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Influence factors of carbon dioxide hydrate formation in quartz sand media
ZHANG Jin-hua1, ZHANG Yu2, WEI Wei1
(1. Department of Alternative Energy, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, PetroChina, Langfang 065007,
China;2. Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, China)
A bstract: The formation of carbon dioxide hydrate has important guiding significance to carbon dioxide underground solid-state storage and replacement exploitation of hydrate with carbon dioxide. The characteristics of carbon dioxide hydrate formation, like induction time and formation rate, were investigated experimentally in a designed hydrate experimental device under different combinations of initial pressure, hydrate forming temperature and quartz sand particle size. It was found that the total yield of hydrate formation increases with the increase of initial experimental pressure and the reduction of temperature, and is almost unaffected by quartz sand particle size. Average rate of hydrate formation slows down with the decreases of initial experimental pressure and hydrate forming temperature and the increase of quartz sand particle size. The induction time of hydrate formation elongates significantly with the decrease of initial pressure and the increase of quartz sand particle size. When the initial experimental pressure is too high, over a certain value, it will result in carbon dioxide liquefaction before hydrate formation, then the induction time of hydrate formation is not obvious and the average rate of hydrate formation is also slow.
K eyw ords: quartz sand; carbon dioxide hydrate; particle size; initial experimental pressure; hydrate yield; induction time
果M O F 薄膜的质量很髙,它们缺陷就较少,并达到尽可能髙
他们开发了一种简单的M O F 结晶方法,称为
“用于髙度共生的薄膜结晶的电泳核装配”(EN ACT )。
能够促进了超薄,髙度共生的多晶M O F 薄膜的生产。
研究人 员使用E N A C T 方法制造了 500nm 厚的M O F 膜,是迄今为 止的丙烯-丙烷分离性能最好的材料之一。
超薄膜使丙烯渗 透性大,这将有助于最大限度地减少工业应用所需的膜面 积。
据称,这种多功能,直接的E N A C T 方法可以扩展到多种 纳米多孔晶体。
丙烯生产中纯化丙烯涉及的丙烯-丙烷分离过程能耗 很大,因此开发髙效的丙烯-丙烷分离新技术意义重大。
根据 发表在A d v F u n ctM a ter 杂志上的一项研究,一种新开发的 金属有机框架(M O F )可改进该分离过程的效率。
M O F 可以 在环境温度下进行丙烯-丙烷分离。
据瑞士洛桑联邦理工大 学的研究人员称,这种方法的主要问题是在商业多孔基材上 制造髙质量,超薄的M O F 薄膜,而无需复杂的基材改造。