Introduction to ATA 38 Water Waste for Aircraft



编者2009/1/20目录一、维修工作常用词汇 (1)1、组织机构及职能 (1)2、按ATA章节划分的基础词汇 (7)3、其它专业词汇 (16)二、维修工作常用缩写 (51)三、维修工作常见单句 (60)附录ATA章节英汉对照 (104)一、维修工作常用词汇1 ORGANIZATION & FUNCTION组织机构及职能CSN 南航股份公司Maintenance & Engineering Div. 机务工程部Shenyang Aircraft Maintenance &Overhaul Base沈阳维修基地Line Maintenance Dept.Production Plan Sect.Technical Support Sect.General Affairs Sect.Quality Control Sect.Airbus ShopTransit ShopMD ShopPre-flight CheckPost-flight CheckTransit CheckTrouble ShootingFault Isolation 航线部生产室技术支援室综合办公室质控室空客车间过站车间麦道车间航前检查航后检查过站检查排故故障隔离Heavy Maintenance Dept.(Overhaul Dept.)Quality Control Sect.Inspection Sect.Production & Planning Sect.General OfficeSystem ShopEngine Shop 大修部质控科检验科生产计划科办公室系统车间发动机车间Cabin Refurbishment Shop Structure & Machining Shop APU ShopScheduled ChecksA checkC checkFH (Flight Hours)FC (Flight Cycles)LandingsCalendar DateD check (4C check, 6Y Check)SeatEmergencyInteriorCleaningGalley & Lavatory (toilet) Engine (APU)CompositePaintingSheet Metal 客舱整新车间结构机加车间APU车间定检A 检C 检飞行小时数飞行循环数起落数日历时间D 检(4C检,6年检)座椅应急设备内饰清洁厨房&厕所发动机(APU) 复合材料喷漆钣金Component Repair Dept.General Affairs Sect.Production Sect.Quality Control Sect.Joint Venture MarketingJV FAA Sect.JV Planning Sect.Electro-Mechanical ShopAvionic Shop 附件修理部综合业务科生产科质控科合资市场科合资FAA室合资企划室机电车间电子车间Landing Gear ShopPMA (Part Manufacture Approval) FactoryPreliminary InspectionVisual CheckPre-testTrouble RecordDisassemblyInspectionOverhaulRepairReplaceOn ConditionCleaningAssemblyFunctional TestFinal InspectionRelease To ServiceSRU (Shop Replaceable Unit)起落架车间航空器材厂预先检查目视检查预测试故障记录分解检查大修修理更换视情清洗组装功能测试最终检验放行内场可更换件Production Support Dept.FacilityEquipmentToolSpecial VehicleGround Power CartPneumatic Power CartTowing VehicleDe-Icing Cart(Defroster)Flat Roof Type LifterScissors Type Lifter 生产支援部设施设备工具特种车辆地面电源车气源车拖车除冰车高空升降平台车剪式升降车CraneTwo-Sets Hydraulic Pressure Vehicle 吊车双系统液压源车Material Management Dept.MaterialExpendable MaterialFilterSealO-RingConsumable MaterialLubricantPaintAdhesiveSealantSparesLRU (Line Replaceable Unit)InstallationAssemblyComponentUnitPart 航材管理部航材一次性航材滤芯封圈O形封圈消耗性航材润滑剂油漆粘接胶封严胶备件航线可更换件总成组件部件单元零件Technical Management Div.Technical SupportEngineering ManagementSB (Service Bulletin)AD( Airworthiness Directive)CADFADEASA AD 技术管理处技术支援工程管理服务通告适航指令中国适航指令美国适航指令欧洲适航指令EO (Engineering Order) Job CardScheduled Job Card Un-scheduled Job Card Technical Data Technical libraryAMM (Aircraft Maint. Manual ) TSM (Trouble Shooting Manual) IPC (Illustrated Parts Catalogue)CMM (Component Maint. Manual ) AWM (Aircraft Wiring Manual ) SPM (Standard Practices Manual ) Maintenance ProgramMRB (Maint. Review Board )MPD (Maint. Program Document ) MRS (Maint. Requirement System )工程指令 工卡定检工卡 非例行工卡 技术数据 资料室飞机维修手册 排故手册 图解零件目录部件维修手册 飞机电路手册 标准工艺手册 维修方案 维修审查委员会报告 维修大纲 维修计划Production & Marketing Management Div. Contract Management Production Planning Marketing MTOP (Maintenance Task Operation Program) MCC(Maintenance Control Center) 生产经营处合同管理 生产计划 市场 维修任务操作方案维修控制中心Quality Management Div. Airworthiness management 质量管理处 适航管理AirworthyFlight Safety InspectionInspector Calibration Center Reliability适航飞行安全检验检验员计量中心可靠性Financial Div. 财务处Human Resource Div. 人力资源处General Office 办公室2 按ATA章节划分的常用词汇21 Air Conditioning 空调Distribution Pressurization Control Air Cooling Temperature Control ValveDuctPipePacksMixerOutflow ValveSafety Valve 分配压力控制空气冷却温度控制活门管道管路空调组件混合器放气活门保险活门22 Auto Flight 自动飞行Long TermFlight PlanEnvelopLateralShort TermFL Flight LevelPressure AltitudeHeightHeadingFlight Path ComputersServo MotorsFlight Augmentation Yaw DamperRudder Travel Limiting 长途飞行计划包线横向短途飞行高度层气压高度离地高度航向航迹计算机伺服马达飞行增稳偏航阻尼方向舵行程限制23 Communication 通讯External Communication HFVHFTransmitterReceiverTransceiverAntennaInternal Communication Interphone Passenger Address MicrophoneHeadsetHandphone 外部通讯高频甚高频发射机接收机收发机天线内部通讯内话旅客广播麦克风耳麦手持话筒24 Electrical Power 电源SourceEngine GeneratorAPU GeneratorBatteryExternal Power Cart VSCFCSDIDGAC BusDC BusEssential Bus Emergency Bus Switches 来源发动机发电机APU发电机电瓶外接电源车变速恒频恒速整体驱动电机交流汇流条直流汇流条主汇流条应急汇流条电门26 Fire Protection 防火Smoke DetectorFire LoopFire BottleAgentPortable Extinguisher Squib 烟雾探测器防火环路灭火瓶灭火剂便携式灭火瓶爆炸帽27 Flight Controls 飞行操纵Primary ControlsRudder (Yaw)Elevator ( Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer) (Pitch)Aileron (Roll)Control TabsSecondary ControlsFlapSlatSpoilerGround SpoilerFlight Spoiler (Speed Brake) 主操纵方向舵 (偏航)升降舵(可配平水平安定面)(俯仰)副翼(横滚)操纵片副操纵襟翼缝翼扰流板地面扰流板飞行扰流板(减速板)28 Fuel 燃油TanksMain Tank Center Tank Trim Tank Electrical Pump BoosterValve油箱主油箱中央油箱配平油箱电动泵增压泵活门Pipe ConnectorHeat Exchanger 管路管接头热交换器29 Hydraulic System 液压系统MotorsConnectorsHydraulic Fluid PressureBlue SystemYellow SystemGreen SystemEngine Driven Pumps CylinderActuatorPiston 马达管接头液压油压力兰系统黄系统绿系统发动机驱动泵作动筒作动器活塞30 Ice And Rain Protection 防冰防雨Hot AirWing Leading EdgeEngine Inlet Electrical Heating ProbesCockpit Windows Rain Repellent 热空气大翼前缘发动机进气道电加温探头驾驶舱窗排雨剂31 Indications & Recording 指示/记录PFD Primary Flight Display Speed (Mach)HeadingAttitude 主飞行显示屏速度(马赫数)航向姿态Flight ModeGlide SlopeLocalizerND Navigation DisplayNavigation InformationWaypointAir RouteFlight PlanNavigation AidsIndicator (Indication) Annunciator (Annunciation) LegendDisplayFlowbarWarning (Red)Caution (Amber)Advisory (Green)Local Indications Centralized Indication ECAM (Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor)HornChimeSingle ChimeRepetitive ChimesBlack BoxCVR Cockpit Voice Recorder CDR Cockpit Data Recorder飞行模式下滑道航道导航显示屏导航信息航路点航路飞行计划导航台指示器(指示)通告灯(通告牌)指示符,指示灯显示,显示器示流条警告(红色)警戒(琥珀色)提示(绿色)局部指示集成指示飞机电子集成监控器喇叭谐音单谐音多谐音黑匣子(橙色)驾驶舱语音记录器驾驶舱数据记录器32 Landing Gears 起落架Nose GearMain GearsTail GearWheelWheel-WellBrakesStrutExtend/Retract System Up-LockDown-Lock 前起落架主起落架尾橇机轮轮舱刹车支柱放轮/收轮系统上位锁下位锁33 Lights 灯光Internal Lights Dome Light Flood Light Reading Light Exit LightConsole Lighting External Light StrobeLandingTaxiLocationLogoAnti-Collision 内部灯光圆顶灯泛光灯阅读灯应急出口灯操纵台照明外部灯光频闪灯着陆灯滑行灯位置灯标识灯防撞灯34 Navigation 导航Air DataTAT Total Air Temp. SAT Static Air Temp. 大气数据全空温静空温ProbesSensorsCompassGyroGPS Global Position SystemMCDU Multiple Control Display UnitPilot Inserted DataWeather RadarTCAS Traffic Collision Avoidance SystemGPWS Ground Proximity Warning System 探头传感器罗盘陀螺全球定位系统多功能控制显示组件驾驶员输入数据气象雷达防撞系统近地警告系统35 Oxygen 氧气Oxygen Mask Oxygen Generator Cylinder 氧气面罩氧气发生器气瓶36 Pneumatic System 气动系统Air ConditioningCabin PressureWing & Engine Anti-IcingHydraulic Tank Pressurization DuctsPipes 空调客舱增压大翼及发动机防冰液压油箱增压管道管路38 Water/Waste 水/废水Potable Tank Waste Tank 饮用水箱废水箱Disinfector 消毒剂50-60 Structure 50-60 结构FuselageFlight Deck (Cockpit) CabinSeatBaggage BayDoorsWindowsExitsSlidesCargo CompartmentForwardMiddleBulkWings (Sweep-Back ) Vertical Stabilizer 机身驾驶舱客舱座椅行李架舱门窗紧急出口滑梯货舱前中散装大翼(后掠式)垂直安定面49,70-80, Power Plant 动力装置EngineThrust/Reversed Thrust Electrical Power PneumaticHydraulic PowerFanLP CompressorHP CompressorDiffuser/CombustorHP TurbineLP Turbine 发动机推力/反推力电源气源液压源风扇低压压气机高压压气机扩压器/燃烧室高压涡轮低压涡轮Accessory Drive Gearbox BearingEngine Driven PumpIDG Integrated Drive Generator FuelFuel Metering Unit (FMU)Fuel PumpFCOC (Fuel Cooled Oil Cooler)Fuel FilterFuel Flow MeterIgnition ExciterThrottleFuel Shut-Off ValveStarterOilLubricantGreaseAPU 附件驱动齿轮箱轴承发动机驱动泵整体驱动发电机燃油燃调组件燃油泵燃油制冷滑油冷却器燃油油滤燃油流量表点火激励器油门燃油关断活门起动机滑油润滑剂滑脂辅助动力装置3. 其它专业词汇Clear动词:1 清除 Clear the dust from the surface.2 允许 Clear to taxi.形容词1 无障碍Make sure that the travel ranges of the flight control surfaces are clear before youpressurize/depressurize a hydraulic system.在对液压系统增压/释压前,确保飞行操纵面行程范围内无障碍。

Chapter 1 – Brief History of AviationChapter 2 – DeregulationChapter 3 – Structure of the IndustryChapter 4 – Airline EconomicsChapter 5 – How Aircraft FlyChapter 6 – SafetyChapter 7 – SecurityChapter 8 – AirportsChapter 9 – Air Traffic ControlChapter 10 – Airlines and the Environment5章时间限制、维修检查(Time Limits,Maint. Checks)6章尺寸和区域(Dimensions and Access Panels)7章顶起和支撑(Lifting and Shoring)8章对准和称重(Leveling and Weighing)9章飞机拖曳(Towing and Taxiing)10章飞机停场,系留,封存(Parking,Mooring,Storage) 11章标牌和铭记(Placards and Markings)12章勤务(Servicing)20章标准施工---机体(Standard Practices---Airframe) 21章空调(Air Conditioning)22章自动飞行(Auto Flight)23章通讯(Communications)24章电源(Electrical Power)25章设备/装饰(Equipment/Furnishings)26章.防火(Fire Protection)27章飞行操纵(Flight Controls)28章燃油(Fuel)29章液压源(Hydraulic Power)30章防冰和排雨(Ice and Rain Protection)31章指示/记录系统(Indicating/Recording system)32章起落架(Landing Gear)33章灯光(Lights)34章导航(Navigation)35章氧气(Oxygen)36章气源(Pneumatic)37章真空(Vacuum)38章水/污水(Water/waste)45章中央维护系统(Central maintenance System)49章机载辅助动力装置(Airborne Auxiliary Power)51章结构与标准施工(Structures & Standard Practices) 52章舱门(Doors)53章机身(Fuselage)54章发动机吊舱/吊架(Nacelles/Pylons)55章稳定装置(Stabilizers)安定面56章窗户(Windows)57章机翼(Wings)70章标准施工—发动机(Standard Practices—Engines)71章动力装置(Power Plant( Package))72章发动机(内部)(Engine (Internals))73章发动机燃油和控制(Engine Fuel and Control)74章点火装置(Ignition)75章发动机空气(Air)76章发动机操纵(Engine Controls)77章发动机指示(Engine Indicating)78章排气系统(Exhaust)79章发动机滑油系统(Oil)80章发动机起动(Starting)82章注水(Water Injecting)91章图表(不同性质的)(Charts (Miscellaneous))01 INTRODUCTION05 PERIODIC INSPECTIONS06 DIMENSIONS AND AREAS07 LIFTING AND SHORING08 LEVELING AND WEIGHING09 TOWING AND TAXIING10 PARKING, MOORING, STORAGE AND RETURN TO SERVICE11 PLACARDS AND MARKINGS12 SERVICING - ROUTINE MAINTENANCE18 VIBRATION AND NOISE ANALYSIS (HELICOPTER ONLY)20 STANDARD PRACTICES - AIRFRAME21 AIR CONDITIONING22 AUTO FLIGHT23 COMMUNICATIONS24 ELECTRICAL POWER25 EQUIPMENT / FURNISHINGS26 FIRE PROTECTION27 FLIGHT CONTROLS28 FUEL29 HYDRAULIC POWER30 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION31 INDICATING / RECORDING SYSTEMS32 LANDING GEAR33 LIGHTS34 NAVIGATION35 OXYGEN36 PNEUMATIC37 VACUUM38 WATER / WASTE39 ELECTRICAL - ELECTRONIC PANELS AND MULTIPURPOSE COMPONENTS41 WATER BALLAST45 CENTRAL MAINTENANCE SYSTEM (CMS)46 INFORMATION SYSTEMS49 AIRBORNE AUXILIARY POWER51 STANDARD PRACTICES AND STRUCTURES - GENERAL52 DOORS53 FUSELAGE54 NACELLES / PYLONS55 STABILIZERS56 WINDOWS57 WINGS60 STANDARD PRACTICES - PROPELLER / ROTOR61 PROPELLERS / PROPULSORS62 MAIN ROTOR(S)63 MAIN ROTOR DRIVE(S)64 TAIL ROTOR65 TAIL ROTOR DRIVE66 ROTOR BLADE AND TAIL PYLON FOLDING67 ROTORS FLIGHT CONTROL70 STANDARD PRACTICES - ENGINE71 POWER PLANT - GENERAL72 ENGINE72(T) ENGINE - TURBINE / TURBOPROP, DUCTED FAN / UNDUCTED FAN 72(R) ENGINE - RECIPROCATING73 ENGINE - FUEL AND CONTROL74 IGNITION75 BLEED AIR76 ENGINE CONTROLS77 ENGINE INDICATING78 EXHAUST79 OIL80 STARTING81 TURBINES (RECIPROCATING ENGINES)82 WATER INJECTION83 ACCESSORY GEAR BOXES (ENGINE DRIVEN)84 PROPULSION AUGMENTATION91 CHARTS5章时间限制、维修检查(Time Limits,Maint. Checks)6章尺寸和区域(Dimensions and Access Panels)7章顶起和支撑(Lifting and Shoring)8章对准和称重(Leveling and Weighing)9章飞机拖曳(Towing and Taxiing)10章飞机停场,系留,封存(Parking,Mooring,Storage)11章标牌和铭记(Placards and Markings)12章勤务(Servicing)BMS3-33润滑脂的介绍20章标准施工---机体(Standard Practices---Airframe)21章空调(Air Conditioning)空调出口温度高原创]关于737-300/500的空调空中超温,会有那些原因引起呢(专业贴)22章自动飞行(Auto Flight)737NG的Y/D故障分析供大家参考23章通讯(Communications)24章电源(Electrical Power)IDG和GEN B2972电源及APU自动关车排故思路之分析25章设备/装饰(Equipment/Furnishings)26章防火(Fire Protection)有关737灭火瓶...... 火警探测27章飞行操纵(Flight Controls)28章燃油(Fuel)737飞机燃油浮子电门29章液压源(Hydraulic Power)液压问题关于液压保险在液压管路的作用和位置请教液压系统故障30章防冰和排雨(Ice and Rain Protection)31章指示/记录系统(Indicating/Recording system)32章起落架(Landing Gear)如何延长飞机轮胎的使用寿命前轮磨损谁能说说金属刹车片和碳刹车片的优缺点请问哪位对防滞刹车结构熟悉的,简单介绍一下,谢谢那里有资料,网上有吗请教:飞机换轮子的时候为什么要转动轮子一起B737-300飞机使用自动速度刹车时,AUTO SPEED BRAKE 跳开关跳开33章灯光(Lights)34章导航(Navigation)35章氧气(Oxygen)36章气源(Pneumatic)一起引气故障导致的增压故障(B737NG)37章真空(Vacuum)38章水/污水(Water/waste)45章中央维护系统(Central maintenance System)49章机载辅助动力装置(Airborne Auxiliary Power)APU启动不起来了! 维护灯亮51章结构与标准施工(Structures & Standard Practices)52章舱门(Doors)53章机身(Fuselage)54章发动机短舱/吊架(Nacelles/Pylons)55章稳定装置(Stabilizers)56章窗户(windows)[讨论]玻璃上裂纹深度的测量57章机翼(wings)70章标准施工---发动机(Standard Practices---Engines)71章动力装置(Power Plant (Package))IAEV2500系列发动机试车总结72章发动机(内部)(Engine (Internals))73章发动机燃油和控制(Engine Fuel and Control)74章点火装置(Ignition)75章发动机空气(Air)76章发动机操纵(Engine Controls)77章发动机指示(Engine Indicating)78章排气系统(Exhaust)737反推故障79章发动机滑油系统(Oil)80章发动机起动(Starting)82章注水(Water Injecting)91章图表(不同性质的)(Charts (Miscellaneous))ATA Specification 22001 *Reserved for Airline Use2 *Reserved for Airline Use3 *Reserved for Airline Use4 *Reserved for Airline Use5 TIME LIMITS/ MAINTENANCE CHECKS-00 General-10 Time Limits-20 Scheduled Maintenance Checks-30 & -40 Reserved-50 Unscheduled Maintenance checks6 DIMENSIONS AND AREAS7 LIFTING & SHORING-00 General-10 Jacking-20 Shoring8 LEVELING & WEIGHING-00 General-10 Weighing and Balancing-20 Leveling9 TOWING & TAXIING-00 General-10 Towing-20 Taxiing10 PARKING, MOORING, STORAGE & RETURN TO SERVICE -00 General-10 Parking/Storage-20 Mooring-30 Return to Service11 PLACARDS AND MARKINGS-00 General-10 Exterior Color Schemes and Markings-20 Exterior Placards and Markings-30 Interior Placards12 SERVICING-00 General-10 Replenishing-20 Scheduled Servicing-30 Unscheduled Servicing13 *Unassigned14 *Unassigned15 *Unassigned16 *Unassigned17 *Unassigned18 VIBRATION AND NOISE ANALYSIS (HELICOPTER ONLY) -00 GENERAL --10 VIBRATION ANALYSIS-20 NOISE ANALYSIS19 *Unassigned20 STANDARD PRACTICES-AIRFRAME-90 *Reserved for Airline Use21 AIR CONDITIONING-00 General-10 Compression-20 Distribution-30 Pressurization Control-40 Heating-50 Cooling-60 Temperature Control-70 Moisture/Air Contaminant22 AUTO FLIGHT-00 General-10 Autopilot-20 Speed-Attitude Correction-30 Auto Throttle-40 System Monitor-50 Aerodynamic Load Alleviating23 COMMUNICATIONS-00 General-10 Speech Communications-15 SATCOM-20 Data Transmission and Automatic Calling-30 Comfort-40 Interphone-50 Audio Integrating-60 Static Discharging-70 Audio & Video Monitoring-80 Integrated Automatic24 ELECTRICAL POWER-00 General-10 Generator Drive-20 AC Generation-30 DC Generation-40 External Power-50 AC Electrical Load Distribution-60 DC Electrical Load Distribution25 EQUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS-00 General-10 Flight Compartment-20 Passenger Compartment-30 Galley-40 Lavatories-50 Additional Compartments-60 Emergency-70 Available-80 Insulation26 FIRE PROTECTION-00 General-10 Detection-20 Extinguishing-30 Explosion Suppression27 FLIGHT CONTROLS-00 General-10 Aileron & Tab-20 Rudder & Tab-30 Elevator & Tab-40 Horizontal Stabilizer-50 Flaps-60 Spoiler, Drag Devices and Variable Aerodynamic Fairings -70 Gust Lock & Dampener-80 Lift Augmenting28 FUEL-00 General-10 Storage-20 Distribution-30 Dump-40 Indicating29 HYDRAULIC POWER-00 General-10 Main-20 Auxiliary-30 Indicating30 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION-00 General-10 Airfoil-20 Air Intakes-30 Pitot and Static-40 Windows, Windshields and Doors -50 Antennas and Radomes-60 Propellers/Rotors-70 Water Lines-80 Detection31 INDICATING/RECORDING SYSTEMS-00 General-10 Instrument & Control Panels-20 Independent Instruments-30 Recorders-40 Central Computers-50 Central Warning Systems-60 Central Display Systems-70 Automatic Data Reporting Systems 32 LANDING GEAR-00 General-10 Main Gear and Doors-20 Nose Gear and Doors-30 Extension and Retraction-40 Wheels and Brakes-50 Steering-60 Position and Warning-70 Supplementary Gear33 LIGHTS-00 General-10 Flight Compartment-20 Passenger Compartment-30 Cargo and Service Compartments -40 Exterior-50 Emergency Lighting34 NAVIGATION-00 General-10 Flight Environment-20 Attitude & Direction-30 Landing and Taxiing Aids-40 Independent Position Determining -50 Dependent Position Determining -60 Flight Management Computing35 OXYGEN-00 General-10 Crew-20 Passenger-20 Passenger-30 Portable36 PNEUMATIC-00 General-10 Distribution-20 Indicating37 VACUUM-00 General-10 Distribution-20 Indicating38 WATER/WASTE-00 General-10 Potable-20 Wash-30 Waste Disposal-40 Air Supply39 *Unassigned40 *Unassigned41 WATER BALLAST-00 General-10 Storage-20 Dump-30 Indication42 *Unassigned43 *Unassigned44 CABIN SYSTEMS-00 General-10 Cabin Core System-20 Inflight Entertainment System-30 External Communication System-40 Cabin Mass Memory System-50 Cabin Monitoring System-60 Miscellaneous Cabin System45 CENTRAL MAINTENANCE SYSTEM-00 General-5 thru -19 CMS/Aircraft General-20 thru -49 CMS/Airframe Systems-45 Central Maintenance System-50 thru -59 CMS/Structures-60 thru -69 CMS/Propellers-70 thru -89 CMS/Power Plant45INFORMATION SYSTEMS-00 General-10 Airplane General Information Systems -20 Flight Deck Information Systems-30 Maintenance Information Systems-40 Passenger Cabin Information Systems -50 Miscellaneous Information Systems47 *Unassigned48 *Unassigned49 AIRBORNE AUXILIARY POWER-00 General-10 Power Plant-20 Engine-30 Engine Fuel and Control-40 Ignition/Starting-50 Air-60 Engine Controls .-70 Indicating-80 Exhaust-90 Oil50 Cargo and Accessory Compartments-00 General-10 Cargo Compartments-20 Cargo Loading Systems-30 Cargo Related Systems-40 Available-50 Accessory-60 Insulation51 Standard Practices, General-00 General-10 Investigation, Cleanup and Aerodynamic Smoothness-20 Processes-30 Materials-40 Fasteners-50 Support of Airplane for Repair and Alignment Check Procedures -60 Control-Surface Balancing-70 Repairs-80 Electrical Bonding52 DOORS-00 General-10 Passenger/Crew-20 Emergency Exit-30 Cargo-40 Service and Miscellaneous-50 Fixed Interior-60 Entrance Stairs-70 Monitoring and Operation-80 Landing Gear53 FUSELAGE-00 General-10 thru -90 (As Required) Fuselage Sections54 NACELLES/PYLONS-00 General-10 thru -40 (As Required) Nacelle Section-50 thru -80 (As Required) Pylon55 STABILIZERS-00 General-10 Horizontal Stabilizer or Canard-20 Elevator-30 Vertical Stabilizer-40 Rudder56 WINDOWS-00 General-10 Flight Compartment-20 Passenger Compartment-30 Door-40 Inspection and Observation57 WINGS-00 General-10 Center Wing-20 Outer Wing-30 Wing Tip-40 Leading Edge and Leading Edge Devices -50 Trailing Edge Trailing Edge Devices -60 Ailerons and Elevons-70 Spoilers-80 (as required)-90 Wing Folding System58 *Unassigned59 *Reserved for Airline Use60 STANDARD PRACTICES - PROPELLER/ROTOR61 PROPELLERS/PROPULSION-00 General-10 Propeller Assembly-20 Controlling-30 Braking-40 Indicating-50 Propulsor Duct62 ROTOR(S)-00 General-10 Rotor blades-20 Rotor head(s)-30 Rotor Shaft(s)/Swashplate Assy(ies) -4063 ROTOR DRIVE(S)-00 General-10 Engine/Gearbox couplings-20 Gearbox(es)-30 Mounts, attachments-40 Indicating64 TAIL ROTOR-00 General-10* Rotor blades-20* Rotor head-30 Available-40 Indicating65 TAIL ROTOR DRIVE-00 General-10 Shafts-20 Gearboxes-30 Available-40 Indicating66 FOLDING BLADES/PYLON-00 General-10 Rotor blades-20 Tail pylon-30 Controls and Indicating67 ROTORS FLIGHT CONTROL-00 General-10 Rotor-20 Anti-torque Rotor control (Yaw control)-30 Servo-control System68 *Unassigned69*Unassigned70 STANDARD PRACTICES - ENGINES71 POWER PLANT-00 General-10 Cowling-30 Fireseals-40 Attach Fittings-50 Electrical Harness-60 Air Intakes-70 Engine Drains72 ENGINE TURBINE/TURBO PROP DUCTED FAN/UNDUCTED FAN-00 General-10 Reduction Gear, Shaft Section (Turbo-Prop and/or Front Mounted Gear Driven Propulsor) -20 Air Inlet Section-30 Compressor Section-40 Combustion Section-50 Turbine Section-60 Accessory Drives-70 By-pass Section-80 Propulsor Section (Rear Mounted)73 ENGINE FUEL AND CONTROL-00 General-10 Distribution-30 Indicating74 IGNITION-00 General-10 Electrical Power-20 Distribution-30 Switching75 AIR-00 General-10 Engine Anti-Icing-20 Cooling-30 Compressor Control-40 Indicating76 ENGINE CONTROLS-00 General-10 Power Control-20 Emergency Shutdown77 ENGINE INDICATING-00 General-10 Power-20 Temperature-30 Analyzers That-40 Integrated Engine Instrument Systems 78 EXHAUST-00 General-10 Collector/Nozzle-20 Noise Suppressor-30 Thrust Reverser-40 Supplementary Air79 OIL-00 General-10 Storage-20 Distribution-30 Indicating80 STARTING-00 General-10 Cranking81 TURBINES-00 General-10 Power Recovery-20 Turbo-Supercharger82 WATER INJECTION-00 General-10 Storage-20 Distribution-30 Dumping and Purging83 ACCESSORY GEAR-BOXES-00 General-10 Drive Shaft Section-20 Gearbox Section84 Propulsion Augmentation-00 General-10 Jet Assist Takeoff85 *Unassigned86 *Unassigned87 *Unassigned88 *Unassigned89 *Unassigned90 *Unassigned91 CHARTS92 *Unassigned93 *Unassigned94 *Unassigned95 *Reserved for Airline Use96 *Reserved for Airline Use97 WIRING REPORTING-00-00 General-01-00 Zone 100 Fuselage Lower-02-00 Zone 200 Fuselage Top-03-00 Zone 300 Stabilizers-04-00 Zone 400 Nacelles-Pylons-05-00 Zone 500 Left Wing-06-00 Zone 600 Right Wing-07-00 Zone 700 Landing Gear Compartment -08-00 Zone 800 Doors-09-00 Zone 900 Lavatories & Galleys-20-00 Electrical Standard Items/Practices -21-00 Air Conditioning - General-21-10 Compression-21-20 Distribution-21-30 Pressurization Control-21-40 Heating-21-50 Cooling-21-60 Temperature Control-21-70 Moisture/Air Contaminant Control-22-00 Auto Flight - General-22-10 Autopilot-22-20 Speed - Attitude Correction-22-30 Auto Throttle-22-40 System Monitors-22-50 Aerodynamic Load Alleviating-23-00 Communications - General-23-10 Speech Communications-23-15 SATCOM-23-20 Data Transmission and Automatic Calling-23-30 Passenger Address, Entertainment and Comfort-23-40 Interphone-23-50 Audio Integrating-23-60 Static Discharging-23-70 Audio and Video Monitoring-23-80 Integrated Automatic Tuning-24-00 Electrical Power - General-24-10 Generator Drive-24-20 AC Generation-24-30 DC Generation-24-40 External Power-24-50 AC Electrical Load Distribution-24-60 DC Electrical Load Distribution-25-00 Equipment/Furnishings - General-25-10 Flight Compartment-25-20 Passenger Compartment-25-30 Galley-25-40 Lavatories-25-60 Emergency-25-80 Insulation-26-00 Fire Protection - General-26-10 Detection-26-20 Extinguishing-26-30 Explosion Suppression-27-00 Flight Controls - General-27-10 Aileron & Tab-27-20 Rudder & Tab-27-30 Elevator & Tab-27-40 Horizontal Stabilizer-27-50 Flaps-27-60 Spoiler, Drag Devices and Variable Aerodynamic Fairings -27-70 Gust Lock & Dampener-27-80 Lift Augmenting-28-00 Fuel - General-28-10 Storage-28-20 Distribution-28-30 Dump-28-40 Indicating-29-00 Hydraulic Power - General-29-10 Main-29-20 Auxiliary-29-30 Indicating-30-00 Ice and Rain Protection - General-30-10 Airfoil-30-20 Air Intakes-30-30 Pitot and Static-30-40 Windows, Windshields and Doors-30-50 Antennas And Radomes-30-60 Propellers/Rotors-30-70 Water Lines-30-80 Detection-31-00 Indicating/Recording Systems - General -31-10 Instrument and Control Panels-31-20 Independent Instruments-31-30 Recorders-31-40 Central Computers-31-50 Central Warning Systems-31-60 Central Display Systems-31-70 Automatic Data Reporting Systems-32-00 Landing Gear- General-32-10 Main Gear and Doors-32-20 Nose Gear and Doors-32-30 Extension and Retraction-32-40 Wheels and Brakes-32-50 Steering-32-60 Position And Warning-32-70 Supplementary Gear-33-00 Lights - General-33-10 Flight Compartment-33-20 Passenger Compartment-33-30 Cargo and Service Compartments-33-40 Exterior-33-50 Emergency Lighting-34-00 Navigation - General-34-10 Flight Environment Data-34-20 Attitude & Direction-34-30 Landing and Taxiing Aids-34-40 Independent Position Determining-34-50 Dependent Position Determining-34-60 Flight Management Computing-35-00 Oxygen - General-35-10 Crew-35-20 Passenger-35-30 Portable-36-00 Pneumatic - General-36-10 Distribution-36-20 Indicating-37-00 Vacuum - General-37-10 Distribution-37-20 Indicating-38-00 Water/Waste - General-38-10 Potable-38-20 Wash-38-30 Waste Disposal-38-40 Air Supply-44-00 Cabin Systems - General-44-10 Cabin Core System-44-20 In-flight Entertainment System-44-30 External Communication System-44-40 Cabin Mass Memory System-44-50 Cabin Monitoring System-44-60 Miscellaneous Cabin System-45-00 Central Maintenance System (CMS) General -45-05 CMS/Aircraft General-45-20 CMS/Airframe Systems-45-45 Central Maintenance System-45-50 CMS/Structures-45-60 CMS/Propellers-45-70 CMS/Power Plant-46-00 Information Systems - General-46-10 Airplane General Information Systems-46-20 Flight Deck Information Systems-46-30 Maintenance Information Systems-46-40 Passenger Cabin Information Systems-46-50 Miscellaneous Information Systems-49-00 Airborne Auxiliary Power - General-49-10 Power Plant-49-20 Engine-49-30 Engine Fuel And Control-49-40 Ignition And Starting-49-50 Air-49-60 Engine Controls-49-70 Indicating-49-80 Exhaust-49-90 Oil-50-00 Cargo And Accessory Compartments General -50-10 Cargo Compartments-50-20 Cargo Loading Systems-50-30 Cargo Related Systems-50-40 Available-50-50 Accessory Compartments-50-60 Insulation-52-00 Doors - General-52-10 Passenger/Crew-52-20 Emergency Exit-52-30 Cargo-52-40 Service-52-50 Fixed Interior-52-60 Entrance Stairs-52-70 Door Warning-52-80 Landing Gear-53-00 Fuselage - General-54-00 Nacelles/Pylons - General-54-10 Nacelle Section-54-50 Pylon-55-00 Stabilizers - General-55-10 Horizontal Stabilizer or Canard-55-20 Elevator-55-30 Vertical Stabilizer-55-40 Rudder-56-00 Windows - General-56-10 Flight Compartment-56-20 Passenger Compartment-56-30 Door-56-40 Inspection and Observation-57-00 Wings - General-57-10 Center Wing-57-20 Outer Wing-57-30 Wing Tip-57-40 Leading Edge and Leading Edge Devices -57-50 Trailing Edge and Trailing Edge Devices -57-60 Ailerons-57-70 Spoilers-57-90 Wing Folding System-61-00 Propellers/Propulsors - General-61-10 Propeller Assembly-61-20 Controlling-61-30 Braking-61-40 Indicating-61-50 Propulsor Duct-62-00 Rotors-63-00 Rotor Drives-64-00 Tail Rotor-65-00 Tail Rotor Drive-66-00 Folding Blades/Pylon-67-00 Rotors Flight Control-71-00 Power Plant - General-71-10 Cowling-71-20 Mounts-71-30 Fire seals-71-40 Attach Fittings-71-50 Electrical Harness-71-60 Air Intakes-71-70 Engine Drains-72-00 Engine Turbine/Turbo Prop Ducted Fan/Unducted Fan-72-10 Reduction Gear, Shaft Section (Turbo-Prop and/or Front Mounted Gear Driven Propulsor)-72-20 Air Inlet Section-72-30 Compressor Section-72-40 Combustion Section-72-50 Turbine Section-72-60 Accessory Drives-72-70 By-pass Section-72-80 Propulsor Section (Rear Mounted)-73-00 Engine Fuel And Control - General-73-10 Distribution-73-20 Controlling-73-30 Indicating-74-00 Ignition - General-74-10 Electrical Power Supply-74-20 Distribution-74-30 Switching-75-00 Air - General-75-10 Engine Anti-Icing-75-20 Cooling-75-30 Compressor Control-75-40 Indicating-76-00 Engine Controls - General-76-10 Power Control-76-20 Emergency Shutdown-77-00 Engine Indicating - General-77-10 Power-77-20 Temperature-77-30 Analyzers-77-40 Integrated Engine Instrument Systems-78-00 Exhaust - General-78-10 Collector/Nozzle-78-20 Noise Suppressor-78-30 Thrust Reverser-78-40 Supplementary Air-79-00 Oil - General-79-10 Storage-79-30 Indicating-80-00 Starting - General-80-10 Cranking98 *Reserved for Airline Use99 *Unassigned100 *Do not use101 *Do not use102 *Do not use103 *Do not use104 *Do not use105 *Do not use106 *Do not use107 *Do not use108 *Do not use109 *Do not use110 *Do not use111 *Do not use112 *Do not use113 *Do not use114 *Do not use115 Flight Simulator Systems。

Chapter 1 – Brief History of AviationChapter 2 – DeregulationChapter 3 – Structure of the IndustryChapter 4 – Airline EconomicsChapter 5 – How Aircraft FlyChapter 6 – SafetyChapter 7 – SecurityChapter 8 – AirportsChapter 9 – Air Traffic ControlChapter 10 – Airlines and the Environment5章时间限制、维修检查(Time Limits,Maint. Checks) 6章尺寸和区域(Dimensions and Access Panels)7章顶起和支撑(Lifting and Shoring)8章对准和称重(Leveling and Weighing)9章飞机拖曳(Towing and Taxiing)10章飞机停场,系留,封存(Parking,Mooring,Storage) 11章标牌和铭记(Placards and Markings)12章勤务(Servicing)20章标准施工---机体(Standard Practices---Airframe) 21章空调(Air Conditioning)22章自动飞行(Auto Flight)23章通讯(Communications)24章电源(Electrical Power)25章设备/装饰(Equipment/Furnishings)26章.防火(Fire Protection)27章飞行操纵(Flight Controls)28章燃油(Fuel)29章液压源(Hydraulic Power)30章防冰和排雨(Ice and Rain Protection)31章指示/记录系统(Indicating/Recording system)32章起落架(Landing Gear)33章灯光(Lights)34章导航(Navigation)35章氧气(Oxygen)36章气源(Pneumatic)37章真空(Vacuum)38章水/污水(Water/waste)45章中央维护系统(Central maintenance System)49章机载辅助动力装置(Airborne Auxiliary Power)51章结构与标准施工(Structures & Standard Practices) 52章舱门(Doors)53章机身(Fuselage)54章发动机吊舱/吊架(Nacelles/Pylons)55章稳定装置(Stabilizers)安定面56章窗户(Windows)57章机翼(Wings)70章标准施工—发动机(Standard Practices—Engines) 71章动力装置(Power Plant( Package))72章发动机(内部)(Engine (Internals))73章发动机燃油和控制(Engine Fuel and Control)74章点火装置(Ignition)75章发动机空气(Air)76章发动机操纵(Engine Controls)77章发动机指示(Engine Indicating)78章排气系统(Exhaust)79章发动机滑油系统(Oil)80章发动机起动(Starting)82章注水(Water Injecting)91章图表(不同性质的)(Charts (Miscellaneous))01 INTRODUCTION05 PERIODIC INSPECTIONS06 DIMENSIONS AND AREAS07 LIFTING AND SHORING08 LEVELING AND WEIGHING09 TOWING AND TAXIING10 PARKING, MOORING, STORAGE AND RETURN TO SERVICE11 PLACARDS AND MARKINGS12 SERVICING - ROUTINE MAINTENANCE18 VIBRATION AND NOISE ANALYSIS (HELICOPTER ONLY)20 STANDARD PRACTICES - AIRFRAME21 AIR CONDITIONING22 AUTO FLIGHT23 COMMUNICATIONS24 ELECTRICAL POWER25 EQUIPMENT / FURNISHINGS26 FIRE PROTECTION27 FLIGHT CONTROLS28 FUEL29 HYDRAULIC POWER30 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION31 INDICATING / RECORDING SYSTEMS32 LANDING GEAR33 LIGHTS34 NAVIGATION35 OXYGEN36 PNEUMATIC37 VACUUM38 WATER / WASTE39 ELECTRICAL - ELECTRONIC PANELS AND MULTIPURPOSE COMPONENTS 41 WATER BALLAST45 CENTRAL MAINTENANCE SYSTEM (CMS)46 INFORMATION SYSTEMS49 AIRBORNE AUXILIARY POWER51 STANDARD PRACTICES AND STRUCTURES - GENERAL52 DOORS53 FUSELAGE54 NACELLES / PYLONS55 STABILIZERS56 WINDOWS57 WINGS60 STANDARD PRACTICES - PROPELLER / ROTOR61 PROPELLERS / PROPULSORS62 MAIN ROTOR(S)63 MAIN ROTOR DRIVE(S)64 TAIL ROTOR65 TAIL ROTOR DRIVE66 ROTOR BLADE AND TAIL PYLON FOLDING67 ROTORS FLIGHT CONTROL70 STANDARD PRACTICES - ENGINE71 POWER PLANT - GENERAL72 ENGINE72(T) ENGINE - TURBINE / TURBOPROP, DUCTED FAN / UNDUCTED FAN 72(R) ENGINE - RECIPROCATING73 ENGINE - FUEL AND CONTROL74 IGNITION75 BLEED AIR76 ENGINE CONTROLS77 ENGINE INDICATING78 EXHAUST79 OIL80 STARTING81 TURBINES (RECIPROCATING ENGINES)82 WATER INJECTION83 ACCESSORY GEAR BOXES (ENGINE DRIVEN)84 PROPULSION AUGMENTATION91 CHARTS5章时间限制、维修检查(Time Limits,Maint. Checks)6章尺寸和区域(Dimensions and Access Panels)7章顶起和支撑(Lifting and Shoring)8章对准和称重(Leveling and Weighing)9章飞机拖曳(Towing and Taxiing)10章飞机停场,系留,封存(Parking,Mooring,Storage)11章标牌和铭记(Placards and Markings)12章勤务(Servicing)BMS3-33润滑脂的介绍20章标准施工---机体(Standard Practices---Airframe)21章空调(Air Conditioning)空调出口温度高原创]关于737-300/500的空调空中超温,会有那些原因引起呢(专业贴)22章自动飞行(Auto Flight)737NG的Y/D故障分析供大家参考23章通讯(Communications)24章电源(Electrical Power)IDG和GEN B2972电源及APU自动关车排故思路之分析25章设备/装饰(Equipment/Furnishings)26章防火(Fire Protection)有关737灭火瓶...... 火警探测27章飞行操纵(Flight Controls)28章燃油(Fuel)737飞机燃油浮子电门29章液压源(Hydraulic Power)液压问题关于液压保险在液压管路的作用和位置请教液压系统故障30章防冰和排雨(Ice and Rain Protection)31章指示/记录系统(Indicating/Recording system)32章起落架(Landing Gear)如何延长飞机轮胎的使用寿命前轮磨损谁能说说金属刹车片和碳刹车片的优缺点请问哪位对防滞刹车结构熟悉的,简单介绍一下,谢谢那里有资料,网上有吗请教:飞机换轮子的时候为什么要转动轮子一起B737-300飞机使用自动速度刹车时,AUTO SPEED BRAKE 跳开关跳开33章灯光(Lights)34章导航(Navigation)35章氧气(Oxygen)36章气源(Pneumatic)一起引气故障导致的增压故障(B737NG)37章真空(Vacuum)38章水/污水(Water/waste)45章中央维护系统(Central maintenance System)49章机载辅助动力装置(Airborne Auxiliary Power)APU启动不起来了! 维护灯亮51章结构与标准施工(Structures & Standard Practices) 52章舱门(Doors)53章机身(Fuselage)54章发动机短舱/吊架(Nacelles/Pylons)55章稳定装置(Stabilizers)56章窗户(windows)[讨论]玻璃上裂纹深度的测量57章机翼(wings)70章标准施工---发动机(Standard Practices---Engines)71章动力装置(Power Plant (Package))IAEV2500系列发动机试车总结72章发动机(内部)(Engine (Internals))73章发动机燃油和控制(Engine Fuel and Control)74章点火装置(Ignition)75章发动机空气(Air)76章发动机操纵(Engine Controls)77章发动机指示(Engine Indicating)78章排气系统(Exhaust)737反推故障79章发动机滑油系统(Oil)80章发动机起动(Starting)82章注水(Water Injecting)91章图表(不同性质的)(Charts (Miscellaneous))ATA Specification 22001 *Reserved for Airline Use2 *Reserved for Airline Use3 *Reserved for Airline Use4 *Reserved for Airline Use5 TIME LIMITS/ MAINTENANCE CHECKS-00 General-10 Time Limits-20 Scheduled Maintenance Checks-30 & -40 Reserved-50 Unscheduled Maintenance checks6 DIMENSIONS AND AREAS7 LIFTING & SHORING-00 General-10 Jacking-20 Shoring8 LEVELING & WEIGHING-00 General-10 Weighing and Balancing-20 Leveling9 TOWING & TAXIING-00 General-10 Towing-20 Taxiing10 PARKING, MOORING, STORAGE & RETURN TO SERVICE -00 General-10 Parking/Storage-20 Mooring-30 Return to Service11 PLACARDS AND MARKINGS-00 General-10 Exterior Color Schemes and Markings-20 Exterior Placards and Markings-30 Interior Placards12 SERVICING-00 General-10 Replenishing-20 Scheduled Servicing-30 Unscheduled Servicing13 *Unassigned14 *Unassigned15 *Unassigned16 *Unassigned17 *Unassigned18 VIBRATION AND NOISE ANALYSIS (HELICOPTER ONLY) -00 GENERAL --10 VIBRATION ANALYSIS-20 NOISE ANALYSIS19 *Unassigned20 STANDARD PRACTICES-AIRFRAME-90 *Reserved for Airline Use21 AIR CONDITIONING-00 General-10 Compression-20 Distribution-30 Pressurization Control-40 Heating-50 Cooling-60 Temperature Control-70 Moisture/Air Contaminant22 AUTO FLIGHT-00 General-10 Autopilot-20 Speed-Attitude Correction-30 Auto Throttle-40 System Monitor-50 Aerodynamic Load Alleviating23 COMMUNICATIONS-00 General-10 Speech Communications-15 SATCOM-20 Data Transmission and Automatic Calling -30 Comfort-40 Interphone-50 Audio Integrating-60 Static Discharging-70 Audio & Video Monitoring-80 Integrated Automatic24 ELECTRICAL POWER-00 General-10 Generator Drive-20 AC Generation-30 DC Generation-40 External Power-50 AC Electrical Load Distribution -60 DC Electrical Load Distribution 25 EQUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS-00 General-10 Flight Compartment-20 Passenger Compartment-30 Galley-40 Lavatories-50 Additional Compartments-60 Emergency-70 Available-80 Insulation26 FIRE PROTECTION-00 General-10 Detection-20 Extinguishing-30 Explosion Suppression27 FLIGHT CONTROLS-00 General-10 Aileron & Tab-20 Rudder & Tab-30 Elevator & Tab-40 Horizontal Stabilizer-50 Flaps-60 Spoiler, Drag Devices and Variable Aerodynamic Fairings -70 Gust Lock & Dampener-80 Lift Augmenting28 FUEL-00 General-10 Storage-20 Distribution-30 Dump-40 Indicating29 HYDRAULIC POWER-00 General-10 Main-20 Auxiliary-30 Indicating30 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION-00 General-10 Airfoil-20 Air Intakes-30 Pitot and Static-40 Windows, Windshields and Doors -50 Antennas and Radomes-60 Propellers/Rotors-70 Water Lines-80 Detection31 INDICATING/RECORDING SYSTEMS-00 General-10 Instrument & Control Panels-20 Independent Instruments-30 Recorders-40 Central Computers-50 Central Warning Systems-60 Central Display Systems-70 Automatic Data Reporting Systems 32 LANDING GEAR-00 General-10 Main Gear and Doors-20 Nose Gear and Doors-30 Extension and Retraction-40 Wheels and Brakes-50 Steering-60 Position and Warning-70 Supplementary Gear33 LIGHTS-00 General-10 Flight Compartment-20 Passenger Compartment-30 Cargo and Service Compartments -40 Exterior-50 Emergency Lighting34 NAVIGATION-00 General-10 Flight Environment-20 Attitude & Direction-30 Landing and Taxiing Aids-40 Independent Position Determining -50 Dependent Position Determining -60 Flight Management Computing35 OXYGEN-00 General-10 Crew-20 Passenger-20 Passenger-30 Portable36 PNEUMATIC-00 General-10 Distribution-20 Indicating37 VACUUM-00 General-10 Distribution-20 Indicating38 WATER/WASTE-00 General-10 Potable-20 Wash-30 Waste Disposal-40 Air Supply39 *Unassigned40 *Unassigned41 WATER BALLAST-00 General-10 Storage-20 Dump-30 Indication42 *Unassigned43 *Unassigned44 CABIN SYSTEMS-00 General-10 Cabin Core System-20 Inflight Entertainment System -30 External Communication System -40 Cabin Mass Memory System-50 Cabin Monitoring System-60 Miscellaneous Cabin System45 CENTRAL MAINTENANCE SYSTEM-00 General-5 thru -19 CMS/Aircraft General -20 thru -49 CMS/Airframe Systems -45 Central Maintenance System-50 thru -59 CMS/Structures-60 thru -69 CMS/Propellers-70 thru -89 CMS/Power Plant45INFORMATION SYSTEMS-00 General-10 Airplane General Information Systems -20 Flight Deck Information Systems-30 Maintenance Information Systems-40 Passenger Cabin Information Systems -50 Miscellaneous Information Systems47 *Unassigned48 *Unassigned49 AIRBORNE AUXILIARY POWER-00 General-10 Power Plant-20 Engine-30 Engine Fuel and Control-40 Ignition/Starting-50 Air-60 Engine Controls .-70 Indicating-80 Exhaust-90 Oil50 Cargo and Accessory Compartments-00 General-10 Cargo Compartments-20 Cargo Loading Systems-30 Cargo Related Systems-40 Available-50 Accessory-60 Insulation51 Standard Practices, General-00 General-10 Investigation, Cleanup and Aerodynamic Smoothness-20 Processes-30 Materials-40 Fasteners-50 Support of Airplane for Repair and Alignment Check Procedures -60 Control-Surface Balancing-70 Repairs-80 Electrical Bonding52 DOORS-00 General-10 Passenger/Crew-20 Emergency Exit-30 Cargo-40 Service and Miscellaneous-50 Fixed Interior-60 Entrance Stairs-70 Monitoring and Operation-80 Landing Gear53 FUSELAGE-00 General-10 thru -90 (As Required) Fuselage Sections54 NACELLES/PYLONS-00 General-10 thru -40 (As Required) Nacelle Section -50 thru -80 (As Required) Pylon55 STABILIZERS-00 General-10 Horizontal Stabilizer or Canard-20 Elevator-30 Vertical Stabilizer-40 Rudder56 WINDOWS-00 General-10 Flight Compartment-20 Passenger Compartment-30 Door-40 Inspection and Observation57 WINGS-00 General-10 Center Wing-20 Outer Wing-30 Wing Tip-40 Leading Edge and Leading Edge Devices -50 Trailing Edge Trailing Edge Devices-60 Ailerons and Elevons-70 Spoilers-80 (as required)-90 Wing Folding System58 *Unassigned59 *Reserved for Airline Use60 STANDARD PRACTICES - PROPELLER/ROTOR61 PROPELLERS/PROPULSION-00 General-10 Propeller Assembly-20 Controlling-30 Braking-40 Indicating-50 Propulsor Duct62 ROTOR(S)-00 General-10 Rotor blades-20 Rotor head(s)-30 Rotor Shaft(s)/Swashplate Assy(ies) -4063 ROTOR DRIVE(S)-00 General-10 Engine/Gearbox couplings-20 Gearbox(es)-30 Mounts, attachments-40 Indicating64 TAIL ROTOR-00 General-10* Rotor blades-20* Rotor head-30 Available-40 Indicating65 TAIL ROTOR DRIVE-00 General-10 Shafts-20 Gearboxes-30 Available-40 Indicating66 FOLDING BLADES/PYLON-00 General-10 Rotor blades-20 Tail pylon-30 Controls and Indicating67 ROTORS FLIGHT CONTROL-00 General-10 Rotor-20 Anti-torque Rotor control (Yaw control) -30 Servo-control System68 *Unassigned69*Unassigned70 STANDARD PRACTICES - ENGINES71 POWER PLANT-00 General-10 Cowling-30 Fireseals-40 Attach Fittings-50 Electrical Harness-60 Air Intakes-70 Engine Drains72 ENGINE TURBINE/TURBO PROP DUCTED FAN/UNDUCTED FAN-00 General-10 Reduction Gear, Shaft Section (Turbo-Prop and/or Front Mounted Gear Driven Propulsor)-20 Air Inlet Section-30 Compressor Section-40 Combustion Section-50 Turbine Section-60 Accessory Drives-70 By-pass Section-80 Propulsor Section (Rear Mounted)73 ENGINE FUEL AND CONTROL-00 General-10 Distribution-20 Controlling-30 Indicating74 IGNITION-00 General-10 Electrical Power-20 Distribution-30 Switching75 AIR-00 General-10 Engine Anti-Icing-20 Cooling-30 Compressor Control-40 Indicating76 ENGINE CONTROLS-00 General-10 Power Control-20 Emergency Shutdown77 ENGINE INDICATING-00 General-10 Power-20 Temperature-30 Analyzers That-40 Integrated Engine Instrument Systems 78 EXHAUST-00 General-10 Collector/Nozzle-20 Noise Suppressor-30 Thrust Reverser-40 Supplementary Air79 OIL-00 General-10 Storage-20 Distribution-30 Indicating80 STARTING-00 General-10 Cranking81 TURBINES-00 General-10 Power Recovery-20 Turbo-Supercharger82 WATER INJECTION-00 General-10 Storage-20 Distribution-30 Dumping and Purging-40 Indicating83 ACCESSORY GEAR-BOXES-00 General-10 Drive Shaft Section-20 Gearbox Section84 Propulsion Augmentation -00 General-10 Jet Assist Takeoff85 *Unassigned86 *Unassigned87 *Unassigned88 *Unassigned89 *Unassigned90 *Unassigned91 CHARTS92 *Unassigned93 *Unassigned94 *Unassigned95 *Reserved for Airline Use96 *Reserved for Airline Use97 WIRING REPORTING-00-00 General-01-00 Zone 100 Fuselage Lower-02-00 Zone 200 Fuselage Top-03-00 Zone 300 Stabilizers-04-00 Zone 400 Nacelles-Pylons-05-00 Zone 500 Left Wing-06-00 Zone 600 Right Wing-07-00 Zone 700 Landing Gear Compartment -08-00 Zone 800 Doors-09-00 Zone 900 Lavatories & Galleys-20-00 Electrical Standard Items/Practices -21-00 Air Conditioning - General-21-10 Compression-21-20 Distribution-21-30 Pressurization Control-21-40 Heating-21-50 Cooling-21-60 Temperature Control-21-70 Moisture/Air Contaminant Control-22-00 Auto Flight - General-22-10 Autopilot-22-20 Speed - Attitude Correction-22-30 Auto Throttle-22-40 System Monitors-22-50 Aerodynamic Load Alleviating-23-00 Communications - General-23-10 Speech Communications-23-15 SATCOM-23-20 Data Transmission and Automatic Calling-23-30 Passenger Address, Entertainment and Comfort -23-40 Interphone-23-50 Audio Integrating-23-60 Static Discharging-23-70 Audio and Video Monitoring-23-80 Integrated Automatic Tuning-24-00 Electrical Power - General-24-10 Generator Drive-24-20 AC Generation-24-30 DC Generation-24-40 External Power-24-50 AC Electrical Load Distribution-24-60 DC Electrical Load Distribution-25-00 Equipment/Furnishings - General-25-10 Flight Compartment-25-20 Passenger Compartment-25-30 Galley-25-40 Lavatories-25-60 Emergency-25-80 Insulation-26-00 Fire Protection - General-26-10 Detection-26-20 Extinguishing-26-30 Explosion Suppression-27-00 Flight Controls - General-27-10 Aileron & Tab-27-20 Rudder & Tab-27-30 Elevator & Tab-27-40 Horizontal Stabilizer-27-50 Flaps-27-60 Spoiler, Drag Devices and Variable Aerodynamic Fairings -27-70 Gust Lock & Dampener-27-80 Lift Augmenting-28-00 Fuel - General-28-10 Storage-28-20 Distribution-28-30 Dump-28-40 Indicating-29-00 Hydraulic Power - General-29-10 Main-29-20 Auxiliary-29-30 Indicating-30-00 Ice and Rain Protection - General-30-10 Airfoil-30-20 Air Intakes-30-30 Pitot and Static-30-40 Windows, Windshields and Doors-30-50 Antennas And Radomes-30-60 Propellers/Rotors-30-70 Water Lines-30-80 Detection-31-00 Indicating/Recording Systems - General-31-10 Instrument and Control Panels-31-20 Independent Instruments-31-30 Recorders-31-40 Central Computers-31-50 Central Warning Systems-31-60 Central Display Systems-31-70 Automatic Data Reporting Systems -32-00 Landing Gear- General-32-10 Main Gear and Doors-32-20 Nose Gear and Doors-32-30 Extension and Retraction-32-40 Wheels and Brakes-32-50 Steering-32-60 Position And Warning-32-70 Supplementary Gear-33-00 Lights - General-33-10 Flight Compartment-33-20 Passenger Compartment-33-30 Cargo and Service Compartments -33-40 Exterior-33-50 Emergency Lighting-34-00 Navigation - General-34-10 Flight Environment Data-34-20 Attitude & Direction-34-30 Landing and Taxiing Aids-34-40 Independent Position Determining -34-50 Dependent Position Determining-34-60 Flight Management Computing-35-00 Oxygen - General-35-10 Crew-35-20 Passenger-35-30 Portable-36-00 Pneumatic - General-36-10 Distribution-36-20 Indicating-37-00 Vacuum - General-37-10 Distribution-37-20 Indicating-38-00 Water/Waste - General-38-10 Potable-38-20 Wash-38-30 Waste Disposal-38-40 Air Supply-44-00 Cabin Systems - General-44-10 Cabin Core System-44-20 In-flight Entertainment System-44-30 External Communication System-44-40 Cabin Mass Memory System-44-50 Cabin Monitoring System-44-60 Miscellaneous Cabin System-45-00 Central Maintenance System (CMS) General -45-05 CMS/Aircraft General-45-20 CMS/Airframe Systems-45-45 Central Maintenance System-45-50 CMS/Structures-45-60 CMS/Propellers-45-70 CMS/Power Plant-46-00 Information Systems - General-46-10 Airplane General Information Systems-46-20 Flight Deck Information Systems-46-30 Maintenance Information Systems-46-40 Passenger Cabin Information Systems-46-50 Miscellaneous Information Systems-49-00 Airborne Auxiliary Power - General-49-10 Power Plant-49-20 Engine-49-30 Engine Fuel And Control-49-40 Ignition And Starting-49-50 Air-49-60 Engine Controls-49-70 Indicating-49-80 Exhaust-49-90 Oil-50-00 Cargo And Accessory Compartments General -50-10 Cargo Compartments-50-20 Cargo Loading Systems-50-30 Cargo Related Systems-50-40 Available-50-50 Accessory Compartments-50-60 Insulation-52-00 Doors - General-52-10 Passenger/Crew-52-20 Emergency Exit-52-30 Cargo-52-40 Service-52-50 Fixed Interior-52-60 Entrance Stairs-52-70 Door Warning-52-80 Landing Gear-53-00 Fuselage - General-54-00 Nacelles/Pylons - General-54-10 Nacelle Section-54-50 Pylon-55-00 Stabilizers - General-55-10 Horizontal Stabilizer or Canard-55-20 Elevator-55-30 Vertical Stabilizer-55-40 Rudder-56-00 Windows - General-56-10 Flight Compartment-56-20 Passenger Compartment-56-30 Door-56-40 Inspection and Observation-57-00 Wings - General-57-10 Center Wing-57-20 Outer Wing-57-30 Wing Tip-57-40 Leading Edge and Leading Edge Devices-57-50 Trailing Edge and Trailing Edge Devices-57-60 Ailerons-57-70 Spoilers-57-90 Wing Folding System-61-00 Propellers/Propulsors - General-61-10 Propeller Assembly-61-20 Controlling-61-30 Braking-61-40 Indicating-61-50 Propulsor Duct-62-00 Rotors-63-00 Rotor Drives-64-00 Tail Rotor-65-00 Tail Rotor Drive-66-00 Folding Blades/Pylon-67-00 Rotors Flight Control-71-00 Power Plant - General-71-10 Cowling-71-20 Mounts-71-30 Fire seals-71-40 Attach Fittings-71-50 Electrical Harness-71-60 Air Intakes-71-70 Engine Drains-72-00 Engine Turbine/Turbo Prop Ducted Fan/Unducted Fan-72-10 Reduction Gear, Shaft Section (Turbo-Prop and/or Front Mounted GearDriven Propulsor)-72-20 Air Inlet Section-72-30 Compressor Section-72-40 Combustion Section-72-50 Turbine Section-72-60 Accessory Drives-72-70 By-pass Section-72-80 Propulsor Section (Rear Mounted) -73-00 Engine Fuel And Control - General -73-10 Distribution-73-20 Controlling-73-30 Indicating-74-00 Ignition - General-74-10 Electrical Power Supply-74-20 Distribution-74-30 Switching-75-00 Air - General-75-10 Engine Anti-Icing-75-20 Cooling-75-30 Compressor Control-75-40 Indicating-76-00 Engine Controls - General-76-10 Power Control-76-20 Emergency Shutdown-77-00 Engine Indicating - General-77-10 Power-77-20 Temperature-77-30 Analyzers-77-40 Integrated Engine Instrument Systems -78-00 Exhaust - General-78-10 Collector/Nozzle-78-20 Noise Suppressor-78-30 Thrust Reverser-78-40 Supplementary Air-79-00 Oil - General-79-10 Storage-79-30 Indicating-80-00 Starting - General-80-10 Cranking98 *Reserved for Airline Use99 *Unassigned100 *Do not use101 *Do not use102 *Do not use103 *Do not use104 *Do not use105 *Do not use106 *Do not use107 *Do not use108 *Do not use109 *Do not use110 *Do not use111 *Do not use112 *Do not use113 *Do not use114 *Do not use115 Flight Simulator Systems。

将废水排入大海英语作文Title: Discharging Wastewater into the Ocean。
In recent years, the issue of discharging wastewater into the ocean has become a subject of significant concern and debate. While some argue that it is a convenient and cost-effective method of waste disposal, others emphasize the detrimental impact it has on marine ecosystems and public health. In this essay, we will explore the various aspects of this practice and consider potential alternatives.Firstly, it is essential to acknowledge the reasons behind the discharge of wastewater into the ocean. Industries and municipalities often resort to this method as a means of disposing of large volumes of wastewater generated from various processes, including manufacturing, agriculture, and domestic activities. The ocean, with its vast expanse and apparent ability to dilute pollutants, may seem like an ideal receptacle for such waste.However, the consequences of this practice cannot be ignored. Wastewater contains a myriad of pollutants, including heavy metals, pathogens, nutrients, and chemicals. When discharged into the ocean, these contaminants can have severe repercussions on marine life and ecosystems. For example, excessive nutrients from wastewater can lead to algal blooms, which deplete oxygen levels in the water and create dead zones where marine life cannot survive. Additionally, toxins in wastewater can bioaccumulate in marine organisms, posing risks to both aquatic animals and humans who consume seafood.Furthermore, the discharge of untreated or poorlytreated wastewater into the ocean can compromise public health. Contaminants present in wastewater can contaminate coastal waters and beaches, exposing swimmers and beachgoers to health risks such as gastrointestinalillnesses and skin infections. Moreover, seafood harvested from polluted waters may contain harmful contaminants, posing a threat to consumers.In light of these environmental and public health concerns, it is imperative to explore alternative methods of wastewater management. One approach is to improve wastewater treatment processes to remove a greater proportion of contaminants before discharge. Advanced treatment technologies, such as membrane filtration and ultraviolet disinfection, can significantly enhance the quality of treated wastewater, reducing its environmental impact.Another alternative is to implement water reuse and recycling strategies, where treated wastewater is repurposed for non-potable uses such as irrigation, industrial processes, and toilet flushing. By diverting wastewater from the ocean and utilizing it for beneficial purposes, we can minimize the volume of pollutants entering marine environments while conserving freshwater resources.Additionally, greater emphasis should be placed on pollution prevention and source control measures to minimize the generation of wastewater at its source. Industries and municipalities can implement best managementpractices to reduce water consumption, minimize pollutant discharges, and implement recycling and reuse initiatives.In conclusion, the practice of discharging wastewater into the ocean presents significant environmental andpublic health challenges. While it may offer a temporary solution for waste disposal, its long-term consequences are unsustainable. By adopting alternative approaches such as improved treatment technologies, water reuse, and pollution prevention measures, we can mitigate the adverse impacts of wastewater discharge and safeguard the health of our oceans and communities.。


向河流中排废水英语作文英文回答:Discharging wastewater into rivers is a serious environmental issue that affects both human and aquatic life. Wastewater contains a variety of pollutants, including heavy metals, chemicals, and organic matter, which can have harmful effects on the environment.One of the main concerns about discharging wastewater into rivers is that it can lead to water pollution. Pollutants can enter the water supply and contaminate drinking water sources, making them unsafe for human consumption. In addition, pollutants can also harm aquatic life, such as fish and shellfish, by causing health problems or even death.Another concern about discharging wastewater into rivers is that it can lead to eutrophication. Eutrophication is a process that occurs when there is anexcess of nutrients in the water, such as nitrogen and phosphorus. These nutrients can cause algae to grow rapidly, which can block sunlight from reaching underwater plantsand cause a decline in oxygen levels. This can lead to the death of fish and other aquatic life.In addition to the environmental concerns, discharging wastewater into rivers can also have negative economic consequences. Water pollution can damage infrastructure, such as bridges and dams, and can also reduce the value of property near rivers. In addition, water pollution can make it more difficult to attract tourists and businesses to an area.There are a number of things that can be done to reduce the impact of wastewater discharge on rivers. One important step is to properly treat wastewater before it isdischarged into the environment. Treatment can remove pollutants from the water and make it safe for discharge. Another important step is to reduce the amount of wastewater that is discharged into rivers. This can be done by using water conservation measures, such as fixing leakyfaucets and watering lawns less often.Discharging wastewater into rivers is a serious environmental issue that can have harmful effects on human and aquatic life. However, there are a number of thingsthat can be done to reduce the impact of wastewater discharge on rivers. By properly treating wastewater and reducing the amount of wastewater that is discharged into rivers, we can help to protect our environment and ensure the health of our communities.中文回答:向河流中排放废水是一个严重的环境问题,它影响着人类和水生生物。

浪费水的英语作文Title: The Issue of Water Waste。
Water is an indispensable resource for all living beings on Earth, yet its availability is finite. Despiteits significance, the phenomenon of water waste persists globally, posing a threat to the environment and humanwell-being. In this essay, we will delve into the causes, consequences, and potential solutions to address this pressing issue.First and foremost, one of the primary causes of water waste is the lack of awareness among individuals regarding its value and scarcity. In many parts of the world, water is perceived as abundant and unlimited, leading to careless usage and unnecessary wastage. From leaving taps running while brushing teeth to indulging in extravagant water consumption for recreational purposes, the disregard for water conservation is evident.Moreover, inefficient water management practices in various sectors further exacerbate the problem of water waste. Agriculture, for instance, accounts for asignificant portion of water consumption globally. Traditional irrigation methods, such as flood irrigation, often result in excessive water usage and significant losses due to evaporation and runoff. Similarly, industrial processes often involve the wasteful discharge of water contaminated with pollutants, further depleting freshwater resources.The consequences of water waste are far-reaching and profound. Ecologically, it disrupts aquatic ecosystems, leading to the depletion of freshwater habitats and the decline of biodiversity. Additionally, water scarcity resulting from wastage exacerbates tensions between communities and nations, leading to conflicts over access to this vital resource. From a socio-economic perspective, water waste imposes substantial financial burdens on individuals, communities, and governments, as the costs of water treatment and supply infrastructure continue to rise.To address the issue of water waste, concerted efforts are required at both individual and institutional levels. Education and awareness campaigns play a crucial role in fostering a culture of water conservation. By promoting simple yet effective water-saving practices, such as fixing leaky faucets, using water-efficient appliances, and practicing responsible irrigation techniques, individuals can significantly reduce their water footprint.Furthermore, policymakers must enact and enforce stringent regulations aimed at promoting water efficiency across various sectors. Encouraging the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices, investing in water-saving technologies, and incentivizing industries to reduce their water usage and pollution are essential steps towards mitigating water waste.Additionally, the implementation of innovative solutions, such as water recycling and desalination, can help alleviate water scarcity in water-stressed regions. By harnessing advanced technologies and embracing nature-based solutions, we can optimize water usage and ensure itssustainable management for future generations.In conclusion, the issue of water waste demands urgent attention and concerted action from individuals, communities, and governments worldwide. By fostering a culture of water conservation, promoting sustainable practices, and investing in innovative solutions, we can safeguard this precious resource for the benefit of alllife on Earth. Together, let us strive to minimize water waste and ensure a sustainable water future for generations to come.。

Water is an essential resource for life on Earth,and its conservation is crucial for the sustainability of our planet.However,the issue of water wastage has become a significant concern worldwide.Here are some points to consider when discussing the topic of water wastage in an English essay:1.Importance of Water:Begin by emphasizing the importance of water for human survival,agriculture,and the environment.Water is vital for drinking,sanitation,and the growth of crops,which are the basis of our food supply.2.Scale of the Problem:Discuss the scale of water wastage globally.According to various studies,a significant amount of water is wasted daily due to inefficient use, leakages in infrastructure,and lack of awareness about the value of water.3.Causes of Water Wastage:Leakage in Infrastructure:Old and poorly maintained pipes and systems can lead to substantial water loss.Irrigation Practices:Inefficient irrigation methods in agriculture can waste large volumes of water.Industrial Use:Industries often use large amounts of water,and improper management can lead to wastage.Domestic Use:Everyday activities such as taking long showers,using running water to clean dishes,and overwatering gardens can contribute to water wastage.4.Consequences of Water Wastage:Environmental Impact:Wastage can lead to the depletion of water sources,affecting ecosystems and biodiversity.Economic Impact:The cost of treating and distributing water is high,and wastage increases these costs,which can affect the economy.Social Impact:In regions where water is scarce,wastage exacerbates the problem of water scarcity,affecting the quality of life for many people.5.Solutions to Water Wastage:Technological Innovations:Implementing smart water management systems and using watersaving technologies can help reduce wastage.Education and Awareness:Educating the public about the importance of water conservation can change behaviors and reduce wastage.Policy and Regulation:Governments can introduce policies and regulations to promote water conservation and penalize wastage.Sustainable Practices:Encouraging sustainable practices in agriculture,industry,and households can help conserve water.6.Individual Actions:Discuss what individuals can do to conserve water,such as fixing leaks,using watersaving appliances,and adopting waterefficient landscaping.7.Future Outlook:Conclude by looking at the potential future scenarios if water wastage continues unchecked and the positive changes that can be expected with concerted efforts towards conservation.Remember to use a variety of vocabulary related to water conservation and wastage,and to structure your essay with a clear introduction,body paragraphs that explore each point in detail,and a conclusion that summarizes the main ideas and possibly suggests a call to action.。

将废水排入大海英语作文英文回答:Discharging wastewater into the ocean can have a significant impact on marine ecosystems. Wastewater often contains high levels of nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, which can cause eutrophication. Eutrophication occurs when there is an overabundance of nutrients in a body of water, which can lead to a proliferation of algae and other aquatic plants. This can block sunlight from reaching underwater vegetation, which can lead to the death of these plants and the loss of habitat for marine life.In addition, wastewater can contain harmful bacteria and viruses that can cause disease in marine organisms. These pathogens can be transmitted to humans who come into contact with contaminated water, and they can also be harmful to marine animals who consume contaminated prey.There are a number of ways to reduce the impact ofwastewater on marine ecosystems. One way is to treat wastewater before it is discharged into the ocean. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as biological treatment, chemical treatment, and physical treatment. Another way to reduce the impact of wastewater is to use alternative methods of wastewater disposal, such as land application or deep-well injection.It is important to take steps to reduce the impact of wastewater on marine ecosystems. Wastewater can contain a variety of harmful pollutants that can damage marine life and human health. By treating wastewater before it is discharged into the ocean and by using alternative methods of wastewater disposal, we can help to protect marine ecosystems and human health.中文回答:将废水排入海洋可能会对海洋生态系统造成重大影响。

浪费水现象英语作文The Phenomenon of Wasteful Water Usage.Water, often referred to as the "lifeblood" of our planet, is a precious resource that supports all forms of life. From the vast oceans that cover much of our globe to the tiny streams that flow through the forests, water is essential for agriculture, industry, and domestic use. However, despite its abundance in certain regions, freshwater suitable for human consumption is a limited resource. The problem of wasteful water usage has become increasingly urgent, and it's a challenge that we must address collectively.One of the most significant contributors to water waste is agricultural irrigation. In many parts of the world, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, farmers rely heavily on irrigation to grow crops. However, traditional irrigation methods, such as flood irrigation, often result in significant losses due to evaporation and seepage intothe soil. Modern irrigation techniques, such as drip irrigation and sprinkler systems, are more efficient butare not always widely adopted due to factors like highinitial costs and lack of awareness.Industrial processes also contribute significantly to water waste. Manufacturing industries, particularly thosein the textile, paper, and food processing sectors, uselarge amounts of water in their production processes. Often, this water is contaminated with chemicals and other pollutants, making it unsuitable for reuse or even safe disposal. Strict environmental regulations and the adoption of water-saving technologies are crucial for reducing industrial water waste.Domestic water waste is another significant issue. Simple habits like leaving taps running while brushingteeth or taking long showers can quickly add up, leading to significant water loss. The widespread use of water-saving appliances, such as low-flow shower heads and dual-flush toilets, can help reduce domestic water waste. Educationand awareness-raising campaigns can further encourageindividuals and families to adopt water-saving practices.Urbanization and the growth of cities have also led to increased water waste. With more people living in urban areas, the demand for water has skyrocketed. However, many cities lack effective water management systems, leading to leaks, bursts, and other forms of water loss. Investing in infrastructure upgrades and water management systems can help address this issue.Climate change and environmental degradation arefurther exacerbating the problem of water waste. Rising temperatures, changing rainfall patterns, and decreasing water levels in lakes and rivers are putting pressure on existing water resources. This makes it even more important to conserve and efficiently use every drop of water.In conclusion, the problem of wasteful water usage is a complex one that requires a multifaceted approach. Improving irrigation techniques, adopting water-saving technologies in industries, promoting water-efficient household practices, investing in urban waterinfrastructure, and addressing climate change are all crucial steps towards achieving sustainable water use. Itis only through collective effort and smart decision-making that we can ensure a sustainable future for ourselves and our planet.。

浪费水的英文作文English: Water is an essential resource for life, yet it is being wasted at an alarming rate due to various reasons. One of the main reasons for water wastage is inefficient use in our daily activities. Many people leave taps running while brushing their teeth, washing dishes, or taking a shower, without realizing the amount of water being wasted. Additionally, industries contribute to water wastage by discharging pollutants into water bodies, contaminating the water and making it unusable. Moreover, leaky pipes and infrastructure issues also lead to significant water losses. The consequences of wasting water are far-reaching. It not only depletes this precious resource but also exacerbates water scarcity issues globally. As the world population continues to grow, the demand for water will only increase, making it crucial for everyone to play their part in conserving and using water wisely. Education and awareness campaigns are needed to inform people about the importance of water conservation and the simple changes they can make in their daily habits to reduce water wastage. Efforts must be made at both individual and institutional levels to address the issue of water wastage and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.Translated content: 水是生命不可或缺的资源,然而由于各种原因,水正以惊人的速度被浪费。

浪费水的英语作文Waste of Water: A Global ConcernWater is a precious resource that is essential for life on Earth. It is alarming to see how water is being wasted in various parts of the world, leading to a scarcity thataffects millions of people. This essay aims to shed light on the issue of water wastage and its consequences.Firstly, the agricultural sector is one of the major contributors to water wastage. Traditional irrigation methods such as flood irrigation are inefficient, leading to a significant amount of water being lost to evaporation or runoff. Modern techniques like drip irrigation could be implemented to ensure that water is used more effectively.Secondly, industrial activities also contribute to the wastage of water. Many industries use large volumes of water in their processes and often fail to recycle or treat the water before releasing it back into the environment. This not only wastes water but also pollutes the water bodies.In addition, household water usage is another area where wastage is prevalent. Simple habits such as leaving the tap running while brushing teeth or taking long showers can lead to a significant waste of water. Educating the public about water conservation and promoting the use of water-saving devices can help reduce this wastage.Furthermore, the lack of proper water management policies and infrastructure in many regions exacerbates the problem. Governments need to invest in better water management systems and enforce strict regulations to prevent wastage.The consequences of water wastage are dire. It leads to water scarcity, which affects agriculture, leading to food shortages. It also impacts the availability of clean drinking water, causing health issues and even death due to waterborne diseases.In conclusion, it is imperative that we address the issue of water wastage. By adopting efficient water use practices, improving water management, and raising awareness, we can ensure that this vital resource is preserved for future generations. The time to act is now, as the future of our planet depends on it.。

浪费水的英语作文Waste of Water: A Global ConcernWater is a precious resource that is essential for life on Earth. It is alarming to see how water is being wasted in various parts of the world, leading to a scarcity thataffects millions of people. This essay aims to shed light on the issue of water wastage and its consequences.Firstly, the agricultural sector is one of the major contributors to water wastage. Traditional irrigation methods such as flood irrigation are inefficient, leading to a significant amount of water being lost to evaporation or runoff. Modern techniques like drip irrigation could be implemented to ensure that water is used more effectively.Secondly, industrial activities also contribute to the wastage of water. Many industries use large volumes of water in their processes and often fail to recycle or treat the water before releasing it back into the environment. This not only wastes water but also pollutes the water bodies.In addition, household water usage is another area where wastage is prevalent. Simple habits such as leaving the tap running while brushing teeth or taking long showers can lead to a significant waste of water. Educating the public about water conservation and promoting the use of water-saving devices can help reduce this wastage.Furthermore, the lack of proper water management policies and infrastructure in many regions exacerbates the problem. Governments need to invest in better water management systems and enforce strict regulations to prevent wastage.The consequences of water wastage are dire. It leads to water scarcity, which affects agriculture, leading to food shortages. It also impacts the availability of clean drinking water, causing health issues and even death due to waterborne diseases.In conclusion, it is imperative that we address the issue of water wastage. By adopting efficient water use practices, improving water management, and raising awareness, we can ensure that this vital resource is preserved for future generations. The time to act is now, as the future of our planet depends on it.。

浪费水的英语作文Waste of Water: A Global ConcernWater is a precious resource that is essential for life on Earth. It is alarming to see how water is being wasted in various parts of the world, leading to a scarcity thataffects millions of people. This essay aims to shed light on the issue of water wastage and its consequences.Firstly, the agricultural sector is one of the major contributors to water wastage. Traditional irrigation methods such as flood irrigation are inefficient, leading to a significant amount of water being lost to evaporation or runoff. Modern techniques like drip irrigation could be implemented to ensure that water is used more effectively.Secondly, industrial activities also contribute to the wastage of water. Many industries use large volumes of water in their processes and often fail to recycle or treat the water before releasing it back into the environment. This not only wastes water but also pollutes the water bodies.In addition, household water usage is another area where wastage is prevalent. Simple habits such as leaving the tap running while brushing teeth or taking long showers can lead to a significant waste of water. Educating the public about water conservation and promoting the use of water-saving devices can help reduce this wastage.Furthermore, the lack of proper water management policies and infrastructure in many regions exacerbates the problem. Governments need to invest in better water management systems and enforce strict regulations to prevent wastage.The consequences of water wastage are dire. It leads to water scarcity, which affects agriculture, leading to food shortages. It also impacts the availability of clean drinking water, causing health issues and even death due to waterborne diseases.In conclusion, it is imperative that we address the issue of water wastage. By adopting efficient water use practices, improving water management, and raising awareness, we can ensure that this vital resource is preserved for future generations. The time to act is now, as the future of our planet depends on it.。

Water is an essential resource for life on Earth,yet it is often taken for granted and wasted in many parts of the world.The issue of water wastage is a pressing concern that requires immediate attention and action.Here is an essay discussing the problem of water waste and its implications.Introduction:Water is a vital component for the survival of all living beings.It is used in various sectors such as agriculture,industry,and domestic use.Despite its importance,water wastage is rampant,leading to a scarcity of this precious resource.Causes of Water Wastage:1.Leaky Infrastructure:Aging water systems and pipes often leak,leading to a significant loss of water.2.Inefficient Irrigation:Traditional irrigation methods such as flood irrigation can waste large amounts of of Awareness:Many people are unaware of the importance of water conservation and continue to use water carelessly.4.Industrial Overuse:Industries often use water in large quantities without proper recycling or treatment systems.5.Poor Water Management:Inefficient water management practices can lead to overextraction and wastage.Consequences of Water Wastage:1.Environmental Impact:Water wastage can lead to the depletion of groundwater levels, drying up of rivers and lakes,and loss of aquatic biodiversity.2.Economic Impact:The cost of supplying water increases due to the need for additional infrastructure and treatment facilities.3.Social Impact:Water scarcity can lead to conflicts over water resources,affecting the livelihoods of communities that depend on water for agriculture and other uses.Solutions to Water Wastage:cation and Awareness:Educating the public about the importance of water conservation can encourage responsible water use.2.Technological Innovations:Implementing watersaving technologies such as drip irrigation and smart water meters can reduce water wastage.3.Policy and Regulation:Governments can enact policies to regulate water use and encourage conservation.4.Infrastructure Improvement:Upgrading water infrastructure to prevent leaks and losses can save significant amounts of water.5.Recycling and Reuse:Promoting the recycling and reuse of water in industries andhouseholds can help conserve water.Conclusion:The issue of water wastage is a global challenge that requires collective efforts to address. By understanding the causes and consequences of water wastage and implementing effective solutions,we can ensure the availability of this vital resource for future generations.It is crucial for every individual,community,and nation to play their part in conserving water and promoting sustainable practices.。

宣传节水资料英语作文Water is a precious resource that is essential for all forms of life on Earth. However, with the increasing population and growing demands for water, it is crucial for us to conserve and use water wisely. In this article, we will explore the importance of water conservation and provide practical tips on how to save water in our daily lives.First and foremost, it is important to understand why water conservation is necessary. Water scarcity is a pressing issue in many parts of the world, and it is predicted to worsen in the future. By conserving water, we can ensure that there is enough water for everyone, including future generations. Additionally, saving water also helps to protect our environment. Excessive water usage can lead to the depletion of water sources, as well as the destruction of aquatic ecosystems.There are several simple yet effective ways to save water in our daily lives. One of the most basic steps is to fix any leaks in our homes. A dripping faucet or a leaking pipe may seem insignificant, but they can waste a significant amount of water over time. By promptly repairing these leaks, we can prevent water wastage and save on our water bills.Another way to conserve water is by being mindful of our water usage. For instance, turning off the tap while brushing our teeth or lathering our hands with soap can save gallons of water each day. Similarly, taking shorter showers instead of long baths can significantly reduce water consumption. By adopting these small habits, we can make a big difference in conserving water.In addition to individual efforts, community initiatives can also play a crucial role in water conservation. Schools, workplaces, and residential areas can organize awareness campaigns and workshops to educate people about the importance of water conservation. These initiatives can include activities such as poster competitions, essay writing contests, and interactive sessions with experts. By involving the community, we can create a collective consciousness towards water conservation and foster a sense of responsibility among individuals.Furthermore, technological advancements can also contribute to water conservation. The use of water-saving devices such as low-flow showerheads, dual-flush toilets, and smart irrigation systems can significantly reduce water usage without compromising on our daily needs. These devices are designed to optimize water flow and minimize wastage, making them an excellent investment for both households and businesses.In conclusion, water conservation is a critical issue that requires immediate attention. By understanding the importance of water conservation and implementing practical measures in our daily lives, we can contribute to the sustainable management of this precious resource. Whether it is fixing leaks, being mindful of our water usage, or promoting community initiatives, every effort counts. Let us all join hands and strive towards a water-wise future for ourselves and generations to come. Together, we can make a significant impact and ensure that water remains abundant for all.。
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38.00.000General information - water/waste38.11.100Installation of water quantity preselection system at purser station 38.12.108Lavatory alternate water faucet - infra-red controlled type38.12.119Lavatory water faucet flow time adjustment38.00.000 - General information - water/waste Description1. Potable water systemThe aircraft is equipped with a potable water system which is pressurized either from the aircraft pneumatic system or from the service panel air pressure connec-tion by ground equipment. An air compressor to main-tain water pressure is optional. The tank has a capacity of 200 liters (53 US gal). Servicing will be done from one potable water service panel with a heated fill/drain and overflow connection. The water system can be drained by gravity to withstand freezing conditions.2. Waste water systemThe used water from the galley and lavatory wash ba-sins is drained directly overboard via drain masts which are heated electrically both on ground and in flight.3. Vacuum toilet systemThe aircraft is equipped with a potable water flushing vacuum type toilet system. The waste tank has a capac-ity of 200 liters (53 US gal) and will be serviced from a single toilet service panel.On ground and in low flight altitude, where the pressure difference is below 200 hpa (mbar) a vacuum blower is provided to generate the necessary differential pres-sure.A318/A319/A321 potable water systemP compensation lineE IA320 potable water systemIntentionally left blank38.11.100 - Installation of water quantity preselection system at purser station ObjectiveTo allow preselection of potable water quantity to be re-filled and therefore provide improved aircraft econom-ics.Basic aircraftPotable water tank refilling is performed from the ser-vice panel located on the LH underside of the rear fuse-lage. Water level is displayed on indicators located at the purser station (Flight Attendant Panel (FAP)) and at the service panel.DescriptionA potable water quantity preselection system is installed in the water supply servicing system, with preselector switches at the purser station (Flight Attendant Panel (FAP)). The preselectable water quantities are 25, 50,75 and 100 % of full capacity.A "Tank full" indication light is installed at the service panel to indicate when the preselected level has been reached.The mechanical fill/overflow valve is replaced by an electromechanical valve and the water quantity indica-tor at the service panel is removed.EPAC selection mode IndividualT able 38-1 - T echnical solutions descriptionTDU Appl.PNQTY STS01Installation of water quantity preselection system at purserstation A318-100 A319-100 A320-200 A321-20038.12.108 - Lavatory alternate water faucet - infra-red controlled type ObjectiveTo provide a hands-free operated infra-red controlledwater faucet.Basic aircraftA manually operated water faucet with time delayedself-closing feature is installed.The hot or cold water mixture is selected by turning thewater faucet cap assembly.DescriptionThe manually operated water faucet is replaced by ahands-free operated infra-red controlled water faucet.In addition, hot or cold water is selectable by touchingthe hot or cold button on the top of the faucet.EPAC selection modeIndividualFigure 38-3 - Basic water faucetTDU 02 - Lavatory standard water faucet - Manually operated typeFigure 38-4 - Typical installation of infra-red controlled water faucet TDU 03 - Lavatory alternate water faucet - Infra-red controlled typePlace for airline logo TDU 04 - Infra-red controlled water faucet with airline logoT able 38-2 - T echnical solutions descriptionPNQTY STSStd Lavatory standard water faucet - manually operated type A318-100 A319-100 A320-200 A321-20003Lavatory alternate water fau-cet - infra-red controlled type -ADAMS RITE AEROSPACE A318-100A319-100A320-200A321-200Infra-red water fau-cetADAMS RITEAEROSP ACEAR9840-5W12D5441SFE04Lavatory alternate water fau-cet - infra-red controlled typewith airline logo - ADAMS RITEAEROSPACE A318-100A319-100A320-200A321-200Infra-red water fau-cet, with airline logoADAMS RITEAEROSP ACEAR9840-5WXXD544TBD SFEIntentionally left blank38.12.119 - Lavatory water faucet flow time adjustment ObjectiveTo adjust a water faucet flow time to approximately 5seconds.Basic aircraftThe duration of water flow is adjusted to 10 seconds (10sec +/- 2 sec).DescriptionThe water flow time is adjusted to approximately 5 sec-onds (4 - 6 seconds).NoteThe water flow time cannot be adjusted exact to 5 sec-onds. It has a deviation from 4 to 6 seconds.EPAC selection modeGlobal CABINT able 38-3 - T echnical solutions descriptionTDU Appl.PNQTY STS03Lavatory water faucet flow time adjustment to 5 seconds A318-100A319-100A320-200A321-200Wt in Global SCNWt in Global SCNWt in Global SCNWt in Global SCNIntentionally left blank。