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1.nuclear(adj.) 核能的;核动力的
Nuclear means relating to the nuclei of atoms, or to the energy released when these
nuclei are split or combined.
Nuclear means relating to weapons that explode by using the energy released when the
nuclei of atoms are split or combined.
bination(n.) 结合;联合
A combination of things is a mixture of them.
3.tablespoon(n.) 大汤匙
A tablespoon is a fairly large spoon used for serving food and in cooking.
You can refer to an amount of food resting on a tablespoon as a tablespoon of food.
4.recipe(n.) 烹饪法;食谱
A recipe is a list of ingredients and a set of instructions that tell you how to cook
If you say that something is a recipe for a particular situation, you mean that it is likely to result in that situation.
5.wardrobe(n.) 大衣柜
A wardrobe is a tall cupboard or cabinet in which you can hang your clothes.
Someone's wardrobe is the total collection of clothes that they have.
The wardrobe in a theatre company is the actors' and actresses' costumes.
6.violation(n.)violate(v.) 违犯;背叛
If someone violates an agreement, law, or promise, they break it.
If you violate someone's privacy or peace, you disturb it.
If someone violates a special place, for example a grave, they damage it or treat it with disrespect.
7.instant(adj.) 立刻;马上
An instant is an extremely short period of time.
If you say that something happens at a particular instant, you mean that it happens at
exactly the time you have been referring to, and you are usually suggesting that it
happens quickly or immediately.
To do something the instant something else happens means to do it immediately.
8.inclusive(adj.) 包括一切的
If a price is inclusive, it includes all the charges connected with the goods or services
offered. If a price is inclusive of postage and packing, it includes the charge for this.
After stating the first and last item in a set of things, you can add inclusive to make it clear that the items stated are included in the set.
If you describe a group or organization as inclusive, you mean that it allows all kinds of people to belong to it, rather than just one kind of person.
9.merge (v.) 融合;合并
If one thing merges with another, or is merged with another, they combine or come
together to make one whole thing. You can also say that two things merge, or are
If one sound, colour, or object merges into another, the first changes so gradually into
the second that you do not notice the change.
10.decline(n.v.) n.减少;降低;下降v。
If something declines, it becomes less in quantity, importance, or strength.
If you decline something or decline to do something, you politely refuse to accept it or do it.
If there is a decline in something, it becomes less in quantity, importance, or quality.
1.dismantle(v.) 拆开;拆卸
If you dismantle a machine or structure, you carefully separate it into its different parts.
To dismantle an organization or system means to cause it to stop functioning by
gradually reducing its power or purpose.
2.betrayal(n.) 背叛;出卖;泄露;暴露
A betrayal is an action which betrays someone or something, or the fact of being
3.parliament(n.) 议会;国会
The parliament of some countries, for example Britain, is the group of people who make or change its laws, and decide what policies the country should follow.
A particular parliament is a particular period of time in which a parliament is doing its work, between two elections or between two periods of holiday.
4.ratify(vt.) 批准;正式签署
When national leaders or organizations ratify a treaty or written agreement, they make it official by giving their formal approval to it, usually by signing it or voting for it.
5.ballistic(adj.) 弹道的
Ballistic means relating to ballistics.
If someone goes ballistic, they suddenly become very angry.
If something goes ballistic, it suddenly becomes very much greater or more powerful,
often in a surprising or unwanted way.
6.missile(n.) 导弹;飞弹。
A missile is a tube-shaped weapon that travels long distances through the air and
explodes when it reaches its target.
Anything that is thrown as a weapon can be called a missile.
7.shrink(v.) (使)收缩;(使)缩小
If cloth or clothing shrinks, it becomes smaller in size, usually as a result of being
If something shrinks or something else shrinks it, it becomes smaller.
If you shrink away from someone or something, you move away from them because you are frightened, shocked, or disgusted by them.
8.reluctant(adj.) 勉强的;不情愿的
If you are reluctant to do something, you are unwilling to do it and hesitate before
doing it, or do it slowly and without enthusiasm.
9.receptionist(n.) 接待员
In a hotel, the receptionist is the person whose job is to book rooms for people and
answer their questions.
In an office or hospital, the receptionist is the person whose job is to answer the
telephone, arrange appointments, and deal with people when they first arrive.
10.dispatch/despatch(v.n.) v.派遣;发送n.公文;电文
If you dispatch someone to a place, you send them there for a particular reason.
If you dispatch a message, letter, or parcel, you send it to a particular person or
A dispatch is a special report that is sent to a newspaper or broadcasting organization by a journalist who is in a different town or country.
1.newsagent(n.) 报刊经销人
A newsagent or a newsagent's is a shop that sells newspapers and magazines, and
things such as cigarettes and sweets.
A newsagent is a shopkeeper who sells newspapers and magazines, and things such as ci garettes and sweets.
2.reshuffle(v.n.) 重新洗牌, 改组, 撤换
When a political leader reshuffles the ministers in a government, he or she changes their jobs so that some of the ministers change their responsibilities.
3.resignation(n.) 辞呈
Your resignation is a formal statement of your intention to leave a job or position.
Resignation is the acceptance of an unpleasant situation or fact because you realize that
you cannot change it.
4.acquisition(n.) 获得,取得;获得物;增添的人(或物)
If a company or business person makes an acquisition, they buy another company or part of a company.
If you make an acquisition, you buy or obtain something, often to add to things that you already have.
You can use acquisition to refer to an object that you buy or obtain, often to add to
things that you already have.
5.fascinate(v.) 深深吸引;迷住
If something fascinates you, it interests and delights you so much that your thoughts tend to concentrate on it.
6.specimen(n.) 样品
A specimen is a single plant or animal which is an example of a particular species or
type and is examined by scientists.
A specimen of something is an example of it which gives an idea of what the whole of it is like.
A specimen is a small quantity of someone's urine, blood, or other body fluid which is
examined in a medical laboratory, in order to find out if they are ill or if they have been drinking alcohol or taking drugs.
7.bison(n.) 野牛
A bison is a large hairy animal with a large head that is a member of the cattle family. They used to be very common in North America and Europe.
8.ostrich(n.) 鸵鸟
An ostrich is a very large African bird that cannot fly.
9.conspicuous(adj.) 明显的;引人注意的
If someone or something is conspicuous, people can see or notice them very easily.
If you say that someone or something is conspicuous by their absence, you are drawing attention to the fact that they are not in a place or situation where you think they should be.
10.preliminary(adj.) 初始的;开始的
Preliminary activities or discussions take place at the beginning of an event, often as a f orm of preparation.
A preliminary is something that you do at the beginning of an activity, often as a form of preparation.
A preliminary is the first part of a competition to see who will go on to the main
1.trustworthy(adj.) 值得信赖的;可靠的
A trustworthy person is reliable, responsible, and can be trusted completely.
2.optimistic(adj.) 乐观的
Someone who is optimistic is hopeful about the future or the success of something in
3.admittance(n.) 进入权;进入
Admittance is the act of entering a place or institution or the right to enter it.
4.deny(v.) 否定;否认
When you deny something, you state that it is not true.
If you deny someone or something, you say that they have no connection with you or do not belong to you.
If you deny someone something that they need or want, you refuse to let them have it.
5.bleach(v.n.) v.漂白;褪色;变白n.漂白剂
If you bleach something, you use a chemical to make it white or pale in colour.
If the sun bleaches something, or something bleaches, its colour gets paler until it is
almost white.
Bleach is a chemical that is used to make cloth white, or to clean things thoroughly and kill germs.
6.fade(v.) 逐渐消失
When a coloured object fades or when the light fades it, it gradually becomes paler.
When light fades, it slowly becomes less bright. When a sound fades, it slowly becomes less loud.
When something that you are looking at fades, it slowly becomes less bright or clear
until it disappears.
7.proposal(n.) 提议;求婚
A proposal is a plan or an idea, often a formal or written one, which is suggested for
people to think about and decide upon.
A proposal is the act of asking someone to marry you.
8.proficiency(n.) 熟练
If you show proficiency in something, you show ability or skill at it.
9.scarcity(n.) 稀少;缺乏
If there is a scarcity of something, there is not enough of it for the people who need it or want it
10.reject(v.n.) v.拒绝;废弃n.次品
If you reject something such as a proposal, a request, or an offer, you do not accept it
or you do not agree to it.
If you reject a belief or a political system, you refuse to believe in it or to live by its
If someone is rejected for a job or course of study, it is not offered to them.
1.contract(v.) 收缩;缩小
A contract is a legal agreement, usually between two companies or between an employer and employee, which involves doing work for a stated sum of money.
If you contract with someone to do something, you legally agree to do it for them or
for them to do it for you.
When something contracts or when something contracts it, it becomes smaller or shorter.
2.engross(v.) (使)全神贯注
If you describe something as unsurpassed, you are emphasizing that it is better or greater than anything else of its kind.
4.submit(v.) 提交;呈递
If you submit to something, you unwillingly allow something to be done to you, or you do what someone wants, for example because you are not powerful enough to resist.
If you submit a proposal, report, or request to someone, you formally send it to them so that they can consider it or decide about it.
5.hemlock(n.) 毒芹;由毒芹提取的毒药
Hemlock is a poisonous plant.
6.recognition(n.) 认出;认识
Recognition is the act of recognizing someone or identifying something when you see it.
Recognition of something is an understanding and acceptance of it.
When a government gives diplomatic recognition to another country, they officially accept that its status is valid.
7.resemblance(n.) 相似;相像
If there is a resemblance between two people or things, they are similar to each other.
8.coarse(adj.) 粗糙的;粗俗的;不精制的
Coarse things have a rough texture because they consist of thick threads or large pieces.
If you describe someone as coarse, you mean that he or she talks and behaves in a rude and offensive way.
9.carpet(n.) 地毯
A carpet is a thick covering of soft material which is laid over a floor or a staircase.
If a floor or a room is carpeted, a carpet is laid on the floor.
A carpet of something such as leaves or plants is a layer of them which covers the
10.scrape(v.n.) v.刮掉n.削去
If you scrape something from a surface, you remove it, especially by pulling a sharp
object over the surface.
If something scrapes against something else or if someone or something scrapes
something else, it rubs against it, making a noise or causing slight damage.
If you scrape a part of your body, you accidentally rub it against something hard and
rough, and damage it slightly.
1.assortment(n.) 各种各样东西的混合;什锦
An assortment is a group of similar things that are of different sizes or colours or have different qualities.
2.portable(adj.) 手提的
A portable machine or device is designed to be easily carried or moved.
A portable is something such as a television, radio, or computer which can be easily
carried or moved.
3.crucial(adj.) 关键性的
If you describe something as crucial, you mean it is extremely important.
4.triangular(adj.) 三角的;三角形的
Something that is triangular is in the shape of a triangle.
You can describe a relationship or situation as triangular if it involves three people or
5.snail(n.) 蜗牛
A snail is a small animal with a long, soft body, no legs, and a spiral-shaped shell.
Snails move very slowly.
If you say that someone does something at a snail's pace, you are emphasizing that they are doing it very slowly, usually when you think it would be better if they did it much more quickly.
6.dignity(n.) 庄重;庄严
If someone behaves or moves with dignity, they are calm, controlled, and admirable.
If you talk about the dignity of people or their lives or activities, you mean that they are valuable and worthy of respect.
Your dignity is the sense that you have of your own importance and value, and other
people's respect for you.
7.doctoral(adj.) 博士的
A doctoral thesis or piece of research is written or done in order to obtain a doctor's
8.wasp(n.) 黄蜂
A wasp is an insect with wings and yellow and black stripes across its body. Wasps
have a painful sting like a bee but do not produce honey.
9.nickname(n.) 昵称;绰号;诨名
A nickname is an informal name for someone or something.
If you nickname someone or something, you give them an informal name.
10.shady(adj.) 阴凉的;背阴的
You can describe a place as shady when you like the fact that it is sheltered from
bright sunlight, for example by trees or buildings.
Shady trees provide a lot of shade. You can describe activities as shady when you think that they might be dishonest or illegal.
You can also use shady to describe people who are involved in such activities.
1.fluorescent(adj.) 荧光的
A fluorescent surface, substance, or colour has a very bright appearance when light is
directed onto it, as if it is actually shining itself.
A fluorescent light shines with a very hard, bright light and is usually in the form of a
long strip.
2.leafy(adj.) 多叶的;叶茂的
having a lot of leaves
Leafy trees and plants have lots of leaves on them.
You say that a place is leafy when there are lots of trees and plants there.
3.contradictory(adj.) 对立的;不一致的
If two or more facts, ideas, or statements are contradictory, they state or imply that
opposite things are true.
4.athletic(adj.) 运动的
Athletic means relating to athletes and athletics.
An athletic person is fit, and able to perform energetic movements easily.
5.trainee(n.) 实习生
A trainee is someone who is employed at a low level in a particular job in order to lean the skills needed for that job.
6.essential(adj.n.) adj.绝对重要的;必不可少的n.必需品;必不可少的东西
Something that is essential is extremely important or absolutely necessary to a particular
subject, situation, or activity.
The essentials are the things that are absolutely necessary for the situation you are in
or for the task you are doing.
The essential aspects of something are its most basic or important aspects.
7.bather(n.) (在海,河,湖里)游泳的人
A bather is a person who is swimming in the sea, or in a river or lake.
1.aviation(n.) 航空制造业
Aviation is the operation and production of aircraft.
2.junction(n.) 交叉路口
A junction is a place where roads or railway lines join.
3.embarrassment(n.) 尴尬
Embarrassment is the feeling you have when you are embarrassed.
An embarrassment is an action, event, or situation which causes problems for a politician, political party, government, or other public group.
If you refer to a person as an embarrassment, you mean that you disapprove of them
but cannot avoid your connection with them.
4.tentative(adj.n.) adj.不确定的
Tentative agreements, plans, or arrangements are not definite or certain, but have been
made as a first step.
If someone is tentative, they are cautious and not very confident because they are
uncertain or afraid.
5.cashier(n.) 收银员
A cashier is a person who customers pay money to or get money from in places such
as shops or banks.
If a person in the armed forces is cashiered, he or she is forced to leave because they
have done something seriously wrong.
6.accelerator(n.) 油门
The accelerator in a car or other vehicle is the pedal which you press with your foot in order to make the vehicle go faster.
7.magistrate(n.) 地方官员
A magistrate is an official who acts as a judge in law courts which deal with minor
crimes or disputes.
8.semester(n.) 一学期;半学年
In colleges and universities in some countries, a semester is one of the two main periods into which the year is divided.
9.prescription(n.) 药方
A prescription is the piece of paper on which your doctor writes an order for medicine and which you give to a chemist or pharmacist to get the medicine.
A prescription is a medicine which a doctor has told you to take.
A prescription is a proposal or a plan which gives ideas about how to solve a problem or improve a situation.
pulsory(adj.) 必须做的
If something is compulsory, you must do it or accept it, because it is the law or because someone in a position of authority says you must.
1.sovereign(adj.n.) adj.完全独立的n.君主
A sovereign state or country is independent and not under the authority of any other
Sovereign is used to describe the person or institution that has the highest power in a
A sovereign is a king, queen, or other royal ruler of a country.
2.exceed(v.) 超过
If something exceeds a particular amount or number, it is greater or larger than that
amount or number.
If you exceed a limit or rule, you go beyond it, even though you are not supposed to or it is against the law.
3.underlie(v.) 构成……的基础
If something underlies a feeling or situation, it is the cause or basis of it.
The outskirts of a city or town are the parts of it that are farthest away from its
plimentary(adj) 赞美的;恭维的
If you are complimentary about something, you express admiration for it.
A complimentary seat, ticket, or book is given to you free.
Punishment is the act of punishing someone or of being punished.
A punishment is a particular way of punishing someone.
You can use punishment to refer to severe physical treatment of any kind.
A barrier is something such as a rule, law, or policy that makes it difficult or
impossible for something to happen or be achieved.
A barrier is a problem that prevents two people or groups from agreeing, communicating, or working with each other.
A barrier is something such as a fence or wall that is put in place to prevent people
from moving easily from one area to another.
8.neutral(adj) 中立的
If a person or country adopts a neutral position or remains neutral, they do not support anyone in a disagreement, war, or contest.
If someone speaks in a neutral voice or if the expression on their face is neutral, they do not show what they are thinking or feeling.
If you say that something is neutral, you mean that it does not have any effect on other things because it lacks any significant qualities of its own, or it is an equal balance of
two or more different qualities, amounts, or ideas.
9.resign(v.) 辞职;放弃
If you resign from a job or position, you formally announce that you are leaving it.
If you resign yourself to an unpleasant situation or fact, you accept it because you
realize that you cannot change it.
An emergency is an unexpected and difficult or dangerous situation, especially an
accident, which happens suddenly and which requires quick action to deal with it.
An emergency action is one that is done or arranged quickly and not in the normal way, because an emergency has occurred.
Emergency equipment or supplies are those intended for use in an emergency.
1.ban(v.) 禁止
To ban something means to state officially that it must not be done, shown, or used.
A ban is an official ruling that something must not be done, shown, or used.
If you are banned from doing something, you are officially prevented from doing it.
2.rally(v.) 召集
A rally is a large public meeting that is held in order to show support for something
such as a political party.
When people rally to something or when something rallies them, they unite to support it.
When someone or something rallies, they begin to recover or improve after having been weak.
3.detention(n.) 拘留
Detention is when someone is arrested or put into prison, especially for political reasons.
Detention is a punishment for naughty schoolchildren, who are made to stay at school aft er the other children have gone home.
4.maintenance(n.) 维修;养护;保养
The maintenance of a building, vehicle, road, or machine is the process of keeping it in good condition by regularly checking it and repairing it when necessary.
Maintenance is money that someone gives regularly to another person to pay for the thin gs that the person needs.
If you ensure the maintenance of a state or process, you make sure that it continues.
5.premise(n.) 前提;假定
The premises of a business or an institution are all the buildings and land that it
occupies in one place.
A premise is something that you suppose is true and that you use as a basis for
developing an idea.
6.warrant(n.) 执行令
If something warrants a particular action, it makes the action seem necessary or
appropriate for the circumstances.
A warrant is a legal document that allows someone to do something, especially one that is signed by a judge or magistrate and gives the police permission to arrest someone or
search their house.
If you say that there is no warrant for something, you mean that there is no good
reason to justify it.
7.circulation(n.) 传递;流传
The circulation of a newspaper or magazine is the number of copies that are sold each
time it is produced.
Your circulation is the movement of blood through your body.
If something such as money is in circulation, it is being used by the public. If
something is out of circulation or has been withdrawn from circulation, it is no
longer available for use by the public.
8.helicopter(n.) 直升机
A helicopter is an aircraft with long blades on top that go round very fast. It is able
to stay still in the air and to move straight upwards or downwards.
9.astonishment(n.) 惊讶
Astonishment is a feeling of great surprise.
10.detached(adj.) 单栋的;独立的
Someone who is detached is not personally involved in something or has no emotional
interest in it.
A detached house is one that is not joined to any other house.
11.detachment(n.) 公正;客观
Detachment is the feeling that you have of not being personally involved in something or of having no emotional interest in it.
A detachment is a group of soldiers who are sent away from the main group to do a
special job.
1.council(n.) 委员会
A council is a group of people who are elected to govern a local area such as a city or, in Britain, a county.
Council houses or flats are owned by the local council, and people pay rent to live in th em.
Council is used in the names of some organizations.
2.swarm(n.v.) n.一大群v.成群地飞来飞去
A swarm of bees or other insects is a large group of them flying together.
When bees or other insects swarm, they move or fly in a large group.
When people swarm somewhere, they move there quickly in a large group.
3.accusation(n.) 告发;起诉
If you make an accusation against someone, you criticize them or express the belief that they have done something wrong.
An accusation is a statement or claim by a witness or someone in authority that a
particular person has committed a crime, although this has not yet been proved.
4.scatter(v.) 散开;驱散
If you scatter things over an area, you throw or drop them so that they spread all over
the area.
If a group of people scatter or if you scatter them, they suddenly separate and move in different directions.
A scatter of things is a number of them spread over an area in an irregular way.
5.splendor(n.) 壮丽;雄伟
6.debit(n.vt.) n.借方vt. 记入……的借方
When your bank debits your account, money is taken from it and paid to someone else.
A debit is a record of the money taken from your bank account, for example when you write a cheque.
7.sterling(n.adj.) n.英镑adj.优秀的
Sterling is the money system of Great Britain.
Sterling means very good in quality; used to describe someone's work or character.
8.numerous(adj.) 许多的;很多的
If people or things are numerous, they exist or are present in large numbers.
9.moderate(adj.v.) adj. 中等的v.缓和
Moderate political opinions or policies are not extreme.
You use moderate to describe people or groups who have moderate political opinions
or policies.
You use moderate to describe something that is neither large nor small in amount or
10.consumption(n.) 消耗量
The consumption of fuel or natural resources is the amount of them that is used or the
act of using them.
The consumption of food or drink is the act of eating or drinking something, or the
amount that is eaten or drunk.
Consumption is the act of buying and using things.
1.coronary(adj.) 冠状动脉的
Coronary means belonging or relating to the heart.
If someone has a coronary, they collapse because the flow of blood to their heart is
blocked by a large lump of blood called a clot.
2.repel(vt.) 击退;驱逐
When an army repels an attack, they successfully fight and drive back soldiers from
another army who have attacked them.
When a magnetic pole repels another magnetic pole, it gives out a force that pushes the other pole away. You can also say that two magnetic poles repel each other or that they repel.
If something repels you, you find it horrible and disgusting.
3.colon(n.) 冒号
A colon is the punctuation mark : which you can use in several ways. For example, you can put it before a list of things or before reported speech.
Your colon is the part of your intestine above your rectum.
4.privilege(n.vt.) n.特殊权益;优惠待遇vt.
A privilege is a special right or advantage that only one person or group has.
If you talk about privilege, you are talking about the power and advantage that only a
small group of people have, usually because of their wealth or their high social class.
You can use privilege in expressions such as be a privilege or have the privilege when you want to show your appreciation of someone or something or to show your respect.
5.contestant(n.) 参赛者
A contestant in a competition or quiz is a person who takes part in it.
6.mould(n.vt.) n.模具vt.
A mould is a hollow container that you pour liquid into. When the liquid becomes solid, it takes the same shape as the mould.
If a person fits into or is cast in a mould of a particular kind, they have the
characteristics, attitudes, behaviour, or lifestyle that are typical of that type of person.。