo =25V-70mA 1,2,3IccPower Supply Current Vcc+=30V,Vcc-=Gnd3mA 1,24mA 3Delta Vio/Delta TInput Offset Voltage Temperature Sensitivity+25˚C ≤TA ≤+125˚C,+Vcc =5V,-Vcc =0V,Vcm =-1.4V(Note 9)-3030uV/˚C2-55˚C ≤TA ≤+25˚C,+Vcc =5V,-Vcc =0V,Vcm =-1.4V(Note 9)-3030uV/˚C 3Delta Iio/Delta TInput Offset Current Temperature Sensitivity+25˚C ≤TA ≤+125˚C,+Vcc =5V,-Vcc =0V,Vcm =-1.4V(Note 9)-400400pA/˚C2-55˚C ≤TA ≤+25˚C,+Vcc =5V,-Vcc =0V,Vcm =-1.4V(Note 9)-700700pA/˚C 3L M 124A /L M 124Q M L 8LM124A RAD HARD AC/DC Electrical Characteristics(Note10)(The following conditions apply to all the following parameters,unless otherwise specified.)All voltages referenced to device ground.SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS NOTES MIN MAX UNIT SUB-GROUPSVol Logical"0"OutputVoltage Vcc+=30V,Vcc-=Gnd,Rl=10K Ohms35mV4,5,6Vcc+=30V,Vcc-=Gnd,Iol=5mA1.5V4,5,6Vcc+=4.5V,Vcc-=Gnd,Iol=2uA0.4V4,5,6Voh Logical"1"OutputVoltage Vcc+=30V,Vcc-=Gnd,Ioh=-10mA27V4,5,6Vcc+=4.5V,Vcc-=Gnd,Ioh=-10mA2.4V4,5,6Avs+Voltage Gain Vcc+=30V,Vcc-=Gnd,1V≤Vo≤26V,Rl=10K Ohms50V/mV425V/mV5,6 Vcc+=30V,Vcc-=Gnd,5V≤Vo≤20V,Rl=2K Ohms50V/mV425V/mV5,6Avs Voltage Gain Vcc+=5V,Vcc-=Gnd,1V≤Vo≤2.5V,Rl=10K Ohms10V/mV4,5,6Vcc+=5V,Vcc-=Gnd,1V≤Vo≤2.5V,Rl=2K Ohms10V/mV4,5,6+Vop Maximum OutputVoltage Swing Vcc+=30V,Vcc-=Gnd,Vo=+30V,Rl=10K Ohms27V4,5,6Vcc+=30V,Vcc-=Gnd,Vo=+30V,Rl=2K Ohms26V4,5,6TR(tr)Transient Response:Rise TimeVcc+=30V,Vcc-=Gnd1uS7,8A,8BTR(os)Transient Response:OvershootVcc+=30V,Vcc-=Gnd50%7,8A,8B±Sr Slew Rate:Rise Vcc+=30V,Vcc-=Gnd0.1V/uS7,8A,8B Slew Rate:Fall Vcc+=30V,Vcc-=Gnd0.1V/uS7,8A,8BLM124A/LM124QML9LM124A RAD HARD —AC Electrical Characteristics(Note 10)(The following conditions apply to all the following parameters,unless otherwise specified.)AC:+Vcc =30V,-Vcc =0VSYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONSNOTESMINMAX UNIT SUB-GROUPS NI(BB)Noise Broadband +Vcc =15V,-Vcc =-15V,BW =10Hz to 5KHz 15uVrm s 7NI(PC)Noise Popcorn+Vcc =15V,-Vcc =-15V,Rs =20K Ohms,BW =10Hz to 5KHz 50uVpK7Cs Channel Separation +Vcc =30V,-Vcc =Gnd,Rl =2K Ohms80dB 7Rl =2K Ohms,Vin =1V and 16V,A to B 80dB 7Rl =2K Ohms,Vin =1V and 16V,A to C 80dB 7Rl =2K Ohms,Vin =1V and 16V,A to D 80dB 7Rl =2K Ohms,Vin =1V and 16V,B to A 80dB 7Rl =2K Ohms,Vin =1V and 16V,B to C 80dB 7Rl =2K Ohms,Vin =1V and 16V,B to D 80dB 7Rl =2K Ohms,Vin =1V and 16V,C to A 80dB 7Rl =2K Ohms,Vin =1V and 16V,C to B 80dB 7Rl =2K Ohms,Vin =1V and 16V,C to D 80dB 7Rl =2K Ohms,Vin =1V and 16V,D to A 80dB 7Rl =2K Ohms,Vin =1V and 16V,D to B 80dB 7Rl =2K Ohms,Vin =1V and 16V,D to C80dB7L M 124A /L M 124Q M L 10LM124A/LM124QML LM124A RAD HARD—DC Drift Values(Note10)(The following conditions apply to all the following parameters,unless otherwise specified.)DC:"Delta calculationsperformedon QMLV devices at group B,subgroup5only"SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS NOTES MIN MAX UNIT SUB-GROUPSVio Input Offset Voltage Vcc+=30V,Vcc-=Gnd,-0.50.5mV1Vcm=-15V±Iib Input Bias Current Vcc+=30V,Vcc-=Gnd,-1010nA1Vcm=-15VElectrical Characteristics—POST RADIATION LIMITS+25˚C(Note10)(The following conditions apply to all the following parameters,unless otherwise specified.)All voltages referenced to device ground.SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS NOTES MIN MAX UNIT SUB-GROUPS(Note10)-2.5 2.5mV1Vio Input Offset Voltage Vcc+=30V,Vcc-=Gnd,Vcm=-15VVcc+=2V,Vcc-=-28V,(Note10)-2.5 2.5mV1Vcm=13V(Note10)-2.5 2.5mV1Vcc+=5V,Vcc-=GND,Vcm=-1.4V(Note10)-2.5 2.5mV1Vcc+=2.5V,Vcc-=-2.5,Vcm=1.1VIio Input Offset Current Vcc+=30V,Vcc-=GND,(Note10)-1515nA1Vcm=-15V(Note10)-1515nA1Vcc+=2V,Vcc-=-28V,Vcm=13VVcc+=5V,Vcc-=GND,(Note10)-1515nA1Vcm=-1.4V(Note10)-1515nA1Vcc+=2.5V,Vcc-=-2.5V,Vcm=1.1V±Iib Input Bias Current Vcc+=30V,Vcc-=GND,(Note10)-75+0.1nA1Vcm=-15V(Note10)-75+0.1nA1Vcc+=2V,Vcc-=-28V,Vcm=13VVcc+=5V,Vcc-=GND,(Note10)-75+0.1nA1Vcm=-1.4V(Note10)-75+0.1nA1Vcc+=2.5V,Vcc-=-2.5V,Vcm=1.1VAvs+Voltage Gain Vcc+=30V,Vcc-=GND,(Note10)40V/mV41V≤Vo≤26V,Rl=10K Ohms(Note10)40V/mV4Vcc+=30V,Vcc-=GND,5V≤Vo≤20V,Rl=2K OhmsNote6:Guaranteed by Vio tests.Note7:Datalog reading in K=V/mVNote8:Guaranteed,not testedNote9:Calculated parametersNote10:Pre and post irradiation limits are identical to those listed under AC and DC electrical characteristics except as listed in the Post Radiation Limits Table.These parts may be dose rate sensitive in a space environment and demonstrate enhanced low dose rate effect.Radiation end point limits for the noted parameters are guaranteed only for the conditions as specified in MIL-STD-883,Method1019Typical Performance CharacteristicsInput Voltage RangeInput Current2010803420108035Supply Current Voltage Gain2010803620108037Open Loop FrequencyResponse Common Mode RejectionRatio2010803820108039L M 124A /L M 124Q M LTypical Performance Characteristics(Continued)Voltage Follower PulseResponseVoltage Follower PulseResponse(Small Signal) 2010804020108041Large Signal FrequencyResponseOutput CharacteristicsCurrent Sourcing 2010804220108043Output CharacteristicsCurrent Sinking Current Limiting2010804420108045LM124A/LM124QMLApplication HintsThe LM124series are op amps which operate with only a single power supply voltage,have true-differential inputs,and remain in the linear mode with an input common-mode voltage of 0V DC .These amplifiers operate over a wide range of power supply voltage with little change in performance characteristics.At 25˚C amplifier operation is possible down to a minimum supply voltage of 2.3V DC .The pinouts of the package have been designed to simplify PC board layouts.Inverting inputs are adjacent to outputs for all of the amplifiers and the outputs have also been placed at the corners of the package (pins 1,7,8,and 14).Precautions should be taken to insure that the power supply for the integrated circuit never becomes reversed in polarity or that the unit is not inadvertently installed backwards in a test socket as an unlimited current surge through the result-ing forward diode within the IC could cause fusing of the internal conductors and result in a destroyed unit.Large differential input voltages can be easily accommo-dated and,as input differential voltage protection diodes are not needed,no large input currents result from large differ-ential input voltages.The differential input voltage may be larger than V +without damaging the device.Protection should be provided to prevent the input voltages from going negative more than −0.3V DC (at 25˚C).An input clamp diode with a resistor to the IC input terminal can be used.To reduce the power supply drain,the amplifiers have a class A output stage for small signal levels which converts to class B in a large signal mode.This allows the amplifiers to both source and sink large output currents.Therefore both NPN and PNP external current boost transistors can be used to extend the power capability of the basic amplifiers.The output voltage needs to raise approximately 1diode drop above ground to bias the on-chip vertical PNP transistor for output current sinking applications.For ac applications,where the load is capacitively coupled to the output of the amplifier,a resistor should be used,from the output of the amplifier to ground to increase the class A bias current and prevent crossover distortion.Where the load is directly coupled,as in dc applications,there is no crossover distortion.Capacitive loads which are applied directly to the output of the amplifier reduce the loop stability margin.Values of 50pF can be accommodated using the worst-case non-inverting unity gain rge closed loop gains or resistive isolation should be used if larger load capacitance must be driven by the amplifier.The bias network of the LM124establishes a drain current which is independent of the magnitude of the power supply voltage over the range of from 3V DC to 30V DC .Output short circuits either to ground or to the positive power supply should be of short time duration.Units can be de-stroyed,not as a result of the short circuit current causing metal fusing,but rather due to the large increase in IC chip dissipation which will cause eventual failure due to exces-sive junction temperatures.Putting direct short-circuits on more than one amplifier at a time will increase the total IC power dissipation to destructive levels,if not properly pro-tected with external dissipation limiting resistors in series with the output leads of the amplifiers.The larger value of output source current which is available at 25˚C provides a larger output current capability at elevated temperatures (see typical performance characteristics)than a standard IC op amp.The circuits presented in the section on typical applications emphasize operation on only a single power supply voltage.If complementary power supplies are available,all of the standard op amp circuits can be used.In general,introduc-ing a pseudo-ground (a bias voltage reference of V +/2)will allow operation above and below this value in single power supply systems.Many application circuits are shown which take advantage of the wide input common-mode voltage range which includes ground.In most cases,input biasing is not required and input voltages which range to ground can easily be accommodated.L M 124A /L M 124Q M LTypical Single-Supply Applications(V+=5.0V DC)Non-Inverting DC Gain(0V Input=0V Output)20108005 *R not needed due to temperature independent I INDC Summing Amplifier(V IN’S≥0V DC and V O≥V DC)Power Amplifier20108006 Where:V0=V1+V2−V3−V4(V1+V2)≥(V3+V4)to keep V O>0V DC20108007V0=0V DC for V IN=0V DCA V=10LM124A/LM124QMLTypical Single-Supply Applications (V +=5.0V DC )(Continued)LED Driver“BI-QUAD”RC Active Bandpass Filter2010800820108009f o =1kHz Q =50A V =100(40dB)Fixed Current Sources Lamp Driver2010801020108011L M 124A /L M 124Q M LTypical Single-Supply Applications(V+=5.0V DC)(Continued)Current Monitor20108012*(Increase R1for I L small)Driving TTL20108013Voltage Follower20108014Pulse Generator20108015Squarewave Oscillator20108016Pulse Generator20108017LM124A/LM124QMLTypical Single-Supply Applications (V +=5.0V DC )(Continued)High Compliance Current Sink20108018I O =1amp/volt V IN (Increase R E for I o small)Low Drift Peak Detector20108019L M 124A /L M 124Q M LTypical Single-Supply Applications (V +=5.0V DC )(Continued)Comparator with HysteresisGround Referencing a Differential Input Signal2010802020108021V O =V RVoltage Controlled Oscillator Circuit20108022*Wide control voltage range:0V DC ≤V C ≤2(V +−1.5V DC )Photo Voltaic-Cell Amplifier20108023LM124A/LM124QMLTypical Single-Supply Applications (V +=5.0V DC )(Continued)AC Coupled Inverting Amplifier20108024AC Coupled Non-Inverting Amplifier20108025L M 124A /L M 124Q M LTypical Single-Supply Applications (V +=5.0V DC )(Continued)DC Coupled Low-Pass RC Active Filter20108026f O =1kHz Q =1A V =2High Input Z,DC Differential Amplifier20108027LM124A/LM124QML21Typical Single-Supply Applications (V +=5.0V DC )(Continued)High Input Z Adjustable-Gain DC Instrumentation Amplifier20108028Using Symmetrical Amplifiers to Reduce Input Current (General Concept)20108029Bridge Current Amplifier20108030L M 124A /L M 124Q M L 22LM124A/LM124QMLTypical Single-Supply Applications(V+=5.0V)(Continued)DCBandpass Active Filter Array20108031f O=1kHzQ=2523Revision History SectionDateReleased RevisionSectionOriginator Changes9–2–04ANew Release,Corporate formatR.Malone3MDS data sheets converted into one sheet format.MNLM124-X,Rev.1A2,MNLM124A-X,Rev.1A3and MRLM124A-X-RH,Rev.5A0.MDS data sheets will be archived.01/27/05BConnection Diagrams,Quality Conformance Inspection Section,and Physical Dimensions drawingsR.MaloneAdded E package Connection Diagram.Changed verbiage under Quality Conformance Title,and UpdatedRevisions for the Marketing Drawings.L M 124A /L M 124Q M L 24Physical Dimensionsinches (millimeters)unless otherwise notedSAMPLE TEXT Ceramic Dual-In-Line Package (J)NS Package Number J14ASAMPLE TEXT 20Pin Leadless Chip Carrier,Type C (E)NS Package Number E20ALM124A/LM124QML25Physical Dimensionsinches (millimeters)unless otherwise noted (Continued)SAMPLE TEXT Ceramic Flatpak PackageNS Package Number W14BSAMPLE TEXT 14-Pin Ceramic Package (WG)NS Package Number WG14AL M 124A /L M 124Q M L 26NotesNational does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described,no circuit patent licenses are implied and National reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.For the most current product information visit us at .LIFE SUPPORT POLICYNATIONAL’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION.As used herein:1.Life support devices or systems are devices or systemswhich,(a)are intended for surgical implant into the body,or(b)support or sustain life,and whose failure to perform whenproperly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling,can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user.2.A critical component is any component of a life supportdevice or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system,or to affect its safety or effectiveness.BANNED SUBSTANCE COMPLIANCENational Semiconductor certifies that the products and packing materials meet the provisions of the Customer Products Stewardship Specification(CSP-9-111C2)and the Banned Substances and Materials of Interest Specification(CSP-9-111S2)and contain no‘‘Banned Substances’’as defined in CSP-9-111S2.National Semiconductor Americas CustomerSupport Tel:1-800-272-9959National SemiconductorEurope Customer Support CenterFax:+49(0) Tel:+49(0)6995086208English Tel:+44(0)8702402171Français Tel:+33(0)141918790National SemiconductorAsia Pacific CustomerSupport SemiconductorJapan Customer Support LM124A/LM124QML Low Power Quad Operational Amplifiers。



将整合进行到底作者:阿龙来源:《电脑知识与技术·经验技巧》2010年第05期对应DIY玩家来说,为了发挥CPU的性能极限,往往需要选配一款出色的主板,而在主板整合时代,高清应用、节能环保被放在主要位置,AMD在这个方面表现优越,自AMD2009年推出785G/790GX整合主板后,又于2010年3月推出功能更强大的整合主板:AMD 890GX芯片组,对于AMD一族,这款主板无疑是更好的选择。

一、AMD 890GX主板特点作为AMD最新一代整合主板,890GX芯片组拥有令人称道的应用优势,首先它整合了Radeon HD4290显卡,板载128MB DDR3显存,内置40个流处理器、8个纹理寻址单元、4个纹理过滤单元和4个光栅化单元,支持DirextX 10.1及UVD2.0高清解码引擎,对于高清解码、3D 游戏处理表现不俗,用户无需额外买显卡也能体验高清娱乐。

在图形扩展能力上,890GX主板在外接PCI-E X16显卡情况下,可实现混合交火、3路或4路交火,大大提升了游戏玩家的扩展能力,由于PCI-E提升到了2.0版本,可最大限度满足USB3.0接口的数据传输需要,此外,890GX主板搭配了SB850南桥,原生支持SATA 6GB/s,且很多主板也通过板载第三方芯片来支持USB3.0接口。

在兼容性方面,890GX主板支持目前所有的AM3系列处理器,且可兼容AMD即将推出的Thuban Phenom II X6六核处理器,由于采用VGA/DVI/HDMI全接口设计,为此890GX主板非常容易搭建家庭娱乐PC或HTPC,对应影音娱乐或游戏玩家,如果你钟情AMD平台,890GX主板是不错的选择。










符号的实现:1、键盘上显示的符号:数字键7左侧-ALT键+对应键位2、特殊符号:space键右侧SYM键3、大写锁定:键盘最下排标有aA符号的键粒(shift键)+对应字母键进阶篇二、基础设置及操作基本功能的实现开机后信号的选择:主菜单-manage connections-mobile networkoptions-network mode-GSM 这样你的8830才有G网的信号。

1、电话- 1.按绿色拨号键2.按菜单键3.进入选项(按轨迹球或者按回车键)4.智能拨号5.看到国家地区代码是+多少了对么6.按下alt 出现列表然后上拨轨迹球选择未知7.保存退出关于8830 4.5ROM状态下,修改国家区域码后仍然提示未开通国际漫游业务的解决办法:选项-安全选项-一般设置-按黑莓键-擦除手持设备按提示输入blackberry 等待重启-重新设置国家区域那为未知,OK了,可以接打电话了。

2、SIM卡电话本导入- 1.进入通讯录看到一片空白2.如果是4.6 4.7等ROM会提示你了。





海纳电子资讯网:www.fpga-arm.com目录摘要 —————————————————————————2 创新之处 ———————————————————————2 关键词 ————————————————————————2 引言 —————————————————————————2 系统工作原理 —————————————————————3 直接数字频率合成 ———————————————————4 DDS 基本原理及性能特点 —————————————————5 采用 DDS 的 AD9851 ———————————————————6 AD9851 的原理 —————————————————————7 AD9851 在信号源中的应用 ————————————————8 AD9851 在本系统的应用电路 ———————————————9 低通滤波器(LPF) ——————————————————10 锁相环频率合成 ———————————————————11 锁相环频率合成 MC145151 在本电路中的应用 ————————12 压控振荡器(VCO) ———————————————————12 缓冲放大器 ——————————————————————13 单片机控制的整体电路 —————————————————14 功率放大 ———————————————————————15 本系统的软件设计 ———————————————————15 总调试 ————————————————————————25 结束语 ————————————————————————25 DDS 短波信号发生器技术指标 ——————————————26 所采用的仪器设备 ———————————————————26 所用软件 ———————————————————————26 参考文献 ———————————————————————26 参考网站 ———————————————————————27www.fpga-ar m1.海纳电子资讯网:www.fpga-arm.comDDS 短波信号发生器摘要: 本文主要介绍的是采用直接数字频率合成的短波信号发生器, 它 主要以微电脑控制部分、直接数字频率合成(DDS)部分、数字锁相 环频率合成部分、背光液晶显示部分、功率放大部分等组成。



SymbolTyp Max 6483115140R θJL 7085Absolute Maximum Ratings T °C/W Maximum Junction-to-Ambient A Steady-State °C/W Maximum Junction-to-Lead CSteady-State°C/WThermal Characteristics ParameterUnits Maximum Junction-to-Ambient A t ≤ 10s R θJA AO8830SymbolMin TypMaxUnits BV DSS 20V1T J =55°C5I GSS 10BV GSO ±12V V GS(th)0.50.61V I D(ON)30A 162227T J =125°C31192530m Ω223037253241m Ω324255m Ωg FS 21S V SD 0.751V I S2.5A C iss 290pF C oss 120pF C rss 40pF R g1.6k ΩQ g 5.2nC Q gs 2.1nC Q gd 1.9nC t D(on)280ns t r 972ns t D(off) 2.35µs t f 2.2µs t rr 25ns Q rr8nCTHIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN DESIGNED AND QUALIFIED FOR THE CONSUMER MARKET. APPLICATIONS OR USES AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED. AOS DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF SUCH APPLICATIONS OR USES OF ITS PRODUCTS. AOS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO IMPROVE PRODUCT DESIGN,FUNCTIONS AND RELIABILITY WITHOUT NOTICE.Maximum Body-Diode Continuous CurrentInput Capacitance Output Capacitance Gate-Source Breakdown Voltage V DS =0V, I G =±250uA Gate Threshold Voltage V DS =V GS I D =1mA Diode Forward VoltageTurn-On DelayTime DYNAMIC PARAMETERS V GS =0V, V DS =10V, f=1MHz Gate Drain Charge Turn-On Rise Time Turn-Off DelayTime V GS =4.5V, V DS =10V, R L =1.7Ω, R GEN =3ΩGate resistanceV GS =0V, V DS =0V, f=1MHzTurn-Off Fall TimeSWITCHING PARAMETERS Total Gate Charge V GS =4.5V, V DS =10V, I D =6AGate Source Charge m ΩV GS =2.5V, I D =4A I S =1A,V GS =0V V DS =5V, I D =6AV GS =1.8V, I D =2AV GS =4.5V, I D =5A V GS =3.1V, I D =4A Gate-Body leakage current R DS(ON)Static Drain-Source On-ResistanceForward TransconductanceµAElectrical Characteristics (T J =25°C unless otherwise noted)STATIC PARAMETERS ParameterConditions I DSS V DS =16V, V GS =0VZero Gate Voltage Drain Current V DS =0V, V GS =±10V Body Diode Reverse Recovery TimeBody Diode Reverse Recovery Charge I F =6A, dI/dt=100A/µs, V GS =-9VDrain-Source Breakdown Voltage On state drain currentI D =250µA, V GS =0V V GS =4.5V, V DS =5V V GS =10V, I D =6AReverse Transfer Capacitance I F =6A, dI/dt=100A/µs, V GS =-9VA: The value of R θJA is measured with the device mounted on 1in 2 FR-4 board with 2oz. Copper, in a still air environment with T A =25°C. The value in any given application depends on the user's specific board design. The currentand power rating is based on the t ≤ 10s thermal resistance rating.B: Repetitive rating, pulse width limited by junction temperature.C. The R θJA is the sum of the thermal impedence from junction to lead R θJL and lead to ambient.D. The static characteristics in Figures 1 to 6,12,14 are obtained using <300 µs pulses, duty cycle 0.5% max.E. These tests are performed with the device mounted on 1 in 2FR-4 board with 2oz. Copper, in a still air environment with T A =25°C. The SOA curve provides a single pulse rating. Rev 5: July 2010VdsCharge Gate Charge Test Circuit & WaveformVddVddVR esistive S w itching Test C ircuit & W aveform s分销商库存信息: AOSAO8830。



5833中⽂资料Designed to reduce logic supply current, chip size, and system cost, the UCN5833A/EP integrated circuits offer high-speed operation for thermal printers. These devices can also be used to drive multi-plexed LED displays or incandescent lamps within their 125 mA peak output current rating. The combination of bipolar and MOS technolo-gies gives BiMOS II smart power ICs an interface flexibility beyond the reach of standard buffers and power driver circuits.These 32-bit drivers have bipolar open-collector npn Darlington outputs, a CMOS data latch for each of the drivers, a 32-bit CMOS shift register, and CMOS control circuitry. The high-speed CMOS shift registers and latches allow operation with most microprocessor-based systems at data input rates above 3.3 MHz. Use of these drivers with TTL may require input pull-up resistors to ensure an input logic high.The UCN5833A is supplied in a 40-pin dual in-line plastic package with 0.600" (15.24 mm) row spacing. At an ambient temperature of +75°C, all outputs of the DlP-packaged device will sustain 50 mA continuously. For high-density applications, the UCN5833EP is available. This 44-lead plastic chip carrier (quad pack) is intended for surface-mounting on solder lands with 0.050" (1.27 mm) centers.CMOS serial data outputs permit cascading for applications requiring additional drive lines.FEATURESI To 3.3 MHz Data Input Rate I 30 V Minimum Output Breakdown I Darlington Current-Sink Outputs I Low-Power CMOS Logic and LatchesBiMOS II 32-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED DRIVERAlways order by complete part number:Part Number Package UCN5833A 40-Pin DIP UCN5833EP 44-Lead PLCCData Sheet 26185.16A*58335833BiMOS II 32-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED DRIVER115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000SERIAL DATA IN POWER STROBE OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT 123456OUT7OUT 8OUT 9OUTOUT OUTOUT OUTLOGIC SUPPLY OUT OUT Dwg. No. A-13,051TYPICAL OUTPUT DRIVERSUBOUT115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000Copyright ? 1986, 1995, Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.5833BiMOS II 32-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED DRIVERTRUTH TABLEL = Low Logic Level H = High Logic Level X = Irrelevant P = Present State R = Previous StateELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at T A = +25°C, V DD = 5 V (unless otherwise noted).Limits CharacteristicSymbol Test Conditions Min.Max.Units Output Leakage Current I CEX V OUT = 30 V, T A = 70°C —10µA Collector-Emitter V CE(SAT)l OUT = 50 mA — 1.2V l OUT = 100 mA— 1.7V Input VoltageV IN(1) 3.5 5.3V V IN(0)-0.3+0.8V Input Currentl IN(1)V IN = 5.0 V — 1.0µA l IN(0)V IN = 0 V —-1.0µA Serial Output VoltageV OUT(1)I OUT = -200 µA 4.5—V V OUT(0)I OUT = 200 µA—0.3V Supply Currentl DD One output ON, l OUT = 100 mA — 1.0mA All outputs OFF—50µA Output Rise Time t r l OUT = 100 mA, 10% to 90%—500ns Output Fall Timet fl OUT = 100 mA, 90% to 10%—500nsNOTE: Positive (negative) current is defined as going into (coming out of) the specified device pin.Saturation Voltage5833BiMOS II 32-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED DRIVER115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000TIMING CONDITIONS(V DD = 5.0 V, Logic Levels are V DD and Ground)A.Minimum Data Active Time Before Clock Pulse(Data Set-Up Time)..........................................................................75 ns B.Minimum Data Active Time After Clock Pulse(Data Hold Time).............................................................................75 ns C.Minimum Data Pulse Width ................................................................150 ns D.Minimum Clock Pulse Width...............................................................150 nsE.Minimum Time Between Clock Activation and Strobe.......................300 nsF.Minimum Strobe Pulse Width .............................................................100 nsG.Typical Time Between Strobe Activation andOutput Transition ...........................................................................500 nsDwg. No. A-12,276ASerial Data present at the input is transferred to the shift register on the logic “0” to logic “1” transition of the CLOCK input pulse. On succeeding CLOCK pulses, the registers shift data information towards the SERIAL DATA OUTPUT. The SERIAL DATA must appear at the input prior to the rising edge of the CLOCK input waveform.Information present at any register is transferred to its respective latch when the STROBE is high (serial-to-parallel conversion). The latches will continue to accept new data as long as the STROBE is held high. Applications where the latches are bypassed (STROBE tied high) will require that the OUTPUT ENABLE input be low during serial data entry.When the OUTPUT ENABLE input is low, all of the output buffers are disabled (OFF) without affecting the information stored in the latches or shift register. With the OUTPUT ENABLE input high, the outputs are controlled by the state of the latches.CLOCK DATA INSTROBE NOUTPUT ENABLEOUT5833BiMOS II 32-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED DRIVERNOTES:1.Exact body and lead configuration at vendor’s option within limits shown.2.Lead spacing tolerance is non-cumulative.3.Lead thickness is measured at seating plane or below.UCN5833ADimensions in Inches (controlling dimensions)Dimensions in Millimeters (for reference only)123Dwg. MA-003-40 mm20421123Dwg. MA-003-40 in2045833BiMOS II 32-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED DRIVER115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000UCN5833EPDimensions in Inches (controlling dimensions)Dimensions in Millimeters (for reference only)Dwg. MA-005-44A mm0.53340Dwg. MA-005-44A in0.021740NOTES:1.Exact body and lead configuration at vendor’s option within limits shown.2.Lead spacing tolerance is non-cumulative.5833BiMOS II 32-BITSERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED DRIVERThe products described here are manufactured under one or more U.S. patents or U.S. patents pending.Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. reserves the right to make, from time to time, such departures from the detail specifications as may be required to permit improvements in the performance, reliability, or manufacturability of its products. Before placing an order, the user is cautioned to verify that the information being relied upon is current.Allegro products are not authorized for use as critical components in life-support devices or systems without express written approval.The information included herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. assumes no responsi-bility for its use; nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. 5833BiMOS II 32-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED DRIVER115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000POWERINTERFACE DRIVERSFunctionOutput Ratings*Part Number ?SERIAL-INPUT LATCHED DRIVERS8-Bit (saturated drivers)-120 mA 50 V?58958-Bit 350 mA 50 V 58218-Bit 350 mA 80 V 58228-Bit 350 mA 50 V?58418-Bit 350 mA 80 V?58428-Bit (constant-current LED driver)75 mA 17 V 62758-Bit (DMOS drivers)250 mA 50 V 65958-Bit (DMOS drivers)350 mA 50 V?6A5958-Bit (DMOS drivers)100 mA 50 V 6B59510-Bit (active pull-downs)-25 mA 60 V 5810-F and 6809/1012-Bit (active pull-downs)-25 mA 60 V 5811 and 681116-Bit (constant-current LED driver)75 mA 17 V 627620-Bit (active pull-downs)-25 mA 60 V 5812-F and 681232-Bit (active pull-downs)-25 mA 60 V 5818-F and 681832-Bit100 mA 30 V 583332-Bit (saturated drivers)100 mA 40 V 5832PARALLEL-INPUT LATCHED DRIVERS4-Bit350 mA 50 V?58008-Bit -25 mA 60 V 58158-Bit350 mA 50 V?58018-Bit (DMOS drivers)100 mA 50 V 6B2738-Bit (DMOS drivers)250 mA 50 V 6273SPECIAL-PURPOSE DEVICESUnipolar Stepper Motor Translator/Driver 1.25 A 50 V?5804Addressable 8-Bit Decoder/DMOS Driver 250 mA 50 V6259Addressable 8-Bit Decoder/DMOS Driver 350 mA 50 V?6A259Addressable 8-Bit Decoder/DMOS Driver 100 mA 50 V 6B259Addressable 28-Line Decoder/Driver 450 mA30 V6817*Current is maximum specified test condition, voltage is maximum rating. See specification for sustaining voltagelimits.Negative current is defined as coming out of (sourcing) the output.Complete part number includes additional characters to indicate operating temperature range and package style. Internal transient-suppression diodes included for inductive-load protection.。





realtek 台湾瑞昱公司,主要生产ALC系列AC'97声卡For所有的芯片组Analog Devices 美国模拟器件,主要生产AD18XX、AD19XX系列FOR所有的芯片组Cmedia 台湾骅迅公司,主要制作CMI97系列FOR所有的芯片组VIA 台湾威胜公司,制作VT系列FOR VIA芯片组SiS 台湾矽统公司,FOR SIS芯片组Sigmatel 美国集成声讯公司,笔记本和早期主板上常见的AC'97芯片声卡很容易找到的一般再板子的左侧就是接近机箱后面扩展接口的位置有一个方形或长方形的小手指尖大小的新片为声卡新片显卡新片是看不到的一般集成再南桥里面就算是独立的上面也有散热片很难看到网卡新片一般和声卡的相隔不愿稍大一些有大手指肚大小具体型号厂家实在是太多了声卡一般为alc hd 的较多显卡跟主板芯片组有关网卡多为8139的居多网卡芯片;常用网卡芯片简介网卡芯片厂商主要有六家,Intel、Realtek、Broadcom、Atheros、VIA、SIS。



IntelIntel是个老品牌了,早期的台式机有很多都采用Intel的入门级网卡产品——lntel Pro/100VE。

在AMD还没与Intel形成明显的竞争关系之前,这个网卡在市场中很常见,后来Intel又推出了Pro 10/100、Pro 100/1000,后两个产品现在大多集成到Intel自主品牌的主板中,DIY市场已经不多见了。



RO Logic Output Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage Short-Circuit Output Current Tristate Output Leakage Current
POWER SUPPLY Voltage Range Supply Current
ADM3483E/ ADM3486E
Figure 1.
ADM3488E/ ADM3490E
Figure 2.
Common-Mode O for Complementary Output States1 ∆VOC
Short-Circuit Output Current
Output Leakage (Y, Z) (ADM3491E Only) IO Normal Mode
Table 2. ADM3483E/ADM3486E/ADM3488E/ADM3490E/ADM3491E
Symbol Min
Differential Outputs
Differential Output Voltage



DS07-13743-2EFUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDATA SHEETCopyright©2006-2007 FUJITSU LIMITED All rights reserved“Check Sheet” is seen at the following support pageURL : /global/services/microelectronics/product/micom/support/index.html“Check Sheet” lists the minimal requirement items to be checked to prevent problems beforehand in system development.Be sure to refer to the “Check Sheet” for the latest cautions on development.16-Bit Proprietary MicrocontrollerCMOSF 2MC-16LX MB90880 SeriesMB90F882(S)/F883(S)/F883A(S)/F884(S)/F884A(S)MB90882(S)/883(S)/884(S)/V880(A)-101/-102■DESCRIPTIONThe MB90880 series is a general-purpose 16-bit microcontroller, designed by F ujitsu, for process control of devices such as consumer appliances, which require high-speed real-time processing capabilities.The instruction set of the F 2MC-16LX CPU core retains the same AT architecture as the F 2MC*1 family, with further refinements including high-level language instructions, an expanded addressing mode, enhanced multiplier-divider instructions and bit processing. In addition, a 32-bit accumulator is built in to enable long word processing. As its peripheral resources, the MB90880 series has a 16-bit PPG, multi-function serial interface (software switch over enabled for SIO, UART and I 2C*2) , 10-bit A/D converter, 16-bit I/O timer, 8/16-bit up-down counter, base timer (software switch over enabled for 16-bit reload timer, PWC timer, PPG timer and PWM timer) , DTP / external interrupt and chip select pins.*1 : F 2MC is the abbreviation of FUJITSU Flexible Microcontroller.*2 : Purchase of Fujitsu I 2C components conveys a license under the Philips I 2C Patent Rights to use, thesecomponents in an I 2C system provided that the system conforms to the I 2C Standard Specification as defined by Philips.MB90880 Series2■FEATURES•ClockMinimum instruction execution time : 30.3 ns / 4.125 MHz source oscillation × eight times(in internal operation : 33 MHz/3.3 V ± 0.3 V)PLL clock multiplication system•Maximum memory space16 Mbytes•Instruction set optimized for control applicationsSupported data types : bit, byte, word and long wordStandard addressing modes : 23 typesEnhanced high-precision calculation realized by 32-bit accumulatorSigned multiplication/division instructions and extended RETI instruction functions•Instruction set supporting high-level language (C language) and multi-task operationsIntroduction of system stack pointerSymmetrical instruction set and barrel shift instructions•Improved execution speed4-byte queue•Powerful interrupt functionsEight priority levels programmable; External interrupts : 24•Data transfer functions (µDMAC)Up to 16 channels•Built-in ROMFlash ROM : 256, 384 and 512 Kbytes; MASK ROM : 256, 384 and 512 Kbytes•Built-in RAMFlash RAM : 16, 24 and 30 Kbytes; MASK RAM : 16, 24 and 30 Kbytes•General-purpose portsDual clock product : up to 81 channels; Single clock product : up to 83 channels•A/D converterRC successive approximation conversion type : 20 channels (Resolution : 8 or 10 bits)•Multi-function serial interface7 channels (software switchable between for SIO, UART and I2C)•16-bit PPG8 channels•8/16-bit up-down counter/timerEvent input pins : 68-bit up-down counters : 28-bit reload/compare registers : 2•Base timer4 channels (software switchable between 16-bit reload timer, PWC timer, PPG timer, and PWM timer)•16-bit I/O timerInput capture × 2 channels, output compare × 6 channels, free run timer × 1 channel•Built-in dual clock generator•Low power consumption modesStop mode, sleep mode, CPU intermittent operation mode, watch timer, time base timer mode•PackageQFP-100/LQFP-100•ProcessCMOS technology•Power supply voltage3V : Single power supply operationMB90880 Series3■PRODUCT LINEUP(Continued)ItemName MB90882 (S) MB90883 (S) MB90884 (S) MB90F882 (S)MB90F883 (S) /MB90F883A (S) MB90F884 (S) /MB90F884A (S) Class MASK ROM productFlash memory productROM size 256 Kbytes 384 Kbytes 512 Kbytes 256 Kbytes 384 Kbytes 512 Kbytes RAM size16 Kbytes24 Kbytes30 Kbytes16 Kbytes24 Kbytes30 KbytesCPU functionsNumber of instructions Instruction bit length Instruction length Data bit lengthMinimum execution time : 351: 8 bits, 16 bits : 1 to 7 bytes: 1 bit, 8 bits, 16 bits: 30.3 ns (machine clock : 33 MHz)The maximum operating frequency of MB90F883(S) and MB90F884(S) is 25 MHz.PortsGeneral-purpose I/O ports : up to 81 for dual clock model, up to 83 for single clock model General-purpose I/O ports (CMOS output)Multi-function serial interface 7 channels (software switchable between SIO, UART & I 2C) 16-bit PPG timer8 channels8/16-bit up-down counter/timer Event input pins : 6, 8-bit up-down counters : 28-bit reload/compare registers : 216-bit I/O timer16-bitfree run timerNumber of channels : 1Overflow interruptOutputcompare(OCU) Number of channels : 6Pin input source : Match signal of compare registerInput capture (ICU)Number of channels : 2Rewriting register by pin input (rising, falling or both edges) DTP/external interrupt circuit External interrupt pins : 24 channels (edge/level support)Base timer4 channels(software switchable between 16-bit reload timer, PWC timer, PPG timer, and PWM timer) In MB90F883(S) and MB90F884(S), P24/TIO0, P25/TIO1, P26/TIO2, and P27/TIO3cannot be used as input function.Time base timer18-bit counterInterrupt interval : 1.0 ms, 4.1 ms, 16.4 ms, 131.1 ms (source oscillation : 4 MHz) A/D converterConversion accuracy : 8 or 10 bits can be switchedSingle conversion mode (Selected channel converted only once) Scan conversion mode (Multiple successive channels converted)Successive conversion mode (Selected channel converted repeatedly)Stop conversion mode (Selected channel converted and stopped repeatedly) Watchdog timerReset generation interval : 3.58 ms, 14.33 ms, 57.23ms, 458.75 ms(source oscillation : 4 MHz, minimum value)MB90880 Series4(Continued)ItemNameMB90882 (S) MB90883 (S) MB90884 (S) MB90F882 (S)MB90F883 (S) /MB90F883A (S)MB90F884 (S) /MB90F884A (S) Low powerconsumption(standby)modesSleep, stop, CPU intermittent operation, watch timer, time base timerFlash memory⎯Flash security/ write-protect feature(not available in MB90F883(S), MB90F884(S),MB90F883A(S), and MB90F884A(S))Process CMOS technologyMB90880 Series5MB90880 Series6MB90880 Series7■PIN DESCRIPTIONS(Continued)Pin no.Pin name I/O circuit type*3FunctionLQFP *1QFP *213P26DGeneral-purpose I/O portA22In multiplex mode, it serves as higher address output pin (A22) when corresponding bit in external address output control register (HACR) is set to "0".In non-multiplex mode, it serves as higher address output pin (A22) when corresponding bit in external address output control register (HACR) is set to "0".TIO2Base timer I/O pin (ch.2) 24P27DGeneral-purpose I/O portA23In multiplex mode, it serves as higher address output pin (A23) when corresponding bit in external address output control register (HACR) is set to "0".In non-multiplex mode, it serves as higher address output pin (A23) when corresponding bit in external address output control register (HACR) is set to "0".TIO3Base timer I/O pin (ch.3) 35P30EGeneral-purpose I/O port A00Serves as an external address pin in non-multiplex mode.ZIN08/16-bit up-down counter/timer input pin (ch.0) UI1Multi-function serial input pin 46P31EGeneral-purpose I/O portA01Serves as an external address pin in non-multiplex mode.AIN08/16-bit up-down counter/timer input pin (ch.0) UO1/ (SDA1) Multi-function serial output pin 57P32EGeneral-purpose I/O portA02Serves as an external address pin in non-multiplex mode.BIN08/16-bit up-down counter/timer input pin (ch.0) UCK1/ (SCL1) Multi-function serial clock I/O pin 68P33EGeneral-purpose I/O port A03Serves as an external address pin in non-multiplex mode.UI2Multi-function serial input pin 79P34EGeneral-purpose I/O port A04Serves as an external address pin in non-multiplex mode.UO2/ (SDA2)Multi-function serial output pinMB90880 Series8(Continued) Pin no.PinnameI/Ocircuittype*3FunctionLQFP *1QFP *2810P35EGeneral-purpose I/O portA05Serves as an external address pin in non-multiplex mode.ZIN18/16-bit up-down counter/timer input pin (ch.1)UCK2/(SCL2) Multi-function serial clock I/O pin911P36DGeneral-purpose I/O portA06Serves as an external address pin in non-multiplex mode.AIN18/16-bit up-down counter/timer input pin (ch.1)IRQ8External interrupt input pin1012P37DGeneral-purpose I/O portA07Serves as an external address pin in non-multiplex mode.BIN18/16-bit up-down counter/timer input pin (ch.1)IRQ9External interrupt input pin1113P40A/DGeneral-purpose I/O portA08Serves as an external address pin in non-multiplex mode.X0A32 kHz oscillator connecting pin1214P41A/DGeneral-purpose I/O portA09Serves as an external address pin in non-multiplex mode.X1A32 kHz oscillator connecting pin1315VCC-Power supply pin1416VSS-Power supply pin (GND)1517C-Regulator stabilization capacity connecting pin1618P42EGeneral-purpose I/O portA10Serves as an external address pin in non-multiplex mode.UI3Multi-function serial input pin1719P43EGeneral-purpose I/O portA11Serves as an external address pin in non-multiplex mode.UO3/(SDA3) Multi-function serial output pin1820P44EGeneral-purpose I/O portA12Serves as an external address pin in non-multiplex mode.UCK3/(SCL3) Multi-function serial clock I/O pin1921P45EGeneral-purpose I/O portA13Serves as an external address pin in non-multiplex mode.UI4Multi-function serial input pinMB90880 Series9(Continued)Pin no.Pin name I/O circuit type*3FunctionLQFP *1QFP *22022P46EGeneral-purpose I/O port A14Serves as an external address pin in non-multiplex mode.UO4/ (SDA4) Multi-function serial output pin 2123P47EGeneral-purpose I/O portA15Serves as an external address pin in non-multiplex mode.UCK4/ (SCL4) Multi-function serial clock I/O pin 2224P90H General-purpose I/O portCS0Chip select 0AN8Analog input pin2325P91H General-purpose I/O portCS1Chip select 1AN9Analog input pin2426P92H General-purpose I/O portCS2Chip select 2AN10Analog input pin2527P93H General-purpose I/O portCS3Chip select 3AN11Analog input pin2628P94HGeneral-purpose I/O port AN12Analog input pin2729P95KGeneral-purpose I/O port AN13Analog input pin(UI3)Multi-function serial input pin (when set by P9FSR register) 2830P96KGeneral-purpose I/O port AN14Analog input pin(UO3)/ (SDA3) Multi-function serial output pin (when set by P9FSR register) 2931P97KGeneral-purpose I/O portAN15Analog input pin(UCK3)/ (SCL3)Multi-function serial clock I/O pin (when set by P9FSR register)3032AVCC -A/D converter power supply pin3133AVRH -A/D converter external reference power supply pin 3234P70HGeneral-purpose I/O port AN16Analog input pinMB90880 Series10(Continued) Pin no.PinnameI/Ocircuittype*3FunctionLQFP *1QFP *23335AVSS-A/D converter power supply pin3436P60HGeneral-purpose I/O portAN0Analog input pin3537P61HGeneral-purpose I/O portAN1Analog input pin3638P62HGeneral-purpose I/O portAN2Analog input pin3739P63HGeneral-purpose I/O portAN3Analog input pin3840P64HGeneral-purpose I/O portAN4Analog input pin3941P65HGeneral-purpose I/O portAN5Analog input pin4042P66HGeneral-purpose I/O portAN6Analog input pin4143P67HGeneral-purpose I/O portAN7Analog input pin4244VSS-Power supply pin (GND)4345P71KGeneral-purpose I/O portIRQ10External interrupt input pinAN17Analog input pin(UI4)Multi-function serial input pin (when set by P7FSR register) 4446P72KGeneral-purpose I/O portIRQ11External interrupt input pinAN18Analog input pin(UO4)/(SDA4) Multi-function serial output pin (when set by P7FSR register) 4547P73KGeneral-purpose I/O portIRQ12External interrupt input pinAN19Analog input pin(UCK4)/(SCL4) Multi-function serial clock I/O pin (when set by F7FSR register) 4648P74GGeneral-purpose I/O portIRQ13External interrupt input pinUI5Multi-function serial input pin11(Continued)Pin no.Pin name I/O circuit type*3FunctionLQFP *1QFP *24749P75GGeneral-purpose I/O port UO5/ (SDA5) Multi-function serial output pin 4850P76GGeneral-purpose I/O portIRQ14External interrupt input pin UCK5/ (SCL5)Multi-function serial clock I/O pin4951MD2L Operation mode specification input pin 5052MD1L Operation mode specification input pin 5153MD0L Operation mode specification input pin 5254RST B Reset input pin5355P80GGeneral-purpose I/O port IRQ15External interrupt input pin UI6Multi-function serial input pin 5456P81GGeneral-purpose I/O portUO6/ (SDA6) Multi-function serial output pin 5557P82GGeneral-purpose I/O portIRQ16External interrupt input pin UCK6/ (SCL6)Multi-function serial clock I/O pin5658P83I General-purpose I/O port IRQ17External interrupt input pin 5759P84GGeneral-purpose I/O port UI0Multi-function serial input pin 5860P85GGeneral-purpose I/O portUO0/ (SDA0) Multi-function serial output pin 5961P86GGeneral-purpose I/O portUCK0/ (SCL0) Multi-function serial clock I/O pin 6062P87I General-purpose I/O portIRQ18External interrupt input pinADTG External trigger input pin, when A/D converter is used.6163PA0J General-purpose I/O portIRQ19External interrupt input pin(PPG4)PPG timer output pin (when set by P AFSR register)Pin no.PinnameI/Ocircuittype*3FunctionLQFP *1QFP *26264PA1JGeneral-purpose I/O portIRQ20External interrupt input pin(PPG5)PPG timer output pin (when set by P AFSR register)6365DVCC-P A port power supply pin6466DVSS-P A port power supply pin (GND)6567PA2JGeneral-purpose I/O portIRQ21External interrupt input pin(PPG6)PPG timer output pin (when set by P AFSR register)6668PA3JGeneral-purpose I/O portIRQ22External interrupt input pin(PPG7)PPG timer output pin (when set by P AFSR register)6769P50FGeneral-purpose I/O portALEServes as address latch enable signal (ALE) pin in external busmode.6870P51FGeneral-purpose I/O portRD Serves as read strobe output (RD) pin in external bus mode.6971P52FGeneral-purpose I/O portWRLServes as lower data write strobe output (WRL) pin in external busmode, and serves as a general-purpose I/O port when WRE bit inEPCR register is "0".7072P53FGeneral-purpose I/O portWRHServes as higher data write strobe output (WRH) pin in external busmode with 16-bit bus width, and serves as a general-purpose I/Oport when WRE bit in EPCR register is "0".IRQ23External interrupt input pin7173P54FGeneral-purpose I/O portHRQServes as hold request input (HRQ) pin in external bus mode, andserves as a general-purpose I/O port when HDE bit in EPCR registeris "0".PPG4PPG timer output pin7274P55FGeneral-purpose I/O portHAKServes as hold acknowledge output (HAK) pin in external bus mode,and serves as a general-purpose I/O port when HDE bit in EPCRregister is "0".PPG5PPG timer output pin1213(Continued)Pin no.Pin name I/O circuit type*3FunctionLQFP *1QFP *27375P56FGeneral-purpose I/O port RDY Serves as external ready input (RDY) pin in external bus mode, and serves as a general-purpose I/O port when RYE bit in EPCR register is "0".PPG6PPG timer output pin 7476P57FGeneral-purpose I/O portCLK Serves as machine cycle clock output (CLK) pin in external bus mode, and serves as a general-purpose I/O port when CKE bit in EPCR register is "0".PPG7PPG timer output pin 7577P00CGeneral-purpose I/O portAD00/D00In multiplex mode, it serves as lower external address/data bus I/O pin.Serves as lower external data bus output pin in non-multiplex mode.IRQ0External interrupt input pin 7678P01CGeneral-purpose I/O portAD01/D01Serves as an external address/lower data bus I/O pin in multiplex mode.Serves as a lower external data bus output pin in non-multiplex mode.IRQ1External interrupt input pin 7779P02CGeneral-purpose I/O portAD02/D02Serves as an external address/lower data bus I/O pin in multiplex mode.Serves as a lower external data bus output pin in non-multiplex mode.IRQ2External interrupt input pin 7880P03CGeneral-purpose I/O portAD03/D03Serves as an external address/lower data bus I/O pin in multiplex mode.Serves as a lower external data bus output pin in non-multiplex mode.IRQ3External interrupt input pin 7981P04CGeneral-purpose I/O portAD04/D04In multiplex mode, it serves as lower external address/data bus I/O pin.Serves as a lower external data bus output pin in non-multiplex mode.IRQ4External interrupt input pin14(Continued)Pin no.Pin name I/O circuit type*3FunctionLQFP *1QFP *28082P05CGeneral-purpose I/O portAD05/D05In multiplex mode, it serves as lower external address/data bus I/O pin.Serves as a lower external data bus output pin in non-multiplex mode.IRQ5External interrupt input pin 8183P06CGeneral-purpose I/O portAD06/D06In multiplex mode, it serves as lower external address/data bus I/O pin.Serves as a lower external data bus output pin in non-multiplex mode.IRQ6External interrupt input pin 8284P07CGeneral-purpose I/O portAD07/D07In multiplex mode, it serves as lower external address/data bus I/O pin.Serves as a lower external data bus output pin in non-multiplex mode.IRQ7External interrupt input pin 8385P10CGeneral-purpose I/O portAD08/D08In multiplex mode, it serves as higher external address/data bus I/O pin.In non-multiplex mode, it serves as higher external data output pin.OUT0Output compare event output pin 8486P11CGeneral-purpose I/O portAD09/D09In multiplex mode, it serves as higher external address/data bus I/O pin.In non-multiplex mode, it serves as higher external data output pin.OUT1Output compare event output pin 8587P12CGeneral-purpose I/O portAD10/D10In multiplex mode, it serves as higher external address/data bus I/O pin.In non-multiplex mode, it serves as higher external data output pin.OUT2Output compare event output pin 8688P13CGeneral-purpose I/O portAD11/D11In multiplex mode, it serves as higher external address/data bus I/O pin.In non-multiplex mode, it serves as higher external data output pin.OUT3Output compare event output pin15(Continued)Pin no.Pin name I/O circuit type*3FunctionLQFP *1QFP *28789P14CGeneral-purpose I/O port AD12/D12In non-multiplex mode, it serves as higher external data output pin.OUT4Output compare event output pin8890VCC -Power supply pin 8991VSS -Power supply pin (GND) 9092X1A Main oscillator connecting pin 9193X0AMain oscillator connecting pin 9294P15CGeneral-purpose I/O portAD13/D13In multiplex mode, it serves as higher external address/data bus I/O pin.In non-multiplex mode, it serves as higher external data output pin.OUT5Output compare event output pin 9395P16CGeneral-purpose I/O portAD14/D14In multiplex mode, it serves as higher external address/data bus I/O pin.In non-multiplex mode, it serves as higher external data output pin.IN0T rigger input pin for input capture ch.09496P17CGeneral-purpose I/O portAD15/D15In multiplex mode, it serves as higher external address/data bus I/O pin.In non-multiplex mode, it serves as higher external data output pin.IN1T rigger input pin for input capture ch.19597P20DGeneral-purpose I/O portA16In multiplex mode, it serves as higher address output pin (A16) when corresponding bit in external address output control register (HACR) is set to "0".In non-multiplex mode, it serves as higher address output pin (A16) when corresponding bit in external address output control register (HACR) is set to "0".PPG0PPG timer output pin 9698P21DGeneral-purpose I/O portA17In multiplex mode, it serves as higher address output pin (A17) when corresponding bit in external address output control register (HACR) is set to "0".In non-multiplex mode, it serves as higher address output pin (A17) when corresponding bit in external address output control register (HACR) is set to "0".PPG1PPG timer output pin16(Continued)*1 : LQFP : FPT-100P-M20*2 : QFP : FPT-100P-M06*3 : For the I/O circuit type, refer to “■ I/O CIRCUIT TYPE”.Pin no.Pin name I/O circuit type*3FunctionLQFP *1QFP *29799P22DGeneral-purpose I/O portA18In multiplex mode, it serves as higher address output pin (A18) when corresponding bit in external address output control register (HACR) is set to "0".In non-multiplex mode, it serves as higher address output pin (A18) when corresponding bit in external address output control register (HACR) is set to "0".PPG2PPG timer output pin 98100P23DGeneral-purpose I/O portA19In multiplex mode, it serves as higher address output pin (A19) when corresponding bit in external address output control register (HACR) is set to "0".In non-multiplex mode, it serves as higher address output pin (A19) when corresponding bit in external address output control register (HACR) is set to "0".PPG3PPG timer output pin 991P24DGeneral-purpose I/O portA20In multiplex mode, it serves as higher address output pin (A20) when corresponding bit in external address output control register (HACR) is set to "0".In non-multiplex mode, it serves as higher address output pin (A20) when corresponding bit in external address output control register (HACR) is set to "0".TIO0Base timer I/O pin (ch.0) 1002P25DGeneral-purpose I/O portA21In multiplex mode, it serves as higher address output pin (A21) when corresponding bit in external address output control register (HACR) is set to "0".In non-multiplex mode, it serves as higher address output pin (A21) when corresponding bit in external address output control register (HACR) is set to "0".TIO1Base timer I/O pin (ch.1)■I/O CIRCUIT TYPE(Continued)171819■HANDLING DEVICES1.Maximum rated voltages for the prevention of latch-upBe cautious not to exceed the absolute maximum rating.CMOS ICs may cause latch-up, when a voltage higher than V CC or lower than V SS is applied to input or output pins other than medium-to-high resistant pins, or when a voltage exceeding the rating is applied between VCC and VSS pins.If latch-up occurs, the power supply current increases rapidly, sometimes resulting in thermal breakdown of the device. Take the utmost care not to let it occur.Likewise, care must be taken not to allow the analog power supply (AV CC, AVRH) and analog input to exceed the digital power supply (V CC) when turning on or off any analog system.2.Handling unused pinsLeaving unused input pins open may cause a malfunction or latch-up which leads to fatal damage to the device.Therefore, they must be pulled up or down through at least 2 kΩ resistance. Also, any unused I/O pin should be left open in the output state, or set to the input state and handled in the same way as an unused input pin.3.Notes on using external clockEven when an external clock is being used, oscillation stabilization wait time is required for a power-on reset or release from sub clock mode or stop mode. Note that 25 MHz is the upper limit on the external clock that can4.Handling power supply pins (V CC/V SS)When multiple VCC and VSS pins supply pins are used, all the power supply pins must be connected to external power and ground lines due to the device design, to reduce latch-up and unwanted radiation, prevent abnormal operation of strobe signals caused by the rise in the ground level and to conform to the total output current rating.Make sure to connect the VCC and VSS pins of this device via lowest impedance to power lines. It is recommended that a bypass capacitor of around 0.1 µF be placed between the VCC and VSS pins near the device.5.Crystal oscillator circuitNoises around X0/X1 or X0A/X1A pins may cause abnormal operations. It is strongly recommended to provide bypass capacitors via shortest distance from X0/X1, X0A/X1A pins, crystal oscillator (or ceramic oscillator) and ground lines and also not to allow the lines of the oscillation circuit to cross the lines of other circuits. This will ensure stable operations of the printed circuit boards. Please ask each crystal maker to evaluate the oscillational characteristics of the crystal and this device.6.Notes on PLL clock mode operationIf an oscillator comes off or clock input stops during PLL clock mode operation, this microcontroller may continue its operation using a free-running frequency from a self-excited oscillation circuit within PLL. This is not a guaranteed operation.207.Power-on and power-off sequence of A/D converter and analog inputTurn on the A/D converters (AV CC, AVRH) and analog inputs (AN0 to AN19) after turning on the digital power supply (V CC) .During power-off, turn off the digital power supply (V CC) after turning off the A/D converters and analog inputs (AN0 to AN19) .In this case, make sure that AVRH does not exceed AV CC during the power-on/power-off procedure.Also make sure that the input voltage does not exceed AV CC when a pin which is also used as an analog input is used as an input port.8.Handling power supply pins on A/D converter-mounted modelsMake sure to achieve "AV CC= AVRH = V CC" and "AV SS= V SS" in connecting the circuits, even when not using the A/D converter function.9.Note on power-upTo prevent the internal regulator from malfunctioning, maintain the voltage rise time at 50 µs (between 0.2V and2.7V) or more during power-up.10.Stabilization of power supplyEven when the V CC power supply voltage is within the specified operating range, it may still cause the device to malfunction, if the power supply changes rapidly. For stabilization reference, it is recommended to control the supply voltage so that V CC ripple variations (P-P values) at commercial frequencies (50/60 Hz) fall below 10% of the standard V CC supply voltage and the coefficient of fluctuation does not exceed 0.1 V/ms at instantaneous power switching.11.Writing to Flash memoryFor serial writing to Flash memory, always make sure that the operating voltage V CC is between 3.13V and 3.6V.For normal writing to Flash memory, always make sure that the operating voltage V CC is between 3.0V and 3.6V.12.P90/CS0 pinsP90/CS0 pins output “L” during writing Flash serial. Do not input from external.13.Note of MB90F883 (S) , MB90F884 (S)•Maximum operating frequency is 25 MHz.•The base timer cannot use P24/TIO0, P25/TIO1, P26/TIO2, and P27/TIO3 as input function.•MB90F883(S) and MB90F884(S) do not contain the flash security feature and write-protect feature.。



NOTICE 3METHOD 2020.7PARTICLE IMPACT NOISE DETECTION TEST1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this test is to detect loose particles inside a device cavity. The test provides a nondestructive means of identifying those devices containing particles of sufficient mass that, upon impact with the case, excite the transducer.2. APPARATUS. The equipment required for the particle impact noise detection (PIND) test shall consist of the following (or equivalent):a. A threshold detector to detect particle noise voltage exceeding a preset threshold of the absolute value of 20 ±1millivolt peak reference to system ground.b. A vibration shaker and driver assembly capable of providing essentially sinusoidal motion to the device under test(DUT) at:(1)Condition A: 20 g peak at 40 to 250 Hz.(2)Condition B: 10 g peak at 60 Hz minimum.c.PIND transducer, calibrated to a peak sensitivity of -77.5 ±3 dB in regards to one volt per microbar at a point withinthe frequency of 150 to 160 kHz.d. A sensitivity test unit (STU) (see figure 2020-1) for periodic assessment of the PIND system performance. TheSTU shall consist of a transducer with the same tolerances as the PIND transducer and a circuit to excite thetransducer with a 250 microvolt ±20 percent pulse. The STU shall produce a pulse of about 20 mV peak on theoscilloscope when the transducer is coupled to the PIND transducer with attachment medium.e.PIND electronics, consisting of an amplifier with a gain of 60 ±2 dB centered at the frequency of peak sensitivity ofthe PIND transducer. The noise at the output of the amplifier shall not exceed 10 mV peak.f.Attachment medium. The attachment medium used to attach the DUT to the PIND transducer shall be the sameattachment medium as used for the STU test.g.Shock mechanism or tool capable of imparting shock pulses of 1,000 ±200 g peak to the DUT. The duration of themain shock shall not exceed 100 µs. If an integral co-test shock system is used the shaker vibration may beinterrupted or perturbed for period of time not to exceed 250 ms from initiation of the last shock pulse in thesequence. The co-test duration shall be measured at the 50 ±5 percent point.3. PROCEDURES.* 3.1 Test equipment setup. Shaker drive frequency and amplitude shall be adjusted to the specified conditions based on cavity size of the DUT (for condition A, see table I herein). The shock pulse shall be adjusted to provide 1,000 ±200 g peak to the DUT.3.2 Test equipment checkout. The test equipment checkout shall be performed a minimum of one time per operation shift. Failure of the system to meet checkout requirements shall require retest of all devices tested subsequent to the last successful system checkout.3.2.1 Shaker drive system checkout. The drive system shall achieve the shaker frequency and the shaker amplitude specified. The drive system shall be calibrated so that the frequency settings are within ±8 percent and the amplitude vibration setting are within ±10 percent of the nominal values. If a visual displacement monitor is affixed to the transducer, it may be used for amplitudes between 0.04 and 0.12 inch (1.02 and 3.05 mm). An accelerometer may be used over the entire range of amplitudes and shall be used below amplitudes of 0.040 inch (1.02 mm).Supersedes page 1 of MIL-STD-883EMETHOD 2020.722 March 19891NOTICE 33.2.2 Detection system checkout. With the shaker deenergized, the STU transducer shall be mounted face-to-face and coaxial with the PIND transducer using the attachment medium used for testing the devices. The STU shall be activated several times to verify low level signal pulse visual and threshold detection on the oscilloscope. Not every application of th e STU will produce the required amplitude. All pulses which are greater than 20 mV shall activate the detector.3.2.3 System noise verification. System noise will appear as a fairly constant band and must not exceed 20 millivolts peak to peak when observed for a period of 30 to 60 seconds.3.3 Test sequence. The following sequence of operations (a through i) constitute one test cycle or run.a. 3 pre-test shocks.b. Vibration 3 ±1 seconds.c. 3 co-test shocks.d. Vibration 3 ±1 seconds.e. 3 co-test shocks.f. Vibration 3 ±1 seconds.g. 3 co-test shocks.h. Vibration 3 ±1 seconds.i. Accept or reject.* 3.3.1 Mounting requirements. Special precautions (e.g., in mounting, grounding of DUT leads, or grounding of test operator) shall be taken as necessary to prevent electrostatic damage to the DUT. Batch testing is prohibited.Most part types will mount directly to the transducer via the attachment medium. Parts shall be mounted with the largest flat surface against the transducer at the center or axis of the transducer for maximum sensitivity. Where more than one large surface exists, the one that is the thinnest in section or has the most uniform thickness shall bemounted toward the transducer, e.g., flat packs are mounted top down against the transducer. Small axial-lead, right circular cylindrical parts are mounted with their axis horizontal and the side of the cylinder against the transducer.Parts with unusual shapes may require special fixtures. Such fixtures shall have the following properties:(1)Low mass.(2)High acoustic transmission (aluminum alloy 7075 works well).(3)Full transducer surface contact, especially at the center.(4)Maximum practical surface contact with test part.(5)No moving parts.(6)Suitable for attachment medium mounting.Supersedes page 2 of MIL-STD-883EMETHOD 2020.722 March 19892METHOD 2020.722 March 198933.3.2 Test monitoring. Each test cycle (see 3.3) shall be continuously monitored, except for the period during co-test shocks and 250 ms maximum after the shocks. Particle indications can occur in any one or combinations of the three detection systems as follows:a.Visual indication of high frequency spikes which exceed the normal constant background white noise level.b.Audio indication of clicks, pops, or rattling which is different from the constant background noise present with no DUT on the transducer.c.Threshold detection shall be indicated by the lighting of a lamp or by deflection of the secondary oscilloscope trace.3.4 Failure criteria. Any noise bursts as detected by any of the three detection systems exclusive of background noise, except those caused by the shock blows, during the monitoring periods shall be cause for rejection of the device. Rejects shall not be retested except for retest of all devices in the event of test system failure. If additional cycles of testing on a lot are specified, the entire test procedure (equipment setup and checkout mounting, vibration, and co-shocking) shall be repeated for each retest cycle. Reject devices from each test cycle shall be removed from the lot and shall not be retested in subsequent lot testing.3.5 Screening lot acceptance. Unless otherwise specified, the inspection lot (or sublot) to be screened for lot acceptance shall be submitted to 100 percent PIND testing a maximum of five times in accordance with condition A herein. PINDprescreening shall not be performed. The lot may be accepted on any of the five runs if the percentage of defective devices in that run is less than 1 percent. All defective devices shall be removed after each run. Lots which do not meet the 1 percent PDA on the fifth run, or exceed 25 percent defectives cumulative, shall be rejected and resubmission is not allowed.TABLE I. Package height vs. test frequency for 20 g acceleration (condition A).Average internal cavityheightFrequency Milsmm Hz <4041-5051-6061-7071-8081-9091-100>100<1.02 1.03-1.27 1.28-1.52 1.53-1.78 1.79-2.03 2.04-2.29 2.30-2.54>2.54 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60NOTE: The approximate average internal packageheight shall be measured from the floor of thepackage cavity or the top of the major substratefor hybrid or multichip assemblies and shallexclude the thickness of the die mounted insidethe package.4. SUMMARY. The following details shall be specified in the applicable acquisition document:a.Test condition letter A or B.b.Lot acceptance/rejection criteria (if other than specified in 3.5).c.The number of test cycles, if other than one.d.Pre-test shock level and co-test shock level, if other than specified.METHOD 2020.722 March 19894NOTES:1. Pushbutton switch: Mechanically quiet, fast make, gold contacts. E.G. T2 SM4 microswitch.2. Resistance tolerance 5 percent noninductive.3. Voltage source can be a standard dry cell.4. The coupled transducers must be coaxial during test.5. Voltage output to STU transducer 250 microvolts, ±20 percent.FIGURE 2020-1 Typical sensitivity test unit.METHOD 2020.722 March 19895。



ASRock 890GX Extreme3 QVL Rev 1.02DDR3-1800 (OC)Size Vendor Module P/N.SS/DS Chip Brand Part No.Dual-channel 1GB Kingston KHX2000C9D3K3/3GX SS 2 pcs1GB Kingston KHX16000D3T1K3/3GX SS 2 pcs2GB Kingston KHX2333C9D3T1K2/4GX DS 2 pcs2GB Kingston KHX2250C9D3T1K2/4GX DS 2 pcs2GB Kingston KHX2133C9AD3T1K2/4GX DS 2 pcs2GB Kingston KHX2000C9AD3T1K2/4GX DS 2 pcs2GB G.SKILL F3-17066CL9T-6GBTD DS 2 pcs2GB G.SKILL F3-17600CL8D-4GBPS DS 2 pcs2GB ADATA Plus , DDR3-2200+ v2.0DS AX3U2200PB2G8-DP2 2 pcs2GB ADATA Gaming , DDR3-2200G v2.0DS AX3U2200GB2G9-DG2 2 pcs2GB ADATA Gaming , DDR3-2000G v2.0DS AX3U2000GB2G9-DG2 2 pcs2GB ADATA Xtreme , DDR3-2000X DS 2 pcs2GB Winchip GDF2GB18L090C94GK DS 2 pcsDDR3-1600Size Vendor Module P/N.SS/DS Chip Brand Part No.Dual-channel 4GB Kingston KHX1600C9D3K2/8G DS V1GB Kingston KHX12800D3/1G DS V2GB Kingston KHX1600C9D3X2K2/4GX DS V2GB Kingston KHX12800D3/2G DS V2GB Kingston KHX12800D3K2/4G SS V1GB Kingston KHX13000D3LLK2/2GX SS V1GB Kingston KHX12800D3K3/3GX SS V1GB Kingston KHX14400D3/1G SS V2GB Kingston KHX1600C7D3K2/4GX DS V2GB Kingston KHX1600C9D3K2/4GX DS V1GB A-DATA DDR3-1600X SS V2GB A-DATA DDR3-1600X DS V2GB Aeneon AXH860UD20-16H DS V1GB Aeneon AXH760UD10-16H SS V1GB Apacer78.0AGCA.BN0SS V2GB Apacer78.AAGCA.BN1DS V2GB CORSAIR CM3X2G1600C9DHXNV DS V2GB CORSAIR CM3X2048-1600C7DHXIN)DS V1GB CORSAIR CM3X1024-1600C7DHXIN SS V1GB Crucial BL12864BA1608.8SFB(XMP)SS V4GB GEIL GVP324GB1600C9HC DS V4GB GEIL GET316GB1600C9QC DS V1GB GEIL GV32GB1600C8DC SS V1GB G.SKILL F3-12800CL7D-2GBHZ SS V2G G.SKILL F3-12800CL7D-4GBBHZ DS V2GB G.SKILL F3-12800CL7D-4GBPI DS V2GB G.SKILL F3-12800CL9D-4GBNQ DS V2GB G.SKILL F3-12800CL9D-4GBECO DS V2GB OCZ OCZ3BE1600C8LV4GK DS V1GB OCZ OCZ3P16002GK SS V1GB OCZ OCZ3P1600EB1G(XMP)SS V1GB OCZ OCZ3T1600XM2GK SS V2GB OCZ OCZ3P1600EB4GK DS V2GB OCZ OCZ3RPR16004GK DS V1GB OCZ OCZ3P1600EB2GK SS V1GB PATRIOT PVS32G1866LLK SS V1GB Patriot PVS34G1600LLKN DS V1GB PQI MFADR322LA0101-08A3DS V1GB Team TXD32048M16000HC7SS V1GB Team TXD32048M1866HC8DC SS V1GB Transcend TX1800KLU-2GK SS V1GB Qimonda IMNH1GU13A1F1C-XPH DS VDDR3-1333Size Vendor Module P/N.SS/DS Chip Brand Part No.Dual-channel 1G A DATA AD31333001GOU(AD63I1A08)DS ADATA AD30908CBD-15HG V2G A DATA AD31333002GMU(EL63I1B16)DS ELPIDA J1108BABG-DJ-E V1GB A-DATA SC63I1B16DS SAMSUNG K4B1G0846D V1GB Apacer78.01GC8.422SS Elpida J1108BABG-DJ-E V2GB Apacer78.A1GC6.421DS Elpida J1108BABG-DJ-E V1GB Aeneon AEH760UD00-13H DS AENEON AEH93R13H V2GB Aeneon AEH860UD00-13H DS AENEON AEH03R13H V1GB BUFFALO FSX1333D3G-1G SS V1GB BUFFALO FSX1333D3G-2G DS V2GB CORSAIR CM3X2048-1333C9DHX DS V1GB CORSAIR CM3X1024-1333C9DS V1GB CORSAIR CM3X1024-1333C9DHX DS V1GB CORSAIR CM3X1024-1333C9DHX DS V2GB Elixir M2F2G64CB8HA4N-CG DS Elixir N2CB1G80AN-CG V4G GEIL GET316GB1333C9QC DS V1GB GEIL GV32GB1333C7DC SS V1G G.SKILL F3-10600CL9D-2GBNQ SS V1GB G.SKILL F3-10600CL7D-2GBPI SS V1GB G.SKILL F3-10600CL8D-2GBHK SS V1GB G.SKILL F3-10600CL9D-2GBPK SS V2GB G.SKILL F3-10666CL9D-4GBPK DS V1GB G.SKILL F3-10666CL8D-4GBHK DS V2GB G.SKILL F3-10666CL8D-4GBRM DS V2GB G.SKILL F3-10666CL8D-4GBECO DS V1GB Kingston KVR1333D3N9/1G SS Elpida J1108BASE-DJ-E V2GB Kingston KVR1333D3N9/2G DS Elpida J1108BASE-DJ-E V1GB Kingston KHX11000D3ULK2/2G DS N/A V1GB KingMax FLFD45F-B8EE9SS Elpida J1108BASE-DJ-E V1GB KingMax FLFD45F-B8MF9SS Micron8ED22D9JNM V2GB KingMax FLFE85F-B8MF9DS Micron8ED22D9JNM V1GB Micron MT8JTF12864AY-1G4BYES SS Micron Z9HWR V2GB Micron MT16JTF25664AY-1G4BYES DS Micron Z9HWR V2GB Micron MT16JTF25664AY DS Micron8HD22D9JNM V1GB Nanya NT1GC64B88A0NF-CG SS Nanya NT5C8128M8AN-CG V2GB Nanya NT2GC64B8HA0NF-CG DS Nanya NT5C8128M8AN-CG V1GB Nanya NT1GC72B89A0NF-CF SS Nanya NT5CB128H8AN-CF V2GB NCP ELPH8AUDR-13M88DS Elpida J1108BASE-DJ-E V2GB OCZ OCZ3P1333LV6GK DS V2GB OCZ OCZ3X1333LV6GK DS V2GB OCZ OCZ3V1333LV6GK DS V2GB OCZ OCZ3G1333LV6GK DS V1GB OCZ OCZ3RPX1333EB2GK SS V2GB OCZ OCZ3P13334GK DS V512MB OCZ OCZ3P13331GK SS V1GB OCZ OCZ3P13332GK DS V2GB OCI04902G16DJ9U4A DS V2G PATRIOT PSD32G13332DS ELPIDA J1108BASE-DJ-E V512MB Patriot PDC32G1333LLK SS V1GB PQI MFACR322LA0101-08A1DS PQI PQC3648S15R V512MB Qimonda IMSH51U03A1F1C-13H SS Qimonda IDSH51-03A1F1C-13H V512MB Qimonda IMSH51U03A1F1C-13G SS Qimonda IDSH51-03A1F1C-13G V2GB Qimonda IMSH2GU13A1F1C-13H DS Qimonda IDSH1G-03A1F1C-13H V1GB Qimonda IMSH1GE13A1F1C-13H DS Qimonda IDSH51-03A1F1C-13H V1GB Samsung M391B2873DZ1SS SEC SEC 813 HCH9V1GB SAMSUNG M378B2873DZ1-CH9SS SAMSUNG K4B1G0846D V2GB SAMSUNG M378B5673DZ1-CH9DS SAMSUNG K4B1G0846D V2GB Silicon Power SP002GBLTU133S02DS ELPIDA V1GB Silicon Power SP001GBLTU133S02SS ELPIDA V1GB Transcend TS128MLK64V3U SS SAMSUNG K4B1G0846D V2GB Transcend TS256MLK64V3U DS SAMSUNG K4B1G0846D V512MB TwinMOS8HCBJU-ED SS Elpida J5308BASE-DG-E V1GB Team TXD31024M1333HC7SS V2GB Team TED32048M1333HC9DS V1GB Team TED31024M1333HC9SS V1GB Winchip GDF1GB68L150C9DS Winchip AHI648EES-13K VDDR3-1066Size Vendor Module P/N.SS/DS Chip Brand Part No.Dual-channel4GB Kingston KVR1066D3N7/4G DS SAMSUNG K4B2G0846B HCF8V512MB Kingston KVR1066D3N7/512SS Elpida J5308BASE-AC-E V1GB Kingston KVR1066D3N7/1G DS Elpida J5308BASE-AE-E V2GB Kingston KVR1066D3N7/2G DS Samsung K4B1G0846C ZCF8V1GB A-DATA M3OEL3G3I4130A1B5Z DS Elpida J5308BASE-AE-E-S V512MB A-DATA EL6YG1908SS Elpida J5308BASE-AC-E V1GB A-DATA EL6YG1A16DS Elpida J5308BASE-AC-E V1GB Aeneon AEH660UD-10FA98X DS AENEON AEH93R10F V1GB Aeneon AEH760UD00DS AENEON AEH93R10F V512MB BUFFALO D3U1066-S512SS Elpida J5308AASE-AC-E V1GB CORSAIR CM3X1024-1066C7DS N/A Heat-Sink Package V2GB Crucial CT25664BA1067.16SFD DS MICRON D9JNL V1GB Crucial CT12864BA1067.8SFB SS MICRON Z9HWQ V1GB Elpida EBJ11UD8BAFA-AG-E DS Elpida J5308BASE-AC-E V512MB Elpida EBJ51UD8BAFA-AE-E SS Elpida J5308BASE-AC-E V2GB Elixir M2F2G64CB8HA4N-BE DS elixir N2CB1G80AN-BE V1GB G.SKILL F3-8500CL7D-2GBNQ SS V1GB G.SKILL F3-8500CL6D-2GBHK SS V1GB Hynix HMT112U6AFP8C-G7N0SS HYNIX H5TQ1G83AFPG7C V1GB Hynix HYMT112U64ZNF8-G7SS HYNIX HY5TQ1G831ZNFP-G7V2GB Hynix HYMT125U64ZNF8-G7DS HYNIX HY5TQ1G831ZNFP-G7V2GB Hynix HMT125U6AFP8C-G7N0DS Hynix H5TQ1G83AFP V1GB KINGMAX FLED45F-A8EB7DS Elpida J5308BASE-AE-E V1GB Micron MT8JTF12864AY-1G1D1SS Micron7VD22V2GB Micron MT16JTF25664AY-1G1D1DS Micron7VD22V512MB Micron MT4JTF6464AY SS Micron7IBI2 Z9HXV V1GB Micron MT8JTF12864AY SS Micron7GBI2 Z9HWQ V2GB Micron MT16JTF25664AY DS Micron8DD22D9JNL V512MB Nanya NT512C72B89A0NY-BE SS Nanya NT5CB64M8AN-BE V2GB Nanya NT2GC64B8HA0NF-BE DS Nanya NT5C8128M8AN-BE V 1G PQI MFAB322LA0101-07B1DS PQI PQB3648S19R V1GB PATRIOT PSD31G106681SS Micro7GB12 Z9HWQ V1GB Qimonda IMSH1GU03A1F1C-10G SS QIMONDA IDSH1G-03A1F1C-10G V1GB Qimonda IMSH1GU13A1F1C-10F DS QIMONDA IDSH51-03A1F1C-10F V2GB Qimonda IMSH2GU13A1F1C-10F DS QIMONDA IDSH1G-03A1F1C-10F V2GB Qimonda IMSH2GU13A1F1C-10G DS QIMONDA IDSH1G-03A1F1C-10G V512MB Qimonda IMSH51U03A1F1C-10F SS Qimonda IDSH51-03A1F1C-10F V1GB Qimonda IMSH1GU03A1F1C-10F SS Qimonda IDSH1G-03A1F1C-10F V2GB Qimonda IMSH2GU03A1F1C-10G DS Qimonda IDSH1G-03A1F1C-10G V1GB Samsung M378B2873CZ0-CF8SS Samsung K4B1C0846C ZCF8V1GB Samsung M391B2873CZ0-CF8SS Samsung K4B1G0846C ZCF8V2GB Samsung M391B5673CZ0-CF8DS Samsung K4B1G0846C ZCF8V4GB Samsung M378B5273BH1-CF8DS Samsung K4B2G0846B HCF8V2GB Team TED34096M1066HC7DC DS V 1G TRANSCEND TS128MLK64V1U SS SEC SEC 843 CHC9 K4B1G0846D V 2G TRANSCEND TS256MLK64V1U DS SEC SEC 813 HCF8 K4B1G0846D V1GB WINTEC3DU3191A-10DS QIMONDA IDSH51-03A1F1C-10F VDDR3-800Size Vendor Module P/N.SS/DS Chip Brand Part No.Dual-channel 1GB Hynix HYMT112U64ZNF8-S6 AA DS Hynix HY5TQ1G831ZN F-S6V2GB Hynix HYMT125U64ZNF8-S5 AA DS Hynix HY5TQ1G831ZN F-S5V1GB Nanya NT1GC64B8HA0NY-25D DS Nanya NT5CB64M8AN-25D V512MB Qimonda IMSH51U03A1F1C-08E SS Qimonda IDSH51-03A1F1C-08E V1GB Qimonda IMSH1GU13A1F1C-08E DS Qimonda IDSH51-03A1F1C-08E V512MB Samsung M378B6573EZ0-CF7SS Samsung K4B510846E-ZCF7VNote1: v = dual channel, supports 2 modules and 4 modulesNote2: 2PCS = tested successfully with 2 modulesNote3: The O.C. mode is not guaranteed. It depends on whole system configuration and other parameters.Note4: For system stability, use more efficient memory cooling system to support a full memory load (4 DIMMs) when overclocking.。

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REV.AInformation furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective companies.One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.Tel: 781/329-4700 Fax: 781/326-8703© 2003 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.ADM8839Charge Pump Regulator for Color TFT PanelsFUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM+5V LDO_ON/␮F␮F␮F ␮FFFGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe ADM8839 is a charge pump regulator used for color thin film transistor (TFT) liquid crystal displays (LCDs). Using charge pump technology, the device can be used to generate three voltages (+5 V ±2%, +15 V, –15 V) from a single 3 V supply.These voltages are then used to provide supplies for the LCD controller (5 V) and the gate drives for the transistors in the panel (+15 V and –15 V). Only a few external capacitors are needed for the charge pumps. An efficient low dropout (LDO)voltage regulator ensures that the power efficiency is high and provides a low ripple 5 V output. This LDO can be shut down and an external LDO can be used to regulate the 5 V doubler output and drive the input to the charge pump section that generates the +15 V and –15 V outputs, if required by the user.FEATURES3 Voltages (+5 V, +15 V, –15 V) from a Single 3 V SupplyPower Efficiency Optimized for Use with TFT in Mobile Phones Low Quiescent CurrentLow Shutdown Current (<5 ␮A)Shutdown FunctionOption to Use External LDO APPLICATIONSHand-held Instruments TFT LCD Panels Cellular PhonesThe ADM8839 has a power save shutdown feature. The 5 V output consumes the most power, so power efficiency is also maximized on this output with an oscillator enabling scheme (Green Idle™). This effectively senses the load current that is flowing and turns on the charge pump only when charge needs to be delivered to the 5 V pump doubler output.The ADM8839 is fabricated using CMOS technology for minimal power consumption. The part is packaged in a 20-lead LFCSP (lead frame chip scale package).REV. A–2–ADM8839–SPECIFICATIONS(V CC = 3 V – 10%, 40%; T A = –40؇C to +85؇C; C1, C5, C6, C7 = 2.2 ␮F; C2, C3,C4, C8, C9 = 0.22 ␮F; unless otherwise noted.)TIMING SPECIFICATIONSParameterTest Conditions/Comments MinTyp MaxUnit POWER-UP SEQUENCE +5 V Rise Time, t R5V 10% to 90%, Figure 1250␮s +15 V Rise Time, t R15V 10% to 90%, Figure 13ms –15 V Fall Time, t FM15V 90% to 10%, Figure 13ms Delay between –15 V Fall and +15 V, t DELAY Figure 1600␮s POWER-DOWN SEQUENCE +5 V Fall Time, t F5V 90% to 10%, Figure 135ms +15 V Fall Time, t F15V 90% to 10%, Figure 110ms –15 V Rise Time, t RM15V10% to 90%, Figure 120msSpecifications are subject to change without notice.(V CC = 3 V, T A = 25؇C; C1, C5, C6, C7 = 2.2 ␮F; C2, C3, C4, C8, C9 = 0.22 ␮F.)ParameterTest ConditionsMin Typ Max Unit INPUT VOLTAGE, V CC 2.74.2V SUPPLY CURRENT, I CC Unloaded250500␮A Shutdown Mode, T A = 25°C 5␮A +5 V OUTPUT Output Voltage I L = 10 ␮A to 8 mA4.95.0 5.1V Output Current 58mA Output Ripple8 mA Load10mV p-p Transient Response I L Stepped from 10 ␮A to 8 mA 5␮s +15 V OUTPUT Output Voltage I L = 1 ␮A to 150 ␮A Output Current 1150␮A Output Ripple I L = 100 ␮A50mV p-p –15 V OUTPUT Output Voltage I L = –1 ␮A to –150 ␮A –16.0–15.0–14.0V Output Current –150–1␮A Output Ripple I L = –100 ␮A50mV p-p POWER EFFICIENCYR5V OUT Load = 5 mA,82%Ϯ15 V Load = Ϯ150 ␮A,V CC = 3.0 VCHARGE PUMP FREQUENCY 60100140kHz CONTROL PINS, SHDN Input Voltage, V SHDNSHDN Low = Shutdown Mode 0.3 ϫ V CC V SHDN High = Normal Mode0.7 ϫ V CCV Digital Input CurrentϮ1␮A Digital Input Capacitance *10pF LDO_ON/OFF Input VoltageLow = External LDO 0.3 ϫ V CCV High = Internal LDO0.7 ϫ V CCV Digital Input CurrentϮ1␮A Digital Input Capacitance *10pF*Guaranteed by design. Not 100% production tested.Specifications are target values and are subject to change without notice.REV. A ADM8839–3–ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS *(T A = 25°C, unless otherwise noted.)Supply Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–0.3 V to +6.0 V Input Voltage on Digital Inputs . . . . . . . . . . .–0.3 V to +6.0 V Output Short-Circuit Duration to GND . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 sec Output Voltage+5 V Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 V to 7.0 V –15 V Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–17 V to +0.3 V +15 V Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–0.3 V to +17 V Operating Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . .–40°C to +85°C Power Dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 mW Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . . .–65°C to +150°C ESD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Class I*Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause perma-nent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.ORDERING GUIDEModel Temperature Range Package Option ADM8839ACP –40°C to +85°CCP-20CAUTIONESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000V readily accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection. Although the ADM8839 features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD precautions are recommendedto avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS20-Lead LFCSP Package:␪JA = 31°C/WREV. A–4–ADM8839PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONSPin No.Mnemonic Function1V CC Positive Supply Voltage Input. Connect this pin to the 3 V supply with a 2.2 µF decoupling capacitor.2VOUT Voltage Doubler Output. This was derived by doubling the 3 V supply. A 2.2 µF capacitor to ground is required on this pin.3LDO_IN Voltage Regulator Input. The user may bypass this circuit by using the LDO_ON/OFF pin.4+5VOUT 5 V Output. This was derived by doubling and regulating the 3 V supply. A 2.2 µF capacitor to ground is required on this pin to stabilize the regulator.5+5VIN 5 V Input. This is the input to the voltage tripler and inverter charge pump circuits.6LDO_ON/OFFControl Logic Input. 3 V CMOS logic. A logic high selects the internal LDO for regulation of the 5 V voltage doubler output. A logic low isolates the internal LDO from the rest of the charge pump circuits. This allows the use of an external LDO to regulate the 5 V voltage doubleroutput. The output of this LDO is then fed back into the voltage tripler and inverter circuits of the ADM8839.7SHDNDigital Input. 3 V CMOS logic. Active low shutdown control. This shuts down the timing generator and enables the discharge circuit to dissipate the charge on the voltage outputs, thus driving them to 0 V.8V CC Connect this pin to V CC .9GND Connect this pin to GND.10+15VOUT 15 V Output. This was derived by tripling the 5 V regulated output. A 0.22 µF capacitor is required on this pin.11, 12C3–, C3+External capacitor C3 is connected between these pins. A 0.22 µF capacitor is recommended.13, 14C2–, C2+External capacitor C2 is connected between these pins. A 0.22 µF capacitor is recommended.15, 16C4–, C4+External capacitor C4 is connected between these pins. A 0.22 µF capacitor is recommended.17–15VOUT –15 V Output. This was derived by tripling and inverting the 5 V regulated output. A 0.22 µF capacitor is required on this pin.18GND Device Ground.19, 20C1–, C1+External capacitor C1 is connected between these pins. A 2.2 µF capacitor is recommended.PIN CONFIGURATIONV CC 1VOUT 2LDO_IN 311 C3؊L D O _O N /O F F 6S H D N 7V C C 8G N D 9؉15V O U T 1؉5VOUT 4؉5VIN 517 ؊15V O U T 16 C 4؉12 C3؉13 C2؊14 C2؉15 C4؊18 G N D 19 C 1؊20 C 1؉REV. A Typical Performance Characteristics–ADM8839–5–SUPPLY VOLTAGE – VL D O O /P V O L T A G E – V4.704.754.804.854.904.955.005.055.10 1.LDO O/P Voltage Variation over Temperature and SupplyI LOAD – mAL D O O /P V O L T A G E– V4.9955.0005.0055.0105.0155.020204681357TPC 2.LDO O/P Voltage vs. Load CurrentI LOAD – ␮A+15V /–15V P O W E R E F F I C I E N C Y –%30405060708090100301050701009020406080TPC 3.+15 V/–15 V Power Efficiency vs. Load CurrentLOAD CURRENT – mAL D O P O W E R E F F I C I E N C Y – %7576777879808184823157824683TPC 4.LDO Power Efficiency vs. Load Current,V CC = 3 VSUPPLY VOLTAGE – VS U P P L Y C U R R E N T– ␮A1502002503003504003.12.73.5 3.92.9 3.3 5.Supply Current vs. Supply VoltageI LOAD – ␮AO U T P U T V O L T A G E – V14.114.214.314.414.514.614.714.814.915.015.1500100150200TPC 6.+15 V/–15 V Output Voltage vs. Load Current, Typical ConfigurationADM8839+15V OUTPUT–15V OUTPUT5VOUTTPC 7.+15 V and –15 V Outputs at Power-Up V OUT RIPPLE (DOUBLER OUTPUT RIPPLE)LDO OUTPUT RIPPLEV CC RIPPLETPC 8.Output Ripple on LDO (5 V Output) LOAD DISABLE5V OUTPUTTPC 9.5 V Output Transient Response,Load DisconnectedLOAD ENABLE5V OUTPUTTPC 10.Output Transient Response forMaximum Load Current+15V OUTPUT–15V OUTPUT5VOUTTPC 11.+15 V and –15 V Outputs at Power-DownREV. A –6–REV. A ADM8839–7–POWER SEQUENCINGIn order for the TFT panel to power up correctly, the gate drive supplies must be sequenced such that the –15 V supply is up before the +15 V supply. The ADM8839 controls this sequence.When the device is turned on (a logic high on SHDN ), the ADM8839 allows the –15 V output to ramp immediately but holds off the +15 V output. It continues to do this until the negative output has reached –3 V. At this point, the positive output is enabled and allowed to ramp to +15 V. This sequenceis highlighted in Figure 1.Figure 1.Power SequenceTRANSIENT RESPONSEThe ADM8839 features extremely fast transient response, mak-ing it very suitable for fast image updates on TFT LCD panels.This means that even under changing load conditions, there is still very effective regulation of the 5 V output. TPCs 9 and 10show how the 5 V output responds when a maximum load is dynamically connected and disconnected. Note that the output settles within 5 µs to less than 1% of the output level.BOOSTING THE CURRENT DRIVE OF THE ؎15 V SUPPLYThe ADM8839 Ϯ15 V output can deliver 150 µA of current in the typical configuration, as shown in Figure 2. It is also pos-sible to draw 100 µA from the +15 V output and 200 µA from the –15 V output, or vice versa. It is possible to draw only a maximum of 300 µA combined from both the +15 V and the –15 V outputs at any time (see Figure 3). In this configuration,+5VOUT (Pin 4) is connected to +5VIN (Pin 5), as shown inthe Functional Block Diagram.–15V LDO_ON/␮F␮F ␮F ␮FFFFFigure 2.Typical ConfigurationI LOAD – ␮AO U T P U T V O L T A G E – V14.114.214.314.414.514.614.714.814.915.015.150100150200Figure 3.+15 V/–15 V Output Voltage vs. Load Current, Typical ConfigurationC 03075–0–2/03(A )P R I N T ED I N U .S .A .–8–ADM8839It is possible to configure the ADM8839 to supply up to 400 µA on the ±15 V outputs by changing its configuration slightly, as shown in Figure 4.Figure 4.Current Boost ConfigurationThe configuration in Figure 4 can supply up to 400 µA of current on both the +15 V and the –15 V outputs. If the load on the ±15 V does not draw any current, the voltage on the ±15V out-puts can rise up to ±16.5 V (see Figure 5). In this configuration,VOUT (Pin 2) is connected to +5VIN (Pin 5).14.014.515.015.516.016.517.0010*******400500I LOAD – ␮AO U T P U T V O L T A G E– VFigure 5.+15 V/–15 V Output Voltage vs. Load Current, Current Boost ConfigurationOUTLINE DIMENSIONS20-Lead Leadframe Chip Scale Package [LFCSP]4 ϫ 4 mm Body(CP-20)Dimensions shown in millimeters0.230.18BSC REF1.00 MAX TO JEDEC STANDARDS MO-220-VGGD-10.60Revision History2/03 – Data Sheet Changed from Rev. 0 to Rev. AChanged SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Updated OUTLINE DIMENSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8。
