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周一刊侧重男性视角。男性时尚,品位生活,时事政治,“私 享”人生; Monday for men’s lifestyle and fashion. 周四刊绝对女性时尚品味。时装,美容,珠宝,时尚话题等, 打造女性时尚生活圣经。 Thursday for women’s fashion, beauty, jewel & accessories.
Coverage in the key cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou. 北京、上海机场和航线直投展示,机场书店销售
Free at all Beijing-Shanghai airline Express. Available at airport bookstores in both cities. 全国万余家高端消费场所直投展示
What is Lifestyle 精品是什么?
周一男刊 Monday for men’s lifestyle and fashion 定位:时代生活周刊 Orientation : Fashion weekly for the city elites 规格:一刊三册 Specification: three books each issue 《品时尚》:满足极致精英男性在时尚品质上的需求。服饰、钟表、化 妆品、洋酒雪茄…
Cooperation with Top Brands
Lifestyle has cooperation with almost all cosmetic brands.
Fashion Brands
Fashion Brands
Fashion Brands
报亭零售及展示 Retail
机场销售及展示 机场销售及展示 机场销售及展示 POS at airports POS at airports
自建终端渠道销售 及展示 Other channels
高效发行 全面覆盖 highly efficient circulation
场所渠道展示 Clubs & other channels
Circulation 发行
Circulation for 2009
强大的发行量优势支持 零售量居京城时尚类媒体首位; 北京地区唯一的一周2次有报纸的发行频次、发行量,有杂志的 品相的唯一媒体。
48万的总发行量, 25万零 售,21万订阅, 2万直投,每期超过百万 读者传阅。
Large Publication No.1 publication scale among all fashion media in BJ. 480 thousand in total, including 250 thousand retail, 210 thousand subscription and 20 thousand direct mail for clients. 强势的区域影响力 北京,天津,张家口,唐山,石家庄等大北京区域, 上海高档场所,办公楼均有展示. Strong regional influence. Beijing and capital cities of the surrounding provinces, such as Tianjin, Zhangjiakou, Tangshan and shijiazhuang. We also have circulations in clubs and office buildings in shanghai. 中国国际航空公司指定航机读物 全面覆盖全国重点机场,显示强大影响力。 Designated reading by China Airline. Major airports nationwide, shows powerful influence
《精品》强大的品牌号召力 Strong brand effect 16年连续的发展,精品已成中国最著名的品牌。 拥有了大批忠实读者,在消费选择上对精品有强烈的信任 感和依赖度 Most famous media brand in China with 16 years history; A large group of loyal readers who strongly relies on lifestyle for all kinds of information. 荣誉 Awards 2010中国报刊广告投放价值综合专业报第一名 No 1 in China for AD value returning rate. 北京广告行业开拓创新奖 Pioneering and Innovative award from Beijing Advertising industry. 中国新闻总署颁布:全国生活服务类周刊综合竞争力十 强第一名 GAPP award: Most competitive weekly.
Lifestyle 2011
2010中国报刊广告投放价值综合专业媒体第一名 北京广告行业开拓创新奖
What is Lifestyle ? 精品是什么?
What is Lifestyle?
每周一、四两期发行,每期可影响百万优质高端读者。在性价 比、时效性、广泛性等方面与其他刊物相比优势明显。 Monday & Thursday 2 issues a week.
周边 外埠发行 Other cities
巡展活动推广 Promotional exhibition
Highlights 亮点
Sino monitor international CO., Ltd 强大的终端消费带动力 Strong influence on readers’ buying habits 每期直接或间接指导上百万读者消费 Direct or indirectly educate up to a million readers 北京所有中高档商场均是《精品》的客户。《精品》商场类广告份额占北京市总额的 30%以上。 Relations with all middle and high class department stores, which takes up to 30% of the total advertising share. 对有钱有闲人的影响力最高。比如“旅游市场”广告份额占北京总额的40%。 High influence on those who has both free money and time: Travel AD takes up to 40% of the total amount in Beijing 与月刊相比, 《精品》对内容的呈献更加以市场为导向。
Free at all Beijing-Shanghai airline Express. Available at airports bookstores in both cities. 全国万余家高端消费场所直投展示
Direct mailing to over ten thousand luxury clubs and bars. 周四刊 Circulation for Thursday 暂时和2010年保持一致。 Will keep the same as 2010.
More market oriented comparing to monthly magazines.
密集的零售网咯,遍及京城内外及周边地区,让读者触手可得。 Strong retailing network throughout Beijing which provide the most convenient access to the latest information. 原创的主题内容与本土市场的紧密结合,灵活的广告时效性,更加及时,灵活,多角度。 Original editorials and tailor made columns fits the local market with more flexibility and better angles.
What is Lifestyle 精品是什么?
周一男刊 Monday for men’s lifestyle and fashion 目标读者:社会中坚阶层的极致精英男性;企业中的决策阶层、社 会高端人群、家庭支柱角色 Target reader: aged at 25-39, mainstream population with stable career and high fashion sense. 男女受众比例:6比4 Reader proportion: Male6:Female4 发行 Circulation 北京、上海、深圳、广州等国内一线城市发行
Direct mailing to over ten thousand luxury clubs and bars.
What is Lifestyle 精品是什么?
周四女刊 Thursday for Women’s Fashion & Beauty 规格:外封 + 一刊三册 Specification: outside pages + three books 定位:时尚生活圣经 Orientation :Fashion Bible Lifestyle: 服装,服饰,美容,腕表,珠宝 Lifestyle: fashion, accessories, beauty, watches and jewelry 乐活志 :吃,喝,玩,乐,购,游,健 Lohas : Food & beverage, games & amusement, shopping, traveling and sports. 家居生活: 房产,家居,家电,园艺,宠物 Fashion Home :Real estate, housing, home appliance, gardening and pets 目标读者:25~39岁,事业趋于稳定上升阶段的社会中坚。 Target reader: aged at 25-39, mainstream population with stable career. 男女受众比例:3比7 Reader proportion: Male3:Female7
collecting, fashion etc. 《财富圈》:高端男性的“私享”生活。IT通讯、豪车、豪宅、游艇、 高球…
Fortune: Luxury private lives of Байду номын сангаасhe male readers. IT,
communication, automobile, villa, yacht, golf etc.
Circulation for 2010
周一刊 Circulation for Monday 北京、上海、深圳、广州等国内一线城市发行
Coverage in the key cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou. 北京、上海机场和航线直投展示,机场书店销售
Men’s Fashion :All about latest men’s fashion trends-clothes, watches, skincare, wine, cigar etc. 《大都市》:围绕目标读者的思想、圈子、必需。涉及时政、评论、商 业、财经、收藏、时尚…
Cosmopolitan: thoughts, needs and social circle of the target readers. Topics about politics, business, finance,