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Section Ⅰ
Warm­up & Lesson 1 — Pre­reading
[读文清障] [原文呈现] A Check your spelling ①have trouble/difficulty ① “Have you ever had trouble trying to (in) doing sth. 做某事 spell a word?” I asked my husband one day. “Yes, sometimes. Why, what 有困难 happened?” he asked. “This afternoon, I ②where 引导定语从句。 was in the town centre, where I had been doing some shopping②.
I ncreases Job S ati sfacti on :H um our i m proves com m uni cati on , creati vi ty and overal lperform ance i n the w orkpl ace. I m proves C ounsel i ng S essi ons (咨询会) :Laughter i s thought to be one of the easi est w ays that hum ans si gnal support and “i ti s safe to rel ax here ” . I m proves C l assroom I nteracti ons: H um our encourages students’ di scussi ons and i ncreases course enj oym ent.
have any money left③ so I quickly went to the bank ④to cash a cheque⑤. I wanted to withdraw
⑦ ⑥
remaining adj.剩下的,作前置 定语。 ④to cash a cheque 为目的状语。⑤cash a cheque 兑现支票 ⑥withdraw/wIð ’drɔː/vt.提取; 撤退
M aki ng ti m e to l augh can boost ( 促进) your heal th. S om e researchers bel i eve l aughi ng i s good. B urns C al ori es:Laughi ng for 10 to 15 m i nutes rai ses energy expendi ture ( 花费;消耗) , i ncreases heart rate , and can burn up to 40 cal ori es.
H el ps K i ds Tol erate P ai n :C artoons can hel p chi l dren cope w i th pai nful procedures, such as needl es or to the denti st. H um our hel ps ki ds tol erate pai nl onger.
C auses “R unner’s H i gh ” :Laughi ng i ncreases endorphi ns ( 内啡肽) , reduces stress and strengthens the i m m une system . P rotects A gai nst H eart D i sease :R esearch suggests that a good sense of hum our w ards off heart attacks. Laughter w i dens bl ood vessel s so bl ood fl ow s m ore freel y. S trengthens the I m m une S ystem : S tress horm ones (荷尔蒙) are reduced duri ng l aughter, al l ow i ng the i m m une cel l s to functi on better. Laughi ng al so prom otes an oxygen & carbon di oxi de exchange.
I ncreases H ope and S el f­ w orth ( 自我价值感) : W atchi ng j ust 15 m i nutes of a com edy show can rel i eve w orri es about heal th or career. Laughter can repl ace negati ve thoughts w i th posi ti ve ones and hel p form ul ate (规划,构想) a “pl an of attack” for probl em s. Thi si n turn i ncreases feel i ngs of sel f­ w orth , w hi ch m akes overcom i ng obstacl es (障碍) even easi er. El i mi nates ( 消除) “U s V ersus Them ” Thi nki ng :C om edy m akes us m ore i ncl usi ve (包括……的) of others and hel ps us see the bi g pi cture.
I suddenly realised I didn ’ t ③left adj.剩下的,只作后置定语。