万向节滑动叉课程设计 毕业设计
关键词:万向节,滑动叉,工艺,专用夹具The Process Procedures and Tooling Design of Universal Joint Sliding Fork Based on UGAbstractUniversal joint sliding fork is located in the top of the transmission shaft. The main use of it is transferring power between the two different heart shaft or the shaft that is having certain angle. The use of universal joint sliding fork may simplify the structure of universal transmission device, so it is important to make a research of it.The main purpose of research is improving the processing efficiency by making some process procedures. Due to the complexity of its structure, it needs the assistant of special jig during the processing process. So we need to design two special jigs that is used during the processing process. In the process of designing, we need to use some professional drawing software, such as UG or CAD. So the graduation design is not only the test for our professional knowledge, but also the investigation for our use of some software. Through the professional knowledge work out relevant process planning and design related fixture. Then we need to draw the fixture assembly drawings and explosion figure with UG, and using CAD modify 2d figure.Generally, the graduation design is an actual combat maneuvers for our abilities. It is important for us about the development of our future.Key words: gimbal ; sliding ;forks ;craft ;special ; fixture目录摘要 (i)Abstract .................................................................................................................................. i i 第一章引言................................................................................................................. -1 -1.1 概述 ....................................................................................................................... - 1 -1.2课题研究的方法和意义 ........................................................................................ - 1 -第二章机械加工工艺规程设计 .................................................................................... - 2 -2.1概述 ........................................................................................................................ - 2 -2.1.1 工艺规程的作用............................................................................................. - 2 -2.1.2 工艺规程的设计原则..................................................................................... - 2 -2.1.3 工艺规程设计所需原始材料......................................................................... - 2 -2.1.4 工艺规程设计的步骤及内容......................................................................... - 3 -2.2零件的分析 ............................................................................................................ - 3 -2.2.1 生产类型的确定............................................................................................. - 4 -2.2.2 零件的工艺分析............................................................................................. - 4 -2.2.3 毛坯的选择和设计......................................................................................... - 6 -2.3 工艺路线的拟定 ................................................................................................... - 7 -2.3.1定位基准的选择.............................................................................................. - 7 -2.3.2 表面加工方法和加工方案的选择................................................................. - 8 -2.3.3 制定工艺路线................................................................................................. - 8 -2.4机械加工余量及工艺尺寸 .................................................................................. - 10 -2.4.1 加工余量及工序尺寸的确定....................................................................... - 10 -2.4.2 确定切削用量及工时定额........................................................................... - 12 -第三章专用夹具设计 ................................................................................................ - 24 -3.1 概述 ..................................................................................................................... - 24 -3.1.1 机床夹具的分类........................................................................................... - 24 -3.1.2 机床夹具的作用........................................................................................... - 24 -3.1.3 专用机床夹具的组成................................................................................... - 25 -3.2 夹具设计的基本要求 ......................................................................................... - 25 -3.3 专用夹具的设计方法和步骤 ............................................................................. - 25 -3.4 铣床专用夹具设计 ............................................................................................. - 26 -3.4.1 铣床夹具的设计要点................................................................................... - 26 -3.4.2 定位方案....................................................................................................... - 26 -3.4.3定位基准的选择............................................................................................ - 27 -3.4.4 定位误差分析............................................................................................... - 27 -3.4.5 切削力及夹紧力计算................................................................................... - 28 -3.4.6 夹具与机床连接元件................................................................................... - 29 -3.4.7 对刀块........................................................................................................... - 29 -3.4.8 铣床夹具使用说明....................................................................................... - 29 -3.5 钻床专用夹具设计 ............................................................................................. - 30 -3.5.1 钻床专用夹具设计要点............................................................................... - 30 -3.5.2 定位方案....................................................................................................... - 31 -3.5.3 定位误差分析............................................................................................... - 31 -3.5.4 钻床专用夹具使用说明............................................................................... - 31 -第四章夹具辅助设计 ................................................................................................ - 33 -4.1 概述 ..................................................................................................................... - 33 -4.2 最终传动箱盖立体图的绘制 ............................................................................. - 33 -4.3 装配爆炸图 ......................................................................................................... - 33 -4.3.1 创建默认的爆炸图....................................................................................... - 33 -4.3.2 编辑爆炸图................................................................................................... - 33 -4.3.3 二套夹具的爆炸图....................................................................................... - 34 -4.4 装配动画设计 ................................................................................................... - 34 -4.4.1 简介............................................................................................................... - 34 -4.4.2 制作装配动画............................................................................................... - 34 -第五章总结与展望 ...................................................................................................... - 36 -参考文献 .................................................................................................................. - 37 -致谢 ...................................................................................................................... - 38 -附录 ............................................................................................................................ - 39 -第一章引言1.1概述机床夹具是零件在机床上加工时,用以装夹工件和引导刀具之间的一种工艺装备,现代夹具有很多种类:按使用机床分为车床、铣床夹具。
Schneider Electric M221CE40R 产品数据手册说明书
TM221CE40R TM221CE40R.T h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o n t a i n s g e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n s a n d /o r t e c h n i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e p r o d u c t s c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n s .I t i s t h e d u t y o f a n y s u c h u s e r o r i n t e g r a t o r t o p e r f o r m t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a n d c o m p l e t e r i s k a n a l y s i s , e v a l u a t i o n a n d t e s t i n g o f t h e p r o d u c t s w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e r e l e v a n t s p e c i f i c a p p l i c a t i o n o r u s e t h e r e o f .N e i t h e r S c h n e i d e r E l e c t r i c I n d u s t r i e s S A S n o r a n y o f i t s a f f i l i a t e s o r s u b s i d i a r i e s s h a l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e o r l i a b l e f o r m i s u s e o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .Product data sheetCharacteristicsTM221CE40Rcontroller M221 40 IO relay EthernetMainRange of product Modicon M221Product or component typeLogic controller [Us] rated supply volt-age100...240 V ACDiscrete input number 24 discrete input conforming to IEC 61131-2 Type 1including 4 fast input Analogue input number 2 at input range: 0...10 V Discrete output type Relay normally open Discrete output number 16 relay Discrete output voltage 5...250 V AC 5...125 V DC Discrete output current2 AComplementaryDiscrete I/O number40Number of I/O expansion module <= 7 with <= 48 discrete output(s) for relay output Supply voltage limits 85...264 V Network frequency 50/60 Hz Inrush current<= 40 APower consumption in VA <= 70 VA at 100...240 VDiscrete input logic Sink or source (positive/negative)Discrete input voltage 24 V Discrete input voltage type DC Analogue input resolution 10 bits LSB value 10 mVConversion time1 ms per channel + 1 controller cycle time for analog input Permitted overload on inputs +/- 15 V DC for analog input permanent+/- 30 V DC for analog input with 5 min maximum Voltage state1 guaranteed >= 15 V for input Current state 1 guaranteed >= 2.5 mA for input Voltage state 0 guaranteed <= 5 V for input Current state 0 guaranteed <= 1 mA for input Discrete input current 7 mA for inputInput impedance 100 kOhm for analog input 3.4 kOhm for discrete inputResponse time10 ms turn-off operation for output 10 ms turn-on operation for output 5 µs turn-off operation for fast input 5 µs turn-on operation for fast input100 µs turn-off operation for input; I8...I15 terminal 100 µs turn-on operation for input; I8...I15 terminal 35 µs turn-off operation for input; I2...I5 terminal 35 µs turn-on operation for input; I2...I5 terminal Configurable filtering time12 ms for input 3 ms for input 0 ms for input Output voltage limits 277 V AC 125 V DC Current per output common 8 AAbsolute accuracy error+/- 1 % of full scale for analog inputElectrical durability Inductive (L/R = 7 ms) DC-13, 24 V/ 7.2 W : 300000 cyclesInductive (L/R = 7 ms) DC-13, 24 V/ 24 W : 100000 cyclesResistive DC-12, 24 V/ 16 W : 300000 cyclesResistive DC-12, 24 V / 48 W : 100000 cyclesInductive AC-14, (cos phi = 0.7) 240 V/ 72 VA : 300000 cyclesInductive AC-14, (cos phi = 0.7) 120 V/ 36 VA : 300000 cyclesInductive AC-14, (cos phi = 0.7) 240 V/ 240 VA : 100000 cyclesInductive AC-14, (cos phi = 0.7) 120 V/ 120 VA : 100000 cyclesInductive AC-15, (cos phi = 0.35) 240 V / 36 VA : 300000 cyclesInductive AC-15, (cos phi = 0.35) 120 V/ 18 VA : 300000 cyclesInductive AC-15, (cos phi = 0.35) 240 V / 120 VA : 100000 cyclesInductive AC-15, (cos phi = 0.35) 120 V/ 60 VA : 100000 cyclesResistive AC-12, 240 V/ 160 VA : 300000 cyclesResistive AC-12, 120 V / 80 VA : 300000 cyclesResistive AC-12, 240 V/ 480 VA : 100000 cyclesResistive AC-12, 120 V / 240 VA : 100000 cyclesSwitching frequency20 switching operations/minute with maximum loadMechanical durability>= 20000000 cycles for relay outputMinimum load10 mA at 5 V DC for relay outputReset time 1 sMemory capacity256 kB for program with 10000 instructionsData backed up256 kB built-in flash memory for backup of programsData storage equipment 2 GB SD card optionalBattery type BR2032 lithium non-rechargeable, battery life: 4 yrBackup time 1 year at 25 °C by interruption of power supplyExecution time for 1 KInstruction0.3 ms for event and periodic taskExecution time per instruction0.2 µs BooleanExct time for event task60 µs response timeClock drift<= 30 s/month at 25 °CRegulation loop Adjustable PID regulator up to 14 simultaneous loopsControl signal type Single phase signal at 100 kHz for fast input (HSC mode)Pulse/Direction signal at 100 kHz for fast input (HSC mode)A/B signal at 50 kHz for fast input (HSC mode)Counting input number 4 fast input (HSC mode) (counting frequency: 100 kHz), counting capacity: 32bitsIntegrated connection type Ethernet with connector RJ45Non isolated serial link "serial 1" with connector RJ45 and interface RS232/RS485USB port with connector mini B USB 2.0Supply Serial serial link supply at 5 V 200 mATransmission rate480 Mbit/s - communication protocol: USB1.2...115.2 kbit/s (115.2 kbit/s by default) for bus length of 3 m - communicationprotocol: RS2321.2...115.2 kbit/s (115.2 kbit/s by default) for bus length of 15 m - communicationprotocol: RS485Communication port protocol Non isolated serial link : Modbus protocol master/slave - RTU/ASCII or SoMa-chine-NetworkUSB port : USB protocol - SoMachine-NetworkPort Ethernet10BASE-T/100BASE-TX 1 port with 100 m copper cableCommunication service DHCP clientModbus TCP serverModbus TCP clientModbus TCP slave deviceLocal signalling Ethernet network link yellow for Link (Link Status)Ethernet network activity green for ACT1 LED green for SL1 LED per channel green for I/O state1 LED red for BAT1 LED green for SD card access (SD)1 LED red for module error (ERR)1 LED green for RUN1 LED green for PWRElectrical connection Mini B USB 2.0 connector for a programming terminalConnector, 4 terminal(s) for analogue inputsTerminal block, 3 terminal(s) for connecting the 24 V DC power supplyRemovable screw terminal block for outputsRemovable screw terminal block for inputsCable length<= 30 m unshielded cable for output<= 10 m shielded cable for fast input<= 30 m unshielded cable for inputInsulation Non-insulated between analogue inputsNon-insulated between analogue input and internal logic500 V AC between output groups500 V AC between output and internal logicNon-insulated between inputs500 V AC between fast input and internal logic500 V AC between input and internal logicMarking CESensor power supply24 V DC at 250 mA supplied by the controllerMounting support Plate or panel with fixing kitTop hat type TH35-7.5 rail conforming to IEC 60715Top hat type TH35-15 rail conforming to IEC 60715Height70 mmDepth70 mmWidth160 mmProduct weight0.456 kgEnvironmentStandards EN/IEC 61131-2EN/IEC 61010-2-201Product certifications CSACULusIACS E10RCMResistance to electrostatic discharge 4 kV on contact conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-28 kV in air conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-2Resistance to electromagnetic fields 1 V/m ( 2 GHz...3 GHz) conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-33 V/m ( 1.4 GHz...2 GHz) conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-310 V/m ( 80 MHz...1 GHz) conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-3Resistance to magnetic fields30 A/m at 50...60 Hz conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-8Resistance to fast transients 1 kV for serial link conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-41 kV for Ethernet line conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-41 kV for I/O conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-42 kV for relay output conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-42 kV for power lines conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-4Surge withstand 1 kV for relay output in differential mode conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-51 kV for power lines (AC) in differential mode conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-50.5 kV for power lines (DC) in differential mode conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-51 kV for shielded cable in common mode conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-51 kV for I/O in common mode conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-52 kV for relay output in common mode conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-52 kV for power lines (AC) in common mode conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-51 kV for power lines (DC) in common mode conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-5Resistance to conducted disturbances, induced by radio frequency fields 10 Vrms (spot frequency (2, 3, 4, 6.2, 8.2, 12.6, 16.5, 18.8, 22, 25 MHz)) con-forming to Marine specification (LR, ABS, DNV, GL)3 Vrms (0.1...80 MHz) conforming to Marine specification (LR, ABS, DNV, GL) 10 Vrms (0.15...80 MHz) conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-6Electromagnetic emission Radiated emissions conforming to EN/IEC 55011 class A 10 m, 230 MHz (1)GHz : 47 dBμV/m QPRadiated emissions conforming to EN/IEC 55011 class A 10 m, 30...230 MHz :40 dBμV/m QPConducted emissions conforming to EN/IEC 55011 power lines, 1.5...30 MHz : 63dBμV/m QPConducted emissions conforming to EN/IEC 55011 power lines, 150 kHz...1.5MHz : 79...63 dBμV/m QPConducted emissions conforming to EN/IEC 55011 power lines, 10...150 kHz :120...69 dBµV/m QPConducted emissions conforming to EN/IEC 55011 power lines (AC), 0.5 (300)MHz : 73 dBμV/m QP/60 dBμV/m AVConducted emissions conforming to EN/IEC 55011 power lines (AC), 0.15...0.5MHz : 79 dBμV/m QP/66 dBμV/m AVImmunity to microbreaks10 msAmbient air temperature for operation-10...35 °C for vertical installation-10...55 °C for horizontal installationAmbient air temperature for storage-25...70 °CRelative humidity10...95 % without condensation in storage10...95 % without condensation in operationIP degree of protection IP20 with protective cover in placePollution degree<= 2Operating altitude0...2000 mStorage altitude0...3000 mVibration resistance 3 gn (vibration frequency: 8.4...150 Hz) on panel mounting3.5 mm (vibration frequency: 5...8.4 Hz) on panel mounting3 gn (vibration frequency: 8.4...150 Hz) on symmetrical rail3.5 mm (vibration frequency: 5...8.4 Hz) on symmetrical rail Shock resistance10 gn (test wave duration:11 ms)Product data sheetTM221CE40R Dimensions DrawingsDimensionsProduct data sheetMounting and ClearanceTM221CE40RMounting on a RailDirect Mounting on a Panel Surface(1)Install a mounting stripMounting Hole LayoutMountingCorrect Mounting PositionAcceptable Mounting PositionIncorrect Mounting PositionClearanceProduct data sheetConnections and SchemaTM221CE40RDigital InputsWiring Diagram (Positive Logic)(*)Type T fuseWiring Diagram (Negative Logic)(*)Type T fuseConnection of the Fast InputsRelay OutputsPositive Logic (Sink)(*)Type T fuse(1)The COM0, COM1, COM2 and COM3 terminals are not connected internally.(2)To improve the life time of the contacts, and to protect from potential inductive load damage, you must connect a free wheeling diode in parallel to each inductive DC load or an RC snubber in parallel of each inductive AC loadNegative Logic (Source)(*)Type T fuse(1)The COM0, COM1, COM2 and COM3 terminals are not connected internally.(2)To improve the life time of the contacts, and to protect from potential inductive load damage, you must connect a free wheeling diode in parallel to each inductive DC load or an RC snubber in parallel of each inductive AC loadAnalog InputsThe (-) poles are connected internally.Ethernet ConnectionUSB Mini-B ConnectionSL1 ConnectionSL1N.C.: not connectedProduct data sheet Performance Curves TM221CE40RDerating CurvesEmbedded Digital Inputs (No Cartridge)X :Ambient temperature Y :Input simultaneous ON ratioEmbedded Digital Inputs (with Cartridge)X :Ambient temperature Y :Input simultaneous ON ratioTM221CE40R TM221CE40R.。
1. 钻头:位于冲击钻机的前端,用于在工作表面上形成孔洞。
2. 锤击机构:位于冲击钻机的内部,用于产生冲击力。
3. 驱动机构:位于冲击钻机的后部,用于提供动力。
4. 控制系统:用于控制冲击钻机的运行。
Closed End Connector
6.2 4 11 5
6 7.1
6 6.1 6.2 6.3 19.2 19.3 20
5 11
Orient Speed Selector Lever (3.2) as shown
22 23
22 9
7-8 45-50
13135 W. Lisbon Road, Brookfield, WI 53005
Drwg. 1
No. 23-94-2125 220mm 24AWG Wire Assembly
For ease of removal and installation of the High Voltage protection system, it may be necessary to remove the electronic/gearcase assemblies from the left housing halve.
Aug. 2014
CATALOG NO. 2604-20
EXAMPLE: Component Parts (Small #) Are Included
When Ordering The Assembly (Large #).
See page 2 for components and
以内)、工业污染严重、建筑施工现场等大气条件不好的地方。 保养时不要用涂料稀释剂或者任何有机试剂。
人行通道闸机(X 款摆闸)
使用说明书 V1.0.0
Байду номын сангаас 前言
Source(受限制电源)的额定电压供电,具体供电要求以设备标签为准。 请将 I 类结构的产品连接到带保护接地连接的电网电源输出插座上。 器具耦合器为断开装置,正常使用时请保持方便操作的角度。
授权通过闸机时,通道内的对侧不应有人,否则授权后通道不开放,对侧的人退出后通道才 开放。
多人通过时,在记忆模式开启的情况下依次连续授权通过,但连续授权之间的时间间隔建议 2 秒~5 秒。
授权时要注意通行指示灯的显示状态,蓝色表示未进行授权;绿色表示授权成功,允许通行; 红色表示授权失败,禁止通行。
不要试图强行通过通道,本设备有智能防尾随跟进功能和防反向入侵功能,如果强行闯入, 系统会关闭通道,可能对人员造成伤害。
3.1.1 产品外观 ......................
牧田充电式冲击起子电钻 DHP481 使用说明书
型号DHP481能力在石材上钻孔16 mm在钢铁上钻孔13 mm在木材上钻孔76 mm紧固木螺丝10 mm × 90 mm紧固机器螺丝 6 mm空载速度(r/min)高(2)0 - 2,100低(1)0 - 550每分钟锤击数(/min)高(2)0 - 31,500低(1)0 - 8,250长度205 mm 净重 2.7 kg 额定电压 D.C. 18 V • 生产者保留变更规格不另行通知之权利。
• 规格和电池组可能因销往国家之不同而异。
• 重量(带电池组)符合EPTA-Procedure 01/2003符号以下显示本工具使用的符号。
CdNi-MH Li-ion 仅限于欧盟国家请勿将电气设备或电池组与家庭普通废弃物一同丢弃!请务必遵守欧洲关于废弃电子电气设备、电池和蓄电池以及废弃电池和蓄电池的指令并根据法律法规执行。
噪音典型A加权噪音级别(根据EN60745测定):声压级 (L pA) :85 dB(A)声功率级别 (L WA) :96 dB(A)不确定度(K):3 dB(A)佩带耳罩振动振动总值(三轴矢量和)(根据EN60745测定):工作模式:在混凝土上冲击钻孔振动值(a h,ID):6.5 m/s2不确定度(K):1.5 m/s2工作模式:在金属上钻孔振动值 (a h,D) :2.5 m/s2或更低不确定度(K):1.5 m/s2注:声明的振动值系根据标准测试方法测定,可用于相互比较工具。
仅用于欧洲国家EC符合性声明牧田宣布以下设备:设备名称:充电式冲击起子电钻型号/类型:DHP481符合以下欧盟指令:2006/42/EC其生产环节遵循以下标准或标准化文件:EN60745符合2006/42/EC的技术文件可通过以下途径获取:Makita, Jan-Baptist Vinkstraat 2, 3070, Belgium22.8.2013Yasushi FukayaDirectorMakita, Jan-Baptist Vinkstraat 2, 3070,Belgium请通读所有的安全警告和所有的说明事项。
旋转式钻孔破碎岩石的成孔过程: 在磨蚀性小以及中硬以下的岩石中钻孔时,采用 旋转式多刃切割岩石钻孔是很有效方法。 旋转式钻孔过程是钻头在一定轴向压力P的作用下, 连续旋转切割岩石,使其钻刃以螺旋线推进,并将破 碎的岩粉排出孔外,形成圆形炮孔。 旋转式钻孔一般分为炮孔全断面切割岩石钻孔和 取岩芯式圆环切割岩石钻孔。
4、竖井掘进:应用机械化程度较高的环形钻架和伞形钻架。SZ—6 型伞形钻架配用6台YGZ—70型独立回转凿岩机,推进器一次推 进行程为2.5米。可用于净直径5.0—6.6米竖井掘进。
1、凿岩作业的工艺要求 要正确选择和设计凿岩台车,必须了解凿岩作业的工艺要求。 1)、炮孔间距和炮孔方向等凿岩参数要求 无论是平巷掘进或采矿工作面,台车必须按照炮孔设计的要求钻 凿炮孔,确保炮孔的布置规范(炮孔间距和炮孔方向)。因此,台车应 有灵活的移位和摆角机构。在平巷掘进时,由于直线掏槽的推广, 要求支臂有一套平行机构,以保证支臂移位时,推进器能保持平行。 对需要钻凿平行炮孔的采矿台车,也应有平行机构。
上 向 式 凿 岩 机 外 形 图
3、气腿凿岩机:结构较为复杂,以7655(YT23)型气腿凿岩机为例简介 。
气腿类型: 配用FT-160型气 腿;
160千克力; 最大推进行程:
1-手柄;2-柄体;3气缸;4-消音器;5-钎卡;6-钎杆;7-机头; 8-连接螺栓;9-气腿连接轴;10-自动注油器;11-气腿
博世 GBL 18V-120 Professional 无线电钻 起子 冲击起子 操作手册说
2 |English...................................................Page5Français..................................................Page11Português..............................................Página15中文.......................................................页20繁體中文..................................................頁23한국어...............................................페이지26ไทย......................................................หน้า30Bahasa Indonesia.....................................Halaman35Tiếng Việt...............................................Trang39يبرع..................................................ةحفصلا44یسراف..................................................هحفص501 609 92A 4YE | (05.09.2019)Bosch Power Tools|3A1A2(1)(2)(5)(6)(3)(4)(7)(3)(3)GBL 18V-120Bosch Power Tools1 609 92A 4YE | (05.09.2019)4 |B2B3(8)(2)(6)(11)(13)(12)(9)(8)(8)(12)(12)(10)(11)(10)(10)1 609 92A 4YE | (05.09.2019)Bosch Power ToolsEnglish | 5EnglishSafety instructionsGeneral Power Tool Safety WarningsRead all safety warnings, instruc-tions, illustrations and specifica-tions provided with this power tool. Failure to follow all in-structions listed below may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury.Save all warnings and instructions for future reference.The term "power tool" in the warnings refers to your mains-operated (corded) power tool or battery-operated (cord-less) power tool.Work area safetyu Keep work area clean and well lit. Cluttered or dark areas invite accidents.u Do not operate power tools in explosive atmospheres,such as in the presence of flammable liquids, gases or dust. Power tools create sparks which may ignite the dust or fumes.u Keep children and bystanders away while operating a power tool. Distractions can cause you to lose control.Electrical safetyu Power tool plugs must match the outlet. Never modify the plug in any way. Do not use any adapter plugs with earthed (grounded) power tools. Unmodified plugs and matching outlets will reduce risk of electric shock.u Avoid body contact with earthed or grounded sur-faces, such as pipes, radiators, ranges and refrigerat-ors. There is an increased risk of electric shock if your body is earthed or grounded.u Do not expose power tools to rain or wet conditions. Water entering a power tool will increase the risk of elec-tric shock.u Do not abuse the cord. Never use the cord for carry-ing, pulling or unplugging the power tool. Keep cord away from heat, oil, sharp edges or moving parts. Damaged or entangled cords increase the risk of electric shock.u When operating a power tool outdoors, use an exten-sion cord suitable for outdoor use. Use of a cord suit-able for outdoor use reduces the risk of electric shock.u If operating a power tool in a damp location is un-avoidable, use a residual current device (RCD) protec-ted supply. Use of an RCD reduces the risk of electric shock.Personal safetyu Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use common sense when operating a power tool. Do not use a power tool while you are tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol or medication. A moment of inatten-tion while operating power tools may result in serious per-sonal injury.uUse personal protective equipment. Always wear eye protection. Protective equipment such as a dust mask,non-skid safety shoes, hard hat or hearing protection used for appropriate conditions will reduce personal in-juries.uPrevent unintentional starting. Ensure the switch is in the off-position before connecting to power source and/or battery pack, picking up or carrying the tool. Carrying power tools with your finger on the switch or en-ergising power tools that have the switch on invites acci-dents.uRemove any adjusting key or wrench before turning the power tool on. A wrench or a key left attached to a rotating part of the power tool may result in personal in-jury.uDo not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance at all times. This enables better control of the power tool in unexpected situations.uDress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or jew-ellery. Keep your hair and clothing away from moving parts. Loose clothes, jewellery or long hair can be caught in moving parts.uIf devices are provided for the connection of dust ex-traction and collection facilities, ensure these are con-nected and properly used. Use of dust collection can re-duce dust-related hazards.uDo not let familiarity gained from frequent use of tools allow you to become complacent and ignore toolsafety principles. A careless action can cause severe in-jury within a fraction of a second.Power tool use and careu Do not force the power tool. Use the correct power tool for your application. The correct power tool will do the job better and safer at the rate for which it was de-signed.u Do not use the power tool if the switch does not turn it on and off. Any power tool that cannot be controlled with the switch is dangerous and must be repaired.u Disconnect the plug from the power source and/or re-move the battery pack, if detachable, from the power tool before making any adjustments, changing ac-cessories, or storing power tools. Such preventive safety measures reduce the risk of starting the power tool accidentally.u Store idle power tools out of the reach of children and do not allow persons unfamiliar with the power tool or these instructions to operate the power tool. Power tools are dangerous in the hands of untrained users.u Maintain power tools and accessories. Check for mis-alignment or binding of moving parts, breakage of parts and any other condition that may affect the power tool’s operation. If damaged, have the power tool repaired before use. Many accidents are caused by poorly maintained power tools.Bosch Power Tools1 609 92A 4YE | (05.09.2019)6 | EnglishuKeep cutting tools sharp and clean. Properly main-tained cutting tools with sharp cutting edges are less likely to bind and are easier to control.u Use the power tool, accessories and tool bits etc. in accordance with these instructions, taking into ac-count the working conditions and the work to be per-formed. Use of the power tool for operations different from those intended could result in a hazardous situation.u Keep handles and grasping surfaces dry, clean and free from oil and grease. Slippery handles and grasping surfaces do not allow for safe handling and control of the tool in unexpected situations.Battery tool use and careu Recharge only with the charger specified by the manu-facturer. A charger that is suitable for one type of bat-tery pack may create a risk of fire when used with another battery pack.u Use power tools only with specifically designated bat-tery packs. Use of any other battery packs may create a risk of injury and fire.u When battery pack is not in use, keep it away from other metal objects, like paper clips, coins, keys,nails, screws or other small metal objects, that can make a connection from one terminal to another. Shorting the battery terminals together may cause burns or a fire.u Under abusive conditions, liquid may be ejected from the battery; avoid contact. If contact accidentally oc-curs, flush with water. If liquid contacts eyes, addi-tionally seek medical help. Liquid ejected from the bat-tery may cause irritation or burns.u Do not use a battery pack or tool that is damaged or modified. Damaged or modified batteries may exhibit unpredictable behaviour resulting in fire, explosion or risk of injury.u Do not expose a battery pack or tool to fire or excess-ive temperature. Exposure to fire or temperature above 130°C may cause explosion.u Follow all charging instructions and do not charge the battery pack or tool outside the temperature range specified in the instructions. Charging improperly or at temperatures outside the specified range may damage the battery and increase the risk of fire.Serviceu Have your power tool serviced by a qualified repair person using only identical replacement parts. This will ensure that the safety of the power tool is maintained.u Never service damaged battery packs. Service of bat-tery packs should only be performed by the manufacturer or authorized service providers.Safety instructions for bloweruDo not blow any harmful substances, e.g. beech or oak wood dust, rock dust or asbestos. These substances are classified as carcinogenic.uDo not blow any liquids. The penetration of liquids in-creases the risk of an electric shock.u Pay attention that bystanders are not injured by for-eign objects that are blown off by the product.u Keep your fingers away from the openings of the power tool during operation. Only operate the blower with a nozzle attached. The rotating fan can injure you.u Ensure that the workplace is well ventilated.uDo not let children use the power tool unsupervised.Children are at risk of injuring themselves this way.u Wear additional personal protective equipment such as protective glasses and a protective mask. Wearing personal protection equipment appropriate to the condi-upours may be emitted. The battery can set alight or ex-plode. Ensure the area is well ventilated and seek medical attention should you experience any adverse effects. The vapours may irritate the respiratory system.u Do not open the battery. There is a risk of short-circuit-ing.uThe battery can be damaged by pointed objects such as nails or screwdrivers or by force applied externally.An internal short circuit may occur, causing the battery to burn, smoke, explode or overheat.uOnly use the battery with products from the manufac-turer. This is the only way in which you can protect theProduct Description and SpecificationsRead all the safety and general instructions.Failure to observe the safety and general in-structions may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury.ating manual.Intended UseThe power tool is intended for blowing away non-harmful substances (e.g. sawing debris, metal chips, stone dust,etc.) produced during sawing, drilling or grinding. Drill holes can also be blown out with the appropriate accessories.The power tool is not suitable for blowing hot, flammable or explosive materials.1 609 92A 4YE | (05.09.2019)Bosch Power ToolsEnglish | 7Product FeaturesThe numbering of the product features refers to the diagramproduct as standard. You can find the complete selection of accessories in our accessories range.B)Limited performance at temperatures <0 °CTechnical data determined using the battery that comes with the product.AssemblyBattery Chargingu Use only the chargers listed in the technical data. Only these chargers are matched to the lithium-ion battery of your power tool.Note: The battery is supplied partially charged. To ensure full battery capacity, fully charge the battery in the charger before using your tool for the first time.The lithium-ion battery can be charged at any time without reducing its service life. Interrupting the charging process does not damage the battery.The lithium-ion battery is protected against deep discharge by Electronic Cell Protection (ECP). A protective circuit switches the power tool off when the battery is drained.u Do not continue to press the on/off switch after the tool has been automatically switched off. This can damage the battery.Removing the battery (see figures A1 –A2)The battery(3) is equipped with two locking levels to pre-vent the battery from falling out if the battery release but-ton (7) is pressed unintentionally. As long as the battery isinserted in the power tool, it is held in position by means of aspring.–To remove the battery (3), press the release button (7)and pull the battery upwards and out of the power tool.Do not use force to do this.Follow the instructions on correct disposal.Fitting the blower accessories (see figures B1 –B3)u Remove the battery before cleaning or performingmaintenance work on the power tool, before makingtool adjustments, changing accessories or storing thepower tool. This safety measure prevents the power toolfrom being started accidentally.See the illustration for ways of combining the differentblower accessories.–Insert the bayonet lock (12) of the accessory firmly intothe recesses (8) of the motor housing or into the re-cesses(8) of the extension tube (9).–Turn the bayonet lock a quarter turn clockwise.Fitting the dust collection tubeWhen blowing out drill holes, the drilling debris is blown inthe direction of the operator. For this reason, it is recom-mended that you fit the dust collection tube (11) over thedrill hole nozzle (10).–Place the recesses (13) of the dust collection tube (11)over the outer bayonet lock (12) of the drill hole nozzle(10).–Turn the dust collection tube (11) a quarter turn clock-wise.Bosch Power Tools 1 609 92A 4YE | (05.09.2019)8 | EnglishOperationuRemove the battery before cleaning or performing maintenance work on the power tool, before making tool adjustments, changing accessories or storing the power tool. This safety measure prevents the power tool from being started accidentally.Starting OperationSwitching on/off–To switch on the power tool, press the on/off switch (1)into position I or II .Position I : For blowing light materials. Position II : For blowing heavy materials.–To switch off, push the on/off switch (1) into the stop in position "0".Working AdviceNever blow dirt in the direction of bystanders.Always hold the power tool approx. 3 cm above the ground when working.Do not blow hot, flammable or explosive material.Ensure that the air inlet (4) cannot suck in any impurities while blowing is taking place.Maintenance and ServiceMaintenance and CleaninguRemove the battery from the power tool before carry-ing out work on the power tool (e.g. maintenance,changing tool, etc.). The battery should also be re-moved for transport and storage. There is risk of injury from unintentionally pressing the on/off switch.u To ensure safe and efficient operation, always keep the power tool and the ventilation slots clean.After-Sales Service and Application ServiceOur after-sales service responds to your questions concern-ing maintenance and repair of your product as well as spare parts. You can find explosion drawings and information on spare parts at: The Bosch product use advice team will be happy to help you with any questions about our products and their accessor-ies.In all correspondence and spare parts orders, please always include the 10‑digit article number given on the nameplate of the product.CambodiaRobert Bosch (Cambodia) Co., LtdUnit 8BC, GT Tower, 08th Floor, Street 169, Czechoslovakia Blvd, Sangkat Veal Vong Khan 7 Makara, Phnom Penh VAT TIN: 100 169 511 Tel.: +855 23 900 685Tel.: +855 23 900 660 .khPeople’s Republic of China China MainlandBosch Power Tool (China) Co. Ltd.Bosch Service Center 567, Bin Kang Road Bin Kang DistrictHangzhou, Zhejiang Province China 310052Tel.: (0571) 8887 5566 / 5588Fax: (0571) 8887 6688 x 5566# / 5588# E-Mail:***************.com HK and Macau Special Administrative Regions Robert Bosch Co. Ltd.Flat B, 2/F, Yeung Yiu Chung No. 6 Industrial Building,19 Cheung Shun Street Cheung Sha Wan Kowloon, Hong KongCustomer Service Hotline: +852 2101 0235Fax: +852 2590 9762E-Mail:*************.com IndiaBosch Service Center69, Habibullah Road, (Next to PSBB School), T. Nagar Chennai–600077Phone: (044) 64561816Bosch Service Center 18, Community Center Phase 1, Mayapuri New Delhi–110064 Phone: (011) 43166190IndonesiaPT Robert BoschPalma Tower 10th FloorJalan RA Kartini II-S Kaveling 6Pondok Pinang, Kebayoran Lama Jakarta Selatan 12310 Tel.: (21) 3005-5800 www.bosch-pt.co.idMalaysiaRobert Bosch Sdn. Bhd.(220975-V) PT/SMY No. 8A, Jalan 13/646200 Petaling Jaya SelangorTel.: (03) 79663194Toll-Free: 1800 880188Fax: (03) 79583838E-Mail:**********************.com .myPakistanRobert Bosch Middle East FZE – Pakistan Liaison Office 2nd Floor Plaza # 10, CCA Block, DHA Phase 5 Lahore, 548101 609 92A 4YE | (05.09.2019)Bosch Power ToolsEnglish | 9Phone: +92(303)4444311 Email:*********************PhilippinesRobert Bosch, Inc.28th Floor Fort Legend Towers, 3rd Avenue corner 31st Street,Fort Bonifacio, Global City, 1634 Taguig City Tel.: (632) 8703871 Fax: (632) 8703870 .phSingaporePowerwell Service Centre Ptd LtdBosch Authorised Service Centre (Power Tools)4012 Ang Mo Kio Ave 10, #01-02 TECHplace Singapore 569628Tel.: 6452 1770 Fax: 6452 1760E-Mail:******************* .sgThailandRobert Bosch Ltd.FYI Center Tower 1, 5th Floor,2525 Rama IV Road, Klongtoei,Bangkok 10110Tel.: 02 0128888Fax: 02 0645802 www.bosch.co.thBosch Service – Training CentreLa Salle Tower Ground Floor Unit No.210/11 La Salle Moo 16Srinakharin Road Bangkaew, Bang Plee Samutprakarn 10540Tel.: 02 7587555Fax: 02 7587525VietnamBranch of Bosch Vietnam Co., Ltd in HCMC 14th floor, Deutsches Haus, 33 Le Duan Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel.: (028) 6258 3690Fax: (028) 6258 3692 - 6258 3694 Hotline: (028) 6250 8555Email:**************************.com .vnBahrainEA Juffali and Brothers for Technical Equipment Company.Kingdom of Bahrain, Al Aker - Block 0624 - Road 2403 -Building 0055DPhone: +97317704537Fax: +973177045257Email:*****************.sa Egypt RBEG-LLC22 Kamal Eldin HusseinSheraton Heliopolis 11799 CairoE-mail:******************************.com IranRobert Bosch Iran3rd Floor, No 3, Maadiran Building Aftab St., Khodami St., Vanak Sq.Tehran 1994834571 Phone: +9821- 86092057IraqSahba Technology Group Al Muthana airport road BaghdadPhone Bagdad: +964 (0) 7 901 930366Phone Dubai: +971 (0) 4 422 1898Email:**************************JordanRoots Arabia – JordanAl-Hurriyah Street, Al-Muqabalein Amman 11623, Jordan P.O. Box: 110068Tel. : +962 6 4398990E-mail:*********************KuwaitShuwaikh Industrial Area, Block 1, Plot 16, Street 3rd P.O. Box 164 – Safat 13002 Phone: +965 - 2496 88 88Fax: +965 - 2481 08 79E-mail:***********************LebanonTehini Hana & Co. S.A.R.L. P.O. Box 90-449 Jdeideh 1202 2040Dora-BeirutPhone: +9611255211Email:**************************LibyaEl Naser for Workshop Tools Swanee Road, Alfalah Area TripoliPhone: +218 21 4811184OmanMalatan Trading & Contracting LLC P.O. Box 131, Ruwi, MuscatPostal Code: 112, Sultanate of Oman Phone: +968 2479 4035/4089/4901Mob: +968-91315465Fax: +968 2479 4058E-Mail:***********************QatarInternational Construction Solutions W L L P. O. Box 51, DohaPhone: +974 40065458Fax: +974 4453 8585Email:***************Bosch Power Tools1 609 92A 4YE | (05.09.2019)10 | EnglishSaudi ArabiaJuffali Technical Equipment Co. (JTECO) P.O.Box: 1049 – Jeddah 21431 – KSA Jeddah: 00966 (0) 12 692 0770 – Ext 433Riyadh: 00966 (0) 11 409 3976 – Ext-30/34/39 Dammam: 00966 (0) 13 833 9565E-mail:****************.saSyriaDallal Establishment for Power ToolsDamascus. Baramkeh street - Ibn Amer street, Phone: +963112241006 or 009631122414009Mobile: 00963991141005Email:***********************United Arab EmiratesCentral Motors & Equipment,P.O. Box 26255, DubaiDubai: 00971 (0) 4 3090920/3090930Abu Dhabi: 00971 (0) 2 4017745Sharjah: 00971 (0) 6 5932777Al Ain: 00971 (0) 3 7157419E-Mail:********************************YemenAbu Alrejal Trading Corporation P.O. Box : 17024 , Zubeiry St.Sana'a, YemenTel: +967-1-20 20 10Fax: +967-1-47 19 17E-mail:*************************/********************Ethiopia Forever plcKebele 2,754, BP 4806, Addis AbabaPhone: +251 111 560 600 Email:**********************GhanaRobert Bosch Ghana Limited21 Kofi Annan Road Airport Residential Area Accra Tel. +233 (0)3027 94616KenyaRobert Bosch East Africa Ltd Mpaka Road P.O. Box 856 00606 NairobiNigeriaRobert Bosch Nigeria Ltd.52–54 Isaac John Street P.O. Box GRA Ikeja – LagosTanzaniaDiesel & Autoelectric Service Ltd. 117 Nyerere Rd., P.O. Box 70839 Vingunguti 12109, Dar Es Salaam Phone: +255 222 861 793/794Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands Robert Bosch Australia Pty. Ltd.Power Tools Locked Bag 66Clayton South VIC 3169Customer Contact Center Inside Australia:Phone: (01300) 307044Fax: (01300) 307045Inside New Zealand:Phone: (0800) 543353Fax: (0800) 428570Outside AU and NZ:Phone: +61 3 95415555 .au Republic of South Africa Customer serviceHotline: (011) 6519600Gauteng – BSC Service Centre 35 Roper Street, New Centre JohannesburgTel.: (011) 4939375 Fax: (011) 4930126E-Mail:****************.za KZN – BSC Service Centre Unit E, Almar Centre 143 Crompton Street PinetownTel.: (031) 7012120 Fax: (031) 7012446E-Mail:****************.comWestern Cape – BSC Service Centre Democracy Way, Prosperity Park MilnertonTel.: (021) 5512577 Fax: (021) 5513223 E-Mail:**********.za Bosch Headquarters Midrand, Gauteng Tel.: (011) 6519600 Fax: (011) 6519880E-Mail:********************.com Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia Robert Bosch Ltd.David Agmashenebeli ave. 610102 Tbilisi, Georgia Tel. +Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan,UzbekistanTOO “Robert Bosch” Power Tools, After Sales Service Muratbaev Ave., 180050012, Almaty, KazakhstanServiceEmail:***********************Official Website: , TransportThe contained lithium-ion batteries are subject to the Dan-gerous Goods Legislation requirements. The batteries are1 609 92A 4YE | (05.09.2019)Bosch Power ToolsFrançais | 11suitable for road-transport by the user without further re-strictions.When shipping by third parties (e.g.: by air transport or for-warding agency), special requirements on packaging and la-belling must be observed. For preparation of the item beingshipped, consulting an expert for hazardous material is re-quired.Dispatch battery packs only when the housing is undam-aged. Tape or mask off open contacts and pack up the bat-tery in such a manner that it cannot move around in the packaging. Please also observe the possibility of more de-tailed national regulations.Battery packs/batteries:Li-ion:Please observe the notes in the section on transport (see "Transport", page 10).Français Consignes de sécuritéAvertissements de sécurité généraux pour l’outil électrique Lire tous les avertissements de sé-curité, les instructions, les illustra-tions et les spécifications fournis avec cet outil électrique. Ne pas suivre les instructions énumérées ci-dessous peut provoquer un choc électrique,un incendie et/ou une blessure sérieuse.Conserver tous les avertissements et toutes les instruc-tions pour pouvoir s'y reporter ultérieurement.Le terme "outil électrique" dans les avertissements fait réfé-rence à votre outil électrique alimenté par le secteur (avec cordon d’alimentation) ou votre outil électrique fonctionnant sur batterie (sans cordon d’alimentation).Sécurité de la zone de travail u Conserver la zone de travail propre et bien éclairée. Les zones en désordre ou sombres sont propices aux ac-cidents.u Ne pas faire fonctionner les outils électriques en at-mosphère explosive, par exemple en présence de li-quides inflammables, de gaz ou de poussières. Les ou-tils électriques produisent des étincelles qui peuvent en-flammer les poussières ou les fumées.u Maintenir les enfants et les personnes présentes àl’écart pendant l’utilisation de l’outil électrique. Les distractions peuvent vous faire perdre le contrôle de l’ou-til.Sécurité électrique u Il faut que les fiches de l’outil électrique soient adap-tées au socle. Ne jamais modifier la fiche de quelque façon que ce soit. Ne pas utiliser d’adaptateurs avec des outils électriques à branchement de terre. Des fiches non modifiées et des socles adaptés réduisent le risque de choc électrique.u Éviter tout contact du corps avec des surfaces reliéesà la terre telles que les tuyaux, les radiateurs, les cui-sinières et les réfrigérateurs. Il existe un risque accru de choc électrique si votre corps est relié à la terre.u Ne pas exposer les outils électriques à la pluie ou à des conditions humides. La pénétration d‘eau à l’intérieur d’un outil électrique augmente le risque de choc élec-trique.u Ne pas maltraiter le cordon. Ne jamais utiliser le cor-don pour porter, tirer ou débrancher l’outil électrique.Maintenir le cordon à l’écart de la chaleur, du lubri-fiant, des arêtes vives ou des parties en mouvement. Des cordons endommagés ou emmêlés augmentent lerisque de choc électrique.u Lorsqu’on utilise un outil électrique à l’extérieur, utili-ser un prolongateur adapté à l’utilisation extérieure.L’utilisation d’un cordon adapté à l’utilisation extérieureréduit le risque de choc électrique.u Si l'usage d'un outil électrique dans un emplacementhumide est inévitable, utiliser une alimentation proté-gée par un dispositif à courant différentiel résiduel(RCD). L'usage d'un RCD réduit le risque de choc élec-trique.Sécurité des personnesu Rester vigilant, regarder ce que vous êtes en train de faire et faire preuve de bon sens dans votre utilisationde l’outil électrique. Ne pas utiliser un outil électrique lorsque vous êtes fatigué ou sous l’emprise de drogues, de l’alcool ou de médicaments. Un moment d’inattention en cours d’utilisation d’un outil électrique peut entraîner des blessures graves.u Utiliser un équipement de protection individuelle.Toujours porter une protection pour les yeux. Les équipements de protection individuelle tels que les masques contre les poussières, les chaussures de sécuri-té antidérapantes, les casques ou les protections audi-tives utilisés pour les conditions appropriées réduisent les blessures.u Éviter tout démarrage intempestif. S’assurer que l’in-terrupteur est en position arrêt avant de brancher l’outil au secteur et/ou au bloc de batteries, de le ra-masser ou de le porter. Porter les outils électriques en ayant le doigt sur l’interrupteur ou brancher des outils électriques dont l’interrupteur est en position marche est source d’accidents.12 | Françaisu Retirer toute clé de réglage avant de mettre l’outilélectrique en marche. Une clé laissée fixée sur une par-tie tournante de l’outil électrique peut donner lieu à des blessures.u Ne pas se précipiter. Garder une position et un équi-libre adaptés à tout moment. Cela permet un meilleur contrôle de l’outil électrique dans des situations inatten-dues.u S’habiller de manière adaptée. Ne pas porter de vête-ments amples ou de bijoux. Garder les cheveux et les vêtements à distance des parties en mouvement. Des vêtements amples, des bijoux ou les cheveux longs peuvent être pris dans des parties en mouvement.u Si des dispositifs sont fournis pour le raccordement d’équipements pour l’extraction et la récupération des poussières, s’assurer qu’ils sont connectés et correc-tement utilisés. Utiliser des collecteurs de poussière peut réduire les risques dus aux poussières.u Rester vigilant et ne pas négliger les principes de sé-curité de l'outil sous prétexte que vous avez l'habitude de l'utiliser. Une fraction de seconde d'inattention peut provoquer une blessure grave.Utilisation et entretien de l’outil électriqueu Ne pas forcer l’outil électrique. Utiliser l’outil élec-trique adapté à votre application. L’outil électrique adapté réalise mieux le travail et de manière plus sûre au régime pour lequel il a été construit.u Ne pas utiliser l’outil électrique si l’interrupteur ne permet pas de passer de l’état de marche à arrêt et in-versement. Tout outil électrique qui ne peut pas être commandé par l’interrupteur est dangereux et il faut le ré-parer.u Débrancher la fiche de la source d’alimentation et/ou enlever le bloc de batteries, s'il est amovible, avant tout réglage, changement d’accessoires ou avant de ranger l’outil électrique. De telles mesures de sécuritépréventives réduisent le risque de démarrage accidentel de l’outil électrique.u Conserver les outils électriques à l’arrêt hors de la portée des enfants et ne pas permettre à des per-sonnes ne connaissant pas l’outil électrique ou les pré-sentes instructions de le faire fonctionner. Les outils électriques sont dangereux entre les mains d’utilisateurs novices.u Observer la maintenance des outils électriques et des accessoires. Vérifier qu’il n’y a pas de mauvais aligne-ment ou de blocage des parties mobiles, des pièces cassées ou toute autre condition pouvant affecter le fonctionnement de l’outil électrique. En cas de dom-mages, faire réparer l’outil électrique avant de l’utili-ser. De nombreux accidents sont dus à des outils élec-triques mal entretenus.u Garder affûtés et propres les outils permettant de couper. Des outils destinés à couper correctement en-tretenus avec des pièces coupantes tranchantes sontmoins susceptibles de bloquer et sont plus faciles àcontrôler.u Utiliser l’outil électrique, les accessoires et les lames etc., conformément à ces instructions, en tenant compte des conditions de travail et du travail à réali-ser. L’utilisation de l’outil électrique pour des opérations différentes de celles prévues peut donner lieu à des situa-tions dangereuses.u Il faut que les poignées et les surfaces de préhension restent sèches, propres et dépourvues d'huiles et de graisses. Des poignées et des surfaces de préhension glissantes rendent impossibles la manipulation et le contrôle en toute sécurité de l'outil dans les situations in-attendues.Utilisation des outils fonctionnant sur batteries etprécautions d’emploiu Ne recharger qu’avec le chargeur spécifié par le fabri-cant. Un chargeur qui est adapté à un type de bloc de batteries peut créer un risque de feu lorsqu’il est utiliséavec un autre type de bloc de batteries.u N’utiliser les outils électriques qu’avec des blocs de batteries spécifiquement désignés. L’utilisation de tout autre bloc de batteries peut créer un risque de blessure et de feu.u Lorsqu’un bloc de batteries n’est pas utilisé, le mainte-nir à l’écart de tout autre objet métallique, par exemple trombones, pièces de monnaie, clés, clous, vis ou autres objets de petite taille qui peuvent donner lieu à une connexion d’une borne à une autre. Le court-circuitage des bornes d’une batterie entre elles peut cau-ser des brûlures ou un feu.u Dans de mauvaises conditions, du liquide peut êtreéjecté de la batterie; éviter tout contact. En cas de contact accidentel, nettoyer à l’eau. Si le liquide entre en contact avec les yeux, rechercher en plus une aide médicale. Le liquide éjecté des batteries peut causer des irritations ou des brûlures.u Ne pas utiliser un bloc de batteries ou un outil fonc-tionnant sur batteries qui a été endommagé ou modi-fié. Les batteries endommagées ou modifiées peuvent avoir un comportement imprévisible provoquant un feu, une explosion ou un risque de blessure.u Ne pas exposer un bloc de batteries ou un outil fonc-tionnant sur batteries au feu ou à une température ex-cessive. Une exposition au feu ou à une température su-périeure à 130°C peut provoquer une explosion.u Suivre toutes les instructions de charge et ne pas charger le bloc de batteries ou l'outil fonctionnant sur batteries hors de la plage de températures spécifiée dans les instructions. Un chargement incorrect ou à des températures hors de la plage spécifiée de températures peut endommager la batterie et augmenter le risque de feu.Maintenance et entretienu Faire entretenir l’outil électrique par un réparateur qualifié utilisant uniquement des pièces de rechange。
和使用要求 。 b )减速 装置 : 根据 不 同规 格产 品对转 速
和冲击次数 的要求 ,减速装置可以是一级变速 , 也可 以是二级变速 。国 内企业 生产的冲击 电钻
般是二级变速 ,减速齿 轮多为变位齿轮 ,由
优质合金钢制成 ,并经高频热处理。减速箱箱 体一般用铝合金压铸而成。
适度。辅助手柄 安装在工具的前端 ,能任意角 度转动 ,以适应各 种姿势操作 ,使 操作者在 作 业时更加灵活 、方便 、有力 。
2 )工 作原 理
当工具通 以 2 0 2 V、5Hz 流 电时 ,揿下 0 交
开 关,电机起动运转 ,电枢转动带动减速齿轮
图 l 冲 击 电钻 示 意 图
g )辅助手柄 : 一般采用工程塑料注塑而成 ,
钻上 ,使得冲击 电钻的单位重量 出力有较大提
高 ,不仅改善了产 品性 能,还满足 了不同用途、 不同层 次用户的需求。此外 ,可充 电式冲击 电 钻 的生产和运用也 已十分普遍 。
2 结构特点和工作原理
1 )结构特点
有的外表面覆盖有合成橡胶 ,以增 加握持的舒
7 )对长期搁置不用 的冲击 电钻 ,在使用前 应首先进行 绝缘 电阻检查 。如果绕组对机壳 的 绝缘 电阻小于 7 Q 时 ,必 须对 绕组进行干燥 M
旋转 ,主轴输 出机械功率 。当冲 、钻调节钮调
至钻削位置时 ,工具主轴处于 电钻状态 ; 当冲、
冲击 电钻是一种旋转带冲击的手持式 电动 工具 ( 1 ,主要有 以下部件组成 : 图 ) a )电动机 : 冲击 电钻 ( 除可充 电式外 )的 电机采用双重绝缘结构 的单相 串励 电动机 ,其 机壳 、手柄均 采用热塑 性工程 塑料注 塑而成 ,
EXAMPLE: 0 Component Parts (Small #) Are Included When Ordering The Assembly (Large #).
49Biblioteka DESCRIPTION OF PART NO. REQ. Service Nameplate (Not Shown) (1) Carrying Case (1) 4-20 x 5/8" Pan Hd. Plastite T-10 Scr (7) Anvil Spring (1) Gearcase Assembly (1) Front Gearcase with Bushing (1) Belt Clip Assembly (1) Rotor Assembly (1) Handle Assembly (1) Impacting Assembly (1) Electronics Assembly (1) POP Switch (1) Spanish/French Warning Label (1) U-Shaped Stamping/Wire Kit (Page 2) (1)
LUBRICATION (Type 'J' Grease, No. 49-08-4220): Lightly coat front washer surface of anvil (11a) with grease, place a dab in the ball slot of anvil. Lightly coat the I.D. of the ring gear (24) and the center of the planet gears of impacting assembly with grease. Coat inside of bushing inside front gearcase with grease. Coat pinion of rotor assembly (59) with grease. MILWAUKEE ELECTRIC TOOL CORPORATION 13135 W. Lisbon Road, Brookfield, WI 53005
钻井事故典型案例分析(二勘钻井公司)2004年5月31日目录钻井事故典型案例分析 (1)编绪 (1)一、卡钻事故 (2)1、迪那201井卡钻 (2)2、窿108井卡钻 (4)3、砂新1井卡钻 (6)4、塔中471C井遇卡处理 (8)5、沙96井卡钻 (8)6、哈德4-16H井卡钻 (9)7、轮古13井卡钻 (10)8、轮古13井卡钻 (11)9、塔中41X1井卡钻 (12)10、大北2井卡钻导致侧钻 (13)11、哈得4-25H井卡钻事故 (15)12、TZ40-H7井卡钻 (17)13、YH7—H1井卡钻 (19)14、YH7—H1井卡钻 (19)15、TZ68井垮塌卡钻导致侧钻 (20)二、钻头事故 (22)1、塔中41井掉牙轮 (22)2、塔中41X1井掉牙轮 (23)3、塔中67井钻头巴掌断 (24)4、哈得4-25H掉牙轮事故 (25)5、哈得4-46井掉牙轮事故 (26)6、TZ40—H3井钻头从井壁掉至井底 (27)三、钻具事故 (28)1、迪那201井断钻具 (28)2、轮古13井断钻具 (31)3、哈得4—25H井断钻具事故 (32)4、HD4—29H钻具接头事故 (34)5、YH7—H1井钻具事故 (35)6、TZ62井钻具事故 (37)7、TZ40—H7井钻具事故 (38)8、TK226井钻具事故 (39)9、LG202井钻具事故 (46)10、TZ68井划眼钻具倒扣导致侧钻 (48)11、TZ68井侧钻期间断钻具事故 (53)四、测井事故 (54)1、轮古13井卡电缆 (54)2、轮古13井断电缆 (55)3、塔中41X1井卡电测仪器 (56)4、哈得4-25H井电测仪器落井事故 (56)5、哈得4-46井卡电测仪及断电缆事故 (58)6、红旗1—1井电测仪扶正弹簧片掉井 (60)7、YH7—H1井多点仪掉井 (61)五、填井纠斜侧钻 (61)1、轮古13井填井纠斜 (61)2、塔中67井填井纠斜 (62)3、轮古42井填井纠斜 (63)4、哈德4-16H井填井侧钻 (63)5、YH7—H1井侧钻期间三次卡钻情况 (65)六、固井复杂引发事故 (67)1、轮古42井表层套管固井复杂 (67)2、轮古42井7 套管固井复杂 (68)3、YH7—H1井挤水泥事故 (69)4、YH7—H1井挤水泥事故 (71)七、井漏.井塌 (76)1、油南1井井漏 (76)2、大北2井井漏 (77)3、迪那201井井漏 (77)4、轮南2-34-1井井塌复杂情况 (78)5、哈得4-22H井复杂情况 (79)6、大宛109-11井井漏复杂 (80)7、哈得401井地层垮塌导致侧钻 (80)八、其它事故 (81)1、TZ62井单吊环折断钻具事故 (81)2、塔中4-8-30井试油期间井喷事故 (83)3、塔中4-28-12井遇卡处理不当造成顿钻 (84)4、牙哈701井13 3/8″套管落井事故 (85)钻井事故典型案例分析编绪钻井是一项隐蔽的地下工程,要找油气等资源,就要钻井。
M3 x 16mm T-10 ST Screw (Gearcase) (4)
M3 x 16mm T-10 ST Screw (Handle Halves) (5)
M3 x 16mm T-10 ST Screw (Rear Cap) (4)
M3 x 14mm T-10 ST Screw (Handle Halves) (2)
1 05-88-1500 Chuck Screw
2 42-66-0215 1/2” Keyless Chuck
3.1 05-81-0542 Speed Selector Lever Screw 3.5±1
19.1 06-82-6350 Gearcase Assembly Screw 7.0±2.5
BULLETIN NO. 54-24-2661
00 0
19.3 (4x)
CATALOG NO. 2604-20
3.4 3.3
6 7.1
6.2 4 11 5
5 11
Orient Speed Selector Lever (3.2) as shown
FIG. PART NO. 1 05-88-1500 2 42-66-0215 3 14-29-2604 3.1 05-81-0542 3.2 44-10-2603 3.3 --------------3.4 --------------4 45-24-2603 5 42-42-2603 6 31-44-2603 6.1 --------------6.2 --------------6.3 --------------7 14-20-2604 7.1 --------------8 16-07-2603 9 42-55-2604 10 42-62-0526 11 40-50-1135 12 12-20-2604 13 42-42-2604
一、准备工作1. 穿戴个人防护装备,包括安全眼镜、工作手套和耳塞。
2. 检查电钻是否处于关闭状态,并确保电源线连接稳固。
3. 根据工作需求选择合适的电钻钻头,并确保其安装正确。
二、调整电钻1. 根据工作要求,调整电钻的转速开关。
2. 调整电钻的扭力控制环,以防止过度拧紧或损坏螺钉和工件。
三、定位工件1. 确定要打孔或拧紧螺钉的位置,并用合适的工具标记出来。
2. 确保工件稳固地固定在工作台上,并使用夹子或其他固定装置固定住。
四、开始操作1. 将电钻握紧,确保手柄紧密贴合手掌,以提供更好的控制力。
2. 将钻头或螺丝刀对准标记点,将电钻轻轻放到工件上。
3. 启动电钻,使用适度的压力沿着预定的方向进行工作。
4. 如果需要调整钻孔深度,可以使用电钻上的深度限制器。
五、保持安全1. 注意电源线的位置,确保不会被操作者或其他物体绊到。
2. 在操作中保持稳定的姿势和平衡,避免身体摇晃或支撑不稳。
3. 避免过度使用电钻,以免过热损坏工具。
4. 如果操作中出现异常或电钻损坏,请立即停止使用并联系专业人士进行检修。
六、操作完成1. 完成操作后,关闭电钻并断开电源。
2. 将电钻和相关配件妥善存放,并避免儿童接触。
M18 FUEL 38mm 磁性钻操作手册说明书
Remove any adjusting key or wrench before
SHale Waihona Puke FETY WARNINGSturning the power tool on. A wrench or a key left attached to a rotating part of the power tool may
follow all instructions listed below may result in of the power tool in unexpected situations.
Save all Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or
warnings and instructions for future reference. jewelry. Keep your hair and clothing away from
liquids, gases or dust. Power tools create sparks which may ignite the dust or fumes.
ignore tool safety principles. A careless action can cause severe injury within a fraction of a second.
Keep children and bystanders away while operat-
ing a power tool. Distractions can cause you to lose Do not force the power tool. Use the correct power
………………………………我所讲的方法只是我在加工中的一些经验,也希望能帮助到我们同行的兄弟们,由于我们厂每年都要做一个客户的不锈钢产品,就是一根十毫米粗的不锈钢管,一米多长,璧厚4毫米,然后圆管上有45或46个0.5毫米的孔要和钢管2亳米内径打穿,一年大概有两千多根,在我刚应骋到这个厂时,说实话,以前我在加工中心上只钻过一毫米以上的孔,而且材料都是塑料,铝合金之类的,所以也没什么难度,但到这个厂我看到加工的是不锈钢材料的,而且孔径0.5,有些品种孔还要小时头有些大,由于刚在新厂上班,我上一个编程还没走,老板交待他和我做交接方面的工作,我就问他这个不锈钢加工一根多长时间,加工多少会断钻头等等一些问题,他大概的和我讲了下,然后拿出几小塑料袋断的钻头说,这都是用断的,好的话四个小时,不顺利的话一个小时不到就断,一天最多打十几根,一根六十块加工费,我们是来料加工,钢管两头m6 螺纹数车做,我们加工中心只钻孔,我心里算了下这一天下来12小时也就做八百块左右。
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MILWAUKEE ELECTRIC TOOL CORPORATION13135 W. Lisbon Road, Brook fi eld, WI 53005Drwg. 4FIG. PART NO. DESCRIPTION OF PART NO. REQ. 1 31-12-0575 Rubber Cap (1) 2 45-22-2653 Sleeve (1) 3 34-60-0725 Retaining Ring (1) 4 45-88-1880 Washer (1) 5 40-50-1470 Spring (1) 6 --------------- Anvil Bushing (Not Shown) (1) 9 45-88-2135 Plastic Washer (1) 10 02-02-0170 3.5mm Steel Ball (1) 11a 42-06-0720 1/4" Hex Anvil (1) 12 02-02-1300 5mm Steel Ball (1) 19 02-02-0180 4.7mm Steel Ball (2) 22 --------------- Ball Bearing (1) 23 --------------- Gearcase End Cap (1) 24 --------------- Ring Gear (1) 25 44-66-1065 Gearcase End Cap Assembly (1) 27 --------------- Stator Assembly (1) 28 45-30-0300 Rubber Slug (4) 34 --------------- PCBA (1) 35 --------------- On-Off Switch (1) 36 --------------- Terminal Block Assembly (1) 37 45-24-0810 Fwd/Rev Shuttle (1) 38 40-50-1135 Spring (1) 42 42-70-0055 Housing Connection Clip (1) 43 --------------- Left Handle Halve with Fuel Gauge (1) 44 42-70-0580 Belt Clip (1) 45 --------------- Belt Hook Screw (1) 46 06-82-1090 M3 x 7mm Pan Hd. Plastite Screw (2)FIG.PART NO. DESCRIPTION OF PART NO. REQ. 47 --------------- Right Handle Halve (1) 48 12-20-2435 Service Nameplate (Not Shown) (1) 49 42-55-1060 Carrying Case (1) 50 06-82-7236 4-20 x 5/8" Pan Hd. Plastite T-10 Scr (7) 51 40-50-0012 Anvil Spring (1) 56 14-30-1170 Gearcase Assembly (1) 57 28-50-0920 Front Gearcase with Bushing (1) 58 42-70-0490 Belt Clip Assembly (1) 59 16-07-0420 Rotor Assembly (1) 60 31-44-2453 Handle Assembly (1) 61 14-30-1200 Impacting Assembly (1) 62 14-20-1520 Electronics Assembly (1) 63 23-66-2455 POP Switch (1) 64 10-20-2845 Spanish/French Warning Label (1)FIG. LUBRICATION(Type 'J' Grease, No. 49-08-4220):10,11a Lightly coat front washer surface of anvil (11a) with grease, place a dab in the ball slot of anvil.24,61 Lightly coat the I.D. of the ring gear (24) and the center ofthe planet gears of impacting assembly with grease. 57 Coat inside of bushing inside front gearcase with grease. 59Coat pinion of rotor assembly (59) with grease.Updated M12™ Handle Sets utilize Housing Connection Clips No. 42-70-0055 and 42-70-0058. (The 42-70-0058 is a preferred upgrade). Install this clip design by aligning the side rails of the clip with the two slots in the handle set. Gently push into place with the aid of a small flat blade screwdriver or a similar instrument.Be sure that the clip is properly seated in both slots and that the tab of the clip snaps down in the round dimpled cavity of the handle set. Be sure that the clip is flush to sub-flush to the end of the handle set. To remove the clip, use the same small flat blade screwdriver or a similar instrument and lift up on the clip tab while pushing the clip out of the handle set. Use a needle nose pliers to gently rebend the clip tab if necessary. If the tab on the clip is damaged during this process and is loose or will not stay in place, replace with a new 42-70-0058 clip. Early M12™ Handle Sets utilize Housing Connection Clip No. 42-70-0055. Install this clip design by aligning the side rails of the clip with the two slots in the handle set. Gentlypush into place with the aid of a small flatblade screwdriver or a similar instrument. Be sure that the clip is properly seated in bothslots and that the clip is flush to sub-flush tothe end of the handle set. To remove the clip, use the same small flat blade screwdriver or a similar instrument and push the clip out of the handle set. If the clip is loose or will not stay in place, a needle nose pliers can be used to gently bend/pinch the side rails of the clip. Ifthe clip is damaged do not use, replace with a new 42-70-0055 housing clip.Newer M12™ Handle Sets utilize Housing Connection Clip No. 42-70-0058. Install this clip design by aligning the side rails of the clip with the two slots in the handle set. Gentlypush into place with the aid of a small flat blade screwdriver or a similar instrument. Be surethat the clip is properly seated in both slots and that the tab of the clip snaps down in the rectangular cavity of the handle set. Be surethat the clip is flush to sub-flush to the end of the handle set. To remove the clip, use the same small flat blade screwdriver or a similar instrument and lift the clip tab out of the cavity while pushing the clip out of the handle set.Use a needle nose pliers to gently rebend the clip tab if necessary. If the tab on the clip is damaged during this process and is loose orwill not stay in place, replace with a new42-70-0058 clip.。