无屏数码相机佳能IVY REC
佳能E O S7D数码单反相机机身产品规格及技术参数类型类型具有内置闪光灯的自动对焦/自动曝光单镜头反光式数码相机记录媒体I或II型CF卡、UDMA兼容图像感应×毫米器尺寸佳能EF系列镜头(包括EF-S系列镜头)兼容镜头(35毫米换算焦距约为镜头焦距的倍)镜头卡口佳能EF卡口图像感应器类型CMOS图像感应器有效像素约1800 万像素长宽比3:2除尘功能自动、手动、添加除尘数据记录系统相机文件系统设计规则(Design rule for Camera File记录格式System )JPEG、RAW(14位,佳能原创)图像类型可以同时记录RAW+JPEG?记录像素大:约1790万像素(5184×3456)中:约800万像素(3456×2304)小:约450万像素(2592×1728) RAW :约1790万像素(5184×3456) M-RAW:约1010万像素(3888×2592) S-RAW:约450万像素(2592×1728)创建/选择文件夹可以图像处理照片风格标准、人像、风光、中性、可靠设置、单色、用户定义1-3白平衡可使用自动、预设(日光、阴影、阴天、钨丝灯、白色荧光灯、闪光灯)、用户自定义、色温设置(2500-10000K)、白平衡矫正和白平衡包围曝光*支持色温信息传输降噪可应用于长时间曝光和高ISO感光度拍摄自动图像亮度矫正自动亮度优化高光色调优先具备镜头周边光量校正具备取景器类型眼平五棱镜视野率垂直/水平方向约100%放大倍率约倍(-1m-1,使用50mm镜头对无限远处对焦)眼点约22毫米(自目镜透镜中央起-1m-1)内置屈光度调节- +1.0m-1(dpt)对焦屏固定式构图辅助网格线和电子水准仪反光镜快回型景深预视具备自动对焦类型TTL辅助影像重合,相位检测自动对焦点19(全部为十字型)测光范围EV - 18(23?C/73?F、ISO 100)对焦模式单次自动对焦、人工智能伺服自动对焦、人工智能自动对焦、手动对焦(MF)自动对焦区域选择单点自动对焦、定点自动对焦、自动对焦点扩展、区域自动对焦、19点自动对焦自动选择模式自动对焦辅助光由内置闪光灯发出的短促连续闪光自动对焦微调可进行自动对焦微调曝光控制测光模式63区TTL全开光圈测光? 评价测光(可与任何自动对焦点联动)? 局部测光(取景器中央约%的面积)? 点测光(取景器中央约%的面积)? 中央重点平均测光测光范围EV 1 - 20(23?C/73?F、使用EF 50mm f/ USM镜头、ISO 100)曝光控制程序自动曝光(全自动、创意自动、程序),快门优先自动曝光、光圈优先自动曝光、手动曝光、B门曝光ISO感光度自动、创意自动:自动在ISO 100至3200的范围内设置P、Tv、Av、M、B:ISO 100 - 6400(以1/3级为单位)、自动或ISO感光度扩展至ISO 12800曝光补偿手动和自动包围曝光(可与手动曝光补偿组合使用)可设置数值:±5级间以1/3或1/2级为单位调节(自动包围曝光±3级)自动曝光自动:使用单次自动对焦和评价测光,当合焦时应用自动曝光锁锁手动:通过自动曝光锁定按钮快门类型电子控制焦平面快门快门速度1/8000秒至1/60秒(全自动模式)、闪光同步速度1/250秒1/8000秒至30秒、B门(总快门速度范围。
尼康 Z 7II Z 6II 数码照相机使用说明书
容。有关详细信息,请参阅“安全须知” (பைடு நூலகம் xxxv)。
❚❚ 锂离子电池组
锂离子电池组是GB31241-2014 《便携式电子产品用锂离子电池和电池 组安全要求》对产品的定义名称。本资料也存在对锂离子电池组简称为 “电池”的情形。
❚❚ 拍摄 (0 56)并查看 (0 69)照片
1 将模式拨盘旋转至b。
2 半按快门释放按钮 (即轻轻按下快门
释放按钮,且在按到一半时保持不 动)进行对焦。
3 在不松开快门释放按钮的情况下,完
4 查看照片。
想立即进行拍摄时 iii
照相机控制............................................................................................................. 13 取景器 ............................................................................................ 13
2 插入存储卡 (0 45)。
3 安装镜头 (0 50)。
• 将镜头上的白点与照相机机身上的白点 对齐 (q),然后按照图示方向旋转镜 头 (w)。
• 您可在照相机上安装挂带。有关详细信
息,请参阅“安装挂带” (0 37)。
4 开启照相机并设定日期和时间
(0 52)。
正常现象。 当长时间拍摄或观 看图像时, 请使用 AC 电源适配 器。
2 照相机使用的是 AA 碱性
电池、锂电池或可充电镍 氢(镍金属氢化物)电池
* 有关您可使用的电池的详细信 息, 请参阅相机的用户手册。
■ 使用电池的注意事项
• 请勿加热电池或将电池扔进火 中。 • 请勿将电池触碰金属物体, 如 项链或发夹。 • 请勿将电池浸入水中, 弄湿电 池或将电池存放在潮湿场所。 • 请勿拆卸或改装电池, 包括电 池的外壳。 • 请勿让电池受到强烈冲击。 • 请勿使用有泄漏、变形、变色 现象的电池。 • 请勿将电池存放在高温或潮湿 的地方。 • 请将电池存放在婴儿和儿童够 不着的地方。 • 确认电池按照极性标志 (C 和 D) 正确安装。 • 请勿混用新旧电池。 请勿混用 已充电电池和未充电的电池。 • 请勿混用不同型号或品牌的电
表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 SJ/ T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求以下。 备注 ○: ×: 表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 SJ/T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求。 “X (铅) 属欧盟 RoHS 指令的豁免范围之列。“X (Pb)” exempted from the application of EU RoHS. ” / is
下述标识表示误操作或忽略标识的警告信息可能造成的严重后 果。 该标识表示若忽略该信息, 将会造成死亡或严重伤 害。 该标识表示若忽略该信息, 将会造成人身伤害或物质 损失。
请勿在浴室 中使用相机。
警告 注意
请勿触摸内 部部件。
下述图标表示必须遵守的信息性质。 三角标志表示此信息需要注意 “重要” 。 ( ) 圆形标志加一斜线表示禁止行为 “禁止” 。 ( ) 实心圆形加一惊叹号表示用户必须执行的操作 “必 ( 须操作” 。 )
UJIFILM 富士数码相机FinePix F460 说明书
3 高级功能
B 静止图像拍摄
拍摄功能 拍摄照片-选择相机设置 .................................................................................................................................... 30 选择拍摄模式 .................................................................................................................................................... 32 e 微距(特写)拍摄 ............................................................................................................................................ 34 d 闪光灯 ........................................................................................................................................................ 35 AUTO 自动闪光(无显示) ............................................................................................................................ 35 b 减轻红眼 ................................................................................................................................................ 35 d 强制闪光 ................................................................................................................................................ 36 v 禁止闪光 ................................................................................................................................................ 36 c 慢同步 .................................................................................................................................................... 36 n 减轻红眼+慢同步 ................................................................................................................................... 36 * 自拍 ............................................................................................................................................................ 37 fi 增加显示屏的亮度 ...................................................................................................................................... 38
Canon 数码相机IXUS 65 相机使用者指南
使用液晶顯示屏 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 液晶顯示屏亮度 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 液晶顯示屏上所顯示的資訊 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 指示燈 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 省電功能 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 設定世界時鐘 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 選單及設定 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 選單清單 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 將設定重設為預設值 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 格式化記憶卡 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 拍攝 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
佳能EOS M 基本使用说明书使用指南操作说明入门手册
设定时区、日期和时间 ......................................................................27
选择界面语言 ...................................................................................29
有关如何浏览光盘中的使用说明书 (PDF),请参阅第87页。
有关软件程序的概述、在计算机上安装的步骤以及如 何浏览软件使用说明书光盘,请参阅第87至88页。
EOS数码解决方案光盘 (EOS DIGITAL Solution Disk) (软件光盘)
开始前,请检查相机包装内是否包含以下所有物品。如有缺失,请与经销商联 系。
3 菜单操作 ...............................................................................39
格式化存储卡 ...................................................................................42
4 拍摄微距 (微距)....................................................................... 58 5 拍摄运动被摄体 (运动)............................................................ 59 6 拍摄夜景人像 (夜景人像)(使用三脚架).................................... 60 F 手持拍摄夜景 (手持夜景).......................................................... 61 G 拍摄逆光场景 (HDR 逆光控制)................................................. 62 x 图像回放................................................................................... 64 改变对焦方式 .................................................................................. 65 x 用触摸快门拍摄 ......................................................................... 73 j 使用自拍.................................................................................... 74
佳能 i905D i900D 无线照片打印机 使用说明书
QA7-2797-V01 C1操作面板和菜单显示屏幕以下介绍操作面板上控制按钮的名称和功能、如何显示菜单、以及菜单中的项目:操作面板名称及其功能(4)菜单 (Menu)按钮显示菜单。
请参阅第 3页的“显示菜单”。
(5)设置 (Settings)按钮可以设置纸张尺寸、纸张类型、有边距 /无边距打印、带日期打印等。
请参阅第 22页的“指定纸张和优化图像”。
(6)剪裁 (Trimming)按钮可以在屏幕上显示剪裁时剪裁显示的图像。
请参阅第 15页的“打印指定区域-剪裁”。
(7)确定 (OK)按钮可以进行选择。
(1)电源按钮按此按钮开 /关打印机。
(10)Photo Viewer按钮按此按钮启动 /退出 Photo Viewer。
有关 Photo Viewer的详细资料,请参阅第 27页的“使用 Photo Viewer”。
(11)打印 (Print)按钮按此按钮将按照液晶显示屏显示的设置开始打印。
(12)取消 (Cancel)按钮使用按钮滚动图像。
2显示菜单插入存储卡从菜单 (Menu)全部打印(Print all)打印全部图像。
指定图像(Specify images)为每幅图像打印指定份数。
索引打印(Print index)打印全部图像的索引。
Canon PowerLite Pro Z9750UNL 三片LCD投影仪说明书
Large VenueSPECIFICATION SHEET3x Brighter Colors 1, and reliable performance — 3LCD, 3-chip technology One measurement of brightness is not enough — look for both high color brightness and high white brightness. The PowerLite Pro Z9750UNL has:Color Brightness: 7500 lumens 2White Brightness: 7500 lumens 2Widescreen performance — native WUXGA (1920 x 1200) resolution supports Full HD for presentations, videos, digital signage and moreSeven optional lenses with lens shift — including short-, wide-, rear- and long-throw lenses designed with a change-out lever for easy installationFlexible installation for an immersive experience in any setting — built-in Curved Edge Blending, Portrait Mode projection, and 360-degree installation Get twice the brightness and power — optional stackable frame makes it easy to install two projectors for unbelievable brightness, plus 3D support Versatile connectivity — supports the latest connectivity options, including HDBaseT™, HDMI™ and DVIDual-lamp design with lamp select/relay function — get both power savings and projector redundancy; includes an innovative liquid cooling system for added reliabilityPowerLite ®Pro Z9750UNL WUXGA 3LCD ProjectorThe bright, large-venue installation projector withFull HD performance.Projector shown with lens.Lens sold separately.Large VenuePowerLite ® Pro Z9750UNL WUXGA 3LCD ProjectorEPSON, EasyMP and PowerLite are registered trademarks, EPSON Exceed Your Vision is a registered logomark and Better Products for a Better Future is a trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation. PrivateLine is a registered trademark, FineFrame is a trademark and Epson Connection is a service mark of Epson America, Inc. SmartWay is a service mark of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. All other product and brand names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Epson disclaims any and all rights in these marks. Copyright 2014 Epson America, Inc. Com-SS-Oct-13 CPD-41521 6/14 Epson America, Inc.3840 Kilroy Airport Way, Long Beach, CA 90806Epson Canada Limited185 Renfrew Drive, Markham, Ontario L3R 6G3 www.epson.caInterfacesWireless LAN port: 802.11 b/g/n (optional – module sold separately)SpecificationsProjection System High-aperture Epson ®3-chip, 3LCD technologyProjection Method Front/rear/ceiling mountLCD Driving Method Epson Poly-silicon TFT Active Matrix Pixel Number 2,304,000 pixels x 3LCDs Color Brightness 2Color Light Output: 7500 lumens White Brightness 2White Light Output: 7500 lumensAspect Ratio Native 16:10, (supports 4:3, 16:9, 5:4)Native Resolution WUXGA (1920 x 1200)Contrast Ratio (Normal, Dynamic Mode) Up to 15,000:1Color Reproduction 1.07 billion colors Lamp TypeNormal:380 W x 2 UHE Portrait:304 W x 2 UHE Lamp Life 3Normal:Up to 4000 hours (ECO Mode)Up to 3000 hours (Normal Mode)Portrait:Up to 1000 hours (Normal Mode)Brightness Uniformity (typical) 90%Pixel Arrangement Cross stripeProjection LensScreen Throw Ratio Range 1.74 – 2.82 (standard lens)Size (projected distance) 60" – 500"Type Powered zoom/focusF-number 1.65 – 2.51 (standard lens), lens not included Focal Length 36 mm – 57.35 mm (standard lens)Zoom Ratio Optical zoom 1 – 1.61 (standard lens)Lens Shift (powered)Vertical: ±60%Horizontal: ±18%Keystone CorrectionVertical: -30 degrees to +30 degrees Horizontal: -30 degrees to +30 degreesVideoVideo StandardsAnalog: NTSC/NTSC4.43/PAL/M-PAL/N-PAL/PAL60/SECAM HDMI: 480i/576i/480p/576p/720p/1080i/1080p DVI-D: 480i/576i/480p/576p/720p/1080i/1080pVideo Processing 3D Y/C separation, 3D noise reduction, mosquito noise reductionDCDi ® – Directional Correlational DeinterlacingMotion-compensated Interlace-Progressive conversion (2:2, 3:2 film detection)Super ResolutionFineFrame™ interpolation 8:8 Pull-down processing Closed captioningNetworkingConnectivityWired: Integrated 100 MbpsWireless Security: WPA-PSK (TKIP/AES) / WPA2-PSK (TKIP/AES)E-mail Notification Via network Message Broadcasting SNMP Web Control Secure HTTPRemote Control and ManagementEasyMP ® Monitor, network projection, multi-projection, AMX ® Device Discovery, Crestron ® Integrated Partner and Crestron RoomView ®, Extron ® IP Link and XTP , PJLinkOther FeaturesOperating Temperature32 ° to 122 °F (0 ° to 50 °C) — Normal32 ° to 104 °F (0 ° to 40 °C) — Above 4900 feetPower Supply Voltage 100 – 240 V ±10%, 50/60 Hz AC Power Consumption 748 W (ECO Mode)844 W (Normal Mode)2.7 W standby (Communication on)0.26 W standby (Communication off)Fan Noise35 dB (ECO Mode)37 dB (Normal Mode)Security Kensington ®-style lock provision, anchor (metal) bar for security lock or cable, handles attached to body for cable wrapDimensions (W x D x H)Including Feet (with standard lens) 29.17" x 21.01" x 10.04"Excluding Feet (with standard lens) 29.17" x 21.02" x 7.76"Weight 58 lb with standard lensRemote ControlFeatures Brightness, contrast, tint, saturation, sharpness, input signal, sync, tracking, position, zoom, focus, lens shift, shutter, ID, source search, split screen Operating AngleFront:Right/left ± 60 degreesUpper/lower -45 to +15 degrees Rear:Right/left ± 60 degreesUpper/lower -40 to +15 degrees Operating Distance 98 ftECO FeaturesRoHS compliant Recyclable product 4Epson America, Inc. is a SmartWay SM Transport Partner 5SupportThe Epson Connection SMPre-sales support U.S. and Canada 800-463-7766Internet website Projector ProgramsThree-year projector limited warranty, 90-day limited lamp warranty, Epson Road Service Program and PrivateLine ®dedicated toll-free support (U.S. and Canada only)What’s in the BoxPowerLite Pro Z9750UNL projector, power cable, computer cable, projector remote control, batteries, user manual CD, Quick Setup Sheet, monitor and control CDOrdering Information Product Name Product Code PowerLite Pro Z9750UNL projectorV11H616920AccessoriesProduct CodeStandard zoom lens (ELPLS04) V12H004S04Long-throw zoom lens (ELPLL07)V12H004L07Middle-throw zoom lens 1 (ELPLM06)V12H004M06Middle-throw zoom lens 2 (ELPLM07)V12H004M07Rear-projection wide lens (ELPLR04)V12H004R04Wide zoom lens (ELPLW04)V12H004W04Short-throw zoom lens (ELPLU02) V12H004U02Mount Installation frame (ELPMB44) V12H681010Flush ceiling mount bracketV12H003B25Mount bracket with extended pipe V12H003B26False ceiling plate kit ELPMBP02Wireless LAN module V12H418P12Kensington security lockELPSL01Hardware remote control cable set V12H005C28Replacement remote control2157388Replacement lamp single (ELPLP81)V13H010L81Dual lamp kit (lamp x 2) (ELPLP82)V13H010L82Replacement portrait lamp single (ELPLP83) V13H010L83Dual lamp kit (lamp x 2) (ELPLP84)V13H010L84Replacement air filter set (ELPAF46)V13H134A461Compared to leading 1-chip DLP business and education projectors based on NPD data, July 2011 through June 2012. Color brightness (color light output) measured in accordance with IDMS 15.4. Color brightness will vary depending on usage conditions.2Color brightness (color light output) and white brightness (white light output) will vary depending on usage conditions. Color light output measured in accordance with IDMS 15.4; white light output measured in accordance with ISO 21118.3Lamp life will vary depending upon mode selected, environmental conditions and usage. Lamp brightness decreases over time.4See our website for convenient and reasonable recycling options at /recycle5SmartWay is an innovative partnership of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that reduces greenhouse gases and other air pollutants and improves fuel ef ciency.LANDVI-DRS-232CHDBaseTHDMIVideoS-VideoComputer RemoteMonitor Out BNCServicePowerWireless LAN Port Name EmailPhone Number。
佳能A590 IS的常用功能详解
佳能A590 IS的常用功能详解(2009-02-12 22:45:20)标签:佳能a590is功能使用旅游分类:电脑网络★以下是对A590 IS的常用功能详解:1. 关于A590 IS的短片功能A590 IS的短片拍摄功能在数码相机中算一般吧,它提供640×480像素20帧/秒、640×480像素20帧/秒LP、320×160像素30帧/秒、30帧/秒、160×120像素15帧/秒四种拍摄模式,输出AVI格式的有声短片,画面质量比较好,只是拍摄时间太短,拍摄时不支持光学变焦。
2. 关于A590 IS的随机软件:佳能A590 IS随机光盘里的软件有四个:获取图片、图像编辑、图像合成和一个win2000以下系统用的编辑软件。
3. 关于保护膜:现在市场上的保护膜有两种,一种是老产品,膜是用胶粘上去的(当然胶量很小,与一般的透明胶纸不同),不耐磨,使用时只能贴一次,不能清洗,取下来就不能用了,在贴的时候还容易产生气泡;而新型保护膜是三层结构,采用耐磨材料,静电粘贴,不容易产生气泡,取下来清洗后还可以再贴上,取下后屏幕上无胶质残留,透光性也更好一些。
奥林巴斯OLYMPUS digital cameraFE-120 X-700 senior Manual说明书
连拍 ........................................................................................... 48
自拍 ............................................................................................ 49
使用直接按钮............................................................................... 15 如何使用菜单..................................................................................... 16
1 基本操作- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -8
如何使用拍摄钮和播放钮..................................................................... 9 如何使用模式拨盘 ............................................................................. 12 如何使用直接按钮 ............................................................................. 13
如何聚焦(聚焦锁定) ................................................................ 24 难以聚焦的被摄对象.................................................................... 25 记录模式 ..................................................................................... 26 静止图像记录模式 ....................................................................... 26 动画记录模式............................................................................... 27 可存储静止图像数/剩余记录时间 .............................................. 27 改变记录模式............................................................................... 28 记录图像............................................................................................ 29 内存和插卡之间的关系 ................................................................ 29 使用插卡............................................................................................ 30 插卡小知识 .................................................................................. 30 插入插卡...................................................................................... 30 电池 ................................................................................................... 33
佳能 LBP-1210激光打印机 说明书
• • • • 30%
0˚C-35˚C (32˚F-95˚F).
35-85% RH
EP-.................................................................................................... 1 ............................................................................................ 2 ........................................................................................ 4 ........................................................................................... 4 ........................................................................................... 4 ........................................................................... 5 ................................................................................................ 7 ................................................................................................ 8 ........................................................................................... 9 ....................................................................................... 9 ............................................................................................. 10 ............................................................................................. 10 ......................................................................................... 11 .............................................................................................. 12 .............................................................................................. 13 ...................................................................................... 14 ................................................................................. 14 ................................................................................. 15 .................................................................................. 16 ......................................................................... 19 ...................................................................................... 24 Canon Advanced Printing Technology .................................... 27 CAPT .................................................................................. 28 Windows 95/98/Me .............................................................................. 28 Plug and Play ....................................................... 28 ......................................................................... 32 Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP ................................................................... 36 Windows 2000 Plug and Play ............................. 36 Windows XP Plug and Play ................................ 39 Windows NT 4.0 ............................................ 42 Windows 2000 ................................................ 46 Windows XP ................................................... 52 LBP-1210 ..................................................... 58 ..................................................................................... 58 Windows 95/98/Me ........................................ 59 ............................................ 60 Windows NT 4.0 Windows 2000 ................................................ 60 ................................................... 61 Windows XP .......................................................................................... 62 ...................................... 62 LBP-1210
佳能 VC-S750F VC-S755F 模拟监控摄像机 使用说明书
V531-CR017-C30初版: 2011.07关于本说明书在使用本说明书之前,请务必先仔细阅读本说明书。
佳能(中国)有限公司北京市东城区金宝街89号金宝大厦15层 邮编100005原产地:请参照保修卡、产品包装箱或产品机身上的标示产品符合规范:PRINTED IN CHINAPUB.YT1-9604-000 1. 后焦调节钮2. 摄像机支架安装螺孔8. 视频输出BNC接口5. 视频驱动镜头接口4. OSD菜单树在背面3. OSD控制键6. IR Lamp接口7. 电源输入接口(交/直流弱电电压)9. 电源指示灯10. CCD传感器11. 直流驱动镜头接口侧视图前视图上视图安装上的注意搬运时,请注意以下几点当使用交流适配器或外部电源时,请拔除连接用的视频线等,电线损伤,将成为导致火灾及触电的起因。
关于交流适配器(选购)的注意关于交流适配器(选购),请遵守以下事项无法遵守时,将成为导致火灾及触电的原因1、请务必使用选购专用的交流适配器及交流电线,另外,交流适配器 请勿使用在本产品以外的地方。
7、请勿用布或棉被盖住或包住交流适配器(选购),热度笼罩下外罩 会变形,为导致火灾的原因,请在通风佳的状态下使用。
不遵守正确操作时,电源线易受损伤,此将成为导致火灾或触电的 原因。
以下状况继续使用的话,为导致火灾及触电的原因1、当冒烟、异音、发热及异臭等异常发生时2、机器内部浸水等3、异物侵入到机器内时当使用时,请遵守以下事项1、请勿在机器的附近使用可燃性的喷雾2、请勿进行分解或改造3、请勿给予冲击4、请勿浇水或使其浸湿5、天气不稳定,打雷时,为导致触电的原因,故请勿碰触本机及 视频线,外部电源,交流适配器的电源用连接器。
2 选择[启用]。 按<V>键选择 [启用],然后按 <0>。 X 现在可以选择 [Wi-Fi功能]。
3 选择[Wi-Fi功能]。 在 [53]设置页下选择 [Wi-Fi功 能],然后按<0>。 X 当第一次选择了此设置时,会显示注 册昵称用屏幕。选择 [确定]并前往 步骤4。
2 在相机间传输图像
选择连接目的地....................................................................... 14
发送图像................................................................................. 16
EOS 6D (W)
ണԟWi-Fi֧ᕜƥЫᐾЃҋᅶሇǼޗሮസᯋљ᧢ތӵǽڔǼᨉఉտംᕜୡ സǽሇ߰ല౯Ѹᴞˊ ണԟWi-Fi֧ᕜሇഛᢝᐷሇᢪƥ؝ᯛሮസҋᅶᢪϷԍሥϔׇ٢ሇ ǼWi-Fi֧ᕜҋᅶᢪϷǽˊ
通过使用本相机的无线局域网功能,您可以无线地进行从发送图像至网 络服务和其他相机到遥控控制相机的一系列操作,只需将本相机连接到 Wi-Fi网络或支持本相机的无线局域网功能的其他设备即可进行这些操 作。
想要优先无线局域网功能时,请勿操作快门按钮、模式转盘或回放按 钮。否则,可能会优先拍摄或回放操作,无线局域网功能可能会在处 理期间结束。 当 [Wi-Fi]设定为 [启用]时,短片拍摄无效。即使经由接口电缆 将相机连接到计算机、打印机、GPS接收器或其他设备,也无法使 用这些设备 (第12页)。
RICOH CX2 数码照相机说明书
该符号表示如果忽视或不正确操作可能会导 致死亡或严重伤害。
该符号表示如果忽视或不正确操作可能会导 致人身伤害或物质损害。
符号提醒您禁止操作。 符号中可能包含其他符号,表示禁止某一特定 动作。 例如 请勿触摸 请勿拆解
数码照相机使用说明书 (照相机篇)
说明数码照相机的使用方法和功能。它也会介绍如何在电脑 上安装附带的软件。
在本操作说明书和照相机上的各种符号是为了您安全正确地 使用本机以避免您和他人的人身安全以及财产受到损害。各 种符号及其所代表的意义如下。
该符号表示如果忽视或不正确操作可能即将 有导致死亡或严重伤害的危险。
删除文件................................................ 52
删除一个文件 .................................................. 52 分别指定多个文件 .............................................. 53 指定多个文件范围 .............................................. 54 删除全部文件 .................................................. 55
• 皮肤:如果液晶溅到皮肤上,立即擦掉并用水
Canon PowerLite Pro Z9800WNL 三筒3LCD投影仪说明书
Large VenueSPECIFICATION SHEET3x Brighter Colors 1, and reliable performance —3LCD, 3-chip technology One measurement of brightness is not enough — look for both high color brightness and high white brightness. The PowerLite Pro Z9800WNL has:Color Brightness: 8300 lumens 2White Brightness: 8300 lumens 2Widescreen performance — native WXGA (1280 x 800) resolution for presentations, videos, digital signage and moreSeven optional lenses with lens shift — including short-, wide-, rear- and long-throw lenses designed with a change-out lever for easy installationFlexible installation for an immersive experience in any setting — built-in Curved Edge Blending, Portrait Mode projection, and 360-degree installation Get twice the brightness and power — optional stackable frame makes it easy to install two projectors for unbelievable brightness, plus 3D support Versatile connectivity — supports the latest connectivity options, including HDBaseT™, HDMI™ and DVIDual-lamp design with lamp select/relay function — get both power savings and projector redundancy; includes an innovative liquid cooling system for added reliabilityPowerLite ®Pro Z9800WNL WXGA 3LCD ProjectorThe bright, large-venue installation projector withwidescreen performance.Projector shown with lens.Lens sold separately.Large VenuePowerLite ® Pro Z9800WNL WXGA 3LCD ProjectorEPSON, EasyMP and PowerLite are registered trademarks, EPSON Exceed Your Vision is a registered logomark and Better Products for a Better Future is a trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation. PrivateLine is a registered trademark, FineFrame is a trademark and Epson Connection is a service mark of Epson America, Inc. SmartWay is a service mark of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. All other product and brand names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Epson disclaims any and all rights in these marks. Copyright 2014 Epson America, Inc. Com-SS-Oct-13 CPD-41392 6/14 Epson America, Inc.3840 Kilroy Airport Way, Long Beach, CA 90806Epson Canada Limited185 Renfrew Drive, Markham, Ontario L3R 6G3 www.epson.caInterfacesWireless LAN port: 802.11 b/g/n (optional – module sold separately)SpecificationsProjection System High-aperture Epson ®3-chip, 3LCD technologyProjection Method Front/rear/ceiling mountLCD Driving Method Epson Poly-silicon TFT Active Matrix Pixel Number 2,304,000 pixels x 3LCDs Color Brightness 2Color Light Output: 8300 lumens White Brightness 2White Light Output: 8300 lumensAspect Ratio Native 16:10, (supports 4:3, 16:9, 5:4)Native Resolution WXGA (1280 x 800)Contrast Ratio (Normal, Dynamic Mode) Up to 15,000:1Color Reproduction 1.07 billion colors Lamp TypeNormal:380 W x 2 UHE Portrait:304 W x 2 UHE Lamp Life 3Normal:Up to 4000 hours (ECO Mode)Up to 3000 hours (Normal Mode)Portrait:Up to 1000 hours (Normal Mode)Brightness Uniformity (typical) 90%Pixel Arrangement Cross stripeProjection LensScreen Throw Ratio Range 1.74 – 2.82 (standard lens)Size (projected distance) 60" – 500"Type Powered zoom/focusF-number 1.65 – 2.51 (standard lens), lens not included Focal Length 36 mm – 57.35 mm (standard lens)Zoom Ratio Optical zoom 1 – 1.61 (standard lens)Lens Shift (powered)Vertical: ±60%Horizontal: ±18%Keystone CorrectionVertical: -30 degrees to +30 degrees Horizontal: -30 degrees to +30 degreesVideoVideo StandardsAnalog: NTSC/NTSC4.43/PAL/M-PAL/N-PAL/PAL60/SECAM HDMI: 480i/576i/480p/576p/720p/1080i/1080p DVI-D: 480i/576i/480p/576p/720p/1080i/1080pVideo Processing 3D Y/C separation, 3D noise reduction, mosquito noise reductionDCDi ® – Directional Correlational DeinterlacingMotion-compensated Interlace-Progressive conversion (2:2, 3:2 film detection)Super ResolutionFineFrame™ interpolation 8:8 Pull-down processing Closed captioningNetworkingConnectivityWired: Integrated 100 MbpsWireless Security: WPA-PSK (TKIP/AES) / WPA2-PSK (TKIP/AES)E-mail Notification Via network Message Broadcasting SNMP Web Control Secure HTTPRemote Control and ManagementEasyMP ® Monitor, network projection, multi-projection, AMX ® Device Discovery, Crestron ® Integrated Partner and Crestron RoomView ®, Extron ® IP Link and XTP , PJLinkOther FeaturesOperating Temperature32 ° to 122 °F (0 ° to 50 °C) — Normal32 ° to 104 °F (0 ° to 40 °C) — Above 4900 feetPower Supply Voltage 100 – 240 V ±10%, 50/60 Hz AC Power Consumption 748 W (ECO Mode)844 W (Normal Mode)2.7 W standby (Communication on)0.26 W standby (Communication off)Fan Noise35 dB (ECO Mode)38 dB (Normal Mode)Security Kensington ®-style lock provision, anchor (metal) bar for security lock or cable, handles attached to body for cable wrapDimensions (W x D x H)Including Feet (with standard lens) 29.17" x 21.01" x 10.04"Excluding Feet (with standard lens) 29.17" x 21.02" x 7.76"Weight 58 lb with standard lensRemote ControlFeatures Brightness, contrast, tint, saturation, sharpness, input signal, sync, tracking, position, zoom, focus, lens shift, shutter, ID, source search, split screen Operating AngleFront:Right/left ± 60 degreesUpper/lower -45 to +15 degrees Rear:Right/left ± 60 degreesUpper/lower -40 to +15 degrees Operating Distance 98 ftECO FeaturesRoHS compliant Recyclable product 4Epson America, Inc. is a SmartWay SM Transport Partner 5SupportThe Epson Connection SMPre-sales support U.S. and Canada 800-463-7766Internet website Projector ProgramsThree-year projector limited warranty, 90-day limited lamp warranty, Epson Road Service Program and PrivateLine ®dedicated toll-free support (U.S. and Canada only)What’s in the BoxPowerLite Pro Z9800WNL projector, power cable, computer cable, projector remote control, batteries, user manual CD, Quick Setup Sheet, monitor and control CDOrdering Information Product Name Product Code PowerLite Pro Z9800WNL projectorV11H615920AccessoriesProduct CodeStandard zoom lens (ELPLS04) V12H004S04Long-throw zoom lens (ELPLL07)V12H004L07Middle-throw zoom lens 1 (ELPLM06)V12H004M06Middle-throw zoom lens 2 (ELPLM07)V12H004M07Rear-projection wide lens (ELPLR04)V12H004R04Wide zoom lens (ELPLW04)V12H004W04Short-throw zoom lens (ELPLU02) V12H004U02Mount Installation frame (ELPMB44) V12H681010Flush ceiling mount bracketV12H003B25Mount bracket with extended pipe V12H003B26False ceiling plate kit ELPMBP02Wireless LAN module V12H418P12Kensington security lockELPSL01Hardware remote control cable set V12H005C28Replacement remote control2157388Replacement lamp single (ELPLP81)V13H010L81Dual lamp kit (lamp x 2) (ELPLP82)V13H010L82Replacement portrait lamp single (ELPLP83) V13H010L83Dual lamp kit (lamp x 2) (ELPLP84)V13H010L84Replacement air filter set (ELPAF46)V13H134A461Compared to leading 1-chip DLP business and education projectors based on NPD data, July 2011 through June 2012. Color brightness (color light output) measured in accordance with IDMS 15.4. Color brightness will vary depending on usage conditions.2Color brightness (color light output) and white brightness (white light output) will vary depending on usage conditions. Color light output measured in accordance with IDMS 15.4; white light output measured in accordance with ISO 21118.3Lamp life will vary depending upon mode selected, environmental conditions and usage. Lamp brightness decreases over time.4See our website for convenient and reasonable recycling options at /recycle5SmartWay is an innovative partnership of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that reduces greenhouse gases and other air pollutants and improves fuel ef ciency.LANDVI-DRS-232CHDBaseTHDMIVideoS-VideoComputer RemoteMonitor Out BNCServicePowerWireless LAN Port Name EmailPhone Number。
能防水防震的钥匙扣随身相机佳能Ivy Rec机身设计小巧便携,重量只有86g,它可以像钥匙扣一样随时挂在衣服或者背包上。
作为一款随身相机,佳能 Ivy Rec提供了一颗1300万像素1/3英寸镜头传感器,可以拍摄最高1080p/60fps视频内容,每次录制时长10分钟,并且通过机身背面的滚轮,你可以非常方便切换不同工作模式。
拍照方面,佳能Ivy Rec可以拍摄4:3或者1:1的照片。
佳能Ivy Rec还支持IP67级别防水,在1米深水下可以坚持30分钟,同时支持防震,即便不小心摔在地上也不用担心。
Canon EOS Rebel T3I 数码相机产品说明书
E378Follow us!Our Sales Pros will provide you with the solutions you need.•18 Megapixel CMOS APS-C sensor withDIGIC 4 Image Processor, 14-bit A/D conversion•EOS Full HD Movie mode records 1920x1080 resolution •21.1 Megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor, •Full HD video capture at 1920x1080 resolution, up to ......16GB SanDisk Extreme III CF card (30MB/sec) ..156.54 Standard Zoom2042B002 ..............EF-S 18–55mm f/3.5–5.6 IS ....................9517A002...............EF-S 17–85mm f/4–5.6 IS USM ...............Telephoto Zoom1258B002 ..............EF 70-200mm f/4L IS USM CANON EOS (SLR) LENSESEF 400MM F/5.6L•18.0 Megapixel CMOS Sensor & Dual DIGIC 4 Image Processors •0.1 second Light Speed auto-focus•3" LCD touch screen that flips out and rotates 270°...........DSLR camera w/18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 lens, black.............649.99LUMIX MICRO sor, Translucent Mirror Technology™•Canon 1.5-inch, 14.3 MP CMOS sensor with the DIGIC 5 Image Processor for low-light performance up to ISO 12800 •Shooting and recording modes includestunning images from up close or at a distance379IKAN CAMERA STABILIZATION SYSTEM This is a shooting platform for a HDSLR or prosumer video camera. This molded composite tool has a low reachingshoulder pad for added stability and an adjustable chest brace for support. The included Rod Mount Adapter and strategically placed receiver slots allow for a variety of accessory mounting options including a small monitor or on-camera light. The Recoil-XT evenly distributes the camera weight (up to 8lbs) and is compatible with any 15mm rod system.ITEM DESC R IPTION P R ICE ELE-RECOIL-XT ..........Camera stabilization system w/15mm rods and shoulder pad ...314.10GENUS SHOULDER M OUNT SYSTEM The GCSMK system provides balance and stability during a shoot. It is a modular system that can be built to individual requirements and features comfortable non-slip handlesand parts that can be flipped to suit different cameras and camcorders.ITEM DESC R IPTION P R ICE GCSMK ......................Shoulder mount system ...............................................................949.89retracting two position, goat’s hair brush, white microfiber cloth, small Rocket Blaster, M ANFROTTO PHOTO-M OVIE CARBON FIBER TRIPOD KIT Kit includes MH055M8-Q5 photo video head and 755CX3 tripod. Head is made of magnesium and features a repositionable pan bar, photo-movie selector switch, adjustable friction control, independent pan lock, adjustable counterbalance, and a single tilt/portrait orientation lock. The head's fluid cartridge offers high precision and control 755CX3-M8Q5 ...........2-stage carbon fiber tripod & photo/video head .........................779.89It’s a tripod and monopod in one. One leg of the tripod combined with the center column converts to a monopod that can be expanded up to 68". The legs are made of carbon fiber or aluminum and feature Giotto's SDL dust-proof locking system with 1/8" turn leg locks. They also feature rubber feet w/metal spike (on some models), bubble level & retractable hook. The included quick-release ballhead has bubble levels and is Arca-compatible. Every kit also IKAN ELEM ENTS M ODULAR CA M ERA SUPPORT KITS These easy-to-assemble kits are designed to provide camera support that is light-weight, comfortable, and inexpensive. Designed to combine the convenience of a flash bracket allowing you to mount a monitor, light, flash or mic on either side. The Flyer is not as heavy or cumbersome as afull rod system. Developed with DSLRs in mind and the handles will not block your HDMI connections. The kits are compatible with all 15mm rail systems.ITEM DESC R IPTION P R ICE ELE-FLY-STARTER .....Starter kit, cheese plate, 1 handle, 1 arm ...................................109.00ELE-FLY-BASIC .........Basic kit, cheese plate, 2 handles, 2 arms .................................129.00ELE-FLY-DELUXE .......Deluxe kit, cheese plate, 2 handles, 2 arms, 2 4" rods & mount ...249.00ELE-FLY-SUPER ........Super kit, 2 cheese plates, 2 grip bars, 4 arms,2 15mm 6" rods, 15mm rail mount .............................................399.00CAMERANOT INCLUDEDKT1500U KT800U KT900GEPE CARDSAFE The CardSafeholders feature 3 or 4 multi-card compartments made with an anti-static inner material and are shock-resistant, dust and weatherproof and float. The CardSafe Extreme is also crushproof, watertight and has an ergonomic lock andreinforced hinge. Available in black or neon yellow. ITEM DESC R IPTION P R ICE3861E ........................Fits CF, SD, MMC, Memory Stick and Smart Media cards, black ......28.993862E ........................Same as above, neon yellow ..........................................................28.993853..........................Fits SD, MMC, Memory Stick Duo, SD-Mini, XD, black ...................20.993854..........................Same as above, neon yellow ..........................................................20.99CARDSAFEEXTREME KT1500U VGR8255-S2CKSB-1250。
美国时间10月10日,佳能正式发布了一款“为年轻一代消费者”开发的“可穿戴”户外相机——IVY REC。
IVY REC只有90克,三围为110.5 mm (宽) x 45.2 mm (长) x 18.5 mm (深) ,可以通过相机上的正方形卡扣夹到衣物或皮带上,而这个正方形卡扣也充当取景框功能,因为相机本身没有屏幕或电子取景器。
机身内置660mAh电池,具备MicroSD卡槽,单声道麦克风,Micro USB接口,支持蓝牙4.2和Wireless 802.11 b/g/n 。
IVY REC还支持防水防震(根据IP68测试,防水深度达2米,最长可达30分钟;具备最高2米的防震能力),具备电子防抖功能,该机有三种颜色可供选择,预计10月份上市,约合人民币922元。
4 : 3
L : 4160 x 3120, M : 2944 x 2208, S : 2080 x 1560 1 : 1
L : 3104 x 3104, M : 2208 x 2208, S : 1568 x 1568 视频格式:MP4
1080p @ 60fps
1080p @ 30fps
720p @ 30fps (该分辨率下支持Live View录制)
科技饭TechFans 只关注相机和手机。
DS-2CE56D8T-IT3E 2 MP 超低光线 POC 摄像头说明书
DS-2CE56D8T-IT3E2 MP Ultra-Low Light POC Camera⏹ 2 MP high performance turret camera⏹Strong night performance, capturing images in ultra-low light down to 0.003 lux⏹Clear imaging even against strong back lighting due to 130 dB true WDR technology⏹3D DNR technology delivers clean and sharp images⏹EXIR 2.0: advanced infrared technology with 60 m IR distance⏹Water and dust resistant (IP67)⏹Transmits both HD video and power over the same coaxial cable⏹SpecificationCameraImage Sensor 2.0 megapixel progressive scan CMOSMax. Resolution 1920 (H) × 1080 (V)Min. Illumination 0.005 Lux @ (F2.0, AGC ON), 0 Lux with IRShutter Time PAL: 1/25 s to 1/50,000 s;NTSC: 1/30 s to 1/50,000 sDay &Night IR Cut FilterAngle Adjustment Pan: 0° to 360°, Tilt:0° to 75°, Rotate: 0° to 360°Signal System PAL/NTSCLensLens Type 2.8 mm, 3.6 mm, 6 mm, 8mm, 12mm fixed focal lensFocal Length &FOV 103.5° (2.8 mm), 82.6° (3.6 mm), 54.4° (6 mm), 38° (8 mm), 24.4° (12 mm) Lens Mount M12IlluminatorSupplement Light Type IRSupplement Light Range Up to 40 mSmart Supplement Light YesImageImage Settings Brightness,Mirror,Sharpness,AGCFrame Rate PAL: 1080p@25fps NTSC: 1080p@30fpsDay/Night Mode Auto/Color/BW (Black and White)Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) ≥120 dBImage Enhancement BLCPrivacy Mask 4 programmable privacy masksNoise Reduction 3D DNRWhite Balance Auto/ManualInterfaceVideo Output 1 HD analog outputEventMotion Detection 4 programmable motion areasGeneralPower 12 VDC ±25%/PoC.af, max. 3.6 WMaterial MetalDimension Φ 110 mm × 93.2 mm (Φ 4.33" × 3.67")Weight 350 g (0.77 lb.)Operating Condition -40 °C to 60 °C (-40 °F to 140 °F), humidity: 90% or less (non-condensation) Communication HIKVISION-CLanguage EnglishApprovalProtection IP67⏹Available ModelDS-2CE56D8T-IT3E⏹Dimension⏹Accessory ⏹OptionalDS-1272ZJ-110-TRS Wall MountDS-1275ZJ-SUSVertical Pole MountDS-1276ZJ-SUSCorner MountDS-1280ZJ-SJunction BoxDS-1281ZJ-SInclined CeilingMount。
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无屏数码相机 佳能IVY REC
佳能IVY REC概念相机是一款不搭载显示屏幕的数码相机,而用来取景的是机身镂
上CanonMini Cam App后,就可以使用手机连接佳能IVY REC概念相机,进行画面预览。
在性能方面,佳能IVY REC概念相机搭载了1/3英寸1300万像素CMOS图像传感器,
此外,佳能IVY REC概念相机还具备了水