世界经济概论(英文版)chapter 04 Globalization and Economic I


Globalization 英语版全球化PPT文稿演示

Globalization 英语版全球化PPT文稿演示

Sharing makes our life more colorful.
Zhao Ziang
Trade globalization
Trade globalization is the core of globalization.
Second major economies
cosmopolitanization is the final result.The world become a global village.
He Shuang
Four characteristics of the process
Countries and countries are closely linked gradually.
Why globalization is so
It' s truely important to humanity.
Zhao Ziang
Globalization brings opportunities and challenges to the developing countries.
Political globalization is evident in the
growing importance of international organization.
These organizations are transnational and enable states to
He Shuang

世界经济概论 第4章 国际贸易.ppt

世界经济概论 第4章 国际贸易.ppt
1.世界经济衰退与贸易保护主义抬头 。 2.新贸易保护主义的特点及其危害:现在的
贸易保护主义有两大特点:其一,更多用 法律制度和行政干预。其二,逆全球化而 动,甚至不顾世界贸易组织所确定的国际 贸易准则。
3.刺激世界经济复苏需要世界各国市场更加 开放。
三、“购买美国货条款”的实质及 对中国经济的影响
第四章 国际贸易
案例引导 金融危机影响下东莞的玩具厂为 何大量倒闭?
第一节 国际贸易理论的演进过程 第二节 中国贸易增长方式的转变 第三节 贸易保护主义对中国经济的影响 案例剖析 中国如何在后危机时代化“危”
பைடு நூலகம்
商品贸易不仅是一种使国家之间交往具 有意义的值得称誉的活动,而且,如果某些 规则得到严格遵守的话,它恰恰是检验一个 王国是否繁荣的试金石。
象被称为“规模报酬递减”或“规模不经 济”。
内部规模经济(Internal economies of scale):厂商的平均成本随着其本身生产规 模的扩大而下降。
外部规模经济(External economies of scale):由于行业内企业的增加和相对集中, 使企业在信息收集、产品销售等方面的交 易成本下降。
恶化、出口的不稳定性、普遍存在的幼稚 工业以及贸易利益的不合理分配等严峻问 题。很自然地,发展中国家便会采取内向 型的贸易战略和干预性的贸易政策以避免 来自外部经济的不利影响。



资料来源:国家货币基金组织:《国家金融统计》年鉴。 18
❖ 主要原因:
一是石油危机及其所导致的油价上涨; 二是工资提高过快,拉动了物价上涨和失业的增多。
❖ 根本原因:
一是发达资本主义国家长期推行凯恩斯主义经济政 策;
❖ 货币主义学派; ❖ 供应学派; ❖ 传统的保守主义经济学派
❖ 在1955—1968年间,日本GNP增长了3.5倍,联邦德 国和法国分别为2倍和1.9倍,而美国和英国分别只有 1.6倍和1.4倍。
❖ 日本实现了跳跃式的大发展。到1968年日本的GNP就 超过联邦德国,一跃成为仅次于美国的资本主义世界
第二经济大国。日本在资本主义世界工业生产中所占 的比重,从1950年的1.6%,上升为1970年的9.5%, 同期内在资本主义国家出口贸易中所占的比重,从 1.5%上升为6.9%。
❖ 战后社会主义国家的经济建设、发展及其经济体系
(1)国家干预宏观经济运行; (2)推行国有化政策; (3)推行经济计划化; (4)推行“福利国家”等社会经济政策。
❖ 信息技术革命 ❖ 制度创新 ❖ 政府干预 ❖ 经济全球化
❖ 信息技术之所以能够成为生产率提高的强大 动力,是因为它能从三个方面发挥作用:
一是信息通讯产业本身在发展生产力方面的作 用;



1. (1)“十一五”时期是我国发展进程中极不平凡的五年。


The Eleventh Five-Year Plan period was a truly extraordinary time in the course of the country's development. In the face of complex domestic and international situations and a series of major risks and challenges, the Communist Party of China (CPC) united with and led the people of all the country's ethnic groups in comprehensively advancing reform, opening up and modernization, bringing about a historic change in China over the past five years.这五年,我国社会生产力、综合国力显著提高。





The country's productive forces and overall national strength improved significantly. We effectively warded off the impact of the global financial crisis, maintained steady and rapid economic development and fulfilled the major objectives and tasks of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan, and the economy scaled new heights. GDP grew at an average annual rate of 11.2% to reach 39.8 trillion yuan. Government revenue increased from 3.16 trillion yuan to 8.31 trillion yuan. Major breakthroughs were attained in cutting-edge science and technology such as the manned space mission, the lunar exploration program and supercomputers. Great progress was made in the modernization of national defense and the army.(2) Following very strong growth of 3.8 percent last year, the world economy is slowing放慢. Output产量increased particularly quickly in the first half上半年of 2004, driven驱动 by solid U.S. performance坚固美国的业绩and a torrid export-led expansion热烈的出口导向的扩张in China. But higher oil prices石油价格 and the effects of exchange rate appreciation 汇率增加caused quarterly output季度产量 in many high-income countries 高收入国家 to decline下降,萧条in the second half, notably尤其是在in Germany, Italy, and Japan. Developing economies outgrew超过high-income countries,高收入国家 with aggregate GDP总GDP rising by some 6.6 percent for the year as a whole—a record expansion创记录的增长. In addition to China, India and Russia also grew very quickly. But all developing regions grew faster in 2004 than they did during the past decade. Very strong world demand强劲的世界需求 was reflected in emerging capacity产量,容量constraints能力约束,rising prices in commodity markets商品市场, and increased inflation通货膨胀 in some developing regions, notably South Asia, Latin America, and some parts of developing Europe.2. (1)这五年,各项社会事业加快发展、人民生活明显改善。

新BOOK 4-UNIT 4 globalization

新BOOK 4-UNIT 4 globalization
several countries are called multinational corporations (MNCs) or Transnational corporations (TNCs).
Top 10 multinational companies
• Wal-Mart (沃尔玛) • Exxon Mobil (埃克森美孚) • Royal Dutch Shell (皇家壳牌石油) • BP (英国石油) • General Motors (通用汽车) • Toyota Motor (丰田汽车) • Chevron (雪佛兰) • Daimler-Chrysler (戴姆勒克莱斯勒) • ConocoPhillips (康菲) • Totaization
•Globalization is a process of interaction and integration
among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by
The Asian financial turmoil
• The tidal wave that swept Asia has been devastating, and had serious impact over the global.
Economic organizations
• European Union
The top-ten list of the most valuable brands • 1.Apple Inc. in the world
• 2.Google • 3.Microsoft • 4.IBM • 5.Wal-Mart Stores • 6.Coca-Cola • 7.Mcdonalds • 8.Mercedes-Benz • 9.GE • 10.Amazon These are all global transnational corporations.



世界经济千年史英文版Title: A Thousand-Year History of the World EconomyIntroduction:The history of the world economy spans thousands of years, reflecting the evolution and growth of global trade, commerce, and economic systems. From ancient civilizations to modern societies, various factors have shaped the economies of different regions and influenced global economic development. This article aims to provide an overview of the world economy's journey over the past millennium, highlighting key events, trends, and transformations that have occurred.1. Ancient and Medieval Periods:During the ancient and medieval periods, economic systems were diverse and often localized. Ancient civilizations such as Rome, Greece, and China developed complex trading networks, stimulating economic growth. The Silk Road emerged as a vital route connecting East and West, facilitating the exchange of goods, ideas, and technologies.2. The Renaissance and Exploration:The Renaissance period marked a significant shift in Europe's economic landscape. New inventions, scientific discoveries, and the resurgence of classical ideas fueled economic growth and innovation. The Age of Exploration saw European powers embarking on voyages to discover new trade routes, leading to the establishment of global trade networks and the exploitation of resources in colonized territories.3. Industrial Revolution and Capitalism:The 18th and 19th centuries witnessed the Industrial Revolution, a pivotal period in the world economy's history. The shift from agrarian to industrial societies brought about unprecedented economic growth and transformed production processes. Capitalism emerged as a dominant economic system, characterized by free markets, private ownership, and profit-driven competition.4. Globalization and the World Wars:The 20th century witnessed rapid advancements in technology, transportation, and communication, leading to the acceleration of globalization. World War I and II significantly impacted the global economy, reshaping international relations and leading to the establishment of new economic institutions such as the United Nations and the World Bank.5. Post-War Economic Boom and Development:Following World War II, the world experienced an economic boom, particularly in the United States and Western Europe. The establishment of international economic organizations like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) fostered global cooperation and liberalized trade, resulting in increased economic interdependence.6. Rise of Emerging Economies:In recent decades, the world economy has witnessed the rise of emerging economies, particularly in Asia. Countries such as China and India have experienced rapid economic growth, driving global trade and reshaping thebalance of economic power. Technological advancements, such as the internet and digital platforms, have further facilitated global economic integration and transformed business models.7. Environmental and Sustainability Challenges:As the world economy continues to evolve, addressing environmental and sustainability challenges has become crucial. Climate change, resource depletion, and social inequality pose significant threats to global economic stability. Transitioning towards a more sustainable economic model has become a priority for governments, businesses, and individuals worldwide.Conclusion:The history of the world economy reflects a complex and interconnected web of developments, events, and transformations. From ancient trade routes to modern digital economies, the world has experienced remarkable shifts in economic systems, technology, and globalization. Understanding this thousand-year journey allows us to appreciate the interplay of factors that have shaped the world economy and provides valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.。

Unit 4 Globalization全球化

Unit 4 Globalization全球化
• Part I (Paras.1-3): Introduction to Davos Man and the World Economic Forum.
Para. 1 Para. 2 William Browder says “national ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้akes no difference for me.” _________________ identity
Davos Man
the global elite of wealthy men whose members view themselves as completely international
Text Organization
share at least one belief: that globalization, the unimpeded flows of capital, labor and technology across national borders, is both welcome and unstoppable.
• What has globalization brought to us? (economy, politics, culture, education, positive, negative influence. etc.)
Text A In Search of Davos Man
Davos and WEF
Davos is host to the World Economic Forum (WEF), an annual meeting of global political and business elites (often referred to simply as Davos) at the end of January.


➢ 本章需要掌握经济全球化的涵义、进程 加快的影响因素以及经济全球化的表现, 了解经济全球化的影响及其带来的问题。
➢ 重点:对经济全球化涵义的理解。 ➢ 难点:对经济全球化表现的理解 。
一 经济全球化概述 二 当前发达国家经济发展的制约因素 三 发达国家的宏观经济调节 四 发达国家的市场经济运行模式
➢ 参与全球分工有利于提高自身的技术水平。 ➢ 来自发达国家的竞争将促使发展中国家的企业、
(2)发展中国家在全球规则制定中的 地位不断提高
➢经济全球化为发展中国家积极参与全球 规则的制定和建立世界经济新秩序提供 了重要的机遇。
一、全球产业链的形成和生产网络的 全球化
1.跨国公司全球产业链的发展 2.国际分工的深化与生产网络的全球化 3.全球生产体系的形成
➢ 生产的国际化是战后世界经 济发展的一个突出特点。特 别是20世纪90年代以来, 全球政治、经济以及科学技 术的发展改变了全球范围企 业的竞争环境,把生产的国 际化推向一个新的阶段,全 球化生产与全球化经营成为 跨国企业发展战略的典型特 征。
➢ 2001年6月中旬,欧盟在瑞典召开首脑会议时, 也发生大规模的骚乱活动。时隔十天,在西班牙 巴塞罗那又爆发了大规模的反全球化运动,在与 警方的冲突中,有几十人受伤,世界银行被迫取 消了在那里举行年会的计划。7月,在意大利的 热那亚举行八国首脑会议时,意大利部署了1.5 万名警察,参加示威的人数多达15万人以上,结 果1人死亡,300多人受伤。

新BOOK 4-UNIT 4 globalization

新BOOK 4-UNIT 4 globalization

The top-ten list of the most valuable brands in the world • 1.Apple Inc.
• 2.Google • 3.Microsoft • 4.IBM • 5.Wal-Mart Stores • 6.Coca-Cola • 7.Mcdonalds • 8.Mercedes-Benz • 9.GE • 10.Amazon These are all global transnational corporations.
3 The cultural globalization
The cultural globalization
• Cultural globalization is the process where by information, commodities and images produced in one part of the world enter into a global flow that 'flattens out' cultural differences.
Globalization today ,western culture come into China ,and at the same time the Chinese are also infulencing today‘s world. More and more foreigners know about the Chinese and Chinese food.
The Asian financial turmoil
• The tidal wave that swept Asia has been devastating, and had serious impact over the global.



世界经济概论英文版答案Chapter I3. What are the stages of the formation and development of the world economy?The formation of the world economy has generally gone through three historical stages:(1) Budding period. The discovery of geography began in the middle and late 18th century and lasted for nearly 300 years.(2) Initial formation period. This period began with the British industrial revolution around the 1860s and completed the establishment of industrial society in European and American countries around the 1870s, including the whole period of capitalism, which lasted about 100 years. The formation of the world economy in this period was based on the large machinery industry, mainly marked by the establishment of the international division of labor system and the development of the world market.(3) Final formation period. From the 1870s to the beginning of the20th century, with the deepening of international division of labor and the expansion of the scope of the world market, especially the great progress of production and capital internationalization characterized by capital export, and the completion of the division of world territory, the real world economy finally took shape.Chapter II1. How to understand the process and connotation of economic globalization?Process: economic globalization is a process and a state of the development of the world economy to a higher level. Economic globalization is driven by the contemporary scientific and technological revolution, the market economy and the great development of multinational corporations. The great development of international trade, international finance, international investment, international transportationand communication, as well as the migration of international population, has led to the large-scale flow of production factors all over the world, and expanded the internal division of labor of enterprise production into a global division of labor, It is a state and process of unprecedented acceleration and deepening of interdependence and integration of countries by optimizing the combination and allocation of production factors on a global scale.Connotation: (1) economic globalization is the unity of economic category and historical category(2) Economic globalization is a concept related to time and space(3) The essence of economic globalization is the globalization of capital and its carrier expansion(4) Economic globalization is dominated by developed countries, and there are many asymmetries in its structure.2. Reasons and manifestations of the accelerated process of post-war economic globalization.Reasons: (1) the great development of scientific and technological revolution(2) The market economy system expands to the whole world(3) The development of trade, investment and financial liberalization in western countries(4) The great development of multinational corporations.Performance: (1) trade liberalization and global networking: with trade liberalization and information networking, the scope and scale of world trade have expanded sharply(2) Globalization of financial, monetary and investment markets: globalization of financial markets, currency circulation and investment activities(3) Globalization of human resource flow: the number and scope of worldwide immigrants have expanded, the transnational training and flowof talents have increased significantly, and the trend of "hidden transnational flow" of talents has increased.(4) The formation of global industrial chain and the globalization of international production system: the development of global industrialization and the formation of industrial chain followed by echelons around the world; Formation of global production system(5) The international economic coordination mechanism has gradually taken shape.3. How to understand the opportunities and challenges brought by economic globalization to developing countries?Opportunities: developing countries and regions adapt to the general trend of economic globalization, actively take advantage of the opportunities of deepening international division of labor and worldwide industrial structure adjustment, adopt opening-up strategies and policies in line with their national conditions, introduce foreign capital, technology and management experience, and improve their industrial structure and product quality, We should improve the competitiveness of our national enterprises as soon as possible, vigorously develop foreign trade, fully and reasonably allocate domestic resources and realize the rapid development of our economy. Economic globalization can also promote political reform in developing countries and accelerate the process of democratization.Challenges: (1) developing countries are at a disadvantage in the current process of economic globalization. With the rapid development of Global trade and global production system, the national economy of developing countries is facing great pressure and impact, and its dependence on developed countries is also increasing.(2) Economic globalization has led to and exacerbated the further imbalance of world economic development, and developing countries lag behind developed countries, especially those at the bottom.(3) the unbalanced development of China's developing countries is also increasing, which poses a potential threat to investment, stimulatesthe development of the bubble economy, and lays hidden danger for the financial crisis.(4) The biggest problem or threat brought by economic globalization to developing countries is that their national sovereignty has been impacted and weakened, and their national economic security has been challenged.(5) It has brought enormous pressure on the reform of developing countries. Economic globalization has strengthened the economic transmission and synchronization. How to accept the positive transmission and curb the negative transmission has become a major problem urgently needed to be solved by developing countries.5. What impact has economic globalization had on national sovereignty and the world pattern?Economic globalization has impacted national sovereignty, and mutual coordination has become the main theme of the times. Originally a unique right of a country, it has increasingly become a common power of the international community. National economic activities are increasingly operating in accordance with international treaties, agreements, norms and practices; The improvement of the status of multinational corporations in the economic life of various countries weakens the intervention of the state in industrial policy.Economic globalization is one of the decisive factors in the development, evolution and final formation of the world pattern after the cold war. As economic globalization has greatly strengthened the role of the law of unbalanced development, the status of some countries in the world pattern has declined, while the influence and role of others in the world pattern have increased. In this way, the world pattern, as the global core structure, will undergo a major adjustment in the balance of power. Economic globalization has promoted world multipolarization, which has enhanced human harmony.In economic globalization, with the accelerated transfer and movement of production factors in the world, the problem of global public hazards has become increasingly prominent. Their harm involves not only developing countries, but also developed countries, and even the whole world. Therefore, the process of economic globalization will inevitably bring many international political and economic frictions.Chapter III1. What are the basic characteristics of the post-war scientific and technological revolution? What impact does it have on the development of national economy and world economy?Basic features of the post-war scientific and technological revolution:1) Comprehensive and worldwide. 2) The scientific revolution and the technological revolution have developed simultaneously and formed the integration of science, technology and production.3) The machine system, labor style and lifestyle have been innovated. 4) the development of science and technology and its application in production have been strongly supported by the government.Impact: the post-war scientific and technological revolution has brought about great development of social productive forces and great changes in the structure of productive forces:(1) The great development of productive forces. It has greatly improved labor productivity, expanded capital accumulation and expanded the commodity market.(2) The transformation of the substantive elements of productivity: the workers are becoming more and more intelligent, the labor tools are becoming more and more automatic, and the labor objects are becoming more and more artificial.(3) Strengthening of non substantive elements of productivity: Science and technology has become the first productivity, and education has become an important reinforcing element in modern productivity.(4) Changes in industrial structure. The basic feature of its change is the shift of the focus of industrial structure. The proportion of material production sectors such as industry and agriculture in the national economy decreased, while the proportion of non-material production sectors such as service industry increased.The third scientific and technological revolution raised the level of world productivity and accelerated the recovery and development of the world economy after the war; Promoted the development of international trade; It has promoted the development of multinational corporations and international economic integration, widened the gap between the rich and the poor all over the world, and promoted the changes of social production relations all over the world(5) The third scientific and technological revolution not only brought about the modernization of things, caused changes in the way of labor and life, and gradually modernized people's ideas, ways of thinking, ways of behavior and ways of life.。



第一节 《关税与贸易总协定》的运行机制
一、《关税与贸易总协定》的产生 二、 《关税与贸易总协定》的具体运
行机制 三、 《关税与贸易总协定》的局限性
(一) (关税与贸易总协定〉产生的历史背景 《关税与贸易总协定》
(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GATT),简称 《关贸总协定》,是关于关税和贸易准则的多边国 际协定和组织。20 世纪初,英国在国际社会上的地 位开始下降,以自由贸易为主要特征的全球贸易体 系遇到挑战,贸易保护主义开始蔓延。
4.专家组程序 依DSU第4条第7款的规定,如果在收到磋商请求之
后60天内未能经磋高解决争端争端起诉方可要求 DSB设立专家组。 5.上诉机构 WTO争端解决机制设立了常设的上诉机构。 6.监督执行
(四)贸易政策审议机制 贸易政策审议机制的内容主要包括: (1) 审议的原则和目标。 (2) 贸易政策审议机构(TPRB)。这是世界贸易组织全
(二)区域贸易协调的途径和形式 1.关税协调
通过在区域协调的基础上确定和修改有关国家相互 间的进口关税水平,以达到调整相互贸易关系和贸 易状态的目的。 2.非关税协调 非关税协调的核心目标是消除区域内的非关税贸易 壁垒。 3.交易活动管理措施协调
这类区域协调主要适用于出口贸易领域,主要被发 展中国家运用。
4.区城贸易协定 根据市场融合程度,区域贸易协定分为以下几个类
型: (1)优惠贸易安排。 (2)自由贸易区。 (3)关税同盟。 (4) 共同市场。 (5)经济同盟。 (6)完全经济一体化。

Unit 4 Globalization

Unit 4 Globalization

Would globalization phase out national identity?
• National identity makes no difference for me, I feel completely international. • Endorsing a _________ (全球视野) does not mean erasing national identity. • Unlike Davos Man, they (immigrant nurses) are not _____ (游移不定) about being strongly patriotic.
The Swiss city of Davos has been an attraction on the world stage for hundreds of years. Hiking, biking and an array of water sports are all on offer in the mountains surrounding the town.
• _______ (决非巧合),they are both Davos Men, members of international _________(商务精英) who ______ (长 途跋涉)to the Swiss Alpine town for the ________ (年会)of the World Economic Forum, founded in 1971.
This will result in / lead to / trigger
• There’ll be horrible • consequences • repercussions • ramifications

Unit 4 Globalization(课堂PPT)

Unit 4 Globalization(课堂PPT)
across national borders
• designed in Germany • assembled in Mexico • components from
Japan • steel from Korea • rubber from Malaysia • workers from China
be around mine natural resources be at the forefront of significant players
Useful Expressions
意义深远的研究 人口增长
a landmark study demographic growth
the pendulum Байду номын сангаасf capital
9.5 million to 12.5, 2010 11% of the total 2010 population OFW remittances represent 13.5% of the country’s GDP
Characteristics of Davos Man (Para. 1-3)
Unlike Davos Man, they are not ambivalent about being strongly patriotic.
Manila Women
Manila, capital city of
the Philippines
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs)
Davos Man
the global elite of wealthy men whose members view themselves as completely international

世界经济概论(英文版)chapter 04 Globalization and Economic Integration

世界经济概论(英文版)chapter 04 Globalization and Economic Integration
• 3. Engagement in the global economy provides capital to fuel future growth.
• 4. Openness to the global economy can provide the infrastructure a developing economy needs for growth.
Globalization and Economic Growth
• Benefits that LDCs get from engaging in the global economy:
• 1. they gain access to much larger markets, both for imports and exports.
Globalization: Definition and Characteristics
• 4. the apparently growing significance of issues and problems extending beyond national boundaries and the resulting impetus to deal with them through some form of internationally concerted action; and
Pros and Cons of Economic Globalization
• 4. While the rich are getting richer, the poor are struggling for a square meal. Money is not distributed equally.
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Globalization in Historical Perspective
• Factors influencing the process of economic globalization:
• 1. improvements in the technology of transportation and communication have reduced the costs of transporting goods, services, and factors of production and of communicating economically useful knowledge and technology.
Pros and Cons of Economic Globalization
• 2. Many Americans are not satisfied with the level of customer service that they are subjected to.
• 3. People in developing nations have their own set of reasons against globalization, e.g. environmental issues and fast food issues.
• 5. engagement in the global economy encourages governments to follow more sensible economic policies.
Pros and Cons of Economic Globalization
• Proponents: one of the best things to happen to the world
Globalization in Historical Perspective
• First great era of global commerce: before the 1914 WWI
• Moments of Choice: • The aftermath of WWII • Rolling back against Keynesianism • the Mexico debt crisis of 1982
Globalization: Definition and Characteristics
• Financial globalization • Refers to the growing unification or
integration of financial markets all over the world. • Resulted in high capital mobility and a large volume of gross international financial flows
Globalization: Definition and Characteristics
• A socio-economic henomenon • “race to the bottom”
• Occurs between countries, states, provinces or territories as an outcome of globalization, free trade, neoliberalism or economic deregulation.
• 3. the trend toward closer international economic integration, resulting in the diminished importance of political boundaries. This trend is fueled partly by the first two trends, but even more powerfully by official policies aimed at trade and investment liberalization;
Globalization: Definition and Characteristics
• Globalization is evident in many ways.
• A common perspectives on globalization: the growing interdependence of the world’s people
Opponents: labeled it as neo-imperialism
Pros and Cons of Economic Globalization
• Positive changes globalization has brought to the world:
• Increased Competition • Employment • Investment and Capital Flows • Foreign Trade
• 5. the tendency toward uniformity (or “harmonization”), by which norms, standards, rules, and practices are defined and enforced with respect to regions, or the world as a whole, rather than within the bounds of nation-states.
• 3. public policies have significantly influenced the character and pace of economic integration, although not always in the direction of increasing economic integration.
Globalization: Definition and Characteristics
• David Henderson’s definition:
• 1. the increasing tendency for firms to think, plan, operate, and invest for the future with reference to markets and opportunities across the world as a whole;
Globalization and Economic Growth
• Benefits that LDCs get from engaging in the global economy:
• 1. they gain access to much larger markets, both for imports and exports.
Globalization: Definition and Characteristics
• 4. the apparently growing significance of issues and problems extending beyond national boundaries and the resulting impetus to deal with them through some form of internationally concerted action; and
• 2. Second, LDCs that open themselves up to international trade and investment gain access to a much higher level of technology.
Globalization and Economic Growth
• 5. Environmental degradation
Pros and Cons of Economic Globalization
• Spread of Technical Know-How • Spread of Culture • Spread of Education • Legal and Ethical Effects
Globalization and Economic Growth
• Faster economic growth is a fundamental blessing of globalization on nations that embrace it.
• The greatest beneficiaries of globalization are the long-suffering consumers in those nations that had been “protected” from global competition.
Pros and Cons of Economic Globalization
• Disadvantages of globalization:
• 1. In order to cut down costs, many firms in developed nations have outsourced their manufacturing and white-collar jobs to Third-World countries. The loss of jobs.
• 3. Engagement in the global economy provides capital to fuel future growth.
• 4. Openness to the global economy can provide the infrastructure a developing economy needs for growth.