


Names of suppliers of testing equipment and materials for this method may be found on the Test Equipment Suppliers list in the bound1set of TAPPI Test Methods, or may be available from the TAPPI Technical Operations Department.Approved by the Chemical Properties Committee of the Process and Product Quality DivisionTAPPIT 244 cm-99SUGGESTED METHOD – 1970OFFICIAL STANDARD – 1977OFFICIAL TEST METHOD – 1983REVISED – 1988REVISED – 1993CLASSICAL METHOD – 1999© 1999 TAPPIThe information and data contained in this document were prepared by a technical committee of the Association. The committee and the Association assume no liability or responsibility in connection with the use of such information or data, including but not limited to any liability or responsibility under patent, copyright, or trade secret laws. The user is responsible for determining that this document is the most recent edition published.CAUTION :This method may require the use, disposal, or both, of chemicals which may present serious health hazards to humans. Procedures for the handling of such substances are set forth on Material Safety Data Sheets which must be developed by all manufacturers and importers of potentially hazardous chemicals and maintained by all distributors of potentially hazardous chemicals. Prior to the use of this test method, the user should determine whether any of the chemicals to be used or disposed of are potentially hazardous and, if so, must follow strictly the procedures specified by both the manufacturer, as well as local, state, and federal authorities for safe use and disposal of these chemicals.Acid-insoluble ash in wood, pulp, paper, and paperboard1.Scope and summary1.1This method describes a procedure for determining the acid-insoluble ash content of cellulose samples.1.2The sample is dry-ashed and the residue treated with hydrochloric acid. The insoluble residue is filtered,washed, ignited, and weighed.1.3This method measures all acid insoluble material. For a more accurate but time-consuming wet-ash procedure for determining the silicates and silica content of pulp, see TAPPI T 245 “Silicates and Silica in Pulp (Wet Ash Method).”2.SignificanceSilica or silicates, the major components of the acid-insoluble ash, are normally present in very small quantities. If excessive amounts are present and carried into the finished paper, particularly of “fine” or specialty grades, they may cause undesirable abrasion of metal repeatedly applied to the paper, such as punches, dies, knives, or type.3.Apparatus 13.1Platinum crucible , or dish, 50 mL.3.2Muffle furnace, maintained at 525 ± 25°C.3.3Filter paper , ash-free, double acid-washed, extremely close in texture, of a type recommended for use with the finest precipitates (Whatman No. 42 suggested).a × 1000Acid-insoluble ash, ppm =m4.ReagentsHydrochloric acid , 6M . Carefully add one volume concentrated HCl to one volume distilled water. Use caution in making and handling of this reagent.5.Sampling5.1Obtain a sample of wood in accordance with TAPPI T 257 “Sampling and Preparing Wood for Analysis” and TAPPI T 264 “Preparation of Wood for Chemical Analysis” or a sample of pulp in accordance with TAPPI T 210“Weighing, Sampling, and Testing Pulp for Moisture.” Do not take cut edges or other parts of pulp where mineral contamination may have occurred.5.2Obtain a sample of paper or paperboard in accordance with TAPPI T 400 “Sampling and Accepting a Single Lot of Paper, Paperboard, Containerboard, or Related Product.”6.Test specimenThe size of the specimen, approximately 25 g, depends on the ash content and should be adjusted so that the weight of the acid-insoluble ash will be at least 10 mg. Tear the sample into small pieces. Weigh duplicate specimens to the nearest 0.01g.7.Procedure7.1As directed in TAPPI T 211 “Ash in Wood and Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard: Combustion at 525°C,”determine moisture level in the sample and ash the pulp in portions in a platinum dish, previously ignited in the muffle furnace to a constant weight (to the nearest 0.1 mg) and ignite at 525°C in the muffle furnace until the residue is free from black carbon particles.NOTE 1:This method may also be applied to the ash resulting when T 413 (ashing at 900°C) is utilized, in which case this must be noted in the report.Cool the dish to room temperature, add 5 mL 6M HCl, and evaporate carefully to dryness on a steam bath. Add a second 5-mL portion of 6M HCl and again evaporate to dryness. Add a third 5-mL portion of 6M HCl to the residue, heat on the steam bath, and dilute with 20 mL of distilled water.7.2Filter the solution through the ash-free filter paper, being careful to remove all the residue from the dish by means of a rubber policeman, and wash the residue several times with hot distilled water until the filtrate is free from chloride ions (check with silver nitrate solution).NOTE 2:If trace metals (Cu, Fe, Mn, Ca) are to be determined in the same pulp specimen, the filtrate may be collected in a volumetric flask for further analysis in accordance with available methods for determining these elements.7.3Place the filter paper containing the insoluble residue in the platinum dish. Heat very carefully until the water has evaporated, and then ignite the residue in the muffle furnace until free from carbon. Allow the dish to cool in a desiccator and weigh to the nearest 0.1 mg.8.CalculationCalculate the acid-insoluble ash content as:wherea=weight of insoluble residue, mgm=weight of the oven-dry sample, g9. ReportReport the average result for the acid-insoluble ash as parts per million (milligrams per kilogram), to the nearest 5 parts per million.10.Precision10.1 Repeatability (within a laboratory) = 70 ppm10.2Comparability (between materials) = not known10.3Reproducibility (between laboratories) = not known10.4These terms are in accordance with the definitions in TAPPI T 1206 “Precision Statement for Test Methods.”11.KeywordsWood, Pulp, Paper, Paperboard, Ash content, Acid insolubles, Silicates, Silica, Impurities, Ash12.Additional information12.1Effective date of issue: October 22, 1999.12.2Related methods: ISO Standard 776; SCAN-C9 (similar except for specimen weight, ash requirement, furnace temperature); BS 4496.12.3This method was made classical by committee action in 1999.Your comments and suggestions on this procedure are earnestly requested and should be sent to the TAPPI Technical Divisions Administrator.•。



化学法制浆流程The chemical pulping process, also known as the Kraft process, is an important method for turning wood into pulp for paper production. This process involves several key steps, including wood preparation, cooking, washing, bleaching, and recovery. 化学制浆工艺也被称为Kraft工艺,是将木材制成纸浆的重要方法。


One of the first steps in the chemical pulping process is wood preparation, which involves debarking the wood and chipping it into small pieces. These wood chips are then mixed with a mixture of chemicals and water to form what is known as "white liquor." 化学制浆过程中的一个最初步骤是木材的准备,包括去皮和将木材切割成小块。


Next, the wood chips are cooked in a large vessel known as a digester. During this process, the white liquor breaks down the lignin in the wood, separating the cellulose fibers and other components to create a slurry of pulp. 接下来,木屑在被称为蒸化器的大容器中进行烹饪。



雅思作文橄榄油的制作过程英文回答:Olive Oil Production Process.The production of olive oil involves several stages, including harvesting the olives, extracting the oil, and refining it.Harvesting.Olive trees are typically harvested in the fall when the olives reach their optimal ripeness. Olives can be harvested by hand or mechanically. Hand-harvesting is more labor-intensive but results in higher-quality oil.Extraction.Once the olives are harvested, they are taken to a mill where they are crushed to extract the oil. There are twomain methods of oil extraction:Traditional Method: In the traditional method, olives are crushed using a heavy stone mill. The resulting pasteis then pressed under pressure to separate the oil from the solids.Modern Method: In the modern method, olives arecrushed using a centrifugal extractor. This method is more efficient and produces higher yields of oil.Refining.After extraction, the olive oil undergoes a refining process. Refining involves removing impurities and excess acidity to improve the oil's flavor and stability. Thereare different levels of refining, ranging from unrefined (extra virgin olive oil) to refined (light olive oil).Unrefined Olive Oil (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)。











关键词:芦苇硫酸盐法浆,NaNO3,氧碱漂白,过氧化氢,少氯漂白ABSTRACTBleaching after reed plup has been deal with,and compare with conventionality CEH three sequence bleaching,the possibility of bleaching for low chlorine has been discusscd.The results show that: the conventionality CEH three sequence bleaching with the optimum conditions of C sequence consistency of pulp 3%,time60min,temperature 25℃,pH less then 2.E sequence consistency of pulp 10%,time90min,temperature 60℃,pH more then 10. H sequence consistency of pulp 6%,time120min,temperature 40℃,pH about 7.5to8.0(ending). absolutely dry of pulp 8g, use chlorine 8%,C:H=6.5:3.5 the brightness was the best of all.If use NaNO3 deal with the CEH three sequence bleaching in advance ,the result will be obtain higher brightness. with the optimum conditions of NaNO3 deal with in advance: consistency of pulp 9%,the 0.16 mol/l NaNO3 of dosage 26ml ,the 0.2M H2SO4of dosage 0.9%, temperature 90℃,time 120min, kappa value fall to 7.128 compare with formerly 17.506,the brightness of use chlorine 4% has been deal with attin top of 85.3%ISO,add to 10%ISO.EH two sequence bleaching after NaNO3 deal with., the brightness reach 81.2%ISO,viscosity 700.8ml/g.with the optimum conditions of oxygen bleaching deal with in advance:acidity of H2O2 0.2%,consistency of pulp 5%,time30min,temperature 60℃,Ph value 3.with the optimum conditions of oxygen bleaching.alkali3%,top temperature 115℃,heat preservation 60min, oxygen press 1.0Mpa, MgSO40.5%, H2O2 0.8%, absolutely dry of pulp 20g, consistency of pulp 10%, the viscosity fall to 682.8 after bleaching ,kappa value 5.113. CEH three sequence bleaching after oxygen bleaching has been deal with,the brightness increase 10.6%ISO, the viscosity fall to 474.6ml/l.The conventionality CEpH three sequence bleaching with the optimum conditions of :C 、E and H sequence conditions the same as conventionality CEH three sequence bleaching.E sequencecontain p sequence of H2O2 0.8%,Na2SiO3 2%,MgSO40.05%, the brightness of use chlorine 8%than conventionality CEH three sequence bleaching2%ISO,the viscosity fall to 618ml/g.The results show that, the brightness of bleaching after reed has been deal with are all increase. the brightness of oxygen bleaching most increase,but the viscosity fall a great many.moreover,thought the brightness of H2O2 bleaching increase does not many, the viscosity fall a litter.Key words: KP reed plup, NaNO3,oxygen bleaching, hydrogen peroxide, low chlorine bleaching目录第一章前言 (I)1.1 制浆原料-芦苇 (1)1.1.1 芦苇的纤维特性及形态特征 (1)1.1.2 苇浆应用范围 (2)1.2制浆方法-硫酸盐法制浆 (3)1.3 少氯漂白 (3)1.3.1 常规CEH三段漂 (3)1.4 氧系漂剂的应用及发展 (5)1.4.1 氧碱漂白 (5)1.5 过氧化氢漂白 (10)1.5.1 过氧化氢与木素的化学反应 (10)1.5.2 过氧化氢与碳水化合物的反应 (10)1.5.3 过氧化氢漂白的改进与发展 (11)1.6 硝酸钠预处理 (11)第二章实验 (12)2.1 KP法芦苇浆的制备 (12)2.1.1原料来源 (12)2.1.2蒸煮工艺条件 (12)2.1.3 蒸煮药品 (12)2.1.4蒸煮过程 (12)2.1.5 浆料分析 (13)2.2 漂白方法 (13)2.2.1 漂白药品 (13)2.2.2 氧碱漂白前的预处理 (14)2.2.3 氧碱漂白 (15)2.2.4 硝酸钠活化预处理设备---恒温加热水浴锅 (16)2.3 浆片分析 (17)第三章结果与讨论 (18)3.1 常规CEH三段漂白适宜条件的探讨 (18)3.1.1 用氯量对白度的影响 (18)3.1.2 H段用碱量探讨 (19)3.1.3 H段时间对漂白的影响 (21)3.2 酸性硝酸钠前处理效果探讨 (22)3.2.1 酸性硝酸钠处理适宜条件的探索 (22)3.2.2 活化剂用量的影响 (24)3.2.3 时间对处理的影响 (25)3.2.4 温度对处理的影响 (25)3.2.5 硝酸钠处理后CEH常规漂 (27)3.3氧碱漂白处理后的CEH三段漂 (29)3.3.1氧碱漂处理 (29)3.3.2 氧碱漂白后的CEH漂 (30)3.3.3 减氯的CEH三段漂 (31)H漂白的研究 (32)3.4 CEP第四章结论 (34)参考文献 (35)致谢 (36)第一章前言20世纪以来,随着工业的发展,污染问题逐渐成为迫切解决的问题。

Pulp and Paper解读

Pulp and Paper解读

History of Paper Making
North American paper mill in 1690 near Philadelphia first writing papers were produced by collecting, separating, and cleaning old cloth rags
Paper Making Process Overview [Chesterton, 2004]
The Modern Paper Making Process
Wood Yard [Chesterton, 2004]
The Modern Paper Making Process
Five Methods of pulping
German chemist, C. F. Dahl, developed the Kraft pulping process
Dominant pulping process until the 1930s
1930s dominant pulping process and still is today
paper was made in single sheets
History of Paper Making
Nicholas-Louis Robert of France invented a paper making machine that produced paper on an endless wire screen
Kraft process can pulp pine trees



第一次在公司里上班,第一个mail开头是FYI~不知道啥意思,看看后面有东西,估计就是让看吧,并且有点尊敬的意思!最后才知道事For your information~有次和外国客户发邮件。


想了半天,后天查了网络,才知道是LET ME KNOW 的意思。




数字:2 = to/too2B or not 2B = To be or not to be4 = for4ever = foreverA:ASL = Age/Sex/LocationAFAIC = As Far As I’m ConcernedAFAIK = As Far As I KnowAFK = Away From KeyboardAIAMU = And I’m A Monkey’s UncleAISI = As I See I tAKA = Also Known AsAMBW = All My Best WishesANFAWFOWS = And Now For A Word Word From Our Web SponsorAOTS = All Of The SuddenASAFP = As Soon As "Friggin" PossibleASAP = As Soon As PossibleATST = At The Same TimeAWGTHTGTTA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This AgainAWGTHTGTTSA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh AgainAYSOS = Are You Stupid Or SomethingB:B4 = BeforeB4N = Bye For NowBBFBBM = Body By Fisher, Brains by MattelBBIAB = Be Back In A BitBBIAF = Be Back In A FewBBL = Be Back LaterBBN = Bye Bye NowBCNU = Be Seein’ YouBF = BoyfriendBFD = Big Fing DealBFN = Bye For NowBHOF = Bald Headed Old FartBIF = Basis In FactBITD = Back In The DayBiz = BusinessBM = Byte MeBMOTA = Byte Me On The AssBNF = Big Name FanBOHICA = Bend Over Here I t Comes AgainBR = BathroomBRB = Be Right BackBRT = Be Right ThereBS = Big SmileBT = Byte ThisBTDT = Been There Done ThatBTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of MeBTW = By The WayBTWBO = Be There With Bells OnBWDIK = But What Do I Know?BWO = Black, White or OtherC:Cam = Web CameraCIAO = Goodbye (in I talian)CID = Consider It DoneCIO = Check I t OutCIS = CompuServe Information ServiceCMF = Count My FingersCof$ = Church of ScientologyCRAFT = Can’t Reme mber A Fing Thing CRAWS = Can’t Remember Anything Worth A Sh CSL = Can’t Stop LaughingCTC = Choaking The ChickenCU = See YouCUL/CYL/CUL8R = See You LaterCWYL = Chat With You LaterCYA = Cover Your AssD:DBEYR = Don’t Believe Everything You ReadDD = Due DiligenceDDD = Direct Distance DialDETI = Don’t Even Think ItDGT = Don’t Go ThereDHYB = Don’t Hold Your BreathDIIK = Damned If I KnownDILLIGAD = Do I Look Like I Give A d\amn DILLIGAS = Do I Look Like I Give A ShDKDC = Don’t Know Don’t CareDL = DownloadDLTM = Don’t Lie To MeDQYDJ = Don’t Quit You’re Day JobDRIB = Don’t Read If BusyDS = Dunce SmileyDYSTSOTT = Did You See The Size Of That ThingE:EG = Evil GrinEOM = End Of MessageESO = Equipment Smarter than OperatorF:F2F/FTF = Face To FaceFAQ = Frequently Asked QuestionFBKS = Failure Between Keyboard and SeatFE = For Example/Fatal ErrorFF&PN = Fresh Fields And Pastures NewFOAF = Friend Of A FriendFTASB = Faster Than A Speeding BulletFT = FaintFTL = Faster Than LightFTTB = For The Time BeingFUBAR = Fed Up Beyond All RecognitionFUBB = Fed Up Beyond BeliefFUD = (Spreading) Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation FWI W = For What It’s WorthFYA = For Your AmusementFYI = For Your InformationFYM = For Your MisinformationG:G2G = Got To GoG8T/GR8 = GreatGAL = Get A LifeGDGD = Good,GoodGF = girlfriendGG = Good Game/Gotta GoGIGO = Garbage In, Garbage OutGIWIST = Gee, I Wish I’d Said ThatGL = Good LuckGLYASDI = God Loves You And So Do IGMTA = Great Minds Think AlikeGNBLFY = Got Nothing But Love For YouGR&D = Grinning Running And DuckingGRRRR = "Growling"GSOAS = Go Sit On A SnakeGTG = Got To GoGTGB = Got To Go, ByeGTGP = Got To Go PeeGTH = Go To HellGTSY = Glad To See YaGYPO = Get Your Pants OffBE A QUEEN.H:HAGO = Have A Good OneHAK = Hugs And KissesHB = Hurry BackHD = HoldHHO1/2K = Ha Ha, Only Half KiddingHHOK = Ha Ha, Only KiddingHIOOC = Help! I’m Out Of CoffeeHowz = How isHTH = Hope This (That) HelpsHUA = Heads Up AceHUYA = Head Up You’re aI:IAC = In Any CaseIAE = In Any EventIANAC = I Am Not A CrookIANAL = I Am Not A LawyerIBT = In Between TechnologyIBTD = I Beg To DifferIC = I See/In CharacterIDGAF = I Don’t Give A FIDGI = I Don’t Get ItIDK = I Don’t KnowIDKY = I Don’t Know YouIDST = I Didn’t Say ThatIDTS = I Don’t Think SoIFAB = I Found A BugIFU = I Fed UpIGGP = I Gotta Go PeeIIIO = Intel Inside, Idiot OutsideIIMAD = If It Makes An(y) DifferenceIIRC = If I Remember CorrectlyIIWM = If It Were MeILICISCOMK = I Laughed, I Cried, I Spat/Spilt Coffee/Crumbs/Coke On My Keyboard ILY = I Love YouIMHO = In My Humble OpinionIMNSHO = In My Not So Humble OpinionIMO = In My OpinionINMP = It’s Not My ProblemINPO = In No Particular OrderIOH = I’m Outta HereIOW = In Other WordsIRL = In Real LifeISS = I Said SoITM = In The MoneyIYKWIM = If You Know What I MeanIYSS = If You Say SoJ:J/C = Just CheckingJ/K = Just Kidding!J/W = Just WonderingJAFO = Just Another Fing OnlookerK:K/KK = OK/OK, OKKFY = Kiss For YouKISS = Keep It Simple StupidKIT = Keep In TouchKMA = Kiss My AssKWIM = Know What I MeanKX = kissKYPO = Keep Your Pants OnL:L8R = LaterLD = Long DistanceLDTTWA = Let’s Do The Time Warp Again LLTA = Lots And Lots Of Thunderous Applause LMAO = Laughing My Ass OffLMK = Let Me KnowLOL = Laughing Out Loud/Lots Of Luck(Love) LTIC = Laughing ’Til I CryLTNS = Long Time No SeeLYL = Love Ya LotsLYLAS = Love You Like A SisterM:M8T = MateMHOTY = My Hat’s Off To YouMM = Market MakerMorF = Male or Female?MOTD = Message Of The DayMOTSS = Members Of The Same Sex MTFBWY = May The Force Be Wi t h YouMWBRL = More Will Be Revealed LaterMYOB = Mind Your Own BusinessN:N = And/Know/NowNAK = Nursing At KeyboardNAZ = Name, Address, Zip (also means Nasdaq)NBD = No Big DealNBIF = No Basis In FactNFI = No Fing IdeaNFW = No Fing WayNIFOC = Nude In Front Of The ComputerNM = Never MindNMP = Not My ProblemNMU = Nothing Much YouNOYB = None Of Your BusinessNP = No ProblemNQOCD = Not Quite Our Class DearNRG = EnergyNRN = No Reply NecessaryNYCFS = New York City Finger SaluetO:OAUS = On An Unrelated SubjectOBTW = Oh, By The WayOIC = Oh, I SeeOICU = Oh, I See YouOMDB = Over My Dead BodyOMG = Oh My God/Oh My GoshOMIK = Open Mouth, Insert KeyboardONNA = Oh No, Not AgainOOC = Out Of CharacterOOTB = Out Of The Box/Out Of The BlueOT = Off TopicOTOH = On The Other HandOWTTE = Or Words To That EffectOZ = stands for "Australia"P:PEBCAK = Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard PEM = Privacy Enhanced MailPic = PicturePIMP = Peeing In My PantsPITA = Pain In The AssPLS/PLZ = PleasePMFJI = Pardon Me For Jumping InPO = Piss OffPOS = Parents Over ShoulderPOV = Point Of ViewPPL = PeoplePro = ProfessionalPS = By The Way/PhotoshopT:TAH = Take A HikeTANSTAAFL = There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch TARFU = Things Are R eally Fed UpTDTM = Talk Dirty To MeTEOTWAWKI = The End Of The World As We Know It TFN = Thanks For Nothin’THX/TX/THKS = ThanksTIA = Thanks In AdvanceTIAIL = Think I Am In LoveTIC = Tongue In CheekTLA = Three Letter AcronymTLGO = The List Goes OnTM = Trust MeTMI = Too Much InformationTMTOWTDI = There’s More Than One Way To Do It TPTB = The Powers That BeTSR = Totally Stuck in RAMTTFN = Ta Ta For NowTTT = That’s The Ticket/To The TopTTUL/TTYL = Talk To You LaterTWHAB = This Won’t Hurt A BitTY = Thank YouTYVM = Thank You Very MuchU:U = YouUR = YourU R = You areunPC = unPolitically CorrectURYY4M = You Are Too Wise For MeV:VFM = Values For MoneyVG = Very GoodW:WAG = Wild Ass GuessWAI = What An IdiotWB = Welcome BackWCA = Who Cares AnywayWDYS = What Did You Say?WDYT = What Do You Think?WE = WhateverWEG = Wicked Evil GrinWG = Wicked GrinWGAFF = Who Gives A Flying FWIIFM = What’s In I t For Me?WI T = Wordsmith In TrainingWI TFITS = What in the F is this ShWOG = Wise Old GuyWot/Wut = WhatWR T = Wi t h R espect To/With Regard ToWTF = What The FWTG = Way To Go!WTSDS = Where The Sun Don’t ShineWYMM = Will You Marry MeWYP = What’s Your Problem?WYRN = What’s Your Real Name?WYS = Whatever You SayWYSIWYG = What You See Is What You GetWYT = Whatever You ThinkX:X U = Kiss YouY:Y = WhyYa = YouYA = Yet AnotherYAFIYGI = You Asked For It You Got I tYDKM = You Don’t Know MeYep/Yup = YesYGBK = You Gotta Be Kiddin’YMMV = Your Mileage May VaryYNK = You Never KnowYOYO = You’re On Your OwnYR = Yeah, RightYSYD = Yeah, Sure You DoYTTT = You Telling The Truth?YYSSW = Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever口语中总想不起怎么说的英文来源:刘坤来的日志low key 低调I’ve been back and forth.我犹豫不定。



A flute A 级瓦楞纸波形数absorbent felt 吸水毛毯accepts 良浆,合格品actuating signal 驱动/作用信号absorber 吸收器,吸收剂,access time 存取时间,选取时actuator 驱动器,执行机构 减震器激励器absorbing capacity 吸收能力accessibility 可及度adapter 接合器,连接器,接头~ tower 吸收塔accessory 附件,零件~ pad 防震垫 a. c. commutator 整流式交流~ polymer 加成聚合物abietate 松香酸酯~ power 吸收能力~ product 加成产物abietic acid 松香酸~ quality 吸收性能,吸收能力accidental error 偶(然误)差~ reaction 加成反应abrader 研磨机absorption 吸收作用accumulation 累积,蓄积,additive 添加剂abrading machine 研磨机~ ability 吸收能力~ reaction 加成反应abrasion 磨损,磨蚀~ band 吸收光带accumulator 储存槽,回收槽adherence 粘附~ resistance 抗磨性能~ coefficient 吸收系数adherent 粘附的~ test 耐磨试验~ measurement 吸收测定~ acid 回收酸adhesion 粘附(现象),粘附力abrasive 磨损的,磨蚀的~ rate 吸收率~ relief 储存槽排气,回收adhesive 粘附剂,粘合剂,胶粘~action 磨蚀作用~ spectrum 吸收光谱槽排气~ fiber 砂纸原纸用纤维absorptive capacity 吸收能力accuracy 准确(度、性),~ capacity 粘附能力,胶粘度~grain 磨(料)粒(度)absorptivity 吸收能力,吸收率~(glassine) tape 胶(带)纸~ machine 研磨机accelerant 催速剂,促进剂acidic 酸的,酸性的adiabatic condition 绝热状态~ resistance 抗磨性能acidification 酸化(作用)~ tester 耐磨试验机~ cement 速凝水泥acidity 酸度~ efficiency 绝热效率abrasiveness 磨蚀~ oxidation 加速氧化~ control 酸度控制~ expansion 绝热膨胀absolute alcohol 无水酒精~ weathering 人工加速风干acoustic insulation 隔音~ throttling 绝热调节~ dry 绝干~ properties 声学性质adjective color 间接染料~ humidity 绝对湿度accelerator 加速器,促进剂across grain 横纹理adjustable bow curved roll ~ temperature 绝对温度acceptability 合格率activated carbon 活性碳 (可调)弧形辊,(可调)~ unit 绝对单位acceptable fiber 合格纤维activation 活化作用 弓形辊absorb 吸收accepted chips 合格木片active surface 活性表面~ orifice 可调锐板absorbability 吸收性能~ product 合格产品activity 活化度~ speed motor 调速电动机absorbed water 吸收水~ stock 合格浆料actual volume 有效/实际容积adjusting color 调色aborbency 吸收能力,吸收本领acceptance sampling system~ weight 实际/有效重量~ device 调节装置(含漂白磨木浆)abienol 松香醇abies 冷杉属A(每30厘米36±3个)A printing A 级印刷纸 剂,粘着剂,胶粘的 绝热情况accelerating agent 催速剂,促进剂加速老化 精密(度、性) 电动机 聚积,储积,堆积 蓄电池,污热水槽addition compound 加成化合物adjusting control 调节控制器admission valve 进气阀,进浆阀adsorb 吸附间,信息发送时间adult wood 成年材advanced water treatment--AWT 污水处理法,(污水)三级处理aerate 曝气,充气aerated lagoon 曝气塘 aerobic 需氧的~ treatment 充氧处理afforestation 造林after dryer 后部烘缸组~ sizing 后施胶,表面施胶~ treatment 表面处理aged wood 老化材agglomerate 附聚,附聚物agglomeration 附聚/烧结(作用)agglutinant 烧结剂,凝聚剂aggregate 聚集体agitating valve 搅拌桨agitation 搅拌(作用)aging quality 耐久性,老化性能~ resistance 抗老化性能~ test 老化试验aid 促进剂,辅助剂air bells (水印辊构成的)气泡~ blade 气刀~blast system 鼓风系统,风选系统~ bleed press 抽气压榨,吸风压榨~ blower 鼓风机合格率抽样系统actuation time 动作时间~ screw 调节螺旋air intake 进风口,空气入口air seal 气封allowable current 容许电流~ brake 空气制动器,风闸~ jet/nozzle 空气喷嘴~ separator 吹(气分)离器~ deviation/error 容许误差~ brush 气刷~ knife coating 气刀涂布~ spring 气垫~ load 容许负荷~ bubble (空)气泡~ knife mark 气刀痕(纸病)~ stripping 空气脱吸/抽提alloy 合金~ cap (drying)热风罩(干燥)~-lay drying 热风干燥~ tight 不透气的~ steel 合金钢~ channel 通风道~ line 空气管道~ trap 空气阱alum 明矾~ chamber 通风室~ loaded headbox 气垫网前箱alumina 氧化铝~ compressor 压缩空气机 气垫式压力流浆箱~ vent 排气口ambient conditions 环境条件,~ condenser 空气冷凝器~operated automatic controller alcohol 乙醇,酒精 外界条件~ conditioner 空气调节装置, 气动自控aldehyde 醛~ temperature 环境温度 空调设施~ loaded tension device 气动~ resin 聚醛树脂ammeter 安培计,电流表~ content 空气含量 张力装置alkali 碱ammonia 氨~ controlled 气控~ operated humidity controller ~ filler 碱性填料~ water 氨水~ controlled dilution valve 气控 气动调湿控制器~ recovery 碱回收ammonium base 铵基稀释阀~ operated thermostat 气动~ extract 碱抽提物~ base liquor 铵基蒸煮液~ cooled/cooling 空气冷却 恒温器~ extraction 碱抽提amorphous 无定形的~ curtain 气帘,气幕~ outlet flue 排气管~ lignin 碱木素~ resin 无定形松香~ cushion 气垫~ permeability 透气性/度~ ratio 碱比amphiphatic 偶极性~ damper 风档~ permeability tester 透气度~ treatment 碱处理amphoteric 两性的~ deckle 气控定边器 测定仪alkaline bleach liquor 碱性漂液~ reaction 两性反应~ doctor 气刀,空气刮刀~ piping 风管~ cleavage 碱性分裂/裂解~ surface reactive agent 两性~ drainer 空气助滤压榨~ preheater 空气预热器~ degradation 碱性降解 表面活性剂~ dried 风干~ proof 不透气的,密封的~ extraction 碱抽提amplifier 放大器~ dry weight 风干重量~ press 空气(加压)压榨~ filler 碱性填料amplitude(of shake) 振幅~ dryer 空气干燥器,热风干燥器~ pressure 空气压力~ purification 碱处理,碱净化amylaceous 淀粉的~ ejector 空气喷射器~ quality 空气/大气质量~ reducing agent 碱性还原剂amylase 淀粉酶~ entrainment 空气含量~ regulator 空气调节器~ sizing 碱性施胶anastatic transfer 凸版转印法~ escape valve 排气阀,放空阀~ removing roll 排气辊,~ solution 碱性溶液anaerobic 厌氧的~ exhauster 排风机 (伏辊上方)小压辊~ wash 碱洗涤~ treatment 厌氧处理~ filter 空气过滤器~ reservoir 贮气箱/槽,气库alkalinity 碱度,碱性analog 类似,模拟~ float dryer 气垫/托干燥装置~ resistance 空气阻力alkaloid 生物碱~ computer 模拟计算机~ float table 气托堆纸台~ roll 压纸辊all purpose computer 通用~ speed /draw system 车速和absorbent 吸收剂air borne drying 气垫干燥,气托干燥~velocity pressure 气流速度压力~ blowing roll 热风辊allowable limit 允许极限allowance 允许公差,允许量analog signal 模拟信号analogy 模拟,类似analysis of variance 方差分析analytical balance 分析天平anchor bolt 地脚螺栓anenometer 风速计angle cutting machine 斜切机~ steel 角钢~ valve 角阀anhydrous 无水的~ alcohol 无水酒精anion 阴离子~ exchange resin 阴离子交换树脂anionic starch 阴离子淀粉annealing temperature 退火温度annular 环形的,输状的~ vessel 环纹导管anode 阳极~ protection 阳极保护anti-crawl agent 防滑动剂~-deflection roll 抗挠辊~-flocculant 防絮凝剂~-foaming agent 消泡剂~-fouling compound 防腐剂,防污剂antique bristol 仿光泽纸anti-body 抗体antiseptic 防腐~ agent 防腐剂anti-static agent 抗静电剂aperture 孔,筛孔,网孔~ foil 热风气翼~ scrubber 空气洗涤器,电子计算机 牵引力模拟控制系统~ heater 空气加热器净气器alkylation 烷(基)化~ sensor 模拟传感器apparent density 表观密度ascending chromatography attenuation 衰减作用automatic sheet counting device~ specific gravity 表观比重 上行色谱(分离)法attrition mill 磨浆机,磨碎机 自动数纸装置~ specific volume 表观体积ash content 灰分含量~ sheet feeder 自动续纸器~ viscosity 表观粘度~ tester 灰分试验器(纸浆取样)钻取法~ sheet handling machineappearance 外观aspect ratio 纵横比(值)autoclave 高压釜,高压锅自动码纸机appendage 附属部分,附件asphalt 沥青auto cut-out 自动断路(器)~ stuff box 自动调节箱appendix 附录~ coating 沥青涂布automatic control 自动控制~ temperature controller 温度application valve 控制阀~ emulsion 沥青乳胶~ electric feed 电控自动装料 自动控制器applicator 上涂装置,施胶装置~ felt 沥青油毛毡~ data processing 数据自动~ roll 施胶辊,上料辊~ laminator 沥青层压机 处理applying felt 专用毛毯~ roofing 油毡线~ feed 自动进料/喂料~ wire guide (roll)自动校网辊approach flow system 纸机流送~ saturated felt 沥青纸,油毡纸~ felt guide 毛毯自动校正器 系统~ size 沥青胶料automation 自动化apron board 下唇板,裙板asphaltum 沥青auto-oxidation 自动氧化~ conveyor 带式运输机auto-panel 自动控制指示板~ dryer 带式干燥机aspiration 抽气auto-slice 真空刮刀aquapulper 水力碎浆机aspirator 抽气机~ knife grinder 自动磨刀机auxiliaries 辅助装置aqueous 含水的,液态的,水成的assay 鉴定,分析~ line 自动线arc foil 弧形案板,弧形脱水板~ procedure 分析程序~ logging 自动记录~ equipment 辅助装置arching 搭桥assembly 机组,成套设备,~ operation 自动操作~ separator 辅助分离器area of bars 打浆面积 联动装置,基团,组~ pick-up 自动递纸装置,~ strainer 辅助滤带/筛浆机areal (dried) weight 定量assimulation 同化(作用) 自动引纸装置available alkali 有效碱arithmetic and logic unit 算数与assistant superintended ~ plant 自动化工厂/车间~ capacity 有效容量逻辑装置车间副主任~ crosssection 有效截面arithmetic mean 算术平均 控制器average fiber length 纤维平均~ unit 运算器asymmetry 不对称(现象)~ pressure vent 自动排气阀arrester 制动片,制动机构at maximum temperature 保温~ lubrication 自动注油arresting device 制动机构~ pressure 平均压力art cover 装饰面板~ humidity 大气湿度~ production 自动化生产~ velocity 平均速度artificial aging 人工老化~ pressure 大气压力~ proportioning and metering avometer 安伏欧计,万能表~ fiber 人工纤维atomization 雾化 device 自动配浆箱三用电表长度aspirated pit(pair)闭塞纹孔(对)asynchronous motor 异步电动机atmospheric conditions 大气状态~ timing device~ tip time service 自动校网器,成型网自动校正器auxiliary air 补给空气,二次风~ guide (roll)自动导辊/校正辊~ pressure controller 压力自动~ programming 自动程序设计~ increment 平均增量auger method (for sampling pulp)~ felt stretcher 毛毯自动张紧器~flashing apparatus 自动闪蒸设备~ fraction collector 自动分选机顶端仪器,装置B小烘缸预压榨辊回流纸板芯层,纸板衬层背压传动侧,传动面小挤水辊,背辊退纸架干燥工压光工逆洗,反洗,回洗回水回水泵,白水泵打浆机山形(部)纸坯小挤水辊,背辊背辊痕(纸病)吹移逆止阀,反冲阀小支撑辊,背辊杀菌剂挡板,挡水板,挡浆板挡板,挡水板,挡浆板折流堰板折流匀浆辊消音器过滤袋纸袋衬里(用纸)artists board 绘图纸板atomizer 喷雾器,雾化器axial 轴向/ axis 轴asbestos sheet 石棉板attachment 附件~ sampler 自动取样器~ bond 主键,轴键~ washer 石棉垫圈attenuant 稀释剂,衰减器~ sorter 自动选纸机~ flow pump 轴流泵bagging 装填~ machine 装填机喷射冷凝器baggy 膨胀~ leg 大气腿balance 平衡,天平,秤,差额~ pressure 大气压(力)~ point 平衡点barrier 防护,屏障~ weight 平衡铊~ coating防护涂层,涂布底层~ bridge 平衡电桥~ material 防护涂层材料bale 捆,包~ sheet 防护涂层,涂布底层~ breaker 拆捆机,拆包机barring 起楞,起横纹(纸病)~ press 打包机base 碱,底座,基准,基~ pulper 浆板离解机~ plate 底座,底板~ room 打包工段~ stock 原纸baled news 成捆废报纸~ weight 定量baling 打捆,打包~ line 打包线,包装线~ press 包装/打包压紧机~ wire 打捆用铁丝ball bearing 滚珠轴承,球轴承~ mill (refiner)球磨机~ valve 球(心)阀band 带,(光)谱带,光带~ conveyer 带式运输机~ stock 封签纸用纸浆banding 包扎~ machine 包扎机bandless beater roll(打浆机)无轮辐飞刀辊banger(飞刀辊侧面)挡浆板bank stock 钞票纸浆料bar 棒,刀~ loading打浆机装料,打浆机~ washer(打浆机内)沉沙盘~(type) trap倒钟式汽水分离器belt 带,皮带~ conveyer 皮带运输机~ knife 底刀刀片bedplate 底刀床/座,(削片机)的大三角保护板~ drive 皮带传动Bel Baie former Bel-Baie夹网成型器bell 气泡形成的针眼,孔洞~ bar 底刀~ box 底刀盒~ knife 底刀刀片~ hole 气孔(纸病)beater trough 打浆机浆池/槽~ tub 打浆机浆池/槽~ tube (打浆机)浆槽~ vat 打浆机浆槽beaterman 打浆工beating 打浆~ coefficient 打浆系数~ degree 打浆度~ effect 打浆效应里加填料~ plate 打浆机底刀~ pressure regulating balance打浆平衡压力的调整~ coloring/ed 打浆机内染色~ drag 打浆机制动器~ filling 打浆机装料~ floor 打浆工段刀片互相接触次数~ capacity 打浆机容量~ weight scale 定量秤batch 成批,间歇式~ beating 间歇打浆~ furnish 打浆机内浆料组成~ help 打浆机助手~ knife 打浆机飞刀片~ roll 打浆辊,飞刀辊~ roll pressure 打浆辊压力beaer 烧杯beam 横梁,杆,射线bearing 轴承~ housing 轴承座~ chest 打浆机浆池beater 打浆机~ additive 打浆添加剂~ bar 打浆刀~ bar crossing number 打浆机~ production 成批生产~ causticizer 间歇苛化器~ charging 间歇装料~ operation 间歇操作~ processing 间歇式加工~ weight (纸张)定量basicity 碱性,碱度basis weight (纸张)定量~ weight controller定量自控器barometric jet condenser大气压beat 打浆beatability 打浆性能~ charge 打浆机装料Baume 波美(度)beading (细)粒化~ white 底色basic dye(stuff) 碱性染料~ size 碱性胶(料)~ starch 碱性淀粉~ causticization 间歇苛化~regulating device自动调节装置~ engine 打浆机~ pressure 打浆压力~ rate 打浆速度~ schedule 打浆程序bed roll(下)支撑辊,底辊bed frame底座机架,底刀盒座~(marking)machine 制纸袋机~ sealing machine 纸袋封口机bagginess 膨胀状belt shifter皮带移动装置,皮带拨叉~ type vacuum filter带式真空过滤机Bel-Vac former:Bel-Vac夹网成型器benchboard 操纵台bend 弯,弯曲~ strength 弯曲强度~ test 弯曲试验bender 弯管器bending break 弯曲断裂~ chip 耐折叠纸板~ moment 弯矩~ fatigue tester弯曲疲劳性能测定仪~ flexure 挠曲~ machine 弯管机,纸板折叠机~ number (纸板)弯曲值~ stiffness 弯曲挺度~ resistance 弯曲挺度~ stress 弯曲应力~ strength 弯曲强度~ test 弯曲试验benzene 苯benzine 挥发油,汽油benzoate 苯(甲)酸酯benzyl alcohol 苯甲醇bevel gear 斜齿轮,伞齿轮bias 偏斜,偏压bibliometer 吸水性能测定仪bin 料仓binary system 二进制,二元物系binder 胶粘剂,粘合剂,夹子barber dryer 热风干燥机~ drying 热风干燥barometer 气压表,气压计~ diagram 方块(流程)图~ resistance 抗阻塞性能, 系数(即亮度)blush coating 红染涂布~ out 喷放blue glass method 蓝玻璃试验法~ print 蓝图~reflectance factor 蓝光反射 纸板分层,气泡的形成~ down pressure 喷放压力~ floor 放浆操作楼面~ of chips 风送木片~ test (瓦楞纸的)戳穿试验~-through steam 蒸汽吹净blower 鼓风机,送风机blowing 放浆,放料,放锅,~ roll 引纸辊,领纸辊~ stack 排气管~ tank 喷放锅~ off line 喷放管道,排污管~ off valve 喷放阀,通风阀~ pipe 喷放管,风管,喷焊管~ pit 喷放池~ moulding 吹气成形~ tightener 皮带张紧器~ down steam 喷放过程中的 蒸汽~ line 喷放管道~ pit gases 喷放池排气~ tension 皮带张力~ line refining 喷放系统磨浆~ liquor 黑液,废液~ mark (气)泡痕(纸病)~ feeder 带式给料器~ filter 带式过滤机~ apparatus 漂白设备bleachery 漂白工段 bleaching 漂白~ action 漂白反应~ agent 漂白剂~ test 漂率试验bleached stock chest 漂白浆池~ yield 漂白得率 bleacher 漂白池~ tank/tub 漂白槽bleachable 可漂的bleachability 漂白性能, 可漂性,漂率~ requirement 漂液需用量, 漂率,漂白率~ scale 漂渣斑点(纸病)~ sludge 漂液残渣~ consumption 漂液消耗(量)~ demand 漂剂需用量~ liquor 漂液~ mixing 漂液混合blank news 空白废新闻纸~ test 空白试验blanket 毛毡,掩盖~ cylinder 毛毯烘缸~ marks 毛毯痕(纸病)blanks 空白废纸blast furnace 鼓风炉,高炉bleach 漂白~ coating 刮刀涂布~ cut /mark 刮刀伤痕(纸病) 装置blade 刀口,桨叶~ agitator 桨叶搅拌器~ clamp 刀夹~ liquor injector 黑液喷射装置~ liquor measuring tank 黑液 计量槽~ liquor recovery unit 黑液回收bi-winder 垂直式双卷复卷机black ash 黑灰~ liquor 黑液~ lead 石墨~ oxygen demand 生物耗氧量biosynthesis 生物合成bioxide 二氧化物bite 纵切圆刀咬合量bio-filter (处理废水用)生物滤池biological control 生物控制~ (effluent) treatment (废水) 生物处理bioassay 生物鉴定biochemical 生物化学的,生化的biochemistry 生物化学biocide 杀菌剂biodegradable 生物降解的biodegradation 生物降解(作用)bio-disc (处理废水用)生物圆盘blocking 粘合~ resistance 粘合阻力blotting capacity 吸墨性能blip 尖峰显示blister 泡,起泡,气泡,水泡~ up 堵住 粘合阻力~ compression test 耐湿粘 压试验blistering 起泡block 木段,阻塞,粘合~ cut 椭圆形裂口(纸病)~ pick 鼓包(纸病)~ resistance(沥青纸的)抗流性blemish 沾污blend 混合,配浆,配料blender 混合器blending chest 混合浆池~ tank 混合槽blind 盲板~ press 盲孔压榨辊~ turbine 抽气透平机bleeding 放气,放空,脱色, 褪色,表面处理成效~ of waste liquor 黑液排放~ tackle 打浆机刀间接触~ test 打浆浆料检测bleeder 排气阀,排放支管~ hole 抽气孔~ sized 打浆机内施胶~ stuff test 打浆浆料检测 bathing 汽蒸~ system 间歇(式)系统~ pulper 间歇式水力碎浆机~ roll 纸卷,未加工卷筒纸barometric condenser 大气压冷凝器binding machine 图书装订机binding 结合,粘合~ power 结合本领,粘合本领~ tape 粘胶带art ~ 铜版纸板asbestos ~ 石棉纸板asphalt ~ 沥青纸板,防潮纸板bleached food ~食品包装漂白纸板bristol ~ 光泽纸板bulking ~ 松厚纸板calender ~ 日历纸板calender bark ~ 日历牌纸板calibrated ~ 标准纸板carton ~ 盒用纸板case ~ 箱板纸cast coated ~ 铸涂纸板cellular ~ 瓦楞纸板combination ~ 多层纸板composite ~ 复合纸板,多层纸板container ~ 盒用纸板corrugated ~ 瓦楞纸板~ container ~ 瓦楞箱纸板cover ~ 封面纸板cushion ~ 瓦楞包装纸板double box ~ 双层箱纸板drawing/illustration ~绘图纸板duplex (machine) ~ 双面异色纸板duplication ~ 复印纸板facing ~ 外层纸板fiber/hard ~ 纤维板filled ~ 加填料纸板~ pulp ~ 全化学浆纸板flexible ~ 柔软纸板brightening 显白,显亮~ agent 增白剂brightness 白度,亮度breathe 换气bridge crane 桥式吊车bridging (of chips) 搭桥brightener 增白剂~ weight 裂断重量breast roll 胸辊~ board 胸板~ box 网前箱~ load 裂断负荷~ roll (纸板用)切割辊~ strain 裂断应变~ strength 裂断强度~ trap 碎纸机捕砂槽~ vat 碎纸机槽breaking factor 断裂因子~ length 裂断长~ bar 破碎机/碎纸机刀片~ beater 半浆机~ drum 鼓式碎纸机~ roll (纸板用)切割辊~ of bonds 结合键裂断breakdown 故障,事故~ voltage 击穿电压breaker 破碎机,碎纸机album ~ 相册纸板antique ~ 仿古纸板anti-tarnish ~ 防锈纸板breakage 裂断board 纸板absorbing ~ 吸收纸板boom 梁,吊杆bookkeeping machine 薄记计算机bone dry 绝干~ glue 骨胶bonnet valve 帽状阀~ dry weight 绝干重量bonded area 结合面积bonding 粘合,结合~ agent 粘合剂~ strength 粘合强度,结合强度bolting 筛选,栓接~ machine 筛选机bond 结合键,证券,粘合~ moment 键矩boiling curve 蒸煮曲线~ point 沸点bolometer 辐射热计bolter 筛,栓~ tag 仿标签纸boiler 锅炉,蒸煮器~ scale 锅炉结垢,锅炉水垢~corrugating medium 仿瓦楞原纸body stock 原纸bogus 仿造纸,伪造纸~ back lining 仿封面衬~ bristol 仿光泽纸bleed 排放,析抽,纸边裁切~ trim 书本切边board formation 纸板的成形bob 线垂,垂标坠~ department 漂白工段/车间~ properties 漂白性能~ schedule 漂白程序sheet ~ 平板纸板single face corrugated ~ 单面瓦楞 纸板 箱纸板pulp lined straw ~化学浆挂面草纸板reed ~ 苇浆纸板punch ~ 打孔纸板patent ~ 特制/上等白纸板perforated oil filtration ~多孔性 滤油纸板plain shell ~ 单一浆料制成的mould machine~圆网纸机抄制纸板no test ~ 低耐破度纸板non-bending ~不弯曲纸板packaging ~ 包装用纸板lightweight liner~轻重量挂面纸板manila ~ 马尼拉纸板,单面纸板marble ~ 大理石纹纸板mechanical pulp~磨木浆制成的纸板indicator ~ 指示盘用纸板ivory ~ 象牙白纸板kraft ~ 牛皮纸板~ liner ~ 牛皮箱纸板gauffered ~ 皱纹纸板glazed ~ 高光泽纸板grained ~ 木纹纸板imitation chromo ~ 仿彩色纸板~ (type) sensor 刀式浓度传感器~ width 刀宽blank assay 空白试验gasket board 垫圈纸板~ holder 刀架~ scratch 刮刀伤痕(纸病)~ shoe 闸瓦,刹车摩擦片braking 制动,刹车brand mark 商标brashness 脆性bracket 托架,座架~ trimmer 闸刀切纸机brake 制动器,刹车~ drum 制动圆鼓box 盒~ board container 纸箱~ compression 纸箱耐压性能~ unit 集装箱~ wave 涡流bowed roll 弓形辊,弧形辊bowl (超级压光机)纸粕辊~ giazing 旋光泽bound moisture 结合水分~ surface 结合表面~ water 结合水bow 弧形杆,舒展杆~ felt press (包毯)下压榨辊~ liner (纸板的)底面~ slitter (碗状)下刀~ squeeze roll 下挤水辊boss 轮毂,凸起部位~ machine tender 抄纸工长bottom couch (roll)下伏辊~ cotter shaft (切纸机)底刀轴blow 吹,放浆,放料,放锅~ bin 喷放槽~ box 毛毯真空吸水箱~ down 放浆,放料,放锅~ paper test 吸墨纸试验fourdrinier ~长网纸机抄制的纸板friction ~ 摩擦纸板folding box ~ 折叠纸盒用纸板deckle edged ~ 毛边纸板friction glazed ~ 摩擦压光纸板bristle mark 毛刷痕(纸病)bristol 光泽纸brittle 发脆~ heart 心材broad-leaf wood 阔叶木broke 损纸~ beater 损纸打浆机~ bundle 损纸捆~ pulper 损纸碎浆机~ reclamation 损纸回收~ storage chest 损纸浆池broken edge 破损纸边~ fiber 破碎纤维~ twill 破斜纹~-up stock 分散的浆料brominated lignin 溴化木素bromine number 溴值~ test 溴试验bronze crepe 金色皱纹纸~ speck 铜斑(点),铜尘埃(纸病)~ spot 铜斑(点),铜尘埃(纸病)broom corn 高梁broomed end 帚化的端部brooming 帚化brown groundwood 褐色磨木浆~ rot 褐斑,褐色腐朽(树病)~ size 褐色胶,褐色松香胶~ slivers 褐色木条capability 能力,性能,容量capacitance 电容capacitor 电容器capacity 容量,能力,功率capillarity 毛细作用,毛细现象~ doctor 压光机刮刀~ finish(ed) 压光装饰~ marking 压光痕(纸病)~ pick 粘压光辊briquetting 压块,压制成块calibration 校准,标定caliper 厚度~ (gage) 卡规~ and basis weight controller ~ agent 压光助剂calibrate 校准,标定,刻度calibrated scale 标定刻度calibrating weight 校准重量~ train 压光机组calendered 压光机处理的calendering 压光~ vellum finish 压光表面平滑处理~ stack 压光辊组~ staining 压光机染色~ scale 压光尘埃(纸病)~ section 压光部~ operator 压光工~ sizing 压光施胶~ stack crumbs 压光辊碎(纸)屑~ spot 压光斑(点)(纸病)~crush finish 压光润湿,压纹装饰~ crushing(压光机)压溃(纸病)~ cut 压光割口(纸病)~ tester 亮度测定仪brilliance 光泽,明度brilliancy 光泽,明亮Brinnell's hardness 布氏硬度~ reversion 回色,返色~ schedule 刻石程序burst 破裂(度),耐破度~ factor 耐破因子~ lathe 刻石刀床~ number 刻石刀号码burring 刻石~ cycle 刻石周期buret(te) 滴定管,量管,玻璃量杯burnisher 磨光机burnishing 磨光burr 刻石刀,刻石锉轮bundle 捆,扎,束bundling press 打包机buoyancy 浮力bulky 松厚,庞大bull knotter 圆筒除节机~ screen 粗筛bunch tube flowboxbumper 防震器,减震器bulkiness 松厚(性)bulking pressure测松厚的压力~ thickness 体积厚度,堆积厚度~ value 松度值,松厚值bulk handling 散装处理~ index 松厚指数~ modulus 体积模数~ storage 散装贮存bore 内径,孔,膛,穿孔,钻孔boring 钻孔,钻取~ method (of pulp sampling ) (纸浆取样)钻孔法~ crane 吊杆起重机~ stick 悬挂杆~ solution 缓冲溶液buffering agent 缓冲剂buffing machine 磨光机building stone 结构基团,结构基石bucking 弯曲,弯折~ strength 弯曲强度,浸渍强度buffer 缓冲,缓冲剂,缓冲器~ action 缓冲作用~ level 气泡水平仪~ marks 气泡痕(纸病)~ scrubber 泡沫洗涤塔bubbling 冒泡,沸腾~ smoothing 刷平辊brushing machine 刷涂机brushless coating 无刷涂布bubble 气泡,泡沫~ moistening machine 毛刷润湿机~ out (纤维)的分离~ polishing machine 毛刷磨光机~ roll 刷辊~ damper 毛刷润湿辊~ doctor 毛刷刮刀~ glazing 刷磨光~ mark 刷痕(纸病)~ filler 纸板芯层brush 毛刷~ coating 刷涂布~ dampener 刷式润湿器specialty ~ 特种纸板test liner ~ 箱板纸,高耐破度纸板white ~ 白纸板board and box lining 纸板和纸箱衬里solid ~ 单一浆种纸板钙盐基生石灰计算器,计算者旁路,旁通C干燥橱缆索运输机耐破度测定煅烧,煅烧产物按钮开关旁通)旁路,绕行旁通阀副产品对缝粘结器蝶形螺母蝶阀按钮刻石刀,锉轮报表纸对接抗断裂性能面包包装纸,导(电)条,总线汇流变换器黄铜断纸,断头均等极限点极限点,bruise 压溃,分裂,捣碎bruising 挫击,压溃,分裂calorimetry 量热学,量热法~ stock 粗浆,未漂浆~ stock chest 漂前浆池,粗浆池~ stock screen 漂前筛浆机~ stock washer 漂前洗浆机calorimeter 热量计camshaft 凸轮轴camber 中高~ control 控制中高cambered roll 中高辊cambium / cambia 形成层canal dryer 隧道式干燥室cantilever 悬臂~ crane 悬臂起重机~ type 悬臂式cantilevered design 悬臂式设计cap screw 带帽螺钉~ stock 瓶盖用纸板~ sheet 屋顶用纸板~ of coverage 覆盖能力capillary 毛细管,毛细的~ absorption 毛细吸收~ penetration 毛细渗透~ percolation 毛细渗透~ tube 毛细管capital cost 投资总额~ filtration 离心过滤~ force 离心力~ pump 离心泵~ screen 离心式筛浆机/圆筛centri-sorter 旋翼筛~ scrubber 离心式除尘器~ separator 离心分离器~ vacuum compressor 离心式 真空压缩机centripress drainer 离心压榨脱水机centrifugation 离心(分离)centrifuge 离心机~ classifier 离心式分选机~ exhauster 离心式抽风机~ fan 离心式风机centriffler 两段除渣器centrifiner 立式除渣器centrifugal 离心式~ blower 离心式鼓风机~cleaner 锥形除渣器,离心净浆机centralized instrument panel 仪表中央控制盘centricleaner 锥形除渣器centriclone 锥形除渣器~ efficiency 热效应~ value 热值,卡值central processor 中央(信息) 处理机 厚度与定量控制器~ detector 厚度探测器~ profiler 厚度调节器calorifere 加热器,发热器cation 阳离子~ exchange 阳离子交换~ exchanger 阳离子交换剂~ type 链轨式,履带式cathode 阴极~ ray 阴极射线~ ray tube 阴极射线管~exchange resin 阳离子交换树脂catchall (tank) 捕集槽catcher 捕集器caterpillar grinder 链式磨木机~ reactivation 催化剂再生~ recovery 催化剂回收~ regeneration 催化剂再生catalytic action 催化作用catalyzer 催化剂~ iron roll 铸铁辊catalysis 催化作用catalyst 催化剂~ carrier 催化剂载体~ iron 铸铁~ steel 铸钢~ iron roll 铸铁辊casting 铸造~ strength 耐破应力bush 轴套,套筒cast coating 铸涂~ film 挤铸薄膜,铸制薄膜~ ratio 耐破比值~ tester 耐破度测定仪bursting pressure 耐破压力~ strain 耐破应变~ index 耐破指数~ evaporator 圆盘蒸发器carton 卡片纸板,纸盒~ label 纸盒招贴纸cartoning machine 制盒机cascade 阶梯式,串联,连锁carry bag 手携纸袋~ clear signal 进位消除信号carrying roll 引纸辊,导辊,传递辊carry-over of stock (打浆机)回浆carriage panel 车厢车顶用纸板carrier drum 复卷机底辊,支承辊~ roll 导网辊~ system of sorting 选料传送带系统~ middles 卡板纸芯层~ tube 卷筒芯,纸卷芯carload 汽车载重~ lot 汽车载重量carbonized roll 表面经碳化的辊子cardboard case 薄纸板箱~ finish 光泽加工~ linings 卡板纸衬里~ monoxide 一氧化碳~ steel 碳钢carbonation 碳化(作用)carbonization 碳化(作用)bulk 松厚(度)~ density 松厚密度,体积比重~ factor 松厚率,松厚因子carbon dioxide 二氧化碳built-in strain 内部应变~ stress 内部应力bulge resistance (纸板)抗破裂度bulging 膨胀,渗水cemented steel 渗碳钢cementing substance 粘合剂center ply 芯层,中间层Cellu-sizer 压力式纤维筛分器Celsius scale 摄氏(温度)表, 摄氏温标~ thermometer 摄氏温度计cellulon 纤维制品cellulose 纤维素~ copolymer 纤维素共聚物~wadding 纤维素填絮/填充物~ sap 细胞液~ wall lignin 细胞壁木素cellular filter 蜂窝状过滤器celluloid 赛璐珞,假象牙cell 细胞~ cavity 细胞腔~ membrane( 细)胞膜~ space ratio 细胞空隙率causticizing efficiency 苛化率cavitation 空化(作用)cavity 腔C.C.roll 可控中高辊~ cooling 压光机冷却caustic soda 烧碱,火碱,苛性钠causticity 苛化度causticization 苛化作用~ blackened (压光)黑道(纸病)~ bowl 压光辊~ broke 压光损纸~ coating 压光涂布calender 压光机~ blackening(压光)黑道(纸病)calorific capacity 热容~ investment 基建投资~ repair 大修capsule 胶囊,小室carbide 碳化物carbocyclic compound 碳环化合物carbohydrate 碳水化合物carbolic acid 石炭酸chain barker 链式剥皮机~ conveyer 链式运输机~ drive 链式传动~ length 链长~ marks ( 纸张)线痕(纸病)~ peeler 链式剥皮机~ reaction 连锁反应chainlike cell 链状细胞chalk 白垩chalking 白垩处理,粉化chamber dryer 干燥室chamotte 耐火粘土~ brick 粘土耐火砖change of deckle 更换定边带changeover switch 转换开关changing of wire 换网~ valve 转换阀char 炭,烧焦characteristic curve 特性曲线~ test 特性测定,特性试验characteristics 特性charcoal 木炭charge 装,装料,充电,电荷charger 加料器,装锅器charging door 装料口~ floor 装料楼面~charging without packer 自然装锅~slitting knife 盘刀,复卷机固定刀~ swing saw 摆动圆锯circular chart 圆形(表盘)记录纸~ cutter 圆盘切料机~ former 双曲网成形装置circuit 电路,回路,线路~ break 断路~ break 断路,电开关,断路器~ diagram 电路图,线路(图)~ wrapper 卷烟包装纸cinder 炉渣,矿渣~ dust 炉灰cipher 密码,(纸张)水印chuck 夹盘,夹头churn 搅拌器,乳化器chute 斜槽,送料槽cigarette tissue machine 卷烟纸机chromium oxide 氧化铬chromometer 比色计chromophore 发色团chromophoric group 发色基团chrome nickle steel 镍铬钢~ steel 铬钢~ wire 铬网~ yellow 铬黄ceramics 陶瓷(制品)chaff cutter 切草机chain 链,链条,(悬竿式 干燥机用)送棒链ceramic coating 瓷釉涂布~ suction box cover真空箱陶瓷面板~ tile 瓷砖~ yard 木片贮存场~ hopper 装锅漏斗~ meter 木片装锅计量器~ recrusher 木片再碎机~ stock 粗浆~ duster 木片除尘机~ elevator 木片提升机~ grinder 木片磨浆机~ groundwood 木片磨木浆~ classification 木片筛分~ classifier 木片筛分器~ dimensions 木片规格~ dust 木屑,木片碎屑~ belt feeder 木片皮带给料器~ bin 木片仓,竹片仓~ charging with packer 机械装锅chime rings 凸出圆环chimney 烟囱chip 木片,切片~ assorting machine 木片筛chief constituents 主要组分~ engineer 总工程师chilled iron roll 冷铸铁辊chill(ed) roll 冷铸辊catwalk ( 操作)走台caustic 碱性的,苛性的~ alkali 苛性碱~ extraction 碱抽提cationic 阳离子的~ size 阳离子型施胶剂~ starch 阳离子淀粉cat's eye 椭圆孔(纸病)chemically stable 化学稳定性chemi-finer 高浓单动盘磨机~-to-wood ratio 化学药剂与木材 的比值~ treatment 化学处理~ wood (pulp) 化学木浆~ resistance 化学阻力~ screenings 化学浆筛渣~ structure 化学结构~ test 化学试验~ efficiency 化学(反应)效率~ filter 化学滤毒器~ makeup 补充药品~ recovery 化学药品回收,碱回收~ bond 化学链~ composition 化学成分~ consumption 化学药品消耗量~ degradation 化学降解chelation 螯合作用chemical affinity 化学亲合势/能~ agent 化学药剂~ barking 化学剥皮cassawa starch 木薯粉cheese roll 弧形辊,弓形辊,舒展辊~ wrapper 奶酪包装纸chelate 螯合~ hardening steel 渗碳钢~ label 箱用标记纸casing 套,英国包装纸标准 尺寸(36*46英寸)~ system 阶梯式串联系统 (烘缸送汽)分段降压系统case hardening 表面硬化,表层硬化chopped reed 苇片~ straw 草片chopper 切断装置chopping 切断chlorite 亚氯酸盐chloroacetic acid 氯醋酸chlorophyll 叶绿素choke valve 阻气阀~ dioxide 二氧化氯~ requirement 需氯量~ resistant 抗氯性~ still 氯气发生器~ cell 制氯电解池~ compound 氯化物~ consumption 氯耗,耗氯量~number 氯价~ tower 氯化塔chlorinator 氯化器~ with injector 喷射(式)氯化器chlofine 氯,氯气~ starch 氯化淀粉~ stock washer 氯化段洗浆机chlorinating agent 氯化剂chlorination 氯化(作用)~ thermometer 摄氏温度计centipoise 厘泊central board 中央控制板chlorinated lime 漂白粉~ stock 芯层浆料~ winding 轴式卷取centigrade scale 摄氏温标, 摄氏(温度)表~ rewind 轴式卷取复卷法~ hopper 装料斗chart 图表chattering of rolls 辊筒跳动check 核对,校核,抑制,抑止~ damper 风挡~ plate 挡板~ valve 单向阀,止逆阀checking 核对,检查clack steel plate 复合钢板~ digester 复合钢板蒸煮锅cladding 复合,复盖 Claflin refiner 大锥度精磨机clamp 夹,夹板,压板,钳~ mark 夹痕~ truck 带夹器的小车clamping length 夹具距离~ rings 固定圆环clappet valve 逆止阀clarification 澄清clarified liquor 澄清液~ water 澄清水clarifier 澄清器clarify 澄清clasp machine 订书机classification 筛分/分选(作用),分类classifier 分离器,澄清器,筛分器classify 筛分,分选,分类,区分claw 爪子~ wrench 爪型板钳clay 白土,高岭土~ coat 白土涂料,白土涂层 ~ coated 白土涂布coated blanks 白土涂布纸(未经超级压光)。




The first step of the bamboo pulp production process isto collect bamboo and perform initial cleaning and treatment.2.接着,竹材被切碎成小块,以便于后续的加工过程。

Next, the bamboo is chopped into small pieces for further processing.3.切碎的竹材进入磨浆机,经过打浆处理,将竹子的纤维分离出来。

The chopped bamboo enters the pulping machine, where it undergoes pulping to separate the fibers from the bamboo.4.打浆后的竹浆被送入筛选设备,以去除杂质和大颗粒的纤维。

The pulped bamboo pulp is then sent to screeningequipment to remove impurities and large fiber particles.5.经过筛选的竹浆进入漂白设备,进行漂白处理,以去除杂质和提高纤维的白度。

The screened bamboo pulp enters the bleaching equipmentfor bleaching treatment to remove impurities and improvefiber whiteness.6.处理后的竹浆被送入洗涤设备,去除残留的漂白剂和化学物质。

The processed bamboo pulp is sent to the washingequipment to remove residual bleaching agents and chemicals.7.洗涤后的竹浆进入脱水设备,将多余的水分去除,使竹浆达到适合制浆的含水率。



包装印刷轻工印刷缩略语1.ABS ---- acrylonitrile butadiene styrene ----丙烯腈-丁二烯- 苯乙烯2.ADH ---- adhesive ---- 粘合剂3.AF ---- aluminum foil ---- 铝箔4.AM ---- aluminum metallization---- 蒸镀铝5.ANS ---- acrylonitrile styrene copolymer ---- 丙烯腈- 苯乙烯共聚物6.BBP ---- butyl benzyl phthalate ---- 邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯7.BIB ---- bag-in box ---- 衬袋箱(盒)8.BK ----bleached kraft ---- 漂白牛皮纸9.BMC ---- bulk molding compound ---- 预制整体模塑料10.BON ---- biaxially oriented nylon film ---- 双向拉伸尼龙薄膜11.BOPP ---- biaxially oriented polypropylene film ---- 双向拉伸聚丙烯12.CELLD ---- cello phane ---- 赛璐玢13.COFC ---- container on flat car ----平板车集装箱14.CRC ---- child-resistant closure ----- 儿童安全盖15.DMT ---- dimethyl terephthalate ---- 对苯二甲酸二甲酯16.DOA ---- dioctyl akipate ---- 己二酸二辛酯17.DOP ---- dioctyl phthalate ---- 邻苯二酸二辛酯18.DRD ---- draw redraw (cans) ---- 深冲(罐),冲压,再冲压19.DWI ---- draw and ironed (cans) ---- 冲拔罐20.EAA ---- ethylene-acrylic acid ---- 乙烯-丙烯酸共聚物21.ECCS ----electrolytic chromium-coated steel ---- 镀络钢22.EEA ----ethylene-ethyl acrylate ---- 乙烯-丙烯酸乙酯共聚物23.EG ---- thylene glycol ---- 乙二醇24.EMAA ---- ethylene-methacrylic acid ---- 乙烯-甲基丙烯酸共聚物25.EPC ---- expanded polyethylene copplymer ---- 发泡聚乙烯26.EPE expanded polyethylenev 发泡聚乙烯27.ETO ---- ethylene oxide ---- 环氧乙烷28.ETP ---- electrolytic tinplate ---- 电镀锡钢板29.EV A ---- ethylene-vinyl acetate ---- 乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物30.EVOH ---- ethylene-vinyl alcohol ---- 乙烯-乙烯醇共聚物31.FEP ---- fluorinated ethylene-polypropylene ---- 氟化乙烯-丙烯共聚物32.FRP ---- fiberglass reinforced plastics ---- 玻璃纤维增强塑料33.GPPS ---- general-purpose polystyrene ---- 通用型聚苯乙烯34.HDPE ---- high density polyethylene ---- 高密度聚乙烯35.HM ---- hot melt ---- 热熔胶36.HPP ---- homopolymer polypropylene ---- 聚丙烯均聚物37.LDPE ---- low density polyethylene ---- 低密度聚乙烯38.LLDPE ---- linear low density polyethylene ---- 线性低密度聚乙烯39.MDPE ---- medium density polyethylene ---- 中密度聚乙烯40.MGBK ---- machine-glazed bleached kraft ---- 纸机光泽漂白牛皮纸41.MMA ---- methyl methacrylate ---- 甲基丙烯酸甲酯42.NC ---- nitrocellulose ---- 硝化纤维素43.NK ---- natural kraft ---- 本色牛皮纸44.NODA ---- n-octyl n-decyl adipate ---- 已二酸辛癸酯45.ON ---- oriented nylon ---- 取向(拉伸)尼龙46.OPET ---- oriented polyester ---- 取向(拉伸)聚酯47.OPP ---- oriented polypropylene ---- 拉伸聚丙烯48.OPS ---- oriented polystyrene ---- 拉伸聚苯乙烯49.PAN ---- polyacrylonitrile ---- 聚丙烯腈50.PBT ---- poly butylenes terephthalate ---- 聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯51.PC ---- poly carbonate ---- 聚碳酸酯52.PE ---- poly ethylene ---- 聚乙烯53.PET ---- polyester ---- 聚酯54.PEB ---- polyisobutylene ---- 聚异丁烯55.PM ---- packaging materials ---- 包装材料56.PP ---- poly propylene ---- 聚丙烯57.PS ---- polystyrene---- 聚苯乙烯58.PTFE ---- poly tetra fluoroethy lene ---- 聚四氟乙烯59.PV AC ---- poly (vinyl acetate) ---- 聚醋酸乙烯60.PVC---- poly (vinyl chloride) ---- 聚氯乙烯61.PVDC ---- poly (vinylidene fluoride) ---- 聚偏二氯乙烯62.PVF ---- poly (vinyl luoride) ---- 聚氟乙烯63.PVF2 ---- poly (vinylidene fluoride) ---- 聚偏二氟乙烯64.PV A poly ---- (vinyl alcohol) ---- 聚乙烯醇65.RCF ---- regenerated cellulose film ---- 再生纤维素薄膜66.RCPP ---- random-copolymer poly propylene ---- 无规聚丙烯67.RSC ---- regular slotted container ---- 规那么开槽箱68.SAN ---- styrene-acylonitrile ---- 苯乙烯-丙烯腈共聚物69.SB ---- styrene-butadiene ---- 苯乙烯-丁二烯共聚物70.SBS ---- sdid bleached sulate ---- 同质漂白牛皮纸71.TUS ---- solid unbleached sulfate ---- 同质未漂白牛皮纸72.TFS ---- tin-free steel ---- 无锡钢板73.TPA ---- terephthalic acid ---- 对苯二甲酸74.V A ---- vinyl alcohol ---- 乙烯醇75.VC ---- vinyl chloride ---- 氯乙烯76.VCM ---- vinyl chloride monomer ---- 氯乙烯单体77.VDC ---- vinylidene chloride ---- 偏二氯乙烯78.XKL ---- extensible kraft linerboard ---- 可伸性牛皮箱纸板二、包装技术及单位79.BPM ---- bottles (or bags) per minute 瓶(或袋)/分钟80.BUR ---- blow-up ratio 吹胀比81.CA ---- controlled atmosphere操纵气氛82.CAD ---- computer-aided design 运算机辅助设计83.CAP ---- controlled atmosphere操纵气氛包装C ---- computer numerical control 运算机数字操纵85.CPM ---- cans perminute 罐/分钟86.FFS ---- form/fill/seal 成型-充填-封合87.GAL ---- gallon(3.785L in the U.S)加仑(美加仑等于3.785升)88.HFFS ---- form/fill /seal, horizontal卧式成型-充填-封合89.HRC ---- rockwell hardness (C Scale)洛氏硬度(C标度)90.HRM ---- rockwell hardness (M scale) 洛氏硬度(M标度)91.HTST ---- high temperature-short time 高温短时杀菌92.MA ---- modified atmosphere改变气氛93.MD ---- machine direction 机器方向,纵向94.OD ---- optical density 光密度95.OTR ---- oxygen transmission rate 氧气透过率96.PPB ---- part per billion (109) 十亿分之一97.PPM ---- part per million (107) 百万分之一98.RH ---- relative humidity 相对湿度99.RPM ---- rotations per minute 每分钟转数100.SP ---- special packaging 专门包装,专用包装101.TFFS ---- thermoform/fill/seal 热成型- 充填- 封合102.TM ---- melting temperature 熔化温度103.TIS ---- technical information service 技术情报服务104.UV ---- ultraviolet 紫外线105.VFFS ---- form/fill/seal, vertical 立式成型-充填-封合106.WT ---- weight 重量107.WVTR ---- water vapor trausmission rate 水蒸气透过率三、与造纸相关108.AA = atomic absorption原子吸取109.ABS = acrylonitrile - buladrene styrene丙烯腈-丁;烯-苯乙110.ACAR = angular correlation of annihilation radiation排除辐射的角相关性111.AM = acrylamide 丙烯酰胺112.AOX = adsorbable organic halides可吸附的有机卤化物113.AP = plkali pulp碱法纸浆114.APAM = anionic polyacrylamide阴离子型聚丙烯酰胺115.ASB = aerotion stabilization basin稳固曝气池116.AST = activated sludge treatment活性污泥处理117.BCT = best convential pollutant cotrol technology最常用污染物操纵技术118.BDMT = bone dry metric tons绝干公吨119.BME = bipolar membrane electro dialysis两极膜电透析120.BMP = best management practices最优治理实践121.BOD = biochemical oxygen demand生化耗氧量122.BP = boiling point沸点123.BPK = bleached papergrade kraft and soda〔生产〕白纸用硫酸盐和荷性纳法浆124.BPT = best practicable control technology最正确有用操纵技术125.BTU = british thermal unit英热单位126.BW = basis weight定量127.CAD = computer aided design运算机辅助设计128.CBLI = chemistry-based leak indicator化学〔法〕示漏器 = consistency controller浓度调剂器130.CFD = computational fluid dynamics运算流体动力学131.CI = colour index比色指数= cofidence interval置信区间132.CL = colored ledger彩色底板133.CLSM = confocal laser scanning microscopy共焦激光扫描显微镜134.CMC = carboxy methylated cellulose羧甲基纤维素S = compliance optimization modeling system寻优模型系统136.CP = chemical pulp化学浆= chemical pure化学纯137.CPPC = coordinated phosphate/pH chemistry controller配位磷酸盐/pH调剂器138.CR = consistency regulator浓度调剂器139.CRP = chloride removal process氯化物排出法140.CSD = condensate steam distillation column冷凝汽馏塔141.CTMP = chemithermomechanical pulp化学热磨机械浆142.CTU = centigrade thermal unit公制热量单位143.CV = coefficient variation偏离系数= crystal violet结晶紫144.D = dioxide二氧化物145.DAF = dissolved air floatation〔溶〕气浮146.DCS = dissolved and colloidal substances溶解与胶态物147.DELS = Doppler electrophoretic light scattering多普勒电泳光扫描148.DIP = deinked pulp脱墨纸浆149.DKP = deinked kraft pulp脱墨牛皮纸浆150.DLK = double - line clippings双线限位151.DMS = dynamic mechanical spectroscopy动力谱学152.DMSO = dimethyl sulfoxide二甲亚砜153.DMT = dimethyl terephthalate对邻苯二甲酸二甲酯154.DO = dissolved oxygen溶解氧155.DP = degree of polymerization聚合度156.DSC = differential scanning calorimetry微分扫描量热法157.DVC = digital valve controller数字伐操纵器158.EC = embedded costs插入成本159.ECF = elemental chlorine free无元素氯〔漂白〕160.EDTA = ethylene eiamine tetraacetic acid乙二胺四乙酸161.EPC = experimental prismatic calcite实验棱镜方解石162.ERV = estimated replacement value估量取代值163.ESP = electrostatic precipitator静电滤尘器164.ESP = emergency shutdown procedure事故停机程序165.EV A = ethylene vinyl acetate乙烯乙酸乙烯酯166.ESPRA = empire state paper research associates国立造纸研究会167.EVOH = ethylene - vinyl alcohol乙烯-乙烯醇168.FAS = formamidine sulfinic acid甲脒亚磺酸169.FBB = folding box board折叠箱纸板170.FBK = fully bleached kraft全漂牛皮纸171.FC = flow controller流量操纵器172.FID = free induction decays自由感应衰减173.FP = freezing point冰点;凝固点174.GEMS = general energy and materials balance system通用能量和物料平稳系统175.GLC = gas - liquid chromatography气液色谱176.GPC = gel permeation chromatographic analysis凝胶渗透色谱分析177.GPM = gallons per minute加仑/分钟178.HC = high consistency高浓179.HCR = high consistency refiner高浓磨浆机180.HD = high density高密度181.HPR = high production rate高生产率182.HPSEC = high performance size exclusion chromatography高性能粒度筛析色谱法183.HRT = hydraulic retention time水力停留时刻184.HTH = high test hypochlorite高级漂粉185.HV = high voltage高压186.HW = hardwood硬木187.IMPM = interactive multiplanar model相互作用的多面模型188.IPST = institute of paper science and technology造纸科技研究189.IWC = international water consultants国际水质顾问团190.JIT = just - in - time正好;准时191.KP = kraft pulp牛皮浆;硫酸盐浆192.LC = level controller液面操纵器193.LCC = lignin - carbohydrate complexes木素-碳水化合物复合体194.LCL = lower control limits操纵下限195.LCR = level cotroller and recorder液面操纵记录仪196.LDPE = low density poly ethylene低密度聚乙烯197.LDV = laser Doppler velocimetry激光多普勒测速法198.LIVG = low inlet velocity gasification process低入口速度气化工艺199.LPR = low production rate低生产率200.LRD = long rang dependence广范畴相关201.LVDT = linear position transducer线性位移变送器202.LW C = lightweight coated低定量涂布的203.MACT = maximum achievable control technology最大可达操纵技术204.MAP = modified atmosphere packaging改良常压包装法205.MC = marginal cost边际成本= medium consistency中浓〔度〕206.MDI = methylendiphenyl diisocyanate亚甲苯二苯二异氰酸酯207.MeB = methylene blue亚甲基兰,四甲基兰208.MEK = methyl ethyl ketone甲〔基〕乙〔基〕酮209.MF = machine finished机械整饰的210.MG = machine glazed机械上光的= malachte green孔雀绿211.MISS = mixed liquor suspended solids 〔有机物与活性污泥〕混合液中悬浮固体212.MOW = mixed office waste混合办公废纸213.MRP = matal removal process金属〔离子〕脱除过程214.MSW = municipal solid waste都市固体废物215.MVP = moisture vapor permeability水蒸汽渗透性216.NC = nitrocellulose 硝化纤维素217.NF = nanofiltration超滤〔毫微过滤〕218.NMR = nuclear magnetic resonance核磁共振219.NSPS = new source performance standards新的资源性能标准220.NSSC = neutral sulfite semi - chemical pulp中性亚硫酸半化学浆221.OCC = old corrugated container旧瓦楞纸箱222.OD = over dry绝干;烘干223.OEE = overall equipment efficiency总设备效率224.OIT = oxidative induction temperature氧化起始温度225.O&M = operating and maintenance 使用与爱护226.ONP = old newspaper旧新闻纸227.OPP = oriented polypropylene取向聚丙烯228.OPR = oil penetration rates渗油率229.OWL = oxidized white liquor氧化白液230.PAL = positron annihilation life time正电子湮没寿命231.PC = pressure controller压力调剂器232.PCA = principal components analysis主成分分析233.PCC = precipitated calcium carbonate沉淀碳酸钙234.PCR = pressure controller and recorder压力调剂记录仪235.PDSC = pressure differential scanning colorimetry压差扫描量热术236.PEMS = predictive emissions modeling system推测排放模型系统237.PEO = poly ethylene oxide聚氧化乙烯238.PGS = papergrade sulfite造纸用硫磺239.PGW = pressurized groundwood压力磨木浆240.PM = paper machine 造纸机;抄纸机241.PM/ECCM = preventive maintenance and essential care and condition monitoring预防修理差不多修理及状态监测242.PP = polypropylene聚丙烯243.PSES = pretreatment standards for existing sources现存资源推测标准244.PSM = process safety management〔生产〕过程安全治理245.PTFE = polytetrafluoroethylene聚四氟乙烯246.PTR = photothermal radiometry光热辐射分析法247.PVC = polyvinylchloride聚氯乙烯248.PVDC = polyvinyl dichloride聚二氯乙烯249.PVSK = polyvinylsulfate聚乙烯硫酸酯250.RDH = rapid displacement heating快速置换加热法251.RH = relative humidity相对湿度252.RMP = refiner mechanical pulp木片磨木浆;盘磨机械浆253.RN = regular number纸板标准号254.RT = radiographic testing射线照相试验,X射线检验255.SBK = solid bleached kraft〔同质〕漂白牛皮纸256.SBR = sequencing batch reactors程序化间歇反应器257.SC = super calendered超级压光的258.SDI = silt density index污泥浓度指数259.SE = supplemental energy补充能量;辅助能260.SEC = size exclusion chromatographic粒度筛析色谱法261.SEM = scanning electron microscope扫描电子显微镜262.SEM-EDS = scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive spectrometry 扫描电子显微镜—能量分散能谱测定法263.SGW = stone ground wood磨石磨木浆264.SIF = stress intensity factor应力强度系数;应力强化因子265.SOPs = standard operating procedures标准作业程序266.SP = sulphite pulp亚硫酸盐纸浆267.SPC = satislical process control过程操纵268.SRT = solids retention time粒子留着时刻269.SUB = solid unbleached board〔同质〕本色浆纸板270.SW = softwood软木;针叶树271.SWL = sulphite waste liguor亚硫酸盐废液272.TAC = totally applied chlorine总用氯量273.TC = temperature controller温度调剂器274.TCDF = tetrachlorodibenzofuran四氯二苯并呋喃275.TCF = totally chlorine - free全无氯〔漂白〕276.TCR = temperature controller and recorder温度调剂记录仪277.TGA = thermal gravimetric analysis热重分析278.TLA = thin layer activation薄层活性化279.TMP = thermo mechanical pulp热磨机械浆280.TP = thermo - plastic热塑性的281.TQ = threshold quantity临界量〔值〕282.TRS = total reduced sulfur总还原硫283.TS = tensile strength抗张强度284.TSS = total suspended solids总悬浮固体量285.UBB = unbeached board本色〔浆〕纸板286.UBK = unbeached kraft本色牛皮纸287.UCL = upper control limits操纵上限288.UT = ultrasonic testing超声试验289.UV = ultraviolet紫外光290.VOC = volatile organic compound挥发性有机化合物291.WAS = waste - activated sludge废活性污泥292.WFMT = wet fluorescent magnetic particle test湿荧光磁粉试验293.WL = white ledger白色帐簿纸294.WLC = white - lined chipboard白浆衬里的粗纸板295.WP = wood pulp木浆296.WVTR = water vapor transmission rate水蒸汽传递速度297.YI = yellow index返黄值;返黄指数298.YP = yield point屈服〔软化〕点299.MWL = milled wood lignin磨木木素300.NC = nitrocellulose 硝化纤维素301.NF = nanofiltration超滤〔毫微过滤〕302.NMR = nuclear magnetic resonance核磁共振303.NSPS = new source performance standards新的资源性能标准304.NSSC = neutral sulfite semi - chemical pulp中性亚硫酸半化学浆305.OCC = old corrugated container旧瓦楞纸箱306.OD = over dry绝干;烘干307.OEE = overall equipment efficiency总设备效率308.OIT = oxidative induction temperature氧化起始温度309.O&M = operating and maintenance 使用与爱护310.ONP = old newspaper旧新闻纸311.OPP = oriented polypropylene取向聚丙烯312.OPR = oil penetration rates渗油率313.OWL = oxidized white liquor氧化白液314.PAL = positron annihilation life time正电子湮没寿命315.PC = pressure controller压力调剂器316.PCA = principal components analysis主成分分析317.PCC = precipitated calcium carbonate沉淀碳酸钙318.PCR = pressure controller and recorder压力调剂记录仪319.PDSC = pressure differential scanning colorimetry压差扫描量热术320.PEMS = predictive emissions modeling system推测排放模型系统321.PEO = poly ethylene oxide聚氧化乙烯322.PGS = papergrade sulfite造纸用硫磺323.PGW = pressurized groundwood压力磨木浆324.PM = paper machine 造纸机;抄纸机325.PM/ECCM = preventive maintenance and essential care and condition monitoring预防修理差不多修理及状态监测326.PP = polypropylene聚丙烯327.PSES = pretreatment standards for existing sources现存资源推测标准328.PSM = process safety management〔生产〕过程安全治理329.PTFE = polytetrafluoroethylene聚四氟乙烯330.PTR = photothermal radiometry光热辐射分析法331.PVC = polyvinylchloride聚氯乙烯332.PVDC = polyvinyl dichloride聚二氯乙烯333.PVSK = polyvinylsulfate聚乙烯硫酸酯334.RDH = rapid displacement heating快速置换加热法335.RH = relative humidity相对湿度336.RMP = refiner mechanical pulp木片磨木浆;盘磨机械浆337.RN = regular number纸板标准号338.RT = radiographic testing射线照相试验,X射线检验339.SBK = solid bleached kraft〔同质〕漂白牛皮纸340.SBR = sequencing batch reactors程序化间歇反应器341.SC = super calendered超级压光的342.SDI = silt density index污泥浓度指数343.SE = supplemental energy补充能量;辅助能344.SEC = size exclusion chromatographic粒度筛析色谱法345.SEM = scanning electron microscope扫描电子显微镜346.SEM-EDS = scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive spectrometry 扫描电子显微镜—能量分散能谱测定法347.SGW = stone ground wood磨石磨木浆348.SIF = stress intensity factor应力强度系数;应力强化因子349.SOPs = standard operating procedures标准作业程序350.SP = sulphite pulp亚硫酸盐纸浆351.SPC = satislical process control过程操纵352.SRT = solids retention time粒子留着时刻353.SUB = solid unbleached board〔同质〕本色浆纸板354.SW = softwood软木;针叶树355.SWL = sulphite waste liguor亚硫酸盐废液356.TAC = totally applied chlorine总用氯量357.TC = temperature controller温度调剂器358.TCDF = tetrachlorodibenzofuran四氯二苯并呋喃359.TCF = totally chlorine - free全无氯〔漂白〕360.TCR = temperature controller and recorder温度调剂记录仪361.TGA = thermal gravimetric analysis热重分析362.TLA = thin layer activation薄层活性化363.TMP = thermo mechanical pulp热磨机械浆364.TP = thermo - plastic热塑性的365.TQ = threshold quantity临界量〔值〕366.TRS = total reduced sulfur总还原硫367.TS = tensile strength抗张强度368.TSS = total suspended solids总悬浮固体量369.UBB = unbeached board本色〔浆〕纸板370.UBK = unbeached kraft本色牛皮纸371.UCL = upper control limits操纵上限372.UT = ultrasonic testing超声试验373.UV = ultraviolet紫外光374.VOC = volatile organic compound挥发性有机化合物375.WAS = waste - activated sludge废活性污泥376.WFMT = wet fluorescent magnetic particle test湿荧光磁粉试验377.WL = white ledger白色帐簿纸378.WLC = white - lined chipboard白浆衬里的粗纸板379.WP = wood pulp木浆380.WVTR = water vapor transmission rate水蒸汽传递速度381.YI = yellow index返黄值;返黄指数382.Y P = yield point屈服〔软化〕点四、纸张类:383.CAP ---- 铜版纸---- Coated Art Paper384.BSCAP ----双铜纸---- both sides coated art paper385.MAP ----亚粉纸---- matt art paper386.WFP ----双胶纸---- wood free paper387.SBS ----白板纸---- Solid Bleached Sulfate)388.DP ----灰底白板---- duplex paper389.TP ----白底白板---- triplex paper390.KP ----牛皮纸---- kraft paper391.CP ---- 卡片纸---- card paper392.MC ----蒙肯纸---- munkenpaper393.WHBP ---- 画刊纸---- Wood-free Hi-smooth Bit-coated Paper 394.BEP ----书籍扉页用纸---- book end paper395.UUK ----本色牛皮纸---- unbleached kraft396.RB ----可再生纸---- recycled board397.NRB ----不可再生纸---- non-recycled board398.HP ----全息纸---- holographic paper五、常见印刷工艺中英文对比399.UV V----过UV油---- ultraviolet varnish400.SUV ----局部UV ---- Spot ultraviolet coating401.GV ---- 上光油---- gloss varnish402.MV ----上哑油---- matt varnish403.HS ----烫金---- hot stamping404.ML ----覆膜---- metallic laminating405.GL ---- 过光胶---- gloss lamination406.BP ---- 印金----bronze printing407.SW ---- 热收缩---- shrink wrap408.PP ---- 塑封---- plastic package409.MPPL ---- matt PP lamination410.SS ---- 锁线胶装---- section sewing411.PB ---- 无线胶装---- perfect binding412.DC ---- 模切---- die cutting413.WBV ---- 水性上光油---- water based varnish,414.SC ---- 简装本封面---- self-cover.415.GE ---- 鸡眼---- grommet eyelet416.SP ---- 丝印---- screen print417.IMPRINT ---- 印刷上的出版说明---- imprint418.SM ---- 模具---- shaped mold419.SPOT UV ---- 紫外线硬化装置---- spot ultraviolet420.SD ---- 表面处理---- surface disposal421.SC ---- 平装的---- soft cover422.AF ---- 防伪---- anti-forgery423.SS ---- 专色---- spot color424.WP ---- 转轮印刷---- Web Print425.OP ---- 胶版印刷、平版印刷---- offset printing426.SS ---- 线装平订---- side sewing427.SB ---- 爆线---- Seam broken428.CMYK ---- 四色印刷---- cyan , magenta , yellow and black 429.PS ---- 调频印刷---- print stochastic430.PP ---- 印刷机---- printing press431.SE ---- 环衬---- separate ends432.TB ---- 热熔装订---- thermal binding433.SE ---- 自衬---- self-ends434.BE ---- 素压浮凸---- Blind embossing六、浆纸业435.SGW ----- 磨石磨木浆----- Stone Ground Wood436.CGP ----- 化学磨石磨木浆----- Chemical Ground Pulp437.PSGW ----- 压力磨石磨木浆----- Press Stone Ground Wood438.RMP ----- 盘磨机械浆----- Refiner Mechanical Pulp439.BRMP ----- 漂白生物机械浆----- Bleached Refiner Mechanical Pulp 440.CMP ----- 化学机械浆----- Chemical Mechanical Pulp441.BCMP ----- 亚硫酸氢盐化学机械浆----- Bisulphite Chemical Mechanical Pulp 442.SCMP ----- 磺化化学机械浆----- Sulfonate Chemical Mechanical Pulp 443.TMP ----- 热磨机械浆----- Thermo Mechanical Pulp444.CTMP ----- 化学热磨机械浆----- Chemical Thermo Mechanical Pulp 445.BCTMP -----漂白化学热磨机械浆----- Bleached Chemical Thermo Mechanical Pulp 446.APMP ----- 碱性过氧化氢机械浆----- Alkaline Peroxide Mechanical Pulp 447. KP ----- 硫酸盐木浆----- Kraft Pulp448. BSKP ----- 漂白针叶木硫酸盐浆----- Bleached Softwood Kraft Pulp 449. DIP ----- 脱墨浆----- Deinked Pulp450. MDIP ----- 商品脱墨浆----- Merchandise Deinked Pulp451. ONP ----- 旧新闻纸----- Old News Paper452. OMP ----- 旧杂志纸----- Old Magazine Paper453. MOW ----- 混合办公废纸----- Mixed Office Wastepaper454. OCC ----- 旧瓦楞纸箱纸----- Old Oorrugated Carton455. AONP ----- 美国旧报纸----- America Old News Paper456. EONP ----- 欧洲旧报纸----- Europe Old News Paper457. JONP ----- 日本旧报纸----- Japan Old News Paper458. AOMP ----- 美国旧杂志纸----- America Old Magazine Paper459. N.P.----- 新闻纸----- News Paper460. P.N ----- 精制新闻纸----- Purification Newspaper461. S.P.N ----- 超级精制新闻纸----- Super Purification Newspaper462. STN ----- 表面处理新闻纸----- Surface Treatment Newspaper463. SC P----- 超级压光纸----- Super Calender Paper464. MFPP ----- 机械整饰颜料纸----- Mechanical Finishing Paint Paper 465. MDCP ----- 机械装饰涂布纸----- Mechanical Decorative Coated Paper 466. LWCP ----- 轻定量涂布纸----- Light Weight Coated Paper467. ULWCP -----超轻定量涂布纸;超轻涂纸----- Ultra-Light Weight Coated Paper 468. BOD ----- 生化需氧量----- Biochemical Oxygen Demand469. COD ----- 化学需氧量----- Chemical Oxygen Demand470. DO ----- 溶解氧----- Dissolved Oxygen471. SS ----- 固体悬浮物----- Suspended Solid472. TDS ----- 总溶解固形物----- Total Dissolved Solid473. BPCT -----最正确污染物操纵技术----- Best Pollutant Control Technology 474. ERIC -----有效残留油墨粒子浓度-----Effective Residual Ink Particle Concentration 475. PAC ----- 聚合氯化铝----- Polymeric Aluminium Chloride476. ACT.STD ----- 现行标准----- Actual Standard477. AQL. ----- 合格标准/正品标准----- Acceptable Quality Level七、合成材料常用塑料八、与油墨相关608.凸版油墨---- relief printing ink609.凸版书刊油墨---- letterpress ink for publication610.凸版彩色油墨---- letterpress color Ink611.凸版轮转书刊油墨---- rotary letterpress ink for publication 612.凸版轮转印报油墨---- rotary letterpress ink613.凸版彩色报刊油墨---- rotary letterpress color news ink614.铜版油墨---- copper pate printing ink615.凸版塑料薄膜油墨---- letterpress printing ink for plastic films 616.柔性版油墨---- fiexographic printing ink617.平版油墨---- planographic printing ink618.石印油墨---- lithographic printing ink619.胶版油墨---- offset printing ink620.版亮光油墨---- high gloss offset ink621.胶版树脂油墨resinous offset ink622.胶版卷筒纸油墨web-fed offset ink623.胶版单张纸油墨sheet-fed offset ink624.胶版四色油墨four colors process offset ink625.胶版快固着油墨quick-set offset ink626.胶版印铁油墨offset tin-printing ink627.胶版印铁耐蒸油墨sterilization resistance offset tinprinting ink 628.珂罗版油墨Collotype pringing ink629.凹版油墨gravure ink630.雕刻凹版油墨intaglio ink631.照相凹版油墨Photogravure ink632.照相凹版苯型油墨aromatic based photogravure ink633.照相凹版汽油型油墨aliphatic based photogravure ink634.照相凹版水型油墨water based photogravure ink635.凹版塑料薄膜油墨gravure ink for plastic flim636.凹版热复合塑料薄膜油墨gravure ink for hotlaminating plastic film 637.凹版冷复合塑料薄膜油墨gravure ink for coldlaminating plastic film 638.凹版聚氯乙烯薄膜油墨gravure ink for polyvinyl chloride film 639.凹版醇型油墨alcohol based gravure ink640.孔版油墨porous printing ink641.网孔版油墨screen printing ink642.丝网版油墨silk screen printing ink643.抄写油墨stencil ink644.水型誉写油墨water based stencil ink645.网孔版金属油墨screen printing ink for metal646.网孔版塑料油墨screen printing ink for plastic materials647.网孔版印刷线路板耐腐蚀油墨etch-resist screen printing ink for printed circuit board 648.网孔版紫外线固化阻焊油墨ultra-violet curing solder proof screen printing ink 649.网孔版陶瓷滤波器耐腐蚀油墨ceramic electric filter etch-resist screen printing ink 650.网孔版调频油墨screen printing inks for frequency modulation651.特种油墨special ink652.热固着油墨heat-set printing ink653.红外线固着油墨infrared setting printing ink654.热熔油墨hot melt printing ink655.湿固着油墨moisture-set printing ink656.蒸汽固着油墨steam-set printing ink657.蜡固着油墨wax setting printing ink658.热固化油墨thermo curing printing ink659.紫外线固化油墨ultra-violet curing printing ink660.电子束固化油墨electron-beam curing printing ink661.热转移油墨heat transfer printing ink662.贴花油墨decal process printing ink663.陶瓷贴花油墨ceramic decal printing ink664.导电油墨electrically conductive printing ink665.磁性油墨magnetic printing ink666.光学记号判读油墨optical mark recognition ink 〔OMP ink〕667.光学字符判读油墨optical character recognition ink〔OCR ink〕668.安全油墨safety ink669.隐显油墨sympathetic ink670.防伪油墨anti-forgery ink671.发泡油墨foaming ink672.隆凸油墨embossing ink673.盲文印刷油墨printing ink for braille 674.防霉油墨fungicidal ink675.芳香油墨perfumed ink676.耐油脂油墨grease proof printing ink 677.耐洗烫油墨indelible printing ink678.可洗去油墨washable printing ink679.金属油墨metallic printing ink680.金墨gold ink〔bronze ink〕681.银墨silive,ink682.珠光墨pearl lusting printing ink683.平光油墨〔无光油墨〕mat ink (dull ink) 684.荧光油墨fluorescent ink685.发光油墨luminous ink686.双色调油墨double tone ink687.二片罐油墨Printing ink for two Piece can 688.三色版油墨three colours process ink 689.璃油墨glass printing ink690.玻璃纸油墨cellophane Printing ink691.金属箔油墨printing ink for metal-foil 692.软管油墨collapsible tube printing ink 693.软管滚涂油墨collapsible tube roller coating 694.印铁滚涂油墨tin-plate roller coating 695.复写纸油墨carbon paper ink696.圆珠笔油墨ball per ink697.盖销油墨ink for stamping698.号码机油墨ink for numbering machine 699.涂盖墨ink for masking700.无水胶印油墨waterless offset ink701.凸版转印油墨letterset printing ink702.静电复印油墨electrostatic printing ink 703.干法静电复印色调剂xerographic toner 704.湿法静电复印油墨液electrofax liquid toner 705.喷射印刷油墨jet printing ink706.石印制版墨lithographic drawing ink 707.落石墨copyable ink708.油墨检验ink inspect709.彩色colors710.消色〔无彩色〕achromatic colors711.孟塞尔颜色系统Munsell color system 712.色调〔色相作〕hue713.饱和度turation714.明度lightness715.三刺激值tristimulus value716.彩度chroma717.色度chromaticity718.色度坐标chromaticity coordinates719.色差color difference720.色差仪colorimeter721.反射密度仪reflection densitometer722.色偏hue error723.灰度grayness724.色彩效率color efficiency725.色强度color strength726.原色primary color727.三原色three primary colors728.二次色secondary color729.复色compound color730.补色complementary color731.面色top tone732.底色undertone733.墨色masstone734.着色力tinctorial strength735.标样master standard736.墨性the properties of ink737.身骨body738.流平levelling739.丝头stringing740.粘性仪ink-meter741.粘性增值increasing value of tack742.飞墨misting743.斜率slope744.平行板粘度仪〔铺展仪〕parallel plate viscosimeter (spread-o-meter) 745.截距intercept746.屈服值yield value747.落棒式粘度仪fall rod viscosimeter748.触变性thixotropy749.锥板旋转式粘度仪cone and plate viscosimeter750.粘弹性viscoelasticity751.粘度viscosity752.牛顿流体Newtonian fluid753.塑性流体plastic fluid754.假塑性流体pseudoplastic flluid755.膨胀性流体〔胀流型流体〕dilatant fluid756.流淌性flow property757.流淌度fluidity758.流淌度测定仪spread-o-meter759.固着setting760.印刷适性仪printability tester 761.干燥drying762.氧化结膜干燥air drying763.挥发干燥evaporation drying764.渗透干燥penetration drying765.紫外光固化干燥ultraviolet curing 766.热固干燥stoving curing767.流平性levelling property768.透亮性transparence769.光泽glose770.光泽仪glossmeter771.细度fineness772.刮板细度仪grind-o-meter773.初干性initial dryness774.附着牢度adhesion775.粘胶牢度tape adhesion776.热粘连blocking under warming 777.冷冻牢度toughness after freeza 778.耐光light fastness779.耐蜡wax resistance780.耐热heat resistance781.耐摩擦rub resistance782.耐蒸煮steam resistance783.胶化livering784.油墨应用故障ink impressing trouble 785.斑点mottle786.粉化chalking787.堆墨piling788.蹭脏set-off789.晶化crystallization790.脱墨stripping791.不下墨ink retreating from foumtain roller 792.浮脏tinting793.起油腻greasing794.起脏scumming795.糊版pasting plate796.透印strike-through797.罩光渗化bleeding when overprinting798.粘页blocking799.针孔pinholing800.迁移migration801.细网点消逝image detail disappearing802.充填不良poor filling九、印刷的专业术语英汉互译803.WFUC -----书纸-----wood free uncoated804.WFC -----铜板----- wood free coated805.WBB -----双面白或者单粉----- White back board NB -----粉灰---- Clay Coated News Back 807.FBB ----折叠箱板纸---- folding box board 808.哑粉:Matte coated paper / Matte/ Matt809.纸质:paper stock /(raw) material810.牛皮纸:kraft paper811.坑纸:Corrugated Paper812.Flute A(A 坑)813.纸板::pasteboard814. 双灰板:Gray board。



烹饪中常用的单词在跟老外聊某个菜式的做法时,你是不是常常觉得自己词汇匮乏,不能表达美食的博大精深呢?今天我们就来学习一些烹饪中常用的词汇吧!1. Fry (cook in hot oil) 油炸2. Roast (cook with dry heat, especially in an oven; for example duck) 烘烤(肉类)3. Bake (cook in the oven; for example bread) 烘焙(面食类)4. Grill (cook by direct heat as in a barbecue or under a grill) 用(烤架)烤5. Sauté (cook in a small amount of oil until brown) 用少量油煎、炒6. Stew (cook for a long time over a low flame) 焖7. Simmer (cook over a low flame after coming to the boil) 炖8. Grate (shred food, such as carrots or cheese, with a grater) 磨碎9. Marinate (soak, especially meat, in spiced liquid or wine, usually overnight) 入卤汁泡10. Mash (convert into soft pulpy mixture as in mashed potatoes) 捣成泥11. Brew (prepare a drink, such as tea, by infusing) 冲泡/煮12. Purée (process food through a blender to make a soft pulp; for example tomato purée) 把……做成酱、浓汤13. Mince (chop, cut or grind into very small pieces) 绞碎14. Boil (cook in hot, boiling water) 煮熟15. Dice (chop into cubes) 切小块16. Knead (work dough with the hands, before baking in the oven to make bread) 揉面17. Toast (heat and brown in a toaster, oven or near a fire; for example bread) 烘烤18. Blanch (dip quickly into very hot water; for example carrots) 汆烫19. Toss (mix a salad lightly so as to cover with dressing) 翻面20. Whip (beat rapidly to force air into a mixture, as in whipped cream) 搅拌21. Shred (to cut or tear something into small pieces) 切丝22. Steam (to place food over boiling water so that it cooks in the steam) 蒸。



各国木浆品牌Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998各国木浆品牌一、漂白阔叶木硫酸盐浆BHKP1、介绍漂阔浆(BHKP=Bleached Hardwood Kraft Pulp),相对于漂针浆,一般不再以几类浆来区分,树种及供应数量的影响因素更大些:一、BEKP=Bleached Eucalyptus Kraft Pulp,漂白桉木浆,即以桉木为主要原料制成的木浆,主要产自于南美的巴西、智利、乌拉圭及欧洲,少量来自东南亚,由于桉木种类繁多,加之地域气候差异,各类桉木浆品质价格也多有所区别,一般认为巴西桉木品质最佳,东南亚最差,但还要看具体的用途而定。

二、漂白相思木浆 Acacia ,主要产地为印尼,相思木(又名金合欢)作为一种专门开发的制浆木来说,有着丝毫不逊于热带桉木的速生高产效果,特别适合于东南亚气候的人工种植,近年来,随着产量的迅速增长,已逐步成为市场的一个重要选项,就定价而言,其代表性品牌小叶相思已经与巴西桉木并驾齐驱;三、杨木及其它单一树种浆:这里主要是指杨木Aspen、桦木Birch及枫木Maple等树种的阔叶木浆,单一树种的阔叶浆一般来说在某方面会体现出一些特性,和桉木及相思木一样,关键要找到“卖点”,否则就难以体现出合理的价值,但由于杨木、桦木等阔叶浆的供应量比较有限,如果掌握不好卖点,而仅仅为了在市场倾销的话,一般定价会略低一些;四、硬杂木浆 MHW=Mixed HardWood Pulp,主要产地是印尼和北美部分地区。




废纸回收的过程英文作文英文回答:Paper Recycling: An Essential Process。

Paper recycling refers to the process of transforming废纸 into reusable materials. It involves several stepsthat contribute to conserving natural resources and reducing environmental impact.1. Collection and Sorting:The recycling process begins with collecting废纸 from various sources, such as homes, offices, and businesses. These materials are then sorted into different grades based on their quality and composition. They are categorized into types like cardboard, newspaper, magazines, and office paper.2. Pulping:Collected废纸 is mechanically pulped. This involves mixing it with water and breaking it down into a slurry. Various methods, including mechanical agitation and chemical reactions, are used for pulping.3. Deinking:In the case of printed paper, a deinking step is implemented. This process removes printing inks and other contaminants from the pulp. The resulting material is known as deinked pulp.4. Screening and Cleaning:The pulp undergoes screening to remove impurities and non-fibrous materials. This step ensures that only the desired fibers remain for paper production.5. Papermaking:The deinked pulp is then processed into paper. Itinvolves forming a web of fibers on a wire mesh. Water is drained, and the web is pressed and dried to create paper with desired properties.6. Benefits of Paper Recycling:Paper recycling offers several environmental and economic advantages. It:Conserves natural resources, such as trees and water, which are used in paper production.Reduces waste and landfill capacity.Decreases greenhouse gas emissions associated with paper production.Promotes resource sustainability and circular economy practices.7. Challenges in Paper Recycling:Despite its benefits, paper recycling faces some challenges:Contamination of recyclable废纸 with non-recyclable materials.Fluctuating demand and market value of recycled paper.Lack of awareness about the importance of paper recycling.8. Future Prospects:Advancements are being made to improve paper recycling techniques and increase its efficiency. Innovations such as improved sorting technologies and the development of new paper-based products are being explored.中文回答:废纸回收,一个必不可少的过程。

造纸术 英语作文

造纸术 英语作文

造纸术英语作文The Invention of Papermaking。

The invention of papermaking is one of the most important inventions in human history. It has greatly contributed to the development of human civilization and has had a profound impact on the way we communicate and record information. The history of papermaking can be traced back to ancient China, where the first paper was made over 2000 years ago.The invention of papermaking is traditionallyattributed to a Chinese eunuch named Cai Lun, who is said to have made the first paper using mulberry bark, hemp, and rags. However, recent archaeological evidence suggests that paper may have been invented even earlier, during the Western Han dynasty. Regardless of who invented paper, itis clear that the Chinese were the first to develop a method for making it on a large scale.The process of making paper involves several steps. First, the raw materials, such as wood, bamboo, or cotton, are broken down into a pulp. This pulp is then mixed with water and other additives, such as sizing agents andfillers, to create a slurry. The slurry is then poured onto a screen, where the water drains away, leaving behind athin layer of fibers. This layer is then pressed and driedto form a sheet of paper.The invention of papermaking had a profound impact on the world. Before paper, people used materials such as papyrus, parchment, and silk to record information. These materials were expensive and difficult to produce, making them inaccessible to the average person. Paper, on theother hand, was cheap and easy to make, allowing for the widespread dissemination of knowledge and information.The invention of paper also revolutionized the way people communicated. Before paper, written communicationwas limited to a small, elite class of scribes and scholars. With the advent of paper, literacy rates soared, and people from all walks of life were able to read and write. This,in turn, led to the spread of new ideas and the development of new technologies.The impact of papermaking on human civilization cannot be overstated. It has played a crucial role in the development of science, art, literature, and religion. It has enabled the preservation of knowledge and culture, and has facilitated the exchange of ideas and information across great distances.In conclusion, the invention of papermaking has had a profound impact on human civilization. It hasrevolutionized the way we communicate and record information, and has played a crucial role in the development of science, art, literature, and religion. The invention of papermaking is a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of the human spirit, and its impact will be felt for generations to come.。



INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTSAn International JournalAUTHOR INFORMATION PACK TABLE OF CONTENTS• Description• Audience• Impact Factor• Abstracting and Indexing • Editorial Board• Guide for Authors p.1p.1p.1p.2p.2p.5ISSN: 0926-6690DESCRIPTIONIndustrial Crops and Products, an International Journal, publishes academic and industrial research on industrial (non-food) crops and products, containing both crop-oriented and product-oriented research papers - a platform where agricultural research meets industrial R&D.For more information/suggestions/comments please contact AuthorSupport@Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services. Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: AUDIENCEScientists in the areas of agronomy, crop protection, post-harvest and processing research, product testing and evaluation, distribution, marketing and economics.IMPACT FACTOR2012: 2.468 © Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2013ABSTRACTING AND INDEXINGAGRICOLACAB AbstractsChemical AbstractsCurrent Contents/Agriculture, Biology & Environmental SciencesEMBASEEMBiologyElsevier BIOBASEEnvironmental AbstractsGEOBASEScopusEDITORIAL BOARDEditors-in-Chief:N. Belgacem, INPG, St Martin d'Heres, France, Email: Naceur.Belgacem@pagora.grenoble-inp.frM.T. Berti, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, USA, Email: Marisol.Berti@E. Frollini, Macromolecular Materials and Lignocellulosic Fibers Group, Institute of Chemistry of Sao Carlos University of Sao Paulo Carlos, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Email: elisabete@p.brM.J. Pascual-Villalobos, Instituto Murciano de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario y Alimentario, La Alberca, Murcia, Spain, Email: mjesus.pascual@carm.esD.T. Ray, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA, Email: dtray@Editorial Advisory BoardE. Alexopoulou, Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving-CRES, Athens, GreeceNon-Food CropsA. Ashori, Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), Tehran, IranNon-wood fibers; pulp and paper technology; wood-plastic composite; wood cement bonded composite; fibresJ-F. Bloch, Grenoble INP - Pagora, St. Martin d'Hères Cedex, FranceMechanics of fibres and fibermats; structure; simulation; heat and mass transfer; opticsS. Boufi, University of Sfax, Sfax, TunisiaNatural fibres based composites; nanocomposite based on nanosized cellulose filler; surface modification of cellulose fibresJ. Bras, Grenoble INP - Pagora, St. Martin d'Hères Cedex, FranceNanocellulose; surface treatment of lignocellulosics; fibres functionalisation; smart fibre-based packagingsA.J.F. Carvalho, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Carlos -SP-, BrazilStarch; thermoplastic starch; polymers and monomers from renewable resources; cellulose fibers and nanofibersS.C. Cermak, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Peoria, IL, USAChemistry; Organic; New Crops; Lubricants; DistillationR. Chhabra, Kanpur, IndiaNon-Newtonian behaviour; rheology; viscoelasticity; yield stress; shear-thinning; shear-thickening; thixotropy; food processing; baking characteristics.M.J. Cocero Alonso, Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, SpainT.A. Coffelt, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Maricopa, AZ, USA Plant breeding (germplasm evaluation and enhancement); genetics and agronomics (planting and harvesting dates, water use, fertility, plant populations, cropping systems, etc.) of oilseed crops and guayule.K. Cornish, Ohio State University, Wooster, OH, USArubber; plant physiology; biomass; biofuels; resins.M.D. Curt, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid, SpainCrops for biomass and biofuels; agronomy; improvement and processingD.A. Dierig, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Maricopa, AZ, USA Oilseeds, plant genetic resources, new industrial crop breeding.S.Z. Erhan, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Wyndmoor, PA, USA fats and oils, polymerization, chemical engineering, ink, lubricant, grease, metal working fluids, industrial uses of vegetable oils, biodiesel, bioethanol, bio oilR.L. Evangelista, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Peoria, IL, USAPostharvest handling of crops; crop processing; oilseed processing; vegetable oil refining; plant oil characterization; seed protein characterizationM. Foster, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USAthe production agriculture aspects of natural rubber and oilseed cropsA. Gandini, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, PortugalChemistry of vegetal biomass; furan and furanicsR. Gesch, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Morris, MN, USA Agronomy of oilseed crops (e.g. influence of agronomic practices and environment on crop growth and yield, including seed oil content and composition); crop water use; photosynthesis; plant carbohydrate metabolism and usageM. Hanna, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USAExtrusion; biodiesel and biopolymersX. He, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Albany, CA, USA Molecular biology; Protein detection methods; Food safety; Food contaminants and Protein toxins M.A. Jackson, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Peoria, IL, USACatalytic conversion of fats and oilsD. Jasso de Rodriguez, Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexicomedicinal and nutraceuticals; antioxidants; waxes; resins; latices; guayule and phytochemicals of the plants of the semiarid landsH.R. Juliani, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USAChemistry; quality and biological activity of natural plant products (herbs, spices, aromatic, medicinal plants and specialty crops used in nutrition and cosmetics) and their derivatives (essential oils, polyphenols, fatty acids, triterpenes); Plant tissue culture and micropropagation of herbs, spices, aromatic, medicinal plantsS. Korkut, Duzce University, Duzce, TurkeyFibres and fibre compounds; natural fibres-based composites; waxes; resins; gums; rubber and other polymers; composites and reconstituted products; energy and chemicals from forest biomass; non-wood forest products; adhesives for wood; bonding strength; contact angles; adhesion by chemical bonding; mechanical properties of adhesives; surface roughness/morphology; wood-based composite materials and their applications.O. Koul, Insect Biopesticide Research Centre, Jalandhar, IndiaBiopesticides; plant natural products; insect toxicology and physiology; Insect plant interactions and chemical ecology.J. Labidi, Universidad del Pais Vasco (Basque Country), San Sebastian, Spainbiorefinery processes; pulp and paper; lignin; process simulation/optimizationM-P. Laborie, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germanyparticle boards; wood; wood adhesive; nanocellulose; cellulosic composites; adhesion; interface properties; bio-based adhesivesD. Lachenal, Grenoble INP - Pagora, St. Martin d'Hères Cedex, Francepulping; lignin; bleaching; biorefinery from lignocellulosicsL. Lazzeri, Research Institute for Industrial Crops, Bologna, ItalyCrops for soil remediation; biofumigation; oilseedsA. Monti, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italybiofuels; biomass; bioenergy cropsD. Pasquini, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU), Uberlandia MG, Brazilvegetal macromolecules; cellulosic fibers; composites; nanocellulose; nanocomposites; polymers from renewable sourcesR. Pavela, Crop Research Institute, Prague, Czech Republicbotanical insecticidesW.B. Phippen, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL, USAoil seed crops; plant breeding; genetics; agronomy; GC oil analysisD. Pioch, CIRAD, Montpellier Cedex 5, Franceoleaginous, oleochemistry (especially palms); extraction of active compounds, especially forest products (water and supercritical CO2 based); biorefinery (cascade extraction of a range of useful compounds, from a single biomass, including destructuration of lignocellulose; Ultra and microfiltration for separating fractionsA. Pizzi, Université Henri Poincaré (Nancy I), Epinal Cedex 9, Franceparticle boards; wood; wood adhesiveY. Popineau, Institute National de la Recherche Agronomique, Nantes, FranceD.A. Ravetta, Museo Egidio Feruglio, Trelew, Chubut, Argentinanew crops; arid lands; resins; specialty oils, secondary metabolites; eco-physiologyC. Regnault-Roger, Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau Cedex, Francenatural Insecticides; essential oils; plant chemistryR. Roseberg, Oregon State University, Klamath Falls, OR, USAsoil science; agronomic aspects of crop productionH. Ruiz, Autonomous University of Coahuila, Saltillo-Coahuila, Mexicorenewable energy, specifically in biorefinery process and bioethanol production of second generation using lignocellulosic materials (agricultural residuos), hydrothermal process (autohydrolysis), simultaneous saccharification and bioethanol fermentation and modeling of enzymatic hydrolysis. A.J.D. Silvestre, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugalextractives; GC-MSR.C. Sun, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, ChinaCelulose chemistry; cellulose derivatives; biorefinery; fibresW. Thielemans, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UKlignin; surface modification; composites; starch and cellulose nanoparticles; self assemblyD. Turley, National Non-Food Crops Centre, York, England, UKnon food crops in general; economic aspects; processing; rural strategies; agronomy of non-food crops; biofuels and bioenergy applications; bio-based materialsG. Wang, University of Arizona, Maricopa, AZ, USAcrop production, nutrient management, crop rotation, and tillage management.GUIDE FOR AUTHORSINTRODUCTIONIndustrial Crops and Products, an International Journal, publishes papers reporting the results of original research, short communications and critical reviews on all aspects of industrial crops and products (defined as non-food/non-feed uses of plants and plant products). This covers a wide range of aspects of cultivation, crop improvement, crop compounds, processing, and integrated chain control, all focusing on the exploitation of agricultural crops for industrial use.The scope of the journal covers a vast range of crops and research disciplines. Crops should contain significant renewable resources such as:• Fibres and fibre compounds• Carbohydrates• Oils and fatty acids• Waxes, resins, gums, rubber, and other polymers• Proteins• Essential oils for ink, lubricants, plastics, cosmetics• Biologically active compounds for pharmaceutical, herbicides and insecticides, and preservatives. Some examples of industrial (non-food/non-feed uses) crops are agave, cassava, crambe, cuphea, elephant grass, fibre hemp, flax, guar, guayule, jojoba, kenaf, lesquerella, maize, meadowfoam, oil palm, peas, plantago, potato, pyrethrum, rape seed, safflower, soybean, Stokes aster, sugar beet, sunflower, vernonia, and wheat.Papers within the above indicated frame-work will be accepted if they cover or integrate research on:• Agronomic production and modelling• Breeding, genetics, and biotechnology• Post-harvest treatment and storage• (Bio)process technology• (Bio)chemistry• Product testing, development, and marketing• Economics, and systems analysis and optimizationTypes of paper1. Original research papers (regular papers)2. Review articles3. Short Communications4. Book ReviewsOriginal research papers should report the results of original research. The material should not have been previously published elsewhere, except in a preliminary form.Review articles Review articles should cover subjects falling within the scope of the journal which are of active current interest. We welcome reviews but authors should contact the Editors-in-Chief before submission to ensure appropriateness for publication.A Short Communication is a concise but complete description of a limited investigation, which will not be included in a later paper. Short Communications should be as completely documented, both by reference to the literature and description of the experimental procedures employed, as a regular paper. 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pulpitis英语解释Pulpitis: A Comprehensive ExplorationPulpitis, a prevalent dental condition, is a term used to describe inflammation of the dental pulp, the innermost layer of the tooth. This condition can arise due to various factors, including dental caries, trauma, or even certain dental procedures. Understanding the intricacies of pulpitis is essential for both dental professionals and individuals seeking to maintain optimal oral health.At the core of pulpitis lies the dental pulp, a soft, vascular tissue that occupies the central cavity of the tooth. This pulp is responsible for the tooth's vitality, providing it with nutrients, sensory functions, and the ability to respond to external stimuli. When the pulp becomes inflamed, it can lead to a range of symptoms and complications that require prompt attention.One of the primary causes of pulpitis is dental caries, or tooth decay. As the decay progresses, it can eventually reach the pulp, triggering an inflammatory response. This response is the body's natural defense mechanism, aimed at containing the infection and preventing further damage. However, if left untreated, theinflammation can worsen, leading to more severe forms of pulpitis.Another common cause of pulpitis is trauma to the tooth, such as a crack, chip, or sudden impact. This trauma can disrupt the integrity of the tooth structure, allowing bacteria to penetrate and infect the pulp. In some cases, even certain dental procedures, such as deep fillings or crown preparations, can inadvertently cause pulpal inflammation.The symptoms of pulpitis can vary depending on the severity of the condition. In the early stages, patients may experience mild to moderate pain, often described as a dull ache or sensitivity to hot or cold stimuli. As the inflammation progresses, the pain may become more intense, throbbing, and persistent, even in the absence of external stimuli. In some cases, the patient may also experience swelling, redness, or tenderness in the affected area.It is important to note that there are two main types of pulpitis: reversible and irreversible. Reversible pulpitis is characterized by a localized and relatively mild inflammation that can be effectively treated with appropriate dental interventions. In contrast, irreversible pulpitis involves a more severe and widespread inflammation that often requires more extensive treatment, such as a root canal procedure.The diagnosis of pulpitis typically involves a comprehensive dental examination, including visual inspection, radiographic imaging, and various diagnostic tests. The dentist may use tools to assess the tooth's sensitivity and determine the extent of the inflammation. In some cases, additional tests, such as electric or thermal pulp testing, may be performed to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other potential causes of the patient's symptoms.Once pulpitis is diagnosed, the treatment approach will depend on the severity of the condition and the underlying cause. In cases of reversible pulpitis, the primary goal is to address the underlying issue, such as removing decay or repairing a damaged tooth structure. This may involve procedures like fillings, crowns, or even simple tooth extractions in some instances.In cases of irreversible pulpitis, the treatment often involves a root canal procedure. During this process, the dentist will carefully remove the inflamed or infected pulp, clean and disinfect the root canal system, and then seal the tooth to prevent further infection. In some cases, a temporary or permanent restoration, such as a filling or crown, may be placed to protect the tooth and restore its functionality.It is crucial to note that prompt treatment of pulpitis is essential to prevent the condition from worsening and leading to more seriouscomplications, such as the development of a dental abscess or the spread of infection to surrounding tissues. Neglecting pulpitis can result in the need for more invasive and complex treatments, potentially leading to tooth loss or other long-term oral health consequences.To prevent the occurrence of pulpitis, it is essential to maintain good oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing, flossing, and the use of fluoride-containing products. Routine dental check-ups and cleanings can also help identify and address any potential issues before they escalate into more serious problems.In conclusion, pulpitis is a complex and multifaceted dental condition that requires a comprehensive understanding for effective prevention and treatment. By recognizing the symptoms, understanding the underlying causes, and seeking timely professional care, individuals can take proactive steps to maintain the health and integrity of their teeth, ensuring a lifetime of optimal oral well-being.。



做纸浆画的心得感受作文英文回答:Creating pulp paintings has been a truly rewarding experience for me. It allows me to express my creativity and explore different techniques in a unique way. The process of making pulp paintings involves blending paper fibers with water and pigments to create a pulp mixture. This mixture is then applied to a screen or mold, and the excess water is drained off, leaving behind a thin layer of pulp. The pulp is then pressed and dried to create a beautiful and textured painting.One of the things I love about making pulp paintings is the versatility of the medium. The pulp mixture can be manipulated in various ways to achieve different effects. For example, by adding more water to the mixture, I can create a smoother and more transparent layer of pulp. On the other hand, by adding less water and more pigments, I can create a thicker and more opaque layer. This allows meto play with different levels of transparency and opacityin my paintings, adding depth and dimension to the artwork.Another aspect that I find fascinating about pulp painting is the tactile quality of the finished piece. The texture of the paper fibers creates a unique surface that adds interest and character to the artwork. It gives the painting a three-dimensional feel, making it more engaging and interactive. I love running my fingers over the surface of the painting and feeling the different textures and layers.In addition to the technical aspects, pulp paintingalso allows me to express my emotions and tell a story through art. Each painting I create has a personal meaning and reflects a part of my journey. For example, I recently made a pulp painting inspired by a trip to the beach. Iused different shades of blue and green to depict the ocean, and added some textured elements to represent the sand and shells. The painting not only captures the beauty of the beach but also evokes the feelings of tranquility and serenity that I experienced during the trip.Overall, making pulp paintings has been a fulfilling and enriching experience for me. It combines my love for art and creativity with a unique and tactile medium. I enjoy the process of experimenting with different techniques and materials, and the satisfaction of creating something beautiful and meaningful.中文回答:做纸浆画对我来说是一种非常有意义的体验。



石灰石制浆工艺流程英文回答:The process of producing pulp from limestone involves several steps. Firstly, the limestone is mined from quarries and transported to the pulp mill. At the mill, the limestone is crushed into smaller pieces and then heated in a kiln to produce quicklime. This process is known as calcination.Once the quicklime is produced, it is slaked with water to produce slaked lime or hydrated lime. This slaked limeis then mixed with water to form a slurry. In some cases, chemicals such as sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate may be added to the slurry to adjust the pH level.The slurry is then subjected to a process known as causticizing, where impurities such as sulfur compounds are removed. This is done by adding lime mud, which is a byproduct of the pulp production process, to the slurry.The lime mud reacts with the impurities, forming insoluble compounds that can be easily separated from the slurry.After causticizing, the slurry is subjected to a process called refining. This involves passing the slurry through a series of screens and filters to remove any remaining impurities. The refined slurry is then ready for further processing.The next step in the process is bleaching, where the slurry is treated with chemicals such as chlorine dioxide or hydrogen peroxide to remove any remaining lignin and other colorants. This step is important for producing high-quality pulp with a bright white color.Once the bleaching process is complete, the pulp is washed to remove any residual chemicals and impurities. This is done by passing the pulp through a series of washers and filters. The washed pulp is then dried and packaged for further use.中文回答:石灰石制浆的工艺流程包括几个步骤。











1 临床资料1.1一般资料:门诊患者75例80颗深龋患牙,其中男45例、女30例,最大50岁,最小8岁。



















杨木浆的蒸煮工艺流程Cooking bamboo pulp is a delicate process that requires precision and skill. 杨木浆的蒸煮过程需要严谨和技能。

This process involves several steps, including soaking, cooking, and bleaching. 这个过程包括浸泡、烹饪和漂白。

The quality of the final product depends on how well each step is executed. 最终产品的质量取决于每个步骤的执行情况。

Bamboo pulp is a versatile material that can be used in various industries, from paper making to textile production. 竹浆是一种多用途材料,可以应用于从造纸到纺织生产等各种工业领域。

Thus, it is essential to follow the proper cooking process to ensure the desired outcome. 因此,遵循正确的蒸煮过程以确保期望的结果非常重要。

The first step in the bamboo pulp cooking process is soaking the bamboo chips in water. 杨木浆蒸煮的第一步是将竹木片浸泡在水中。

This allows the chips to soften and become more pliable. 这使得木片变软,并变得更加柔韧。

Soaking also helps to remove impurities and contaminants from the bamboo. 浸泡还有助于清除竹木中的杂质和污染物。

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过量泡沫会带来各种问题,对纸浆加工十分有害:增加了维护成本、 降低了生产力和生产效率并延长了操作时间。解决方案:道康宁有 机硅泡沫控制产品。
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产品1 乳液 XIAMETER® AFE-3101 消泡乳液 XIAMETER® AFE-7500 消泡剂 消泡剂化合物 PulpAid ® 3600 消泡剂化 合物 XIAMETER® ACP-2000 消泡剂化合物 XIAMETER ACP-3000 消泡剂化合物 XIAMETER® ACP-3056 消泡剂化合物 XIAMETER® ACP-3258 消泡剂化合物 XIAMETER® ACP-3379 消泡剂化合物 XIAMETER® ACP-3472 消泡剂化合物 XIAMETER® ACP-3550 消泡剂化合物 XIAMETER® ACP-3990 消泡剂化合物
® 1 2
特性 / 推荐应用 即用型;可用于粗浆洗涤;低粘度,易于处理和精确控 制剂量;极力推荐用于所有“高发泡性”的软木黑液 用自来水或软化水稀释方便,产生稳定、低固含量乳液; 推荐用于软木、硬木及非木类黑液。 高性价比;提供全方面的消泡性能, 可应用于硬木和软木 黑液. 用于矿物油的消泡分散液;提高油性消泡剂的持久性; 在更低总体剂量下也能有效控制泡沫 容易乳化;提供优良破泡和抑泡性能, 尤其在顽固起泡的 环境中;建议用于软木浆 提供优良的抑泡性;即使在顽固起泡的环境中仍能保持低 用量, 建议用于软木. 用量低; 优良的破泡和抑泡性能,建议用于硬木和软木. 易于配制;运用先进技术实现出色的稀释稳定性;适用 于多种类型的起泡介质 易于配制;运用先进技术实现具有出色的稀释稳定性; 适用于多种类型的起泡介质 易于配制; 提供优良的抑泡性;即使在顽固起泡的环境中 仍能保持低用量, 建议用于软木. 易于配制; 提供优良的破泡性能; 适用于所有的起泡环 境.
• 使用剂量低 • 更佳的洗浆效率和排放以获得更清洁的纸浆 • 漂白化学品的用量减少 • 不含二垩英前体
道康宁用于广泛的制浆工业领域的高质量产品,适应全球各地的消 泡的挑战。我们的产品涵盖各类化合消泡剂和浓缩消泡剂。
乳液 • 能快速进入新的市场,即用型产品,可应用于粗浆洗涤 消泡化合物 • 能用于开发具有竞争优势的客户配方,提升客户自身品牌 性能促进剂 • 能用于开发具有竞争优势的高级客户配方,提升客户自身品牌
化合物: XIAMETER® ACP-3056 消泡剂化合物 XIAMETER® ACP-3000 消泡剂化合物 XIAMETER® ACP-3550 消泡剂化合物 XIAMETER® ACP-3990 消泡剂化合物 XIAMETER® ACP-3258 消泡剂化合物
您想进一步提高您的配方的性能吗? 是
%硅氧烷 95 53 24 33 17 18 19
% EO 4 47 50 44 1 35 35
% PO 1 1 26 23 83 46 46
粘度, cSt 7500 360 300 548 312 2305 4450
HLB-EO 0.9 6.7 7.7 6.6 0.0 5.7 6.3
道康宁 ®, PulpAid ® 和XIAMETER® 品牌
您想配制水性有机硅乳液还 是改善矿物油配方?
您想开发和生产您 自己的配方吗? 否

化合物: XIAMETER® ACP-2000 消泡剂化合物
乳液: XIAMETER® AFE-3101 消泡乳液
您能乳化高粘度材料吗? 否 是
无论您所需要的是行业领先的创新或更大的成本效益, 道康宁都可以为您提供帮助。道康宁®品牌的解决方案 致力于满足您在特种材料,协作解决问题和创新的支 持方面的需求。请点击/pulpaper, 来了解我们如何帮助您。 如果您需要购买以市场价格为导向的高品质的标准有机 硅产品,我们能通过以网络平台为基础的XIAMETER® 品牌及其商业模式来帮助您。了解更多请点击 。


所有产品均符合FDA 21 CFR 176.210 和 BfR XXXVI规定。 性能分级用1到5颗星表示,数量越多表示性能越高: 性能良好,但非主要优势;非常好,整体性能可靠 极佳,高度推荐
SHLB 0.8 6.8 9.7 8.3 7.5 9.4 10.4
支链 支链 支链 支链 支链 支链 支链
31282 3000 6700 9590 5105 27900 58047
所有产品均符合FDA 21 CFR 176.210 和 BfR XXXVI规定。
700 200,000


30,000 2,0005,000 12,00025,000 45,000 20,00040,000 6,00018,000 15,00030,000 25,000 35,000

不会对矿物油 消泡性能产生 消极作用

图像. AV03988 操作注意事项 本资料不包含安全使用所需的产品安全信息。使用前,请阅读产品及其安全数据表以及容器 标签,了解有关产品的安全使用、危害身体及健康的信息。材料安全数据表可从道康宁网站 上或者道康宁销售应用工程师或分销商处获得,或者致电道康宁 全球联络处.。 有限保证信息—请仔细阅读 此处包含的信息是基于诚信而提供的,并被认为是准确的。然而,由于使用本公司产品的条 件和方法非我们所能控制,本信息不能取代客户为确保道康宁产品安全、有效、并完全满足 于特定的最终用途而进行的测试。我们所提供的使用建议,不得被视为侵犯任何专利权的 导因。 道康宁的唯一保证,是产品满足发货时有效的道康宁销售规格。 若道康宁违反该保证,您所能获得的补偿,仅限于退还购货价款或替换不符合保证的任何 产品。 道康宁特别声明,不作针对特定目的适用性或适销性的任何其他明示或暗示的保证。 道康宁声明,不对任何间接或附带性的损害承担责任。 Dow Corning and PulpAid 是道康宁公司的注册商标。 XIAMETER 是道康宁公司的注册商标。
产品1 性能促进剂 Dow Corning® 3581 性能促进剂 Dow Corning® 5329 性能促进剂 Dow Corning® 5604 性能促进剂 XIAMETER® OFX-1598 硅油 XIAMETER® OFX-3580 硅油 XIAMETER® OFX-5247 硅油 XIAMETER® OFX-5573 硅油
化合物 及 乳液: XIAMETER® ACP-3379 消泡剂化合物 XIAMETER® ACP-3472 消泡剂化合物 XIAMETER® AFE-7500 消泡剂
您的配方需要在消泡还是 持久性1方面有很大的改进? 持久性
化合物: XIAMETER® ACP-3990 消泡剂化合物 PulpAid ® 3600 消泡剂化合物 XIAMETER® ACP-3258 消泡剂化合物