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1. 耕地面积


2. 种植结构


表坦桑尼亚主要农产品的产量 (单位:千吨)

1990 1996 1997 1998

谷物 4138 4454 3389 4235

玉米 2635 2663 1879 2750

稻米 694734 551 811

高粱 485609 498 427

小米 233367 347 148

小麦 85 78 111 96

香蕉 772641 603 778

木薯 7383 5992 5704 6193

腰果 22 82 67 70

椰子 350375 370 340

椰干 31 34 34 30

皮棉 71 84 85 54

剑麻 34 30 30 30

生咖啡 49 52 41 34

茶叶 19 18 22 27

烟叶 13 35 25 26

肉类 274299 305 307

牛肉 195209 211 213

牛奶 516585 600 670

3. 人口


4. 农药登记制度(找他们的农业部网址了解)

Tropical Pesticides Research Institute Act, 18/79

This Act's purpose was to institutionalize a system for both research and regulation of pesticides in use in Tanzania. The Act creates the Tropical Pesticides Research Institute (TPRI) which has responsibilities among other things, to supervise and regulate the manufacture, importation, distribution, sale and use of pesticides in Tanzania and to administer the regulations made under the Act.

Pesticides are defined as "any matter of any description (including acaricides, arboricides, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, molluscides, nematicides, hormonal sprays and defoliants) used or intended to be used, either alone or together with other material or substance - a) for the control of weeds, pests and disease in plants; or for the control of external vectors of veterinary or medical disease and external parasites of man or domestic animals or c) for the protection of any food intended for human or animal consumption."

The Act gives TPRI the authority to create six research committees. The most significant committee of interest to businesses is: the "Pesticides Approval and Registration Technical Committee." The responsibilities of the Committee are to: 1) Advise the Council on pesticides regulations, control and registration; 2) draw short and long-term pesticides registration programmes, and 3) review and formulate registration approval programmes consistent with the country's needs. Part V establishes the system of pesticide registration. No pesticides may be manufactured, imported, or sold in Tanzania without prior registration by TPRI. Registration application must be made to TRPI, which may opt to register the pesticide or refuse to register the pesticide. After a product is registered, its registration may also be canceled (section 16). All registrations and cancellations are to be listed in the Gazette. Penalties for violation of this section are a fine of up to 3,000 Tsh. or 3 months imprisonment, or both.

Labeling requirements are also specified in section 20 and include: a) name, b) percentage of active ingredients in proportion to weight, c) descriptions of precautions to be used, d) approval stamp from TPRI, e) name and address of person responsible for producing or manufacturing. The penalty for non-compliance with the labeling requirements is the same as above (s. 20). Inspectors are given authority under the Act to require information and take samples for analysis. Anyone may submit samples to TPRI for examination but must follow the proper procedures. Section V also provides generally for enforcement and legal proceedings, including a provision of corporate liability for violations of the Act.

TPRI may make regulations with the consent of the Minister for Agriculture regarding the following:

a.how the facilities/services of the Institute may be provided to the public or other persons,

b.management of the Institute

c.discipline of employees

d.fees, rates and charges for Institute services

e.manner in which samples are to be taken,

f.manufacturers, importers, sellers of pesticides, or substance used in manufacture of

pesticides to keep and produce records/furnish returns to the institute
